1999 STOCK OPTION PLAN
                              Adopted February 23, 1999


     The purpose of the Pacific Community Banking Group 1999 Stock Option 
Plan (the "Plan") is to strengthen Pacific Community Banking Group (the 
"Corporation") and those corporations which are or hereafter become 
subsidiary corporations by providing additional means of attracting and 
retaining competent managerial personnel and by providing to participating 
directors, officers, key employees, consultants and others with significant 
and material business relationships added incentives for high levels of 
performance and for unusual efforts to increase the earnings of the 
Corporation and any Subsidiary corporations; and to allow such individuals 
the opportunity to participate in the ownership of the Corporation and 
thereby have an interest in the success and increased value of the 
Corporation. The Plan seeks to accomplish these purposes and achieve these 
results by providing a means whereby such directors, officers, key employees, 
consultants and others with significant and material business relationships 
may purchase shares of Common Stock of the Corporation pursuant to Stock 
Options granted in accordance with this Plan.

     Stock Options granted pursuant to this Plan are intended to be Incentive 
Stock Options or Non-Qualified Stock Options, as shall be determined and 
designated by the Stock Option Committee upon the grant of each Stock Option 



     For the purposes of this Plan, the following terms shall have the 
following meanings:

         (a)  "COMMON STOCK." This term shall mean shares of the 
Corporation's no par value common stock, subject to adjustment pursuant to 
Paragraph 14 (Adjustment Upon Changes in Capitalization) hereunder.

         (b)  "CORPORATION." This term shall mean Pacific Community 
Banking Group, a California corporation.

         (c)  "ELIGIBLE PARTICIPANT." This term shall mean: (i) all directors 
of the Corporation or any Subsidiary; (ii) all full time officers (whether or 
not they are also directors) of the Corporation or any Subsidiary; (iii) all 
full time key employees (as such persons may be determined by the Stock 
Option Committee from time to time) of the Corporation or any Subsidiary; 
and (iv) consultants and others with significant and material business 
relationships with the Corporation.

         (d)  "EMPLOYER." This term shall mean the Corporation, as defined 
herein, or any other subsidiary of the Corporation, as appropriate, depending 
upon which company Optionee is employed.

         (e)  "FAIR MARKET VALUE." This term shall mean the fair market value 
of the Corporation's Common Stock as determined by any reasonable valuation 
method in accordance with the Commissioner of Corporations Regulation Section 
260.140.50, which generally provides that in determining whether the price is 
fair, predominant weight will be given to the following: (a) if securities of 
the same class are publicly traded on an active market of substantial depth, 
the recent market price


of such securities; (b) if the securities of the same class have not been so 
publicly traded, the price at which securities of reasonable comparable 
corporations (if any) in the same industry are being traded, subject to 
appropriate adjustments for the dissimilarities between the corporations 
being compared; or (c) in the absence of any reliable indicator under 
subsection (a) or (b), the earnings history, book value and prospects of the 
issuer in light of market conditions generally.

         (f)  "INCENTIVE STOCK OPTION." This term shall mean a Stock Option 
which is an "Incentive Stock Option" within the meaning of Section 422A of 
the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

         (g)  "NON-QUALIFIED STOCK OPTION." This term shall mean a Stock 
Option which is not an Incentive Stock Option.

         (h)  "OPTION SHARES." This term shall mean shares of Common Stock 
which are covered by and subject to any outstanding unexercised Stock Option 
granted pursuant to this Plan.

         (i)  "OPTIONEE." This term shall mean any Eligible Participant to 
whom a stock option has been granted pursuant to this Plan, provided that at 
least part of the Stock Option is outstanding and unexercised.

         (j)  "PLAN." This term shall mean the Pacific Community Banking 
Group 1999 Stock Option Plan as embodied herein and as may be amended from 
time to time in accordance with the terms hereof and applicable law.

         (k)  "STOCK OPTION." This term shall mean the right to purchase from 
the Corporation a specified number of shares of Common Stock under the Plan 
at a price and upon terms and conditions determined by the Stock Option 


         (l)  "STOCK OPTION COMMITTEE." The Board of Directors of the 
Corporation may select and designate a stock option committee consisting of 
at least three and not more than five persons, at least two of whom are 
directors, having full authority to act in the matters. Regardless of whether 
a Stock Option Committee is selected, the Board of Directors may act as the 
Stock Option Committee and any action taken by the Board of Directors as such 
shall be deemed to be action taken by the Stock Option Committee. All 
references in the Plan to the "Stock Option Committee" shall be deemed 
references to the Board of Directors acting as a stock option committee and 
to a duly appointed Stock Option Committee, if there be one. In the event of 
any conflict between any action taken by the Board of Directors acting as a 
Stock Option Committee and any action taken by a duly appointed Stock Option 
Committee, the action taken by the Board of Directors shall be controlling 
and the action taken by the duly appointed Stock Option Committee shall be 

         (m)  "SUBSIDIARY." This term shall mean any subsidiary corporation 
of the Corporation as such term is defined in Section 425(f) of the Internal 
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.


         (a)  STOCK OPTION COMMITTEE. This Plan shall be administered by the 
Stock Option Committee. The Board of Directors of the Corporation shall have 
the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to remove or replace any 
person from or on the Stock Option Committee at any time for any reason 

         (b)  ADMINISTRATION OF THE PLAN. Any action of the Stock Option 
Committee with respect to the administration of the Plan shall be taken 
pursuant to


a majority vote, or pursuant to the unanimous written consent, of its 
members. Any such action taken by the Stock Option Committee in the 
administration of this Plan shall be valid and binding, so long as the same is
in conformity with the terms and conditions of this Plan. Subject to 
compliance with each of the terms, conditions and restrictions set forth in 
this Plan, including, but not limited to, those set forth in Section 6(a)(ii) 
hereof, the Stock Option Committee shall have the exclusive right, in its 
sole and absolute discretion, to establish the terms and conditions of any 
Stock Options granted under the Plan, including, without limitation, the 
power to: (i) establish the number of Stock Options, if any, to be granted 
hereunder, in the aggregate and with regard to any individual Eligible 
Participant; (ii) determine the time or times when such Stock Options, or any
parts thereof, may be exercised; (iii) determine and designate which Stock 
Options granted under the Plan shall be Incentive Stock Options and which 
shall be Non-Qualified Stock Options; (iv) determine the Eligible 
Participants, if any, to whom Stock Options are granted; (v) determine the 
duration and purposes, if any, of leaves of absence which may be permitted to 
holders of unexercised, unexpired Stock Options without such constituting a 
termination of employment under the Plan; (vi) prescribe and amend the 
terms, provisions and form of any instrument or agreement setting forth the 
terms and conditions of every Stock Option granted hereunder; and (vii) make 
loans to or guarantee any obligations of any Optionees, except directors, in 
connection with the exercise of Stock Options as specified in Section 8(d) 
hereof, whenever the Stock Option Committee determines that such loan or 
guarantee may reasonably be expected to benefit the corporation, subject to 
the provisions of Section 315(b) of the


California General Corporations Law of 1977, as amended and subject to 
Regulations G, U and T promulgated by the Board of Governors of the Federal 
Reserve System pursuant to Section 7 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 
if the Option Shares are listed on a stock exchange or are contained in the 
list of over-the-counter margin securities published by the Federal Reserve 

          (c)  DECISIONS AND DETERMINATIONS. Subject to the express provisions 
of the Plan, the Stock Option Committee shall have the authority to construe 
and interpret the Plan, to define the terms used therein, to prescribe, 
amend, and rescind rules and regulations relating to the administration of the 
Plan, and to make all other determinations necessary or advisable for 
administration of the Plan. Determinations of the Stock Option Committee on 
matters referred to in this Section 3 shall be final and conclusive so long 
as the same are in conformity with the terms of this Plan.


     Subject to adjustments as provided in Section 14 hereof, the maximum 
number of shares of Common Stock which may be issued upon exercise of Stock 
Options granted under this Plan is limited to 30% of the issued and 
outstanding shares of the Corporation up to a maximum of 1,350,000 shares in 
the aggregate. If any Stock Option shall be canceled, surrendered, or expire 
for any reason without having been exercised in full, the unpurchased Option 
Shares represented thereby shall again be available for grants of Stock 
Options under this Plan.


     Only Eligible Participants shall be eligible to receive grants of Stock 
Options under this Plan.



          (a) GRANT. Subject to the express provisions and limitations of 
the Plan, the Stock Option Committee, in its sole and absolute discretion, 
may grant Stock Options to Eligible Participants of the Corporation, for a 
number of Option Shares, at the price(s) and time(s), on the terms and 
conditions and to such Eligible Participants as it deems advisable and 
specifies in the respective grants.

          Subject to the limitations and restrictions set forth in the Plan, 
an Eligible Participant who has been granted a Stock Option may, if otherwise 
eligible, be granted additional Stock Options if the Stock Option Committee 
shall so determine. The Stock Option Committee shall designate in each grant 
of a Stock Option whether the Stock Option is an Incentive Stock Option or a 
Non-Qualified Stock Option.

          An eligible director, officer or employee shall not participate in 
the granting of his or her own options.

          (b)  DATE OF GRANT AND RIGHTS OF OPTIONEE. The determination of the 
Stock Option Committee to grant a Stock Option shall not in any way 
constitute or be deemed to constitute an obligation of the Corporation, or a 
right of the Eligible Participant who is the proposed subject of the grant, 
and shall not constitute or be deemed to constitute the grant of a Stock Option 
hereunder unless and until both the Corporation and the Eligible Participant 
have executed and delivered the form of stock option agreement then required 
by the Stock Option Committee as evidencing the grant of the Stock Option, 
together with such other instruments as may be required by the Stock Option 
Committee pursuant to this Plan; provided, however, that the Stock Option 
Committee may fix the date of grant as any date on or after the date


of its final determination to grant the Stock Option (or if no such date is 
fixed, then the date of grant shall be the date on which the determination was 
finally made by the Stock Option Committee to grant the Stock Option), and 
such date shall be set forth in the stock option agreement. The date of grant 
as so determined shall be deemed the date of grant of the Stock Option for 
purposes of this Plan.

          (c)  SHAREHOLDER-EMPLOYEES. Notwithstanding anything to the 
contrary contained elsewhere herein, a Stock Option shall not be granted 
hereunder to an Eligible Participant who owns, directly or indirectly, at the 
date of the grant of the Stock Option, more than ten percent (10%) of the 
total combined voting power of all classes of capital stock of the 
Corporation or a Subsidiary corporation, unless the purchase price of the 
Option Shares subject to said Stock Option is at least 110% of the Fair 
Market Value of the Option Shares, determined as of the date said Stock 
Option is granted.

          (d)  MAXIMUM VALUE OF STOCK OPTIONS. Except as provided in 
paragraph (e) of this Section 6, the maximum aggregate Fair Market Value of 
Option Shares (determined as of the respective Stock Option grant dates) for 
which an Eligible Participant may be granted Incentive Stock Options in any 
calendar year shall not exceed $100,000, plus any "unused carryover amount." 
The unused carryover amount, determined on a yearly basis, shall be equal to 
one-half (1/2) of the difference between $100,000 and the aggregate Fair 
Market Value (determined as of the respective Stock Option grant dates) of 
all of the Option Shares subject to Incentive Stock Options granted to the 
Optionee during the calendar year under the Plan. The provisions of 
Section 422A(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,


as amended, are incorporated herein by this reference for the purpose of the 
determination and application of the unused carryover amount.

         The aggregate fair market value (determined at the time the option 
is granted) of the stock with respect to which incentive stock options are 
exercisable for the first time by such individual under the terms of the 
Plan during any calendar year is limited to $100,000, but the value of stock 
for which options may be granted to an employee in a given year may exceed 
$100,000, but such options in excess of $100,000 shall be treated as 
non-qualified options.

         (e)  SUBSTITUTED STOCK OPTIONS.  If all of the outstanding shares of 
common stock of another corporation are changed into or exchanged solely for 
common stock in a transaction to which Section 425(a) of the Internal Revenue 
Code of 1986, as amended, applies, then, subject to the approval of the 
Board of Directors of the Bank, Stock Options under the Plan may be 
substituted ("Substituted Options") in exchange for valid, unexercised and 
unexpired stock options of such other corporation.  Substituted options shall 
qualify as Incentive Stock Options under the Plan, provided that (and to the 
extent) the stock options exchanged for the Substituted-Options were 
"Incentive Stock Options" within the meaning of Section 422A of the Internal 
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

         (f)  NON-QUALIFIED STOCK OPTIONS.  All Stock Options granted by the 
Stock Option Committee which: (i) are designated at the time of grant as 
Incentive Stock Options but do not so qualify under the provisions of Section 
422A of the Code or any regulations or rulings issued by the Internal Revenue 
Service for any reason; (ii) are in excess of the fair market value 
limitations set forth in Section 6(d); or (iii)


are designated at the time of grant as Non-Qualified Stock Options, shall be 
deemed Non-Qualified Stock Options under this Plan.  Non-Qualified Stock 
Options granted or substituted hereunder shall be so designated in the stock 
option agreement entered into between the Corporation and the Optionee.


         (a)  MINIMUM PRICE.  The exercise price of any Option Shares shall 
be determined by the Stock Option Committee, in its sole and absolute 
discretion, upon the grant of a Stock Option.  Except as provided elsewhere 
herein, said exercise price shall not be less than one hundred percent (100%) 
of the Fair Market Value of the Common Stock represented by the Option Share 
on the date of grant of the related Stock Option.

         (b)  EXCHANGED STOCK OPTIONS.  Where the outstanding shares of stock 
of another corporation are changed into or exchanged for shares of Common 
Stock of the Corporation without monetary consideration to that other 
corporation, then, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors of the 
Corporation, Stock Options may be granted in exchange for unexercised, 
unexpired stock options of the other corporation, and the exercise price of 
the Option Shares subject to each Stock Option so granted may be fixed at a 
price less than one hundred percent (100%) of the Fair Market Value of the 
Common Stock at the time such Stock Option is granted if said exercise price 
has been computed to be not less than the exercise price set forth in the 
stock option of the other corporation, with appropriate adjustment to reflect 
the exchange ratio of the shares of stock of the other corporation into the 
shares of Common Stock of the Corporation.


         (c)  SUBSTITUTED OPTIONS.  The exercise price of the Option Shares 
subject to each Substituted Option may be fixed at a price less than one 
hundred percent (100%) of the Fair Market Value of the Common Stock at the 
time such Substituted option is granted if said exercise price has been 
computed to be not less than the exercise price set forth in the stock option 
of the other corporation for which it was exchanged, with appropriate 
adjustment to reflect the exchange ratio of the shares of stock of the other 
corporation into the shares of Common Stock.


         (a)  EXERCISE.  Except as otherwise provided elsewhere herein, each 
Stock Option shall be exercisable in such increments, which need not be 
equal, and upon such contingencies as the Stock Option Committee shall 
determine at the time of grant of the Stock Option; provided, however, (i) 
that if an Optionee shall not in any given period exercise any part of a 
Stock Option which has become exercisable during that period, the Optionee's 
right to exercise such part of the Stock Option shall continue until 
expiration of the Stock Option or any part thereof as may be provided in the 
related Stock Option Agreement, and (ii) in the case of options that are not 
granted to officers, directors, consultants of, or others with significant 
and material business relationships with, the Company, a minimum of 20% of 
the stock options shall be exercisable in each year over a five year period 
from the date the option is granted.  No Stock Option or part thereof shall 
be exercisable except with respect to whole shares of Common Stock, and 
fractional share interests shall be disregarded except that they may be 


Options granted to an Optionee may be exercisable while such Optionee has 
outstanding and unexercised any Incentive Stock Option previously granted 
(or substituted) to him or her pursuant to this Plan.  The Stock Option 
Committee shall determine if such options shall be exercisable if there are 
any Incentive Stock Options previously granted (or substituted) to him or her 
pursuant to this Plan, and such determination shall be evidenced in the 
Agreement executed by the Optionee and Company, subject to the requirements 
of Rule 260.141.41(f) of the California Commissioner of Corporations. An 
Incentive Stock Option shall be treated as outstanding until it is exercised 
in full or expires by reason of lapse of time.

         (c)  NOTICE AND PAYMENT.  Stock Options granted hereunder shall be 
exercised by written notice delivered to the Corporation specifying the 
number of Option Shares with respect to which the Stock Option is being 
exercised, together with concurrent payment in full of the exercise price 
as hereinafter provided in Section 8(d) hereof.  If the Stock Option is being 
exercised by any person or persons other than the Optionee, said notice shall 
be accompanied by proof, satisfactory to counsel for the Corporation, of the 
right to such person or persons to exercise the Stock Option.  The 
Corporation's receipt of a notice of exercise without concurrent receipt of 
the full amount of the exercise price shall not be deemed an exercise of a 
Stock Option by an Optionee, and the Corporation shall have no obligation to 
an Optionee for any Option Shares unless and until full payment of the 
exercise price is received by the Corporation in accordance with Section 8(d) 
hereof, and all of the


terms and provisions of the Plan and the related stock option agreement have 
been complied with.

         (d)  PAYMENT OF EXERCISE PRICE. The exercise price of any Option 
Shares purchased upon the proper exercise of a Stock Option shall be paid in 
full at the time of each exercise of a Stock Option in cash and/or, with the 
prior written approval of the Stock Option Committee, in Common Stock of the 
Corporation which, when added to the cash payment, if any, has an aggregate 
Fair Market Value equal to the full amount of the exercise price of the Stock 
Option, or part thereof, then being exercised and/or, with the prior written 
approval of the Stock Option Committee and if legally permitted, on a 
deferred basis evidenced by a promissory note, containing such terms and 
subject to such security as the Stock Option Committee shall determine to be 
fair and reasonable from time to time, for the total option price for the 
number of shares so purchased. No Director may purchase any Stock Option on a 
deferred basis evidenced by a promissory note. Unless payment is on a 
deferred basis, payment by an Optionee as provided herein shall be made in 
full concurrently with the Optionee's notification to the Corporation of his 
intention to exercise all or part of a Stock Option. If all or part of 
payment is made in shares of Common Stock as heretofore provided, such 
payment shall be deemed to have been made only upon receipt by the 
Corporation of all required share certificates, and all stock powers and 
other required transfer documents necessary to transfer the shares of Common 
Stock to the Corporation.

         (e)  REORGANIZATION. Notwithstanding any provision in any stock 
option agreement pertaining to the time of exercise of a Stock Option, or 
part thereof,


upon adoption by the requisite holders of the Corporation's outstanding 
shares of Common Stock of any plan of dissolution, liquidation, 
reorganization, merger, consolidation or sale of all or substantially all of 
the assets of the Corporation to another corporation, or the acquisition of 
stock representing more than 50% of the voting power of the Corporation then 
outstanding, by another corporation or person, which would, upon 
consummation, result in termination of a Stock Option in accordance with 
Section 16 hereof, the Stock Option shall become immediately exercisable as 
to all Option Shares, whether or not vested, for such period of time as may 
be determined by the Stock Option Committee, but in any event not less than 
30 days prior to the adoption of the plan of dissolution, liquidation, 
reorganization, merger, consolidation, sale, or acquisition on the condition 
that the terminating event described in Section 16 hereof is consummated. Any 
Option Shares not exercised will be terminated. If such Terminating Event is 
not consummated, Stock Options granted pursuant to the Plan shall be 
exercisable in accordance with their respective terms.

         (f)  MINIMUM EXERCISE. Not less than ten (10) Option Shares may be 
purchased at any one time upon exercise of a Stock Option unless the number 
of shares purchased is the total number which remains to be purchased under 
the Stock Option.

         (g)  COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. No shares of Common Stock shall be issued 
by the Corporation upon exercise of any Stock Option, and an Optionee shall 
have no rights or claim to such shares, unless and until: (a) payment in full 
as provided in Section 8(d) hereof has been received by the Corporation; (b) 
in the


opinion of the counsel for the Corporation, all applicable registration 
requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, all applicable listing 
requirements of securities exchanges or associations on which the 
Corporation's Common Stock is then listed or traded, and all other 
requirements of law and of regulatory bodies having jurisdiction over such 
issuance and delivery, have been fully complied with; and (c) if required by 
federal or state law or regulation, the Optionee shall have paid to the 
Corporation the amount, if any, required to be withheld on the amount deemed 
to be compensation to the Optionee as a result of the exercise of his or her 
Stock Option, or made other arrangements satisfactory to the Corporation, in 
its sole discretion, to satisfy applicable income tax withholding 


     Each Stock Option shall, by its terms, be nontransferable by the 
Optionee other than by will or the laws of descent and distribution, and 
shall be exercisable during the Optionee's lifetime only by the Optionee or 
his or her guardian or legal representative.


     Except for Optionees with a written contract for any definite term, this 
Agreement shall not obligate the Corporation or a Subsidiary to employ 


     Except as provided in Sections 8(e), 12, 13, 14, 15 or 16 hereof, if, 
for any reason, an Optionee's status as an Eligible Participant is 
terminated, the Stock Options granted to such Optionee shall expire on the 
expiration dates specified for said Stock Options at the time of their 
initial grant, or three (3) months after the


Optionee's status as an Eligible Participant is terminated, whichever is 
earlier. Thereafter, Options shall be exercisable only as to those 
increments, if any, which had become exercisable as of such expiration date, 
and any Stock Options or increments which had not become exercisable as of 
such date shall expire and terminate automatically on such expiration date.


     If Optionee's status as an Eligible Participant is terminated for 
violation of the Employer's Standards of Conduct, the vested portion of Stock 
Options granted to such Optionee shall be exercisable for a thirty (30) day 
period following such termination, and thereafter such Stock Options shall 
automatically expire and terminate in their entirety; provided, however, that 
the Stock Option Committee may, in its sole discretion, within thirty (30) 
days of such termination, reinstate such Stock Options to the status of 
options terminated for reasons other than violations of the Employer's 
Standards of Conduct, death or disability by giving written notice of such 
reinstatement to the Optionee. In the event of such reinstatement, the 
Optionee may exercise the Stock Options as provided in Section 11 herein. 
Reasons for termination for violation of the Employer's Standards of Conduct 
shall include, but not be limited to, termination for malfeasance or gross 
misfeasance in the performance of duties or conviction of illegal activity in 
connection therewith, and, in any event, the determination of the Stock 
Option Committee with respect thereto shall be final and conclusive.



    If an Optionee loses his status as an Eligible Participant by reason of 
death, or if an Optionee dies during the three-month period referred to in 
Section 12 hereof, the Stock Options granted to such Optionee shall expire on 
the expiration dates specified for said Stock Options at the time of their 
initial grant, or one (1) year after the date of such death, whichever is 
earlier. After such death but before such expiration, subject to the terms 
and provisions of the Plan and the related stock option agreements, the 
person or persons to whom such Optionee's rights under the Stock Options shall 
have passed by will or by the applicable laws of descent and distribution, or 
the executor or administrator of the Optionee's estate, shall have the right 
to exercise such Stock Options to the extent that increments, if any, had 
become exercisable as of the date on which the Optionee's status as an 
Eligible Participant had been lost.


    If an Optionee is disabled while employed by or while serving as a 
director of the Corporation or a Subsidiary or during the three-month period 
referred to in Section 12 hereof, the Stock Options granted to such Optionee 
shall expire on the expiration dates specified for said Stock Options at the 
time of their initial grant, or one (1) year after the date of such 
disability, whichever is earlier. After such disability but before such 
expiration, the Optionee or a guardian or conservator of the Optionee's 
estate, as duly appointed by a court of competent jurisdiction, shall have 
the right to exercise such Stock Options to the extent that increments, if 
any, had become exercisable as of the date on which the Optionee became 
disabled or ceased to be employed by the


Corporation or a Subsidiary as a result of the disability. For the purpose of 
this Section 14, an Optionee shall be deemed to have become "disabled" if it 
shall appear to the Stock Option Committee, upon written certification 
delivered to the Corporation by a qualified licensed physician, that the 
Optionee has become permanently and totally unable to engage in any 
substantial gainful activity by reason of any medically determinable physical 
or mental impairment which can be expected to result in death, or which has 
lasted or can be expected to last for a continuous period of not less than 12 


    If the outstanding shares of Common Stock of the Corporation are 
increased, decreased, or changed into or exchanged for a different number or 
kind of shares or securities of the Corporation, through a reorganization, 
merger, recapitalization, reclassification, stock split, stock dividend, 
stock consolidation, or otherwise, without consideration to the Corporation, 
an appropriate and proportionate adjustment shall be made in the number and 
kind of shares as to which Stock Options may be granted. A corresponding 
adjustment changing the number or kind of Option Shares and the exercise 
prices per share allocated to unexercised Stock Options, or portions thereof, 
which shall have been granted prior to any such change, shall likewise be 
made. Any such adjustment, however, in an outstanding Stock Option shall be 
made without change in the total price applicable to the unexercised portion 
of the Stock Option, but with a corresponding adjustment in the price for 
each Option Share subject to the Stock Option. Any adjustment under this 
Section shall be made by the Stock Option Committee, whose determination as 
to what adjustments shall be made, and the 


extent thereof, shall be final and conclusive. No fractional shares of stock 
shall be issued or made available under the Plan on account of any such 
adjustment, and fractional share interests shall be disregarded and the 
fractional share interest shall be rounded down to the nearest whole number.


    Not less than thirty (30) days prior to consummation of a plan of 
dissolution or liquidation of the Corporation, or consummation of a plan of 
reorganization, merger or consolidation of the Corporation with one or more 
corporations, as a result of which the Corporation is not the surviving 
corporation and the outstanding securities of the class then subject to 
options hereunder are changed or exchanged for cash or property or securities 
not of the Corporation's issue, or upon the sale of all or substantially all 
the assets of the Corporation to another corporation, or the acquisition of 
stock representing more than fifty percent (50%) of the voting power of the 
Corporation then outstanding by another corporation or person (the 
"Terminating Event"), the Stock Option Committee or the Board of Directors 
shall notify each Optionee of the pendency of the Terminating Event. Upon the 
effective date of the Terminating Event, the Plan shall automatically 
terminate and all Stock Options theretofore granted shall terminate, unless 
provision is made in connection with such transaction for the continuance of 
the Plan and/or assumption of Stock Options theretofore granted, or 
substitution for such Stock Options with new stock options, covering stock of 
a successor employer corporation, or a parent or subsidiary corporation 
thereof, solely at the discretion of such successor corporation, or parent or 
subsidiary corporation, with appropriate adjustments as to number and kind of


shares and prices, in which event the Plan and options theretofore granted 
shall continue in the manner and under the terms so provided. If the Plan and 
unexercised options shall terminate pursuant to the foregoing sentence, all 
persons shall have the right to exercise any unexercised portions of options 
outstanding and not exercised, shall have the right, at such time prior to 
the consummation of the transaction causing such termination as the 
Corporation shall designate and for a period of not less than 30 days, to 
exercise all unexercised portions of their options, including the portions 
which would, but for this paragraph entitled "Terminating Events," not yet be 


    The Board of Directors of the Corporation may at any time and from 
time-to-time suspend, amend, or terminate the Plan and may, with the consent 
of Optionee, make such modifications of the terms and conditions of a Stock 
Option as it shall deem advisable; provided that, except as permitted under 
the provisions of Section 16 hereof, no amendment or modification may be 
adopted without the Corporation having first obtained all necessary 
regulatory approvals and approval of the holders of a majority of the 
Corporation's shares of Common Stock present, or represented, and entitled to 
vote at a duly held meeting of shareholders of the Corporation if the 
amendment or modification would;

         (a)  materially increase the benefits accruing to participants under 
the Plan;

         (b)  materially increase the number of securities which may be 
issued under the Plan;


         (c)  materially modify the requirements as to eligibility for 
participation in the Plan;

         (d)  increase or decrease the exercise price of any Stock Options 
granted under the Plan;

         (e)  increase the maximum term of Stock Options provided for herein;

         (f)  permit Stock Options to be granted to any person who is not an 
Eligible Participant; or 

         (g) change any provision of the Plan which would affect the 
qualification as an incentive Stock Option under the Plan.

     No Stock Option may be granted during any suspension of the Plan or 
after termination of the Plan. Amendment, suspension, or termination of the 
Plan shall not (except as otherwise provided in Section 17 hereof), without 
the consent of the Optionees, alter or impair any rights or obligations under 
any Stock Option theretofore granted.


     Neither any Eligible Participant, any Optionee or any other person shall 
have any claim or right to be granted any Stock Option under this Plan, and 
neither this Plan nor any action taken hereunder shall be deemed or construed 
as giving any Eligible Participant, Optionee or any other person any right to 
be retained in the employ of the Corporation or any subsidiary of the 
Corporation. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, there is no 
vesting of any right in the classification of any person as an Eligible 
Participant or Optionee, such classification being used solely to


define and limit those persons who are eligible for consideration of the 
grant of Stock Options under the Plan;


     No Optionee shall be entitled to the privileges of stock ownership as to 
any Option Shares not actually issued and delivered. No Option Shares may be 
purchased upon the exercise of a Stock Option unless and until all then 
applicable requirements of all regulatory agencies having jurisdiction and 
all applicable requirements of securities exchanges upon which the stock of 
the Corporation is listed (if any) shall have been fully complied with. The 
Corporation will diligently endeavor to comply with all applicable 
securities laws before any options are granted under the Plan and before any 
stock is issued pursuant to options. The Optionee shall, not more than five 
(5) days after each sale or other disposition of shares of Common Stock 
acquired pursuant to the exercise of Stock Options, give the Corporation 
notice in writing of such sale of other disposition.

     The Corporation will provide to each Optionee its Annual Report as 
required by Section 260.140.46 of the regulations of the California 
Commissioner of Corporations.


     The Plan shall be deemed adopted as of February 23, 1999, and shall be 
effective immediately, subject to approval of the Plan by the holders of at 
least a majority of the Corporation's outstanding shares of Common Stock and 
approval of the Plan by the California Commissioner of Corporations.



     Unless previously terminated as aforesaid, the Plan shall terminate ten 
(10) years from the earliest date of (i) adoption of the Plan by the Board of 
Directors; or (ii) approval of the Plan by holders of at least a majority of 
the Corporation's outstanding shares of Common Stock. No Stock Options shall 
be granted under the Plan thereafter, but such termination shall not affect 
any Stock Option theretofore granted.


     Each Stock Option granted under the Plan shall be evidenced by a written 
stock option agreement executed by the Corporation and the Optionee, and 
shall contain each of the provisions and agreements herein specifically 
required to be contained therein, and such other terms and conditions as are 
deemed desirable by the Stock Option Committee and are not inconsistent with 
the Plan.


     Each Stock Option and all rights and obligations thereunder shall expire 
on such date as the Stock Option Committee may determine, but not later than 
ten (10) years from the date such Stock Option is granted, and shall be 
subject to earlier termination as provided elsewhere in the Plan.


     In addition to such other rights of indemnification which they may have 
as directors of the Corporation or as members of the Stock Option Committee, 
the present and former members of the Stock Option Committee, and each of 
them, shall be indemnified by the Corporation for and against all costs, 
judgments, penalties and


reasonable expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, actually and 
necessarily incurred by them in connection with any action, suit or 
proceeding, or in connection with any appeal thereof, to which they or any of 
them may be a party by reason of any act or omission of any member of the 
Stock Option Committee under or in connection with the Plan or any Stock 
Option granted thereunder; provided, however, that a member of the Stock 
Option Committee shall not be entitled to any indemnification whatsoever 
pursuant to this Section for as a result of any act or omission of such 
member which was not taken in good faith and which constituted willful 
misconduct or gross negligence by such member; provided further, that any 
amounts paid by any member of the Stock Option Committee in settlement of any 
action, suit or proceeding for which indemnification may be sought pursuant 
to this Section shall be first approved in writing by independent legal 
counsel selected by the Corporation; and, provided further, that within 
thirty (30) days after institution of any action, suit or proceeding against 
any member with respect to which such member is entitled to indemnification 
hereunder, such member shall, in writing, offer the Corporation the 
opportunity, as its own expense, to handle (including settle) and conduct the 
defense thereof. The provisions of this Section shall apply to the estate, 
executor and administrator of each member of the Stock Option Committee. 

25.  (Reserved)


     All notices and demands of any kind which the  Stock Option Committee, 
any Optionee, Eligible Participant, or any other person may be required or 
desires to serve under the terms of this Plan shall be in writing and shall 
be served by personal service


upon the respective person or by leaving a copy of such notice or demand at 
the address of such person as may be reflected in the records of the 
Corporation, or in the case of the Stock Option Committee, with the Secretary 
of the Corporation, or by mailing a copy thereof by certified or registered 
mail, postage prepaid, with return receipt requested. In the case of service 
by mail, it shall be deemed complete at the expiration of the third day after 
the day of mailing, except for notice of the exercise of any Stock Option and 
payment of the Stock Option exercise price, both of which must be actually 
received by the Corporation.

27. (Reserved)


    The Stock Option Committee, in its sole and absolute discretion, is 
entitled to determine who, if anyone, is an Eligible Participant under this 
Plan, and which, if any, Eligible Participant shall receive any grant of a 
Stock Option. No oral or written agreement by any person on behalf of the 
Corporation relating to this Plan or any Stock Option granted hereunder is 
authorized, and such agreement may not bind the Corporation or the Stock 
Option Committee to grant any Stock Option to any person.


    If any provision of this Plan as applied to any person or to any 
circumstances shall be adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction to be 
void, invalid, or unenforceable, the same shall in no way effect any other 
provision hereof, the application of any such provision in any other 
circumstances, or the validity of enforceability hereof.



    Where the context or construction requires, all words applied in the 
plural shall be deemed to have been used in the singular and vice versa, and 
the masculine gender shall include the feminine and the neuter.


    The headings of the several paragraphs of this Plan are inserted solely 
for convenience of reference and are not intended to form a part of and are 
not intended to govern, limit or aid in the construction of any term or 
provision hereof.


    This Plan shall be binding upon the respective successors, assigns, 
heirs, executors, administrators, guardians and personal representatives of 
the Corporation and any Optionee.


    This Plan shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws 
of the State of California.


    In the event of any conflict between the terms and provisions of this 
Plan, and any other document, agreement or instrument, including, without 
limitation, any stock option agreement, the terms and provisions of this Plan 
shall control.



    I, the undersigned, do hereby certify:

    1.   That I am the duly elected and acting Assistant Secretary of Pacific 
Community Banking Group; and

    2.   That the foregoing Pacific Community Banking Group 1999 Stock 
Option Plan was duly adopted by the Board of Directors of Pacific Community 
Banking Group as the Stock Option Plan for the Corporation at a meeting duly 
called as required by law and convened on the 23rd day of February, 1999.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the 
seal of the Corporation this 23rd day of February, 1999.

                                       /s/ MARGARAT HOWE
                                         Margarat Howe, Assistant Secretary







                           STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT

                        / /  Incentive Stock Option

                      / /  Non-Qualified Stock Option

          THIS AGREEMENT, dated the ___ day of ________, 19__, by and between 
Pacific Community Banking Group, a California corporation (the 
"Corporation"), and ________________ (the "Optionee");

          WHEREAS, pursuant to the Corporation's 1999 Stock Option Plan (the 
"Plan"), the Stock Option Committee has authorized the grant to Optionee of a 
Stock Option to purchase all or any part of ______________ (______) 
authorized but unissued shares of the Corporation's Common Stock at the price 
of ________________ Dollars ($______) per share, such Stock Option to be for 
the term and upon the terms and conditions hereinafter stated;

          NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed:

          1.  GRANT OF STOCK OPTION.  Pursuant to said action of the Stock 
Option Committee and pursuant to authorizations granted by all appropriate 


and governmental agencies, the Corporation hereby grants to Optionee a Stock 
Option to purchase, upon and subject to the terms and conditions of the Plan, 
which is incorporated in full herein by this Reference, all or any part of 
______________ (____) Option Shares of the Corporation's Common Stock, at the 
price of _____________ Dollars ($______) per share. For purposes of this 
Agreement and the Plan, the date of grant shall be ________________, 19__. At 
the date of grant, Optionee [DOES] [DOES NOT OWN] stock possessing more than 
10% of the total combined voting power of all classes of capital stock of the 
Corporation or any Subsidiary.

          The Stock Option granted hereunder [IS] [IS NOT] intended to 
qualify as an Incentive Stock Option within the meaning of Section 422A of 
the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

          2.  EXERCISABILITY.  This Stock Option shall be exercisable as to 
_____________ Option Shares on _____________, 19__, as to ________________ 
Option Shares on _____________, 19__, as to _______________ Option Shares on 
_____________, 19__, as to ________________ Option Shares on _____________, 
19__, and as to _______________ Option Shares on ______________, 19__. This 
Stock Option shall remain exercisable as to all of such Option Shares until 
_____________, 19__ (but not later than ten (10) years from the date 
hereof), at which time it shall expire in its entirety, unless this Stock 
Option has expired or terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions 
hereof. Option shares as to which this Stock Option becomes exercisable may 
be purchased at any time prior to expiration of this Stock Option.


          3.  EXERCISE OF STOCK OPTION.  Subject to the provision of 
Paragraph 4 hereof, this Stock Option may be exercised by written notice 
delivered to the Corporation stating the number of Option Shares with respect 
to which this Stock Option is being exercised, together with cash and/or, if 
permitted at the time of exercise by the Stock Option Committee, shares of 
Common Stock of the Corporation which, when added to the cash payment, if 
any, have an aggregate Fair Market Value equal to the full amount of the 
purchase price of such Option Shares, and/or, if permitted at the time of 
exercise by the Stock Option Committee and if legally permitted, and if 
Optionee is not also a director, consultant or business advisor of the 
Corporation or any of its subsidiaries, on a deferred basis evidenced by a 
promissory note. Not less than ten (10) Option shares may be purchased at any 
one time unless the number purchased is the total number which remains to be 
purchased under this Stock Option and in no event may the Stock Option be 
exercised with respect to fractional shares. Upon exercise, Optionee shall 
make appropriate arrangements and shall be responsible for the withholding of 
any federal and state income taxes then due.

          4.  PRIOR OUTSTANDING STOCK OPTIONS.  Incentive Stock Options 
granted to an Optionee may be exercisable while such Optionee has outstanding 
and unexercised any Incentive Stock Option previously granted to him or her 
pursuant to this Plan. The Stock Option Committee shall determine if such 
options shall be exercisable if there are any Incentive Stock Options 
previously granted (or substituted) to him or her pursuant to this Plan, and 
such determination shall be evidenced in the Agreement executed by the 
Optionee and the Corporation, subject


to the requirements of Rule 260.141.41(f) of the California Commissioner of 
Corporations. An Incentive Stock Option shall be treated as outstanding until 
it is exercised in full or expires by reason of lapse of time.

          5.  CESSATION OF EMPLOYMENT.  Except as provided in paragraphs 7, 
9, or 11 hereof, if Optionee's status as an Eligible Participant under the 
Plan is terminated, this Stock Option shall expire three (3) months 
thereafter or on the date specified in Paragraph 2 hereof, whichever is 
earlier. During such period after termination of status as an Eligible 
Participant, this Stock Option shall be exercisable only as to those 
increments, if any, which had become exercisable as of the date on which the 
Optionee's status as Eligible Participant was terminated, and any Stock 
Options or increments which had not become exercisable as of such date shall 
expire and terminate automatically on such date.

IN OPTIONEE'S EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK.  If Optionee's status as an Eligible 
Participant under the Plan is terminated for violation of the Employer's 
Standard of Conduct, the vested portion of this Stock Option shall be 
exercisable for a thirty (30) day period following such termination, and 
thereafter this Stock Option shall automatically expire and terminate in 
their entirety; provided, however, that the Stock Option Committee may, in 
its sole discretion, within thirty (30) days of such termination, reinstate 
such Stock Options to the status of options terminated for reasons other than 
violations of the Employer's Standards of Conduct, death or disability by 
giving written notice of such reinstatements to the Optionee. In the event of 
such reinstatement, the Optionee may exercise the Stock Options as provided 
in Section 11 herein.


Termination for violation of the Employer's Standard of Conduct shall 
include, but not be limited to, or termination for malfeasance or gross 
misfeasance in the performance of duties or conviction of illegal activity in 
connection therewith, and, in any event, the determination of the Stock 
Option Committee with respect thereto shall be final and conclusive.

         7.   DISABILITY OR DEATH OF OPTIONEE. If Optionee loses his or her 
status as an Eligible Participant under the Plan by reason of death or if 
Optionee is disabled while employed by the Corporation or a Subsidiary, or 
if Optionee dies or becomes so disabled during the three-month period 
referred to in Paragraph 5 hereof, this Stock Option shall automatically 
expire and terminate one (1) year after the date of Optionee's disability or 
death or on the day specified in Paragraph 2 hereof, whichever is earlier. 
After Optionee's disability or death but before such expiration, the person 
or persons to whom Optionee's rights under this Stock Option shall have 
passed by order of a court of competent jurisdiction or by will or the 
applicable laws of descent and distribution, or the executor, administrator 
or conservator of Optionee's estate, shall have the right to exercise this 
Stock Option to the extent that increments, if any, had become exercisable as 
of the date on which Optionee's status as an Eligible Participant under the 
Plan had been terminated. For purposes hereof, "disability" shall have the 
same meaning as set forth in Section 14 of the Plan.

         8.   NONTRANSFERABILITY. This Stock Option shall not be transferable 
except by will or by the laws of descent and distribution, and shall be 
exercisable during Optionee's lifetime only by Optionee or his or her 
guardian or legal representative.


         9.   EMPLOYMENT. Except for optionees with a written contract for 
any definite term, this Agreement shall not obligate the Corporation or a 
Subsidiary to employ Optionee.

        10.   PRIVILEGES OF STOCK OWNERSHIP. Optionee shall have no rights as 
a stockholder with respect to the Option Shares unless and until said Option 
Shares are issued to Optionee as provided in the Plan. Except as provided in 
Section 15 of the Plan, no adjustment will be made for dividends or other 
rights in respect of which the record date is prior to the date such stock 
certificates are issued.

of Optionee are subject to modification and termination upon the occurrence 
of certain events as provided in Sections 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 of the Plan. 
Upon adoption by the requisite holders of the Corporation's outstanding 
shares of Common Stock of any plan of dissolution, liquidation, 
reorganization, merger, consolidation or sale of all or substantially all of 
the assets of the Corporation to, or the acquisition of stock representing 
more than fifty percent (50%) of the voting power of the Corporation then 
outstanding by another corporation or person which would, upon consummation, 
result in termination of this Stock Option in accordance with Section 16 of 
the Plan, this Stock Option shall become immediately exercisable as to all 
unexercised Option Shares notwithstanding the incremental exercise provisions 
of paragraph 2 of this Agreement for a period then specified by the Stock 
Option Committee, but in any event not less than 30 days, in accordance with 
Section 8(e) of the Plan, on the condition that the terminating event 
described in Section 16 of the Plan is consummated. If such terminating event 
is not consummated, this Stock Option shall 


be exercisable in accordance with the terms of the Agreement, excepting this 
Paragraph 11.

        12.   NOTIFICATION OF SALE. Optionee agrees that Optionee, or any 
person acquiring Option Shares upon exercise of this Stock Option, will 
notify the Corporation in writing not more than five (5) days after any sale 
or other disposition of such Shares.

        13.   (Reserved)

        14.   NOTICES. All notices to the Corporation provided for in this 
Agreement shall be addressed to it in care of its President or Chief 
Financial Officer at its principal office and all notices to Optionee shall 
be addressed to Optionee's address on file with the Corporation or a 
subsidiary corporation, or to such other address as either may designate to 
the other in writing, all in compliance with the notice provisions set forth 
in Section 26 of the Plan.

        15.   INCORPORATION OF PLAN. All of the provisions of the Plan are 
incorporated herein by reference as if set forth in full hereat. In the event 
of any conflict between the terms of the Plan and any provision contained 
herein, the terms of the Plan shall be controlling and the conflicting 
provisions herein shall be disregarded.


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement.

                                       PACIFIC COMMUNITY BANKING GROUP




