Exhibit 10.13

                               JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT

BETWEEN:  IT Staffing Ltd
          55 University Avenue, Suite 505
          Toronto, ON  M5J 2H7
          (hereinafter referred to as "Partner A")

AND:      Great Lakes Research and Development Ltd.
          2000 Argentia Rd., Plaza III, Suite 301
          Mississauga, ON    L5N 1V9
          (hereinafter referred to as "Partner B")
          (Partner A and Partner B hereinafter collectively referred to as the
          "Parties" or the "Partners")


WHEREAS the Parties wish to collaborate together in a reciprocal exclusive
manner in the establishment of a joint venture for the purposes hereinafter

WHEREAS, consequently, the Parties wish to establish a joint venture and set the
terms and conditions to which they shall be subject to;

WHEREAS the Parties wish to confirm their agreement in writing;

WHEREAS the Parties are duly authorized and have the capacity to enter into and
execute this Agreement;



       The preamble is an integral part of this Agreement.

2.00   SCOPE

       2.01    ESTABLISHMENT OF THE JOINT VENTURE:  The Parties hereby jointly
       establish a joint venture (hereinafter referred to as the "Joint

       2.02    PURPOSE OF THE JOINT VENTURE:  The purpose of the Joint Venture
       is to build several applications software products, starting with
       Workbench and Apptracker, geared to the corporate HR areas.

       2.03    NAME OF THE JOINT VENTURE: The name of the Joint Venture shall be

       2.04    HEAD OFFICE: The head office of the Joint Venture shall be
       located at 55 University Ave., Suite 505, Toronto, Ontario.


       3.01    MANAGEMENT:  The Joint Venture shall be managed by Helge Knudson
       CEO GLRD and Declan French, CEO ITS who will constitute a management
       board ("Board")and  shall take all decisions and appropriate measures in
       order to achieve the Joint Venture's purposes and to harmoniously and
       efficiently fulfill its obligations to both companies.  More
       specifically but without restricting the aforesaid, the Board shall:

       a)      have control and supervision over the Joint Venture
               administrative and financial management;

       b)      prepare the operating budget and submit it to the boards of the
               respective companies. 

       c)      open one or  several bank accounts with a certified financial
               institution and deposit all sums of money and bills of exchange
               in connection with the Joint Venture or the Project;

       d)      authorize all Project's necessary expenses;

       e)      plan, have control and supervision over the Project realization
               and time schedule;

       f)      coordinate and control all stages of the Project;

       g)      appoint any authorized person to bind the Joint Venture on a
               financial basis;

       h)      have the bookkeeping made and the Joint Venture's financial
               statement prepared by an independent accounting firm, in
               accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;

       i)      subscribe to any appropriate and sufficient insurance policy in
               connection with the Project;

       j)      settle, in a rapid and efficient manner, any dispute arising
               during the Project realization;

       k)      retain the services of a legal advisor to act for and on behalf
               of the Joint Venture, depending on the situation and the needs;

       3.04    MEETINGS:  Periodically and as often as required, the Board shall
       hold meetings at any place it determines, following at least a five days
       written prior notice sent to each member

       3.05    DECISIONS:  All decisions of the Board shall be unanimously made.

       3.06    MINUTES:  Minutes shall be taken for each meeting of the Board,
       be signed by the President or the Secretary and inserted in a special
       register kept at the Joint Venture's head office.  Should a meeting be
       held by any telecommunication mean, decisions made at this meeting shall
       be confirmed by the Board members by sending a duly signed written
       notice by telecopier.

       3.07    COSTS  All costs, including development and marketing will be
       shared equally by ITS and GLRD and where one partner has not contributed
       equally then the difference is charged to the Project on a first
       priority basis; this means that the partner who has contributed the most
       will get to take out the difference before there is a splitting of
       profits. The Joint Venture shall be liable for any decision or measure
       taken by the Board in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. 
       Partners shall be jointly liable for all decisions and measures taken by
       the Board.

       3.08    BANK TRANSACTIONS:  The banking transactions of the Joint Venture
       shall be authorized by at least one Board member and all cheques and
       bills of exchange (cheques, drafts, etc.) issued by the Joint Venture
       shall be signed by a member appointed by each Partner.



       a)      INITIAL CONTRIBUTION:  The initial contribution of the Partners
               shall be:

               Partner A:     GLRD is responsible for the establishment of a
               team of programmers to design and implement Workbench and

               Partner B:     ITS is responsible for contributing the macro
               design, marketing and all recruitment needs of GLRD.

       b)      SUBSEQUENT CONTRIBUTIONS:  Future contributions of the Partners,
               required in the interest of the Joint Venture, shall upon
               decision by the Board be in proportion to each Partner's share in
               the Joint Venture.

4.02   PARTNERS' PARTICIPATION:  The Partners' shares in the Joint Venture
       shall be as follows:

               Partner A:     Fifty per cent (50%)
               Partner B:     Fifty per cent (50%)

       4.03    SHARING THE PROFITS:  The Partners shall share the profits of the
       Joint Venture in proportion to the above stated percentages.

       4.04    SHARING THE ASSETS:  When liquidating the Joint Venture, the
       Partners shall share the assets in proportion to the above stated

       4.05    SHARING THE LOSSES:  The Partners shall share the losses of the
       Joint Venture in proportion to the above stated percentages.

       4.06    WORKING CAPITAL ACCOUNT:  Upon the Board request and in
       proportion to the above stated percentages, each Partner shall, from
       time to time, contribute to the Joint Venture working capital account.

       4.07    SURETYSHIP:  Each Partner shall provide sums of money or
       guarantees requested by any surety company as to any suretyship in
       connection with the Project realization (tender bond, performance bond,
       workmanship bond, etc.) in proportion to his share in the Joint Venture.
       Each Partner shall also fill in and sign any form requested by such

       4.08    BOOKS:  All books of the Joint Venture, including the accounting
       books, shall be continuously updated. The Partners and the accountants
       appointed by them may have access to these books at all times during the
       business hours of the Joint Venture, for examination or copying.  These
       books shall be kept at the head office of the Joint Venture.

       4.09    FISCAL YEAR:  The fiscal year of the Joint Venture shall end on
       December 31st of each year or on any other date as determined by the

       4.10    USE OF JOINT VENTURE'S NAME:  Partners shall not use or take
       advantage of the Joint Venture's name unless they act on its behalf.

       4.11    COSTS AND EXPENSES:  The Joint Venture shall not reimburse
       Partners for costs or expenses they have incurred on its behalf in the
       tendering process or when negotiating and concluding the contract with
       the Client.  Moreover, the Joint Venture shall not pay any costs or
       expenses to Partners or members of the Board for their presence to the
       meetings.  However, expenses first approved by the Board shall be paid
       on presentation of  supporting documents.

       4.12    COMPLIANCE WITH THE LAW:  Each Partner shall comply with and
       enforce any law or by-law in connection to services, work and materials
       he shall provide or supply in relation to his share of the Project
       attributed to him.

       4.13    PERMITS AND LICENSES:  Each Partner shall apply for, at his
       expense, or shall hold and keep in force any necessary license, permit
       or authorization to perform the share of the Project attributed to him.

       4.14    TAXES:  Each Partner shall pay to appropriate authorities any
       tax, duty, charge, withholding, or other mandatory contribution imposed
       by any law, by-law or order in connection with his interest in this
       Agreement or the share of the Project attributed to him.

       4.15    JOINT LIABILITY:  Notwithstanding any jointly and solidarily
       obligation of the Partners towards a third person as partners in the
       Joint Venture,  they shall be liable among them to fulfill such
       obligation and ensuing payment only in proportion to the share they hold
       in the Joint Venture.

       4.18    RESTRICTIONS ON THE TRANSFER OF SHARES:  The Partners shall not
       sell, transfer, assign, secure by mortgage, engage, pledge, alienate,
       dispose of or affect in any manner whatsoever, their share in the Joint
       Venture, as well as any loans granted to the Joint Venture, without the
       written consent of the other Partner. 

       4.19    NON-COMPETITION:  Each Partner may, for his own behalf or on
       behalf of a third party, continue to perform his regular activities and
       even compete against the other Partner.  These activities and
       competition shall absolutely not involve the Client, either directly or
       indirectly, or be exercised against the object of this Agreement.

       4.20    NON-SOLICITING:  For whatsoever reason and throughout the whole
       term of this Agreement and for two (2) years following its termination,
       Partners shall not employ or retain the services of the other Partner's
       employees (or becoming former-employees).

       4.21    COLLABORATION:  Partners shall collaborate in the Joint Venture
       and bring mutual support (including their cooperation at the technical,
       commercial and industrial levels) and as to all required resources in
       order to harmoniously and efficiently perform the Project

       4.22    ABSENCE OF COMMITMENT:  At the signing of this Agreement and
       throughout the realization of the Project, Partners are not and shall
       not commit themselves in other activities which can prevent them to
       fully collaborate or bring the above-mentioned resources, to perform
       their share of the Project or to fulfill their obligations under this

       4.23    SERVICES AND WORK:   The Joint Venture shall render, for the
       Client, all services as well as it shall perform all works.  However,
       each Partner shall provide his share of human resources, facilities and
       other necessary resources for the Project.

       4.24    BILLING:  Each Partner shall bill the Joint Venture, monthly or
       at request of the Board, for rendered services, performed work and
       supplied materials, in the proportion previously established by the
       Board, in connection with the Project.  However, the ratio obtained by
       dividing the said value established by the Board by the value of the
       services rendered, work performed and materials supplied by the Joint
       Venture for the benefit of the Client during the same period of time
       shall not, in any way, exceed the Partners' participation percentage in
       the Project.

       4.25    DEFECT AND POOR WORKMANSHIP:  Each Partner shall be liable
       towards the Joint Venture and towards the Client for any poor
       workmanship, defect and other problem which may occur from time to time
       following the rendering of services, the performance of work and the
       supply of materials.

       4.26    PARTNERS' PROPERTY:  Each Partner remains the owner of his
       contributing property in the Joint Venture.

       4.27    JOINT VENTURE'S PROPERTY:  Any property acquired by the Joint
       Venture for the Project (equipment, tools, furniture, machinery, rolling
       stock, etc.) shall belong to the Joint Venture.  At the time of its
       liquidation, the said property shall be distributed among the Partners
       as per their respective share.

       4.28    USE OF JOINT VENTURE PROPERTY:  Each Partner may use the property
       of the Joint Venture, provided he shall use it in the interest of the
       Joint Venture and according to its destination, and in such a way as not
       to prevent the other Partner from using it as he is entitled to.

       4.29    SUBSIDIARY:  Partners, as well as their subsidiaries which may be
       involved in the Project, are bound by this Agreement.

       4.30    ASSOCIATION WITH A THIRD PARTY:  Subject to any of the provisions
       contained herein, a Partner shall not associate himself with a third
       party for the purposes of sharing his share in the Joint Venture, nor
       allowing a third party to enter into the Joint Venture without the
       written consent of the other Partner.

       4.31    MAINTAINING OF COMMON PROPERTY:  A Partner may compel the other
       Partner to incur any expenses necessary for the preservation of the
       common property, but shall not proceed with any modifications as to the
       state of such property without the written consent of the other Partner,
       regardless of how advantageous such changes may be.

       4.33    ABSENCE OF MANDATE:  A Partner cannot or shall not act as the
       other Partner's mandatory, nor to contract or fulfill an obligation on
       his behalf without the latter's prior written consent.

       4.33    INDEPENDENT PARTIES:  This Agreement binds Partners only to the
       performance of the Project.  Consequently, the provisions contained
       herein shall not be interpreted, in any way, as to establish some
       general partnership between the Parties or as to restrict the Partners
       to operate their respective businesses.

       4.34    LOSS OF STATUS AS PARTNER:  A Partner shall lose his status as
       Partner in any of the following circumstances:

       a)      his dissolution or voluntary or forced bankruptcy;

       b)      he seeks the protection of the BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY ACT or
               any other similar law;

       c)      by his own will or if a judgment orders the seizure of his

       d)      if he fails to comply with any provision contained herein and
               fails to remedy the said default within 30 days following the
               receipt of the other Partner's formal notice of default.

       In any one of the above-mentioned cases, this Agreement shall terminate
       and the following terms and conditions shall then apply:

       1)      The other Partner shall liquidate the Joint Venture and may then
               continue and complete the Project to his own benefit.

       2)      The former Partner or his legal representatives, as the case may
               be, shall be deprived of any right previously held by the former
               Partner in this Agreement, in the Joint Venture, in its assets
               and in any surplus made after the loss of status as Partner.

       3)      Once the Project has been completed and final payment has been
               received from the Client,  the other Partner shall render account
               and remit to the former Partner or his legal representatives, as
               the case may be, the sum of money equivalent to sums due to the
               former Partner at the time he lost his status of Partner, less
               his proportional share of expenses and obligations existing at
               that precise time.  If his share of such expenses and obligations
               exceeds the sums due, the former Partner shall immediately pay
               the other Partner the sums in excess.

       4)      Despite the loss of his status of Partner, the former Partner
               remains liable, in proportion to his share, for any deficit of
               the Joint Venture until the Project has been completed.


       When dissolving the Joint Venture, the Board:

       a)      shall act as liquidator;

       b)      shall take the seizure of the Joint Venture's property and act as
               an administrator of others' property entrusted with full power to

       c)      is entitled to require from the Partners any document and any
               explanation concerning the rights and obligations of the Joint

       d)      shall repay the debts and then, reimburse the capital

       e)      if applicable, shall proceed to the partition of the assets among
               Partners in proportion to their respective shares, and;

       f)      shall remit to the Partners a final rendering of account,
               prepared by an independent accounting firm in accordance with
               generally accepted accounting principles.

       After the Joint Venture's liquidation, Partners shall make adjustments
       among them, if applicable, and give themselves mutual discharge.


       Unless otherwise stated in this Agreement, the following provisions

       6.01    "FORCE MAJEURE":  Neither party shall be considered in default of
       this Agreement if the fulfillment of all or part of its obligations are
       delayed or prevented due to "force majeure".  "Force majeure" is an
       external unforeseeable and irresistible event, making it absolutely
       impossible to fulfill an obligation.

       6.02    SEVERABILITY:  If any section, paragraph, or provision (in all or
       in part) in this Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable, it shall
       not, in any way, have any effect on any other section, paragraph or
       provision in this Agreement, nor on the remaining section, paragraph, or
       provision unless otherwise clearly provided for under this Agreement.

       6.03    NOTICES:  Any notice intended for any one party is deemed to be
       validly given if it is done in writing and sent by registered or
       certified mail, by bailiff or by courier service to such party's address
       as stated in this Agreement, or to any other address that the concerned
       party may have notified in writing to the other party.

       6.04    HEADINGS:  The headings in this Agreement are used only for
       reference and convenience purposes;  they do not modify in any manner
       the significance or the object of the provisions they designate.

       6.05    SCHEDULES:  Whenever the Schedules of this Agreement are duly
       initialed by all Parties, they are considered as an integral part of
       this Agreement.

       6.06    NON-WAIVER:  The apathy, negligence or tardiness of a party to
       use a right or a recourse provided for under this Agreement shall not,
       in any case, be considered as a renunciation to such right or recourse.

       6.07    CUMULATIVE RIGHTS:  All rights mentioned in this Agreement are
       cumulative and non-alternative.  The waiving of a right shall not be
       interpreted as waiving any other right.

       6.08    ENTIRE AGREEMENT:  This Agreement constitutes the entire
       agreement entered into between the Parties.  Declarations,
       representations, promises or conditions other than those stated in this
       Agreement cannot be construed in any way as to contradict, modify or
       affect the provisions of this Agreement.

       6.09    AMENDMENT:  This Agreement cannot be amended or modified except
       by another written document duly signed by all Parties.

       6.10    GENDER AND NUMBER:  Where appropriate the singular number set
       forth in this Agreement shall be interpreted as plural and the gender as
       masculine, feminine or neuter, as the context dictates.

       6.11    NON-TRANSFER:  Neither of the Parties shall assign, transfer nor
       convey, in any way, his rights in this Agreement to any third party
       without first obtaining the written consent of the other.

       6.12    COMPUTATION OF TIME:  In all computations of time periods under
       this Agreement:

       a)      the first day of the period shall not be taken into account, but
               the last one shall be;

       b)      the non-juridical days i.e. Saturdays, Sundays and public
               holidays shall be taken into account;

       c)      whenever the last day is a non-juridical one, the period shall be
               extended to the next juridical day.

       6.13    CURRENCY:  The currency used for purposes of this Agreement shall
       be in Canadian Dollars.

       6.14    GOVERNING LAW:  This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in
       accordance with the laws in force in the Province of Ontario.

       6.15    ELECTION OF DOMICILE:  The Parties agree to elect domicile in the
       judicial district of .      Toronto in the Province of Ontario for the
       hearing of any claim arising from the interpretation, application,
       completion, term, validity and effects of this Agreement.

       6.16    NUMEROUS COPIES:  Each copy of this Agreement is considered as an
       original whenever duly initialed and signed by all Parties, it being
       understood however that all of these copies refer to the one and same

       6.17    SUCCESSORS:  This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to
       the benefit of each of the Parties and their respective successors,
       heirs and assigns.

       6.18    JOINT AND SEVERAL LIABILITY:  Whenever one of the Parties is
       constituted of two or more persons, these persons are jointly and
       severally obligated and liable towards the other party.

       6.19    ELAPSED TIME:  Whenever one of the Parties fails to fulfill an
       obligation under this Agreement within a limited period of time, the
       mere lapse of time passing by shall constitute a formal notice of
       default to the said party.


       This Agreement comes into force on March 19, 1998.

8.00   TERM

       This Agreement shall be in force until its full execution by the
       Partners, subject to section 9.00 of this Agreement.


       This Agreement shall terminate:

       a)      upon a written agreement between the Parties;

       b)      if the Client does not retain the Joint Venture's tender;

       c)      after the Project is completed and final account is rendered to
               the Board;

       d)      in any case mentioned in Section 4.33 of this Agreement.

       At its termination, the Partners shall cease using their powers to act
       under this Agreement, except for any measure that is necessary for
       current operations.




               BETWEEN THEM;







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