Exhibit 4.3

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                            ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT

                                 BY AND BETWEEN

                                 INTERLEAF, INC.


                             TEXCEL INTERNATIONAL AB
                              TEXCEL RESEARCH, INC.
                               TEXCEL (UK) LIMITED

                              DATED: APRIL 7, 1999

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                                                          INTERLEAF CONFIDENTIAL

                            ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT

     This Asset Purchase Agreement (this "Agreement") is made as of the 7th day
of April 1999 by and between Interleaf, Inc., a Massachusetts corporation (the
"Buyer") and Texcel International AB a Swedish company with company registration
number 556540-1667 ("Texcel Sweden"), Texcel Research, Inc., a Delaware
corporation and a wholly owned indirect subsidiary of Texcel Sweden ("Texcel
U.S."), and Texcel (UK) Limited, a United Kingdom corporation and a wholly owned
indirect subsidiary of Texcel Sweden ("Texcel UK"), (each of Texcel Sweden,
Texcel UK and Texcel US are referred to severally as a "Seller", and
collectively they are referred to as the "Sellers", unless otherwise
specifically provided).


     WHEREAS, among its other businesses, the Sellers are engaged in the
development, marketing, licensing and sale of certain software products as
listed within SCHEDULE 1.1 (the "Products");

     WHEREAS, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement,
the Buyer wishes to acquire certain of the assets of the Sellers and is prepared
to assume certain liabilities and obligations of the Sellers related to such
purchased assets; and

     WHEREAS, the Sellers wish to convey such assets to the Buyer, subject to
such certain liabilities.

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreements contained herein
and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of
which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto, intending to be legally
bound, hereby agree as follows:

     Unless otherwise defined herein, capitalized terms shall have the meanings
given in ARTICLE 13.


1.1  PURCHASED ASSETS. Subject to the provisions of this Agreement:

     a)   ASSETS PURCHASED FROM TEXCEL SWEDEN. Texcel Sweden agrees to sell, and
          the Buyer agrees to purchase, at the Closing, Texcel Sweden's rights,
          title and interest in and to certain of its assets, properties and
          rights, wherever located, as specified and described in SCHEDULE
          1.1(A) to this Agreement.

     b)   ASSETS PURCHASED FROM TEXCEL UK. Texcel UK agrees to sell, and the
          Buyer agrees to purchase, at the Closing, Texcel UK's rights, title
          and interest in and to certain of its assets, properties and rights,
          wherever located, as specified and described in SCHEDULE 1.1(B) to
          this Agreement.

     c)   ASSETS PURCHASED FROM TEXCEL US. Texcel US agrees to sell, and the
          Buyer agrees to purchase, at the Closing, Texcel US's rights, title
          and interest in and to certain

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          of its assets, properties and rights, wherever located, as specified
          and described in SCHEDULE 1.1(C) to this Agreement.

          The assets to be purchased under (a), (b) and (c) above, and described
          in any part of SCHEDULE 1.1, are collectively referred to herein as
          the "Purchased Assets".

     d)   ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE. In consideration of the payment by Buyer of
          certain amounts pursuant to Section 10.3(c), all accounts receivable
          pertaining to product licenses delivered or other services performed
          on or after March 15, 1999 and through the Closing will be transferred
          to Buyer by each Seller free and clear of all liens, encumbrances and
          security interests of any kind, and all amounts collected by the
          Sellers from and after March 15, 1999 and through the Closing relating
          thereto shall immediately be paid to Buyer; provided that Buyer
          undertakes to deliver such product licenses and perform such services,
          although Buyer may choose to assume the existing contract with respect
          to such product licenses and services or to enter into a new contract
          with the customer.

          i)   Accounts receivable pertaining to product licenses delivered or
               services performed prior to March 15, 1999 shall be retained by
               the Sellers.

          ii)  In addition, Texcel US will assign to Buyer all accounts
               receivable whenever and however arising from Computer Sciences
               Corp. ("CSC") and CACI, and all such accounts receivable shall be
               deemed to be part of the Purchased Assets and shall become the
               property of Buyer at the Closing; provided, that Buyer agrees to
               assume the liability of Texcel US to Silicon Valley Bank, in a
               total amount not to exceed $212,858.75 plus a per diem of $185.25
               from and after April 1, 1999, and such bank shall assign to Buyer
               or discharge all of its security interest on all Purchased

          iii) Accounts receivable for maintenance services shall be included in
               the Purchased Assets and Buyer shall be entitled to all amounts
               related thereto and collected by a Seller or any Affiliate from
               and after March 15, 1999, which shall immediately be paid to
               Buyer, provided that Buyer undertakes to continue to provide such

          iv)  All other accounts receivable for product licenses to be
               delivered or services to be performed from and after March 15,
               1999 shall be included in the Purchased Assets and shall
               immediately be paid to, or retained by, Buyer. Sellers are not
               required to pay to Buyer amounts collected by any Seller prior to
               March 15, 1999 as payment for maintenance services to be rendered
               after March 15, 1999.

1.2  ASSUMPTION OF LIABILITIES. Upon the sale and purchase of the Purchased
     Assets, the Buyer shall assume, pay, perform or discharge when due those
     liabilities and obligations 

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     (and only those liabilities and obligations) of the Sellers which are
     listed and described in SCHEDULE 1.2 as follows (collectively, the "Assumed

     a)   The obligations of the Sellers accruing from and after the Closing
          Date pursuant to the particular contracts which may be assumed by the
          Buyer as provided herein (the "Assumed Contracts"), it being agreed
          that (except as specifically stated in a written undertaking made by
          Buyer) any undisclosed obligations or liabilities pursuant to the
          Assumed Contracts prior to and on the Closing Date shall not be
          assumed by the Buyer hereunder and further that (except pursuant to
          such written undertaking) the Buyer shall not assume liability for, or
          be obligated in any respect for, any undisclosed defaults or failures
          of performance under any Assumed Contracts by the Sellers on or prior
          to the Closing Date; and

     b)   Any and all costs associated with the Purchased Assets which are
          incurred by the Buyer from and after the Closing Date.

1.3  RETAINED LIABILITIES. Except as expressly provided in Section 1.2, the
     Buyer shall not assume nor become liable for any of the Sellers'
     obligations, liabilities (including under any employee benefit plans
     subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974), debts,
     contracts or other commitments of any kind whatsoever, known or unknown,
     fixed or contingent of any Seller or any entity related to Sellers, for all
     of which the Sellers shall remain obligated Without limiting the foregoing,
     but except for amounts that Buyer has agreed to pay pursuant to
     Section 10.3(c), Sellers specifically retain sole responsibility for all
     liabilities associated with or arising out of the employment of any persons
     or contractors by any Seller or their Affiliates, and the termination of
     such employees' employment by any Seller or any of their Affiliates in
     connection with the purchase of the Purchased Assets by the Buyer or for
     any other reason.


     In consideration of the sale by each respective Seller to the Buyer of the
applicable Purchased Assets, subject to the assumption by the Buyer of the
Assumed Liabilities of such Seller, the Buyer agrees that it will deliver to
each Seller the following (the "Purchase Price"):

2.1  CONSIDERATION PAID TO TEXCEL UK. On the Closing Date, Buyer will pay Texcel
     UK U.S.$15,000 by wire transfer pursuant to Texcel UK's instructions. Buyer
     has also agreed to assume responsibility for payment of the salary expense
     of certain employees of Texcel UK from and after March 15, 1999, as listed
     on SCHEDULE 6.18.

2.2  CONSIDERATION PAID TO TEXCEL US. On the Closing Date, Buyer will pay Texcel
     US U.S.$30,000 by wire transfer pursuant to Texcel US's instructions. Buyer
     has also agreed to assume responsibility for payment of the salary expense
     of certain employees of Texcel US from and after March 15, 1999, as listed
     on SCHEDULE 6.18.

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2.3  CASH CONSIDERATION PAID TO TEXCEL SWEDEN. On the Closing Date, Buyer will
     pay Texcel Sweden U.S.$155,000 by wire transfer pursuant to Texcel US's

     The cash amounts being paid to the Sellers pursuant to Sections 2.1, 2.2
     and 2.3 above (not including amounts paid to their respective employees)
     shall be referred to collectively as the "Cash Amounts".


     a)   Buyer will issue in the name of Texcel Sweden 250,000 shares of Stock
          (the "Shares"), subject to the pledges contained in Sections
          2.3(c)(ii) and 11.8 below.

     b)   Buyer will issue to Texcel Sweden a warrant to purchase 200,000 shares
          of Stock at an exercise price of $6.00 per share, exercisable
          immediately, expiring 12 months from the Closing Date, and providing
          for "cashless" exercise, in substantially the form of EXHIBIT A (the

     c)   Buyer will loan to Texcel Sweden an amount in U.S. Dollars up to the
          Fair Value of 100,000 shares of Stock on the Closing Date, with
          interest accruing at the annual rate of 4.58% (the "Loan"). The
          principal amount of such Loan, together with accrued interest, will be
          repaid in full not later than June 30, 1999, which date shall be
          postponed by that number of additional days beyond June 30, 1999 which
          are necessary for Texcel Sweden to sell the requisite number of shares
          of Stock to repay the Loan within the resale restrictions of Section

          i)   The Loan will be represented by a 4.58% Secured Term Note in
               substantially the form of EXHIBIT B (the "Note").

          ii)  The Loan will be secured by a perfected first priority pledge of
               the Shares pursuant to a stock pledge agreement in substantially
               the form of EXHIBIT C (the "Stock Pledge Agreement"); provided,
               that, Buyer shall release that number of the Shares which have
               been sold by Texcel Sweden in compliance with Section 3.3, below,
               if following such sale and release, the Fair Value on the date of
               such sale of the Shares remaining subject to the Stock Pledge
               Agreement is equal to or greater than the then outstanding
               principal and accrued interest under the Loan after applying the
               net proceeds of such sale to the repayment of the Loan.

          iii) Upon maturity or earlier acceleration, the Loan shall be repaid,
               at Buyer's option, in cash and/or in whole or in part by the
               delivery and transfer to Buyer of Shares which have been pledged
               to Buyer, valued at Fair Value as of the date of such repayment.

     Texcel Sweden an additional amount, (the "Contingent Payment"), calculated
     as a percentage of Buyer's Gross Revenue for the Earnout Period, as

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                GROSS REVENUE (MILLIONS)                     PERCENTAGE PAYABLE
        Less than $4.0                                                 0
      greater than or equal to $4.0, but less than $4.5                5%
      greater than or equal to $4.5, but less than $5.0                6%
      greater than or equal to $5.0, but less than $5.5                7%
      greater than or equal to $5.5, but less than $6.0                8%
      greater than or equal to $6.0, but less than $6.5                9%
      greater than or equal to $6.5, but less than $7.0               10%
      greater than or equal to $7.0, but less than $7.5               11%
      greater than or equal to $7.5, but less than $8.0               12%
      greater than or equal to $8.0, but less than $8.5               13%
      greater than or equal to $8.5, but less than $9.0               14%
      greater than $9.0                                               15%

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     a)   Buyer will market the Products either as they currently exist or may
          be further developed by Buyer, or as separate modules of Buyer's
          overall content management solution family of products. For each sale,
          Gross Revenue will include Buyer's then-current local country list
          price for the Products or modules as the case may be, minus the Gross
          Revenue Average Discount (including a 100% discount where Buyer
          licenses the Product to a customer for no license or maintenance fee).
          "Gross Revenue Average Discount" means (I) the total list price for
          all Products and Buyer's products sold in any transaction to a
          particular customer minus the actual price charged to the customer,
          (II) divided by the total list price for all Products and Buyer's
          products sold in such transaction to the customer.

          i)   To the extent that, in a customer contract, maintenance revenue
               is not specifically allocated to or between the Products and
               Buyer's Products, such maintenance revenue shall for purposes of
               determining Gross Revenue be allocated in accordance with Buyer's
               relative list prices for maintenance of the particular Products
               and Buyer's Products which are referred to in the customer

          ii)  To the extent that, in a customer contract, consulting services
               revenue is not allocated to or between the Products and Buyer's
               specifically Products, such consulting revenue shall for purposes
               of determining Gross Revenue be allocated in good faith by Buyer
               in accordance with the relative number of billable person-hours
               being devoted to the particular Products and Buyer's Products
               which are referred to in the customer contract in question.

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          b)   Buyer shall make the Contingent Payment to Texcel Sweden within
               120 days after the end of the Earnout Period.

          c)   The Contingent Payment shall be in cash or, at Buyer's option, in
               shares of Stock having an aggregate Fair Value on the last day of
               the Earnout Period equal to the amount of the Contingent Payment.
               Buyer will use reasonable efforts to insure that such Stock is
               registered promptly following delivery (see Section 3.2).

          d)   Buyer shall use commercially reasonable efforts to market and
               license the Products during the Earnout Period. Buyer makes no
               guaranty and provides no assurances as to the results of its
               efforts, or as to the amount of the Contingent Payment, if any,
               which will be made at the end of the Earnout Period under this
               Section 2.5.

          e)   At the time Buyer makes the Contingent Payment under this Section
               2.4, it will deliver to Texcel Sweden a report setting forth in
               reasonable detail its calculation of Gross Revenue and the
               calculation of the Contingent Payment. Texcel Sweden may audit
               Buyer's business records directly related to the determination of
               Gross Revenue (including the allocation of revenue between the
               parties' products); provided, that such audit must be commenced
               within 30 days from Texcel Sweden's receipt of such report, using
               independent auditors of Texcel Sweden's choice, at Texcel
               Sweden's expense, upon not less that 5 days notice to Buyer, in
               the presence of Buyer's employees and without undue disruption of
               Buyer's operations. The auditors and Texcel Sweden must execute a
               non-disclosure agreement in such form reasonably acceptable to
               Buyer, covering without limitation, the information reviewed
               during the audit. In the event that the audit reveals
               underpayment by more than 10% of the amount paid, Buyer will bear
               Texcel Sweden's reasonable audit costs. If Buyer disagrees with
               the Texcel Sweden's auditors' determination of Gross Revenue and
               the disagreement is not resolved by Buyer and Texcel Sweden
               within 15 days following Buyer's notice of such disagreement to
               Texcel Sweden, either party may submit the disagreement to
               binding arbitration in Boston, Massachusetts according to the
               rules of the American Arbitration Association.

2.6  ALLOCATION OF THE PURCHASE PRICE The Purchase Price to be paid by the Buyer
     under this Article 2, plus all obligations of the Sellers assumed or
     discharged by Buyer with respect to periods prior to the Closing Date,
     shall be allocated among the Purchased Assets in the manner set forth in
     SCHEDULE 2.6 hereto. The parties hereto acknowledge and agree that such
     allocation reflects the respective fair market values of the Purchased
     Assets and that they will not take a position inconsistent with such
     allocation for U.S. or foreign federal, state, provincial or local tax


3.1  REGISTRATION OF SHARES. Buyer will use reasonable efforts to register the
     Shares, and the shares of Stock issuable upon exercise of the Warrant,
     under the Securities Act at Buyer's 

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     cost for resale by Texcel Sweden pursuant to a registration statement on
     Form S-3 (or similar successor form) which is filed with the SEC within 45
     days from the Closing.

3.2  REGISTRATION OF ADDITIONAL STOCK. Buyer will use reasonable efforts to
     register under the Securities Act any shares of Stock issued to Texcel
     Sweden as the Contingent Payment under Section 2.4 above at Buyer's cost
     for resale by Texcel Sweden pursuant to a registration statement on Form
     S-3 (or similar successor form) which is filed with the SEC promptly
     following the date that the parties agree on the amount of the Contingent
     Payment, such registration statement to become effective immediately
     following delivery of such shares of Stock to Texcel Sweden; provided, that
     if Buyer is not eligible to register such shares of Stock on a Form S-3
     registration statement or any similar successor form then the Buyer's
     deadline for filing the S-3 shall be extended until the earlier to occur of
     (i) 90 days following the restoration of Buyer's eligibility under the
     Securities Act to use Form S-3, and (ii) the effective date of a
     registration statement for a primary offering of Buyer's Stock in which
     such Contingent Payment shares of Stock may lawfully be included.

3.3  RESTRICTIONS ON RESALE. Texcel Sweden and its Affiliates will not resell
     any Shares or other shares of Stock issued to Texcel Sweden hereunder or
     under the Warrant or otherwise, without compliance with the following

     a)   All sales shall be effected through a registered broker/dealer;

     b)   Texcel Sweden and its Affiliates shall not, without Buyer's written

          i)   offer to sell during any given week shares of Stock constituting
               more than 50% of the Average Daily Volume (measured on the first
               trading day of such week); or

          ii)  offer to sell on any given trading day shares of Stock
               constituting more than the lesser of (x) 10% of all shares of
               Stock delivered under this Agreement, and (y) 25% of the Average
               Daily Volume; and

     c)   Texcel Sweden and its Affiliates shall not, either directly or
          indirectly, or acting through any of their respective Affiliates,
          employees or agents, or any person acting on their behalf, engage in
          any short sales, swaps, purchasing of puts, or other hedging
          activities that involve the direct or indirect use of Stock or
          securities derivative of Stock for any reason.

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     Within 30 days after the Closing Date, Texcel Sweden and the Buyer will
create a new company upon mutually agreeable terms and conditions (which are to
be negotiated in good faith) with offices in Sweden (the "New Company"), in
which Buyer or its designated Affiliate will own 25% of the equity and Texcel
Sweden or its designated Affiliate will own 75% of the equity. Provided, that
prior to the formation of the New Company, Interleaf may elect at its sole
option to own less than 20% of its equity, with Texcel Sweden owning the
balance. The equity owners of New Company will negotiate in good faith to enter
into mutually acceptable agreements providing for the following:

4.1  CAPITAL REQUIREMENTS AND GOVERNANCE. The Sellers will satisfy any capital
     requirements (including the funding of any losses) of the New Company, and
     Buyer's contribution will be the transfer and assignment to New Company of
     Buyer's ongoing business relationships with certain customers within
     Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark ("Scandinavia").

4.2  DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENTS. Buyer will appoint New Company as Buyer's
     exclusive distributor of the Products and the Buyer's content management
     family of products (I7 and BladeRunner) within Scandinavia; provided, that
     Buyer shall use reasonable efforts within such period of time as necessary
     prior to such appointment of New Company either to terminate its existing
     distributors in Scandinavia, or convert such distributors into
     sub-distributors for the New Company upon such terms and conditions as
     Buyer in its sole discretion shall determine.

     a)   Each distribution agreement between Buyer and New Company relating to
          the Products and Buyer's content management family of products will be
          for a term of two years and renewable for additional one year terms
          under the conditions of Buyer's then standard Reseller Agreement
          (excluding any provisions for termination for convenience or otherwise
          by Buyer without cause).

     b)   Buyer may exclude the following existing major accounts from each
          distribution agreement: Saab, Ericsson and Bofors. Provided, the New
          Company will be authorized to sell Products and associated services to
          these customers under rules of engagement and for fees to be contained
          in the distribution agreement, but no royalties will be paid on
          revenues generated with respect to existing products of Buyer and
          associated services as a result of Buyer's existing business
          relationships with these customers.

     c)   Royalties for all product sales under such distribution agreements
          will be 50% of Buyer's then-current local country list price, and
          royalties for maintenance services will be 60% of such list price. All
          other terms and conditions relating to the payment of royalties shall
          be the same as those contained in the Buyer's then standard reseller

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     a)   In the event that gross revenue recognized by New Company from its
          IM/I7/BladeRunner business for the first 12 months following the
          appointment of New Company as Buyer's exclusive distributor exceeds
          U.S. $3.0 million and New Company has earnings before interest and
          taxes (as determined in accordance with US GAAP, "EBIT") equal to at
          least 10% of such gross revenues for such 12 month period, then, at
          Texcel Sweden's option (the "First Put Option"), Buyer shall purchase
          Texcel Sweden's total equity interest in New Company for a purchase
          price equal to 75% of 60% of such gross revenues (the "First Put
          Option Exercise Price"), payable at Buyer's option either in cash or
          in shares of Stock having a Fair Value on the last day of the 12 month
          period equal to the First Put Option Exercise Price.

     b)   In the event that Texcel Sweden does not exercise the First Put Option
          or if the criteria for triggering the First Put Option are not
          satisfied under the preceding paragraph (a), and if gross revenue
          recognized by New Company for the 13th through 24th months following
          the appointment of New Company as Buyer's exclusive distributor
          exceeds U.S. $4.0 million and New Company has EBIT equal to at least
          12.5% of such gross revenues for such 12 month period then at Texcel
          Sweden's option, Buyer shall purchase Texcel Sweden's total equity
          interest in New Company for a purchase price (the "Second Put Option
          Exercise Price") equal to 75% of 60% of such gross revenues, payable
          at Buyer's option either in cash or in shares of Stock having a Fair
          Value on the last day of such 24th month period equal to the Second
          Put Option Exercise Price.

     c)   New Company will notify Texcel Sweden and the Buyer within 30 days
          from the end of the 12 and 24 month periods described in (a) and (b)
          above as to whether Texcel Sweden is entitled to exercise its option
          at that time. Texcel Sweden will have 10 days from such notice within
          which to notify the Buyer of its intent to exercise such option, and
          the parties will use reasonable efforts to close the transaction
          within 45 days from Texcel Sweden's notice. Buyer will use reasonable
          efforts to register for resale under the Securities Act the shares of
          Stock to be delivered by Buyer to Texcel Sweden under this Section 4.3
          at Buyer's cost pursuant to a registration statement on Form S-3 which
          is filed with the SEC promptly following the date that the parties
          agree on the number of shares to be issued, such registration
          statement to become effective immediately following delivery of such
          shares of Stock to Texcel Sweden.


5.1  TIME AND PLACE OF CLOSING. The Closing shall be held at the offices of
     Brown, Rudnick, Freed & Gesmer at One Financial Center, Boston,
     Massachusetts, at 10:00 a.m. on April 7, 1999; provided that either party
     may by written notice extend the Closing Date to a date not later than
     April 15, 1999 if such party is not able to close on April 7, 1999 

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     despite its good faith efforts to do so. The date on which the Closing is
     held shall be referred to herein as the "Closing Date".

5.2  DELIVERY OF DOCUMENTS OF TITLE. At the Closing, the Sellers shall deliver
     or cause to be delivered to the Buyer, against payment of the Cash Amounts,
     instruments of transfer which are good and sufficient to transfer to the
     Buyer the Purchased Assets free and clear of al liens and encumbrances, and
     an instrument of assumption representing the assumption of the Assumed
     Liabilities. Such instruments of transfer (i) shall be in the form and will
     contain the warranties, covenants and other provisions (not inconsistent
     with the provisions hereof) which are usual and customary for transferring
     the type of property involved under the laws of the jurisdictions
     applicable to such transfers, (ii) shall be in form and substance
     reasonably satisfactory to counsel for the Buyer, (iii) shall effectively
     vest in the Buyer good and marketable title to all the Purchased Assets,
     free and clear of all security interests, mortgages, pledges, liens, and
     encumbrances of any kind whatsoever, and (iv) shall effectively cause the
     Buyer to assume the Assumed Liabilities.

5.3  DELIVERY OF RECORDS AND CONTRACTS At the Closing, the Sellers also shall
     deliver or cause to be delivered to the Buyer, against payment of the Cash
     Amount and the assumption of the Assumed Liabilities, all of the Assumed
     Contracts, with such assignments thereof and consents to assignments as are
     necessary to assure the Buyer of the full benefit of the same. The Sellers
     shall also make available to the Buyer at the Closing all of the Sellers'
     business records, books and other data relating to the Purchased Assets
     (except corporate records and books of account of the Sellers), and the
     Sellers shall take all requisite steps to put the Buyer in actual
     possession and operating control of the Purchased Assets. After the
     Closing, the Sellers shall afford to the Buyer and its accountants and
     attorneys reasonable access during Sellers' business hours to the books and
     records of each Seller to the extent required by Buyer to comply with its
     obligations under applicable securities, tax, environmental, employment or
     other laws and regulations, and for other proper purposes.

     Texcel US shall deliver such consent(s) and assignments, including without
     limitation, a lease assignment, and other documents as are necessary and
     appropriate to grant Buyer the right to enter and use Texcel US's office at
     3508 Far West Boulevard, Austin, Texas under the terms of the Sublease
     Agreement between Texcel Ventures, Inc. and Kevin Yul Wright & Associates,
     P.C. dated March 1996 (the "Austin Lease") for the term remaining under
     such sublease.


     a)   From time to time after the Closing at the request of the Buyer and
          without further consideration, the Sellers shall execute and deliver
          further instruments of transfer and assignment (in addition to those
          delivered under Sections 5.2 and 5.3 hereof) and shall take such other
          action as the Buyer may reasonably require to effectively transfer and
          assign to, and vest in, the Buyer each of the Purchased Assets,

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          including those specific contracts of the Sellers that the Buyer
          designates as Assumed Contracts. To the extent that the assignment of
          any Assumed Contract shall require the consent of other parties
          thereto, this Agreement shall not constitute an assignment thereof;
          however, the Sellers shall use their best efforts before and after the
          Closing to obtain any necessary consents or waivers to assure the
          Buyer of the benefits of such contracts, commitments or rights, as and
          to the extent specifically desired by the Buyer. If such consent is
          not obtained, the Sellers agree to cooperate with Buyer in any
          reasonable arrangement designed to provide for the Buyer the benefits
          thereunder, including, but not limited to, having (a) the Buyer act as
          agent for the Seller(s) and (b) the Sellers enforce for the benefit of
          the Buyer any and all rights of the Sellers against the other party
          thereto arising out of the cancellation by such other party or

     b)   From time to time after the Closing at the request of the Sellers and
          without further consideration, the Buyer shall execute and deliver
          such further documents and shall take such other action as the Sellers
          may reasonably require in order to confirm assumption by the Buyer of
          the Assumed Liabilities.


     The following representations and warranties are made severally by each of
the Sellers. Each Seller hereby represents and warrants to the Buyer as to
itself follows:

     duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the
     jurisdiction of its incorporation, with full power and authority to own
     those Purchased Assets owned by it and to license or lease those Purchased
     Assets licensed or leased by it, to conduct its business in the manner and
     in the places where such properties are owned or such business is conducted
     by it and to consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.
     The copies of the Seller's Certificate of Incorporation or equivalent
     organizational documents as amended to date ("Charter"), and of the
     Seller's bylaws or equivalent documents as amended to date ("Bylaws"), and
     previously delivered to Buyer's counsel, are complete, correct and in
     effect as of the date hereof. The Seller is duly qualified to do business
     as a foreign corporation in every jurisdiction where the failure to be so
     qualified would have a material adverse effect upon the business of the



     a)   Texcel Sweden directly or indirectly owns 100% of the issued and
          outstanding capital stock of each of Texcel UK and Texcel
          US(hereinafter referred to as the "Subsidiaries" or individually as a
          "Subsidiary" of Texcel Sweden). Texcel Sweden has good and marketable
          title to the shares of each of the Subsidiaries which it owns, free of
          any adverse claim, lien or restriction, and there are no 

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          outstanding options, warrants or agreements granted by Texcel Sweden
          or the Subsidiaries of any kind for the issuance or sale of, or
          outstanding shares of securities convertible into, any additional
          shares of stock of any of the Subsidiaries.

     b)   Each Subsidiary is a corporation duly organized, validly existing and
          in good standing under the laws of its state of incorporation, with
          full power and authority to own or lease its properties and to conduct
          its business in the manner and in the places where such properties are
          owned or leased or such business is conducted. The copies of the
          Charter and By-laws of each Subsidiary as amended to date, certified
          by the Secretary of State of the state of incorporation of such
          Subsidiary or its Secretary (or the equivalent) and previously
          delivered to Buyer's counsel are complete and correct. Each of the
          Subsidiaries is duly qualified to do business as a foreign corporation
          in every jurisdiction where the failure to be so qualified would have
          a material adverse effect upon the business of that Subsidiary.

     c)   None of the Sellers owns any securities issued by any other business
          organization or governmental authority, except U.S. Government
          securities. None of the Sellers is a partner or participant in any
          joint venture or partnership of any kind.

6.4  AUTHORIZATION OF TRANSACTION. The Board of Directors of Texcel Sweden have
     voted in favor of this Agreement and the transactions contemplated herein.
     On or before April 20, 1999, Texcel Sweden will hold a general meeting of
     shareholders to consider approval of this Agreement and the transactions
     contemplated herein. Under Texcel Sweden's Charter, the affirmative vote of
     shareholders holding at least two-thirds of the votes entitled to be cast
     at such meeting are necessary and sufficient to authorize this Agreement
     and the transactions contemplated herein. Texcel Sweden has delivered to
     the Buyer Powers of Attorney under which the holders of more that
     two-thirds of the votes entitled to be cast at such meeting have authorized
     and instructed their attorney-in-fact to vote such shares in favor of this
     Agreement and the transactions contemplated herein. Except as stated in the
     previous four sentences, all necessary action, corporate or otherwise, has
     been taken by each Seller to authorize the execution, delivery and
     performance of this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby, and
     this Agreement and each other agreement and document executed and delivered
     by the Seller in connection herewith are the valid and binding obligations
     of the Seller, enforceable in accordance with their terms.

6.5  COMPLIANCE WITH OBLIGATIONS AND LAW. Neither the Seller nor any Subsidiary
     is in violation of its Charter or By-laws as of the date hereof. To the
     knowledge of the Seller, and except for violations due to the nonpayment of
     wages or other compensation to its employees, it is not in violation of any
     law, regulation, administrative order, arbitration award or judicial order
     or similar restriction applicable to the Seller or the Purchased Assets.

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     execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement, nor the consummation
     of the transactions contemplated hereby, will: (i) constitute a breach or
     violation of the Charter or Bylaws of the Seller; (ii) conflict with or
     constitute (with or without the passage of time or giving of notice) a
     default under, or a breach of, any contract, instrument or obligation
     relating to the Purchased Assets to which the Seller is a party or by which
     the Seller or the Purchased Assets are bound or give any person the right
     to accelerate any material indebtedness or terminate any material right
     (except for such consents to assignment as may be required under the
     Assumed Contracts); or (iii) to the knowledge of the Seller, result in a
     violation of any law, regulation, administrative order or judicial order
     applicable to the Seller or the Purchased Assets. The execution, delivery
     and performance of this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby
     by the Seller do not require the consent, waiver, approval, authorization,
     exemption of, or giving of notice to, any governmental authority.

6.7  FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Attached as SCHEDULE 6.7 are certain financial
     statements of the Sellers, together with all related compilation, review or
     audit reports issued by the Sellers' independent certified public
     accountants with respect thereto, all of which are complete and correct and
     present fairly (subject to the limitations stated therein) the assets,
     liabilities, and financial position of the Sellers on the dates thereof,
     and the results of operations and changes in the financial condition of the
     Sellers for the periods covered thereby, and such financial statements have
     been prepared in accordance the accounting principals indicated on SCHEDULE
     6.7 consistently applied throughout the periods involved and prior periods.

     The balance sheet of the Seller dated December 31, 1998 is referred to
     herein as the "Base Balance Sheet".

6.8  PAYMENT OF TAXES Except as set forth on SCHEDULE 6.8:

     a)   The Seller has duly and timely filed all Tax Returns with respect to
          all Taxes (or obtained lawful extensions of time required to file).
          All of the Tax Returns are complete and correct in all respects. The
          Tax Returns filed in any jurisdiction by the Seller for the most
          recent five (5) fiscal years are listed on SCHEDULE 6.8 and have been
          delivered to the Buyer. All Taxes shown to be due on such Tax Returns
          have been paid or are being contested in good faith by the Seller and
          such contest is being diligently pursued, all of which contested Taxes
          are listed on SCHEDULE 6.8. With respect to all other Taxes for which
          no return is required or which have not yet accrued or otherwise
          become due, no lien has or will arise with respect to the Purchased
          Assets. Except for withholdings with respect to unpaid wages, all
          Taxes and other assessments and levies which the Seller is required to
          withhold or collect have been withheld or collected and paid over or
          will be paid over to proper governmental authorities as required. All
          transfer, excise and other Taxes payable by Seller to any jurisdiction
          by reason of the sale of the Purchased Assets and issuance of the
          Stock and Warrant to the Seller 

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          pursuant to this Agreement shall be paid or provided for by Seller to
          the reasonable satisfaction of the Buyer after the Closing out of the
          consideration payable by Buyer hereunder.

     b)   The Tax Returns of Texcel US have been examined by the United States
          Internal Revenue Service only for calendar year 1994. They have never
          been examined by any States of the United States. The Seller is not
          aware of any intention on the part of any Governmental Authority to
          examine any of the Tax Returns. No deficiencies have been asserted or
          assessments made against the Seller, nor is the United States Internal
          Revenue Service nor any other Governmental Authority now asserting or,
          to the knowledge of the Seller, threatening to assert against the
          Seller any deficiency or claim for additional Taxes or interest
          thereon or penalties in connection therewith.

     c)   The Seller has not filed a consent under Section 341(f) of the Code.

6.9  PRIORITY CLAIMS All consideration received by the Seller pursuant to the
     transactions contemplated by this Agreement will be applied first towards
     the payment of costs and expenses of closing, second towards secured
     claims, third towards Priority Claims, and fourth with any remaining
     proceeds being distributed among other creditors in a fair and equitable

6.10 ABSENCE OF UNDISCLOSED LIABILITIES There are no liabilities of any nature
     with respect to the Purchased Assets, whether accrued, absolute, contingent
     or otherwise (including without limitation liabilities as guarantor or
     otherwise with respect to obligations of others, or liabilities for Taxes
     due or then accrued or to become due), except as set forth on SCHEDULE
     6.10. Except as disclosed on SCHEDULE 6.14, neither the Seller, any of its
     Affiliates, nor any other party to any contract, agreement or license
     identified on SCHEDULE 6.14, has breached any obligation under any
     contract, agreement or license identified on SCHEDULE 6.14. There is no
     fact which materially adversely affects, or may in the future (so far as
     can now be reasonably foreseen) materially adversely affect the Purchased
     Assets which has not been specifically disclosed herein or in a schedule
     furnished herewith.

6.11 ABSENCE OF CERTAIN CHANGES. Since the date of the Base Balance Sheet, there
     has not been:

     a)   any obligation or liability incurred by the Seller or any Subsidiary
          to any of its officers, directors or stockholders for any loans or
          advances made by the Seller or any Subsidiary to any of their
          officers, directors or stockholders; or

     b)   any distributions or payments by the Seller or any Subsidiary to any
          of its officers, directors or stockholders other than payment of
          compensation in the ordinary course of business.

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     a)   Set forth on SCHEDULE 1.1 or SCHEDULE 6.12 hereto is a listing of all
          leases under which the Seller leases, or has factored, borrowed
          against or otherwise granted a security interest in, any of the
          Purchase Assets.

     b)   The Seller has good and marketable title to all of the tangible assets
          included in the Purchased Assets, including the machinery, equipment
          and other personal property described on SCHEDULE 1.1, and all of the
          leases or other instruments described in SCHEDULE 1.1 which are
          included among the Purchased Assets are valid and subsisting and fully
          assignable by the Seller.

     c)   Except as stated on SCHEDULE 1.1 or SCHEDULE 6.12, none of the
          Purchased Assets is subject to any security interest, mortgage,
          pledge, lien (other than for taxes not yet due and payable),
          conditional sale agreement or encumbrance.


     a)   The Seller owns or has the right to use, free and clear of any
          attachments, liens or encumbrances, all Intellectual Property
          necessary to or regularly used in the development, marketing, support
          or distribution of the Products as presently conducted by the Sellers.
          All material rights of ownership of, and material licenses to use,
          Intellectual Property are listed on SCHEDULE 6.13, and all royalty
          obligations for use of such Intellectual Property are reflected in the
          license agreements listed on SCHEDULE 6.13, copies of which have been
          provided to the Buyer.

     b)   The Seller does not have any Statutory Intellectual Property rights
          other than the trademark registrations set forth on SCHEDULE 6.13 and
          all of the trademark registrations so listed:

          i)   have been duly registered, filed in, or issued by, the United
               States Patent and Trademark Office or the corresponding offices
               of other countries identified on said schedule; and to the extent
               registered, have been properly maintained and renewed in
               accordance with all applicable laws and regulations in the United
               States and such foreign countries;

          ii)  are owned exclusively by the Seller, free and clear of any
               licenses, sublicenses, liens or encumbrances such that no other
               person has any right or interest in or license to use or right to
               license others to use any of the Statutory Intellectual Property
               except as set forth on SCHEDULE 6.13;

          iii) are freely transferable (except as otherwise required by law);

          iv)  are not subject to any outstanding order, decree, judgment or

     c)   All works of authorship, copyrightable or not, were developed and
          authored as original works of authorship either by full-time employees
          of the Seller within the

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          normal scope of their duties as works for hire, or by third persons as
          works for hire under an express written agreement so stating or under
          a written agreement expressly transferring and assigning all rights to
          the Seller.

     d)   Except as described on SCHEDULE 6.13, all material licenses and other
          agreements pursuant to which any item of Intellectual Property is
          licensed to the Seller or is licensed by the Seller are valid, binding
          and enforceable, and, subject to any third party consents as set forth
          on SCHEDULE 6.13, will continue as such notwithstanding consummation
          of the transactions contemplated hereby. Except as described on
          SCHEDULE 6.13, There does not exist under any such license or
          agreement a default or an event or condition which, after notice or
          lapse of time or both, would constitute a default by the Seller or, a
          default by another party thereto.

     e)   No proceedings to which the Seller is a party are pending which (i)
          challenge the rights of the Seller in respect of the Intellectual
          Property required to be listed on SCHEDULE 6.13, or (ii) charge the
          Seller with infringement of any other person's rights in Intellectual
          Property and, to the knowledge of the Seller, no such proceeding to
          which the Seller is not a party has been filed, nor are any such
          proceedings pending or threatened to be filed. Sellers will provide
          the Buyer with a complete copy of all pleadings, correspondence, notes
          and other material in its possession concerning any such proceedings
          pending or threatened, as noted on SCHEDULE 6.13.

     f)   Except as described on SCHEDULE 6.13, the Seller is not infringing
          upon any Statutory Intellectual Property rights of any other person
          and none of the rights in Statutory Intellectual Property listed on
          SCHEDULE 6.13 is being infringed by any other person. The Seller is
          not using or in any way making use of any Trade Secrets of any third
          party, including without limitation a former employer of any present
          or past employee of the Seller, and to the knowledge of the Seller, no
          other person is using any Trade Secret of the Seller without

     g)   No director, officer or employee of the Seller owns, directly or
          indirectly, in whole or in part, any Intellectual Property right which
          the Seller has used, is presently using, or the use of which is
          reasonably necessary to its business as now conducted or contemplated
          to be conducted.

     h)   With respect to the Products, except as set forth in SCHEDULE 6.13,
          Seller and each Subsidiary has: (i) affixed in a timely manner
          appropriate copyright notices complying with the Copyright Act of
          1976, as amended, and the rules and regulations of the United States
          Copyright Office to all copies of such Computer Software, in object
          code form or any other form distributed to the public; (ii)
          distributed such Products only pursuant to written agreements limiting
          the use, reproduction, distribution and disclosure thereof, and
          requiring the licensees to preserve the confidentiality thereof to an
          extent adequate to protect Seller's rights 

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          therein; and (iii) disclosed or made available the source code or
          systems documentation thereof only to employees or consultants of
          Seller who required such disclosure or access for the business
          purposes of Seller.

6.14 MATERIAL CONTRACTS. SCHEDULE 6.14 contains a complete and accurate list and
     description of all currently effective contracts, licenses, distribution
     agreements and other agreements, documents and instruments to which the
     Seller, its Subsidiaries or any of its Affiliates are a party or by which
     any of them is bound and which are related to the development, marketing,
     support or distribution of the Products. Except for contracts, licenses and
     agreements described on SCHEDULE 6.14 hereto, the Seller is not a party to
     or subject to:

     a)   any contract or agreement pertaining to the Purchased Assets for the
          purchase of any commodity, material, equipment or asset, except
          purchase orders in the ordinary course for less than $10,000 each;

     b)   any other contracts or agreements creating any obligations of the
          Seller with respect to the Purchased Assets after the December 31,
          1998 of $10,000 or more, other than sales, licenses and purchase
          commitments in the ordinary course of business;

     c)   any contract, license or agreement creating obligations with respect
          to the Purchased Assets in excess of $10,000 which by its terms is not
          terminable without penalty by the Seller upon thirty (30) days'

     d)   any contract or agreement for the sale or lease of the Purchased
          Assets not made in the ordinary course;

     e)   any contract or agreement containing covenants limiting the freedom of
          the Seller to operate the Purchased Assets in competition with any
          line of business or with any person or entity;

     f)   any contract or agreement between Seller and any of its Affiliates, or
          between any Affiliate and any other Affiliate, under which any lien,
          claim or encumbrance (including any royalty, transfer pricing or
          payment obligation) could arise with respect or attach to any of the
          Purchased Assets;

     g)   any other contract, license or agreement which individually or on the
          aggregate is material to the Purchased Assets;

     h)   any contract with any sales agent or distributor of products within
          the Purchased Assets; or

     i)   any license or franchise agreement relating to the Purchased Assets.

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     The Seller has delivered, or will deliver on or before the Closing
     Date, to Buyer accurate and complete copies of each contract, license
     or agreement set forth on SCHEDULE 6.14, in each case with all
     modifications, amendments and related correspondence.

6.15 LITIGATION. Except as disclosed on SCHEDULE 6.15, there is no suit, claim,
     action, proceeding or governmental investigation pending against the
     Seller, before any court or any governmental agencies or regulatory
     authorities or which seeks to enjoin or otherwise hinder or prevent the
     consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and the
     Seller is not subject to any order, injunction or decree relating to or
     affecting the Purchased Assets.

6.16 PRODUCT WARRANTY CLAIMS Since January 1, 1996: (i) there have been no
     claims asserting breach of contract, breach of express or implied product
     or service warranty, tortious interference with contractual relations,
     breach of non-competition or non-solicitation covenants, or other material
     claims made, asserted or threatened by customers, vendors, competitors,
     suppliers or employees of the Seller or any of its affiliates relating to
     the Purchased Assets for an amount in excess of $5,000 with respect to any
     single claim or for amounts in excess of $25,000 with respect to all claims
     made in any fiscal year; and (ii) there are no such claims outstanding or
     currently being threatened. Seller does not know of any facts which exist
     which could give rise to any such claims.

6.17 PRODUCT LIABILITY CLAIMS No product liability or other tort claims have
     been made or, to threatened in writing against the Seller, relating to
     products sold or services performed with respect to the Purchased Assets in
     the past three (3) years. The Seller has delivered to the Buyer copies of
     all the product liability and errors and omissions insurance policies
     relating to the Purchased Assets for the last three (3) years. To the
     knowledge of the Seller, there are no facts which exist which could give
     rise to any such claims.


     a)   To Seller's knowledge, SCHEDULE 6.18 sets forth the list of Seller's
          employees or sub-contractors that Buyer wishes to hire. SCHEDULE 6.18
          accurately and completely states the salaries, bonus, accrued vacation
          and employee benefits and policies for such individuals. There are no
          grievances or claims by any of the persons on SCHEDULE 6.18 pending
          with respect to their employment by the Seller, including, but not
          limited to, sexual harassment and discrimination claims and claims
          arising under workers' compensation laws. Complete and accurate copies
          of all agreements with such employees and subcontractors have been
          delivered to Buyer.

     b)   None of the employees of the Seller or any Subsidiary is covered by
          any collective bargaining agreement with any trade or labor union,
          employees' association or similar association. Each of the Seller and
          the Subsidiaries has complied in all material respects with applicable
          laws, rules and regulations relating to the employment of labor,
          except for those pertaining to the full and 

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          timely payment of wages and the reimbursement of expenses. There are
          no representation elections or other labor troubles pending, or to the
          knowledge of the Seller, overtly threatened, with respect to the
          employees of the Seller or any Subsidiary.


6.20 ABSENCE OF SENSITIVE PAYMENTS To the knowledge of the Seller, none of the
     Seller's directors, officers, agents, stockholders or employees or any
     other person associated with or acting on behalf of the Seller:

     a)   made or agreed to make any solicitations, contributions, payments or
          gifts of funds or property to any governmental official, employee or
          agent where either the payment or the purpose of such solicitation,
          contribution, payment or gift was or is illegal under the laws of the
          United States, any state thereof, or any other jurisdiction (foreign
          or domestic) or prohibited by the policy of the Seller or of any of
          its suppliers or customers;

     b)   established or maintained any unrecorded fund or asset for any
          purpose, or has made any false or artificial entries on any of its
          books or records for any reason; or

     c)   made or agreed to make any contribution or expenditure, or reimbursed
          any political gift or contribution or expenditure made by any other
          person to candidates for public office, whether federal, state or
          local (foreign or domestic) where such contributions were or would be
          a violation of applicable Law.

6.21 FINDER'S FEE. Neither the Seller, nor any Subsidiary has incurred or become
     liable for any broker's commission or finder's fee relating to or in
     connection with a transaction contemplated by this Agreement.

6.22 YEAR 2000

     a)   The Products are designed to be used prior to, during, and after
          calendar year 2000 and the Products will operate during each such time
          period without error relating to date data, specifically including any
          error relating to, or the conduct of, date data which represents or
          references different centuries or more than one century. Without
          limiting the generality of the foregoing, (i) the Products will not
          abnormally terminate or provide invalid or incorrect results as a
          result of date data, and (ii) the Products have been designed to
          ensure year 2000 compatibility, including date data, century
          recognition, calculations which accommodate same century and
          multi-century formulas and date values, and date data interface values
          that reflect the correct century.

     b)   The Products include "Year 2000 Capabilities." For purposes of this
          Agreement, "Year 2000 Capabilities" means the Products (i) will manage
          and manipulate data 

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          involving dates, including single century formulas and multi-century
          formulas, and will not cause an abnormally ending scenario within the
          application or generate incorrect values or invalid results involving
          such dates, (ii) provide that all date-related users interface
          functionalities and data fields include the indication of century, and
          (iii) provide that all date-related data interface functionalities
          include the indication of century.

     c)   Seller is not responsible for, and will not be deemed in breach of the
          foregoing warranties by reason of, the failure of any computer
          software, computer platforms or operating systems not created by
          Seller to comply with this Section 6.22. Seller has, however, made
          reasonably inquiry of such third parties as to the Year 2000
          Capabilities of their respective products.

6.23 DISCLOSURE OF MATERIAL INFORMATION Neither this Agreement, the financial
     statements (including the footnotes thereto), any Schedule, any exhibit,
     document or certificate delivered by or on behalf of Seller or its
     Affiliates pursuant hereto contains any untrue statement of a material
     fact, or omits to state a material fact necessary to make the statements
     herein or therein not misleading in light of circumstances under which
     made. There is no fact which materially adversely affects the Purchased
     Assets which has not been set forth herein.

6.24 NO INSOLVENCY PROCEEDINGS. The Seller is not a debtor in any case under the
     Bankruptcy Code, or subject to any other insolvency proceeding under the
     laws of any applicable jurisdiction, and the transfer of the Purchased
     Assets to Buyer is not subject to avoidance, recovery or disgorgement under
     the laws of any applicable jurisdiction, whether in connection with any
     future insolvency proceeding involving Seller, or any of its Subsidiaries,
     or otherwise.


     The Buyer hereby represents and warrants to the Seller as follows:

7.1  ORGANIZATION OF THE BUYER The Buyer is a corporation duly organized,
     validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the Commonwealth of
     Massachusetts with full corporate power and authority to own or lease its
     properties and to conduct its business in the manner and in the places
     where such properties are owned or leased or such business is conducted by
     it and to consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

7.2  AUTHORIZATION OF TRANSACTION All necessary action, corporate or otherwise,
     has been taken by the Buyer to authorize the execution, delivery and
     performance of this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby, and
     this Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by the Buyer and is the
     valid and binding obligation of the Buyer, enforceable in accordance with
     its terms, subject to laws of general application affecting creditors'
     rights generally.

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     delivery and performance of this Agreement, nor the consummation of the
     transactions contemplated hereby, will: (i) constitute a breach or
     violation of the Buyer's Articles of Organization or Bylaws; (ii) conflict
     with or constitute (with or without the passage of time or the giving of
     notice) a default under, or a breach of, any material agreement, instrument
     or obligation to which the Buyer is a party or by which it or its assets
     are bound; or (iii) result in a violation of any law, regulation,
     administrative order or judicial order applicable to the Buyer. The
     execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and the transactions
     contemplated hereby by the Buyer do not require the consent, waiver,
     approval, authorization, exemption of or giving of notice to any
     governmental authority.

7.4  LITIGATION There is no litigation pending or, to the knowledge of the
     Buyer, threatened against the Buyer which seeks to enjoin or otherwise
     hinder or prevent the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this


     a)   Buyer has filed or caused to be filed all registration statements,
          reports or statements, and any amendments thereto, required to be
          filed by it pursuant to Sections 13, 14 or 15(d) of the Securities
          Exchange Act of 1934 (and such filings were made within the time
          required thereunder), and has heretofore furnished to Seller copies

          i)   Buyer's Annual Report on Form 10-K for its three most recent
               fiscal years;

          ii)  Buyer's Annual Report to Stockholders for its three most recent
               fiscal years;

          iii) Buyer's definitive Proxy Statements for all meetings of
               stockholders since the beginning of its third preceding fiscal
               year; and

          iv)  Buyer's Quarterly Report(s) on Form 10-Q for each quarter since
               the end of its most recent fiscal year.

     b)   The documents furnished to Seller pursuant to paragraph (a) were
          prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Securities
          Exchange Act of 1934 and the rules and regulations thereunder in all
          material respects and do not contain any misstatement of a material
          fact or omit to state a material fact necessary in order to make the
          statements contained therein, in light of the circumstances, not

7.6  FINDER'S FEE. Buyer has not incurred or become liable for any broker's
     commission or finder's fee relating to or in connection with the
     transaction contemplated by this Agreement.
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7.7  ISSUANCE OF STOCK. When issued by the Buyer as required under the terms of
     this Agreement, all Stock, and the Warrant, will be duly authorized,
     validly issued, fully paid and non-assessable.

7.8  DISCLOSURE OF MATERIAL INFORMATION Neither this Agreement, nor any
     Schedule, exhibit, document or certificate delivered by or on behalf of
     Buyer or its Affiliates pursuant hereto contains any untrue statement of a
     material fact, or omits to state a material fact necessary to make the
     statements herein or therein not misleading in light of circumstances under
     which made.


     At the Closing, the Seller shall deliver:

8.1  REPRESENTATIONS; WARRANTIES; COVENANTS A certificate of an officer of the
     Seller that: (a) each of the representations and warranties of the Seller
     set forth in Article 6 hereof were true and accurate on the date when made
     and are true and accurate in all respects as though made on and as of the
     Closing, and (b) the Seller has performed in all respects all of those
     obligations, and has complied in all material respects with those
     covenants, required to be performed or observed at or prior to the Closing.

8.2  GOVERNMENTAL CONSENTS AND APPROVALS All governmental consents and approvals
     required of Seller in order to permit the parties to complete the
     transactions in compliance with all applicable Laws.

8.3  CONSENTS AND APPROVALS Any and all consents or approvals which may be
     required under the Assumed Contracts in order to consummate the
     transactions contemplated by this Agreement and to transfer the Purchased
     Assets to the Buyer, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the
     Buyer and its counsel.

8.4  TERMINATION OF INTER-COMPANY AGREEMENTS Evidence reasonably satisfactory
     that agreements between or among Seller and any of its Affiliates which may
     be reasonably viewed as distribution agreements, agency agreements,
     transfer pricing agreements and the like have been effectively and
     permanently terminated.


8.6  CORPORATE APPROVAL Appropriate documents and certificates providing
     evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Buyer and its counsel that the
     execution and delivery of this Agreement and the consummation of the
     transactions contemplated hereby shall have been approved by the requisite
     vote of the boards of directors and of the stockholders of the Seller
     (except as provided in Section 6.4 above), the Subsidiaries and the
     Seller's Affiliates in accordance with applicable law and the Charter and
     Bylaws of each of, the Seller, the Subsidiaries and the Seller's

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     shall have received (i) from Posternak, Blankstein & Lund, L.L.P., counsel
     for Texcel US, an opinion dated as of the Closing, in form and substance
     reasonably satisfactory to the Buyer and its counsel, (ii) from Nils
     Setterwalls Advokatbyre AB, counsel for Texcel Sweden, an opinion dated as
     of the Closing, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Buyer
     and its counsel, (ii) evidence satisfactory to the Buyer of the due
     authorization, execution, delivery and enforceability of this Agreement and
     all related agreements by the Seller, and (iii) such other certificates and
     documents as the Buyer shall have reasonably requested.

8.8  AUSTIN LEASE The Buyer shall have received, in form and substance
     satisfactory to the Buyer, an instrument of assignment of the Austin Lease
     to the Buyer.

8.9  SELLER'S FAILURE TO DELIVER The Sellers may not rely on any of their
     failure to deliver any item required in this Article 8 or its failure to
     use its best efforts to cause the Closing not to occur.


     At the Closing, the Buyer shall deliver:

9.1  REPRESENTATIONS; WARRANTIES; COVENANTS A certificate of an officer of the
     Buyer that (a) each of the representations and warranties of the Buyer
     contained in Article 7 hereof were true and accurate on the date when made
     and are true and accurate in all material respects as though made on and as
     of the Closing, and (b) the Buyer has performed in all material respects
     all of those obligations, and shall have complied in all respects with
     those covenants, required to be performed or observed at or prior to the

9.2  GOVERNMENTAL CONSENTS AND APPROVALS All governmental consents and approvals
     required of the Buyer in order to permit the parties to complete the
     transactions in compliance with all applicable Laws.

9.3  CORPORATE APPROVAL Appropriate documents and certificates providing
     evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Seller and its counsel that the
     execution and delivery of this Agreement and the consummation of the
     transactions contemplated hereby shall have been approved by the requisite
     vote of the board of directors of the Buyer.

     Sweden shall have received (i) from Craig Newfield, General Counsel for the
     Buyer, an opinion dated as of the Closing, in form and substance reasonably
     satisfactory to Texcel Sweden and its counsel, (ii) evidence satisfactory
     to Texcel Sweden of the due authorization, execution and delivery of this
     Agreement and all related agreements by the Buyer, and (iii) such other
     certificates and documents as Texcel Sweden shall have reasonably

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9.5  BUYER'S FAILURE TO DELIVER. The Buyer may not rely on its failure to 
     deliver any item required in this Article 9 or on its failure to use its 
     best efforts to cause the Closing not to occur.


10.1 SURVIVAL OF WARRANTIES. All representations, warranties, agreements,
     covenants and obligations herein or in any schedule, certificate or
     financial statement delivered by any party hereto to the other parties
     incident to the transactions contemplated hereby are material, shall be
     deemed to have been relied upon by the other parties and shall survive the
     Closing in accordance with Article 10 hereof, regardless of any
     investigation and shall not merge in the performance of any obligation by
     any party hereto.

     a)   Each party to this Agreement covenants and agrees to perform and
          discharge its respective obligations and liabilities, if any, under
          the Warrant, the Note, the Pledge Agreement and any other document,
          instrument or agreement executed and delivered by it in connection
          with this Agreement or the transactions contemplated herein (each, a
          "Collateral Agreement"). The failure of a party to perform or
          discharge its obligations or liabilities under a Collateral Agreement,
          or its commission of a breach or default under a Collateral Agreement,
          shall be a breach of and default under this Agreement.

10.2 NON-COMPETITION; SOLICITATION OF EMPLOYEES. For a period of two (2) years
     following the Closing Date, neither the Sellers nor any of their Affiliates
     shall, directly or indirectly, engage in any business which offers for
     sale, markets, develops, distributes, promotes or licenses software
     components for sale to OEM manufacturers, or stand-alone products or
     solutions for sale to any customer, which, in either case, offer the same
     or substantially similar functionality to customers as (i) any of the
     Products or (ii) any product of the Buyer which represents an upgrade or
     modification of or enhancement to, any of the Products and which has the
     same or substantially similar functionality as any of the Products. The
     foregoing restriction shall not apply to the activities of the New Company
     (see Article 4), or to Texcel Sweden in its capacity as an equity owner
     therein. Further, for a period of two (2) years following the Closing Date,
     neither the Sellers nor any of their Affiliates shall, directly or
     indirectly, solicit, induce or encourage any person employed by the Buyer
     in the operation of the business involving the Purchased Assets to
     terminate his or her employment with the Buyer, provided, however, that the
     restrictions set forth in this Section 10.2 shall not be construed to limit
     or restrict the Sellers or any of their Affiliates from (i) making general,
     untargeted public solicitations for employment in print, broadcast or
     electronic media, or (ii) transitioning to the Buyer full control and use
     of the Purchased Assets.


     a)   Seller and its Affiliates shall cooperate and not interfere with
          Buyer's attempts to hire the employees listed on SCHEDULE 6.18. The
          Buyer shall have no obligation to hire any of such employees. Seller
          and its Affiliates shall refrain from offering to 

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          any of those employees listed on SCHEDULE 6.18 hereto any
          opportunities for continued employment by the Seller or its

     b)   The Seller shall be responsible for all wages, benefits, severance
          obligations, claims for overtime, sick leave accruals and other
          obligations for, and claims of, all of its current and former
          employees (including such employees who are hired by Buyer) up to the
          date such employee is no longer an employee of the Seller, and all
          claims related to the termination of their employment by Seller or its
          Affiliates, and all claims of discrimination, unfair treatment, and
          violations of labor laws.

     c)   Without limiting the foregoing, with respect to employees listed on
          SCHEDULE 6.18, Buyer shall be responsible for wages from and after
          March 15, 1999 at rates independently negotiated between Buyer and
          each such employee.

10.4 APPLICATION OF PROCEEDS. Each Seller shall pay over the Purchase Price
     (including the Loan, and any proceeds from disposition of any Stock or the
     Warrant) paid by the Buyer hereunder, and apply any proceeds from accounts
     receivable retained by such Seller, all towards the discharge of any
     secured claims, Taxes or Priority Claims which have not been discharged
     prior to the Closing. Each Seller shall apply the balance of such proceeds
     to the satisfaction of its other third party creditors in a fair and
     equitable manner (or as agreed by each creditor separately).

10.5 FURTHER COOPERATION. Each Seller agrees to cooperate with the Buyer and to
     provide the Buyer with such reasonable assistance as may be necessary to
     effectively transfer the Purchased Assets from such Seller to the Buyer.
     If, in order properly to prepare any documents required to be filed with
     any governmental entity or any financial statements, it is necessary that
     any party hereto be furnished with additional information relating to the
     Purchased Assets and such information is in the possession of any other
     party hereto, such party agrees to use its best efforts to furnish such
     information to such other party, without cost and expense to the party
     being furnished such information.

     a)   The parties will reasonably cooperate with each other as necessary
          after the Closing to facilitate the collection of all material
          receivables. To the extent that either party collects an account
          receivable which is allocable to the other party hereunder, the
          collecting party shall hold such amounts in trust for the benefit of
          the other party and shall immediately pay such funds over to the other
          party. Buyer and the Sellers shall reconcile amounts collected under
          accounts receivable under this Section 1.1(b) every 30 days following
          the Closing Date until July 1, 1999.

     b)   Within 30 days after the Closing, Buyer will provide the Sellers with
          a definitive list of those contracts of the Sellers that Buyer wishes
          to have assigned to Buyer and become part of the Assumed Contracts.
          Seller will also provide instruments of assignment and consent for the
          Sellers' signature. Sellers will promptly 

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          execute such instruments, deliver them to Buyer and provide reasonable
          assistance to the Buyer in effecting a smooth transition of the
          contract to Buyer.


11.1 DEFINITIONS. For purposes of this Article 11:

     "Losses" means all losses, damages, liabilities, payments and obligations,
and all expenses related thereto. Losses shall include any reasonable legal fees
and costs incurred by any of the Indemnified Persons subsequent to the Closing
in defense of any liability, payment or obligation, whether or not any liability
or payment, obligation or judgment is ultimately imposed against the Indemnified
Persons and whether or not the Indemnified Persons are made or become parties to
any such action, and, in the case of a Third Party Action or a governmental
action against an Indemnified Person, shall also include any amounts for
punitive, incidental or consequential damages for which the third party claimant
or governmental entity receives an award against such Indemnified Persons but
does not include the punitive, incidental or consequential damages of any
Indemnified Person other than as may arise out of a Third Party Action or
governmental action. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the amount of any Loss
suffered or incurred by an Indemnified Person shall be reduced by the amount of
any insurance proceeds received by such Indemnified Person in respect of such

     The "Buyer's Indemnified Persons" means the Buyer and any entity that
directly or indirectly controls, or is controlled by, or is under common control
with, the Buyer, and its directors, officers, employees, stockholders and

     "Indemnified Person" means any person entitled to be indemnified under this
Article 11.

     "Indemnifying Person" means any person obligated to indemnify another
entity under this Article 11.

     The "Seller's Indemnified Persons" means each Seller and any person that
directly or indirectly controls, or is controlled by, or is under common control
with, such Seller, and their respective directors, officers, employees,
stockholders and agents.

     "Third Party Action" means any written assertion of a claim, or the
commencement of any action, suit, or proceeding, by a third party as to which
any person believes it may be an Indemnified Person hereunder.


     a)   Subject to the limitation in paragraphs (b) and (c) below, each Seller
          shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Buyer's Indemnified
          Persons from and against all Losses directly or indirectly incurred by
          or sought to be imposed upon such Seller:

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          i)   resulting from or arising out of any breach of any of the
               representations or warranties set forth in Article 6 hereof;

          ii)  resulting from or arising out of any breach of any covenant or
               agreement made by such Seller in this Agreement or any Collateral

          iii) resulting from or arising out of the claims of any broker, finder
               or other entity acting in a similar capacity on behalf of such
               Seller in connection with the transactions herein contemplated;

          iv)  resulting from or arising out of (I) intentional
               misrepresentations, (II) fraud, (III) infringement claims (breach
               of Section 6.11), (IV) any liens, claims or attachments which
               attach to (or adversely affect the Buyer's ability to use and
               exploit) the Purchased Assets, including without limitation such
               as result from or arise out of the bankruptcy or insolvency of
               any of such Seller, or (V) non-compliance with the provisions of
               the Bulk Sales Act or any other applicable bulk sales legislation
               or analogous legislation for the benefit of creditors;

          v)   resulting from or arising out of the assertion of any valid claim
               of a creditor of the Seller against the Buyer, any of Buyer's
               Affiliates or any of the Purchased Assets; or

          vi)  in respect of any Retained Liability.

     b)   Except claims described in Sections (a)(iv) or (a)(v) above, Seller
          shall have no liability under paragraph (a) unless one or more of the
          Buyer's Indemnified Persons gives written notice to the Seller
          asserting a claim for Losses, including reasonably detailed facts and
          circumstances pertaining thereto, before the expiration of a period of
          24 months following the Closing Date.

     c)   Indemnification for claims under paragraph (a) above (other than under
          clauses (a)(iv), or a(v)) shall be payable by Seller only if the
          aggregate amount of all Losses hereunder by Buyer's Indemnified
          Persons shall exceed $10,000, at which point Seller shall be
          responsible for all Losses, including the first $10,000 of such
          Losses. The aggregate liability of Seller for indemnification under
          paragraph (a) above (other than under clauses (a)(iv) or a(v)) shall
          not exceed the aggregate Purchase Price paid by Buyer to Seller and
          any of Seller's Affiliates under this Agreement.

     d)   For purposes of clarification, each Seller (including Texcel Sweden)
          shall be obligated to indemnify the Buyer and the Buyer's Indemnified
          Parties with respect to Losses resulting from or arising out of such
          Seller's own acts or omissions as described in (a) above. In addition,
          Texcel Sweden shall also be obligated to indemnify the Buyer and the
          Buyer's Indemnified Parties with 

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          respect to Losses resulting from or arising out of such acts and
          omissions of each or both of the other Sellers.


     a)   Subject to the limitation in paragraph (b) below, the Buyer shall
          defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Sellers' Indemnified Persons
          from any and all Losses directly or indirectly incurred by or sought
          to be imposed upon any of them:

          i)   resulting from or arising out of any breach of any of the
               representations or warranties set forth in Article 7 hereof;

          ii)  resulting from or arising out of any breach of any covenant or
               agreement made by the Buyer in this Agreement or any Collateral

          iii) resulting from or arising out of the claims of any broker, finder
               or other entity acting in a similar capacity on behalf of the
               Buyer in connection with the transactions herein contemplated; or

          iv)  in respect of any Assumed Liability.

     b)   The Buyer shall have no liability under paragraph (a) unless one or
          more of the Sellers' Indemnified Persons gives written notice to the
          Buyer asserting a claim for Losses, including reasonably detailed
          facts and circumstances pertaining thereto, before the expiration of a
          period of 24 months following the date of the Closing (or, with
          respect to Losses arising with respect to an Assumed Contract, 24
          months from the termination of such Assumed Contract).

     c)   Indemnification for claims under paragraph (a) above shall be payable
          by the Buyer only if the aggregate amount of all Losses hereunder by
          Sellers' Indemnified Persons shall exceed $10,000.00, at which point
          Buyer shall be responsible for all Losses, including the first
          $10,000.00 of such Losses. The aggregate liability of Buyer for
          indemnification under paragraph (a) above shall not exceed the
          aggregate Purchase Price paid by Buyer to Sellers under this


     a)   Promptly after receipt of notice of any Third Party Action, any person
          who believes he, she or it may be an Indemnified Person shall give
          notice to the potential Indemnifying Person of such action. The
          omission to give such notice to the Indemnifying Person will not
          relieve the Indemnifying Person of any liability hereunder unless it
          was prejudiced thereby, nor will it relieve it of any liability which
          it may have other than under this Article 11.

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     b)   Upon receipt of a notice of a Third Party Action, the Indemnifying
          Person shall have the right, at its option and at its own expense, to
          participate in and be present at the defense of such Third Party
          Action, but not to control the defense, negotiation or settlement
          thereof, which control shall remain with the Indemnified Person,
          unless the Indemnifying Person makes the election provided in
          paragraph (c) below.

     c)   By written notice within forty five (45) days after receipt of a
          notice of a Third Party Action, an Indemnifying Person may elect to
          assume control of the defense, negotiation and settlement thereof,
          with counsel reasonably satisfactory to the Indemnified Person;
          provided, however, that the Indemnifying Person agrees (i) to promptly
          indemnify the Indemnified Person for its expenses to date, and (ii) to
          hold the Indemnified Person harmless from and against any and all
          Losses caused by or arising out of any settlement of the Third Party
          Action approved by the Indemnifying Person or any judgment in
          connection with that Third Party Action. The Indemnifying Person shall
          not in the defense of the Third Party Action enter into any settlement
          which does not include as a term thereof the giving by the third party
          claimant of an unconditional release of the Indemnified Person, or
          consent to entry of any judgment except with the consent of the
          Indemnified Person. No Indemnified Person shall have the right to
          settle any Third Party Action without the prior written approval of
          the Indemnifying Person.

     d)   Upon assumption of control of the defense of a Third Party Action
          under paragraph (c) above, the Indemnifying Person will not be liable
          to the Indemnified Person hereunder for any legal or other expenses
          subsequently incurred in connection with the defense of the Third
          Party Action.

     e)   If the Indemnifying Person does not elect to control the defense of a
          Third Party Action under paragraph (c), the Indemnifying Person shall
          promptly reimburse the Indemnified Person for expenses incurred by the
          Indemnified Person in connec tion with defense of such Third Party
          Action, as and when the same shall be incurred by the Indemnified

     f)   Any person who has not assumed control of the defense of any Third
          Party Action shall have the duty to cooperate with the party which
          assumed such defense.

11.5 MISCELLANEOUS. If any Loss is recoverable under more than one provision
     hereof, the Indemnified Person shall be entitled to assert a claim for such
     Loss until the expiration of the longest period of time within which to
     assert a claim for Loss under any of the provisions which are applicable.

11.6 PAYMENT OF INDEMNIFICATION. Claims for indemnification under this 
     Article 11 shall be paid or otherwise satisfied by an Indemnifying Person 
     within thirty (30) days after notice thereof is given by the Indemnified 

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11.7 SETOFF. Buyer has the right to offset and credit any and/or all payments 
     and performance to be made by it under this Agreement to or for the benefit
     of the Seller by reason of any claim by Buyer against Seller or against any
     other Seller for indemnification pursuant to Article 11 if the amount of
     the Loss underlying such claim has become fixed and determinable; provided
     that Buyer shall not be required to recover such claims in such manner and
     may proceed against the Indemnifying Party at any time or times for
     recovery of indemnification claims.

11.8 PLEDGE. As security for the full and timely payment and performance by
     Seller and its Affiliates of Seller's obligations under this Article 11,
     Texcel Sweden will pledge the Warrant and 125,000 shares of Stock to the
     Buyer, pursuant to the Stock Pledge Agreement attached as Exhibit C.

     a)   The Stock, Warrant and proceeds which are pledged under this Section
          11.8 shall be released to Texcel Sweden upon the expiration of 12
          months from the Closing, subject to the receipt by Buyer of evidence
          reasonably satisfactory to Buyer of the existence of the Release

     b)   The Warrant shall be released within three business days from the day
          on which the holder gives notice of exercise thereof; subject to the
          receipt by Buyer of evidence reasonably satisfactory to Buyer of the
          existence of the Release Conditions.

     c)   "Release Conditions" means (i) the distribution of the Purchase Price
          paid to Texcel Sweden and certain other proceeds in the manner
          required under Section 10.4 above as it applies to Texcel Sweden, (ii)
          the absence of insolvency proceedings as a result of or in connection
          with which a claim or lien has arisen or been asserted which adversely
          affects any of the Purchased Assets, and (iii) the absence of any
          liens, claims or encumbrances of any kind or nature which have
          attached to or been asserted against the Purchased Assets resulting
          from or arising out of any act or omission of any of the Sellers, (iv)
          the absence of any claims by Buyer's Indemnified Persons under this
          Article 11, (v) the Fair Value of the Stock remaining subject to the
          pledge equals or exceeds the amounts outstanding under the Note (see
          Section 2.3(c)(ii) above), and (vi) Sellers' compliance with all other
          provisions of this Agreement, the Warrant, the Pledge Agreement and
          the Note, which has not been cured following notice from Buyer.


12.1 FEES AND EXPENSES. Except as otherwise expressly set forth above, each of
     the parties will bear its own expenses (including any commission, broker's
     or finder's fees) in connection with the negotiation and the consummation
     of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, and no expenses of the
     Sellers relating in any way to the purchase and sale of the Purchased
     Assets hereunder shall be charged to or included on any of the Purchased
     Assets as of the Closing. Except for sales taxes which may be payable in
     connection with the transfer of the Purchased Assets and which will be paid
     by the Buyer 

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     when due and payable, the Sellers shall pay all transfer or other taxes, if
     any, which may be payable in connection with the transfer of the Purchased
     Assets pursuant to this Agreement. The Buyer will bear the expense of its
     auditors, if any, engaged in the review or audit of the Sellers' financial

12.2 NOTICES. Any and all notices and other communications required or permitted
     to be given under this Agreement on behalf of any or all of the Sellers
     shall be given by Texcel Sweden. Any and all notices or other
     communications required or permitted to be given in connection with this
     Agreement shall be in writing (or in the form of a facsimile transmission)
     addressed as provided below shall be (i) delivered by hand, (ii)
     transmitted by facsimile with receipt confirmed, (iii) delivered by
     overnight courier service with confirmed receipt or (iv) mailed by first
     class U.S. mail, postage prepaid and registered or certified, return
     receipt requested:

     If to any Seller or all               If to the Buyer, to:
     of the Sellers, to:

     Texcel International AB               Interleaf, Inc.
     c/o Upright Engineering AB            62 Fourth Avenue
     Gavlegatan 16                         Waltham, MA 02451
     Stockholm, 113 30 Sweden              USA
     Attention: Mr. Magnus Hedencrona      Attention:  General Counsel
     Facsimile Number:  46 8 33 1671       Facsimile Number: (781) 768-1145

     with a copy to:                       with a copy to:

     Donald H. Siegel, P.C.                David H. Murphree, Esq.
     Posternak, Blankstein & Lund, L.L.P.  Brown, Rudnick, Freed & Gesmer, P.C.
     100 Charles River Plaza               One Financial Center
     Boston, MA 02114                      Boston, Massachusetts  02111
     Facsimile Number:  (617) 367-2315     Facsimile Number:  (617) 856-8201

     and in any case at such other address as the addressee shall have specified
     by written notice. Any notice or other communication given in accordance
     with this Section 13.2 shall be deemed delivered and effective upon
     receipt, except those notices and other communications sent by mail, which
     shall be deemed delivered and effective five (5) business days following
     deposit with the United States Postal Service. All periods of notice shall
     be measured from the date of delivery thereof.


12.4 PUBLICITY AND DISCLOSURES. Except as required by law, the parties shall 
     each keep the terms and conditions of this Agreement confidential, and 
     permit disclosure thereof only as required by law, or to such of its 
     respective employees, agents, accountants and attorneys to whom such 
     disclosure is required in order for such party to implement the 

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     terms hereof or comply with reporting or audit requirements, provided that
     such persons are bound by written confidentiality agreements.

12.5 ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement (including all exhibits or schedules
     appended to this Agreement, all of which are hereby incorporated herein by
     reference) constitutes the entire agreement between the parties, and all
     promises, representations, understandings, warranties and agreements with
     reference to the subject matter hereof and inducements to the making of
     this Agreement relied upon by any party hereto, have been expressed herein
     or in the documents incorporated herein by reference. Each of the following
     are hereby terminated: (i) that certain letter agreement between the Buyer
     and Texcel Sweden dated March 15, 1999, except that Sections 1(a) and 8(b)
     thereof shall survive, and (ii) that certain letter agreement between the
     Buyer and Texcel US dated March 15, 1999, except that Section 1(a) thereof
     shall survive.

12.6 SEVERABILITY. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this
     Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other
     provision hereof. In the event that Texcel Sweden's shareholders have not
     voted to approve this Agreement and the transactions contemplated herein on
     or before April 20, 1999, then (without limiting its rights and remedies at
     law or in equity) at Buyer's sole option by notice in writing to Texcel
     Sweden: (A) such portion(s) of this Agreement (or any Collateral Agreement
     or any other document, instrument or agreement executed by any of the
     Sellers in connection herewith) which have been duly authorized on behalf
     of Texcel Sweden or by the applicable Seller shall remain in full force and
     effect in accordance with its terms and may be enforced by Buyer, including
     the Distribution Agreement between Texcel Sweden and Buyer of even date
     herewith, or (B) all provisions hereof or of a Collateral Agreement or any
     other document, instrument or agreement executed by, or requiring
     performance by, Texcel Sweden shall be declared void and of no further
     force or effect, in which event (i) any or all consideration payable by
     Buyer hereunder to Texcel Sweden shall be immediately refunded to Buyer;
     (ii) the Note shall be accelerated and due; (iii) the Warrant shall be
     cancelled; (iv) the Buyer may foreclose on all property pledged under the
     Pledge Agreement; and (v) the Buyer may continue to employ any personnel
     who had previously been employed by any Seller.

12.7 ASSIGNABILITY. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding
     upon the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns.

12.8 AMENDMENT. This Agreement may be amended only by a written agreement
     executed by the Buyer and the Seller.

12.9 COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each
     of which shall be deemed in original but all of which together shall
     constitute one and the same instrument.

12.10 EFFECT OF TABLE OF CONTENTS AND HEADING. The table of contents and the
     titles of article and section headings herein contained has been provided
     for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the meaning of
     construction of any of the provisions hereof.

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12.11 PRONOUNS. The use of a particular pronoun herein shall not be restrictive
     as to gender or number but shall be interpreted in all cases as the context
     may require.

12.12 TIME PERIODS. Any action required hereunder to be taken within a certain
     number of days shall be taken within that number of calendar days;
     provided, however, that if the last day for taking action falls on a
     weekend or a holiday, the period during which such action may be taken
     shall be automatically extended to the next business day.

12.13 NO STRICT CONSTRUCTION. The language used in this Agreement will be deemed
     to be the language chosen by the parties hereto to express their mutual
     intent, and no rule of strict construction will be applied against either

12.14 GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement and the Collateral Agreements shall be
     governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth
     of Massachusetts, United States of America (other than the choice of law
     principles thereof).

12.15 CONSENT TO EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION. Any disputes hereunder shall be
     resolved by binding arbitration in Boston, Massachusetts under the rules of
     the American Arbitration Association. Subject to the preceding sentence,
     the parties hereto agree that all actions or proceedings arising in
     connection with this Agreement, the agreements referred to herein and the
     transactions contemplated hereby shall be tried and litigated solely in the
     state or federal courts located in Suffolk or Middlesex County,

12.16 ACTIONS BY THE SELLERS. Each of the Sellers hereby represents, warrants
     and covenants that Texcel Sweden is authorized to accept all notices given
     to them by the Buyer, and that any notice, communication, determination,
     decision or other action taken by Texcel Sweden under this Agreement shall
     be binding as to all Sellers. Buyer shall be entitled to rely on any
     notice, communication, determination, decision or other action taken by
     Texcel Sweden as binding on all Sellers.

12.17 BUYER AND BUYER'S AFFILIATES. Buyer may at its option make payment of the
     Cash Amounts, or fund the Loan, through any of its designated Affiliates,
     in which case such obligation(s) of the Buyer shall be satisfied. Buyer may
     at its option take title to a portion of the Purchased Assets, through any
     of its designated Affiliates other than as indicated on SCHEDULE 1.1.


"Affiliate" means a company which controls, is controlled by, or is under common
control with a party to this Agreement, where "control" is defined as the direct
or indirect ownership of more 

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ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT                                                 Page 33

                                                          INTERLEAF CONFIDENTIAL

than 50% of such company's capital stock, or the right to elect a majority of
such company's directors. Each of the Sellers is an Affiliate of each other

"Assumed Contract" means a contract between a Seller and a third party which is
specifically identified by the Buyer, and as to which the Buyer after the
Closing executes a written undertaking to assume such contract (and which, if
required under the terms of the contract, as been consented to in writing by
such third party).

"Average Daily Volume" means the average of the daily trading volume of the
Stock on the Nasdaq National Market for the 20 trading days preceding the day in
question, divided by two to adjust for Nasdaq reporting of both sides of a

"Base Balance Sheet" has the meaning specified in Section 6.7.

"Base Balance Sheet Date" means December 31, 1998.

"Closing" means the closing of the purchase and sale provided for in this

"Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

"Court Order" means any court order, judgment, administrative or judicial order,
writ, decree, stipulation, arbitration award or injunction.

"Earnout Period" means the 12 month period commencing six weeks after the

"Encumbrance" means any lien, option (including right of first refusal or first
offer), encumbrance, restriction, mortgage, pledge, security interest, claim or
charge of any kind or character.

"Fair Value" means the volume-weighted average of the closing sale price of the
Stock on the Nasdaq National Market for the 20 trading days prior to the date of

"Government Authority" means any governmental authority, whether foreign,
federal, state, local or other political subdivision or agency of any of the

"Government Authorizations" means any license, permit, order, concession, grant,
authorization, consent or approval.

"Gross Revenue" means revenue recognized by Buyer in accordance with U.S. GAAP
during the Earnout Period from (i) Product sales, (ii) consulting and training
services provided with respect to implementation of the Product, and (iii)
Product maintenance and support. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the
definition of Earnout Period, Gross Revenue will also include amounts collected
by Buyer from and after March 15, 1999 through the end of the Earnout Period as
otherwise defined herein, in respect of CSC account receivable described in
Section 1.1(d) above.

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"Intellectual Property" means (i) all patents, patent applications, trade marks
(whether registered or unregistered) or service marks, trade mark or service
mark applications, trade names and copyrights (collectively, "Statutory
Intellectual Property"), (ii) all Trade Secrets, and (iii) all industrial or
intellectual property rights of every kind and description related to the

"Laws" means all applicable statutes, laws, ordinances, rules and regulations.

"Priority Claims" means (a) all claims entitled to priority under Section 507 
of the Bankruptcy Code (11 U.S.C. sections 101 ET SEQ.), or the insolvency 
laws of any other applicable jurisdiction; (b) all claims for wages, 
salaries, benefits or compensation payable to or for the benefit of employees 
(including payroll and payroll-related taxes) under the laws of any 
applicable jurisdiction, including claims for severance or otherwise payable 
in connection with termination of employment; and (c) all claims which under 
the laws of any applicable jurisdiction are secured by liens or priority 
rights in or to the assets of any person obligated with respect thereto, or 
which impose personal liability not only on the principal obligor, but other 
parties deemed, by operation of law, to be responsible, including the 
officers, directors or owner of the principal obligor.

"Product" means the software programs which perform the functions more
particularly described on SCHEDULE 1.1, and includes all prior and future
versions thereof, all work in progress, all derivatives, portions, adaptations,
extracts, copies, documentation, manuals, programmers' note, architecture, data
models, logic models, and all Intellectual Property embodied, contained reduced
to practice, expressed, displayed, used or exploited therein or through the use

"SEC" means the Securities and Exchange Commission.

"Securities Act" means the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

"Stock" means the Buyer's Common Stock, $ .01 par value.

"Taxes" means all applicable taxes, including without limitation, income,
profit, franchise, sales, use, real property, personal property, ad valorem,
excise, employment, social security and wage withholding taxes, severance,
stamp, occupation, and windfall taxes, of every kind, character or description
imposed by any governmental or quasi-governmental authority (domestic or
foreign), and any interest or fines, and any and all penalties or additions
relating to such taxes, charges, fees, levies or assessments.

"Tax Returns" means all Federal, state, local, and foreign, government income,
excise, gross receipts and franchise tax returns, real estate and personal
property tax returns, sales and use tax returns, employee tax and contribution
returns and all other tax returns, reports and declarations, including valid
extensions therefor, or estimated taxes required to be filed by it, with respect
to all Taxes.

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                                                          INTERLEAF CONFIDENTIAL

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed
in multiple counterparts as of the date set forth above by their duly authorized

                                     TEXCEL INTERNATIONAL AB


                                     TEXCEL RESEARCH, INC.


                                     INTERLEAF CONFIDENTIAL

                                     TEXCEL (UK) LIMITED


                                     INTERLEAF, INC.

                                        Name: Jaime W. Ellertson
                                        Title:  President

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                                                          INTERLEAF CONFIDENTIAL

                            GUARANTY OF TEXCEL SWEDEN

By executing where provided below, Texcel International AB hereby (i)
acknowledges the terms and conditions of this Agreement, consents to the
transactions contemplated hereby and agrees to take such actions and to execute
such documents, agreements and instruments as may be reasonably requested by the
Buyer in order to consummate such transactions which are required to be
performed by it or by any of its Affiliates, (ii) confirms and warrants the
accuracy and completeness of each of the Seller's representations and warranties
contain in this Agreement, and (iii) guaranties the full and timely payment and
performance of the Sellers' obligations under Section 11 of this Agreement.



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ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT                                                 Page 37

                                                          INTERLEAF CONFIDENTIAL

                            ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT

                         LIST OF EXHIBITS AND SCHEDULES

- --------

Exhibit A                    Form of Warrant

Exhibit B                    Form of Secured Term Note

Exhibit C                    Form of Stock Pledge Agreement

- ---------

Schedule 1.1                 Purchased Assets

Schedule 1.2                 Assumed Contracts

Schedule 2.6                 Allocation of Purchase Price

Schedule 6.7                 Financial Statements

Schedule 6.8                 Tax Matters

Schedule 6.10                Undisclosed Liabilities

Schedule 6.12                Title to Purchased Assets

Schedule 6.13                Intellectual Property Rights

Schedule 6.14                Material Contracts

Schedule 6.15                Litigation

Schedule 6.18                Employee Matters