
                               Dr. Klaus Schaffler
                           (hereinafter also "Seller")


      Institute for Pharmcodynamic Research Phoenix International GmbH i.G.
                           (hereinafter also "Buyer")

                    relating to a clinical research business


                               PRELIMINARY REMARKS

(1)  The Seller is the owner of a business activity and the related assets for
     clinical research and testing of medicines, hereinafter "Assets.@

(2)  The Seller intends to sell these Assets to the Buyer, a limited liability
     company in foundation with its seat in Munich, represented by its managing
     director with sole power of representation. A copy of the notarial deed of
     the foundation of the company is attached to this Agreement as ANNEX TO
     PARA. (2) OF THE PRELIMINARY REMARKS. The Buyer intends to purchase the

(3)  With this in mind, the Seller and the Buyer enter into the following


                                 LABOR RELATIONS

(1)  The Seller sells to the Buyer the Assets used for the business activity
     SCHAFFLER in Munich. The Seller sells the Assets as listed in ANNEX TO
     SECTION 1 PARA. (1) whether or not reflected in the balance sheet of the
     business activity. This includes in particular but is not limited to rights
     to further benefits, guarantees, intellectual property rights, licenses,
     permits, designs, processes, formulas, drawings, draftings, samples, books
     and business documents as well as written or in any other way collected and
     stored information of any kind.

(2)  The Buyer shall become a party to the following agreements on the Takeover

     1)   insurance agreements

     2)   agreements for the supply of utilities and disposal services (water,
          gas, electricity, heating, waste disposal, sewage, etc.).

     3)   rental agreement regarding the premises in Munich (including the

     4)   project contracts, especially the BERLIN CHEMIE Project, the OLD
          MADAUS Project and the NEW MADAUS Project Cost and proceeds of these
          three projects are allocated with the parties as stipulated in ANNEX
          TO SECTION I PARA. (2)(d).

(3)  The Buyer shall not enter into any other contractual agreements or assume
     any liability (including tax liability, whether or not relevant to the sold
     Assets) from the Seller. 

(4)  The Buyer shall continue to employ Mr. Haase. The Buyer enters into the
     service agreement with Mr. Haase with all rights and obligations arising
     there from. The service agreement is attached as ANNEX TO SECTION L PARA.

                                    Section 2
                                 PURCHASE PRICE

(5)  The purchase price for the Assets shall be DM 420.000,--. 

(6)  The Buyer disbursed the amount of DM 400.000,-- to the Seller on the basis
     of a loan agreement dated January 9, 1998. The purchase price shall be set
     off against this amount, consequently, the Buyer owes a payments of DM

(7)  Payment is due on the date of Handover of Possession.

                                    Section 3
                              TAKEOVER DATE, INCOME

     Takeover Date is April 01, 1998, 0:00. From this day on the business
     activity sold shall be run on account of the Buyer.

                                    Section 4

(8)  The Buyer and, should occasion wise, his legal successor are entitled, but
     not required, to continue to use the business name of the Seller with or
     without the use of supplementary names or to partially use the business
     name, regardless of the business form. Seller and Buyer are required to
     cooperate in the renaming of the Buyer. (9) The Seller will act as the
     managing director for the Buyer for at least 3 years upon execution of this
     Agreement, based on the managing director employment agreement contained in
     ANNEX TO SECTION 4 PARA. (2). If the managing director resigns without the
     Buyer having given good cause (WICHUGER GRUND), or if the managing director
     is terminated because of the presence of good cause, then the purchase
     price shall be reduced by DM 100.000,--.

                                    Section 5

(10) The Seller makes on the Takeover Date and at the moment of the handover 
     of possession (Section 10) in so far as not otherwise provided for in 
     this Agreement the following representations and warranties in the form 
     of an independent warranty agreement 

     1)   Financial Position

          1.   The Seller's annual financial statements given to the Buyer for
               the fiscal years 1996 end 1997 comply with statutory provisions
               and proper accounting principles, and accurately state the
               capital, financial and earnings situation of the business

          2.   The Buyer has been completely and comprehensively informed -
               verbally or in writing- to the best of the Sellers knowledge of
               all facts known to the Seller, which are not insignificant for
               the evaluation of the current and future capital, financial and
               profit situation of the business activity. The information and
               documents provided are correct in so far as they contain most
               recent personal declarations of the Seller.

          3.   The sold Assets, are the property of the Seller and are not
               subject to any third party rights. They encompass all economic
               assets, which shall be used in or are necessary for the business

          4.   The receivables stated in the balance sheet exist, are not
               subject to defenses and no greater losses have occurred than the
               amount of allowances in the balance sheet.

          5.   The sale of the Assets shall not make the Buyer liable for third
               party liabilities, in particular on the basis of negotiable
               instruments, guarantees, and letters of comfort. 

          6.   The fixed assets (ANLAGEVERMOGEN) are in a proper condition and
               all necessary repairs and the procurement of replacements have
               been undertaken. 

          7.   The quality and quantity of the inventory is reasonably in accord
               with business principles. The inventory is in good condition and
               is salable in the ordinary course of business. 

          8.   ANNEX TO SECTION 5 PARA (1) a) 8. contains a complete list of the
               most recent completed field tax audit (as of 1994) concerning the
               business activities for every type of tax rating the time of the
               issuance of the respective notice of tax assessment or pending

               1) Employment and Service Relationships 

                  1. ANNEX TO SECTION 5 PARA (1) b) 1. contains a Complete list
                     of all commercial agents and consultants of the sold
                     business activity on the Takeover Date, including name,
                     field of activity, date of first employment, termination
                     notice periods, annual remuneration in the calendar year
                     1997, including all fringe payments.

                  2. Since 1996 there have been no increases or promises of
                     increase of payments (salary, pension, profit-sharing
                     bonus, bonuses, commission, other payments) to employees,
                     consultants, commercial agents or other persons rendering
                     services. No modifications of such agreements (duration,
                     notice periods, etc.) occurred since.

                  3. If Mr. Haase objects to the takeover by the Buyer or
                     employment was terminated on the Takeover Date, the Seller
                     shall bear all claims to current compensation and

          1)   Period between the Takeover Date and the Handover of Possession
               (Section 10) (Transition Period)
               1.   The business activity has been conducted in accordance with
                    the principles of reasonable and conscientious business
                    management during the Transition Period. In particular, the
                    prices agreed upon for deliveries and services have been
                    calculated so as not to incur losses and so as to receive
                    equal and valuable consideration for all obligations

               2.   During the Transition Period none of the fixed assets of the
                    sold business activity have been sold or otherwise disposed
                    of, except for those listed in the ANNEX TO SECTION 5 PARA.
                    (1) c) 2.

               3.   During the Transition Period no extraordinary transactions
                    have been conducted nor extraordinary measures taken.
          1)   Miscellaneous 

               1.   There have never been, nor are there currently pending, any
                    product or medical liability claims against the Seller in
                    connection with the business activity. 1.

               2.   All know-how and intellectual property rights included in
                    the sale are permanently at the disposal of the Buyer with
                    full legal title, and no payments or performances in respect
                    of those rights are due to third parties. 

               3.   The Seller is not in substantial violation of any statutory
                    provisions, and in particular, the Seller has fulfilled all
                    of his tax- and social security-law obligations. The Seller
                    is not infringing on the contractual rights of third parties
                    and has not assumed any contractual liabilities through his
                    business operations, and especially, the Seller has not
                    defaulted on his delivery, performance or payment

               4.   The business activity complies with current and, to the best
                    of the Seller's knowledge, future public administrative law
                    (OFFENTLICHRECHTLICH) statutory provisions as well as with
                    labor law provisions. 

               5.   The fundamental operational bases of the sold business
                    activity (e.g., concessions, operational permits, waste
                    disposal agreements, rental and leasing (Pacht- und
                    Leasing-), license, cooperation, credit, supply agreements)
                    are not terminated, limited or impeded by the conclusion of
                    this Agreement. 

               6.   The sold business activity has sufficient insurance
                    coverage. The ANNEX TO SECTION 5 PARA (1) d) 6. contains a
                    complete list of all insurance Policies, stating the insured
                    risks, the remaining term, and the yearly premium. 

               7.   ANNEX TO SECTION 1 PARA. (1) contains a complete list of all
                    assumed agreements. The agreements we effective, have been
                    performed by the parties in accord with the agreement until
                    now and shall remain effective prospectively as long as the
                    parties continue to perform in accord with the agreement.
                    They are the only agreements necessary to carry out the
                    business activity in the ordinary course. The parties to the
                    agreement shall consent to the entry of the Buyer in the
                    assumed agreements with, the previous conditions with the
                    exception of those specially identified agreements in ANNEX
                    TO SECTION 5 PARA. (1) d) 7. 

               8.   Except for those legal proceedings listed in ANNEX TO 
                    SECTION 5 PARA. (1) a) 8., there neither exist nor are 
                    threatened any lawsuits, legal remedies or other 

               9.   The acquisition of the Assets by the Buyer does not
                    constitute an acquisition of assets within the meaning of
                    Section 419 German Civil Code (BGD) or a transaction within
                    the meaning of Section 1365 BGD.

               10.  The sold Assets are technically without fault and will not
                    give raise to any claims, in particular as regards technical
                    issues in connection with the turn of the century. 

1)   The statutory warranty against defects of quality and title with regard to
     the Assets shall apply in addition. 

2)   If the representations and warranties of the Seller are dependent on the
     knowledge and awareness of certain facts or circumstances, such knowledge
     awareness shall be attributed to the Seller also in case of facts and
     circumstances of which the Seller would have been aware had the Seller
     exercised due care.

                                    Section 6

1)   Any noncompliance with a representation and/or warranty under '5 shall
     commit the Seller to the payment of compensatory damages only. The measure
     of said damages shall be that amount which would have to be paid in order
     to place the Buyer in the same position as if the representation and/or
     warranty had been fulfilled. 

2)   Claims to compensation for damages shall bear interest of 3% over the
     discount rate of the BUNDESBANK (Contractual Interest Rate) calculated from
     the time of loss, or at the earliest, from the Takeover Date. 

3)   If damage has not yet been incurred, the Buyer may demand that the Seller
     indemnify the Buyer. 

4)   All claims to compensation for damages shall lapse if they are not raised
     in writing within two years of the Takeover Date stating the bases for the
     claims against the Seller. Timely made claims are barred after three years
     from the Takeover Date.

5)   If the Seller has Fraudulently concealed material defects of the Assets or,
     if the liability of the Seller is based on such material deviations from
     the above representations and/or warranties that the Buyer can no longer be
     reasonably expected to comply with this Agreement, then the Buyer is
     entitled, notwithstanding para. (1), to rescission of this Agreement in
     addition to the enforcement of claims to compensation for damages.
     Rescission shall be precluded if not exercised within six months of the
     execution of this agreement.

                                    Section 7
                                 TAXES AND COSTS

1)   Taxes payable by the Seller on any profit incurred incident to this
     Agreement shall be borne by the Seller. 

2)   The costs of this Agreement and its execution shall be borne by the Buyer.
     The Buyer and Seller shall each bear the costs of their own consultants.

                                    Section 8
                             NON-COMPETITION CLAUSE

1)   The Seller shall in no way undertake the operation of or participate in or
     serve as an employee or independent contractor in any manner with an
     enterprise which competes with the business activity for a period of five
     years from the Takeover Date. This non-competition clause shall not be
     valid if the competition does not take effect in Germany. This
     non-competition clause shall not be effective in respect of the acquisition
     of ownership interests listed on a stock exchange in up to 5% of the stated
     capital (GRUNDKAPITAL). 

2)   For every breach by the Seller of the non-competition clause, liquidated
     contractual damages (VERTRAGSSTRAFE) in the amount of DM 50,000,-- shall be
     paid to the Buyer. In 

     the case of a continuous violation, a separate violation shall be deemed to
     have occurred at the beginning of each calendar month. The Buyer shall not
     be barred from asserting higher damages. However, the amount of any
     liquidated contractual damages paid shall be subtracted from any actual

                                    Section 9
                             PERFORMANCE PROVISIONS

1)   The transfer of fixed assets and any other matter concerning the
     performance of this Agreement shall be governed by the following: 

     1)   The parties to the Agreement are in agreement concerning the transfer
          of ownership in movables at the time of the execution of this
          Agreement. If any sold movables, are not in the possession of the
          Seller, transfer shall be effected by the assignment of claims to
          possession against the immediate holder of the movables by the Seller
          to the Buyer. 

     2)   The sold claims are hereby assigned to the Buyer. The Buyer is
          entitled to notify the debtors of the transfer directly and, so far as
          necessary, to obtain their consents to the assignments. 

     3)   The sold rights, licenses and permits are hereby assigned to the
          Buyer. If the assignment requires any further measures (entry into a
          register, notification of public authorities, etc.) to be legally
          binding or effective, the Seller will undertake all necessary steps to
          bring about the transfer. 

     4)   In as far as non-transferable objects are included in the sale, the
          Seller is obligated to put the Buyer into a position as if the objects
          had been effectively transferred. 

     5)   The Seller shall obtain the consent of third parties to the entry of
          the Buyer into running contracts in so far as the Buyer receives the
          economic benefit of the contracts. 

     6)   Insofar as a change in the inventory in the Assets occurs between the
          Takeover Date and the transfer, the changed inventory is controlling
          for the transfer. A current inventory, including the significant items
          of property hereby being transferred, is attached as ANNEX TO SECTION
          9 PARA. (2).

                                   Section 10
                             HANDOVER OF POSSESSION

     The handover of possession of the Assets shall take place on the date of

                                   Section 11
                                FINAL PROVISIONS

1)   This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Germany under the exclusion
     of its principles of conflict of laws. 

2)   There are no collateral agreements to this Agreement. 

3)   Modifications and supplementations not requiring notarial authentication
     require the written form (SCHRIFTFORM) in order to be effective. 

4)   The place of performance of the Agreement and the jurisdictional venue
     shall be the seat of the Buyer, to the extent legally permitted. 

5)   The Seller and Buyer shall agree upon the time, manner and content of
     external and internal publication of the sale of the Assets. 

6)   This Agreement replaces all previous agreements and statements of the
     Seller and Buyer with regard to its subject matter. 

7)   The Parties to this Agreement shall take all actions necessary for the
     seamless implementation of this sale of the Assets. 

8)   If individual provisions of this Agreement should be or become invalid, the
     validity of the other provisions shall not be affected thereby. The invalid
     provision shall be replaced by a valid provision which comes as close as
     possible to the original economic intention of the invalid provision.

Munich, this 1st day of April 1998,

/s/ Klaus Schaffler
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Dr. Klaus Schaffler

Institute for Pharmacodynamic
Research Phoenix International GmbH i. G.

/s/ Klaus Schaffler
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Dr. Klaus Schaffler

I.T.E.M. S.A. being the founder and sole shareholder of Institute for
Pharmacodynamic Research Phoenix International GmbH i. G. herewith authorizes
Dr. Klaus Schaffler, as the managing director of said GmbH i.G. to execute the
above agreement.

Munich, this 1st day of April 1998,

/s/ Lucien Steru
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Lucien Steru