ADDENDUM NO. 1 TO RENEWAL RENTAL SCHEDULE AND ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATE NO. A-10RN1 TO MASTER LEASE AGREEMENT NO. 9003NJG407 (the "Master Lease") DATED AS OF APRIL 20, 1990 This Addendum No. 1 hereby amends and renames Renewal Rental Schedule and Acceptance Certificate No. A-10RN1 (the "Renewal Rental Schedule") between American Income Fund I-B, a Massachusetts Limited Partnership, as lessor and Quanterra Inc., as lessee. The Renewal Rental Schedule is hereby renamed Renewal Rental Schedule and Acceptance Certificate No. A-10RN2 (the "Renamed Renewal Rental Schedule"). As set forth on the attached Schedule A, the Lease expiration date is changed from May 31, 1999 to December 31, 1999, and the Periodic Rent is adjusted from $3,250.00 to $3,093.00 beginning with the payment of Basic Rent due on January 1, 1997 and continuing monthly in advance thereafter through and including December 1, 1999 with respect to the Equipment leased hereunder as described on the attached Schedule B. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this Addendum No. 1 to be executed and delivered by their duly authorized representatives as of this 1st day of January, 1997. AMERICAN INCOME FUND I-B LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Lessor By: AFG Leasing VI Inc. Title: General Partner By: /s/ Gail Ofgant ------------------------------- Title: VP & Authorized Signer ---------------------------- QUANTERRA INC. Lessee By: /s/ Debbie Pentik ------------------------------- Title: Purchasing Manager ---------------------------- LLR4OD-O1 EQUIS FINANCIAL GROUP 1/10/97 17:11:54 PAGE 1 Schedule A - Rental Schedule Economics LESSEE: ENSECO INCORPORATED LESSOR: EQUIS FINANCIAL GROUP RENTAL SCHEDULE: A-10RN2 LEASE TERM (months): 36 PRIMARY START DATE: 1/01/1997 LEASE EXPIRATION DATE: 12/31/1999 PAYMENT FREQUENCY: MONTHLY ADVANCE/ARREARS: ADVANCE LEASE RATE: .008160950 PER DIEM LEASE RATE: .000272032 PERIODIC RENT: $3,093.00 NUMBER OF PAYMENTS: 36 TOTAL INTERIM RENT: $.00 PAYMENT COMMENCEMENT DATE: 1/01/1997 TOTAL EQUIPMENT COST: $379,000.00 DOCUMENTATION FEE: $20.00 -------------------- DP LESSEE INITIALS - ---------- GDO LESSOR INITIALS - ---------- ATF#: ENS-95RMKT EXHIBIT 2 RENEWAL RENTAL SCHEDULE NO. A-7RN1 (the "Renewal Rental Schedule") DATED AS OF JANUARY 1, 1996 TO MASTER LEASE AGREEMENT NO. 9003NJG407 (the "Master Lease") DATED AS OF APRIL 20, 1990 LESSOR LESSEE AMERICAN INCOME FUND I-B, QUANTERRA INCORPORATED A MASSACHUSETTS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 4955 YARROW ST c/o AMERICAN FINANCE GROUP ARVADA, CO 80002 98 NORTH WASHINGTON ST BOSTON, MA 02114 1. LEASE TERM. PAYMENT DATES. This Renewal Rental Schedule, between American Finance Group, as lessor, lessor's interest therein having been previously sold and assigned to the above-referenced Lessor and Lessee incorporates by reference the terms and conditions of the Master Lease. Lessor hereby leases to Lessee and Lessee hereby leases from Lessor those items of Equipment described on the attached Schedule B, for the Renewal Lease Term and at the Renewal Term Basic Rent payable on the Payment Dates hereinafter set forth on the attached Schedule A, on the terms and conditions set forth in the Master Lease. 2. BASIC RENT. Renewal Term Basic Rent is computed by multiplying the Total Equipment Cost by the Renewal Lease Rate set forth on the attached Schedule A. 3. STIPULATED LOSS VALUE. Notwithstanding the provision of Section 5 of the Master Lease, the Stipulated Loss Value for the Equipment during the Renewal Lease Term shall be equal to $10,000.00. 4. LESSEE'S OPTION AT RENTAL SCHEDULE EXPIRATION. At the expiration of the Renewal Lease Term, upon (60) days prior written notice to Lessor, Lessee has the option to purchase all, but not less than all, items of Equipment leased pursuant to this Rental Schedule for $995.O0. If Lessee fails to give Lessor (60) days written notice, the Renewal Lease Term may, at Lessor's option, be extended and continue until (60) days from the date Lessor receives written notice of Lessee's decision to purchase the Equipment. 5. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. MODIFICATION AND WAIVERS. EXECUTION IN COUNTERPARTS. This Renewal Rental Schedule and the Master Lease constitute the entire agreement between Lessee and Lessor with respect to the leasing of the Equipment. Lessee hereby represents, warrants and certifies that the representations and warranties of Lessee set forth in the Master Lease are true and correct as of the date hereof. Capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Master Lease. To the extent any of the terms and conditions set forth in this Renewal Rental Schedule conflict with or are inconsistent with the Master Lease, this Renewal Rental Schedule shall govern and control. No amendment, modification or waiver of this Renewal Rental Schedule or the Master Lease will be effective unless evidenced in writing signed by the party to be charged. This Renewal Rental Schedule may be executed in counterparts, all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. RENEWAL RENTAL SCHEDULE NO. A-7RN1 PAGE TWO The undersigned, being the duly authorized representative of the Lessee, hereby certifies that the items of Equipment described on the attached Schedule B have been duly delivered to the Lessee in good order and duly inspected and accepted by the Lessee as conforming in all respects with the requirements and provisions of the Master Lease, as of the Renewal Term Commencement Date stated on the attached Schedule A. AMERICAN INCOME FUND I-B, A MASSACHUSETTS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP QUANTERRA INCORPORATED Lessor Lessee By: AFG LEASING VI INCORPORATED By: /s/ [Illegible] --------------------------- Title: General Partner Title: Director of Purchasing ------------------------ By: /s/ [Illegible] --------------------------- Title: Manager ------------------------ COUNTERPART NO. 1 OF 2 SERIALLY NUMBERED MANUALLY EXECUTED COUNTERPARTS. TO THE EXTENT IF ANY THAT THIS DOCUMENT CONSTITUTES CHATTEL PAPER UNDER THE UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE, NO SECURITY INTEREST MAY BE CREATED THROUGH THE TRANSFER AND POSSESSION OF ANY COUNTERPART OTHER THAN COUNTERPART NO. 1 LLR40D-01 AMERICAN FINANCE GROUP 1/17/96 15:39:33 PAGE 1 Schedule A - Rental Schedule Economics LESSEE: ENSECO INCORPORATED LESSOR: AMERICAN FINANCE GROUP RENTAL SCHEDULE: A-7RN1 LEASE TERM (months): 24 PRIMARY START DATE: 1/01/1996 LEASE EXPIRATION DATE: 12/31/1997 PAYMENT FREQUENCY: MONTHLY ADVANCE/ARREARS: ADVANCE LEASE RATE: .006880734 PER DIEM LEASE RATE: .000229358 PERIODIC RENT: $375.00 NUMBER OF PAYMENTS: 24 TOTAL INTERIM RENT: $.00 PAYMENT COMMENCEMENT DATE: 1/01/1996 TOTAL EQUIPMENT COST: $54,500.00 DOCUMENTATION FEE: -------------------------- /s/ E H LESSEE INITIALS - ---------- /s/ GDO LESSOR INITIALS - ---------- LLR41D-01 AMERICAN FINANCE GROUP 1/17/96 15:39:37 PAGE 1 Schedule B Equipment Description LESSEE: ENSECO INCORPORATED RENTAL SCHEDULE AND ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATE NUMBER: A-7RN1 LESSOR: AMERICAN FINANCE GROUP Acceptance Equipment Cost Serial Number Year Manufacturer Model Type Date - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13,500.00 VG INSTRUMENTS A/D PN CS4001 1 FOUR CHANNEL CHROM SERV 1/01/1996 13,500.00 VG INSTRUMENTS A/D PN CS4001 1 FOUR CHANNEL CHROM SERV 1/01/1996 13,500.00 VG INSTRUMENTS A/D PN CS4001 1 FOUR CHANNEL CHROM SERV 1/01/1996 14,000.00 VG INSTRUMENTS PN CS1618 GC CONTROL BOARD 1/01/1996 - ------------------- 54,500.00 Total for Location 2200 COTTONTAIL LN SOMERSET NJ 08873 - ------------------- - ------------------- 54,500.00 Total Equipment cost L2R13D AMERICAN FINANCE GROUP 12/27/95 10:16:57 PAGE 1 ASSET ACTIVITY CHECKLIST REPORT PREPARED BY: DEBORAH SIMPSON APPROVALS: GDO / ----------- ----------- TYPE 0F TRANSACTION (X) RENEWAL LEASE ( ) CASUALTY AT STIPULATED LOSS VALUE ( ) SALE TO ORIGINAL USER ( ) EARLY TERMINATION ( ) SALE TO THIRD PARTY USER ( ) WAREHOUSE OF ASSETS ( ) OTHER -------------------------- PRIMARY TERM DATA ORIGINAL LESSEE ENSECO INCORPORATED STREET ADDRESS 1 2200 COTTONTAIL LN STREET ADDRESS 2 CITY, STATE, ZIP SOMERSET NJ 08873 CONTACT NAME BOB GEORGE PHONE NUMBER 216-497-9396 FAX NUMBER MASTER LEASE NUMBER 9003NJG407 LEASE DATE 4/20/1990 RENTAL SCHEDULE A-9 START DATE 3/01/1991 EXPIRATION DATE 2/28/1995 PAYMENT FREQUENCY M/ADV LEASE RATE FACTOR .022420000 ASSUMED DEBT RATE 8.8500 TREASURY RATE .00 LENDER/LOAN NUMBER EQUITY OWNER(S) 1063 100.000000000 1 (X) ORIGINAL TITLES NA 3 (X) STOP BILL FORM 2 (X) PRODUCE IRR REPORT 4 (X) COLLATERAL DOCS REQUESTED NA I. WAREHOUSE DATA (SEE ATTACHED EQUIPMENT LIST) WAREHOUSE COST $ ---------------- DATE WAREHOUSED STOP BILL DATE ------------------ ------------------ L2R13D AMERICAN FINANCE GROUP 12/27/95 10:16:57 PAGE 2 ASSET ACTIVITY CHECKLIST REPORT II. EQUIPMENT SALE DATA (SEE ATTACHED EQUIPMENT AND PRICE LIST) NEW LESSEE OR BUYER STREET ADDRESS 1 STREET ADDRESS 2 CITY, STATE, ZIP CONTACT NAME PHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER SALE TYPE BS LS OS RS TAX EXEMPTION STATUS YES NO EXEMPTION NUMBER TOTAL SALE PRICE $ BROKERAGE FEE $ ------------ ------------ SALE DATE/STOP BILL DATE -------------- 1 ( ) CREATE MEMO CODE 6 ( ) CHANGE MEMO CODE 2 ( ) AS/400 INPUT 7 ( ) REMOVE RS COUNTERPART 3 ( ) MISCELLANEOUS INVOICE IF ALL ASSETS ARE SOLD 4 ( ) PRODUCE DOCUMENTS/SEND TO BUYER 8 ( ) PREP FOR SCANNING 5 ( ) RECEIPT OF PAYMENT 9 ( ) FINAL DOCUMENTS TO BUYER III. RENEWAL DATA (ATF MAY NEED TO BE CREATED) NEW RENTAL SCHEDULE A-9RN1 TERM 24 --------------- ---------------- START DATE 1-1-96 EXPIRATION DATE 12-31-97 --------------- ---------------- PAYMENT FREQUENCY M/ADV [Circled] Q/ADV S/ADV A/ADV M/ARR Q/ARR S/ARR A/ARR STIPULATED LOSS VALUE $ 30,000.00 LRF/RENT $ /$ 1150.00 --------------- --------------- SEND DOCUMENTS TO LESSEE END OF LEASE OPTIONS purchase option- --------------- ---------------- $2500.00 1-1-98 ---------------- 1 (X) AS/400 INPUT 5 ( ) ACTIVATION REPORT 2 (X) UPDATE EQUITY OWNER 6 ( ) PREP FOR SCANNING 3 (X) PRODUCE DOCUMENTS/SEND TO LESSEE 2/7/96 7 ( ) FINAL DOCUMENTS TO LESSEE 4 (X) REQUEST UPDATED INSURANCE on file IV. NOTES, COMMENTS AND OTHER INFORMATION (*) Need to credit 86586 & 84383 ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ L2R14D AMERICAN FINANCE GROUP 12/27/95 10:16:58 PAGE 1 ASSET ACTIVITY REPORT -- EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION LESSEE: ENSECO INCORPORATED RENTAL SCHEDULE: A-9 Asset Equipment Cost Serial Number Manufacturer Model Type Status Bill Code - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0010342 119,911.00 ICAP 61E AIR SPECTROMETER LEASE C000l -------------- 119,911.00 Total for Location 4955 YARROW ST ARVADA CO 80002 CODE C0001 -------------- -------------- 119,911.00 Total Equipment Cost ** END OF REPORT ** ==================== Facsimile Quanterra Incorporated [Quanterra LOGO] Transmittal 4955 Yarrow Street Environmental Arvada, CO 80002 Services Phone: (303) 421-6611 Fax: (303) 467-9136 Date: 12/6/95 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Deliver To: Debbie Simpson -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Company: Amer. Finance Group -------------------------------------------------------------------- Fax Number: (617) 523-1410 -------------------------------------------------------------------- From: E. [Illegible] -------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of Pages (Including This Page) 1 ------- If you did not receive all pages, please call (303) 421-6611. Comments: Please Review Rental Schedule A-9 (ICAP 61E) For A 2 Yr - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Term And Schedule A-7 For The Same, If Possible. If Not - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Then A-7 For 1 Yr. Our Preference, If At All Possible, For A-7 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is Two Yrs. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Can We Have These Effective 1-1-96??? We Must! Please let me know - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Illegible] - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Confidentiality Notice: The documents accompanying this telecopy transmission contains confidential information which is [Illegible] privileged. The information is intended only for use of the recipient [Illegible] above. If you [Illegible] received [Illegible] in error, please notify us immediately by telephone to arrange for the return of the documents to us, and you are hereby notified that any [Illegible] distribution, [Illegible] is strictly prohibited. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERFORMANCE SUMMARY SHEET ACCT MGR: DEBBIE SIMPSON LSCODE: ENSECO (QUANTERRA INC.) RSCODE: A-9 EOCODE: 1063-AIF I-C LP EQTYPE: 17 DESC: AIR SPECTROMETER ORIGINAL OEC: $119,911.00 CURRENT OEC: $119,911.00 TERM: 48 FRQ (M/12 Q/4 S/2 A/1): 12 ADV (1) ARR (2): 1 LEASE RATE: 0.02242 T-RATE: 7.56% T-RATE + SPREAD 8.30% PRESENT VALUE: 92.00% HISTORICAL IRR: 11.14% HISTORICAL % OEC: 29.32% OVER TOTAL - ------SCENARIO------- ---OUTFLOW--- -----CASH FLOWS----- ----IRR---- --T-RATE-- CASH FLOWS BASE 119,911 48 2,688 3.64% -3.92% 129,043 CB (THROUGH 12/31/95) 11 2,688 11.80% 4.24% 29,568 RNWL 24 1,150 16.06% 8.50% 27,600 PJCTDISP 1 2,500 16.33% 8.77% 2,500 0 0 0 0 0 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OVERALL RESULTS: REV/ % OEC $188,711.42 157.38% RESIDUAL RESULTS: REV/ % OEC $59,668.00 49.76% HISTORICAL COMPARISON: +/- % OEC 20.44% [GE LOGO] GE Motors & Industrial Systems - ----------------------------------------------------- Installation & Service Engineering Department General Electrical Company 1 River Road, Schenectady, NY 12345 June 27, 1995 Brian Norton American Finance Group 98 North Washinton St Boston, MA 02114 Brian; Be advised that the material on lease schedule #1 routed through our warehouse in Illinois to locations outside that state should have the equipment location as One River Road, Schenectady, NY, 12345. This is Installation & Service Engineering Headquarters; whereas, Albany is a regional office. Please adjust your invoices accordingly. Regards, /s/ R. E. Wittnebel R. E. Wittnebel