Exhibit 10.41

                            ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT

        THIS AGREEMENT, dated as of October 26, 1998, is made between and 
among Children's Broadcasting Corporation (referred to herein as "CBC"), 
Children's Radio of Dallas, Inc., a Minnesota corporation ("CR Dallas"),  
Children's Radio of Phoenix, Inc., a Minnesota corporation ("CR Phoenix"), 
and Children's Radio of New York, Inc., a New Jersey corporation ("CR New 
York") (CR Dallas, CR Phoenix and CR New York  are sometimes collectively 
referred to herein as the "Asset Subsidiaries");  KAHZ-AM, Inc., a Minnesota 
corporation ("KAHZ-AM"), KIDR-AM, Inc., a Minnesota corporation ("KIDR-AM"), 
and WJDM-AM, Inc., ("WJDM-AM"), a Minnesota corporation (KAHZ-AM, KIDR-AM and 
WJDM-AM are sometimes collectively referred to herein as the "License 
Subsidiaries"; the Asset Subsidiaries and the License Subsidiaries are 
sometimes collectively referred to herein as the "Subsidiaries"; and CBC and 
the Subsidiaries are sometimes collectively referred to herein as the 
"Sellers"); and Radio Unica Corp., a Delaware corporation (the "Buyer"); and

                             W I T N E S S E T H:

        THAT, WHEREAS, CBC is the owner and holder of 100% of the issued and 
outstanding stock of the Asset Subsidiaries; and

        WHEREAS, each of the Asset Subsidiaries is the owner of all the 
assets of the radio station indicated below licensed to the community listed 
below (collectively referred to herein as the "Stations"), except for the 
Federal Communications Commission (the "FCC" or the "Commission")

licenses, permits or authorizations issued with respect to the Stations, and 
are the owners and holders of 100% of the issued and outstanding stock of the 
License Subsidiary designated by the respective Station's call letters:

            CR Dallas            KAHZ(AM)        Fort Worth, Texas
                                 1360 kHz

            CR Phoenix           KIDR(AM)        Phoenix, Arizona
                                 740 kHz

            CR New York          WJDM(AM)        Elizabeth, New Jersey
                                 1530 kHz

            CR New York          WBAH(AM)        Elizabeth, New Jersey
                                 1660 kHz

        WHEREAS, the License Subsidiaries are the FCC licensees and/or 
permittees of the Stations indicated above; and

        WHEREAS, Sellers have previously entered into a purchase agreement 
with Catholic Radio Network, LLC ("CRN"), dated April 17, 1998, as amended 
(the "CRN Agreement") and the parties are desirous of entering into this 
agreement subject to the rights of CRN and CBC to close upon the CRN 
Agreement; and

        WHEREAS, subject to and conditioned upon the consent of the FCC, the 
termination of CRN's right to acquire the Stations under the CRN Agreement or 
amendment of the CRN Agreement to exclude the Stations and the other 
conditions set forth herein, the Sellers desire to sell and transfer and 
Buyer desires to purchase and acquire the Stations and certain of the 
tangible and intangible assets of the Sellers used or held for use in 
connection with the operation of the Stations, all as is more fully described 

        NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants 
and conditions contained herein, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:


                                    ARTICLE 1
                           SALE AND TRANSFER OF ASSETS

        Buyer acknowledges that Sellers have entered into the CRN Agreement.  
Buyer further acknowledges that the CRN Agreement is in full force and effect 
as of the date of execution hereof, and that the First Amendment to the CRN 
Agreement provides, among other things that the transaction will close on 
October 16, 1998, subject to CRN's right to extend the closing date until 
October 30, 1998, upon payment of a fee to Sellers no later than October 19, 
1998 (the "First Extension Fee") and October 26, 1998 (the "Second Extension 
Fee").  Accordingly, Buyer acknowledges that Sellers' obligations under this 
Agreement are subject to Sellers' and CRN's rights and obligations under the 
CRN Agreement.  Sellers agree that if at the close of business on October 19, 
1998, all of the conditions to CRN's obligations to close under the CRN 
Agreement have been satisfied and CRN has not paid to Sellers the First 
Extension Fee, Sellers will immediately terminate the CRN Agreement.  
Further, Sellers agree that if at the close of business on October 26, 1998, 
all of the conditions to CRN's obligations to close under the CRN Agreement 
have been satisfied and CRN has not paid to Sellers the Second Extension Fee, 
Sellers will immediately terminate the CRN Agreement.  Further, Sellers agree 
that if CRN has paid the First Extension Fee and the Second Extension Fee, 
and all of the conditions to CRN's obligations to close have been fulfilled, 
Sellers will grant no further extensions of the closing date under the CRN 
Agreement beyond November 5, 1998, and will terminate the CRN Agreement if 
all the conditions to CRN's obligations to close have been fulfilled.

        At closing of the transaction described herein ("Closing"), the 
Sellers shall sell, convey, assign, transfer and deliver to Buyer, free and 
clear of any lien, encumbrance, interest, reservation, restriction, mortgage 
or security interest of any nature whatsoever, except for Excluded Assets (as 
defined below), and except as otherwise expressly provided herein, all the 
assets of the Sellers described below, including the business and goodwill, 
used or held for use in connection with the operation of the Stations and 
including all replacements and additions thereto between October 8, 1998, and 
the Closing Date (as hereinafter defined) (collectively, the "Acquired 

1.1.   All licenses, permits and authorizations ("Licenses") issued by the 
       Commission for the operation of or used in connection with the 
       operation of the Stations, all of which are listed on Schedule A 
       attached hereto, and all applications therefor, together with any 
       renewals, extensions or modifications thereof and additions thereto;

1.2.   All of the Sellers' owned or leased real property interests relating 
       to the operation of the Stations including that described in Schedule 
       B attached hereto; 

1.3.   All tangible personal property owned by the Sellers used or held for 
       use in the operation of the Stations including but not limited to the 
       property listed on Schedule C attached hereto, and any replacements 
       therefor or improvements thereof acquired or constructed prior to 
       Closing ("Personal Property");


1.4.   Subject to Section 2.6 of this Agreement, all of the Sellers' rights 
       and benefits under the business agreements, leases and contracts 
       listed on Schedule D attached hereto, including any renewals, 
       extensions, amendments or modifications thereof, and any additional 
       agreements, leases and contracts made or entered into by the Sellers 
       in the ordinary course of business between October 8, 1998 and the 
       Closing approved in writing by Buyer or otherwise permitted hereunder 
       ("Leases and Agreements");

1.5.   All other licenses, permits or authorizations issued by any government 
       or regulatory agency other than the FCC, which are used in connection 
       with the operation of the Stations, all of which are listed on 
       Schedule A ("Permits") and pending applications therefor;

1.6.   All right, title and interest of the Sellers in and to the use of the 
       call letters for the Stations (referred to herein as the "Call 
       Letters"), to the extent they can be conveyed; together with all 
       common law property rights, goodwill, copyrights, trademarks, service 
       marks, trade names and other similar rights used in connection with 
       the operation of the Stations, including all additions thereto, listed 
       on Schedule E attached hereto ("General Intangibles"); 

1.7.   All of the Subsidiaries' magnetic media, electronic data processing 
       files, systems and computer programs, logs, public files, records 
       required by the FCC, vendor contracts, supplies, maintenance records 
       or similar business records relating to or used in connection with the 
       operation of the Stations, but not including records pertaining to 
       corporate affairs (including tax records) and original journals, 
       provided copies are supplied to Buyer.  The Sellers shall have 
       reasonable access to all such records which might be in the possession 
       of Buyer for a period of two (2) years following the Closing, and 
       shall, at its own expense, have the right to make copies thereof; and

1.8.   All rights and claims of Sellers whether mature, contingent or 
       otherwise, against third parties relating to the Acquired Assets, 
       whether in tort, contract, or otherwise, under or pursuant to all 
       warranties, representations and guarantees made by manufacturers, 
       suppliers or vendors.

1.9   "Excluded Assets" means cash on hand, accounts receivable and the 
       office lease with Lincoln Building Associates.

                                    ARTICLE 2
                           PURCHASE PRICE AND PAYMENTS

2.1.   PURCHASE PRICE.  As the purchase price for the Acquired Assets, Buyer 
       agrees to pay to the Sellers the sum of Twenty-Nine Million Two 
       Hundred Fifty Thousand and no/100 Dollars ($29,250,000.00), subject to 
       adjustment as provided herein (the "Purchase Price").

2.2.   METHOD OF PAYMENT OF PURCHASE PRICE. The Purchase Price shall be 
       payable as follows:

        2.2.1. ESCROW DEPOSIT.  Contemporaneously with the earlier of (i) the 
               termination of the CRN Agreement or (ii) the termination of 
               CRN's right to acquire the Stations by


               amendment or waiver of the CRN Agreement (the "Effective 
               Time"), Buyer and Sellers shall enter into an escrow agreement 
               substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit 1-A with 
               such changes as First Union National Bank may in its 
               discretion reasonably require,, pursuant to which Buyer will 
               deposit into escrow the sum of Two Million Nine Hundred 
               Twenty-Five Thousand and no/100 Dollars ($2,925,000.00) (the 
               "Damages Escrow Funds").  At Closing, the Damages Escrow 
               Funds, including any interest thereon, shall be delivered to 
               Sellers and shall be a credit to Buyer against the Purchase 
               Price subject to the  provisions governing the release and 
               delivery of the Damages Escrow Funds contained in Article 6 

               In addition to entering into the escrow agreement in the form 
               attached hereto as Exhibit 1-A, at the Effective Time Buyer 
               and Sellers shall enter into a second escrow agreement 
               substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit 1-B with 
               such changes as First Union National Bank may in its 
               reasonable discretion require, pursuant to which Buyer will 
               deposit into escrow the sum of Seven Million Seventy-Five 
               Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($7,075,000.00) (the "Purchase 
               Price Escrow Funds").  At Closing, the Purchase Price Escrow 
               Funds, including any interest thereon, shall be delivered to 
               Sellers and shall be a credit to Buyer against the Purchase 
               Price.  Further provisions governing release and delivery of 
               the Purchase Price Escrow Funds shall be as set forth in 
               Article 6 hereof.

        2.2.2. At Closing, Buyer shall also receive a credit against the 
               Purchase Price in an amount equal to the portion of the LMA 
               Deposit, as defined in Section 2.4 below, which is allocable 
               to periods of time after the Closing, together with interest 
               on one-half of the LMA Deposit at the rate of 5.5% per annum 
               from the date hereof until Closing.

        2.2.3. The balance of the Purchase Price payable hereunder shall be 
               paid in cash by the Buyer on the Closing Date by wire transfer 
               of immediately available funds to such bank or other financial 
               institution as shall be designated by Sellers at least one (1) 
               business day prior to the Closing Date.

   2.3. ADJUSTMENTS AND PRORATIONS.  The operations of the Stations and the 
        income and expenses attributable thereto up to 12:01 A.M. on the day 
        of the Closing shall, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement 
        and in that local marketing agreement ("LMA") to be entered into 
        between the parties in the form attached hereto as Exhibit 2 at the 
        time the Effective Time, be for the account of the Sellers and 
        thereafter shall be for the account of Buyer.  Expenses such as power 
        and utility charges, lease rents, property taxes according to year of 
        payment, frequency discounts, annual license fees (if any), wages, 
        commissions, payroll taxes, and other fringe benefits of employees of 
        the Sellers who enter the employment of the Buyer, and similar 
        deferred items shall be prorated between the Sellers and the Buyer.  
        Prepaid deposits shall also be prorated between the Sellers and the 
        Buyer.  Employees' employment with the Sellers shall be terminated as 
        of the Closing Date, and Buyer shall employ employees of its choice 
        from and after said date upon terms acceptable to Buyer and


        such employees.  Any prorations shall be made and paid insofar as 
        feasible at the Closing, with a final settlement within ninety (90) 
        days after the Closing.

   2.4. LMA.  Any material breach or any default under this Agreement shall 
        be a breach or default of the LMA by the breaching party, and any 
        material breach or any default under the LMA shall be a breach or 
        default of this Agreement by the breaching party.  At the Effective 
        Time, the Buyer shall pay to Sellers the sum of  Two Million Five 
        Hundred Thousand and no/100 Dollars ($2,500,000.00) as a prepayment 
        of payments called for under the LMA with respect to radio station 
        WBAH(AM), and upon approval of the HSR Filing (as defined in Section 
        7.7 below), Buyer shall pay to Seller the additional sum of Five 
        Hundred Thousand and no/100 Dollars ($500,000.00) as a prepayment of 
        payments called for under the LMA with respect to radio stations 
        KAHZ(AM) and KIDR(AM) (as initially funded and subsequently 
        increased, the "LMA Deposit").

   2.5. NON-COMPETITION AGREEMENT.  On the Closing Date, the Buyer shall 
        enter into a non-competition agreement with Christopher T. Dahl 
        ("Dahl") the form attached hereto as Exhibit 3 (the "Non-Competition 
        Agreement"), pursuant to which Dahl will agree not to own, operate or 
        be employed by a radio station broadcasting from a site within 100 
        miles of any site from which any of the Stations broadcast for a 
        period of two (2) years, and Buyer, in consideration thereof, shall 
        make a lump sum payment to Dahl in the amount of Seven Hundred Fifty 
        Thousand and no/100 Dollars ($750,000.00) on the Closing Date.

   2.6. PARTIAL CLOSING ADJUSTMENTS.  Further adjustments to the purchase 
        price payable hereunder may be made pursuant to the provisions of 
        Sections 6.1 and 7.3 below.

   2.7. ASSUMED LIABILITIES.  Except as expressly provided for in this 
        Agreement or the Leases and Agreements listed on the Schedules 
        hereto, at the Closing Buyer shall not assume, incur or be charged 
        with, in connection with the transactions herein contemplated, any 
        liabilities or obligations of any nature whatsoever, contingent or 
        otherwise.  Without limitation of the foregoing, Buyer shall not 
        assume any obligations to the Stations' employees under any employee 
        benefit plans or employment contracts.

   2.8. ALLOCATION OF PURCHASE PRICE.  The Purchase Price shall be allocated 
        among the Acquired Assets by Buyer and the Sellers as set forth in 
        the attached Schedule F.  The values of the Acquired Assets with 
        respect to each of the Stations are set forth with an aggregate 
        allocation value as to all Acquired Assets associated with the 
        operation of each of the Stations set out thereon as the station 
        aggregate value (the "Station Aggregate Value") for each of the 
        Stations.  Such allocation will be used for all purposes, including 
        preparation and filing of IRS Form 8594 with respect to the 
        transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

        Time, and upon Buyer's funding of the Escrow Deposit and the LMA 
        Deposit, Sellers agree to execute and deliver to Buyer a Security 
        Agreement in the form attached hereto as Exhibit 4, and Buyer


        agrees to execute and deliver to Sellers' lender, Foothill Capital 
        Corporation, an Intercreditor Agreement in the form attached hereto 
        as Exhibit 5.

                                    ARTICLE 3
                         THE SELLERS' REPRESENTATIONS,
                           WARRANTIES AND AGREEMENTS

        The Sellers represent, warrant and agree as follows, which 
representations and warranties shall be deemed to have been made again at 
Closing and which agreements shall remain in effect from the date hereof until
the Closing or such later time specified herein:

   3.1. CORPORATE EXISTENCE AND POWERS.  The Sellers, except CR New York, are 
        corporations organized and existing in good standing under the laws 
        of the State of Minnesota, with full power and authority to enter 
        into this Agreement and the other Transaction Documents (as defined 
        herein) and to enter into and complete the transactions contemplated 
        herein and therein without shareholder approval; CR New York is a 
        corporation organized and existing in good standing under the laws of 
        the State of New Jersey, with full power and authority to enter into 
        this Agreement and the other Transaction Documents (as defined 
        herein) and to enter into and complete the transactions contemplated 
        herein and therein;  CR Dallas is, and will be at the time of 
        Closing, qualified to do business in the State of Texas;  and CR 
        Phoenix is, and will be at the time of Closing, qualified to do 
        business in the State of Arizona and neither the nature of the 
        business of the Stations, nor the character of the properties owned, 
        leased or otherwise held by Sellers for use in the business of the 
        Stations makes any qualification necessary in any other state, 
        country, territory or jurisdiction;  all required corporate actions 
        have been taken by the Sellers to make and carry out this Agreement 
        and the other Transaction Documents and the transactions contemplated 
        herein and therein;  this Agreement constitutes, and upon execution 
        and delivery, each other Transaction Document will constitute a valid 
        and binding obligation of Sellers enforceable in accordance with its 
        terms; the execution of this Agreement and the other Transaction 
        Documents and the completion of the transactions herein and therein 
        involved will not result in the violation of any law, regulation, 
        order, license, permit, rule, judgment or decree to which any of the 
        Sellers, the Acquired Assets or the Stations, is subject, or conflict 
        with or constitute the breach of any contract, agreement or other 
        commitment to which any of the Sellers is a party or by which they 
        are bound or as to which any of the Acquired Assets or the Stations 
        are subject or affected, or conflict with or violate any provision of 
        any of the respective Sellers' certificates of incorporation, bylaws 
        or other organizational documents; and, except for receipt of the 
        Commission's Consent (as defined herein) with respect to the 
        assignment of the Licenses to Buyer, no other consents of any kind 
        are required that have not been obtained for the Sellers to make or 
        carry out the terms of this Agreement and the 


        other Transaction Documents, except with respect to those consents 
        identified on Schedule B or D which are required of parties to Leases 
        and Agreements listed on Schedule B or D or with respect to 
        assignment and assumption of specific contract rights and 
        obligations.  The Sellers shall use their best efforts to obtain 
        third party consents with respect to any of the Leases and Agreements 
        designated on Schedule B or D as "material," to the extent required 
        by such documents.  Buyer shall cooperate with the Sellers in 
        obtaining all such required consents.  As used herein, the term 
        "Transaction Documents" refers collectively to this Agreement, the 
        LMA, the Assignment of Licenses, the Warranty Deeds, an Assignment 
        and Bill of Sale and any other agreements to be executed and 
        delivered by any Seller hereunder or as otherwise contemplated 

        violation of, and have not received any notice asserting any material 
        noncompliance by Sellers with, any applicable statute, law, rule or 
        regulation, whether federal, state, local or otherwise, in connection 
        with the ownership of the Acquired Assets.  Sellers have complied and 
        are in compliance in all material respects with all laws, regulations 
        and governmental orders applicable to Sellers' operation of the 
        Stations and ownership of the Acquired Assets, except as disclosed on 
        Schedule A.  Sellers have obtained and hold all permits, licenses and 
        approvals (other than the Licenses), none of which has been rescinded 
        and all of which are in full force and effect, from all Governmental 
        Authorities (as defined herein) necessary in order to conduct the 
        operations of the Stations in accordance with applicable law, as 
        presently conducted and to own, use and maintain the Acquired Assets, 
        all of which permits, licenses and approvals are identified on 
        Schedule A.  As used herein, "Governmental Authorities" means any 
        agency, board, bureau, court, commission, department, instrumentality 
        or administration of the United States government, any state 
        government or any local or other governmental body in a state of the 
        United States or the District of Columbia.  No filing or registration 
        with, notification to, or authorization, consent or approval of, any 
        Governmental Authority is required in connection with the execution 
        and delivery of this Agreement and the other Transactional Documents 
        by any Seller or the performance by any Seller of its obligations 
        hereunder or thereunder except compliance with any applicable 
        requirements of the Communications Act of 1934 as amended, (the 
        "Communications Act") and the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust 
        Improvements Act of 1976 ("HSR").  Each of the License Subsidiaries 
        is the holder of the Licenses indicated on Schedule A, all of which 
        are valid, in full force and effect and which have been 
        unconditionally issued for the full license term.  The Licenses 
        constitute all of the licenses, grants, permits, waivers and 
        authorizations issued by the FCC and required for and/or used in the 
        operation of the Stations as they are currently being operated.  Each 
        License Subsidiary is fully qualified to hold its Licenses.  All 
        ownership and employment reports, renewal applications, and other 
        reports and documents required to be filed for the Stations have been 
        properly and timely filed, except as noted on Schedule A.  The 
        Stations are operating in accordance with the Licenses, and in 
        compliance with the Communications Act, and the rules and regulations 
        of the Commission, including, without limitation, those regulations 
        governing the Stations' equal employment opportunity practices and 
        public files, and any other applicable laws, ordinances, rules and 
        regulations, except as disclosed on Schedule A.  Sellers have 
        complied in all material respects with all 


        requirements of the FCC and the Federal Aviation Administration with 
        respect to the construction and/or alteration of Seller's antenna 
        structures, and "no hazard" determinations for each antenna structure 
        have been obtained.  The Licenses are unimpaired by any act or 
        omission of Sellers or their officers, directors, employees and 
        agents and Sellers will not, without Buyer's prior written consent, 
        by an act or omission, surrender, modify, forfeit or fail to seek 
        renewals on regular terms, of any License, or cause the Commission or 
        other regulatory authority to institute any proceeding for the 
        cancellation or modification of any such License, or fail to 
        prosecute with due diligence any pending application to the 
        Commission.  There is not now pending, or to the best of Sellers' 
        knowledge threatened, any action by or before the Commission or other 
        regulatory authority to revoke, cancel, rescind, modify (except as to 
        any applications by the Sellers shown on Schedule A) or refuse to 
        renew in the ordinary course any of the Licenses, or any 
        investigation, order to show cause, notice of violation, notice of 
        inquiry, notice of apparent liability or of forfeiture or complaint 
        against the Stations or Sellers, and Sellers have no knowledge of any 
        basis for the commencement of any such proceeding in the future.  
        Should any such action or investigation be commenced, order or notice 
        be released, or complaint be filed, Sellers will promptly notify 
        Buyer and take all actions necessary to protect the Stations and the 
        Licenses from any material adverse impact.  All reports, statements 
        and other documents relating to the Stations filed by the Sellers or 
        the Stations with the FCC or any other Governmental Authority were 
        true, correct and complete in all material respects when filed.

   3.3. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS.  The Sellers have delivered to the Buyer 
        unaudited balance sheets dated December 31, 1996, and December 31, 
        1997 (the latter of which are referred to herein as the "1997 Balance 
        Sheets") and unaudited statements of operations for the twelve months 
        ended December 31, 1996, and December 31, 1997, for each of the 
        Stations, other than KIDR(AM), as to which no 1996 financial 
        statements have been delivered.  Such balance sheets and the notes 
        thereto are true, complete and accurate in all material respects and 
        fairly present the consolidated assets, liabilities and financial 
        condition of the Stations as at the respective dates thereof, and 
        such statements of operations and the notes thereto are true, 
        complete and accurate in all material respects and fairly present the 
        results of operations for the periods indicated, all in accordance 
        with generally accepted accounting principles consistently applied 
        throughout the periods involved.

   3.4. NO UNDISCLOSED LIABILITIES.  None of the Stations has any material 
        liabilities or obligations of any nature (absolute, accrued, 
        contingent or otherwise) which were not fully reflected or reserved 
        against in the 1997 Balance Sheets, except for liabilities and 
        obligations incurred in the ordinary course of business and 
        consistent with past practice since the date thereof (none of which 
        liabilities and obligations is a liability for breach of contract, 
        tort, infringement or violation of law);  and the reserves reflected 
        in the 1997 Balance Sheets are adequate, appropriate and reasonable.

   3.5. ACQUIRED ASSETS.  The Acquired Assets to be transferred to Buyer at 
        Closing represent all the assets necessary for the Stations' current 
        and continuing operations; until Closing, none of the Acquired Assets 
        will be sold, leased or otherwise disposed of unless replaced by a


        substantially similar asset of equal or greater value, and, at 
        Closing, all of the Acquired Assets shall be owned by and transferred 
        by the Sellers to Buyer free and clear of all liens, encumbrances, 
        interests or restrictions of any kind whatsoever excepting only those 
        obligations, liens or encumbrances expressly provided to be assumed 
        by Buyer herein or the Leases and Agreements listed on Schedule B or 
        D.  The Acquired Assets have been maintained in good condition, 
        subject to normal wear and tear.  Since the date of the 1997 Balance 
        Sheets, there has not been any material adverse change in the 
        Acquired Assets;  the Sellers are not aware of any circumstance that 
        could cause a material adverse effect in the Acquired Assets;  the 
        Sellers have conducted the business of the Stations in the Ordinary 
        Course of Business;  and the Sellers have not taken any action that 
        would be prohibited by Section 3.16.  As used herein, the term 
        "Ordinary Course of Business" means, with respect to Sellers, the 
        ordinary course of business of the Stations consistent with the past 
        practices of Sellers and recognizing that the Sellers ended the 
        24-hour distribution of their Aahs World Radio_ format as of 
        midnight, January 30, 1998, and have since maintained a 24-hour 
        all-music format at the Stations without any sales of advertising 
        time, except with respect to WBAH-AM, which has been programmed by 

   3.6. REAL ESTATE.  

        3.6.1.  OWNED PROPERTIES.  Schedule B sets forth a list of all real 
                property owned by the Sellers ("Owned Real Property").  With 
                respect to each parcel of Owned Real Property, except as 
                disclosed on Schedule B, there are no leases, subleases, 
                licenses, concessions or other agreements, written or oral, 
                granting any person the right of use or occupancy of any 
                portion of such parcel and there are no outstanding actions 
                or rights of first refusal to purchase such parcel or any 
                portion thereof or interest therein.

        3.6.2.  LEASED PROPERTIES.  Schedule B sets forth a list of all real 
                property leased by the Sellers (the "Leased Real Property") 
                and all of the leases (the "Leases") of the Leased Real 
                Property.  With respect to the Leased Real Property, except 
                as disclosed on Schedule B, (a) all obligations of the 
                landlord or lessor under the Leases that have accrued have 
                been performed, and no landlord or lessor is in default under 
                or in arrears in the payment of any sum or in the performance 
                of any obligation required of it under any Lease, and no 
                circumstance presently exists which, with notice or the 
                passage of time, or both, would give rise to a default by the 
                landlord or lessor under any Lease;  (b) all obligations of 
                the tenant or lessee under the Leases that have accrued have 
                been performed, and Sellers are not in default under or in 
                arrears in the payment of any sum or in the performance of 
                any obligation required of it under any Lease, and no 
                circumstance presently exists which, with notice or the 
                passage of time, or both, would give rise to a default by 
                Sellers;  and (c) there are no consents of any landlord or 
                lessor required to transfer the Leased Real Property to Buyer.


        3.6.3.  TITLE AND DESCRIPTION.  Sellers hold a valid and enforceable 
                freehold interest in the Owned Real Property and valid and 
                enforceable leasehold interests in the Leased Real Property 
                pursuant to the Leases as shown on Schedule B, subject only 
                to the right of reversion of the landlord or lessor under the 
                Leases and those rights of third parties disclosed on 
                Schedule B.

        3.6.4.  PHYSICAL CONDITION.  There is no defect in the physical 
                condition of any improvements located on or constituting a 
                part of the Real Property.  The Real Property, including, 
                without limitation, such improvements, is in good condition 
                and repair and is adequate for the uses to which it is being 
                put, and the Real Property is not in need of maintenance or 
                repairs except for ordinary, routine maintenance and repairs 
                which are not material in nature or cost.  The soil condition 
                of the Real Property is such that it will support all of the 
                improvements thereon for the foreseeable life of the 
                improvements without the need for unusual or new subsurface 
                excavations, fill, footings, caissons or other installations.

        3.6.5.  UTILITIES.  All water, sewer, gas, electric, telephone, 
                drainage and other utility equipment, facilities and services 
                required by law or necessary for the operation of the Real 
                Property as it is now improved and operated are installed and 
                connected pursuant to valid permits, are sufficient to 
                service the Real Property and are in good operating condition 
                except in such case as will not materially detract from the 
                marketability or value of the Real Property and do not impair 
                the operations of the lessee thereof.

                received no notice from any Governmental Authority of any 
                violation of any zoning, building, fire, water, use, health, 
                or other law, ordinance, code, regulation, license, permit or 
                authorization issued in respect of any of the Real Property 
                that has not been heretofore corrected, and know of no such 
                violation or violations that now exist that would materially 
                detract from the marketability or value of the Real Property 
                or impair the operations of the occupant thereof in any 
                material respect.  Sellers' improvements located on or 
                constituting a part of the Real Property and the 
                construction, installation, use and operation thereof 
                (including, without limitation, the construction, 
                installation, use and operation of any signs located thereon) 
                are in compliance with all applicable municipal, state, 
                federal or other governmental laws, ordinances, codes, 
                regulations, licenses, permits and authorizations, including, 
                without limitation, applicable zoning, building, fire, water, 
                use, or health laws, ordinances, codes, regulations, 
                licenses, permits and authorizations, and there are presently 
                in effect all certificates of occupancy, licenses, permits 
                and authorizations required by law, ordinance, code or 
                regulation or by any governmental or private authority having 
                jurisdiction over the ownership or operation of the Sellers' 
                businesses or any of the Acquired Assets, including the 
                Stations and the Real Property or any portion thereof, or the 
                occupancy thereof or any present use thereof, except such 
                non-compliance as will not materially detract from the 


                or value of the Real Property and do not impair the 
                operations of the occupant thereof in any respect.  All such 
                approvals required by law, ordinance, code, regulation or 
                otherwise to be held by the occupant of any of the Real 
                Property shall be transferred to Buyer at Closing, if and to 
                the extent transferable.  There is legally enforceable 
                pedestrian and vehicular access to the Real Property.

        3.6.7.  REAL PROPERTY TAXES.  Sellers have received no notice of any 
                pending or threatened special assessment or reassessment of 
                all or any portion of any of the Real Property.

        3.6.8.  CONDEMNATION.  There is no pending or, to Sellers' knowledge, 
                threatened condemnation of all or any part of the Real 

        3.6.9.  INSURABILITY.  Sellers have not received any notice from any 
                insurance company of any material defects or inadequacies in 
                the Real Property or any part thereof, which would 
                materially, adversely affect the insurability of the same or 
                of any termination or threatened termination of any policy of 

   3.7. CONTRACTS, LEASES, AGREEMENTS, ETC.  Each of the Leases and 
        Agreements are in full force and effect, and there are no outstanding 
        notices of cancellation, acceleration or termination in connection 
        therewith except as noted upon Schedule B or D.  Sellers are not in 
        breach or default in connection with any of the Leases and Agreements 
        and, to the best of Sellers' knowledge, there is no basis for any 
        claim, breach or default with respect to Sellers or any other party 
        under any of said Leases and Agreements.  Sellers have made available 
        to Buyer true and correct copies of all agreements and instruments 
        listed on Schedule D, and will make available to Buyer true and 
        correct copies of any additional agreements, leases and contracts 
        entered into by the Sellers in Ordinary Course of Business, as 
        provided in Section 1.4 hereof.  On the Closing Date there will be no 
        Leases or Agreements relating to the Stations (not including this 
        Agreement and the LMA) which will be binding on the Buyer other than 
        those specifically identified herein, including the Schedules 
        attached hereto, as assumed by Buyer, or as otherwise approved in 
        writing by Buyer.  

   3.8. LITIGATION.  Except as set forth on Schedule G, no strike, labor 
        dispute, investigation, litigation, court or administrative 
        proceeding is pending or, to the best of Sellers' knowledge, 
        threatened against the Sellers relating to the Stations, their 
        employees or any of the Acquired Assets which may result in any 
        change in the business, operations, assets or financial condition of 
        the Stations or may materially affect Buyer's use and enjoyment of 
        the Acquired Assets, or which would hinder or prevent the 
        consummation of the transaction contemplated by this Agreement and 
        the other Transaction Documents, and the Sellers know of no basis for 
        any such possible action.


        3.9.1.  Environmental Representation of Sellers.  Sellers are in 
                compliance in all material respects with all applicable 
                federal, state and local laws and regulations relating to


                pollution or protection of human health or the environment 
                ("Environmental Laws") (which compliance includes, but is not 
                limited to, the possession by such Sellers of any permits and 
                other governmental authorizations required under applicable 
                Environmental Laws and compliance with the terms and 
                conditions thereof)  with respect to the Real Property and 
                the business of the stations.  None of  Sellers has received 
                any communication (written or oral), whether from a 
                Governmental Authority, citizens' group, employee or 
                otherwise, alleging that Sellers are not in such compliance, 
                and to the Sellers' knowledge, there are no past or present 
                actions, activities, circumstances, conditions, covenants or 
                incidents that may prevent or interfere with such compliance 
                in the future.  Sellers have not participated in nor 
                approved, nor has there occurred, to the best of their 
                knowledge, except as disclosed on Schedule B, any production, 
                disposal or storage on the Real Property of any hazardous 
                waste or toxic substance, nor does such waste or substance 
                exist on the Owned Real Property (above or beneath the 
                surface), nor is there any proceeding or inquiry, by any 
                governmental authority (federal or state) with respect to the 
                presence of such waste or substance on the Real Property to 
                the best of the Sellers' knowledge, nor are there any 
                underground storage tanks on the Owned Real Property, to the 
                best of Sellers' knowledge.  There is no Environmental Claim 
                (as defined below) pending, or to the knowledge of Sellers, 
                threatened against any Seller with respect to the Owned Real 
                Property or the business of the Stations or, to the best of 
                the Sellers' knowledge, against any Person whose liability 
                for any Environmental Claim any Seller has or may have 
                retained or assumed either contractually or by operation of 
                law.  To the best of the Sellers' knowledge, there are no 
                past or present actions, activities, circumstances, 
                conditions, events or incidents with respect to the Owned 
                Real Property, any Seller or the business of the Stations 
                that could form the bases of any Environmental Claim against 
                any Seller or against any Person whose liability for any 
                Environmental Claim any Seller has or may have retained or 
                assumed either contractually or by operation of law.  As used 
                herein, "Environmental Claim" means any claim, action, cause 
                of action, investigation or notice (written or oral) by any 
                Person alleging potential liability arising out of, based on 
                or resulting from (a) the presence or release of any 
                hazardous waste at any location, whether or not owned or 
                operated by the Seller or (b) circumstances forming the basis 
                of any violation of any Environmental Law.  "Hazardous waste" 
                shall consist of the substances defined as "hazardous 
                substances", "hazardous materials", or "toxic substances" in 
                the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and 
                Liability Act of 1980, as amended, 42 USC 9601, et seq., or 
                in the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, 49 USC 1801, 
                et seq., or in the Resources Conservation and Recovery Act, 
                42 USC 6901, et seq., and all substances defined as 
                "hazardous waste" under the Statutes of the States of New 
                Jersey, Texas and Arizona or any regulations adopted pursuant 
                to those statutes.

        3.9.2.  ENVIRONMENTAL COVENANT OF SELLERS.  Sellers have provided 
                Buyer with all information, surveys and reports in each 
                Seller's or each Station's possession or


                control concerning the existence or possible existence of any 
                underground storage tanks, polychlorinated biphenyls, 
                asbestos or asbestos-containing materials, radon gas, 
                radioactive materials, liquid petroleum or liquid petroleum 
                products, or other hazardous wastes, and any other reports, 
                studies or documents in each Seller's or each Station's 
                possession relating to each Seller's or each Station's 
                potential liability under applicable Environmental Laws 
                ("Environmental Contamination").

        3.9.3.  RADIO FREQUENCY RADIATION.  Other than in compliance with the 
                Communications Act, the operation of the Stations does not 
                cause or result in exposure of workers or the general public 
                to levels of radio frequency radiation in excess of the 
                "Radio Frequency Protection Guides" recommended in "American 
                National Standard Safety Levels with Respect to Human 
                Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields 300 kHz to 
                100 gHz" (ANSI C95.1-1982), issued by the American National 
                Standards Institute.  Renewal of the FCC Licenses would not 
                constitute a "major action" within the meaning of Section 
                1.1301, et seq., of the FCC's rules.

  3.10. INSURANCE.  The Sellers shall maintain in full force and effect all 
        of their existing casualty, liability, and other insurance covering 
        any or all of the Acquired Assets through the day following the 
        Closing Date in amounts not less than those in effect on the date 
        hereof, and Sellers have set forth on Schedule H an abstract of such 
        casualty insurance coverage.  Such coverage is for replacement value 
        against risks commonly insured against in the radio broadcast 
        industry and Sellers are not in default under any such policies.  
        Sellers have not received any notice from any issuer of such policies 
        of its intention to cancel, terminate or refuse to renew any policy 
        issued by it to Sellers.

        Buyer and its representatives reasonable access during normal 
        business hours throughout the period prior to Closing to the 
        operations, properties, books, accounting records, contracts, 
        agreements, leases, commitments, programming, technical and sales 
        records and other records of and pertaining to the Stations; 
        provided, however, such access shall not disrupt the Sellers' normal 
        operation.  The Sellers shall furnish to Buyer all information 
        concerning the Stations' affairs as Buyer may reasonably request.  
        Buyer will maintain the confidentiality of all the information and 
        materials delivered to it or made available for its inspection by the 
        Sellers hereunder.  Nothing shall be deemed to be confidential 
        information that: (a) is known to Buyer at the time of its disclosure 
        to Buyer; (b) becomes publicly known or available other than through 
        disclosure by Buyer; (c) is received by Buyer from a third party not 
        actually known by Buyer to be bound by a confidentiality agreement 
        with or obligation to Sellers; or (d) is independently developed by 
        Buyer as clearly evidenced by its records.  Notwithstanding the 
        foregoing provisions of this Section 3.11, Buyer may disclose such 
        confidential information (x) to the extent required or deemed 
        advisable to comply with applicable laws and regulations, (y) to its 
        officers, directors, employees, representatives, financial advisors, 
        attorneys, accountants, and agents with respect to the transactions 
        contemplated hereby (so long as such parties are informed of the 
        confidentiality of such 


        information), and (z) to any Governmental Authority in connection 
        with the transactions contemplated hereby.  In the event this 
        Agreement is terminated, Buyer will return to Sellers all 
        confidential information prepared or furnished by Sellers relating to 
        the transactions contemplated hereunder, whether obtained before or 
        after the execution of this Agreement.

  3.12. CONDUCT OF THE STATIONS' BUSINESS.  Until Closing, without the 
        written consent of Buyer, the Sellers shall not enter into any 
        transaction, agreement or understanding (whether or not in writing) 
        other than those in the Ordinary Course of Business; no employment 
        contract shall be entered into by the Sellers relating to the 
        Stations unless the same is terminable at will and without penalty; 
        no material increase in compensation payable or to become payable, to 
        any of the employees employed at the Stations shall be made; no 
        material change in personnel policies, insurance benefits or other 
        compensation arrangements shall be made; and the Sellers will cause 
        the Stations to be operated in compliance with the Licenses and 
        Permits and all applicable laws and regulations;

        the Sellers further represent, warrant and covenant:

        (a)   Between the date hereof and Closing, the Sellers shall not take 
              any action which will prevent or impede Buyer from obtaining at 
              the Closing the actual and immediate occupancy and possession 
              of the Stations and all of the Acquired Assets.

        (b)   On the Closing date, the Sellers will be the owner of the 
              Acquired Assets except such of the same replaced by 
              substantially similar property of no less than equivalent value 
              in the ordinary course of business, with good and marketable 
              title thereto, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, 
              except liens for current taxes and assessments not yet due and 
              payable or to secure obligations to be assumed by Buyer 
              hereunder pursuant to the Leases and Agreements; and that 
              between the date of this Agreement and the Closing, there will 
              be no more than the ordinary normal wear and tear and 
              expendability of the Acquired Assets, and that the Acquired 
              Assets will be in good working condition. 

        (c)   The Sellers do not know of any facts relating to them or the 
              Stations which would cause (i) the applications for assignment 
              of the Licenses to Buyer to be challenged, (ii) the Commission 
              to deny its consent to the assignments of the Stations' 
              Licenses to Buyer, or (iii) the Commission to grant such 
              applications for assignment subject to material adverse 
              conditions to Buyer.

          (d) The Sellers will have duly filed all tax returns required to be 
              filed by each of the Sellers on or before the Closing Date and 
              will have paid and discharged all taxes, assessments, excises, 
              levies, or other similar charges of every kind, character or 
              description imposed by any Governmental Authority, and any 
              interest, penalties or additions to tax imposed thereon or in 
              connection therewith (collectively, "Taxes") known to the 
              Sellers which are due and payable and have not been paid and 
              that would interfere with the Sellers' enjoyment of the 
              Acquired Assets.  There is no


              action, suit, proceeding, audit, investigation or claim pending 
              or, to the Sellers' best knowledge, threatened in respect of 
              any Taxes been proposed, asserted or threatened.

          (e) The Sellers shall (i) upon receiving notice or otherwise 
              becoming aware of any violation relating to the Licenses, any 
              violation by any of the Stations of any rules and regulations 
              of the FCC, or any material violations under any other 
              applicable laws and regulations, promptly notify Buyer and, at 
              Sellers' expense, use reasonable commercial efforts to cure all 
              such violations prior to the Closing Date, (ii) promptly notify 
              Buyer in writing if the Station ceases to broadcast at its 
              authorized power for more than 48 consecutive hours;  such 
              notice shall specify the reason or reasons for such cessation 
              and the corrective measures taken or to be taken by Sellers, 
              and (iii) promptly inform Buyer in writing of any material 
              variances from the representations and warranties contained in 
              this Article 3 that become known to the Sellers or any breach 
              of any agreement hereunder by Sellers.

 3.13. COPYRIGHTS, TRADEMARKS AND SIMILAR RIGHTS.  The call letters listed on 
       Schedule E are the call letters used by Sellers during the radio 
       broadcast operations of the Stations to identify each of the 
       respective Stations to its local audience.  Sellers have full right 
       and authority from the FCC to use such call letters except as may be 
       provided in the Leases and Agreements.  Sellers have not licensed or 
       consented to, and have no knowledge of, any other entity's or 
       individual's use of such call letters.  There is no other name, 
       trademark, service mark, copyright, or other trade, or service right 
       or mark currently being used in the business and operations of the 
       Stations other than those listed in Schedule E.  Sellers pay no 
       royalty to anyone for use of the General Intangibles and have the 
       right to bring action for the infringement thereof to the extent 
       permitted by applicable law.  Sellers represent that the operations of 
       the Stations do not infringe on any trademark, service mark, copyright 
       or other intellectual property or similar right owned by others.

3.14. EMPLOYEES.  Sellers shall be solely responsible for any and all 
       liabilities and obligations Sellers may have to the employees of the 
       Stations, including, without limitation, compensation, severance pay, 
       incentive bonuses, health expenses, and accrued vacation time, sick 
       leave and obligations under any of Sellers' employee benefit plans.  
       Sellers acknowledge that Buyer has no obligation hereunder to offer 
       employment to any employee of Sellers; however, Buyer shall have the 
       right to hire such of the employees of the Stations as Buyer may 
       select.  With respect to any employee that Buyer hires, Sellers 
       further acknowledge that Buyer shall have no obligation for, and shall 
       not assume as part of the transaction contemplated by this Agreement, 
       any compensation, incentive bonuses, health expenses, or "accrued 
       vacation" or other accrued leave time of said employees as a 
       consequence of their being hired by Buyer.  Sellers also acknowledge 
       that with respect to such employees as may be hired by Buyer, and 
       where any such compensation, incentive bonuses, health expenses, or 
       accrued leave time exists for said employees, Sellers will retain the 
       responsibility for any liability arising therefrom.  The consummation 
       of the transactions contemplated hereby will not cause Buyer to incur 
       or suffer any liability relating to, or obligation to pay, severance,


       termination, or other payments to any person or entity, or any 
       liability under any employee benefit plans of Sellers, including, 
       without limitation, any liability under the Internal Revenue Code of 
       1986, as amended, or the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 
       1974, as amended.  Sellers shall comply with the provisions of the 
       Worker Adjustment and Retraining and Notification Act and similar laws 
       and regulations, if applicable, and shall be solely responsible for 
       any and all liabilities, penalties, fines, or other sanctions that may 
       be assessed or otherwise due under such applicable laws and 
       regulations on account of the dismissal or termination of the 
       employees of the Stations by Sellers.

 3.15. LABOR RELATIONS.  Schedule I lists the names, dates of hire and 
       current annual salaries of all persons employed by the Sellers 
       directly and principally in connection with the operation of the 
       Stations.  None of the Sellers is a party to or subject to any 
       collective bargaining agreements with respect to any of the Stations.  
       Sellers have no written or oral contracts of employment with any 
       employee of the Stations, other than (i) oral employment agreements 
       terminable at will without penalty, or (ii) those listed in Schedule 
       D.  The Sellers, in the operations of the Stations, have substantially 
       complied with all applicable laws, rules and regulations relating to 
       the employment of labor, including those related to wages, hours, 
       collective bargaining, occupational safety, discrimination and the 
       payment of social security and other payroll related taxes.  To the 
       best of Sellers' knowledge, there is no representation or organizing 
       effort pending or threatened against or involving or affecting the 
       Sellers with respect to employees employed at any of the Stations.

 3.16. PRE-CLOSING COVENANTS.  Between the date hereof and the Closing, the 
       Sellers covenant that:

       3.16.1. FCC COMPLIANCE.  The Sellers shall continue to operate the 
               Stations in conformity with the terms of the Stations' 
               Licenses and in conformity in all material respects with all 
               applicable laws, regulations, rules and ordinances, including 
               but not limited to the rules and regulations of the FCC.  The 
               Sellers shall file all reports, applications and other filings 
               required by the FCC in a timely and accurate manner.  Sellers 
               will maintain the Licenses in full force and effect and take 
               any action necessary before the FCC to preserve such Licenses 
               in full force and effect without material adverse change.  
               Sellers will not take any action that would jeopardize the 
               License Subsidiaries' rightful possession of the Licenses, the 
               potential for assignment of the Licenses to Buyer, or the 
               unconditional renewal of the Licenses for full license terms.  
               Sellers shall continue to prosecute any pending applications 
               before the FCC in the ordinary course.

       3.16.2. CONDUCT OF BUSINESS.  The Sellers shall conduct the business 
               and technical operations of the Stations in the Ordinary 
               Course of Business and consistent with past practices, and 
               shall continue all practices, policies, procedures and 
               technical operations relating to the Stations in substantially 
               the same manner as heretofore.

       3.16.3. MAINTENANCE OF ASSETS.  The Sellers shall maintain all of the 
               Acquired Assets in a good condition and, with respect to the 
               Personal Property, shall maintain


               inventories of spare parts at levels consistent with the past 
               practices of the Sellers and the Stations.  The Sellers shall 
               not sell, convey, assign, transfer or encumber any of the 
               Acquired Assets, except for the retirement of tangible 
               Acquired Assets consistent with the normal and customary 
               practices of the Sellers and the Stations.

  3.17. NO MISLEADING STATEMENTS.  To Sellers' knowledge, no statement, 
        representation or warranty made by Sellers herein and no information 
        provided or to be provided by Sellers to Buyer pursuant to this 
        Agreement or the other Transaction Documents or in connection with 
        the negotiations covering the purchase and sale contemplated herein 
        contains or will contain any untrue statement of a material fact, or 
        omits or will omit a material fact.  There are no facts or 
        circumstances known to Sellers and not disclosed herein or in the 
        Schedules hereto that, either individually or in the aggregate, will 
        materially adversely affect after Closing the Acquired Assets or the 
        condition of the Stations.

  3.18. CONSENTS.  The Sellers shall use commercially reasonable efforts to 
        obtain any third party consents required to assign to Buyer all 
        Leases and Agreements.  If, on the Closing Date, Sellers have not 
        obtained any required consent for the assignment of any Lease and 
        Agreement (other than the material Leases and Consents referred to in 
        Section 8.4(d) hereof) to Buyer and the Closing occurs,  then after 
        the Closing Date, Sellers will continue to use commercially 
        reasonable efforts, and the Buyer will cooperate with Sellers, to 
        obtain any such consent and/or to remove any other impediments to the 
        assignment of any such Lease and Agreement.  From and after the 
        Closing, until the valid assignment of all such Leases and 
        Agreements, Sellers will take such lawful actions as are reasonably 
        necessary to assure that Buyer shall receive the benefits of, and 
        shall be obligated to perform the obligations of Sellers under, all 
        such Leases and Agreements after the Closing Date to the same extent 
        as if Buyer were a party thereunder (and Buyer agrees to cooperate 
        with Sellers in connection with any such actions and to enter into, 
        at the time of the Closing, any lawful arrangements in furtherance 
        thereof (but at no additional cost to Buyer other than such costs as 
        Buyer would incur as a party to such Leases and Agreements)).

  3.19. SUPPLEMENTAL DISCLOSURE.  From time to time prior to the Closing, the 
        Sellers will promptly supplement or amend the Schedules hereto with 
        respect to any matter hereafter arising which, if existing or 
        occurring at the date of the Agreement, would have been required to 
        be set forth or described in such Schedules.  No supplement or 
        amendment of any Schedule made pursuant to this section shall be 
        deemed to cure any breach of any representation or warranty made in 
        this Agreement unless Buyer specifically agrees thereto in writing.

   3.20 UNWIND AGREEMENTS.  In the event that a Closing occurs hereunder 
        prior to the receipt of a Final Order (as defined below), and upon 
        the receipt of an FCC order requiring Buyer to return the Acquired 
        Assets (including any Licenses issued by the FCC) to Sellers as a 
        result of Sellers' failure to comply with the Communications Act or 
        the rules and regulations of the FCC, Sellers agree that upon Sellers 
        receipt of the Acquired Assets (including any Licenses issued by the 
        FCC), Sellers shall return the Purchase Price to Buyer.  In such 
        event, Sellers and Buyer agree to cooperate to return the Acquired 
        Assets to Sellers, the Purchase 


        Price to Buyer and to otherwise place the parties in the same 
        positions as they were in immediately prior to the Closing and to 
        ensure that neither party has been otherwise economically damaged.  
        The term "Final Order" as used herein shall mean an FCC order or 
        action as to which the time for filing a request for administrative 
        or judicial review, or for instituting administrative review sua 
        sponte, shall have expired without any such filing having been made 
        or notice of such review having been issued; or in the event of such 
        filing or review sua sponte, as to which such filing or review shall 
        have been disposed of favorably to the grant and the time for seeking 
        further relief with respect thereto shall have expired without any 
        request for such further relief having been filed.

                                    ARTICLE 4

        The Buyer represents and warrants as follows, which representations 
and warranties shall be deemed to have been made again at Closing.

4.1.    Corporate Existence and Powers.  Buyer is a corporation organized and 
        existing in good standing under the laws of the State of Delaware 
        with full power and authority to enter into this Agreement and the 
        other Transaction Documents to which it is a party and enter into and 
        complete the transactions contemplated herein and therein; Buyer is, 
        or will be at the time of Closing, qualified to do business in the 
        States of New York, New Jersey, Texas and Arizona; all required 
        corporate action has been taken by Buyer to make and carry out this 
        Agreement and the other Transaction Documents to which it is a party 
        and the transactions contemplated herein and therein;  this Agreement 
        constitutes, and upon execution and delivery, each other Transaction 
        Document will constitute, valid and binding obligation of Buyer 
        enforceable in accordance with its terms; the execution of the 
        Agreement and the other Transaction Documents to which it is a party 
        and, once the consent referred to in the next clause of this sentence 
        is obtained, the completion of the transactions herein involved will 
        not result in the violation of any order, license, permit, rule, 
        judgment or decree to which Buyer is subject or the breach of any 
        contract, agreement or other commitment to which Buyer is a party or 
        by which it is bound or conflict with or violate any provision of 
        Buyer's certificate of incorporation, bylaws or other organizational 
        documents; and except for the consent of the Commission to the 
        assignment of the Licenses to Buyer and the consents identified by 
        the Sellers on Schedule B or D, to the Buyer's knowledge, no other 
        consent of any kind is required that has not been obtained for Buyer 
        to make or carry out the terms of this Agreement.

4.2.    BUYER'S QUALIFICATIONS.  At Closing, Buyer will be legally and 
        financially qualified to become the licensee of the Commission.  
        Buyer does not know of any facts relating to it which would cause the 
        Commission to deny its consents, or which would materially hinder or 
        delay receipt of such consents, to the assignments of the Licenses to 


                                    ARTICLE 5
                              BREACH OF AGREEMENTS,
                          REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES

        The Sellers shall jointly and severally indemnify and hold harmless 
        Buyer and every affiliate of Buyer and any of its or their directors, 
        members, stockholders, officers, partners, employees, agents, 
        consultants, representatives, transferees and assignees from and 
        against any loss, damage, liability, claim, demand, judgment or 
        expense, including claims of third parties arising out of ownership 
        of the Acquired Assets or the operation of the Stations by the 
        Sellers prior to Closing, and including without being limited to, 
        reasonable counsel fees and reasonable accounting fees, sustained by 
        Buyer by reason of, or arising out of or relating to, (i) any 
        material breach of any warranty, representation, covenant or 
        agreement of the Sellers contained herein or in any other 
        Transactional Document or in the Schedules attached hereto, (ii) any 
        error contained in any statement, report, certificate or other 
        instrument delivered to Buyer by Sellers pursuant to this Agreement, 
        (iii) any failure by Sellers to pay or discharge any liability 
        relating to the Stations that is not expressly assumed by Buyer 
        hereunder, (iv) any facts or circumstances described in Schedule G, 
        or (v) the failure to comply with any applicable bulk sales or tax 
        notice statutes; provided, however, that such indemnification shall 
        be required only if written notice, with respect to any matter for 
        which indemnification is claimed, is given.  

        shall indemnify and hold harmless the Sellers and every affiliate of 
        Sellers and any of  their directors, members, stockholders, officers, 
        partners, employees, agents, consultants, representatives, 
        transferees and assignees from and against any loss, damage, 
        liability, claim, demand, judgment or expense, including claims of 
        third parties arising out of ownership of the Acquired Assets or 
        operation of the Stations by Buyer after Closing, and including 
        without being limited to, reasonable counsel fees and reasonable 
        accounting fees, sustained by the Sellers by reason of, or arising 
        out of or relating to, any material breach of any warranty, 
        representation, covenant or agreement of Buyer contained herein or 
        any other Transaction Document; provided, however, that such 
        indemnification shall be required only if written notice, with 
        respect to any matter for which indemnification is claimed, is given.

5.3.    THRESHOLD.  Neither Buyer nor Seller shall be liable to the other for 
        indemnification until the aggregate of all indemnification claims of 
        the party seeking indemnification exceeds $25,000.00, but after such 
        threshold is exceeded, the applicable party shall be entitled to 
        indemnification for all claims.

5.4.    SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE.  Sellers acknowledge that the Acquired Assets 
        to be transferred and assigned under this Agreement are unique and 
        not readily bought or sold on the open market and, for that reason, 
        among others, Buyer would be irreparably harmed by any breach or 
        failure of the other party to consummate this Agreement, and monetary 
        damages therefor will be highly difficult, if not wholly impossible, 
        to ascertain.  It is therefore agreed that this


        Agreement shall be enforceable by Buyer in a court of equity by a 
        decree of specific performance, and an injunction may be issued 
        restraining any transfer or assignment of the Acquired Assets 
        contrary to the provisions of this Agreement pending the 
        determination of such controversy.  Sellers, for themselves and their 
        successors and assigns, hereby waive the claim or defense that an 
        adequate remedy at law exists.  In the event of a suit by Buyer to 
        obtain specific performance, and if Buyer shall prevail in such 
        action, Buyer shall be entitled to reimbursement by Sellers of all 
        reasonable attorneys' fees and other out-of-pocket expenses incurred 
        by Buyer with respect thereto.

5.5.    PROCEDURES: THIRD PARTY CLAIMS.  The indemnified party agrees to give 
        written notice within a reasonable time to the indemnifying party of 
        any claim or other assertion of liability by third parties which 
        could give rise to a claim for indemnification hereunder (hereinafter 
        collectively "Claims," and individually a "Claim"), it being 
        understood that the failure to give such notice shall not affect the 
        indemnified party's obligation to indemnify as set forth in this 
        Agreement, unless, and then only to the extent, the indemnifying 
        party's ability to contest, defend or settle with respect to such 
        Claim is thereby demonstrably and materially prejudiced.  The 
        obligations and liabilities of the parties hereto with respect to 
        their respective indemnities pursuant to this Article 5 resulting 
        from any Claim, shall be subject to the following additional terms 
        and conditions:

                (a)  Provided the indemnifying party acknowledges in writing 
        its obligation to indemnify the indemnified party with respect to the 
        Claim and further satisfies the indemnified party as to its financial 
        ability to satisfy such indemnification obligation, the indemnifying 
        party shall have the right to undertake, by counsel or other 
        representatives of its own choosing, the defense or opposition to 
        such Claim.  

                (b)  In the event that the indemnifying party shall either 
        (i) elect not to undertake, or shall fail to satisfy any requirements 
        to undertake, such defense or opposition, or (ii) fail to properly 
        elect within thirty (30) days after notice of any such Claim from the 
        indemnified party or thereafter fail to defend or oppose such Claim, 
        then, in either such event, the indemnified party  shall have the 
        right to undertake the defense, opposition, compromise or settlement 
        of such Claim, by counsel or other representatives of its own 
        choosing, on behalf of and for the account and risk of the 
        indemnifying party.

                (c)  Anything in this Section 5.5 to the contrary 
        notwithstanding, (i) the indemnifying party shall not, without the 
        indemnified party's written consent, settle or compromise any Claim 
        or consent to entry of any judgment which includes any admission of 
        liability or does not include as a term thereof the giving by the 
        claimant or the plaintiff to the indemnified party of an 
        unconditional release from all liability in respect of such Claim, 
        and (ii) in the event that the indemnifying party undertakes defense 
        of or opposition to any Claim, the indemnified party, by counsel or 
        other representative of its own choosing and at its sole cost and 
        expense, shall have the right to consult with the indemnifying party 
        and its counsel or other representatives concerning such Claim and 
        the indemnifying party


        and the indemnified party and their respective counsel or other 
        representatives shall cooperate in good faith with respect to such 

                (d)  The indemnifying party hereby agrees to pay the amount 
        of any established Claim within fifteen (15) days after the 
        establishment thereof.  The amount of established Claims shall be 
        paid in cash.  Any amounts for such Claims not paid when due under 
        this Article shall bear interest at a rate equal to 15% per annum 
        until paid.

5.6.    Sellers covenant that, upon the initiation by CBC of any bankruptcy, 
        insolvency, reorganization, arrangement, readjustment of debt, 
        dissolution, liquidation, or similar proceeding relating to it under 
        any jurisdiction (a "Liquidation Announcement"), Sellers shall enter 
        into an escrow agreement with Buyer and a mutually agreeable esrow 
        agent (the "Indemnity Escrow Agreement").  Sellers further covenant 
        that, in the event an Indemnity Escrow Agreement is executed by the 
        parties, the balance of the escrow fund contemplated by the Indemnity 
        Escrow Agreement shall be One Million and no/100 Dollars 
        ($1,000,000.00) during the first twelve months following the 
        execution of this Agreement and Five Hundred Thousand and no/100 
        Dollars ($500,000.00) during the second twelve months following the 
        execution of this Agreement regardless of the date on which a 
        Liquidation Announcement is made and that such balance shall be 
        applied to payment of any indemnification obligations owed by Sellers 
        to Buyer under this Article V.

                                    ARTICLE 6
                            RISK OF LOSS; TERMINATION

6.1.    BUYER'S OPTIONS.  The risk of any loss, damage or destruction to any 
        of the Acquired Assets to be transferred to the Buyer hereunder from 
        fire or other casualty or loss shall be borne by the Sellers at all 
        times prior to the Closing. Upon the occurrence of any material loss 
        or damage to any of the Acquired Assets to be transferred hereunder 
        as a result of fire, casualty, or other causes prior to the Closing, 
        the Sellers shall notify the Buyer of same in writing immediately, 
        stating with particularity the reasonable estimates of the loss or 
        damage incurred, the cause of damage, if known, and the extent to 
        which restoration, replacement and repair of the Acquired Assets lost 
        or destroyed is believed reimbursable under any insurance policy with 
        respect thereto.  Provided the Sellers, at their sole expense, have 
        not repaired, restored or replaced the damaged Acquired Assets to 
        Buyer's reasonable satisfaction by the Closing, and if the Buyer is 
        not then in default of this Agreement, Buyer shall have the option 
        (but not the obligation) exercisable at the Closing to:

        (i)     terminate this Agreement in which case none of the parties 
                shall have any further liability to the other parties and all 
                Escrow Funds shall be returned to Buyer, except that the 
                Sellers shall have a reasonable period of time, not to exceed 
                one hundred (100) days, to effect repairs of the damaged 
                Acquired Assets before Buyer may exercise its option under 
                this subparagraph 6.1 (i);


        (ii)    postpone the Closing for up to one hundred eighty (180) days 
                as necessary to allow the property to be completely repaired, 
                replaced or restored, at the Sellers' sole expense, in which 
                event the Sellers shall use their best efforts to complete 
                such repairs; or

        (iii)   elect to consummate the Closing and accept the property in 
                its "then" condition, in which event the Sellers shall assign 
                to Buyer all rights under any insurance claim covering the 
                loss and pay over to the Buyer the proceeds under any such 
                insurance policy previously received by the Sellers with 
                respect thereto and provided that Buyer's election to proceed 
                with the Closing under this Section 6.1(iii) shall not 
                relieve Sellers of any of the indemnification obligations 
                under Article 5 hereof with respect to damaged Acquired 
                Assets or in any other respect.

6.2.    TERMINATION BY EITHER PARTY.  This Agreement may be terminated prior 
        to Closing as follows:

                (a)  by mutual agreement of Buyer and Sellers at any time;

                (b)  by Buyer, if not otherwise in material default or breach 
        of this Agreement, by written notice to Sellers if any of the 
        conditions specified in Section 8.4 is not satisfied in all material 
        respects at the time for Commission consent as provided in Section 
        7.4 hereof or if satisfaction of any such condition is or becomes 
        impossible, provided that in the event of a breach by any Seller of 
        any covenant or agreement contained herein, Buyer shall first give 
        Sellers written notice thereof, and if Sellers shall have undertaken 
        to cure such breach within fifteen (15) days, they shall have a total 
        of thirty (30) days to cure such breach, or if Buyer terminates the 
        LMA upon an Event of Default (as defined therein) by Seller or in 
        accordance with Section 6.1;

                (c)  by Sellers, if not otherwise in material default or 
        breach of this Agreement, by written notice to Buyer if any of the 
        conditions specified in Section 8.5 is not satisfied in all material 
        respects at the time for Commission consent as provided in Section 
        7.4 hereof or if satisfaction of any such condition is or becomes 
        impossible, provided that in the event of a breach by Buyer of any 
        covenant or agreement contained herein, Sellers shall first give 
        Buyer written notice thereof, and if Buyer shall have undertaken to 
        cure such breach within fifteen (15) days, it shall have a total of 
        thirty (30) days to cure such breach, or if Seller terminates the LMA 
        upon an Event of Default (as defined therein) by Buyer; or

6.3.    EFFECT OF TERMINATION.  In the event this Agreement is terminated as 
        provided in Section 6.2, this Agreement shall be deemed null, void 
        and of no further force or effect, and the parties hereto shall be 
        released from all future obligations hereunder with respect to the 
        Stations;  provided that the obligations of Buyer and Sellers in 
        Sections 2.2.1, 3.9.5, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.5, 6.3, 7.2, 9.3, and 9.10 
        shall survive such termination, and provided further that the 
        termination of this Agreement shall not relieve any party for 
        liability for any material breach of this Agreement, and provided 
        further that, if this Agreement is terminated pursuant to


        Section 6.2(c) due to material breach or default by the Buyer of this 
        Agreement, and the Sellers are not then in material breach or default 
        of this Agreement, the Sellers shall be paid the Damages Escrow Funds 
        in accordance with and subject to the terms of Section 1.2 of the 
        escrow agreement attached as Exhibit 1-B hereto and this Section 
        6.2(c), together with any interest earned thereon, as liquidated 
        damages, it being agreed that such payment shall constitute full 
        payment for any and all damages suffered by Sellers by reason thereof 
        and that Sellers shall have no rights to or claims for damages from 
        Buyer.  Sellers acknowledge and expressly agree that their right to 
        receive the Damages Escrow Funds as liquidated damages shall be 
        Sellers' sole and exclusive remedy (for damages or otherwise) under 
        this Agreement in the event that it is terminated pursuant to Section 
        6.2(c) hereof, or in the event that the Closing does not occur due to 
        a material breach or default by the Buyer of this Agreement 
        (occurring when the Sellers are not in material breach or default of 
        this Agreement) except that Sellers shall be entitled to recover its 
        costs and legal fees incurred in any successful effort to collect the 
        Damages Escrow Funds.  Notwithstanding any other provision of this 
        Agreement, Sellers and Buyer acknowledge and expressly agree that (i) 
        until the satisfaction of all the conditions to Buyer's obligations 
        to close under this Agreement and actual occurrence of the Closing.  
        Sellers shall neither have nor be deemed to have any legal or 
        equitable right, title or interest in the Purchase Price Escrow Funds 
        or right to delivery thereof, (ii) Buyer shall retain all legal and 
        equitable rights, title and interest in and to the Purchase Price 
        Escrow Funds as the exclusive property of Buyer pending actual 
        occurrence of the Closing and (iii) in any event, if this Agreement 
        is earlier terminated for any reason, the Buyer shall be entitled to 
        immediate return and delivery of the Purchase Price Escrow Funds free 
        and clear of all claims of Sellers.  Sellers and Buyer further 
        acknowledge and agree that (i) Sellers shall neither have nor be 
        deemed to have any legal or equitable right, title or interest in or 
        to the Damages Escrow Funds or right to delivery thereof until either 
        (x) a court of competent jurisdiction determines and finds by final 
        order (that is not subject to appeal, review or rehearing, and as to 
        which no appeal or petition for review or rehearing was filed or, if 
        filed, remains pending) that the Closing did not occur as the 
        proximate result of a material breach or default by Buyer of this 
        Agreement (occurring when Sellers were not in material breach or 
        default of the Agreement) or (y) all the conditions to Buyer's 
        obligations to close under this Agreement are satisfied and the 
        Closing actually occurs; (ii) Buyer shall retain all legal and 
        equitable rights, title and interests in and to the Damages Escrow 
        Funds as the exclusive property of Buyer unless Sellers' rights to 
        delivery of the Damages Escrow Funds mature in accordance with the 
        preceding "(i)" of this sentence; and (iii) in the event that this 
        Agreement is earlier terminated (except pursuant to Section 6.2(c) 
        due to a material breach or default by the Buyer of this Agreement, 
        and the Sellers are not then in material breach or default of this 
        Agreement), Buyer shall be entitled to immediate return and delivery 
        of the Damages Escrow Funds free and clear of all claims of Sellers.


                                   ARTICLE 7

        shall, not later than five (5) days after the Effective Time, join in 
        applications to be filed with the Commission requesting its written 
        consents to the assignments of the Licenses of the Stations from the 
        License Subsidiaries to Buyer (or such other entity under common 
        control with Buyer as Buyer may designate).  The parties shall 
        prepare their own portions of the applications.  Buyer and the 
        Sellers shall take all steps necessary to the expeditious prosecution 
        of such applications to a favorable conclusion, using their 
        reasonable best efforts throughout.

7.2.    EXPENSES.  The parties shall bear their own legal, accounting and 
        other expenses in connection with the consummation of the 
        contemplated transaction.  The parties shall cooperate with the 
        preparation of the Commission applications and in connection with the 
        prosecution of such applications.  The filing fees shall be shared 
        equally between the Sellers on the one hand and the Buyer on the 

7.3.    DESIGNATION FOR HEARING.  If, for any reason, any application for an 
        assignment of any of the Licenses is designated for hearing by the 
        Commission prior to grant thereof, the Buyer shall have the right by 
        written notice within thirty (30) days of such designation for 
        hearing, to exclude from the Acquired Assets those assets associated 
        with the operation of the Station affected, and the Purchase Price 
        payable hereunder shall be reduced by an amount equal to the Station 
        Aggregate Value of the affected Station.

7.4.    TIME FOR COMMISSION CONSENT.  Subject to the provisions of Section 
        7.3 above, if the Commission has not given its written consents to 
        the assignments of the Licenses set forth herein within five (5) 
        months from the date of acceptance for filing of the applications for 
        such assignments, any of the parties, if not then in default, may 
        terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to the other 
        parties.  Upon such termination, if not otherwise in material breach 
        or default of this Agreement, none of the parties shall have any 
        right or liability hereunder and all Escrow Funds shall be returned 
        to Buyer promptly.

7.5.    CONTROL OF STATIONS.  Until Closing, Buyer shall not directly or 
        indirectly, control, supervise, direct or attempt to control, 
        supervise or direct the operations of the Stations, but such 
        operations shall be the sole responsibility of the Sellers, subject 
        to and consistent with all rules, regulations and policies of the 
        FCC.  On and after the Closing Date, the Sellers shall not directly 
        or indirectly, control, supervise, direct or attempt to control, 
        supervise or direct the operations of the Stations.

7.6.    SHARING INFORMATION.  Each party hereto shall as promptly as 
        possible, and in any event within five (5) business days, inform the 
        other of any material communications between such party and the FCC 
        or any other Governmental Authority regarding this Agreement or the 
        transactions contemplated hereby.  If any party receives a request 
        for additional information or documentary material from any such 
        Governmental Authority, then such party shall


        endeavor in good faith to make, or cause to be made, as promptly as 
        practicable and after consultation with the other party, an 
        appropriate response to such request.

7.7     HSR APPLICATION.  Within five (5) days of the Effective Time, the 
        parties shall complete any filing that may be required pursuant to 
        HSR (the "HSR Filing").  Sellers and Buyer shall diligently take, or 
        fully cooperate in the taking of, all necessary and proper steps, and 
        provide any additional information reasonably requested in order to 
        comply with the requirements of HSR.  Buyer and Sellers shall each 
        pay half of any necessary HSR filing fees, and each party shall be 
        responsible for its own counsel fees.

                                    ARTICLE 8

        Subject to the terms and conditions herein stated, the parties agree 
        as follows:

8.1.    CLOSING DATE.  The Closing of the transactions contemplated under 
        this Agreement shall be held at such time and date as shall be 
        mutually agreed by the Sellers and Buyer; provided, however, that in 
        any event Buyer must close no later than five business (5) days after 
        the Commission grants its consent to the assignments of the Licenses 
        and all other conditions to Closing shall have been satisfied in all 
        material respects on or before the Closing Date.  (The date 
        scheduled, or required to be scheduled for Closing hereunder is 
        referred to herein as the "Closing Date.")  Unless otherwise agreed 
        by the parties in writing, the Closing shall take place at Buyer's 
        counsel's offices in Washington, D.C.

8.2.    THE SELLERS' OBLIGATIONS AT CLOSING.  At Closing, the Sellers shall 
        deliver to Buyer the following:

        (a) An Assignment of the Licenses described in Schedule A, Warranty 
            Deeds as to the Owned Real Property and described on Schedule B 
            and an Assignment and Bill of Sale, or similar instruments, 
            including third party consents to all "material" Leases and 
            Agreements, transferring to Buyer all other Acquired Assets to be 
            transferred hereunder, free and clear of all liens, encumbrances 
            and restrictions of any kind whatsoever, except as expressly 
            provided for in this Agreement or in the Leases and Agreements;

        (b) The business records described in Section 1.7;

        (c) An opinion of the Sellers' counsel, addressed to Buyer, 
            confirming the correctness of the Sellers' representations made 
            in Sections 3.1 and 3.2;

        (d) A certificate of CBC's CEO verifying that the Sellers' 
            representations, warranties and covenants as provided herein 
            remain materially true and correct up to and through the Closing 


        (e) Certificates of Sellers' Secretary certifying as to Sellers' 
            Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, and Board of Directors 
            approvals (all of which shall be attached thereto); 

        (f) UCC reports dated not more than thirty (30) days prior to the 
            Closing Date of the appropriate filing officers in the 
            jurisdictions specified in Schedule J evidencing no judgments, 
            financing statements, or liens on file with respect to the 
            Acquired Assets, and, if such report evidences that judgments, 
            financing statements, or liens are on file with respect to any of 
            the Acquired Assets, a termination statement or other appropriate 
            document signed by the secured party or lienholder evidencing the 
            release or termination of such financing statement or such lien 
            or a pay-off letter from such secured party or lienholder 
            indicating that such party or lienholder will provide such 
            release or termination statement upon receipt of payment from the 
            proceeds of the sale contemplated herein;

        (g) Good and valid ALTA title insurance commitments dated as of the 
            Closing Date insuring the Sellers' title as fee owner in each 
            parcel of Owned Real Property;  in each instance, the title shall 
            be insured by means of the preferred policy used in the location 
            where such real estate exists, and each such policy, as to the 
            insurer, the insured, the dollar limit and amount of coverage and 
            the exceptions and conditions thereof shall be, in all respects, 
            in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Buyer;

        (h) Internal Revenue Service Form 8594 completed by the Sellers in 
            connection with the acquisition of the Acquired Assets by the 

        (i) A check or checks, or other evidence of payment acceptable to 
            Buyer, with respect to the expenses payable by Sellers, if any, 
            on the Closing Date in accordance with the Agreement;

        (j) Such other documents and instruments as might reasonably be 
            requested by Buyer to consummate the transaction contemplated 
            hereunder consistent with the intent expressed herein; and

        (k) Escrow instructions releasing the Damages Escrow Funds to Buyer.

        (l) The Non-Competition Agreement executed by Dahl.

8.3.    BUYER'S OBLIGATIONS AT CLOSING.  At Closing, Buyer shall deliver to CBC
        the following:

        (a) The Purchase Price in the manner set forth in Section 2.2;

        (b) An Agreement to assume the obligations of Sellers under the 
            Leases and Agreements with respect to periods of time from and 
            after Closing;


        (c) An opinion of Buyer's counsel, addressed to the Sellers, 
            confirming the correctness of certain of the Buyer's 
            representations made in Section 4.1;

        (d) Internal Revenue Service Form 8594 completed by the Buyer in 
            connection with the acquisition of the Acquired Assets from the 

        (e) A check or checks, or other evidence of payment acceptable to 
            Sellers, with respect to the expenses payable by Buyer, if any, 
            on the Closing Date in accordance with the Agreement; and

        (f) Such other documents and instruments as might reasonably be 
            requested by Sellers to consummate the transactions contemplated 
            hereunder consistent with the intent expressed herein.

8.4.    CONDITIONS TO OBLIGATIONS OF BUYER.  The obligations of Buyer to 
        consummate the transaction herein contemplated at Closing are subject
        to and conditioned upon:

        (a) The written consents of the Commission to the assignments of the 
            Licenses to Buyer subject to the provisions of Section 7.3 above, 
            provided that any such approvals are without any condition that 
            is materially adverse to Buyer;

        (b) The satisfaction at or before Closing in all material respects of 
            all agreements, obligations and conditions of the Sellers 
            hereunder required to be performed or complied with by them on or 
            before Closing;

        (c) The material accuracy of the representations and warranties made 
            by the Sellers; 

        (d) Written third party consents to all material Leases and 
            Agreements where required by the terms of the Lease or Agreement 
            or substitution by Sellers of substantially equivalent rights 
            without materially adverse impact upon Buyer's enjoyment of the 
            Acquired Assets;

        (e) There shall not be in effect any judgment, order, injunction or 
            decree of any court of competent jurisdiction enjoining the 
            consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby; 

        (f) The LMA shall have become effective in accordance with the terms 
            and conditions thereof and, from and after the date the LMA first 
            becomes effective through and including the Closing Date, the LMA 
            shall have not been terminated due to the Sellers' breach 
            thereof; and 

        (g) Receipt of approval to the HSR Filing.


8.5.    CONDITIONS TO OBLIGATIONS OF THE SELLERS.  The obligations of the 
        Sellers to consummate the transaction herein contemplated at Closing
        are subject to and conditioned upon:

        (a) Subject to the provisions of Section 7.3 above, the written 
            consents of the Commission evidencing its Final Approvals to the 
            assignments of the Licenses to Buyer, provided that any such 
            approval is without any conditions that are materially adverse to 
            the Sellers;

        (b) The satisfaction at or before Closing in all material respects of 
            all agreements, obligations and conditions of Buyer hereunder 
            required to be performed or complied with by it at or before the 

        (c) The material accuracy of the representations and warranties made 
            by Buyer;

        (d) There shall not be in effect any judgment, order, injunction or 
            decree of any court of competent jurisdiction enjoining the 
            consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby; 

        (e) The LMA shall have become effective in accordance with the terms 
            and conditions thereof and, from and after the date the LMA first 
            becomes effective through and including the Closing Date, the LMA 
            shall have not been terminated due to the Buyer's breach thereof; 

        (f) The termination of the CRN Agreement; and.

        (g) Receipt of approval to the HSR Filing.

                                    ARTICLE 9
                            MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS

        representations, warranties and covenants of Sellers contained in 
        this Agreement shall survive for a period of twenty-four (24) months 
        after the Closing Date.

9.2.    EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS.  The parties agree to execute all 
        applications, documents and instruments which may be necessary for 
        the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereunder, or which 
        might be from time to time reasonably requested by any party hereto 
        in connection therewith, whether before or after the date of Closing.

9.3.    NOTICES.  All notices, requests, elections, demands and other 
        communications given pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing 
        and shall be duly given when delivered personally or by facsimile 
        transmission (upon receipt of confirmation) or when deposited in the 


        certified or registered mail, postage prepaid, return receipt 
        requested, and shall be addressed as follows:

        If to the Sellers
        (or any of them):   Children's Broadcasting Corporation
                            724 First Street North, Fourth Floor
                            Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401
                            Attention:  Mr. Christopher T. Dahl
                            Facsimile Number:  (612) 338-4318

        with copy to:       Children's Broadcasting Corporation
                            724 First Street North, Fourth Floor
                            Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401
                            Attention:  Lance W. Riley, Esq.
                            Facsimile Number:  (612) 330-9558

        If to Buyer:        Radio Unica Corp.
                            8400 N.W. 52nd Street, Suite 101
                            Miami, Florida 33166
                            Attention: Mr. Joaquin F. Blaya
                            Facsimile  Number (305) 463-5001

        with copy to:       Mr. Andrew Goldman
                            4 Miller Circle
                            Armonk, NY 10504
                            Facsimile Number (914) 273-0885

        and to:             Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
                            1440 New York Avenue, N.W.
                            Washington, D.C. 20005
                            Attention: John C. Quale, Esq.
                            Facsimile Number:  (202) 371-7475

9.4.    EXHIBITS AND SCHEDULES.  All Exhibits and Schedules referred to 
        herein are incorporated into this Agreement by reference for all 
        purposes and shall be deemed part of this Agreement.

9.5.    ENTIRE AGREEMENT.  This Agreement together with all Exhibits and 
        Schedules referred to herein, and the LMA contain all of the terms 
        and conditions agreed upon by the parties hereto with respect to the 
        transactions contemplated hereunder.  No modification or amendment to 
        any provision in this Agreement shall be effective unless made in 
        writing and signed by the parties hereto.


9.6.    ASSIGNABILITY.  None of the parties may assign their rights or 
        obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of 
        the other parties, except that the Buyer may make an assignment to an 
        entity under essentially common control as the assigning entity.

9.7.    BINDING EFFECT.  This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to 
        the benefit of the representatives, heirs, estates, successors, and 
        assigns of the parties hereto.

9.8.    HEADING.  The headings contained in this Agreement are for reference 
        only and shall not effect in any way the meaning or interpretation of 
        this Agreement.

9.9.    COUNTERPARTS.  This Agreement and any other instrument to be signed 
        by the parties hereto may be executed by the parties, together or 
        separately, in two or more identical counterparts, each of which 
        shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall 
        constitute but one and the same instrument.

9.10.   GOVERNING LAW; ARBITRATION.  This Agreement shall be governed by and 
        construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware.  Any 
        dispute arising under or related to this Agreement shall be resolved 
        by binding arbitration in Wilmington, Delaware in accordance with the 
        then existing Rules of Practice and Procedure of Judicial Arbitration 
        & Mediation Services, Inc., and any judgment upon any award rendered 
        by the arbitrator(s) may be entered by any State or Federal court 
        having jurisdiction thereof.  The prevailing party shall be awarded 
        all of its legal fees, disbursements and costs of arbitration.

9.11.   BROKER COMMISSION.  The Sellers and Buyer each represent to the other 
        that they have not engaged a broker in connection with the 
        contemplated transaction, except that CBC has engaged Star Media 
        Group, Inc., and Buyer has engaged Ted Hepburn Company and each party 
        agrees to pay the respective commissions owed under such engagements 
        and agrees to indemnify and hold the other party or parties harmless 
        against any claims made by a broker through it or them in connection 
        with the transactions contemplated hereunder.

9.12.   SALES TAX.  Any sales tax, including bulk sales taxes (if 
        applicable), due upon consummation of this transaction will be 
        computed at Closing and paid by the Seller and any claims or 
        proceedings arising therefrom shall be the sole responsibility of 
        Sellers.  Sellers agree to indemnify and hold Buyer harmless against 
        any such claims in connection with the transactions contemplated 

9.13.   PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS.  Sellers and Buyer shall consult with each 
        other before making any public statements with respect to this 
        Agreement, the other Transaction Documents or the transactions 
        contemplated herein or therein and shall not issue any such press 
        release or make any such public statement without the prior written 
        consent of the other party, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, 
        conditioned or delayed;  provided, however, that a party may, without 
        the prior consultation with or written consent of the other party, 
        issue such press release or make such public statement as may be 
        required by applicable law if it has


        used all reasonable efforts to consult with the other party and to 
        obtain such party's consent but has been unable to do so in a timely 

9.14.   MAIL.  Sellers hereby authorize and empower Buyer from and after the 
        Closing Date (a) to receive and open mail addressed to the Stations 
        and (b) to deal with the contents thereof in any manner Buyer sees 
        fit, provided such mail and the contents thereof relate to the 
        Stations or the Acquired Assets.  Sellers agree to deliver to Buyer 
        any mail, checks or other documents received by them pertaining to 
        the Stations or the Acquired Assets.  Buyer agrees to deliver to 
        Sellers any mail which it receives to which it is not entitled by 
        reason of this Agreement or otherwise and to which Sellers is 

9.15.   CLAUSES SEVERABLE.  The provisions of this Agreement are severable.  
        If any provision of this Agreement or the application thereof to any 
        person or circumstance is held invalid, the provision or its 
        application shall be modified to the extent possible to reflect the 
        expressed intent of the parties but in any event, invalidity shall 
        not affect other provisions or applications of this Agreement which 
        can be given effect without the invalid provision or application.



        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto, by their properly authorized 
representatives, have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the day and 
date first above written.


By:  /s/ James G. Gilbertson            By:  /s/ Joaquin F. Blaya 
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Its:  COO                               Its:  Chairman & CEO 
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By:  /s/ James G. Gilbertson            By: /s/ James G. Gilbertson 
     -----------------------------          -------------------------------
Its:  COO                               Its:  COO 
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By:  /s/ James G. Gilbertson            By: /s/ James G. Gilbertson 
     -----------------------------          -------------------------------
Its:  COO                               Its:  COO 
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By:  /s/ James G. Gilbertson           By:  /s/ James G. Gilbertson 
     -----------------------------          -------------------------------
Its:  COO                              Its:  COO 
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