P R O M I S S O R Y  N O T E
$__________                                                     November 2, 1998

     FOR VALUE RECEIVED, in the manner, on the dates and in the amounts so 
herein stipulated, the undersigned, TANISYS TECHNOLOGY, INC., a Wyoming 
corporation ("Borrower"), PROMISES TO PAY TO THE ORDER OF __________________, 
individually ("Lender"), at 
_______________________________________________________, the sum of 
______________________________________________________________ Dollars 
($___________) in lawful money of the United States of America, which shall 
be legal tender in payment of all debts and dues, public and private, at the 
time of payment, and to pay interest on the unpaid principal amount from the 
date hereof until maturity at a fixed rate ("Stated Rate") equal to Ten 
Percent (10%) per annum, not to exceed the maximum non-usurious interest rate 
permitted by applicable law from time to time in effect, as such law may be 
interpreted, amended, revised, supplemented or enacted (the "Maximum Rate"), 
provided that if at any time the Stated Rate exceeds the Maximum Rate, then 
interest hereon shall accrue at the Maximum Rate.  In the event the Maximum 
Rate applicable to this Note should subsequently be changed, then interest 
hereon shall accrue at a rate equal to the applicable Maximum Rate until the 
aggregate amount of interest so accrued equals the aggregate amount of 
interest which would have accrued at the Stated Rate without regard to any 
usury limit, at which time interest hereon shall again accrue at the Stated 
Rate.  The principal amount of this Note and accrued interest are payable as 

     (a)  Interest shall be due and payable quarterly, with the first
          payment of interest due and payable ____________, 199_, and a
          similar interest payment due and payable each ninety (90) days
          thereafter until maturity of the Note (each an "Interest Payment
     (b)  Interest shall be payable, at the option of the Borrower, in cash
          or shares of common stock, no par value ("Common Stock"), of the
          Company.  The Borrower shall provide Lender notice of its
          intention to pay interest in cash or shares of Common Stock not
          less than ten (10) business days prior to any interest payment
          date.  If interest is paid in shares of Common Stock, the number
          of shares of Common Stock issuable on account of such interest
          shall equal the cash amount of interest due on such Interest
          Payment Date divided by the average of the closing bid price per
          share of Common Stock for the five (5) trading days immediately
          preceding the applicable Interest Payment Date.
     (c)  The principal amount of this Note, and any unpaid accrued
          interest, shall be due and payable in full on November 1, 2000;
     (d)  In the event the Borrower closes an underwritten public offering,
          principal and accrued interest shall be due and payable in full
          as of such closing date.

     If Borrower shall default in the performance of the payment provisions 
of this Note, Lender shall notify Borrower of the default in writing by 
facsimile or by U.S. Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, and shall 
demand cure of the default.  Borrower shall thereupon have five (5) days from 
receipt of notice from Lender in which to cure the default.  In the event 
Borrower shall not cure the default within the five (5)-day cure period, 
Lender may, at its option, (i) accelerate and declare this Note immediately 
due and payable, (ii) pursue any and all other rights, remedies and recourses 
available to the holder hereof, at law or in equity, or (iii) pursue any 
combination of the foregoing.  Any failure to exercise this option shall not 
constitute a waiver by Lender of the right to exercise the same at any other 

     In the event of default in the making of any payment herein provided, 
either of principal or interest, or in the event this Note is declared due, 
interest shall accrue at the Maximum Rate.

     Borrower hereby agrees to pay all expenses incurred, including 
reasonable attorneys' fees, all of which shall become a part of the principal 
hereof, if this Note is placed in the hands of an attorney for collection or 
if collected by suit or through any probate, bankruptcy or any other legal 

     Interest charges will be calculated on amounts advanced hereunder on the 
actual number of days these amounts are outstanding on the basis of a 360-day 
year, except for calculations of the Maximum Rate, which will be on the basis 
of a 365-day or 366-day year, as is applicable.  It is the intention of the 
parties hereto to comply with all applicable usury laws; accordingly, it is 
agreed that notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary in this Note, or 
in any of the documents securing payment hereof or otherwise relating hereto, 
no such provision shall require the payment or permit the collection of 
interest in excess of the Maximum Rate.  If any excess of interest in such 
respect is provided for, or shall be adjudicated to be so provided for, in 
this Note or in any of the documents securing payment hereof or otherwise 
relating hereto, then in such event (1) the provisions of this paragraph 
shall govern and control; (2) neither Borrower, endorsers or guarantors, nor 
their heirs, legal representatives, successors or assigns, nor any other 
party liable for the payment hereof, shall be obligated to pay the amount of 
such interest to the extent that it is in excess of the Maximum Rate; (3) any 
such excess which may have been collected shall be either applied as a credit 
against the then unpaid principal amount hereof or refunded to Borrower; and 
(4) the provisions of this Note and any documents securing payment of this 
Note shall be automatically reformed so that the effective rate of interest 
shall be reduced to the Maximum Rate.  For the purpose of determining the 
Maximum Rate, all interest payments with respect to this Note shall be 
amortized, prorated and spread throughout the full term of the Note so that 
the effective rate of interest on account of this Note is uniform throughout 
the term hereof.

     The provisions of this Note shall be governed by the laws of the State 
of Texas.

     Each surety, guarantor and endorser agrees that this Note and the liens 
securing its payment may be renewed and the time of payment extended from 
time to time, without notice and without releasing any of the foregoing.


     Borrower and any and all endorsers and guarantors of this Note severally 
waive presentment for payment, notice of nonpayment, protest, demand, notice 
of protest, notice of intent to accelerate, notice of acceleration and 
dishonor, diligence in enforcement and indulgences of every kind and without 
further notice hereby agree to renewals, extensions, exchanges or releases of 
collateral, taking of additional collateral, indulgences or partial payments, 
either before or after maturity.

     Borrower may prepay this Note, in whole or in part, at any time prior to 
maturity without penalty, and interest shall cease on any amount prepaid.

                                       TANISYS TECHNOLOGY, INC.

                                       By: /s/ Charles T. Comiso
                                           Charles T. Comiso
                                           Chief Executive Officer and President
