This Technology License Agreement (Agreement) dated as of ____________, 1998, 
(the "Effective Date") is made by and between OZO Diversified Automation, 
Inc., a Colorado corporation, ("OZO"), and JOT Automation, Inc., a Texas 
corporation, ("JOT").


       A)      WHEREAS, the Parties have entered into an Asset Purchase
               Agreement executed between the Parties on November ___, 1998 (the
               "Asset Purchase Agreement") for by which JOT purchased
               substantially all of the assets of OZO, including the Licensed
               Technology (as defined herein) and the disclosure of Trade
               Secrets and Know-How related to the Technology (as such terms are
               defined herein); and

       B)      WHEREAS, OZO received the rights hereunder as partial
               consideration for the transfer of the Licensed Technology (as
               defined herein) to JOT; and

       C)      WHEREAS, the Parties anticipate that OZO will exercise complete
               exclusivity within the Field (as defined herein); and.

       D)      WHEREAS, the Parties recognize that both companies will continue
               to operate as independent technology development companies.


       A)      AFFILIATE:  "Affiliate" of a party shall mean any person,
               organization, or entity that in any way, directly or indirectly,
               controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with such
               party.  For the purposes of this definition, "control" shall mean
               ownership of at least fifty percent (50%) equity interest in or
               by such person, organization, or entity.

       B)      BUSINESS: "Business" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in the
               Asset Purchase Agreement.

       C)      CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION:  "Confidential Information" shall mean
               (i) any patent applications, Trade Secrets, or Know-How held by
               either party  and regardless of whether marked or designated
               "confidential" or "proprietary," and (ii) any information
               disclosed to the receiving party orally or in writing or in model
               form, in whatever format, relative to operations, existing and
               proposed contracts, sales training and techniques, financial
               data, trade secrets, marketing and business plans, research
               and/or development, data, formulae, processes, designs,
               specifications, product knowledge, procedures, methods and
               techniques whether disclosed by way of documents, oral
               communications, or visits to factories or other premises, and all
               information regarding the existing and proposed commercial
               operations of the disclosing party or relative to any other
               confidential proprietary information  which is clearly marked at
               the time of disclosure as being "Confidential."  Information
               transmitted orally and identified at that time as being
               Confidential shall be 

               considered as "Confidential Information" if it is reduced to 
               writing and transmitted to the receiving party within 15 days 
               of its disclosure.

       D)      FIELD:  "Field" shall mean Technology affecting or relating to
               testing, evaluation, treatment, or manipulation of biologic
               systems or processes.  Other application of the Licensed
               Technology may be added in the future to the Field on terms
               mutually agreeable to the parties.  Nothing in this definition of
               Field shall modify or limit the effect of the non-competition
               provisions in Section VII.  In the event that a dispute arises
               with respect to whether a given activity of OZO is within the
               Field, the parties will resort to the escalating dispute
               resolution procedures set forth in Section X of this Agreement.

       E)      IMPROVEMENTS:  "Improvements" shall mean any enhancement or
               modification of the  Licensed Technology by either OZO or JOT.

       F)      TECHNOLOGY RIGHTS:  "Technology Rights" shall mean intellectual
               property rights including Patents, Copyrights, Trade Secrets and
               Know-How, but not trademarks and trade names.

       G)      TERRITORY: "Territory" shall mean world-wide.

       H)      LICENSED PRODUCT:  "Licensed Product" shall mean the products
               manufactured using any of the Licensed Technology.

       I)      LICENSED TECHNOLOGY:  "Licensed Technology" shall mean Technology
               related to manipulation of end effectors upon paths established
               by the operator within extremely small tolerances and
               demonstrates that movement visually on  a monitor together with
               related algorithms and related hardware as set forth in Schedule
               1.1 of the Asset Purchase Agreement.

       J)      PARTY:  "Party" shall mean either JOT or OZO as the context

       K)      TECHNOLOGY:  "Technology" shall mean any and all compositions,
               machines, articles of manufacture, processes, apparatus, 
               (collectively the "Inventions"); Patents, Copyrights, Trade
               Secrets, and Know-How; data, writings and works of authorship
               (including without limitation software, protocols, program codes,
               audiovisual effects created by program code, and documentation
               related thereto, drawings); mask works; other tangible items
               (including without limitation materials, samples, components,
               tools, and operating devices, e.g., board assemblies, and
               engineering models);  and Technical Information.

       L)      KNOW-HOW:  "Know How" means all factual knowledge and information
               related to the Business and the Technology which is not capable
               of precise, separate description but which, in accumulated form,
               after being acquired as a result of trial and error, gives to the
               one acquiring it the ability to produce and market something
               which one would otherwise not have known how to produce and
               market with the same accuracy or precision necessary for
               commercial success, provided, however, that such knowledge and
               information is not in the public domain or readily available to
               any third party other than a limited number of persons who have
               agreed to keep that information secret.


       M)      TECHNICAL INFORMATION: "Technical Information" means any material
               in human or machine-readable form which embodies or describes the
               Licensed Technology covered by this Agreement as set forth in
               Schedule 1.1 of the Asset Purchase Agreement.

       N)      COPYRIGHTS: "Copyright(s)" means all forms of proprietary rights
               granted by a government with respect to an original work of
               authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression from which
               it can be perceived, reproduced or otherwise communicated
               relating to the relating to the Technology covered by, and
               existing at the time of, this Agreement as specifically set forth
               in Schedule 1.1 of the Asset Purchase Agreement.

       O)      TRADE SECRETS: "Trade Secrets" means any Technical Information
               and Business Information that generally facilitates the sale of
               products, increases revenues, is not generally known by others
               than the parties except by those subject to restrictions on
               disclosure, and provides an advantage over the competition.

       P)      BUSINESS INFORMATION: "Business Information" means any material
               in human or machine readable form used, compiled or produced by
               or for the business of manufacturing and using the Licensed
               Technology for the Licensed Products as set forth in Schedule 1.1
               of the Asset Purchase Agreement.

       Q)      PATENTS: "Patent(s)" means all forms of proprietary rights
               granted by a government with respect to a design or an Invention,
               including patents and certificates of addition, utility models,
               and enforceable patent applications, i.e. those under which
               injunctive relief is available, as well as any continuation,
               division, extension, renewal, revival, or reissue thereof or
               substitution therefor relating to the Technology covered by, and
               existing at the time of, this Agreement as specifically set forth
               in Schedule 1.1 of the Asset Purchase Agreement.


       A)      GRANT OF LICENSE:  Subject to the terms and conditions of this
               Agreement, JOT hereby grants a OZO a fully paid, royalty free, 
               perpetual  (or for the longest period of time permitted by law),
               transferable, license under JOT's Technology Rights within the
               Territory to (i) use, modify or create derivative works of the
               Licensed Technology and Licensed Products, or sublicense such
               rights (as set forth below) and (ii) make, have made, and sell
               the Licensed Products within the Field.

       B)      IMPROVEMENTS: All Improvements, whether conceived by JOT or OZO
               shall belong to the Party which developed such Improvement.  The
               Party creating, inventing, or authoring such Improvement shall
               have the right to file patent applications, or any continuations,
               renewals or extensions thereof in its own name, or copyright
               registrations; PROVIDED, however, that any OZO Patent
               applications, or any continuations, renewals or extensions
               thereof shall be subject to the following requirements: 

                    (1)  prior to issuance of any OZO Patent(s) based upon such
                    Improvements, JOT shall be permitted to review the patent
                    application to ensure that there is no disclosure of  Trade
                    Secrets or Know-How that would operate in 


                    derogation of JOT's Technology Rights or its ownership of 
                    the Licensed Technology;
                    (2) both OZO and JOT will cooperate in good faith to
                    minimize any Trade Secrets and Know-How disclosure in the
                    specifications of the applicable OZO Patent(s) based upon
                    such Improvements; and

                    (3) OZO shall not disclose any of JOT's Trade Secrets and
                    Know-How in the specifications of the applicable OZO
                    Patent(s) based upon such Improvements without JOT's written
                    consent, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld.

       C)           EXCLUSIVITY:  The grant of rights under this section shall
                    be exclusive within the Field, with the right to grant
                    sublicenses within the Field as set forth herein.

       D)           SUBLICENSES:  OZO shall require all sub-licensees to sign an
                    agreement which includes confidentiality and non-competition
                    provisions commensurate with the provisions of this

       E)           RESTRICTIONS:    OZO shall not use the Licensed Technology
                    in any products, Improvements or Inventions that compete
                    with present or future products, Improvements or Inventions
                    of  JOT in the field of production automation for the
                    electronics industry.  


       A)      NONASSERTION. JOT agrees that it shall not assert against OZO or
               its customers and licensees, any claims for infringement or
               misappropriation based on the manufacture, use, or sale of any
               Licensed Products; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that such Licensed Products
               are manufactured, used or sold solely within the Field.


       A)      GENERAL.  Both Parties shall take reasonable measures to prevent
               unauthorized copying and protect the Licensed Technology, and use
               best efforts to protect the Trade Secrets and Know-How therein, 
               but neither Party shall be obligated hereunder to take any
               measures in excess of those it takes to protect its own valuable

       B)      THIRD-PARTY INFRINGERS.  Upon the discovery of any infringement
               or misappropriation of the Licensed Technology under the
               Technology Rights within the Field hereunder, the Parties hereto
               shall consult together with a view to reaching an agreement as to
               the ways and means of eliminating such infringement or addressing
               such misappropriation.  If the Parties agree jointly to commence
               litigation against potential third party infringers, they will
               agree by their respective shares the expense burden thereof,
               which shares will be identical to their respective division of
               any recoveries thereof.  In the event that JOT declines to
               participate in the enforcement and/or protection of the Licensed
               Technology under the Technology 


               Rights, OZO may, at its sole discretion and expense and to the 
               extent permitted by law, initiate proceedings or take such 
               steps as it deems appropriate, to enforce its rights with 
               respect thereto.  JOT shall cooperate with OZO in such defense 
               at OZO's sole expense.  


       A)      NON-DISCLOSURE.  During the thirty (30) days immediately
               following the effective date of this Agreement (the "Disclosure
               Period"), and subject to the terms herein, certain information
               that is considered by the discloser to be proprietary or
               confidential may be disclosed or exchanged between the Parties.
               The Parties further recognize that  the Trade Secrets and
               Know-How are vital to the continued commercial  viability of the
               Licensed Technology, the disclosure of  which would be
               detrimental to the Parties' interests. In addition, this
               Agreement and the Parties' interest in the subject matter of this
               Agreement are Confidential Information and shall be treated on
               the same basis as set forth herein. Unless expressly authorized
               in writing by the Parties, both Parties agree to retain the
               Confidential Information in confidence in perpetuity and not to
               disclose the Confidential Information to any third party (except
               as expressly authorized under this Agreement and subject to such
               confidentiality and non-competition obligations) and not to use
               the Confidential Information for any purpose other than to
               exercise their rights in accordance with this Agreement.

       B)      DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION.  The Parties  recognize that the
               Licensed Technology disseminated to OZO is that Licensed
               Technology in existence as of the execution of this Agreement,
               and that there is no intent by either Party to continue
               disclosure of Confidential Information developed independently by
               either party subsequent to the Disclosure Period.  Each Party
               shall hold in confidence the other's Confidential Information in
               perpetuity and shall not, without prior written consent of the
               other Party, disclose such information to any person except its
               own employees, or its Affiliate's employees,  its contractors or
               sublicensees having a need to know and having executed written
               agreements binding them to this duty of non-disclosure.  Each
               Party shall not use the other's Confidential Information for any
               purpose except to exercise its rights in accordance with this

       C)      EXCLUSIONS.  The parties acknowledge that Confidential
               Information shall not include any information which:

               1)   is or becomes publicly known through no act or omission to
                    act on the recipient's part, provided a combination of two
                    or more portions of the Confidential Information shall not
                    be deemed to be publicly known by reason only of each
                    separate portion being so known; or 

               2)   is rightfully received by the recipient from a third party
                    without breach of any duty of non-disclosure; or

               3)   is explicitly approved for release by written authorization
                    of the disclosing party; 

               4)   is required by law to be disclosed; or


               5)   disclosures to potential investors or lenders required to
                    obtain financing, provided, however, that (i) JOT is
                    provided prompt notice of such disclosure, and (ii) any such
                    investors or lenders shall be bound by confidentiality
                    agreements commensurate with this Agreement prior to any
                    such disclosure.

       D)      CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT.  Any Confidential Information obtained by
               the receiving party pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement
               shall be treated as confidential, except that in the event of any
               dispute, litigation or arbitration proceedings between the
               parties, such Confidential Information may be disclosed to the
               tribunal.  Prior to any Confidential Information being disclosed
               pursuant to the preceding sentence, or Section VI.C.5. above, the
               receiving party shall give the disclosing party reasonable notice
               of pending disclosure and both parties shall cooperate to
               undertake all reasonable measures to obtain a protective order
               prohibiting or limiting disclosure of such Confidential

       E)      The provisions of this section shall survive the termination,
               expiration or cancellation of this Agreement. 


       A)      JOT NON-COMPETITION: Independent of any other obligation under
               this Agreement, for a period of five (5) years following
               execution of this Agreement, JOT shall not, directly or
               indirectly, whether itself for its own account or for or with any
               other person, firm, corporation, partnership, joint venture,
               association, or other entity whatsoever; engage in activities or
               take a position as a shareholder, director, officer, employee, or
               agent of any person, firm, corporation, partnership, joint
               venture, association, or other entity in the Field that competes
               directly with OZO or which is involved in the creation,
               manufacture, publication, or marketing of products and services
               which are substantially similar to the Licensed Products in the

       B)      OZO NON-COMPETITION: Independent of any other obligation under
               this Agreement, for a period of five (5) years following
               execution of this Agreement, OZO shall not, directly or
               indirectly, whether itself for its own account or for or with any
               other person, firm, corporation, partnership, joint venture,
               association, or other entity whatsoever; engage in activities or
               take a position as a shareholder, director, officer, employee, or
               agent of any person, firm, corporation, partnership, joint
               venture, association, or other entity that competes directly with
               JOT or which is involved in the creation, manufacture,
               publication, or marketing of products and services which are
               substantially similar to the Licensed Technology or Licensed
               Products in JOT's "Business" as such term is defined in the Asset
               Purchase Agreement, including, but not limited to production
               automation in the electronics industry or electronic assembly.

       C)      REASONABLENESS OF RESTRICTIONS:  The Parties agree that the
               limitations as to time, geographical area, and scope of activity
               to be restrained by this Section VII are reasonable and
               acceptable to the Parties, and do not impose any greater
               restraint than is reasonably necessary to protect the goodwill
               and other business interests of the Parties.  To the extent a
               court of competent jurisdiction determines that the non-
               competition agreement set forth in this Section VII does not
               comply with applicable 


               law of the governing jurisdiction, this paragraph may be 
               reformed by the court and enforced to the maximum extent 
               permitted by law. 


       A)      JOT REPRESENTATION: JOT warrants and represents to OZO that (i)
               JOT has the right, power and legal capacity to enter into this
               Agreement and has the right to license the Licensed Technology as
               set forth in Section III; and (ii) to the best of JOT's
               knowledge, commensurate with OZO's representations within the
               Asset Purchase Agreement, the Licensed Technology does not
               infringe upon the rights of any third party.

       B)      DISCLAIMER: Nothing else contained in this Agreement shall be
               construed as a warranty or representation by JOT that the use of
               Licensed Technology furnished or licensed hereunder will be free
               from infringement of the intellectual property rights of others,
               or that OZO's utilization of the Trade Secret or Know-How
               received from JOT will not infringe patents owned by anyone.  JOT
               does not otherwise warrant the accuracy of any Trade Secret or
               LICENSED TECHNOLOGY. Further, nothing in this Agreement shall 
               be construed as a warranty or representation as to the 
               validity or scope of any patent, or a requirement that either 
               party shall file any patent application, secure any patent or 
               maintain any patent in force.


       A)      JOT INDEMNIFICATION. JOT shall indemnify and hold OZO and its
               officers and directors and Affiliates (the "OZO Indeminified
               Parties") harmless from and against any liability, losses,
               damages and expenses (including but not limited to reasonable
               attorney's fees) from third party action arising out of,
               resulting from, or related to  any inaccuracy in any of the
               representations, or any breach of the warranties made by JOT in
               this Agreement or any failure by JOT to perform and observe any
               term, provision, covenant, agreement or condition under this
               Agreement which it is obligated to perform or observe.  The OZO
               Indemnified Parties must (i) promptly notify JOT of any such
               claim in writing, (ii) allow JOT to control the defense and
               settlement of the claim, and (iii) provide JOT with all
               reasonable information, assistance and authority concerning such
               claim.  JOT shall have the right to be represented by counsel of
               its own choosing at its expense.

       B)      OZO INDEMNIFICATION.  OZO shall indemnify and hold JOT and its
               officers and directors and Affiliates (the "JOT Indeminified
               Parties") harmless from and against any liability, losses,
               damages and expenses (including, but not limited to reasonable
               attorney's fees) from any third party action arising out of,
               resulting from, or related to (a) any inaccuracy in any of the
               representations, or any breach of the warranties 


               made by OZO in this Agreement, or (b) any claim that the Licensed
               Products infringe upon or misappropriate any patent, copyright, 
               or other similar proprietary right of any third party, which 
               infringement or misappropriation is not caused by the Licensed 
               Technology, or (c) any failure by OZO to perform and observe any
               term, provision, covenant, agreement or condition under this 
               Agreement which it is obligated to perform or observe. The JOT 
               Indemnified Parties must (i) promptly notify OZO of any such 
               claim in writing, (ii) allow OZO to control the defense and 
               settlement of the claim, and (iii) provide OZO with all 
               reasonable information, assistance and authority concerning 
               such claim.



       A)      INJUNCTIVE RELIEF.  In the event of a breach by either Party, of
               the confidentiality, licensing, or non-competition provisions
               contained in this Agreement, the non-breaching Party shall be
               entitled to an injunction from engaging in or continuing with any
               conduct which may constitute a breach or threatened breach of
               those provisions.  An injunction may also be sought against the
               breaching Party from rendering services to any person, firm,
               corporation, association or other entity which may in some manner
               receive benefit from the breaching Party's breach or threatened
               breach of those provisions.  The Parties agree that there is no
               adequate remedy at law for the irreparable harm that would result
               from a breach thereof and therefore the parties consent to
               injunctive relief to enforce this Agreement.  Nothing in this
               Section X shall be construed as prohibiting the parties from
               pursuing other remedies which may be available for breach or
               threatened breach, including the recovery of damages.

       B)      ATTORNEYS' FEES.  In the event of any action or proceeding
               brought by either party against the other under this Agreement,
               the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover all expenses
               incurred therefor, including, but not limited to, reasonable
               attorneys' fees.


               1)   STEP NEGOTIATIONS.  The parties shall attempt in good faith
                    to resolve any dispute arising out of or relating to this
                    Agreement promptly by negotiations, as follows.  Any party
                    may give the other party written notice of any dispute not
                    resolved in the normal course of business.  Executives of
                    both parties who have previously been involved in the
                    dispute shall meet at a mutually acceptable time and place
                    within 10 days after delivery of such notice, and thereafter
                    as often as they reasonably deem necessary, to exchange
                    relevant information and to attempt to resolve the dispute. 
                    If the matter has not been resolved by these persons within
                    30 days of the disputing party's notice, or if the parties
                    fail to meet within ten (10) days, the dispute shall be
                    referred to 


                    senior executives of both parties who have authority to 
                    settle the dispute and who shall likewise meet to attempt 
                    to resolve the dispute.  If the matter has not been 
                    resolved within thirty (30) days from the referral of the 
                    dispute to senior executives, or if no meeting of senior 
                    executives has taken place within 15 days after such 
                    referral, either party may initiate mediation as provided 
                    hereinafter.  If a negotiator intends to be accompanied 
                    at a meeting by an attorney, the other negotiator shall 
                    be given at least three working days' notice of such 
                    intention and may also be accompanied by an attorney.  
                    All negotiations pursuant to this clause are confidential 
                    and shall be treated as compromise and settlement 
                    negotiations for purposes of the Federal Rules of 
                    Evidence and state rules of evidence.

               2)   MEDIATION.  If the dispute has not been resolved by
                    negotiation as provided above, the parties shall endeavor to
                    settle the dispute by mediation under the then current
                    presently effective Center for Public Resources ("CPR")
                    Model Procedure for Mediation of Business Disputes.  The
                    neutral third party will be selected from the CPR Panels of
                    Neutrals.  If the parties encounter difficulty in agreeing
                    on a neutral, they will seek the assistance of CPR in the
                    selection process.

               3)   ARBITRATION.  Should all good faith attempts to resolve the
                    dispute amicably as set forth above be exhausted,  and if
                    agreed to by the Parties,  any dispute arising in connection
                    with this Agreement may be finally settled under the Rules
                    of Conciliation and Arbitration of the International Chamber
                    of Commerce (the "Rules") by three arbitrators appointed in
                    accordance with the Rules on an expedited basis.  Such
                    arbitration shall take place in Dallas, Texas, United States
                    of America.  The arbitrators shall be bound by the laws 
                    governing this Agreement, and this Agreement, and shall be
                    bound by the obligation to retain Confidential Information
                    in confidence in perpetuity and not to disclose Confidential

               4)   NO ELECTION OF REMEDIES.  Anything in this Agreement to the
                    contrary notwithstanding including the arbitration clause
                    set forth in this Section, the Court shall have the
                    injunctive power set forth herein, and resort to injunctive
                    relief or arbitration shall not be deemed as an election not
                    to proceed with the other remedy.


       A)      SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNMENT.  Except as provided herein, this
               Agreement or any rights hereunder shall not be assigned or
               transferred, in whole or in part, by either Party without the
               prior written consent of the other Party, and any such permitted
               assignment or transfer shall be binding on each Party's
               successors and permitted assignees.  Any attempted assignment in
               contravention of the above shall be null and void.

       B)      LIMITATION OF RIGHTS Except as expressly provided in this
               Agreement, nothing contained herein shall be construed as
               conferring any license or other rights by implication, estoppel
               or otherwise.


       C)      SEVERABILITY.  If any provision of this Agreement be adjudicated
               invalid or against public policy for any reason by a court of
               competent jurisdiction, it is specifically intended that each and
               every provision not so invalidated shall remain in full force and

       D)      CHOICE OF LAW.  This Agreement is made and entered into in the
               State of Texas, U.S.A. and shall in all ways be governed and
               construed by the law of such State, without regard to conflicts
               of law.

       E)      WAIVER.  No waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall be
               construed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or
               any other provision of this Agreement.

       F)      INDEXING.  All indexing set forth in this Agreement are intended
               for convenience only and shall not control or affect the meaning,
               construction or effect of this Agreement or of any of the
               provisions thereof.

       G)      NON-PARTNERSHIP.  Each Party shall bear its respective expenses,
               risks, and liabilities arising out of its efforts related to this
               Agreement.  The Parties to this Agreement are independent
               contractors.  This Agreement shall not constitute, create, give
               effect to, or imply a joint venture, pooling arrangement,
               partnership, formal business organization or any type of
               permanent arrangement of any kind.  Neither Party shall (i) have
               the authority to bind the other except to the extent authorized
               herein, (ii) be liable to the other for any damages, whether
               direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential,  whether
               arising out of contract, tort (negligence) or strict liability,
               or (iii) share losses with the other.

       H)      ABSENCE OF THIRD-PARTY BENEFICIARY RIGHTS.  Except as otherwise
               provided in this Agreement, no provision of this Agreement is
               intended nor shall be interpreted to provide or create any third
               party beneficiary rights or any other rights of any kind in any
               sublicensee, and all provisions hereof shall be personal solely
               between the parties hereto.

       I)      INTEGRATION.  Except for the Asset Purchase Agreement, this
               Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties. 
               No amendments to this Agreement shall be made other than by a
               written amendment signed by both Parties.  This Technology
               License Agreement shall supplement the Asset Purchase Agreement
               and to the extent that there are contradictions, this Technology
               License Agreement shall prevail.

Licensor                                Licensee

JOT Automation, Inc                     OZO Diversified Automation, Inc.

By:                                     By:
   -------------------------------         -------------------------------
Its:                                    Its:
   -------------------------------         -------------------------------
