WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549
                                     FORM 10-K

       EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
       For the fiscal year ended December 31, 1998


       EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
       For the transition period from - to -

Commission File Number 1-9025

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                 VISTA GOLD CORP.
              (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

        Continued under the laws of the                       None
                Yukon Territory                   (IRS Employer Identification
       (State or other Jurisdiction of                       Number)
       Incorporation or Organization)

                  Suite 3000
            370 Seventeenth Street
               Denver, Colorado                              80202
   (Address of Principal Executive Offices)                (Zip Code)

                                  (303) 629-2450
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                NAME OF EACH EXCHANGE 
TITLE OF EACH CLASS                             ON WHICH REGISTERED
Common shares without par value                 American Stock Exchange
                                                The Toronto Stock Exchange



AMENDMENT TO THIS FORM 10-K:                                            /X/

As of March 24, 1999, the aggregate market value of outstanding Common Shares 
of the registrant held by non-affiliates was approximately $15,485,880. 

As of March 24, 1999, 90,715,040 Common Shares of the registrant were 

To the extent herein specifically referenced in Parts III and IV, the 
Management Information and Proxy Circular for the registrant's 1999 Annual 
General Meeting. See Parts III and IV.


GLOSSARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
CURRENCY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
METRIC CONVERSION TABLE. . . . . . . . . . . 3
  STATEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

                 PART I

ITEM 1. BUSINESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
    Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
    Segmented Financial Information. . . . . 5
    Corporate Organization Chart . . . . . . 5
    Significant Developments in 1998 . . . . 5
    Refining and Marketing . . . . . . . . . 7
    Exploration and Business Development . . 8
    Property Interests and Mining Claims . . 9
    Reclamation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
    Government Regulation. . . . . . . . . .10
    Environmental Regulation . . . . . . . .10
    Competition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
    Employees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
    Risk Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

ITEM 2. PROPERTIES . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
    Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
    Hycroft Mine . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
    Amayapampa and Capa Circa Properties . .21
    Exploration Properties . . . . . . . . .30
    1998 Exploration Expenditures. . . . . .33
    1999 Exploration Plan. . . . . . . . . .33

ITEM 3. LEGAL PROCEEDINGS. . . . . . . . . .33

  VOTE OF SECURITY HOLDERS . . . . . . . . .34

                 PART II

  STOCKHOLDER MATTERS. . . . . . . . . . . .34
    Price Range of Common Shares . . . . . .34
    Dividends. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
    Exchange Controls. . . . . . . . . . . .34
    Certain Canadian Income Tax 
       Considerations for Non-Residents 
         of Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . .35

    Selected Financial Data. . . . . . . . .36
    United States$/Canadian$ 
      Exchange Rates . . . . . . . . . . . .37

  OPERATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
    Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
    Results of Operations. . . . . . . . . .38
    Outlook. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43

                               ITEM 7A. QUANTITATIVE AND 
                                 QUALITATIVE DISCLOSURES 
                                 ABOUT MARKET RISK. . . . . . . . . . . . .44
                                   Commodity Price Risk . . . . . . . . . .44
                                   Interest Rate Risk . . . . . . . . . . .45
                                   Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Risk. . .45

                               ITEM 8. CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL 
                                 STATEMENTS AND SUPPLEMENTARY DATA. . . . .46
                                   Report of Independent Accountants. . . .46
                                   Consolidated Financial Statements. . . .47
                                   Notes to Consolidated Financial 
                                     Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51

                               ITEM 9. CHANGES IN AND 
                                 DISAGREEMENTS WITH 
                                 ACCOUNTANTS ON ACCOUNTING 
                                 AND FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE.. . . . . . . . .68

                                                   PART III

                               ITEM 10. DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS 
                                 OF REGISTRANT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68
                                   Directors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68
                                   Executive Officers . . . . . . . . . . .69
                                   Executive and Audit Committees . . . . .70

                               ITEM 11. COMPENSATION OF 
                                 DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS . . . . . . . . . .70

                               ITEM 12. SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF 
                                 CERTAIN BENEFICIAL OWNERS AND 
                                 MANAGEMENT.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71

                               ITEM 13. CERTAIN RELATIONSHIP AND 
                                 RELATED TRANSACTIONS . . . . . . . . . . .71

                                                   PART IV

                               ITEM 14. EXHIBITS, FINANCIAL 
                                 STATEMENT SCHEDULES AND 
                                 REPORTS ON FORM 8-K. . . . . . . . . . . .72
                                   Documents Filed as Part of Report. . . .72
                                   Reports on Form 8-K. . . . . . . . . . .76
                               SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . .76
                               SIGNATURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77



"ADIT" means a horizontal or nearly horizontal passage driven from the 
surface for the working or unwatering of a mine.

"AMALGAMATION" means the amalgamation of Granges and Da Capo effective on 
November 1, 1996.

"ASSAY" means to test ores or minerals by chemical or other methods for the 
purpose of determining the amount of valuable metals contained.

"BRECCIA" means rock consisting of fragments, more or less angular, in a 
matrix of finer-grained material or of cementing material.

"CLAIM" means a mining title giving its holder the right to prospect, explore 
for and exploit minerals within a defined area.

"COMMON SHARES" means common shares without par value of Vista Gold. 

"CORPORATION" means the consolidated group consisting of Vista Gold Corp. and 
its subsidiaries Hycroft Resources & Development, Inc., Hycroft Lewis Mine, 
Inc., Vista Gold Holdings Inc., Vista Gold U.S. Inc., Granges Inc., Vista 
Gold (Antigua) Corp., Sociedad Industrial Yamin Limitada and Mineral Ridge 
Resources Inc.

"CUT-OFF GRADE" means the minimum grade of ore used to establish reserves.

"DA CAPO" means Da Capo Resources Ltd., a predecessor of Vista Gold.

"DEPOSIT" means an informal term for an accumulation of mineral ores.

"DIAMOND DRILL" means a rotary type of rock drill that cuts a core of rock 
and is recovered in long cylindrical sections, two centimetres or more in 

"DOR" means unrefined gold and silver bullion consisting of approximately 90% 
precious metals which will be further refined to almost pure metal.

"FLOTATION" means a process whereby value minerals are separated from waste 
by attaching them to air bubbles in a pulp by the use of small amounts of 

"GRANGES" means Granges Inc., a predecessor of Vista Gold. 

"HEAP LEACH" means a gold extraction method that percolates a cyanide 
solution through crushed ore heaped on an impervious pad or base.

"HYCROFT INC." means Hycroft Resources & Development, Inc., an indirect 
wholly-owned subsidiary of Vista Gold.

"HYCROFT LEWIS" means Hycroft Lewis Mine, Inc., an indirect wholly-owned 
subsidiary of Vista Gold.

"MERRILL-CROWE" means a process for recovering gold from solution by 
precipitation with zinc dust.

"MINERALIZATION" means material containing valuable minerals.

"MINERAL RIDGE INC." means Mineral Ridge Resources Inc., an indirect 
wholly-owned subsidiary of Vista Gold.

"MONTREAL TRUST" means Vista Gold's registrar and transfer agent, Montreal 
Trust Company of Canada.

"ORE" means material containing valuable minerals that can be economically 


"OXIDE RESERVE" or "OXIDE RESOURCE" means mineralized rock in which some of 
the original minerals have been oxidized.  Oxidation tends to make the ore 
more porous and permits a more complete permeation of cyanide solutions so 
that minute particles of gold in the interior of the minerals will be more 
readily dissolved.

"PROBABLE RESERVES" means reserves for which quantity and grade and/or 
quality are computed from information similar to that used for proven 
reserves, but the sites for inspection, sampling and measurement are farther 
apart or are otherwise less adequately spaced.  The degree of assurance, 
although lower than that for proven reserves, is high enough to assume 
continuity between points of observation.

"PROVEN RESERVES" means reserves for which (a) quantity is computed from 
dimensions revealed in outcrops, trenches, workings or drill holes; grade 
and/or quality are computed from the results of detailed sampling and (b) the 
sites for inspection, sampling and measurement are spaced so closely and the 
geologic character is so well defined that size, shape, depth, and mineral 
content of reserves are well-established.

"RECOVERY" means that portion of the metal contained in the ore that is 
successfully extracted by processing, expressed as a percentage. 

"RESERVES" or "ORE RESERVES" mean that part of a mineral deposit which could 
be economically and legally extracted or produced at the time of the reserve 

"RESOURCE" or "MINERAL RESOURCE" means a deposit or concentration of minerals 
for which there is sampling information and geologic understanding for an 
estimate to be made of the contained minerals.

"RUN-OF-MINE" refers to ore of a size that can be mined without further 

"SAMPLING" means selecting a fractional, but representative, part of a 
mineral deposit for analysis.  

"STOPE" means an underground excavation that is made by removing ore from the 
surrounding rock.  

"STRIKE", when used as a noun, means the direction, course or bearing of a 
vein or rock formation measured on a level surface and, when used as a verb, 
means to take such direction, course or bearing.  

"STRIKE LENGTH" means the longest horizontal dimension of an ore body or zone 
of mineralization.

"STRIPPING RATIO" means the ratio between waste and ore in an open pit mine.  

"SULFIDE" means a compound of sulfur and some other element.

"TAILINGS" means material rejected from a mill after most of the valuable 
minerals have been extracted.  

"TRENCHING" means prospecting in which subsurface strata are exposed by 
digging pits across the strike of a lode.  

"VEIN" means a fissure, fault or crack in a rock filled by minerals that have 
travelled upwards from some deep source.  

"VISTA GOLD" means Vista Gold Corp.

"VOLCANICLASTIC" means derived by ejection of volcanic material from a 
volcanic vent.  

"WASTE" means rock lacking sufficient grade and/or other characteristics of 

"YAMIN" means Sociedad Industrial Yamin Limitada, a direct wholly-owned 
subsidiary of Vista Gold.

"ZAMORA" means Zamora Gold Corp.



Unless otherwise specified, all dollar amounts in this report are expressed 
in United States dollars.

The exchange rate at the end of each of the five years to December 31, 1998, 
and the average, the high and the low rates of exchange for each year in that 
five year period, are set forth in "Item 6. Selected Financial Data - United 
States$/Canadian$ Exchange Rates".  These exchange rates are expressed as the 
amount of United States funds equivalent to one Canadian dollar, being the 
noon buying rates in New York City for cable transfers in Canadian dollars, 
as certified for customs purposes by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.  
On March 24, 1999, this noon buying rate was $1.5040 (Cdn.$1.00 equals 

                               METRIC CONVERSION TABLE

Acres................................     Hectares...................     0.4047
Feet.................................     Metres.....................     0.3048
Miles................................     Kilometres.................     1.6093
Tons (short).........................     Tonnes.....................     0.9071
Gallons..............................     Litres.....................     3.7850
Ounces (troy)........................     Grams......................     31.103
Ounces (troy) per ton (short)........     Grams per tonne............     34.286


This document, including any documents that are incorporated by reference as 
set forth on the face page under "Documents incorporated by reference", 
contains forwarding-looking statements concerning, among other things, 
projected annual gold production, mineral resources, proven or probable 
reserves and cash operating costs. Such statements are typically punctuated 
by words or phrases such as "anticipates", "estimates", "projects", 
"foresees", "management believes", "believes" and words or phrases of similar 
import. Such statements are subject to certain risks, uncertainties or 
assumptions. If one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or 
if underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially 
from those anticipated, estimated or projected. Important factors that could 
cause actual results to differ materially from those in such forward-looking 
statements are identified in this document under "Item 1. Business - Risk 
Factors". Vista Gold assumes no obligation to update these forward-looking 
statements to reflect actual results, changes in assumptions or changes in 
other factors affecting such statements.


                                     PART I



The Corporation is engaged, directly and through joint ventures, in the 
exploration for and the acquisition, development and operation of mineral 
properties in North and South America. Since 1971, the Corporation and its 
predecessor companies have held participating interests in seven mines, four 
of which were discovered by the Corporation. The Corporation has also 
operated five of the seven mines.

During 1998, the Corporation's primary mining operation and principal source 
of earnings was the Hycroft mine (formerly known as the Crofoot/Lewis mine) 
in Nevada, U.S.A. which produces gold and by-product silver. See "Item 2. 
Properties - Hycroft Mine". In 1998, the Corporation acquired the Mineral 
Ridge mine, a gold property also located in Nevada. See "Item 2. Properties - 
Mineral Ridge Mine". The Corporation owns the Amayapampa and Capa Circa gold 
properties in Bolivia for which a feasibility study was completed in 1997. 
See "Item 2. Properties - Amayapampa and Capa Circa Properties". The 
Corporation has approximately 12 additional mineral properties in North and 
South America covering approximately 123,500 acres (50,000 hectares) in 
various stages of evaluation. Vista Gold owns a 26.5% equity interest in 
Zamora Gold Corp., a Canadian mineral exploration company with interests in 
mineral concessions in southern Ecuador. See "Item 2. Properties - 
Exploration Properties - Ecuador". The Corporation has approximately 427 
full-time permanent employees.

The Corporation derives all of its current revenues from the sale of gold 
extracted from the Hycroft mine and the Mineral Ridge mine. In fiscal 1996, 
1997 and 1998, revenues from sales of gold were $35 million, $40 million and 
$37 million, respectively.

Vista Gold was originally incorporated on November 28, 1983 under the name 
"Granges Exploration Ltd.". In November 1983, Granges Exploration Ltd. 
acquired all the mining interests of Granges AB in Canada. On June 28, 1985, 
Granges Exploration Ltd. and Pecos Resources Ltd. amalgamated under the name 
"Granges Exploration Ltd." and on June 9, 1989, Granges Exploration Ltd. 
changed its name to "Granges Inc.". On May 1, 1995, Granges and Hycroft 
Resources & Development Corporation were amalgamated under the name "Granges 
Inc.". Effective November 1, 1996, Granges and Da Capo amalgamated under the 
name "Vista Gold Corp.". Effective December 19, 1997, Vista Gold was 
continued from British Columbia to the Yukon Territory, Canada under the 

The current addresses, telephone and facsimile numbers of the offices of 
Vista Gold are:

   Suite 3000 - 370 Seventeenth Street           200 - 204 Lambert Street
          Denver, Colorado, USA            Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada
                  80202                                  Y1A 3T2
        Telephone: (303) 629-2450               Telephone: (867) 667-7600
        Facsimile: (303) 629-2499               Facsimile: (867) 667-7885



The Corporation operates in the mining industry in Canada, the United States 
and Latin America. For information on the Corporation's sales, earnings from 
operations and identifiable assets by geographic area, see note 11 to the 
consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 1998 under 
"Item 8. Consolidated Financial Statements and Supplementary Data - Notes to 
Consolidated Financial Statements".


The name, place of incorporation, continuance or organization, and percent of 
voting securities owned or controlled by Vista Gold as of December 31, 1998 
for each subsidiary of Vista Gold is set out below.




On October 21, 1998, the Corporation acquired the Mineral Ridge mine through 
the purchase of all of the shares of Mineral Ridge Resources Inc. from 
Cornucopia Resources Ltd. in consideration for 1,562,000 Common Shares of 
Vista Gold with an aggregate value of $250,000 and Vista Gold subscribing on 
a private placement basis for 2,777,777 common shares of Cornucopia with an 
aggregate value of $250,000. At December 31, 1998, proven and probable 
reserves at the Mineral Ridge mine were estimated at 4 million tons at a 
grade of 0.06 ounces per ton containing 243,000 ounces of gold. Prior to the 
acquisition of the Mineral Ridge mine by the Corporation, the mine had been 
shut down since December 1997. Gold production for 1999 is estimated to be 
between 40,000 to 45,000 ounces.


In 1998, the Hycroft mine produced 112,685 ounces of gold and 235,636 ounces 
of silver. The Corporation had previously announced that mining activities 
would be suspended in May 1998, but


mining activities were extended until December 1998 as a result of higher 
than expected grades at the Brimstone pit. Mining activities were reduced and 
subsequently suspended in December 1998. Production of gold will continue 
from ore stockpiled on the heaps leach pads during previous years. Gold 
production for 1999 is estimated to be approximately 25,000 ounces. In 
December, Vista Gold accepted an offer to sell four of the eight remaining 
150-ton haul trucks at the Hycroft mine for $2.2 million.


Effective July 8, 1998, Zamora Gold Corp., a corporation in which Vista Gold 
is a significant shareholder, completed the acquisition of various property 
interests in Ecuador from Compania Minera Gribipe S.A., an Ecuadorian mineral 
exploration company. As a condition of the transaction, Zamora issued 39.5 
million common shares to Gribipe for the acquisition of the property interest 
and an additional 7.6 million common shares to Vista Gold in settlement of 
debts owed to Vista Gold by Zamora. As a result of these transactions, Vista 
Gold's ownership of Zamora was reduced from 48.7% to 26.5%.


In 1998, exploration was curtailed due to lack of sufficient funds to operate 
a program. Nevertheless, Vista Gold was able to compile data from ongoing 
projects to further some of its goals. Vista Gold also conducted numerous 
exploration reviews and reserve audits for acquisition and development 

The Capa Circa project in Bolivia underwent a sampling and close-spaced 
resampling program of underground workings, finished in December 1998. 
Underground workings were resampled at an average sparing of approximately 
one metre (three feet) and compared to earlier five metre (16 foot) samples. 
In addition, the sampling program encountered new mineralization in the lower 
workings of the Capa Circa mine.

The Capa Circa program established the existence of five gold bearing vein 
sets that continue through the lowest levels and sublevels of the mine. A 
resource has been calculated at 179,600 tonnes of material containing 46,021 
ounces of gold, with an average grade of eight grams per tonne (0.23 ounces 
per ton). The resource includes a dip extent of 100 metres (328 feet), 
however further drilling or underground exploration may extend both the 
strike and dip of these veins.

At the newly acquired Mineral Ridge project, the Corporation drilled 30 
reverse-circulation drill holes. The program consisted of 4,750 feet (1,448 
metres) of drilling. Mineralization was encountered at the Blue Lite zone, 
extending known mineralization 250 feet (76 metres) to the south. In the Mary 
Pit area, 13 of 23 holes intersected mineralization above the cutoff grade. 
These holes were drilled around the margins of the Mary Pit to increase 
reserves and to attempt to reduce the stripping ratio in critical areas. 
Further drilling and analysis in 1999 will complete the program.

Joint venture-funded exploration totalled $290,000 on two properties located 
in Canada and one located in Bolivia. Falconbridge Limited performed initial 
drill testing on the Manville project. Phelps Dodge Corp. performed initial 
drill testing on the Isle project. Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited 
("BHP") performed wide spaced drilling at the Iroco project in Bolivia. BHP 
terminated its option to explore the Iroco project in Bolivia.


The Blackwater-Davidson joint venture in British Columbia Kennecott Canada 
Exploration Inc. was terminated, as well as the Dave Option in British 

In 1998, exploration by Zamora was focused on developing gold reserves at the 
formerly producing, Campanillas mine. Also, reconnaissance exploration was 
carried out on the Campanillas mine and Nambija I concessions.


The Hycroft mine produces dore which is processed by Metalor USA Refining 
Corporation in North Attleboro, Massachusetts. Gold and silver can be sold on 
numerous markets throughout the world, and the market price is readily 
ascertainable. Alternate refiners for silver and gold produced from the 
Hycroft mine are available if necessary. As a result of the large number of 
available gold and silver purchasers, the Corporation is not dependent upon 
the sale to any one customer of either its gold or silver.


The profitability of gold and silver mining is directly related to the market 
price of the metal compared with the cost of production. The following is a 
brief description of factors affecting, and historical trends in, the market 
prices of gold and silver, which account for most of the Corporation's 
revenue. A description of the Corporation's hedging and forward sales 
commitments also follows.

Gold prices fluctuate widely and are affected by numerous factors, including 
expectations with respect to the rate of inflation, the market value of 
various currencies (specifically, the United States dollar relative to other 
currencies), interest rates, global and regional political and economic 
circumstances and governmental policies with respect to gold holdings by a 
nation or its citizens.

The demand for and supply of gold affect gold prices but not necessarily in 
the same manner as supply and demand affect the prices of other commodities. 
The supply of gold consists of a combination of new mine production and 
existing stocks of bullion and fabricated gold held by governments, public 
and private financial institutions, industrial organizations and private 

The price of silver, while related somewhat to the price of and affected to 
some extent by the same factors as gold, is more subject to normal supply and 
demand factors. Silver has a wide range of industrial uses on the demand side 
and is subject to both mine production and substantial secondary supply from 
scrap and dishoarding on the supply side. Silver inventories held by metal 
exchanges remained high during the 1980s and 1990s and lower industrial and 
consumer demand and relatively high interest rates continued to depress the 
price of silver during much of that period.

The following table sets out the annual high and low gold prices per troy 
ounce in the London bullion market in United States dollars for the years 

                                   HIGH              LOW
                                   ----              ----
                1998               $313              $273
                1997                367               283
                1996                415               367
                1995                396               372
                1994                396               370


On December 30, 1998, the afternoon fixing price of gold on the London 
bullion market was $287.80 per ounce.

The following table sets out the annual high and low silver price per ounce 
(Handy & Harman New York Prices) in United States dollars for the years 

                                   HIGH               LOW
                                   -----             -----
                1998               $7.31             $4.72
                1997                6.21              4.18
                1996                5.79              4.67
                1995                6.01              4.36
                1994                5.80              4.63

On December 31, 1998, the Handy & Harman price for silver was $5.05 per ounce.


The Corporation may from time to time protect against falling gold prices 
through forward sales of future production. Under this hedging process, the 
sale price of gold to be delivered at a future date is fixed at the time the 
forward sale is made, thus eliminating the effect of any future gold price 
fluctuations. Revenue from these forward sales is recognized when the gold is 
due to be delivered. At December 31, 1998, the Corporation had forward sales 
commitments covering approximately 100,000 ounces of gold at an average price 
of $330 with various expiration dates up to December 1999. Vista Gold's Board 
of Directors regularly reviews the Corporation's forward sales arrangements. 
The level of future forward sales will depend in part upon the Corporation's 
assessment of gold market conditions at the relevant time.


The Corporation's exploration and business development activities are focused 
on gold. In the United States, the Corporation has exploration projects at 
the Hycroft mine and the Mineral Ridge mine located in Nevada. In Bolivia, 
the Amayapampa properties represent both a development and an exploration 
project. The Capa Circa, Copacabana and Iroco properties in Bolivia represent 
exploration targets. In Ecuador, the exploration program in the Nambija gold 
district primarily on the Mina Real and Comcumay properties will be continued 
by Zamora, which is 26.5% owned by Vista Gold.

The Corporation's exploration activities are headquartered in Denver, 
Colorado, with one district exploration office in La Paz, Bolivia.  The 
exploration department has a permanent staff of two geologists.  Consultants 
and contract personnel are used for specific projects and tasks.

The 1998 exploration program was focused on the Capa Circa, Mineral Ridge and 
Iroco properties.

Early-stage exploration expenditures of $185,000 were carried out by 
Falconbridge Limited and Phelps Dodge Corp. on the Corporation's Manville and 
Isle Projects in Canada. A limited amount of exploration was carried out in 
Ecuador by Zamora.

During 1999, a total of $0.5 million is expected to be spent on exploration. 
Of the $0.5 million, it is expected that $0.2 million will be spent in Nevada 
at the Hycroft mine, $0.2 million will be spent on the Mineral Ridge mine and 
$0.1 million will be spent in Latin America. See "Item 2. Properties - 1999


Exploration Plan". Actual expenditures will vary because of the acquisition 
of new properties, the results of planned exploration activities and the 
availability of funds to complete planned and additional exploration and 
development activities.


In the United States, most of the Corporation's exploration activities are 
conducted in the state of Nevada. Mineral interests may be owned in Nevada by 
(i) the United States, (ii) the state of Nevada, or (iii) private parties. 
Where prospective mineral properties are owned by private parties or by the 
state, some type of property acquisition agreement is necessary in order for 
the Corporation to explore or develop such property. Generally, these 
agreements take the form of long term mineral leases under which the 
Corporation acquires the right to explore and develop the property in 
exchange for periodic cash payments during the exploration and development 
phase and a royalty, usually expressed as a percentage of gross production or 
net profits derived from the leased properties if and when mines on the 
properties are brought into production. Other forms of acquisition agreements 
are exploration agreements coupled with options to purchase and joint venture 
agreements. Where prospective mineral properties are held by the United 
States, mineral rights may be acquired through the location of unpatented 
mineral claims upon unappropriated federal land. If the statutes and 
regulations for the location of a mining claim are complied with, the locator 
obtains a valid possessory right to develop and produce minerals from the 
claim. The right can be freely transferred and, provided that the locator is 
able to prove the discovery of locatable minerals on the claims, is protected 
against appropriation by the government without just compensation. The claim 
locator also acquires the right to obtain a patent or fee title to his claim 
from the federal government upon compliance with certain additional 

Mining claims are subject to the same risk of defective title that is common 
to all real property interests. Additionally, mining claims are 
self-initiated and self-maintained and therefore, possess some unique 
vulnerabilities not associated with other types of property interests. It is 
impossible to ascertain the validity of unpatented mining claims solely from 
an examination of the public real estate records and, therefore, it can be 
difficult or impossible to confirm that all of the requisite steps have been 
followed for location and maintenance of a claim. If the validity of a 
patented mining claim is challenged by the Bureau of Land Management or 
Forest Service on the grounds that mineralization has not been demonstrated, 
the claimant has the burden of proving the present economic feasibility of 
mining minerals located thereon. Such a challenge might be raised when a 
patent application is submitted or when the government seeks to include the 
land in an area to be dedicated to another use.


Although reclamation is conducted concurrently with mining whenever feasible, 
the Corporation generally is required to mitigate long-term environmental 
impacts by stabilizing, contouring, resloping, and revegetating various 
portions of a site once mining and mineral processing operations are 
completed. These reclamation efforts are conducted in accordance with 
detailed plans which have been reviewed and approved by the appropriate 
regulatory agencies.


The reclamation and closure costs for the Corporation's mines are estimated 
by management as follows:


Hycroft mine(1).........................................       $5.4 million
Mineral Ridge mine(2)....................................      $1.8 million
Total Estimated Costs....................................      $7.2 million

- ----------
(1)  As reported in the Corporation's annual report on Form 20-F for 1994, an
     amended Crofoot/Lewis Mine Reclamation Plan that included the new Brimstone
     deposit was submitted to the Nevada Bureau of Land Management (the "BLM")
     in March 1994. In April 1995, the BLM approved the plan and a surety bond
     in the amount of $5.1 million was posted to secure reclamation obligations
     under the plan.
(2)  In September 1996, the BLM approved the Mineral Ridge mine plan of
     operations and surety bond in the amount of $1.6 million. Cash collateral
     in the amount of $0.9 million has been posted as security for the surety

These costs are charged to earnings over the life of the mine and the 
provision to date is $6.4 million.


Mining operations and exploration activities are subject to various national, 
state, provincial and local laws and regulations in the United States, 
Bolivia, Canada and other jurisdictions, which govern prospecting, 
development, mining, production, exports, taxes, labour standards, 
occupational health, waste disposal, protection of the environment, mine 
safety, hazardous substances and other matters. The Corporation has obtained 
or has pending applications for those licences, permits or other 
authorizations currently required to conduct its operations. The Corporation 
believes that it is complying in all material respects with applicable 
mining, health, safety and environmental statutes and the regulations passed 
thereunder in the United States, Canada, Bolivia and the other jurisdictions 
in which the Corporation operates. There are no current orders or directions 
with respect to the foregoing laws and regulations.


The Corporation's mining operations and exploration activities are subject to 
various federal, state and local laws and regulations governing protection of 
the environment. These laws are continually changing and, as a general 
matter, are becoming more restrictive. The Corporation's policy is to conduct 
business in a way that safeguards public health and the environment. The 
Corporation believes that its operations are conducted in material compliance 
with applicable laws and regulations.

Changes to current local, state or federal laws and regulations in the 
jurisdictions where the Corporation operates could require additional capital 
expenditures and increase operating and/or reclamation costs. Although the 
Corporation is unable to predict what additional legislation, if any, might 
be proposed or enacted, additional regulatory requirements could render 
certain mining operations uneconomic.

During 1998, there were no material environmental incidents or non-compliance 
with any applicable environmental regulations.


The Corporation competes with other mining companies in connection with the 
acquisition of gold and other precious metals properties. There is 
significant and increasing competition for the limited number of gold 
acquisition opportunities, some of which is with other companies having 
substantially greater financial resources than the Corporation. As a result, 
the Corporation may eventually be unable to


acquire attractive gold mining properties. The Corporation believes no single 
company has sufficient market power to affect the price or supply of gold in 
the world market.


As at December 31, 1998, the Corporation had approximately 427 permanent 
full-time employees, of which 43 were employed at the Hycroft mine site, 75 
were employed at the Mineral Ridge mine site, 299 were employed at the 
Amayapampa and Capa Circa properties, two were employed in exploration 
activities in Denver, Colorado and Vancouver, British Columbia, and eight 
were employed at Vista Gold's executive office (other than in exploration 
activities). 268 of the Corporation's employees are represented by a labour 
union in Bolivia. Neither the Hycroft mine nor the Mineral Ridge mine have 
ever experienced a loss of production due to work stoppages. The Corporation 
considers its relations with its employees to be satisfactory.



The Corporation's revenues are expected to be, in large part, derived from 
the mining and sale of gold and other precious metals or interests related 
thereto. The price of those commodities has fluctuated widely, particularly 
in recent years, and is affected by numerous factors beyond the control of 
the Corporation, including international, economic and political trends, 
expectations of inflation, currency exchange fluctuations, central bank 
activities, interest rates, global or regional consumption patterns (such as 
the development of gold coin programs), speculative activities and increased 
production due to new mine developments and improved mining and production 
methods. The effect of these factors on the price of precious metals, and 
therefore the economic viability of any of the Corporation's projects, cannot 
accurately be predicted.


All of the mineral properties which the Corporation owns, other than the 
Hycroft mine and Mineral Ridge mine, are in the exploration and development 
stages. Mineral exploration and development involves a high degree of risk 
and few properties which are explored are ultimately developed into producing 
mines. There is no assurance that the Corporation's mineral exploration and 
development activities will result in any discoveries of commercial bodies of 
ore. The long-term profitability of the Corporation's operations will be in 
part directly related to the cost and success of its exploration programs, 
which may be affected by a number of factors beyond the control of the 

Substantial expenditures are required to establish ore reserves through 
drilling and analysis, to develop metallurgical processes to extract metal 
from the ore and, in the case of new properties, to develop the mining and 
processing facilities and infrastructure at any site chosen for mining. 
Although substantial benefits may be derived from the discovery of a major 
mineralized deposit, no assurance can be given that minerals will be 
discovered in sufficient quantities to justify commercial operations or that 
the funds required for development can be obtained on a timely basis.


Mineral exploration involves many risks, which even a combination of 
experience, knowledge and careful evaluation may not be able to overcome. 
Operations in which the Corporation has direct or indirect interests will be 
subject to all the hazards and risks normally incidental to exploration, 


development and production of gold and other metals, any of which could 
result in work stoppages, damage to property and possible environmental 
damage. Although the Corporation has obtained liability insurance in an 
amount which they consider adequate, the nature of these risks is such that 
liabilities might exceed policy limits, the liabilities and hazards might not 
be insurable, or the Corporation might elect not to insure itself against 
such liabilities due to high premium costs or other reasons, in which event 
the Corporation could incur significant costs that could have a materially 
adverse effect upon their financial condition.


Third parties hold minority interests in certain of the Corporation's 
properties. Under Bolivian law, a minority interest in a mining concession is 
an undivided interest in that concession and the holder of such a minority 
interest may take action to restrict all exploration and development of the 
mining concessions by the holder of the majority interest if such exploration 
and development is conducted without the minority owner's permission. 
Furthermore, if the majority and minority parties wish to separate their 
interests, but are unable to agree as to the method of division or purchase 
of the property, the parties must file a request for division before a 
Bolivian civil court.


There is a degree of uncertainty attributable to the calculation of reserves 
and corresponding grades being mined or dedicated to future production. Until 
reserves are actually mined and processed, the quantity of ore and grades 
must be considered as an estimate only. In addition, the quantity of reserves 
and ore may vary depending on metal prices. Any material change in the 
quantity of reserves, mineralization, grade or stripping ratio may affect the 
economic viability of the Corporation's properties. In addition, there can be 
no assurance that gold recoveries or other metal recoveries in small scale 
laboratory tests will be duplicated in larger scale tests under on-site 
conditions or during production.


All phases of the Corporation's operations are subject to environmental 
regulation. Environmental legislation is evolving in a manner which will 
require stricter standards and enforcement, increased fines and penalties for 
non-compliance, more stringent environmental assessments of proposed projects 
and a heightened degree of responsibility for companies and their officers, 
directors and employees. There is no assurance that future changes in 
environmental regulation, if any, will not adversely affect the Corporation's 


The mining industry is intensely competitive in all of its phases, and the 
Corporation competes with many companies possessing greater financial 
resources and technical facilities than themselves. Competition in the mining 
business could adversely affect the Corporation's ability to acquire suitable 
producing properties or prospects for mineral exploration in the future.


Certain directors of the Corporation are officers and/or directors of, or are 
associated with other natural resource companies that acquire interests in 
mineral properties. Such associations may give rise to conflicts of interest 
from time to time. In the event that any such conflict of interest arises, a 
director who has such a conflict will disclose the conflict to a meeting of 
the directors of the company in question


and will abstain from voting for or against approval of any matter in which 
such director may have a conflict. In appropriate cases, the company in 
question will establish a special committee of independent directors to 
review a matter in which several directors, or management, may have a 
conflict. In accordance with the laws of the Yukon Territory, the directors 
of all companies are required to act honestly, in good faith and in the best 
interests of a company for which they serve as a director.


Although the Corporation has reviewed and is satisfied with the title for all 
mineral properties in which they have a material interest, there is no 
guarantee that title to such concessions will not be challenged or impugned.


Certain of the Corporation's exploration and development activities occur in 
Bolivia and Ecuador. As a result, the Corporation may be affected by risks 
associated with political or economic instability in those countries. The 
risks include, but are not limited to: military repression, extreme 
fluctuations in currency exchange rates, labour instability or militancy, 
mineral title irregularities and high rates of inflation. Changes in mining 
or investment policies or shifts in political attitude in the aforementioned 
countries may adversely affect the Corporation's business. Operations may be 
affected in varying degrees by government regulation with respect to 
restrictions on production, price controls, export controls, income taxes, 
expropriation of property, maintenance of claims, environmental legislation, 
land use, land claims of local people, water use and mine safety. The effect 
of these factors cannot be accurately predicted.


The Corporation's operations throughout North and South America render the 
Corporation subject to foreign currency fluctuations which may materially 
affect financial position and results. The Corporation does not engage in 
currency hedging to offset any risk of currency fluctuations.



Detailed information is contained herein with respect to the Hycroft mine 
(formerly known as the Crofoot/Lewis mine), the Mineral Ridge mine, and the 
Amayapampa and Capa Circa properties. Vista Gold holds the Hycroft mine 
through its wholly-owned subsidiaries, Vista Gold Holdings Inc., Hycroft Inc. 
and Hycroft Lewis. The reserves and average grades provided herein for the 
Hycroft mine have been estimated by the Corporation. Vista Gold holds the 
Mineral Ridge mine through its wholly-owned subsidiaries, Vista Gold Holdings 
Inc. and Mineral Ridge Inc. Vista Gold holds the Amayapampa and Capa Circa 
properties through its 100% interest in Sociedad Industrial Yamin Limitada, a 
Bolivian limited partnership. Estimates of reserves and production herein are 
subject to the effect of changes in metal prices and to the risks inherent in 
mining and processing operations.


The Hycroft mine and related facilities are located 54 miles (86 kilometres) 
west of Winnemucca, Nevada. The mine is an open-pit, heap leaching operation 
which produces gold and by-product silver. The Lewis mine was originally a 
sulphur mine. In 1983, it commenced operation as a small heap leach


gold mine. The Corporation acquired the Lewis mine in early 1987 and 
completed construction of the adjacent Crofoot mine project in April 1988. In 
early 1989, the two mines were consolidated into a single operation under an 
ore purchase agreement, with ore from both properties processed through the 
larger and more efficient Crofoot plant. Hycroft Inc. began stripping at the 
new Brimstone pit, located one mile to the east of the existing Central Fault 
pit, in April 1996 and commenced construction of a new 3 million square foot 
leach pad and a 2,800 gallon-per-minute (10,598 litre-per-minute) leach 
solution processing plant in the summer of the same year. Ore from the 
Brimstone pit was hauled to the new leach pad beginning in September 1996 and 
the Brimstone plant commenced operation in February 1997. In 1998, the 
Hycroft mine produced 112,685 ounces of gold and 235,636 ounces of silver. 
Mining operations at the Hycroft mine were suspended in December 1998.

Gold production is expected to continue in 1999 and 2000 from gold contained 
in the heap leach pads. The Corporation will continue to review the economic 
situation and gold resources to determine whether operations can be 
restarted. Reclamation will proceed in areas which will not be disturbed by 
future operations.


The Crofoot and Lewis properties together comprise approximately 9,600 acres 
(3,885 hectares). The Crofoot property, originally held under two leases, 
covers approximately 3,600 acres (1,460 hectares). The Lewis property, which 
virtually surrounds the Crofoot property, is held through a lease which 
covers approximately 6,000 acres (2,430 hectares). The mine is accessible by 
road and has access to adequate supplies of water and power. The major mining 
facilities consist of mobile mining equipment, a three stage crushing and 
conveying system (currently idle), four leach pads, two Merrill-Crowe 
gold-silver recovery plants and associated maintenance and support facilities.


The Hycroft mine is located on the western flank of the Kamma Mountains. The 
deposit is hosted in a volcanic eruptive breccia and conglomerates associated 
with the tertiary Kamma Mountain volcanics. The volcanics are mainly acidic 
to intermediate tuffs, flows and coarse volcaniclastic rocks. Fragments of 
these units dominate the clasts in the eruptive breccia. Volcanic rocks have 
been block-faulted by dominant north trending structures which have affected 
the distribution of alteration and mineralization. The Central Fault and East 
Fault control the distribution of mineralization and subsequent oxidation. A 
post-mineral range-front fault separates the ore body from the adjacent 
Pleistocene Lahontan Lake sediments in the Black Rock desert. The geological 
events have created a physical setting ideally suited to the open-pit, heap 
leach mining operation at the Hycroft mine. The heap leach method is widely 
used in the southwestern United States and allows the economical treatment of 
oxidized low-grade ore deposits in large volumes.

The known gold mineralization within the Crofoot and Lewis properties extends 
for a distance of three miles (4.8 kilometres) in a north-south direction by 
1.5 miles (2.5 kilometres) in an east-west direction. Mineralization extends 
to a depth of less than 330 feet (100 metres) in the outcropping to 
near-outcropping portion of the deposit on the northwest side to over 990 
feet (300 metres) in the Brimstone deposit in the east. Not all the 
mineralization is oxidized and the depth of oxide ore varies considerably 
over the area of mineralization. The determination of whether mineralization 
can be mined economically is dependent on the grade of mineralization, the 
depth of overburden and the degree of oxidation.


In 1992, Hycroft Inc. exercised its options to convert its leasehold 
interests in the Crofoot property into a 100% ownership interest in the 
patented mining claims, a 100% possessory interest in the unpatented claims 
and a 100% interest in the incidental rights thereto, all subject to 4% net 
profits royalties and excluding rights to sulphur. No royalty payments were 
made in 1995, 1994 and 1993 because minimum royalty payments made prior to 
1993 aggregating $2.8 million were available for credit against the royalty 
obligations. The Crofoot lease/purchase agreement was amended in 1996 to 
provide for minimum advance royalty payments of $120,000 on January 1 of each 
year in which mining occurs. An additional $120,000 payment is due if ore 
production exceeds 5.0 million tons from the Crofoot property in any calendar 
year. All advance royalty payments are available as credit against the 4% net 
profits royalty. The aggregate acquisition cost to Hycroft Inc. was 
$6,881,481 and was financed by the issuance of Common Shares and the 
assumption of certain debts associated with the Lewis mine. The leasehold 
interest in the Lewis property extends until January 1, 2013 or for so long 
thereafter as Hycroft Lewis continues to conduct commercial mining operations 
on the property.

The Lewis lease provides for the payment to the lessor of a 5% net smelter 
return royalty on gold production. The royalty increases for ore grades above 
0.05 ounce per ton and is offset by annual advance minimum royalties. The 
Corporation has the right to commingle the ore from the Lewis property with 
ore from the adjoining Crofoot property under an agreement with the lessor of 
the Lewis property.

The ore reserves mined in 1998 in the Brimstone deposit, which lies partially 
on the Crofoot property and partially on the Lewis property, were processed 
on both the newly constructed Brimstone leach pad and the older Crofoot pad. 
The allocation of metal produced from the commingled Crofoot and Lewis ores 
is calculated using methods consistent with industry standards. The same 
method will be employed during 1999 if gold mining is restarted.


During 1998, Hycroft Inc. excavated a total of 7.1 million tons of ore. For 
each ton of ore mined, 0.42 tons of waste was excavated.  Waste stripping was 
suspended in January 1998.  Ore mining was suspended in December 1998.

Until November 1996, higher grade ore was crushed prior to treatment on the 
leach pads. From November 1996 to December 1998, all ore was hauled directly 
to the leach pads without crushing. Dilute alkaline cyanide solution is 
pumped from a pond to the heap surface and distributed evenly over the 
crushed and run-of-mine ore through a network of pipes and irrigation 
sprinklers or drip emitters. The solution percolates down through the layers 
of ore, preferentially leaching gold and silver from the rock. This pregnant 
solution, containing dissolved gold and silver, flows along the surface of 
the impervious leach pad to a collection ditch from which it drains into one 
of two pregnant solution ponds. The low-grade solutions are recirculated to 
the heaps to increase the amount of gold in the solution, and the high-grade 
solution is pumped directly to the recovery plant where the gold and silver 
are extracted. The process is a zero-discharge closed circuit.

The Crofoot recovery plant can process up to 3,000 gallons (11,355 litres) of 
solution per minute from leach pads 1, 2, 3 and 5 (18,000 tons of solution 
per day) and the Brimstone recovery plant can process up to 2,800 
gallons-per-minute (10,600 litres-per-minute) of solution from the Brimstone 
leach pad (also referred to as pad 4). This process includes filtering to 
remove particulates, de-aeration to remove dissolved oxygen and introduction 
of small quantities of zinc dust. The dissolved gold and silver precipitate 
out of the solution onto the zinc particles which are then removed by a 
second stage of filtration. The barren solution is returned to the leaching 
circuit. The precipitate is treated to remove


mercury, then mixed with fluxes and smelted to yield a dore bar. Dore bars 
are shipped offsite for refining and sale. Gold and silver production from 
the Hycroft mine is refined by Metalor USA Refining Corporation. Alternate 
refiners are available if necessary.


At January 1, 1999, the Corporation had no ore reserves estimates for the 
Hycroft mine. This compares to proven and probable reserves at January 1, 
1998 of approximately 25.2 million tons grading 0.02 ounces of gold per ton, 
with 23.4 million tons identified as proven reserves and 1.8 million tons as 
probable reserves in total containing 515,000 ounces of gold. As of January 
1, 1999, the Corporation had estimated, measured and indicated resources in 
the Brimstone Pit of 15.4 million tons at a grade of 0.0194 ounces of gold 
per ton (containing 299,000 ounces of gold). These resources are contained in 
a designed excavation (pit) that would be economic at a price of $350 per 
ounce. The reduction in ore reserves was due in part to ore mined during 1998 
and to some mineralization becoming uneconomic to mine due to a lower gold 

In 1998, no gold reserves were added to the Hycroft mine. A comparison of 
estimated reserves actually mined at Brimstone compared to reserves estimated 
to be present based on exploration results indicated a positive variance of 
33%. The Corporation intends to review the reasons for this variance and 
carry out further exploration drilling to better sample the orebody. If the 
upgrading is confirmed, it is possible that the Brimstone deposit could 
contain mineable reserves.

Ore reserves are adjusted annually by the Corporation by the amount extracted 
in the previous year, by the additions and deletions resulting from new 
geological information and interpretation and from changes in operating costs 
and metal prices. Ore reserves are not revised in response to short-term 
cyclical price variations in metal markets.


Operating statistics for the Hycroft mine for the period 1994 to 1998 were as 

                                                             YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31
                                                     1998      1997     1996      1995     1994
                                                   -------   -------   ------   -------   ------

Ore and waste material mined (000's of tons).....   10,127    37,531   36,882    37,279   26,438
Strip ratio......................................     0.42      2.53      1.8       2.7      2.0
Ore processed (000's of tons)(1).................    7,117    10,629   13,060     9,931    9,255
Ore grade (oz. gold/ton).........................    0.018     0.020    0.018     0.019    0.020
Ounces of gold produced..........................  112,685   117,378   89,381   101,128   94,868
Direct cash operating costs ($/oz. of gold)(2)...     $222      $246     $274      $272     $294

- ----------
(1)  Ore processed means ore placed on pads but not necessarily leached 
     during the year.
(2)  Direct cash operating costs which is the sum of mining costs (excluding 
     deferred waste stripping) and processing and mine administration cost, 
     net of silver credits.


Gold production for 1998 was down 4% from 1997. Decreased gold production was 
due to fewer ore tons being placed on the pads for processing as a result of 
the reduction of mining activities and subsequent suspension in December 
1998. The decrease in ore tons placed on the pads was partially offset by 
higher average ore grades.


In 1998, exploration activity at the Hycroft mine was limited due to 
depressed metal prices. There is significant potential to extend oxide 
mineralization to the south, along strike, at both the Central Fault and 
Brimstone deposits, but the greatest upside lies in the largely unexplored 
sulfide mineralization below the Brimstone deposit.

Current resources at Brimstone are limited to the oxide cap of an apparently 
large but previously unexplored gold-bearing sulfide system. Two diamond 
drill holes, drilled in 1996 and earlier, have intercepted mineralized 
sulfides averaging 0.023 ounces per ton gold and 0.5 ounces per ton silver 
over intervals exceeding 500 feet (153 metres) in thickness. Vista Gold 
intends to investigate this resource when market conditions improve.



On October 21, 1998, the Corporation acquired the Mineral Ridge mine through 
the purchase of all of the shares of Mineral Ridge Resources Inc. from 
Cornucopia Resources Ltd. ("Cornucopia") in consideration for 1,562,000 
Common Shares of Vista Gold with an aggregate value of $250,000 and Vista 
Gold having subscribed on a private placement basis for 2,777,777 common 
shares of Cornucopia with an aggregate value of $250,000. As part of the 
transaction, Mineral Ridge Inc. amended an existing loan agreement with 
Dresdner Bank AG ("Dresdner"). The amended agreement revised the terms of 
repayment of the previously outstanding loan and accrued interest totalling 
approximately $13.5 million and provided additional loans to Mineral Ridge 
Inc. totalling $1.6 million which will be used to pay amounts owing to other 
creditors of Mineral Ridge Inc. The revised agreement required the 
contribution of $5.0 million of mining equipment to the project by Vista 
Gold. Net cash flow from the project will be distributed on the basis of 70% 
to Dresdner and 30% to the Vista Gold after deduction of $800,000 of 
management fees payable to Vista Gold over the next two years and rescheduled 
principal payments on the additional loans used to repay other creditors. The 
interest rate on the loans will be LIBOR plus 2% and the loans, which will 
not be guaranteed by Vista Gold, will be collateralized by the assets of 
Mineral Ridge Inc. and the $5 million of mining equipment contributed by 
Vista Gold. As part of the agreement with Dresdner, Mineral Ridge Inc. 
liquidated forward gold hedges to provide $3.5 million, which is to be used 
as working capital and to pay for capital improvements on the project.

Prior to the acquisition of the Mineral Ridge mine by the Corporation, the 
mine had been shut down since December 1997. The mining operation has been 
restarted and the processing plant is now undergoing start-up and 
commissioning. The plant commissioning activities include a number of 
significant modifications which were identified prior to the acquisition. In 
addition, a critical ore feeding arrangement, which was identified as 
inadequate during start-up, was replaced during the month of February 1999.



The Mineral Ridge property is located near the town of Silver Peak, 
approximately 35 miles (56 kilometres) southwest of Tonopah, Nevada and 
covers approximately 3,130 acres (1,267 hectares). The Mineral Ridge mine is 
an open pit, heap leach mining operation owned by Mineral Ridge Inc., an 
indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Vista Gold. The mine achieved mechanical 
completion on May 29, 1997 and poured its first gold on June 24, 1997. 
Operations at the Mineral Ridge mine consist of open pit mining, four-stage 
crushing, agglomeration and heap leach extraction of gold using conventional 
cyanide and carbon adsorption methods. The processing facilities are designed 
to handle a minimum of 2,700 tons of ore per day over a 350 day operating 
year. Nine separate mineable gold deposits have been defined on the property 
with several additional areas of inferred mineralization identified.


The land package controlled by Mineral Ridge Inc. consists of a total of 195 
claims in four separate parcels of land, covering approximately 3,130 acres 
(1,267 hectares). The four parcels include the Mineral Ridge minesite, the 
Valcalda spring deeded land west of the minesite, the Blair townsite and two 
patented millsites adjacent to the town of Silver Peak.

Mineral Ridge Inc. acquired its interest in the properties through agreements 
with the underlying land owners, the Mary Mining Company and Benguetcorp USA, 

The Mary Mining Company land covers the Mary and Drinkwater deposits, which 
make up most of the known reserves on the properties. Mineral Ridge Inc. 
optioned the Mary properties in April 1993, paying $10,000 for an exploration 
and due diligence period, and exercised the Lease Option in July 1993 for 
$200,000. Production royalties based upon a percentage of net smelter returns 
from production tied to the prevailing gold price, are payable to Mary Mining 
Company for the properties. The net smelter return for the price of gold 
under $500 per ounce is 4%. Minimum advance royalty payments totalling 
$130,000 have been made which will be credited cumulatively against the 
production royalties. The minimum advance royalties are due on July 15th of 
each year and total $60,000 annually.

Mineral Ridge Inc. acquired the Oromonte claims block from Benguetcorp USA, 
Inc., in June 1996 upon payment of $1,200,000. This ground covers the plant 
facility site and includes the Oromonte pits mined in 1996 and the Brodie, 
Soleberry and Blue Lite deposits. The only portion of mineable reserve 
affected by underlying net smelter return royalties (2.5%) for the 
Benguetcorp properties is in the Brodie pit, on the Soda patented claim.


The Mineral Ridge gold deposits are located on the northeast flank of the 
Silver Peak Mountain Range in south eastern Nevada. The Silver Peak Mountain 
Range consists of two northwest trending parallel belts of pre-Tertiary 
sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, which are separated and partially overlain 
by Tertiary felsic volcanics of the Silver Peak caldera. The southern 
sedimentary belt is comprised of Cambrian and Ordovician sediments which have 
been intruded by a Mesozoic to Tertiary granitic pluton. The northern belt, 
which forms Mineral Ridge, is comprised of a northwest-trending early 
Tertiary granitic uplift capped by Precambrian metasediments and Tertiary 
volcanics. The gold deposits of Mineral Ridge are localized along shallow, 
northeast-dipping faults within the lower Wyman Formation of Precambrian age.

This range is situated within the central Walker Lane structural zone, a 
region of extensive Late Cenozoic right-lateral wrench-faulting, which 
separates the Great Basin geomorphic province from the


Sierra Nevada Mountains to the west. The Walker Lane Belt formed in response 
to the onset of crustal extension in the early Tertiary. The complex 
structure of the belt includes both high-angle strike-slip faulting and 
low-angle thrust faulting, with a principle strike direction of northwest 
trend, along with northeast trending left-lateral secondary structures 
separating structural blocks along the trend. Other features characteristic 
of the Walker Lane Belt include areas of large scale extension, detachment 
faults and metamorphic core complexes. With the onset of extension, magma 
rose in the crust and numerous shallow intrusions and associated volcanic 
centers were emplaced of various compositions. Precious and base metal 
mineral deposits ranging from epithermal to porphyry style formed in the 
belt, often associated with these late intrusions. The Walker Lane Belt hosts 
numerous famous mining districts including the Comstock, Yerrington, Rawhide, 
Candelaria, Tonopah, Goldfield and Silver Peak mining camps.


The Mineral Ridge gold deposits are detachment-fault hosted mesothermal 
quartz vein and replacement deposits localized on the crest and flanks of an 
early Tertiary metamorphic core complex. Mineral Ridge is a northwest 
tending, doubly plunging, antiformal uplift of intermediate to felsic 
granitic rocks, varying from granodiorite to alaskite; capped by a 
metamorphic carapace of Precambrian metasediments which host the gold 
deposits. The core granite exhibits foliation and lineation parallel to the 
contact with the overlying metasediments, with the deformation extending up 
to one hundred feet into the upper portion of the intrusive. The Precambrian 
metasediments are comprised of the Wyman Formation, a sequence of thin-bedded 
mica schist, calc-silicate rocks and calcite marble after original 
interlayered limestone and shale paleolith. The Wyman Formation is overlain 
in low-angle fault contact by the Reed Dolomite, which is in turn covered by 
Cambrian sediments. The core granite and sediments are cut by several ages of 
dikes and sills ranging in composition from granite pegmatite to diabase, 
with the mafic varieties often closely associated with the gold 

Precious metal mineralization at Mineral Ridge is found in three types of 
deposits, with the most important styles being lenticular quartz bodies and 
manto replacements in the Wyman Formation limestone/marble beds. The quartz 
veins occur within the sheared contact zone between the core granite and 
Wyman Formation, usually in zones of dilation located on the eastern flank of 
anticlinal folds and where more brittle beds or intrusive rocks have been 
fractured and mineralized.

The Mary Limestone, a blue-gray, finely crystalline marble containing boudins 
and augen of quartz, calcite and granitic to felsic intrusives within 
intensely folded groundmass, is the host for silicic replacement ore formed 
adjacent to the veins. Up to 5% disseminated pyrite and lesser galena and 
sphalerite occurs in the Mary Limestone ore, with replacement of the 
limestone by silica, chlorite and calcite. The ore bodies can occur as a 
single lens or as a stack of lenses separated by mylonite and/or intrusive 
sills, with an aggregate thickness of up to one hundred and forty feet of 
mineable ore.

The ore zones on Mineral Ridge occur as north-south to north-west trending 
lenses of mineralization which rake at a shallow angle to the dip of the 
formations and structural contacts. The most favourable orientation for 
forming an ore shoot includes the steeply dipping east flank of anticlinal 
folds and the intersection of north-south strike faults of reverse 
displacement. The ore zones are cut by east-west to north-east trending high 
angle post-mineral faults of minor vertical displacement. Individual ore 
bodies mined underground in the past totalled several tens of thousands of 
tons at around 0.25 ounces per ton. The average size of open pit deposit on 
Mineral Ridge is about 450,000 tons at 0.065 ounces per ton. Exploration 
potential on the Mineral Ridge claims is considered excellent based upon 
widespread drilling, underground exposures and surface geology. Several 
targets have been partially tested by widespread drilling, surface sampling 
and mapping.



The Mineral Ridge mine was constructed by Cornucopia for a cost of 
approximately $17 million. The project was completed on May 17, 1997 and the 
first gold was poured on June 20, 1997. However, the project failed to meet 
commercial production loan tests and was shutdown in December 1997. Vista 
Gold has completed an in-depth technical review and has undertaken a number 
of modifications to the facility prior to the restart of operations intended 
to eliminate the problems experienced by Cornucopia. The improvements include 
changes to the crushing and agglomeration circuits, the addition of surge 
capacity to the crushing plant, employment of a coarser crusher product size 
and the introduction of strong leach solutions during the agglomeration 
process, all of which Vista Gold believes will improve the rate of recovery 
of gold.


Vista Gold has moved a portion of its mining fleet, including four 150-ton 
trucks and a 23 cubic-yard (17.6 cubic-metre) hydraulic shovel, from the 
Hycroft mine to the Mineral Ridge property. The open-pit operations will 
require the mining of approximately 4,000 tons of ore and 16,000 tons of 
waste rock each day. The plant, which uses four-stage crushing and heap 
leaching is estimated to achieve a metallurgical recovery of 75% on ore at an 
average grade of 0.06 ounces per ton.

The mine and plant were in production for just one month in 1998. During that 
time, Mineral Ridge mined 3.44 tons of waste for every ton of ore mined. In 
1999 ore will be mined at the rate of 4,000 tons per day and the Corporation 
expects to mine 3.84 tons of waste for every ton of ore mined.

The process plant consists of a four-stage crushing plant, which reduces the 
rock size to -1/4 inch (-0.6 centimetre) prior to agglomeration with cyanide 
solution. The agglomerated ore is then placed in approximately 25 feet (7.6 
metres) lifts on a heap leach pad. Leaching is carried out using a dilute 
alkali cyanide solution which is distributed over the surface of the ore 
through a network of pipes and drip emitters. The solution percolates down 
through the layers of ore preferentially leaching gold from the rock. This 
pregnant solution containing dissolved gold then flows along the surface of 
the impervious synthetic liner of the leach pad into the pregnant solution 
pond. From the pond the solution is pumped through a gold recovery plant at a 
rate of up to 1000 gallons-per-minute (3,785 litres-per-minute). The gold 
recovery plant consists of five carbon columns where activated coconut-shell 
charcoal (carbon) adsorbs the dissolved gold from the pregnant solution. 
Solution exiting the carbon plant flows into a barren pond, pH and cyanide 
levels are adjusted and the solution is pumped back to the heaps for reuse. 
This is a closed-circuit process with zero discharge.

Periodically carbon loaded with gold is removed from the columns and the gold 
is stripped off into a more concentrated solution using a strong, caustic 
cyanide solution at elevated temperature and pressure. The stripped carbon is 
reconditioned and returned to the carbon column. The gold-rich strip solution 
is pumped through electrowinning cells and the gold in solution plates out as 
metal on stainless steel wool. At regular intervals the wool is removed from 
the electrowinning cells and the gold is washed off as sludge. The gold 
sludge is then filtered, dried and melted into dore bars. The dore bars are 
shipped off site for refining and sale. Gold from the Mineral Ridge mine is 
refined at Handy & Harman but alternate refineries are available if necessary.


As at December 31, 1998, the Corporation estimates the proven and probable 
reserves to be 4 million tons at a grade of 0.06 ounces per ton containing 
241,000 ounces of gold. The average estimated cash


production costs will be $226 per ounce and production is planned to be 
between 40,000 to 45,000 ounces in 1999.


Start-up activities at the Mineral Ridge mine were commenced in November 
1998. Operating statistics for the Mineral Ridge mine during this initial 
start-up period (from November 1, 1998 to December 31, 1998) are set out 

                                                     TWO MONTHS ENDED
                                                     DECEMBER 31, 1998
Ore and waste material mined (000's of tons)....            310
Strip ratio.....................................           3.44
Ore mined (000's of tons).......................             70
Ore crushed (000's of tons)(1)..................             39
Ore grade (oz. gold/ton)........................          0.052
Ounces of gold produced.........................            153
Cash operating costs ($/oz. of gold)(2).........              -(3)

- ----------
(1)  Ore crushed means ore introduced to the four-stage crushing circuit and
     placed on the pads but not necessarily leached during the year.
(2)  Cash operating costs is composed of all direct mining expenses including
     inventory changes, refining and transportation costs, less by-product
     silver credits.
(3)  The cash operating costs have been omitted because the mine is in the
     initial start-up phase and accordingly, it is not possible to accurately
     determine the true cash operating costs.


In December 1998, the Corporation started a drilling program designed to add 
reserves to the project. Thirty reverse-circulation holes totalling 4,750 
feet (1,450 metres) were drilled. Seven holes were drilled in the Blue Lite 
prospect, and 23 holes were drilled in the Mary mine area.

Drilling at Blue Lite showed that mineralization extends to the south, and 
three holes intersected mineralization greater than cutoff. Further drilling 
will be completed in 1999 with the intent of adding the Blue Lite area to the 
current reserve base at Mineral Ridge.

Of 23 holes drilled in the Mary area, 12 intersected mineralization over the 
current cut-off grade. It is expected that this drilling will add 5,000 to 
10,000 ounces to the current Mary resource. After further drilling at the 
Mary deposit in 1999, a new mineable reserve will be calculated.




The Amayapampa property consists of 24 mining concessions covering 1,989 
acres (805 hectares) plus an additional 16,803 acres (6,800 hectares) in 
regional exploration and exploitation concessions. The deposit is 
approximately 1,970 feet (600 metres) in strike length, 98 to 230 feet (30 to 
70 metres) in


width, and extends to over 656 feet (200 metres) in depth. Gold occurs free 
and associated with sulfides in a structural zone in which quartz veins were 
emplaced then sheared prior to introduction of sulfides and gold mineralizing 
solutions. Prior to the Amalgamation, CEM mined the Amayapampa deposit using 
primarily open-stope methods at a rate of approximately 220 tons of ore per 
day, and processed the ore in two mills on site. See "Ownership" and 
"History" below.

In 1998, the Corporation completed a development plan to reopen the Capa 
Circa underground mine approximately six miles from the Amayapampa site and 
supply ore to a processing plant which would be built at Amayapampa to treat 
ores from both properties. The Corporation also began optimizing the 
feasibility study on the Amayapampa property in late 1998 and completed this 
work during the first quarter of 1999. Under the optimized feasibility study, 
nearly 505,000 gold ounces could be produced over the 12-year life, at an 
average rate of almost 43,000 ounces per year. Gold production from 
Amayapampa and Capa Circa during the first five years of operations when Capa 
Circa is in production will average 50,100 ounces per year, and this level of 
production can be sustained with continued exploration/development success at 
Capa Circa. The initial capital costs are estimated to be about $26 million, 
including a 20% contingency, and necessary working capital. Average operating 
costs are estimated to be $7.89 per tonne of ore for a total cash cost of 
$157 per gold ounce. At a gold price of $300 per ounce, the project is 
expected to generate an after-tax internal rate of return of approximately 

Approval of the permit to construct and operate, called the DECLATORIA DE 
IIMPACTO AMBIENTAL under Article 24 of the Environmental Law, was received on 
May 6, 1998. This permit was based on a 3,300-tonne-per-day ore processing 
project, and once financing arrangements are in place, the Corporation will 
request a modification of the permit to allow operation at the lower 
production rate.


The Amayapampa property is located 186 miles (300 kilometres) southeast of La 
Paz in the Chayanta Municipality, Bustillos Province, Department of Potosi, 
in southwestern Bolivia (Latitude: 18DEG.34.5"S, Longitude: 66DEG.22.4"W). 
Access is via 167 miles (268 kilometres) of paved road from La Paz to 
Machacamarca near Oruro, followed by 62 miles (100 kilometres) of gravel road 
to Lagunillas, then nine miles (14 kilometres) of dirt road to Amayapampa. 
Total driving time is about six hours. Charter air service is available to 
Uncia, 22 miles (35 kilometres) from the project.

The Amayapampa property is situated within the moderately rugged Eastern 
Cordilleran region of Bolivia with elevations varying from 12,300 to 13,450 
feet (3,750 metres to 4,100 metres) above sea level. The area is generally 
arid with a defined rainy season during the summer months of November through 
April. There is little or no precipitation during the rest of the year.


On April 28, 1994, Da Capo entered into an agreement with Mr. David Anthony 
O'Connor of Casilla 11314, La Paz, Bolivia and La Compania Minera Altoro 
S.R.L. ("Altoro") of Casilla 11314, La Paz, Bolivia, both parties at arm's 
length to Da Capo, which was amended by agreements dated June 10, 1994 and 
July 15, 1994 (the "Altoro/O'Connor Agreement"), pursuant to which Mr. 
O'Connor and Altoro assigned to Da Capo:

(a)  Altoro's exclusive right and option to acquire a 51% interest in eight
     mining concessions that constitute a part of the Amayapampa property (and 
     a further option to acquire an additional 19% interest in such 
     concessions), pursuant to an option agreement dated March 22, 1994 (the 


     "Amayapampa Option") between Altoro and Raul Garafulic Gutierrez 
     ("R. Garafulic") of Ave. Argentina No. 2057, Casilla 9285, La Paz, Bolivia
     and Compania Explotadora de Minas S.A. ("CEM", and collectively with 
     R. Garafulic, the "Amayapampa Vendors") of Calle San Salvador 1421,
     Casilla 4962, La Paz, Bolivia. The Amayapampa Vendors are both parties
     at arm's length to Da Capo;

(b)  Mr. O'Connor's exclusive right and option to acquire the Capa Circa 
     property pursuant to an option agreement dated January 12, 1994 (the 
     "Yamin Option Agreement") between Mr. O'Connor and Yamin. See "Capa Circa 
     Property - Ownership"; and

(c)  a 100% interest in the Santa Isabel Property, for which an exploration
     concession application had been made on behalf of Altoro.

As consideration for the assignment of the above interests, Da Capo issued a 
total of 1,000,000 Da Capo common shares to Mr. O'Connor between June 30, 
1994 and April 16, 1996.

On February 5, 1996, Da Capo exercised the Amayapampa Option and acquired a 
51% interest in the eight mining concessions that constitute a part of the 
Amayapampa property in consideration for: (i) the cancellation of a loan in 
the amount of $2,425,000 which had been previously made by Da Capo to R. 
Garafulic on December 22, 1994; and (ii) payment of $75,000 by Da Capo to R. 
Garafulic between March 22, 1994 and September 22, 1994.

On March 8, 1996, Da Capo entered into an agreement (the "Amayapampa 
Acquisition Agreement") with the Amayapampa Vendors to acquire the following 
interests in the Amayapampa property:

(a)  R. Garafulic's remaining 24% interest in two mining concessions (the Gran 
     Porvenir and Chayentena concessions) that are part of the Amayapampa 

(b)  R. Garafulic's 49% interest in six mining concessions that are part of 
     the Amayapampa property; and

(c)  CEM's 100% interest in 16 mining concessions that are part of the 
     Amayapampa property.

In consideration for these interests, Da Capo:

(a)  issued 1,000,000 special warrants (the "Amayapampa Special Warrants"),
     each exercisable to acquire one Da Capo Common Share without further
     payment, to a nominee of the Amayapampa Vendors on April 11, 1996; and

(b)  made a non-recourse, interest-free loan of $3.24 million (the "Amayapampa 
     Loan") to a nominee of the Amayapampa Vendors on April 11, 1996.

The Amayapampa Loan was secured by an assignment of all proceeds from the 
sale of any of 1,000,000 Da Capo common shares held by such nominee. The 
Amayapampa Loan was cancelled on April 29, 1996 upon the sale of such Da Capo 
common shares and Cdn.$4,355,000 received from the proceeds of such sale on 
or before May 7, 1996.

After being acquired by the Amayapampa Vendors, the Amayapampa Special 
Warrants were transferred to third parties at arm's length to Da Capo in 
transactions exempt from prospectus requirements under the relevant 
securities legislation.


On August 14, 1996, Da Capo issued 1,000,000 Da Capo common shares without 
payment of any additional consideration upon the deemed exercise of the 
Amayapampa Special Warrants.

All of Da Capo's interests in the Amayapampa property were transferred into 
the name of its subsidiary, Yamin, on April 11, 1996.

Ms. Elizabeth Mirabel, a resident of Bolivia at arm's length to Vista Gold, 
holds the remaining 25% interest in the Gran Porvenir and Chayentena mining 
concessions, which constitute 604 hectares of the Amayapampa property. On 
June 28, 1996, Da Capo and Ms. Mirabel entered into a lease agreement (the 
"Lease") under which Ms. Mirabel granted a lease for her 25% interest in the 
two mining concessions in favour of Da Capo for a term of ten years 
commencing July 10, 1996 and renewable for an additional ten year term. 
During the first two years of the Lease, Da Capo will pay Ms. Mirabel $7,000 
per month, and $10,000 per month for the subsequent eight years.

As a result of the Amalgamation with Da Capo, Vista Gold acquired the 
Amayapampa property.

A legal dispute in Bolivia in which a Mr. Estanislao Radic brought legal 
proceedings in the lower penal court in Bolivia against Raul Garufulich, 
resulted in comments in the Bolivian press questioning the validity of the 
Corporation's ownership of the Amayapampa property. In May 1998, a judge in 
the Bolivian penal court found that there was no justifiable case. In June 
1998, a judge of the Superior Court of the District of Potosi dismissed the 
appeal of the case and indicated that there could be no further appeals on 
the matter in the Bolivian penal courts. The Corporation was, and remains, 
satisfied that its title to the Amayapampa property is secure.


The Amayapampa district was initially mined on a very small scale by 
indigenous peoples prior to the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors and 
small-scale mining continued during the Spanish colonial period into modern 
times. Prior to the Amalgamation, CEM mined the Amayapampa deposit using 
primarily open-stope methods at a rate of about 220 tons of ore per day and 
processed the ore in two mills on site. At that time, the Amayapampa mine was 
one of the largest producing underground gold mines in Bolivia and consisted 
of 32 levels of underground development. Upper level, generally oxidized ore 
was removed via the upper Virtus Adit (13,450 feet/4,100 metres) and trucked 
to the Porvenir mill, while lower sulfide ore was dropped by ore passes to 
the 2,790 foot (850-metre) long Virquicocha Adit (13,025 feet/3,970 metres) 
and taken out by electric locomotives to the Virquicocha mill. At both mills, 
gold was recovered via amalgam plates and gravity tables. The lower mill 
included a flotation circuit to upgrade the pyrite concentrate. Approximately 
150 people worked at the mine and lived locally at the village of Amayapampa 
and at other small camps near the mine.

Since the Amalgamation, mining has ceased and the old mills removed as per an 
agreement with the previous owner. The Corporation has kept the miners 
employed in exploration, development and socio-economic projects during the 
period when the feasibility study was being prepared.


The Amayapampa property is located along the east flank of a north-south 
trending regional anticline near the top of the Ordovician sequence. The 
Amayapampa deposit underlies a north-northwest trending ridge approximately 
0.3 miles (0.5 kilometres) east of the town of Amayapampa. The deposit is 
defined by about 48 diamond drill holes; 96 reverse-circulation drill holes; 
and 315 underground channel samples totalling 17,585 feet (5,360 metres) from 
more than 200 accessible cross-cuts in 43 different levels and


sub-levels extending over a vertical distance of 682 feet (208 metres). The 
deposit is approximately 1,969 feet (600 metres) in strike length, 98 to 230 
feet (30 to 70 metres) in width and has an overall dip of the mineralized 
envelope of 80 to 90 degrees west. The depth extent of continuous 
mineralization is in excess of 656 feet (200 metres) to about the 12,795 foot 
(3,900 metre) elevation, although some mineralization is present below this 

Da Capo channel, core drill and reverse-circulation drill hole samples were 
analyzed at Bondar-Clegg Laboratories in Oruro, Bolivia, with check samples 
analyzed at Chemex Laboratories in Vancouver, British Columbia. Because of 
the coarse gold particles and concerns about nugget effect, all samples were 
processed using the Hammer Mill Process (similar to a metallic screen assay). 
In addition to check assaying, Vista Gold has continued to use Bondar-Clegg 
and the Hammer Mill Process to analyze its samples, and in addition, has had 
an on-going check assay program in place for samples generated by Vista 
Gold's exploration and development program. Approximately 225 random assay 
pulps were check-assayed by three laboratories (American Assay Laboratory in 
Reno, Nevada, Cone Geochemical Inc. in Lakewood, Colorado, and Rocky Mountain 
Geochemical in Salt Lake City, Utah) and compared to original pulp assays 
with generally good agreement. Approximately 600 reverse-circulation drill 
hole sample splits from the Da Capo program were assayed and used to verify 
assays obtained from the original reverse-circulation sample splits. Sample 
splits are duplicate samples taken at the drill rig at the time of drilling. 
Sample splits show good correlation with original samples with some 
dispersion expected for this type of deposit.

Currently, the check assay results are being analyzed and reports being 
drafted, but initial indications are that assay results are in generally good 
agreement, with the possible exception of some early channel sample assays. 
Check assays show that assaying precision meets industry standards.

The host rocks are composed of black shales, sandstones, and siltstones which 
were weakly metamorphosed to argillites, quartzites, and siltites, 
respectively. Bedding dips are steep at 60 to 80 degrees west, with the east 
limb of the anticline being overturned and thus, also dipping steeply west.

The mineralized envelope is best described as a structural zone, within which 
were emplaced quartz vein sets along a preferential pre-quartz-vein fracture 
direction and post-quartz-vein faults and shears which were probably the 
conduits for gold-bearing fluids.

Most faults, shears and fractures are north-northeast to north-northwest 
trending and steeply dipping, both east and west, at 60 to 90 degrees. Quartz 
veins predominantly dip east. Locally within the zone of mineralization, are 
relatively flat, thrust-like faults which have offset quartz veins to a minor 
extent. These flat faults, commonly west-dipping at 40 to 45 degrees, are not 
generally mappable outside of the main structural zone which hosts the gold 
mineralization. A west-dipping, 45 degree fault projects into the pit on the 
northeast side of the deposit and was intersected by two vertical, 
geotechnical core holes. The base of mineralization may also be slightly 
offset by a similar west-dipping, 45 degree fault.

Oxidation effects are pervasive from the surface to depths of 66 to 98 feet 
(20 to 30 metres), with only partial oxidization below those depths. 
Hydrothermal alteration effects evident in fresh rock are minor, and occur as 
coarse sericite (muscovite) in thin (0.08 to 0.20 inch/2 to 5 millimetre) 
selvages along some quartz veins. In addition, chlorite is present in and 
adjacent to some quartz veins, but this presence may be a product of low 
grade metamorphism. Alteration effects are minimal overall, except for 
surface oxidization.

Mineralization is composed of quartz veins and sulfides and both constitute a 
visual guide to ore. Quartz veins, actually pre-gold, are a locus for later 
gold mineralization. Quartz veins are typically a few


centimetres to two feet (0.5 metres) in width and commonly occur as 
sub-parallel vein sets. The strike extent can be 164 to 246 feet (50 to 75 
metres) or more for any one vein or vein set, but the dip extent is not as 
well established and probably ranges up to 66 to 98 feet (20 to 30 metres). 
Multiple vein sets are present in the overall mineralized envelope and veins 
commonly pinch and swell along strike and down dip.

Sulfide mineralization entered the multiple fractures to deposit 
predominantly pyrite within and adjacent to quartz veins, as sulfide veinlets 
in the host rocks and as clots of coarse sulfides and disseminations of 
sulfide grains along fractures in the black argillites. Locally, sulfide 
disseminations are more prevalent in the quartzite/siltite interbeds than in 
the argillites. The total sulfide concentration for the overall mineralized 
zone is estimated at 3 to 5%.

Petrographic examination of the sulfide mineralization shows pyrite to 
dominate at plus 95% of the total sulfides; arsenopyrite is also present, as 
are minor amounts of chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite, stibnite and 
tetrahedrite. Gold is present as free gold in association with pyrite, on 
fractures within pyrite and attached to the surface of pyrite and is often 
visible as discrete grains on fractures in quartz and argillite. Gold grains 
exhibit a large size-range, with much of the gold being relatively coarse at 
40 to 180 microns. All gold grains display irregular shapes with large 
surface areas. No gold was noted to be encapsulated in either quartz or 
sulfide. The content of gold grains was verified as over 97% gold by 
scanning-electron-microprobe analysis.


In 1998, no exploration was undertaken at Amayapampa.

District-scale exploration potential exists for defining styles of gold 
mineralization similar to Amayapampa, which could be developed as satellite 
ore bodies. Specific targets on the Corporation's properties include the 
drill-inferred, potentially underground mineable, vein mineralization at Capa 
Circa, an untested surface geochemical target at Irpa Irpa, and raw 
exploration targets elsewhere within a 10 kilometre radius of Amayapampa.


The Corporation began optimizing the feasibility study on the Amayapampa 
property in late 1998 and completed this work during the first quarter of 
1999. The optimized study projected that nearly 505,000 gold ounces will be 
produced over the 12-year life, at an average rate of almost 43,000 ounces 
per year. Gold production from Amayapampa and Capa Circa during the first 
five years of operations when Capa Circa is in production will average 50,100 
ounces per year, and this level of production can be sustained with continued 
exploration/development success at Capa Circa. The initial capital costs are 
estimated to be about $26 million, including a 20% contingency, and necessary 
working capital. Average operating costs are estimated to be $7.89 per tonne 
($8.70 per ton) of ore for a total cash cost of $157 per gold ounce. At a 
gold price of $300 per ounce, the project is expected to generate an 
after-tax internal rate of return of approximately 17%.

The optimized project has smaller annual production than originally 
contemplated, but has higher annual production than considered in the revised 
feasibility study produced by the Corporation in November 1997. The optimized 
study includes the same flow sheet consisting of a gravity and 
carbon-in-leach circuit with a projected metallurgical recovery of 85% and 
operating at a rate of 2,475 tons of ore per day.


Based on a gold price of $300 per ounce, the proven and probable reserves at 
Amayapampa are calculated to be 10.7 million tons grading 0.051 ounces per 
ton including dilution, containing 548,000 ounces of gold. Indicated 
resources at Capa Circa are 187,700 tons grading 0.23 ounces per ton 
including dilution, containing 46,000 ounces of gold.

The Corporation is investigating means of obtaining finances in order to move 
the project into design and construction. Approval of the permit to construct 
and operate, called the DECLATORIA DE IMPACTO AMBIENTAL under Article 24 of 
the Environmental Law, was received on May 6, 1998. This permit was based on 
a 3,300-tonne-per-day ore processing project, and once financing arrangements 
are in place, the corporation will request a modification of the permit to 
allow operation at the lower production rate.



The Capa Circa property consists of four partly overlapping mining 
concessions covering 289 acres (117 hectares). Until the Amalgamation became 
effective, the Capa Circa property was mined primarily by open stoping 
methods at a rate of approximately 22 tons per day. Mineralization on the 
Capa Circa property is similar to that of the Amayapampa deposit, but 
consists of discrete veins within a mineralized zone approximately 490 feet 
(150 metres) wide that can be traced for about 1,970 feet (600 metres) along 


The four overlapping mining concessions that constitute the Capa Circa 
property cover a total area of 289 acres (117 hectares).

The Capa Circa property is located 186 miles (300 kilometres) southeast of La 
Paz in Bustillo Province, Department of Potosi, in south-central Bolivia 
(Latitude: 18DEG. 34.5" S; Longitude: 66DEG. 22.4" W). The Capa Circa 
property is accessible via gravel road from Oruro to Llallagua/Uncia (68 
miles/110 kilometres or approximately 2 1/2 hours) and a dirt road southeast 
from Uncia to the villages of Lagunillas and Chuqui Uta (approximately 1/2 
hour). A short 1.2 mile (two kilometre) spur road leads east to the Capa 
Circa property from a point approximately 4.3 miles (seven kilometres) south 
of Lagunillas. A local power line runs along the east side of the Capa Circa 
property and supplies power to the present Capa Circa mine.

The property is situated within the moderately rugged Eastern Cordilleran 
region of Bolivia with elevations varying from 12,300 to 13,450 feet (3,750 
to 4,100 metres) above sea level. The area is arid with rain falling 
minimally as thunder showers during the summer months of January to March. 
Occasional snow is reported during the drier winter months of May to August.


On April 28, 1994, Da Capo was assigned an option to acquire the Capa Circa 
property pursuant to the Altoro/O'Connor Agreement. See "Amayapampa Property 
- -Ownership".

Pursuant to the terms of the option agreement (the "Capa Circa Option 
Agreement") dated January 12, 1994 between Yamin and David Anthony O'Connor 
("O'Connor"), which was assigned to Da Capo, Da Capo had the option to 
acquire all of Yamin's interest in three Bolivian mining concessions (the 
Santa Rosa, San Mateo and Innocentes concessions) which constitute a part of 
the Capa Circa property by


making a payment of $4.8 million to Yamin on or before January 12, 1996. 
During the term of the Capa Circa Option Agreement, Da Capo was also required 
to pay to Yamin a total of $200,000, as follows:

(a)  $50,000 on April 12, 1994;
(b)  $50,000 on July 12, 1994;
(c)  $50,000 on January 12, 1995; and
(d)  $50,000 on July 12, 1995.

All of the above amounts were paid by Da Capo to Yamin and accepted by Yamin. 
On January 12, 1996, the Capa Circa Option Agreement expired.

Under the terms of a letter agreement (the "Yamin Letter Agreement") dated 
January 22, 1996 between Da Capo and Boris Yaksic and other members of the 
Yaksic family (collectively, the "Capa Circa Vendors") of Santa Rosa de Capa 
Circa, Casilla 3544, Cochabamba, Bolivia, who are all parties at arm's length 
to Da Capo and who collectively owned a 100% interest in Yamin, Da Capo would 
acquire a 100% beneficial interest in Yamin in consideration for payment of 
$500,000 and the issuance of 700,000 Common Shares with a guaranteed value of 
$1,555,000 to the Capa Circa Vendors on the date of signing a more formal 
agreement. The Yamin Letter Agreement was formalized by a purchase and sale 
agreement (the "Yamin Acquisition Agreement") dated as of March 1, 1996 among 
Da Capo, O'Connor and the Capa Circa Vendors, pursuant to which Da Capo and 
O'Connor acquired an 80% and 20% interest, respectively, in the shares of 
Yamin in consideration for payment of $500,000 and the issuance of 700,000 
special warrants (the "Capa Circa Special Warrants") with a guaranteed value 
of $1,555,000. On August 14, 1996, Da Capo issued 700,000 Common Shares for 
no additional consideration upon the deemed exercise of the Capa Circa 
Special Warrants. Under the terms of a separate trust agreement (the "Trust 
Agreement") dated March 1, 1996 between Da Capo and O'Connor, O'Connor held 
his shares of Yamin as trustee for the benefit of Da Capo, with the result 
that Da Capo was effectively the beneficial owner of 100% of the shares of 

Yamin is a Bolivian limited liability company and was, at the time of the 
Yamin Acquisition Agreement, the sole owner of: (a) a 100% interest in the 
four mining concessions (the Santa Rosa, San Mateo, Innocentes and Santa 
Benigna concessions), which comprise the Capa Circa property; (b) the mill, 
machinery, tools, equipment and vehicles employed in Yamin's small-scale 
underground gold mining operations on the Capa Circa property; and (c) 
approximately 16,536 tons (15,000 tonnes) of pyritic tailings located on the 
Capa Circa property.

The other material terms of the Yamin Acquisition Agreement are as follows:

(a)  all machinery, tools, equipment and vehicles owned by Yamin on April 1,
     1996 remain the property of Yamin and may be freely used for continuing
     small-scale underground mining operations at the Capa Circa mine until
     such time as Da Capo terminates the current operations of the mine to
     permit the development of a larger mine on the Capa Circa property. At
     such time, ownership of the machinery, tools, equipment and vehicles
     will revert to the Capa Circa Vendors, who will have 90 days to remove
     such machinery, tools, equipment and vehicles from the Capa Circa

(b)  title to the pyritic tailings located on the Capa Circa property was
     transferred to the Capa Circa Vendors on April 1, 1996. Upon the
     termination of current small-scale underground mining operations by Yamin 
     at the Capa Circa mine, the Capa Circa Vendors will be permitted to treat 
     such tailings in the existing concentrator at the Capa Circa Mine until 
     the supply of tailings is


     exhausted. Treatment of these tailings will be conducted in such a way 
     that the development of a larger mine on the Capa Circa property will not 
     be adversely affected; and

(c)  upon termination of the current small-scale underground mining operations 
     at the Capa Circa mine, the Capa Circa Vendors will pay all severance 
     benefits and indemnities in excess of $300,000 that are required under 
     Bolivian law to be paid to mining personnel employed by Yamin.

As a result of the Amalgamation with Da Capo, Vista Gold acquired the Capa 
Circa property.


The district in which the Capa Circa property is located was first mined 
during the colonial period. Small-scale mining continued on until modern 
times and recently the main deposits have been exploited by mechanized means. 
The Capa Circa property and mine was purchased in 1938 as an antimony mine by 
the Yaksic family. Antimony mining continued at the Capa Circa property until 
approximately 1981 when declining antimony prices and probably declining 
reserves resulted in a conversion to gold mining.

The previous owners mined the Capa Circa deposit using underground methods 
at an estimated rate of 20 to 30 tonnes per day until shutdown upon the 
Amalgamation becoming effective.


The Capa Circa geology and mineralization are similar to the Amayapampa 
property. The Capa Circa property is hosted by Upper Ordovician shales and 
sandstones on the east limb of a regional anticline. The Capa Circa 
mineralization is hosted by a series of high angle, east dipping quartz veins 
in a 429 foot (150 metre) wide envelope. The mineralization is zoned, with 
antimony mineralization more prevalent in the eastern section. The Capa Circa 
mineralization is approximately 1,970 feet (600 metres) in length along 
strike and 820 feet (250 metres) down near-vertical dip. Further exploration 
may extend the strike length and may find down-dip extensions.


Exploration by the Corporation consisted of surface trenching, underground 
mapping and channel sampling, and core drilling. Thirteen core holes were 
drilled in 1995 for a total of 8,022 feet (2,445 metres). The holes were 
drilled largely with HQ size core and total recovery averaged 93% overall. 
Several of the holes were drilled from underground locations. Sample 
intervals were selected geologically, and in some cases were up to 19.7 feet 
(six metres) in length.

Channel samples were collected from 8,054 feet (2,455 metres) of underground 
workings representing 20 different levels and sublevels, extending over a 
vertical distance of 459 feet (140 metres). Channel samples are collected at 
five metre intervals, with channels four to six inches (10 to 15 centimetres) 
wide and 0.8 to 1.2 inches (two to three centimetres) deep.

All exploration samples in the Capa Circa database were analyzed at 
Bondar-Clegg Laboratories in Oruro, Bolivia. Because of the coarse gold 
particles and concerns about nugget effect, all samples were processed using 
the Hammer Mill Process (similar to a metallic screen assay).

During 1997, over 1,895 channel samples were taken on drifts and cross-cuts 
in the Capa Circa mine. The results of these assays, taken with earlier 
drilling and channel sampling, confirm the presence of


high-grade shoots of mineralization in the lower portions of the mine. The 
Capa Circa mine has essentially identical geology to Amayapampa, except that 
the gold bearing veins and structures are more widely spaced. The presence of 
at least six zones of lower grade mineralization surrounding the veins has 
been established. These zones are 328 to 492 feet (100 to 150 metres) in 
strike extent and are 98 to 164 feet (30 to 50 metres) in width, and may 
represent bulk mining targets.


A review of the 1997 Capa Circa sampling program was completed in 1998. The 
program in 1997 consisted of 1,895 underground channel samples, over a 
vertical extent of 230 feet (70 metres) and a horizontal extent of 656 feet 
(200 metres). The program has outlined a resource of 198,000 tonnes (180,000 
tonnes), at a grade of 0.23 ounces per tonne (eight grams per tonne) 
containing 46,000 gold ounces. The resource is hosted by five veins with an 
average horizontal width of 5.2 feet (1.6 metres), steep easterly dips and a 
total strike length of 1,394 feet (425 metres).

The resources are from the lowest portions of the mine (San Andres level), an 
area only recently accessed by traditional miners. The strike lengths of at 
least three of these vein sets may be extended with further exploration. The 
dip extent of mineralization for the resource estimate is 330 feet (100 
metres) and may extend below that depth.


Sufficient data is lacking to determine a mineral inventory, but the 
Corporation's preliminary investigations indicated that the mineralization 
encountered by drilling and underground sampling in Da Capo's explorations 
program will require extraction by underground mining methods.


At the Capa Circa property, the mineralization is open at depth. Additional 
potential also exists along strike in the mineralized zone. Significant 
additional drilling is required to determine a Capa Circa mineral inventory 
and to test the mineralized zone at depth and along strike.



The only exploration performed by the Corporation in the United States was at 
the Hycroft and Mineral Ridge mines. See "Item 2. Properties - Hycroft Mine 
- -Mine Site Exploration" and "Item 2. Properties - Mineral Ridge Mine - Mine 
Site Exploration".


In 1998, the Corporation terminated an option agreement with L.B. Mining Co. 
entered into in 1996 which granted an option to the Corporation to purchase a 
100% interest in mining concessions comprising the Guariche gold properties 
in southeastern Venezuela. The Corporation terminated the option agreement 
because the economic terms were unacceptable in the current gold market.


The Corporation's Bolivian properties include the Amayapampa, Capa Circa, 
Iroco, Irpa Irpa and Copacabana gold properties.



This project, located in south-central Bolivia, shows similarities to the 
Amayapampa property. An initial geochemical survey indicated the possibility 
of a large deposit. The survey showed a 500 foot (150 metre) by 2,000 foot 
(600 metre) long soil geochemical anomaly.

After an initial mapping program was completed, a reverse-circulation drill 
program was conducted. Of the seven holes completed, six had significant gold 
intercepts. The drilling indicated that the possibility of both bulk tonnage 
and high grade vein mineralization exists on this property. The best results 
from drill hole RC3 had 0.41 ounces per ton over 39 feet (12 metres).

A trenching and mapping program is planned for this property, followed by 
further diamond and reverse-circulation drilling programs. This project is an 
excellent early stage exploration target with the potential to be another 
Amayapampa-type deposit.

The Copacabana project was explored with diamond drilling and trenching in 
1997. The drilling and trenching were performed along a 2,297 foot (700 
metre) strike length of mineralized Ordovician shales. Wide zones of 
anomalous gold values were intersected in core drilling and trenching, and 
the property requires more exploration to define its potential. No 
exploration was performed in 1998.


The Irpa Irpa property is situated three miles south of Capa Circa, with 
similarities to Amayapampa.


The Iroco project is a gold project adjacent to one of Bolivia's largest 
silver mines at Oruro. The Corporation has an option to earn a 100% interest. 
Although no resource has been outlined as yet, drill hole results as high as 
0.16 ounces per ton over 180 feet (55 metres) have been obtained.

The Iroco project, located three miles (five kilometres) west of Oruro, 
Bolivia has been farmed out to BHP. BHP has the right to earn a 60% joint 
venture interest in the property by performing $1 million in exploration by 
November 1999 and by making a cash payment of $500,000 each to Vista Gold and 
Compania Minera Altoro by November 2000. BHP conducted exploration on the 
Iroco project in 1998. BHP completed 7 holes, at wide intervals (250 metres). 
No significant results were achieved and BHP terminated its option.


Effective July 8, 1998, Zamora, a corporation in which Vista Gold is a 
significant shareholder, completed the acquisition of various property 
interests in Ecuador from Compania Minera Gribipe S.A. ("Gribipe"), an 
Ecuadorian mineral exploration company. As a condition of the transaction, 
Zamora issued 39.5 million common shares to Gribipe for the acquisition of 
the property interests and an additional 7.6 million common shares to Vista 
Gold in settlement of debts owed to Vista Gold by Zamora. As a result of the 
transaction, Vista Gold's ownership of Zamora was reduced from 48.7% to 26.5%.


Under the transaction, Zamora acquired:

(a)  Gribipe's 48.33% interest in the Mina Real and Mina Real 1 concessions, 
     in which Zamora already held a 50% interest, for 17.0 million common 
     shares at Cdn.$0.20 per share and 1,721,520 common share purchase
     warrants exercisable at Cdn.$0.20 per warrant; and

(b)  Gribipe's 75% interest in the Nambija 1 concession for 22.5 million
     common shares at Cdn.$0.20 per share and 2,278,480 common share purchase 
     warrants exercisable at Cdn.$0.20 per warrant.

Gribipe and Vista Gold have entered into a shareholders agreement under which 
they have agreed to vote their shares for a board of directors comprising of 
three nominees of Gribipe, one nominee of Vista Gold and one independent 

Vista Gold will also continue to provide management support to Zamora for a 
period of at least one year under a management services agreement. In 
addition, Vista Gold has received 7,575,944 common shares of Zamora as 
consideration for the settlement of debts in the amount of Cdn.$1,515,188.71 
owed by Zamora to Vista Gold. As a result of the private placements to 
Gribipe and Vista Gold, Gribipe owns approximately 57.0% and Vista Gold owns 
approximately 26.5% of the outstanding common shares of Zamora. The warrants 
will provide Gribipe with a mechanism to fund further exploration and 
development of the major properties now under Zamora's control. If the 
warrants are exercised in full, Gribipe will hold approximately 59.3% and 
Vista Gold will hold approximately 25.0% of the outstanding common shares of 

Gribipe is one of the largest mineral exploration companies in Ecuador and 
has been involved in a number of important exploration projects in Ecuador. 
Gribipe is now commencing studies to determine the feasibility of a limited 
mining and processing operation at the Campanillas mine. At Campanillas, 
Zamora has exercised an option to purchase a modern 150-tonne per day cyanide 
mill and is undertaking sampling and geologic studies to determine if there 
is sufficient ore available on Zamora's concessions to justify reactivation 
of the mill. Zamora now controls over 86,000 acres (35,000 hectares) of 
concessions in the Nambija region.

At the Campanillas mine, a complete survey of underground workings was 

Resampling and mapping of underground workings was completed, comprising 600 
channel samples and 800 chip samples. Eighteen core holes were completed for 
a total of 1,814 feet (553 metres).

Zamora reports a mineable reserve of 13,230 tons at a grade of 0.32 ounces 
per ton of gold. On the Campanillas concession, mineralization was located in 
the Katy area, approximately 820 feet (250 metres) north of the Campanillas 
mines. Three parallel, gold bearing veins are considered to have the 
potential to contain at least double the current Campanillas reserve. On the 
Nambija I concession, areas of skarn mineralization have been identified.

The Campanillas mine has been rehabilitated and an overhaul of the crushing 
plant, ball mill and power generators were completed.


The Corporation holds interests in two properties in Canada which continue to 
be explored by joint venture partners. They are the Manville project in 
Ontario and the Isle project in Manitoba.


Falconbridge Limited performed initial drill testing on the Manville project 
and Phelps Dodge Corp. performed initial drill testing on the Isle project.


In the last two completed financial years, the Corporation incurred 
expenditures of the following approximate dollar amounts on exploration:

                                                         FINANCIAL YEAR
               DESCRIPTION                                 (MILLIONS)
               -----------                                 ----------
                                                       1998          1997
                                                       ----          ----

Mineral exploration, property evaluation and           $2.3          $2.2
  holding cost
Hycroft (mine-site)                                       -           0.1
Mineral Ridge                                           0.1             -
Exploration of Venezuelan properties (capitalized)      0.2           2.3
                                                       ----          ----
Totals                                                 $2.6          $4.6
                                                       ----          ----
                                                       ----          ----


The 1999 exploration program will be limited by the amount of funds that the 
Corporation can obtain and make available for this purpose, which in turn 
will be a function of gold price and market conditions. The planned program 
involves programs at the Hycroft mine and the Mineral Ridge mine in Nevada 
and the Capa Circa project in Bolivia.

The Corporation's exploration focus in 1999 will be at its two U.S. 
properties in Nevada. At Mineral Ridge, the Corporation expects to spend 
$200,000 extending reserves at the Mary deposit and establishing resources or 
reserves in four areas outlying from current proven and probable reserves. 
The funds will be expended primarily on reverse-circulation drilling and will 
comprise 40 to 50 drill holes. A modest surface exploration program will 
examine three other areas of surface mineralization, in preparation for 
drilling in 2000.

At Hycroft, the Corporation will expend approximately $200,000 to attempt to 
upgrade current oxide reserves at the Brimstone deposit. The program will 
involve diamond drilling and reverse-circulation drilling.

In Bolivia, a small underground exploration program may be attempted in 1999 
to upgrade the Capa Circa resource.


The Corporation is not aware of any pending or threatened litigation or of 
any proceedings known to be contemplated by governmental authorities which 
is, or would be, likely to have a material adverse effect upon the 
Corporation or its operations, taken as a whole.



No matters were submitted to a vote of security holders, through the 
solicitation of proxies or otherwise, by Vista Gold during the quarter ended 
December 31, 1998.

                                     PART II



The Common Shares of Vista Gold are listed on the American Stock Exchange and 
The Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol VGZ. The following table sets out 
the reported high and low sale prices on the American Stock Exchange and on 
The Toronto Stock Exchange for the periods indicated as reported by the 

                                     AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE     THE TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE
                                    -------------------------    --------------------------
                                     HIGH                LOW        HIGH             LOW
                                    -----               -----    ---------        ---------

1997    1st quarter..............   $1.38               $0.75    Cdn.$1.85        Cdn.$1.05
        2nd quarter..............    1.19                0.88         1.55             1.15
        3rd quarter..............    1.00                0.44         1.28             0.60
        4th quarter..............    0.50                0.19         0.69             0.26
1998    1st quarter..............    0.31                0.19         0.43             0.27
        2nd quarter..............    0.31                0.14         0.41             0.22
        3rd quarter..............    0.22                0.13         0.29             0.18
        4th quarter..............    0.22                0.13         0.34             0.20

On March 24, 1999, the last reported sale price of the Common Shares of Vista 
Gold on the American Stock Exchange was $0.19 and on The Toronto Stock 
Exchange was Cdn.$0.25. As at March 24, 1999, there were 90,715,040 Common 
Shares issued and outstanding, and Vista Gold had 835 shareholders of record.


Vista Gold has never paid dividends. While any future dividends will be 
determined by the directors of Vista Gold after consideration of the earnings 
and financial condition of Vista Gold and other relevant factors, it is 
currently expected that available cash resources will be utilized in 
connection with the ongoing exploration and development programs of the 


There are no governmental laws, decrees or regulations in Canada that 
restrict the export or import of capital, including foreign exchange 
controls, or that affect the remittance of dividends, interest or other 
payments to nonresident holders of the securities of Vista Gold, other than a 
Canadian withholding tax. See "Item 5. Certain Canadian Income Tax 
Considerations for Non-Residents of Canada".



Canadian withholding tax at a rate of 25% (subject to reduction under the 
provisions of any relevant tax treaty) will be payable on dividends paid to a 
holder of Common Shares who is not resident in Canada. The rate of 
withholding tax applicable to dividends paid on the Common Shares to a 
resident of the United States who beneficially holds such Common Shares would 
generally be reduced to 15% or, if the non-resident holder is a corporation 
that owns at least 10% of the Common Shares, to 5%. It is Revenue Canada's 
present published policy that entities (including certain limited liability 
companies) that are treated as being fiscally transparent for United States 
federal income tax purposes will not qualify as residents of the United 
States under the provisions of the Canada-United States Income Tax Convention.

Upon a disposition or deemed disposition of Common Shares, a capital gain (or 
loss) will generally be realized by a non-resident holder to the extent that 
the proceeds of disposition are greater (or less) than the aggregate of the 
adjusted cost base of the Common Shares to the non-resident holder thereof 
immediately before the disposition and any reasonable costs of disposition. 
Capital gains realized on a disposition of Common Shares by a non-resident 
shareholder will not be subject to Canadian tax unless the non-resident 
holder and/or persons with whom the non-resident holder did not deal at arm's 
length, at any time within the five-year period before the disposition, owned 
or had an option to acquire 25% or more of the issued Common Shares of any 
class or series of Common Shares of Vista Gold. Under the Canada-United 
States Income Tax Convention, a resident of the United States who does not 
carry on a business from a permanent establishment or fixed base in Canada 
and who realizes a capital gain on the disposition of Common Shares that is 
otherwise subject to tax in Canada, will be exempt from Canadian income tax. 
It is Revenue Canada's present published policy that entities (including 
certain limited liability companies) that are treated as being fiscally 
transparent for United States federal income tax purposes will not qualify as 
residents of the United States under the provisions of the Canada-United 
States Income Tax Convention.




The selected financial data in Table I have been derived from the 
consolidated financial statements of the Corporation which have been prepared 
in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in Canada. The 
selected financial data should be read in conjunction with those financial 
statements and the notes thereto. See "Item 8. Consolidated Financial 
Statements and Supplementary Data".


                                                         YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31
                                           1998       1997        1996        1995        1994
                                          -------    -------     -------     -------    -------
                                                 (In thousands, except per share data)

Gold sales                                $37,083    $ 40,123    $ 34,847    $39,659    $37,905
Net earnings (loss) before write-downs     (1,640)     (5,292)    (11,826)     2,159      5,116
Net earnings (loss)                        (1,640)    (54,019)    (11,826)     2,159      5,116
Net earnings (loss) per share before        (0.02)      (0.06)      (0.21)      0.05       0.15
Net earnings (loss) per share               (0.02)      (0.61)      (0.21)      0.05       0.15

                                                                AT DECEMBER 31
                                           1998       1997        1996        1995        1994
                                          -------    -------     --------    -------    -------
                                                             (In thousands)

Working capital(1)                        $10,282    $  (237)    $ 18,702     $21,672   $29,645
Total assets                               80,878     79,028      123,316      64,285    70,506
Long-term debt and other
    non-current liabilities                19,629      4,568        3,929       3,409     2,979
Shareholders' equity                       53,530     55,075      109,173      54,637    52,801

- ----------

(1)  Including current portion of long-term debt of $2,372 - 1998; and 
     $13,000 - 1997.

Had the consolidated financial statements of the Corporation been prepared in 
accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United 
States, certain selected financial data would have been reported as shown in 
Table II.



                                                         YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31
                                           1998         1997        1996        1995       1994
                                          -------    ---------   --------     -------    -------
                                                 (In thousands, except per share data)

Net earnings (loss)                       $ 1,693     $(71,643)   $(35,187)   $ (708)    $5,090
Basic and diluted earnings (loss)            0.02        (0.80)      (0.62)    (0.02)      0.15

                                           1998         1997        1996        1995       1994
                                          -------    ---------   --------     -------    -------
                                                               (In thousands)

Total assets                              $66,551    $61,500     $123,316      $87,504    $70,453
Shareholders' equity                       39,203     37,546      109,172       77,855     52,983

See note 13 to the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 
December 31, 1998 under "Item 8. Consolidated Financial Statements and 
Supplementary Data - Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements".


                                                                              AT DECEMBER 31
                                                    1998              1997            1996        1995          1994
                                                  -------           -------         -------     -------       -------
As at December 31                                 $0.6504           $0.6999         $0.7301     $0.7325       $0.7129
Average(2)                                         0.6740            0.7220          0.7331      0.7283        0.7321
High                                               0.7105            0.7487          0.7515      0.7529        0.7159
Low                                                0.6341            0.6945          0.7215      0.7025        0.7097

- ----------
(1) Exchange rates are expressed as the amount of United States funds
    equivalent to one Canadian dollar, being the noon buying rates in New York
    City for cable transfers in Canadian dollars, as certified for customs
    purposes by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
(2) The yearly average rate means the average of the exchange rates on each day
    during a year. (3) On March 24, 1999, the noon buying rate as quoted by the
    Federal Reserve Bank of New York was $1.5040 (Cdn.$1.00 equals U.S.$0.6649).



This discussion should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial
statements of the Corporation for the three years ended December 31, 1998 and
the related notes thereto, which have been prepared in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles ("GAAP") in Canada. Differences from United
States GAAP are described in note 13 to the consolidated financial statements.


During 1998, 1997 and 1996, the Corporation's primary mining operation was 
the Hycroft (formerly Crofoot/Lewis) mine in Nevada, which began gold 
production in 1987. In January 1998, the Corporation took steps to improve 
its cash flow and liquidated its forward position in the gold futures market 
and reduced mining activities at the Hycroft mine. In December 1998, mining 
activities were suspended at the Hycroft mine. Gold processing and recovery 
will continue from inventoried ore in 1999 and 2000, with gold production for 
1999 estimated at approximately 25,000 ounces.

In October 1998, the Corporation acquired the Mineral Ridge mine, a gold 
property located in Nevada. As of December 31, 1998, proven and probable 
reserves at the Mineral Ridge mine were 4 million tons at a grade of 0.06 
ounces per ton containing 241,000 ounces of gold. Prior to the acquisition of 
the Mineral Ridge mine by the Corporation, the mine had been shut down since 
December 1997. Gold production for 1999 is estimated at between 40,000 and 
45,000 ounces.



The net loss for 1998 was $1.6 million compared to a net loss of $54.0 
million in 1997. The 1998 net loss included gains of $0.8 million from the 
disposal of assets, while the 1997 net loss included gains of $1.0 million 
from the disposal of assets. The 1998 net loss also included a one-time gain 
on the liquidation of gold futures of $3.2 million, while there was no 
similar gain in 1997. The 1997 net loss included a $48.7 million write down 
of mineral properties and investments. There were no similar write-downs in 
1998. Excluding gains from the liquidations of gold futures and the disposal 
of assets, and write-downs of mineral properties and investments, the 1998 
net loss of $5.6 was slightly less than the 1997 loss of $6.3 million.

Average gross realized prices declined in 1998 as the gold spot price 
continued to drop. Gold revenues of $37.1 million in 1998 decreased $3.0 
million, or 8% from 1997, primarily because of the lower average gross 
realized price combined with a decrease in gold production.

                                                     1998          1997
                                                   -------       -------
          Gold (ounces)                            112,838       117,378
          Average gross realized price                $329          $342

Gold production decreased 4,540 ounces from 117,378 in 1997 to 112,838 ounces 
in 1998. The decrease in gold production was attributable to the reduction in 
mining activities at the Hycroft mine. In 1998, 7.2 million ore tons were 
mined as compared to 10.6 million ore tons in 1997. While ore tons mined 
decreased 32% in 1998, gold production only decreased 4%. The positive 
variance was largely due to measures taken in 1997 to improve solution flow 
rates and gold production, combined with higher than expected ore grades in 

Lower average cash balances led to lower interest income for the year. 
Interest income in 1998 was $0.1 million as compared to $0.2 million in 1997. 
Total revenues decreased $3.2 million to $37.2 million in 1998.

Operating costs from mining operations decreased $3.9 million from 1997 to 
$27.0 million in 1998. The decrease was due to the reduction in mining 
activities at the Hycroft mine. Total tons mined, including waste tons, 
decreased to 10.4 million tons in 1998 from 37.5 million tons in 1997. The 
average cost per ton mined increased to $0.80 in 1998, as compared to $0.57 
in 1997, as a result of inefficiencies associated with the reduction in 
mining activities.


Depreciation, depletion and amortization in 1998 of $6.3 million was 
relatively unchanged from 1997. However, the provision for reclamation and 
closure costs of $2.4 million in 1998 increased dramatically from $0.8 
million in 1997. The increase compensated for the new Hycroft mine plan which 
called for the reduction and subsequent suspension of mining activities in 
1998. The new mine plan optimized the mine's ore reserve in light of reduced 
gold prices and concentrated on lower production cost ounces. Amortization 
and accrual rates increased because of the reduction in total tons and ounces 
called for in the new mine plan.

Operating lease costs in 1998 decreased to $1.1 million as compared to $2.2 
million in 1997. During 1998, the leases on several large pieces of mobile 
mining equipment terminated and the equipment was purchased at the end of the 
leases. The Corporation does not have any other outstanding major equipment 

Mineral exploration, property evaluation and holding costs were $2.6 million 
in 1998. Holding costs for the Corporation's Bolivian properties were $2.0 
million in 1998. The Corporation incurred these holding costs while 
maintaining and protecting its property interests in Bolivia, operating its 
administrative office in La Paz, and sustaining its development and social 
operations at the Amayapampa and Capa Circa properties. There were no similar 
costs in 1997. Excluding the Bolivian holding costs, 1998 mineral exploration 
and property evaluation expenses were $0.6 million as compared to $2.3 
million in 1997. The $1.7 million decrease reflects the Corporation's efforts 
to control costs and conserve cash in 1998. During 1998, the Corporation's 
exploration efforts were focused on Latin America and the Mineral Ridge mine 
in Nevada.

Corporate administration and investor relations decreased $1.2 million in 
1998 to $1.5 million as the Corporation continued to reduce its overhead and 
administrative costs. Interest expense in 1998 was $0.7 million as compared 
to $0.8 million in 1997, reflecting the Corporation's lower average debt 
balance during the year.

In 1998, the gain on the disposal of assets was $0.8 million and primarily 
consisted of the sales of surplus mining equipment from the Hycroft mine and 
the sale of the Corporation's non-producing Tartan mine in Canada.

As discussed above, the Corporation liquidated its forward position in the 
gold futures market in January 1998. As a result, net hedging gains of $9.3 
million were realized, of which $3.2 million was recognized immediately as 
other revenue with the balance deferred to subsequent periods. No such gain 
was recorded in 1997.

Income tax expense increased $0.1 million in 1998 to $0.2 million, primarily 
as a result of U.S. alternative minimum taxes which limit the Corporation's 
ability to utilize existing loss carry forwards.

Management regularly reviews the carrying values of its long-lived assets and 
investments. In 1997, the carrying values of certain properties and 
investments were written down by $48.7 million. No similar write-down was 
required in 1998.


The net loss for 1997 was $54.0 million compared to a net loss of $11.8 
million in 1996. The 1997 net loss included a $48.7 million write down of 
mineral properties and investments, while there was no similar write-down in 
1996. The 1997 net loss also included gains of $1.0 million from the disposal 
of assets, while the 1996 net loss included gains of $0.5 million from the 
disposal of assets. Excluding 


these write-downs and gains, losses decreased $6.0 million from $12.3 million 
in 1996 to $6.3 million in 1997. The decrease in losses was largely 
attributable to improved gold revenues.

Despite lower average gross realized prices, gold revenues of $40.1 million 
in 1997 increased $5.3 million, or 15% from 1996 because of increased gold 
production as follows:

                                             1997              1996
                                           -------            ------
          Gold (ounces)                    117,378            89,381
          Average gross realized price        $342              $390

Gold production in 1997 increased 31%, or 27,997 ounces, from 1996. The 
increase in gold production was attributable to increased ore production 
combined with increased solution pumping capacity at the mine. Ounces placed 
on the heap leach pads increased 6% to 118,506 ounces in 1997. In 1997, the 
Corporation obtained the requisite environmental permits and increased the 
solution pumping capacity at the mine to improve flow rates and thereby 
improve production. At December 31, 1997, gold inventory at the Hycroft mine 
was 56,000 ounces as compared to 55,000 ounces in 1996.

Lower average cash balances led to lower interest income for the year. 
Interest income in 1997 was $0.2 million as compared to $0.7 million in 1996. 
Combined revenues from gold sales and interest income increased $4.8 million 
to $40.4 million in 1997.

Operating costs from mining operations decreased $1.2 million from 1996 to 
$30.9 million in 1997. The decrease from 1996 was due to general efficiency 
increases in light of lower gold prices. Total tons mined, including waste 
tons, increased to 37.5 million tons from 36.9 million tons in 1996. Mining 
costs decreased to $21.6 million in 1997 from $23.9 million in 1996. The 
combined mining cost per ton decreased to $0.57 in 1997 as compared to $0.65 
in 1996.

Depreciation, depletion, amortization, and the provision for reclamation and 
closure costs in 1997 was 20% higher than 1996, due to the addition of new 
mining and processing equipment in 1996 combined with a mine plan change in 
1997. The new mine plan optimized the mine's ore reserve in light of reduced 
gold prices and concentrated on lower production cost ounces. Amortization 
and accrual rates increased because of the reduction in total tons and ounces 
called for in the new mine plan. Operating lease costs in 1997 were 
approximately the same as 1996.

Mineral exploration and property evaluation expenses decreased 37% from 1996 
to $2.3 million reflecting the Corporation's efforts to control costs in 
1997. During 1997, the Corporation ceased exploration in the United States 
and in December, sold its remaining United States exploration interests. The 
Corporation's 1997 exploration program concentrated on Latin America.

Corporate administration, investor relations and other income and expenses 
decreased $0.4 million in 1997 to $2.5 million as the Corporation continued 
to reduce its overhead costs. Interest expense in 1997 was $0.8 million as a 
result of the new debt agreement entered into during the year. In 1996, no 
similar debt existed.

In 1997, the gain on the disposal of assets and mineral properties was $1.0 
million and was primarily comprised of the divestiture of the Corporation's 
United States exploration properties combined with the sales of surplus 
mining equipment from the Hycroft mine.

Management regularly reviews the carrying values of its long-lived assets and 
investments. These evaluations indicated that the carrying values of certain 
properties and investments were overstated and, 


accordingly, were written down. Based upon management's evaluations, $48.7 
million was written down, including: Bolivian mineral properties - $25.9 
million; Hycroft mine - $17.5 million; Investment in Zamora - $2.7 million; 
Venezuelan mineral properties - $2.3 million; and Tartan Lake mine - $0.3 

YEAR 2000

As the year 2000 approaches, there are uncertainties concerning whether 
computer systems will properly recognize date-sensitive information when the 
year changes to 2000. Systems that do not properly recognize such information 
could generate erroneous data or fail.

A significant portion of the Corporation's computer systems and software are 
already configured to accommodate dates beyond the year 2000. The Corporation 
believes that the year 2000 will not pose significant operational problems 
for the Corporation's computer systems. At present, the Corporation has 
established a plan to identify and resolve potential year 2000 issues. The 
plan includes the following five key elements:

- -   to test and evaluate the hardware components of the Corporation's computer 

- -   to test and evaluate the software components of the Corporation's computer

- -   to test and evaluate any date/time sensitive components of the 
    Corporation's operating assets and control systems;

- -   to evaluate and prioritize the potential impact of any third-party 
    computer systems; and

- -   to take corrective actions where necessary.

The Corporation intends to complete the identification of potential year 2000 
issues in June 1999. The resolution of any year 2000 issues will be dependent 
on the nature of the issue. However, where any internal equipment or software 
is concerned, the Corporation will respond by modifying, upgrading, or 
replacing any features that are not year 2000 compliant. Where possible, the 
Corporation will also attempt to incorporate redundancy to reduce the 
likelihood of year 2000 failures and contingency plans to minimize the effect 
of year 2000 failures. Additionally, printed and electronic back-ups are kept 
of all material transactions, reports, systems and software where the effects 
of year 2000 failures could adversely impact the Corporation. The Corporation 
does not expect that the cost of the remedial efforts to address year 2000 
issues will be significant.

The Corporation has not yet completed its assessment of all of its systems, 
or the computer systems of third parties with which it deals and, while it is 
not possible at this time to assess the effect of a third party's inability 
to adequately address year 2000 issues, the Corporation does not believe the 
potential problems associated with year 2000 will have a material effect on 
its financial results.


The Corporation's consolidated cash balance at December 31, 1998 was $4.8 
million, an increase of $3.0 million from the end of the previous year. 
During 1998, operating and hedging activities generated $12.6 million before 
changes in operating assets and liabilities, which generated an additional 
$1.4 million. Excluding the non-cash purchase of Mineral Ridge Inc., 
investing activities generated $2.0 million and financing activities consumed 
$13.0 million for a net increase to cash of $3.0 million.


During 1998, the Corporation reduced its gold inventory by $5.4 million and 
converted $3.5 million to cash by selling gold. The remaining $1.9 million of 
unsold gold bullion was available for sale and included in accounts 
receivable at December 31, 1998. The reduction of accounts payable and 
accrued liabilities during 1998 consumed $2.1 million in cash and the 
resulting net change in operating assets and liabilities was a $1.4 million 
increase in cash.

Proceeds from the disposal of assets, primarily resulting from the sale of 
surplus mining equipment from the Hycroft mine and the sale of the 
non-producing Tartan mine, were $5.8 million in 1998. Capital expenditures in 
1998 included $2.3 million at the Hycroft mine, primarily for the buy-out of 
major equipment leases, $1.1 million at the Mineral Ridge mine for 
acquisition and development costs, and $0.4 million in Latin America, 
primarily for the continued study and evaluation of the Amayapampa and Capa 
Circa properties. In total, investing activities generated $2.0 million in 

During 1998, the Corporation completely retired the $13.0 million of 
outstanding debt collateralized by the assets of the Hycroft mine. This was 
the only cash financing transaction in 1998.


Management estimates the reclamation and closure costs for the Corporation's 
mines as follows:

Hycroft mine............................................     $5.4 million
Mineral Ridge mine......................................     $1.8 million
Total Estimated Costs...................................     $7.2 million

These costs are charged to earnings over the lives of the mines and the 
provision to date is $6.4 million. In April 1995, the Nevada Bureau of Land 
Management ("BLM") approved an amended Hycroft mine reclamation plan that 
included the Brimstone deposit, and an uncollateralized surety bond in the 
amount of $5.1 million was posted to secure reclamation obligations under the 
plan. In September 1996, the BLM approved the Mineral Ridge mine plan of 
operations and a surety bond in the amount of $1.6 million was posted. Cash 
collateral in the amount of $0.9 million has been posted as security for the 
surety bond.


During 1998, there were no material environmental incidents or non-compliance 
with any applicable environmental regulations.


Gold prices continued to decline in 1998. And while there has been some 
recent price improvement, the Corporation is making its plans on the 
assumption that low gold prices will persist in 1999 and into 2000.

At the Hycroft mine, the Corporation took steps to improve its cash flow in 
January 1998 and liquidated its forward position in the gold futures market. 
The liquidation of the Corporation's gold forward position generated $9.5 
million in cash. Waste-rock mining at the Hycroft mine was then halted and 
the Corporation planned to suspend ore mining in May 1998. Better ore grades 
than expected allowed ore mining to continue until December 1998. Gold 
processing and recovery will continue from inventoried ore in 1999 and 2000 
and gold production in 1999 is anticipated to be 25,000 ounces.


A reconciliation of Brimstone ore reserves mined showed that approximately 
30% more gold was mined than projected from the estimated reserves from 
exploration results prior to mining. In 1999, the Corporation plans to 
conduct a program, including redrilling, to determine if this upgrading 
applies to the remaining Brimstone gold resources. A positive result from 
this study or higher gold prices could permit resumption of production at the 
Hycroft mine. Currently, the Corporation plans to maintain the plant and 
facilities on a standby basis until production can be restarted. In the 
short-term, the Corporation will commence reclamation in areas that would not 
be affected by future operations.

At the Mineral Ridge mine, the mining operation has been restarted and the 
processing plant is undergoing start-up and commissioning. A number of 
significant modifications, which were identified prior to acquisition, have 
been made to the plant. In addition, an inadequate ore feeding arrangement 
identified during start-up was replaced in February 1999. As a result of the 
feeder replacement, the start-up schedule has been extended by approximately 
one month. This is not expected to have a significant effect on the estimated 
gold production of between 40,000 to 45,000 ounces in 1999.

In December 1998, the Corporation started a drilling program designed to add 
gold reserves to the Mineral Ridge mine. The initial program is designed to 
extend or confirm mineralization in areas where no information exists. 
Following the evaluation of these results, additional drilling will continue.

In Bolivia, the Corporation recently completed an optimized internal 
feasibility study on the project. Based on a gold price of $300 per ounce, 
the proven and probable reserves at Amayapampa are calculated to be 10.7 
million tons grading 0.051 ounces per ton including dilution, containing 
548,000 ounces of gold. Indicated resources at Capa Circa, located ten 
kilometres from Amayapampa, are 198,000 tons grading 0.23 ounces per ton 
including dilution, containing 46,000 ounces of gold.

The initial capital costs are estimated to be $26 million, including working 
capital and a 20% contingency. The Corporation has been in discussions with 
various lenders and has recently received an indicative term sheet from a 
major international bank for the debt financing component for the project and 
is exploring alternatives to complete the total financing package. During 
1999, the Corporation's activities will focus on arranging financing for the 
construction and development of the Amayapampa/Capa Circa project.

The Corporation has sufficient cash on hand to continue producing gold at the 
Hycroft mine and to complete the start-up and commissioning activities at the 
Mineral Ridge mine. The ability of the Corporation to re-start mining 
activities at Hycroft is dependent on gold prices and the potential for 
higher grade oxide ore. The anticipated cash flows from operations are 
expected to adequately provide the working capital the Corporation requires 
and allow the Corporation to maintain the Bolivian properties while it seeks 
project financing. However, the Corporation will have to raise additional 
funds from external sources in order to undertake construction and 
development of the Bolivian properties.



The Corporation is engaged in gold mining and related activities, including 
exploration, extraction, processing, refining and reclamation. Gold bullion 
is the Corporation's principal product. Changes in the price of gold could 
significantly affect the Corporation's profitability and cash flows. Gold 
prices may fluctuate widely from time to time. For a description of factors 
that affect gold prices, see note 1(a) to the consolidated financial 
statements for the year ended December 31, 1998 under "Item 8.


Consolidated Financial Statements and Supplementary Data - Notes to 
Consolidated Financial Statements".

Using current 1999 estimates of production at an estimated average gold price 
of $300 per ounce, including the effects of the Corporation's hedging 
position and management's estimate of expected operating expenses, a $10 
change in the gold price would result in an increase or decrease of 
approximately $0.5 million in net income and cash flows.

The Corporation occasionally utilizes derivative commodity instruments for 
purposes other than trading purposes to manage the Corporation's exposure to 
the risks associated with fluctuations in the price of gold by protecting the 
selling price of a portion of its production. The market risk of these 
commodity instruments to the Corporation's cash flow is related to the 
possible failure of all counterparties to honour their contractual 
obligations. Also, precious metals contracts between the Corporation and 
various counterparties involve the requirement that the Corporation deliver 
gold to the counterparty at agreed-upon prices. If the counterparty is unable 
to fulfill its purchase obligations, there is no guarantee that the 
Corporation will be able to receive the agreed-upon sales price in the open 
market. If the Corporation is unable to produce sufficient gold to meet its 
hedging contract obligations, it may be obligated to purchase such gold at 
the then market price. For further information regarding the Corporation's 
hedging program, see note 7(a) to the consolidated financial statements for 
the year ended December 31, 1998 under "Item 8. Consolidated Financial 
Statements and Supplementary Data - Notes to Consolidated Financial 

At December 31, 1998, the Corporation's outstanding forward sales contracts 
were for 100,000 ounces at a projected average price of $330 per ounce to be 
delivered in 1999. The Corporation has the ability to defer the date that the 
related gold is ultimately delivered. In January 1999, the Corporation closed 
out forward sales contracts covering 8,000 ounces for cash consideration of 
approximately $0.8 million. The proceeds were recorded as deferred revenue 
and will be recognized in gold sales when the original hedged transaction 
would have matured.


At December 31, 1998, the interest rate on the Corporation's long-term debt 
was LIBOR plus 2%. The interest rate on this debt is variable and is reset 
periodically at the option the Corporation. As a result, management does not 
believe that the Corporation is exposed to significant interest rate risk and 
the Corporation does not utilize market risk sensitive instruments to manage 
its exposure to this risk.


The price of gold is denominated in U.S. dollars, and all of the 
Corporation's revenues and a significant majority of its expenses are 
incurred in U.S. dollars. As a result, management does not believe that the 
Corporation is exposed to any significant foreign currency exchange rate risk 
and the Corporation does not utilize market risk sensitive instruments to 
manage its exposure to this risk.




To the Shareholders of Vista Gold Corp.

We have audited the consolidated balance sheets of Vista Gold Corp. as of 
December 31, 1998 and 1997 and the consolidated statements of earnings 
(loss), retained earnings (deficit) and cash flows for each of the three 
years in the period ended December 31, 1998. These consolidated financial 
statements are the responsibility of the Corporation's management. Our 
responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based 
on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing 
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform an audit to 
obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free 
of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, 
evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. 
An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and 
significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall 
financial statement presentation.

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above 
present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated financial position 
of the Corporation as of December 31, 1998 and 1997, and the consolidated 
results of its operations and cash flows for each of the three years in the 
period ended December 31, 1998, in accordance with generally accepted 
accounting principles.

/s/ PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Chartered Accountants
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
March 19, 1999




                                                       AT DECEMBER 31
                                                     1998         1997
                                                   --------     --------
                                                       (U.S. DOLLARS
                                                       IN THOUSANDS)
Cash and cash equivalents                          $  4,786     $  1,799
Marketable securities                                    90          132
Accounts receivable                                   3,958        2,199
Gold inventory                                        7,318       12,717
Supplies and other                                    1,849        2,301
                                                   --------     --------
Current assets                                       18,001       19,148
                                                   --------     --------

Property, plant and equipment, net - Note 3          61,093       58,638
Investment in and advances to Zamora
   Gold Corp. - Note 4                                  571          857
Other assets                                          1,213          385
                                                   --------     --------
Long-term assets                                     62,877       59,880
                                                   --------     --------
Total assets                                       $ 80,878     $ 79,028
                                                   --------     --------
                                                   --------     --------

Accounts payable                                   $  2,425     $  4,472
Accrued liabilities and other                         1,772        1,913
Deferred hedging gains                                1,150            -
Current portion of long-term debt - Note 5            2,372       13,000
                                                   --------     --------
Current liabilities                                   7,719       19,385
                                                   --------     --------

Long-term debt - Note 5                              13,217            -
Accrued reclamation and closure costs                 6,384        4,534
Other liabilities                                        28           34
                                                   --------     --------
Long-term liabilities                                19,629        4,568
                                                   --------     --------

Total liabilities                                    27,348       23,953
                                                   --------     --------

Capital stock, no par value per share - Note 6:
     Preferred - unlimited shares authorized; 
        no shares outstanding
     Common - unlimited shares authorized; 
        shares outstanding: 1998 - 90,715,040; 
        1997 - 89,152,540                           121,146      120,870
Deficit                                             (66,076)     (64,436)
Currency translation adjustment                      (1,540)      (1,359)
                                                   --------     --------
Total shareholders' equity                           53,530       55,075
                                                   --------     --------
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity         $ 80,878     $ 79,028
                                                   --------     --------
                                                   --------     --------

Commitments and contingencies - Note 7

Approved by the Board of Directors

/S/ DAVID R. SINCLAIR                   /S/ PETER WALTON
David R. Sinclair                       Peter Walton
Chairman                                Director




                                                                       YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31
                                                                  1998          1997          1996
                                                               ----------    ----------    ----------
                                                                     (U.S. DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS,
                                                                         EXCEPT SHARE DATA)
Gold sales                                                        $37,083       $40,123       $34,847
Other revenues - Note 2 (m)                                         3,350           248           722
                                                               ----------    ----------    ----------
Total revenues                                                     40,433        40,371        35,569
                                                               ----------    ----------    ----------
Mining operations                                                  27,009        30,917        32,076
Depreciation, depletion and amortization                            6,270         6,223         5,170
Provision for reclamation and closure costs                         2,442           826           689
Operating leases                                                    1,094         2,228         2,137
Mineral exploration, property evaluation and holding costs          2,596         2,294         3,636
Corporate administration                                            1,278         2,328         2,554
Investor relations                                                    209           407           531
Interest expense                                                      660           817            24
Gain on disposal of assets                                           (775)       (1,022)         (458)
Equity in loss and impairment of Zamora Gold Corp.                    427         3,501         1,342
Other expense (income)                                                692          (189)         (133)
Write-down of mineral properties - Note 8                               -        46,015             -
                                                               ----------    ----------    ----------
Total costs and expenses                                           41,902        94,345        47,568
                                                               ----------    ----------    ----------

Loss before taxes                                                  (1,469)      (53,974)      (11,999)

Income taxes (recovery) - Note 9                                      171            45          (173)
                                                               ----------    ----------    ----------
                                                               ----------    ----------    ----------

Net loss                                                          ($1,640)     ($54,019)     ($11,826)
                                                               ----------    ----------    ----------
                                                               ----------    ----------    ----------

Weighted average shares outstanding                            89,456,478    89,101,056    56,309,941
                                                               ----------    ----------    ----------
                                                               ----------    ----------    ----------

Loss per share                                                     ($0.02)       ($0.61)       ($0.21)
                                                               ----------    ----------    ----------
                                                               ----------    ----------    ----------




                                                            YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31
                                                       1998          1997           1996
                                                     --------      --------       --------
                                                           (U.S. DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)
Retained earnings (deficit), beginning of period     ($64,436)     ($10,417)        $1,409
Net loss                                               (1,640)      (54,019)       (11,826)
                                                     --------      --------       --------
Deficit, end of period                               ($66,076)     ($64,436)      ($10,417)
                                                     --------      --------       --------
                                                     --------      --------       --------




                                                                 YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31
                                                             1998          1997          1996
                                                           --------      --------      --------
                                                               (U.S. DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)
Net loss                                                    ($1,640)     ($54,019)     ($11,826)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization                      6,270         6,223         5,170
Amortization of deferred stripping                            1,169           985         5,727
Amortization of debt issue costs                                  -           143             -
Deferral (amortization) of hedging gains                      1,150          (430)          430
Amortization of deferred hedging costs                          276             -             -
Provision for reclamation and closure costs                   2,442           826           689
Gain on sale of assets                                         (775)       (1,022)         (458)
Equity in loss and impairment of Zamora Gold Corp.              427         3,501         1,342
Gain on currency translation                                   (181)         (205)         (193)
Write-down of mineral properties                                  -        46,015             -
Other non-cash items                                             (5)            1           (12)
                                                           --------      --------      --------
Cash provided by operating activities                         9,133         2,018           869
Marketable securities                                            42            82           (34)
Accounts receivable                                          (1,759)         (167)       (1,551)
Gold inventory                                                5,399         1,597        (5,649)
Supplies and other                                              452         1,457          (383)
Accounts payable                                             (2,047)       (3,741)        4,424
Accrued liabilities and other                                  (141)          343          (834)
Reclamation and closure costs                                  (592)         (189)         (201)
                                                           --------      --------      --------
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities          10,487         1,400        (3,359)
                                                           --------      --------      --------
Acquisition of Da Capo Resources Ltd.                             -             -       (49,682)
Additions to property, plant and equipment                  (14,877)      (14,699)      (20,084)
Additions to deferred stripping                                   -        (6,034)         (512)
Proceeds from disposal of assets                              5,758         1,168           472
Investment in and advances to Zamora Gold Corp.                (141)       (1,376)            -
Other assets                                                 (1,105)         (383)           (2)
                                                           --------      --------      --------
Net cash used in investing activities                       (10,365)      (21,324)      (69,808)
                                                           --------      --------      --------
Repayment of debt                                           (13,000)       (1,700)            -
Proceeds from debt                                                -        14,700             -
Assumption of debt                                           15,589             -             -
Issue of shares for Mineral Ridge Inc.                          276             -             -
Issue of shares for Da Capo acquisition                           -             -        48,730
Proceeds from issuance of special warrants                        -             -        17,308
Proceeds from issuance of common stock                            -           125           517
                                                           --------      --------      --------
Net cash provided by financing activities                     2,865        13,125        66,555
                                                           --------      --------      --------
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents          2,987        (6,799)       (6,612)
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period                1,799         8,598        15,210
                                                           --------      --------      --------
                                                           --------      --------      --------
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period                     $4,786        $1,799        $8,598
                                                           --------      --------      --------
                                                           --------      --------      --------




The tabular information set out below is in thousands of United States 
dollars, except share data.



Vista Gold Corp., formerly Granges Inc. (see note (b) below), is engaged in 
gold mining and related activities in the United States, Canada, and Latin 
America, including exploration, extraction, processing, refining and 
reclamation. Gold bullion is the Corporation's principal product, which is a 
commodity produced throughout the world.

The Corporation's results are impacted by the price of gold. Gold prices 
fluctuate and are affected by numerous factors, including, but not limited 
to, expectations with respect to the rate of inflation, exchange rates 
(specifically, the U.S. dollar relative to other currencies), interest rates, 
global and regional political and economic circumstances and governmental 
policies with respect to gold holdings by central banks. The demand for and 
supply of gold affect gold prices, but not necessarily in the same manner as 
demand and supply affect the prices of other commodities. The supply of gold 
consists of a combination of new mine production and existing stocks of 
bullion and fabricated gold held by governments, public and private financial 
institutions, industrial organizations and private individuals. The demand 
for gold primarily consists of jewellery and investments. Additionally, 
hedging activities by producers, consumers and financial institutions can 
affect gold supply and demand. Gold can be readily sold on numerous markets 
throughout the world and its market value can be ascertained at any 
particular time. As a result, the Corporation is not dependent upon any one 
customer for the sale of its product.


On July 31, 1996, the boards of directors of Granges Inc. and Da Capo 
Resources Ltd. unanimously approved the amalgamation of the two companies to 
form a new company. The Supreme Court of British Columbia approved the 
amalgamation, effective November 1, 1996, under the name "Vista Gold Corp." 
Under the terms of the agreement, each shareholder of Granges received one 
Vista Gold share for each Granges share, and each shareholder of Da Capo 
received two Vista Gold shares for each Da Capo share. After the 
amalgamation, Vista Gold was owned 66.25% by Granges shareholders and 33.75% 
by Da Capo shareholders on a fully diluted basis.


On October 21, 1998, the Corporation completed the acquisition of Mineral 
Ridge Resources Inc. from Cornucopia Resources Ltd. Vista Gold acquired all 
of the shares of Mineral Ridge Inc. in consideration for 1,562,000 Common 
Shares of Vista Gold with an aggregate value of $250,000. The fair value of 
the consideration under purchase accounting was $276,000. Vista Gold 
concurrently subscribed on a private placement basis for 2,777,777 common 
shares of Cornucopia valued at $250,000.




The consolidated financial statements of the Corporation and its subsidiaries
have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted
in Canada. These principles differ in certain material respects from those
accounting principles generally accepted in the United States. The differences
are described in note 13.


The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of Vista Gold and its
subsidiaries. Vista Gold's subsidiaries and its percentage ownership in these
entities as of December 31, 1998 are:

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Vista Gold Holdings Inc. and its wholly-owned subsidiaries                100%

     Hycroft Resources & Development, Inc. and
         its wholly-owned subsidiary Hycroft Lewis Mine, Inc.

     Mineral Ridge Resources Inc.

     Vista Gold U.S. Inc.

Granges Inc. (previously called Granges (Canada) Inc.)                    100%

Vista Gold (Antigua) Corp.                                                100%

Sociedad Industrial Yamin Limitada                                        100%


The preparation of consolidated financial statements in accordance with 
generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make 
estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and 
liabilities and disclosure of contingent liabilities at the date of the 
consolidated financial statements and the reported amount of revenues and 
expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those 


Sales revenues and a significant portion of the Corporation's expenses are 
denominated in U.S. dollars.  The focus of the Corporation is increasingly on 
international operating activities and the Corporation's executive office is 
located in Denver, Colorado.  The U.S. dollar is the principal currency of 
the Corporation's business.  Accordingly, the consolidated financial 
statements of the Corporation are expressed in U.S. dollars.

Self-sustaining foreign operations are translated using the current rate 
method. Under this method, assets and liabilities are translated at the rate 
of exchange on the balance sheet date, and revenue and expenses at the 
average rate of exchange during the period. Exchange gains and losses are 
deferred and shown as a currency translation adjustment in shareholders' 
equity until transferred to earnings when the net investment in the foreign 
operation is reduced.


Foreign currency denominated monetary items of the Corporation, excluding its 
foreign operations, are translated at the year-end exchange rate. Exchange 
gains and losses on these items are recognized in earnings in the year they 


Sales are recorded as soon as the product is considered available for sale.
Gains and losses on forward sales and option contracts are deferred until the
related production is sold.


Acquisition and exploration expenditures on mineral properties are expensed 
when incurred until such time as the property indicates the potential of 
being developed into a mine, and thereafter the expenditures are capitalized. 
Holding costs to maintain a property on a stand-by basis are charged to 
expenses as incurred. Previously capitalized expenditures are expensed if the 
project is determined to be uneconomical.


Cash equivalents are represented by investments in short-term investment 
funds consisting of highly liquid debt instruments such as certificates of 
deposit, commercial paper, and money market accounts purchased with an 
original maturity date of less than three months. The Corporation's policy is 
to invest cash in conservative, highly rated instruments and limit the amount 
of credit exposure to any one institution.


Marketable securities are carried at the lower of cost or market value, which 
approximates fair value.


Gold inventory is valued at the lower of average cost or net realizable 
value. The direct cash costs associated with ore placed in stockpiles and on 
leach pads are inventoried and charged to operations as the contained gold is 
recovered. Based upon actual metal recoveries, ore grades and operating 
plans, management continuously evaluates and refines estimates in determining 
the carrying values of costs associated with gold inventories. It is possible 
that in the near term, estimates of recoverable ore, grade, and gold price 
could change causing the Corporation to revise the value of its gold 

Supply inventories are valued at the lower of average cost or net replacement 


     (i)  Developed Mineral Properties

     Property acquisition and development costs are carried at cost less 
     accumulated amortization and write-downs. Amortization is provided on 
     the unit-of-production method based on proven and probable reserves. 
     Holding costs to maintain a property on a stand-by basis are charged to 
     expense as incurred. Management reviews the carrying value of the 
     Corporation's interest in each property quarterly and, where necessary, 
     these properties are written down to their estimated recoverable amount 
     determined on an undiscounted basis. Management's estimate of gold 
     price, recoverable proven and probable reserves, operating, capital and 
     reclamation costs 


     are subject to risks and uncertainties affecting the recoverability of 
     the Corporation's investment in property, plant and equipment. Although 
     management has made its best estimate of these factors based on current 
     conditions, it is possible that changes could occur in the near term 
     that could adversely affect management's estimate of net cash flows 
     expected to be generated from its operating properties and the need for 
     possible asset impairment write-downs.

     (ii)  Plant and Equipment

     Plant and equipment are recorded at cost and depreciated using the 
     units-of-production method or the straight-line method over their 
     estimated useful lives. The cost of normal maintenance and repairs is 
     charged to expense as incurred. Significant expenditures, which increase 
     the life of an asset, are capitalized and depreciated over the remaining 
     estimated useful life of the asset. Upon sale or retirement of assets, 
     the costs and related accumulated depreciation or amortization are 
     eliminated from the respective accounts and any resulting gains or 
     losses are reflected in operations.

     (iii) Deferred Stripping

     During production, mining costs associated with waste rock removal in 
     excess of the average life-of-mine stripping ratios are deferred and 
     charged to operations over the life of the mine. Although management has 
     made its best estimate of these factors based on current conditions, it 
     is possible that changes could occur in the near term that could 
     adversely affect management's estimate of ounces of gold in proven and 
     probable reserves and the need for a change in the amortization rate of 
     deferred stripping cost.


All of the Corporation's operations are subject to reclamation, site restoration
and closure requirements. Costs related to ongoing site restoration programs are
expensed when incurred. A provision for mine closure and site restoration costs
is charged to earnings over the lives of the mines on a unit-of-production
basis. The Corporation calculates its estimates of the ultimate reclamation
liability based on current laws and regulations and the expected future costs to
be incurred in reclaiming, restoring and closing its operating mine sites. It is
possible that the Corporation's estimate of its ultimate reclamation, site
restoration and closure liability could change in the near term due to possible
changes in laws and regulations and changes in cost estimates.


Management's calculation of proven and probable reserves is based upon
engineering and geological estimates and financial estimates including gold
prices and operating costs. The Corporation depreciates some of its assets and
accrues for reclamation on a unit-of-production basis over proven and probable
reserves. Changes in geological interpretations of the Corporation's ore bodies
and changes in gold prices and operating costs may change the Corporation's
estimate of proven and probable reserves. It is possible that the Corporation's
estimate of proven and probable reserves could change in the near term and could
result in revised charges for depreciation and reclamation in future reporting


The Corporation enters into derivative financial transactions to hedge its
exposure to the effects of fluctuations in the price of gold. The Corporation
does not enter into derivative transactions for 


speculative purposes. The resulting gains or losses, measured by quoted 
market prices, are recognized when the hedged transactions are completed and 
the related production is sold. In January 1998, the Corporation liquidated 
its forward position in the gold futures market. As a result, net hedging 
gains of $9.3 million were realized, of which $3.2 million was recognized 
immediately as other revenue with the balance deferred to subsequent periods. 
Deferred hedging gains are amortized to gold revenues as the original hedged 
transactions would have matured. The Corporation anticipates that its current 
deferred hedging gains will be amortized by September 2000.


Net loss per share is calculated by dividing the net loss by the weighted 
average number of common shares outstanding during the year. Fully diluted 
loss per share is not disclosed as the inclusion of common share equivalents 
would be anti-dilutive.


The recorded value of the Corporation's financial assets and liabilities
approximates the fair value.


Property, plant and equipment is comprised of the following:

                                                     1998                                         1997
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                    ACCUMULATED                                  ACCUMULATED
                                                   DEPRECIATION,                                DEPRECIATION,
                                                    DEPLETION,                                    DEPLETION,
                                                   AMORTIZATION                                  AMORTIZATION
                                                        AND                                          AND
                                        COST        WRITE-DOWNS        NET           COST        WRITE-DOWNS          NET
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Hycroft mine (a)                     $72,045       $ 63,392          $8,653       $90,217         $ 67,081        $ 23,136

  Mineral Ridge mine (a) and (b)        17,993            277          17,716             -                -               -


  Bolivian mineral properties           60,866         26,401          34,465        59,705           26,053          33,652

  Tartan Lake mine (c)                       -              -               -         3,696            2,178           1,518

  Corporate assets                         481            222             259           488              156             332
                                     ---------       --------        --------     ---------         --------        --------

                                     $ 151,385       $ 90,292        $ 61,093     $ 154,106         $ 95,468        $ 58,638
                                     ---------       --------        --------     ---------         --------        --------
                                     ---------       --------        --------     ---------         --------        --------


The Crofoot property at the Hycroft mine is subject to a 4% net profit 
royalty. During 1998, 1997 and 1996, the Corporation paid minimum royalty 
payments of $240,000 per year.

The Lewis property at the Hycroft mine is subject to a 5% net smelter 
royalty. During 1998, 1997 and 1996, only nominal minimum royalties were 
required in relation to this property.


The Mary Mining Corporation property at the Mineral Ridge mine is subject to 
a net smelter returns royalty. The royalty percentage, which is dependent on 
gold prices, graduates progressively from 2 1/2% if the gold price is $300 or 
less to 5% if the gold price is greater than $400 but less than or equal to 
$500. During 1998, the Corporation paid minimum advance royalty payments 
totalling $84,000.


As a result of the acquisition of Mineral Ridge Inc. in 1998, the Corporation 
acquired mineral properties in Nevada which were recorded using the purchase 
method of accounting and the results of operations were consolidated from 
October 22, 1998. The Corporation's interests in the net assets acquired at 
assigned values were as follows:

        Cash                                                           $  3,576
        Current assets                                                    1,428
        Property, plant and equipment                                    10,325
        Other long-term assets                                              901
        Current liabilities                                                (476)
        Debt and accrued reclamation                                    (15,478)
        Shares issued for purchase of Mineral Ridge Resources Inc.     $    276


During 1998, the Corporation sold the subsidiary that owned the Tartan Lake mine
in Manitoba, Canada for $1.8 million, realizing a gain of $191,000.


In October 1995, the Corporation completed a private placement with Zamora 
Gold Corp. for the issuance of 8,000,000 units at Cdn.$0.60 per unit. Each 
unit consisted of one common share of Zamora and one common share purchase 
warrant which entitled the Corporation to purchase one common share for 
Cdn.$0.75 until October 4, 1997. The purchase warrants were not exercised and 
expired in October 1997. In May 1997, the Corporation completed an additional 
private placement with Zamora for the issuance of 3,000,000 common shares at 
Cdn.$0.24 per share. In July 1998, Zamora acquired various property interest 
in Ecuador from a major Ecuadorian mineral exploration company. As a 
condition of the transaction, Zamora issued 40,016,650 common shares to the 
Ecuadorian company for the acquisition of the property interests and an 
additional 7,575,944 common shares to Vista Gold in settlement of debts owed 
by Zamora to Vista Gold. Vista Gold's combined 18,575,944 shares represent 
26.5% of the issued and outstanding common shares of Zamora and the 
investment is accounted for using the equity method.


        Total initial investment including expenses     $ 4,839
        Equity loss in 1995                                (516)
            Balance at December 31, 1995                  4,323
        Equity loss in 1996                              (1,342)
            Balance at December 31, 1996                  2,981
        Private placement in 1997                           520
        Advances in 1997                                    857
        Equity loss and impairment in 1997               (3,501)
            Balance at December 31, 1997                    857
        Advances in 1998                                    141
        Equity loss in 1998                                (427)
            Balance at December 31, 1998                $   571

5.   DEBT

During 1997, the Corporation borrowed $14.7 million and repaid $1.7 million 
under the terms of a $13 million revolving credit facility, which was 
collateralized by the assets of the Hycroft mine. In the fourth quarter of 
1997, the Corporation amended the revolving credit facility into a term loan 
bearing interest at 2% above LIBOR and with repayment terms requiring 12 
equal monthly instalments commencing January 31, 1999. In January 1998, the 
Corporation further amended the debt agreement repayment terms. The amended 
repayment terms called for the Corporation to completely retire the debt in 
1998. During 1998, the Corporation repaid the $13.0 million term loan.

In 1998, the Corporation acquired Mineral Ridge Resources Inc. As part of the 
transaction, Mineral Ridge Inc. amended its loan agreement with Dresdner 
Bank. The amended agreement revised the terms of repayment of the previously 
outstanding loan and accrued interest totalling approximately $13.5 million 
and provided additional loans to Mineral Ridge Inc. totalling $1.6 million 
which was used to pay amounts owed to other creditors of Mineral Ridge Inc. 
The revised agreement required the contribution of $5.0 million of mining 
equipment to the project by Vista Gold. Net cash flow from the project will 
be distributed on the basis of 70% to Dresdner Bank and 30% to Vista Gold 
after deduction of $800,000 of management fees payable to Vista Gold over the 
next two years and rescheduled principal payments on the additional loans 
used to repay other creditors. The interest rate on the loans is LIBOR plus 
2% and the loans, which are not guaranteed by Vista Gold, are collateralized 
by the assets of Mineral Ridge Inc. and the $5.0 million of mining equipment 
contributed by Vista Gold. As part of the agreement with Dresdner, Mineral 
Ridge Inc. liquidated forward gold hedges to provide $3.5 million, which is 
to be used as working capital and to pay for capital improvements on the 
project. At December 31, 1998, LIBOR was 5.1% and the current portion of 
long-term debt was $2.4 million.



The Common Shares issued and outstanding are comprised of the following:

                                                                                  NUMBER OF SHARES             AMOUNT
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

At December 31, 1996                                                                    89,020,405          $ 120,745

   Issued upon exercise of stock options (a)                                               100,000                 88

   Issued pursuant to executive bonus compensation agreements                               32,135                 37
                                                                                        ----------          ---------

At December 31, 1997                                                                    89,152,540          $ 120,870

   Issued upon acquisition of Mineral Ridge Inc. (Notes 1 and 3)                         1,562,500                276
                                                                                        ----------          ---------

At December 31, 1998                                                                    90,715,040          $ 121,146
                                                                                        ----------          ---------
                                                                                        ----------          ---------


At December 31, 1998, 2,270,000 Common Shares were reserved for issuance under
options granted to directors, officers and management employees. These options
expire as follows: 1999 - 100,000; 2001 - 10,000; 2004 - 10,000; 2005 - 630,000;
2006 - 580,000; 2007 - 815,000; and 2008 - 125,000.

                                                                                                         OPTION PRICE
                                                                      SHARE OPTIONS                          CDN.$
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
At December 31, 1996                                                      2,540,000                    $1.45 to $2.78
   Granted in 1997                                                        1,402,500                    $0.37 to $1.55
   Exercised in 1997                                                       (100,000)                            $1.20
   Expired in 1997                                                         (905,000)                   $1.20 to $2.78
At December 31, 1997                                                      2,937,500                    $0.37 to $3.05
   Granted in 1998                                                          125,000                             $0.20
   Expired in 1998                                                         (792,500)                   $0.37 to $2.85
At December 31, 1998                                                      2,270,000                    $0.20 to $3.05

On November 19, 1998, the Board of Directors of the Corporation approved,
subject to the consent of each optionee and the approval by all applicable
regulatory authorities and the shareholders of the Corporation:

(a)  the termination and cancellation of all options to purchase common
     shares outstanding under the Corporation's stock option plan held by
     optionees on November 18, 1998 (2,270,000 options); and

(b)  the grant of options to purchase a total of 2,175,000 Common Shares 
     with an exercise price equal to the closing price of Cdn.$0.235.

The necessary approvals are currently being sought and if approved, the
cancellations and grants of stock options would become effective in 1999.



(a)  As part of its gold hedging program, the Corporation enters into
     agreements with major financial institutions to deliver gold.
     Realization under these agreements is dependent upon the ability of
     those financial institutions to perform in accordance with the terms of
     the agreements. As of December 31, 1998, the Corporation hedging
     program consisted of forward sales contracts totalling 100,000 ounces
     where the Corporation is required to deliver gold at an average price
     of $330 per ounce. The forward sales contracts have various expiration
     dates up to December 1999. The Corporation has the ability to defer the
     date of sale before the related gold is ultimately delivered.

(b)  The Corporation is subject to contingent liabilities for legal
     proceedings occurring in the ordinary course of business. On the basis
     of information furnished by counsel and others, management believes
     that these contingencies will not materially affect the Corporation.


Management regularly performs property evaluations to assess the recoverability
of its mining properties and investments and other long-lived assets. In 1997,
the Corporation determined that based upon estimates of proven and probable
reserves, low gold prices and operating costs at certain locations, stock
prices, trading histories, and the general depression in gold company stocks, it
might not fully recover its carrying value in these properties and investments.
These reviews indicated that the carrying values of certain properties were in
excess of their estimated net recoverable amounts and accordingly were written
down $46.0 million as follows:

           Bolivian mineral properties                 $ 25,908
           Hycroft mine                                  17,500
           Venezuelan mineral properties                  2,307
           Tartan Lake mine                                 300
                                                       $ 46,015



A reconciliation of the combined Canadian federal and provincial income taxes at
statutory rates and the Corporation's effective income tax expenses is as

                                                                            1998             1997            1996
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income taxes at statutory rates                                         $   (661)       $ (19,987)       $ (3,524)
Increase (decrease) in taxes from:
   Permanent differences                                                    (125)            (212)            (96)
   Recovery of prior years' taxes                                              -                -             (25)
   U.S. Alternative Minimum Tax                                              141                -            (188)
   Differences in foreign tax rates                                          (77)           2,410             945
   Prior year's losses of a subsidiary applied for tax purposes           (1,685)               -               -
   Benefit of timing differences not recognized                            2,548           17,789           2,675
   Large Corporations Tax                                                     30               45              40
                                                                        --------        ---------        --------
Income taxes per statements of earnings (loss)                          $    171        $      45        $   (173) 
                                                                        --------        ---------        --------
                                                                        --------        ---------        --------

The Corporation has incurred income tax losses in prior periods of $34.3 
million, which may be carried forward and applied against future taxable 
income when earned. No benefit in respect of these losses has been recorded 
in these accounts. The losses expire as follows:

                                                                          CANADA       UNITED STATES        TOTAL
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1999                                                                      $1,289          $     -         $ 1,289

2000                                                                       1,491                -           1,491

2001                                                                         614                -             614

2002                                                                         718                -             718

2003                                                                         439            4,328           4,767

2004                                                                         414            1,373           1,787

2008                                                                       1,706              435           2,141

2009                                                                           -               11              11

2010                                                                           -            5,131           5,131

2011                                                                           -            9,436           9,436

2012                                                                           -            6,898           6,898
                                                                         -------          -------         -------

                                                                          $6,671          $27,612         $34,283
                                                                         -------          -------         -------
                                                                         -------          -------         -------


The Corporation sponsors a qualified tax deferred savings plan in accordance 
with the provisions of Section 401(k) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service 
code, which is available to permanent U.S. employees. The Corporation makes 
contributions of up to 4% of eligible employees' salaries. The Corporation's 
contributions were as follows: 1998 - $ 179,000; 1997 - $275,000; and 1996 
- -$323,000.



The Corporation operates in the gold mining industry in the United States, 
and has exploration and development properties in Latin America. Its major 
product and only identifiable segment is gold, and all gold revenues and 
operating costs are derived in the United States.

                                                                            1998             1997            1996
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gold revenues
   U.S.                                                                  $37,083          $40,123         $34,847

Operating (loss) profit(1)
   U.S.                                                                  $   268          $   (71)        $(5,225)

- ----------
(1)  Includes gold revenues less mining operations, depreciation, depletion and
     amortization, provision for reclamation and closure costs, and operating

                                                                                          1998               1997
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Assets by geographic region
     Canada                                                                           $    973            $  3,343
     U.S.                                                                               44,594              41,555
     Latin America                                                                      35,311              34,130
                                                                                      --------            --------
                                                                                      $ 80,878            $ 79,028
                                                                                      --------            --------
                                                                                      --------            --------


The Year 2000 issue arises because many computerized systems use two digits 
rather than four to identify a year. Date-sensitive systems may recognize the 
year 2000 as 1900 or some other date, resulting in errors when information 
using year 2000 dates is processed. In addition, similar problems may arise 
in some systems which use certain dates in 1999 to represent something other 
than a date. The effects of the Year 2000 issue may be experienced before, on 
or after January 1, 2000, and if not addressed, the impact on operations and 
financial reporting may range from minor errors to significant systems 
failure which could affect an entity's ability to conduct business 
operations. It is not possible to be certain that all aspects of the Year 
2000 issue affecting the Corporation, including those related to the efforts 
of customers, suppliers, or other third parties, will be fully resolved.


The significant differences between generally accepted accounting principles
("GAAP") in Canada and in the United States are as follows:

(a)  Under Canadian corporate law, the Corporation underwent a capital
     reduction in connection with the amalgamation of Granges and Hycroft
     whereby share capital and contributed surplus were reduced to eliminate
     the consolidated accumulated deficit of Granges as of December 31,
     1994, after giving effect to the estimated costs of the amalgamation.
     Under U.S. corporate law, no such transaction is available and
     accordingly is not allowed under U.S. GAAP.


(b)  Under Canadian GAAP, the amalgamation of Granges and Hycroft was
     treated in a manner similar to a pooling of interests. Under U.S. GAAP,
     the amalgamation did not meet the conditions for a pooling of interest.
     Accordingly, the transaction is treated as a purchase under U.S. GAAP,
     with the excess of purchase price over the net book value of Hycroft's
     net assets allocated to mineral properties.

(c)  In 1995, the United States Financial Accounting Standards Board  
     ("FASB") issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standard ("SFAS") 
     No. 121 "Accounting for the Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and for 
     Long-Lived Assets to be Disposed Of", effective for fiscal years 
     beginning after December 15, 1995.  SFAS No. 121 requires that 
     long-lived assets and associated intangibles be written down to their
     fair values whenever an impairment review indicates that the carrying
     value cannot be recovered on an undiscounted cash flow basis.  In 
     1996, under U.S. GAAP, the carrying value of the Hycroft mine, 
     including the excess of proceeds over the net book value from (B) 
     above, did not exceed the undiscounted cash flow.  Accordingly, the 
     Hycroft mine carrying value was written down to fair value using the 
     discounted cash flow method following U.S. GAAP.

(d)  In 1997, the carrying values of certain long-lived assets discussed in
     note 8 exceeded their respective undiscounted cash flows. Following
     Canadian GAAP, the carrying values were written down using the
     undiscounted cash flow method. Under U.S. GAAP, as discussed in (c)
     above, the carrying values were written down to their fair values using
     the discounted cash flow method, giving rise to a difference in the
     amounts written down.

     Amortization of the remaining carrying values in subsequent periods
     following Canadian GAAP must be reduced to reflect the difference in
     the amounts written down following U.S. GAAP.

(e)  Under U.S. GAAP, items such as foreign exchange gains and losses and
     unrealized gains and losses on marketable securities are required to be
     shown separately in the derivation of comprehensive income.

     The significant differences in the consolidated statements of earnings
     and deficit relative to U.S. GAAP were as follows:

                                                                              YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31
                                                                    1998               1997               1996
                                                                  ---------          ----------         ----------
Net loss - Canadian GAAP                                          $ (1,640)          $ (54,019)         $ (11,826)
Depletion and impairment of mineral properties (B, C, D)                 -             (18,492)           (23,269)
Amortization reduction (D)                                           3,201                 964                  -
Other comprehensive income (E)                                         132                 (87)                78
Other items                                                              -                   -               (170)
                                                                  --------           ---------          ---------
Net earnings (loss) - U.S. GAAP                                      1,693             (71,634)           (35,187)
Other comprehensive income (loss) (E)                                 (132)                 87                (78)
                                                                  --------           ---------          ---------
Comprehensive income (loss) - U.S. GAAP                           $  1,561           $ (71,547)         $ (35,265)
                                                                  --------           ---------          ---------
                                                                  --------           ---------          ---------

Basic earnings (loss) per share - U.S. GAAP                       $   0.02           $   (0.80)         $   (0.62)
                                                                  --------           ---------          ---------
                                                                  --------           ---------          ---------


The significant differences in the balance sheet as at December 31, 1998
relative to U.S. GAAP were:

                                                   1998                                      1997 
                                    ----------------------------------         -----------------------------------
                                    PER CDN.     CDN./U.S.    PER U.S.         PER CDN.    CDN./U.S.      PER U.S.
                                      GAAP          ADJ.        GAAP             GAAP         ADJ.          GAAP
                                    --------    ----------    ---------        ---------   ----------     ---------
Current assets                      $ 18,001    $       -     $  18,001         $ 19,148   $       -      $  19,148
Property, plant and equipment (D)     62,877      (14,327)       48,550           59,880     (17,528)        42,352
                                    --------    ---------     ---------         --------   ---------      ---------
                                    $ 80,878    $ (14,327)    $  66,551         $ 79,028   $ (17,528)     $  61,500
                                    --------    ---------     ---------         --------   ---------      ---------
                                    --------    ---------     ---------         --------   ---------      ---------

Current liabilities                 $  7,719    $       -    $    7,719         $ 19,386   $       -      $  19,386
Long-term debt                        13,217            -        13,217                -           -              -
Provision for reclamation
    and future closure costs           6,412            -         6,412            4,568           -          4,568
                                    --------    ---------     ---------         --------   ---------      ---------
                                      27,348            -        27,348           23,954           -         23,954

Common shares (A, B)                 121,146       76,754       197,900          120,870      76,754        197,624
Contributed surplus (A)                    -        2,786         2,786                -       2,786          2,786
Retained deficit (A, B, C, D)        (66,076)     (93,744)     (159,820)         (64,436)    (97,077)      (161,513)
Accumulated comprehensive income           -         (123)         (123)               -           9              9
Currency translation adjustment       (1,540)           -        (1,540)          (1,360)          -         (1,360)
                                    --------    ---------     ---------         --------   ---------      ---------
                                    $ 80,878    $ (14,327)    $  66,551         $ 79,028   $ (17,528)     $  61,500
                                    --------    ---------     ---------         --------   ---------      ---------
                                    --------    ---------     ---------         --------   ---------      ---------


                                                   NUMBER                      CUMULATIVE                       ACCUMULATED
                                                 OF COMMON          SHARE     TRANSLATION                      COMPREHENSIVE
                                                   SHARES          CAPITAL     ADJUSTMENT        DEFICIT           INCOME
                                                 ----------       ---------   -----------       ----------     -------------
Balance at December 31, 1995                     46,042,911       $  54,190    $   (962)       $  (54,692)        $    -
Shares issued under options                         468,750             517           -                 -              -
Shares issued under special warrants              9,699,800          17,308           -                 -              -
Shares issued pursuant to Da Capo purchase       32,808,944          48,730           -                 -              -
(Note 1 (b))
Currency translation adjustment                           -               -        (193)                -              -
Comprehensive income (E)                                  -               -           -                 -            (78)
Net Loss (B) (C) (D)                                      -               -           -           (35,187)              
                                                 ----------       ---------    --------        ----------         ------
Balance at December 31, 1996                     89,020,405         120,745      (1,155)          (89,879)           (78)

Shares issued under options                         100,000              88           -                 -              -
Shares issued pursuant to executive bonus            32,135              37           -                 -              -
compensation agreements
Currency translation adjustment                           -               -        (205)                -              -
Comprehensive income (E)                                  -               -           -                 -             87
Net Loss (B) (C) (D)                                      -               -           -           (71,634)             -
                                                 ----------       ---------    --------        ----------         ------
Balance at December 31, 1997                     89,152,540         120,870      (1,360)         (161,513)             9

Shares issued on acquisition of Mineral           1,562,500             276           -                 -              -
Ridge Inc. (Notes 1 and 3)
Currency translation adjustment                           -               -        (180)                -              -
Comprehensive income (E)                                  -               -           -                 -           (132)
Net Loss (B) (C) (D)                                      -               -           -             1,693              -
                                                 ----------       ---------    --------        ----------         ------
Balance at December 31, 1998                     90,715,040       $ 121,146    $ (1,540)       $ (159,820)        $ (123)
                                                 ----------       ---------    --------        ----------         ------
                                                 ----------       ---------    --------        ----------         ------



          Net Cash Provided By
                                          ---------------------      --------------------      ---------------------
                                          CANADIAN       U.S.          CANADIAN     U.S.        CANADIAN      U.S. 
            FOR THE YEARS ENDED             GAAP         GAAP            GAAP       GAAP          GAAP        GAAP
            -------------------           --------      -------       ---------   --------      --------    ---------
             December 31, 1998             $10,487      $10,487       $(10,365)    $5,500        $2,865     $(13,000)
             December 31, 1997               1,400        1,400        (21,324)   (21,324)       13,125       13,125
             December 31, 1996              (3,359)      (3,359)       (69,808)   (21,078)       66,555       17,825

Cash flows for the Corporation under Canadian GAAP are presented in the
consolidated statement of cash flows. Under Canadian GAAP, all financing and
investment activities are presented on the face of the statement. Under U.S.
GAAP, only cash transactions are presented, with non-cash transactions disclosed
separately. The 1996 purchase of Da Capo (note 1) was a non-cash transaction.
Accordingly, under U.S. GAAP, the non-cash portion of the acquisition ($48,730)
and shares issued for Da Capo would not be included in the statement. Similarly,
the 1998 purchase of Mineral Ridge Inc. (note 1 and 3) was a non-cash
transaction. Under U.S. GAAP, the non-cash portion of the acquisition of assets
($15,865) and the assumption of liabilities ($15,589) and the shares issued for
Mineral Ridge Inc. ($276) would not be included in the statement.


                                                                 1998              1997             1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash paid during the year for:

Interest                                                        $ 451             $ 674              $ -

Income taxes                                                        -                91                -


The Corporation applies APB Opinion No. 25 and related interpretations in
accounting for its plans in its U.S. GAAP presentations. If compensation cost
for the Corporation's stock-based compensation plans had been determined based
on the fair value at the grant dates for awards under the plans consistent with
the method described in Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 123, the
Corporation's consolidated net loss and loss per share under U.S. GAAP would
have been increased to the pro forma amounts indicated below:

                                                                           1998           1997            1996
                                                                         ------       ---------        ---------
Net earnings (loss) under U.S. GAAP               As reported            $1,693       $(71,634)        $(35,187)
                                                  Pro forma               1,361        (72,025)         (35,515)
Loss per share under U.S. GAAP                    As reported              0.02          (0.80)           (0.62)
                                                  Pro forma                0.02          (0.81)           (0.63)

Under the current Stock Option Plan (the "Plan"), the Corporation may grant
options to directors, officers and employees of the Corporation or its
subsidiaries for up to 4,500,000 Common Shares. Under the Plan, the exercise
price of each option shall not be less than the market price of the


stock on the date of grant, and an option's maximum term is 10 years or such 
other shorter term as stipulated in a stock option agreement between the 
Corporation and the optionee. Options under the Plan are granted from time to 
time at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Options granted under the 
Plan vest over a three year period with 25% vesting on the grant date and 25% 
thereafter on each anniversary of the grant date.

The fair value of each option grant is estimated on the date of grant for all 
plans using the Black-Scholes option-pricing model with the following 
weighted average assumptions used for grants in 1998, 1997 and 1996:

                                       1998                  1997                  1996
Expected volatility                   61.9%                 61.9%                 61.9%
Risk-free interest rate               5.46%             5.97% to 6.40%        6.08% to 6.82%
Expected lives                      4.5 years              7 years               7 years
Dividend yield                          0%                    0%                    0%

The following tables summarize information about stock options under the Plan:

                                            1998                         1997                         1996
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                               WEIGHTED-AVERAGE            WEIGHTED-AVERAGE              WEIGHTED-AVERAGE
                                      SHARES    EXERCISE PRICE    SHARES     EXERCISE PRICE    SHARES      EXERCISE PRICE
                                      (000)        (CDN.$)        (000)         (CDN.$)        (000)          (CDN.$)     
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Outstanding at beginning of year      2,937         $ 1.61        2,540            $1.94       1,270           $ 2.38
Granted                                 125           0.20        1,402             0.92       1,965             1.60
Exercised                                 -              -         (100)            1.20        (469)            1.50
Forfeited                              (792)          1.43         (905)            1.51        (226)            2.39
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Outstanding at end of year            2,270           1.63        2,937             1.61       2,540             1.94
Options exercisable at year-end       1,616              -        1,409                -       1,529                -
Weighted-average fair value of
  options granted during the
  year                                                0.20                          0.92                         1.60

                                         OPTIONS OUTSTANDING                             OPTIONS EXERCISABLE
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                           NUMBER                                                     NUMBER
 RANGE OF EXERCISE      DEC. 31, 1998         REMAINING        EXERCISE PRICE      DEC. 31, 1998     EXERCISE PRICE
   PRICES (CDN.$)           (000)         CONTRACTUAL LIFE         (CDN.$)             (000)             (CDN.$)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   $0.20 - $0.37             580             8.8 years             $ 0.33              259              $0.35
   $1.20 - $1.83             870             6.9 years             $ 1.64              590              $1.63
   $2.09 - $3.05             820             6.6 years             $ 2.53              767              $2.52

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                           2,270                                                     1,616



U.S. GAAP changes the Corporation's method of accounting for income taxes 
from the deferred method, as recorded under Canadian GAAP, to an asset and 
liability approach. Under the asset and liability method, deferred tax assets 
and liabilities are recognized for the future tax consequences attributed to 
differences between the financial statement carrying amounts of existing 
assets and liabilities and their respective tax bases. Use of the asset and 
liability method has no effect on the U.S. GAAP financial statements as the 
Corporation has concluded that a full valuation allowance must be applied to 
the deferred tax asset resulting from the Corporation's net operating loss 
carryforwards. (See note 9). For the years ended December 31, 1998 and 1997, 
the Corporation has recorded no material current tax expense under Canadian 
or U.S. GAAP due to the cumulative net losses incurred by the Corporation. 
Under U.S. GAAP, the Corporation would not record any deferred tax expense 
based on the same rationale.

Summarized below are the components of deferred taxes:

                                                                     AS OF DECEMBER 31
                                                                 1998                 1997
                                                              ---------             ---------
Temporary differences relating to net assets:
         Other current assets                                 $      29             $     114
         Property, plant and equipment                            2,895                 8,642
         Accrued reclamation and other reserves                   2,690                 1,950
Tax loss and credit carryforwards                                12,390                11,348
                                                              ---------             ---------
Gross deferred tax asset                                         18,004                22,054
Valuation allowance                                             (18,004)              (22,054)
                                                              ---------             ---------
Net deferred tax assets                                       $       -             $       -
                                                              ---------             ---------
                                                              ---------             ---------

The valuation allowance decreased by $4.0 million in 1998 due to the decrease 
in temporary differences.


In February 1997, the Financial Accounting Standards Board ("FASB") issued 
Statement of Financial Accounting Standards ("SFAS") No. 128, "Earnings Per 
Share", effective for financial statements for periods ending after December 
15, 1997. The Statement requires dual presentation of basic and diluted 
earnings per share on the face of the income statement. The Corporation 
adopted the Statement effective December 31, 1997, for U.S. GAAP reporting.

In February 1997, the FASB issued SFAS No. 129, "Disclosure of Information 
about Capital Structure", effective for financial statements for periods 
ending after December 15, 1997. The Statement requires disclosures about 
certain preferences and rights of outstanding securities and certain 
information about redeemable capital stock. At this time the Corporation has 
no preferential or redeemable securities that are subject to the new 
disclosure requirements of the Statement.

In June 1997, the FASB issued SFAS No. 130, "Reporting Comprehensive Income", 
effective for financial statements for periods beginning after December 15, 
1997. The Statement establishes standards for reporting and display of 
comprehensive income and its components in financial statements. 
Comprehensive income for the Corporation will include items which have 
historically been included in 


Shareholders' Equity, such as unrealized gains or losses on marketable equity 
securities and foreign exchange gains and losses. The Corporation has 
complied with the requirements of this Statement.

In June 1997, the FASB issued SFAS No. 131, "Disclosures about Segments of an 
Enterprise and Related Information", effective for financial statements for 
periods beginning after December 15, 1997. The Statement requires the 
Corporation to report certain information about operating segments in its 
financial statements and certain information about its products and services, 
the geographic areas in which it operates and its major customers. The 
Corporation has complied with the disclosure requirements of the Statement.

In February 1998, the FASB issued SFAS No. 132, "Employer's Disclosures about 
Pensions and Other Post-retirement Benefits", effective for fiscal years 
beginning after December 15, 1997. The Statement standardizes the disclosure 
requirements for pensions and other post-retirement benefits to provide 
information that is more comparable and concise. At this time, the 
Corporation has no pension or other post-retirement benefit plans that are 
subject to the requirements of the Statement.

In June 1998, the FASB issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 
FAS 133 is effective for all fiscal quarters of all fiscal years beginning 
after June 15, 1999. FAS 133 requires that all derivative instruments be 
recorded on the balance sheet at their fair value. Changes in the fair value 
of derivatives are recorded each period in current earnings or other 
comprehensive income, depending on whether a derivative is designated as part 
of a hedge transaction and, if it is, the type of hedge transaction. The 
Corporation is currently assessing the impact the standard will have on the 
financial statements of the Corporation.




                                   PART III



The directors of Vista Gold are elected each year at the annual general meeting
of shareholders and hold office until their successors are elected or appointed.

The present directors of Vista Gold, together with the location of their
residences, age, length of service and business experience, are described below.

          NAME, RESIDENT,
- ------------------------------        -----------------        ------------------------------------------------------
DAVID R. SINCLAIR                     May 1, 1995              Chartered accountant; corporate director; Director,
Nanoose Bay,                                                   Cominco Ltd., a mining company.
British Columbia
Age - 69

ROSS J. BEATY                         November 12, 1996        Geologist; Chairman of Pan American Silver Corp., a
Vancouver, British Columbia                                    mining company, 1994 to present; formerly, President
DIRECTOR AND VICE CHAIRMAN                                     of Equinox Resources Ltd., a mining company.
Age - 47

MICHAEL B. RICHINGS                   May 1, 1995              Mining engineer; President and Chief Executive
Littleton, Colorado                                            Officer of Vista Gold since June 1, 1995; President 
DIRECTOR                                                       of Atlas Corporation, a mining company, from 
Age - 54                                                       January 1995 to May 1995; Group Executive and President of Lac
                                                               Minerals Ltd. South America, a mining company, from 1993 to
                                                               1995; Vice President of Operations of Atlas Corporation
                                                               from 1990 to 1992.

WILLIAM M. CALHOUN                    May 1, 1995              Mining engineer and geologist; Chief Executive
Silverton, Idaho                                               Officer of William Calhoun, Inc., mining consultants.
Age - 66


          NAME, RESIDENT,
- ------------------------------        -----------------        ------------------------------------------------------
C. THOMAS OGRYZLO                     March 8, 1996            Mechanical engineer; President and Chief Executive
Toronto, Ontario                                               Officer of Black Hawk Mining Inc., a mining company,
DIRECTOR                                                       from May 31, 1998 to present; President and Chief
Age - 59                                                       Executive  Officer of Triton  Mining Corporation, a
                                                               mining company, from August 1997 to present; formerly,
                                                               Chairman of Kilborn SNC-Lavalin Inc., an engineering
                                                               group; formerly, President of Kilborn Group of Companies.

KEITH E. STEEVES                      September 29, 1995       Chartered Accountant; Consultant; Director of Teck
Richmond, British Columbia                                     Corporation and Cross Lake Minerals Ltd., mining
DIRECTOR                                                       companies; formerly, Senior Vice-President,
Age - 66                                                       Commercial of Teck Corporation.

ALAN G. THOMPSON                      December 1, 1989         Businessman; President and Chief Executive Officer
West Vancouver,                                                of A.G.T. Financial Corporation, an investment
British Columbia                                               company.
Age - 71

PETER WALTON                          May 24, 1989             Chartered accountant; self-employed business West Vancouver,
British Columbia                                               consultant.
Age - 69

None of the above directors has entered into any arrangement or understanding 
with any other person pursuant to which he was or is to be elected as a 
director of Vista Gold or a nominee of any other person, except as disclosed 


The executive officers of Vista Gold are appointed by and hold office at the 
pleasure of the Board of Directors of Vista Gold. The present executive 
officers of Vista Gold, together with their age, length of service and 
business experience, are described below.

- -----------------------------------   ---------------------    -----------------------------------------------------
MICHAEL B. RICHINGS                   June 1, 1995             Mining engineer; President and Chief Executive
PRESIDENT, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER                             Officer since June 1995; President of Atlas
AND DIRECTOR                                                   Corporation, a mining company, from January 1995 to
Age - 54                                                       May 1995; Group Executive and President of Lac
                                                               Minerals Ltd. South America, a mining company, from
                                                               1993 to 1995; Vice President of Operations of Atlas
                                                               Corporation from 1990 to 1992.


- -----------------------------------   ---------------------    -----------------------------------------------------
ROGER L. SMITH                        March 6, 1998            Corporate Controller of Vista Gold from December
VICE PRESIDENT FINANCE                                         1995 to March 1998; Vice President Finance of Ramrod
Age - 41                                                       Gold (U.S.A.) Inc., a mining company, from May 1994
                                                               to December 1995; Vice President Finance of Westmont
                                                               Gold Inc., a mining company from July 1991 to
                                                               May 1994.

RONALD J. MCGREGOR                    July 1, 1996             Vice President Project Development, Cambior USA
VICE PRESIDENT DEVELOPMENT AND                                 Inc., a mining company.
Age - 51

WILLIAM F. SIRETT                     January 1, 1996          Lawyer; Partner, Ladner Downs, a law firm.
Age - 48

None of the above executive officers has entered into any arrangement or 
understanding with any other person pursuant to which he was or is to be 
elected as an executive officer of Vista Gold or a nominee of any other 


Vista Gold does not have an executive committee. Vista Gold is required 
to have an audit committee under section 173 of the BUSINESS CORPORATIONS ACT 
(Yukon Territory).  Vista Gold's audit committee consists of the following 
directors: David R. Sinclair, Keith E. Steeves, Peter Walton and Alan G. 


During the financial year ended December 31, 1998, the aggregate cash 
compensation paid by the Corporation to all directors and officers of Vista 
Gold as a group was $495,562. This sum includes compensation paid to 
executive officers pursuant to the cash incentive plan and retirement savings 
plan described below.

Information specified in this Item for individually named directors and 
officers is incorporated by reference from pages 12 to 20 of the Management 
Information and Proxy Circular prepared in connection with Vista Gold's 
Annual General Meeting held on May 10, 1999, filed with the Securities and 
Exchange Commission concurrently with the filing of this report.

Pursuant to the terms of the Corporation's incentive policy adopted by the 
Corporation in 1989 or certain employment contracts, executive officers and 
senior employees of the Corporation are eligible to receive incentive 
payments. Incentive payments awarded to executive officers under this plan in 
1998 included in the aggregate cash compensation figure provided above were 
for the period from January 1, 1998 to December 31, 1998. These incentive 
payments are awarded at the discretion of the Board of Directors based on 
recommendations from the compensation committee. There is no established 
formula utilized in determining these incentive payments. The award of 
incentive payments is motivated by the 


Corporation's desire to reward past services rendered to the Corporation and 
to provide an incentive for continued service to the Corporation. Incentive 
payments to be made during 1999 may include amounts related to performance 
during a portion of 1998 but have not yet been determined. The Corporation 
has not made any restricted stock awards during the last three fiscal years.

During the fiscal year ended December 31, 1998, the Corporation set aside or 
accrued a total of $13,070 to provide pension, retirement or similar benefits 
for directors or officers of Vista Gold pursuant to plans provided or 
contributed to by the Corporation. As a part of the aggregate cash 
compensation disclosed above, the Corporation sponsors a quantified 
tax-deferred savings plan in accordance with the provisions of section 401(k) 
of the United States Internal Revenue Service Code which is available to 
permanent United States-based employees. Under the terms of this plan, the 
Corporation makes contributions of up to 4% of eligible employees salaries. 
In addition, the Corporation contributes between 2% and 4% of salaries of 
permanent Canadian-based employees, including executive officers, depending 
on length of service and to a maximum of Cdn.$3,500 per year, to the 
individual's registered retirement savings plan. There are no other such 
plans to which the Corporation made any contribution in relation to its 
directors or officers in 1998.


Information specified in this Item for individually named directors and 
officers is incorporated by reference from pages 6 to 8 and 19 of the 
Management Information and Proxy Circular prepared in connection with Vista 
Gold's Annual General Meeting held on May 10, 1999, filed with the Securities 
and Exchange Commission concurrently with the filing of this report.


During 1998, there have been no transactions, or series of similar 
transactions, or any currently proposed transactions or series of similar 
transactions, to which Vista Gold or any of its subsidiaries was or is a 
party in which the amount involved exceeds $60,000 and in which any director 
or executive officer, nominee for election as a director, any member of the 
immediate family of any of the foregoing persons.

During 1998, there were and are no relationships regarding directors or 
nominees for director as stipulated by this item and no director or executive 
officer, nominee for election as a director, any member of their immediate 
family or any corporation or organization in which any of them, directly or 
indirectly, beneficially owns 10% or more of any class of equity securities 
was indebted to Vista Gold.


                                   PART IV




The following consolidated financial statements of the Corporation are filed 
as part of this report:

1.   Report of Independent Accountants dated March 19, 1999.

2.   Consolidated Balance Sheets - At December 31, 1998 and 1997.

3.   Consolidated Statements of Earnings (Loss) - Years ended December 31, 
     1998, 1997 and 1996.

4.   Consolidated Statements of Retained Earnings (Deficit) - Years ended 
     December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996.

5.   Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows - Years ended December 31, 1998, 
     1997 and 1996.

6.   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

See "Item 8.  Consolidated Financial Statements and Supplementary Data".


No financial statement schedules are filed as part of this report because 
such schedules are not applicable or the required information is shown in the 
consolidated financial statements or notes thereto. See "Item 8. Consolidated 
Financial Statements and Supplementary Data".


The following exhibits are filed as part of this report:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         EXHIBIT NUMBER                           DESCRIPTION
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               3.01               Articles of Continuation filed as Exhibit 2.01
                                  to the Form 20-F for the period ended December
                                  31, 1997 and incorporated herein by reference
                                  (File No. 1-9025)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               3.02               By-Law No. 1 of Vista Gold filed as Exhibit
                                  2.01 to the Form 20-F for the period ended
                                  December 31, 1997 and incorporated herein by
                                  reference (File No. 1-9025)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               3.03               Share Certificate of Vista Gold
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               3.04               Amended By-Law No. 1 of Vista Gold
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              10.01               Lease and Option dated July 1, 1985 between
                                  Henry C. Crofoot, trustee, and Hycroft
                                  Resources - Development Inc. (Crofoot Patented
                                  Claims), as amended, filed as Exhibit 10.8 to
                                  Granges' Registration Statement on Form S-1,
                                  as amended, and incorporated herein by
                                  reference (File No. 33-17974)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              10.02               Lease and Option dated July 1, 1985, between
                                  Henry C. Crofoot, trustee, and Hycroft
                                  Resources - Development Inc. (Crofoot
                                  Unpatented Claims), as amended, filed as
                                  Exhibit 10.9 to Granges' Registration
                                  Statement on Form S-1, as amended, and
                                  incorporated herein by reference (File No.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              10.03               Lewis Mine Lease and Assignment Agreement
                                  included in the Assignment of Mining Lease
                                  dated January 23, 1987 among Standard Slag
                                  Company, Hycroft Lewis, Hycroft Resources
                                  Corporation and Granges, filed as Exhibit 10.7
                                  to Granges' Registration Statement on Form
                                  S-1, as amended, and incorporated herein by
                                  reference (File No. 33-17974)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              10.04               Amendment Agreement dated January 14, 1988, 
                                  among Henry C. Crofoot et al and Hycroft 
                                  Resources - Development Inc. filed as Exhibit
                                  10.13 to Granges' Annual Report on Form 10-K
                                  for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1988,
                                  as amended, and incorporated herein by 
                                  reference (File No. 1-9025) 
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              10.05               Lewis Hycroft Agreement dated January 10,
                                  1989, among Frank W. Lewis, Hycroft Lewis and
                                  Hycroft Resources - Development Inc. filed as
                                  Exhibit 10.16 to Granges' Annual Report on
                                  Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December
                                  31, 1988, as amended, and incorporated herein
                                  by reference (File No. 1-9025)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              10.06               Second Amendment Agreement dated March 3, 
                                  1989, among Henry C. Crofoot et al and
                                  Hycroft Resources - Development Inc. filed 
                                  as Exhibit 10.24 to the Form 20-F/A for the 
                                  year ended December 31, 1994 and incorporated
                                  herein by reference (File No. 1-9025)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              10.07               Second Lewis-Hycroft Agreement dated March 15,
                                  1991 among Frank W. Lewis, Granges, Hycroft
                                  Resources - Development Inc. and Hycroft Lewis
                                  filed as Exhibit 10.20 to the Form 20-F/A for
                                  the year ended December 31, 1994 and
                                  incorporated herein by reference (File No.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              10.08               Third Amendment Agreement dated August 16, 
                                  1991 among Henry C. Crofoot et al, Hycroft 
                                  Resources - Development Inc. and Blackrock 
                                  Properties, Inc. filed as Exhibit 10.25 to 
                                  the Form 20-F/A for the year ended December
                                  31, 1994 and incorporated herein by reference
                                  (File No. 1-9025)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              10.09               Agreement dated May 13, 1994 between Granges
                                  and Atlas Corporation filed as Exhibit 2.01
                                  to the Form 20-F for the period ended 
                                  December 31, 1994 and incorporated herein by
                                  reference (File No.1-9025)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              10.10               Purchase and Sale Agreement dated June 24,
                                  1994 between Granges and Hudson Bay Mining and
                                  Smelting Co., Limited filed as Exhibit 10.10
                                  to the Form 20-F/A for the year ended December
                                  31, 1994 and incorporated herein by reference
                                  (File No. 1-9025)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              10.11               Amalgamation Agreement dated February 24, 
                                  1995 between Granges and Hycroft Inc.
                                  included in the Joint Management Information
                                  Circular of Granges and Hycroft Inc. filed 
                                  as Exhibit 20.1 to the Form 8-K dated May 1,
                                  1995 and incorporated herein by reference 
                                  (File No. 1-9025)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              10.12               Agreement dated February 24, 1995 between 
                                  Granges and Atlas Corporation filed as
                                  Exhibit 2.03 to the Form 20-F for the period
                                  ended December 31, 1994 and incorporated 
                                  herein by reference (File No. 1-9025)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              10.13               Employment Agreement dated June 1, 1995 
                                  between Granges and Michael B. Richings
                                  filed as Exhibit 10(i) to the Form 10-Q for
                                  the quarterly period ended June 30,
                                  1995 and incorporated herein by reference 
                                  (File No. 1-9025)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              10.14               Private Placement Subscription Agreement dated
                                  August 25, 1995 between Granges and Zamora
                                  filed as Exhibit 10.10 to the Form 20-F/A for
                                  the year ended December 31, 1994 and
                                  incorporated herein by reference (File No.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              10.15               Letter of Intent between Granges and Atlas
                                  Corporation dated as of October 4, 1995 to
                                  enter into an Exploration Joint Venture
                                  Agreement filed as Exhibit 10.14 to the Form
                                  20-F/A for the year ended December 31, 1994
                                  and incorporated herein by reference (File No.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              10.16               Registration Agreement between Granges and 
                                  Atlas Corporation dated as of November 10, 
                                  1995 filed as Exhibit 10.12 to the Form 
                                  20-F/A for the year ended December 31, 1994 
                                  and incorporated herein by reference (File 
                                  No. 1-9025)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              10.17               Indemnification Agreement between Granges 
                                  and Atlas Corporation dated as of November 
                                  10, 1995 filed as Exhibit 10.13 to the Form 
                                  20-F/A for the year ended December 31, 1994
                                  and incorporated herein by reference (File 
                                  No. 1-9025)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              10.18               Commitment letter dated November 14, 1995
                                  between Granges and Deutsche Bank AG filed as
                                  Exhibit 10.09 to the Form 20-F/A for the year
                                  ended December 31, 1994 and incorporated
                                  herein by reference (File No. 1-9025)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              10.19               Exploration and Purchase Option Agreement
                                  effective June 7, 1996 between Granges and
                                  L.B. Mining filed as Exhibit 2.01 to the Form
                                  20-F for the year ended December 31, 1997 and
                                  incorporated herein by reference (File No.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              10.20               Special Warrant Indenture dated June 7, 1996
                                  between Granges and Montreal Trust filed as 
                                  Exhibit 2.02 to the Form 20-F for the year 
                                  ended December 31, 1997 and incorporated 
                                  herein by reference (File No. 1-9025)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              10.21               Warrant Indenture dated June 7, 1996 between
                                  Granges and Montreal Trust filed as Exhibit 
                                  2.03 to the Form 20-F for the year ended 
                                  December 31, 1997 and incorporated herein by
                                  reference (File No. 1-9025)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              10.22               Stock Option Plan of Vista Gold dated 
                                  November 1996 
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              10.23               Supplemental Warrant Indenture made as of
                                  November 1, 1996 between Vista Gold and
                                  Montreal Trust with respect to the Warrant
                                  Indenture dated April 25, 1996 between Granges
                                  and Montreal Trust filed as Exhibit 1.01 to
                                  the Form 20-F for the year ended December 31,
                                  1997 and incorporated herein by reference
                                  (File No. 1-9025)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              10.24               Supplemental Warrant Indenture made as of
                                  November 1, 1996 between Vista Gold and
                                  Montreal Trust with respect to the Warrant
                                  Indenture dated June 7, 1996 between Granges
                                  and Montreal Trust filed as Exhibit 1.02 to
                                  the Form 20-F for the year ended December 31,
                                  1997 and incorporated herein by reference
                                  (File No. 1-9025)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              10.25               Establishment of Operating Credit Facility
                                  dated November 22, 1996 from The Bank of Nova
                                  Scotia to Vista Gold and accepted by Vista
                                  Gold on November 26, 1996 filed as Exhibit
                                  2.05 to the Form 20-F for the year ended
                                  December 31, 1997 and incorporated herein by
                                  reference (File No. 1-9025)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              10.26               Termination Agreement dated January 10, 1997
                                  between Granges (U.S.) Inc. and Atlas filed
                                  as Exhibit 1.03 to the Form 20-F for the year
                                  ended December 31, 1997 and incorporated 
                                  herein by reference (File No. 1-9025)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              10.27               Credit Agreement dated as of February 20, 
                                  1997 between The Bank of Nova Scotia
                                  and Hycroft Inc. filed as Exhibit 2.06 to the
                                  Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 
                                  1997 and incorporated herein by reference 
                                  (File No. 1-9025)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              10.28               Guaranty dated as of February 20, 1997 by 
                                  Vista Gold in favour of The Bank of Nova 
                                  Scotia filed as Exhibit 2.07 to the Form 
                                  20-F for the year ended December 31, 1997 
                                  and incorporated herein by reference (File 
                                  No. 1-9025)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              10.29               Amendment No. 1 dated as of September 30, 1997
                                  between The Bank of Nova Scotia and Hycroft
                                  Inc. Credit Agreement dated as of February 20,
                                  1997 between The Bank of Nova Scotia and
                                  Hycroft Inc. filed as Exhibit 1.01 to the Form
                                  20-F for the year ended December 31, 1998 and
                                  incorporated herein by reference (File No.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              10.30               Letter Agreement of Private Placement dated 
                                  April 24, 1998 between Zamora and Gribipe 
                                  and Amendment dated June 1, 1998 to Letter 
                                  Agreement of Private Placement Agreement 
                                  dated April 24, 1998
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              10.31               Share Purchase Agreement dated October 21, 
                                  1998 among Cornucopia Resources Ltd., 
                                  Cornucopia Resources Inc., Vista Gold 
                                  Holdings Inc. and Vista Gold
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              10.32               Restated and Amended Loan Agreement dated as
                                  of October 21, 1998 between Mineral Ridge Inc.
                                  and Dresdner Bank AG, New York and Grand Cayman 
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              10.33               Stock Option Plan of Vista Gold dated 
                                  November 1996 as amended in November 1998
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              11.01               Statement of Computation of Per Share 
                                  Earnings of Vista Gold
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              24.01               Powers of Attorney
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              27.01               Financial Data Schedule
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



No reports on Form 8-K were filed during the quarter ended December 31, 1998. 
However, the following documents were filed under cover of Form 6-K during 
the quarter ended December 31, 1998:

1.   Press release dated October 22, 1998 announcing the acquisition of 
     Mineral Ridge Inc. filed under cover of Form 6-K on October 23, 1998.

2.   Press release dated November 20, 1998 announcing the Corporation's 
     results for the quarter ended September 31, 1998 filed under cover of Form 
     6-K on November 20, 1998.

3.   Interim financial statements for the quarter ended September 30, 1998 
     filed under cover of Form 6-K on December 2, 1998.

                            SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION

Additional information, including directors' and officers' remuneration and 
indebtedness, principal holders of the Corporation's securities, options to 
purchase securities and interests of insiders in material transactions, where 
applicable, is contained in the Management Proxy and Information Circular for 
the annual general meeting of shareholders held on May 10, 1999.



Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities 
Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed 
on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                     VISTA GOLD CORP.

Dated: March 24, 1999             By:  /s/ Michael B. Richings
                                      Michael B. Richings,
                                      President and Chief Executive Officer

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this 
report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the 
registrant and in the capacities and on the date indicated:

Dated: March 24, 1999             By:  /s/ Roger L. Smith
                                       Roger L. Smith,
                                       Vice President Finance

Dated: March 24, 1999             By:  /s/ Roger L. Smith
                                       Roger L. Smith,
                                       Vice President Finance


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this 
report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the 
registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated:

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              SIGNATURE                                  TITLE                   DATE
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                  *                      Chairman of the Board and             March 24, 1999
- ---------------------------------------  Director
David R. Sinclair
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                  *                      Vice-Chairman of the Board and        March 24, 1999
- ---------------------------------------  Director
Ross J. Beaty
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/s/ Michael B. Richings                  President and Chief Executive         March 24, 1999
- ---------------------------------------  Officer and Director
Michael B. Richings
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                  *                      Director                              March 24, 1999
- ---------------------------------------
William Calhoun
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                  *                      Director                              March 24, 1999
- ---------------------------------------
C. Thomas Ogryzlo
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                  *                      Director                              March 24, 1999
- ---------------------------------------
Alan G. Thompson
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                  *                      Director                              March 24, 1999
- ---------------------------------------
Peter Walton
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                  *                      Director                              March 24, 1999
- ---------------------------------------
Keith Steeves
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* On his own behalf and pursuant to a Power of Attorney dated March 24, 1999, 
the undersigned by signing his name hereby signs this report in the name and 
on behalf of the foregoing indicated officers and directors.

/s/ Michael B. Richings
- -----------------------------------
Michael B. Richings
