Exhibit 3(b)

                               BROKER-DEALER SALES AND
                                SUPERVISION AGREEMENT

This Broker-Dealer Sales and Supervision Agreement ("Agreement") is made by and
between [DISTRIBUTORS] ("Distributors"), each a broker-dealer registered with
the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") under the Securities and Exchange
Act of 1934 ("1934 Act") and a member of the National Association of Securities
Dealers, Inc. ("NASD"), [INSURANCE COMPANIES] (referred to collectively as
"Companies"), and ___________________________ [BROKER-DEALER], an independent
broker-dealer registered with the SEC under the 1934 Act and a member of the
NASD ("Broker-Dealer"), or a bank as defined by Section 3(a)(6) of the 1934 Act
and Article I(b) of the NASD By-Laws, and any and all undersigned insurance
agency affiliates ("Affiliates") of Broker-Dealer.  Distributors and Companies
are sometimes collectively referred to as "Hartford Life".

WHEREAS, Companies offer certain variable life insurance policies and variable
and modified guaranteed annuity contracts which are deemed to be securities
under the Securities Act of 1933 (the "Registered Products") and other
nonregistered life policies and annuity contracts ("Nonregistered Products, and
with the "Registered Products, collectively the "Products"); and

WHEREAS, Companies wish to appoint the Broker-Dealer and Affiliates as agents of
the Companies for the solicitation and procurement of applications for those
specific Products listed on the lines of business page(s) hereto, as the same
may be amended from time to time; and

WHEREAS, Distributors are the principal underwriters of the Products; and

WHEREAS, Distributors anticipate having representatives who are associated with
Broker-Dealer, who are NASD registered and are duly licensed under applicable
state insurance law and who are, where required, appointed as insurance agents
of Companies to solicit and sell the Registered and Nonregistered Products
("Registered Representatives"); and

WHEREAS, Distributors and the Companies acknowledge that Broker-Dealer will
provide certain supervisory and administrative services to Registered
Representatives who are associated with the Broker-Dealer in connection with the
solicitation, service and sale of the Registered and Nonregistered Products; and

WHEREAS, Broker-Dealer agrees to provide the aforementioned supervisory and
administrative services to its Registered Representatives who have been
appointed by the Companies to sell the Registered and Nonregistered Products.

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained in this
Agreement, the parties agree to the following:


       Companies hereby appoint, effective upon compliance with individual state
       requirements, Broker-Dealer and Affiliates, if any, as an agent of the
       Companies for the solicitation and procurement of applications for the
       Products offered by the Companies, as outlined in the lines of business
       page(s) attached herein, in all states in which the Companies are
       authorized to do business and in which Broker-Dealer or any Affiliates
       are properly insurance licensed.  Broker-Dealer shall


       supervise Registered Representatives in the solicitation, servicing and
       sale of the Products in accordance with all applicable securities laws.
       The Companies hereby authorize Broker-Dealer under applicable state
       insurance laws to supervise Registered Representatives in connection with
       the solicitation, servicing and sale of the Companies Registered and
       Nonregistered Products.


       Broker-Dealer has the authority to represent Distributors and Companies
       only to the extent expressly granted in this Agreement.  Broker-Dealer
       and any associated Registered Representatives shall not hold themselves
       out to be employees of Companies or Distributors in any dealings with the
       public.  Broker-Dealer and any Registered Representatives shall be
       independent contractors as to Distributors or Companies.  Nothing
       contained herein is intended to create a relationship of employer and
       employee between Broker-Dealer and Distributors or Companies or between
       Registered Representatives and Distributors or Companies.


       Broker-Dealer represents that it is either:_____ a registered
       broker-dealer under the 1934 Act, a member in good standing of the NASD,
       and a registered broker-dealer under applicable state law to the extent
       necessary to perform the duties described in this Agreement or _____ a
       bank as defined by Section 3(a)(6) of the 1934 Act.  Broker-Dealer
       represents that its Registered Representatives, who will be soliciting
       applications for the Registered Products, will be duly registered
       representatives associated with Broker-Dealer and that they will be
       representatives in good standing with accreditation as required by the
       NASD to sell the Registered Products.  Broker-Dealer agrees to abide by
       all rules and regulations of the NASD, including its Conduct Rules, and
       to comply with all applicable state and federal laws and the rules and
       regulations of authorized regulatory agencies affecting the sale of the
       Products by Broker-Dealer or any of its associated Registered


              Broker-Dealer has full responsibility for the training and
              supervision of all Registered Representatives and any other
              persons associated with Broker-Dealer and any other persons who
              are engaged directly or indirectly in the offer or sale of the
              Products.  Broker-Dealer shall, during the term of this Agreement,
              establish and implement reasonable procedures for periodic
              inspection and supervision of sales practices of its Registered
              Representatives including all applicable continuing education
              requirements.  Companies and Distributors reserve the right to
              monitor the Broker-Dealer's Registered Representatives as to sales
              supervision and continuing education.

              If a Registered Representative ceases to be a Registered
              Representative of Broker-Dealer, is disqualified for continued
              NASD registration or has its registration suspended by the NASD or
              otherwise fails to meet the rules and standards imposed by
              Broker-Dealer, Broker-Dealer shall immediately notify such
              Registered Representative that he or she is no longer authorized
              to solicit applications for the sale of Products on behalf of the
              Companies.  Broker-Dealer shall immediately notify the Companies
              of such termination or suspension or failure to abide by he rules
              and standards of Broker-Dealer.

       4.2    SOLICITATION
              Broker-Dealer agrees to supervise its Registered Representatives
              so that they will only solicit applications in states where the
              Products are approved for sale and where the Registered
              Representatives are properly licensed and appointed in accordance
              with applicable state laws


              and Companies' rules, procedures and ethical standards then in
              effect.  Companies shall notify Broker-Dealer of the availability
              of the Products in each state.

              Broker-Dealer and its Registered Representatives shall not make
              any misrepresentation or in complete comparison of products for
              the purpose of inducing a current or potential contract owner or
              policyholder to lapse, forfeit or surrender his or her current
              insurance contract in  favor of purchasing Companies' or other
              insurer's product.  Communication with clients shall include
              sufficient information regarding the appropriateness of the
              transaction to allow the client to make an informed decision.

              Broker-Dealer shall ensure that its Registered Representatives
              comply with the prospectus delivery requirements under the
              Securities Act of 1933.  In addition, Broker-Dealer shall ensure
              that its Registered Representatives shall not make recommendations
              to an applicant to purchase a Product in the absence of reasonable
              grounds to believe that the purchase is suitable for such
              applicant, as required by applicable state insurance laws, the
              suitability requirements of the 1934 Act and the NASD Conduct
              Rules.  Broker-Dealer shall ensure that each application obtained
              by its Registered Representatives shall bear evidence of approval
              by one of its principals indicating that the application has been
              reviewed for suitability.

              Broker-Dealer and its Registered Representatives are not
              authorized to provide any information or make any representation
              in connection with this Agreement or the solicitation of the
              Products other than those contained in the prospectus or in other
              promotional material produced or authorized by Companies and

              Broker-Dealer agrees that if it develops any promotional material
              for sales, training, explanatory or other purposes in connection
              with the solicitation of applications for Products, including
              generic advertising, illustrations and/or training materials which
              may be used in connection with the sale of Products, it will
              obtain the prior written approval of Companies, such approval not
              to be unreasonably withheld.   Broker-Dealer agrees that it has
              full responsibility for any training or other promotional material
              it distributes to sales personnel unless the prior written
              approval of Companies has been obtained.

       4.6    RECORD KEEPING
              Broker-Dealer is responsible for maintaining the records of its
              Registered Representatives.  Broker-Dealer shall maintain such
              other records as are required of it by applicable laws and
              regulations.  The books, accounts and records maintained by
              Broker-Dealer that relate to the sale of the Products, or dealings
              with the Companies or Distributors shall be maintained so as to
              clearly and accurately disclose the nature and details of each

              Broker-Dealer acknowledges that all the records maintained by
              Broker-Dealer relating to the solicitation, service or sale of the
              Products subject to this Agreement, including but not limited to
              applications, authorization cards, complaint files, supervisory
              and inspection procedures and suitability reviews, shall be
              available to Companies and Distributors upon request during normal
              business hours.  Companies and Distributors may retain copies of
              any such records which Companies and Distributors, in their
              discretion, deem necessary or desirable to keep.

              Broker-Dealer agrees to repay Companies the total amount of any
              compensation which may have been paid to it within thirty (30)
              business days of notice of the request for such refund should
              Companies for any reason return any premium on a Product which was
              solicited by a Registered Representative of Broker-Dealer.


              Broker-Dealer and Registered Representatives only have the
              authority to collect initial premiums except as specifically set
              forth in the applicable commission schedule.  Unless previously
              authorized by Distributors, neither Broker-Dealer nor any of its
              Registered Representatives shall have any right to withhold or
              deduct any part of any premium it shall receive for purposes of
              payment of commission or otherwise.


              Companies will provide Broker-Dealer with reasonable quantities of
              the currently effective prospectus for the Registered Products and
              appropriate sales promotional material which has been filed with
              the NASD, approved by Companies and filed as applicable with state
              insurance departments.

       5.2    COMPENSATION
              Companies will pay Broker-Dealer as full compensation for all
              services rendered by Broker-Dealer under this Agreement,
              commissions and/or service fees in the amounts, in the manner and
              for the period of time as set forth in the Commission Schedules
              attached to this Agreement or subsequently made a part hereof, and
              which are in effect at the time such Products are sold.  The
              manner of commission payments (I.E. including without limitation
              fronted or trail) is not subject to change after the effective
              date of a contract for which the compensation is payable.

              Companies may change the Commission Schedules attached to this
              Agreement at any time.  Such change shall become effective only
              when Distributors or Companies provide the Broker-Dealer with
              written notice of the change.  No such change shall affect
              first-year commissions on any contracts issued as a result of
              applications received by Companies at Companies' Home Office prior
              to the effective date of such change.

              Distributors agree to identify to Broker-Dealer, for each such
              payment, the name of the Registered Representative of
              Broker-Dealer who solicited each contract covered by the payment.
              Distributors will not compensate Broker-Dealer for any Product
              which is tendered for redemption after acceptance of the
              application.  Any chargebacks will be assessed against the
              Broker-Dealer of record at the time of the redemption.

              Distributors will only compensate Broker-Dealer or Affiliates, as
              outlined below, for those applications accepted by Companies, and
              only after receipt of the required premium by Companies at
              Companies' Home Office or at such other location as Companies may
              designate from time to time for its various lines of business, and
              compliance by Broker-Dealer with any outstanding contract and
              prospectus delivery requirements.

              In the event that this Agreement terminates due to fraudulent
              activities or a material breach of this Agreement by the
              Broker-Dealer, Distributors will only pay to Broker-Dealer or
              Affiliates commissions or other compensation earned prior to
              discovery of events requiring termination. No further commissions
              or other compensation shall thereafter be payable.

              If Broker-Dealer is unable to comply with state licensing
              requirements because of a legal impediment which prohibits a
              non-domiciliary corporation from becoming a licensed insurance
              agency or prohibits non-resident ownership of a licensed insurance
              agency, Distributors agree to pay compensation to Broker-Dealer's
              contractually affiliated insurance


              agency, a wholly-owned agency affiliate of Broker-Dealer, or a
              Registered Representative or principal of Broker-Dealer who is
              properly state licensed and/or appointed.  As appropriate, any
              reference in this Agreement to Broker-Dealer shall apply equally
              to such Affiliate. Distributors agree to pay compensation to an
              Affiliate subject to Affiliate's agreement to comply with the
              requirements of Exhibit A attached hereto.  All other obligations
              of Broker-Dealer continue to apply.

              Companies, subject to internal standards for appointment of
              agents/Registered Representatives, shall appoint all
              agents/Registered Representatives designated by Broker-Dealer
              prior to any solicitation of Products, unless specifically allowed
              by state law.  Such appointments shall be at the Companies
              expense.  The Companies shall not terminate any designated
              agent/Registered Representative for non-production without prior
              written notice to Broker-Dealer.


       6.1    This Agreement may be terminated by Distributors or Broker-Dealer
              by giving sixty (60) days' notice in writing to the other parties.

       6.2    Such notice of termination shall be sent by registered mail to the
              last known address of Broker-Dealer appearing on Companies'
              records, or in the event of termination by Broker-Dealer, to the
              Home Office, Hartford Life, P.O. Box 5085, Hartford, Connecticut

       6.3    Such notice shall be an effective notice of termination of this
              Agreement as of the time the notice is deposited in the United
              States mail or the time of actual receipt of such notice if
              delivered by means other than mail.

       6.4    This Agreement shall automatically terminate without notice upon
              the occurrence of any of the events set forth below:

              6.4.1  Upon the bankruptcy or dissolution of Broker-Dealer.

              6.4.2  When and if Broker-Dealer commits fraud or gross negligence
                     in the performance of any duties imposed upon Broker-Dealer
                     by this Agreement or wrongfully withholds or
                     misappropriates, for Broker-Dealer's own use, funds of
                     Companies, its policyholders or applicants.

              6.4.3  When and if Broker-Dealer materially breaches this
                     Agreement or materially violates any applicable state or
                     federal law and/or administrative regulation in a
                     jurisdiction where Broker-Dealer transacts business.

              6.4.4  When and if Broker-Dealer fails to obtain renewal of a
                     necessary license in any jurisdiction, but only as to that
                     jurisdiction and only until Broker-Dealer renews its
                     license in such jurisdiction.

       6.5    The parties agree that on termination of this Agreement, any
              outstanding indebtedness to Companies shall become immediately due
              and payable.



              Broker-Dealer shall cooperate with Companies in the investigation
              and settlement of all complaints or claims against Broker-Dealer
              and/or Companies relating to the solicitation or sale of the
              Products under this Agreement.  Broker-Dealer, Distributors and
              Companies each shall promptly forward to the others any complaint,
              notice of claim or other relevant information which may come into
              its possession.  Broker-Dealer, Distributors and Companies agree
              to cooperate fully in any investigation or proceeding in order to
              attempt to achieve a prompt and equitable resolution to all
              complaints or claims and to ensure that Broker-Dealer's,
              Distributors' and Companies' procedures with respect to related
              solicitation or servicing are consistent with any applicable law
              or regulation.

              In the event any legal process or notice is served on
              Broker-Dealer in a suit or proceeding against Distributors or
              Companies, Broker-Dealer shall forward forthwith such process or
              notice to Hartford Life at its Home Office in Hartford,
              Connecticut, by registered mail.

       7.2    WAIVER
              The failure of Distributors or Companies to enforce any provisions
              of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of any such
              provision.  The past waiver of a provision by Distributors or
              Companies shall not constitute a course of conduct or a waiver in
              the future of that same provision.

              7.3.1  INDEMNITY DEFINITIONS.  The following definitions shall
                     apply for purposes of this Article VII (c):

                     "Claim" means any civil, administrative and/or criminal
                     action, claim, suit, and/or legal proceeding of any kind
                     that is brought against an Indemnitee by a third party (the
                     "Claimant") unaffiliated with such Indemnitee.

                     "Costs" means any damages, settlements, judgments, losses,
                     expenses interest, penalties, reasonable legal fees and
                     disbursements (including without limitation fees and costs
                     for investigators, expert witnesses and other litigation
                     advisors) and other costs incurred by an Indemnitee to
                     investigate, defend or settle a Claim, except that no
                     settlement payments shall be included in Costs unless the
                     applicable Indemnitor has given its prior express written
                     consent to the settlement, which consent shall not be
                     unreasonably withheld.  Costs shall not include any
                     expenses for any investigation or defense of a Claim
                     incurred by Indemnitee after the date on which Indemnitor
                     gives notice of its election to assume the defense of such

              7.3.2  PARTIES LIABILITY.

                     (i) Broker-Dealer shall indemnify and hold Distributors and
                     Companies, and each of their respective directors,
                     officers, and employees, harmless from any Costs sustained
                     by Companies and/or the Distributors (including reasonable
                     attorneys' fees) on account of any claim, arising out of,
                     based upon, or otherwise relating to: (a) any breach of any
                     representation, warranty, covenant, agreement or other
                     obligation of Broker-Dealer or any Affiliate contained in
                     this Agreement; (b) a violation of state and/or federal
                     laws, regulations or rules, or the rules and regulations of
                     any applicable self-regulatory organizations by
                     Broker-Dealer or any Affiliate; (c) negligent, fraudulent,
                     illegal or wrongful action or inaction by Broker-Dealer or
                     any Affiliate or by persons employed or appointed by
                     Broker-Dealer.  In any of the foregoing cases Broker-Dealer
                     or any Affiliate shall be an "Indemnitor" as such term is
                     used in this Agreement and each of the Distributors and the
                     Companies, and each of their directors, officers and
                     employees, as applicable, shall be an "Indemnitee" as such
                     term is used in this Agreement.


                     (ii) Each Affiliate shall indemnify and hold Distributors
                     and Companies, and each of their respective directors,
                     officers, and employees, harmless from any Costs sustained
                     by Companies or Distributors (including reasonable
                     attorneys' fees) on account of any claim, arising out of,
                     based upon, or otherwise relating to: (a) any breach of any
                     representation, warranty, covenant, agreement or other
                     obligation of the Affiliate contained in this Agreement;
                     (b) a violation of state and/or federal laws, regulations
                     or rules, or the rules and regulations of any applicable
                     self-regulatory organizations by Affiliate; (c) negligent,
                     fraudulent, illegal or wrongful action or inaction by the
                     Affiliate or by persons employed or appointed by the
                     Affiliate.  In any of the foregoing cases the Affiliates
                     shall be an "indemnitor" as such term is used in this
                     Agreement and each of the Distributors and the Companies,
                     and each of their directors, officers and employees, as
                     applicable, shall be an "indemnitee" as such term is used
                     in this Agreement.

                     (iii) Distributors shall indemnify and hold Broker-Dealer,
                     and its directors, officers, and employees, harmless from
                     any Costs sustained by Broker-Dealer (including reasonable
                     attorneys' fees) on account of, arising out of, based upon,
                     or otherwise relating to: (a) any breach of any
                     representation, warranty, covenant, agreement or other
                     obligation of Distributors contained in this Agreement; (b)
                     a violation of state and/or federal laws, regulations or
                     rules, or the rules and regulations of any applicable
                     self-regulatory organizations by Distributors; (c)
                     negligent, fraudulent, illegal or wrongful action or
                     inaction by Distributors or by persons employed or
                     appointed by Distributors other than Broker-Dealer or its
                     employees or appointees.  In any of the foregoing cases
                     Distributors shall be an "Indemnitor" as such term is used
                     in this Agreement and Broker-Dealer, and each of its
                     directors, officers and employees, as applicable, shall be
                     an "Indemnitee" as such term is used in this Agreement.

                     (iv) Companies shall indemnify and hold Broker-Dealer, and
                     its directors, officers, and employees, harmless from any
                     Costs sustained by Broker-Dealer (including reasonable
                     attorneys' fees) on account of, arising out of any claim,
                     based upon, or otherwise relating to: (a) any breach of any
                     representation, warranty, covenant, agreement or other
                     obligation of Companies contained in this Agreement; (b) a
                     violation of state and/or federal securities or insurance
                     laws, regulations or rules, or the rules and regulations of
                     any applicable self-regulatory organizations by
                     Companies(c) negligent, fraudulent, illegal or wrongful
                     action or inaction by Companies or by persons employed or
                     appointed by Companies other than Broker-Dealer or its
                     employees or appointees.  In any of the foregoing cases
                     Companies shall be an "Indemnitor" as such term is used in
                     this Agreement and Broker-Dealer, and each of its
                     directors, officers and employees, as applicable, shall be
                     an "Indemnitee" as such term is used in this Agreement.

              Indemnitor shall not be liable under this indemnification
              provision with respect to any Claim made against an Indemnitee
              unless that Indemnitee shall have notified the Indemnitor in
              writing within a reasonable time after the summons or other first
              legal process giving information of the nature of the Claim shall
              have been served upon that Indemnitee (or after the Indemnitee
              shall have received notice of such service on any designated
              agent).  At any time after such notice, any Indemnitor may deliver
              to the Indemnitee its written acknowledgment that Indemnitee is
              entitled to indemnification under this Article VII (c) for all
              Costs associated with the Claim.  The Indemnitor shall thereafter
              be entitled to assume the defense of the Claim and shall bear all
              expenses associated therewith, including without limitation,
              payment on a current basis of all previous Costs incurred by the
              Indemnitee in relation to the Claim from the date the Claim was
              brought.  After notice from any Indemnitor to the Indemnitee of an
              election to assume the defense of any Claim, the Indemnitee shall
              not be liable to the Indemnitors for any Costs related to the
              Claim.  Until such time as Indemnitee receives notice of an
              Indemnitor's election to assume the defense of any Claim,
              Indemnitee may defend itself against the Claim and may


              hire counsel and other experts of its choice and Indemnitors,
              jointly and severally, shall be liable for payment of counsel and
              other expert fees on a current basis as the same are billed.

              7.3.4  COOPERATION AND UPDATES.  To the extent that an Indemnitee
              makes a claim for indemnification against an Indemnitor,
              Indemnitee and Indemnitor shall each give the other reasonable
              access during normal business hours to its books, records and
              employees and those books, records and employees within its
              control in connection with the Claim for which indemnification is
              sought hereunder and shall otherwise cooperate with one another in
              the defense of any such Claim.  Regardless of which party defends
              a particular Claim, the defending party shall give the other
              parties written notice of any significant development in the case
              as soon as practicable, but in any event within five (5) business
              days after such development.  In no event shall either Indemnitor
              or Indemnitee be required to divulge any privileged information.

              7.3.5  SETTLEMENT.  If an Indemnitee is defending a Claim and: (1)
              a settlement proposal is made by the Claimant, or (2) the
              Indemnitee desires to present a settlement proposal to the
              Claimant, then the Indemnitee promptly shall notify the
              Indemnitors of such settlement proposal together with its
              counsel's recommendation and shall request the consent of
              Indemnitor(s).  Indemnitee, in making such request, shall make
              available complete access, during normal business hours, to any
              and all discovery up to the date of such request.  If the
              Indemnitee desires to enter into the settlement and less than all
              of the Indemnitors consent within five (5) business days (unless
              such period is extended, in writing, by mutual agreement of the
              parties hereto), then Indemnitors, from the time they fail to
              consent forward, shall defend the Claim and shall further
              indemnify the Indemnitees for all Costs associated with the Claim
              which are in excess of the proposed settlement amount even if the
              same were not originally covered under this Article VII.  If an
              Indemnitor is defending a Claim and a settlement requires an
              admission of liability by Indemnitee or would require Indemnitee
              to either take action (other than purely ministerial action) or
              refrain from taking action (due to an injunction or otherwise),
              Indemnitor may agree to such settlement only after obtaining the
              express, written consent of Indemnitee.

              7.3.6  INDEMNIFICATION DISPUTES.  In the event that there is a
              dispute between an Indemnitee and an Indemnitor over whether the
              Indemnitor is liable for a Claim, then:

                     (i)   Indemnitee shall defend the Claim in accordance with
                     the provisions of Article VII(c)(3) hereof in the same
                     manner and under the same terms as though there were no
                     dispute and Indemnitor had failed to elect to defend the
                     Claim itself and Indemnitee shall have the right to settle
                     such Claim pursuant to Article VII(c)(5) hereof;

                     (ii)  In addition, Indemnitor must advise Indemnitee of
                     such a dispute and the reasons therefor, in writing, within
                     thirty (30) days after the Claim is first tendered to
                     Indemnitor, unless the Indemnitee and Indemnitor mutually
                     agree, in writing, to extend the time; and

                     (iii)  The Indemnitee and the Indemnitor shall use good
                     faith efforts to resolve any dispute as to Indemnitor's
                     indemnification obligation.  Should those efforts fail to
                     resolve the dispute, the ultimate resolution shall be
                     determined in a DE NOVO proceeding, separate and apart from
                     the underlying Claim brought by the Claimant, before a
                     court of competent jurisdiction.  No finding or judgment in
                     any litigation on the underlying Claim, except for Cost
                     amounts, shall be given any weight in the court proceedings
                     on the indemnification issue.  Either party may initiate
                     such proceedings with a court of competent jurisdiction at
                     any time following the termination of the efforts by such
                     parties to resolve the dispute (termination of such efforts
                     shall be deemed to have occurred 30 days from the
                     commencement of the same unless such time period is


                     extended by the written mutual agreement of the parties).
                     The prevailing party in such a proceeding shall be entitled
                     to recover reasonable attorneys' fees, costs and expenses.
                     From and after the date on which responsibility for a
                     disputed indemnity Claim is resolved: (I) Indemnitor shall
                     continue to pay all Costs that are determined by the
                     parties or the court, as the case may be, to be allocable
                     to any such Claim which is determined to be a Claim subject
                     to indemnity, and (II) Indemnitee shall (i) pay all future
                     Costs that are determined by the parties or the court, as
                     the case may be, to be allocable to any such Claim which is
                     determined to be a Claim not subject to indemnity and (ii)
                     reimburse Indemnitor for all Costs previously paid by
                     Indemnitor which are allocable to such Claim determined to
                     be a claim not subject to indemnity.

              Broker-Dealer and Affiliates expressly authorize Companies
              Distributors to charge against all compensation due or to become
              due to Broker-Dealer or its Affiliates under this Agreement any
              monies paid or liabilities incurred by Companies or Distributors
              under this Indemnification provision.

       7.4    ASSIGNMENT
              No assignment of this Agreement, or commissions payable hereunder,
              shall be valid unless authorized in writing by each of the
              non-assigning parties.  Every assignment shall be subject to any
              indebtedness and obligation of the assigning parties that may be
              due or become due to non-assigning parties and any applicable
              state insurance regulations pertaining to such assignments.

       7.5    OFFSET
              Broker-Dealer expressly authorizes Companies to deduct, from any
              monies due under this Agreement, every indebtedness or obligation
              of Broker-Dealer to Companies or to any of its affiliates under
              this agreement.

              Companies, Distributors and Broker-Dealer agree that all facts or
              information received by any party related to a contract owner
              shall remain confidential, unless such facts or information is
              required to be disclosed by any regulatory authority or court of
              competent jurisdiction.

       7.9    PRIOR AGREEMENTS
              This Agreement terminates all previous agreements, if any, between
              Companies, Distributors and Broker-Dealer with respect to the
              Products set forth in the lines of business page(s).  However, the
              execution of this Agreement shall not affect any obligations which
              have already accrued under any prior agreement.

       7.10   CHOICE OF LAW
              This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance
              with the laws of the State of Connecticut.

By executing this Broker-Dealer Sales and Supervision Agreement, Broker-Dealer
acknowledges that it has read this Agreement in its entirety and is in agreement
with the terms and conditions outlining the rights of Distributors, Companies
and Broker-Dealer and Affiliates under this Agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned parties have executed this Agreement to be
effective as set forth above, upon the effective date below.


                                     EXHIBIT A

In accordance with Section V.(c) of the Broker-Dealer-Dealer Sales and
Supervision Agreement, no compensation is payable unless Broker-Dealer and
Registered Representative have first complied with all applicable state
insurance laws, rules and regulations.  Distributors must ensure that any
Broker-Dealer with whom Distributors intend to enter into an Agreement and any
Registered Representatives meet the licensing and registration requirements of
the state(s) Broker-Dealer operates in and the NASD.

Companies are required by the Insurance Department in all 50 states to pay
compensation only to individuals and entities that are properly insurance
licensed and, in some states, appointed.  For registered products, Distributors
must also comply with NASD regulations that require Distributors to pay
compensation to an NASD registered Broker-Dealer.  Distributors must comply with
both state and NASD requirements.

Distributors require confirmation that Broker-Dealer holds current state
insurance licenses or markets insurance products through a contractual affiliate
or wholly-owned agency, which is properly insurance licensed and, if applicable,
appointed.  If Broker-Dealer is properly state licensed then compensation must
be paid to Broker-Dealer in compliance with both state and NASD requirements.

If Broker-Dealer is not state insurance licensed and relies on the licensing of
a contractual affiliate or wholly-owned agency, the SEC has issued a number of
letters indicating that, under specific limited circumstances, it will take "no
action" against insurers (Distributors) paying compensation on registered
products to Broker-Dealer's contractual affiliate or wholly-owned agency.  At
the request of Broker-Dealer, Distributors will provide copies of several of
these letters as well as a summary of their requirements.

If Broker-Dealer intends to rely on one of these "no-action" letters, legal
counsel for Broker-Dealer must confirm to Distributors in writing that all of
the circumstances of any one of the SEC no-action letters are applicable,
specifically including the jurisdictions for which Broker-Dealer does not hold
current state insurance licenses.  Broker-Dealer's counsel must summarize each
point upon which the no-action relief was granted and represent that
Broker-Dealer's method of operation is identical or meets the same criteria.
Broker-Dealer's counsel must also confirm that, to the best of counsel's
knowledge, the SEC has not rescinded or modified its no-action position since
the letter was released.

The Broker-Dealer Sales and Supervision Agreement will not be finalized and no
new applications for products will be accepted or no new compensation will be
payable unless the appropriate proof of state licensing or no-action relief is
confirmed.  In addition to a letter from Broker-Dealer's counsel, copies of the
following documentation is required:

              insurance licenses for all states in which Broker-Dealer holds
              these licenses and intends to operate and/or;

              insurance licenses for any contractual affiliate or wholly-owned
              agency; and

              the SEC No-Action Letter that will be relied upon.
