                                  ADOPTION AGREEMENT

                                 IRS Serial #D359971a

                               Approved April 30, 1992


                   1300 South Clinton Street  Fort Wayne, IN  46801

         Internal Revenue Service           Department of the Treasury
Plan Description: Prototype Non-standardized Profit Sharing Plan with CODA
FFN: 50337598001-007 Case: 9100610  EIN: 35-0472300
GFD: 01  Plan: 007  Letter Serial No:
0359971a                                    Washington DC 20224

    LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO      Person to Contact Mr. Wolf

                                            Telephone Number (202) 566-6421
    PO BOX 2340                             Refer Reply to: E:EP:Q:1
    FORT WAYNE     IN      46801
                                            Date            04/30/92

Dear Applicant:

In our opinion, the form of the plan identified above is acceptable under
section 401 of the Internal Revenue Code for use by employers for the benefit of
their employees.  This opinion relates only to the acceptability of the form of
the plan under the Internal Revenue Code.  It is not an opinion of the effect of
other Federal or local statutes.

You must furnish a copy of this letter to each employer who adopts this plan. 
You are also required to send a copy of the approved Form of the plan, any
approved amendments and related documents to each Key District Director of
Internal Revenue Service in whose jurisdiction there are adopting employers.

Our opinion on the acceptability of the form of the plan is not a ruling or
determination as to whether an employer's plan qualifies under Code section
401(a).  Therefore, an employer adopting the form of the plan should apply for a
determination letter by filing an application with the Key District Director of
Internal Revenue Service on Form 5307, Short Form Application for Determination
for Employee Benefit Plan.

If you, the sponsoring organization, have any questions concerning the IRS
processing of this case, please call the above telephone number.  This number is
only for use of the sponsoring organization.  Individual participants and/or
adopting employers with questions concerning the plan should contact the
sponsoring organization.  The plan's adoption agreement must include the
sponsoring organization's address and telephone number for inquiries by adopting

If you write to the IRS regarding this plan, please provide your telephone
number and the most convenient time for us to call in case we need more
information.  Whether you call or write, please refer to the Letter Serial
Number and File Folder Number shown in the heading of this letter.

You should keep this letter as a permanent record.  Please notify us if you
modify or discontinue sponsorship of this plan.

                             Sincerely yours,

                             /s/ John Diveca
                             Chief, Employee Plans Qualifications Branch

                                  ADOPTION AGREEMENT
                                      PLAN #007
                      IRS SERIAL #D359971A  DATE APRIL 30, 1992

The     De Crane Aircraft Holdings, Inc. oka DAH, Inc.
                            (exact legal name of Employer)

(hereinafter referred to as the Employer), having its principal place of

business in        El Segundo,                             California
                      (City)                               (State)

hereby adopts The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company Non-Standardized
401(k) Salary Reduction Plan and Trust Prototype Plan, and further appoints as:

Trustee(s),     Robert A. Rankin


Named Fiduciary*,    Same

Plan Administrator*,    Same
                   ------------------------------------------------------; and

Agent for Legal Service of Process*,    Same

    * If same as Employer, write 'Same'.

The Employer's Tax Year begins    January 1      and ends    December 31     .
                             --------------------        --------------------

Employer Telephone Number    (310) 536-0444       .

Business Code Number (same as shown on 1120)    3725           .

Date Business Commenced    December 15, 1989    .

In connection herewith, the Employer makes the following statements and

         This Plan shall be known as    DAR Retirement Plan
                                            (name of Employer)

                                            401(k) Salary Reduction Plan and

         Trust which shall be identified by Employer I.D. #    34-1645569

         and Plan Serial #    001       (001, 002, etc. - assign sequentially).

The employer maintains, or has maintained, the following qualified plans: (List
all plans, including this Plan, ever maintained by the Employer starting with
Plan Serial #001.)

    Plan                                                         ------
   Serial #                       Type of Plan             In Force  Terminated
  ---------                       ------------             --------  ----------

    001              401(k)                                 [X]           [ ]
  ---------        ------------------------------------
    002                                                     [ ]           [ ]
  ---------        ------------------------------------
    003                                                     [ ]           [ ]
  ---------        ------------------------------------
    004                                                     [ ]           [ ]
  ---------        ------------------------------------
    005                                                     [ ]           [ ]
  ---------        ------------------------------------

         This Employer is:             Sole Proprietor
                                    X  Corporation
                                       S Corporation
                                       Professional Corporation
                                       Non Profit Corporation

[X] Yes  [ ] No    Is the Employer a member of a Controlled Group of
                   Corporations, a group of businesses under common control, or
                   an Affiliated Service Group as defined below.  This question
                   must be answered "yes" or "no".  If yes, complete the rest
                   of this section.

In the case of a group of employers which constitutes a Controlled Group of
Corporations, or an Affiliated Service Group [as defined in Sections 414(b) and
414(m), respectively, of the Internal Revenue Code], or which constitutes one or
more trades or businesses whether or not incorporated which are under common
control [as defined in Section 414(c)], all such employers shall be considered a
single employer for purposes of determining plan qualification, minimum
participation, benefit accrual, vesting standards, and limitations on benefits
and contributions.  The employers listed below are required to be aggregated
with the adopting employer under Code Sections 414(b), (c), (m) or (o), and
shall participate in this Plan to the extent indicated as evidenced by written
resolution adopting this Plan.  (If there are no affiliated employers, indicate
- ----
         Employer            Employer       Participating       Participation
           Name                I.D. #         Employer          Effective Date
         --------            --------       -------------       --------------
Tri-Star Electronics
International, Inc.               34-1687242     [X] Yes [ ] No
- -----------------------------     ----------     --------------
Cory Components                   95-3938746     [X] Yes [ ] No
- -----------------------------     ----------     --------------
Hollingsead International         95-2500766     [X] Yes [ ] No
- -----------------------------     ----------     --------------

- -----------------------------     ----------     --------------

- -----------------------------     ----------     --------------

If this Plan and Trust is adopted by more than one member of the aggregation
group, this Plan

[X] (a)  shall be administered as one plan (i.e., contributions, and
         forfeitures shall not be separated for each participating Employer).

[ ] (b)  shall be administered as a single employer plan for each participating
         Employer [i.e., contributions shall be made by each Employer only for
         those Participants employed by such Employer and forfeitures shall be
         used to reduce the contribution made by the applicable Employer - each
         asset pool shall be considered a separate plan which must
         independently satisfy Code Section 401(a) (26)].

[ ] (c)  N/A


Any Employee of a participating Employer must receive credit for service while
employed by any member of the aggregation group (including non-participating
employers) for purposes of vesting and eligibility under this Plan from the date
such Employer became a member of the aggregation group.

A-1.22   The adoption of this Plan constitutes:  (check appropriate statement
         and provide information)

         [ ]  (a)  The initial adoption of this Plan and Trust by the

                   Employer.  The Effective Date of this Plan is


         [X]  (b)  An [X] amendment and restatement, or [ ] merger of the

                   following Plan(s) known as     DAH Retirement Plan       ,


                             (name of Plans and Trusts)

                   with the original effective date(s) of

                             January 1, 1993

                   The effective date of this amendment and restatement is

                             January 1, 1996

                          I.      DEFINITIONS

A-1.38        Hours of Service:  Hours of Service shall be determined on the
              basis of the method selected below.  The method selected shall be
              applied to all Employees.  If the Elapsed Time Method is selected
              in A-1.74, Hours of Service as designated below shall be
              applicable for eligibility purposes only.  (Select one)

              [X]  (a)  On the basis of actual hours for which an Employee is
                        paid or entitled to payment.

              [ ]  (b)  On the basis of days worked.  An Employee shall be
                        credited with ten (10) Hours of Service if, under
                        Section 1.38 of the Plan, such Employee would be
                        credited with at least one (1) Hour of Service during
                        such day.

              [ ]  (c)  On the basis of weeks worked.  An Employee shall be
                        credited with 45 Hours of Service if, under Section
                        1.38 of the Plan, such Employee would be credited with
                        at least one (1) Hour of Service during such week.


         [ ]  (d)  On the basis of semi-monthly payroll periods.  An Employee
                   shall be credited with 95 Hours of Service if, under Section
                   1.38 of the Plan, such Employee would be credited with at
                   least one (1) Hour of Service during such semi-monthly

         [ ]  (e)  On the basis of months worked.  An Employee shall be
                   credited with 190 Hours of Service if under Section 1.38 of
                   the Plan such Employee would be credited with at least one
                   (1) Hour of Service during such month.

A-1.54   Plan Year:  (Select one and complete)

         [X]  (a)  Shall be the consecutive 12 month period for which records
                   for this Plan shall be maintained beginning each
                    January 1     and ending each   December 31.

         [ ]  (b)  There shall be a short Plan Year beginning              and
                   ending                .  (The Plan must retain its qualified
                   status during this period.)

                   All subsequent Plan Years shall begin each              and
                   end each                 .

                   The previous Plan Year prior to this amendment began
                                       and ended each               .

                   Adjustments for eligibility and vesting shall be made as
                   required by Section 11.04 if the Plan Year is changed.

A-1.55   For purposes of establishing Present Value to compute the Top-Heavy
         Ratio, any benefit (under a Defined Benefit Plan) shall be discounted
         for mortality and interest based on the following: (If the Employer
         maintains a Defined Benefit plan, this section must be completed.)

              Interest Rate          %      Mortality Table

              [X]  N/A  The Employer has no Defined Benefit plan.

A-1.64   Years of Service with predecessor employer:

         Years of Service with                                  , for whom
         this Employer does not maintain a predecessor plan shall be considered
         under the Plan for purposes of:  (select as desired)

         [ ]  (a)  Vesting

         [ ]  (b)  Eligibility

         [X]  (c)  None of the above

A-1.71   For purposes of computing the Top-Heavy Ratio, the Valuation Date
         shall be 12-31 of each year.


A-1.73   Vesting Years of Service:  Years of Service credited for vesting shall
         exclude the years checked below subject to Section 11.03:  (select as

         [ ]  (a)  Years of Service before the Employee's        (cannot exceed
                   18) birthday.  (If Regular Method is used, the Plan Year in
                   which the Employee attains age 18 shall not be excluded.)

         [ ]  (b)  Years of Service prior to the original Effective Date of
                   this Plan or a predecessor plan.

         [ ]  (c)  Years of Service prior to                  .  (Date selected
                   may not be later than the original effective date of this
                   Plan or a predecessor plan.)

         [ ]  (d)  Years of Service during a period for which the Employee
                   declined to contribute to a plan requiring Employee
                   Contributions.  In the case of a plan using the elapsed time
                   method, the Service which shall be disregarded is the period
                   with respect to which the mandatory contribution is not

         [X]  (e)  No exclusions.

         Note:     In general, a predecessor plan is a plan which terminates
                   within the five (5) year period immediately preceding or
                   following the establishment of this Plan.

A-1.74   Years of Service shall be computed under the following method:
         (select one)

         [X]  (a)  Regular Method--based on Hours of Service credited under the
                   method selected in A-1.38.

         [ ]  (b)  Elapsed Time Method--based on total time an Employee is
                   employed without regard to actual hours credited as
                   explained in Section 1.74 of this Plan.

                                   II. ELIGIBILITY

A-2.01   (a)  For purposes of plan coverage and benefits, employees of 
              affiliated employers required to be aggregated with the Employer
              under Section 414(b), (c), (m) or (o) of the Code shall NOT be
              treated as Employees of the Employer unless such affiliated
              employers are identified as Participating Employers on page 2 of
              this Adoption Agreement.

              For purposes of plan coverage and benefits, the term "Employee"

              [ ]  (1) shall include

              [X]  (2) shall not include

              [ ]  (3) N/A (Employer has no "leased employees.")

              "leased employees" who are required to be considered employees 
              of the Employer under Code Section 414(n) or (o).


         (b)  The following classes of Employees of the Employer shall be 
              eligible to participate in the Plan:

              [X]  (1)  All Employees

              [ ]  (2)  Hourly paid Employees

              [ ]  (3)  Salaried Employees

              [ ]  (4)  All Employees except Employees included in a unit of 
                        Employees covered by a collective bargaining 
                        agreement between the Employer and Employee 
                        representatives, if retirement benefits were the 
                        subject of good faith bargaining and if two percent 
                        or less of the Employees of the Employer who are 
                        covered pursuant to that agreement are professionals 
                        as defined in Section 1.410(b)-9(g) of the 
                        Regulations.  For this purpose, the term "employee 
                        representatives" does not include any organization 
                        more than half of whose members are Employees who are 
                        owners, officers, or executives of the Employer.

              [ ]  (5)  Other


              The above classes of Employees

              [ ]  (6)  shall

              [X]  (7)  shall not

              include Employees who are non-resident aliens 
              [within the meaning of Section 7701(b)(1)(B)] and who receive 
              no earned income (within the meaning of Section 911(d)(2)] from 
              the Employer which constitutes income from sources within the 
              United States (within the meaning of Section 861(a)(3)].

         (c)  Minimum age and service requirements: (select one)

              [X]  (1)  An Employee shall become a Participant on the Entry 
                        Date coincident with or next following Age 21 (cannot 
                        exceed 21) and the completion of 3 MOS. (cannot 
                        exceed 1 year) Eligibility Year of Service. MUST HAVE 
                        AT LEAST 2 ENTRY DATES, I.E., CANNOT ELECT (e)(1) 

                        If the Eligibility Year of Service includes a 
                        fractional year, an Employee shall not be required to 
                        complete any specified number of Hours of Service to 
                        receive credit for such fractional year.

              [X]  (2)  An Employee shall become a Participant on the Entry 
                        Date coincident with or next following Age _____ (cannot
                        exceed 20 1/2) and the completion of _____ [cannot 
                        exceed 1/2 year (6 months)] Eligibility Year of 
                        Service. USE  THIS PROVISION ONLY WHEN (e)(1) (ONE 
                        ENTRY DATE) IS ELECTED BELOW.


                        If the Eligibility Year of Service includes a 
                        fractional year, an Employee shall not be required to 
                        complete any specified number of Hours of Service to 
                        receive credit for such fractional year.

         (d)  The preceding election in A-2.01(o) notwithstanding, Employees 
              who are actively employed on              shall be deemed to 
              have satisfied the

              [ ]  (1)  Age requirement as of the Effective Date.

              [ ]  (2)  Service requirement as of the Effective Date.

              [ ]  (3)  Age and service requirements as of the Effective Date.

              [X]  (4)  N/A  (Age and Service requirements in A-2.01(c) apply 
                        to all Employees.)

         (e)  Entry Date:  Shall mean: (select one)

              [ ]  (1)  First day of Plan Year.

              [X]  (2)  First day of Plan Year and the date 6 months after the 
                        first day of the Plan Year.

              [ ]  (3)  The first day of the Plan Year and the dates which
                        are 3, 6 and 9 months after the first day of the
                        Plan Year. (Not Recommended)

              [ ]  (4)  First day of each month.  (Not recommended.)


A-3.01   Contributions

         (a)  The Employer shall contribute [select (1), (2) or (3)]

              [ ]  (1)  out of current or accumulated profits.

              [X]  (2)  without regard to current or accumulated profits.

              [ ]  (3)  N/A [A-3.01(a)(6) is elected]

              The amount of such contribution shall be: [select (4),(5) or (6)]

              [X]  (4)  As determined by the Board of Directors each year.

              [ ]  (5)  Other


              [ ]  (6)  The Employer will make no contribution under this
                        Section A-3.01(a).  [Do not complete Sections
                        A-3.01(b), (d) and (e).  Section A-3.01(c) must still
                        be completed.]


         (b)  Allocation of contributions under A-3.01(a), above, shall be made
              for all Participants who are credited with at least [select (1),
              (2), or (3)]

              [X]  (1)  1,000 Hours of Service

              [ ]  (2)  500 Hours of Service

              [ ]  (3)  one Hour of Service

              during the Plan Year and [select (4) or (5)]

              [ ]  (4)  regardless of employment on the last day of the Plan

              [X]  (5)  who is employed with the Employer on the last day of
                        the Plan Year.

              The preceding notwithstanding, for Plan Years beginning after
              December 31, 1989, if the Plan would otherwise fail to satisfy
              the requirements of Code Sections 401(a)(26) or 410(b) because
              the Employer contributions have not been allocated to a
              sufficient number of percentage of Participants for a Plan Year,
              then the following rules shall apply:

                   (6)  The group of Participants eligible to share in the
                        Employer's contribution shall be expanded to include
                        all Participants who are employed on the last day of
                        the Plan Year and who are credited with at least 500
                        Hours of Service.

                   (7)  If after the application of paragraph (6) above, the
                        applicable test is still not satisfied, then the group
                        of Participants eligible to share in the Employer's
                        contribution shall be further expanded to include all
                        Participants who are credited with at least 500 Hours
                        of Service regardless of employment on the last day of
                        the Plan year.

              Note:     Employer includes all employers who are required to
                        be aggregated with the Employer under Code Sections
                        414(b), (c), (m) or (o)

         (c)  If a participant dies, retires, or becomes disabled during the
              Plan Year and does not complete the hours requirement for a
              contribution, an allocation

              [X]  (1)  shall not be made on such Participant's behalf for
                        such Plan Year.

              [ ]  (2)  shall be made on such Participant's behalf for such
                        Plan Year regardless of any last day requirement
                         elected under A-301(b)(5).

              Note:     The above election applies to Profit Sharing
                        Contributions under Section A-3.01(a), Matching
                        Contributions under A-4.02 and Qualified Non-elective
                        Contributions under A-4.03.


          (d)  Employer contributions under this Section and forfeitures, if
               applicable, shall be allocated to Participant's Accounts as

               [X]  (1)  NON-INTEGRATED FORMULA

                         On a pro-rata basis to all Participants in the
                         proportion that a Participant's Compensation bears to
                         the total of all Participant's Compensation.


                         Note:  This Plan may not provide for permitted
                         disparity (integration with Social Security) if the
                         Employer maintains any other plan that provides for
                         permitted disparity and benefits any of the same

                         STEP ONE:  In any Plan Year the Plan is Top-Heavy
                         contributions and forfeitures (if applicable) shall be
                         allocated to all Participants in the ratio that each
                         Participant's Compensation bears to all Participant's
                         Compensation, but not in excess of 3% of such

                         (If the plan is not top-heavy, proceed to step two.)

                         STEP TWO:  Any contributions and forfeitures not
                         allocated in STEP ONE shall be allocated to each
                         Participant's Account in the ratio that the sum of each
                         Participant's total Compensation plus Compensation in
                         excess of the integration level bears to the sum of all
                         Participants total Compensation plus Compensation in
                         excess of the integration level, but not in excess of
                         the maximum disparity rate.

                         STEP THREE:  Any remaining Employer contributions or
                         forfeitures shall be allocated to each Participant's
                         Account in the ratio that each Participant's total
                         Compensation for the Plan Year bears to all
                         Participants' total Compensation for that year.

                         For the purpose of this Section, Compensation shall
                         mean Compensation as defined in Section 1.13 of the

                         The integration level shall be:

                         [ ]  (i)  The Taxable Wage Base [The maximum amount of
                                   earnings which may be considered wages for a
                                   year under Section 3121(a)(1) of the Code in
                                   effect as of the first day of the Plan Year.]

                         [ ]  (ii) $____________(Must be less than the Taxable
                                   Wage Base.)


                         The maximum profit sharing disparity rate is equal to
                         the lesser of:

                         (a)  5.7%, or

                         (b)  The applicable percentage determined in accordance
                              with the table below:

                              If the integration level:

                              Is more          But not more      The applicable
                                than               than          percentage is
                              -------          ------------      --------------

                              $0.00            $X*                    5.7%
                               X*               80% of TWB***         4.3%
                               80% of TWB***    Y**                   5.4%

                                *  X = the greater of $10,000 or 20% of the
                               **  Y = any amount more than 80% of the TWB but
                                       less than 100% of the TWB.
                              ***TWB = Taxable Wage Base at the beginning of the
                                       Plan Year.  The TWB for 1989 is $48,000.
                                       The TWB for 1990 is $51,300.

          (e)  Is any Employee who is eligible to participate under this Plan
               covered by any other plan [including plans of non-participating
               employers required to be aggregated under Section 414(b), (c),
               (m) or (o) of the Code] which is integrated with Social Security?

               [X]  (1)  No

               [ ]  (2)  Yes [may not elect A-3.01(d)(2)]

A-3.03    (a)  Rollover contributions:

          [ ]  (1)  shall not be permitted under this Plan.

          [X]  (2)  shall be permitted under this Plan.

          (b)  Rollover contributions shall be accepted from:

          [ ]  (1)  Participants only.

          [X]  (2)  Participants and non-Participants (otherwise eligible
                    Employee who have not yet satisfied the age and/or service
                    requirements for participation).

A-3.07    ALLOCATION OF EARNINGS shall be based on the Account balance as of the
          beginning of the allocation period plus 1/2 of the contribution
          allocated at the end of the allocation period, less all withdrawals,
          plus investment transfers in, and less investment transfers out,
          unless otherwise specified.

             This plan utilizes daily accounting.





A-3.08    ALL FORFEITURES occurring at the end of Plan Year:    (select one)

          [X]  (a)  shall be used to reduce the Employer's contribution for the
                    current Plan Year.  If the Employer does not make a
                    contribution for a Plan Year, any available forfeitures
                    shall be treated as Employer Contributions.

          [ ]  (b)  shall be allocated in the same manner as Employer
                    contributions under Section 3.01 for the current Plan Year. 
                    However, forfeitures shall not be allocated to Participants
                    who are not employed on the last day of the Plan Year unless
                    such allocation is required to satisfy the requirements of
                    Code Sections 401(a) (26) and/or 410(b). (Do not elect if no
                    Profit Sharing contribution is specified in A-3.01).



          (a)  An eligible Employee may elect to have his or her annual
               Compensation reduced by

               [X]  (1)  from     1     % to      20     %
                              ----------     ------------

               [ ]  (2)

               Such election shall be in writing and in a form and manner
               specified by the Plan Administrator.

          (b)  A participant may elect to commence, or to modify the amount of,
               Elective Deferrals as of:

               [ ]  (1)  the first day of each Plan Year.

               [X]  (2)  the first day of each Plan Year and the date 6
                         months after the first day of each Plan Year.

               [ ]  (3)  the first day of each Plan Year quarter.

               The Plan Administrator may permit an additional election in the
               event an Actual Deferral Percentage Test, performed during the
               Plan Year, permits or requires an adjustment in the deferral


          (a)  The Employer [select (1) or (2)]

               [X] (1) shall

               [ ] (2) shall not

               make Matching Contributions to the Plan on behalf of all
               Participants who elect to have Elective Deferrals made under the
               Plan and who are credited with at least [select (3), (4) or (5)]

               [X]  (3)  1,000 Hours of Service


               [ ]  (4)  500 Hours of Service

               [ ]  (5)  one Hour of Service

               during the Plan Year and [select (6) or (7)]

               [ ]  (6)  regardless of employment on the last day of the Plan

               [X]  (7)  who is employed with the Employer on the last day of
                         the Plan Year.

               The preceding notwithstanding, for Plan Years beginning after
               December 31, 1989, if the Plan would otherwise fail to satisfy
               the requirements of Code Section 401(a)(26) or 410(b) because the
               Employer contributions have not been allocated to a sufficient
               number or percentage of Participants for a Plan Year, then the
               following rules shall apply:

                    (1)  The group of Participants eligible to share in the
                         Employer's contribution shall be expanded to include
                         all Participants who are employed on the last day of
                         the Plan Year and who are credited with at least 500
                         Hours of Service.

                    (2)  If after the application of paragraph (1) above, the
                         applicable test is still not satisfied, then the group
                         of Participants eligible to share in the Employer's
                         contribution shall be further expanded to include all
                         Participants who are credited with at least 500 Hours
                         of Service regardless of employment on the last day of
                         the Plan year.

               Note:     Employer includes all employers which are required to
                         be aggregated with the Employer under Code Sections
                         414(b), (c), (m) or (o).

          (b)  The employer shall contribute and allocate to each Participant's
               Matching Contribution Account:

               [ ]  (1)  an amount equal to ___________ percent of the
                         Participant's Elective Deferrals.

               [X]  (2)  a discretionary matching contribution equal to a
                         percentage (to be determined each year by the Employer)
                         of each Participant's Elective Deferrals.

          (c)  The Employer shall not match Elective Deferrals in excess of
                    6.0    percent of a Participant's

               [ ]  (1)  compensation per pay period.
               [X]  (2)  annual compensation.

          (d)  The Matching Contribution allocated to any Participant's account
               for the Plan Year shall not exceed

               [ ]  (1)  $

               [X]  (2)  N/A


          (e)  Matching Contributions shall be vested in accordance with the
               following schedule:

               [ ]  (1)  100% vested at all times.

               [X]  (2)  The vesting schedule as elected in A-11.02 of the
                         Adoption Agreement.

          (f)  Matching contributions shall be made

               [ ]  (1)  only from current or accumulated profits.

               [X]  (2)  without regard to current or accumulated profits.

A-4.03    (a)  Qualified Non-elective Contributions shall be allocated to the
               accounts of Non-highly Compensated Participants who are credited
               with at least [select (1), (2) or (3)]

               [X]  (1)  1,000 Hours of Service

               [ ]  (2)  500 Hours of Service

               [ ]  (3)  one Hour of Service

               during the Plan Year and [select (4) or (5)]

               [ ]  (4)  regardless of employment on the last day of
                         the Plan Year.

               [X]  (5)  who is employed with the Employer on the last day of
                         the Plan Year.

               The preceding notwithstanding, for Plan Years beginning after
               December 31, 1989, if the Plan would otherwise fail to satisfy
               the requirements of Code Sections 401(a)(26) or 410(b) because
               the Employer contributions have not been allocated to a
               sufficient number or percentage of Participants for a Plan Year,
               then the following rules shall apply:

                    (1)  The group of Participants eligible to share in the
                         Employer's contribution shall be expanded to include
                         all Participants who are employed on the last day of
                         the Plan Year and who are credited with at least 500
                         Hours of Service.

                    (2)  If after the application of paragraph (1) above, the
                         applicable test is still not satisfied, then the group
                         of Participants eligible to share in the Employer's
                         contribution shall be further expanded to include all
                         Participants who are credited with at least 500 Hours
                         of Service regardless of employment on the last day of
                         the Plan year.

               Note:     Employer includes all employers required to be
                         aggregated with the Employer under Code Sections
                         414(b), (c), (m) or (o).


A-4.13   Pre-retirement distributions of a Participant's entire Account
         balance, including Elective Deferrals and Qualified Non-elective
         Contributions, upon attainment of age 59 1/2 (may not be less than 59

         [X]  (a)  shall

         [ ]  (b)  shall not

         be permitted provided the Participant is 100% vested, and the balance
         in the Participant's Account has accumulated for at least two (2)
         years or the Participant has completed five (5) years of participation
         in the Plan.

A-4.14   Distributions on account of financial hardship

         [X]  (a)  shall

         [ ]  (b)  shall not

         be permitted to the extent provided in Section 4.14, and subject to
         applicable regulations.

         Distributions on account of financial hardship shall be made only

         [X]  (c)  Elective Deferrals (and any earnings credited to a
                   Participant's Elective Deferral account as of the end of the
                   last Plan Year ending before July 1, 1989.)  The amount
                   available for distribution shall include the amount credited
                   to the Participant's Qualified Matching Contribution and
                   Qualified Non-elective Contribution accounts as of the end
                   of the last Plan Year ending before July 1, 1989.

         [X]  (d)  Account balances which are not subject to the withdrawal
                   restrictions of Section 4.13 provided the Participant is
                   100% vested, and the funds have accumulated for at least two
                   (2) years or the Participant has completed five (5) years of
                   participation in the Plan.

         Note:     Hardship withdrawal provisions for funds described in (d)
                   above, are protected benefits under Code Section 411(d)(6).
                   If the conditions described in Section 4.14 are more
                   restrictive than those in effect immediately prior to the
                   adoption of this Plan, the prior conditions shall continue
                   to apply to all such funds including those which have
                   accrued after the date this Plan is adopted, and the
                   Employer should attach to this Adoption Agreement a hardship
                   withdrawal policy statement fully describing the objective
                   and nondiscriminatory conditions applicable to such


                            V. LIMITATIONS ON ALLOCATIONS

If the Employer maintains or ever maintained another qualified plan in which any
Participant in this Plan is (or was) a Participant or could become a
Participant, the Employer must complete this Section.  The Employer must also
complete this Section if it maintains a welfare benefit fund, as defined in
Section 419(e) of the Code, or an individual medical account, as defined in
Section 415(l)(2) of the Code, under which amounts are treated as Annual
Additions with respect to any Participant in this Plan.

A-5.11   If the Participant is covered under another qualified Defined
         Contribution plan maintained by the Employer, other than a Master or
         Prototype plan:

         [ ]  (a)  The provisions of Sections 5.05 through 5.10 of Article V
                   shall apply as if the other plan were a Master or Prototype

         [ ]  (b)  Provide the method under which the plans shall limit total
                   Annual Additions to the Maximum Permissible Amount, and
                   shall properly reduce any excess amounts, in a manner that
                   precludes Employer discretion.





         [X]  (c)  N/A   The Employer maintains no other plan which provides an
                   Annual Addition as defined under Section 5.13(a).

A-5.12   If the participant is or has ever been a participant in a Defined
         Benefit plan maintained by the Employer:

         [ ]  (a)  The Annual Additions which may be credited to the
                   Participant's Account under this Plan shall not be limited
                   other than by the Maximum Permissible Amount as defined in
                   Section 5.13(k).  If the sum of the Defined Benefit Fraction
                   and the Defined Contribution Fraction would otherwise exceed
                   1.0, such sum shall be reduced to not exceed 1.0 by
                   adjusting the Participant's Projected Annual Benefit under
                   the Defined Benefit plan.

         [ ]  (b)  Provide language which shall satisfy the 1.0 limitation of
                   Section 415(e) of the Code.  Such language must preclude
                   Employer discretion.





         [X]  (c)  N/A The Employer does not and has never maintained a Defined
                   Benefit plan.


                           VI.  INVESTMENT OF CONTRIBUTIONS

A-6.02   Life Insurance:  The Trustee may, at the direction of the Participant
         and subject to the requirements of Section 6.02, use a portion of each
         contribution to purchase life insurance.

         [ ]  (a)  Yes, subject to the guidelines outlined below, if any.




         [X]  (b)  No

A-6.03   Participants may direct the Trustee as to the investment of their
         individual Account balances which are attributable to:  (check all
         which apply)

         [ ]  (a)  Elective Deferrals

         [ ]  (b)  Employer Matching Contributions

         [ ]  (c)  Rollovers

         [X]  (d)  All contributions regardless of source

         [ ]  (e)  None of the above--Participants may not direct the
                   investment of their accounts

A-6.05   Participant Loans

         [X}  (a)  shall be permitted in accordance with the Employer's written
                   loan policy.

         [ ]  (b)  shall not be permitted.

                                    VIII. BENEFITS

A-8.01   Normal Retirement Date: (select one)

         [X]  (a)  The later of the first day of the month (select one)

                   [ ]  nearest

                   [X]  on or following

                   a Participant's 65th (cannot be less than 55) birthday
                   or the first day of the month on or following the 5th
                   (1st - 7th or N/A) anniversary in which (select one)

                   [ ]  participation commenced

                   [X]  the Employee first performed an Hour of Service

                   but in no event later than the first day of the month
                   on or following a Participant's N/A birthday.


         [ ]  (b)  The later of the first day of the Plan Year nearest a
                   Participant's _________________ (cannot be less than 55)
                   birthday, or the first day of the Plan Year nearest the
                   ________________ (1st-7th or N/A) anniversary in which
                   (select one)

                   [ ]  participation commenced

                   [ ]  the Employee first performed an Hour of Service

                   but in no event later than the first day of the Plan Year
                   nearest a Participant's _____________________ birthday.

A-8.02   (a)  Early Retirement Date:   Shall mean:   (select one)

              [ ]  (1)  None--no Early Retirement Date.

              [X]  (2)  First day of any [X] month [ ] Plan Year on or
                        following a Participant's 55th (cannot be less than 55)
                        birthday or after 57 (1-7 or N/A) [X] Vesting Years of
                        Service [ ] years of participation in the Plan,
                        whichever date is later.

         (b)  Early Retirement Benefit:  Upon satisfaction of the age and
              service requirements for Early Retirement, a Participant shall:
              (select one)

              [ ]  (1)  automatically become 100% vested in the Account.

              [X]  (2)  be entitled to the vested Account based on the vesting
                        schedule designated in the Adoption Agreement.

A-8.04   Disability Retirement Benefit:

         (a)  In the event of total and permanent disability, a Participant
              shall:  (select one)

              [ ]  (1)  automatically become 100% vested in the Account.

              [ ]  (2)  be entitled to the vested Account based on the vesting
                        schedule designated in the Adoption Agreement.

         (b)  Disability shall mean a physical or mental impairment which is
              expected to result in death or blindness or which can be expected
              to last for a continuous period of not less than 12 months
              resulting in:  (select one)

              [X]  (1)  an inability to engage in any substantial gainful
                        activity for which the Participant is reasonably suited
                        by reason of training, education and experience as
                        determined by the Plan Administrator.  The Plan
                        Administrator may require that the Participant be
                        examined by physician(s) selected by the Plan

              [ ]  (2)  the Participant being entitled to Social Security
                        Disability Benefits.  In the event a Participant has
                        applied for Social Security Disability Benefits, the
                        disability benefits provided by this Plan shall
                        commence upon qualifying for Social Security Disability


              [ ]  (3)  an inability to perform the normal duties for the
                        Employer as determined by the Plan Administrator.  The
                        Plan Administrator may require that the Participant be
                        examined by physician(s) selected by the Plan

A-8.09   Benefits shall be distributed:

         [ ]  (a)  only in the form of a single lump-sum payment.  (May not
                   elect if other forms were available immediately preceding
                   the adoption of this Plan.)

         [X]  (b)  in accordance with the provisions of Section 8.08.

                             XI.  TERMINATION OF SERVICE

A-11.02  The vesting schedule for benefits (derived from the Employer's
         contributions pursuant to Article III) upon termination of employment
         shall be determined according to the selection based on Vesting Years
         of Service as credited in accordance with A-1.73:  (select one)

         [ ]  (a)  100% vested at all times

         [ ]  (b)  100% vested after ______ (not to exceed 5) years of service.

         [ ]  (c)  20% vested after 2 years of service
                   40% vested after 3 years of service
                   60% vested after 4 years of service
                   80% vested after 5 years of service
                  100% vested after 6 years of service

         [ ]  (d)  20% vested after 3 years of service
                   40% vested after 4 years of service
                   60% vested after 5 years of service
                   80% vested after 6 years of service
                  100% vested after 7 years of service

         [X]  (e)  Specify:  (Must in all years be as favorable as the schedule
                   in (b) above, or as favorable as the schedule in (d) above.)

                     20  % vested after  1  years of service
                    ----                ---
                     40  % vested after  2  years of service
                    ----                ---
                     60  % vested after  3  years of service
                    ----                ---
                     80  % vested after  4  years of service
                    ----                ---
                    100  % vested after  5  years of service
                    ----                ---
                         % vested after     years of service
                    ----                ---
                         % vested after     years of service
                    ----                ---

         Note:     If this is a restated plan and the vesting schedule has been
                   amended, enter the pre-amended schedule below:

         [X]  (f)    20  % vested after  3  years of service
                    ----                ---
                     40  % vested after  4  years of service
                    ----                ---
                     60  % vested after  5  years of service
                    ----                ---
                     80  % vested after  6  years of service
                    ----                ---
                    100  % vested after  7  years of service
                    ----                ---
                         % vested after     years of service
                    ----                ---
                         % vested after     years of service
                    ----                ---

         [ ]  (g)  Vesting schedule has not been amended.


A-11.05  Distributions upon termination of Service shall be made as soon as
         administratively feasible following:

         [X]  (a)  Termination of employment.

         [ ]  (b)  The end of the Plan Year following termination of

         [ ]  (c)  The end of the Plan Year during which a One-Year Break in
                   Service occurs.

         [ ]  (d)  Early or Normal Retirement Date, Death, or Disability.

         Note:     May not be more restrictive than the provision in effect
                   immediately preceding the adoption of this Plan.

A-11.09  Benefits which are no longer immediately distributable

         [ ]  (a)  shall not be distributed without the consent of the
                   Participant and/or Beneficiary prior to the time required by
                   Article X.

         [X]  (b)  shall, subject to the requirements of Article IX, be
                   distributed as soon as administratively feasible following
                   the date on which they cease to be immediately

         Note:     An Account balance is immediately distributable if any 
                   part of the Account balance could be distributed to the 
                   Participant (or Surviving Spouse) before the Participant
                   attains (or would have attained if not deceased) the later
                   of Normal Retirement Age or age 62.

                                    XV.  TOP-HEAVY

Before completing this Section of the Adoption Agreement, the Employer should
carefully read Article XV of the Basic Plan Document paying particular attention
to Sections 15.03 thru 15.05.

A-15.02  Minimum Top-heavy Allocations: The purpose of this Section A-15.02 is
         to coordinate Top-Heavy minimum contributions or benefits when two or
         more plans of the Employer are involved.  If the Employer maintains
         only this plan, and has never maintained a Defined Benefit plan, the
         Employer is required to complete only Section (d).  If the Employer
         maintains (or has maintained) a Defined Benefit plan, this Section
         should be completed only with the advice of that plan's actuary.  If
         the Employer maintains two Defined Contribution plans, and has never
         maintained a Defined Benefit plan, the Employer is required to
         complete only Sections (c) or (d).

         (a)  If the Employer maintains a Defined Benefit plan, this Section or
                              --------- - ------- ------- ----
              Section (d) below must be completed.

              If a non-key Employee participates in both a Defined Benefit plan
              and a Defined Contribution plan which are part of a Required
              Aggregation Group or a Permissive Aggregation Group and the
              Top-Heavy Ratio exceeds 60% (but does not exceed 90%), Top-Heavy
              minimum benefits shall be provided as follows:


              [ ]  (1)  In the Defined Contribution Plan, with a minimum
                        allocation of:

                        [ ]  (i)  5%   of total compensation (Defined Benefit
                                       and Defined Contribution Fractions
                                       computed using 100% of the dollar

                        [ ]  (ii) 7.5% of total compensation (Defined Benefit
                                       and Defined Contribution Fractions
                                       computed using 125% of the dollar

              [ ]  (2)  In the Defined Benefit Plan, with a minimum annual
                        accrual of:

                        [ ]  (i)  2%   of the highest 5 consecutive year
                                       average compensation (Defined Benefit
                                       and Defined Contribution fractions
                                       computed using 100% of the dollar

                        [ ]  (ii) 3%   of the highest 5 consecutive year
                                       average compensation (Defined Benefit
                                       and Defined Contribution Fractions
                                       computed using 125% of the dollar

              If the Top-Heavy Ratio exceeds 90%, the minimum benefit shall be
              provided in:

              [ ]  (3)  the Defined Contribution plan with a minimum allocation
                        of 5% of total compensation.

              [ ]  (4)  the Defined Benefit plan with a minimum accrual of 2%
                        of the highest 5 consecutive year average compensation

              Note:     When the Top-Heavy Ratio exceeds 90%, the Defined
                        Benefit and Defined Contribution Fractions shall be
                        computed using 100% of the dollar limitation.

         (b)  If the Employer maintains (or has maintained) a Defined Benefit
                              ---------  -- --- ----------  - ------- -------
              plan, this Section or Section (d) below must be completed.

              If the Employer maintains both a Defined Benefit plan and a
              Defined Contribution plan which are part of a Required
              Aggregation Group or a Permissive Aggregation Group and the
              Top-Heavy Ratio exceeds 60% (but does not exceed 90%), a non-key
              Employee who participates only in the Defined Contribution plan
              shall receive a minimum allocation of:

              [ ]  (1)  3%   of total compensation (Defined Benefit and Defined
                             Contribution Fractions computed using 100% of the
                             dollar limitation)

              [ ]  (2)  4%   of total compensation (Defined Benefit and Defined
                             Contribution Fractions computed using 125% of the
                             dollar limitation)

              If the Top-Heavy Ratio exceeds 90% each non-key Employee who
              participates only in the Defined Contribution plan shall receive


              a minimum allocation of 3% of total compensation.

         (c)  If the Employer maintains two Defined Contribution plans, this
                              --------- --- ------- ------------
              Section or Section (d) below must be completed.

              If a non-key Employee participates in two Defined Contribution
              plans maintained by the Employer, the Defined Contribution
              minimum allocation requirement shall be met

              [ ]  (1)  in this plan.

              [ ]  (2)  in the other plan.
                                                      (Name of Plan)

         (d)  Complete this Section only if (a), (b) and/or (c) have not been
              -------- ---- ------- ---- -- ---  --- ------ --- ---- --- ----

              [ ]  (1)  Specify how the plans shall provide Top-Heavy minimum
                        benefits for non-key Employees precluding Employer
                        discretion and avoiding inadvertent omissions.




              [X]  (2)  The Employer maintains only this Plan and has never
                        maintained a Defined Benefit Plan.

A-15.06  TOP HEAVY VESTING...If this Plan becomes a Top-Heavy Plan, the
         following vesting schedule for such Plan Year and each succeeding Plan
         Year, whether or not Top-Heavy, shall be effective and shall be
         treated as a Plan amendment pursuant to this Agreement.

         [ ]  (a)  100% vested after        (not to exceed 3) years of service.

         [ ]  (b)   20% vested after 2 years of service
                    40% vested after 3 years of service
                    60% vested after 4 years of service
                    80% vested after 5 years of service
                   100% vested after 6 years of service

         [ ]  (c)  Specify:  (Must in all years be as favorable as the schedule
                   in (a) above, or as favorable as the schedule in (b) above.)

                         % vested after      years of service
                   ------               -----
                         % vested after      years of service
                   ------               -----
                         % vested after      years of service
                   ------               -----
                         % vested after      years of service
                   ------               -----
                         % vested after      years of service
                   ------               -----
                         % vested after      years of service
                   ------               -----

         [X]  (d)  N/A, Vesting schedule in A-11.02 is equal to or more
                   favorable than (a) or (b) above.

         However, this Section does not apply to the Account balances of any
         Participant who does not have an Hour of Service after the Plan has
         initially become Top-Heavy.  Such Participant's Account balance
         attributable to Employer contributions and forfeitures shall be
         determined without regard to this section.


The adopting Employer may not rely on an Opinion Letter issued by the National
Office of the Internal Revenue Service as evidence that the Plan is qualified
under Section 401 of the Internal Revenue Code.  In order to obtain reliance
with respect to plan qualification, the Employer must apply to the appropriate
key district office for a Determination Letter.

This adoption agreement may not be used only in conjunction with basic plan
document #01.

Provided the adoption of this Plan is properly registered with the Prototype 
Sponsor, the Prototype Sponsor shall inform the adopting Employer of any 
amendments made to the Plan or of the discontinuance or abandonment of the 
Plan. The adoption of the Plan is not properly registered unless the attached 
registration form along with the applicable registration fee is returned to:

                   Lincoln National Life Insurance Company
                   1300 South Clinton Street
                   P.O. Box #2248
                   Ft. Wayne, IN  46801-2248

Inquiries by adopting Employers regarding the adoption of this Plan, the
intended meaning of any Plan provisions, or the effect of the Opinion Letter may
be directed to the Prototype Sponsor at the above address or phone
(219) 455-4940.


Use of this Plan Document without proper registration and payment of the
applicable registration fee constitutes an unauthorized use.

The Employer represents that it has consulted with its attorney with respect to
its adoption of this Plan, and agrees to the provisions of the Plan and Trust.

IN WITNESS HEREOF, the Employer has caused this Agreement to be signed by its
duly authorized Officer and the Trustee(s) have accepted the appointment and
signed this Agreement.

                                       De Crane Aircraft Holdings, Inc. oka
                                          (Legal Name of Employer) DAH, Inc.


                                       /s/ Robert A. Rankin
                                          (Signature of Officer)

              3-29-96                  Robert A. Rankin, CFO
- -----------------------------------    ---------------------------------
              (Date)                        (Typed or Printed Name
                                             and Title of Officer)

                                       Accepted By:

- -----------------------------------    ---------------------------------
              (Date)                    (Signature of Trustee) Robert A. Rankin

- -----------------------------------    ---------------------------------
              (Date)                     (Signature of Trustee)

- -----------------------------------    ---------------------------------
              (Date)                     (Signature of Trustee)

Participating Employer               Authorized Signature           Date
- ----------------------               --------------------           ----

Tri-Star Electronics, Int'l, Inc.    /s/ Robert A. Rankin          3/29/96
- -------------------------------    ------------------------    ---------------

Cory Components                      /s/ Robert A. Rankin          3/29/96
- -------------------------------    ------------------------    ---------------

Hollingsead, Int'l.                  /s/ Robert A. Rankin          3/29/96
- -------------------------------    ------------------------    ---------------

- -------------------------------    ------------------------    ---------------

Failure to properly complete this Adoption Agreement may result in
disqualification of the Plan.


                         PLAN #007  IRS SERIAL #D359971a

Adopting Employer:    De Crane Aircraft Holdings, Inc. oka DAH, Inc.
Address:              2201 Rosecrans Avenue
                      El Sequndo, CA  90245


Telephone:          (310) 536-0444  FAX (310) 536-9322

List all investment contract and plan numbers assigned by Lincoln, if any:

     GSA #52212     PL-45374
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Adopting Employer agrees to provide Lincoln with any changes to its current
mailing address and to give Lincoln written notification of any plan amendment
(as outlined in Section 12.02 of the Defined Contribution Prototype Plan Basic
Plan #01), restatement or termination.

In consideration of the above, and of the registration fee of $150, Lincoln
agrees to:

     *provide the Adopting Employer with a copy of the current Defined
      Contribution Prototype Plan Basic Plan #01 and Adoption Agreement; and

     *advise the Adopting Employer of any amendments made to the Prototype
      Plan; and

     *inform the Adopting Employer of any changes in the Prototype Plan's
      qualified status; and

     *inform the Adopting Employer of any discontinuance or abandonment of
      the Prototype Plan.

This registration does not effect the rights and obligations of Lincoln or the
Adopting Employer under any other arrangement, including (but not limited to)
Lincoln's right to charge an additional fee for providing an updated Prototype
Plan and/or Adoption Agreement.

Continued reliance by the Adopting Employer upon the Prototype Plan's favorable
Opinion Letter from the IRS is dependant upon the Adopting Employer adopting the
current version of the Prototype Plan.

Please sign and return this registration form, together with the registration
fee, to:
               Lincoln National Life Insurance Company
               1300 South Clinton Street
               P.O. Box 2248
               Fort Wayne, IN  46801-2248
               Attention:  Kathy Spillson

/s/ Robert A. Rankin                              CFO                 3/29/96
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Signature of Adopting Employer)                  (Title)             (Date)
Robert A. Rankin                                  CFO


                                   LOAN POLICY

Plan #  PS-45374    Plan Name  DAH Retirement Plan
       ------------           --------------------------------------------------

1)   Name of fiduciary responsible for the loan program
     (Specific person or position responsible for overseeing program)

2)   Loan application procedures:

     (*)  Participation must fill out appropriate loan application (Lincoln
          National form #223598) including required spousal consent.
     (*)  Participant must sign promissory note (SAMPLE attached).
     (*)  Trustee or fiduciary must sign application, assign reasonable rate and
          keep promissory note on file.
     (*)  Application must be submitted to Lincoln National for processing.
          Loans will be funded first from the source of money containing the
          largest dollar balance in the participant's account.

3)   Basis for approval or denial of loans:

     (*)  Loans will be approved if all policy specifications are met and
          requested loan amount is available.
     (*)  Loans will be denied if any policy specifications are not met. It 
          is the Trustee's responsibility to notify the participant if a loan
          is denied.

4)   Limitations on types and amounts of loans:

     a.   Loans will be granted for the following reasons:
                    Financial Hardship
                    Purchase of a Primary Residence
                    Other (please specify):
               -----                       -------------------------------------

     b.   Loan amounts will be limited as follows:
               (*)  1,000 minimum loan amount.
               50%  Maximum loan amount is 50% of vested account balance unless
               ---  otherwise specified below.  Please note:  if over 50%, it is
                    the responsibility of the fiduciary named in #1 above to
                    obtain collateral, process foreclosures (as necessary), and
                    make the participant aware of possible immediate taxation

     c.   Other loan provisions:
               (*)  Participant may have one loan outstanding at any time.
                    Exception: a second loan may be granted provided one of the
                    loans is a home mortgage.
               (*)  A period of one month from the date the original loan is
                    repaid in full is required before applying for a subsequent
               (*)  Loans may not be renegotiated (e.g. loan amount, interest
                    rate or repayment period).
               (*)  Length of loan may not exceed 5 years (except for purchase
                    of primary residence).

                                     Page 5

               (*)  Loans for active participants must be repaid through payroll
                    deduction at least monthly.
               (*)  Loans for participants on leave of absence must be repaid by
                    personal check at least monthly.
               (*)  Loans for terminated participants or beneficiaries with
                    deferred vested balances must be paid by personal check at
                    least monthly.
                    Other (i.e. administrative fees, higher rates, credit
               ---  reports, etc.):

5)   Procedure for determining a reasonable rate of interest:

     (*)  Rate must be commensurate with interest rates currently charges at
          commercial institutions for similar loans at that time.
     ---  Rate of interest charged will take into effect "appropriate regional
          factors" and reflect rates of local or regional commercial
          institutions (i.e. banks, credit unions, savings & loan associations,
     ---  Other (list any specific formulas for determining reasonable rate):

6)   Types of collateral acceptable for a loan:

     (*)  Up to 50% of the participant's vested account balance.
          Other (please specify type of collateral acceptable and required
          paperwork, i.e. home mortgages, certificates of deposit, etc.).
          Fiduciaries are responsible for obtaining and holding all collateral
          other than vested account balances.

7)   Events constituting default of a loan and procedures which will be taken to
     preserve plan assets in the event of default:

     (*)  For loans collateralized by vested account balances:  if three (3)
          months transpire and a loan payment remains due and unpaid, the loan
          is in default and a taxable event occurs.  The outstanding loan
          balance will be reported as income on Form 1099R to the participant
          and the IRS.  No interest will be accrued following the default.  The
          defaulted loan remains an obligation of the participant and still
          needs to be repaid.
     (*)  If a participant has a defaulted loan, another loan will not be
          For loans collateralized by other means of collateral:  if three (3)
          months transpire and a loan payment remains due and unpaid, the loan
          is in default and the trustee will (please specify steps to be taken):
          Other (please specify):
     ---                         -----------------------------------------------

                                     Page 6

Please note, if you are using the Defined Contribution Prototype Plan Document
sponsored by the Lincoln National Life Insurance Company, a 5% or more owner-
employee of an S corporation, a sole proprietor, a more than 10% owner of a
partnership, and a 10% or more stockholder owner in a corporation, unless the
stockholder is also a plan participant, (and their spouses and certain other
relatives) are ineligible to receive loans from this qualified plan.

The above policy is designed to meet DOL requirements as specified under Section
2550.408b-1, as modified by DOL Advisory Opinion 89-30A, regarding written loan
policies.  Any changes in this policy must be submitted in writing prior to
being considered for the approval of a loan.

Effective Date:                         (first day of the current Plan Year 
                                         unless otherwise specified)

Date    3/29/96     Trustee(s) signature(s)   /s/ Robert A. Rankin
     --------------                          -----------------------------------

                                     Page 7

                               AGREEMENT #1 AMENDING

                               DAH Retirement Plan
                      401(k) Salary Reduction Plan and Trust

THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 25th day of September, 1996, by and
                                           ----        ----------
between DeCrane Aircraft Holdings, Inc. oka DAH, Inc. organized under the laws
of California with principal offices at El Segundo, California (hereinafter
called the "Employer" or the "Company") and Robert A. Rankin (hereinafter
referred to as the Trustee);

                               W I T N E S S E T H:
                               - - - - - - - - - -

That at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company held on the 25th
day of September, 1996, certain amendments to the 401(k) Salary Reduction 
Prototype Plan were authorized and directed;

Now, therefore, it is agreed by and between the parties hereto that the
aforementioned 401(k) Salary Reduction Plan and Trust Agreement be and it is
hereby amended effective September 19, 1996 as follows:

     Section A-1.64 shall be amended to read as follows:

          "Years of Service with a predecessor employer:  Years of Service with
          any Company acquired by DeCrane Aircraft Holdings, Inc. through
          acquisition, for whom this Employer does not maintain a predecessor
          plan shall be considered under the Plan for purposes of vesting and 

     Section A-2.01(e) shall be amended to read as follows:

          "Entry Date:  Shall mean: The first day of the Plan Year and the dates
          which are 3, 6 and 9 months after the Plan Year."

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the employer has caused this agreement to be signed by its
duly authorized officer and the Trustees have also signed this amendment.

                              DeCrane Aircraft Holdings, Inc. oka DAH, Inc.
                                             Name of Employer

                                   BY:  /s/ Robert Rankin
                                        Signature of Officer

- --------                           --------------------------------------
Date                                   Typed or Printed Name and
                                       Title of Officer

                                   Accepted By:

9-25-96                                 /s/ Robert Rankin
- -------                            ----------------------------------------
Date                                   Signature of Trustee

Participating Employer          Authorized Signature           Date
- -----------------------         ---------------------          -----

Tri-Star Electronics
- --------------------
International, Inc.              /s/ Robert Rankin             9-25-96
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Cory Components                  /s/ Robert Rankin             9-25-96
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Hollingsead International        /s/ Robert Rankin             9-25-96
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