Mega POP-TM- Services Selected
       This form must be completed to activate any MegaPOP-TM- services.

MegaPOP-TM- Customer ID _________            Application Date  10-2-98

           Company Name  CONSUMER NET MARKETPLACE (CNM Network)
                     Address  1900 E. Los Angeles Ave., 2nd Floor
                     City  Simi Valley    State CA  Zip  93065
                     Phone  805-520-7170            Fax  805-520-7211

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           SERVICES SELECTED                                                                 APPLICABLE FEES
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Standard MegaPOP-TM- Set-Up: Yes  No                                                         $250
Set-Up Fee:  $250
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Proxy Radius (Realms) Set-Up: ten Yes  No                                                    $250
Set-Up Fee: $250     If YES, the MegaPOP-TM- Proxy
                               Radius Form must be completed.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Filtered Access l)ial-Up Service:         if you are using Proxy Radius for
                                          Authentication another MegaPOP
Set-Up Fee: $250      Yes       No        Proxy Radius Form must he completed
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Packet Filter Set-Up: Yes No              IF YES, THE MEGAPOP-TM-
                                          Packet Filter Form must
Set-Up Fee: $250                          be completed.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Email Services Requested: Yes No
Set-Up Fee: $4,500
Domain Name to be used
Is this a New err Existing Domain Name?
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Personal Web Services Requested:  Yes  No
Set-Up Fee: $4,500
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
UseNet Services Requested Yes No
Set-Up Fee: $ 100
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I hereby authorize StarNet, Inc. to activate these selected services and agree I
 am bound to all conditions and restrictions described within the MegaPOP-TM-
 Wholesale Services and StarNet, Inc. Terms of Service Agreement.                            $500
                                                                                             Total set-up fees
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Set-Up Fees Paid By: Company Check /X/ Credit Card / /
If paying by Credit Card, please complete the following:
Name on Credit Card
Card Number
Signature of Card Holder       Expiration Date

StarNet, Inc. 579 First Bank Drive, Suite 100, Palatine, IL 60067 (847) 963-0116
Voice, (847) 963-1302 Fax

                     MEGAPOP-TM- Wholesale Service Agreement

This Agreement, made and entered into this 2 day of October, 1998 (hereinafter
referred to as "date of this Agreement") by and between StarNet, Inc., a
corporation having it's principal place of business at 579 First Bank Drive,
Suite 100, Palatine, IL 60067 (hereinafter "SNI") and

a corporation having it's principal place of business at
SIMI VALLEY, CA 93065                               (HEREINAFTER "ISP").


Whereas, ISP is in the business of Providing various Services on the worldwide
computer network known as the Internet and of providing support for various
advertising and telemarketing sales forces;

Whereas, SNI is in the business of providing various services to third parties
on the Internet, including but not limited to providing access to the Internet
for individuals and business entities;

Whereas, ISP desires a provider of access to the Internet for its customers and

Whereas, SNI desires to provide access to the Internet for customers and clients
of ISP;

Whereas, the parties hereto are desirous of setting forth, in writing, terms and
conditions, under which ISP shall direct their customers to SNI for service and
SNI shall provide such customers with access to the Internet;

Now therefore, in consideration of the premises set forth in the foregoing
recitals, which are hereby made a part thereof anti incorporated herein by
reference, and further, of the mutual promises, covenants, agreements,
conditions, terms and acknowledgments contained herein and other good and
valuable consideration, the receipt and Sufficiency of w high are hereby
acknowledged, ISP and SNI hereby agree as follows:

                             ARTICLE ONE - DURATION

1.1.       TERM.
           Except as otherwise provided herein and subject to earlier
           termination hereof in accordance with the terms of this Agreement,
           the "initial term" of this Agreement shall be one (1) year from the
           date hereof.

1.2.       EXTENSION.
           This Agreement shall be automatically extended beyond the initial
           term unless earlier terminated as otherwise provided in this
           Agreement or unless either party provides written notice of
           termination to the other as set forth immediately hereinbelow. A
           written notice of termination must be provided by one party to the
           other no later than sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the
           initial term, and hereafter on no less than sixty (60) days prior
           written notice hereinafter, the initial term and any extension
           thereof shall sometimes collectively be referred to as the "term of
           this Agreement".


2.1.       CUSTOMERS.
           ISP Shall not be limited to directing all of it s customers to SNI
           for purposes of providing access to the Internet under the terms and
           conditions of this Agreement.

           ISP shall solely be responsible for and shall incur reasonable
           expense in connection with advertising and promotional activities
           designed specifically to generate customers who are interested in
           access to the Internet.

2.3.       SIGN UP.
           ISP shall document and maintain information pertaining to each
           customer who has committed to the 

           Internet Services to be provided by SNI under the terms of this
           Agreement The pertinent information, specifically the followings 1.
           ISP assigned (12) digit PPP logon name, 2 ISP assigned PPP password, 
           3PPP account activation/deactivation symbol, and 4. The preferred
           MegaPOP-TM- dial-up location for the specific customer, shall be
           forwarded to SNI by ISP, via electronic file transfer to a
           pre-determined SNI authentication server, in a pre-determined format,
           to SNI for activation on the SNI system for eventual service.

           ISP shall make such warranties, and representations and may limit its
           liability to any customer, in such terms, conditions and limitations
           substantially identical to those set forth in existing ISP customer

           SNI shall not contact an ISP customer without prior written
           permission of ISP whose permission shall not be unreasonably

           ISP shall assign and be responsible for the assignment of ISP PPP
           account names. Account names shall be defined within the twelve (12)
           digit account name definition whereas the preceding four (4) digits
           of the ISP PPP account name will be defined as the four (4) digit
           code assigned exclusively to ISP. The succeeding eight (8) digits in
           the ISP PPP account name will be assigned and managed by ISP. ISP
           agrees to limit the assignment of ISP PPP account names to one ISP
           PPP account name per PPP account assigned.

           ISP shall be responsible for the assignment and maintenance of all
           ISP PPP account passwords.


3.1.       TO ISP.
           Within (1) business day after the execution of this agreement by the
           parties hereto, SNI shall provide to ISP the following:

           (a) complete PPP access to the Internet for all ISP customers
           described within this Agreement. 
           (b) complete 2 B channel ISDN access to the Internet for all ISP 
           customers described within this Agreement.

3.2.       TO THE CUSTOMERS.
           Within one (1) business day of receipt of notice from ISP of an
           electronic delivery of customer access information, SNI shall
           perform, cause to be performed, or provide, as the case may be, the

           (a) SNI shall establish a new PPP account for each customer delivered
           to SNI, via electronic file transfer, with access to all SNI
           MegaPOP-TM- PPP dial-up servers;

           (b) For each customer, SNI shall provide unlimited dial-up access to
           the Internet through SNI PPP dial-up servers. ISP understands that
           their customers will be subject to a minimum of 10 minute idle time
           cutoff, whereas each connected customer will lose their connection in
           the even they do not make use of their connection for a minimum
           period of 10 minutes.

           SNI will make every reasonable effort to maintain a user to modem
           ratio, on a city to city basis, equal to or less than 10:1. In the
           event the user to modem ratio exceeds 10:1, SNI must take immediate
           action to remedy this situation within 30 days. In the event the user
           to modem ratio does not reduce to less than 10:1 in the allotted 30
           day period, ISP may make claims for the reduction of their monthly
           MegaPOP-TM- invoices for the affected service month, following the 30
           day period, for up to 25% of their total service invoice. ISP must
           itemize the total number of affected customers using the MegaPOP-TM-
           services in the affected city.


4.1.       SERVICES OF SNI.
           SNI shall perform technical support services, to ISP, solely relevant
           to connection of a customer to access to the Internet, including but
           not limited to the customer's modem, but excluding any services
           relevant to the ISP provided customer software. All of said services
           shall be performed by SNI during its normal and regular business

4.2.       SERVICES OF ISP.
           ISP shall address any and all customer inquiries of any nature
           whatsoever and shall perform any and all technical support services
           relevant to the ISP software provided to its customers.

                             ARTICLE FIVE - PAYMENT

5.1.       AMOUNT.
           ISP shall make payment to SNI in the amount, described in Addendum A
           "MegaPOP-TM- Price Schedule" per customer per month for each ISP
           customer that SNI provides PPP access to the Internet under the terms
           of this Agreement. Payment shall be made to SNI on or before the 10th
           day of each succeeding calendar month. Payment in full shall be made
           to SNI as provided hereinabove, not withstanding customer connection
           to or termination from the Internet at any time during the preceding
           calendar month. SNI shall provide written notice to ISP, for any
           changes in the Addendum A "MegaPOP-TM- Price Schedule", with a
           minimum sixty (60) days notice prior to the effectivity; of such
           changes, for all existing recurring fee services

           ISP shall Provide all services of billing and collection and shall be
           responsible for all costs and expenses incurred in connection with
           services rendered by SNI under the terms of this Agreement.

           ISP shall make payment to SNI as described under the terms of this
           Agreement notwithstanding ISP's failure to bill or collect from an
           ISP customer for services provided by SNI under the terms of this

5.4.       REFUND.
           ISP may utilize its reasonable discretion in making a determination
           whether monies should be refunded to an ISP customer as a result of
           ineffective services provided by SNI to a customer under the terms of
           this Agreement. Ineffective services of SNI shall be defined as the
           failure by SNI to provide customers with uninterrupted access to
           Internet the for a cumulative time period of less than ninety-seven
           percent (97%) of the total available time for connection to the
           internet during a given calendar month Total time available for
           connection to the Internet shall be determined by multiplying the
           number of days in the calendar month by twenty four (24) hours. The
           log-in history of SNI s user access logs which shall be recorded by
           SNI on one of their servers shall be used to determine service
           interruptions. Any such refund provided to an ISP customer due to the
           described ineffective service shall be taken from the payment owed to
           SNI by ISP for the successive calendar month.

           ISP may provide internet access for their customers via any
           MegaPOP-TM- access location. Access Authentication enabling a
           customer s connection to the MegaPOP-TM- system may be achieved
           through the MegaPOP-TM- Account Massager Interface or the ISP s own
           Authentication Server. ISP reserves the right to activate and manage
           their accounts via their own Authentication Server instead of the
           MegaPOP-TM- Account Manager Interface Authentication Server.

           (A) ISP agrees to pay SNI the full amount for each customer account
           successfully added to the SNI system through the MegaPOP-TM- Account
           Manager Interface within each preceding month for each customer
           account activated from the first (1st) day of the calendar month
           through the last day of the calendar month.

           (B) ISP agrees to pay SNI the full amount for each of their customers
           who have signed onto the MegaPOP-TM- system for any period of time
           between 12:00 AM on the first (1st) day of the calendar month through
           the 11 59:59 PM on the last day of the calendar month and who aren't
           activated within the MegaPOP-TM- Account Manager Interface
           Authentication Server. These ISP accounts may gain access to the
           MegaPOP-TM- system via the Authentication Server under the direct
           control and ownership of the ISP.

           (Item 5.6. applies only to those accounts activated and managed
           within the MegaPOP-TM- Account Manager Interface Authentication
           Server.) ISP agrees to pay SNI the full amount for each customer
           deleted from the MegaPOP-TM- Account Manager Interface Authentication
           Server during a calendar month for customers deleted on or after the
           first (1st) day of the calendar month.

           Charges for online time for ISDN accounts will be calculated based
           upon a monthly start point of 12:00:00 

           AM on the 1st day of a month and ending with 11:59:59 PM on the last
           calendar day of the same month. ISDN Online time billing will be
           rounded down to the nearest minute and charged in one minute
           increments. ISDN Online time will be billed after 150 hours of online
           time per month. All MegaPOP ISDN service is offered at 128K, 2 B
           Channel service. Online time is calculated using the total single
           channel time, divided by two (2). Monthly online free time per B
           Channel is 150 hours for a tot al of 300 channel hours. ISP agrees to
           pay the agreed upon hourly rate, for all its customer's online time
           exceeding 150 free hours per month, per ISP ISDN customer. ISDN 
           online time will be determined using SNI's log-on accounting server 
           log files. Online time disputes will be resolved only through the
           examination of SNI's log-on accounting server log files. SNI's log-on
           accounting server log files will be available to the ISP in the event
           a dispute occurs.

                          ARTICLE SIX - NON-EXCLUSIVITY

6.1.       ISP and SNI agree to the terms of this Agreement with the
           understanding that both ISP and SNI can and may offer similar
           services to the market as competitors. ISP and SNI agree to the terms
           of this Agreement with the understanding that the right to offer PPP
           accounts to the market is non-exclusive and mutually competitive.

                        ARTICLE SEVEN - NON-SOLICITATION

7.l.       ISP and SNI, each to the other, hereby agree that during, the term of
           this Agreement and for a period of Sixth (60) days after termination
           of this Agreement, neither party shall solicit any business from any
           customer(s) of the other party.


           Unless otherwise agreed to by the parties in writing, SNI shall not
           hire, employ or engage in any manner the services of any employee,
           servant, director, or shareholder of ISP during the term of thus


9.1.       CONTRACT.
           Neither SNI, nor any of its agents, contractors, technicians, or any
           tier shall be liable to ISP or any other person or organization in
           contract for any general, special, indirect, incidental, or
           consequential damage whatsoever, including but not limited to, any
           lost data, lost time or other system related damages, damage or loss
           of property or equipment, loss of profits or revenues, cost of
           capital, etc. which arises out of or is in connection with the
           services of SNI covered or furnished within the terms of this

9.2.       TORT.
           Neither SNI nor any of its agents, contractors, technicians or any
           tier shall be liable to ISP or any other person or organization for
           any damage Whatsoever in tort (whether based in negligence, willful
           conduct or strict liability) for any act or omission by ISP or any of
           its servants, employees, or agents or for any use (other than its own
           intended purpose), tampering, or illegal use of the by the customers
           which arises out of or is in connection with the services of SNI
           covered by the terms of this Agreement.

9.3.       The remedies of ISP set forth herein are exclusive and the total
           cumulative liability of SNI and any of its agents, contractors,
           technicians and any tier with respect to this Agreement, or any thing
           done in connection herewith such as performance or breach hereof, or
           from installation, configuration, startup/initialization,
           programming, or any other services of SNI covered by or furnished
           under the terms of this Agreement, in tort (including negligence or
           strict liability), or otherwise, shall not exceed the monthly service
           fee payable to SNI on which such liability is based

                          ARTICLE TEN - INDEMNIFICATION

10.1.      Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein contained, each party
           agrees to indemnify and hold the other harmless against any and all
           liability, loss, claim, judgment, damage and expense (including
           without limitation attorney's fees and costs of litigation) incurred
           or suffered by the indemnified party as the result of negligence,
           willful misconduct, or breach of any terms of this Agreement by the
           indemnifying party, including but not limited to claims, liabilities,
           losses damage, judgment and expense which arise out of alleged injury
           or death of any person or damage to property of every kind and
           description. The indemnifying party will not be responsible for ANY
           COMPROMISE or settlement made without its written 

           consent, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld. Each party
           shall promptly notify the other in writing of any claim for which its
           obligated under this indemnity and for which it may seek
           indemnification front the other. The indemnifying party shall have 
           the right to sue the defense of any such claim. Both parties shall 
           confer as to and agree on the legal counsel(s) to be selected in such

                         ARTICLE ELEVEN - NONDISCLOSURE

11.1.      GENERAL.
           Both parties agree not to disclose to any third party any proprietary
           or Confidential information obtained from the other during the
           negotiation or performance of this Agreement while the Agreement is
           in force and for five years thereafter, including any and all
           technology and trade secrets now existing or arising in the future,
           price, schedules and customer lists.


12.1.      Except as otherwise limited by Article Nine, if either party breaches
           any of the terms and provisions of this Agreement on its part to be
           performed, whether such breach pertains to a default in payment or
           otherwise, the non-breaching party shall have the right, if it so
           elects, to serve upon the breaching party a written notice of its
           intention to terminate this agreement this Agreement and the nature
           of the breach.

           (a) The breaching party shall thereupon have a period of thirty (30)
           days, after written notice as such has been served within which to
           remedy the breach.

           (b) If the breaching party fails to duly remedy the breach, then upon
           the expiration of the thirty (30) days this Agreement and any rights
           herein granted shall in all respects cease and terminate, and the
           breaching party Shall have no further rights hereunder

           (c) Notwithstanding such termination, each party's rights arising out
           of this Agreement or in connection therewith or existing prior
           thereto shall nevertheless continue in full force and effect,
           including such party's right to sue for damages caused to them by the
           other party s breach and failure to cure the same within the
           aforementioned time period.

12.2.      Nothing in this Agreement shall bar either party's right to seek
           specific performance of the provisions of this Agreement and
           injunctive relief against threatened conduct that will cause it loss
           or damages under customary equity rules, including applicable rules
           for obtaining restraining orders and preliminary injunctions. Both
           parties agree that the non-breaching party may seek such injunctive
           relief in addition to such further or relief as may be available at
           equity by law.

12.3.      If a claim for amounts owed by either party is asserted in any
           judicial proceeding, or if either party is required to enforce this
           Agreement in a judicial or arbitration proceeding, the party
           prevailing in such proceeding shall be entitled to reimbursement of
           its costs and expenses, including but not limited to, reasonable
           accounting, attorney's and attorney assistant fees.

                         ARTICLE THIRTEEN - TERMINATION
13.1.      GENERAL.
           Unless other vise agreed to in writing by ISP and SNI and except as
           may be otherwise provided herein, this Agreement shall automatically
           terminate upon the occurrence of any of the following events:

           (a) a party files for bankruptcy or is or becomes insolvent or is
           declared insolvent or bankrupt, or makes an assignment or another
           arrangement for the benefit of its creditors or is involuntarily the
           subject of a bankruptcy filing,

           (b) a party has all or any substantial portion of its equity or
           assets expropriated by any governmental authorities;

           (c) a party is dissolved or liquidated; or

           (d) a party disposes of substantially all of its assets.

           Upon termination of this Agreement and by no later than the end of
           the month succeeding the calendar month in which this Agreement has
           been terminated, SNI shall deactivate all ISP PPP accounts, thereby

           terminating an ISP customer's access to the Internet, and SNI shall
           be entitled to all payments from ISP in accordance with the terms of
           this Agreement up to and including the date of deactivation.

           ISP's Termination of this Agreement, prior to the agreed sport
           termination date as described in article 1.1 of this Agreement, will
           result in a penalty pas meat calculated according to the following

           Number of Remaining Months of Agreement X Average Monthly Usage Fees
           for prior Months of Agreement

           ISP agrees to pay this amount in the event of ISP's Termination of
           this Agreement prior to the agreed termination date described in
           article 1.1. of this Agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed
in duplicate as of the date set forth hereinbelow.

An Illinois Corporation

By:                                      Date:
   ---------------------------------           --------------------------
           Signature and Title


By:   (Randy Green, VP Sales)            Date:           10-02-98
   ---------------------------------           --------------------------
           Signature and Title

                                                          ISP Initials:  (RG)
                                   Page 5 of 5
        STARNET, INC. 579 First Bank Drive, Suite 100, Palatine, IL 60067
            (847) 963-0116 Voice, (847) 963-1302 Fax,