- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Covered        Payment will be made for 100% of the Covered Expenses incurred
Services and   by a Covered Person while covered under this Plan.
               Covered Expenses are the actual cost to you for services and
               supplies given for Medical Care.


               "Medical Care" means the diagnosis, care, mitigation, 
               treatment or prevention of disease, or treatment affecting
               any structure or function of the body due to defect, illness, or
               accidental injury or care during and following pregnancy 
               including treatment of any condition caused by the pregnancy.
               Medical Care includes prescription drugs, dental and 
               vision care.

               The Covered Expense must be an allowable tax deductible item 
               as defined under Section 213(d) of the Internal Revenue Code 
               of 1954 and as may be amended from time to time.

               Payment will be made if the Covered Expenses are more than the 
               benefits payable under both of the following:

               -  The Base Plan whether or not the person is covered under 
                  the Base Plan.

               -  Benefits paid for Medical Care under any Workers 
                  Compensation Act or similar law.

               "Base Plan" means the Unova, Inc. Welfare Benefit Plan 
               (Contract No. 186522) or any other medical, surgical or 
               hospital plan; Health Maintenance Organization or prescription 
               drug, dental or vision plan(s) which the Employer (or any 
               designated subsidiary of the Employer) contributes to or 
               otherwise sponsors.

               Benefits are payable for pregnancy on the same basis as 
               sickness under this Plan. Pregnancy benefits are payable for
               at least:

               -  48 hours of inpatient care for the mother and newborn child 
                  following a normal vaginal delivery.

               -  96 hours of inpatient care for the mother and newborn child 
                  following a cesarean section.

               The hospital or other provider is not required to get 
               authorization from the Company for the time periods stated 

               Hearing aid services, including full cost of hearing aids and 
               exams to prescribe and fit them.

               Medical Expense Benefits will be determined on the same basis 
               for the following routine exams as benefits due to a sickness.

               1.  Cancer screening; Such services will include pap smears 
                   which are ordered or provided by a doctor of medicine (M.D.)
                   in accordance with generally accepted medical standards.

               2. A mammographic exam for a Covered Person who: resides in 
                  Delaware; or is principally employed in Delaware, as 

                  A periodic exam in accordance with the following schedule; 
                  or as declared appropriate by the Delaware State Board of 

                  a.  A base line mammogram for a Covered Person who is at
                      least age 35.

                  b.  One mammogram every two Calendar Years for a Covered 
                      Person who is age 40 to 49, inclusive; provided such 
                      mammogram occurs no sooner than two Calendar Years 
                      after the Covered Person's base line exam as per a 

                  c.  One mammogram per Calendar Year for a Covered Person 
                      who is 50 years of age or older.


               Upon the recommendation of a Covered Person's physician, any 
               mammogram received by a Covered Person who has 
               been determined by that physician to be at risk for breast 

           3.  A prostate antigen test for a Covered Person
               age 50 or older who is:

               (i) a resident of Delaware; or

               (ii) principally employed in Delaware.

               provided the test is ordered by a doctor of 
               medicine (M.D.) in accordance with generally accepted 
               medical standards.

           4.  Services and supplies received for the routine 
               care of a newborn Dependent child while such child is confined 
               as an inpatient in a Hospital

           5.  Routine health examinations

               Any Copayments, Deductibles and any percentage 
               penalties for not obtaining services from a Network Provider 
               under the other Employer sponsored group plan are not payable 
               under this Plan.


               There is a Unlimited Maximum Benefit per 
               family for the Executive Medical Benefits. The Unlimited 
               Maximum Benefit is shown in the Schedule of Benefits. It 
               applies to you and all of your Dependents each Calendar Year.


               Expenses for the following are not covered 
               under Executive Medical Benefits:

               -  Injury or Sickness caused by war or 
                  international armed conflict, except in 
                  the case of an innocent bystander taking 
                  no active part in the war or 
                  international armed conflict.

               -  Services of a person who is a member of your 
                  immediate family (your spouse, child, brother, sister, 
                  parent or grandparent; your spouse's child, brother, 
                  sister, parent or grandparent).

               -  Services of a person who resides in your 

               -  Expenses not directly involved with 
                  Medical Care (as defined in Section 213(d) of the Internal 
                  Revenue Code).

               -  Any service or supply that is not 
                  allowable as a tax deduction under the Internal Revenue 

               -  injury which happens during work at any 
                  job for pay or profit.

               -  Expenses incurred before you or your 
                  Dependent becomes covered.

               -  Expenses for long term care.

               -  Cosmetic or reconstructive surgery or 
                  treatment. (This is surgery or treatment primarily to change
                  appearance.) It does not matter whether or not it is for 
                  psychological or emotional reasons. However, the following 
                  will be covered if it is for:

                  -  Reconstructive surgery in connection 
                     with surgical treatment of injury or Sickness.

                  -  Correction of deformities caused by 


                  -  Correction of damage caused by accidental injury 
                     sustained by you or a Dependent while the injured person 
                     is covered.

                  -  Correction of birth defects which are outside the normal 
                     range of human variation.

               -  Custodial Care. This is care made up of services and 
                  supplies that meets one of the following conditions:

                  -  Care furnished mainly to train or assist in personal 
                     hygiene or other activities of daily living, rather 
                     than to provide medical treatment.

                  -  Care that can safely and adequately be provided by 
                     persons who do not have the technical skills of a covered
                     health care professional.

               -  Care that meets one of these conditions is custodial 
                  care regardless of any of the following:

                  -  Who recommends, provides or directs the care.

                  -  Where the care is provided

                  -  Whether or not the patient or another caregiver can be 
                      or is being trained to care for himself or herself.

               -  Education, training and bed and board while confined in 
                  an institution which is mainly a school or other 
                  institution for training, a place of rest, a place for 
                  the aged or a nursing home.

               -  Expenses and associated expenses incurred for services 
                  and supplies for Experimental, Investigational or Unproven 
                  Services, except for services which are otherwise 
                  Experimental, Investigational, or Unproven that are 
                  deemed to be, in the Company's judgment, covered 
                  transplant services. The fact that an Experimental, 
                  Investigational or Unproven Service, is the only available 
                  treatment for a particular condition will not result in 
                  coverage if the procedure is considered to be 
                  Experimental, Investigational or Unproven for the 
                  treatment of that particular condition.

               -  Services and supplies which the Covered 
                  Person is not legally required to pay.

               -  Services or supplies which are not Medically Necessary, 
                  including any confinement or treatment given in connection 
                  with a service or supply which is not Medically Necessary.

               -  Treatment for infertility, including but not limited to 
                  in-vitro fertilization (IVF), gamete intrafallopian tube 
                  transfers (GIFT), and artificial insemination.
