Exhibit 10.12

                                LICENSE AGREEMENT

THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT (the "Agreement"), executed as of _March 1, 1999 (the
"Effective Date"), is between MATRIX Telecom, Inc. a Texas corporation
("Licensee"), and Electronic Data Systems Corporation, a Delaware corporation

                                ARTICLE I - GRANT

1.1   GRANT OF LICENSE TO THE LICENSED PROGRAMS. Subject to the terms and
      conditions set forth in this Agreement, EDS grants to Licensee a
      non-exclusive, non-transferable license:

            (a)     to use as provided in this ARTICLE I on the equipment
            designated by type, model and serial number in SCHEDULE 1.1 (the
            "Designated Equipment") and at the location designated in SCHEDULE
            1.1 (the "Designated Location") one copy, in object code form, of
            EDS' proprietary computer software programs more specifically
            described in SCHEDULE 1.1 (such programs, including all new releases
            thereof and modifications thereto which are provided to Licensee
            under this Agreement, are referred to herein as the "Licensed
            Programs"); and

            (b)     to use as provided in this ARTICLE I the documentation
            relating to the Licensed Programs, including user manuals, narrative
            descriptions, output reports, training materials and technical
            manuals setting forth specifications for the Licensed Programs,
            including all new releases thereof and modifications made thereto
            which are provided to Licensee under this Agreement (collectively,
            the "Documentation"). Such right of use will include Licensee's
            reproduction of that number of copies of the Documentation
            reasonably required in Licensee's operations.

1.2   DELIVERY AND TERM. EDS will deliver to Licensee the Licensed Programs and
      the Documentation at the Designated Location on or before June 1, 1999 or
      such other date agreed to by the parties in writing. The term of this
      License will begin on the earlier of (a) the date EDS completes
      installation of the Licensed Programs and furnishes Licensee written
      notification of such completion, or (b) the date the Licensed Programs
      first processes Licensee's Billable Messages to Licensee's reasonable
      satisfaction (the "Installation Date"), and will continue for sixty (60)
      months (the "License Term") unless earlier terminated pursuant to Article
      VII. For purposes of this Agreement, a "Billable Message" means records of
      those mutually agreed upon and legally permitted (i) telephone calls
      originated by end-users through Licensee, or (ii) other services provided
      by Licensee to Licensee's end-users. The original License Term will
      automatically extend for successive one-year periods thereafter unless
      either party notifies the other at least ninety days prior to the end of

      original License Term or prior to the end of any such one-year extension
      period, as the case may be, that this Agreement will not be so extended.

1.3   OWNERSHIP. For purposes of Section 117 of the Copyright Act of 1976, as
      amended, and for all other purposes, EDS will be considered the owner of
      the Licensed Programs, the Documentation and any copies thereof and of all
      copyright, trade secret, patent and other intellectual or industrial
      property rights contained or evidenced therein. Physical copies of the
      Licensed Programs (in diskette, tape or other form provided by EDS) and
      the Documentation will remain the property of EDS, and all such copies
      will be deemed to be on loan to Licensee during the License Term.

1.4   RESTRICTIONS ON USE. Licensee will comply with the provisions set forth in
      this SECTION 1.4 during the License Term.

      (a)   The Licensed Programs and the Documentation will be utilized only
            for the internal data processing requirements of Licensee and only
            as specified in the Documentation.

      (b)   The Licensed Programs and the Documentation will be utilized (i)
            only by Licensee employees and/or Licensee agents who are directly
            involved in the use and operation of the Licensed Programs and who
            are bound by written agreement to comply with the confidentiality
            obligations set forth in this Agreement, and (ii) only on the
            Designated Equipment at the Designated Location. EDS reserves the
            right to prohibit such utilization by specific individuals to whom
            EDS has reasonable objection.

      (c)   With thirty days prior written notification to EDS, Licensee may
            change the Designated Location or the composition or configuration
            of the Designated Equipment (including the manufacturer,
            description, model number or serial number of the Designated
            Equipment) during the License Term.

      (d)   Licensee may transfer its use of the Licensed Programs to a backup
            system on a temporary basis for disaster recovery purposes. ARTICLES
            II and III will not apply to any such temporary backup system usage
            of the Licensed Programs. If the usage of the backup system must
            exceed a reasonable temporary period, the backup system will be
            considered the new Designated Equipment and the location of the
            backup system will be considered the new Designated Location, and
            Licensee will give EDS written notification thereof.

      (e)   Licensee may not cause or permit disclosure, display, loan,
            publication, transfer of possession (whether by sale, exchange,
            gift, operation of law or otherwise), sublicensing or other
            dissemination of the Licensed Programs or the Documentation, in
            whole or in part, to any third party without the prior written
            consent of EDS.

      (f)   Licensee will not, and will not permit any other person under
            Licensee's control to, disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer or
            otherwise recreate or modify the Licensed Programs. Licensee will
            not, and will not permit any other person under Licensee's control
            to, copy or reproduce the Licensed Programs or the Documentation,
            except as may be necessary for backup and disaster recovery purposes
            as specified in SECTION 1.4(D).

      (g)   Licensee will not alter or remove any copyright, trade secret,
            patent, proprietary and/or other legal notices contained on or in
            any EDS provided copies of the Licensed Programs or the
            Documentation. Licensee will include on or in all copies authorized
            hereunder of the Licensed Programs and the Documentation
            designation(s) that EDS may reasonably require to indicate that such
            material is the proprietary property of EDS.

      (h)   The Licensed Programs and the Documentation are being disclosed by
            EDS to Licensee in confidence. Licensee will implement and maintain
            precautions, no less rigorous than those Licensee uses to protect
            its own confidential information, to safeguard the Licensed Programs
            and the Documentation so that no unauthorized persons have access to
            the Licensed Programs or the Documentation and that no persons
            authorized to have such access will take any action which would
            violate the confidentiality obligations set forth in this Agreement
            if such action were taken by Licensee. Licensee will promptly report
            to EDS any violation of such confidentiality obligations. Licensee
            will, at its expense, take such steps as EDS may reasonably request
            to remedy any such violation, including retrieving any portion of
            the Licensed Programs or the Documentation that is being used or
            otherwise possessed in breach of this Agreement, and will pay or
            reimburse EDS for all reasonable expenses that EDS incurs which are
            related to the remedy of any such violation.

      (i)   In using or possessing the Licensed Programs and the Documentation,
            Licensee will not, by any action or inaction, violate laws or
            regulations promulgated by governmental or quasi-governmental
            authorities or cause EDS or its affiliates to violate any such laws
            or regulations.

1.5   INJUNCTIVE RELIEF. Licensee acknowledges and agrees that the Licensed
      Programs and the Documentation are the valuable property and trade secrets
      of EDS, that any violation by Licensee of the confidentiality obligations
      set forth in this Agreement would cause EDS irreparable injury for which
      they would have no adequate remedy at law, and that, in addition to any
      other remedies which EDS may have, it will be entitled to preliminary and
      other injunctive relief against any such violation.

1.6   VERIFICATION. EDS may conduct, at EDS' expense, an investigation to
      determine Licensee's compliance with the terms of this Agreement. No more
      often than twice each year during the License Term, with reasonable notice
      to Licensee, EDS or its designated representative

      may have access to the Designated Location, the Designated Equipment and
      any records (in whatever form) related to this Agreement and Licensee's
      use of the Licensed Programs and the Documentation. Licensee will
      cooperate with EDS in any such investigation and, in particular, will take
      all commercially reasonable actions to assist EDS in accurately
      determining Licensee's compliance with the terms of this Agreement.


2.1   INSTALLATION ASSISTANCE. EDS will provide to Licensee installation
      assistance at EDS' then current time and material rates as Additional
      Services in accordance with SECTION 2.4; provided, however, that EDS will
      be relieved of its obligation to provide installation assistance unless
      and until Licensee has fulfilled its obligation to acquire and install
      required hardware and software pursuant to SECTIONS 5.2 and 5.3. EDS
      estimates such assistance to take 1,600 hours.

2.2   TRAINING. EDS will provide to Licensee training with respect to the use
      and operation of the Licensed Programs at EDS' then current time and
      material rates as Additional Services in accordance with SECTION 2.4. EDS
      estimates such training to take 40 hours.


      (a)   MAINTENANCE SERVICES. During the License Term, EDS will promptly
            repair or replace the then current release of the Licensed Programs
            if it is not performing in accordance with applicable Documentation
            in all material respects upon receiving notice of the nonperformance
            from Licensee as described below. The methods and techniques for
            resolving nonperformance will be at the reasonable discretion of
            EDS. If the Designated Equipment can be accessed remotely through
            dial-up capability or otherwise, Licensee will make such remote
            access capability available to EDS for use in performing maintenance
            services. EDS will have no obligation to repair or replace the
            Licensed Programs if the nonperformance is caused by computer
            equipment malfunction, Licensee's negligence or fault, Licensee's
            failure to follow instructions as set forth in the applicable
            Documentation, improper or unauthorized use of the Licensed
            Programs, hardware changes, changes in any software not provided by
            EDS or any other cause beyond the control of EDS; provided, however,
            that EDS will provide Licensee with assistance in resolving any
            nonperformance resulting from such causes as Additional Services
            pursuant to SECTION 2.4. As part of the maintenance to be provided
            by EDS, EDS also will support, in the manner described in this
            SECTION 2.3, one major release (such major releases to be made no
            more frequently than semi-annually) of the Licensed Programs
            previous to the then current major release of the Licensed Programs
            in anticipation of Licensee eventually using the then current
            release. Upgrades to a release will always be to the most recent
            release. EDS may provide maintenance 

            services for releases of the Licensed Programs older than those 
            described in the preceding sentence in accordance with SECTION 
            2.4 hereof, however Licensee will continue to be subject to the 
            maintenance service fees specified in SECTION 4.2.

      (b)   NOTICE; REMEDY. To obtain the maintenance services described above,
            Licensee must provide EDS with the following: (i) notice of the
            operating problem; (ii) a detailed description of the failure to
            perform in accordance with the applicable Documentation in all
            material respects; (iii) a detailed description of the operating
            conditions, including the specific hardware/software configuration,
            under which such failure to perform occurred; and (iv), if
            applicable, a representative sample of inputs and outputs for
            replicating and analyzing such failure to perform. If, after using
            commercially reasonable efforts to repair or replace the then
            current release of the Licensed Programs so that it performs in
            accordance with the Documentation in all material respects, EDS is
            unable to make such repairs or replacement, Licensee's sole remedy
            will be the refund of the maintenance service fees paid to EDS by
            Licensee for the twelve months immediately preceding EDS'
            determination that it is unable to so repair or replace, and this
            Agreement will terminate either, at Licensee's discretion, (i) in
            its entirety, or (ii) as it pertains to the nonoperable module(s)
            with an appropriate reduction in maintenance service fees, as
            applicable. Such choice by Licensee will be made within sixty (60)
            days of the determination that EDS is unable to so repair or

      (c)   NEW RELEASES. From time to time, EDS may, in its sole discretion,
            make updates, improvements or changes to the Licensed Programs in
            separate releases to the Licensed Programs which are designed to
            enhance the functionality of the Licensed Programs; provided,
            however, that EDS has no obligation to make any such updates,
            improvements or changes. During the License Term and at no
            additional charge, EDS will make all new releases available to
            Licensee which are generally made available by EDS at no additional
            charge to other licensees of the Licensed Programs. During the
            License Term, any data conversions or site specific code developed
            by EDS for Licensee that require retrofitting to any new releases to
            the Licensed Programs will be provided by EDS as Additional Services
            pursuant to SECTION 2.4.

2.4   ADDITIONAL SERVICES. Licensee may from time to time request that EDS
      provide support or services which are beyond the scope or amount of
      support or services required of EDS under this Agreement ("Additional
      Services"). EDS will provide to Licensee such Additional Services for
      which the parties have reached a written agreement regarding (a) the
      nature and scope of the Additional Services, (b) the time period during
      which EDS will provide the Additional Services, and (c) the basis upon
      which EDS will be compensated therefor based upon commercially reasonable
      rates. Any developments, improvements, modifications, additions or
      enhancements made by or for EDS to the Licensed Programs will be and will
      remain solely EDS' property. New software developed or created by EDS

      pursuant to this Agreement will be and will remain solely EDS' property
      unless the parties otherwise agree in writing prior to such development or
      creation being undertaken.

                             ARTICLE III - WARRANTY

3.1   RIGHTS IN LICENSED PROGRAMS. EDS warrants that it has all right, title,
      ownership interest, marketing and/or sublicensing rights necessary to
      grant the rights and license to Licensee set forth herein.

3.2   NONPERFORMANCE OF LICENSED PROGRAMS. EDS warrants that on the Installation
      Date the Licensed Programs will be capable of performing in accordance
      with the Documentation in all material respects. EDS will resolve any
      failure of the Licensed Programs to perform in compliance with the
      Documentation in all material respects in accordance with the terms and
      conditions set forth in SECTION 2.3.

3.3   YEAR 2000. EDS represents that, when installed, the Licensed Programs will
      be Year 2000 Compliant and that the Maintenance Services as specified in
      SECTION 2.3 will include any updates, modifications or enhancements
      necessary so that the Licensed Programs will continue to be Year 2000
      Compliant. For purposes of this Agreement, "Year 2000 Compliant" means
      that the Licensed Programs (i) will operate and produce data on and after
      January 1, 2000 (including taking into effect that such year is a leap
      year), accurately and without delay, interruption or error relating to the
      fact that the time at which and the date on which the Licensed Programs is
      operating is on or after 12:00 a.m. on January 1, 2000 (including taking
      into effect that such year is a leap year), or (ii) will accept,
      calculate, process, maintain, write and output, accurately and without
      delay, interruption or error, all times or dates, or both, whether before,
      on or after 12:00 a.m. on January 1, 2000 (including taking into effect
      that such year is a leap year), and any time periods determined or to be
      determined based on any such times or dates, or both. EDS will not be
      responsible or penalized for any adverse impact on Licensee, services
      performed hereunder or any service levels resulting from any software,
      systems, hardware and related equipment, data, interfaces or processes of
      Licensee or any third party not being Year 2000 compliant or from any
      inaccuracies, delays, interruptions or errors as a result of receiving
      data in two digit year date or other formats that are not Year 2000
      Compliant from other software, systems, hardware and related equipment,
      interfaces or processes or from third parties.

3.4   DISCLAIMER. EDS does not warrant that the functions contained in the
      Licensed Programs will meet Licensee's requirements or, except as
      otherwise specified in this ARTICLE III, that the operation of the
      Licensed Programs will be uninterrupted or error free. Further, EDS will
      have no responsibility with respect to the accuracy of Licensee's data
      files. The remedy of Licensee under SECTION 2.3 is exclusive, and EDS'
      liability for all matters relating to this ARTICLE III will be limited as


                          ARTICLE IV - PAYMENTS TO EDS

4.1   LICENSE FEE. There will be no license fee payable by Licensee to EDS

4.2   MAINTENANCE SERVICE FEE: For the maintenance services provided pursuant to
      Section 2.3, Licensee will pay to EDS monthly maintenance fees as follows:
      from the Installation Date through December 31, 1999, $15,000.00; for
      2000, $18,000.00; for 2001, $20,700.00; for 2002, $23,805.00; after 2002
      EDS may increase such monthly maintenance fee on an annual basis, but in
      an incremental amount not to exceed fifteen percent (15%). The foregoing
      notwithstanding, in the event that Licensee's monthly processing of
      Billable Messages exceed 150,000,000, EDS reserves the right to
      renegotiate subsequent annual maintenance fees.

4.3   OUT-OF-POCKET EXPENSES. Licensee will pay, or reimburse EDS for, all
      actual out-of-pocket costs and expenses incurred by EDS in connection with
      EDS' performance of its obligations under this Agreement with the prior
      written approval of Licensee, including the travel, meals and lodging
      expenses incurred by EDS personnel performing the installation assistance,
      training, maintenance services and any Additional Services hereunder.

4.4   TIME FOR PAYMENT. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, any
      amount due EDS pursuant to this Agreement will be due and payable by
      Licensee within thirty days after the date of an invoice from EDS. Any
      amount owing to EDS pursuant to this Agreement that is not paid when due
      and payable will thereafter bear interest until paid at a rate of interest
      equal to four percent per annum more than the prime rate established from
      time to time by Citibank, N.A. in New York, New York; provided, however,
      that in no event will such interest rate exceed the maximum rate of
      interest allowed by applicable law.

4.5   TAXES. There will be added to any charges under this Agreement, or
      separately billed, and Licensee will either pay to EDS, or reimburse EDS
      for the payment of, any taxes, assessments, duties, permits, fees and
      other charges of any kind, however designated, assessed, charged or
      levied, with respect to or measured by (a) charges under this Agreement,
      (b) this Agreement, or (c) the services, software, equipment, materials or
      other property (tangible or intangible), or the use thereof or the
      resources used therefor, that are provided under this Agreement. Taxes
      payable under this Agreement include state and local sales taxes, use
      taxes, property taxes, telecommunications taxes, privilege taxes, excise
      taxes (including federal excise taxes), value added taxes and any taxes or
      amounts in lieu thereof paid or payable by EDS in respect of the
      foregoing, exclusive however, of taxes based on 

      the net income of EDS. EDS and Licensee will cooperate to minimize and
      properly calculate any applicable taxes, and in connection therewith,
      Licensee will provide EDS any resale certificates, information regarding
      out-of-state use of materials, services or sales or other exemption
      certificates or information reasonably requested by EDS. EDS will have
      sole control over the response to and settlement of any claims for taxes
      that may be asserted by applicable taxing authorities. Licensee will be
      entitled to any refunds or rebates of taxes granted to the extent such
      refunds or rebates are of taxes that were paid by Licensee.


5.1   SELECTION, USE AND RESULTS. Licensee accepts responsibility, financial and
      otherwise, for (i) the selection of the Licensed Programs to achieve the
      desired results, (ii) the installation of the Licensed Programs (with
      assistance from EDS as provided in SECTION 2.1), (iii) the use of the
      Licensed Programs, and (iv) the results obtained from the Licensed
      Programs. The foregoing will in no way limit warranties made by EDS in

5.2   Q-TEL 9000 SOFTWARE. Licensee will, at its expense, (i) acquire a license
      from United Communication Group for the Q-TEL 9000 software, (ii) install
      or cause to be installed such software prior to delivery of the Licensed
      Programs , and (iii) thereafter arrange for the maintenance of such
      software during the License Term or any extensions thereof.

5.3   OPERATING ENVIRONMENT. Licensee will, at its expense, (i) acquire hardware
      and associated operating system software specified by EDS to support the
      Licensed Programs, (ii) install or cause to be installed such hardware and
      software prior to the delivery of the Licensed Programs, and (iii)
      thereafter arrange for any required maintenance for such hardware and
      software during the License Term or any extensions thereof.

5.4   LICENSEE REPRESENTATIVE. Licensee will designate an officer or employee of
      Licensee (the "Licensee Representative") who will be authorized to act
      generally as the primary point of contact for EDS in dealing with Licensee
      with respect to the Licensed Programs and any services performed
      hereunder. If Licensee fails to expressly designate a Licensee
      Representative, the principal executive officer of Licensee will be the
      Licensee Representative. The Licensee Representative will be responsible
      for directing, insofar as EDS is concerned, all activities of Licensee
      affecting the provision by EDS of the Licensed Programs and related
      services, including working with EDS to establish Licensee's priorities
      for any services to be performed hereunder.

5.5   RELIANCE ON INSTRUCTIONS. In performing its obligations under this
      Agreement, EDS will be entitled to rely upon any routine instructions,
      authorizations, approvals or other information provided to EDS by the
      Licensee Representative or, as to areas of competency specifically
      identified by the Licensee Representative, by any other Licensee personnel
      identified by the Licensee Representative, from time to time, as having
      authority to provide the same on behalf of Licensee in such person's area
      of competency. Unless EDS knew of any error, incorrectness or inaccuracy
      in such instructions, authorizations, approvals or other information, EDS
      will incur no liability or responsibility of any kind in relying on or
      complying with any such instructions, authorizations, approvals or other

5.6   PRIORITIES AND COOPERATION. Licensee will cooperate with EDS in good faith
      in the performance of Licensee's activities contemplated by this Agreement
      through, but not limited to, (a) establishing priorities for the services
      to be provided to Licensee, and (b) making available, as reasonably
      requested by EDS, such information, facilities, management

      decisions, approvals, authorizations and acceptances so that EDS'
      provision of the Licensed Programs and related services may be
      accomplished in a proper, timely and efficient manner.

5.7   FACILITIES. Licensee will, at no cost to EDS, provide EDS personnel or
      agents who are performing implementation, training or Additional Services
      on-site at Licensee's facilities the following items or services to the
      extent reasonably required for EDS to effectively provide such services or
      Additional Services hereunder: space, office furnishings, janitorial
      service, parking, computer hardware, computer software, voice
      communication services, data communication services, utilities (including
      heat and air conditioning), office-related equipment (such as telephones,
      file cabinets and desks), supplies, duplicating and facsimile equipment,
      training facilities and premises security services.

5.8   OTHER FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS. In addition to any other financial
      responsibilities of Licensee contemplated by this Agreement, Licensee will
      pay all costs and expenses related to each item that is to be provided by
      Licensee pursuant to this Agreement and for which the financial
      responsibility has not been expressly assigned to EDS.

      agree that Licensee will be responsible for (i) any retrofitting,
      recoding, reengineering and ongoing maintenance of any and all Licensee
      specific software modifications existing as of the Effective Date of this
      Agreement as well as any such modifications made by Licensee subsequent to
      the Effective Date of this Agreement, and (ii) any and all modifications
      required to make such Licensee specific software modifications Year 2000
      Compliant. Such modifications and retrofitting, recoding and reengineering
      thereof will be done in such a way so as not to affect or impact the
      source code or operations of the Licensed Programs.

                            ARTICLE VI - ARBITRATION

6.1   DISPUTE ESCALATION. In the event of any dispute, controversy or claim of
      any kind or nature arising under or in connection with this Agreement
      (including disputes as to the creation, validity, interpretation, breach
      or termination of this Agreement) (a "Dispute"), then upon the written
      request of either party, each of the parties will appoint a designated
      senior business executive whose task it will be to meet for the purpose of
      endeavoring to resolve the Dispute. The designated executives will meet as
      often as the parties reasonably deem necessary in order to gather and
      furnish to the other all information with respect to the matter in issue
      which the parties believe to be appropriate and germane in connection with
      its resolution. Such executives will discuss the Dispute and will
      negotiate in good faith in an effort to resolve the Dispute without the
      necessity of any formal proceeding relating thereto. The specific format
      for such discussions will be left to the discretion of the designated
      executives but may include the preparation of agreed upon statements of
      fact or written statements of position furnished to the other party. No
      formal proceedings for the resolution of the Dispute under SECTION 6.2 may
      be commenced until the earlier to occur of (a) a good

      faith conclusion by the designated executives that amicable resolution
      through continued negotiation of the matter in issue does not appear
      likely, or (b) the fifteenth day after the initial request to negotiate
      the Dispute.

6.2   ARBITRATION. Any Dispute that the parties are unable to resolve through
      escalation pursuant to SECTION 6.1 will be submitted to arbitration in
      accordance with the following procedures:

      (a)   DEMAND FOR ARBITRATION; LOCATION. Either party may demand
            arbitration by giving the party written notice to such effect, which
            notice will describe, in reasonable detail, the facts and legal
            grounds forming the basis for the filing party's request for relief
            and will include a statement of the total amount of damages claimed,
            if any, and any other remedy sought by that party. The arbitration
            will be held before one neutral arbitrator in Plano, Texas if the
            proceedings are initiated by Licensee and in Fort Worth, Texas if
            the proceedings are initiated by EDS.

      (b)   IDENTIFICATION OF ARBITRATOR. Within thirty days after the other
            party's receipt of such demand, the parties will mutually determine
            who the arbitrator will be. If the parties are unable to agree on
            the arbitrator within that time period, the arbitrator will be
            selected by the American Arbitration Association ("AAA"). In any
            event, the arbitrator will have a background in, and knowledge of,
            the information technology services industry and will be an
            appropriate person based on the nature of the Dispute. If a person
            with such industry experience is not available, the arbitrator will
            be chosen from the large and complex case panel or, if an
            appropriate person is not available from such panel, the retired
            federal judges pool.

      (c)   CONDUCT OF ARBITRATION. The arbitration will be governed by the
            Commercial Arbitration Rules of the AAA, except as expressly
            provided in this SECTION 6.2 However, the arbitration will be
            administered by any organization mutually agreed to in writing by
            the parties. If the parties are unable to agree on the organization
            to administer the arbitration, it will be administered by the AAA.
            Pending the arbitrator's determination of the merits of the Dispute,
            either party may apply to any court of competent jurisdiction to
            seek injunctive or other extraordinary relief.

      (d)   SCOPE OF DISCOVERY. Discovery will be limited to the request for and
            production of documents, depositions and interrogatories.
            Interrogatories will be allowed only as follows: a party may request
            the other party to identify by name, last known address and
            telephone number (i) all persons having knowledge of facts relevant
            to the Dispute and a brief description of that person's knowledge,
            (ii) any experts who may be called as an expert witness, the subject
            matter about which the expert is expected to testify, the mental
            impressions and opinions held by the expert and the facts known by
            the expert (regardless of when the factual information was acquired)
            which relate to or form the basis for the mental impressions and
            opinions held by the expert, and (iii) any experts who have been
            used for consultation, but who are not expected to be called as an
            expert witness, if such consulting expert's opinions or

            impressions have been reviewed by an expert witness. All discovery
            will be guided by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. All issues
            concerning discovery upon which the parties cannot agree will be
            submitted to the arbitrator for determination.

      (e)   AUTHORITY OF ARBITRATOR. In rendering an award, the arbitrator will
            determine the rights and obligations of the parties according to the
            substantive and procedural laws of the State of Texas. The
            arbitrator will not have authority to award damages in excess of the
            amount or other than the types allowed by SECTION 8.2 and may not,
            in any event, make any ruling, finding or award that does not
            conform to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

      (f)   JOINDER OF PARTIES. Each of EDS and Licensee agree that it will use
            commercially reasonable efforts to join (and will allow the other
            party to join) any third party that the parties have agreed is
            indispensable to the arbitration. If any such third party does not
            agree to be joined, the arbitration will proceed nonetheless.

      (g)   AWARD. The decision of, and award rendered by, the arbitrator will
            be final and binding on the parties. Upon the request of a party,
            the arbitrator's award will include written findings of fact and
            conclusions of law. Judgment on the award may be entered in and
            enforced by any court of competent jurisdiction. Each party will
            bear its own costs and expenses (including filing fees) with respect
            to the arbitration, including one-half of the fees and expenses of
            the arbitrator.

6.3   EXCLUSIVE REMEDY. Other than those matters involving injunctive or other
      extraordinary relief or any action necessary to enforce the award of the
      arbitrator, the parties agree that the provisions of this ARTICLE VI are a
      complete defense to any suit, action or other proceeding instituted in any
      court or before any administrative tribunal with respect to any Dispute or
      the provision of the Licensed Programs or related services by EDS. Nothing
      in this ARTICLE VI prevents the parties from exercising their rights to
      terminate this Agreement in accordance with ARTICLE VII.

6.4   CONTINUED PERFORMANCE. Unless (a) EDS has commenced a proceeding or has
      presented a claim pursuant to this ARTICLE VI for nonpayment by Licensee
      of amounts due under this Agreement, or (b) this Agreement has been
      terminated in accordance with ARTICLE VII, EDS will continue to provide
      services during any mediation or arbitration proceedings commenced
      pursuant to this ARTICLE VI and Licensee will continue to perform its
      obligations (including the making of payments to EDS) in accordance with
      this Agreement.

                            ARTICLE VII - TERMINATION

7.1   TERMINATION FOR CAUSE. Subject to SECTION 9.12, if either party materially
      defaults in the performance of any of its duties or obligations under this
      Agreement (excluding a default in payments to be made to EDS, which will
      be governed by SECTION 7.2), which default is not substantially cured
      within fifteen days after written notice is given to the defaulting party

      specifying the default, or, with respect to those defaults that cannot
      reasonably be cured within fifteen days, if the defaulting party fails to
      proceed within fifteen days to commence curing said default and thereafter
      to proceed with all reasonable diligence substantially to cure the same,
      then the non-defaulting party may, by giving written notice thereof to the
      defaulting party, terminate this Agreement as of the date of receipt by
      the defaulting party of such notice or as of a future date specified in
      such notice of termination.

7.2   TERMINATION FOR NONPAYMENT. If Licensee defaults in the payment when due
      of any amount due to EDS pursuant to this Agreement and does not cure such
      default within fifteen days after being given written notice of such
      default, then EDS may, by giving written notice thereof to Licensee,
      terminate this Agreement as of the date of receipt by Licensee of such
      notice or as of a future date specified in such notice of termination.

      States Code, if either party becomes or is declared insolvent or bankrupt,
      is the subject of any proceedings relating to its liquidation, insolvency
      or for the appointment of a receiver or similar officer for it, makes an
      assignment for the benefit of all or substantially all of its creditors or
      enters into an agreement for the composition, extension or readjustment of
      all or substantially of its obligations, then the other party may, by
      giving written notice thereof to such party, terminate this Agreement as
      of a date specified in such notice of termination.

7.4   TERMINATION FOR REGULATORY EVENT. Either party may terminate this
      Agreement if any statute, rule, regulation, interpretation, judgment,
      order or injunction will have been enacted, enforced, promulgated,
      amended, issued or deemed applicable to (a) either party or any of its
      affiliates or (b) this Agreement or the transactions contemplated by this
      Agreement, by any Governmental Authority that renders illegal, or
      materially inhibits the performance of this Agreement by EDS. To terminate
      this Agreement pursuant to this SECTION 7.4, the party seeking such
      termination will give written notice thereof to the other party at least
      thirty days prior to the date on which such party desires to terminate
      this Agreement.

7.5   Termination by Licensee Without Cause. At any time after the third
      anniversary of the Installation Date, Licensee may terminate this
      Agreement for any reason or no reason upon (i) ninety days prior written
      notice to EDS, and (ii) payment of fifty percent (50%) of the maintenance
      fees that would have been payable to EDS pursuant to Section 4.2 during
      the twelve month period immediately following the effective date of such

7.6   RIGHTS UPON TERMINATION. Upon expiration or termination of the License
      Term for any reason, then, in addition to any other rights which either
      party may have, Licensee will promptly return to EDS all copies of the
      Licensed Programs and the Documentation in Licensee's possession and
      completely erase the Licensed Programs and all elements thereof from the
      Designated Equipment and any other Licensee computer system, and upon EDS'
      request, will execute and deliver to EDS a written certification that
      Licensee has complied with the provisions of this SECTION 7.6 and no
      longer retains any material relating to the Licensed Programs or the
      Documentation. In addition, Licensee will pay EDS for all 

      services provided and expenses incurred through the date of such
      expiration or termination. Upon expiration or termination of this
      Agreement, Licensee will retain all Licensee's data. The expiration or
      termination of the License Term for any reason will not release either
      party from any liabilities or obligations set forth herein which (a) the
      parties have expressly agreed will survive any such expiration or
      termination, or (b) remain to be performed or by their nature would be
      intended to be applicable following any such expiration or termination.
      Should Licensee require access to the Licensed Programs post termination,
      EDS agrees to provide such access in good faith upon terms consistent with
      the terms of this Agreement; provided, however, that such commitment by
      EDS to provide such post termination access will is conditioned upon EDS'
      commercially reasonable capability to do so.




            (i)   GENERAL. EDS and Licensee each will be responsible for any and
                  all claims, actions, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses,
                  including reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses
                  (collectively, "Losses"), to their respective tangible
                  personal or real property (whether owned or leased), and each
                  party agrees to look only to its own insuring arrangements (if
                  any) with respect to such Losses. EDS and Licensee each will
                  be responsible for Losses for the death of or personal injury
                  to any person (including any employee of either party) and
                  Losses for damages to any third party's tangible personal or
                  real property (whether owned or leased), in accordance with
                  the law of the jurisdiction in which such Loss is alleged to
                  have occurred. Subject to SECTIONS 8.1(D) and 8.2, each party
                  will indemnify and defend the other party and hold the other
                  party harmless from any and all Losses arising out of, under
                  or in connection with claims for which the indemnitor is
                  responsible under the preceding sentence.

            (ii)  WAIVER OF SUBROGATION. EDS and Licensee waive all rights to
                  recover against each other for any Losses to their respective
                  tangible personal property (whether owned or leased) from any
                  cause covered by insurance maintained by each of them,
                  including their respective deductibles or self-insured
                  retentions. EDS and Licensee will cause their respective
                  insurers to issue appropriate waivers of subrogation rights
                  endorsements to all property insurance policies maintained by
                  each party. Each party will give the other written notice if a
                  waiver of subrogation is unobtainable or obtainable only at
                  additional expense. If the party receiving such notice agrees
                  to reimburse the other party for such additional expense, the
                  other party will obtain such 

                  waiver of subrogation. If a waiver is unobtainable or if a
                  party elects not to pay the additional expense of a waiver,
                  then neither party nor their insurers will waive such
                  subrogation rights.


            (i)   GENERAL. Subject to SECTIONS 8.1(D) and 8.2 and the
                  limitations set forth below in this SECTION 8.1(B), EDS and
                  Licensee each agree to defend the other party against any
                  action to the extent that such action is based upon a claim
                  that the software (other than third party software) or
                  confidential information provided by the indemnitor, or any
                  part thereof, (i) infringes a copyright perfected under United
                  States statute, (ii) infringes a patent granted under United
                  States law, or (iii) constitutes an unlawful disclosure, use
                  or misappropriation of another party's trade secret. The
                  indemnitor will bear the expense of such defense and pay any
                  damages and attorneys' fees that are attributable to such
                  claim finally awarded by a court of competent jurisdiction.

            (ii)  EXCLUSIONS. Neither EDS nor Licensee will be liable to the
                  other for claims of indirect or contributory infringement. In
                  particular, the indemnitor will have no liability to the
                  indemnitee hereunder if any claim of infringement is based
                  upon the use of software provided by the indemnitor hereunder
                  in a manner for which the software was not designed. Also, the
                  indemnitor will have no liability if the indemnitee modifies
                  any software provided by the indemnitor hereunder and such
                  infringement would not have occurred but for such
                  modification, or uses the software in the practice of a
                  patented process and there would be no infringement in the
                  absence of such practice, or such claim arises out of the
                  indemnitor's compliance with specifications provided by the
                  indemnitee and such infringement would not have occurred but
                  for such compliance.

            (iii) ADDITIONAL REMEDY. If software or confidential information
                  becomes the subject of a claim under this SECTION 8.1(B), or
                  in the indemnitor's opinion is likely to become the subject of
                  such a claim, then, in addition to defending the claim and
                  paying any damages and attorneys' fees as required above in
                  this SECTION 8.1(B), the indemnitor will either (A) replace or
                  modify the software or confidential information to make it
                  noninfringing or cure any claimed misuse of another's trade
                  secret, or (B) procure for the indemnitee the right to
                  continue using the software or confidential information
                  pursuant to this Agreement. Any costs associated with
                  implementing either of the above alternatives will be borne by
                  the indemnitor but will be subject to SECTION 8.2. If neither
                  option is available to the indemnitor through the use of
                  reasonable, diligent efforts, (x) the indemnitee will return
                  such software or confidential information to the indemnitor
                  and (y) if requested by the 

                  indemnitee in good faith, the Parties will negotiate, pursuant
                  to ARTICLE VI but subject to SECTION 8.2, to reach a written
                  agreement on what, if any, monetary damages (in addition to
                  the indemnitor's obligation to defend the claim and pay any
                  damages and attorneys' fees as required above in this SECTION
                  8.1(B) are reasonably owed by the indemnitor to the indemnitee
                  as a result of the indemnitee no longer having use of such
                  software or confidential information.

      (c)   THIRD PARTY INDEMNIFICATION OF EDS. Without limiting EDS' liability
            to Licensee under this Agreement, each of the parties acknowledge
            that by entering into and performing its obligations under this
            Agreement EDS will not assume and should not be exposed to the
            business and operational risks associated with Licensee's business,
            and Licensee therefore agrees, subject to SECTIONS 8.1(D), to
            indemnify and defend EDS and hold EDS harmless from any and all
            third party Losses arising out of the conduct of Licensee's

      (d)   PROCEDURES. The indemnification obligations set forth in this
            SECTION 8.1 will not apply unless the party claiming indemnification
            (i) notifies the other promptly in writing of any matters in respect
            of which the indemnity may apply and of which the notifying party
            has knowledge in order to allow the indemnitor the opportunity to
            investigate and defend the matter; provided, however, that the
            failure to so notify will only relieve the indemnitor of its
            obligations under this SECTION 8.1 if and to the extent that the
            indemnitor is actually prejudiced thereby; and (ii) gives the other
            party full opportunity to control the response thereto and the
            defense thereof, including any agreement relating to the settlement
            thereof; provided, however, that the indemnitee will have the right
            to (i) participate in any legal proceeding to contest and defend a
            claim for indemnification involving a third party, (ii) to be
            represented by legal counsel of its choosing, and (iii) be party to
            any settlement agreement of such a claim, all at the indemnitee's
            cost and expense. However, if the indemnitor fails to promptly
            assume the defense of the claim, the party entitled to
            indemnification may assume the defense at the indemnitor's cost and

      (e)   The indemnitor will not be responsible for any settlement or
            compromise made without its consent, unless the indemnitee has
            tendered notice and the indemnitor has then refused to assume and
            defend the claim and it is later determined that the indemnitor was
            liable to assume and defend the claim. The indemnitee agrees to
            cooperate in good faith with the indemnitor at the request and
            expense of the indemnitor.


      (a)   GENERAL LIMITATION. EDS' liability for all damages arising out of or
            related to this Agreement, regardless of the form of action that
            imposes liability, whether in contract, equity, negligence, intended
            conduct, tort or otherwise, will be limited to

            and will not exceed, in the aggregate for all claims, actions and
            causes of action of every kind and nature, an amount equal to the
            total amounts paid by Licensee to EDS in the twelve months
            immediately preceding the event giving rise to such damages, then
            divided by twelve, and then multiplied by three.

      (b)   EXCLUSIONS. Except for EDS' loss of income or profits related to
            Licensee's breach of the provisions of SECTION 1.4, in no event will
            the measure of damages payable by a party include, nor will either
            party be liable for, any amounts for loss of income, profit or
            savings or indirect, incidental, consequential, exemplary, punitive
            or special damages of any party, including third parties, even if
            such party has been advised of the possibility of such damages in
            advance, and all such damages are expressly disclaimed.

      (c)   EXCEPTIONS TO LIMITATIONS. The limitation set forth in SECTIONS 8.2
            (A) will not apply to EDS's liability to the extent such liability
            results from a claim under SECTION 8.1(B), nor to amounts due
            Licensee pursuant to SECTION 2.3(B).

      (d)   DUTY TO MITIGATE. Each party has a duty to mitigate the damages that
            would otherwise be recoverable from the other pursuant to this
            Agreement by taking appropriate and reasonable actions to reduce or
            limit the amount of such damages.

      (e)   CONTRACTUAL STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS. No claim and demand for
            mediation or arbitration or cause of action which arose out of an
            event or events which occurred more than two years prior to the
            filing of a demand for mediation or arbitration or suit alleging a
            claim or cause of action may be asserted by either party against the

      (f)   ACKNOWLEDGMENT. The Parties expressly acknowledge that the
            limitations and exclusions set forth in this SECTION 8.2 have been
            the subject of active and complete negotiation between the Parties
            and represent the Parties' agreement taking into account each
            party's level of risk associated with the performance or
            nonperformance of its obligations under this Agreement and the
            payments and other benefits to be derived by each party pursuant to
            this Agreement. The provisions of this SECTION 8.2 will survive the
            expiration or termination of this Agreement for any reason.

                           ARTICLE IX - MISCELLANEOUS

9.1   OTHER CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. In addition to the terms and conditions of
      SECTION 1.4, the parties will comply with the confidentiality obligations
      set forth in this SECTION 9.1.

      (a)   SCOPE OF OBLIGATION. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this
            Agreement, EDS and Licensee each agree that (i) all information
            communicated to it by the other 

            and identified as confidential, whether before or after the date
            hereof, (ii) all information identified as confidential to which it
            has access in connection with this Agreement, whether before or
            after the date hereof, and (iii) this Agreement and the parties'
            rights and obligations hereunder, will be and will be deemed to have
            been received in confidence and will be used only for purposes of
            this Agreement, and each of EDS and Licensee agrees to use the same
            means as it uses to protect its own confidential information, but in
            no event less than reasonable means, to prevent the disclosure and
            to protect the confidentiality thereof. No such information will be
            disclosed by the recipient party without the prior written consent
            of the other party; provided, however, that each party may disclose
            this Agreement and the other party's confidential information to
            those of the recipient party's attorneys, auditors (including the
            Federal Communications Commission), insurers (if applicable), agents
            and full time employees who have a need to have access to such
            information in connection with their employment (or engagement, if
            applicable) by the recipient party, so long as the recipient party
            advises each such person of the confidentiality obligations set
            forth in this SECTION 9.1. In any event, compliance by each of the
            persons referenced in the preceding sentence with the
            confidentiality obligations set forth in this SECTION 9.1 will
            remain the responsibility of the party employing or engaging such
            persons. The foregoing will not restrict either party from
            disclosing this Agreement in a filing with the United States
            Securities and Exchange Commission, if required to do so.

      (b)   EXCEPTIONS. The foregoing will not prevent either party from
            disclosing information that belongs to such party or (i) is already
            known by the recipient party without an obligation of
            confidentiality other than under this Agreement, (ii) is publicly
            known or becomes publicly known through no unauthorized act of the
            recipient party, (iii) is rightfully received from a third party,
            (iv) is independently developed without use of the other party's
            confidential information or (v) is disclosed without similar
            restrictions to a third party by the party owning the confidential
            information. If confidential information is required to be disclosed
            pursuant to a requirement of a governmental authority, such
            confidential information may be disclosed pursuant to such
            requirement so long as the party required to disclose the
            confidential information, to the extent possible, provides the other
            party with timely prior notice of such requirement and coordinates
            with such other party in an effort to limit the nature and scope of
            such required disclosure. If confidential information is required to
            be disclosed in connection with the conduct of any mediation or
            arbitration proceeding carried out pursuant to ARTICLE VI, such
            confidential information may be disclosed pursuant to and in
            accordance with the approval and at the direction of the mediator or
            arbitrator, as the case may be, conducting such proceeding. Upon
            written request at the expiration or termination of the License Term
            for any reason, all documented confidential information (and all
            copies thereof) owned by the requesting party will be returned to
            the requesting party or will be destroyed, with written
            certification thereof being given to the requesting party. The
            provisions of this SECTION 9.1 will survive the expiration or
            termination of the License Term for

            any reason.

9.2   RIGHT TO ENGAGE IN OTHER ACTIVITIES. Nothing in this Agreement will impair
      EDS' right to acquire, license, market, distribute, develop for itself or
      others or have others develop for EDS similar technology performing the
      same or similar functions as the technology and services contemplated by
      this Agreement.

9.3   INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS. The parties are independent contractors, and this
      Agreement will not be construed as constituting either party as partner,
      joint venturer or fiduciary of the other or to create any other form of
      legal association that would impose liability on one party for the act or
      failure to act of the other or as providing either party with the right,
      power or authority (express or implied) to create any duty or obligation
      of the other. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement,
      each party has the sole right and obligation to supervise, manage,
      contract, direct, procure, perform or cause to be performed all work to be
      performed by it pursuant to this Agreement.

9.4   HIRING OF EMPLOYEES. During the License Term and for a period of twelve
      months thereafter, neither party will solicit, directly or indirectly, for
      employment nor employ any employee of the other party actively involved in
      the performance, consumption or evaluation of services under this
      Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party.

9.5   ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement (including the Schedules and Exhibits
      attached hereto, each of which is incorporated into this Agreement by this
      reference) constitutes the full and complete statement of the agreement of
      the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes any
      previous agreements, understandings or communications, whether written or
      oral, relating to such subject matter. The foregoing notwithstanding,
      Licensee agrees to continue payment of monthly maintenance fees to EDS in
      accordance with the provisions of that certain IXPLUS License Agreement
      (as amended) between the parties dated April 23, 1991 until the
      Installation Date of the Licensed Programs hereunder.

9.6   AMENDMENTS; WAIVER. Changes or modifications to this Agreement may not be
      made orally, but only by a written amendment or revision signed by the
      parties. Any terms and conditions varying from this Agreement on any
      order, invoice or other notification from either party are not binding on
      the other unless specifically accepted by the other. Unless otherwise
      expressly provided in this Agreement, a delay or omission by either party
      to exercise any right or power under this Agreement will not be construed
      to be a waiver thereof. No waiver of any breach of any provision of this
      Agreement will constitute a waiver of any prior, concurrent or subsequent
      breach of the same or any other provision hereof.

9.7   BINDING NATURE; ASSIGNMENT. This Agreement will be binding on the parties
      and their successors and permitted assigns (it being understood and agreed
      that nothing contained in this Agreement is intended to confer upon any
      other person any rights, benefits or remedies 

      of any kind or character whatsoever under or by reason of this Agreement).
      Except in the event of the sale or transfer of all or substantially all of
      a party's business or assets, neither party may, nor will it have the
      power to, assign this Agreement, or any part hereof, without the consent
      of the other. In the event of the sale or transfer of all or substantially
      all of a party's business or assets, the parties may mutually agree to
      terminate this Agreement. EDS may subcontract the performance of any
      portion of this Agreement to a third party so long as EDS remains
      responsible for such performance.

9.8   COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. In performing its obligations under this Agreement,
      neither party will be required to undertake any activity that would
      conflict with the requirements of any applicable statute, rule,
      regulation, interpretation, judgment, order or injunction of any
      Governmental Authority.

9.9   EXPORT REGULATIONS. This Agreement is expressly made subject to any United
      States government laws, regulations, orders or other restrictions
      regarding export from the United States of computer hardware, software,
      technical data or derivatives of such hardware, software or technical
      data. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, Licensee
      will not directly or indirectly export (or reexport) any computer
      hardware, software, technical data or derivatives of such hardware,
      software or technical data, or permit the shipment of same: (a) into (or
      to a national or resident of) Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria
      or any other country to which the United States has embargoed goods; (b)
      to anyone on the U.S. Treasury Department's List of Specially Designated
      Nationals, List of Specially Designated Terrorists or List of Specially
      Designated Narcotics Traffickers, or the U.S. Commerce Department's Denied
      Parties List; or (c) to any country or destination for which the United
      States government or a United States governmental agency requires an
      export license or other approval for export without first having obtained
      such license or other approval. Each party will reasonably cooperate with
      the other and will provide to the other promptly upon request any end-user
      certificates, affidavits regarding reexport or other certificates or
      documents as are reasonably requested to obtain approvals, consents,
      licenses and/or permits required for any payment or any export or import
      of products or services under this Agreement. The provisions of this
      SECTION 9.9 will survive the expiration or termination of the License Term
      for any reason.

9.10  APPROVALS AND SIMILAR ACTIONS. Except as otherwise expressly provided in
      this Agreement, where agreement, approval, acceptance, consent or similar
      action is required of either party by any provision of this Agreement,
      such action will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. An approval or
      consent given by a party under this Agreement will not relieve the other
      party from responsibility for complying with the requirements of this
      Agreement, nor will it be construed as a waiver of any rights under this
      Agreement, except as and to the extent otherwise expressly provided in
      such approval or consent.

9.11  NOTICES. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, all
      notices under this Agreement will be in writing and will be deemed to have
      been duly given if delivered personally or by courier service, faxed or
      mailed by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage
      prepaid, to the parties at the addresses set forth in SCHEDULE 9.11. All
      notices under this Agreement that are addressed as provided in this
      SECTION 9.11, (a) if delivered personally or by courier service, will be
      deemed given upon delivery, (b) if delivered by facsimile, will be deemed
      given when electronic confirmation is received by the sending party and
      (c) if delivered by mail in the manner described above, will be deemed
      given on the fifth business day after the day it is deposited in a regular
      depository of the United States mail. Either party from time to time may
      change its address or designee for notification purposes by giving the
      other party notice of the new address or designee and the date upon which
      such change will become effective.

9.12  EXCUSED PERFORMANCE. Neither party will be deemed to be in default
      hereunder, or will be liable to the other, for failure to perform any of
      its non-monetary obligations under this 

      Agreement for any period and to the extent that such failure results from
      acts or omissions of the other party or third parties, natural disasters,
      riots, war, civil disorder, court order, labor dispute or any other causes
      beyond that party's reasonable control (including failures or fluctuations
      in electrical power, heat, light, air conditioning or telecommunications
      equipment or lines) and which it could not have prevented by reasonable
      precautions or could not have remedied by the exercise of reasonable

9.13  MEDIA RELEASES. Each party will coordinate with the other regarding any
      media release, public announcement or similar disclosure relating to this
      Agreement or its subject matter and will give the other party a reasonable
      opportunity to review and comment on the content of such release,
      announcement or disclosure prior to its release. This provision does not
      alter the restrictions on the disclosure of confidential information set
      forth in SECTION 9.1 and, subject to SECTION 9.1, will not be construed so
      as to delay or restrict either party from disclosing any information
      required to be disclosed in order to comply with any applicable law, rule
      or regulation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, EDS will have the right to
      make general references to Licensee and the type of services being
      provided by EDS to Licensee under this Agreement in EDS' promotional and
      marketing materials as well as in EDS' oral and visual presentations to

9.14  CONSTRUCTION RULES. The Article and Section headings used in this
      Agreement are for convenience of reference only and will not enter into
      the interpretation hereof. As used in this Agreement, unless otherwise
      expressly provided to the contrary, (a) any reference to a "Section",
      "Article" or "Schedule" is a reference to a Section or Article of this
      Agreement or a Schedule attached to this Agreement, and (b) all references
      to days, months or years are references to calendar days, months or years.
      To the extent that the provisions of this Agreement and the Schedules are
      inconsistent, to the extent possible such provisions will be interpreted
      so as to make them consistent, and if that is not possible, the provisions
      of the Schedules will prevail. If any provision of this Agreement is held
      to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality and
      enforceability of the remaining provisions will not in any way be affected
      or impaired, and such provision will be deemed to be restated to reflect
      the original intentions of the parties as nearly as possible in accordance
      with applicable law. The parties agree that this Agreement is an executory
      contract as contemplated by 11 U.S.C. Section 365. In performing its
      obligations under this Agreement, neither party will be required to
      undertake any activity that would conflict with the requirements of any
      applicable law, rule, regulation, interpretation, judgment, order or
      injunction of any governmental authority. The parties acknowledge and
      agree that each has been represented by legal counsel of its choice
      throughout the negotiation and drafting of this Agreement, that each has
      participated in the drafting hereof and that this Agreement will not be
      construed in favor of or against either party solely on the basis of a
      party's drafting or participation in the drafting of any portion of this

9.15  COOPERATION. EDS will cooperate with Licensee in good faith in the
      performance of EDS' activities contemplated by this Agreement in a proper,
      timely and efficient manner.

9.16  GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement will be governed by and construed in
      accordance with the substantive laws of the State of Texas, without giving
      effect to any choice-of-law rules that may require the application of the
      laws of another jurisdiction.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have each caused this Agreement to be
signed and delivered by its duly authorized officer or representative as of the
Effective Date.


                  By:  /S/WALTER SCHORTMANN
                  Typed Name:   Walter Schortmann
                  Title:  Vice President, Telecommunications Industry
                  Date:  March 11, 1999


                  By:   /s/ JOE RENTERIA, JR.
                  Typed Name:  Joe Renteria, Jr.
                  Title:  Vice President, Information Services
                  Date:  March 8, 1999