TERMINATION AGREEMENT

       This Termination Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into between 
Yahoo! Inc., a California corporation ("Yahoo"), and Rogers Media Inc. 
(formerly known as Rogers Multi-Media Inc.), a corporation organized under 
the laws of British Columbia ("Rogers"), effective as of the 6th day of 
January 1999.


       A.     Yahoo and Rogers entered into that certain Yahoo Canada 
Affiliation Agreement, dated February 29, 1996 (the "Affiliation Agreement"), 
pursuant to which, among other things, Yahoo licensed certain intellectual 
property and development rights to Rogers with respect to the Yahoo Internet 
Directory and associated Internet services that have been customized and 
localized specifically for the Canadian market and which are currently 
offered through the Yahoo! Canada website ("Yahoo Canada").

       B.     In December 1998, pursuant to the terms of the Affiliation 
Agreement, each of Yahoo and Rogers formally initiated a dispute resolution 
process in order to resolve differences arising under the Affiliation 

       C.     On January 6, 1999, Yahoo and Rogers each executed and 
delivered a letter agreement (the "Letter Agreement") pursuant to which the 
parties agreed to terminate the Affiliation Agreement and to release each 
other from all claims arising out of or relating to the Affiliation Agreement.

       D.     Pursuant to the terms of the Letter Agreement, Yahoo and Rogers 
agreed to enter into this Agreement, which is intended to supersede the 
Letter Agreement in its entirety.


       NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals and the 
mutual covenants contained herein, the parties agree to the following terms 
and conditions.

       1.     TERMINATION OF AFFILIATION AGREEMENT.  Subject to Section 13 
below, Yahoo and Rogers agree that the Affiliation Agreement shall terminate 
in its entirety on the Termination Date (as defined below).  In connection 
therewith, all licenses and other rights and obligations granted under the 
Affiliation Agreement shall terminate effective as of the Termination Date. 
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Affiliation Agreement, no 
provisions thereof shall survive its termination.  After the Termination 
Date, any and all rights and obligations of Yahoo and Rogers shall be 
governed exclusively by this Agreement and the exhibits attached hereto and 
such other documents contemplated hereby.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, 
Sections 2.7, 2.9 and 2.11 only of the Affiliation Agreement shall terminate 
as of February 15, 1999 and neither Yahoo nor Rogers shall be bound by or 
have any obligations thereunder as of such date.

       2.     CONSIDERATION.

              2.1    PAYMENT BY YAHOO.  As consideration for entering into 
this Agreement, and such other covenants and agreements set forth herein, on 
the Termination Date, Yahoo, or its affiliates, shall deliver to Rogers 
payments in the aggregate amount of Eighteen Million United States Dollars 
(US$18,000,000) (the "Termination Fee") inclusive of any and all sales, use, 
consumption, value-added, goods and services or other taxes incurred as a 
result of this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby.  The 
Termination Fee shall be paid without interest in two installments, each of 
which shall be equal to 50% of the Termination Fee as follows:

                     (a)    the first installment shall be paid on the 
Termination Date by wire transfer to an account designated by Rogers in the 
amount of Nine Million United States Dollars (US $9,000,000); and

                     (b)    the second installment shall be paid in the form 
of an unsecured promissory note, bearing interest in accordance with its 
terms, substantially in the form attached hereto as EXHIBIT A (the 
"Promissory Note"), payable in full on April 1, 1999 to Rogers in the amount 
of Nine Million United States Dollars (US $9,000,000).

              2.2    PAYMENTS BY ROGERS.  Rogers shall deliver to Yahoo by 
wire transfer to an account designated by Yahoo an aggregate amount equal to 
accrued but unpaid royalties due and payable to Yahoo by Rogers under the 
Affiliation Agreement as of the Termination Date in two installments to be 
paid as follows:

                     (a)    on the Termination Date, an amount equal to the 
accrued but unpaid royalties as of January 31, 1999; and

                     (b)    seven (7) days after the Termination Date, an 
amount equal to the accrued but unpaid royalties for the period of February 
1, 1999 to the Termination Date.

The royalties payable by Rogers to Yahoo pursuant to the Affiliation 
Agreement shall be reduced after February 15, 1999 (as such may be prorated) 
by the "net loss", if any, incurred by Rogers with respect to the maintenance 
and operation of Yahoo Canada from February 15, 1999 until the Termination 
Date in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practices.  The 
determination of "net loss" in regard to the maintenance and operation of 
Yahoo Canada shall be determined in accordance with Generally Accepted 
Accounting Principles as set forth by the Canadian Institute of Chartered 
Accountants from time to time. Only those payments, expenses, charges and 
other liabilities or accruals directly allocable to the maintenance and 
operation of Yahoo Canada by Rogers shall be utilized in determining the "net 
loss" of Yahoo Canada.  In addition, interest charges for the financing of 
Rogers shall not be included in "net loss" other than interest directly 
allocable for the maintenance and operation of Yahoo Canada.  Notwithstanding 
the foregoing, the parties agree that in no event shall Yahoo be responsible 
for any "net losses" incurred by Rogers in connection with the operation of 
Yahoo Canada that


exceed the royalties payable by Rogers to Yahoo pursuant to the Affiliation 
Agreement for the period from February 15, 1999 to the Termination Date.

              2.3    ACCOUNTING.  Together with the royalty payment payable 
by Rogers pursuant to Section 2.2 above, Rogers shall provide Yahoo with a 
complete and accurate accounting of the royalties payable by Rogers.  

              2.4    TAXES.  Except as otherwise provided in Section 2.5 of 
the Affiliation Agreement in regard to the payment set forth in Section 2.2 
above, Rogers shall be solely responsible for the payment of any and all 
sales, use, consumption, value-added, goods and services or other taxes 
incurred as a result of this Agreement and the transactions contemplated 
hereby, and Rogers shall be solely responsible for the due and punctual 
payment and remittance of all such taxes to all applicable governmental 
authorities in Canada.  In the event Yahoo is required by law to pay any 
interest or penalties in connection with the payment of taxes pursuant to the 
Affiliation Agreement as a result of actions or inactions on the part of 
Rogers,  Rogers agrees to reimburse Yahoo for all such amounts paid and costs 
and expenses incurred by Yahoo in connection therewith, provided that Yahoo 
gives Rogers reasonable notice of such interest, penalties, costs and 
expenses prior to the payment thereof.

       3.     TERMINATION DATE.  The "Termination Date" shall be March 1, 

       4.     MUTUAL RELEASE.  Subject to Section 13 and as of the 
Termination Date, the parties each fully release and discharge the other, and 
their respective officers, directors, employees, representatives and agents, 
and any affiliated corporations or companies from any and all potential and 
outstanding legal claims, actions, suits, duties, obligations, contracts, 
debts, demands, or causes of action whatsoever ("Claims"), whether known or 
unknown, whether in law or in equity, and whether past, future or present, 
arising out of, based upon, or relating to the Affiliation Agreement or any 
settlement or termination thereof, except for any Claims arising out of this 

       5.     CONTRACTS RELATING TO YAHOO CANADA.  Rogers and Yahoo 
acknowledge and agree that the termination of the Affiliation Agreement, the 
return of certain assets and the assignment of certain contracts by Rogers to 
Yahoo is not an acquisition of a business, and except for the contractual 
obligations set forth on EXHIBIT B attached hereto (the "Assigned Contracts") 
or as otherwise expressly provided herein, Yahoo shall not assume or perform, 
and shall not be responsible for performing or satisfying, any of the duties, 
liabilities, obligations or agreements of Rogers, whether or not arising out 
of or relating to the Affiliation Agreement, including, but not limited to, 
any liabilities or other obligations arising in connection with the 
employment of Rogers' employees or the termination thereof, taxes, 
indebtedness, royalty payments, claims or legal proceedings and contractual 
obligations arising on or before the Termination Date.  As of the Termination 
Date, Rogers assigns and transfers to Yahoo, and Yahoo assumes, all of the 
rights and obligations under the Assigned Contracts.  

       6.     RETURN OF ASSETS.  As of the Termination Date, Rogers shall 
return or cause to be returned to Yahoo all of the assets set forth on 
EXHIBIT C attached hereto (the "Returned Assets").


To the extent Rogers has any interests in such Returned Assets at the 
Termination Date, Rogers transfers and assigns to Yahoo, as of the 
Termination Date, all of its right, title and interest in and to the Returned 
Assets free and clear of any and all liens, claims, equities and encumbrances 
of any nature.  In the event that the URL "" is not able to be 
transferred to Yahoo or its affiliate or designee on or prior to the 
Termination Date, Rogers shall license exclusively to Yahoo all rights to use 
the URL "" for the period after the Termination Date up to and 
including December 31, 1999 in exchange for a royalty of One United States 
Dollar (US $1).  If not assigned on or prior to the Termination Date, the URL 
"" shall be assigned by Rogers to Yahoo or its affiliate or 
designee in consideration of One United States Dollar (US $1) on December 31, 
1999 or such earlier date as requested in writing by Yahoo.


              7.1    REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF ROGERS.  Rogers hereby 
represents and warrants as of the date hereof and as of the Termination Date 
as follows:

                     (a)    AUTHORITY.  Rogers has the requisite corporate 
power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement.  This Agreement, 
and the consummation by Rogers of its obligations contained herein, have been 
duly authorized by all necessary corporate action of Rogers and the Agreement 
has been duly executed and delivered by Rogers.  

                     (b)    BINDING EFFECT.  This Agreement is a valid and 
binding agreement of Rogers, and is enforceable against Rogers in accordance 
with its terms, except as enforceability may be limited by bankruptcy, 
insolvency, moratorium or other similar laws affecting creditors' rights 
generally, and general principles of equity.

                     (c)    RETURNED ASSETS.  To the extent that Rogers has 
any interest in the Returned Assets, Rogers has the right, power and 
authority to transfer the Returned Assets, and the Returned Assets shall be 
transferred to Yahoo, free and clear of all liens, claims, equities and 
encumbrances of any type or nature, other than the interests of Yahoo in the 
Returned Assets. 

                     (d)    CONTRACTS AND COMMITMENTS.  Except for the 
Assigned Contracts set forth on EXHIBIT B, neither Rogers nor any of its 
affiliates, is a party to any contracts, agreements, licenses or commitments 
which relate to Yahoo Canada, which could prevent or hinder consummation of 
the transactions contemplated hereby or which could affect Yahoo's title to 
the Returned Assets or the Assigned Contracts or to Rogers' knowledge after 
reasonable inquiry, materially affect Yahoo's ability to operate Yahoo 
Canada.  Rogers has provided Yahoo with true and correct copies of all of the 
Assigned Contracts.  Each of the Assigned Contracts is a valid and binding 
obligation of Rogers and is enforceable in accordance with its terms, except 
as enforceability may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, moratorium or 
other similar laws affecting creditors' rights generally, and general 
principles of equity.  Rogers is not, and is not aware that any other party 
to any of the Assigned Contracts is, in breach of the Assigned Contracts, and 
Rogers is not aware of any facts or circumstances that have occurred which, 
through the passage of time or the giving of notice, would result in a breach 
thereof.  Except for the Assigned Contracts, Rogers does not have any debts, 
obligations, liabilities or commitments 


of any nature relating to Yahoo Canada which may result in any claim against, 
or an obligation of, Yahoo.

                     (e)    EMPLOYEES.  None of the employees of Rogers who 
provide services for Yahoo Canada is a party to a collective bargaining 
agreement, a written employment agreement or an oral agreement which would be 
binding on Yahoo, with Rogers, or an affiliate of Rogers.  To the best of 
Rogers' knowledge, no such employee is in violation of any term of any 
proprietary information or nondisclosure agreement, non-competition agreement 
or any other agreement affecting the relationship between such employee and 
Rogers. Rogers has no collective bargaining agreement with any of its 
employees and to the best of Rogers' knowledge, there is no labor union 
organizing activity pending or threatened, in either case with respect to 
Rogers' employees who are employed in connection with Yahoo Canada. 

                     (f)    LITIGATION.  There is no action, suit, proceeding 
or investigation before any court or before or by any governmental 
department, agency or authority or before any arbitrator, except for the 
disputes between the parties hereto under the Affiliation Agreement, of any 
kind, that is pending or, to the best of Rogers' knowledge, threatened 
against Rogers relating to Yahoo Canada or which seeks to stay or enjoin the 
transactions contemplated by this Agreement or materially impair the 
operations of Yahoo Canada.

                     (g)    CONSENTS.  Rogers has not contravened or 
breached, and Rogers' consummation of, and performance of the obligations 
under, this Agreement will not cause any contravention or breach of, any 
laws, regulations, approvals, consents, orders, authorizations, registrations 
or filings with any governmental agency or third party in any manner or to 
any extent, that would interfere with, prevent or limit Rogers' performance 
of its obligations under this Agreement or which could have material adverse 
effect on the operations of Yahoo Canada.

              7.2    REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF YAHOO.  Yahoo hereby 
represents and warrants as of the date hereof and as of the Termination Date 
as follows:

                     (a)    AUTHORITY.  Yahoo has the requisite corporate 
power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement.  This Agreement, 
and the consummation by Yahoo of its obligations contained herein, have been 
duly authorized by all necessary corporate action of Yahoo and the Agreement 
has been duly executed and delivered by Yahoo.  

                     (b)    BINDING EFFECT.  Each of this Agreement and the 
Promissory Note, when executed and delivered, shall be a valid and binding 
agreement of Yahoo, and is enforceable against Yahoo in accordance with its 
terms, except as enforceability may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, 
moratorium or other similar laws affecting creditors' rights generally, and 
general principles of equity.

                     (c)    LITIGATION.  There is no action, suit, proceeding 
or investigation before any court or before or by any governmental 
department, agency or authority or before any arbitrator, except for the 
disputes between the parties hereto under the Affiliation Agreement and 
applications with respect to Regulatory Consents (as defined in Section 9.4), 
of any kind, that is 


pending or, to the best of Yahoo's knowledge, threatened against Yahoo 
relating to Yahoo Canada or which seeks to stay or enjoin the transactions 
contemplated by this Agreement. 

                     (d)    CONSENTS.  All approvals, consents, orders, 
authorizations, registrations and filings with any governmental authority or 
third party required on the part of Yahoo in connection with the valid 
execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and the transactions 
contemplated hereby have been obtained, or will be effective, as of the 
Termination Date.


              8.1    SERVICES BY ROGERS.   During the period of time 
commencing with the Termination Date and ending on the dates set out in 
Exhibit D or in any event not later than May 31, 1999, for no additional 
consideration, Rogers shall supply the services to Yahoo set out in EXHIBIT 

              8.2    SERVICES BY YAHOO.  During the period of time commencing 
with the Termination Date and ending on the dates set out in Exhibit D or in 
any event not later than May 31, 1999, for no additional consideration, Yahoo 
shall perform the obligations set out in EXHIBIT D. 

              8.3    COMPANY REPRESENTATIVES.  In order to facilitate the 
provision of services contemplated by Section 8, Yahoo and Rogers hereby 
appoint Maury Zeff, and Mike Abramsky, or in his absence Brian Segal, as 
their respective representatives for this purpose.  Each of Yahoo and Rogers 
shall cause such representatives to be available upon reasonable notice to 
assist in the provision of such Services.  All requests for information or 
services shall be directed to the representative(s) of the party identified 


              9.1    ACCESS TO INFORMATION; AUDITS.  From and after the date 
hereof and for a period of six (6) months after the Termination Date, Rogers 
agrees to permit access to, and shall make available to Yahoo's 
representatives, the properties, books and records and such other 
documentation of Rogers relating to the operations of Yahoo Canada as may be 
reasonably requested by Yahoo to facilitate the transactions contemplated by 
this Agreement.  For a period of six (6) months following the Termination 
Date, Yahoo shall have the right, upon five (5) business days notice and at 
its own expense, to audit during regular business hours the books and records 
of Rogers that are relevant to the royalty payment pursuant to Section 2.2 of 
this Agreement.  


              9.2    FURTHER ASSURANCES.  Each of the parties hereto shall 
use all reasonable efforts to take, or cause to be taken, all actions, and to 
do, or cause to be done, all other things reasonably necessary, proper or 
advisable to consummate as promptly as practicable the transactions 
contemplated by this Agreement.  Without limiting the generality of the 
foregoing, each of the parties shall use good faith efforts to provide the 
services set forth in Section 8, subject to the limitations set forth in 
Section 16.4.

              9.3    REGULATORY MATTERS.  Rogers and Yahoo shall each use 
commercially reasonable efforts to obtain and assist the other party to 
obtain promptly all U.S. and Canadian regulatory and governmental approvals, 
consents, authorizations and filings which such other party deems advisable, 
upon the advice of legal counsel, and of which such party provided written 
notice prior to the Termination Date ("Regulatory Consents"). 

              9.4    NOTICE OF CLAIMS.  In the event that Rogers receives or 
is provided notice of any claim or threatened suit, action or proceeding 
prior to the Termination Date that it reasonably believes is likely to rise 
to the level of any suit, action or proceeding described in Section 13.1(d), 
Rogers shall provide notice of same to Yahoo as soon as practicable.

              9.5    CONFIDENTIALITY OBLIGATIONS.  Neither party shall induce 
or encourage any former employee of the other party to disclose any 
Confidential Information of the other party, breach any duties or obligations 
owed to the other party, or breach any non-disclosure, confidentiality or 
employment agreement of such former employee with the other party. 

       10.    ROGERS' EMPLOYEES.  Rogers acknowledges that Yahoo shall not 
have, and is not under, any obligation to employ any of the Rogers' employees 
who provide services that relate to Yahoo Canada.  Without limiting the 
generality of the foregoing, Rogers agrees that Yahoo shall not be 
responsible for performing or satisfying any of the liabilities or 
obligations of Rogers relating to any employees of Rogers, including, but not 
limited to, employee benefits, severance or termination payments, arising on 
or prior to the Termination Date.  Rogers further acknowledges, however, that 
Yahoo may desire, but is not obligated, to employ a limited number of key 
employees of Rogers' dedicated to Yahoo Canada and listed in EXHIBIT E, and 
Rogers agrees not to interfere with the employment by Yahoo of such employees 
listed on EXHIBIT E. Rogers agrees to provide Yahoo with all information 
relating to the compensation and benefits of the employees listed on EXHIBIT 
E, including, without limitation, all termination, severance, holiday, 
vacation, pregnancy and parental leave benefits and accruals related thereto, 
except to the extent that providing such information would violate 
confidentiality obligations of Rogers. For greater certainty, nothing in this 
Agreement shall preclude Rogers from dealing with its employees listed in 
EXHIBIT E in the normal course, including offering raises and bonuses in the 
ordinary course of business consistent with past practices.  Nothing in this 
Agreement shall preclude Rogers from attempting to retain any of its 
employees not listed in EXHIBIT E.  All liabilities or obligations relating 
to any employees of Yahoo who are former employees of Rogers arising after 
such employee terminates his or her employment with Rogers shall be the 
responsibility of Yahoo.  All liabilities or obligations relating to any 
employees of Rogers not employed by Yahoo after the Termination Date shall 
remain the responsibility of Rogers.


       11.    CONFIDENTIALITY.

              11.1   CONFIDENTIALITY COVENANT.  All information concerning 
each party to this Agreement, whether disclosed prior to or after the date 
hereof, including, without limitation, all commercial, financial, sales, 
marketing, technological, customer and software information, is deemed to be 
proprietary and confidential information of the disclosing party 
("Confidential Information").  Each party agrees not to disclose or use, 
other than as required to perform its obligations under this Agreement, the 
other party's Confidential Information in any manner whatsoever without the 
prior written consent of the disclosing party.  Each of the parties hereto 
shall cause its officers, directors, employees, representatives and agents 
("Representatives") to observe the terms of this Section 11 and will be 
responsible for any breach of this Section 11 by any of its Representatives.  
Confidential Information does not include information that (a) is or becomes 
publicly available other than by disclosure by the receiving party, (b) is or 
becomes available to the receiving party from a source that is not prohibited 
from disclosing such information, (c) is or was known to the receiving party 
prior to receipt of such information by the disclosing party, as evidenced by 
prior written records of the receiving party, or (d) is required to be 
disclosed, on the advice of legal counsel, by law, regulation or legal 
process; provided, where not precluded by law, regulation or legal process, 
the receiving party provides the disclosing party with reasonable notice of 
such obligation to allow the disclosing party sufficient time to object.  
Except for that Confidential Information that the receiving party is required 
to maintain by law or regulation, such as accounting records, invoices and 
sales reports, as soon as practicable after the Termination Date, the 
recipient of any Confidential Information of the other party hereto shall (a) 
promptly destroy such Confidential Information in its possession or (b) 
promptly deliver to the disclosing party such Confidential Information, at 
the option of the disclosing party.  In the event of any conflict between 
this Section 11 and the Affiliation Agreement with respect to obligations of 
confidentiality prior to the Termination Date, this Section 11 shall prevail.

              11.2   CERTAIN ROGERS INFORMATION INCLUDED.    The parties 
agree, confirm and acknowledge that, except as provided in this Section 11.2, 
all Rogers' customers, subscribers, advertisers and all Canadian market 
information, and all information concerning such customers, subscribers, 
advertisers and the Canadian market (including without limitation their 
identity and the identity of the Yahoo System in their possession, as defined 
in the Affiliation Agreement), shall be (and is hereby deemed to be) the sole 
and exclusive property, and confidential information, of Rogers, and shall be 
included in the definition of Rogers' "Confidential Information" set out in 
Section 11.1 hereof.  Rogers hereby grants Yahoo an unrestricted, perpetual 
and royalty-free right to use all information provided to Yahoo by Rogers 
pursuant to this Agreement for its internal commercial purposes. 

       12.    YAHOO INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY.  Yahoo retains all rights, title 
and interest in and to its trade secrets, trademarks, know-how, copyrights, 
patents, trade dress and other proprietary rights ("Yahoo Intellectual 
Property") that were licensed to Rogers under the Affiliation Agreement or 
otherwise a subject of the Affiliation Agreement and nothing contained in the 
Affiliation Agreement, this Agreement or otherwise shall be deemed to grant 
Rogers any interest therein.  Without limiting the generality of the 
foregoing, after the date hereof, Rogers shall have 


no right to use any of the Yahoo Intellectual Property in any manner 
whatsoever, except as mutually agreed for purposes of providing services 
under Section 8.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Yahoo acknowledges that 
nothing in this Agreement shall preclude Rogers from retaining and using all 
industry and trade knowledge, know-how and intellectual property of general 
application which was not acquired or developed by Rogers for the primary 
purpose of, and primarily in connection with Yahoo Canada or such 
intellectual property rights, developed by or on behalf of Rogers as Rogers 
Yahoo Canada Intellectual Property (as defined in the Affiliation Agreement), 
that are listed on EXHIBIT F attached hereto.


obligations of Yahoo to consummate the transactions contemplated under this 
Agreement shall be subject to the satisfaction or waiver of the following 
conditions prior to or as of the Termination Date:

                     (a)    UNDISCLOSED LIABILITIES.  There shall be no 
liability of Rogers, contingent or otherwise, other than the Assigned 
Contracts, which would become material obligations of Yahoo as a result of 
the transactions contemplated hereby.

                     (b)    CONSENTS.  All material consents or 
authorizations required pursuant to the Assigned Contracts shall have been 

                     (c)    LITIGATION.  There shall not be any injunction, 
court order or order of an administrative tribunal (A) staying or enjoining 
the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, including, without 
limitation, Yahoo's ownership rights relating to Yahoo Canada or the Returned 
Assets or (B) otherwise materially impairing the operations of Yahoo Canada.

                     (d)    URL.  Rogers shall have caused Yahoo 
Communications, Inc. to convey, or if unable to do so as contemplated in 
Section 6 hereof, to license, the URL "" to Yahoo, or an affiliate or 
designee of Yahoo, and to change its corporate name such that there is no 
reference to the name Yahoo or any confusingly similar variant.

                     (e)    ROYALTY PAYMENTS.  Yahoo shall have received the 
first of the royalty payments set forth in Section 2.2 of this Agreement.

obligations of Rogers to consummate the transactions contemplated under this 
Agreement shall be subject to the satisfaction or waiver of the following 
conditions prior to or as of the Termination Date:

                     (a)    LITIGATION.  There shall not be any injunction, 
court order or order of an administrative tribunal staying or enjoining the 
transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

                     (b)    PAYMENTS BY YAHOO.  Rogers shall have received 
the first installment of the Termination Fee and the Promissory Note, or 
payment in lieu thereof, in the 


amount of the second installment of the Termination Fee.

       14.    TERMINATION.  This Agreement shall terminate upon the earliest 
of (a) at the option of Rogers, the failure to satisfy any of the conditions 
set forth in Section 13.2 hereof as of the Termination Date, or (b) at the 
option of Yahoo, the failure to satisfy any of the conditions set forth in 
Section 13.1 hereof as of the Termination Date.  Upon termination of this 
Agreement for any reason (i) Yahoo and Rogers shall each continue to be bound 
by the terms of the Affiliation Agreement, and each party shall perform its 
respective obligations thereunder, as such obligations existed immediately 
prior to the execution of the Letter Agreement; and (ii) either party may 
proceed with the dispute resolution process requirements of the Affiliation 
Agreement with respect to the Disputes (as defined in Section 15 below).

       15.    DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROCESS.  Yahoo and Rogers agree that the 
dispute resolution process requirements of the Affiliation Agreement with 
respect to the disputes (the "Disputes") set forth in Rogers' letter of 
December 8, 1998 and Yahoo's letter of December 9, 1998 are suspended and 
that neither party shall take any additional steps or proceedings to 
prosecute such Disputes, or to otherwise pursue the Disputes under the 
provisions of the Affiliation Agreement, during the term of this Agreement.  
In the event of a termination of this Agreement for any reason, either party 
may proceed with the dispute resolution process set forth in the Affiliation 
Agreement regarding the Disputes.  Upon consummation of the transactions 
contemplated by this Agreement, the arbitration proceedings initiated under 
the Affiliation Agreement with respect to the Disputes shall irrevocably 

       16.    LIABILITY

              16.1   INDEMNIFICATION BY ROGERS.  Rogers shall indemnify and 
hold harmless Yahoo against any and all losses, liabilities, claims and 
expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs ("Losses"), 
sustained by Yahoo resulting from, arising out of, or in connection with (i) 
any material inaccuracy in, breach of, or non-fulfillment of any 
representation, warranty, covenant or other obligation of Rogers contained in 
this Agreement, (ii) any liability or obligation of Rogers not specifically 
assumed by Yahoo or (iii) any claim by a third party or governmental or 
regulatory authority relating to the period prior to the Termination Date and 
in respect of which Rogers would have been required to indemnify Yahoo under 
subsection 5.2(2) of the Affiliation Agreement if that Agreement were not 
terminated; provided that the indemnification procedures and any remedies to 
enforce such obligations shall be governed solely by this Agreement.

              16.2   INDEMNIFICATION BY YAHOO.  Yahoo shall indemnify and 
hold harmless Rogers against any and all Losses sustained by Rogers resulting 
from, arising out of, or in connection with (i) any material inaccuracy in, 
breach of, or non-fulfilment of any representation, warranty, covenant or 
agreement made by or other obligation of Yahoo contained in this Agreement 
and/or the Promissory Note, (ii) Yahoo's failure to satisfy or otherwise 
discharge any obligations under the Assigned Contracts after the Termination 
Date, (iii) any claim by a third party or governmental or regulatory 
authority relating to Yahoo's operation of Yahoo Canada  after the 
Termination Date, (iv) any claim by a third party or 


governmental or regulatory authority relating to the period prior to the 
Termination Date and in respect of which Yahoo would have been required to 
indemnify Rogers under subsection 5.2(1) of the Affiliation Agreement if that 
Agreement were not terminated, provided that the indemnification procedures 
and any remedies to enforce such obligations shall be governed solely by this 
Agreement, and (v) any actual or threatened claim that the performance by 
Rogers of its obligations under this Agreement after the Termination Date, 
infringes, breaches, or harms in any manner or to any extent the Intellectual 
Property Rights (as that term is defined in the Affiliation Agreement) of any 
other person, provided Rogers acts in a commercially reasonable manner.

              16.3   PROCEDURES.  In the event any third party asserts any 
claim with respect to any matter as to which the indemnities in this 
Agreement relate, the party against whom the claim is asserted (the 
"Indemnified Party") shall give prompt notice to the other party (the 
"Indemnifying Party"), and the Indemnifying Party shall have the right at its 
election to take over the defense or settlement of the third party claim at 
its own expense by giving prompt notice to the Indemnified Party.  If the 
Indemnifying Party does not give such notice and does not proceed diligently 
so to defend the third party claim within 30 days after receipt of the notice 
of the third party claim, the Indemnifying Party shall be bound by any 
defense or settlement that the Indemnified Party may make as to those claims 
and shall reimburse the Indemnified Party for its Losses and expenses related 
to the defense or settlement of the third party claim.  The parties shall 
cooperate in defending against any asserted third party claims. For purposes 
of this Section 16, the indemnification of the Indemnified Party shall also 
include the indemnification of the Indemnified Party's employees, agents, 
affiliates, and third parties performing services for the Indemnified Party.

              16.4   LIMITATION OF LIABILITY.  Any claim under this Agreement 
with respect to any breach of warranty by either party must be brought within 
eighteen months of the Termination Date.  Rogers and Yahoo each agree that 
each party's liability to the other party for any and all direct harm, 
liability, expense, cost, loss or damage, whether in negligence, tort, 
equity, contract or otherwise, arising out of, or in connection with, this 
Agreement shall be strictly limited in the aggregate, in respect of each and 
all incidences or occurrences, to US$18 million, provided that Rogers' 
liability arising out of, or in connection with Section 8.1 shall be strictly 
limited in the aggregate to US$500,000.  EXCEPT WITH RESPECT TO THE 

       17.    PUBLICITY.  Neither party to this Agreement shall publicly 
disclose the existence or nature of this Agreement without the consent of the 
other party, which shall not be unreasonably withheld; provided, however, 
that either party may, without the prior consent of the other party, issue a 
press release or otherwise publicly disclose this Agreement if, upon the 
advice of legal counsel, such disclosure is required by law or the rules or 
regulations governing the securities exchange on which such party's 
securities are registered for trading; provided further, however, 


that such party shall use its best efforts to provide twenty-four (24) hours 
prior notice of such required release.

       18.    MISCELLANEOUS.  

              18.1   GOVERNING LAW; VENUE.  This Agreement will be governed 
by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York 
applicable to contracts between residents of that State and executed in and 
to be performed in that State.  The parties hereto agree that any claim, suit 
or action brought to enforce the terms of this Agreement shall be brought in 
the State of New York before a judge alone and the parties hereby consent to 
the personal jurisdiction of such State.  

              18.2   ENTIRE AGREEMENT.  This Agreement and the exhibits 
hereto constitute the entire agreement between the parties hereto relating to 
the subject matter hereof and shall supersede and replace in its entirety the 
Letter Agreement.  There are not and shall not be any oral statements, 
representations, warranties, undertakings or agreements between the parties.  

              18.3   AMENDMENTS; WAIVER.  This Agreement may not be amended 
or modified in any respect except by written instrument signed by the parties 
hereto.  No waiver of any provision of this agreement or any breach hereunder 
shall be valid or effective unless such waiver is set forth in writing and 
signed by the party giving such waiver; and no such waiver shall be deemed a 
waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or similar nature or any other 
breach of the other party.

              18.4   COUNTERPARTS.  This Agreement may be executed in several 
counterparts which shall constitute one agreement.  Facsimile signatures 
shall be binding.  

              18.5   ASSIGNMENT.  This Agreement may not be assigned without 
the written consent of the parties hereto; provided, however, that either 
party shall be entitled to assign its rights hereunder, in whole or in part, 
to one or more of its affiliates.  This Agreement shall be binding upon and 
inure to the benefit of the successors and permitted assigns of the parties 

              18.6   ATTORNEYS' FEES.  Should any lawsuit, action or 
proceeding be brought to enforce the rights or obligations relating to this 
Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to be reimbursed by the 
other party for all reasonable attorneys' fees, expenses and costs incurred 
as a result thereof.

              18.7   SEVERABILITY.  In case any provision of this Agreement 
shall be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall, to the extent 
practicable, be modified so as to make it valid, legal and enforceable and to 
retain as nearly as practicable the intent of the parties, and the validity, 
legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not in any way 
be affected or impaired thereby.

              18.8   NOTICES.  All notices and other communications required 
or permitted 


hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed effectively given upon 
personal delivery, one day following mailing by a reputable overnight courier 
or by facsimile transmission with confirmation of receipt or five business 
days following mailing by registered or certified mail addressed:  (i) if to 
Yahoo, 3420 Central Expressway, Santa Clara, California  95051, facsimile 
number (408) 731-3400, attn:  Heather Killen and Douglas P. Feick, or (ii) if 
to Rogers, 777 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada M5W 1A7, facsimile number (416) 
593-3175, attn:  Timothy Root, with a copy to 333 Bloor Street East, 10th 
Floor, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M4W 1G9, facsimile number: (416) 935-3548, 
attn: David Miller, or at such other address or facsimile number as either 
Yahoo or Rogers shall have furnished to the other party.

              18.9   MUTUAL DRAFTING.  Each party has cooperated in the 
negotiations, drafting, and preparing of this Agreement.  Therefore, no 
provision of this Agreement shall be construed against any party by reason of 
the fact that such party or its legal counsel was the draftsperson of such 

              18.10  HEADINGS.  The headings of the paragraphs of this 
Agreement are included for purposes of convenience only and shall not affect 
the interpretation of any of its provisions.


       IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have caused this Agreement to be
executed by officers duly authorized as of the date first written above.

                                       YAHOO! INC.



                                       ROGERS MEDIA INC.






                                     EXHIBIT A

                              FORM OF PROMISSORY NOTE

          FOR VALUE RECEIVED, Yahoo! Inc. hereby promises to pay to or to the 
order of Rogers Media Inc. on or before April 1, 1999 the principal amount of 
$9,000,000, in lawful money of the United States of America, together with 
any interest accrued thereon as hereinafter provided.

          The principal amount under this promissory note (the "Note") 
remaining unpaid and outstanding from time to time shall bear interest from 
and after the business day following April 1, 1999, at a rate equal to the 
Prime Rate plus one percent per annum, compounded and payable monthly in 
arrears on the last business day of each month.  All compounded interest 
hereunder remaining unpaid and outstanding from time to time shall bear 
interest at the same rate and shall be compounded in the same manner as the 
unpaid principal amount hereof.  Such interest shall accrue on a day-to-day 

          For the purposes of this Note, "Prime Rate" shall mean a rate per 
annum equal to the annual variable rate of interest quoted or published from 
time to time as the prime rate of interest charged by the Royal Bank of 
Canada for commercial loans in United States dollars made by it in Canada.

          The whole or any part of the principal amount of this Note may be 
prepaid by the undersigned at any time or from time to time without notice, 
bonus or penalty of any kind.

          The undersigned hereby waives presentment for payment, notice of 
non-payment, protest and notice of protest and hereby agrees to pay all 
reasonable costs and expenses (including all reasonable legal costs) paid or 
incurred in collecting any amount due and payable hereunder after demand for 
payment thereof has been made.

          This Note shall enure to the benefit of the holder hereof and its 
successors and assigns and shall be binding on the undersigned and its 
successors and assigns.

          This Note shall be governed by and construed and enforced in 
accordance with the laws of the State of New York and the federal laws of the 
United States of America applicable therein.  The undersigned hereby attorns 
to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the State of New York.

          DATED as of the ___th day of ______________, 1999.

                                       YAHOO! INC.




                                   EXHIBIT B

                               ASSIGNED CONTRACTS

- -    Linking Agreement between Rogers and Microsoft Network, LLC, dated 
     January 23, 1998.  (The consent to assignment required pursuant to 
     this Agreement shall not be a material consent for the purposes of 
     Section 13 hereof).

- -    Advertising and Insertion Orders set forth on Schedule 1 attached 
     hereto, together with such additional advertising orders for Yahoo 
     Canada that may be entered into up to the Termination Date.


                                   SCHEDULE 1
                                  TO EXHIBIT B

INSERTION ORDER                                                              $ 
[*]                                                                         [*]
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                                   EXHIBIT C

                                RETURNED ASSETS

- -    URL ( for Yahoo Canada

- -    Products and merchandise that incorporate Yahoo brand features.


                                     EXHIBIT D



ROGERS COORDINATORS.  Questions and requests for information from Yahoo! Inc. 
("Yahoo") should be directed in writing, whether by e-mail or facsimile, 
first to [*] and then to the following representatives from Rogers Media Inc. 

     -    Technical issues for platform, DNS, hosting, etc.:  [*]

     -    Technical issues for content feeds and content partners:  [*]

     -    Sales, ad serving and insertion order issues:  [*]

     -    Financial reconciliation issues:  [*]

     -    All other general issues:  [*]

YAHOO COORDINATORS. Questions and requests for information from Rogers should 
be directed by email (or in writing, if necessary, by facsimile), to [*] and 
to the following representatives from Yahoo! Inc. ("Yahoo"), as applicable:

     -    Technical, hosting and engineering issues:  [*]

     -    Sales, ad serving and insertion order issues:  [*]

     -    Financial issues:  [*]

     -    Content and production issues:  [*]

     -    Marketing, PR and communication issues:  [*]; and

     -    All other general issues:  [*].




     -    Rogers shall, until two weeks after Rogers has sent written
          authorization to the Canadian domain registry to transfer
          "" to Yahoo, continue operating and maintaining
          "" in the ordinary course of business, consistent with
          past practices, and agrees to use commercially reasonable efforts not
          to cause any disruptions or cessation of Yahoo's services in Canada.

     -    Rogers will assist in the switchover in terms of file transfer
          assistance, remote machine access, and any other server aid required
          during this switchover.  Any such 



          requests for assistance shall be sent in writing to the appropriate 
          Coordinator for Rogers.  Rogers will use reasonable efforts to 
          respond to requests in a timely fashion.

     -    Except as may be required by law or regulation, Rogers will
          permanently remove and destroy all Confidential Information of Yahoo
          in its possession within 10 business days after its servers are
          switched off, but in any event no later than March 31, 1999.  Rogers
          will provide Yahoo with a letter confirming such removal and

     -    Rogers will assist in the transfer of "" to Yahoo,
          including providing its assent to the CA Domain Registrar requesting
          the transfer of the "" domain from Yahoo Communications
          Inc. to a Canadian corporation owned by Yahoo.  As soon as
          practicable, Rogers shall send written authorization to the Canadian
          domain registry to transfer "" to Yahoo.


     -    Yahoo shall be responsible for the set up and operations of its

     -    Yahoo shall be responsible for the transfer of the ""
          domain to Yahoo and the transition and propagation of the IP address
          through the Internet; provided that Rogers shall provide its assent to
          the transfer as soon as practicable.

     -    Except as may be required by law or regulation or as otherwise
          provided in the Termination Agreement, Yahoo will permanently remove
          and destroy all Confidential Information of Rogers in its possession
          within 10 business days after the transfer of the URL, but in any
          event no later than March 31, 1999.  Yahoo will provide Rogers with a
          letter confirming such removal and destruction.



     -    On the Termination Date, Rogers shall provide a final sales reports
          for each account up to March 1, 1999.

     -    On the Termination Date, Rogers shall provide a list of current,
          active 'high-level' prospects to Yahoo up to March 1, 1999.

     -    Rogers shall provide a final sales report for each current account 
          on the Termination Date.  In addition, within 15 days of the 
          Termination Date, Rogers shall provide a list of accounts, together 
          with any available contact information, that were approached during 
          the previous 12 month period by Rogers personnel assigned to sell 
          advertising on Yahoo Canada and for which Rogers has maintained a 
          written record (e.g., ACT information maintained by [*] and [*]). 
          For the period from the Termination Date to March 31, 1999, to the 
          extent Yahoo requires any additional explanation about specific 
          accounts, Rogers will attempt to answer any questions directed to 
          the appropriate Coordinator on a timely basis.


     -    From the date of transition of the ad serving operations from Rogers
          to Yahoo, but in any event no later than the Termination Date, Yahoo
          shall be responsible for ad 



          serving, including ensuring the correct content and placement of 
          all advertising on the site.

     -    Following the Termination Date, Yahoo shall be responsible for all
          sales activities and pre-sales and post-sales communications with
          advertising customers.



     -    Rogers shall have billed all accounts to the end of February, and will
          prepare a final reconciliation of accounts, costs and royalty
          obligations as of February 15, 1999 and the Termination Date, so that
          Yahoo receives the appropriate portion of royalties (determined on the
          basis of number of days) up to the Termination Date, for which
          purposes account shall be taken of any "net loss" of Rogers, as
          contemplated by Section 2.2 of the Termination Agreement.  Rogers
          shall provide a complete accounting of any such "net losses" and the
          calculation of the amounts payable to Yahoo.

     -    Rogers shall provide to Yahoo complete copies of all current, active
          advertising and insertion orders and all creative and other salient
          information regarding such advertising and insertion orders.

     -    As soon as practicable, but in any event no later than March 31, 1999,
          Rogers shall provide Yahoo with the following financial materials. 
          For the period from the Termination Date until March 31, 1999, to the
          extent Yahoo requires any additional explanation regarding the
          financial materials, Rogers will attempt to answer any questions
          directed to the appropriate Coordinator on a timely basis.

               1.   Listing of all invoices by month from inception to
                    Termination Date.

               2.   Listing of all cash receipts from inception to Termination

               3.   Listing of all adjustments and bad debts from inception to
                    Termination Date.

               4.   Overall proof and reconciliation of accounts receivable
                    balance and royalty revenues.

               5.   Detail of any unbilled receivables, if any, as of the
                    Termination Date.

               6.   Detail of current deferred revenue (unmet page view
                    obligations, prepaid campaigns) as of the Termination Date.


     -    Yahoo shall be responsible for all subsequent billing of accounts from
          and after March 1, 1999.



     -    From the date of transition of the site hosting operations from Rogers
          to Yahoo, Yahoo shall be responsible for all content on Yahoo Canada




     -    Rogers will arrange to redirect in a timely manner to Yahoo any
          correspondence, email, payments or other materials it receives in
          respect of Yahoo Canada after the Termination Date.

     -    As soon as practicable following the Termination Date, Rogers shall
          send the tangible Returned Assets to The Exchange Tower, 1800-130 King
          Street West, Office #1871, Toronto, Ontario M5X 1E3.  Rogers shall
          provide notice to Yahoo prior to shipment.


     -    Yahoo will arrange to redirect to Rogers in a timely manner any
          correspondence, email, payments or other materials its receives
          through the "" site or otherwise after the Termination
          Date that relates to Rogers or to Yahoo Canada prior to the
          Termination Date.


                                   EXHIBIT E

                             KEY YAHOO CANADA EMPLOYEES




                                   EXHIBIT F


     All industry and trade knowledge, know-how and intellectual property of 
general application which was not acquired or developed by Rogers for the 
primary purpose of, and primarily in connection with Yahoo Canada, and the 
following modifications, revisions, additions, customizations and 
enhancements made by Rogers to the Yahoo Internet Directory pursuant to the 
Affiliation Agreement:

     -    Application software for parsing Canadian Press news feed

     -    Today's News

     -    Weekly Picks

     -    NHL

     -    Holiday Shop Online

     After execution of this Agreement and prior to the Termination Date, 
Yahoo shall perform a review of the Rogers Yahoo Canada Intellectual Property 
(as defined in the Affiliation Agreement), together with other Rogers 
intellectual property associated and used with Yahoo Canada, to determine its 
applicability in connection with the maintenance and operation of Yahoo 
Canada.  In the event that Yahoo determines, at any time within one month 
after the Termination Date, that any such Rogers Yahoo Canada Intellectual 
Property or other Rogers intellectual property associated and used with Yahoo 
Canada is reasonably necessary for the maintenance and operation of Yahoo 
Canada, then as of the Termination Date Rogers shall grant to Yahoo a 
non-exclusive, perpetual royalty-free license to use same for maintenance and 
operation of Yahoo Canada following the Termination Date.  THE FOREGOING 
