[Portions of this Service Schedule have been redacted. The redacted
     portions are marked with an asterisk. The Company has applied to the
                     Securities and Exchange Commission for
                confidential treatment of the redacted portions.]

                         WORLDCOM NETWORK SERVICES, INC.


                                SERVICE SCHEDULE

      This Service Schedule is made this 1st day of November, 1998, by and
between WorldCom Network Services, Inc. ("WorldCom") and Incomnet Communications
Corporation (successor-in-interest to National Telephone & Communications, Inc.)
("Customer") and is a part of their Telecommunication Services Agreement for
Switched Services. Neither Customer nor WorldCom shall be obligated with respect
to the Switched Services described below, nor any other condition of such
Switched Services until Customer has submitted and WorldCom has accepted a
Service Request with respect to the particular Switched Service. Capitalized
terms not defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the TSA, the
PET or the applicable Rate and Discount Schedule.

1. SWITCHED SERVICES: During the Service Term of the Agreement, WorldCom will
provide the following Switched Services (all as more particularly described
herein), (i) to and from the locations below, and (ii) for the charges and
applicable discounts set forth in the applicable Rate and Discount Schedule
attached herewith:

(a)   "TERMINATION Service" which is WorldCom's termination of calls received
      from Customer's Service Interconnection(s).

(b)   "TOLL FREE ORIGINATION Service" which is the origination of Toll Free
      calls by WorldCom and the termination of such calls to Customer's Service

(c)   "SWITCHED ACCESS Service" which is the origination (via individual
      telephone access lines) and termination of calls solely over facilities
      comprising the WorldCom network.

(d)   "DEDICATED ACCESS Service" which is the origination and termination of
      calls solely over facilities comprising the WorldCom network which
      origination or termination is via dedicated access lines.

(e)   "TRAVEL CARD Service" which is the origination (via Travel Card Toll Free
      number access) and termination of calls solely over facilities comprising
      the WorldCom network.


      (a) In order to utilize (i) TERMINATION Service and TOLL FREE ORIGINATION
      Service, one or more full time dedicated connections between Customer's
      network and the WorldCom network at one or more WorldCom designated
      locations ("WorldCom POP") must

                                  Page 1 of 8

      be established ("Carrier Service Interconnections"), and (ii) DEDICATED
      ACCESS Service, one or more full time dedicated connections between an End
      User's private branch exchange ("PBX") or other customer premise equipment
      and the WorldCom network at one or more WorldCom POP(s) must be
      established ("Dedicated Service Interconnections"). Each Carrier Service
      Interconnection and Dedicated Service Interconnection shall be comprised
      of one or more dedicated access circuits, as the case may be. Carrier
      Service Interconnections and Dedicated Service Interconnections are
      collectively referred to as "Service Interconnections".

      (b) The circuit(s) comprising each Service Interconnection to a WorldCom
      POP shall be requested by Customer on the appropriate WorldCom Service
      Request. Each Service Request will describe (among other things) the
      WorldCom POP to which a Service Interconnection is to be established, the
      Requested Service Date therefor, the type and quantity of circuits
      comprising the Service Interconnection and any charges and other
      information relevant thereto, such as, Customer's terminating or
      originating switch location, as the case may be. Such additional
      information may be obtained from Customer or gathered by WorldCom and
      recorded in Technical Information Sheets provided by WorldCom.

      (c) Once ordered, and unless otherwise provided for in this TSA, Service
      Interconnections or the circuits comprising each Service Interconnection
      may only be canceled by Customer upon not less than thirty (30) days prior
      written notice to WorldCom.

      (d) With respect to a Carrier Service Interconnection, absent the
      automatic number identification ("ANI") of the calling party, Customer
      shall provide WorldCom with a written certification (the "Certification")
      of the percentage of interstate (including international) and intrastate
      minutes of use relevant to the minutes of traffic to be terminated in the
      same state in which the WorldCom POP is located to which the Carrier
      Service Interconnection is made. This Certification shall be provided by
      Customer prior to Start of Service for any Carrier Service Interconnection
      and may be modified from time to time by Customer and subject to
      recertification upon the request of WorldCom which requests shall not be
      made unilaterally by WorldCom more than once each calendar quarter. Any
      such modification(s) or Certification (s) shall be effective as of the
      first day of any calendar month and following at least forty-five (45)
      days notice from Customer. In the event Customer fails to make such
      Certification, the relevant minutes of use will be deemed to be subject to
      the Intrastate Rates described in the applicable Rate and Discount
      Schedule. In the event WorldCom or any other third party requires an audit
      of WorldCom's interstate/intrastate minutes of traffic, Customer agrees to
      cooperate in such audit at its expense and make its call detail records,
      billing systems and other necessary information reasonably available to
      WorldCom or any third party solely for the purpose of verifying Customer's
      interstate/intrastate minutes of traffic. Customer agrees to indemnify
      WorldCom for any liability WorldCom incurs in the event Customer's
      Certification is different than that determined by the audit.

      (e) With respect to Carrier Service Interconnections, Customer shall be
      solely responsible for establishing and maintaining each Carrier Service
      Interconnection over facilities subject to WorldCom's approval. With
      respect to Dedicated Service Interconnections, WorldCom will provision and
      maintain local access facilities between the End User location (i.e., PBX)
      and the WorldCom POP, subject to any LEC charges plus other applicable
      terms and charges set forth in WorldCom's F.C.C. Tariff No. 5, however,
      Customer may elect to be responsible for establishing each Dedicated
      Service Interconnection over facilities subject to WorldCom's approval.
      Service Interconnections shall only be comprised of DS-1 facilities unless
      otherwise provided for in the Service Request and agreed to in writing by
      WorldCom. If a Service Interconnection is proposed to be made via a local
      exchange carrier, WorldCom will have the authority to direct

                                  Page 2 of 8

      Customer to utilize WorldCom's entrance facilities or local serving
      arrangement ("LSA") with the relevant local telephone operating company,
      and Customer will be subject to a non-discriminatory charge therefor from
      WorldCom. The monthly recurring charge relevant to Customer's use of LSA
      capacity shall be subject to upward adjustment by WorldCom from time to
      time which adjustment, if any, shall not exceed the rate that otherwise
      would be charged for the equivalent switched access capacity between the
      same points by the relevant local telephone operating company pursuant to
      its published charges for the type of service in question.

      (f) If other private line interexchange facilities are necessary to
      establish a Service Interconnection, and such facilities are requested
      from WorldCom, such facilities will be provided on an individual case

      (g) Commencing with the second full calendar month folbwing Start of
      Service for each circuit comprising a Service Interconnection (i.e., both
      Carrier Service Interconnections and Dedicated Service Interconnections)
      and thereafter, Customer will maintain Switched Services measured usage
      charges per DS-1 (or DS-1 equivalent circuit) of not less than an average
      of [*] per calendar month/billing period ("Minimum Monthly Usage"). In the
      event Customer fails to obtain the required Minimum Monthly Usage for the
      circuits comprising each Service Interconnection, WorldCom will charge and
      Customer will pay the difference between the number of DS-1s times the
      Minimum Monthly Usage (i.e., [*]) and Customer's total Switched Services
      measured usage charges for the circuit(s) comprising the Service
      Interconnection in question ("Minimum Usage Charge"). WorldCom TERMINATION
      Service and TOLL FREE ORIGINATION Service minutes carried over the same
      Service Interconnection, if any, shall be included in determining if
      Customer has met the Minimum Monthly Usage requirement.

            Example: Assume Customer's actual Switched Services measured usage
            charges for 2 DS-1s comprising a Carrier Service Interconnection at
            WorldCom POP A is [*], Customer's actual Switched Services measured
            usage charges for 2 DS-1s comprising a Carrier Service
            Interconnection at WorldCom POP B is [*], and Customer's End User's
            actual Switched Services measured usage charges for 1 DS-1
            comprising a Dedicated Service Interconnection at WorldCom POP C is
            [*]. Customer would not be subject to a Minimum Usage Charge since
            Customer's actual Minimum Monthly Usage is [*] which exceeds
            Customer's Minimum Monthly Usage of [*] [5 x [*]].

      (h) DS-1 circuits comprising all Service Interconnections will be subject
      to a nonrecurring [*] per DS-1 switch port installation charge, and DS-3
      circuits comprising all Service Interconnections will be subject to a
      nonrecurring per DS-3 switch port installation charge as determined on an
      individual case basis.

3. FORECASTS: Before Customer's initial order for Switched Services, Customer
shall provide WorldCom with a forecast regarding the number of minutes expected
to be terminated or originated in various LATAs and/or Tandems, so as to enable
WorldCom to configure optimum network arrangements. In the event Customer's
Switched Service traffic volumes result in a lower than industry standard
completion rate or otherwise adversely affect the WorldCom Network, WorldCom
reserves the right to block the source of such adverse traffic at any time.
Customer will provide WorldCom with additional forecasts from time to time upon
WorldCom's request which shall not be more frequent than once every three (3)

4. START OF SERVICE: Start of Service for the various Switched Services will
occur as described below:

                                  Page 3 of 8

          SERVICE                            START OF SERVICE
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                            Concurrently with the activation of each circuit
                            comprising Carrier Service Interconnections
TERMINATION Service         relevant to TERMINATION Service
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                            Concurrently with the activation of each circuit
TOLL FREE ORIGINATION       comprising Carrier Service Interconnections
Service                     relevant to TOLL FREE ORIGINATION Service
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                            ANI by ANI basis concurrently with the activation of
                            each ANI to be served, and a TOLL FREE Number by
                            TOLL FREE Number basis concurrently with
SWITCHED ACCESS Service     activation of each TOLL FREE Number
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                            Concurrently with the activation of each circuit
DEDICATED ACCESS Service    comprising Dedicated Service Interconnections
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                            Code by Code basis concurrently with the
TRAVEL CARD Service         activation of each Code
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                      Any direct dialable
TERMINATION Service        Any WorldCom POP           location worldwide
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                           Locations in the 48
                           contiguous United States,
                           Hawaii, Alaska, the US     Any Customer designated
TOLL FREE ORIGINATION      Virgin Islands, Puerto     Carrier Service
Service                    Rico and Canada            Interconnection
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                           All equal access
                           exchanges in the 48
                           contiguous United States
                           (except in LATA
SWITCHED ACCESS (1+)       921-Fishers Island, New    Any direct dialable
Service                    York) and Hawaii           location worldwide
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                           Locations in the 48
                           contiguous United States,
                           Hawaii, Alaska, the US     Locations in the 48
SWITCHED ACCESS (Toll      Virgin Islands, Puerto     contiguous United States
Free) Service              Rico                       and Hawaii
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DEDICATED ACCESS (1+)      Locations in the 48        Any direct dialable
Service                    contiguous United States   location worldwide
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                           Locations in the 48
                           contiguous United States,
                           Hawaii, Alaska, the US     Any Customer designated
DEDICATED ACCESS (Toll     Virgin Islands, Puerto     Dedicated Service
Free) Service              Rico                       Interconnection
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                      Locations in the 48
                                                      contiguous United
                                                      States, Hawaii, Alaska,
                           Locations in the 48        the US Virgin Islands,
BASIC TRAVEL CARD Service  contiguous United States   Puerto Rico and Canada
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                           Locations in Hawaii,
                           Alaska, the US Virgin
                           Islands, Puerto Rico and   Locations in the 48
BASIC TRAVEL CARD Services Canada                     contiguous United States
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                           Select International       Locations in the 48
BASIC TRAVEL CARD Service  locations.                 contiguous United States
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                           SEE Schedule 6 to the      SEE Schedule 6 to the
TRAVEL CARD Service -      applicable Rate and        applicable Rate and
Enhanced Features          Discount Schedule.         Discount Schedule.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                  Page 4 of 8


      (A)   Classic Service - (i) all calls (excluding California IntraLATA
            and California intrastate calls and calls to International
            Locations, Canada and Mexico) will be billed in six (6) second
            increments and subject to a six (6) second minimum charge, (ii)
            California IntraLATA and California intrastate calls will be
            billed in six (6) second increments and subject to an eighteen
            (18) second minimum, and (ii) calls to International Locations,
            Canada and Mexico will be billed in six (6) second increments and
            subject to a thirty (30) second minimum charge.

      (B)   All calls will be billed (i) utilizing Hardware Answer
            Supervision where available, and with respect to TOLL FREE
            Services, commencing with Customer's switch wink or answer back.
            If Customer is found to be non-compliant in passing back
            appropriate answer supervision, i.e., answer back, WorldCom
            reserves the right to suspend TOLL FREE Service or deny requests
            by Customer for additional Service until appropriate compliance
            is established.

7. CDR MEDIA: WorldCom will provide Call Detail Records (CDRs) for WorldCom's
Switched Services in machine readable form in one of several magnetic tape
formats (selected by Customer on Customer's Service Request) ("CDR Media"). CDR
Media provided under this Section (i) monthly is provided at no charge, (ii)
weekly is subject to a recurring monthly charge of [*], and (iii) daily is
subject to the applicable non-recurring Installation Charge as described below
(plus all leased-line and equipment costs necessary to implement Daily CDR Media
which will be determined on an individual case basis depending on Customer's
specific configuration).

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                   Total Contract          Non-Recurring
             TYPE                      Value            Installation Charge
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Daily CDR Media-Customer
provided hardware and software          [*]                     [*]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Daily CDR Media-PC Solution             [*]                     [*]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sub-Daily CDR Media-Customer
provided hardware and software          [*]                     [*]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sub-Daily CDR Media-PC Solution         [*]                     [*]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      (a) TOLL FREE numbers will be issued to Customer (i.e., issuance equates
      to activation or reservation, whichever occurs first) on a random basis.
      Customer requests for specific numbers will be considered by WorldCom, and
      if provided, will be subject to additional charges as set forth below and
      WorldCom's then current reservation policy which shall also apply to any
      randomly selected and reserved TOLL FREE number. At any time preceding
      three (3) months from the scheduled expiration of the Service Term,
      Customer may only reserve TOLL FREE numbers in an amount equal to the
      greater of (i) 50, or (ii) fifteen percent (15%) of the total number of
      TOLL FREE numbers activated by WorldCom for Customer. Customer requests
      for TOLL FREE numbers inconsistent with the above stated conditions may be
      considered by WorldCom on an individual case basis. TOLL FREE numbers
      reserved for Customer will be activated upon Customer's request, however,
      with respect to TRANSCEND(TM)Service, WorldCom may charge Customer an SMS
      Storage fee for each TOLL FREE number.

      (b) Customer Request for Specific Numbers - [*] per individual TOLL FREE

                                  Page 5 of 8

      (c) Customer specifically agrees that regardless of the method in which a
      TOLL FREE number is reserved for or otherwise assigned to Customer, that
      Customer will not seek any remedy from WorldCom under a theory of
      detrimental reliance or otherwise that such TOLL FREE number(s) are found
      not to be available for Customer's use until such TOLL FREE number is put
      in service for the benefit of Customer, and that such TOLL FREE number(s)
      shall not be sold, bartered, brokered or otherwise released by Customer
      for a fee ("TOLL FREE Number Trafficking"). Any attempt by Customer to
      engage in TOLL FREE Number Trafficking shall be grounds for reclamation by
      WorldCom for reassignment of the TOLL FREE number(s) reserved for or
      assigned to Customer.

9. ENHANCED TOLL FREE SERVICES: The following TOLL FREE identification services
and routing options (collectively, "Enhanced TOLL FREE Services") are available
from WorldCom:


      i.    Dialed Number Identification Service - identification of specific
            TOLL FREE number dialed.

      ii.   Real-Time ANI - receipt of telephone number of calling party.


      i.    Message Referral - recording (up to six (6) months) that informs
            callers that the TOLL FREE number has been disconnected or refers
            callers to new number.

      ii.   Call Area Selection - selection or blockage of locations from which
            TOLL FREE numbers can be received (i.e., State, NPA, LATA or NXX

      iii.  Call Distributor Routing - distribution of TOLL FREE traffic evenly
            over dedicated access lines in a trunk group (e.g., ascending,
            descending, most idle, least idle).

      iv.   Route Completion (Overflow) - overflow of TOLL FREE dedicated access
            traffic only to up to five (5) pre-defined alternate routing groups
            (e.g., dedicated access, WATs access lines or switched access

      v.    Geographic Routing - termination of calls to a single TOLL FREE
            number from two or more originating routing groups to different

      vi.   Time-of-Day Routing - routing of calls to single TOLL FREE number
            based on time of day (up to forty-eight (48) time slots of 15-minute
            increments in a 24-hour period).

      vii.  Day-of-Week Routing - routing of calls to single TOLL FREE number
            based on each day of the week.

      viii. Day-of-Year Routing - routing of calls to single TOLL FREE number
            based on up to fifteen (15) customer-specified holidays.

      ix.   Percent Allocation Routing - routing of calls for each originating
            routing group to two (2) or more terminating locations based on
            customer-specified percentage.

                                  Page 6 of 8

      Customer will receive the Identification Services described above at no
      charge. The minutes of use rates for TOLL FREE Routing Options described
      above (in addition to the TOLL FREE Routing Option Feature Charges
      described below) will be the same rates for SWITCHED ACCESS Service (TOLL
      FREE) and DEDICATED ACCESS Service (TOLL FREE), whichever is applicable,
      as described in the applicable Rate and Discount Schedule excluding Route
      Completion (Overflow). If Customer selects Route Completion (Overflow) and
      Customers traffic overflows from DEDICATED ACCESS Service (TOLL FREE) to
      SWITCHED ACCESS Service (TOLL FREE), Customer's minute of use rate will be
      the rate associated with SWITCHED ACCESS Service (TOLL FREE). The TOLL
      FREE Routing Option Feature Charges are as follows:

      Installation Charge: [*] per feature; maximum of [*] per TOLL FREE

      Change Order Charge: [*] per feature; maximum of [*] per TOLL FREE

      Monthly Recurring Charge: [*] per feature; maximum of [*] per TOLL FREE

      Expedite Charge: [*] (i.e., outside normal interval time of four (4)
      business days).

      Note: More than ten (10) points of termination for a single feature will
      be treated as two (2) features. Further, every additional ten (10) points
      of termination will be treated as a separate feature.

10.   RESPORG SERVICES:  Responsible Organization Services (relevant to TOLL
FREE Numbers) if provided by WorldCom will be provided by WorldCom pursuant
to WorldCom's F.C.C. Tariff No. 5.

with authorization codes ("Codes") containing nine (9) or fourteen (14) digits
for use with a corresponding TOLL FREE Service number for origination and
termination of TRAVEL CARD Service calls. The Codes may be obtained by Customer
in blocks of ten (10) not to exceed a total of 1000 Codes at any one time.
WorldCom reserves the right to deny access to any Code at any time.

12. INBOUND PORTION OF TRAVEL CARD SERVICE CALL: The inbound service portion of
a TRAVEL CARD Service call (i.e., the TOLL FREE Service) must be provided by

13. ACCOUNTING CODES: For every billed telephone number (BTN) requested by
Customer, whether verified or non-verified, Customer shall pay a monthly
recurring charge of [*].

14. PAY PHONE SURCHARGE: In the event WorldCom is required to compensate
payphone service providers (PSPs) for toll-free or access code calls which
originate from payphones (including without limitation, any Order adopted by the
FCC) ("Payphone Surcharge"), WorldCom will charge and Customer agrees to pay
WorldCom the amount of the Payphone Surcharge which is required to be paid by

15. RBOC TERMINATION/ORIGINATION: With respect to Classic Switched Services,
Service and/or DEDICATED ACCESS Service, Customer will maintain at least 80% of
the minutes of traffic (during any calendar month or pro rata portion thereof)
with respect to each of the above-mentioned Services for termination or
origination in a Tandem owned and operated by a Regional Bell Operating Company
("RBOC Terminations/Originations") and subject to such RBOC's tariffed access
charges. WorldCom 

                                  Page 7 of 8

shall have the right to apply a [*] per minute surcharge to the number of
minutes by which Non-RBOC Terminations/Originations exceed 20% of total monthly
minutes for each of the following Services: TERMINATION Service, TOLL FREE

Switched Services, WorldCom will charge Customer for any LEC-assessed
presubscribed interexchange carrier charge ("PICC Charge") which PICC Charge
will be reasonably determined by WorldCom as of a date certain each month (the
"PICC Charge Determination Date") but only if WorldCom is directly billed by the
LEC for such PICC Charge. Customer's PICC Charge will be determined as of the
PICC Charge Determination Date and will be based on the same criteria for which
WorldCom is assessed such charge by the LEC (e.g., number and type of Customer's
End Users (i.e., residential or business) as well as the type of line associated
with each such End User (i.e., single line, secondary line or multi-line). This
Section 16 will be deemed to include any other similar additional charges
assessed by a LEC after the date of this Agreement, (i.e., charges for which
WorldCom is not currently being assessed).

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Customer has initialed this CLASSIC/TRANSCEND(TM)
SWITCHED SERVICES Service Schedule on the date first written above.


Customer's Initials    /s/ MJK

                                  Page 8 of 8