Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of
            the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.    )
    Filed by the Registrant /X/
    Filed by a party other than the Registrant / /
    Check the appropriate box:
    / /  Preliminary Proxy Statement
    / /  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule
    /X/  Definitive Proxy Statement
    / /  Definitive Additional Materials
    / /  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-11(c) or Section 
                                    Empi, Inc.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
/X/  No fee required

/ /  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) 
     and 0-11

    (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

    (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

    (3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
        pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
        filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

    (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

    (5) Total fee paid:


/ / Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

/ / Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
    0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
    previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
    or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

    (1) Amount Previously Paid:

    (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

    (3) Filing Party:

    (4) Date Filed:


                          EMPI-Registered Trademark-
                              599 CARDIGAN ROAD
                          ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55126
                         TO BE HELD ON APRIL 28, 1999


    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Meeting of Shareholders (the 
"Meeting") of Empi, Inc. (the "Company") will be held at the Company's 
corporate headquarters, 599 Cardigan Road, St. Paul, Minnesota on Wednesday, 
April 28, 1999, at 3:30 p.m. local time, for the following purposes:

    1. To set the number of directors at seven (7).

    2. To elect two Class One directors, each to a term expiring in 2002.

    3. To  approve  an  amendment  to  the  Company's 1997 Stock Option Plan to
       increase the annual formula grants to non-employee directors.

    4. To  approve  the  appointment  of  Ernst  &  Young  LLP as the Company's
       independent auditors.

    5. To consider and act upon such other business as may properly come before
       the Meeting or any adjournments thereof.

    Shareholders of record on March 11, 1999, are the only persons entitled 
to notice of and to vote at the Meeting and any adjournments thereof.

    Information concerning the matters to be acted upon at the Meeting is set 
forth in the accompanying Proxy Statement.


                                     By Order of the Board of Directors

                                     Empi, Inc.

                                     Thomas R. King

March 17, 1999

                               PROXY STATEMENT
                          EMPI-Registered Trademark-
                              599 CARDIGAN ROAD
                          ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55126
                        ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                         TO BE HELD ON APRIL 28, 1999

    The enclosed proxy is solicited by the Board of Directors of Empi, Inc. 
(the "Company") for use at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders (the "Meeting") 
to be held on Wednesday, April 28, 1999, and at any adjournment thereof, for 
the purposes set forth in the Notice of Annual Meeting.

    The cost of soliciting proxies, including the cost of preparing, 
assembling and mailing proxies and soliciting materials, as well as the cost 
of forwarding such materials to the beneficial owners of stock, will be borne 
by the Company. Directors, officers and regular employees of the Company may, 
without compensation other than their regular compensation, solicit proxies 
personally or by telephone.  The Proxy Statement and accompanying form of 
Proxy will be first mailed to shareholders on or about March 17, 1999.

    Any shareholder executing a proxy may revoke it at any time prior to its 
exercise at the Meeting by giving written notice of such revocation to the 
Company's Secretary or any other officer of the Company, by filing a new 
written proxy with an officer of the Company or by voting the shares in 
person at the Meeting.  Proxies will be voted in accordance with the choice 
specified thereon by shareholders.  Proxies which are signed by shareholders, 
but which lack specification for a particular proposal, will be voted in 
favor of such proposal.

    The record date for determining the shareholders entitled to vote at the 
Meeting was the close of business on March 11, 1999, at which time the 
Company had issued and outstanding 6,176,019 shares of Common Stock, no par 
value, the only voting securities of the Company.  Each shareholder is 
entitled to one vote for each share of Common Stock held.  The presence at 
the Meeting in person or by proxy of the holders of a majority of the 
outstanding shares of Common Stock entitled to vote shall constitute a quorum 
for the transaction of business.  If a shareholder abstains from voting as to 
any matter, then the shares held by such shareholder shall be deemed present 
at the Meeting for purposes of determining a quorum and for purposes of 
calculating the vote with respect to such matter, but shall not be deemed to 
have been voted in favor of such matter. An abstention as to any proposal 
will therefore have the same effect as a vote against the proposal.  If a 
broker returns a "non-vote" proxy, indicating a lack of discretionary 
authority on the part of the broker to vote on a particular matter, then the 
shares covered by such non-vote shall be deemed present at the Meeting for 
purposes of determining a quorum but shall not be deemed to be represented at 
the Meeting for purposes of calculating the vote required for approval of 
such matter.



    The following information concerning ownership of the Common Stock of the 
Company is furnished as of the record date, March 11, 1999, with respect to 
(i) all persons known by the Company to be the owner, of record or 
beneficially, of more than 5% of the outstanding Common Stock of the Company; 
(ii) each of the directors and nominees for election to the Board of 
Directors of the Company; (iii) the executive officers of the Company named 
in the Summary Compensation Table as set forth under the caption "Executive 
Compensation"; and (iv) all directors and executive officers of the Company 
as a group.  Unless otherwise indicated, the shareholders listed in the table 
have sole voting and investment powers with respect to the shares indicated.

                                                            SHARES           PERCENT OF 
 NAME (AND ADDRESSES OF 5%                               BENEFICIALLY       COMMON STOCK
 OWNERS) OR IDENTITY OF GROUP (1)                            OWNED            OWNERSHIP
- ---------------------------------                       --------------      ------------
 Kopp Investment Advisors, Inc. Group
 6600 France Avenue South, Suite 672                   
 Edina,  MN  55435. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,282,991 (2)          20.8%

 Woodland Partners LLC
 60 South Sixth Street, Suite 3750
 Minneapolis,  Minnesota 55402. . . . . . . . . . . .      662,700 (3)          10.7%

 U.S. Bancorp
 601 Second Avenue South
 Minneapolis,  Minnesota 55402. . . . . . . . . . . .      354,200 (4)           5.7%

 Scott R. Anderson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        9,000 (5)            .1%

 Bradley J. Beard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        1,250 (5)             *

 Everett  F. Carter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        5,375 (5)             *  

 M. Nazie Eftekhari . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        1,250 (5)             *

 Joseph E. Laptewicz, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       56,811 (6)            .9%

 Donald  D. Maurer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       56,845                .9%

 Kenneth  F. Tempero. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       12,000 (7)            .2%

 Robert W. Clapp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       20,980 (5)            .3%

 Deborah L. Jensen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        6,110 (8)            .1%

 Patrick D. Spangler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          752 (5)             *

 H. Philip Vierling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       22,422 (9)            .4%

 All directors and executive officers as a
 group (13 persons) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      196,007 (10)          3.1%


* Less than .1%

(1)  Each person listed herein, except Kopp Investment Advisors, Inc., Woodland
     Partners LLC and U.S. Bancorp, is either a nominee or a member of the Board
     of Directors or an executive officer of the Company.

(2)  Kopp Investment Advisors, Inc. ("KIA") filed a Schedule 13G dated February
     1, 1999, with the Securities and Exchange Commission on behalf of itself,
     Kopp Holding Company and LeRoy C. Kopp.  KIA is wholly-owned by Kopp
     Holding Company, which is wholly-owned by Mr. Kopp.  Such beneficial owners
     filed such 13G as a "Group" as defined in Section 13(d)(3) of the
     Securities Exchange Act of 1934.  The Company is relying on such 13G for
     the purpose of showing beneficial ownership.

     KIA serves as investment advisor for the accounts of individual clients,
     and 1,282,991 shares are held in a fiduciary or representative capacity. 
     KIA has shared voting power over all 1,282,991 shares.


(3)  Woodland Partners LLC ("Woodland") filed a Schedule 13G dated February 8,
     1999, with the Securities and Exchange Commission.  Woodland serves as
     investment advisor for the accounts of individual clients.  Woodland has
     the following powers over the shares indicated: sole voting power, 572,800;
     shared voting power, 89,900; and sole dispositive power, 662,700.

(4)  U.S. Bancorp filed a Schedule 13G dated February 11, 1999, with the
     Securities and Exchange Commission.  U.S. Bancorp is a parent holding
     company for the following subsidiaries:  U.S. Bank National Association,
     U.S. Bank Trust National Association and Zapp National Bank.  According to
     its Schedule 13G, U.S. Bancorp has the following powers over the shares
     indicated: sole voting power, 354,100; and sole dispositive power, 328,200.

(5)  Includes for the following persons the number of shares indicated, which
     shares are subject to stock options exercisable within 60 days of the
     record date: Scott R. Anderson, 8,000; Bradley J. Beard, 1,250; Everett F.
     Carter, 3,500; M. Nazie Eftekhari, 1,250; Robert W. Clapp, 18,988; and
     Patrick D. Spangler, 752.

(6)  Includes (a) 9,000 shares issuable pursuant to options exercisable within
     60 days of the record date and (b) 2,815 shares held jointly by Mr.
     Laptewicz and his spouse.

(7)  Includes (a) 11,500 shares issuable pursuant to options exercisable within
     60 days of the record date and (b) 500 shares held in an Individual
     Retirement Account for the benefit of Dr. Tempero.

(8)  Includes (a) 5,724 shares issuable pursuant to options exercisable within
     60 days of the record date and (b) 310 shares held in the Empi, Inc.
     Retirement, Profit Sharing and Savings Plan over which Ms. Jensen has no
     voting power.

(9)  Includes (a) 17,772 shares issuable pursuant to options exercisable within
     60 days of the record date, (b) 3,058 shares held in the Empi, Inc.
     Retirement, Profit Sharing and Savings Plan over which Mr. Vierling has no
     voting power and (c) 1,592 shares held jointly by Mr. Vierling and his

(10) Includes in total for the directors and executive officers as a group (a)
     80,178 shares issuable pursuant to options exercisable within 60 days of
     the record date, (b) 3,657 shares held in the Empi, Inc. Retirement, Profit
     Sharing and Savings Plan over which the participants have no voting power,
     (c) 500 shares held in an Individual Retirement Account and (d) 4,407
     shares held jointly with a spouse.

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS
                              (PROPOSALS #1 AND #2)

     The Bylaws of the Company provide that the Board of Directors shall 
consist of not less than three and not more than seven directors and that the 
number of directors to be elected shall be determined by the shareholders at 
each Meeting. The Bylaws of the Company also provide for the election of 
three classes of directors with terms staggered so as to require the election 
of only one class of directors each year.  Two directors to serve as members 
of Class One will be elected at the 1999 Annual Meeting.  Directors who are 
members of Class Two and Class Three will continue to serve for the terms for 
which they were elected at prior Annual Meetings.

     Accordingly, the Board recommends that the number of directors be set at 
seven and that two Class One directors be elected at the Meeting.  Under 
applicable Minnesota law, approval of the proposals to set the number of 
directors at seven and elect the Class One directors requires the affirmative 
vote of the holders of the greater of (i) a majority of the voting power of 
the shares represented in person or by proxy at the Meeting with authority to 
vote on such matter, or (ii) a majority of the voting power of the minimum 
number of shares that would constitute a quorum for the transaction of 
business at the Meeting.  The Board of Directors nominates Dr. Kenneth F. 
Tempero for reelection as a Class One director of the Company.  If elected, 
Dr. Tempero will serve for a three-year term as a Class One director and 
until his successor is duly elected and qualified.  Donald D. Maurer, a 
current Class One Director of the Company, declined to stand for reelection.  
The Board of Directors also nominates H. Philip Vierling as a Class One 
director of the Company.  If elected, Mr. Vierling will serve his initial 
term for three years as a Class One director and until his successor is duly 
elected and qualified.


     Unless authority is withheld, the proxies solicited hereby will be voted 
for the election of Dr. Kenneth F. Tempero and H. Philip Vierling as Class 
One  directors, each for a term of three years.  If, prior to the Meeting, it 
should become known that Dr. Tempero or Mr. Vierling each will be unable to 
serve as a director after the Meeting by reason of death, incapacity or other 
unexpected occurrence, the proxies will be voted for such substitute nominee 
as is selected by the Board of Directors or, alternatively, not voted for any 
to serve. Following is information about the nominees and all other current 
directors of the Company.

            NOMINEES AND                                PAST FIVE YEARS AND DIRECTORSHIPS                            DIRECTOR 
          CURRENT DIRECTORS                                    IN PUBLIC COMPANIES                                    SINCE 
          -----------------                         -----------------------------------------                        --------
 Donald D. Maurer (62)               Chairman Emeritus of the Company since November 1997.  Chief                     1977
 (Class One, term                    Scientific Officer of the Company from October 1994 to October 1997.
 ending in 1999)                     Chairman of the Company from October 1977 to October 1997.  Chief
                                     Executive Officer of the Company from April 1979 to September 1994. 
                                     Mr. Maurer held the additional position of President from February
                                     1993 to September 1994.  Mr. Maurer is a director of Angeion, Inc. 

 Dr. Kenneth F. Tempero (59)         Independent business and drug development consultant since May 1996.             1993
 (Class One, term                    Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of MGI PHARMA, INC., an
 ending in 1999)                     acquirer, developer and marketer of pharmaceuticals, from August 1987
                                     to April 1996.  Mr. Tempero is a director of Endorex Corporation.

 H. Philip Vierling (43)             President and Chief Operating Officer of the Company since March
 (Nominee Class One)                 1999.  Vice President of Sales and Marketing from February 1998 to
                                     February 1999.  Vice President of Marketing from May 1997 to January
                                     1998.  Mr. Vierling was Director of Business Development for the Company
                                     from January 1995 to April 1997 and Director of Marketing from May 1993 
                                     to December 1994.

 Scott R. Anderson (59)              Chairman of the Company from November 1997 to February 1999.                     1993
 (Class Two, term                    President and Chief Executive Officer of North Memorial Medical
 ending in 2000)                     Center, a general, acute medical center, since 1981.  Mr. Anderson is
                                     a director of Telident, Inc.

 M. Nazie Eftekhari (44)             Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of The Araz Group, a national               1997
 (Class Two, term                    developer of diversified managed care services, since 1984.  
 ending in 2000)

 Joseph E. Laptewicz, Jr. (49)       Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Company since March 1999.            1994
 (Class Two, term                    President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company from October
 ending in 2000)                     1994 to February 1999.  Mr. Laptewicz held the additional position of
                                     Acting Chief Financial Officer from March 1997 to July 1997. 
                                     President and Chief Executive Officer of Schneider (USA), Inc., a
                                     manufacturer of products for interventional medicine, from April 1992
                                     to September 1994. Mr. Laptewicz is a director of Angiodynamics,
                                     Inc., a subsidiary of E-Z-EM, Inc. and Advanced Neuromodulation
                                     Systems, Inc. 

 Bradley J. Beard (39)               Vice President of Fairview Health Systems, a regional health care                1998
 (Class Three, term                  services company, since June 1985.  Administrator of the Institute
 ending in 2001)                     for Athletic Medicine, a provider of orthopedic, chiropractic and
                                     sports physical therapy for Fairview Health Systems, since 1984.

 Everett F. Carter (71)              Retired since June 1997.  Chairman of Wadia Digital, Inc., a                    1985 
 (Class Three, term                  manufacturer of audio equipment, from April 1996 to June 1997. 
 ending in 2001)                     President and Chief Executive Officer of Wadia Digital, Inc. from
                                     August 1991 to March 1996. 



     The Board of Directors formed Audit and Compensation Committees in March 
1984.  A Stock Option Committee, which is vested with the same authority as 
the Board with respect to the granting of options and the administration of 
the Company's stock plans, was formed in June 1987.  The Compensation 
Committee, which is responsible for establishing compensation policies and 
overseeing compensation plans with respect to both executives and 
non-employee directors, and the Stock Option Committee merged in 1992.  The 
Corporate Governance Committee was formed in August 1996. The primary 
responsibilities of the Corporate Governance Committee include working with 
management on an annual basis to achieve management succession planning; 
self-evaluation of the Board of Directors; and serving as the Company's 
Nominating Committee on an as-needed basis.

     Members of the Audit Committee through 1998 were Everett Carter, M. 
Nazie Eftekhari and Donald Maurer.  The Audit Committee met three times 
during 1998 to review the procedures and recommendations of the Company's 
independent auditors. Members of the Compensation and Stock Option Committee 
through 1998 were Scott Anderson and M. Nazie Eftekhari.  During fiscal year 
1998, the Compensation and Stock Option Committee held one meeting and acted 
in writing one time. Members of the Corporate Governance Committee through 
1998 were Kenneth Tempero, Committee chairman, and Everett Carter. The 
Corporate Governance Committee met with the Chairman of the Board one time 
during 1998.  Committee membership has not changed in 1999 with the exception 
of the addition of Bradley Beard to the Corporate Governance Committee.

     The Board of Directors held four formal meetings and acted in writing 
two times during the last fiscal year.  All current directors attended at 
least 75% of the aggregate number of meetings of the Board of Directors plus 
the meetings of each of the committees on which each director served.


     Directors who are not full-time employees of the Company receive an 
annual retainer of $3,000, a fee of $1,000 for each Board meeting attended 
and $500 for each committee meeting attended.   In addition to the preceding 
compensation, the Chairman of the Corporate Governance Committee receives an 
annual retainer of $2,000.

     Pursuant to the Company's 1997 Stock Option Plan, each non-employee 
director of the Company is automatically granted an option to purchase 5,000 
shares of Common Stock on the date of such non-employee's initial election, 
which option is exercisable to the extent of 1,250 shares on each anniversary 
date of the grant date.  On the date of each Annual Meeting of Shareholders, 
each incumbent non-employee director is automatically granted an option to 
purchase 500 shares of the Company's Common Stock ("Annual Grant"), which 
option is exercisable on the first anniversary date of the date of grant; 
provided, however, that a non-employee director may not receive an Annual 
Grant until the Annual Meeting on or following the third anniversary of such 
non-employee director's initial election.  Subject to shareholder approval of 
Proposal #3, the Annual Grant will be an option to purchase 1,500 shares.  
All options granted have an exercise price per share equal to 100% of the 
fair market value of the Company's Common Stock on the date of grant and 
expire on the earlier of (i) three months after the optionee ceases to be a 
director (except by death, disability or retirement) or (ii) seven years.  If 
a non-employee director ceases to be a director because of a disability, the 
option may be exercised, to the extent such option was exercisable on the 
date of termination, at any time within twelve months after the non-employee 
director ceases to be a director because of a disability or on the date on 
which the option, by its terms, expires, whichever is earlier.  In the event 
of the death of a non-employee director (i) during the term of directorship, 
(ii) within three months following termination of directorship for any reason 
other than disability, or (iii) within twelve months following termination of 
directorship because of disability, the option shall become immediately 
exercisable and shall not expire until the original expiration date of the 
option.  If a non-employee director retires from the Company, having reached 
age sixty and completed a minimum of five years of service, the option shall 
become 100% exercisable and shall terminate on its original expiration date.


                            EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION



     The Compensation and Stock Option Committee of the Board of Directors 
(the "Committee") is composed entirely of independent, non-employee 
directors.  The Committee is responsible for recommending to the Board the 
amount and type of compensation, with the exception of base salaries, for the 
Chief Executive Officer and each of the other executive officers of the 
Company, and the administration of the Company's stock-based benefit plans.  
The Committee approves all base salaries.

     The Committee has implemented a compensation program which it believes 
is fair to the shareholders, uses a basic philosophy of keeping the 
compensation mix weighted toward performance, and is competitive in the 
Company's industry. The goals of the Company's executive compensation program 
are to provide compensation that will attract and retain the management 
talent required to achieve Company goals and objectives; to reward 
performance which results in achievement of Company goals and objectives; and 
to encourage consistent, long-term growth in shareholder value.

     The Company's executive officer compensation program includes three key 
components: base salary, annual cash incentive compensation based on 
corporate goals and objectives, and long-term incentive compensation in the 
form of options to acquire Common Stock.  In addition, executive officers are 
entitled to participate in the Company's benefit plans such as the 401(k) 
Retirement, Profit Sharing and Savings Plan, the 1997 Employee Stock Purchase 
Plan, and health, dental, life and disability insurance plans generally 
available to other employees of the Company.

     In recognition of Code Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code (the 
"IRC"), which limits the deductibility of certain executive compensation to 
$1 million, the Committee will, to the extent programs can be excluded from 
the $1 million limit and to the extent no pre-existing, contractual 
obligations exist, take the necessary action to secure tax deductibility 
under the IRC.


     For 1998, base salaries were recommended to the Committee by the Chief 
Executive Officer after consultation with the Company's Director of Human 
Resources, who determined a salary scale for each executive officer's 
position based on commercially available compensation surveys of a mix of 
medical and high technology companies of comparable size to the Company.  
These compensation surveys include companies located throughout the nation, 
and generally provide information pertaining to salary ranges as well as to 
total compensation ranges. Based on these surveys, base salaries of the 
executive officers are targeted to be set slightly below or at the midpoint 
of their respective salary ranges.  The Committee's philosophy is that a 
large percentage of the executive officer's total compensation should be 
based on the overall financial performance of the Company.


     The Management Incentive Compensation Plan (the "Incentive Plan") is the 
Company's annual incentive plan for executive officers and other key 
management personnel.  The Incentive Plan is intended to provide a direct 
cash incentive to executives and managers for the achievement of corporate 
performance based on pre-tax income of the Company and/or individual 
performance goals.  No incentive is paid for the achievement of individual 
performance goals unless certain levels of corporate performance are 
achieved.  In 1998, the corporate performance goal was exceeded.  The 
Incentive Plan has various levels of participants, each with a different 
incentive amount as a percentage of their base salary.  Potential payouts are 
then based on the Company's financial performance and, for certain levels, 
the individual's performance versus a set of personal, measurable objectives, 
approved by senior management.  Target bonus award levels are set to be 
competitive within the Company's industry and to emphasize overachievement.



     The stock option program is the Company's long-term incentive plan for 
executive officers and other key personnel.  The objective is to provide 
incentive to encourage consistent, long-term growth in shareholder value and 
to encourage and assist executive officers and other key employees to acquire 
and maintain an ownership position in the Company.  The Company's stock 
option program uses a formula plan developed by an independent consulting 
firm to determine the number of options to be granted based on compensation, 
individual performance and the market value of the Company's Common Stock.  
In addition, in determining the number of options to be granted to executive 
officers and other key employees, the Committee takes into account the number 
of options then held by such executive officers and employees.  Stock options 
are also granted from time to time based upon an individual's potential 
contributions to Company performance.  Named executive officers received 
stock option grants to purchase an aggregate of 50,160 shares during fiscal 
1998.  Generally, stock options are granted at an exercise price equal to 
fair market value of the Company's Common Stock on the date of grant, have 
terms up to seven years and have exercise restrictions which lapse over a 
four year period.


     During fiscal 1998, Mr. Laptewicz received a base salary increase of 
$66,108, a 25.8% increase over his 1997 base salary, reflecting the Company's 
performance and his leadership role in achieving such performance.  His base 
salary at the end of the 1998 fiscal year was $322,008.  Mr. Laptewicz earned 
in fiscal 1998 a bonus of $249,556 under the Management Incentive 
Compensation Plan due to the Company's achievement of significantly 
above-average earnings results in fiscal 1998 in comparison to other 
companies in the medical device manufacturing industry.  Stock options 
granted to Mr. Laptewicz during fiscal 1998 are consistent with the design of 
the overall program and are shown in the Summary Compensation Table.

                                   Scott R. Anderson, Committee Chairman
                                   M. Nazie Eftekhari

                                   Members of the Compensation and Stock Option




     The following table sets forth, for the fiscal years ended December 31, 
1998, 1997 and 1996, all cash and noncash compensation paid or to be paid by 
the Company to Joseph E. Laptewicz, Jr., the Company's Chairman and Chief 
Executive Officer, and each of the other four most highly compensated 
executive officers of the Company whose total cash compensation exceeded 
$100,000 during fiscal year 1998 in all capacities in which they served.

                                                                         LONG-TERM COMPENSATION
                                          ANNUAL COMPENSATION               AWARDS          PAYOUTS
                                    ------------------------------  ---------------------- ---------
                                                      OTHER ANNUAL     STOCK     OPTIONS/    LTIP        ALL OTHER
       POSITION             YEAR    ($)(1)   ($)(2)      ($)(3)         ($)       (#)(4)      ($)         ($)(5)
- ------------------------   -------  -------  -------  -------------  ----------  --------  ---------  ---------------
Joseph E. Laptewicz, Jr.    1998    322,008  249,556            --           --    30,240         --       5,000
 Chairman and Chief         1997    255,900  135,033            --           --    22,000         --       4,750
 Executive Officer          1996    240,000  151,080            --           --    12,000         --       4,750
H. Philip Vierling (6)      1998    123,083   34,463            --           --     5,930         --       4,405
 President and Chief        1997    100,253   23,750            --           --     3,116         --       3,589
 Operating Officer                                                                            
Robert W. Clapp             1998    128,000   35,840            --           --     5,970         --       5,000
 Vice President,            1997    121,650   31,325            --           --     7,780         --       4,750
 Manufacturing              1996    114,650   28,920            --           --     4,800         --       4,750
Deborah L. Jensen (7)       1998    113,000   31,640            --           --     5,010         --       4,153
 Vice President,            1997     98,746   25,427            --           --     7,446         --       3,284
 Regulatory Affairs,                                                                          
 Quality Assurance                                                                            
 and Clinical Research                                                                        
Patrick D. Spangler (8)     1998    140,000   39,200            --           --     3,010         --       2,800
 Vice President of          1997     60,583   15,600            --           --    25,000         --          --
 Finance, Chief 
 Financial Officer and  
 Assistant Secretary


(1)  Includes all before-tax contributions to the EMPI, Inc. Retirement, Profit
     Sharing and Savings Plan, a qualified section 401(k) plan.

(2)  Reflects bonus amounts earned pursuant to the Company's Management
     Incentive Compensation Plan, all of which are described above under the
     caption "Compensation and Stock Option Committee Report on Executive
     Compensation."  All bonuses earned were paid during the next fiscal year.

(3)  No Other Annual Compensation for the named executive officers is required
     to be disclosed pursuant to the applicable rules of the Securities and
     Exchange Commission.

(4)  Represents the number of shares of Common Stock purchasable upon the
     exercise of the Stock options granted during the fiscal year.  The Company
     granted Mr. Spangler options to purchase 25,000 shares upon initial

(5)  Reflects Company matching contributions to the EMPI, Inc. Retirement,
     Profit Sharing and Savings Plan.

(6)  The Company has employed Mr. Vierling in various capacities since February
     1986.  Mr. Vierling became Vice President, Marketing in May 1997.  Mr.
     Vierling assumed the position of President and Chief Operating Officer in
     March 1999.

(7)  Ms. Jensen has been employed with the Company since October 1995.  Ms.
     Jensen was promoted to Vice President, Regulatory Affairs, Quality
     Assurance and Clinical Research in April 1997.

(8)  Mr. Spangler joined the Company in July 1997 as Vice President of Finance,
     Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Secretary.  The 1997 compensation
     amounts reflect compensation from July 1997 through December 1997.



     The following table provides information related to options granted to 
the named executive officers during the 1998 fiscal year.  The Company has 
not granted any stock appreciation rights. 

                                                                                                    POTENTIAL REALIZABLE VALUE AT
                                                                                                    ASSUMED ANNUAL RATES OF STOCK
                                                                                                    PRICE APPRECIATION FOR OPTION
                                        INDIVIDUAL GRANTS                                                      TERM (3)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   -----------------------------
                                                        % OF TOTAL
                                                      OPTIONS GRANTED     EXERCISE
                                        OPTIONS       TO EMPLOYEES IN       PRICE      EXPIRATION
 NAME                                  GRANTED(1)       FISCAL YEAR      ($/SH.)(2)       DATE          5% ($)          10% ($)
- ------------                           ----------     ---------------    -----------   ----------   -------------    ------------
 Joseph E. Laptewicz, Jr. . .            30,240            27.69%          $17.75      01/12/05        218,515          509,233

 H. Philip Vierling . . . . . . .         5,930             5.43%          $17.75      01/12/05         42,850           99,860

 Robert W. Clapp. . . . . . . .           5,970             5.47%          $17.75      01/12/05         43,139          100,533

 Deborah L. Jensen. . . . . . .           5,010             4.59%          $17.75      01/12/05         36,202           84,367

 Patrick D. Spangler . . . . . .          3,010             2.76%          $17.75      01/12/05         21,750           50,688


(1)  These options were granted on January 12, 1998 and become exercisable at
     the rate of 25% per year on each anniversary beginning one year from the
     grant date.

(2)  Exercise price is the fair market value of the Company's Common Stock,
     defined as the closing price on the date the option is granted. 

(3)  Potential realizable values shown above represent potential gains based
     upon annual compound price appreciation of 5% and 10% from the date of
     grant through the full option term of 7 years.  The actual values of these
     option grants are dependent upon the future performance of the Company and
     its Common Stock and overall market conditions.  There is no assurance that
     the actual values realized will approximate the amounts reflected in this


     The following table provides information related to options exercised by 
the named executive officers during the 1998 fiscal year and the number and 
value of options held at fiscal year-end.  The Company does not have any 
outstanding stock appreciation rights. 

                                                                                                     VALUE OF UNEXERCISED IN-THE-
                                                                NUMBER OF UNEXERCISED OPTIONS AT       MONEY OPTIONS AT FY-END 
                                                                           FY-END(#)                            ($)(1)
                                                                --------------------------------    -----------------------------
                                    SHARES           VALUE
                                  ACQUIRED ON      REALIZED
 NAME                             EXERCISE(#)        ($)(1)         EXERCISABLE   UNEXERCISABLE       EXERCISABLE  UNEXERCISABLE
- -----------                       -----------     ----------        -----------   -------------       -----------  -------------
 Joseph E. Laptewicz, Jr. . .       132,500        1,799,763           11,500       125,240              53,375      1,531,740

 H. Philip Vierling . . . . .         5,500           61,500           12,128        13,150             123,121        115,269

 Robert W. Clapp. . . . . . .        10,018          113,689           10,345        20,211              67,501        186,572

 Deborah L. Jensen. . . . . .            --              --             3,861        12,595              19,586         82,595

 Patrick D. Spangler. . . . .         6,250           34,375               --        21,760                  --        160,104


(1)  Value per share is equivalent to the fair market value of the Company's
     Common Stock at the date of exercise or fiscal year-end, less the exercise



     The Company has entered into an employment agreement with Joseph E. 
Laptewicz.  Such agreement provides for compensation in the event his 
employment with the Company is terminated under certain circumstances.  The 
primary provisions of the agreement follow.

     The initial term of Mr. Laptewicz's October 1, 1994 agreement was two 
years with automatic term renewals equal to one year unless such agreement is 
terminated earlier as provided in such agreement.  The agreement initially 
provided for an annual base salary of $200,000 with reviews by the Board of 
Directors annually thereafter.  Effective January 1, 1999, the Board of 
Directors increased Mr. Laptewicz's annual base salary to $333,000.  If the 
Company and Mr. Laptewicz are unable to agree to the terms of a new 
employment agreement at the expiration of an employment term, or if the 
Company terminates Mr. Laptewicz's employment without cause, Mr. Laptewicz 
shall receive severance payments in an aggregate amount equal to his annual 
base salary in effect prior to expiration of the employment term, payable 
over a period of twelve months. In the event Mr. Laptewicz's employment is 
terminated in connection with a "Change in Control," as defined in the 
employment agreement, or he voluntarily resigns within one year after such 
Change in Control, Mr. Laptewicz shall be entitled to receive two times his 
annual base salary and the amount of incentive bonus which, absent 
termination of Mr. Laptewicz's employment, he could have earned during the 
year in which his employment was terminated.  If terminated in connection 
with a Change in Control, Mr. Laptewicz shall be entitled to exercise fully 
all outstanding incentive and non-qualified stock options he holds.  Mr. 
Laptewicz has agreed not to compete with the Company for a one-year period 
following termination of the agreement for any reason.  

     For the employment agreements referred to above, a "Change in Control" 
generally is deemed to have occurred if (i) any person acquires securities of 
the Company representing 25% or more of the voting power of the Company's 
then outstanding securities, (ii) a majority of the Company's Board of 
Directors becomes comprised of individuals who are not currently members nor 
nominated by current members, (iii) the Company merges or consolidates with 
another corporation and the Company's securities outstanding before the 
merger or consolidation represent less than 75% of the voting power of the 
securities outstanding immediately following the merger, or (iv) the Company 
liquidates itself or sells or disposes of substantially all of its business 
or assets.


     Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, 
requires the Company's directors and executive officers and persons who own 
more than 10% of the Company's Common Stock, to file with the Securities and 
Exchange Commission (the "SEC") initial reports of ownership and reports of 
changes in ownership of Common Stock and other equity securities of the 

     Upon the receipt of the appropriate information, the Company has 
prepared all Forms 3, 4 and 5 for its non-employee directors and executive 
officers subject to their review and signing prior to filing with the SEC.  
Based solely on the information provided to the Company by individual 
non-employee directors and executive officers, the Company believes that all 
filing requirements applicable to its non-employee directors and executive 
officers were complied with in a timely manner for the fiscal year ended 
December 31, 1998.



     The graph below compares the cumulative total shareholder return on the 
Common Stock of the Company for the last five fiscal years with the 
cumulative total return on the S&P 500 Index and an index of peer companies 
selected by the Company and approved by the Compensation and Stock Option 
Committee.  The comparison assumes $100 was invested in the Company's Common 
Stock, the S&P 500 Index and the index of peer companies on December 31, 
1993, and a reinvestment of all dividends.  Included in the Company's 1998 
peer group are the following companies:  Medical Graphics Corp., Mentor 
Corp., Orthofix International N.V., OrthoLogic Corp., Rehabilicare, Inc. and 
Utah Medical Products, Inc.  Orthofix International N.V. and OrthoLogic 
Corp., orthopedic companies of comparable size, were added to the Company's 
peer group for 1998.  Utah Medical Products, Inc., a competitor of the 
Company's incontinence product line, was also added to the peer group for 
1998.  Biomet, Inc., Staodyn, Inc. and Uromed, Corp. were included in the 
Company's 1997 peer group, but are no longer included in 1998. Staodyn, Inc. 
merged with Rehabilicare, Inc. in March of 1998.  The Company believes that 
both Biomet, Inc. and Uromed, Corp. are no longer companies with similar 
product offerings or of comparable size. 


                          12/31/93      12/31/94       12/31/95      12/31/96      12/31/97       12/31/98
                         ----------    ----------     ---------     ----------    ----------     ----------
 Empi, Inc.              $   100.00    $    42.77     $   122.89    $    93.98    $    95.18     $   120.48
 S&P 500 Index           $   100.00    $   101.32     $   139.40    $   171.40    $   228.59     $   293.91
 Peer Group              $   100.00    $   120.14     $   245.57    $   265.85    $   302.21     $   218.05


                                 (PROPOSAL #3)


     On January 30, 1997, the Board of Directors adopted the Empi, Inc. 1997 
Stock Option Plan (the "1997 Plan") and reserved 500,000 shares of Common 
Stock for issuance pursuant to the 1997 Plan.   This plan was approved by the 
shareholders at the 1997 Annual Shareholders Meeting held May 13, 1997.   On 
December 9, 1998, the Board of Directors adopted an amendment to the 1997 
Plan to increase the automatic formula option annual grant to non-employee 
directors from 500 shares to 1,500 shares (the "Amendment").  Upon 
shareholder approval of this amendment, each non-employee director shall be 
granted on the date of each Annual Meeting of the Shareholders a 
non-qualified option to purchase 1,500 shares of the Company's Common Stock 
at a per share exercise price equal to 100% of the fair market value of the 
Common Stock on the date of such Annual Meeting; provided that the 
non-employee director continues to serve on the Board and that new 
non-employee directors are not eligible for these annual option grants until 
the date of the annual shareholders' meeting which coincides with or 
immediately follows the third anniversary of the new director's initial 
election to the Board.


     A general description of the basic features of the 1997 Plan is 
presented below, but such description is qualified in its entirety by 
reference to the full text of the 1997 Plan, a copy of which may be obtained 
without charge upon written request to Patrick D. Spangler, the Company's 
Chief Financial Officer.

     PURPOSE.  The purpose of the 1997 Plan is to promote the success of the 
Company by facilitating the employment and retention of competent personnel 
and by furnishing incentive to directors, officers and employees of the 
Company and consultants and advisors to the Company, upon whose efforts the 
success of the Company will depend to a large degree.

     TERM.  Incentive stock options may be granted pursuant to the 1997 Plan 
during a period of ten (10) years from the date the 1997 Plan was adopted by 
the Board of Directors (until January 30, 2007), and non-qualified stock 
options may be granted until the 1997 Plan is discontinued or terminated by 
the Board of Directors.

     ADMINISTRATION.  With the exception of the stock options automatically 
issued to non-employee directors as described below, the 1997 Plan is 
administered by the Board of Directors or the Compensation and Stock Option 
Committee of the Board of Directors, all of the members of which are 
"non-employee directors" as defined in Rule 16b-3 of the Securities Exchange 
Act of 1934 (collectively referred to as the "Administrator").  The 1997 Plan 
gives broad powers to the Administrator to administer and interpret the 1997 
Plan, including the authority to select the individuals to be granted options 
and to prescribe the particular form and conditions of each option granted.

     ELIGIBILITY.  All employees of the Company or any subsidiary are 
eligible to receive incentive stock options pursuant to the 1997 Plan.  All 
employees, officers and directors of and consultants and advisors to the 
Company or any subsidiary are eligible to receive non-qualified stock 
options.  As of March 11, 1999, the Company has approximately 500 employees, 
of whom 13 are officers and/or directors, and six (6) directors who are not 

     OPTIONS.  When an option is granted under the 1997 Plan, the 
Administrator, at its discretion, specifies the per share exercise price and 
the number of shares of Common Stock which may be purchased upon exercise of 
the option.  The per share exercise price of an incentive stock option may 
not be less than 100% of the fair market value of the Company's Common Stock, 
as that term is defined in the 1997 Plan.  Unless otherwise determined by the 
Administrator, the per share exercise price of a non-qualified stock option 
generally will not be less than 100% of the fair market value of the 
Company's Common Stock on the date of grant.  The period during which an 
option may be exercised and whether the option will be exercisable 
immediately, in stages, or otherwise is set by the Administrator.  Generally, 
incentive and non-qualified stock options will be exercisable for seven (7) 
years from the date of grant.  Optionees may pay for shares upon exercise of 
options with cash, certified check or Common Stock of the Company valued at 
the stock's then "fair market value" as defined in the 1997 Plan.  Each 
option granted under the 1997 Plan is generally nontransferable during the 
lifetime of the optionee; however, the Administrator may, in its sole 
discretion, permit the transfer of a non-qualified stock option to immediate 
family members or to certain family trusts or family limited partnerships.


     Generally, under the form of the option agreement which the 
Administrator uses for options granted under the 1997 Plan, if the optionee's 
employment or other relationship with the Company terminates before the 
expiration of the option for reasons other than death or retirement, the 
optionee may exercise the option for one month after such termination or 
until the option's original expiration date, whichever is earlier.  If the 
optionee terminates his or her employment with the Company because of 
retirement, the option will immediately become fully exercisable and the 
optionee may exercise the option until its original expiration date, unless 
the optionee, directly or indirectly, engages in competition with the 
Company, in which case the option shall terminate immediately.  "Retirement" 
generally means termination of employment after reaching age 55 and after 
completing a minimum of ten (10) years of service with the Company or a 
subsidiary.  "Competition" includes engaging in, having an ownership interest 
in or participating in the financing, operation, management or control of any 
business that is in direct competition with the Company's principal business 
activities.  If the termination of the optionee's employment or other 
relationship is because of death, the option typically is exercisable until 
its original expiration date or until six months after the optionee's death, 
whichever is earlier.  The Administrator may impose additional or alternative 
conditions and restrictions on the incentive or non-qualified stock options 
granted under the 1997 Plan; however, each incentive option generally must 
contain such limitations and restrictions upon its exercise as are necessary 
to ensure that the option will be an incentive stock option as defined under 
the Internal Revenue Code ("Code") Section 422.  

     GRANTS TO NON-EMPLOYEE DIRECTORS.  The 1997 Plan provides for automatic 
non-qualified stock option grants to each director who is not an employee of 
the Company (a "non-employee director").  Each non-employee director who is 
elected for the first time as a director on or after May 13, 1997 (the date 
the 1997 Plan was approved by the shareholders) shall automatically be 
granted a non-qualified option to purchase 5,000 shares of the Company's 
Common Stock at a per share exercise price equal to 100% of the fair market 
value of the Company's Common Stock on the date of the non-employee 
director's initial election.  Pursuant to the Amendment, each non-employee 
director shall be granted on the date of each Annual Meeting of the 
Shareholders a non-qualified option to purchase 1,500 shares of the Company's 
Common Stock at a per share exercise price equal to 100% of the fair market 
value of the Common Stock on the date of such Annual Meeting; provided that 
the non-employee director continues to serve on the Board and that new 
non-employee directors are not eligible for these annual option grants until 
the date of the annual shareholders' meeting which coincides with or 
immediately follows the third anniversary of the new director's initial 
election to the Board.  A non-employee director shall not receive more than 
one option pursuant to the formula plan in any one fiscal year.  All options 
granted pursuant to these provisions shall be exercisable for seven (7) years 
after the date of grant.  All options granted upon the non-employee 
director's initial election become exercisable to the extent of 25% of the 
shares subject to the option on each of the four succeeding anniversaries of 
the date of grant.  All options granted upon the non-employee director's 
reelection become fully exercisable on the first anniversary of the date of 

     If the non-employee director ceases to be a director for reasons other 
than disability, retirement or death, any non-qualified stock option granted 
pursuant to the formula plan shall remain exercisable for three months after 
the date the non-employee director's membership on the Board terminates or 
its original expiration date, whichever is earlier.  If the non-employee 
director ceases to be a director because of disability, such option shall 
remain exercisable for twelve months after the date the non-employee 
director's membership on the Board terminates because of disability or its 
original expiration date, whichever is earlier.  If the non-employee 
director's membership on the Board terminates because of retirement (reaching 
age 60 and completing a minimum of five years of service on the Board), such 
option will immediately become fully exercisable and the non-employee 
director may exercise such option until its original expiration date.  
Finally, in the event of the non-employee director's death, such option shall 
immediately become fully exercisable and shall remain exercisable until its 
original expiration date.

     In addition to the automatic grants of non-qualified options, 
non-employee directors are entitled to receive additional non-qualified stock 
options pursuant to the 1997 Plan in the sole discretion of the Administrator.

     AMENDMENT.  The Board of Directors may from time to time suspend or 
discontinue the 1997 Plan or revise or amend it in any respect; provided, 
however, that no such revision or amendment may impair the terms and 
conditions of any outstanding option to the material detriment of the 
optionee without the consent of the optionee, except as authorized in the 
event of a sale, merger, consolidation or liquidation of the Company.  The 
1997 Plan may not be amended in any manner that will cause incentive stock 
options to fail to meet the requirements of Code Section 422, or be amended 
in any manner that will:  (i) materially increase the number of shares 
subject to the 1997 Plan (except as provided in the case of stock splits, 
consolidations, stock dividends or similar events); (ii) change the 
designation of the class of employees eligible to receive options; (iii) 
decrease the price at which options will be granted; or (iv) 


materially increase the benefits accruing to optionees under the 1997 Plan 
without the approval of the shareholders if such approval is required to 
comply with Code Section 422 or Rule 16b-3.

     The Board of Directors will equitably adjust the maximum number of 
shares of the Company's Common Stock reserved for issuance under the 1997 
Plan, the number of shares covered by each outstanding option and the per 
share exercise price in the event of stock splits or consolidations, stock 
dividends or other transactions in which the Company receives no 
consideration.  The Board of Directors or the Administrator may also provide 
for the protection of optionees in the event of a merger, liquidation or 
reorganization of the Company, the sale of the Company's assets or similar 

     FEDERAL INCOME TAX CONSEQUENCES OF THE 1997 PLAN.  Under present law, an 
optionee will not realize any taxable income on the date a non-qualified 
stock option is granted to the optionee pursuant to the 1997 Plan.  Upon 
exercise of the non-qualified stock option, however, the optionee must 
report, in the year of exercise, compensation taxable as ordinary income to 
the extent of the difference between the fair market value of the Company's 
Common Stock on the date of exercise and the exercise price.  Upon a 
subsequent sale of the shares, any resulting gain or loss will be treated as 
capital gain or loss.  The Company will be entitled to an income tax 
deduction for the fiscal year in which non-qualified stock options are 
exercised equal to the amount of ordinary income reported by those optionees 
exercising such options.

     Incentive stock options granted pursuant to the 1997 Plan are intended 
to qualify for favorable tax treatment to the optionee under Code Section 
422. Under Code Section 422, an employee realizes no taxable income when the 
incentive stock option is granted.  If the employee has been an employee of 
the Company or any subsidiary at all times from the date of grant until three 
months before the date of exercise, the employee will realize no taxable 
income when the option is exercised.  If the employee does not dispose of 
shares acquired upon exercise for a period of two years from the date of 
grant and one year after the receipt of the shares, the employee may sell the 
shares and report any gain as capital gain.  The Company is not entitled to 
any income tax deduction with respect to either the grant or exercise of an 
incentive stock option.  If the employee should dispose of the shares prior 
to the expiration of the two-year or one-year periods described above, the 
employee will be deemed to have received compensation taxable as ordinary 
income in the year of the early sale in an amount equal to the lesser of (i) 
the difference between the fair market value of the Company's Common Stock on 
the date of exercise and the exercise price of the shares, or (ii) the 
difference between the sale price of the shares and the exercise price of 
shares.  In the event of such an early sale, the Company will be entitled to 
an income tax deduction equal to the amount of ordinary income reported by 
the employee.  The foregoing discussion ignores the impact of the alternative 
minimum tax, which may particularly be applicable to the year in which an 
incentive stock option is exercised.


     Except for the automatic grants to non-employee directors, future grants 
of stock options are subject to the discretion of the Administrator and 
cannot be determined at this time.  The table below shows the total number of 
shares underlying stock options that will be granted to non-employee 
directors pursuant to the automatic formula grant, if the Amendment is 
approved by shareholders:

                                                      SHARES OF COMMON STOCK
NAME/POSITION                                    UNDERLYING OPTIONS TO BE RECEIVED
- ---------------------                            ---------------------------------
KENNETH TEMPERO, DIRECTOR. . . . . . . . . . .                 1,500

SCOTT R. ANDERSON, DIRECTOR. . . . . . . . . .                 1,500

EVERETT F. CARTER, DIRECTOR. . . . . . . . . .                 1,500


     The Board of Directors recommends that the shareholders approve the 
Amendment to the 1997 Plan to provide for increased annual formula grants to 
non-employee directors.  Under applicable Minnesota law, approval of the 
Amendment to the 1997 Plan requires the affirmative vote of the holders of 
the greater of (i) a majority of the voting power of the shares represented 
in person or by proxy at the Annual Meeting with authority to vote on such 
matter, or (ii) a majority of the voting power of the minimum number of 
shares that would constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at the 
Annual Meeting.


                                (PROPOSAL #4)

     Upon recommendation of the Audit Committee, the Company's Board of 
Directors has selected Ernst & Young LLP as independent auditors for the 
Company for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1999.  The firm has acted as 
independent auditors for the Company since January 1981, and the Board of 
Directors considers it highly qualified.  Although it is not required to do 
so, the Board of Directors wishes to submit the selection of Ernst & Young 
LLP for shareholder approval at the Meeting.  If the shareholders do not give 
approval, the Board will reconsider its selection.


                              INDEPENDENT AUDITORS

     A representative of Ernst & Young LLP is expected to be in attendance at 
the Meeting and will be afforded the opportunity to make a statement, if 
desired.  The representative will also be available to respond to appropriate 

                                OTHER BUSINESS
     Management knows of no other matters to be presented at the Meeting.  If 
any other matter properly comes before the Meeting, the appointees named in 
the proxies will vote the proxies in accordance with their best judgment.

                             SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

     Any appropriate proposal submitted by a shareholder of the Company which 
is requested to be included in the Proxy Statement for such meeting must be 
received by the Company before November 16, 1999.

     Any other shareholder proposals intended to be presented at the Annual 
Meeting of Shareholders in the year 2000 must be received by the Company at 
its principal executive office no later than January 30, 2000.  

                        ANNUAL REPORT TO SHAREHOLDERS
     A copy of the Company's Annual Report to Shareholders for the fiscal 
year ended December 31, 1998, accompanies this Notice of Annual Meeting and 
Proxy Statement.  No part of such Annual Report is incorporated herein, and 
no part thereof is to be considered proxy-soliciting material.

                                   FORM 10-K


                                       BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                                 Thomas R. King

Dated:    March 17, 1999
          St. Paul, Minnesota


                                    EXHIBIT A
                                    EMPI, INC.
                              1997 STOCK OPTION PLAN
             (AS AMENDED DECEMBER 9, 1998, EFFECTIVE APRIL 28, 1999)
                                    SECTION 1.

     As used herein, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated 

          (a)  "Committee" shall mean a Committee of two or more directors who
     shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Board.  As long as
     the Company's securities are registered pursuant to Section 12 of the
     Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, then, to the extent necessary
     for compliance with Rule 16b-3, or any successor provision, each of the
     members of the Committee shall be a "Non-Employee Director."  For purposes
     of this Section 1(a), "Non-Employee Director" shall have the same meaning
     as set forth in Rule 16b-3, or any successor provision, as then in effect,
     of the General Rules and Regulations under the Securities Exchange Act of
     1934, as amended.

          (b)  The "Company" shall mean Empi, Inc., a Minnesota corporation.

          (c)  "Fair Market Value" as of any day shall mean (i) if such stock is
     reported by the Nasdaq National Market or Nasdaq SmallCap Market or is
     listed upon an established stock exchange or exchanges, the reported
     closing price of such stock by the Nasdaq National Market or Nasdaq
     SmallCap Market or on such stock exchange or exchanges on such date or, if
     no sale of such stock shall have occurred on such date, on the next
     preceding day on which there was a sale of stock; (ii) if such stock is not
     so reported by the Nasdaq National Market or Nasdaq SmallCap Market or
     listed upon an established stock exchange, the average of the closing "bid"
     and "asked" prices quoted by the National Quotation Bureau, Inc. (or any
     comparable reporting service) on such date or, if there are no quoted "bid"
     and "asked" prices on such date, on the next preceding date for which there
     are such quotes; or (iii) if such stock is not publicly traded as of such
     date, the per share value as determined by the Board, or the Committee, in
     its sole discretion by applying principles of valuation with respect to the
     Company's Common Stock.

          (d)  "Incumbent Director" means an Non-Employee Director who is
     serving as a member of the Board of Directors of the Company as of the
     effective date of the Plan.

          (e)  The "Internal Revenue Code" is the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,
     as amended from time to time.

          (f)  "New Director" means an Non-Employee Director who becomes a
     member of the Board of Directors of the Company on or after the effective
     date of the Plan.

           (g) "Non-Employee Director" shall mean members of the Board who are
     not employees of the Company or any Subsidiary.

          (h)  "Option Stock" shall mean Common Stock of the Company (subject to
     adjustment as described in Section 13) reserved for options pursuant to
     this Plan.
          (i)  The "Optionee" means an employee of the Company or any Subsidiary
     to whom an incentive stock option has been granted pursuant to Section 9; a
     consultant or advisor to or director (including a Non-Employee Director),
     employee or officer of the Company or any Subsidiary to whom a nonqualified
     stock option has been granted pursuant to Section 10; and a Non-Employee
     Director to whom a nonqualified stock option has been granted pursuant to
     Section 11.


          (j)  "Parent" shall mean any corporation which owns, directly or
     indirectly in an unbroken chain, fifty percent (50%) or more of the total
     voting power of the Company's outstanding stock.

          (k)  The "Plan" means the Empi, Inc. 1997 Stock Option Plan, as
     amended hereafter from time to time, including the form of Option
     Agreements as they may be modified by the Board from time to time.

          (l)  A "Subsidiary" shall mean any corporation of which fifty percent
     (50%) or more of the total voting power of outstanding stock is owned,
     directly or indirectly in an unbroken chain, by the Company.

                                   SECTION 2.


     The purpose of the Plan is to promote the success of the Company and its 
Subsidiaries by facilitating the retention of competent personnel and by 
furnishing incentive to officers, directors, employees, consultants, and 
advisors upon whose efforts the success of the Company and its Subsidiaries 
will depend to a large degree.

     It is the intention of the Company to carry out the Plan through the 
granting of stock options which will qualify as "incentive stock options" 
under the provisions of Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code, or any 
successor provision, pursuant to Section 9 of this Plan, and through the 
granting of "nonqualified stock options" pursuant to Section 10 of this Plan. 
Adoption of this Plan shall be and is expressly subject to the condition of 
approval by the shareholders of the Company within twelve (12) months before 
or after the adoption of the Plan by the Board of Directors.  Any incentive 
stock options granted after adoption of the Plan by the Board of Directors 
shall be treated as nonqualified stock options if shareholder approval is not 
obtained within such twelve-month period.  

                                   SECTION 3.
                             EFFECTIVE DATE OF PLAN

     The Plan shall be effective as of the date of adoption by the Board of 
Directors, subject to approval by the shareholders of the Company as required 
in Section 2.

                                   SECTION 4.

     The Plan shall be administered by the Board of Directors of the Company 
(hereinafter referred to as the "Board") or by a Committee which may be 
appointed by the Board from time to time (collectively referred to as the 
"Administrator").  The Administrator shall have all of the powers vested in 
it under the provisions of the Plan, including but not limited to exclusive 
authority (where applicable and within the limitations described in the Plan) 
to determine, in its sole discretion, whether an incentive stock option or 
nonqualified stock option shall be granted, the individuals to whom, and the 
time or times at which, options shall be granted, the number of shares 
subject to each option and the option price and terms and conditions of each 
option. The Administrator shall have full power and authority to administer 
and interpret the Plan, to make and amend rules, regulations and guidelines 
for administering the Plan, to prescribe the form and conditions of the 
respective stock option agreements (which may vary from Optionee to Optionee) 
evidencing each option and to make all other determinations necessary or 
advisable for the administration of the Plan.  The Administrator's 
interpretation of the Plan, and all actions taken and determinations made by 
the Administrator pursuant to the power vested in it hereunder, shall be 
conclusive and binding on all parties concerned.  


     No member of the Board or the Committee shall be liable for any action 
taken or determination made in good faith in connection with the 
administration of the Plan.  In the event the Board appoints a Committee as 
provided hereunder, any action of the Committee with respect to the 
administration of the Plan shall be taken pursuant to a majority vote of the 
Committee members or pursuant to the written resolution of all Committee 

                                  SECTION 5.

     The Administrator shall from time to time, at its discretion and without 
approval of the shareholders, designate those employees, officers, directors 
(including Non-Employee Directors), consultants, and advisors of the Company 
or of any Subsidiary to whom nonqualified stock options shall be granted 
pursuant to Section 10 of the Plan; provided, however, that consultants or 
advisors shall not be eligible to receive stock options hereunder unless such 
consultant or advisor renders bona fide services to the Company or Subsidiary 
and such services are not in connection with the offer or sale of securities 
in a capital raising transaction; and provided, further, that Non-Employee 
Directors shall be granted nonqualified stock options pursuant to Section 11 
of the Plan without any further action by the Administrator.  The 
Administrator shall, from time to time, at its discretion and without 
approval of the shareholders, designate those employees of the Company or any 
Subsidiary to whom incentive stock options shall be granted pursuant to 
Section 9 of the Plan.  The Administrator may grant additional incentive 
stock options or nonqualified stock options under this Plan to some or all 
participants then holding options or may grant options solely or partially to 
new participants.  In designating participants, the Administrator shall also 
determine the number of shares to be optioned to each such participant.  The 
Board may from time to time designate individuals as being ineligible to 
participate in the Plan.

                                  SECTION 6.

     The Stock to be optioned under this Plan shall consist of authorized but 
unissued shares of Option Stock.  Five Hundred Thousand (500,000) shares of 
Option Stock shall be reserved and available for options under the Plan; 
provided, however, that the total number of shares of Option Stock reserved 
for options under this Plan shall be subject to adjustment as provided in 
Section 13 of the Plan.  In the event that any outstanding option under the 
Plan for any reason expires or is terminated prior to the exercise thereof, 
the shares of Option Stock allocable to the unexercised portion of such 
option shall continue to be reserved for options under the Plan and may be 
optioned hereunder.

                                  SECTION 7.
                               DURATION OF PLAN

     Incentive stock options may be granted pursuant to the Plan from time to 
time during a period of ten (10) years from the effective date as defined in 
Section 3.  Nonqualified stock options may be granted pursuant to the Plan 
from time to time after the effective date of the Plan and until the Plan is 
discontinued or terminated by the Board.  Any incentive stock option granted 
during such ten-year period and any nonqualified stock option granted prior 
to the termination of the Plan by the Board shall remain in full force and 
effect until the expiration of the option as specified in the written stock 
option agreement and shall remain subject to the terms and conditions of this 

                                  SECTION 8.



     Optionees may pay for shares upon exercise of options granted pursuant 
to this Plan with cash, personal check, certified check, Common Stock of the 
Company valued at such Stock's then Fair Market Value, or such other form of 
payment as may be authorized by the Administrator.  The Administrator may, in 
its sole discretion, limit the forms of payment available to the Optionee and 
may exercise such discretion any time prior to the termination of the option 
granted to the Optionee or upon any exercise of the option by the Optionee.   

     With respect to payment in the form of Common Stock of the Company, the 
Administrator may require advance approval or adopt such rules as it deems 
necessary to assure compliance with Rule 16b-3, or any successor provision, 
as then in effect, of the General Rules and Regulations under the Securities 
Exchange Act of 1934, if applicable.

                                  SECTION 9.

     Each incentive stock option granted pursuant to this Section 9 shall be 
evidenced by a written stock option agreement (the "Option Agreement").  The 
Option Agreement shall be in such form as may be approved from time to time 
by the Administrator and may vary from Optionee to Optionee; provided, 
however, that each Optionee and each Option Agreement shall comply with and 
be subject to the following terms and conditions:

          (a)  NUMBER OF SHARES AND OPTION PRICE.  The Option Agreement shall
     state the total number of shares covered by the incentive stock option.  To
     the extent required to qualify the Option as an incentive stock option
     under Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code, or any successor provision,
     the option price per share shall not be less than one hundred percent
     (100%) of the Fair Market Value of the Common Stock per share on the date
     the Administrator grants the option; provided, however, that if an Optionee
     owns stock possessing more than ten percent (10%) of the total combined
     voting power of all classes of stock of the Company or of its Parent or any
     Subsidiary, the option price per share of an incentive stock option granted
     to such Optionee shall not be less than one hundred ten percent (110%) of
     the Fair Market Value of the Common Stock per share on the date of the
     grant of the option.  The Administrator shall have full authority and
     discretion in establishing the option price and shall be fully protected in
     so doing.

     during which any incentive stock option granted under the Plan may be
     exercised shall be established in each case by the Administrator.  To the
     extent required to qualify the Option as an incentive stock option under
     Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code, or any successor provision, in no
     event shall any incentive stock option be exercisable during a term of more
     than ten (10) years after the date on which it is granted; provided,
     however, that if an Optionee owns stock possessing more than ten percent
     (10%) of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock of the
     Company or of its parent or any Subsidiary, the incentive stock option
     granted to such Optionee shall be exercisable during a term of not more
     than five (5) years after the date on which it is granted.

          The Option Agreement shall state when the incentive stock option
     becomes exercisable and shall also state the maximum term during which the
     option may be exercised.  In the event an incentive stock option is
     exercisable immediately, the manner of exercise of the option in the event
     it is not exercised in full immediately shall be specified in the Option
     Agreement.  The Administrator may accelerate the exercisability of any
     incentive stock option granted hereunder which is not immediately
     exercisable as of the date of grant.

          (c)  OTHER PROVISIONS.  The Option Agreement authorized under this
     Section 9 shall contain such other provisions as the Administrator shall
     deem advisable.  Any such Option Agreement shall contain such limitations
     and restrictions upon the exercise of the option as shall be necessary to
     ensure that such option will be considered an "incentive stock option" as
     defined in Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code or to conform to any
     change therein.

                                  SECTION 10.



     Each nonqualified stock option granted pursuant to this Section 10 shall 
be evidenced by a written Option Agreement.  The Option Agreement shall be in 
such form as may be approved from time to time by the Administrator and may 
vary from Optionee to Optionee; provided, however, that each Optionee and 
each Option Agreement shall comply with and be subject to the following terms 
and conditions:

          (a)  NUMBER OF SHARES AND OPTION PRICE.  The Option Agreement shall
     state the total number of shares covered by the nonqualified stock option. 
     Unless otherwise determined by the Administrator, the option price per
     share shall be one hundred percent (100%) of the Fair Market Value of the
     Common Stock per share on the date the Administrator grants the option;
     provided, however, that the option price may not be less than eighty-five
     percent (85%) of the Fair Market Value of the Common Stock per share on the
     date of grant.

     during which any nonqualified stock option granted under the Plan may be
     exercised shall be established in each case by the Administrator.  The
     Option Agreement shall state when the nonqualified stock option becomes
     exercisable and shall also state the maximum term during which the option
     may be exercised.  In the event a nonqualified stock option is exercisable
     immediately, the manner of exercise of the option in the event it is not
     exercised in full immediately shall be specified in the stock option
     agreement.  The Administrator may accelerate the exercisability of any
     nonqualified stock option granted hereunder which is not immediately
     exercisable as of the date of grant.

          (c)  WITHHOLDING.  The Company or its Subsidiary shall be entitled to
     withhold and deduct from future wages of the Optionee all legally required
     amounts necessary to satisfy any and all withholding and employment-related
     taxes attributable to the Optionee's exercise of a nonqualified stock
     option.  In the event the Optionee is required under the Option Agreement
     to pay the Company, or make arrangements satisfactory to the Company
     respecting payment of, such withholding and employment-related taxes, the
     Administrator may, in its discretion and pursuant to such rules as it may
     adopt, permit the Optionee to satisfy such obligation, in whole or in part,
     by electing to have the Company withhold shares of Common Stock otherwise
     issuable to the Optionee as a result of the option's exercise equal to the
     amount required to be withheld for tax purposes.  Any stock elected to be
     withheld shall be valued at its Fair Market Value, as of the date the
     amount of tax to be withheld is determined under applicable tax law.  The
     Optionee's election to have shares withheld for this purpose shall be made
     on or before the date the option is exercised or, if later, the date that
     the amount of tax to be withheld is determined under applicable tax law. 
     Such election shall be approved by the Administrator and otherwise comply
     with such rules as the Administrator may adopt to assure compliance with
     Rule 16b-3, or any successor provision, as then in effect, of the General
     Rules and Regulations under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, if

          (d)  OTHER PROVISIONS.  The Option Agreement authorized under this
     Section 10 shall contain such other provisions as the Administrator shall
     deem advisable.

                                 SECTION 11 


          (a)  GRANT OF NONQUALIFIED STOCK OPTIONS.  All grants of nonqualified
     stock options to Non-Employee Directors under this Section 11 shall be
     automatic and nondiscretionary and shall be made strictly in accordance
     with the following provisions:

                              (1)  The Administrator shall not have any
                         discretion to select the Non-Employee Directors that
                         shall be eligible for nonqualified stock options or to
                         determine the number 


                         of shares of Common Stock to be subject to such 
                         options, the option price per share or the date of 

                              (2)  INITIAL GRANTS.  Each New Director shall be
                         granted a nonqualified stock option to purchase 5,000
                         shares of Common Stock on the date that the New
                         Director first becomes elected to the Board of
                         Directors of the Company.

                         (3)  ANNUAL GRANTS.

                                   a.   Each Incumbent Director shall be 
                                   granted a nonqualified stock option to 
                                   purchase 1,500 shares of Common Stock on 
                                   the date of each annual meeting of the 
                                   shareholders thereafter, so long as the 
                                   Incumbent Director continues to serve on 
                                   the Board.

                                   b.   Each New Director shall be granted a 
                                   nonqualified stock option to purchase 
                                   1,500 shares of Common Stock on the date 
                                   of the annual meeting coincident with or 
                                   immediately following the third 
                                   anniversary of the date that the New 
                                   Director was elected to the Board of 
                                   Directors and on the date of each annual 
                                   meeting thereafter, so long as the New 
                                   Director continues to serve on the Board.

          (b)  OPTION PRICE.  The option price per share for all nonqualified
     stock options granted pursuant to Sections 11(a) above shall be one hundred
     percent (100%) of the Fair Market Value of a share of Common Stock on the
     date the nonqualified stock option is granted.  


                              (1)  DURATION OF OPTIONS.  Except as otherwise
                         provided in this Plan, the period during which any
                         nonqualified stock option granted to Non-Employee
                         Directors under this Section 11 may be exercised shall
                         be seven (7) years after the date that the option is


                                   a.   In no event shall any nonqualified 
                                   stock options granted to Non-Employee 
                                   Directors be exercisable prior to the date 
                                   that this Plan is approved by the 
                                   shareholders of the Company.  If 
                                   shareholder approval of the Plan is not 
                                   obtained within twelve (12) months 
                                   following its adoption by the Board, any 
                                   nonqualified stock options previously 
                                   granted to Non-Employee Directors shall be 

                                   b.   All nonqualified stock options 
                                   granted to Non-Employee Directors pursuant 
                                   to Section 11(a)(2) shall become 
                                   exercisable to the extent of twenty-five 
                                   percent (25%) of the shares subject to the 
                                   nonqualified stock option on each of the 
                                   four succeeding anniversaries of the date 
                                   that the option is granted.  If the 
                                   Non-Employee Director does not purchase in 
                                   any year the full number of shares which 
                                   the Non-Employee Director is entitled to 
                                   purchase in that year, the Non-Employee 
                                   Director shall be entitled to purchase in 
                                   any subsequent year such previously 
                                   unpurchased shares, subject to the 
                                   expiration of such nonqualified stock 
                                   option as specified in Section 11(c)(1) 

                                   c.   All nonqualified stock options 
                                   granted to Non-Employee Directors pursuant 
                                   to Section 11(a)(3) shall become fully 
                                   exercisable on the first anniversary of 
                                   the date that the option is granted.  If 
                                   the Non-Employee Director does not 
                                   purchase in any year the full number of 
                                   shares which the Non-Employee Director is 
                                   entitled to purchase in that year, the 


                                   Director shall be entitled to purchase in 
                                   any subsequent year such previously 
                                   unpurchased shares, subject to the 
                                   expiration of such nonqualified stock 
                                   option as specified in Section 11(c)(1) 

          (d)  PAYMENT OF OPTION PRICE.  Upon the exercise of any nonqualified
     stock option granted to a Non-Employee Director pursuant to this Section
     11, the purchase price for such shares of Common Stock subject to such
     option shall be paid in cash or certified check, unless the Administrator,
     in its sole discretion and subject to any applicable rules or regulations
     it may adopt, allows such payment to be made, in whole or in part, by the
     transfer from the Non-Employee Director to the Company of previously
     acquired shares of Common Stock.  Any Common Stock so transferred shall be
     valued at its Fair Market Value on the day immediately preceding the
     effective exercise of the nonqualified stock option.  For purposes of this
     Section 11(d), "previously acquired shares of Common Stock" shall include
     shares of Common Stock that are already owned by the Non-Employee Director
     at the time of exercise.  

          (e)  RIGHTS AS A SHAREHOLDER.  The Non-Employee Director shall have no
     rights as a shareholder with respect to any shares of Common Stock subject
     to a nonqualified stock option until the Non-Employee Director becomes the
     holder of record of such shares.  Except as provided in Section 13, no
     adjustments shall be made for dividends or other cash distributions or for
     other rights that have a record date preceding the date the Non-Employee
     Director becomes the holder of record of such shares of Stock.

          (f)  TERMINATION OF STATUS AS A DIRECTOR.  Except as otherwise
     provided in Section 13, in the event that a Non-Employee Director's
     membership on the Board terminates, the following provisions shall apply:

                    (1)  If the Non-Employee Director's membership on the Board
               terminates for any reason other than the Non-Employee Director's
               retirement, death or disability, the Non-Employee Director shall
               be entitled to exercise any nonqualified stock option granted to
               such Non-Employee Director pursuant to this Section 11 to the
               extent such option was exercisable as of the date of such
               termination for a period of three (3) months following the date
               of such termination unless the Option, by its terms, expires
               before the end of such three-month period.  To the extent that
               the nonqualified stock option is not exercisable as of the date
               the Non-Employee Director's membership on the Board terminates
               for any reason other than retirement, death or disability, or to
               the extent the Non-Employee Director does not exercise such
               Option within the period specified in this Section 11(f)(1), all
               rights of the Non-Employee Director under such Option shall be

                    (2)  If the Non-Employee Director's membership on the Board
               terminates because of disability, the Non-Employee Director shall
               be entitled to exercise any nonqualified stock option to the
               extent such option was exercisable as of the date such Non-
               Employee Director's membership on the Board is terminated by 
               reason of disability for a period of twelve (12) months following
               the date of such termination unless the option, by its terms,
               expires before the end of such twelve-month period.  To the
               extent that such Option was not exercisable as of the date the
               Non-Employee Director's membership on the Board terminates
               because of disability, or if the Non-Employee Director does not
               exercise the nonqualified stock option within the twelve-month
               period specified in this Section 11(f)(2), all rights of the Non-
               Employee Director under the option shall be forfeited.  For
               purposes of this Section 11(f)(2), "disability" shall mean a
               mental or physical condition of the Non-Employee Director,
               resulting from illness, injury or disease which, as determined by
               the Board causes the Non-Employee director to resign from the
               Board and is reasonably expected to be of long and indefinite
               duration or result in death.


                    (3)  If the Non-Employee Director's membership on the Board
               terminates because of retirement, any nonqualified stock option
               granted to the Non-Employee Director pursuant to this Section 11
               shall become immediately exercisable to the extent of one hundred
               percent (100%) of the shares subject to the nonqualified stock
               option and shall terminate on the date such option will, by its
               terms, expire.  To the extent the Non-Employee Director does not
               exercise such option within the period specified in this Section
               11(f)(3), all rights of the Non-Employee Director under such
               option shall be forfeited.  For purposes of this Section 11(f)(3)
               "retirement" shall mean termination of the Non-Employee
               Director's membership on the Board after reaching age 60 and
               completing a minimum of five (5) years of service on the Board.

                    (4)  If the Non-Employee Director dies (i) while a member of
               the Board, (ii) within the three (3) months following the
               termination of the Non-Employee Director's membership on the
               Board in the case of Section 11(f)(1) above, (iii) within the
               twelve (12) months following the termination of the Non-Employee
               Director's membership on the Board in the case of Section
               11(f)(2) above, or (iv) at any time after the Non-Employee
               Director's retirement from the Board in the case of Section
               11(f)(3) above, any nonqualified stock option granted to such
               Non-Employee Director shall become immediately exercisable in
               full and may be exercised by the Non-Employee Director's estate
               or any person who acquired the right to exercise any nonqualified
               stock option granted to such Non-Employee Director pursuant to
               this Section 11 by bequest or inheritance until the date such
               Option expires as specified in Section 11(c)(1) above.  

                                 SECTION 12.
                              TRANSFER OF OPTION

     No incentive stock option shall be transferable, in whole or in part, by 
the Optionee other than by will or by the laws of descent and distribution 
and, during the Optionee's lifetime, the option may be exercised only by the 
Optionee.  If the Optionee shall attempt any transfer of any incentive stock 
option granted under the Plan during the Optionee's lifetime, such transfer 
shall be void and the incentive stock option, to the extent not fully 
exercised, shall terminate.

     The Administrator may, in its sole discretion, permit the Optionee to 
transfer any or all nonqualified stock options to any member of the 
Optionee's "immediate family" as such term is defined in Rule 16a-1(e) 
promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, or any successor 
provision, or to one or more trusts whose beneficiaries are members of such 
Optionee's "immediate family" or partnerships in which such family members 
are the only partners; provided, however, that the Optionee receives no 
consideration for the transfer and such transferred nonqualified stock option 
shall continue to be subject to the same terms and conditions as were 
applicable to such nonqualified stock option immediately prior to its 

                                 SECTION 13.
                                OR LIQUIDATION

     In the event of an increase or decrease in the number of shares of 
Common Stock resulting from a subdivision or consolidation of shares or the 
payment of a stock dividend or any other increase or decrease in the number 
of shares of Common Stock effected without receipt of consideration by the 
Company, the number of shares of Option Stock reserved under Section 6 hereof 
and the number of shares of Option Stock covered by each outstanding option 
and the price per share thereof shall be adjusted by the Board to reflect 
such change.  Additional shares which may be credited pursuant to such 
adjustment shall be subject to the same restrictions as are applicable to the 
shares with respect to which the adjustment relates.


     Unless otherwise provided in the stock option agreement, in the event of 
an acquisition of the Company through the sale of substantially all of the 
Company's assets and the consequent discontinuance of its business or through 
a merger, consolidation, exchange, reorganization, reclassification, 
extraordinary dividend, divestiture or liquidation of the Company 
(collectively referred to as a "transaction"), all outstanding options shall 
become immediately exercisable, whether or not such options had become 
exercisable prior to the transaction; provided, however, that if the 
acquiring party seeks to have the transaction accounted for on a "pooling of 
interests" basis and, in the opinion of the Company's independent certified 
public accountants, accelerating the exercisability of such options would 
preclude a pooling of interests under generally accepted accounting 
principles, the exercisability of such options shall not accelerate.  In 
addition to the foregoing, or in the event a pooling of interests transaction 
precludes the acceleration of the exercisability of outstanding options, the 
Board may provide for one or more of the following:

     (a)  the complete termination of this Plan and cancellation of outstanding
     options not exercised prior to a date specified by the Board (which date
     shall give Optionees a reasonable period of time in which to exercise the
     options prior to the effectiveness of such transaction); 

     (b)   that Optionees holding outstanding incentive or nonqualified options
     shall receive, with respect to each share of Option Stock subject to such
     options, as of the effective date of any such transaction, cash in an
     amount equal to the excess of the Fair Market Value of such Option Stock on
     the date immediately preceding the effective date of such transaction over
     the option price per share of such options; provided that the Board may, in
     lieu of such cash payment, distribute to such Optionees shares of stock of
     the Company or shares of stock of any corporation succeeding the Company by
     reason of such transaction, such shares having a value equal to the cash
     payment herein; or

     (c)  the continuance of the Plan with respect to the exercise of options
     which were outstanding as of the date of adoption by the Board of such plan
     for such transaction and provide to Optionees holding such options the
     right to exercise their respective options as to an equivalent number of
     shares of stock of the corporation succeeding the Company by reason of such

The Board may restrict the rights of or the applicability of this Section 13 
to the extent necessary to comply with Section 16(b) of the Securities 
Exchange Act of 1934, the Internal Revenue Code or any other applicable law 
or regulation. The grant of an option pursuant to the Plan shall not limit in 
any way the right or power of the Company to make adjustments, 
reclassifications, reorganizations or changes of its capital or business 
structure or to merge, exchange or consolidate or to dissolve, liquidate, 
sell or transfer all or any part of its business or assets.

                                 SECTION 14.
                          SECURITIES LAW COMPLIANCE

     No shares of Common Stock shall be issued pursuant to the Plan unless 
and until there has been compliance, in the opinion of Company's counsel, 
with all applicable legal requirements, including without limitation, those 
relating to securities laws and stock exchange listing requirements.  As a 
condition to the issuance of Option Stock to Optionee, the Administrator may 
require Optionee to (i) represent that the shares of Option Stock are being 
acquired for investment and not resale and to make such other representations 
as the Administrator shall deem necessary or appropriate to qualify the 
issuance of the shares as exempt from the Securities Act of 1933 and any 
other applicable securities laws, and (ii) represent that Optionee shall not 
dispose of the shares of Option Stock in violation of the Securities Act of 
1933 or any other applicable securities laws. 

     As a further condition to the grant of any incentive or nonqualified 
stock option or the issuance of Option Stock to Optionee, Optionee agrees to 
the following:

     (a)  In the event the Company advises Optionee that it plans an
     underwritten public offering of its Common Stock in compliance with the
     Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and the underwriter(s) seek to impose
     restrictions under which certain shareholders may not sell or contract to
     sell or grant any option to buy or otherwise dispose of part or all of
     their stock purchase rights of the underlying Common Stock, 


     Optionee will not, for a period not to exceed 180 days from the prospectus,
     sell or contract to sell or grant an option to buy or otherwise dispose of 
     any incentive or nonqualified stock option granted to Optionee pursuant to 
     the Plan or any of the underlying shares of Common Stock without the prior
     written consent of the underwriter(s) or its representative(s).

     (b)  In the event the Company makes any public offering of its securities
     and determines in its sole discretion that it is necessary to reduce the
     number of issued but unexercised stock purchase rights so as to comply with
     any states securities or Blue Sky law limitations with respect thereto, the
     Board of Directors of the Company shall have the right (i) to accelerate
     the exercisability of any incentive or nonqualified stock option and the
     date on which such option must be exercised, provided that the Company
     gives Optionee prior written notice of such acceleration, and (ii) to
     cancel any options or portions thereof which Optionee does not exercise
     prior to or contemporaneously with such public offering. 

     (c)  In the event of a transaction (as defined in Section 13 of the Plan)
     which is treated as a "pooling of interests" under generally accepted
     accounting principles, Optionee will comply with Rule 145 of the Securities
     Act of 1933 and any other restrictions imposed under other applicable legal
     or accounting principles if Optionee is an "affiliate" (as defined in such
     applicable legal and accounting principles) at the time of the transaction,
     and Optionee will execute any documents necessary to ensure compliance with
     such rules.

     The Company reserves the right to place a legend on any stock 
certificate issued upon exercise of an option granted pursuant to the Plan to 
assure compliance with this Section 14.

                                 SECTION 15.
                           RIGHTS AS A SHAREHOLDER

     An Optionee (or the Optionee's successor or successors) shall have no 
rights as a shareholder with respect to any shares covered by an option until 
the date of the issuance of a stock certificate evidencing such shares.  No 
adjustment shall be made for dividends (ordinary or extraordinary, whether in 
cash, securities or other property), distributions or other rights for which 
the record date is prior to the date such stock certificate is actually 
issued (except as otherwise provided in Section 13 of the Plan).

                                 SECTION 16.
                            AMENDMENT OF THE PLAN

     The Board may from time to time, insofar as permitted by law, suspend or 
discontinue the Plan or revise or amend it in any respect; provided, however, 
that no such revision or amendment, except as is authorized in Section 13, 
shall impair the terms and conditions of any option which is outstanding on 
the date of such revision or amendment to the material detriment of the 
Optionee without the consent of the Optionee.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, 
no such revision or amendment shall (i) materially increase the number of 
shares subject to the Plan except as provided in Section 13 hereof, (ii) 
change the designation of the class of employees eligible to receive options, 
(iii) decrease the price at which options may be granted, or (iv) materially 
increase the benefits accruing to Optionees under the Plan without the 
approval of the shareholders of the Company if such approval is required for 
compliance with the requirements of any applicable law or regulation.  
Furthermore, the Plan may not, without the approval of the shareholders, be 
amended in any manner that will cause incentive stock options to fail to meet 
the requirements of Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code.

                                 SECTION 17.


     The granting of an option shall impose no obligation upon the Optionee 
to exercise such option.  Further, the granting of an option hereunder shall 
not impose upon the Company or any Subsidiary any obligation to retain the 
Optionee in its employ for any period.


    The undersigned, a shareholder of Empi, Inc., hereby appoints JOSEPH E.
LAPTEWICZ, JR. and PATRICK D. SPANGLER, and each of them, as proxy with full
power of substitution, to vote on behalf of the undersigned the number of shares
which the undersigned is then entitled to vote, at the Annual Meeting of the
Shareholders of Empi, Inc. to be held at the Company's corporate headquarters,
599 Cardigan Road, St. Paul, Minnesota, on Wednesday, April 28, 1999 at 3:30
p.m. local time, and at any and all adjournments thereof with all the powers the
undersigned would possess if personally present, upon the matters indicated
(1) Set the number of directors at seven:
             / / FOR             / / AGAINST             / / ABSTAIN
Directors:       AS                               FOR BOTH NOMINEES LISTED BELOW
    Class One, three-year term: Dr. Kenneth F. Tempero and H. Philip Vierling
(3) Approve an amendment to the Company's 1997 Stock Option Plan.
             / / FOR             / / AGAINST             / / ABSTAIN
(4) Approve the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as the Company's independent
             / / FOR             / / AGAINST             / / ABSTAIN
(5) OTHER MATTERS: In their discretion, the appointed proxies are authorized to
    vote upon such other business as may properly come before the Meeting or any
    adjournment thereof. If no direction is made, this proxy will be voted for
    both directors named in Proposal 2 and for Proposals 1, 3 and 4.

The undersigned hereby revokes all previous proxies relating to the shares
covered hereby and acknowledges receipt of the Notice and Proxy Statement
relating to the Annual Meeting.
                                         THIS PROXY IS SOLICITED ON BEHALF OF
                                         THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. It will be
                                         voted on the proposals set forth on
                                         this form as directed by the
                                         shareholder, but IF NO DIRECTION IS
                                         GIVEN for a particular proposal, it
                                         will be voted FOR such proposal.
                                         Dated                            , 1999
                                         (Shareholder must sign exactly as the
                                         name appears at left. When signed as a
                                         corporate officer, executor,
                                         administrator, trustee, guardian, etc.,
                                         please give full title as such. Both
                                         joint tenants must sign.)