Exhibit 10.6

                       1997 Incentive Program Measurables


                  1997 Income  =   $13,693     =       1.304
                  -----------      -------
               1997 Objective  =   $10,500

                     1997 ROI  =   163.73%     =       1.408
                     --------      -------
               1997 Objective  =   116.25%

     Group Performance Factor  =   .667 x INC  +  .333 x ROI
                               =   1.339


                  1997 Income  =   $10,721     =       1.105
                  -----------      -------
               1997 Objective  =   $9,700

                     1997 ROI  =   114.87%     =       1.457
                     --------      -------
               1997 Objective  =   78.85%

     Group Performance Factor  =   .667 x INC  +  .333 x ROI
                               =   1.222


                  1997 Income  =   $23,713     =       1.226
                  -----------      -------
               1997 Objective  =   $19,338

                     1997 ROI  =   135.15%     =       1.402
                     --------      -------
               1997 Objective  =   96.42%

     Group Performance Factor  =   .667 x INC  +  .333 x ROI
                               =   1.285

                1997 Senior Staff Incentive Award Recommendations

                       `97 Base   Incentive   Target Award   Corporate   Group     Indiv.     Incentive     `97 Total
Name                    Salary     Target                      Factor    Factor    Factor       Award         Comp.
Saugstad, V.*           $80,000      15%         $12,000        1.50      1.22      0.95        $7,000        $87,000
Skulina, J.             $78,500      15%         $11,775        1.35      1.34      1.10       $23,500       $102,000
DiFranco, R.            $71,660      15%         $10,750        1.35      1.34      1.10       $21,400        $93,060
Henderson, R.          $109,000      20%         $21,800        1.50      1.22      1.15       $45,900       $154,900
Laubenthal, R.          $90,000      20%         $18,000        1.35      1.34      1.15       $37,500       $127,500
Smith, M.*              $80,000      10%          $8,000         -          -         -         $4,000        $84,000
Tomerlin, R.*           $85,000      10%          $8,500         -          -         -         $5,000        $90,000
Iversen, B.             $80,000      20%         $16,000        1.50      1.22      0.95       $27,800       $107,800
Rodriguez, A.           $90,000      20%         $18,000        1.35      1.34      1.15       $37,500       $127,500
Burger, C.              $60,780      15%          $9,117        1.35      1.01      1.05       $13,100        $73,880
Gambino, V.*            $48,000      10%          $4,800         -          -         -         $3,600        $51,600
Hussell, S.             $53,688      15%          $8,053        1.35      1.08      1.05       $12,400        $66,088
Kleinberger, R.         $72,700      15%         $10,905        1.50      1.33      0.50       $10,900        $83,600
Long, D.*               $53,796      10%          $5,380         -          -         -         $2,700        $56,496
Riley, J.               $58,000      15%          $8,700        1.35      1.45      1.05       $17,900        $75,900
Stinson, D.             $73,800      15%         $11,070        1.50      0.967     1.05       $16,900        $90,700

Total                $1,184,924                 $182,850                                      $287,100     $1,472,024

* Part year in position or discretionary modification of awards.

                      1997 - Field Sales Commission Program

                `97 Base     Target    Corp.    Group   Individual     Comm.       `97 Total
Name             Salary      Award    Factor   Factor     Factor       Award     Compensation
Dratwa, D.       $67,000     $10,050   1.35     1.66      1.00        $22,500       $89,500
Flynn, B.        $66,600      $9,990   1.35     1.015     1.00        $13,700       $80,300
Norwood, J.      $66,200      $9,930   1.35     1.393     0.70        $13,100       $79,300
Piwetz, W.       $67,600     $10,140   1.35     1.10      0.80        $12,000       $79,600
Total           $267,400     $40,110                                  $61,300      $328,700

                  Corporate Staff Compensation Recommendations


            Name             Base Salary        Award
            ----             -----------        -----
W. Nicholas Howley             $175,000       $125,000
John D. Peterson, Sr.          $168,000        $80,000
Peter B. Radekevich            $108,000        $40,000


            Name              New Base         Percent           Date
            ----              --------         -------           ----
W. Nicholas Howley            $185,000           5.7%           1/1/98
John D. Peterson, Sr.         $175,000           4.2%           1/1/98
Peter B. Radekevich           $113,000           4.6%           1/1/98
Eileen M. Fallon               $50,000          11.1%           1/1/98

                   1998 TransDigm Incentive Program - Summary

o     Annual program based on business plan parameters

o     Target awards are a percentage of base salary and vary depending on
      position and responsibilities

o     Target awards are multiplied by a three factor formula

            Actual Incentive Award  =      Target Award
                                    x      Corporate Performance Factor
                                    x      Group Performance Factor
                                    x      Individual Performance Factor

o     Corporate Performance Factor is set at the discretion of the Board of
      Directors, based on the performance of TransDigm.

o     Group Performance Factor is defined by the following measurables:

                   Earnings Factor  =      Actual Earnings/Plan
                 Investment Factor  =      Actual ROI/Plan
                   Bookings Factor  =      Actual Bookings/Plan

      The 1998 Program is based on the following earnings and investment

                          Earnings  =      Group Operating Income

                             Group         Business Plan Earnings
                             -----         ----------------------
                       AdelWiggins  =         $14.261 Million
                     AeroControlex  =         $18.840 Million
                          Marathon  =         $6.005 Million
                         TransDigm  =         $36.369 Million

                               ROI  =      Earnings/Average Group Investment

                             Group         Business Plan ROI
                             -----         -----------------
                      Adel Wiggins  =            137.6%
                     AeroControlex  =            159.3%
                          Marathon  =             45.9%
                         TransDigm  =            110.9%

    For Corporate and Group Staff:

    Group Performance Factor        =      .67 x Earnings Factor +
                                           .33 x Investment Factor

    For Product Managers and Sales Specialists:

    Group Performance Factor        =      Bookings Factor

o   Individual Performance Factor is set at the discretion of the Office of
    the Chairman

                          Senior Staff Base Salary and

                        Incentive Program Recommendations

                               Fiscal Year - 1998

                                  `97 Existing   Percent               Incent.      Incent.   98 Target
Name                Position         Base        Increase   New Base      %         Target      Comp.
Baker, R          Manufacturing   $   92,700       3.6%   $   96,000     20%     $   19,200   $  115,200
Burger, C         Product Line    $   60,780       8.5%   $   66,000     15%     $    9,900   $   75,900
Beemer, R         Product Line    $   70,000        --    $   70,000     15%     $   10,500   $   80,500
DiFranco, R       Manufacturing   $   71,660       2.7%   $   73,500     15%     $   11,000   $   84,500
Dratwa, D         Sales           $   67,000       3.0%   $   69,000     15%     $   10,350   $   79,350
Flynn, B          Sales           $   66,600       3.6%   $   69,000     15%     $   10,350   $   79,350
Gambino, V        Sales           $   48,000       4.2%   $   50,000     10%     $    5,000   $   55,000
Gentry, J         Controller      $   53,000        --    $   53,000     15%     $    8,000   $   61,000
Henderson, R      Manufacturing   $  109,000       5.5%   $  115,000     20%     $   23,000   $  138,000
Howell, L         Sales           $   90,500       3.8%   $   94,000     20%     $   18,800   $  112,800
Hussell, S        Sales           $   53,688       6.2%   $   57,000     15%     $    8,550   $   65,550
Iverson, B        Marketing       $   80,000      10.0%   $   88,000     20%     $   17,600   $  105,600
Laubenthal, R     Manufacturing   $   90,000       5.5%   $   95,000     20%     $   19,000   $  114,000
Lemire, P         Sales           $   34,000       5.8%   $   36,000     10%     $    3,600   $   39,600
Long, D           Sales           $   53,796       3.7%   $   55,800     10%     $    5,580   $   61,380
McLatcher, D      Sales           $   86,462       2.9%   $   89,000     10%     $    8,900   $   97,900
Riley, J          Product Line    $   58,000       6.9%   $   62,000     15%     $    9,300   $   71,300
Rodriguez, A      Marketing       $   90,000       5.5%   $   95,000     20%     $   19,000   $  114,000
Saugstad, V       Controller      $   80,000       6.3%   $   85,000     15%     $   12,750   $   97,750
Scardaville, P    Engineering     $   93,800       4.5%   $   98,000     20%     $   19,600   $  117,600
Skulina, J        Controller      $   78,500       4.5%   $   82,000     15%     $   12,300   $   94,300
Smith, M          Manufacturing   $   80,000       3.8%   $   83,000     10%     $    8,300   $   91,300
Stinson, D        Product Line    $   73,800       4.3%   $   77,000     15%     $   11,550   $   88,550
Tomerlin, R       Engineering     $   85,000       5.9%   $   90,000     15%     $   13,500   $  103,500
Tremont, R        Sales           $   48,000       4.2%   $   50,000     10%     $    5,000   $   55,000
Vorderkunz, G     Manufacturing   $   62,400       5.8%   $   66,000     10%     $    6,600   $   72,600
Wissinger, R      Product Line    $   79,000        --    $   79,000     15%     $   11,850   $   90,850
Total                             $1,955,686              $2,043,300             $  319,080   $2,362,380


                              1998 BOOKINGS TARGETS

Burger, C.                                    $13,178,000

Dratwa, D.                                    $7,645,278

Gambino, V.                                   $2,624,765

Hussel, S.                                    $1,437,157

Lemire, P.                                    $1,239,500

Long, D.                                      $792,287

Riley, J.                                     $27,784,000

Tramont, R.                                   $5,309,000


Beemer, R.                                    $5,865,000

Flynn, B.                                     $6,225,000

Stinson, D.                                   $6,875,000

Wissinger, R.                                 $22,595,000


McLatcher, D.                                 $12,680,000



          FY-94 EARNINGS            $10,174,000
          PROGRAM TARGET             $9,947,000

          RECOMMENDED CORPORATE FACTOR =                1.000


          FY-94 EARNINGS             $6,203,000
          PROGRAM TARGET             $6,822,000

          EARNINGS FACTOR =               0.909

          FY-94 AVERAGE ROI               49.1%
          PROGRAM TARGET                  59.1%

          INVEST FACTOR =                 0.831

          GROUP PERFORMANCE FACTOR =                    0.883


          FY-94 EARNINGS             $3,971,000
          PROGRAM TARGET             $3,125,000

          EARNINGS FACTOR =               1.271

          FY-94 AVERAGE ROI               33.7%
          PROGRAM TARGET                  21.0%

          INVEST FACTOR =                 1.605

          GROUP PERFORMANCE FACTOR =                    1.381


                 94-BASE    INCENTV   TARGET     INDIVL     INCENTV    94-TOTAL
NAME              SALARY     TARGET     AWARD      FACTOR     AWARD       COMP
BALLINGER, N      $73,500      15%     $11,025      0.50     $7,613     $81,113
BUNDY, D          $75,700      15%     $11,355      0.70     $7,021     $82,721

CANNON, C         $90,000      15%     $13,500      0.60     $7,155     $97,155
McMURTREY, G      $70,000      20%     $14,000      0.95    $18,367     $88,367
SAKHAVI, M        $79,500      20%     $15,900      0.40     $5,618     $85,118

DiFRANCO, R       $59,500      15%      $8,925      1.05    $12,941     $72,441
LAUBENTHAL, R     $70,000      20%     $14,000      1.00    $19,333     $89,333
FLOWERS, M        $67,000      20%     $13,400      0.80     $9,470     $76,470

RODRIGUEZ, A      $70,000      20%     $14,000      1.05    $20,300     $90,300
TURRIFF, J        $75,000      20%     $15,000      1.00    $13,251     $88,251

MURG, L           $58,000      10%      $5,800      0.85     $6,808     $64,808

RADEKEVICH, P     $90,000      20%     $18,000      1.00    $18,000    $108,000

TOTAL                                 $154,905             $145,877


                          INCENTV              FY-94             BOOKINGS
        NAME               TARGET            BOOKINGS             FACTOR
BURGER, C               $5,630,000           $5,811,000            1.032

IVERSEN, B             $11,742,000          $12,363,000            1.053

KNUROWSKI, R            $1,200,000           $1,180,000            0.983

LUNTZ, M                $3,475,000           $3,925,281            1.130

WATSON, D               $6,173,000           $6,350,000            1.029

                 94-BASE    INCENTV     TARGET     INDIVL    INCENTV    94-TOTAL
      NAME        SALARY     TARGET     AWARD      FACTOR     AWARD       COMP
BURGER, C         $55,000      15%      $8,250      0.95     $8,089     $63,089

IVERSEN, B        $60,000      15%      $9,000      1.05     $9,950     $69,950

KNUROWSKI, R      $64,400      15%      $9,660      1.00     $9,499     $73,899

LUNTZ, M          $40,800      15%      $6,120      1.15     $7,950     $48,750

WATSON, D        $103,000      20%     $20,600      1.00    $21,191    $124,191

TOTAL                                  $53,630              $56,679


NAME             TARGET      ACTUALS     RATIO      TIONS     FACTOR     AWARD    AWARD

DRATWA, D     $4,204,000   $4,838,090     1.151     0.700     1.275     $8,850   $11,287

FLYNN, W      $7,092,000   $5,687,571     0.802     0.750     1.51      $8,250    $9,496

NORWOOD, J    $4,204,000   $4,838,090     1.151     0.000     0.575     $9,000    $5,179

PIWETZ, W     $3,767,000   $5,346,224     1.419     0.500     1.210     $9,000   $10,887

WILP, W       $4,010,000   $5,368,649     1.339     1.000     1.669     $8,700   $14,524

TransDigm Incentive Program - Summary

o     Annual program based on business plan parameters

o     Target awards are a percentage of base salary and vary depending on
      position and responsibilities

o     Target awards are multiplied by a three factor formula

             Actual Incentive Award  =   Target Award

                                         x   Corporate Performance Factor

                                         x   Group Performance Factor

                                         x   Individual Performance Factor

o     Corporate Performance Factor is set at the discretion of the Board of
      Directors, based on the performance of TransDigm.

o     Group Performance Factor is defined by the following measurables:

             Earnings Factor          =   Actual Earnings/Plan

             Investment Factor        =   Actual ROI/Plan

             Bookings Factor          =   Actual Bookings/Plan

      The 1994 Program is based on the following earnings and investment

             Earnings                 =   Group Operating Income
                                          Net Consolidation Expense

             Group                        Business Plan Earnings
             -----                        ----------------------
             Adel Wiggins                 $6,822
             AeroControlex                $3,125
             TransDigm                    $9,947

             ROI                      =   Earnings/Average Group Investment

             Group                        Business Plan ROI
             -----                        -----------------
             AdelWiggins                  59.1%
             AeroControlex                21.0%
             TransDigm                    37.6%

      For Corporate and Group Staff:

             Group Performance Factor =   .67 x Earnings Factor +
                                          .33 Investment Factor
      For Product Managers:

             Group Performance
             Factor                   =   Bookings Factor

o     Individual Performance Factor is set at the discretion of the Office of
      the Chairman

                1995 TransDigm Incentive Program Recommendations

o     Continue program based on Business Plan parameters

o     Continue Target Awards based on position and responsibilities

o     Continue three factor formula, as used in 1994

o     Revise Earnings and ROI targets

                                Earnings                ROI
       Organization             Target                  Target
       ------------             ------                  ------
       AdelWiggins              $8,631                  To Be Established

       AeroControlex            $5,980                  By 12/30/94

       TransDigm                $14,611

               Incentive Staff Base Salary Program Recommendations

                               Fiscal Year - 1995

                                                    Existing   New    Percent      Date
Name                 Position/Location               Base      Base   Increase   Effective
- ----                 -----------------               ----      ----   --------   ---------
Ballinger, Norman    Controller, AeroControlex        73.5      N.C.    -          -    
Bundy, Dale          Controller, AdelWiggins          75.7     78.0     3.0        1/95
Burger, Charles      Product Line, AeroControlex      52.0     54.0     3.8        1/95
Cannon, Cliff        Engineering, AdelWiggins         87.5      N.C.    -          -
DiFranco, Rose       Manufacturing, AeroControlex     59.5     62.8     5.5        1/95
Flowers, Malcolm     Manufacturing, AdelWiggins       67.0     69.0     3.0        1/95
Hussell, Stephen     Product Line, AeroControlex      48.0     49.5     3.0        6/95
Iversen, Bernie      Product Line, AeroControlex      60.0     63.0     5.0        1/95
Knurowski, Robert    Product Line, AdelWiggins        64.4     67.0     4.0        1/95
Laubenthal, Raymond  Manufacturing, AeroControlex     70.0     73.5     5.0        1/95
Luntz, Matt          Product Line, AdelWiggins        40.8     47.0    15.2        1/95
McMurtrey, Gary      Engineering, AeroControlex       70.0     73.2     4.5        1/95
Morand, Verne        Product Line, AdelWiggins        76.0      N.C.    -          -
Murg, Larry          Product Line/QA, AeroControlex   58.0     60.0     3.5        1/95
Rodriguez, Albert    Sales, AeroControlex             70.0     73.5     5.0        1/95
Stinson, Dennis      Product Line, AdelWiggins        65.0     67.6     4.0        1/95
Turriff, John        Sales, AdelWiggins               75.0     78.4     4.5        1/95
Watson, Donald       Product Line, AdelWiggins       103.0    106.0     3.0        1/95

        Field Sales Salary & Commission/Incentive Program Recommendations

                               Fiscal Year - 1995

             `94 Base       %       `95 Base         Incentive         Total
Name          Salary     Increase    Salary       %            $       Amount
- ----          ------     --------    ------       -            -       ------
D. Dratwa     59,000       4.0       61,400      15%         9,210     70,610

B. Flynn      55,000       9.1       60,000      15%         9,000     69,000

J. Norwood    60,000       4.0       62,400      15%         9,360     71,760

W. Piwetz     61,000       4.0       63,400      15%         9,510     72,910

B. Wilp       58,000       5.2       61,000      15%         9,150     70,150

             293,000       5.1      308,200      15%        46,230    354,430

                 Field Sales Commission/Incentive Structure 1995

Target commission/incentive is 15% of base salary and is made up of two parts:

                                     % of Incentive     % of Salary
                                     --------------     -----------
             Booking Quota           50%                7.5%

             Expectations            50%                7.5%


                         95-BASE         INCENTV       TARGET        95-TOTAL 
NAME                     SALARY           TARGET       AWARD           COMP
BUNDY, D                 $78,000           15%        $11,700        $89,700
SKULINA, J               $64,000           15%          9,600        $73,600

McMURTREY, G             $73,200           20%        $14,640        $87,840

DiFRANCO, R              $62,800           15%         $9,420        $72,220
LAUBENTHAL, R            $73,500           20%        $14,700        $88,200

RODRIGUEZ, A             $73,500           20%        $14,700        $88,200
TURRIFF, J               $78,400           20%        $15,680        $94,080

MURG, L                  $60,000           10%         $6,000        $66,000

FLOWERS, M               $69,000           15%        $10,350        $79,350

RADEKEVICH, P            $95,000           20%        $19,000       $114,000

TOTAL                                                $125,790


                       INCENTV      95-BASE     INCENTV    TARGET     95-TOTAL
NAME                   TARGET       SALARY      TARGET      AWARD       COMP
BURGER, C            $6,719,000     $54,000        15%     $8,100     $62,100

HUSSELL, S           $1,450,000     $49,500        10%     $4,950     $54,450

IVERSEN, B          $12,547,000     $63,000        15%     $9,450     $72,450

SUBTOTAL                                                  $22,500

LUNTZ, M            $13,700,000     $47,000        15%     $7,050     $54,050

KNUROWSKI, R         $2,100,000     $67,000        15%    $10,050     $77,050

MORAND, V            $2,500,000     $76,000        15%    $11,400     $87,400

STINSON, D          $12,000,000     $67,600        15%    $10,140     $77,740

WATSON, D            $7,000,000    $106,000        20%    $21,200    $127,200

SUBTOTAL                                                  $59,840


                  Corporate Staff Compensation Recommendations


Recommend a corporate performance factor of 1.15 based on:

      -     Sales Growth of 10% (96/95)

      -     EBITDA Growth of 30% (96/95)

      -     Working Capital Reduction of $5.5 Million

      -     Progress of New Market/Product Programs

Recommend Award of 3rd year performance options.


          Name                        Base Salary              Award
          ----                        -----------              -----
          W. Nicholas Howley           $165,000               $85,000
          John D. Peterson, Sr.        $160,000               $25,000

          Peter B. Radekevich          $102,000               $25,000


Name                       New Base                Percent         Date
- ----                       --------                -------         ----
W. Nicholas Howley         $ 175,000               6.0%            1/1/97
John D. Peterson, Sr.      $ 168,000               5.0%            1/1/97
Peter B. Radekevich        $ 108,000               5.8%            1/1/97
Eileen M. Fallon           $  45,000               9.7%            1/1/97

                   1996 TransDigm Incentive Program - Summary

o     Annual program based on business plan parameters

o     Target awards are a percentage of base salary and vary depending on
      position and responsibilities

o     Target awards are multiplied by a three factor formula

        Annual Incentive Award     =    Target Award
                                   x    Corporate Performance Factor
                                   x    Group Performance Factor
                                   x    Individual Performance Factor

o     Corporate Performance Factor is set at the discretion of the Board of
      Directors, based on the performance of TransDigm.

o     Group Performance Factor is defined by the following measurables:

           Earnings Factor         =    Actual Earnings/Plan
         Investment Factor         =    Actual ROI/Plan
           Bookings Factor         =    Actual Bookings/Plan

        The 1996  Program  is based on the  following  earnings  and  investment

                  Earnings         =    Group Operating Income
                                        Net Consolidation Expense

                     Group              Business Plan Earnings

               AdelWiggins                    $7,852
             AeroControlex                    $7,670
                 TransDigm                   $15,042

                       ROI         =    Earnings/Average Group Investment

                     Group              Business Plan ROI

               AdelWiggins                    60.98%
             AeroControlex                    73.89%
                 TransDigm                    66.74%

                   1996 TransDigm Incentive Program - Summary


      For Corporate and Group Staff:

      Group Performance Factor        =     .67 x Earnings Factor +
                                            .33 x Investment Factor

      For Product Managers and Field Sales:

      Group Performance Factor        =     Bookings Factor

o     Individual Performance Factor is set at the discretion of the Office of
      the Chairman

                       1996 Incentive Program Measurables


                   1996 Income    =  $9,354          =        1.220
                   -----------       ------
                1996 Objective    =  $7,670

                      1996 ROI    =  129.97%         =        1.769
                      --------       -------
                1996 Objective    =  73.89%

      Group Performance Factor    =  .667 x INC + .333 x ROI
                                  =  1.40


                   1996 Income    =  $8,447          =        1.080
                   -----------       ------
                1996 Objective    =  $7,852

                      1996 ROI    =  70.61%          =        1.158
                      --------       ------
                1996 Objective    =  60.98%

      Group Performance Factor    =  .667 x INC + .333 x ROI
                                  =  1.11


                   1996 Income    =  $17,230         =        1.145
                1996 Objective    =  $15,042

                      1996 ROI    =  92.86%          =        1.391
                      --------       ------
                1996 Objective    =  66.74%

      Group Performance Factor    =  .667 x INC + .333 x ROI
                                  =  1.23

                                  1996 Bookings Performance

       Name              Position        1996 Objective      1996 Bookings      Group Factor
Burger, C.           AC-Prod Line          $8,230,000          $8,280,000          1.01

Hussel, S.           AC-Prod Line          $4,800,000          $5,440,000          1.13

Iversen, B.          AC-Prod Line         $15,100,000         $16,400,000          1.08

Kleinberger, R.      AW-Prod Line          $4,330,000          $3,260,000          0.87

Luntz, M.            AW-Prod Line         $11,200,000         $12,660,000          1.13

Stinson, D.          AW-Prod Line         $18,800,000         $19,600,000          1.04

Norwood, J.          Field Sales           $5,510,000          $7,840,000          1.42

Dratwa, D.           Field Sales           $4,960,000          $5,390,000          1.09

Piwetz, W.           Field Sales           $4,400,000          $4,270,000          0.97

Flynn, B.            Field Sales           $6,640,000          $6,290,000          0.95

Wilp, B.             Field Sales           $3,880,000          $3,660,000          0.95

                1996 Senior Staff Incentive Award Recommendations

     Name         `96 Base    Incentive    Target     Corporate   Group     Indiv.    Incentive   `96 Total
                   Salary       Target      Award      Factor     Factor    Factor      Award        Comp.
=======================================   =================================================================
Chomko, W.         $88,000      15%       $13,200       1.15       1.11      0.95    $16,000      $104,000
Skulina, J.        $74,000      15%       $11,100       1.15       1.40      1.10    $19,600       $93,600
McMurtrey, G.      $75,800      20%       $15,160       1.15       1.40      0.85    $20,700       $96,500
DiFranco, R.       $65,600      15%        $9,840       1.15       1.40      1.15    $18,200       $83,800
Laubenthal, R.     $80,000      20%       $16,000       1.15       1.40      1.15    $29,600      $109,600
Henderson, R.     $103,000      20%       $20,600       1.15       1.11      1.10    $28,800      $131,800
Rodriguez, A.      $80,000      20%       $16,000       1.15       1.40      1.15    $29,600      $109,600
Turriff, J.        $85,000      20%       $17,000       1.15       1.11      0.80    $17,300      $102,300
Murg, L.           $62,300      10%        $6,230       1.15       1.40      0.85     $8,500       $70,800
Burger, C.         $58,200      15%        $8,730       1.15       1.01      1.05    $10,700       $68,900
Hussell, S.        $52,000      10%        $5,200       1.15       1.13      0.85     $5,800       $57,800
Iversen, B.        $68,600      15%       $10,290       1.15       1.08      1.15    $14,700       $83,300
Kleinberger,       $70,600      15%       $10,590       1.15       0.87      0.90     $9,500       $80,100
Luntz, M.          $52,000      15%        $7,800       1.15       1.13      0.85     $8,600       $60,600
Stinson, D.        $70,600      15%       $10,590       1.15       1.04      1.00    $12,700 *     $83,300
                ----------               --------                                   --------    ----------
Total           $1,085,700               $178,330                                   $250,300    $1,373,100
                ==========               ========                                   ========    ==========

* Discretionary modification of awards

                      1996 - Field Sales Commission Program

                 `96 Base      Target         Group      Individual     Comm.        `96 Total
    Name          Salary        Award        Factor        Factor       Award      Compensation
Norwood, J.       $64,000      $9,600         1.42          0.85       $11,500        $75,500

Dratwa, D.        $64,300      $9,700         1.09          1.10       $11,300        $75,600

Piwetz, W.        $65,300      $9,800         0.97          0.90        $9,700        $75,000

Flynn, B.         $64,200      $9,600         0.95          1.00        $9,800        $74,000

Wilp, B.          $63,600      $9,600         0.95          1.00       $10,000        $73,600
                              -------                                  -------

Total                         $48,300                                  $52,300
                              =======                                  =======

                               Changed per Douglas W. Peacock December 13, 1996.

                      1996 - Field Sales Commission Program

                 `96 Base      Target         Group      Individual     Comm.        `96 Total
    Name          Salary        Award        Factor        Factor       Award      Compensation

Norwood, J.       $64,000      $9,600         1.42          0.85       $10,900        $74,900

Dratwa, D.        $64,300      $9,700         1.09          1.10       $10,600        $74,900

Piwetz, W.        $65,300      $9,800         0.97          0.90        $9,200        $74,500

Flynn, B.         $64,200      $9,600         0.95          1.00        $9,400        $73,600

Wilp, B.          $63,600      $9,600         0.95          1.00        $9,400        $73,000
                              -------                                  -------

Total                         $48,300                                  $49,500
                              =======                                  =======

                          Senior Staff Base Salary and

                        Incentive Program Recommendations

                               Fiscal Year - 1997

Name              Position       Existing    Percent     New Base    Incent.  Incent.   97 Target
                                   Base      Increase                  %      Target      Comp.
Burger, C.        Product Line     $58,200      4.8%      $61,000      15%    $9,200     $70,200

Chomko, W.        Controller       $88,000      2.8%      $90,500      15%   $13,600    $104,100

DiFranco, R.      Manufacturing    $65,600      5.9%      $69,500      15%   $10,400     $79,900

Henderson, R.     Manufacturing   $103,000      5.8%     $109,000      20%   $21,800    $130,800

Hussell, S.       Product Line     $52,000      3.2%      $53,700      10%    $5,400     $59,100

Iverson, B.       Product Line     $68,600      9.3%      $75,000      15%   $11,300     $86,300

Kleinberger, R.   Product Line     $70,600      3.0%      $72,700      15%   $10,900     $83,600

Laubenthal, R.    Manufacturing    $80,000     12.5%      $90,000      20%   $18,000    $108,000

Luntz, M.         Product Line     $52,000      9.6%      $57,000      15%    $8,600     $65,600

McMurtrey, G.     Engineering      $75,800      2.9%      $78,000      --         --     $78,000

Murg, L.          QA               $62,300      2.7%      $64,000      --         --     $64,000

Rodriguez, A.     Sales            $80,000     12.5%      $90,000      20%   $18,000    $108,000

Skulina, J.       Controller       $74,000      6.1%      $78,500      15%   $11,800     $90,300

Stinson, D.       Product Line     $70,600      4.5%      $73,800      15%   $11,000     $84,800

Turriff, J.       Sales            $85,000       --       $85,000      20%   $17,000    $102,000
                                ----------     -----   ----------

Total                           $1,085,700      5.7%   $1,147,700
                                ==========     =====   ==========

                     1996 Field Sales Salary and Commission

                        Incentive Program Recommendations

                                Fiscal Year 1997

                  96 Base        %          97 Base      Incentive     Incentive    97 Total
Name              Salary      Increase       Salary          %          Target    Compensation
Dratwa, D.        $64,300       4.4%        $67,000          15%       $10,100      $77,100

Flynn, B.         $64,200       3.7%        $66,600          15%       $10,000      $76,600

Norwood, J.       $64,000       3.4%        $66,200          15%       $10,000      $76,200

Piwetz, W.        $65,300       3.6%        $67,600          15%       $10,100      $76,700

Wilp, B.          $63,600       3.7%        $66,000          15%        $9,900      $75,900
                  -------                   -------                     ------      -------

Total            $321,400                  $333,400                    $50,100     $382,500
                 ========                  ========                    =======     ========


The structure will change to the three factor formula applicable to other
participants with the bookings ratio used for the group factor. See below.

          Annual Incentive Award     =    Target Award
                                     x    Corporate Performance Factor
                                     x    Bookings Ratio Factor
                                     x    Individual Performance Factor