LIBERTY SITES LTD, a body politic and corporate duly incorporated according to
law and having its head office at 1450 St. Amour Street, in the City and
District of St. Laurent, Province of Quebec, H4S 1J3, herein acting and
represented by Sandra Levy, duly authorized for the purposes of the present

(hereinafter referred to as the "Landlord")
PHOENIX INTERNATIONAL LIFE SCIENCES INC, a body politic and corporate duly
incorporated according to law and having its head office at 4625 Dobrin Street
in the City and District of Saint-Laurent, Province of Quebec, H4R 2P7, herein
acting and represented by Jean- Yves Caloz, duly authorized for the purposes of
the present Agreement in virtue of a resolution of its Board of Directors, a
certified copy of which remains annexed hereto.

(hereinafter referred to as the "Tenant")


         Landlord, in consideration of the rents, covenants and agreements
         hereinafter contained on the part of the Tenant to be paid, kept and
         performed, hereby leases to Tenant and Tenant does hereby accept from
         the Landlord that certain part of the building located at 4850 Dobrin
         and 4901 Levy streets, in the City of Saint-Laurent (the "Building"),
         having an office and a warehouse area, of approximately seventy
         thousand nine hundred and eighty (70,980) square feet, the whole as
         will be determined and certified by the Landlord's architect in
         accordance with BOMA Standards, and as outlined in red on the floor
         plans attached hereto as Schedule "A", (hereinafter referred to as
         either the "Leased Premises" or the "Premises") and an outside loading
         and trucking area, and exterior parking areas of approximately one
         hundred and sixty (160) spaces for Tenant employee and visitor
         vehicles, the whole as shown in yellow on Schedule "B" attached hereto
         (but which may change from time to time, subject to the reasonable
         approval of the parties), together with any landspaced areas in front
         of the Leased Premises, and the right to use with others the driveways
         to access the Leased Premises (the said Building and land hereinafter
         referred to as the "Property" as outlined in Schedule "A" attached

2.       TERM OF LEASE

         The Term of this lease shall be for a period of fifteen (15) years to
         be computed from the first (1st) day of July 1995 (the "Commencement
         Date") and to terminate on June 30, 2010 (the "Term").

         The Tenant shall have the right to occupy the Premises as of the
         signing of this Lease save and except the premises presently occupied
         by CIBC, outlined in blue on Schedule "A", and to begin to build the
         Tenant's Work (as those words are defined in Section 21 hereof) in the
         whole of the Leased Premises except the premises occupied by CIBC. As
         soon as CIBC vacates its present location, which is expected to be on
         or about May 1, 1995 the Tenant shall be able to occupy that part of
         the Premises. The Landlord undertakes to use its best effort to have
         CIBC vacate their premises on or about May 1, 1995. The Tenant shall be
         bound during the period from the date of occupancy until the
         Commencement Date by all the provisions of this Lease and, without
         limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Tenant shall be liable
         for any and all damages caused by its actions or omission or those of
         its contractors, subcontractors, agents and employees. During this
         period, the Tenant shall be responsible to pay for all electricity and
         other utility costs and all special services provided by third parties
         whether or not arranged for by the Landlord.


         The Leased Premises shall be used in a first class and reputable manner
         solely to carry out pharmaceutical research as well as any use in
         connection therewith and for no other purpose.

4.       NET LEASE

         It is the intention of the parties that the Minimum Net Rental set out
         in Section 5 of this lease shall be absolutely net to the Landlord and
         that the Tenant shall pay for its own account, to the complete
         exoneration of the Landlord, all costs and expenses affecting the
         Leased Premises or the business carried on therein, and its
         proportionate share of all Property Taxes and Costs as hereinafter
         defined, except as is otherwise provided in this lease.

         Furthermore, any amount and any obligation which is not expressly
         declared herein to be that of the Landlord pertaining to the Premises
         shall be deemed to be an obligation of the Tenant and/or at the expense
         of the Tenant.

5.       NET RENTAL

         During the term of the lease, the Tenant shall pay the Landlord the
         following minimum net rental (the "Minimum Net Rental"):

         (a)      Nine Dollars and Fifty Cents ($9.50) per square foot per year
                  during the first five (5) years of the Term; and


         (b)      Thirteen Dollars and Forty Cents ($13.40) per square foot per
                  year during years six (6) through ten (10) inclusively; and

         (c)      Eleven Dollars and Fifty Cents ($11.50) per square foot per
                  year during years eleven (11) through fifteen (15)

         each payable in equal monthly instalments in advance on the first day 
         of each month.

         The Minimum Net Rental as herein provided shall be paid to the Landlord
         and/or its nominee at the Head Office of the Landlord in the City of
         Saint-Laurent, at 1450 St. Amour Street, in the Province of Quebec, or
         at such other place in Canada as shall be designated by the Landlord in
         writing to the Tenant.

         Notwithstanding the above, the Tenant shall not have to pay any Minimum
         Net Rental during the first year of the Term. It shall, nevertheless,
         pay all Additional Rental and the cost of all electricity and utilities
         consumed in the Premises as of the Commencement Date of the Term.


         In this lease, unless there is something in the context inconsistent
         herewith, the parties agree that "Additional Rental" means any and all
         amounts due or becoming payable to the Landlord pursuant to this lease
         other than the Minimum Net Rental, whether such amounts are
         specifically referred to as Additional Rental or not.

         It is agreed and understood that such amounts other than Proportionate
         Expense Rental (as hereinafter defined) and any other amounts for which
         a specific payment date is provided for in this lease, whether
         specifically referred to as Additional Rent or not, shall be payable on
         the first day of the month immediately following the date the said
         amount is claimed, or such other date that Landlord designates.


         The Tenant shall pay without duplication as Additional Rental in each
         lease year, its proportionate share of all Property Taxes and Costs,
         reasonable expenses and disbursements incurred by the Landlord or on
         its behalf to operate, clean, maintain and repair the Property
         (hereinafter referred to as "Proportionate Expense Rental") which
         include without limitation:

         (a)      The total cost of insuring the Property (including such
                  insurance as the Landlord shall, acting reasonably, effect or
                  shall be required to effect by any secured creditor) against
                  fire and any other perils which presently are or hereafter may
                  be from time to time embraced by or defined in a standard fire
                  insurance policy with


                  extended coverage, comprehensive general liability insurance,
                  boiler and pressure vessel insurance, business interruption
                  and/or loss of rentals insurance equal to at least (1) one
                  year's Minimum Net Rental and Proportionate Expense Rental,
                  and such other insurance as the Landlord, acting reasonably
                  may deem necessary or advisable.

         (b)      The cost of cleaning, sweeping, snow removal, gardening and
                  landscaping maintaining and operating the Property.

         (c)      The part of such costs reasonably allocated to the Property
                  with respect to seeing to the security of the Trans Canada
                  Business Park.

         (d)      The cost of repairs and replacements to (including major
                  repairs and structural repairs and replacements but excluding
                  repairs due to structural defects which relate to the state of
                  the Building prior to the Tenant's Work (as those words are
                  defined hereinafter)), and maintenance of the building and
                  improvements of the Property and their appurtenances and
                  equipment including the common areas and facilities.

         (e)      Remuneration, including contributions toward usual fringe 
                  benefits, unemployment insurance and similar contributions,
                  of employees engaged in maintaining, operating and
                  supervising the Property, it being agreed and understood
                  that where employees are not employed on site on a full time
                  basis, there shall be attributed to the Property only such
                  sums as are the product obtained by multiplying the
                  aforementioned remuneration and contributions by a fraction,
                  the numerator of which is the average time per week that the
                  employee spends working on the Property on site and the
                  denominator of which is the average number of hours that
                  such employee spends each week working for the Landlord.

         (f)      The Taxes on Capital as defined hereinafter.  "Taxes on 
                  Capital" means an amount imputed by the Landlord acting
                  reasonably to the Property in respect of taxes, rates, duties
                  and assessments presently or hereafter levied, rated, charged
                  or assessed from time to time upon the Landlord and payable by
                  the Landlord to the Government of Canada and to the Province
                  of Quebec on account of its capital. Capital Taxes shall be
                  imputed on the basis of the Landlord's determination of the
                  amount of capital attributable to the Property, which shall be
                  based on the original capital cost of the Building together
                  with the cost of any improvements made to it paid by the
                  Landlord together with the book value of the Land at the
                  moment of the determination by the Landlord of the amount of
                  capital attributable to the Property. Capital Taxes also means
                  the amount of any capital or place of business tax levied by
                  any government or other applicable taxing authority against


                  Landlord with respect to the Property whether known as Capital
                  Taxes or by any other name.

         (g)      All Montreal Urban Community, municipal, school, special taxes
                  and taxes and surtaxes on non-residential immovables, for the
                  Property on which the Leased Premises are situated and any
                  other taxes assessed against the building and/or land during
                  the Term of the lease (hereinafter collectively called "Real
                  Estate Taxes").

                  Should the mode of collecting business taxes, water taxes or
                  other assessments be such that the Landlord shall be required
                  to pay for same, or if the system of Real Estate Taxes shall
                  be altered or varied and any new tax or levy shall be levied
                  or imposed on the building and/or land and/or the revenues
                  there from and/or the Landlord in substitution for and/or in
                  addition to Real Estate Taxes presently levied or imposed on
                  immovables in the City of Ville St.Laurent or Montreal Urban
                  Community in which the property is situated, then any such new
                  tax or levy shall be included within the definition of Real
                  Estate Taxes as contained in this section and the provisions
                  of this section shall apply mutatis mutandis.

                  For greater certainty, the Surtax and the Tax on
                  Non-Residential Immovables will be recoverable from the Tenant
                  on the same basis as Real Estate Taxes, that is, on its
                  proportionate share basis, notwithstanding any percentage
                  entered on the schedule to the real estate assessment roll for
                  the Property or any omissions or errors in same.

                  The benefit of any reduction in Real Estate Taxes obtained
                  because of any vacancy in the Building during the previous
                  fiscal year, if any, will remain with the Landlord and shall
                  not be shared with the tenants of the Building.

         (h)      Administrative cost equal to fifteen percent (15%) of all
                  costs and expenses incurred by the Landlord with respect to
                  paragraphs (a) to (g) inclusively of this Section 7, less the
                  exclusions hereinafter provided for.

         Notwithstanding the above, the Tenant shall not be required to pay any
         of the following costs:

         (a)      interest and principal payments on outstanding financing of 
                  the Landlord and any other debt costs of the Landlord;

         (b)      costs or expenses incurred with respect to the acquisition,
                  development, construction or furnishing of the Building prior
                  to the commencement of Tenant's Work (as those words are
                  defined hereinafter);


         (c)      costs of repairs done by the Landlord and for which the
                  Landlord has been or is to be reimbursed, either as a result
                  of an insurance claim or otherwise;

         (d)      costs of structural repairs which relate to the state of the
                  Building prior to the Tenant's Work (as those words are
                  defined hereinafter);

         (e)      commissions, fees and all other expenses incurred in
                  connection with marketing or leasing the Premises or any part

         (f)      any amount paid as a fine or a penalty as result of a
                  violation of a violation of law (provided such violation of
                  law was not caused by or contributed to by the Tenant);

         (g)      income, business and corporate taxes and other personal taxes
                  to the Landlord (other than capital taxes and large
                  corporation taxes);

         (h)      the amount of any sales tax, goods and services tax,
                  value-added tax or any similar tax ("Sales Tax") paid or
                  payable by the Landlord on the purchase of goods and services
                  included in Additional Rent which may be available to the
                  Landlord as a credit in determining the Landlord's net tax
                  liability or refund on account of Sales Tax, but only to the
                  extent Sales Tax is included in Additional Rent;

         (i)      the cost of any insurance premiums relating to risks or
                  amounts which are not normally insured against by reasonably
                  prudent owners of similar buildings;

         (j)      operating costs which are recoverable from insurance proceeds
                  or which would be recoverable assuming compliance by the
                  Landlord with its insurance obligations;

         (k)      costs covered by warranties or guarantee; and

         (l)      any cost which would otherwise be included in the Additional
                  Rent but consists of an amount paid to a corporate affiliate,
                  parent or subsidiary of the Landlord to the extent such amount
                  is in excess of the fair market value of the said item or
                  service where the expense is incurred in an arm's length

         Notwithstanding anything else contained herein, all Additional Rent
         shall be calculated without duplication or profit to the Landlord and
         in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

         In the event that there are separate assessments and tax bills for the
         Leased Premises (including but not limited to all licence fees,
         charges, rates assessed against the Leased Premises and/or all
         equipment and facilities thereon or therein, and every tax and licence


         fee in respect of any and every business carried on therein, or in
         respect of the occupancy of the Leased Premises by the Tenant), the
         Tenant shall pay to the taxing authority and discharge same, and
         discharge in each lease year during the Term and within the times
         provided for by the taxing authority all taxes so levied, the Tenant
         shall provide the Landlord within thirty (30) days after receipt with a
         copy of any separate tax bills and assessments for the Leased Premises
         and shall promptly deliver to the Landlord receipts evidencing the
         payment of such taxes.

         The Tenant shall pay to the Landlord as Additional Rental its
         Proportionate Share of any expenses, including, without limitation,
         legal and appraisal expenses incurred by the Landlord in obtaining or
         attempting to obtain a reduction of or to prevent an increase of any
         Real Estate Taxes. The Landlord shall act as a prudent and reasonable
         Landlord when exercising its discretion to contest Real Estate Taxes.
         Should the Tenant request that the Landlord contest Real Estate Taxes,
         the Landlord agrees to cooperate with the Tenant.

         The Tenant's Proportionate Share shall be the proportion that the gross
         floor area of the Leased Premises bears to the gross leasable floor
         area of the building wherein the Leased Premises are situated. The
         Tenant's proportionate share can be adjusted, however, by the Landlord
         in terms of Real Estate Taxes and capital taxes, to take into
         consideration the value of the improvements made to the Premises or the
         number of parking spaces used by the Tenant, the whole to be calculated
         by the Landlord in an equitable and fair manner to the Landlord and to
         the Tenant and provided the Landlord does not recover more than one
         hundred percent (100%) of such expenditures.

         The amount payable by the Tenant under the provisions of this section
         shall be reasonably estimated by the Landlord in advance for each
         calendar year. The Tenant agrees to pay to the Landlord such amount in
         equal, monthly instalments in advance, during such period together with
         the Minimum Net Rental provided for in Section 6. Within a reasonable
         period of time after the end of the period for which such estimated
         payments have been made, the Landlord shall send the Tenant a statement
         showing the actual amount required to be paid under the provisions of
         this Section. Overpayments or underpayments shall be adjusted within
         thirty (30) days after the delivery of the Landlord's statement.

         Should the first year of the Term not commence on the first day of
         January, or should the last year of the Term not terminate on the
         thirty-first day of December, then, prior to the commencement of the
         Term, or of the last year of the Term, as the case may be, or as soon
         thereafter as is reasonably possible, the Landlord shall furnish to the
         Tenant a reasonable estimate of the charges for the part of the year in
         question and the Tenant shall pay to the Landlord on the first day of
         each month in advance during the part of the year in question forming
         part of the Term, Additional Rental equal to the portion of the
         estimated charges divided by the number of months during the part of
         the year in question.


         Any capital expenditures incurred by the Landlord will be amortized
         over the useful life of the expenditure in question.


         The Tenant shall promptly pay for its electricity (including without
         limitation any electricity used for heating and/or air conditioning the
         Leased Premises), for the cost of operating, repairing, maintaining and
         replacing the machinery and other facilities required for the heating,
         ventilating and air conditioning of the Leased Premises and facilities,
         and gas, water, sewer and electric utility costs relating to same,
         telephone and all public utilities with respect to the Leased Premises.

         Throughout the Term of the lease, the Tenant shall engage a qualified
         air conditioning maintenance contractor to maintain and repair the
         heating, ventilating and air conditioning system. The Tenant shall
         provide the Landlord with a copy of a duly executed heating,
         ventilating and air conditioning maintenance and repair contract, as
         well as all renewals of said contract as soon as same are signed.


         Subject to the provisions hereinafter detailed, the Tenant shall not
         have the right to sublet the Premises or any part thereof, or assign
         its rights in the present lease, or allow the Premises or any part
         thereof to be used by another, nor hypothecate or encumber this lease
         or the Premises or any part thereof, without the prior written consent
         of the Landlord, which consent may not be unreasonably withheld.
         Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Tenant shall have the right to
         assign or transfer the Lease or sublet the Premises without the prior
         written approval of the Landlord if such assignment or sublet is to a
         corporation associated (as such terms are defined in the Canada
         Business Corporations Act) with the Tenant, provided such subtenant or
         assignee carries on the same use of the Leased Premises authorized
         herein. Notwithstanding such subletting and assignment, or permitted
         use by another, the Tenant shall remain jointly and severally liable
         with such sub-lessee, assignee or user, for the performance of all the
         terms and conditions of the present lease, for the residue of the
         lease, or any renewal thereof.

         If the Tenant wishes to so sublet or assign it must provide the name of
         the prospective sublessee or assignee together with such other
         reasonable information as Landlord shall require together with a
         request for consent of the Landlord at least thirty (30) days prior to
         the effective date of the proposed transfer or assignment and the
         Landlord shall have twenty-one (21) days from receipt of a registered
         letter or courier from the Tenant to send a notice to the Tenant
         withholding its consent to said sublet or assignment, together with the
         basis for such refusal, failing which Landlord shall be deemed to have
         given its consent.


         Any document or consent evidencing any assignment of this lease or any
         sublet of the Leased Premises if permitted or consented to by the
         Landlord shall be prepared by the Landlord or its attorneys and all
         reasonable legal costs with respect thereto shall be paid by the Tenant
         to the Landlord forthwith upon demand as Additional Rent.


         If the whole or a substantial portion of the Property be condemned,
         expropriated or taken in any manner for any public or quasi-public use
         or purpose such that it is no longer feasible for the Landlord to
         continue to operate the Property, then Landlord may at its option
         terminate this lease provided such termination shall not affect
         Tenant's right of action or the amount claimed pursuant to its right of
         action against the expropriating authority by giving notice in writing
         to Tenant that the Term hereof shall expire upon the day when
         possession is required for such purpose and in the event of such
         expiration Landlord shall have no liability to Tenant of any nature.


         Subject to the requirements of Tenant's activities in the Premises,
         Landlord and its agent shall have, upon a prior twenty-four (24) hour
         notice (except in an emergency), the right at all reasonable hours
         during the Term of this lease and any renewals thereof to enter the
         Leased Premises to examine the condition thereof and to ascertain
         whether Tenant is performing its obligations hereunder, and Tenant
         shall make any repairs which Tenant is obliged to make pursuant to the
         terms of this lease. If Tenant fails to make any such repairs within
         thirty (30) days after written notice from Landlord requesting Tenant
         to do so, provided that such repairs may reasonably be made within the
         said period. If the Tenant fails to carry out the repairs within the
         appropriate delay Landlord may, without prejudice to any other rights
         or remedies it may have, make such repairs and charge the cost thereof
         to Tenant, plus an administrative fee of fifteen percent (15%) for
         doing so, which shall be charged to Tenant as additional rent. Nothing
         in this lease shall be construed to obligate or require Landlord to
         make any repairs for which the Tenant is responsible hereunder, but
         Landlord shall have the right at any time to make emergency repairs
         without prior notice to Tenant and, provided same are the
         responsibility of Tenant hereunder, charge the cost thereof to Tenant,
         plus an administrative fee of fifteen percent (15%) for doing so, which
         shall be charged to Tenant as additional rent. Any costs chargeable to
         Tenant hereunder shall be payable forthwith on written demand as
         Additional Rental.


         The sidewalks, entries, passage corridors, and stairways shall not be
         obstructed by the Tenant, its officers, agents, servants, employees, or
         customers or used for any other purposes than for ingress and egress to
         or from the Leased Premises, and the Tenant shall


         save the Landlord harmless from damages to persons or Property because,
         of any nuisance or other act which obstruct the free movements of
         persons to, in and from the building and Property.


         The present lease shall terminate ipso facto and without notice or
         demand on the date stated in Section 2 hereof and any continued
         occupation of the Premises by Tenant shall not have the effect of
         extending the period or of renewing the present lease for any period of
         time, the whole notwithstanding any provisions of law and Tenant shall
         be presumed to occupy the Premises against the will of Landlord who
         shall thereupon be entitled to make use of any and all remedies by law
         providing for the expulsion of Tenant and for damages, provided,
         however, that Landlord shall have the right at its option in the event
         of such continued occupation by Tenant to give to Tenant at any time
         written notice that Tenant may continue to occupy the Premises under a
         tenancy from month to month in consideration of a net rental one and a
         half (1.5) times the monthly Minimum Net Rentals that was payable
         during the year immediately preceding the expiry date of this lease,
         payable monthly and in advance and otherwise under the same terms and
         conditions as are herein set forth.

         The Tenant shall, at the expiration or sooner termination of the Term
         of this lease, peaceably surrender with all additions, alterations,
         changes or installations which at any time during the Tenn hereof shall
         be made therein or thereon, in good repair and condition, subject to
         reasonable wear and tear and damage by fire, lightening, tempest,
         structural weakness or defect, Acts of God, civil commotion, right and
         insurrection, cause beyond the control of the Tenant and damage for
         which Landlord is insured or damage for which a prudent Landlord would
         be insured and those repairs which are the responsibility of the
         Landlord pursuant to the terms hereof only.

         Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Tenant shall at or prior to the
         expiration of the Term hereof remove its movable effects and/or
         articles belonging to or brought upon the Leased Premises by Tenant and
         the Tenant shall repair any damages caused by such removal. The Tenant
         must forthwith remove, at Tenant's expense, all its alterations or
         improvements to the Leased Premises upon the written request of
         Landlord, unless the Landlord prefers that the whole or any part of
         such alterations or installations excluding movable effects and/or
         movable articles should remain, without any compensation whatsoever
         being allowed to the Tenant for same. At the expiration or sooner
         termination of the Term of this lease, Landlord shall have the right,
         at Tenant's expense, plus an administrative fee of fifteen percent
         (15%) for doing so, which shall be charged to Tenant as additional
         rent, to repair any damages caused by the Tenant or those for whom it
         is responsible in law to the Leased Premises and not repaired by
         Tenant, the whole subject to reasonable wear and tear and damage by
         fire, lightening, tempest, structural weakness or defect, Acts of God,
         civil commotion, right and insurrection, causes beyond


         the control of the Tenant and damage for which Landlord is insured or
         damage for which a prudent Landlord would be insured and those repairs
         which are the responsibility of the Landlord pursuant to the terms
         hereof. Furthermore, Landlord shall have the right at Tenant's expense
         plus an administrative fee of fifteen percent (15%) for doing so, to
         remove any signage that Tenant may have left on the Building and to
         repair any damages caused by such removal and to restore the Building
         to its condition at the commencement of this Lease subject to
         reasonable wear and tear and damage by fire, lightening, tempest,
         structural weakness or defect, Acts of God, civil commotion, rights and
         insurrections, causes beyond the control of the Tenant and damage for
         which Landlord is insured or damage for which a prudent Landlord would
         be insured and those repairs which are the responsibility of the
         Landlord pursuant to the terms hereof.

         Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Tenant shall not have to remove the
         second floor of the Leased Premises, any structural reinforcement
         thereto, the freight elevator and its machine room. exterior walls and


         Any breakage of glass or plate glass in or about the Leased Premises
         and any damage to signs on Tenant's doors, which are not caused by the
         negligence of Landlord or those for whom it is in law responsible,
         shall be repaired and replaced by the Tenant at its expense.

15.      WAIVER

         The failure of the Landlord to insist upon the strict performance of
         any of the agreements, terms, covenants and conditions hereof shall not
         be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach or default in any of such
         agreements, terms, covenants and conditions.


         The Tenant shall, at its own expense, promptly comply with the
         requirements of every applicable statute, law and ordinance and with
         every applicable lawful regulation or order with respect to the removal
         of any encroachment placed by the Tenant, or to the condition,
         equipment, maintenance, or use or occupation of the Leased Premises,
         including the making of any alteration, addition in or to any structure
         upon, connected with or appurtenant to the Leased Premises, whether or
         not such alteration is required on account of any particular use to
         which the Leased Premises or part thereof may be put and whether or not
         such requirement, regulation or order be of a kind now existing or
         within the contemplation of the parties hereto; and shall comply with
         any applicable regulation, recommendation or order of the Canadian Fire
         Underwriters' Association, or any body having similar functions or of
         any liability or fire insurance company by which the Landlord and/or
         the Tenant may be insured.



         If the Tenant fails to pay any taxes, rates, insurance premiums or
         charges which it has herein covenanted to pay, and which Tenant has
         failed to pay within a period of ten (10) days after notice in writing
         from the Landlord to remedy such default, the Landlord may pay the same
         and shall be entitled to charge the sums so paid to the Tenant, plus an
         administrative fee of fifteen percent (15%) for doing so, which shall
         be charged to Tenant as Additional Rental, who shall pay them forthwith
         on demand and the Landlord, in addition to any other rights, shall have
         the same remedies and may take the same steps for all such sums as it
         might take for the recovery of rent.

         Such amounts so paid by the Landlord and any payments of Minimum Net
         Rental and/or Additional Rental when not paid on any due date as
         provided for herein shall bear interest from the due date to the date
         of payment, calculated daily at the prime rate of the Canadian Imperial
         Bank of Commerce, plus two percent (2%).

18.      DEFAULT

         The following shall be considered defaults under the terms of this

         (a)      If the Tenant shall fail to pay the Landlord any instalments
                  of Minimum Net Rental, any Additional Rental, or any other
                  amounts owing, after it shall have become due and payable as
                  herein provided and Tenant fails to correct such default
                  within five (5) days after notice in writing from the

         (b)      If the Tenant shall assign, sublet or permit the use of the
                  Premises by other except in the manner herein permitted;

         (c)      If any seizure is practiced against the property of the Tenant
                  in the Premises as a result of a judgment rendered against

         (d)      If the Tenant shall fail to take possession of the Premises,
                  or if the Tenant should abandon or vacate the Premises;

         (e)      If any insurance carried by the Landlord be cancelled in
                  consequence of the business carried by the Tenant, or in
                  consequence of anything brought into or stored in the Premises
                  by the Tenant, it being agreed and understood that if the
                  insurer of the Landlord threatens to cancel any of the
                  Landlord's insurance with respect to the Property, the Tenant
                  shall be immediately notified in writing; and

         (f)      If the Tenant shall default in the performance of any of its
                  other obligations under this lease, including without
                  limitation the obligation to pay business and water taxes in a
                  timely manner, or fail to effect any payment that may result
                  in a charge,


                  lien, encumbrance, or other right on the Property, or shall
                  violate any of the rules and regulations hereinafter set
                  forth, or hereafter to be established by the Landlord, and
                  such default continues for fifteen (15) days following written
                  notice thereof from the Landlord unless such default is
                  incapable of being remedied with due diligence within such
                  fifteen (15) day period, in which case, if Tenant fails to
                  commence to remedy such default within such fifteen (15) day
                  period and thereafter to continue with due diligence the cure
                  of such default until it is remedied.

         In the event of any default of the terms of this lease, this lease may
         be terminated ipso facto, at the option of the Landlord, upon written
         notice to the Tenant to such effect. It is expressly agreed that such
         right of termination shall be, in addition to and without prejudice to
         all other rights as provided by law or herein, the Landlord may
         re-enter and re-let the Premises to whomsoever it may choose, acting
         reasonably, without further notice or demand being necessary, and may
         recover from the Tenant all amounts due hereunder at the date of such
         termination, expenses of such reletting (including any repairs,
         decorating, alterations or improvements necessitated thereby), and
         rental for the six (6) months next succeeding the date of such
         termination, all of which shall immediately become due and payable.
         Thereafter, (that is, after the period for which Tenant has paid
         accelerated rent) the Tenant shall pay to the Landlord as liquidated
         damages until the end of the Term an amount equivalent to the rental
         provided in this lease, less the sum of the net receipts (if any),
         derived by the Landlord from re-letting of the Premises. As used
         herein, the expression "rental" shall mean the Minimum Net Rental, and
         the Additional Rental, and all other additional rents payable
         hereunder. The Tenant hereby irrevocably waives the benefit which may
         limit or diminish the Landlord's termination of this lease if the
         Tenant owes the Landlord One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) or
         more, and any right granted to the Tenant to prevent his eviction in
         the event of any default, nor will the payment after legal proceedings
         have been instituted entitle the Tenant to avoid the resiliation of the


         In the event that Tenant shall be adjudicated a bankrupt or make any
         general assignment for the benefit of creditors, or take the benefit of
         any insolvency or bankruptcy act, or if a receiver or trustee be
         appointed for the property of the Tenant, or any major part thereof,
         the present lease shall automatically terminate on the occurrence of
         any of the aforesaid events without further notice or delay, and
         Landlord shall be entitled to recover all arrears of Minimum Net Rental
         and Additional Rental as well as six (6) months of future Minimum Net
         Rental, Proportionate Expense Rental and Additional Rental or such
         other accelerated amount that the law may at any time provide.

         The Tenant hereby irrevocably waives his right to repudiate this lease
         pursuant to section 65.2 of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act or any
         section passed to amend or replace it.



         Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 1864 of the Civil Code of the
         Province of Quebec, the Tenant, at its own expense shall operate,
         maintain and keep the Leased Premises including all facilities,
         equipment and services, both inside and outside, in such good order and
         condition, as they would be kept by a careful owner and shall promptly
         make all needed repairs and replacements to the Leased Premises which a
         careful owner would make (save and except for repairs for which Tenant
         is not required to contribute to Proportionate Expense Rental)
         including, without limitation, the water, gas, drain and sewer
         connections, pipes and mains, electrical wiring, water closets, sinks
         and accessories thereof, and all equipment belonging to or connected
         with the Leased Premises or used in its operation.

         The Tenant shall also be responsible, at its sole expense, to wash the
         inside and outside of the windows of the Premises and to maintain and
         clean the Premises daily.


         The Tenant shall carry out all of the improvements and modifications
         required for its use of the Leased Premises including the building of a
         second floor and the work necessary to change the location of the
         premises of Fuji Photo Film Canada Inc. ("Fuji") in order for the
         Leased Premises to comply with the floor plans attached hereto as
         Schedule "A" (the "Tenant's Work"). The Tenant shall also be
         responsible for any structural work or modifications which are
         necessary to the Building as a result of the Tenant's Work. Once
         completed, all of the Tenant's Work will remain the property of the
         Landlord. The Tenant shall also be responsible to obtain all required
         permits to carry out said Tenant's Work.

         The second floor to be built by the Tenant must be at the same height
         as the mezzanine presently above the premises occupied by Fuji. It must
         be of sufficient quality to carry a minimum load of one hundred pounds
         (100 lbs.) per square foot, it shall have a minimum two-hour (2 hr)
         fire rating resistance and it shall be sufficiently insulated to be
         sound proof. The ceiling of the ground floor of the Leased Premises
         must have a minimum of eleven clear feet (11 ft.) wherever Possible.
         The ceiling of the second floor of the Leased Premises must have a
         minimum of ten clear feet (10 ft.) wherever possible. Doors throughout
         the Leased Premises must have a minimum of eight feet (8 ft.) in
         height. Windows to be built must be wherever possible approximately
         fifteen feet wide (15 ft.) by six feet high (6 ft.) all around,
         matching the glass and frame of the existing windows on the Building.

         The Tenant shall submit to the Landlord, for the Landlord's review and
         approval having regards to the first class nature and quality of the
         Building, the Tenant's build out plans (the "TBP") on or about March 7,
         1995. Once the Landlord has approved the TBP, the


         Tenant's Work will be carried out in a good and workmanlike manner in
         accordance with the approved TBP and the requirements of section 22

         The Landlord agrees to pay for the cost of the Tenant's Work up to a
         maximum sum of One Million Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars
         ($1,750,000.00), plus GST and QST thereof. If the Tenant's Work cost
         less than One Million Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars
         ($1,750,000.00), the Landlord shall pay to the Tenant the difference
         within thirty (30) days of the substantial completion of the leasehold
         improvements. The choice of the contractor will be made by both
         parties, acting reasonably, from at least three contractors.

         The Landlord shall pay for the cost of the Tenant's Work progressively
         in accordance with the schedule of payments established in the winning
         construction bid. If the Tenant's Work costs more than One million
         Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($1,750,000.00), the Tenant
         shall pay to the contractor the balance owing in accordance with the
         schedule of payments established in the construction bid.

         The Landlord warrants that the current premises of the Tenant can be
         connected to the Premises by networking computer cable.

         The Landlord further warrants that the Volunteer dormitories can be
         located inside the Premises without windows in accordance with Ville
         Saint-Laurent by-laws, regulations, directives and ordinances (subject
         to the condition that windows will be built all around the outside of
         the Leased Premises).

         The Tenant shall have the right to use an exterior landscaped space for
         the purposes of a play area for a day-care centre to be located in a
         location to be established by mutual consent of both parties within 500
         meters of the day-care centre for the Premises, provided municipal
         approval is obtained for same. The Tenant will have the right to fence
         in this play area with a fence of 1.2 meters high and the Tenant shall
         have access to the play area during all hours that the day-care centre
         is in operation, provided municipal approval is obtained for same.


         The Tenant shall have the right to make the Tenant's Work and any other
         subsequent improvements, alternations or additions (the "Work"), with
         the prior written consent of the Landlord, which consent shall not be
         unreasonably withheld, in the Leased Premises in compliance with the
         following conditions.

         (a)      Tenant shall furnish to Landlord plans and specifications
                  showing in reasonably complete detail the Work proposed to be
                  carried out and the estimated cost thereof and Landlord shall
                  approve or reject such plans and specifications within thirty


                  (30) days after receipt of the same. If such plans and
                  specifications are approved, all Work shall be carried out in
                  compliance with the same;

         (b)      The value of the Leased Premises shall not, as a result of any
                  Work proposed to be carried on by Tenant, be less than the
                  value of the Leased Premises before the commencement of such
                  Work and Landlord, acting reasonably, shall be the sole judge
                  of such value;

         (c)      All Work shall be carried out as expeditiously and diligently
                  as possible, and in a good Workmanlike manner and in
                  compliance with all applicable permits, authorizations and
                  building and zoning by-laws and with all regulations and
                  requirements of all competent authorities having jurisdiction
                  over the Leased Premises; using first quality materials.

         (d)      The Leased Premises shall at all times be free of all
                  Workmen's and suppliers' hypothecs and other similar hypothecs
                  and charges;

         (e)      Tenant shall maintain Workmen's Compensation insurance
                  covering all persons employed in connection with the Work and
                  shall produce evidence of such insurance to Landlord and shall
                  also maintain such general liability insurance for the
                  protection of Landlord and Tenant as Landlord may reasonably

         (f)      All Work, when completed, shall be comprised in, and form part
                  of the Leased Premises and shall be subject to all the
                  provisions of this lease and Tenant shall not have any right
                  to claim compensation therefor and the same shall not be
                  removed by Tenant on termination of this lease.

         (g)      Tenant shall pay the Landlord a sum equal to all its
                  out-of-pocket expenses with respect to the review and
                  supervision of the Work, together with an administration fee
                  of fifteen percent (15%) of such out-of-pocket expenses.

         The Tenant shall pay to the Landlord the amount of any increase for any
         Real Estate Taxes or Capital Taxes to the extent that such increase is
         attributable to any action by the Tenant under this Section or any of
         the Tenant's Work set out in Section 21 hereof.

         No repairs, alterations, additions, decorations or improvements to the
         Premises by or on behalf of the Tenant shall be permitted which may
         weaken or endanger the structure, adversely affect the condition or
         operation of the Premises, or the building, or diminish the value
         thereof, or restrict or reduce the Landlord's coverage for insurance



         The Tenant shall have the right of first refusal to lease any vacant
         space in the Building during the term of the Lease on the same terms
         and conditions as offered by another party which the Landlord is
         prepared to accept. The Landlord shall submit to the Tenant any offer
         to lease received from any party and the Tenant shall have a period of
         ten (10) days thereafter in which to exercise its right of first
         refusal with respect thereto. If the Tenant fails to notify the
         Landlord of its desire to exercise a right of first refusal in the time
         permitted therefore, the Landlord shall be permitted to lease the space
         on the terms and conditions contained in the offer submitted to the
         Tenant to the party in question for a period of sixty (60) days
         thereafter. If the Landlord fails to lease the space in question within
         such sixty (60) day period or should the terms and conditions be
         changed, the offer shall, once again, be subject to the Tenant's right
         of first refusal.


         Notwithstanding the fact that the Landlord drafted this lease and
         submitted it to the Tenant, the Tenant recognizes that the essential
         stipulations of this lease were negotiable and that he understands all
         of its stipulations and that the Landlord gave him adequate
         explanations with respect to the terms and conditions of this lease.


         In the event that the Leased Premises shall be destroyed or damaged,

         (a)      if, in the opinion of Landlord, the damage or destruction is 
                  such that the Leased Premises are rendered wholly unfit for
                  occupancy or it is impossible or unsafe to use and occupy
                  them, and if in either event the damage, in the further
                  reasonable opinion of Landlord (which shall be given by
                  written notice to Tenant within sixty (60) days of the
                  happening of such damage or destruction) cannot be repaired
                  with reasonable diligence within one hundred and twenty (120)
                  days from the giving of such notice, either Landlord or Tenant
                  may within five (5) days next succeeding the giving of
                  Landlord's opinion as aforesaid, terminate this lease by
                  giving to the other notice in writing of such termination, in
                  which event the Term of this lease shall cease and be at an
                  end as of the date of such destruction or damage and the rent
                  and all other payments for which Tenant is liable under the
                  Terms of this lease shall be apportioned and paid in full to
                  the date of such destruction or damage. In the event that
                  neither Landlord nor Tenant so terminates this lease, rent and
                  all other payments for which Tenant is liable hereunder shall
                  abate from the date of the happening of the damage until the
                  damage shall be made good to the extent of enabling Tenant to
                  use and occupy the Leased Premises;

         (b)      if the damage be such that the Leased Premises are wholly
                  unfit for occupancy, or if it is impossible or unsafe to use
                  or occupy them but if in either event the


                  damage, in the opinion of Landlord (which shall be given to
                  Tenant within sixty (60) days from the happening of such
                  damage) can be repaired with reasonable diligence within one
                  hundred and twenty (120) days of the giving of such notice,
                  rent and all other payments for which Tenant is liable
                  hereunder shall abate from the date of the happening of the
                  damage until the damage shall be made good to the extent of
                  enabling Tenant to use and occupy the Leased Premises;

         (c)      if, in the opinion of Landlord, the damage can be made good as
                  aforesaid within one hundred and twenty (120) days of the
                  giving of such notice, and the damage is such that the Leased
                  Premises are capable of being partially used for the purposes
                  for which leased, until such damage has been repaired, rent
                  and all other payments for which Tenant is liable hereunder
                  shall abate in the proportion that the part of the Leased
                  Premises rendered unfit for occupancy bears to the whole of
                  the Leased Premises.

         In the event that the building is partially destroyed or damaged so as
         to affect twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the rentable area of the
         building containing the Leased Premises, or in the opinion of Landlord
         the building is rendered unsafe, and whether or not the Leased Premises
         are affected, and in the reasonable opinion of Landlord (which shall be
         given by written notice to Tenant within sixty (60) days of the
         happening of such destruction), cannot be repaired with reasonable
         diligence within one hundred and twenty (120) days of the giving of
         such notice, Landlord may within five (5) days next succeeding the
         giving of Landlord's opinion as aforesaid, terminate this lease by
         giving to Tenant notice in writing of such termination, in which event
         the Term of this lease shall cease and be at an end as of the date of
         such destruction or damage and the rent and all other payments for
         which the Tenant is liable under the Terms of this lease shall be
         apportioned and paid in full to the date of such destruction or damage.

         Nothing herein contained shall oblige Landlord to repair or reconstruct
         any leasehold alterations or improvements made to the Premises. On the
         contrary, all improvements in and to the Premises shall be the
         responsibility of Tenant, who shall be obliged to repair, replace and
         re-fixture them to a standard at least the equivalent of that which
         existed prior to the date of damage and destruction.

         For greater clarity, it is agreed by the parties that rent and all
         other payments for which Tenant is liable hereunder shall abate as
         provided for in this section until the earlier of the two (2) following

                  i.   the date on which the Tenant begins to use and occupy 
                       the Leased Premises to carry on its business therein 
                       after it has substantially completed its leasehold
                       improvements to the Premises;


                  ii.   ninety (90) days after the Landlord has completed its
                        repairs to the Property and the Premises to the
                        extent set out herein.

         Despite anything contained in this lease to the contrary, and without
         limiting Landlord's right or remedies hereunder, if more than
         twenty-five percent (25%) of the leasable area of the Property is
         damaged or destroyed, by reason of any cause in respect of which there
         are no proceeds of insurance available to Landlord despite the fact
         that Landlord has insured as a reasonably prudent landlord of a similar
         property, or if the proceeds of insurance are insufficient to pay
         Landlord for the cost of rebuilding or making fit the Property by at
         least Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000.00) in excess of
         the deductible and despite the fact that Landlord has insured as a
         reasonably prudent landlord of a similar property, or any part thereof,
         or if any mortgagee does not consent to the payment to Landlord of such
         proceeds for such purpose, or if the Term of the lease which remains is
         less than twenty-four (24) months, then Tenant agrees that Landlord
         may, without obligation or liability to Tenant, terminate this lease by
         three (3) months written notice to Tenant, and all rents shall be
         adjusted as of then, and Tenant shall vacate and surrender the leased
         premises on such termination date.

         Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Lease, the
         Landlord releases and waives any and all claims for damages against the
         Tenant and those for whom Tenant is in law responsible with respect to
         occurrences insured or to be insured by the Landlord, and for which the
         Landlord receives insurance proceeds (or would have received insurance
         proceeds had it acted as a prudent administrator), whether or not such
         claims arise as the result of the negligence of the Tenant or of those
         for whom the Tenant is in law responsible and all policies of insurance
         taken out by the Landlord with respect to the Property shall provide
         that the insured shall not have any right of subrogation against the
         Tenant or any of its employees, agents or contractors.

         Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Landlord shall not be permitted to
         terminate this lease as a result of a damage or destruction unless
         concurrently therewith, it also terminates the leases of all other
         tenants of the Property. Should the Landlord rebuild the Property
         within a period of one (1) year from the date of the damage or
         destruction, Tenant shall have an option for thirty (30) days after
         being notified of Landlord's decision to rebuild to lease Premises
         similar to the Premises for the balance of the term after the damage or
         destruction and otherwise on the same terms and conditions as contained
         in this lease.


         Tenant shall not do or commit any act upon the Leased Premises or bring
         into or keep upon the premises any article which will affect the fire
         risk or increase the rate of fire insurance or other insurance on the
         building. The Tenant shall be entitled to use those solvents and
         materials which are customarily used in the carrying on of its
         business. The


         Tenant shall from time to time provide the Landlord with a list of such
         solvents and materials in order that the Landlord shall be able to
         advise its insurer accordingly.

         Tenant shall comply with the rules and requirements of the Insurers'
         Advisory Organization of Canada or any successor body, and with the
         requirements of all insurance companies having policies of any kind
         whatsoever in effect covering the building, including policies insuring
         against tort or delictual liability.

         Subject to the foregoing, in no event shall any inflammable material,
         except for kinds and quantities required for ordinary office occupancy
         and permitted by the insurance policies covering the building, or any
         explosives or radioactive material whatsoever, be taken into the Leased
         Premises or retained therein.

         Should the rate of any type of insurance on the building be increased
         by reason of any violation of this lease by Tenant, Landlord, in
         addition to all other remedies, shall pay the amount of such increase,
         and the amount so paid shall become due and payable immediately by
         Tenant and collectible as Additional Rental.

         Tenant shall take out and keep in force during the Term of this lease
         comprehensive general liability insurance in amounts and with policies
         in form satisfactory from time to time to Landlord and with insurers
         reasonably acceptable to Landlord, the comprehensive general liability
         insurance in no event to be for less than five million dollars
         ($5,000,000.00), inclusive limits and all risks insurance covering
         furniture, fixtures and improvements in an amount equal to the full
         insurable value thereof. Copies of each insurance policy shall
         forthwith upon execution be delivered to Landlord, at the request of
         the Landlord. Each such policy shall name Landlord as an additional
         insured as its interest may appear and the comprehensive general
         liability policy shall contain a cross liability clause. The cost of
         premium for each and every such policy shall be paid by Tenant. Tenant
         shall obtain form the insurers under such policies, undertakings to
         notify Landlord in writing at least ten (10) days prior to any
         cancellation thereof.

         Tenant agrees that if Tenant fails to take out or to keep in force such
         insurance and Tenant had failed to remedy such default within two (2)
         days after written notice from Landlord specifying such default,
         Landlord will have the right to do so and to pay the premium therefor
         and in such event Tenant shall repay to Landlord the amount paid as
         premium, plus fifteen percent (15%) administration fee for doing so,
         which repayment shall be collectible as Additional Rental payable on
         the first day of the next month following the said payment of Landlord.


         If any insurance policy on the Property or any part of it is cancelled
         or threatened by the insurer to be cancelled, or refused to be renewed,
         or if the coverage under it is reduced in


         any way by the insurer because of the use or occupation of any part of
         the Leased Premises by the Tenant or by any occupant of the Leased
         Premises, and if the Tenant fails to remedy the condition giving rise
         to the cancellation, threatened cancellation or reduction of coverage
         within forty-eight (48) Working hours after notice by the Landlord, the
         Landlord may, either:

         (a)      re-enter and take possession of the Leased Premises
                  immediately by leaving upon the Leased Premises a notice of
                  its intention to do so upon which the Landlord will have the
                  same rights and remedies that are available to him under this
                  lease or in virtue of the general law; or,

         (b)      enter upon the Leased Premises and remedy the condition giving
                  rise to the cancellation, threatened cancellation or reduction
                  of coverage and the Tenant will immediately pay the costs and
                  expenses to the Landlord, together with a fee of fifteen
                  percent (15%) of such costs and expenses representing the
                  Landlord's overhead, which costs and expenses may be collected
                  by the Landlord as Additional Rent and the Landlord will not
                  be liable for any damage or injury caused to any Property of
                  the Tenant or others located on the Leased Premises as the
                  result of the entry. Such an entry by the Landlord is not a
                  re-entry or a breach of any covenant for quiet enjoyment.

         Tenant will pay the amount of any increase in insurance premiums on the
         whole of the Property of which the Leased Premises form part, if such
         increase is caused by Tenant's operations in the Leased Premises.
         Tenant covenants that nothing will be done or omitted to be done
         whereby any policy shall be cancelled or the Leased Premises rendered


         The Landlord declares that it may assign its rights under this lease to
         a lending institution as collateral security for a loan to the Landlord
         and in the event that such an assignment is given and executed by the
         Landlord and notification thereof is given to the Tenant by or on
         behalf of the Landlord, it is expressly agreed between the Landlord and
         Tenant that this lease shall not be cancelled or modified for any
         reason whatsoever without the consent in writing of such lending

         Tenant hereby covenants and agrees that it will and whenever reasonably
         required by Landlord and at Landlord's expense, consent to and become a
         party to any instrument or instruments permitting a mortgage, trust
         deed or hypothec: to be placed on the Property, or any part thereof
         which the Leased Premises are a part as security for any indebtedness
         covered by the said trust deed, mortgage or hypothec in order to
         subordinate this lease to the said trust deed, mortgage or hypothec,
         provided that any trust deed, mortgage or


         hypothec shall provide that Tenant's peaceful possession of the
         Premises shall not be disturbed as long as it does not default in
         accordance with the provisions hereof.

29.      ATTORNEY

         The Tenant will, upon request of the Landlord or the mortgagee,
         hypothecary creditor or any person having an interest in the project,
         execute and deliver promptly those instruments and certificates
         referred to in Section 30 above which are requested by the Landlord.
         However, if ten (10) days after the date of request by the Landlord the
         Tenant has not executed and delivered them, the Tenant hereby
         irrevocably appoints the Landlord as the Tenant's attorney with full
         power and authority to execute and deliver in the name of the Tenant
         the instruments and certificates required.


         Except in the event of negligence of Landlord or those for whom it is
         in law responsible, the Landlord shall not be liable nor responsible in
         any way for any injury of any nature whatsoever that may be suffered or
         sustained by the Tenant or any employee, agent or customer of the
         Tenant or any other person who may be upon the Leased Premises or for
         any loss of or damage to any property belonging to the Tenant or to its
         employees or to any other person while such property is on the leased
         Premises and in particular (but without limiting the generality of the
         foregoing) the Landlord shall not be liable for any damage or damages
         of any nature whatsoever to any such property caused by the failure, by
         reason of a breakdown or other cause, to supply adequate drainage, snow
         or ice removal, or by reason of the interruption of any public utility
         or service or in the event of steam, water, rain or snow which may leak
         into, issue or flow from any part of the building or from the water,
         steam, sprinkler, or drainage pipes or plumbing Works of the same, or
         from any other place or quarter or for any damage caused by anything
         done or omitted by any tenant, but the Landlord shall use all
         reasonable diligence to remedy such condition, failure or interruption
         of service, after notice of same, when it is within its power and
         obligation so to do. Nor shall the Tenant be entitled to any abatement
         of Minimum Net Rental and Additional Rental in respect of any such
         condition, failure or interruption of service.

         The Tenant will indemnify and save harmless the Landlord from and
         against all fines, liability, damage suits, claims, demands and actions
         of any kind or nature which the Landlord shall or may become liable for
         or suffer by reason of any breach, violation or non-performance by the
         Tenant of any covenant, term or provision hereof or by reason of any
         injury (including death resulting at any time therefrom) or damage to
         property occasioned to or suffered by any person or persons including
         the Landlord by reason of any such breach, violation or non-performance
         or of any wrongful act, neglect, or default on the part of the Tenant
         or any of its employees or officers.


         The Landlord will indemnify and save harmless the Tenant from and
         against all fines, liability, damage, suits, claims, demands and
         actions of any kind or nature which the Tenant shall or may become
         liable for or suffer by reason of any breach, violation or non
         performance by the Landlord of any covenant, term or provision hereof
         or by reason of any injury (including death resulting at any time
         therefrom) or damage to Property occasioned to or suffered by any
         person or persons including the Tenant by reason of any such breach,
         violation or non-performance of any wrongful act, neglect or default on
         the part of the Landlord or any of its employees or officers.

         Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Lease, the
         Tenant releases and waives any and all claims for damages against the
         Landlord and those for whom Landlord is in law responsible with respect
         to occurrences insured or to be insured by the Tenant, and for which
         the Tenant receives insurance proceeds or for which it would have
         received insurance proceeds had it acted as a prudent administrator,
         whether or not such claims arise as the result of the negligence of the
         Landlord or of those for whom the Landlord is in law responsible and
         all policies of insurance taken out by the Tenant shall provide that
         the insured shall not have any right of subrogation against the
         Landlord or any of its employees, agents or contractors.


         The Tenant represents that the Premises have been examined by the
         Tenant and save and except for any latent defects, the Tenant accepts
         the same in the condition or state which they now are, without
         representation or warranty, expressed or implied, in fact or by law, by
         the Landlord, and without recourse to the Landlord as to the nature,
         condition or usability thereof.


         The Tenant shall not use any part of the exterior parking and loading
         areas or any other areas outside the Leased Premises for any purpose
         other than parking shipping or receiving in the areas designated by the
         Landlord for same save and except for the day care centre mentioned in
         section 21 hereof,

33.      PERMITS, ETC

         The Tenant shall obtain all necessary permits and licenses required for
         the occupancy and carrying on of its business.

34.      HEATING

         Tenant shall suitably heat the Leased Premises at its own cost and


35.      SIGNS

         The Tenant shall be entitled to install on the upper part of the
         Building such signs as are normally installed in connection with its
         business, provided such signs comply with municipal by-laws and are
         approved by the Landlord in accordance with its criteria, which
         approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Installation, if approved,
         will be at the sole expense of the Tenant. At the expiration of this
         lease, Tenant shall remove its signs at its own cost. Tenant shall be
         responsible for any and all damages incurred by the removal of its
         signs, and shall restore that portion of the building or the Property
         to its original condition, subject to normal wear and tear and damage
         by fire, lightening tempest, structural weakness or defects, Acts of
         God, civil commotion, rights and insurrections, causes beyond the
         control of Tenant and damage for which the Landlord is insured or
         damage for which a prudent Landlord would be insured and those repairs
         which are the responsibility of the Landlord pursuant to the terms


         Upon a twenty-four (24) hour notice, the Landlord shall have the right
         to exhibit the Property from time to time to any prospective mortgagee,
         purchaser or Tenant at all reasonable hours.

         The Tenant hereby renounces to Article 1885 of the Civil Code.

         Landlord shall have the right at all times during the Term of this
         lease to place upon the Leased Premises a notice of reasonable
         dimensions and reasonably placed so as not to interfere with the
         business of Tenant, stating that the Leased Premises are for sale and,
         for six (6) months prior to the end of the Term, Landlord shall have
         the right to place upon the Leased Premises a similar notice that the
         Leased Premises are for rent and Tenant win not remove such notice or
         knowingly permit same to be removed.


         The Tenant will not hold the Landlord in any way responsible for any
         damages or annoyance which the Tenant may sustain through the fault of
         any Tenant or Tenants who occupy any premises adjacent to, near or
         above the Leased Premises unless Landlord does not use its reasonable
         efforts in order to stop or prevent any such further damage or
         annoyance, and not use the Leased Premises for any purpose,
         notwithstanding anything stated herein, which may cause noise,
         disturbance or noxious odours, to the discomfort of other tenants and
         neighbours, and renounces to any claims he may have or acquire against
         the Landlord under Article 1861 of the Civil Code of the Province of
         Quebec, except to the extent hereinabove otherwise provided.



         Any notice or demand given by the Landlord to the Tenant shall be
         deemed to be duly given when served upon the Tenant personally, or when
         mailed (registered) to the Tenant at the address of the premises. The
         Tenant elects domicile at ______ for the purpose of service of all
         notices, writs of summons or other legal documents in any suit at law,
         action or proceeding which the Landlord may take under this lease.

         Any notice or demand given by the Tenant to the Landlord shall be
         deemed to be duly given when served upon the Landlord personally or
         when mailed (registered) to the Landlord at the address designated by
         the Landlord for purposes of payment of rent hereunder.


         The Landlord shall have the right at its discretion to make reasonable
         rules and regulations not contrary to the spirit and intent of this
         lease which may from time to time be needful for the safety, care,
         cleanliness and proper administration of the Property including the
         Leased Premises, and for the preservation of good order therein, and
         the same be observed and performed by the Tenant and by the clerks,
         servants, employees, agents and customers of the Tenant, and all such
         rules and regulations now or hereafter to be established by the
         Landlord as herein provided shall form part of this lease as if now set
         forth at length herein.


         The parties agree that this Lease is a confidential document which
         cannot be shown to any third party.

         The rights resulting from the present Lease may be published against
         the title to the Property, by way of a summary to which shall be
         annexed an abbreviated form of the Lease, which shall not contain any
         financial information in order to keep such financial information from
         the public. The said abbreviated lease and summary forms shall be
         prepared and completed by the Tenant who shall submit them for prior
         written approval by the Landlord or its legal counsel prior to
         depositing same at the registry office for publication. The provisions
         of this Lease shall take precedence over the provisions of the
         abbreviated lease which shall be executed by the parties for
         publication reasons only. The publication costs and the costs for
         providing copy of the said summary to the Landlord shall also be at the
         Tenant's expense. Should this Lease be published by way of a summary,
         the Tenant shall, at the termination of the Lease, cause the
         registration of such summary to be cancelled at its expense, failing
         which the Landlord will have the right to cause such cancellation and
         charge the Tenant with the cost of same.



         The Tenant agrees that it will keep the Leased Premises in a clean and
         tidy condition and will not permit waste paper, garbage, ashes, waste,
         debris or other objectionable material to accumulate thereon. Tenant
         shall arrange for removal and disposal of waste or garbage at its sole


         The Tenant warrants that no noxious odours, dust or unreasonable noise
         will emanate from the Leased Premises as a result of the operations
         conducted by the Tenant therein and Tenant further covenants that it
         will not cause or maintain any nuisance in, at or on the Leased
         Premises and/or the Property. Accordingly, the Tenant agrees that
         should such noxious odour, dust, or noise conditions exist, it will, at
         its own expense, take such steps as may be necessary to rectify the
         same, provided further that if the Tenant shall fail to commence to do
         so within forty-eight (48) hours and complete the same within a
         reasonable time after notice is received by the Tenant from Landlord,
         then the Landlord may, at its option and without prejudice to its other
         rights or recourses:

         (a)      notify Tenant that it must shut down the offending operation 
                  in the Leased Premises; and

         (b)      Landlord may proceed forthwith to take reasonable measures to
                  correct the situation and the Landlord shall be entitled to
                  cover the cost thereof from the Tenant forthwith upon demand,
                  plus an administrative fee of fifteen percent (15%) for doing
                  so, which shall be charged to Tenant as additional rent, such
                  cost to be considered as Additional Rental hereunder.


         The Landlord shall have the right to have the Property managed by a
         property management corporation that it designates in writing from time
         to time.


         No reference to or exercise of any specific right or remedy by the
         Landlord shall preclude the Landlord from or prejudice the Landlord in
         exercising any other right under this lease in pursuing any other
         remedy or maintaining any action to which it may otherwise be entitled
         at law.


         No payment by the Tenant or receipt by the Landlord of a lesser amount
         other than the monthly payment of Minimum Net Rental is to be construed
         as other than on account of


         the earliest stipulated Minimum Net Rental and/or Property Expense
         rental and/or Additional Rental nor is any endorsement or statement on
         any cheque or any letter accompanying any cheque or payment as rent to
         be considered in acknowledgment of full payment or an accord and
         satisfaction, and the Landlord may accept payment and cash cheques
         without prejudice to the Landlord's right to recover the balance of the
         rent or pursue its other remedies.

         Except in case of emergency, should the Landlord be required to do any
         Work in the Premises, it shall notify the Tenant of the nature and the
         location of same and the parties shall agree on mutually convenient
         time for the performance of same.

46.      ACCESS

         Upon a twenty-four (24) hour notice (except in an emergency), the
         Landlord shall have the right of access to the Leased Premises only
         during business hours except in an emergency, to perform work necessary
         for the Building or other tenants in the Building, the Tenant
         renouncing any claim to any indemnity or diminution of rent provided
         the same be carried out with reasonable diligence.


         Tenant shall not bring upon the Leased Premises or any part thereof any
         machinery, equipment, article or thing that by reason of its weight or
         size might damage the Leased Premises and win not at any time overload
         the floors of the Leased Premises and if any damage is caused to the
         Leased Premises by any machinery, equipment, article or thing or by
         overloading or by any act, neglect or misuse on the part of Tenant or
         any of its servants, agents or employees or any person having business
         with Tenant, Tenant will forthwith pay to Landlord the cost of making
         good the same.


         Provided the Tenant is not in default in virtue of this Lease, Tenant
         shall have the option, upon giving a written notice to Landlord not
         less than twelve (12) months prior to expiration of the Term of any
         renewal period, of renewing the Term of this Lease for three (3)
         additional periods of five (5) years each. The Lease shall be renewed
         on the same terms and conditions, except for the Minimum Net Rental
         which shall be the fair market rental for similar premises; in the same
         geographic area for similar renewal terms.


         This lease binds and benefits the parties and their respective heirs,
         executors, administrators, successors and assigns as limited in this



         The descriptive headings of this lease are inserted for convenience in
         reference for possible registration purposes only and do not constitute
         a part of this lease.


         This lease shall be construed and governed by the laws of the Province
         of Quebec. Should any of the provisions of this lease and/or its
         conditions be illegal or not enforceable under the laws of the Province
         of Quebec, it or they shall be considered severable and the lease and
         its conditions shall remain in force and be binding upon the parties as
         though the said provisions or conditions had never been included.


         Landlord and Tenant shall not be liable for failure or delays in
         performing any of their obligations hereunder, should such failure or
         delays be caused by fire or other casualty, war, disaster, riots,
         strikes, walk-outs, acts of God, or other causes, except monetary
         inability beyond Landlord's or Tenant's reasonable control.

53.      LANGUAGE

         The Tenant hereby confirms that it has requested that the present
         document be drafted in the English language. Le Locataire certifie
         qu'il a requis que les presentes soient redigees en anglais.

THIRD (3rd) DAY OF MARCH 1995.
- --------------------------------------------


         THAT this Corporation lease from Liberty Sites Ltd. part of the
building situated at 4850 Dobrin and 4901 Levy streets, in the City of St.
Laurent, Province of Quebec, containing an office and warehouse area of
approximately seventy thousand nine hundred and eighty square feet (70,980 sq.
ft.) for a term of fifteen (15) years commencing on July 1, 1995, the whole
pursuant to the terms of a draft lease approved by the directors;

         THAT Jean-Yves Caloz, secretary of the Corporation, be and she is
hereby authorized to execute the lease and to furthermore sign such further
documents and do such things that may be necessary or incidental in connection
with the foregoing.


         TRUE copy of a resolution of Phoenix International Life Sciences Inc.
         adopted as of the third (3 rd) day of March 1995, in full compliance
         with the relevant provisions of the articles and by-laws of the
         Corporation, which resolution is presently in force, without amendment.

         CERTIFIED in St. Laurent as of the third (3d) day of March 1995.

                                              Name:  /S/ JEAN-YVES CALOZ 
                                                     Jean-Yves Caloz, Secretary
