[Letterhead of Kallmeyer & Strime]



                                 Spescom Limited

                            Spescom CIT (Pty) Limited

                              Altris Software, Inc.

                          Altris International Limited

                                Altris Group Plc


                             Altris Software Limited


1.    Interpretation

1.1         The clause headings of this agreement are for reference purposes
            only and shall not be used in the interpretation thereof.

1.2         Unless a contrary intention clearly appears -

1.2.1             expressions which denote -                 any gender shall include the other genders;                 a natural person shall include an artificial person and
                        vice versa;                 the singular shall include the plural and vice versa;

1.2.2             the following expressions shall have the meanings set opposite
                  them below and cognate expressions shall bear corresponding
                  meanings -           the accounting
                  date               -     shall mean December 31, 1998;           the Accounts       -     shall mean the audited financial
                                           statements of the company as at the
                                           accounting date which is accompanied
                                           by an opinion issued and signed by
                                           the auditors in unqualified form save
                                           and except for a going concern
                                           qualification together with other
                                           documents required by law to be
                                           annexed thereto, a copy of which is
                                           attached as Appendix 1;

                                      -3-           the Acts           -     shall mean the Companies Acts of 1985
                                           and 1989 (as amended) regulating the
                                           affairs of companies incorporated
                                           under English law;           the Altris Group   -     shall mean that group of companies
                                           comprising of Altris Inc as the
                                           ultimate parent company and its
                                           subsidiaries;           Altris Inc         -     shall mean Altris Software, Inc.
                                           organised according to the laws of
                                           the State of California, United
                                           States of America, and the common
                                           stock of which is traded on the OTC
                                           Bulletin Board;           Altris
                  International      -     shall mean Altris International
                                           Limited, company number 3080640,
                                           incorporated under the Acts;           Altris Limited
                  or the company     -     shall mean Altris Software Limited,
                                           company number 2625912, originally
                                           incorporated under the Acts under the
                                           name and style of Trimco Enterprises
                                           Limited;           Altris Plc         -     shall mean Altris Group Plc, company
                                           number 2253256, originally
                                           incorporated under the Acts under the
                                           name and style of Trimco Group Plc;

                                      -4-           Altris products    -     shall mean those products in respect
                                           of which any member of the Altris
                                           Group claims proprietorship and as
                                           identified in Appendix 2;          the Altris
                  litigation         -     shall mean that litigation between
                                           plaintiffs and defendants Altris Inc,
                                           Jay V Tanna, and John W Louw, in
                                           Robert Reiger, et al, on behalf of
                                           themselves and all others similarly
                                           situated, v. Altris Software, Inc.,
                                           et al, United States District Court,
                                           Southern District of California, Case
                                           No. 98 CV 0528 TW(JFS), consolidated
                                           with Case Nos. 98 CV 0553, 98 CV
                                           0612, 98 CV 0697, 98 CV 0806, and 98
                                           CV 0827, and all related litigation
                                           including counterclaims and
                                           cross-claims;          Altris' solicitors -     shall mean Allen and Overy,
                                           solicitors of London;          the attorneys      -     shall mean Kallmeyer & Strime,
                                           attorneys of Johannesburg, Republic
                                           of South Africa;          the auditors       -     shall mean the auditors of the
                                           company from time to time and shall
                                           at the effective


                                           date and as at the closing date be
                                           Grant Thornton;          the bank           -     shall mean Lloyds Bank Plc;          the closing date   -     shall mean a date 3 (three) days
                                           after the fulfilment or waiver, as
                                           the case may be, of the conditions,
                                           or earlier as may be agreed upon by
                                           the parties in writing;          the conditions     -     shall mean those conditions to which
                                           this agreement is subject as set out
                                           in 4;          the distribution
                  agreements         -     shall mean those exclusive
                                           distribution agreements to be
                                           concluded between:-                                       Spescom CIT and Altris Limited
                                                 in terms of which Altris
                                                 Limited is afforded exclusivity
                                                 to exploit the Spescom products
                                                 in the rest of the world
                                                 excluding sub-Saharan Africa;
                                                 and                                       Altris Inc and Altris Limited
                                                 in terms of which Altris
                                                 Limited is afforded exclusivity
                                                 to exploit the Altris products
                                                 in the rest of the world;


                                                 copies of which are attached as
                                                 Appendices 3 and 4
                                                 respectively;          effective date     -     shall mean 24h00 on March 31, 1999;          effective date
                  accounts           -     shall mean that pack of unaudited
                                           management accounts of the company as
                                           at the effective date, a copy of
                                           which is attached as Appendix 5;          Excon              -     shall mean the Exchange Control
                                           Authorities of the South African
                                           Reserve Bank;          execution date     -     shall mean the date of last signature
                                           hereto;          the executives     -     shall mean those persons whose names
                                           are reflected in Appendix 6, being
                                           senior executives in the employ of
                                           Altris Limited;          letter of intent   -     shall mean that letter of intent
                                           signed on behalf of SL and Altris Inc
                                           dated March 15, 1999;          rest of the world  -     shall mean all territories other than
                                           North, South, and Central America,
                                           the Caribbean and Mexico;

                                      -7-          SL                 -     shall mean Spescom Limited,
                                           Registration No. 87/01083/06, a
                                           company incorporated in the Republic
                                           of South Africa, and shall for the
                                           purposes of this agreement if the
                                           provisions of 22.2 are applicable
                                           refer to its nominated subsidiary;          SL warranties      -     shall mean those warranties which
                                           shall be afforded to Altris Inc as
                                           set out in Appendix 16;          the settlement     -     shall mean that memorandum of
                                           understanding containing the
                                           principal terms of a settlement in
                                           relation to the Altris Software
                                           securities litigation, a copy of
                                           which is attached hereto as Appendix
                                           18;       the shareholders
               agreement             -     shall mean that agreement attached
                                           hereto as Appendix 7 and which shall
                                           come into effect on the
                                           implementation of this agreement on
                                           the closing date;       the shareholders
               claims                -     shall mean all claims of whatsoever
                                           nature and kind and howsoever arising
                                           which at the effective date shall be
                                           held by Altris Plc having
                                           consolidated in its own name as a
                                           single creditor all such claims as
                                           may immediately prior to the


                                           effective date have been held by all
                                           companies within the Altris Group as
                                           against Altris Limited and which
                                           shall be equal to or exceed GBP7 652
                                           245 (seven million six hundred and
                                           fifty two thousand two hundred and
                                           forty five pounds sterling);       Spescom CIT           -     shall mean Spescom CIT (Pty) Limited,
                                           Registration No. 83/08746/07, a
                                           company incorporated in the Republic
                                           of South Africa, the ultimate holding
                                           company of which is SL;       Spescom group         -     shall mean SL and its various
                                           subsidiaries and associated
                                           companies;       Spescom products      -     shall mean those products in respect
                                           of which any member of the Spescom
                                           group claims proprietorship and as
                                           identified in Appendix 8;       Spescom's solicitors  -     shall mean S J Berwin & Co.,
                                           solicitors of London;       taxation              -     shall mean all forms of taxation,
                                           duties, rates, levies, contributions,
                                           withholdings, deductions, liabilities
                                           to account, charges and imposts
                                           whether imposed in the United Kingdom
                                           or elsewhere in the world, including


                                           not limited to all penalties,
                                           charges, costs and interest relating
                                           thereto or otherwise imposed by any
                                           taxation authority;       the UK warranties     -     shall mean those warranties and
                                           representations which shall be made
                                           by Altris Inc and Altris Plc in
                                           favour of SL as set out in Appendix
                                           9;       the US warranties     -     shall mean those warranties and
                                           representations which shall be made
                                           by Altris Inc and Altris Plc jointly
                                           and severally in favour of SL as set
                                           out in Appendix 10.

1.3         Any reference to an enactment is to that enactment as at the date of
            signature hereof and as amended or re-enacted from time to time.

1.4         If any provision in a definition is a substantive provision
            conferring rights or imposing obligations on any party,
            notwithstanding that it is only in the definition clause, effect
            shall be given to it as if it were a substantive provision in the
            body of the agreement.

1.5         When any number of days is prescribed in this agreement, same shall
            be reckoned exclusively of the first and inclusively of the last day
            unless the last day falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in
            which case the last day shall be the next succeeding day which is
            not a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday.


1.6         Where figures are referred to in numerals and in words, if there is
            any conflict between the two the words shall prevail.

1.7         A reference to a document includes an amendment or supplement to, or
            replacement or novation of that document.

1.8         Where a certificate or determination is required by the auditors in
            terms of this agreement, such shall be prepared by the auditors
            acting as experts and not as arbitrators and shall be final and
            binding upon the parties save for any manifest error in calculation.

1.9         Schedules, annexures and appendices to this agreement shall be
            deemed to be incorporated in and form part of this agreement.

1.10        The preamble shall be deemed to be incorporated herein.

2.    Preamble

      It is hereby recorded that:-

2.1         the ultimate holding company of Spescom CIT is SL;

2.2         Altris International is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Altris Inc;

2.3         Altris Plc is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Altris International;

2.4         Altris Limited is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Altris Plc;

2.5         Altris Inc has established a commercial relationship with Spescom
            CIT and has commenced a successful exploitation of certain of the
            Altris products in


            conjunction with certain of the Spescom products principally through
            Altris Limited and Altris Inc;

2.6         Altris Limited has been funded ultimately by Altris Inc;

2.7         for good commercial reasons SL is prepared subject to the terms and
            conditions contained herein to invest in Altris Limited and Altris
            Inc, and the Altris Group is prepared to achieve a restructure of
            the shareholding in and claims against Altris Limited to meet the
            requirements of SL;

2.8         the parties have reached agreement relating to the aforegoing and
            peripheral matters which they require to be reduced to writing and
            to be signed by them before the same shall be or become binding upon

2.9         in consideration of the mutual undertakings contained herein, the
            parties hereby agree as follows.

3.    Indivisibility

      Notwithstanding the plurality of the transactions herein recorded, this
agreement shall be construed as an indivisible whole, no one aspect being
severable from any other.

4.    The conditions

4.1         This agreement in its entirety is subject to and conditional upon
            the fulfilment of the following conditions precedent on or before
            May 14, 1999:-


4.1.1             the board of directors of Altris Inc, and the board of
                  directors and shareholders of Altris Plc approving and
                  ratifying this transaction to the extent required at law;

4.1.2             the boards of directors of SL and Spescom CIT approving and
                  ratifying this transaction to the extent required at law;

4.1.3             a due diligence of the business, assets, operations,
                  prospects, affairs, trade and dealings of the company being
                  conducted by SL, and SL in its discretion expressing its
                  satisfaction therewith;

4.1.4             the written approval of Merrill Lynch Business Financial
                  Services Inc, Sirrom Capital Corporation d/b/a Tandem Capital,
                  and the bank to the implementation of this transaction being
                  obtained including the confirmation by each of Merrill Lynch
                  Business Financial Services Inc and Sirrom Capital Corporation
                  d/b/a Tandem Capital, and the bank that it has no lien or
                  encumbrance on any of the assets of Altris Limited, Altris Plc
                  or Altris International and permitting of a pledge in favour
                  of SL (in a form reasonably determined by the attorneys) by
                  Altris Plc of its 40% shareholding as shall be owned by it in
                  Altris Limited by virtue of the implementation of the
                  provisions of this agreement, such pledge not to extend beyond
                  a period of 2 (two) years from the closing date;

4.1.5             the approval of Excon to the implementation of the
                  transactions herein envisaged being obtained;

4.1.6             except as finds expression in the Disclosure Letter to the UK
                  warranties, neither the bank nor any other creditor will have
                  instituted proceedings by way of formal motion, application or
                  other appropriate court procedure to place the company into


                  liquidation, administration or any similar situation, nor
                  shall any similar proceedings or voluntary arrangement have
                  been instituted against or initiated by Altris Inc or the
                  company; nor shall Altris Inc have made any general
                  arrangement or assignment for the benefit of creditors; nor
                  shall Altris Inc have become bankrupt, insolvent or a "debtor"
                  as defined in 11 U.S.C. Section 101, or any successor statute
                  or similar statute or law in the United States of America
                  (unless, in the case of a petition filed against Altris Inc,
                  such petition is dismissed within 30 (thirty) days after its
                  original filing); nor shall any appointment of a trustee or
                  receiver have been made to take possession of substantially
                  all of Altris Inc's assets (unless possession is restored to
                  Altris Inc within 30 (thirty) days after such taking); nor
                  shall there have been any attachment, execution or judicial
                  seizure of substantially all of Altris Inc's assets (unless
                  such attachment, execution or judicial seizure is discharged
                  within 30 (thirty) days after such attachment, execution or
                  judicial seizure);

4.1.7             the approval of all applicable Government, State and other
                  regulatory authorities both in the United Kingdom and United
                  States of America to the conclusion and implementation of this
                  agreement to the extent required, being obtained;

4.1.8             the parties shall have received opinion from legal counsel
                  conversant with applicable law in the United Kingdom and the
                  United States of America that to the extent required the terms
                  and conditions of this agreement insofar as they affect the
                  jurisdictions of the United Kingdom and the United States of
                  America, comply with applicable legislation and common law
                  (including Blue Sky), alternatively this agreement shall be
                  re-negotiated between the parties and signed by the parties to
                  comply therewith.


4.2         This agreement in its entirety is further subject to the resolutive
            conditions that on the date on which the last of the conditions
            referred to in 4.1.1 to 4.1.8 inclusive is fulfilled or waived, as
            the case may be:-

4.2.1             the currency exchange rate between ZAR and GBP does not exceed
                  a ratio of 11:1, or between ZAR and USD does not exceed a
                  ratio of 6,5:1;

4.2.2             the implementation of the settlement shall not have been
                  aborted or delayed nor shall significant and/or material
                  objection thereto have been noted by any person affected
                  thereby, which objection is reasonably expected to result in
                  the settlement being aborted or delayed or not approved by the

4.3         The aforegoing conditions are stipulated for the benefit of the
            parties and may only be waived or relaxed, in whole or in part, in
            writing signed by those affected thereby.

4.4         Each of the parties undertakes to use its best endeavours to achieve
            the fulfilment of the conditions.

4.5         In the event that any of the conditions are not fulfilled, waived,
            or relaxed, as the case may be, by May 14, 1999 or such later date
            that the parties may agree to in writing, this agreement shall, save
            for the provisions of 14, 16, 17, 21, and 23 be null and void and to
            the extent that any portion thereof has been implemented, the
            parties shall co-operate with each other to be restored to their
            respective positions quo ante.


5.    Restructuring and events upon closing date

5.1         The parties undertake upon the closing date to pass all such
            resolutions and to do all things as may be required to achieve that
            in consequence thereof, inter alia:-

5.1.1             through a fresh issue of shares in the company:-                 the shareholders claims are converted to equity ranking
                        pari passu in all respects with the existing issued
                        share capital in the company, crediting to the extent
                        required share premium account having regard to the
                        philosophy and intent of this agreement and in
                        particular this 5;                 against payment of the sum of USD 400 000 (four hundred
                        thousand United States Dollars) to the company (out of
                        the funds to be received by Altris Plc pursuant to the
                        provisions of 6) Altris Plc is issued with so many
                        ordinary shares in the capital of the company ranking
                        pari passu in all respects with all other existing
                        issued shares in the capital of the company (being the
                        two ordinary shares already owned by it constituting at
                        the execution date and at the closing date the entire
                        issued share capital of the company, and those shares
                        into which the shareholders' claims are capitalised
                        pursuant to the provisions of and having regard
                        to the provisions of such as to constitute it as
                        the registered and beneficial owner of 40% (forty per
                        cent) of the fully diluted issued share capital in the
                        company, the remaining 60% (sixty per cent) being owned
                        by SL;

                                      -16-                 against payment of the sum of USD1 200 000 (one million
                        two hundred thousand United States Dollars) to the
                        company, SL is issued with so many ordinary shares in
                        the capital of the company, ranking pari passu in all
                        respects with all other existing share capital in the
                        company and having regard to the provisions of
                        and such as to constitute it then as the
                        registered and beneficial owner of 60% (sixty per cent)
                        of the fully diluted issued share capital in the
                        company, the remaining 40% (forty per cent) being owned
                        by Altris Plc;

5.1.2             service agreements between the executives and the company in
                  the form annexed hereto as Appendices 11 and 12 shall be

5.1.3             the financial year-end of the company, i.e the accounting
                  reference date, shall be changed to 30 September;

5.1.4             the assets (including the software licenses and maintenance
                  services to which the company may be entitled in respect of
                  prepaid royalties and maintenance fees) stipulated in Appendix
                  13 and the ongoing obligations of the company beyond the
                  effective date as stipulated in Appendix 14 shall be ceded,
                  assigned and delegated in favour of Altris Inc on the closing
                  date which hereby accepts such delegation and assumes
                  liability therefor, all with the consent of the relevant
                  creditors, and to the extent that such consent is not obtained
                  Altris Inc shall discharge that liability and/or obligation
                  without charge upon the company hereby indemnifying and
                  holding harmless the company in respect of any claim against
                  it therefor;

5.1.5             Altris Plc shall no later than the closing date deposit or
                  procure the deposit of, or ensure that there is cash available
                  to the credit of the account of the company conducted with the
                  bank, an amount of


                  GBP100 000 (one hundred thousand pounds) to serve as working
                  capital for the company, and if injected by any member of the
                  Altris Group (excluding the company) shall be incorporated in
                  and form portion of the shareholders claims to be converted to
                  equity pursuant to;

5.1.6             the shareholders agreement shall come into effect and the
                  terms thereof shall immediately be implemented, including
                  without derogating from the generality of the aforegoing,
                  insofar as the same relates to the appointment of directors
                  and officers of the company;

5.1.7             Altris Limited shall pay to Spescom CIT the sum of GBP19
                  822,75 (nineteen thousand eight hundred and twenty two pounds
                  seventy five pence) and Altris Inc shall pay to Spescom CIT
                  the sum of USD101 807,51 (one hundred and one thousand eight
                  hundred and seven United States Dollars fifty one cents) on
                  the closing date. The parties reserve the right to debate such
                  amounts, which are not regarded as conclusive payments in full
                  settlement, at a later date.

5.1.8             Altris Plc shall pledge its 40% of the fully diluted
                  shareholding in Altris Limited to SL in the form annexed
                  hereto as Appendix 19.

5.2         Altris Plc shall produce to SL, in a form reasonably acceptable to
            the attorneys, written confirmation from:-

5.2.1             Merant International Limited (formerly Intersolv) (in relation
                  to Sequelink licences) that against payment by the company of
                  GBP20 000 (twenty thousand pounds) it will consent to the
                  company ceding, assigning and delegating all rights and
                  obligations in respect of existing agreement with the company
                  in favour of Altris Inc which hereby accepts such cession,
                  assignment and delegation, and in


                  consequence of which Merant International Limited (formerly
                  Intersolv) shall have no further claims against the company;

5.2.2             Fulcrum (in relation to FTR licences) that as at the effective
                  date the liability due by the company to it was GBP15 151
                  (fifteen thousand one hundred and fifty one pounds) and that
                  with effect from the effective date it has consented to the
                  company ceding, assigning and delegating in favour of Altris
                  Inc which has recorded its acceptance of the cession,
                  assignment and delegation of all rights and obligations
                  arising out of the contract between Fulcrum and the company
                  and that as against payment of the aforesaid sum it will have
                  no further claims against the company;

5.2.3             Inso Corporation (in relation to Torch licences) that against
                  payment by the company of GBP9 697 (nine thousand six hundred
                  and ninety seven pounds) it will consent to the company
                  ceding, assigning and delegating all rights and obligations in
                  respect of existing agreement with the company in favour of
                  Altris Inc which hereby accepts such cession, assignment and
                  delegation, and in consequence of which Inso Corporation shall
                  have no further claims against the company;

5.2.4             Noblenet that as at the effective date the liability due by
                  the company to it was GBP10 715,91 (ten thousand seven hundred
                  and fifteen pounds ninety one pence) and that with effect from
                  the effective date it has consented to the company ceding,
                  assigning and delegating in favour of Altris Inc which has
                  recorded its acceptance of the cession, assignment and
                  delegation of all rights and obligations arising out of the
                  contract between Noblenet and the company and that as against
                  payment of the aforesaid sum it will have no further claims
                  against the company;


5.2.5             Staffware Plc that it has passed credit in the sum of GBP 117
                  134 (one hundred and seventeen thousand one hundred and thirty
                  four pounds) in favour of the company, has no further claims
                  against the company and consents to all further obligations
                  which might have been owed by the company to it being
                  delegated to and assumed by Altris Inc;

5.2.6             Data General Corporation consenting to claims previously made
                  by it upon the company constituting claims due not by the
                  company but by Altris Inc, notwithstanding any documentation
                  to the contrary;

5.2.7             Confederation Life Insurance Company (UK) Limited and
                  Confederation Pooled Pensions Limited as landlords that they
                  consent to the agreement of lease as between the landlords and
                  Altris Plc as tenant being ceded, assigned and delegated
                  without penalty on request in favour of Altris Limited and
                  with effect from the effective date. The costs thereof shall
                  be borne equally between Altris Inc and Altris Limited.

5.3         Altris Inc shall out of the proceeds to be paid to it in terms of
            7.1.1 effect payment of USD 200 000 (two hundred thousand United
            States Dollars) as collateral security for any obligations owed by
            Altris Inc or Altris Plc arising out of this agreement in favour of
            SL, into a joint account which shall be opened in the name of Altris
            Inc and administered solely by Spescom's solicitors and Altris'
            solicitors. Such amount shall be invested in a demand deposit
            account with a registered bank determined by the said solicitors and
            shall remain so invested until extinguished by any valid claim or
            until the expiration of a period of 2 (two) years from the closing
            date, whichever shall occur first. The purpose of the amount so held
            in escrow shall be to satisfy any valid claim made by SL pursuant to
            the provisions of this agreement and SL shall enjoy a first charge
            over the funds so held. The


            payment of any sum towards satisfaction of any such claim shall not
            in any way prejudice or affect any other rights or remedies of SL
            for the purpose of recovering any amount due by Altris Inc and/or
            Altris Plc and not satisfied by payment made out of the joint
            account. Interest accrued shall belong to Altris Inc. Unless
            utilised in accordance with the escrow any payment out of the joint
            account shall be effected on the joint signatures of Altris'
            solicitors and Spescom's solicitors on the written instructions of
            Altris Inc and SL, an order of court, or an arbitrator's award for
            that payment to be made. In the absence of such written
            instructions, Spescom's solicitors and Altris' solicitors shall have
            no obligation to release any funds from the account or to otherwise
            take any action.

5.4         In order to facilitate the payments to be made in terms of this
            agreement all amounts to be paid by SL in terms of 6 and 7 shall be
            paid to Spescom's solicitors who shall be obliged to immediately
            after receipt thereof effect payment on behalf of Altris Inc and
            Altris Plc of the amounts referred to in, 5.1.7, and 5.3 and
            on behalf of the company the amount referred to in 5.1.7, and
            thereafter account and pay the balance to the parties entitled

5.5         The parties shall do and sign all things necessary as are required
            to comply with the provisions of the Acts and to achieve the
            implementation of both the letter and spirit of this agreement.

5.6         The entire restructuring as envisaged in this 5 as read with 6 and 7
            shall be deemed to have taken place simultaneously.

6.    Payment to Altris Inc

      In consideration for the conclusion of this agreement and the
      restructuring of the company as envisaged in 5, SL shall upon the closing
      date effect payment of the


      sum of USD1 000 000 (one million United States Dollars) to Altris Inc,
      which shall be obliged to simultaneously lend and advance Altris Plc
      USD600 000 (six hundred thousand United States Dollars) to enable Altris
      Plc to fulfil its obligations in terms of and 5.3.

7.    Investment by SL in Altris Inc.


7.1.1       SL undertakes upon the closing date to pay to Altris Inc the sum of
            USD1 800 000 (one million eight hundred thousand United States
            Dollars) against the issue of 2 000 000 (two million) shares of
            common stock in Altris Inc, provided that in the event that the
            settlement is aborted or delayed or is not approved by the court for
            any reason, by September 30, 1999, there shall be issued to SL 1 000
            000 (one million) additional shares of common stock in Altris Inc,
            the parties anticipating the possibility of a decrease in the value
            of such stock in such event.

7.1.2           At the request of SL sent to Altris Inc in writing Altris Inc
                  shall use its best efforts to register the shares purchased by
                  SL under 7.1.1 of this agreement under the Securities Act of
                  1933 ("the Securities Act") (other than on SEC Forms S-4 or
                  S-8) or any successor form thereto) for sale by SL at anytime
                  after the first anniversary of the closing date, including
                  compliance with California blue sky laws. Altris Inc shall
                  bear all costs and expenses of such registration customarily
                  borne by the issuing company. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
                  if:-               in the good faith judgment of the Board of Directors of
                        Altris Inc., the filing of a registration statement as
                        soon as practicable after receipt of the request for


                        under this would be seriously detrimental to
                        Altris Inc. because there exist bona fide financing,
                        acquisition or other activities of Altris Inc, and the
                        Board of Directors concludes as a result, that it is
                        essential to defer the filing of such registration
                        statement at such time, and               Altris Inc. shall furnish SL a certificate signed by the
                        President of Altris Inc stating that in the good faith
                        judgment of the Board of Directors of Altris Inc, it
                        would be materially detrimental to Altris Inc. for such
                        registration statement to be filed in the near future
                        and that it is essential to defer the filing of such
                        registration statement,

                  then Altris Inc may defer such filing for a period of not more
                  that 90 days after receipt of the registration request,
                  provided that the Altris Inc shall not defer its obligation in
                  this manner for more than an aggregate of 90 days in any
                  twelve month period.           Altris Inc shall promptly give to SL written notice of its
                  decision to register any of its securities under the
                  Securities Act (other than on SEC forms S-4 or S-8) or any
                  successor form thereto) and shall use its best efforts to
                  include in such registration (and any related qualification
                  under blue sky laws or other compliance) and in any
                  underwriting involved therein, any or all of the shares
                  purchased by SL under this agreement which SL specifies in a
                  written request made within 15 (fifteen) days after receipt of
                  the written notice from Altris Inc; provided, however, that:-

                                      -23-               the maximum number of Shares to be sold shall not exceed
                        the maximum number of Shares which the managing
                        underwriter of the offering considers in good faith to
                        be appropriate based on market conditions and other
                        relevant factors (including, without limitation,
                        pricing) (the "Maximum Number"); and               if the total quantity of securities desired to be sold
                        exceeds the Maximum Number, Altris Inc. shall be
                        entitled to include in the offering the full amount of
                        Securities to be sold by Altris Inc. or by any holder
                        who has exercised a demand registration right with
                        respect to such offering, and each person who elects to
                        participate in the offering shall be entitled to sell up
                        to any remaining amount of Securities in proportion to
                        the number of Securities held by such shareholder.

                  Nothing in shall derogate from SL's rights under the
                  provisions of           Altris Inc shall inform SL in writing of the initiation of
                  each such registration and the completion thereof. Altris Inc
                  shall:-               use its best efforts to keep such registration effective
                        for so long as any other selling shareholder
                        registration statement of Altris Inc is kept effective,
                        or until SL has completed the distribution described in
                        the registration statement relating thereto, whichever
                        first occurs;

                                      -24-               furnish such reasonable number of prospectuses and other
                        documents incidental thereto as from time to time SL may
                        reasonably request; and               in connection with any underwritten registration, Altris
                        will enter into any underwriting agreement reasonably
                        necessary to effect the offer and sale of the shares
                        purchased by SL under this agreement, provided such
                        underwriting agreement contains customary underwriting

7.1.3           The issuance by Altris Inc of any further shares shall, until
                  SL has been issued with those shares to which it becomes
                  entitled pursuant to the provisions of 7.1.1, be prohibited
                  unless SL shall enjoy a right to increase on a proportional
                  basis those shares in Altris Inc to which it becomes entitled
                  in terms of 7.1.1.           So long as SL continues to hold at least 10% (ten per cent) of
                  the Fully Diluted Shares (as hereinafter defined), subject to
                  the terms and conditions specified in this, Altris Inc
                  hereby grants to SL a right of first offer with respect to
                  future sales by Altris Inc of its Shares (as hereinafter
                  defined). Each time Altris Inc proposes to offer any shares
                  of, or securities convertible into or exercisable for any
                  shares of, any class of its capital stock ("Shares"), Altris
                  Inc shall first make an offering of such Shares to SL in
                  accordance with the following provisions:-               Altris Inc shall deliver a notice ("Notice") to SL

                                      -25-                   its bona fide intention to offer such Shares;                   the number of such Shares to be offered; and                   the price and terms, if any, upon which it
                              proposes to offer such Shares.               Within 15 (fifteen) calendar days after receipt of the
                        Notice, SL may elect to purchase or obtain, at the price
                        and on the terms specified in the Notice, up to that
                        portion of such Shares which equals the proportion that
                        the number of shares of common stock issued and held, or
                        issuable upon conversion or exercise of all convertible
                        or exercisable securities of Altris Inc then held
                        ("collectively, the "Fully Diluted Shares") by SL bears
                        to the total number of shares of common stock of Altris
                        Inc then outstanding (assuming full conversion and
                        exercise of all convertible or exercisable securities)
                        issued and held by all security holders of Altris Inc.               If all Shares referred to in the Notice are not elected
                        to be obtained as provided in, Altris Inc may,
                        during the 60 (sixty) day period following the
                        expiration of the period provided in, offer
                        the remaining unsubscribed portion of such Shares to any
                        person or persons at a price not less than, and upon
                        terms no more favourable to the offeree than those
                        specified in the Notice. If Altris Inc does not enter
                        into an agreement for the sale of the Shares within such
                        period, or if such agreement is not consummated within
                        30 (thirty) days of


                        the execution thereof, the right provided hereunder
                        shall be deemed to be revived and such Shares shall not
                        be offered unless first re-offered to SL in accordance
                        herewith.               The right of first offer in this shall not be
                        applicable:-                   to the issuance or sale of shares of common stock
                              (or options therefor) to employees, directors, or
                              consultants for the primary purpose of soliciting
                              or retaining their employment or services, or                   the issuance of securities pursuant to the
                              conversion or exercise of convertible or
                              exercisable securities, or                   the issuance of securities in connection with any
                              merger, acquisition, consolidation, exchange,
                              reorganization, reclassification,.stock split,
                              stock dividend or similar transaction.               The right of first offer set forth in this may
                        not be assigned or transferred, except that such right
                        is assignable by SL to a purchaser of all of its
                        securities of Altris Inc.

7.2         Effective upon the issuance of shares in Altris Inc to SL the
            closing of the transactions contemplated hereby, a nominee of SL
            shall be elected a director. For so long as SL or any affiliate
            holds 50% (fifty per cent) of common stock issued to SL hereunder,
            Altris Inc agrees to include a nominee of SL in management's slate
            of nominees to be elected to the board of directors and to recommend
            to the stockholders the election of such


            nominee. Any nominee of SL hereunder shall be reimbursed for all
            reasonable expenses incurred as a director and shall be entitled to
            receive such compensation as may be received by other non-employee
            directors of Altris Inc, including indemnity and advancement of
            expenses to the fullest extent permitted under applicable law.

7.3         Altris Inc shall use reasonable efforts to procure that its
            stockholders shall vote their stock to achieve and maintain
            compliance with the provisions of 7.2.

8.    Warranties

8.1         Altris Inc and Altris Plc jointly and severally hereby warrant and
            represent the truth and accuracy of the UK warranties and the US
            warranties to SL and acknowledge that SL has concluded the whole of
            this agreement and will implement the transactions which are the
            subject thereof, relying on the truth and accuracy of the UK
            warranties and the US warranties.

8.2         Altris Inc and Altris Plc jointly and severally warrant, represent
            and undertake to SL that each and every UK warranty and US warranty
            is true, correct, accurate and not misleading at the execution date
            and that each and every such warranty shall continue to be true,
            correct and accurate and not misleading throughout the period from
            the execution date up to and including the closing date, and hereby
            indemnifies and holds SL harmless in respect of any breach thereof.

8.3         Altris Inc and Altris Plc jointly and severally acknowledge that the
            conduct of the due diligence investigation referred to in 4.1.3 and
            any other event or matter shall in no way whatever detract from any
            of their obligations pursuant to the provisions of this agreement
            and/or the warranties except a specific and duly authorised written
            waiver or release.


8.4         SL hereby gives the SL warranties to Altris Inc and acknowledges
            that Altris Inc has concluded the whole of this agreement and will
            implement the transactions which are the subject thereof, relying on
            the truth and accuracy of the SL warranties.

8.5         The representations and warranties set forth in this agreement and
            the appendices hereto shall survive for a period of two years from
            the closing date and shall then expire. Upon the expiration of a
            representation or warranty pursuant to this 8.5, unless written
            notice of a claim based on such a representation or warranty
            specifying in reasonable detail the facts on which the claim is
            based shall have been delivered to the party who has made such
            representation or warranty prior to such expiration, such
            representation or warranty shall be deemed to be of no further force
            or effect, as if never made, and no action may be brought based on
            the same, whether for breach of contract, tort or under any other
            legal theory, provided however that in no event shall any provision
            of 8 be deemed to place any limitation on the making of any claim
            arising from a fraudulent misrepresentation by any party.

8.6         Promptly after receipt of notice of commencement of any action or
            the assertion of any claim by a third party against a party to this
            agreement who is or may be entitled to indemnification in respect of
            such action or claim for breach of a representation or warranty
            hereunder, the indemnified party shall give the indemnifying party
            who made such representation or warranty written notice of such
            action or claim. In the case of the commencement of an action such
            notice shall be provided in any event no less than 10 (ten) days (or
            if notice within 10 (ten) days is not practicable, then as soon as
            practicable) prior to the date on which any response is required to
            be filed or served by the indemnified party. The indemnifying party
            shall then have the right to undertake the defense thereof by
            representatives of its own


            choosing that are reasonably satisfactory to the indemnified party;
            provided, however, that the indemnifying party shall be required to
            provide reasonable assurances to the indemnified party (which may
            include a bond, escrow or other security) of its ability to pay the
            likely costs, award and any other amount for which the indemnified
            party is entitled to be indemnified.

8.7         No claim in respect of a breach of a representation or warranty will
            be made by any party against another party (whether for breach of
            contract, tort or under any other legal theory) unless the aggregate
            of all costs, expenses, damages and losses ("Losses") incurred by
            the non-breaching party exceed USD16 000 (sixteen thousand United
            States Dollars) and only to the extent of any such Losses in excess
            of USD16 000 (sixteen thousand United States Dollars). In addition,
            no claim for breach of any representation or warranty may be made by
            any party against another party (whether for breach of contract,
            tort or under any other legal theory) to the extent the aggregate
            Losses claimed (including any Losses previously recovered) by such
            party exceeds USD2 000 000 (two million United States Dollars).

8.8         If prior to the closing date any of the warranties is found to be
            untrue, incorrect, inaccurate or misleading, SL shall be entitled to
            rescind this agreement by notice to Altris Inc on or prior to the
            closing date. This right to rescind shall be in addition and without
            prejudice to any rights and remedies which would have been available
            to SL had this agreement not been rescinded.

8.9         Altris Inc shall immediately give written notice to SL of the
            occurrence of any event which results or may result in any of the
            warranties being untrue, incorrect, inaccurate or misleading giving
            sufficient details of the event.

8.10        Any information supplied by Altris Limited, its officers or
            employees to Altris Inc, their agents, representatives or advisers
            in connection with, or to form


            the basis of, the warranties or any matter covered in the Disclosure
            Letter, or for any other reason, shall be deemed not to include or
            have included a representation, warranty or guarantee of its
            accuracy to Altris Inc and shall not constitute a defence to Altris
            Inc to any claim made by SL. Altris Inc waives any and all claims
            against Altris Limited, its officers or employees in respect of any
            information so supplied.

8.11        If any warranty shall prove to be untrue, inaccurate, incorrect or
            misleading, SL may at its option and without prejudice to any other
            right or remedy which may be available to it:-

8.11.1            claim for all loss suffered by it in consequence of such
                  breach of warranty (and for this purpose an amount equal to,
                  without limitation, the amount of any stamp duty (including
                  any penalty for late stamping) payable on any document which
                  ought to be in the possession of Altris Limited as at the date
                  of completion and which has not been properly stamped shall be
                  deemed to be a loss suffered by SL whether or not that company
                  has a legal obligation to present or re-present the same for
                  stamping); and

8.11.2            require Altris Inc and Altris Plc jointly and severally to pay
                  to Altris Limited such sum as is equal to the amount by which
                  the assets of Altris Limited are less, or less valuable, or
                  their liabilities greater, than they would have been if the
                  statement concerned had been true, accurate and correct and
                  not misleading, and for these purposes, without limitation, an
                  amount equal to the amount of any such stamp duty as is
                  described in 8.11.1 shall be deemed to be a liability of
                  Altris Limited; and

8.11.3            require Altris Inc and Altris Plc jointly and severally
                  forthwith when called upon so to do to purchase from Altris
                  Limited any debt to


                  which the warranty contained in paragraph 2.4 of Appendix 9
                  refers except as provided in the Disclosure Letter to the UK
                  warranties and which shall not have been recovered in full and
                  as therein mentioned for an immediate cash consideration equal
                  to the full value thereof and SL shall procure that upon
                  receipt of such payment in full Altris Limited shall assign
                  such debt to Altris Inc or as they may direct, it being
                  understood, for example, that SL shall not be entitled to
                  require Altris Inc or Altris Plc to make payments to both
                  Altris Limited and SL in respect of the same losses.

            and so that the exercise by SL of any of the additional remedies set
            out in this 8.11 shall be without prejudice to any other of them,
            provided that the provisions of this 8.11 shall be construed only to
            afford compensation to SL to make SL whole, and not to afford it
            additional punitive compensation.

8.12        Altris Inc agrees to pay to SL from time to time an amount equal to
            any liability in respect of taxation of the company arising in
            respect of or by reference to or in consequence of any of the

8.12.1            any transaction, act, circumstance, omission, agreement,
                  arrangement or event whatsoever occurring on or before the
                  closing date; or

8.12.2            any income, profits or gains arising, earned, accrued or
                  received on or before the closing date; or

8.12.3            any income, profits or gains arising, earned, accrued or
                  received on or before the closing date;

            together with costs and expenses incurred and payable by SL or the
            company in connection with or in consequence of any matter from
            which it


            appears that a liability in respect of taxation is or may be imposed
            which may give rise to a claim under this covenant.

            This covenant shall notwithstanding anything to the contrary
            contained in this agreement endure for a period of 6 (six) years
            from the end of the accounting period current at the closing date.

8.13        References to the awareness or knowledge of Altris Inc or Altris Plc
            as the case may be in a warranty in Appendix 9 shall only limit that
            warranty by Altris Inc's or Altris Plc's awareness or knowledge if
            Altris Inc or Altris Plc as the case may be has made all due and
            careful enquiries to ascertain if the relevant information is true,
            accurate, correct and not misleading.

8.14        Nothing in this agreement shall be deemed to limit the duty of any
            party to mitigate its damages in the event it is entitled hereunder
            to indemnification for any matter.

9.    Releases and other agreements

9.1         SL undertakes that it shall use reasonable endeavours (including
            without limitation substituting the guarantee of SL or Spescom CIT
            or paying in full the underlying obligation) as soon as practical
            after the arrival of the closing date, to achieve the release of
            Altris Inc from the guarantees extended by Altris Inc in favour of
            the persons stated in Appendix 15, the outstanding amount of which
            is set forth in Appendix 15.

9.2         Pending the obtaining of such releases SL hereby indemnifies and
            holds Altris Inc harmless in respect of any claim which may be made
            upon it by any of the creditors concerned in respect of the amounts
            for which SL hereby undertakes to achieve the release of Altris Inc.


9.3         The parties undertake reciprocally in favour of each other that they
            shall as soon as is practical after the arrival of the closing date
            take such steps as may be required to cause agreements to be
            executed and implemented based on sound commercial terms to achieve

9.3.1             the company appoints Spescom CIT as its sole and exclusive
                  distributor of the Altris products in sub-Saharan Africa;

9.3.2             Spescom CIT appoints Altris Inc as its exclusive distributor
                  for the Spescom products in the North, South and Central
                  Americas and the Caribbean and Mexico; and

9.3.3             Spescom CIT and Altris Inc shall conclude a technology
                  agreement to achieve the full integration of the Spescom
                  products and the Altris products.

9.3.4             For the duration of Appendix 3 Altris Inc shall permit Altris
                  Limited without charge to use the Altris name and logo.

9.4         To the extent that the parties cannot agree upon the commercial
            terms of the arrangements described in 9.3, the Chief Executive
            Officer of Altris Inc and the Chief Executive Officer of SL shall
            meet with a view to resolving the issue and if as between them they
            are unable to do so within 30 (thirty) days, the matter shall be
            referred to arbitration in terms of 17 for an arbitrator to resolve
            the conflict. In so doing the parties shall have regard to the
            concepts, time frames, rights, duties, privileges, and obligations
            considered and given effect to in the distributor agreements.


10.   Transfer of software engineers

      Altris Inc shall procure that as and from the closing date all software
      engineers previously in the employ of Altris Limited, shall with their
      consent have been transferred from Altris Limited to another company
      within the Altris Group and Altris Inc and Altris Plc jointly and
      severally hereby undertake to procure that no claim shall lie by any of
      them, whether pursuant to the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of
      Employment) Regulations 1981 or otherwise, as against Altris Limited or
      SL, and Altris Inc and Altris Plc jointly and severally hereby indemnify
      and hold Altris Limited and SL harmless against any and all such claims.
      Altris Limited shall be reimbursed for any compensation paid or payable by
      Altris Limited to such engineers with respect to their employment from the
      effective date through the closing date. For a period of 6 (six) months
      after the closing date, Altris Limited shall continue to provide office
      space and office support for such engineers in a manner consistent with
      that provided to such engineers prior to the closing date. For so long as
      such engineers and the facilities utilised by them are physically present
      within the premises from which Altris Limited conducts business, all
      direct and indirect costs listed in Appendix 17 related to the activities
      of those engineers shall be borne and discharged by Altris Inc and Altris
      Plc jointly and severally which indemnify and hold Altris Limited and SL
      harmless therefor.

11.   Non-competition

11.1        The principal activity of Altris Limited after the closing date
            shall be the marketing and sales of the technology of the Altris
            products and the Spescom products for the rest of the world (and in
            relation to the Spescom products excluding sub-Saharan Africa).

11.2        Accordingly:-


11.2.1            to protect the goodwill of the business of Altris Limited and
                  thereby ensure that SL receives the full benefit of this in
                  making the investment anticipated by this agreement, the
                  Altris Group hereby:-                undertakes that it shall not directly or indirectly,
                        whether through any direct or indirect subsidiary, any
                        other associated company (as such term is defined in
                        11.3) or otherwise, compete with the technologies of the
                        Altris products and the Spescom products in the rest of
                        the world and additionally with the Spescom products in
                        either South and Central America, the Caribbean and
                        Mexico; provided, however, that the marketing and sale
                        of products by any member of the Altris Group to
                        customers or resellers of Altris products for delivery
                        to or use in the rest of the world shall not constitute
                        competition in violation of this agreement if conducted
                        in accordance with the distribution agreements entered
                        into hereunder;          acknowledges that the covenants not to compete as herein
                  contained:-              are fair and reasonable in respect of geographical area
                        and extent and are no greater than is necessary to
                        protect the goodwill of Altris Limited and that the
                        investment by SL as anticipated by this agreement
                        provides adequate compensation for the restrictions
                        imposed; and              shall endure for a period ending upon the date on which
                        Altris Limited ceases to be entitled under the
                        distribution agreements to be the exclusive distributor
                        of Altris products in the rest of the world and shall be
                        relaxed only insofar as and in the territories in which
                        Altris Limited


                        loses exclusive distribution rights as set out in the
                        distribution agreements;

11.2.2            the Spescom Group hereby:-                undertakes that it shall not directly or indirectly,
                        whether through any direct or indirect subsidiary, other
                        associated party (as defined in 11.3) or otherwise,
                        compete with the technologies of the Altris products and
                        the Spescom products anywhere in the world other than
                        sub-Saharan Africa;                acknowledges that the covenants not to compete as herein
                        contained are fair and reasonable in respect of
                        geographical area and extent, and they shall endure for
                        a period of 12 (twelve) months beyond that date on which
                        SL ceases to be the owner of shares in Altris Limited.

11.3        As used herein, the term "associated company" shall mean with
            respect of any party, any entity of any kind that is controlled by
            such party directly or indirectly or as to which such party owns an
            equity interest (other than an interest of not more than 2% of a
            publicly traded company), including but not limited to any direct or
            indirect subsidiary of such party; provided however that an entity
            that acquires all or a portion of any party shall not be deemed an
            associated company with respect to such party for purposes hereof.

11.4        The parties agree that should any restriction be found to be void or
            unenforceable without the deletion of some part of it or the
            reduction in area or duration specified, that restriction shall
            apply with such modification as may be necessary to make it valid.


12.   Supersession

      The terms and conditions of this agreement supersede the letter of intent
      in all respects which is deemed replaced by these presents.

13.   Default

13.1        Subject to the provisions of 8.8, should any of the parties breach
            any of the terms or provisions of this agreement and should such
            breach not be remedied within 14 (fourteen) days after receipt by
            the defaulting party of a written notice calling upon it to do so,
            the aggrieved party shall at its election without prejudice to any
            other rights which it might have for damages or otherwise be
            entitled at any time prior to the performance of all those matters
            required to be dealt with on the closing date to -

13.1.1            terminate this agreement; or

13.1.2            enforce specific performance of the terms hereof.

13.2        Notwithstanding the foregoing no party shall be entitled to
            terminate this agreement unless the breach complained of is capable
            of being remedied and is not remedied promptly in terms hereof, or
            if the breach complained of is incapable of being remedied, is a
            material breach of a material term going to the root of this

13.3        For the avoidance of doubt no party shall be entitled to terminate
            this agreement after those matters which are required to be dealt
            with on the closing date have been duly achieved.

14.   Confidentiality and announcements


      Save for any announcements and filings as shall be required by law or any
      regulatory authority, this agreement shall remain confidential to the
      parties and none of the parties shall be entitled to disclose any aspect
      thereof or the existence thereof to any person, save for professional
      advisors, without the concurrence of the others, which shall not be
      unreasonably withheld, and in this regard it is anticipated that both SL
      and Altris Inc will as a matter of record make public announcements
      regarding this transaction and that Altris Inc will file a report with the
      United States Securities and Exchange Commission that will include a copy
      or description of this agreement and the other agreements contemplated

15.   Co-operation

      Each of the parties hereto undertakes (as far as each is legally able) to

15.1        do, and to procure the doing by other persons, and to refrain and
            procure that other persons will refrain from doing, all such acts;

15.2        pass, and to procure the passing of all such resolutions of
            directors or shareholders of any company,

            to the extent that the same may reasonably lie within such party's
            power as may be required to give effect to the import or intent of
            this agreement or to procure the fulfilment of any condition to
            which it may be subject.

16.   Good faith

      The parties agree that they enter into this agreement on the basis of
      trust and record that they will observe good faith in contracting and
      dealing with each other and implementing the provisions hereof. This
      implies, inter alia, that they -


16.1        will at all times during the currency of this agreement act
            reasonably and in good faith;

16.2        will perform their obligations arising from this agreement
            diligently and with reasonable care;

16.3        have made a full disclosure to each other of any matter that may
            affect the execution of this agreement.

17.   Arbitration

17.1        All disputes, differences or questions arising out of this agreement
            or as to the rights or obligations of the parties under it or in
            connection with the construction of it shall be referred to the
            arbitration of a single arbitrator to be agreed between the parties
            or, failing agreement within 14 (fourteen) days on the nomination by
            any party of an arbitrator to be appointed at the request of any
            party, by the President for the time being of The Law Society of
            England and Wales having due regard to any representations made to
            him as to the appropriate qualifications of such arbitrator. The
            arbitration shall take place in London and shall be in accordance
            with the Arbitration Act 1996 or any re-enactment or modification of
            such Act for the time being in force.

17.2        Notwithstanding the provisions of this 17 the parties shall remain
            vested with rights to apply to Court in respect of any interdict or
            urgent relief as may otherwise be required for the protection of
            their rights.

18.   Proper law

      This agreement is governed by and is to be construed in accordance with
      the substantive laws of England and Wales ignoring any question of
      conflict of laws.


      The parties consent accordingly to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the
      appropriate court of law in England in relation to all matters, claims and
      disputes arising out of or in connection with this agreement or any
      document supplemental hereto. Altris Inc, Altris International and Altris
      Plc hereby jointly and severally irrevocably appoint Altris' solicitors as
      their agent for the service of any proceedings upon them pursuant to this
      agreement. Prior to the closing date Altris Limited irrevocably appoints
      Altris' solicitors and after the closing Altris Limited irrevocably
      appoints Spescom's solicitors as its agent for the service of any
      proceedings upon it pursuant to this agreement. SL and Spescom CIT hereby
      jointly and severally irrevocably appoint Spescom's solicitors as their
      agent for the service of any proceedings upon them pursuant to this

19.   Brokerage

      No party shall be entitled to any brokerage arising out of the conclusion
      of this agreement.

20.   Whole agreement and non-waiver

20.1        This agreement together with the other documents referred to herein
            constitutes the sole and exclusive record of the agreement between
            the parties relating to the subject matters hereof and no
            representation or warranty made or given by any party to any other
            and not contained herein shall be valid and binding and no
            variation, modification or waiver of any provision thereof, or
            consent to any departure therefrom by any party, or consensual
            cancellation, shall be of any force or effect unless the same shall
            be confirmed in writing signed by or on behalf of that party and any
            other party affected thereby, and in any event the same shall be
            effective only in the specific instance and for the purpose, and to
            the extent for which made or given.


20.2        No indulgence of whatever nature or any relaxation of any of the
            terms or conditions of this agreement granted by any party to any
            other shall in any way constitute a waiver or a novation of the
            grantor's rights to strictly enforce the terms hereof, nor operate
            as any estoppel.

21.   Notices

21.1        Any notice or legal process served under this agreement must be in
            writing and must be served on the relevant party at the address set
            out below or such other address as may have been notified to the
            serving party:-

21.1.1            SL
                  and Spescom CIT             Spescom Park
                                              cnr Alexandra Road
                                              and Second Street
                                              Halfway House
                                              Midrand 1685

                                              Fax No. (011) 266 1707

                                              marked for the attention of
                                              the Managing Director

                                              with a copy to:

                                              Kallmeyer & Strime
                                              2nd Floor Sanlam Arena
                                              Entrance 3
                                              10 Cradock Avenue
                                              2196 Johannesburg
                                              Attention: L A Kallmeyer
                                              Fax No. (2711) 447 5030

21.1.2            Altris Inc.
                  Altris International
                  Altris Plc                  9339 Carroll Park Drive
                                              San Diego
                                              California 92121


                                              Fax No. (619) 546 7671
                                              marked for the attention of
                                              the President

                                              with a copy to:

                                              Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP
                                              2029 Century Park East
                                              Suite 4000
                                              Los Angeles
                                              California 90067
                                              Attention: Russell C Hansen
                                              Fax No. (310) 551 8741

21.1.3            Altris Limited

                  before the closing date     9339 Carroll Park Drive
                                              San Diego
                                              California 92121
                                              Fax No. (619) 546 7671
                                              marked for the attention of
                                              the President

                                              with a copy to:

                                              Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP
                                              2029 Century Park East
                                              Suite 4000
                                              Los Angeles
                                              California 90067
                                              Attention: Russell C Hansen
                                              Fax No. (310) 551 8741

                  after the closing date      c/o SL Spescom Park
                                              cnr Alexandra Road and
                                              Second Street Halfway House
                                              Midrand 1685

                                              Fax No. (011) 266 1707

                                              marked for the attention of
                                              the Managing Director


                                              with a copy to:
                                              Kallmeyer & Strime
                                              2nd Floor Sanlam Arena
                                              Entrance 3
                                              10 Cradock Avenue
                                              2196 Johannesburg
                                              Attention: L A Kallmeyer
                                              Fax No. (2711) 447 5030

21.2        All notices to be given under this agreement shall either be
            delivered personally or sent by first class or airmail prepaid post
            or by facsimile transmission and shall be deemed duly served unless
            the contrary is proved:-

21.2.1            in the case of a notice delivered personally, at the time of

21.2.2            in the case of a notice sent inland by first class prepaid
                  post, 5 (five) clear business days after the date of dispatch;

21.2.3            in the case of a notice sent overseas by airmail, 10 (ten)
                  business days (being business days in the place to which the
                  notice is dispatched) after the date of dispatch; and

21.2.4            in the case of a facsimile transmission, if sent during normal
                  business hours then at the time of transmission and if sent
                  outside normal business hours then on the next following
                  business day.

21.3        Each notice shall be addressed to the address of the party concerned
            set out in 21.1 or to such other address as that party shall have
            previously notified to the sender.

22.   Prohibition against assignment

      None of the parties shall be entitled to assign any of its rights arising
      under this agreement, provided however that:-


22.1        Spescom CIT shall be entitled to cede, assign and delegate any
            rights and obligations to which it is bound in terms of this
            agreement to any other company which from time to time is controlled
            by SL; provided, however, that if Spescom CIT so cedes, assigns or
            delegates to any such company any obligations hereunder, Spescom CIT
            shall remain liable for any breach or violation by such company of
            this agreement or any agreement, certificate or document executed or
            delivered hereunder; and

22.2        SL shall be entitled to nominate in its place a subsidiary of SL,
            whether presently in existence or to be incorporated and/or
            registered after the execution date, to which the rights and
            obligations vested in and/or undertaken by SL in terms of this
            agreement will be passed and/or assumed. Such nominee shall become
            bound in writing to the terms hereof. If SL so nominates a
            subsidiary, SL shall remain liable for any breach or violation by
            such subsidiary of this agreement or any other agreement,
            certificate or document executed or delivered hereunder.

23.   Costs

      The costs hereof and incidental hereto including the costs of negotiation,
      drafting and drawing this agreement and any further drafts as incurred
      with the attorneys, shall be borne and paid for as follows:-

23.1        Altris Inc shall bear and pay USD10 000 (ten thousand United States
            Dollars) of such costs;

23.2        SL shall bear and pay all of the remaining amount of such costs; and

23.3        Altris Inc shall bear and pay all out-of-pocket costs incurred by
            it, Altris Plc, and Altris Limited.


            All such costs shall be on the scale as between attorney and his own

24.   Partial invalidity

      Any provision of this agreement which is invalid, illegal or unenforceable
      in any jurisdiction shall, as to that jurisdiction, be ineffective to the
      extent of such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability, without
      affecting in any way the remaining provisions hereof in such jurisdiction
      or rendering that or any other provision of this agreement invalid,
      illegal or unenforceable in any other jurisdiction.

25.   General

25.1        Altris Inc will furnish to SL the following:-

25.1.1            Quarterly Statements

                  As soon as available and in any event within 45 (forty-five)
                  days after the end of each quarterly fiscal period (except the
                  last) of each fiscal year, copies of:                consolidated and consolidating balance sheets of Altris
                        Inc. and Subsidiaries as of the close of the three-month
                        period then ended, setting forth in comparative form the
                        consolidated figures at the end of the preceding fiscal
                        year;                consolidated and consolidating statements of income and
                        retained earnings of Altris Inc. and Subsidiaries for
                        the three-month period then ended, setting forth in
                        comparative form the consolidated figures for the
                        corresponding period of the preceding fiscal year; and

                                      -46-                consolidated and consolidating statements of cash flows
                        of Altris Inc. and Subsidiaries for the portion of the
                        fiscal year ending with such three-month period, setting
                        forth in comparative form the consolidated figures for
                        the corresponding period of the preceding fiscal year,
                        all in reasonable detail and accompanied by a
                        certificate of an authorized financial officer of Altris
                        Inc. that such financial statements fairly present the
                        financial condition and results of operations and cash
                        flows of Altris Inc. at and for the periods presented,
                        subject to normal year-end adjustment;

25.1.2            Annual Statements

                  As soon as available and in any event within 90 (ninety) days
                  after the close of each fiscal year of Altris Inc, copies of:-                consolidated and consolidating balance sheets of Altris
                        Inc. and Subsidiaries as of the close of such fiscal
                        year, and                consolidated and consolidating statements of income and
                        retained earnings and cash flows of Altris Inc. and
                        Subsidiaries for such fiscal year, in each case setting
                        forth in comparative form the consolidated figures for
                        the preceding fiscal year, all in reasonable detail and
                        accompanied by an unqualified report thereon of a firm
                        of independent public accountants of recognized national
                        standing or a firm reasonably acceptable to SL;

25.1.3            Sec and Other Reports

                  Promptly upon their becoming available, one copy of each
                  financial statement, report, notice or proxy statement sent by
                  Altris Inc. to stockholders generally and of each periodic or
                  current report, and any


                  registration statement or prospectus filed by Altris Inc. or
                  any Subsidiary with any securities exchange or the SEC or any
                  successor agency, and copies of any orders in any proceedings
                  to which Altris Inc. or any of its Subsidiaries is a party,
                  issued by any governmental agency, federal or state, having
                  jurisdiction over Altris Inc. or any of its Subsidiaries.
                  Altris Inc. specifically covenants to timely file each such
                  item required to be filed with the SEC and each state
                  requiring securities laws filings; and

25.1.4            Pipeline Report and Other Requested Information

                  Within 5 (five) business days after preparation, Altris Inc's
                  internal pipeline report, and with reasonable promptness, such
                  financial data and other information relating to the business
                  of Altris Inc. as SL may from time to time reasonably request.

25.2        Each party to this agreement shall execute all instruments and
            documents and take all actions as may be reasonably required to
            effectuate this agreement.

25.3        Time and strict and punctual performance are of the essence with
            respect to each provision of this agreement.

25.4        In the event any litigation, arbitration, mediation, or other
            proceeding ("Proceeding") is initiated by any party(ies) against any
            other party(ies) to enforce, interpret or otherwise obtain judicial
            or quasi-judicial relief in connection with this agreement, the
            prevailing party(ies) in such Proceeding shall be entitled to
            recover from the unsuccessful party(ies) all costs, expenses, actual
            attorney's and expert witness fees, relating to or arising out of:-

25.4.1            such Proceeding (whether or not such Proceeding proceeds to
                  judgment), and


25.4.2            any post-judgment or post-award proceeding including without
                  limitation one to enforce any judgment or award resulting from
                  any such Proceeding. Any such judgment or award shall contain
                  a specific provision for the recovery of all such subsequently
                  incurred costs, expenses, actual attorney's and expert witness

25.5        Each party to this agreement and its legal counsel have reviewed and
            revised this agreement. The rule of construction that any
            ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party shall not
            be employed in the interpretation of this agreement or of any
            amendments or exhibits to this agreement.

25.6        This agreement shall become effective when it has been executed by
            all of the parties to this agreement.


25.7.1            The obligations of Altris Inc and Altris Plc under this
                  agreement shall be the joint and several obligations of Altris
                  Inc and Altris Plc.

25.7.2            Altris Inc hereby interposes and binds itself as guarantor,
                  jointly and severally for, and as co-principal debtor in
                  solidum with Altris Plc in favour of SL, in respect of any
                  claim arising out of this agreement or any cancellation
                  thereof, under renunciation of the benefits of excussion,
                  division and cession of action and of the benefit of all other
                  exceptions which might or could be pleaded by it (the meaning
                  and effect of which it hereby declares that it fully
                  appreciates and understands) and it shall -                be bound by all  acknowledgments and admissions by
                        Altris Plc;

                                      -49-                not be entitled to be released herefrom by virtue of any
                        variation or novation of this agreement, the release of
                        any other security furnished by or on behalf of Altris
                        Plc, or any extension of time or other indulgence
                        granted by SL.

25.7.3            Altris Plc hereby interposes and binds itself as guarantor,
                  jointly and severally for, and as co-principal debtor in
                  solidum with Altris Inc in favour of SL, in respect of any
                  claim arising out of this agreement or any cancellation
                  thereof, under renunciation of the benefits of excussion,
                  division and cession of action and of the benefit of all other
                  exceptions which might or could be pleaded by it (the meaning
                  and effect of which it hereby declares that it fully
                  appreciates and understands) and it shall -                be bound by all acknowledgments and admissions by Altris
                        Inc;                not be entitled to be released herefrom by virtue of any
                        variation or novation of this agreement, the release of
                        any other security furnished by or on behalf of Altris
                        Inc, or any extension of time or other indulgence
                        granted by SL.

25.8        In the case of conflict between any provision of this agreement and
            the shareholders agreement (Appendix 7 hereto), the provisions
            hereof shall prevail.

25.9        Any provisions of this agreement shall, so far as they are capable
            of being performed or observed, continue in full force and effect
            notwithstanding the expiry of the execution date except in respect
            of those matters already performed.


25.10       This agreement may be executed in several counterparts (whether
            original or facsimile) and upon the execution of all such
            counterparts by one or more parties, each counterpart shall be
            deemed to be an original hereof.

Thus done and signed by the parties hereto as follows -

Date:    May 7, 1999                                        For and on behalf of
                                                                 Spescom Limited

Place:   London, England                /s/ Hilton Isaacman
                                                  Director, who warrants that he
                                                       is duly authorised hereto

Date:    May 7, 1999                                        For and on behalf of
                                                           Altris Software, Inc.

Place:   London, England                /s/ Roger Erickson
                                                  Director, who warrants that he
                                                       is duly authorised hereto

Date:    May 7, 1999                                        For and on behalf of
                                                       Spescom CIT (Pty) Limited

Place:   London, England                /s/ Hilton Isaacman
                                                  Director, who warrants that he
                                                       is duly authorised hereto

Date:    May 7, 1999                                For and on behalf of each of
                                              the companies in the Spescom group

Place:   London, England                /s/ Hilton Isaacman
                                                  Director, who warrants that he
                                                       is duly authorised hereto

Date:    May 7, 1999                                        For and on behalf of
                                                           Altris Software, Inc.

Place:   London, England                /s/ Roger Erickson
                                                 President, who warrants that he
                                                       is duly authorised hereto

Date:    May 7, 1999                                        For and on behalf of
                                                         Altris Software Limited

Place:   London, England                /s/Peter J.J. Brady


                                                  Director, who warrants that he
                                                       is duly authorised hereto

Date:    May 7, 1999                                        For and on behalf of
                                                    Altris International Limited

Place:   London, England                /s/ John W. Low
                                                  Director, who warrants that he
                                                       is duly authorised hereto

Date:    May 7, 1999                                        For and on behalf of
                                                                Altris Group Plc

Place:   London, England                /s/ John W. Low
                                                  Director, who warrants that he
                                                       is duly authorised hereto

Date:    May 7, 1999                                For and on behalf of each of
                                               the companies in the Altris group

Place:   London, England                /s/ Peter J.J. Brady
                                                  Director, who warrants that he
                                                       is duly authorised hereto

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


1.   Interpretation..........................................................  2

2.   Preamble................................................................ 10

3.   Indivisibility.......................................................... 11

4.   The conditions.......................................................... 11

5.   Restructuring and events upon closing date.............................. 15

6.   Payment to Altris Inc................................................... 20

7.   Investment by SL in Altris Inc.......................................... 21

8.   Warranties.............................................................. 27

9.   Releases and other agreements........................................... 32

10.  Transfer of software engineers.......................................... 34

11.  Non-competition......................................................... 34

12.  Supersession............................................................ 37

13.  Default................................................................. 37

14.  Confidentiality and announcements....................................... 37

15.  Co-operation............................................................ 38

16.  Good faith.............................................................. 38

17.  Arbitration............................................................. 39

18.  Proper law.............................................................. 39

19.  Brokerage............................................................... 40

20.  Whole agreement and non-waiver.......................................... 40

21.  Notices................................................................. 41

22.  Prohibition against assignment.......................................... 43

23.  Costs................................................................... 44

24.  Partial invalidity...................................................... 45

25.  General................................................................. 45


Appendix 1     Accounts

Appendix 2     Altris products

Appendix 3     Distribution Agreement

Appendix 4     Distribution Agreement

Appendix 5     Effective Date Management Accounts

Appendix 6     Executives

Appendix 7     Shareholders Agreement

Appendix 8     Spescom products

Appendix 9     U K  Warranties

Appendix 10    U S  Warranties

Appendix 11    Service Agreement

Appendix 12    Service Agreement

Appendix 13    Assets of Altris Limited taken over by Altris Inc

Appendix 14    Ongoing obligations of the company assumed by Altris Inc

Appendix 15    Releases

Appendix 16    SL warranties

Appendix 17    Reimbursable Costs Relating to UK Engineers

Appendix 18    Memorandum of understanding in relation to Altris Software
               securities litigation

Appendix 19    Pledge

                                                                      APPENDIX 3


                       [Letterhead of Kallmeyer & Strime]



                              Altris Software, Inc.


                             Altris Software Limited


1.    Interpretation

1.1         The clause headings of this agreement are for reference purposes
            only and shall not be used in the interpretation thereof.

1.2         Unless a contrary intention clearly appears -

1.2.1             expressions which denote -                 any gender shall include the other genders;                 a natural person shall include an artificial person and
                        vice versa;                 the singular shall include the plural and vice versa;

1.2.2             the following expressions shall have the meanings set opposite
                  them below and cognate expressions shall bear corresponding
                  meanings -           "Altris Additional
                  Product"           -     shall mean any Computer Software
                                           Program relating to knowledge
                                           management products, document
                                           management systems, product data


                                           products, or configuration management
                                           products, other than EB or Wintrack,
                                           in whole or in part including and
                                           without detracting from the
                                           generality of the aforegoing, any one
                                           or more of the modules of the program
                                           and any Upgrades, Modifications and
                                           Enhancements thereto, in respect
                                           whereof Altris Software Inc or any
                                           other member of the Altris Group owns
                                           the copyright or will own the
                                           copyright in future or in respect
                                           whereof the copyright does not
                                           subsist at present, but will come
                                           into being in future and will be
                                           owned by Altris Inc or any such
                                           member of the Altris Group;           "Altris Inc"
                  or "Licensor"      -     shall mean Altris Software, Inc.
                                           organised according to the laws of
                                           the State of California, United
                                           States of America;           "Altris Limited"


                  or "Licensee"      -     shall mean Altris Software Limited,
                                           company number 2625912, incorporated
                                           in the United Kingdom under the
                                           Companies Act 1985;           "Altris Limited
                  Territory"         -     shall mean every territory or country
                                           save and except for North-, Central-,
                                           South America, Caribbean and Mexico;           "Altris products"  -     shall mean EB, Wintrack or Altris
                                           Additional Product;           "Code"             -     shall mean a computer programming
                                           code; unless otherwise specified,
                                           Code shall include both object code
                                           and source code and Code shall
                                           include any maintenance
                                           Modifications, Upgrades or
                                           Enhancements thereto created by the
                                           Licensor or owner of the copyright
                                           from time to time;           "Computer Software


                  Program"           -     shall mean the program forming the
                                           subject matter of the right licensed
                                           in terms of clause Error! Reference
                                           source not found. hereof;           "EB"               -     shall mean EB Software, a Computer
                                           Software Program, as more fully
                                           particularised in annexure "A"
                                           hereto, in whole or in part and
                                           including, without detracting from
                                           the generality of the aforegoing, any
                                           one or more modules of the program
                                           presently available;           "EMS"              -     shall mean EMS Software, a computer
                                           program, as more fully particularised
                                           in annexure "B" hereto, in whole or
                                           in part and including, without
                                           detracting from the generality of the
                                           aforegoing, any one or more modules
                                           of the program presently available
                                           and any Upgrades, Modifications and
                                           Enhancements thereto;

                                      -6-          "Enhancements"     -     shall mean significant changes to a
                                           computer software program, resulting
                                           in the addition of a feature or
                                           capability not present in the
                                           computer software program prior to
                                           the introduction of the changes, as
                                           well as any changes to the computer
                                           software program designed to permit
                                           the use of the software on hardware
                                           or in conjunction with operating
                                           system software other than that for
                                           which the software was initially
                                           designed;          "the Integrated
                  Software"          -     shall mean the integrated software
                                           product resulting from the
                                           combination of PRO-CM and EB and/or
                                           Wintrack and/or the Altris Additional
                                           Product and/or the Spescom Additional
                                           Product;          "Intellectual
                  Property"          -     shall mean all intellectual property,
                                           whether tangible or intangible,
                                           relating to, associated with or
                                           arising from the


                                           software product in question,
                                           including and without detracting from
                                           the generality hereof, all copyright
                                           applications and registrations, the
                                           right to exercise aspects of
                                           copyright whether registered or not,
                                           ownership of any aspect of copyright
                                           whether registered or not, trade
                                           marks, trade names, trade secrets,
                                           marketing development and strategy
                                           data, calculations, development cost
                                           research and information, plans,
                                           proprietary rights, installation and
                                           user manuals whether or not
                                           incorporated in humanly intelligible
                                           media or data, data base designs,
                                           data base entity relationships, data
                                           base triggers and procedures, common
                                           object models, information,
                                           processes, flow diagrams and system
                                           descriptions, technology rights,
                                           licences, market research, field
                                           research data, market projections,
                                           promotional data, research and
                                           development, tests and the result


                                           thereof whether still in progress or
                                           otherwise, discoveries, developments,
                                           prototypes, designs, diagrams,
                                           engineering technology, acquisitions,
                                           productions, all inventions,
                                           formulas, processes, works of any
                                           nature, techniques, diagrams,
                                           concepts, software, Code,
                                           information, working papers, and
                                           anything which is devised and is
                                           subject to any intellectual property
                                           rights, logos, whether registered or
                                           not and all or any rights relating to
                                           any of the aforesaid;          the Interface
                  Product            -     shall mean a computer software
                                           program with interface capability,
                                           designed primarily to link the
                                           components of the Integrated
                                           Software, as more fully
                                           particularised in annexure "C"
                                           hereto, in whole or in part and
                                           including, without detracting from
                                           the generality of the aforegoing, any
                                           one or more modules of the program
                                           presently available and any Upgrades,


                                           Modifications and Enhancements
                                           thereto;          "Licensee"         -     shall mean Altris Limited;          "Licensor"         -     shall mean Altris Inc;          "List Price"       -     shall mean the value placed on the
                                           transaction in question by reference
                                           to the price list of the Licensor
                                           then in effect;          "Modifications"    -     shall mean changes, improvements or
                                           customisation of or to a computer
                                           software program, which may be
                                           required to adapt the software to the
                                           requirements of the user;          "PRO-CM"           -     shall mean the software program
                                           resulting from the combination of EMS
                                           and the Interface Product;          "restructuring


                  agreement"         -     shall mean that agreement as between
                                           Spescom Limited, Spescom CIT, Altris
                                           Inc, Altris Limited, Altris
                                           International Limited, and Altris
                                           Group Plc, and to which this
                                           constitutes Appendix 3;          "right of
                  copyright"         -     shall mean the reproduction of the
                                           Computer Software Program for the
                                           purposes of use thereof by third
                                           parties, subject to the third parties
                                           being licensed in the terms set out
                                           in annexure "D" hereto;          "Spescom Additional
                  Product"           -     shall mean any computer software
                                           program relating to knowledge
                                           management products, document
                                           management systems, product data
                                           management products, or configuration
                                           management products, other than EMS,
                                           Interface Product or PRO-CM, in whole
                                           or in part including and without
                                           detracting from the generality of the
                                           aforegoing, any one or more of the
                                           modules of the


                                           program and any Upgrades,
                                           Modifications and Enhancements
                                           thereto, in respect whereof Spescom
                                           CIT, SL or any other member of the
                                           Spescom group owns the copyright or
                                           will own the copyright in future or
                                           in respect whereof the copyright does
                                           not subsist at present, but will come
                                           into being in future and will be
                                           owned by Spescom CIT, SL or any other
                                           member of the Spescom group;          "Spescom CIT"      -     shall mean Spescom CIT (Pty) Limited,
                                           Registration No. 83/08746/07, a
                                           company incorporated in the Republic
                                           of South Africa, and its cessionaries
                                           and assigns;          "Spescom products" -     shall mean EMS, Interface Product,
                                           PRO-CM or Spescom Additional Product;          "Term"             -     shall mean in perpetuity, subject
                                           however to the provisions of 13;

                                      -12-          "Territory"        -     shall mean a single geographic
                                           territory identified in annexure "G"
                                           hereto, which constitutes a portion
                                           of the Altris Limited Territory;          "Upgrades"         -     shall mean changes or improvements to
                                           a computer software program, which
                                           relate to or affect the operating
                                           performance of the software or an
                                           aspect of the software, but which do
                                           not change the basic operation or
                                           functioning of the computer software
                                           program;          "Wintrack"         -     shall mean Wintrack Software, a
                                           Computer Software Program as more
                                           fully particularised in annexure "E"
                                           hereto including PRO-EDM and Target,
                                           in whole or in part and including,
                                           without detracting from the
                                           generality of the aforegoing, any one
                                           or more modules of the program
                                           presently available.


1.3         Terms and expressions defined in the restructuring agreement shall,
            unless the context dictates otherwise, have the same meanings where
            referred to herein.

1.4         Wherever the context permits, a reference to a licence shall include
            a sub-licence and vice versa and a reference to a licensor shall
            include a reference to a sub-licensor and vice versa and a reference
            to a licensee shall include a reference to a sub-licensee and vice

1.5         Any reference to an enactment is to that enactment as at the date of
            signature hereof and as amended or re-enacted from time to time.

1.6         If any provision in a definition is a substantive provision
            conferring rights or imposing obligations on any party,
            notwithstanding that it is only in the definition clause, effect
            shall be given to it as if it were a substantive provision in the
            body of the agreement.

1.7         When any number of days is prescribed in this agreement, same shall
            be reckoned exclusively of the first and inclusively of the last day
            unless the last day falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in
            which case the last day shall be the next succeeding day which is
            not a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday.


1.8         Where figures are referred to in numerals and in words, if there is
            any conflict between the two the words shall prevail.

1.9         A reference to a document includes an amendment or supplement to, or
            replacement or novation of that document.

1.10        Where a certificate or determination is required by the auditors in
            terms of this agreement, such shall be prepared by the auditors
            acting as experts and not as arbitrators and shall be final and
            binding upon the parties save for any manifest error in calculation.

1.11        Schedules, annexures or appendices to this agreement shall be deemed
            to be incorporated in and form part of this agreement.

1.12        The preamble shall be deemed to be incorporated herein.

2.    Preamble

      It is hereby recorded that:-


2.1         Spescom CIT or another member of the Spescom Group is the owner of
            the full and complete copyright in the Spescom products and the
            Intellectual Property associated therewith;

2.2         Altris Inc or another member of the Altris Group is the owner of the
            full and complete copyright in the Altris products and the
            Intellectual Property associated therewith; provided, however, that
            the Altris products include software licensed to Altris Inc or such
            member of the Altris Group by third parties pursuant to licenses
            from such third parties which permit the sublicense of such software

2.3         Altris Inc and Spescom CIT enjoy rights of copyright in certain
            third party computer software programs and may acquire ownership of
            the copyright therein, such software being either embedded or
            utilised or to be utilised in conjunction with the Altris products
            and/or the Spescom products;

2.4         Altris Limited is the licensee in respect of certain right of
            copyright in the Altris products which it is authorised to
            sub-license in the terms contemplated in this agreement;

2.5         Spescom CIT has developed the Interface Product of which it is the
            owner of the right of copyright and which enables the integration of
            certain of the Altris products and certain of the Spescom products;


2.6         Altris Inc wishes to grant to Altris Limited licenses in relation to
            the Altris products in order inter alia to facilitate the marketing
            of the Altris products independently of, or in conjunction with the
            Spescom products;

2.7         the Integrated Software which is created by the combination of the
            respective products of Altris Inc and Spescom CIT is capable of
            separation at any time and the respective products are capable of
            distinct identification at any time;

2.8         Altris Limited wishes to license, market and install the Integrated
            Software and individual products to and at various customers as end
            users and/or distributors;

2.9         the parties desire to regulate their relationship in terms of this

2.10        the parties have reached agreement relating to the aforegoing and
            peripheral matters which they require to be reduced to writing and
            to be signed by them before the same shall be or become binding upon

2.11        in consideration of the mutual undertakings contained herein, the
            parties hereby agree as follows.


3.    Grant of licence

3.1         In consideration of the remunerations and royalties provided for
            herein and subject to the terms and conditions hereof Altris Inc on
            behalf of itself and each other member of the Altris Group:-

3.1.1             hereby grants to Altris Limited, for the Term and in the
                  Altris Limited Territory, the exclusive right, subject to
                  3.2.1, to exercise the right of copyright in EB and Wintrack;

3.1.2             agrees to grant, upon any release thereof by Licensor, to
                  Altris Limited for the remainder of the Term from and after
                  the date of such release and in the Altris Limited Territory,
                  the exclusive right, subject to 3.2.1, to exercise the right
                  of copyright in any Altris Additional Product and any
                  Enhancement, Upgrade or Modification of EB or Wintrack. The
                  license of such Enhancement, Upgrade or Modification shall be
                  subject to the terms set forth in 11 below.


3.2.1             The exclusivity granted to Altris Limited in terms of 3.1 is
                  conditional on the royalties forecast in operating statements
                  dated 20 February 1999 in the line "Altris Capital SW Royalty"
                  (identified by the initials of the parties' representatives
                  and annexed hereto marked "F") not


                  falling below 75% of the forecast amount through the year
                  2001. Should a royalty deficiency arise in any period prior to
                  December 31, 2000, the exclusivity will remain in full effect,
                  it being understood that the first year in which the royalties
                  may affect the future exclusivity of the license granted
                  hereunder shall be 2001.

3.2.2             The goal and the minimum royalty amount for the year 2001 is
                  set forth in annexure "F". After 2001 the parties shall
                  determine by mutual agreement on or before 1 December of the
                  preceding year the amount of the aggregate goal for royalties
                  payable to Licensor to be generated from sales of the Altris
                  products by Licensee for such year and the minimum amount of
                  royalties for such year, which shall be equal to 75%
                  (seventy-five percent) of the amount of such aggregate goal;
                  provided, however, that in the event that the parties fail to
                  timely agree to the amount of such goal and minimum royalty
                  for any year, such goal and minimum royalty shall be
                  determined by the Arbitration Board in accordance with 21
                  below and the Arbitration Board shall take into account in
                  determining such goal and minimum royalty the license revenue
                  growth for Altris products sold in the United States. If:-                 a royalty deficiency exists in any calendar year
                        commencing on or after January 1, 2001 such that the
                        royalties earned by


                        Licensor fall below the minimum royalty amount for such
                        year (which equals 75% (seventy-five per cent) of the
                        amount of the aggregate goal for such year); and                 the royalties earned by Licensor in any year within the
                        immediately succeeding 3 (three) years (hereinafter
                        referred to as a "Second Shortfall Year") fall below the
                        minimum royalty amount for such Second Shortfall Year
                        (which equals 75% (seventy-five per cent) of the amount
                        of the aggregate goal for such Second Shortfall Year);
                        and                 in the Second Shortfall Year the royalties earned by
                        Licensor from the sale of Altris products in such Second
                        Shortfall Year in any single Territory constitutes less
                        than 5% (five per cent) of the aggregate goal for such
                        Second Shortfall Year for all of the Altris Limited

                  the exclusivity of the rights of Licensee hereunder with
                  respect to such Territory shall thereupon cease and Altris Inc
                  may thereafter sell Altris products or appoint other
                  distributors to sell Altris products in any such Territory. In
                  such event, Altris Limited shall retain its distributor rights
                  to these Territories but on a non-exclusive basis.


3.3         Altris Inc furthermore undertakes for the Term to provide from time
            to time to Altris Limited training as may reasonably be required at
            the premises of Altris Limited of such number of persons employed by
            Altris Limited as is reasonably determined by Altris Limited, in the
            use and marketing of the Altris products. Altris Limited shall pay
            to Altris Inc:-

3.3.1             an amount necessary to reimburse Altris Inc for all travel,
                  subsistence and other out-of-pocket costs incurred by Altris
                  Inc in providing such training; and

3.3.2             50% (fifty per cent) of the published training class rate
                  applicable to such training.

4.    Licence Fees / Royalties

4.1         The Licensee shall pay the Licensor royalties, in consideration for
            the rights granted in terms of clause 3 hereof, in respect of Altris
            products an amount equal to 50% (fifty per cent) of the net invoiced
            value in accordance with the Licensor's published List Price minus,
            in the case of sales to a distributor of Licensee who is not
            affiliated or associated with Licensee , any discount provided in
            the ordinary course of business to such distributor which is
            approved by Licensor in advance, which approval shall not be
            unreasonably withheld.


4.2         Any payment due by the Licensee to the Licensor shall be made free
            of exchange, deduction or set off within 60 (sixty) days of the
            relevant invoice having been issued by the Licensee to the third
            party user or within 60 (sixty) days of the end of the month in
            which the Computer Software Program was delivered to the third party
            user, whichever is the earlier.

4.3         Within 60 (sixty) days after the end of the Licensee's financial
            year, the Licensee shall furnish the Licensor with a certificate
            from its auditors verifying the quantum of the payments due by the
            Licensee to the Licensor.

4.4         The parties acknowledge that certain customers and marketing
            partners can be expected to order Altris products within the Altris
            Limited Territory for use wholly or partially at user installations
            outside the Altris Limited Territory or to order Altris products
            outside the Altris Limited Territory for use wholly or partially at
            user installations within the Altris Limited Territory. For purposes
            of determining whether the sale is deemed to have been made by
            Licensee and therefore subject to this agreement, the sale of such
            Altris product and any related maintenance thereon shall be deemed
            to have occurred:-


4.4.1             within the Altris Limited Territory (and within a specific
                  Territory) if the purchase order is issued by the customer
                  from a location within the Altris Limited Territory (and such
                  Territory); and

4.4.2             outside the Altris Limited Territory if the purchase order is
                  issued by the customer from a location outside of the Altris
                  Limited Territory;

            provided, however, that in the event that the sale of Altris
            products involves a user installation with more than 100 (one
            hundred) licensed seats and would otherwise be deemed to have been
            made outside the territory in which such installation is located,
            the portion of the revenues from such sale that relate to such user
            installation of one hundred (100) or more seats shall be deemed to
            have been made in such Territory as the chief executives of Licensor
            and Licensee shall agree considering all of the facts and
            circumstances surrounding such sale, and in the absence of such
            agreement then by the Arbitration Board under Error! Reference
            source not found. below. Both Licensor and Licensee shall make
            available customary maintenance support services to user
            installations located within their respective territories
            irrespective of whether the sale of the Altris product or
            maintenance thereon occurred outside of such territory. All such
            maintenance support services shall be provided at the published
            rates charged by Licensee or Licensor, as the case may be, for such


5.    Use of licence

      Altris Limited shall only be entitled to market and otherwise exercise the
      right granted to it in terms of clause 3 hereof, in relation to Altris
      products within the Altris Limited Territory.

6.    Delivery and installation

6.1         Altris Inc shall provide Altris Limited with a master copy software
            for Altris products required for Altris Limited to exercise the
            rights granted herein.

6.2         Altris Inc shall furnish such software and do all things,
            expeditiously and diligently, reasonably necessary to give effect to
            the terms of this agreement.

6.3         Installation of the Computer Software Program, shall be carried out
            in accordance with the specifications of the Licensor, as set out in
            Licensor's standard product documentation, as may be reasonably
            amended from time to time in writing and duly delivered to the
            Licensee, which new specifications shall be deemed to become part of
            this agreement. Without prejudice to anything herein contained, the
            Licensor shall assume no liability for software failure, malfunction
            or any damage of whatsoever


            nature or howsoever arising, where the failure, malfunction or
            damage is due to non-compliance with the Licensor's specifications.

6.4         The Licensor shall use its best endeavours to timeously deliver and
            activate the Computer Software Program, however, neither party shall
            be liable for any losses or damages suffered by the other party in
            consequence of any delay in this regard.

7.    Licensee's undertakings

      The Licensee undertakes:-

7.1         save as contained in this agreement, not to copy, reproduce or
            translate the Computer Software Program and not to communicate the
            Computer Software Program to any third party, including any person
            affiliated to or associated with the Licensee, without the prior
            written consent of the Licensor;

7.2         to maintain accurate and updated records of the number and siting of
            all copies of the Computer Software Program;

7.3         to supervise and control the use of the Computer Software Program in
            accordance with the terms of this agreement;


7.4         to reproduce and include the copyright notice or notices forming
            part of or reflected on the Computer Software Program;

7.5         save as contained in this agreement, not to make the Computer
            Software Program available to any person.

8.    Source code

8.1         It is recorded that the original Computer Software Programs
            contemplated in this agreement shall be delivered in object machine
            language for ease of installation and use; however, it is
            acknowledged that the programs had been, can be or shall be
            developed in a source language or Code different from the object
            machine language.

8.2         The Licensee shall not de-compile, reverse compile, disassemble or
            print the source code nor derive nor attempt to derive the source
            code nor the functionality inherent in the source code of the
            Computer Software Program except to the extent permissible under
            English law, having regard to the provisions of section 50B of the
            Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 where the purpose of such
            decompiling is solely to enable interoperability with other


8.3         It is specifically recorded that any breach of the aforesaid term
            shall constitute an irremediable breach of this agreement.

8.4         The Licensor shall be obliged as soon as practical and at the cost
            of Licensor (except that if Licensee requests the addition of any of
            its customers as a party designated as eligible to access the
            escrow, Licensee shall pay the costs of such designation) lodge the
            source code of each Computer Software Program in escrow with an
            escrow agent reasonably approved of by the Licensee and upon terms
            reasonably and customarily applicable to agreements of such nature
            to protect both the competing interests of:-

8.4.1             the Licensor to protect the value of the source code, to
                  preserve maintenance revenue, and to prevent the Licensee from
                  modifying the Computer Software Program; and

8.4.2             the Licensee to ensure that the Computer Software Program will
                  be maintained, upgraded and enhanced irrespective of the fate
                  of the Licensor.

            In the event that the parties are unable to agree upon such terms,
            they will be determined by an appropriately qualified Arbitration
            Board upon the basis set out in clause 21.


9.    Alterations and Modifications

      Save as specifically permitted in this agreement, the Licensee shall not
      be entitled to alter, modify or add to the Computer Software Program.

10.   Irremediable breach

      Any use of a Computer Software Program or the right to exercise the right
      of copyright by the Licensee for any purpose other than that permitted
      herein, without the prior written consent of the Licensor, shall
      constitute an irremediable breach of this agreement.

11.   Enhancements / Upgrades / Modifications

11.1        The Licensor shall supply information with regard to Enhancements of
            the Computer Software Program, and shall supply such Enhancements to
            the Licensee at such costs as may be notified by the Licensor from
            time to time.

11.2        The Licensor shall assume no obligation in terms of this agreement,
            in respect of Upgrades to the Computer Software Program. Upgrades to
            the Computer Software Program shall be furnished by the Licensor to
            the Licensee under


            the terms and conditions provided for in a separate maintenance
            agreement between the parties and shall not be deemed licensed under
            this agreement.

11.3        The Licensor shall assume no obligation in terms of this agreement,
            in respect of Modifications of or to the Computer Software Program.

11.4        If a particular complaint be directed to the Licensor within a
            period of 90 (ninety) days from the date of an installation of the
            Computer Software Program, the Licensor shall, free of charge,
            furnish such materials and services as may be reasonably necessary
            to correct any defects in the operations of the Computer Software

11.5        The Licensor shall perform any other services in respect of the
            Computer Software Program, as may reasonably be required by the
            Licensee, in accordance with the terms of a separate software
            maintenance agreement between the parties materially in the form of
            Annexure "H".

11.6        The Licensee shall pay to Licensor a royalty equal to 35%
            (thirty-five percent) of the net invoiced amount charged by Licensee
            to its customers under any software maintenance agreement under
            which Upgrades of the Computer Software Program may be provided.
            Such royalty shall be paid free of exchange, deduction or set off
            within 60 (sixty) days of the relevant invoice


            having been issued by the Licensee to the third party with whom the
            maintenance agreement is entered into.

12.   Exclusion of liability

12.1        Altris Limited shall ensure that the Computer Software Program shall
            be sold with a disclaimer by the Licensor and Licensee in such form
            as is specified from time to time by Licensor and is reasonably
            acceptable to Licensee in respect of inter alia any loss or damage
            arising directly or indirectly in connection with the Computer
            Software Program, as the case may be, and the use thereof and
            without detracting from the generality thereof:-

12.1.1            for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly as a
                  result of abuse, misuse, or unauthorised use of the Computer
                  Software Program, as the case may be;

12.1.2            for any Modifications or other changes to the Computer
                  Software Program which are not carried out by an authorised
                  representative of the Licensor;

12.1.3            in respect of a breach of a licence;


12.1.4            for loss of profits or for incidental, special or
                  consequential damages arising from the installation, service,
                  performance and use of the Computer Software Program, as the
                  case may be;

12.1.5            any design flaw or any malfunction in the Computer Software
                  Program or the equipment relating thereto, as the case may be,

            to the extent that such liability is capable of being excluded or
            disclaimed under English law.

12.2        The Licensor shall not be liable to the Licensee for any loss or
            damage arising directly or indirectly in connection with the
            Computer Software Program, the use of the Computer Software Program
            and without detracting from the generality hereof:-

12.2.1            for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly as a
                  result of abuse, misuse or unauthorised use of the Computer
                  Software Program;

12.2.2            any Modifications to the Computer Software Program which had
                  not been carried out or authorised by the Licensor;


12.2.3            in respect of anything which may constitute a breach of this
                  agreement by the Licensor by reason of circumstances beyond
                  the control of either of the parties hereto;

12.2.4            for loss of profits or for incidental, special or
                  consequential damages arising out of or in connection with the
                  licensing, installation, delivery, performance, Enhancements,
                  Upgrades or Modifications of the Computer Software Program,

            to the extent that such liability is capable of being excluded or
            disclaimed under English law.

13.   Commencement and termination

13.1        This agreement shall be deemed to have commenced, notwithstanding
            the date of signature hereof, on the closing date of the
            restructuring agreement and shall continue in force until it is
            terminated in accordance with the provisions of this 13.

13.2        In addition to any rights of termination which either party may have
            at law, this agreement may be terminated by either party, by written
            notice, without prejudice to the aggrieved party's rights to recover
            all damages and losses it may suffer and otherwise:-


13.2.1            should the other party commit a breach of any of the terms of
                  this agreement and fail to rectify the breach within a period
                  of 30 (thirty) days of receipt of a written notice specifying
                  the breach;

13.2.2            immediately should the breach be irremediable and material
                  going to the root of this agreement.

13.3        In the event of the insolvency, liquidation or the institution of
            proceedings against the defaulting party or the defaulting party
            making any arrangements or filing any documents in a court in
            contemplation of insolvency, then and in any such event, without
            prejudice to the aggrieved party's rights, the entire balance of all
            and any monies due by the defaulting party to the other party shall
            immediately become due and payable, notwithstanding that it would
            not otherwise have been due. In such an event, and failing payment
            of the full amount due within 5 (five) days of a written demand by
            the aggrieved party, the aggrieved party shall be entitled, to
            either terminate this agreement by written notice or to claim
            specific performance; provided that in either event, the aggrieved
            party shall be entitled to recover all damages it may suffer and all
            amounts due to it.

13.4        Upon termination of this agreement due to a default by either of the
            parties and in addition to the rights granted to the aggrieved party
            in terms hereof, the


            aggrieved party shall be entitled, without prejudice to its other
            rights or remedies at law, to suspend performance of all its
            obligations in terms of this agreement. The defaulting party shall
            be liable for all costs incurred by the aggrieved party in
            connection with the recovery of monies and legal costs incurred in
            securing the rights of the aggrieved party in terms hereof.

13.5        This agreement may be terminated by an agreement duly signed by both

13.6        Upon the termination of this agreement for any reason whatsoever,
            any right to exercise the right of copyright or license granted in
            terms hereof shall terminate and the Licensee shall return to the
            Licensor any version or copy of the Computer Software Program in its
            possession and any master copy of the same and all Intellectual
            Property relating thereto in its possession.

13.7        In the event of termination of this agreement for any reason
            whatsoever, Altris Inc shall be entitled to require, within 14
            (fourteen) days of termination, that any maintenance or support
            agreement in respect of Altris products or any other Computer
            Software Program licensed by Altris Inc in terms hereof and to which
            Altris Limited is a party, be assigned to it or that it be entitled,
            without prejudice to any other rights it may have, to maintain and
            support the relevant Computer Software Program. In this regard,
            Altris Limited shall make available all relevant information and
            shall sign all documents, upon demand, to give effect hereto. In
            addition hereto, the Licensor shall be


            entitled, from time to time, to conduct routine inspections as to
            the maintenance, marketing distribution of the Computer Software
            Program and the exercise by the Licensee of its rights in terms
            hereof and in this regard, the Licensee shall furnish all reasonable
            information and assistance to give effect hereto.

14.   Infringement of rights of copyright

14.1        In the event that the right to exercise the right of copyright is
            infringed by a third party, both parties may agree, but neither
            shall be obligated to, join in instituting proceedings against the
            third party and the costs of such proceedings and any damages,
            account of profits, delivery-up of infringing copies and the
            proceeds of any proceedings which may be recovered shall be divided
            equally between them.

14.2        In the event that the parties fail to agree to jointly institute
            proceedings, only the owner or Licensor of the infringed right in
            question shall be entitled to institute proceedings in respect of
            the same; provided that any damages, account of profits, delivery-up
            of infringing copies and the proceeds of any proceedings shall
            accrue to that party only.


15.   No partnership created

      This agreement does not create a partnership, joint venture, or fiduciary
      relationship. Each party shall conduct its obligations independently and
      not as an agent or employee of the other party. Subject to the terms
      hereof, each party shall be responsible for choosing the means to be
      employed and the manner of carrying out its obligations hereunder. Each
      party shall be responsible for the supervision and payment of its

16.   Joint marketing activities

      The parties agree to consult and co-operate with each other in the
      interest of promoting Altris products in order to maximize their
      collective return from the division of royalties in respect thereof. To
      that end, the Licensee shall:-

16.1        become familiar with the technical and operational functions and
            features of the Altris products;

16.2        visit potential new customers for marketing presentations, at the
            reasonable request of the other party;

16.3        conduct demonstrations and performance benchmarks of the Computer
            Software Program;


16.4        be provided with such promotional material as the Licensor shall
            consider reasonable;

16.5        be entitled to call upon the Licensor to support the Computer
            Software Program, subject to a separate maintenance agreement
            between the parties;

16.6        not sell, market, distribute or promote any document management
            system product that is similar to or competitive with any Computer
            Software Program licensed or to be licensed to Licensee hereunder or
            any Enhancement, Modification or Upgrade thereof; provided, however,
            that in the event that the sales of Altris products in the United
            States in any year commencing with 2001 decline by more than 20%
            (twenty percent) from the immediately preceding year, Licensee may
            elect by written notice to Licensor at any time during the
            immediately succeeding year to terminate the exclusivity of this
            agreement for the Altris Limited Territory, in which event Licensee
            may thereafter offer competing or similar products and Licensor may
            offer the Altris products in the Altris Limited Territory or appoint
            another distributor or distributors to offer the Altris products.
            Altris Inc shall make available to Altris Limited all its relevant
            records on reasonable notice to ensure that the provisions of this
            16.6 are complied with.


17.   Documentation standards

      To the extent possible and in order to assist the Licensee to achieve the
      goals contemplated in terms of this agreement, Altris Inc shall establish
      and conform to reasonable requirement for technical and functional

18.   Supporting documentation; audit

      Reasonable books of account relating to Computer Software Program
      reproductions, names and addresses of customers where Computer Software
      Program was installed, the charges made in respect of the aforesaid and
      the relevant invoices shall be kept and maintained by Licensee. All such
      records shall be open for review, copy and audit by Licensor at reasonable
      times and on reasonable notice to support charges and amounts due by
      Licensee to the Licensor. An audit of such records may be made, upon
      demand by Licensor, no more than twice each year, by an independent firm
      of accountants or by such other individuals as may be reasonably
      acceptable to the Licensee.

19.  Taxation

      Unless a double taxation agreement between USA and the UK from time to
      time permits payments due in terms of this agreement to be made without
      deduction of withholding or other taxes or unless a valid exemption is
      obtained, any sums in


      respect of withhold in or other taxes which USA law or UK law, as the case
      may be, require to be deducted from payments due in terms of this
      agreement, shall be deducted from such payments. Where applicable, either
      party shall promptly furnish the other with a certificate of payment from
      the appropriate authority confirming that such taxes have been paid.

20.   Warranties

20.1        The Licensor warrants that it is entitled to license and transmit
            the rights granted in terms hereof and for the purposes hereof and
            that the Computer Software Program and the rights granted in terms
            hereof do not infringe upon or violate any copyright, trademarks or
            other Intellectual Property, privacy or any other right of any third
            party, nor has any claim of such infringement been threatened or
            asserted, nor is such a claim pending against the Licensor (or, to
            the best of the Licensor's knowledge, against any entity from which
            the Licensor may have obtained such a right).

20.2        The Licensor represents and warrants that it is under no obligation
            or restriction, nor will it assume any obligation or restriction
            that does or may in any way interfere or conflict with, its
            obligations in terms hereof.


20.3        The Licensor indemnifies the Licensee against any loss or damage
            suffered by the Licensee as a result of a breach of any of the
            warranties given in terms hereof.

21.   Arbitration

21.1        In the event of any controversy, claim or dispute arising out of or
            relating to this Agreement or the breach thereof, both parties shall
            meet and exert their best efforts to find an amicable settlement.

21.2        Failing agreement within a period of 30 (thirty) days from the date
            on which either party, in writing, with reference to the present
            clause, requests an amicable settlement, the matter shall be settled
            by arbitration adjudicated under English Law, conducted in English
            and held in London, England, in accordance with Rules of
            Conciliation and Arbitration of the International Chamber of

21.3        The Arbitration Board shall consists of three members. Each of the
            parties shall appoint one arbitrator and the two so nominated shall
            in turn choose a third. If the chosen arbitrators cannot agree on
            the choice of the third arbitrator, such arbitrator shall be
            appointed by the Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber
            of Commerce.


21.4        The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the Rules of
            the International Chamber of Commerce and it is agreed that the
            decision shall be definite and there shall be no appeal to the
            Courts from the decision of the arbitrators.

21.5        Either party shall be entitled to have any arbitration award made an
            order of Court.

21.6        The obligation herein to arbitrate shall not be binding upon either
            party with respect to requests for temporary restraining orders,
            preliminary injunctions or interdicts or other procedures (or their
            functional equivalent) in a court of competent jurisdiction to
            obtain interim relief when deemed necessary by such court to:-

21.6.1            preserve the status quo or prevent irreparable injury pending
                  resolution by arbitration of the actual dispute between the
                  parties; or

21.6.2            to order specific performance.

22.   Confidentiality and restraint

22.1        Each party acknowledges that all material information which has or
            will come into the possession or knowledge of the other in
            connection with this


            agreement or the performance of any obligations hereunder or the
            Computer Software Program, including without limitation the
            Intellectual Property of the parties, consists of confidential and
            proprietary information, which, if disclosed to third parties, might
            be damaging to the proprietor thereof.

22.2        Both parties therefore agree to hold such material information in
            the strictest confidence, not to make use thereof other than in the
            performance of the obligations under this agreement, to release it
            only to employees requiring such information and not to release or
            disclose it to any other party; provided, however, that any party
            shall be entitled to make such disclosures to the extent such party
            is required to do so by law or legal process.

22.3        Neither party shall use the name of the other in publicity releases
            or advertising or for other promotional purposes, without securing
            the prior written approval of the other party, save in such
            instances as any of the parties are required to make public
            announcements as a matter of law, regulation or rule of any stock

22.4        The parties agree that the provisions of the clause shall survive
            the termination of this agreement.


23.   Intellectual Property rights

23.1        Without prejudice to the Licensor's rights, each party acknowledges
            that any and all Intellectual Property used or embodied in or in
            connection with the Computer Software Program and the ownership of
            the copyright in question, shall remain the exclusive property of
            the Licensor.

23.2        The Licensee shall not question or dispute the ownership of any such
            rights at any time during the continuation in force of this
            agreement or thereafter.

23.3        The aforesaid shall apply whether or not the copyright in question
            or any other similar rights are registered.

23.4        All rights to and in connection with the Computer Software Program
            and copyright in question not specifically granted to the Licensee
            in terms of this agreement are reserved to the Licensor.

23.5        The rights granted in terms of this agreement shall be by way of a
            licence and the Licensee shall not acquire any ownership or interest
            in such rights.


24.   Severability

24.1        If any provision of this agreement is found or held to be invalid,
            unlawful or unenforceable, the validity of all the other provisions
            hereof shall not be affected thereby and the parties agree to meet
            and review the matter and if any valid and enforceable means is
            reasonably available to achieve the same object as the invalid or
            unenforceable provision, to adopt such means by way of variation of
            this agreement.

24.2        In the event that any of the terms of this agreement are found to be
            invalid, unlawful or unenforceable, such term shall be severable
            from the remaining terms, which shall continue to be valid and
            enforceable. If any invalid term is capable of amendment to render
            it valid, the parties agree to negotiate an amendment to remove the

25.   Force majeure

      In the event that either party is unable to perform any obligation
      hereunder due to any circumstances beyond its control, including the
      action, intervention, or decree of any government, and such circumstances
      are not caused by the fault of a party and such circumstances continue for
      a period of at least 60 (sixty) days, either party may terminate this
      agreement by means of written notice to the other party.


26.   Assignment

      Neither party shall be entitled to assign, delegate, cede or transfer any
      rights or obligations acquired in terms of this agreement, in whole or in
      part, to any other party or person without the prior written consent of
      the other party; provided, however, that Licensor shall be entitled to
      assign, delegate, cede or transfer its rights and obligations hereunder to
      any person or entity acquiring all or substantially all of the business of

27.   Addresses and notices

27.1        The parties choose as their domicilia citandi et executandi for all
            purposes under this agreement, whether in respect of court process,
            notices or other documents or communications of whatsoever nature,
            the following addresses:-

27.1.1            Altris Inc                  9339 Carroll Park Drive
                                              San Diego
                                              California 92121
                                              Fax No. (619) 546 7671
                                              marked for the attention of
                                              the President

                                              with a copy to:

                                              Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP
                                              2029 Century Park East
                                              Suite 4000


                                              Los Angeles
                                              California 90067
                                              Attention: Russell C Hansen
                                              Fax No. (310) 551 8741

27.1.2            Altris Limited
                  before the closing date     9339 Carroll Park Drive
                                              San Diego
                                              California 92121
                                              Fax No. (619) 546 7671
                                              marked for the attention of
                                              the President

                                              with a copy to:

                                              Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP
                                              2029 Century Park East
                                              Suite 4000
                                              Los Angeles
                                              California 90067
                                              Attention: Russell C Hansen
                                              Fax No. (310) 551 8741

                  after the closing date      c/o SL
                                              Spescom Park
                                              cnr Alexandra Road
                                              and Second Street
                                              Halfway House
                                              Midrand 1685
                                              Republic of South Africa

                                              Fax No. (011) 266 1707

                                              marked for the attention of
                                              the Managing Director

                                              with a copy to:
                                              Kallmeyer & Strime
                                              2nd Floor Sanlam Arena
                                              Entrance 3
                                              10 Cradock Avenue
                                              2196 Johannesburg
                                              Republic of South Africa

                                              Attention: L A Kallmeyer
                                              Fax No. (2711) 447 5030


27.2        Any notice or communication required to be given in terms of this
            agreement shall be valid and effective only if in writing.

27.3        Either party may by notice to the other change its domicilium
            citandi et executandi to another physical address either in the
            United States of America or in the United Kingdom or in the Republic
            of South Africa; provided that the change shall become effective on
            the 7th day after receipt of the notice.

27.4        Any notice which the one party may require to give the other shall
            be deemed to have been received:-

27.4.1            if sent by prepaid registered post addressed to the other
                  party, not later than 14 (fourteen) business days after the
                  date of posting; or

27.4.2            if delivered by hand, on the date of the delivery thereof; or

27.4.3            if despatched by telefax, on the date of a valid transmission
                  report indicating that a transmission had taken place, being
                  duly printed on the sender's telefax machine.

27.5        Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein contained, a written
            notice actually received by a party shall be an adequate written
            notice to it,


            notwithstanding that it was not sent to or delivered at its chosen
            domicilium citandi et executandi.

27.6        Where, in terms of this agreement, any communication is required to
            be in writing, the term "writing" shall include communication by

28.   Whole agreement

28.1        This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties.
            No party shall be entitled to rely upon any term, warranty,
            condition or representation unless it is herein contained.

28.2        No amendment, novation, variation, addition to or consensual
            cancellation of this agreement or any provision or term thereof
            (including this clause) and no extension of time, waiver or
            relaxation of any of the provisions or terms of this agreement shall
            be binding unless recorded in a written document signed by the
            parties. Any such extension, waiver or relaxation which is so given
            or made shall be construed as relating strictly to the matter in
            respect whereof it was made or given.

28.3        No extension of time or waiver or relaxation of any of the
            provisions or terms of this agreement shall operate as an estoppel
            against any party in respect of its rights under this agreement, nor
            shall it operate so as to preclude such party


            thereafter from exercising its rights strictly in accordance with
            this agreement.

29.   Proper law

      This agreement is governed by and is to be construed in accordance with
      the substantive laws of England and Wales ignoring any question of
      conflict of laws. The parties consent accordingly to the non-exclusive
      jurisdiction of the appropriate court of law in England in relation to all
      matters, claims and disputes arising out of or in connection with this
      agreement or any document supplemental hereto. Altris Inc hereby
      irrevocably appoints Altris' solicitors as its agent for the service of
      any proceedings upon it pursuant to this agreement. Prior to the closing
      date Altris Limited irrevocably appoints Altris' solicitors and after the
      closing Altris Limited irrevocably appoints Spescom's solicitors as its
      agent for the service of any proceedings upon it pursuant to this

Thus done and signed by the parties hereto as follows -

Date:   May 7, 1999                                         For and on behalf of
                                                           Altris Software, Inc.

Place:  London, England                    /s/ Roger Erickson
                                                 President, who warrants that he
                                                       is duly authorised hereto

Date:   May 7, 1999                                        For and on behalf of
                                                         Altris Software Limited


Place:  London, England                    /s/ Peter J.J. Brady
                                                  Director, who warrants that he
                                                       is duly authorised hereto

Date:   May 7, 1999                                 For and on behalf of each of
                                               the companies in the Altris group

Place:  London, England                    /s/ John W. Low
                                                  Director, who warrants that he
                                                       is duly authorised hereto

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


1.   Interpretation..........................................................  2

2.   Preamble................................................................ 14

3.   Grant of licence........................................................ 17

4.   Licence Fees / Royalties................................................ 20

5.   Use of licence.......................................................... 23

6.   Delivery and installation............................................... 23

7.   Licensee's undertakings................................................. 24

8.   Source code............................................................. 25

9.   Alterations and Modifications........................................... 27

10.  Irremediable breach..................................................... 27

11.  Enhancements / Upgrades / Modifications................................. 27

12.  Exclusion of liability.................................................. 29

13.  Commencement and termination............................................ 31

14.  Infringement of rights of copyright..................................... 34

15.  No partnership created.................................................. 35

16.  Joint marketing activities.............................................. 35

17.  Documentation standards................................................. 37

18.  Supporting documentation; audit......................................... 37

19.  Taxation................................................................ 37

20.  Warranties.............................................................. 38

21.  Arbitration............................................................. 39

22.  Confidentiality and restraint........................................... 40

23.  Intellectual Property rights............................................ 42

24.  Severability............................................................ 43

25.  Force majeure........................................................... 43

26.  Assignment.............................................................. 44

27.  Addresses and notices................................................... 44

28.  Whole agreement......................................................... 47

29.  Proper law.............................................................. 48


"A"  -    EB Software Description

"B"  -    EMS Software Description

"C"  -    Interface Software Description

"D"  -    Form of License Agreement for use by Licensee

"E"  -    Wintract Software Description

"F"  -    Forecast Royalties

"G"  -    List of Territories

"H"  -    Software Maintenance Agreement

                                                                     APPENDIX  4


                       [Letterhead of Kallmeyer & Strime]



                        Spescom CIT (Proprietary) Limited


                             Altris Software Limited


1.    Interpretation

1.1         The clause headings of this agreement are for reference purposes
            only and shall not be used in the interpretation thereof.

1.2         Unless a contrary intention clearly appears -

1.2.1             expressions which denote -                 any gender shall include the other genders;                 a natural person shall include an artificial person and
                        vice versa;                 the singular shall include the plural and vice versa;

1.2.2             the following expressions shall have the meanings set opposite
                  them below and cognate expressions shall bear corresponding
                  meanings -           "Altris Additional
                  Product"           -      shall mean any Computer Software
                                            Program relating to knowledge
                                            management products, document
                                            management systems, product data


                                            products, or configuration
                                            management products, other than EB
                                            or Wintrack, in whole or in part
                                            including and without detracting
                                            from the generality of the
                                            aforegoing, any one or more of the
                                            modules of the program and any
                                            Upgrades, Modifications and
                                            Enhancements thereto, in respect
                                            whereof Altris Software Inc or any
                                            other member of the Altris Group
                                            owns the copyright or will own the
                                            copyright in future or in respect
                                            whereof the copyright does not
                                            subsist at present, but will come
                                            into being in future and will be
                                            owned by Altris Inc or any such
                                            member of the Altris Group;           "Altris Limited"
                  or "Licensee"      -      shall mean Altris Software Limited,
                                            company number 2625912, incorporated
                                            in the United Kingdom under the
                                            Companies Act 1985;           "Altris Limited


                  Territory"         -      shall mean every territory or
                                            country save and except for North-,
                                            Central-, South America, Caribbean
                                            and Mexico;           "Altris products"  -      shall mean EB, Wintrack or Altris
                                            Additional Product;           "Code"             -      shall mean a computer programming
                                            code; unless otherwise specified,
                                            Code shall include both object code
                                            and source code and Code shall
                                            include any maintenance
                                            Modifications, Upgrades or
                                            Enhancements thereto created by the
                                            Licensor or owner of the copyright
                                            from time to time;           "Computer Software
                  Program"           -      shall mean the program forming the
                                            subject matter of the right licensed
                                            in terms of clause Error! Reference
                                            source not found. hereof;           "EB"               -      shall mean EB Software, a Computer
                                            Software Program, as more fully


                                            particularised in annexure "A"
                                            hereto, in whole or in part and
                                            including, without detracting from
                                            the generality of the aforegoing,
                                            any one or more modules of the
                                            program presently available;           "EMS"              -      shall mean EMS Software, a computer
                                            program, as more fully
                                            particularised in annexure "B"
                                            hereto, in whole or in part and
                                            including, without detracting from
                                            the generality of the aforegoing,
                                            any one or more modules of the
                                            program presently available;           "Enhancements"     -      shall mean significant changes to a
                                            computer software program, resulting
                                            in the addition of a feature or
                                            capability not present in the
                                            computer software program prior to
                                            the introduction of the changes, as
                                            well as any changes to the computer
                                            software program designed to permit
                                            the use of the software on


                                            hardware or in conjunction with
                                            operating system software other than
                                            that for which the software was
                                            initially designed;          "the Integrated
                  Software"          -      shall mean the integrated software
                                            product resulting from the
                                            combination of PRO-CM and EB and/or
                                            Wintrack and/or the Altris
                                            Additional Product and/or the
                                            Spescom Additional Product;          "Intellectual
                  Property"          -      shall mean all intellectual
                                            property, whether tangible or
                                            intangible, relating to, associated
                                            with or arising from the software
                                            product in question, including and
                                            without detracting from the
                                            generality hereof, all copyright
                                            applications and registrations, the
                                            right to exercise aspects of
                                            copyright whether registered or not,
                                            ownership of any aspect of copyright
                                            whether registered or not, trade
                                            marks, trade names, trade


                                            secrets, marketing development and
                                            strategy data, calculations,
                                            development cost research and
                                            information, plans, proprietary
                                            rights, installation and user
                                            manuals whether or not incorporated
                                            in humanly intelligible media or
                                            data, data base designs, data base
                                            entity relationships, data base
                                            triggers and procedures, common
                                            object models, information,
                                            processes, flow diagrams and system
                                            descriptions, technology rights,
                                            licences, market research, field
                                            research data, market projections,
                                            promotional data, research and
                                            development, tests and the result
                                            thereof whether still in progress or
                                            otherwise, discoveries,
                                            developments, prototypes, designs,
                                            diagrams, engineering technology,
                                            acquisitions, productions, all
                                            inventions, formulas, processes,
                                            works of any nature, techniques,
                                            diagrams, concepts, software, Code,
                                            information, working


                                            papers, and anything which is
                                            devised and is subject to any
                                            intellectual property rights, logos,
                                            whether registered or not and all or
                                            any rights relating to any of the
                                            aforesaid;          the Interface
                  Product            -      shall mean a computer software
                                            program with interface capability,
                                            designed primarily to link the
                                            components of the Integrated
                                            Software, as more fully
                                            particularised in annexure "C"
                                            hereto, in whole or in part and
                                            including, without detracting from
                                            the generality of the aforegoing,
                                            any one or more modules of the
                                            program presently available and any
                                            Upgrades, Modifications and
                                            Enhancements thereto;          "Licensee"         -      shall mean Altris Limited;          "Licensor"         -      shall mean Spescom CIT (Proprietary)

                                      -9-          "List Price"       -      shall mean the value placed on the
                                            transaction in question by reference
                                            to the price list of the Licensor
                                            then in effect;          "Modifications"    -      shall mean changes, improvements or
                                            customisation of or to a computer
                                            software program, which may be
                                            required to adapt the software to
                                            the requirements of the user;          "PRO-CM"           -      shall mean the software program
                                            resulting from the combination of
                                            EMS and the Interface Product;          "restructuring
                  agreement"         -      shall mean that agreement as between
                                            Spescom Limited, Spescom CIT, Altris
                                            Inc, Altris Limited, Altris
                                            International Limited, and Altris
                                            Group Plc, and to which this
                                            constitutes Appendix 4;          "right of
                  copyright"         -      shall mean the reproduction of the
                                            Computer Software Program for the
                                            purposes of


                                            use thereof by third parties,
                                            subject to the third parties being
                                            licensed in the terms set out in
                                            annexure "D" hereto;          "Spescom Additional
                  Product"           -      shall mean any computer software
                                            program relating to knowledge
                                            management products, document
                                            management systems, product data
                                            management products, or
                                            configuration management products,
                                            other than EMS, Interface Product or
                                            PRO-CM, in whole or in part
                                            including and without detracting
                                            from the generality of the
                                            aforegoing, any one or more of the
                                            modules of the program and any
                                            Upgrades, Modifications and
                                            Enhancements thereto, in respect
                                            whereof Spescom CIT, SL or any other
                                            member of the Spescom group owns the
                                            copyright or will own the copyright
                                            in future or in respect whereof the
                                            copyright does not subsist at
                                            present, but will come into


                                            being in future and will be owned by
                                            Spescom CIT, SL or any other member
                                            of the Spescom group;          "Spescom CIT"
                  or "Licensor"      -      shall mean Spescom CIT (Pty)
                                            Limited, Registration No.
                                            83/08746/07, a company incorporated
                                            in the Republic of South Africa;          "Spescom products" -      shall mean EMS, Interface Product,
                                            PRO-CM or Spescom Additional
                                            Product;          "Term"             -      shall mean in perpetuity, subject
                                            however to the provisions of 13;          "Territory"        -      shall mean a single geographic
                                            territory identified in annexure "G"
                                            hereto, which constitutes a portion
                                            of the Altris Limited Territory;          "Upgrades"         -      shall mean changes or improvements
                                            to a computer software program,


                                            relate to or affect the operating
                                            performance of the software or an
                                            aspect of the software, but which do
                                            not change the basic operation or
                                            functioning of the computer software
                                            program;          "Wintrack"         -      shall mean Wintrack Software, a
                                            Computer Software Program as more
                                            fully particularised in annexure "E"
                                            hereto including PRO-EDM and Target,
                                            in whole or in part and including,
                                            without detracting from the
                                            generality of the aforegoing, any
                                            one or more modules of the program
                                            presently available.

1.3         Terms and expressions defined in the restructuring agreement shall,
            unless the context dictates otherwise, have the same meanings where
            referred to herein.

1.4         Wherever the context permits, a reference to a licence shall include
            a sub-licence and vice versa and a reference to a licensor shall
            include a reference


            to a sub-licensor and vice versa and a reference to a licensee shall
            include a reference to a sub-licensee and vice versa.

1.5         Any reference to an enactment is to that enactment as at the date of
            signature hereof and as amended or re-enacted from time to time.

1.6         If any provision in a definition is a substantive provision
            conferring rights or imposing obligations on any party,
            notwithstanding that it is only in the definition clause, effect
            shall be given to it as if it were a substantive provision in the
            body of the agreement.

1.7         When any number of days is prescribed in this agreement, same shall
            be reckoned exclusively of the first and inclusively of the last day
            unless the last day falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in
            which case the last day shall be the next succeeding day which is
            not a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday.

1.8         Where figures are referred to in numerals and in words, if there is
            any conflict between the two the words shall prevail.

1.9         A reference to a document includes an amendment or supplement to, or
            replacement or novation of that document.


1.10        Where a certificate or determination is required by the auditors in
            terms of this agreement, such shall be prepared by the auditors
            acting as experts and not as arbitrators and shall be final and
            binding upon the parties save for any manifest error in calculation.

1.11        Schedules, annexures or appendices to this agreement shall be deemed
            to be incorporated in and form part of this agreement.

1.12        The preamble shall be deemed to be incorporated herein.

2.    Preamble

      It is hereby recorded that:-

2.1         Spescom CIT or another member of the Spescom Group is the owner of
            the full and complete copyright in the Spescom products and the
            Intellectual Property associated therewith; provided, however, that
            the Spescom products include software licensed to Spescom CIT. or
            such member of the Spescom Group by third parties pursuant to
            licenses from such third parties which permit the sublicense of such
            software hereunder;

2.2         Altris Inc or another member of the Altris Group is the owner of the
            full and complete copyright in the Altris products and the
            Intellectual Property


            associated therewith, provided, however, that the Altris products
            include software licensed to Altris Inc or such member of the Altris
            Group by third parties pursuant to licenses from such third parties
            which permit the sublicense of such software hereunder;

2.3         Spescom CIT and Altris Inc enjoy rights of copyright in certain
            third party computer software programs and may acquire ownership of
            the copyright therein, such software being either embedded or
            utilised or to be utilised in conjunction with the Spescom products
            and/or the Altris products;

2.4         Altris Limited is the licensee in respect of certain rights of
            copyright in the Spescom products which it is authorised to
            sub-license in the terms contemplated in this agreement;

2.5         Spescom CIT has developed the Interface Product of which it is the
            owner of the right of copyright and which enables the integration of
            certain of the Spescom products and certain of the Altris products;

2.6         Spescom CIT wishes to grant to Altris Limited licenses in relation
            to the Spescom products in order inter alia to facilitate the
            marketing of the Spescom products independently of, or in
            conjunction with the Altris products;


2.7         the Integrated Software which is created by the combination of the
            respective products of Altris Inc and Spescom CIT is capable of
            separation at any time and the respective products are capable of
            distinct identification at any time;

2.8         Altris Limited wishes to license, market and install the Integrated
            Software and individual products to and at various customers as end
            users and/or distributors;

2.9         the parties desire to regulate their relationship in terms of this

2.10        the parties have reached agreement relating to the aforegoing and
            peripheral matters which they require to be reduced to writing and
            to be signed by them before the same shall be or become binding upon

2.11        in consideration of the mutual undertakings contained herein, the
            parties hereby agree as follows.

3.    Grant of licence

3.1         In consideration of the remunerations and royalties provided for
            herein and subject to the terms and conditions hereof Spescom CIT,
            on behalf of itself


            and each other member of the Spescom Group, (a) hereby grants to
            Altris Limited, for the Term and in the Altris Limited Territory,
            the exclusive right, subject to 3.2.1, to exercise the right of
            copyright in EMS and Interface Product and (b) agrees to grant, upon
            any release thereof by Licensor, to Altris Limited for the remainder
            of the Term from and after the date of such release and in the
            Altris Limited Territory, the exclusive right, subject to 3.2.1, to
            exercise the right of copyright in any Spescom Additional Product
            and any Enhancement, Upgrade or Modification of EMS and Interface
            Product. The license of such Enhancement, Upgrade or Modification
            shall be subject to the terms set forth in 11 below.


3.2.1             The exclusivity granted to Altris Limited in terms of 3.1 is
                  unconditional until the end of the year 2000.

3.2.2             After 2000 the parties shall determine by mutual agreement on
                  or before 1 December of the preceding year (starting in
                  December 2000 for the year 2001) the amount of the aggregate
                  goal for royalties payable to Licensor to be generated from
                  sales of the Spescom products by Licensee for such year and
                  the minimum amount of royalties for such year, which shall be
                  equal to seventy-five percent (75%) of the amount of such
                  aggregate goal; provided, however, that in the event that the
                  parties fail to timely agree to the amount of such


                  goal and minimum royalty for any year, such goal and minimum
                  royalty shall be determined by the Arbitration Board in
                  accordance with 21 below. If (a) a royalty deficiency exists
                  in any calendar year commencing on or after January 1, 2001
                  such that the royalties earned by Licensor fall below the
                  minimum royalty amount for such year (which equals seventy
                  five per cent (75%) of the amount of the aggregate goal for
                  such year), (b) the royalties earned by Licensor in any year
                  within the immediately succeeding three years (hereinafter
                  referred to as a "Second Shortfall Year") fall below the
                  minimum royalty amount for such Second Shortfall Year (which
                  equals seventy five per cent (75%) of the amount of the
                  aggregate goal for such Second Shortfall Year), and (c) in the
                  Second Shortfall Year the royalties earned by Licensor from
                  the sale of Spescom products in such Second Shortfall Year in
                  any single Territory constitute less than five percent (5%) of
                  the aggregate goal for such Second Shortfall Year for all of
                  the Altris Limited Territory, the exclusivity of the rights of
                  Licensee hereunder with respect to such Territory shall
                  thereupon cease and Spescom CIT may thereafter sell Spescom
                  products or appoint other distributors to sell Spescom
                  products in any such Territory. In such event, Altris Limited
                  shall retain its distributor rights to these Territories but
                  on a non-exclusive basis.


3.3         Spescom CIT furthermore undertakes for the Term to provide from time
            to time to Altris Limited training as may reasonably be required at
            the premises of Altris Limited of such number of persons employed by
            Altris Limited as is reasonably determined by Altris Limited, in the
            use and marketing of the Spescom products. Altris Limited shall pay
            to Spescom CIT (a) an amount necessary to reimburse Spescom CIT for
            all travel, subsistence and other out-of-pocket costs incurred by
            Spescom CIT in providing such training and (b) fifty percent (50%)
            of the published training class rate applicable to such training.

4.    Licence Fees / Royalties

4.1         The Licensee shall pay the Licensor royalties, in consideration for
            the rights granted in terms of clause 3 hereof, in respect of
            Spescom products an amount equal to 50% (fifty per cent) of the net
            invoiced value in accordance with the Licensor's published List
            Price minus, in the case of sales to a distributor of Licensee who
            is not affiliated or associated with Licensee , any discount
            provided in the ordinary course of business to such distributor
            which is approved by Licensor in advance, which approval shall not
            be unreasonably withheld.

4.2         Any payment due by the Licensee to the Licensor shall be made free
            of exchange, deduction or set off within 60 (sixty) days of the
            relevant invoice


            having been issued by the Licensee to the third party user or within
            60 (sixty) days of the end of the month in which the Computer
            Software Program was delivered to the third party user, whichever is
            the earlier.

4.3         Within 60 (sixty) days after the end of the Licensee's financial
            year, the Licensee shall furnish the Licensor with a certificate
            from its auditors verifying the quantum of the payments due by the
            Licensee to the Licensor.

4.4         The parties acknowledge that certain customers and marketing
            partners can be expected to order Spescom products within the Altris
            Limited Territory for use wholly or partially at user installations
            outside the Altris Limited Territory or to order Spescom products
            outside the Altris Limited Territory for use wholly or partially at
            user installations within the Altris Limited Territory. For purposes
            of determining whether the sale is deemed to have been made by
            Licensee and therefore subject to this agreement, the sale of such
            Spescom product and any related maintenance thereon shall be deemed
            to have occurred (a) within the Altris Limited Territory (and within
            a specific Territory) if the purchase order is issued by the
            customer from a location within the Altris Limited Territory (and
            such Territory), and (b) outside the Altris Limited Territory if the
            purchase order is issued by the customer from a location outside of
            the Altris Limited Territory; provided, however, that in the event
            that the sale of Spescom products involves a user installation with
            more than one hundred (100) licensed seats and would


            otherwise be deemed to have been made outside the territory in which
            such installation is located, the portion of the revenues from such
            sale that relate to such user installation of one hundred (100) or
            more seats shall be deemed to have been made in such territory as
            the chief executives of Licensor and Licensee shall agree
            considering all of the facts and circumstances surrounding such
            sale, and in the absence of such agreement then by the Arbitration
            Board under 21 below. Both Licensor and Licensee shall make
            available customary maintenance support services to user
            installations located within their respective territories
            irrespective of whether the sale of the Spescom product or
            maintenance thereon occurred outside of such territory. All such
            maintenance support services shall be provided at the published
            rates charged by Licensee or Licensor, as the case may be, for such

5.    Use of licence

      Altris Limited shall only be entitled to market and otherwise exercise the
      right granted to it in terms of clause 3 hereof, in relation to Spescom
      products within the Altris Limited Territory.


6.    Delivery and installation

6.1         Spescom CIT shall provide Altris Limited with a master copy software
            for Spescom products required for Altris Limited to exercise the
            rights granted herein.

6.2         Spescom CIT shall furnish such software and do all things,
            expeditiously and diligently, reasonably necessary to give effect to
            the terms of this agreement.

6.3         Installation of the Computer Software Program, shall be carried out
            in accordance with the specifications of the Licensor, as set out in
            Licensor's standard product documentation, as may be reasonably
            amended from time to time in writing and duly delivered to the
            Licensee, which new specifications shall be deemed to become part of
            this agreement. Without prejudice to anything herein contained, the
            Licensor shall assume no liability for software failure, malfunction
            or any damage of whatsoever nature or howsoever arising, where the
            failure, malfunction or damage is due to non-compliance with the
            Licensor's specifications.

6.4         The Licensor shall use its best endeavours to timeously deliver and
            activate the Computer Software Program, however, neither party shall
            be liable for


            any losses or damages suffered by the other party in consequence of
            any delay in this regard.

7.    Licensee's undertakings

      The Licensee undertakes:-

7.1         save as contained in this agreement, not to copy, reproduce or
            translate the Computer Software Program and not to communicate the
            Computer Software Program to any third party, including any person
            affiliated to or associated with the Licensee, without the prior
            written consent of the Licensor;

7.2         to maintain accurate and updated records of the number and siting of
            all copies of the Computer Software Program;

7.3         to supervise and control the use of the Computer Software Program in
            accordance with the terms of this agreement;

7.4         to reproduce and include the copyright notice or notices forming
            part of or reflected on the Computer Software Program;


7.5         save as contained in this agreement, not to make the Computer
            Software Program available to any person.

8.    Source code

8.1         It is recorded that the original Computer Software Programs
            contemplated in this agreement shall be delivered in object machine
            language for ease of installation and use; however, it is
            acknowledged that the programs had been, can be or shall be
            developed in a source language or Code different from the object
            machine language.

8.2         The Licensee shall not de-compile, reverse compile, disassemble or
            print the source code nor derive nor attempt to derive the source
            code nor the functionality inherent in the source code of the
            Computer Software Program except to the extent permissible under
            English law, having regard to the provisions of section 50B of the
            Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 where the purpose of such
            decompiling is solely to enable interoperability with other

8.3         It is specifically recorded that any breach of the aforesaid term
            shall constitute an irremediable breach of this agreement.


8.4         The Licensor shall be obliged as soon as practical and at the cost
            of Licensor (except that if Licensee requests the addition of any of
            its customers as a party designated as eligible to access the
            escrow, Licensee shall pay the costs of such designation) lodge the
            source code of each Computer Software Program in escrow with an
            escrow agent reasonably approved of by the Licensee and upon terms
            reasonably and customarily applicable to agreements of such nature
            to protect both the competing interests of:-

8.4.1             the Licensor to protect the value of the source code, to
                  preserve maintenance revenue, and to prevent the Licensee from
                  modifying the Computer Software Program; and

8.4.2             the Licensee to ensure that the Computer Software Program will
                  be maintained, upgraded and enhanced irrespective of the fate
                  of the Licensor.

            In the event that the parties are unable to agree upon such terms,
            they will be determined by an appropriately qualified Arbitration
            Board upon the basis set out in clause 21.


9.    Alterations and Modifications

      Save as specifically permitted in this agreement, the Licensee shall not
      be entitled to alter, modify or add to the Computer Software Program.

10.   Irremediable breach

      Any use of a Computer Software Program or the right to exercise the right
      of copyright by the Licensee for any purpose other than that permitted
      herein, without the prior written consent of the Licensor, shall
      constitute an irremediable breach of this agreement.

11.   Enhancements / Upgrades / Modifications

11.1        The Licensor shall supply information with regard to Enhancements of
            the Computer Software Program, and shall supply such Enhancements to
            the Licensee at such costs as may be notified by the Licensor from
            time to time.

11.2        The Licensor shall assume no obligation in terms of this agreement,
            in respect of Upgrades to the Computer Software Program. Upgrades to
            the Computer Software Program shall be furnished by the Licensor to
            the Licensee under the terms and conditions provided for in a
            separate maintenance agreement between the parties and shall not be
            deemed licensed under this agreement.


11.3        The Licensor shall assume no obligation in terms of this agreement,
            in respect of Modifications of or to the Computer Software Program.

11.4        If a particular complaint be directed to the Licensor within a
            period of 90 (ninety) days from the date of an installation of the
            Computer Software Program, the Licensor shall, free of charge,
            furnish such materials and services as may be reasonably necessary
            to correct any defects in the operations of the Computer Software

11.5        The Licensor shall perform any other services in respect of the
            Computer Software Program, as may reasonably be required by the
            Licensee, in accordance with the terms of a separate software
            maintenance agreement between the parties materially in the form of
            Annexure "H".

11.6        The Licensee shall pay to Licensor a royalty equal to thirty-five
            percent (35%) of the net invoiced amount charged by Licensee to its
            customers under any software maintenance agreement under which
            Upgrades of the Computer Software Program may be provided. Such
            royalty shall be paid free of exchange, deduction or set off within
            60 (sixty) days of the relevant invoice having been issued by the
            Licensee to the third party with whom the maintenance agreement is
            entered into.


12.   Exclusion of liability

12.1        Altris Limited shall ensure that the Computer Software Program shall
            be sold with a disclaimer by the Licensor and Licensee in such form
            as is specified from time to time by Licensor and is reasonably
            acceptable to Licensee in respect of inter alia any loss or damage
            arising directly or indirectly in connection with the Computer
            Software Program, as the case may be, and the use thereof, and
            without detracting from the generality thereof:-

12.1.1            for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly as a
                  result of abuse, misuse, or unauthorised use of the Computer
                  Software Program, as the case may be;

12.1.2            for any Modifications or other changes to the Computer
                  Software Program which are not carried out by an authorised
                  representative of the Licensor;

12.1.3            in respect of a breach of a licence;

12.1.4            for loss of profits or for incidental, special or
                  consequential damages arising from the installation, service,
                  performance and use of the Computer Software Program, as the
                  case may be;


12.1.5            any design flaw or any malfunction in the Computer Software
                  Program or the equipment relating thereto, as the case may be,

            to the extent that such liability is capable of being excluded or
            disclaimed under English law.

12.2        The Licensor shall not be liable to the Licensee for any loss or
            damage arising directly or indirectly in connection with the
            Computer Software Program, the use of the Computer Software Program
            and without detracting from the generality hereof:-

12.2.1            for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly as a
                  result of abuse, misuse or unauthorised use of the Computer
                  Software Program;

12.2.2            any Modifications to the Computer Software Program which had
                  not been carried out or authorised by the Licensor;

12.2.3            in respect of anything which may constitute a breach of this
                  agreement by the Licensor by reason of circumstances beyond
                  the control of either of the parties hereto;


12.2.4            for loss of profits or for incidental, special or
                  consequential damages arising out of or in connection with the
                  licensing, installation, delivery, performance, Enhancements,
                  Upgrades or Modifications of the Computer Software Program,

            to the extent that such liability is capable of being excluded or
            disclaimed under English law.

13.   Commencement and termination

13.1        This agreement shall be deemed to have commenced, notwithstanding
            the date of signature hereof, on the closing date of the
            restructuring agreement and shall continue in force until it is
            terminated in accordance with the provisions of this 13.

13.2        In addition to any rights of termination which either party may have
            at law, this agreement may be terminated by either party, by written
            notice, without prejudice to the aggrieved party's rights to recover
            all damages and losses it may suffer and otherwise:-

13.2.1            should the other party commit a breach of any of the terms of
                  this agreement and fail to rectify the breach within a period
                  of 30 (thirty) days of receipt of a written notice specifying
                  the breach;


13.2.2            immediately should the breach be irremediable and material
                  going to the root of this agreement.

13.3        In the event of the insolvency, liquidation or the institution of
            proceedings against the defaulting party or the defaulting party
            making any arrangements or filing any documents in a court in
            contemplation of insolvency, then and in any such event, without
            prejudice to the aggrieved party's rights, the entire balance of all
            and any monies due by the defaulting party to the other party shall
            immediately become due and payable, notwithstanding that it would
            not otherwise have been due. In such an event, and failing payment
            of the full amount due within 5 days of a written demand by the
            aggrieved party, the aggrieved party shall be entitled, to either
            terminate this agreement by written notice or to claim specific
            performance; provided that in either event, the aggrieved party
            shall be entitled to recover all damages it may suffer and all
            amounts due to it.

13.4        Upon termination of this agreement due to a default by either of the
            parties and in addition to the rights granted to the aggrieved party
            in terms hereof, the aggrieved party shall be entitled, without
            prejudice to its other rights or remedies at law, to suspend
            performance of all its obligations in terms of this agreement. The
            defaulting party shall be liable for all costs incurred by


            the aggrieved party in connection with the recovery of monies and
            legal costs incurred in securing the rights of the aggrieved party
            in terms hereof.

13.5        This agreement may be terminated by an agreement duly signed by both

13.6        Upon the termination of this agreement for any reason whatsoever,
            any right to exercise the right of copyright or license granted in
            terms hereof shall terminate and the Licensee shall return to the
            Licensor any version or copy of the Computer Software Program in its
            possession and any master copy of the same and all Intellectual
            Property relating thereto in its possession.

13.7        In the event of termination of this agreement for any reason
            whatsoever, Spescom CIT shall be entitled to require, within 14
            (fourteen) days of termination, that any maintenance or support
            agreement in respect of Spescom products or any other Computer
            Software Program licensed by Spescom CIT in terms hereof and to
            which Altris Limited is a party, be assigned to it or that it be
            entitled, without prejudice to any other rights it may have, to
            maintain and support the relevant Computer Software Program. In this
            regard, Altris Limited shall make available all relevant information
            and shall sign all documents, upon demand, to give effect hereto. In
            addition hereto, the Licensor shall be entitled, from time to time,
            to conduct routine inspections as to the maintenance, marketing
            distribution of the Computer Software Program and the exercise by
            the Licensee of its rights in terms hereof and in


            this regard, the Licensee shall furnish all reasonable information
            and assistance to give effect hereto.

14.   Infringement of rights of copyright

14.1        In the event that the right to exercise the right of copyright is
            infringed by a third party, both parties may agree, but neither
            shall be obligated to, join in instituting proceedings against the
            third party and the costs of such proceedings and any damages,
            account of profits, delivery-up of infringing copies and the
            proceeds of any proceedings which may be recovered shall be divided
            equally between them.

14.2        In the event that the parties fail to agree to jointly institute
            proceedings, only the owner or Licensor of the infringed right in
            question shall be entitled to institute proceedings in respect of
            the same; provided that any damages, account of profits, delivery-up
            of infringing copies and the proceeds of any proceedings shall
            accrue to that party only.

15.   No partnership created

      This Agreement does not create a partnership, joint venture, or fiduciary
      relationship. Each party shall conduct its obligations independently and
      not as an agent or employee of the other party. Subject to the terms
      hereof, each party shall


      be responsible for choosing the means to be employed and the manner of
      carrying out its obligations hereunder. Each party shall be responsible
      for the supervision and payment of its personnel.

16.   Joint marketing activities

      The parties agree to consult and co-operate with each other in the
      interest of promoting Spescom products in order to maximize their
      collective return from the division of royalties in respect thereof. To
      that end, the Licensee shall:-

16.1        become familiar with the technical and operational functions and
            features of the Spescom products;

16.2        visit potential new customers for marketing presentations, at the
            reasonable request of the other party;

16.3        conduct demonstrations and performance benchmarks of the Computer
            Software Program;

16.4        be provided with such promotional material as the Licensor shall
            consider reasonable;

16.5        be entitled to call upon the Licensor to support the Computer
            Software Program, subject to a separate maintenance agreement
            between the parties.


16.6        not sell, market, distribute or promote any knowledge management
            products, document management systems, product data management
            products, or configuration management products that is similar to or
            competitive with any Computer Software Program licensed or to be
            licensed to Licensee hereunder or any Enhancement, Modification or
            Upgrade thereof. Spescom CIT shall make available to Altris Limited
            all its relevant records on reasonable notice to ensure that the
            provisions of this 16.6 are complied with.

17.   Documentation standards

      To the extent possible and in order to assist the Licensee to achieve the
      goals contemplated in terms of this agreement, Spescom CIT shall establish
      and conform to reasonable requirement for technical and functional

18.   Supporting documentation; audit

      Reasonable books of account relating to Computer Software Program
      reproductions, names and addresses of customers where Computer Software
      Program was installed, the charges made in respect of the aforesaid and
      the relevant invoices shall be kept and maintained by Licensee. All such
      records shall be open for review, copy and audit by Licensor at reasonable
      times and on


      reasonable notice to support charges and amounts due by Licensee to the
      Licensor. An audit of such records may be made, upon demand by Licensor,
      no more than twice each year, by an independent firm of accountants or by
      such other individuals as may be reasonably acceptable to the Licensee.

19.   Taxation

      Unless a double taxation agreement between RSA and the UK from time to
      time permits payments due in terms of this agreement to be made without
      deduction of withholding or other taxes or unless a valid exemption is
      obtained, any sums in respect of withhold in or other taxes which RSA law
      or UK law, as the case may be, require to be deducted from payments due in
      terms of this agreement, shall be deducted from such payments. Where
      applicable, either party shall promptly furnish the other with a
      certificate of payment from the appropriate authority confirming that such
      taxes have been paid.

20.   Warranties

20.1        The Licensor warrants that it is entitled to license and transmit
            the rights granted in terms hereof and for the purposes hereof and
            that the Computer Software Program and the rights granted in terms
            hereof do not infringe upon or violate any copyright, trademarks or
            other Intellectual Property, privacy or any other right of any third
            party, nor has any claim of such infringement


            been threatened or asserted, nor is such a claim pending against the
            Licensor (or, to the best of the Licensor's knowledge, against any
            entity from which the Licensor may have obtained such a right).

20.2        The Licensor represents and warrants that it is under no obligation
            or restriction, nor will it assume any obligation or restriction
            that does or may in any way interfere or conflict with, its
            obligations in terms hereof.

20.3        The Licensor indemnifies the Licensee against any loss or damage
            suffered by the Licensee as a result of a breach of any of the
            warranties given in terms hereof.

21.   Arbitration

21.1        In the event of any controversy, claim or dispute arising out of or
            relating to this Agreement or the breach thereof, both parties shall
            meet and exert their best efforts to find an amicable settlement.

21.2        Failing agreement within a period of thirty (30) days from the date
            on which either party, in writing, with reference to the present
            clause, requests an amicable settlement, the matter shall be settled
            by arbitration adjudicated under English Law, conducted in English
            and held in London, England, in


            accordance with Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of the
            International Chamber of Commerce.

21.3        The Arbitration Board shall consists of three members. Each of the
            parties shall appoint one arbitrator and the two so nominated shall
            in turn choose a third. If the chosen arbitrators cannot agree on
            the choice of the third arbitrator, such arbitrator shall be
            appointed by the Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber
            of Commerce.

21.4        The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the Rules of
            the International Chamber of Commerce and it is agreed that the
            decision shall be definite and there shall be no appeal to the
            Courts from the decision of the arbitrators.

21.5        Either party shall be entitled to have any arbitration award made an
            order of Court.

21.6        The obligation herein to arbitrate shall not be binding upon either
            party with respect to requests for temporary restraining orders,
            preliminary injunctions or interdicts or other procedures (or their
            functional equivalent) in a court of competent jurisdiction to
            obtain interim relief when deemed necessary by such court to:-


21.6.1            preserve the status quo or prevent irreparable injury pending
                  resolution by arbitration of the actual dispute between the
                  parties; or

21.6.2            to order specific performance.

22.   Confidentiality and restraint

22.1        Each party acknowledges that all material information which has or
            will come into the possession or knowledge of the other in
            connection with this agreement or the performance of any obligations
            hereunder or the Computer Software Program, including without
            limitation the Intellectual Property of the parties, consists of
            confidential and proprietary information, which, if disclosed to
            third parties, might be damaging to the proprietor thereof.

22.2        Both parties therefore agree to hold such material information in
            the strictest confidence, not to make use thereof other than in the
            performance of the obligations under this agreement, to release it
            only to employees requiring such information and not to release or
            disclose it to any other party; provided, however, that any party
            shall be entitled to make such disclosures to the extent such party
            is required to do so by law or legal process.

22.3        Neither party shall use the name of the other in publicity releases
            or advertising or for other promotional purposes, without securing
            the prior written approval


            of the other party, save in such instances as any of the parties are
            required to make public announcements as a matter of law, regulation
            or rule of any stock exchange.

22.4        The parties agree that the provisions of the clause shall survive
            the termination of this agreement.

23.   Intellectual Property rights

23.1        Without prejudice to the Licensor's rights, each party acknowledges
            that any and all Intellectual Property used or embodied in or in
            connection with the Computer Software Program and the ownership of
            the copyright in question, shall remain the exclusive property of
            the Licensor.

23.2        The Licensee shall not question or dispute the ownership of any such
            rights at any time during the continuation in force of this
            agreement or thereafter.

23.3        The aforesaid shall apply whether or not the copyright in question
            or any other similar rights are registered.

23.4        All rights to and in connection with the Computer Software Program
            and copyright in question not specifically granted to the Licensee
            in terms of this agreement are reserved to the Licensor.


23.5        The rights granted in terms of this agreement shall be by way of a
            licence and the Licensee shall not acquire any ownership or interest
            in such rights.

24.   Severability

24.1        If any provision of this agreement is found or held to be invalid,
            unlawful or unenforceable, the validity of all the other provisions
            hereof shall not be affected thereby and the parties agree to meet
            and review the matter and if any valid and enforceable means is
            reasonably available to achieve the same object as the invalid or
            unenforceable provision, to adopt such means by way of variation of
            this agreement.

24.2        In the event that any of the terms of this agreement are found to be
            invalid, unlawful or unenforceable, such term shall be severable
            from the remaining terms, which shall continue to be valid and
            enforceable. If any invalid term is capable of amendment to render
            it valid, the parties agree to negotiate an amendment to remove the

25.   Force majeure

      In the event that either party is unable to perform any obligation
      hereunder due to any circumstances beyond its control, including the
      action, intervention, or decree


      of any government, and such circumstances are not caused by the fault of a
      party and such circumstances continue for a period of at least 60 (sixty)
      days, either party may terminate this agreement by means of written notice
      to the other party.

26.   Assignment

      Neither party shall be entitled to assign, delegate, cede or transfer any
      rights or obligations acquired in terms of this agreement, in whole or in
      part, to any other party or person without the prior written consent of
      the other party; provided, however, that Licensor shall be entitled to
      assign, delegate, cede or transfer its rights and obligations hereunder to
      any person or entity acquiring all or substantially all of the business of

27.   Addresses and notices

27.1        The parties choose as their domicilia citandi et executandi for all
            purposes under this agreement, whether in respect of court process,
            notices or other documents or communications of whatsoever nature,
            the following addresses:-

27.1.1            Spescom CIT                 Spescom Park
                                              cnr Alexandra Road
                                              and Second Street
                                              Halfway House
                                              Midrand 1685
                                              Republic of South Africa


                                              Fax No. (011) 266 1707

                                              marked for the attention of
                                              the Managing Director

                                              with a copy to:
                                              Kallmeyer & Strime
                                              2nd Floor Sanlam Arena
                                              Entrance 3
                                              10 Cradock Avenue
                                              2196 Johannesburg
                                              Republic of South Africa

                                              Attention: L A Kallmeyer
                                              Fax No. (2711) 447 5030

27.1.2            Altris Limited
                  before the closing date     9339 Carroll Park Drive
                                              San Diego
                                              California 92121
                                              Fax No. (619) 546 7671
                                              marked for the attention of
                                              the President

                                              with a copy to:

                                              Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP
                                              2029 Century Park East
                                              Suite 4000
                                              Los Angeles
                                              California 90067
                                              Attention: Russell C Hansen
                                              Fax No. (310) 551 8741

                  after the closing date      c/o SL
                                              Spescom Park
                                              cnr Alexandra Road
                                              and Second Street
                                              Halfway House
                                              Midrand 1685
                                              Republic of South Africa

                                              Fax No. (011) 266 1707

                                              marked for the attention of
                                              the Managing Director


                                              with a copy to:

                                              Kallmeyer & Strime
                                              2nd Floor Sanlam Arena
                                              Entrance 3
                                              10 Cradock Avenue
                                              2196 Johannesburg
                                              Republic of South Africa

                                              Attention: L A Kallmeyer
                                              Fax No. (2711) 447 5030

27.2        Any notice or communication required to be given in terms of this
            agreement shall be valid and effective only if in writing.

27.3        Either party may by notice to the other change its domicilium
            citandi et executandi to another physical address either in the
            Republic of South Africa or in the United Kingdom; provided that the
            change shall become effective on the 7th day after receipt of the

27.4        Any notice which the one party may require to give the other shall
            be deemed to have been received:-

27.4.1            if sent by prepaid registered post addressed to the other
                  party, not later than 14 (fourteen) business days after the
                  date of posting; or

27.4.2            if delivered by hand, on the date of the delivery thereof; or


27.4.3            if despatched by telefax, on the date of a valid transmission
                  report indicating that a transmission had taken place, being
                  duly printed on the sender's telefax machine.

27.5        Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein contained, a written
            notice actually received by a party shall be an adequate written
            notice to it, notwithstanding that it was not sent to or delivered
            at its chosen domicilium citandi et executandi.

27.6        Where, in terms of this agreement, any communication is required to
            be in writing, the term "writing" shall include communication by

28.   Whole agreement

28.1        This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties.
            No party shall be entitled to rely upon any term, warranty,
            condition or representation unless it is herein contained.

28.2        No amendment, novation, variation, addition to or consensual
            cancellation of this agreement or any provision or term thereof
            (including this clause) and no extension of time, waiver or
            relaxation of any of the provisions or terms of this agreement shall
            be binding unless recorded in a written document signed by the
            parties. Any such extension, waiver or relaxation which is so


            given or made shall be construed as relating strictly to the matter
            in respect whereof it was made or given.

28.3        No extension of time or waiver or relaxation of any of the provision
            or terms of this agreement shall operate as an estoppel against any
            party in respect of its rights under this agreement, nor shall it
            operate so as to preclude such party thereafter from exercising its
            rights strictly in accordance with this agreement.

29.   Proper law

      This agreement is governed by and is to be construed in accordance with
      the substantive laws of England and Wales ignoring any question of
      conflict of laws. The parties consent accordingly to the non-exclusive
      jurisdiction of the appropriate court of law in England in relation to all
      matters, claims and disputes arising out of or in connection with this
      agreement or any document supplemental hereto. Altris Inc hereby
      irrevocably appoints Altris' solicitors as its agent for the service of
      any proceedings upon it pursuant to this agreement. Prior to the closing
      date Altris Limited irrevocably appoints Altris' solicitors and after the
      closing Altris Limited irrevocably appoints Spescom's solicitors as its
      agent for the service of any proceedings upon it pursuant to this

Thus done and signed by the parties hereto as follows -


Date:   May 7th,  1999                                      For and on behalf of
                                                           Altris Software, Inc.

Place:  London, England                    /s/ Roger Erickson
                                                 President, who warrants that he
                                                       is duly authorised hereto

Date:   May 7th, 1999                                       For and on behalf of
                                                         Altris Software Limited

Place:  London, England                    /s/ Peter J.J. Brady
                                                  Director, who warrants that he
                                                       is duly authorised hereto

Date:   May 7th, 1999                               For and on behalf of each of
                                              the companies in the Spescom group

Place:  London, England                    /s/ Hilton Isaacman
                                                  Director, who warrants that he
                                                       is duly authorised hereto

Date:   May 7th, 1999                               For and on behalf of each of
                                               the companies in the Altris group

Place:  London, England                    /s John W. Low
                                                  Director, who warrants that he
                                                       is duly authorised hereto

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


1.   Interpretation..........................................................  2

2.   Preamble................................................................ 14

3.   Grant of licence........................................................ 16

4.   Licence Fees / Royalties................................................ 19

5.   Use of licence.......................................................... 21

6.   Delivery and installation............................................... 22

7.   Licensee's undertakings................................................. 23

8.   Source code............................................................. 24

9.   Alterations and Modifications........................................... 26

10.  Irremediable breach..................................................... 26

11.  Enhancements / Upgrades / Modifications................................. 26

12.  Exclusion of liability.................................................. 28

13.  Commencement and termination............................................ 30

14.  Infringement of rights of copyright..................................... 33

15.  No partnership created.................................................. 33

16.  Joint marketing activities.............................................. 34

17.  Documentation standards................................................. 35

18.  Supporting documentation; audit......................................... 35

19.  Taxation................................................................ 36

20.  Warranties.............................................................. 36

21.  Arbitration............................................................. 37

22.  Confidentiality and restraint........................................... 39

23.  Intellectual Property rights............................................ 40

24.  Severability............................................................ 41

25.  Force majeure........................................................... 41

26.  Assignment.............................................................. 42

27.  Addresses and notices................................................... 42

28.  Whole agreement......................................................... 45

29.  Proper law.............................................................. 46


"A"  -    EB Software Description

"B"  -    EMS Software Description

"C"  -    Interface Software Description

"D"  -    Form of License Agreement for use by Licensee

"E"  -    Wintract Software Description

"G"  -    List of Territories

"H"  -    Software Maintenance Agreement

                                                                     APPENDIX  7


                       [Letterhead of Kallmeyer & Strime]

                             SHAREHOLDERS AGREEMENT


                                 Spescom Limited

                                Altris Group Plc

                              Altris Software, Inc.


                             Altris Software Limited


1.    Interpretation

1.1         The clause headings of this agreement are for reference purposes
            only and shall not be used in the interpretation thereof.

1.2         Unless a contrary intention clearly appears -

1.2.1             expressions which denote -                 any gender shall include the other genders;                 a natural person shall include an artificial person and
                        vice versa;                 the singular shall include the plural and vice versa;

1.2.2             the following expressions shall have the meanings set opposite
                  them below and cognate expressions shall bear corresponding
                  meanings -           Altris Inc         -     shall mean Altris Software, Inc.
                                           organised according to the laws of
                                           the State of California, United
                                           States of America, and the common
                                           stock of which is traded on the OTC
                                           Bulletin Board;           Altris Group       -     shall mean that group of companies
                                           comprising of Altris Inc as the
                                           ultimate parent company and its
                                           subsidiaries;           Altris Plc         -     shall mean Altris Group Plc, company
                                           number 2253256, incorporated under
                                           the Companies Acts as Trimco Group
                                           Plc;           the auditors       -     shall mean the auditors of the
                                           company for the time being and shall
                                           initially be Grant Thornton;

                                      -3-           the Bank           -     shall mean Lloyds Bank Plc;           base rate          -     shall mean the base rate of interest
                                           from time to time publicly quoted by
                                           the Bank and which rate of interest
                                           is compounded monthly in arrear and
                                           is calculated on the basis of a 365
                                           day year;           the Companies
                  Acts               -     shall mean the Companies Acts of 1985
                                           and 1989, as amended, regulating the
                                           affairs of companies incorporated
                                           under English law;           the company        -     shall mean Altris Software Limited,
                                           company number 2625912, incorporated
                                           under the Acts and having an
                                           authorised share capital of (pound)1
                                           000 divided into 1 000 ordinary
                                           shares of (pound)1,00 each, of which
                                           2 shares have been issued;           the conditions     -     shall mean the conditions precedent
                                           referred to in 4;          the effective date -     shall correspond with the closing
                                           date as defined in the restructuring
                                           agreement;          the execution date -     shall mean the date of last signature
                                           to this agreement;          loan or loan
                  accounts           -     shall mean, in relation to any
                                           shareholder, all amounts which may be
                                           or become owing by the company to
                                           such shareholder from whatever cause

                                      -4-          the restructuring
                  agreement          -     shall mean that agreement entered
                                           into between SL, Altris Inc, the
                                           company and others and to which this
                                           agreement constitutes Appendix 7;          SL                 -     shall mean Spescom Limited,
                                           Registration No. 87/01083/06, a
                                           company registered in the Republic of
                                           South Africa, and shall for the
                                           purposes of this agreement if the
                                           provisions of 22.2 of the
                                           restructuring agreement are
                                           applicable refer to its nominated
                                           subsidiary;          the shareholders/
                  members            -     shall mean Altris Plc and SL, and any
                                           other party whom the others may
                                           henceforth permit to own shares in
                                           the capital of the company, and who
                                           shall be subject to the terms hereof,
                                           either jointly or alone as the
                                           context may dictate;          shares             -     shall mean the ordinary shares in the
                                           capital of the company;          Spescom Group      -     shall mean SL and its various
                                           subsidiaries and associated

1.3         Any reference to an enactment is to that enactment as at the date of
            signature hereof and as amended or re-enacted from time to time.

1.4         If any provision in a definition is a substantive provision
            conferring rights or imposing obligations on any party,
            notwithstanding that it is only in the definition clause, effect
            shall be given to it as if it were a substantive provision in the
            body of the agreement.


1.5         When any number of days is prescribed in this agreement, same shall
            be reckoned exclusively of the first and inclusively of the last day
            unless the last day falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in
            which case the last day shall be the next succeeding day which is
            not a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday.

1.6         Where figures are referred to in numerals and in words, if there is
            any conflict between the two the words shall prevail.

1.7         Where a certificate or determination is required by the auditors in
            terms of this agreement, such shall be prepared by the auditors
            acting as experts and not as arbitrators and shall be final and
            binding upon the parties save for any manifest error in calculation.

1.8         Schedules, annexures or appendices to this agreement shall be deemed
            to be incorporated in and form part of this agreement.

1.9         Terms and expressions defined in the restructuring agreement shall
            have the same meaning where referred to herein unless a contrary
            intention clearly appears.

1.10        The preamble shall be deemed to be incorporated herein.

2.    Preamble

      It is hereby recorded that -

2.1         pursuant to the terms of the restructuring agreement the
            shareholding in the company shall be held as to:-

2.1.1             60% (sixty per cent) by SL; and

2.1.2             40% (forty per cent) by Altris Plc;

2.2         the shareholders desire to regulate their rights and obligations in
            the company inter se;


2.3         the parties are desirous of recording -

2.3.1             the basis upon which the company is to be restructured; and

2.3.2             the terms and conditions upon and subject to which -                 their association inter se, in the company; and                 the loan finance to be provided or procured;

                  is and will be governed;

2.4         the parties require that the terms and conditions of their agreement
            be reduced to writing and be signed by them before the same shall be
            or become binding upon them.

3.    Future issue of shares

      Unless otherwise determined by the shareholders unanimously, any future
      issue of shares in the company shall be issued on the basis of the then
      prevailing shareholding percentages of the shareholders in the company.

4.    Conditions

4.1         This agreement is subject to and conditional upon the restructuring
            agreement being signed and becoming unconditional.

4.2         Unless this condition is fulfilled by May 14, 1999, or by such later
            date as may be agreed upon in writing by the parties, the provisions
            of this agreement, save as set out in 18, shall be of no force or

5.    Issue of Shares and Meetings of Shareholders

5.1         Should the shareholders agree to issue further shares, the shares
            must first be offered to the existing shareholders pro rata to their
            respective shareholding


            in the company inter se unless all the shareholders will have agreed
            to offer such shares directly to any third party not being a
            shareholder or unless such issuance is being made to an executive of
            Limited who is not an affiliate of Altris Inc. or SL pursuant to a
            stock option or other management equity plan under which the company
            may issue shares to its executives constituting no more than ten
            percent (10%) of the number of issued shares in the company's issued
            share capital from time to time.

5.2         Should a shareholder refuse an offer of further shares, such shares
            not taken up shall then be offered on the same terms and conditions
            to the remaining shareholders who had accepted their respective
            offers until all shares are taken up by the shareholders, or until
            none of the shareholders is desirous of taking up further shares.
            Such shares not taken up by the shareholders shall thereafter be
            offered on the same terms and conditions to any third party not
            being a shareholder, provided that such third party shall be obliged
            to undertake in writing to be bound and subject to the appropriate
            provisions of this agreement and of any other shareholders'
            agreement in respect of the company.

5.3         Notice of any shareholders' meeting shall be given a reasonable time
            before the date of such meeting, but subject to the provisions of
            the Act.

5.4         The chairman of any meeting shall not have a casting vote.

5.5         The presence of a representative of SL on the one hand, and of
            Altris Inc on the other subject to 11.3 is necessary to constitute a
            quorum at a shareholders' meeting, provided that -

5.5.1             if within 10 (ten) minutes after the time appointed for a
                  shareholders' meeting a quorum is not present, such meeting
                  shall stand adjourned to the same time and place on a day 5
                  (five) business days after the date of the meeting; and

5.5.2             the shareholders present at such an adjourned meeting shall be
                  a quorum.


5.6         At any shareholders' meeting a resolution put to the vote of the
            meeting shall be decided on a show of hands, any member who being an
            individual is present in person, and a corporate member to be
            represented in terms of Section 375 of the Companies Act 1985,
            provided that any shareholder may demand a poll (before or on the
            declaration of the result of the show of hands). The shareholders
            shall be entitled to one vote in respect of every ordinary share
            held. All resolutions shall be passed by a majority vote save for
            any resolutions falling within the ambit of a shareholders
            resolution and referred to in 11.2 save as required by law.

5.7         At the request of any shareholder, shareholders' meetings shall be
            conducted utilising electronic media conferencing facilities,
            provided that the required quorum is met.

5.8         The chairman of the board of directors shall act as chairman of all
            shareholders meetings. If the chairman of the board of directors is
            absent at the time appointed for a shareholders' meeting, the
            shareholders present shall elect a chairman from one of their number
            to be chairman of the meeting.

6.    Directors

6.1         For every 10% (ten per cent) of the issued shares in the company as
            are owned by SL, it shall be entitled to:-

6.1.1             appoint 1 (one) director, and in any subsidiary of the company
                  to appoint 1 (one) director, and by written notice, to remove
                  any such persons so appointed by it; and

6.1.2             upon such removal or upon any such appointee ceasing to hold
                  office for any other reason, by similar written notice to
                  appoint in his stead another person or persons; and

6.1.3             appoint the chairman of the company;


            approved by the other shareholders whose approval shall not be
            unreasonably withheld. Any dispute as to whether the approval of any
            member as herein required has been unreasonably withheld shall be
            dealt with in terms of 12.

6.2         For every 10% (ten per cent) of the issued shares in the company as
            are owned by Altris Plc, it shall be entitled to:-

6.2.1             appoint 1 (one) director, and in any subsidiary of the company
                  to appoint 1 (one) director, and by written notice, to remove
                  any such persons so appointed by it; provided, however, that
                  Altris Plc shall in all events be entitled to appoint at least
                  1 (one) director of the company and any subsidiary so long as
                  it continues to hold at least 50% of the shares of the company
                  issued to it under the restructuring agreement (or any shares
                  or other securities issued hereafter in respect of such shares
                  of the company under any stock split, stock dividend,
                  reclassification, merger, reorganization or other similar
                  transaction affecting the capital stock of the company); and

6.2.2             upon such removal or upon any such appointee ceasing to hold
                  office for any other reason, by similar written notice to
                  appoint in his stead another person;

            approved by the other shareholders whose approval shall not be
            unreasonably withheld. Any dispute as to whether the approval of any
            member as herein required has been unreasonably withheld shall be
            dealt with in terms of 12.

6.3         Each of the directors or his alternate appointed by a particular
            shareholder shall have as many votes as the number of shares which
            the shareholder appointing him holds divided by the number of
            directors appointed by that particular shareholder, who vote on the
            particular resolution.

6.4         Each of the shareholders undertakes to exercise his voting right to
            achieve compliance with the provisions of 6.1 and 6.2.

6.5         The shareholders shall have the right to nominate any person,
            whether a shareholder of the company or not, possessing the
            necessary qualifications of


            a director, to act as alternate director during its or his nominated
            director's absence or inability to act as such provided such person
            is approved by all the other shareholders which approval will not be
            unreasonably withheld. Any dispute as to whether the approval of any
            member as herein required has been unreasonably withheld shall be
            dealt with in terms of 12.

6.6         The quorum necessary for the transaction of the business of
            directors is 3 (three) of which at least 1 (one) director shall be a
            nominee of SL, and another subject to 11.3 a nominee of Altris Plc,
            provided that -

6.6.1             if within 10 (ten) minutes after the time appointed for a
                  directors' meeting a quorum is not present, such meeting shall
                  stand adjourned to the same time and place on a day 5 (five)
                  business days after the date of the meeting; and

6.6.2             the directors present at such an adjourned meeting shall be a

6.7         Notice of any directors' meeting shall be given a reasonable time
            before the date of such meeting.

6.8         Directors' meetings must be held at least once a quarter at a time
            and place convenient to most of the directors. At the request of any
            director, directors' meetings shall be conducted utilising
            electronic media conferencing facilities, provided that the required
            quorum is met.

6.9         The chairman shall not have a casting vote.

6.10        If the chairman is not present at any directors' meeting, the
            directors present shall elect one of their number to be chairman of
            the meeting.

6.11        All resolutions put to the vote at meetings of directors shall be
            passed by majority vote save that no resolution of the board of
            directors shall be passed unless a vote is cast in its favour by a
            majority of the directors who are nominees of Altris Plc which
            relates to any of the matters referred to in 11.2.

6.12        No fees shall be payable to any person strictly for his services as
            a director.


6.13        Irrespective of any provisions to the contrary contained in this
            agreement, it is recorded that it is the intention of the
            shareholders that this agreement shall in no way fetter the
            discretion of the directors in making decisions as directors in the
            best interests of the company.

7.    Funding

7.1         Any loan accounts established by the members from time to time shall
            bear interest at base rate unless otherwise agreed between the
            parties which having regard to prudent financial management of the
            company and its available cash resources shall be paid 6 (six)
            monthly (i.e. semiannually) in arrears.

7.2         Any amount owing in respect of any loan accounts to any shareholder
            (subject to any contrary provision of this agreement or as may be
            otherwise agreed upon where the terms of the specific loan provide a
            specific date for repayment) shall only be repayable with the
            consent of the other shareholders, or on the happening of one or
            more of the following events -

7.2.1             a special resolution being passed for the winding-up of the

7.2.2             the company being placed in liquidation;

7.2.3             an administrator is appointed in respect of the company or an
                  administrative receiver or receiver is appointed over the
                  whole or substantially the whole of the undertaking, property,
                  or assets of the company;

7.2.4             any assets of the company being attached in execution of a

7.2.5             the company having cash resources surplus to its needs and
                  commitments for the time being, as reasonably determined by
                  each of the shareholders in good faith, and in the event of
                  there being any dispute as to whether or not it has cash
                  resources surplus to its usual needs and commitments and the
                  extent, if any, then such dispute shall be determined in terms
                  of 12;


                  and provided further that all loan accounts of the
                  shareholders shall be repaid on a pro rata basis.

8.    Dividend Policy

      Unless otherwise agreed by the board of the company commencing with the
      financial period October 1, 2000 dividends will be distributed based on
      40% (forty per cent) of the after tax profits of the company and shall be
      distributed having regard to the financial position of the company within
      90 (ninety) days of each accounting reference date.

9.    Documents and Reporting

9.1         All books, papers, records, documents and correspondence relating to
            or containing a reference to the business of the company shall
            immediately be returned to the company by a shareholder at the
            termination of such shareholder's shareholding in the company.

9.2         No later than 21 days after the end of each fiscal quarter of the
            company, the company shall deliver to Altris Plc and SL the balance
            sheet of the company as at the end of such quarter and the related
            unaudited consolidated statements of operations and cash flows of
            the company for such quarter and for the elapsed period in the year,
            all in reasonable detail and in any event to the extent necessary to
            enable each of Altris Inc and SL to meet their respective reporting
            obligations under the securities and other laws applicable to each
            of them. The company shall also furnish to each shareholder such
            additional information regarding the results of operations,
            financial condition, business or prospects of the company, including
            projected information, as any shareholder may reasonably request.

9.3         Upon reasonable notice, the company will permit any officer,
            employee, accountant or other representative or agent of a
            shareholder to visit and inspect, during normal business hours, any
            of the assets or properties owned or held by the company and to
            audit and examine the books of account, records, reports and other
            papers (and to make copies thereof) of the company


            and to discuss the affairs, finances and accounts of the company
            with the directors, officers, agents, accountants and attorneys of
            the company, all at such times during normal business hours as such
            shareholder may reasonably request.

10.   Pre-Emptive Rights

10.1        Unless otherwise agreed in writing by all the members of the
            company, a member may dispose of any of his shares only if in one
            and the same transaction he disposes of that portion of his claims
            against the company on loan account which bears the same proportion
            to the whole of his claims as the shares disposed of bear to the
            whole of his shareholding in the company, and a reference in this
            clause 10 to "shares" shall embrace a reference to all loan

10.2        A share -

10.2.1            may be transferred in accordance with any written agreement in
                  force between the members of the company;

10.2.2            may not be transferred in conflict with the provisions of any
                  written agreement in force between the members of the company.


10.3.1            When any shareholder intends to dispose of any shares, such
                  disposing shareholder shall offer them to the remaining
                  shareholders stating:                the number of shares which the disposer proposes to
                        sell;                the price (which shall sound in money in GBP) at and the
                        terms upon which the disposer proposes to sell those

10.3.2            Such offer shall constitute an irrevocable offer to the
                  offerees but, should they not have accepted the offer in full,
                  in writing (if more than one accepts, they shall be deemed to
                  have purchased pro rata to their shareholdings in the company
                  or in such other proportions as they may agree on and of which
                  they notify the disposer in writing), within 60


                  (sixty) days of the date upon which the notice is given, they
                  shall be deemed to have declined the offer, it being the
                  intention that all but not some of the shares of the disposer
                  shall be accepted in this manner. If the offer is deemed
                  declined the disposer shall be entitled to dispose of those
                  shares within a further period of 60 (sixty) days to any
                  person, being a bona fide third party at a price and on terms
                  not lower and not more favourable to such person than the
                  price and terms stated in the offer, provided that such third
                  party shall be obliged to undertake in writing to be bound and
                  subject to the appropriate provisions of this agreement and of
                  any other shareholders agreement in respect of the company.

10.4        A shareholder who has sold all his shares undertakes to immediately
            resign as director of the company or, if applicable, to procure the
            resignation of the director nominated by him. Any employee of the
            company who is a director shall resign as such at the time of the
            termination of his employment.

10.5        In the event of a sale of shares to a bona fide third party as
            envisaged herein, the other shareholders undertake, by exercising
            their voting rights as shareholders and/or directors, to ensure that
            the transfer of such shares will be approved and effected by the

10.6        If the offeror's offer in terms of 10.3 is accepted, the offeror
            hereby irrevocably authorises and appoints the auditors to sign all
            transfer documents on the offeror's behalf in order to effect the
            transfer and cession of the shares and loan account sold into the
            name of the shareholder who had accepted the offer.

10.7        If:-

10.7.1            at any time after the third anniversary of the effective date,
                  Altris Plc or SL receives an offer (the "outside offer") for
                  the purchase of all the shares in the capital of the company;

10.7.2            Altris Plc or SL has signified in writing to the remaining
                  shareholders its intention to accept that offer, which notice
                  shall be deemed to be an offer


                  for the purposes of 10.3 and to constitute an offer by the
                  Altris Group or SL, as the case may be, to sell its shares to
                  the remaining shareholders mutatis mutandis upon the terms of
                  the outside offer, which shall be irrevocable and capable of
                  acceptance by the remaining shareholders in their shareholding
                  ratios in the company inter se or in such other ratios as they
                  may otherwise agree upon, for a period of 30 (thirty) days
                  after the receipt by them of such notice; and

10.7.3            the offer referred to in 10.7.2 is refused or expires

            and the outside offer does not differentiate between the Altris
            Group and SL, as the case may be, on the one hand and the remaining
            shareholders on the other as to the price per share payable to them
            or in any other respect, Altris Plc or SL, as the case may be, shall
            have the right to require that the remaining shareholders shall join
            in accepting the outside offer and give effect to the sale resulting

10.8        If:-

10.8.1            SL receives an offer (the "SL majority offer") for the
                  purchase of any of its shares in the capital of the company,
                  provided, however, that this Section 10.8 shall in no event
                  apply to the sale by SL of an aggregate number of such shares
                  equal to or less than twenty percent (20%) of the total number
                  of shares held by SL and Altris Plc immediately after the
                  effective date, after giving effect to any subsequent stock
                  split, stock dividend, reclassification, merger,
                  reorganization or other similar transaction affecting the
                  capital stock of the company;

10.8.2            SL has signified in writing to the remaining shareholders its
                  intention to accept that offer, which notice shall be deemed
                  to be an offer for the purposes of 10.3 and to constitute an
                  offer by SL to sell the shares which are the subject of the SL
                  majority offer to the remaining shareholders mutatis mutandis
                  upon the terms of the SL majority offer, which shall be
                  irrevocable and capable of acceptance by the remaining
                  shareholders in their shareholding ratios in the company inter
                  se or in such other ratios


                  as they may otherwise agree upon, for a period of 30 (thirty)
                  days after the receipt by them of such notice; and

10.8.3            the offer referred to in 10.8.2 is refused or expires

            the remaining shareholders acting jointly shall have the right to
            require that SL shall procure that the offeror concerned makes a
            similar offer to all of them on the same basis as made to SL and
            they shall join with SL to achieve that a number of shares not more
            than the number of shares to be sold by SL in the SL majority offer
            shall be sold by the remaining shareholders and purchased
            respectively together with their loan accounts at face value. The
            requirement by the remaining shareholders to join with SL shall be
            by written notice within 14 (fourteen) days after the offer in
            10.8.2 expires unaccepted.

11.   Management and administration of the company

11.1        The business of the company shall be managed by the board of

11.2        Prior board approval supported by the votes of the directors
            nominated by SL and subject to 11.3 those nominated by Altris Plc
            shall be required for the following -

11.2.1            The acquisition (whether by merger, consolidation, purchase of
                  stock or assets or otherwise) of any new businesses inside or
                  outside of the industry in which the company presently carries
                  on business;

11.2.2            The disposal of assets, otherwise than in the ordinary course
                  of business, at consideration in excess of GBP50 000 (fifty
                  thousand pounds);

11.2.3            The disposal of any business;

11.2.4            The raising of new debt;

11.2.5            The price, if any, at which any new shares in the company are
                  to be issued, it being recognised by the parties that the
                  company may require to raise additional capital through share
                  issues in the future;


11.2.6            The passing of any special resolution;

11.2.7            The approval of the company's financial statements including
                  the approval of (a) the company's annual budgets and any
                  expenditure which causes the company to exceed any such budget
                  and (b) the company's agreement to the amount of the minimum
                  royalty payments in 2002 or in any year thereafter required in
                  order to maintain exclusivity under the distribution

11.2.8            Any change in the nature of the company's business, including
                  conducting any business outside of the industry in which it is
                  at present;

11.2.9            The making of any loans or the guaranteeing of the obligations
                  of any other person;

11.2.10           Any transaction or arrangement with any shareholder or any of
                  its affiliates or associated entities;

11.2.11           The dissolution, liquidation, discontinuance or winding up of
                  a major part of the business activity of the company;

11.2.12           The investment of any amount in another entity or the creation
                  of any subsidiary entity;

11.2.13           Any change in the auditors of the company or any material
                  change in the accounting principles and policies used by the

11.2.14           The appointment, termination or acceptance of resignation of
                  the Managing Director of the company (or other officer having
                  the powers of the chief executive officer of the company) or
                  the Finance Director (or any other officer having the powers
                  of the chief financial officer of the company); or

11.2.15           The performance of anything or the decision to omit to do
                  anything which is inconsistent with the provisions of the
                  restructuring agreement or the


                  other agreements and documents executed under the
                  restructuring agreement.

11.3        The additional rights granted in favour of Altris Plc in terms of
            being required to count for constituting a quorum in terms of 5.6
            and 6.6, and to vote in favour of resolutions envisaged in terms of
            11.2 shall be available to it only for so long as Altris Plc itself
            is a shareholder owning at least 20% ( twenty per cent) of the
            issued share capital in the company (excluding shares issued or
            issuable to employees under employee incentive plans or
            arrangements) and neither it nor Altris Inc has been placed into
            receivership, liquidation, bankruptcy or suffered any other similar
            diminished status by virtue of the appointment of an administrator
            or administrative receiver or similar officer.

12.   Arbitration

12.1        All disputes, differences or questions arising out of this agreement
            or as to the rights or obligations of the parties under it or in
            connection with the construction of it or any deadlock which results
            in a failure to pass a resolution dealing with any matter referred
            to in 11.2 shall be referred to the arbitration of a single
            arbitrator to be agreed between the parties or, failing agreement
            within 14 (fourteen) days on the nomination by any party of an
            arbitrator to be appointed at the request of any party, by the
            President for the time being of The Law Society of England and Wales
            having due regard to any representations made to him as to the
            appropriate qualifications of such arbitrator. The arbitration shall
            take place in London and shall be in accordance with the Arbitration
            Act 1996 or any re-enactment or modification of such Act for the
            time being in force.

12.2        Notwithstanding the provisions of this 12 the parties shall remain
            vested with rights to apply to Court in respect of any interdict or
            urgent relief as may otherwise be required for the protection of
            their rights.

13.   Co-operation

      Each of the parties hereto undertakes (so far as each is legally able) to


13.1        do, and to procure the doing by other persons, and to refrain and
            procure that other persons will refrain from doing, all such acts;

13.2        pass, and to procure the passing of all such resolutions of
            directors or shareholders of any company,

      to the extent that the same may reasonably lie within such parties' power
      and may be required to give effect to the import and intent of this
      agreement or to procure the fulfilment of any condition to which it may be

14.   Notices

14.1        Any notice or legal process served under this agreement must be in
            writing and must be served on the relevant party at the address set
            out below or such other address as may have been notified to the
            serving party:-

14.1.1            SL                          Spescom Park
                                              cnr Alexandra Road
                                              and Second Street
                                              Halfway House

                                              Fax No. (011) 266 1707

                                              marked for the attention of
                                              the Managing Director

                                              With a copy to:

                                              Kallmeyer & Strime
                                              2nd Floor Sanlam Arena
                                              Entrance 3
                                              10 Cradock Avenue
                                              Rosebank, Johannesburg, 2196
                                              Republic of South Africa

                                              Attention: L A Kallmeyer

                                              Fax No. (2711) 447 5030


14.1.2            Altris Inc
                  and Altris Plc              9339 Carroll Park Drive
                                              San Diego, California 92121

                                              Fax No. (619) 546-7671

                                              marked for the attention of
                                              the President

                                              With a copy to:

                                              Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP
                                              2029 Century Park East
                                              Suite 4000
                                              Los Angeles, California 90067
                                              Attention: Russell C. Hansen

                                              Fax No. (310) 551-8741

14.1.3            the company To each of SL and Altris Inc at the addresses and
                  fax numbers set forth above

14.2        All notices to be given under this agreement shall either be
            delivered personally or sent by first class or airmail prepaid post
            or by facsimile transmission and shall be deemed duly served:-

14.2.1            in the case of a notice delivered personally, at the time of

14.2.2            in the case of a notice sent inland by first class prepaid
                  post, 2 (two) clear business days after the date of dispatch;

14.2.3            in the case of a notice sent overseas by airmail, 10 (ten)
                  business days (being business days in the place to which the
                  notice is dispatched) after the date of dispatch; and

14.2.4            in the case of a facsimile transmission, if sent during normal
                  business hours then at the time of transmission and if sent
                  outside normal business hours then on the next following
                  business day.


14.3        Each notice shall be addressed to the address of the party concerned
            set out in 14.1 or to such other address as that party shall have
            previously notified to the sender.

15.   Conflict with Articles and/or Restructuring Agreement

15.1        In the event of any of the provisions of the articles of association
            of the company at any time being in conflict with the terms of this
            agreement, then the relevant terms of this agreement shall, as
            between the shareholders, prevail. In the further event of such
            conflict, if required by one or more of the shareholders, the
            shareholders shall be obliged to exercise their voting rights in
            favour of the passing, and shall procure the registration, of a
            special resolution in terms of which the relevant conflicting
            articles are amended in order to remove the conflict.

15.2        In the case of conflict between any provision of this agreement and
            the restructuring agreement, the provisions of the restructuring
            agreement shall prevail.

16.   Entire Agreement

      This agreement together with the previously executed confidentiality
      agreement and simultaneously executed documents constitutes the entire
      agreement between the parties and -

16.1        no variation or amendment of, addition to, deletion from this
            agreement or consensual cancellation shall be of any force or effect
            unless it is recorded in writing and signed by all the parties,
            provided however, that any variation, amendment, addition or
            deletion as envisaged herein which may affect the shareholders only,
            shall be recorded in writing and signed by the shareholders only;


16.2        no relaxation or indulgence which any of the parties may allow each
            other at any time in regard to the carrying out of their respective
            obligations under this agreement or under the articles of
            association, shall prejudice or be regarded as a waiver of any of
            their respective rights in any manner whatsoever.

17.   Cession and Assignment

      Save as otherwise provided for herein no party shall cede any of its
      rights or assign any of its obligations hereunder without the prior
      written consent of all the other parties, which consent shall not be
      unreasonably withheld. Any dispute as to whether the approval of any party
      as herein required has been unreasonably withheld shall be dealt with in
      terms of 12.

18.   Good Faith

      The parties agree that they enter into this agreement on the basis of
      trust and record that they will observe good faith in contracting and
      dealing with each other and implementing the provisions hereof. This
      implies, inter alia, that they -

18.1        will at all times during the currency of this agreement act
            reasonably and in good faith;

18.2        will perform their obligations arising from this agreement
            diligently and with reasonable care;

18.3        have made a full disclosure to each other of any matter that may
            affect the execution of this agreement.


19.   Proper law

      This agreement is governed by and is to be construed in accordance with
      the substantive laws of England and Wales ignoring any question of
      conflict of laws. The parties consent accordingly to the non-exclusive
      jurisdiction of the appropriate court of law in England in relation to all
      matters, claims and disputes arising out of or in connection with this
      agreement or any document supplemental hereto. Altris Inc and Altris Plc
      hereby jointly and severally irrevocably appoint Altris' solicitors as
      their agent for the service of any proceedings upon them pursuant to this
      agreement. SL and the company hereby jointly and severally irrevocably
      appoint Spescom's solicitors as their agent for the service of any
      proceedings upon them pursuant to this agreement.

20.   Confidentiality

      Each of the parties agrees to keep secret and confidential and not to use,
      disclose or divulge to any third party or to enable or cause any person to
      become aware of (except for the purposes of the company's business) any
      confidential information relating to the company including but not limited
      to intellectual property (whether owned or licensed by the company), lists
      of customers, reports, notes, memoranda and all other documentary records
      pertaining to the company or its business affairs, finances, suppliers,
      customers or contractual or other arrangements but excluding any
      information which is in the public domain (otherwise than through the
      wrongful disclosure of any party) or which they are required to disclose
      by law or by the rules of any regulatory body to which the company is

22.   Announcements

      No announcement concerning the terms of this agreement shall be made or
      caused to be made before or after the date hereof by any party other than
      as required by law or by London Stock Exchange Limited (in which case the
      parties shall consult with each other on the form of the announcement)
      without the prior written approval of the Board.


23.   General

23.1        A party shall cease to be a party to this agreement for the purpose
            of receiving benefits and enforcing his rights with effect from the
            date he ceases to hold or beneficially own any shares in the capital
            of the company (but without prejudice to any benefits and rights
            enjoyed prior to such cessation).

23.2        The waiver, express or implied, by any party of any right under this
            agreement or any failure to perform or breach by another party shall
            not constitute or be deemed a waiver of any other right under this

23.3        This agreement may be executed in several counterparts (whether
            original or facsimile) and upon the execution of all such
            counterparts by one or more parties, each counterpart shall be
            deemed to be an original hereof.

23.4        If at any time any provision of this agreement is or becomes
            invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality and
            enforceability of the remaining provisions of this agreement shall
            not be affected or impaired thereby.


      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this deed has been executed and delivered on 7th May

Executed as a deed by           )
ALTRIS SOFTWARE, INC.               )
acting by its President and         )
Secretary acting under              )
the authority of that company   )

          /s/ Roger Erickson
          Roger Erickson, President

          /s/ John W. Low
          John W. Low, Secretary

Executed as a deed by           )
SPESCOM  LIMITED                    )
acting by Director under            )
the authority of that company   )

          /s/ Hilton Isaacman


Executed as a deed by           )
acting by Director under            )
the authority of that company   )

          /s/ Peter J.J. Brady
          _____________, Director

          /s/ John W. Low
          ___________, Director

Executed as a deed by           )
ALTRIS GROUP Plc                    )
acting by Director under            )
the authority of that company   )


          /s/ Peter J.J. Brady
          _____________, Director

          ___________, Director

                                                                      APPENDIX 9


                       [Letterhead of Kallmeyer & Strime]

                               THE U K WARRANTIES

In these warranties:-

(1)   the provisions contained in the agreement to which these warranties
      constitute Appendix 9 ("the agreement"), relating to its interpretation
      shall apply mutatis mutandis;

(2)   expressions to which a meaning is attributed in the agreement shall bear
      the same meaning.

Altris Inc and Altris Plc jointly and severally warrant to SL that save as
fully, fairly, clearly and accurately disclosed in the Disclosure Letter
attached hereto:-

1.    The Shares and Share Capital

1.1         There are no agreements or other arrangements in force which:

1.1.1             provide for the present or future issue, allotment or transfer
                  of; or

1.1.2             accord to any person the right (absolute or conditional) to
                  call for the issue, allotment or transfer of any share or loan
                  capital of the company (including any option or right of
                  pre-emption or conversion).


1.2         No share or loan capital of the company has been undertaken to be
            issued or allotted or agreed to be issued or allotted whether
            conditionally or absolutely after the effective date.

1.3         There is no pledge, lien, option, warrant, charge or encumbrance on,
            over or affecting any of the shares in the company, no agreement to
            create such pledge, lien, option, warrant, charge or encumbrance has
            been made and no claim has been made that any person is entitled to
            any such pledge, lien, charge or encumbrance.

1.4         So far as Altris Inc and Altris Plc are aware, as a result of the
            acquisition of the investment by SL contemplated by this agreement:-

1.4.1             no material supplier of the company will cease or reduce or be
                  entitled to cease or reduce its supplies to the company;

1.4.2             no material customer of the company will, or will be entitled
                  to, cease dealing with or reduce the level of business done
                  with the company; and

1.4.3             no officer or senior employee of the company will leave (other
                  than as may be provided for in this agreement).

2.    The Accounts

2.1         The Accounts:-

2.1.1             have been prepared on a consistent basis in accordance with
                  generally accepted accounting practice, principles, and
                  standards in the United Kingdom and comply with all current
                  Financial Reporting Standards applicable to the company as a
                  United Kingdom company;


2.1.2             are accurate in all material respects and show a true and fair
                  view of the financial position, profits and losses, assets and
                  liabilities of the company and of its results for the
                  financial period ending on the accounting date;

2.1.3             make full provision for any bad or doubtful debt;

2.2         The Accounts set out correctly all such reserves or provisions for
            Taxation as are necessary on the basis of the rates of tax in force
            to cover all Taxation (present and future) in respect of any
            transaction occurring prior to the accounting date liable to be
            assessed on the company or for which the company is or may be
            accountable up to such date and make full provision for deferred
            Taxation and show the full potential liability of the company for
            deferred Taxation.

2.3         All material liabilities (including liabilities for defective
            products sold by the company) or outstanding capital commitments of
            the company as at the accounting date have been included in the
            Accounts by way of:

2.3.1             full provision or reserve; or

2.3.2             (in the case of such a liability as was contingent,
                  unquantified or disputed) by way of note stating the maximum
                  amount which has been or could be claimed and the best
                  estimate of the Directors (after taking all relevant
                  professional advice) of the likelihood of such a claim
                  materialising or being successful.


2.4         Each of the book debts shown in the Accounts, in the effective date
            management accounts and such other book debts relating to the period
            up to and including the closing date will realise within 6 (six)
            months of such date their nominal value less the value attributed to
            any reserve for bad or doubtful debts included in the Accounts and
            less any deferred revenue and any liabilities to the account debtors
            reflected in the Accounts or effective date management accounts.
            None of the book debts (or other debts of the company) is subject to
            any counterclaim or set-off except as so reflected.

2.5         The effective date management accounts:

2.5.1             have been prepared on a basis consistent with that employed in
                  preparing the annual statutory accounts of the company;

2.5.2             are accurate in all material respects and show a true and fair
                  view of the assets and liabilities and profits and losses of
                  the company and of its results for the financial period ended
                  March 31, 1999;

2.5.3             All material liabilities (including liabilities for defective
                  products sold by the company) or outstanding capital
                  commitments of the company as at the accounting date have been
                  included in the effective date management accounts by way of:                 full provision or reserve; or

                                      -5-                 (in the case of such a liability as was contingent,
                        unquantified or disputed) by way of note stating the
                        maximum amount which has been or could be claimed and
                        the best estimate of the Directors (after taking all
                        relevant professional advice) of the likelihood of such
                        a claim materialising or being successful.                 reflect all liabilities with respect to products
                        theretofore sold by the company, other than liabilities
                        have been effectively disclaimed by the company and
                        other than the company's obligation to remedy software
                        "bugs" occurring in the ordinary course of the company's
                        business provided that the cost of remedying such bugs
                        will not be material to the company.

3.    Borrowings and lending

3.1         The total amount borrowed by the company from its bankers does not
            exceed the limit of its facilities as set out in the Disclosure
            Letter or in any debenture or other agreement binding on it.

3.2         Except as disclosed in the effective date management accounts, the
            company does not have outstanding (whether made by or incurred by
            the company):

3.2.1             any borrowing or indebtedness in the nature of borrowing
                  including (other than those contained in the Disclosure
                  Letter) any bank overdrafts liability under acceptances
                  (otherwise than in respect of normal trade bills) or any
                  acceptance credit (including any amounts due to any present or
                  former Directors or to


                  members of the company other than remuneration accrued due or
                  for reimbursement of business expenses); or

3.2.2             any encumbrances; or

3.2.3             any arrangements of a type covered by Sections 320 or 330 of
                  the Companies Act 1985 or any agreements for such arrangements
                  or any other transaction in which a Director of or a person
                  connected with the company has a material interest.

3.3         The company:

3.3.1             has not lent any money which has not been repaid to it other
                  than routine travel expense advances to employees;

3.3.2             does not own the benefit of any debt (whether present or
                  future) or the right to receive any monies other than debts
                  accrued to it in the ordinary course of its business.

3.4         The company has not:-

3.4.1             applied for or received any grant, award, subsidy or financial
                  assistance from any Governmental department or agency;


3.4.2             done or agreed to do anything as a result of which any
                  Governmental grant is or may be liable to be refunded in whole
                  or in part;

3.4.3             delegated any powers under a power of attorney (other than as
                  an incidental part of a larger transaction) which remains in
                  effect and has appointed any agent under an authority which
                  has not been revoked and other than any ostensible or implied
                  authorities to directors or employees and consultants to enter
                  into routine contracts in the normal course of their duties;

3.4.4             at any time acquired, assigned or otherwise disposed of any
                  leasehold property in such a way that it retains any residual

3.4.5             been and is not in default under any written agreement or
                  covenant to which it is a party nor under any other written
                  obligation binding on it being a default which would have a
                  materially adverse effect.

3.5         On the closing date, after giving effect to the consummation of the
            transactions contemplated by the agreement, to the knowledge of
            Altris Inc and Altris Plc jointly and severally, the company will
            have sufficient cash reserves to meet its foreseeable obligations as
            they fall due.

4.    Assets


4.1.1             Except for assets disposed of by the company in the ordinary
                  course of trading the company is the owner of and has good and
                  marketable title to all assets


                  included in the effective date management accounts and all
                  such assets are in the company's possession or under its

4.1.2             There is no encumbrance or agreement to create an encumbrance
                  over the whole or any part of the undertaking, property,
                  assets, or goodwill of the company.

4.2         To the knowledge of Altris Inc and Altris Plc jointly and severally
            the fixed and loose plant and machinery, fixtures and fittings,
            vehicles and office equipment used in connection with the business
            of the company are, in the aggregate considered as a whole:

4.2.1             in such repair and condition as is necessary to enable the
                  company to conduct its business on the closing date in
                  substantially the manner heretofore conducted, and is, to the
                  knowledge of Altris Inc and Altris Plc jointly and severally
                  regularly maintained, properly tested and certified, safe and
                  without risk to health when properly used;

4.2.2             capable of being efficiently and properly used in connection
                  with the business of the company;

4.2.3             not to any extent surplus to requirements;

4.2.4             not expected to require replacements or additions within 6
                  (six) months from the closing date.



4.3.1             Maintenance contracts are in full force and effect in respect
                  of all assets of the company which it is normal or prudent to
                  have maintained by independent or specialist contractors.

4.3.2             Details of all contracts entered into by the company for the
                  maintenance of any of the company's assets are included in the
                  Disclosure Letter.

4.4         All assets used in connection with the business of the company are
            owned by it absolutely and are held free from any lease, hire, hire
            purchase or conditional sale agreement, bill of sale or other
            agreement for payment on deferred terms.

4.5         The company is not the holder or beneficial owner of and has not
            agreed to acquire any class of any shares or other securities of any
            other corporation (whether registered in England and Wales or

4.6         The company's stock is all (save insofar as specific provision has
            been made in the Accounts) in good usable and merchantable condition
            and capable of being sold by the company in the ordinary course of
            its business in accordance with its current price list without
            rebate, allowance or discount and the levels of stock, trade debtors
            and trade creditors are not materially different from those which
            the company normally has at this stage of its trading year.

4.7         The asset register of the company comprises a complete and accurate
            record of all plant, machinery, vehicles and equipment owned, used
            or possessed by the


            company (and such register or registers accurately reflect whether
            such plant, machinery, vehicles or equipment are owned or used or
            possessed by the company.)

4.8         The company has not sold or distributed any products or supplied any
            services which were, are or will become materially defective or
            which do not comply in any respect with and express or implied
            warranties or representations made by any person or with all
            applicable regulations, standards and requirements and the company
            does not give and has not given express warranties, representations,
            guarantees or indemnities as to the fitness for purpose, quality or
            otherwise of any of its products or services except as provided for
            in the Accounts and except for routine "bugs" which are consistent
            in nature and amount with those experienced generally with similar
            software products.

5.    Insurances

5.1         There are existing valid policies of insurance for full replacement
            values against all liabilities risks and losses (including but not
            limited to the losses caused by any unlawful act on the part of any
            person) against which it is normal or prudent to insure in respect
            of all property owned by and in the business carried on by the

5.2         All premiums due in respect of the company's insurance policies have
            been paid in full.


5.3         Nothing has been done or has been omitted to be done which could
            result in any of the company's insurance policies being or becoming
            void or voidable.

5.4         The executives of Altris Inc and Altris Plc are not aware of any
            circumstances which would or might entitle the company to make a
            claim under any of its insurance policies or which would or might be
            required under any of its insurance policies to be notified to the

6.    Disputes/Litigation

6.1         The company is not engaged whether as plaintiff or defendant or
            otherwise in any litigation, criminal or arbitration proceedings
            before any court, tribunal, statutory or governmental body,
            department, board or agency and no litigation, criminal or
            arbitration proceedings are pending or, to the knowledge of Altris
            Inc and Altris Plc jointly and severally threatened by or against
            the company and having made due and careful enquiries the executives
            of Altris Inc and Altris Plc do not know of any facts which are
            likely to give rise to the same or which are likely to give rise to
            proceedings in respect of which the company would be liable to
            indemnify any person concerned.

6.2         There is no dispute with any Revenue or other official department in
            the United Kingdom or elsewhere in relation to the affairs of the
            company, and, to the knowledge of Altris Inc and Altris Plc jointly
            and severally there are no facts which may give rise to such


6.3         There are no claims pending or, to the knowledge of Altris Inc and
            Altris Plc jointly and severally threatened or capable of arising
            against the company by any employee or workman or third party in
            respect of any accident or injury, which are not fully covered by
            insurance, subject to deductibles.

6.4         To the knowledge of Altris Inc and Altris Plc jointly and severally
            the company has not manufactured and/or sold products which are or
            have or will become in any material respect faulty or defective or
            which do not comply in any material respect with any warranties or
            representations expressly or (whether by statute or otherwise)
            impliedly made by the company.

7.    Compliance with statutes and licences

7.1         The company has obtained all licences, consents, approvals,
            permissions, permits, test and other certificates and authorities
            (public or private) necessary for the carrying on of its business
            (except where the failure to obtain such licenses, consents,
            approvals, permissions, permits, test and other certificates and
            authorities (public or private) would not have a material adverse
            effect on the business of the company) in the places and in the
            manner in which such business is now carried on or to which its
            products are exported, all of which are valid and subsisting, and
            the executives of Altris Inc and Altris Plc know of no reason or of
            any facts or circumstances which with or without the giving of
            notice or lapse of time) would be likely to give rise to any reason
            why any of them should be suspended, cancelled, revoked or not


7.2         The company has conducted and is conducting its business in all
            material respects in accordance with all applicable laws and
            regulations (whether of the United Kingdom or elsewhere).

7.3         To the knowledge of Altris Inc and Altris Plc jointly and severally
            after due inquiry, all software used by the company which is not
            proprietary to or owned by the company has been properly and validly
            licensed to it and all licence fees as at the closing date will have
            been paid up to date, and the company will not be in breach of any
            such licence agreements, except for arrearages in licence fees on
            the effective date which are reflected in the effective date
            management accounts and which, if paid promptly after the closing
            date, will not result in the termination by the licensor of the
            licence with respect to which such fees are owing.

8.    Trading position

8.1         Between the effective date and the closing date:-

8.1.1             there has been no material adverse change prior to the date
                  hereof (nor is any such material change expected prior to the
                  closing date) in the position or prospects of the company or
                  in the value of its assets or amount or nature of the
                  liabilities of the company as compared with the position
                  disclosed in the effective date financial statements;

8.1.2             the company will not have disposed of any assets or assumed or
                  incurred any outstanding capital commitment or any material
                  liabilities (whether actual or


                  contingent) otherwise than in the ordinary course of carrying
                  on its business (and for this purpose disposals of fixed
                  assets, fixed and loose plant and machinery, fixtures and
                  fittings, vehicle and office equipment shall be deemed to be
                  not in the ordinary course of business);

8.1.3             the business of the company will have continued without
                  interruption and so as to maintain the same as a going

8.1.4             the company's business has not been materially and adversely
                  affected by the loss of any important customer or source of

8.1.5             no dividend or other distribution has been declared, made or
                  paid to the members of the company except as provided for in
                  the Accounts and all dividends or distributions declared, made
                  or paid by the company have been made, paid or declared in
                  accordance with its articles of association and the provisions
                  of any applicable legislation;

8.1.6             no change has been made in the emoluments, except for
                  increases in the normal course of business which are market
                  related, or other terms of employment of any of the company's
                  employees or of any of the directors and the company has not
                  paid any bonus or special remuneration to any such employee or
                  any director.


9.    Contracts and arrangements

      There are not now outstanding with respect to the company or to which the
      company is a party:-

9.1         any long term unusual or onerous contract or any contract not made
            in the ordinary course of business;

9.2         any joint venture, consortium or other partnership arrangement or

9.3         (excepting guarantees or warranties implied by law or provided by
            the company with respect to goods or services supplied or performed
            by the company in the ordinary course of business) any guarantee,
            warranty, undertaking or contract for indemnity or for suretyship
            under which the company is under a prospective or contingent

9.4         any agreement or arrangement entered into by the company otherwise
            than by way of bargain at arms length or on arms length terms and in
            the ordinary course of the company's business;

9.5         any agreement or arrangement which cannot readily be fulfilled or
            performed by the company in accordance with its terms and without
            undue or unusual expenditure or effort or without making a loss;


9.6         any agreement containing covenants limiting or excluding its right
            to do business and/or compete in any area or any field or with any
            person, firm or company.

10.   Intellectual property rights


10.1.1            The company owns no patents, trade marks, registered designs,
                  applications for any of the foregoing, copyrights, trade or
                  business names, inventions, processes, know-how and other
                  industrial property rights (together 'Intellectual Property
                  Rights'). Except for Intellectual Property Rights licensed to
                  the company by third parties under license agreements which
                  are in full force and effect, the Intellectual Property Rights
                  used by the company are vested in and beneficially owned by
                  Altris Plc free from encumbrances, other than the license
                  thereof included in the distribution agreement to be entered
                  into under the agreement.

10.1.2            To the knowledge of Altris Inc and Altris Plc jointly and
                  severally none of such Intellectual Property Rights is being
                  used, claimed, opposed or attacked by any other person nor
                  does the use of such Intellectual Property Rights or any part
                  of them infringe the Intellectual Property Rights owned or
                  enjoyed by any third party.

10.1.3            To the knowledge of Altris Inc and Altris Plc jointly and
                  severally none of the Intellectual Property Rights used by the
                  company is the subject of any claim, opposition, attack,
                  assertion or other arrangement of whatsoever nature which does
                  or may impinge upon their use, validity, enforceability or
                  ownership by


                  the company, and there are no grounds or other circumstances
                  which may give rise to the same.

10.1.4            To the knowledge of Altris Inc and Altris Plc jointly and
                  severally the company is not using any process which involves
                  the exercise of rights owned by third parties or gives rise to
                  a liability to pay compensation under the Patents Act 1977 or
                  makes use of information confidential to a third party except
                  under valid licences from such third parties, all of which are
                  in full force and effect.

10.2        No licences or registered user or other rights have been granted or
            agreed to be granted by the company to any third party in respect of
            such Intellectual Property Rights, except to customers of the
            company in the ordinary course of business.

10.3        To the knowledge of Altris Inc and Altris Plc jointly and severally
            no disclosure has been made to any person other than to SL of any of
            the industrial know how or the financial or trade secrets of the
            company except properly and in the ordinary course of business and
            on the footing that such disclosure is to be treated as being of a
            confidential nature.

10.4        To the knowledge of Altris Inc and Altris Plc jointly and severally
            no act has been done or has been omitted to be done to entitle any
            authority or person to cancel, forfeit or modify any Intellectual
            Property Rights.

10.5        All computer software and hardware utilised by and/or marketed by
            the company , including that licensed by Altris Plc, was at the
            effective date Y2K compliant.


11.   Employees

11.1        There are not now outstanding:

11.1.1            any service agreement or contracts between the company and any
                  of its Directors, officers, executives or employees which
                  cannot be terminated by the company by 14 (fourteen) weeks
                  notice or less without giving rise to a claim for damages or
                  compensation (other than a statutory redundancy payment);

11.1.2            any recognition or other agreement or arrangement (whether or
                  not legally binding) between the company and any trade union
                  or other body representing its employees.

11.2        The executives of Altris Inc and Altris Plc are not aware of any
            outstanding claim against the company by any person who is now or
            has been an officer or employee of the company and no disputes have
            during the preceding three years arisen between the company and any
            material number or category of employees and there are no present
            circumstances which are likely to give rise to any such dispute.

11.3        Since the effective date no change has been made in the rate of
            remuneration or the endowment or pension benefits of any Director or
            employee or in the terms of employment of any officer or senior


11.4        None of the following are in existence and there are no proposals
            for any of the following:

11.4.1            profit sharing schemes;

11.4.2            share option schemes;

11.4.3            'phantom' share option schemes;

11.4.4            profit related pay schemes;

11.4.5            employee share ownership trusts under the Finance Act 1989;

11.4.6            employee benefit trusts.

11.5        SL has been supplied with copies of all documents comprising the
            pension scheme operated by the company for the benefit of its

11.6        Save for the Pension Scheme ('the Scheme') details of which are
            included in the Disclosure Letter there are no superannuation
            retirement, pension, death, ill health or disability benefit schemes
            or like arrangements in operation or proposed to be operated by or
            in relation to the business of the company nor (save for entitlement
            under the Scheme) do any of the current or past employees or any
            other person have any entitlement or expectation to any such
            benefits under any such scheme or arrangement.

11.7        With regard to the Scheme:

11.7.1            there is annexed to the Disclosure Letter copies of all the
                  Trust Deeds and Rules of the Scheme together with any
                  announcements booklets or other


                  documentation affecting the entitlement of any member to
                  benefit under the Scheme;

11.7.2            the company has complied with all the provisions of the Scheme
                  applicable to it;

11.7.3            the Scheme is an exempt approved scheme within the meaning of
                  the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 Section 592(1) and
                  to the knowledge of Altris Inc and Altris Plc jointly and
                  severally there is no reason why such approval could be

11.7.4            the company does not hold and has never held and is not named
                  and has never been named in any contracting out certificate
                  under the Social Security Pensions Act 1975;

11.7.5            all benefits (other than a refund of contributions of interest
                  where appropriate) payable under the Scheme on the death of a
                  member while in an employment to which the Scheme relates or
                  during a period of sickness or disability of a member are
                  fully insured under a policy effected with an insurance
                  company of good repute and each member has been covered for
                  such insurance by such an insurance company at its normal
                  rates and on its normal terms for persons in good health.

11.7.6            there are no arrearages in the payment of amounts due and
                  payable by the company under the Scheme.



11.8.1            There is annexed to the Disclosure Letter a copy of the most
                  recent audited accounts, trustees report and Actuarial
                  Valuation of the Scheme all of which are true, complete and
                  accurate in all material respects.

11.8.2            There has been no material change in the assets or solvency of
                  the Scheme as disclosed in such accounts and valuation.


11.9.1            No power to augment or alter benefits under the Scheme has
                  been exercised and no employee or member of the Scheme has
                  been notified that such an exercise may be contemplated.

11.9.2            No discretion has been exercised under the Scheme to provide
                  in respect of any member a benefit which would not otherwise
                  be provided in respect of such member and no member of the
                  Scheme has been notified that such an exercise may be


11.10.1           The Scheme is funded on a money purchase basis and there is no
                  obligation to continue to make contributions to the Scheme
                  after Completion, and if contributions to the Scheme were to
                  cease with effect from Completion there would be no liability
                  to make any further payments to the Scheme and there would be
                  no liability whatsoever to the Trustees and to or in respect
                  of the


                  members and former members of the Scheme or otherwise with
                  regard to the Scheme.

11.10.2           The scheme has no employer related investments as defined in
                  the Social Security Act 1990.


11.11.1           Except for any liability under the Scheme, any liability
                  existing by law and any liability to any member of the Altris
                  Group, the company has no liability to:               any of the executives and employees apart from
                        remuneration accrued during the month in which the
                        agreement has been entered into;               any associates of any of the executives and employees;
                        or               any company of which 15% or more of the equity share
                        capital is owned or controlled directly or indirectly by
                        any of the executives, employees and/or their respective

11.11.2           None of the executives of Altris Inc or Altris Plc nor (so far
                  as the executives of Altris Inc and Altris Plc are aware) the
                  employees and their respective associates has any interest in
                  any other person (other than Altris Inc) which has or has had
                  a material or close trading relationship with or is or may be
                  in competition with the company.


11.11.3           To the knowledge of Altris Inc and Altris Plc jointly and
                  severally each of the executives is free to continue his
                  employment and is not in breach of any other contract of
                  employment (past or now subsisting) and is not liable to any
                  action (whether for damages, injunction, specific performance
                  or otherwise) relating to any such contract and is not in any
                  breach of duty of confidence or any undertaking or arrangement
                  relating to any intellectual property rights and is not now
                  liable to any action (whether for damages, injunction,
                  specific performance or otherwise) relating to any continuous
                  or continuing obligation in any such contract.

12.   Taxation

12.1        Save to the extent that specific provision has been made in the
            effective date management accounts for any liability to Taxation and
            save for any liability to corporation tax arising in the ordinary
            course of the company's normal trading since the accounting date,
            the company has no liability or contingent liability in respect of
            any form of Taxation (the deprivation or nullifying of any relief or
            advantage (including the right to set past losses against future
            profits) or the requirement to make any payment or the loss of the
            right to any repayment by or to the Inland Revenue or any other
            authority being deemed to be a liability in respect of Taxation for
            the purposes of this paragraph).

12.2        The company has duly complied in all material respects with its
            obligations to account to the Inland Revenue and all other relevant
            authorities for all amounts for which it


            is accountable in respect of Taxation or amounts payable under
            social security legislation.

12.3        All returns and computations in connection with Taxation that should
            have been made by the company have been made correctly and on a
            proper basis in all material respects; no such return or computation
            has been or, to the knowledge of Altris Inc and Altris Plc jointly
            and severally is likely to be disputed and there are no facts known
            or which would on reasonable enquiry be known to Altris Inc and
            Altris Plc jointly and severally which may give rise to any such
            dispute or to any claim for any Taxation or to the deprivation of
            any relief from taxation or advantage that might have been

12.4        The company has not been a party to any scheme or arrangement
            designed partly or wholly for the purpose of artificially and
            unlawfully avoiding Taxation.

12.5        The company is duly registered for VAT purposes and has in all
            material respects complied with the Value Added Tax Act 1983 and all
            orders, regulations, directions or conditions made or imposed
            thereunder and has maintained correct and up-to-date records,
            invoices and other documents appropriate or necessary for the
            purposes of such legislation and is not in arrear with any payment
            or returns thereunder or liable to any abnormal or non-routine
            payment or any forfeiture or penalty or to the operation of any
            penal provision.

12.6        All material information necessary for computation of Taxation
            liabilities of company in possession or under control of company.


13.   Information and general

13.1        The information set out in the recitals to the agreement and in the
            Disclosure Letter is true, complete and accurate.


13.2.1            The forecasts, business plan, and projections in respect of
                  the company handed to SL were prepared in good faith and after
                  diligent and careful consideration and enquiry and on the
                  basis of assumptions which were and remain, to the knowledge
                  of Altris Inc and Altris Plc jointly and severally fair and
                  realistic and none of the executives of Altris Inc or Altris
                  Plc is now aware of any fact or matter which will, or is
                  likely to, result in any of such forecasts or projections not
                  being achieved in any material respect.

13.2.2            None of the executives of Altris Inc or Altris Plc disagrees
                  with any of the opinions or views expressed in the forecasts,
                  business plan and projections.

13.3        To the knowledge of Altris Inc and Altris Plc jointly and severally
            there are fully and accurately disclosed in the Disclosure Letter
            all matters which:

13.3.1            are necessary to qualify the statements set out in this
                  Appendix 9 in order for such statements, when so qualified, to
                  be fair, accurate and not misleading;


13.3.2            which are expected to materially and adversely affect the
                  future value of the company.

13.4        Altris Inc and Altris Plc jointly and severally are not aware of any
            fact or matter not disclosed in writing to SL, the disclosure of
            which might reasonably affect the willingness of SL to make the
            investment contemplated by this agreement.

13.5        The records, statutory books and books of account of the company are
            duly entered up and maintained in accordance with all legal
            requirements applicable thereto and contain true, full and accurate
            records of all matters required to be dealt with therein and all
            such books and all records and documents (including, without
            limitation, all documents of title, accounts, books, ledgers and
            contracts to which it is a party) which are the property of the
            company are in its possession or under its control and all accounts,
            documents, returns and forms required to be delivered or made to the
            Registrar of Companies and any relevant foreign equivalent have been
            duly and correctly delivered or made.

13.6        The company does not trade and has never traded under any name other
            than its corporate name and no action has been taken against the
            company under Section 28 of the Companies Act 1985.

13.7        The company at the effective date was not and at the closing date
            will not be indebted to:-


13.7.1            Data General Corporation, other than accounts payable by the
                  company for maintenance in the ordinary course of business in
                  an amount not in excess of GBD5 000 (five thousand pounds)

13.7.2            David Gaunt

13.7.3            Octagon

            all of which obligations have been validly assumed by Altris Inc.

14.   The company

      The copies certified by the secretary of the company of the Memorandum and
      Articles of Association of the company and of the resolutions of the
      company annexed to the Disclosure Letter are true copies and the register
      of members and other statutory books of the company are true, accurate and

15.   Insolvency

15.1        No administrator, administrative receiver, receiver, manager of
            assets, liquidator or any other similar officer has ever been
            appointed in respect of the whole or any part of the assets or
            undertaking of the company and no order has been made, petition
            presented or resolution passed for the purpose of the making of any
            order in relation to administration, administrative receivership,
            receivership, liquidation, management of assets or any other similar
            situation of the company.


15.2        After giving effect to the transaction contemplated in terms of the
            restructuring agreement, the company is neither insolvent nor unable
            to pay its debts as they fall due (as such expression is defined in
            either sub-section (1)(a) to (d) (inclusive) or sub-section (2) of
            Section 123 of the Insolvency Act 1986).

15.3        No voluntary arrangement (as referred to in the Insolvency Act 1986)
            or scheme or arrangement as regards its creditors has been proposed
            by the directors or is in operation in relation to the company.

15.4        The company has not entered into any transaction nor been given a
            preference to which sections 238, 239 or 423 of the Insolvency Act
            1986 apply or which may otherwise be liable to be set aside or
            avoided for any reason.

                          U S WARRANTIES - APPENDIX 10

            1. Representations and Warranties of Altris Inc and Altris Plc
jointly and severally.


      Altris Inc and Altris Plc jointly and severally hereby represent and
warrant to SL as follows:

            1.1. Corporate Status.

                  1.1.1. Altris Inc. is a corporation duly organized, validly
existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of California, and has
the corporate power to own and operate its properties, to carry on its business
as now conducted and to enter into and to perform its obligations under this
Agreement and any other document executed and delivered by Altris Inc. in
connection herewith or therewith (collectively, the "Operative Documents").
Altris Inc. is qualified to do business and is in good standing in each state or
other jurisdiction in which such qualification is necessary under applicable
law, except where the failure to so qualify would not have a material adverse
effect on the financial condition or results of operations of Altris Inc.


                  1.1.2. The Annual Report on Form 10-K of Altris, Inc. for the
year ended December 31, 1998 (the "Annual Report") sets forth a complete list of
each corporation, partnership, joint venture, limited liability company or other
business organization in which Altris Inc. owns, directly or indirectly, any
capital stock or other equity interest (the "Subsidiary" or, collectively, the
"Subsidiaries"), or with respect to which Altris Inc. or any Subsidiary, alone
or in combination with others, is in a control position, which list shows the
jurisdiction of incorporation or other organization, and, if Altris Inc. does
not directly or indirectly own 100% of the outstanding equity interests in the
entities so listed on the Annual Report, the percentage interest so owned by
Altris Inc. or any Subsidiary. Each Subsidiary is duly organized, validly
existing and in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction of
incorporation or other organization as indicated on the Annual Report, each has
all requisite power and authority and holds all material licenses, permits and
other required authorizations from government authorities necessary to own its
properties and assets and to conduct its business as now being conducted, and
each is qualified to do business as a foreign corporation (or business
organization) and is in good standing in every jurisdiction in which such
qualification is necessary under applicable law, except where the failure to so
qualify would not have a material adverse effect on the financial condition or
results of operations of Altris Inc.. All of the outstanding shares of capital
stock, or other equity interests, of each Subsidiary owned, directly or
indirectly, by Altris Inc. have been validly issued, are fully paid and
nonassessable, and are owned by Altris Inc. directly or indirectly free and
clear of all liens, charges, security interests, or encumbrances. "Material
adverse event" shall mean any event or circumstance, or set of events or
circumstances, individually or collectively, that reasonably could be expected
to result in any (i) material adverse effect upon the validity or enforceability
of any of the Operative Documents, or (ii) material and adverse effect on the
financial condition of Altris Inc. as represented to SL herein or in any
document delivered to SL in connection herewith, or (iii) material default or
potential material default under any of the Operative Documents.

            1.2. Capitalization.

                  1.2.1. The Annual Report accurately describes the authorized
capital stock of Altris Inc. All shares of Common Stock outstanding have been
validly issued and are fully paid and nonassessable. There are no statutory or
contractual preemptive rights, rights of first refusal, antidilution rights, or
any similar rights held by any party with respect to the issuance of the common
stock of Altris Inc. to be acquired by SL pursuant to this Agreement.

                  1.2.2. Except as described in the Annual Report and as
otherwise disclosed to SL by Altris, Inc. in writing: Altris Inc. has not
granted, or agreed to grant or issue, any options, warrants or rights to
purchase or acquire from Altris Inc. any shares of capital stock of Altris Inc.,
there are no securities


outstanding or committed to be issued by Altris Inc. or any Subsidiary which are
convertible into or exchangeable for any shares of capital stock or other
securities of Altris Inc., and there are no contracts, commitments, agreements,
understandings, arrangements or restrictions as to which Altris Inc. is a party,
or by which it is bound, requiring or restricting the issuance of any shares of
capital stock or other securities of Altris Inc., whether or not outstanding.
Except as set forth on the Annual Report, all such shares have been duly
reserved for issuance, have been duly and validly authorized, and upon issuance
in accordance with the terms of the respective instruments and receipt of
payment therefor, will be validly issued, fully paid, and nonassessable.

                  1.2.3. The common stock (the "Purchased Common Stock") that is
being purchased by SL, when issued, sold, and delivered in accordance with the
terms of this Agreement for the consideration expressed herein, will be duly and
validly issued, fully paid, and nonassessable, and will be free of restrictions
on transfer other than restrictions on transfer under this Agreement and the
Operative Documents and under applicable state and federal securities laws. The
Common Stock being purchased under this Agreement has been duly and validly
reserved for issuance and, upon issuance will be duly and validly issued, fully
paid, and nonassessable and will be free of restrictions on transfer other than
restrictions on transfer under this Agreement and under applicable state and
federal securities laws.

            1.3. Authorization. Altris Inc. has full legal right, power and
authority to enter into and perform its obligations under this Agreement and the
Operative Documents without the consent or approval of any other person, firm,
governmental agency, or other legal entity, except as contemplated hereby or
thereby. The execution and delivery of this Agreement, the issuance of the
Purchased Common Stock hereunder, the execution and delivery of each other
document in connection herewith or therewith to which Altris Inc. is a party,
and the performance by Altris Inc. of its obligations hereunder or thereunder
are within the corporate powers of Altris Inc. and have been duly authorized by
all necessary corporate action properly taken, have received all necessary
governmental approvals, if any were required, and do not and will not contravene
or conflict with (i) the Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws of Altris Inc.,
(ii) any material agreement to which Altris Inc. or any of its Subsidiaries is a
party or by which any of them or their properties is bound, or constitute a
default thereunder, or result in the creation or imposition of any lien, charge,
security interest, or encumbrance of any nature upon any of the property or
assets of Altris Inc. or any of its Subsidiaries pursuant to the terms of any
such agreement or instrument, or (iii) violate any provision of law or any
applicable judgment, ordinance, regulation or order of any court or governmental
agency. The officer executing this Agreement, and any other document executed
and delivered by Altris Inc. in connection herewith or therewith, is duly
authorized to act on behalf of Altris Inc.


            1.4. Validity And Binding Effect. Each of the Operative Documents is
the legal, valid and binding obligation of Altris Inc., enforceable against
Altris Inc. in accordance with its terms, except as such enforceability may be
limited by applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium,
liquidation or similar laws relating to, or affecting generally the enforcement
of, creditors' rights and remedies or by other equitable principles of general

            1.5. Contracts And Other Commitments. Except as disclosed Altris
Inc. and its Subsidiaries do not have and are not bound by any loans, liens,
pledges, security interests agreements, indentures or other instruments defining
the rights of security holders, under any securities or other financings upon
which Altris Inc. or any Subsidiary is obligated or by which Altris Inc. is

            1.6. Litigation. Except as set forth on the Annual Report or as
disclosed in the Disclosure Letter to the UK Warranties, there is no litigation,
arbitration, claim, proceeding or investigation pending or threatened in writing
to which Altris Inc. or any Subsidiary is a party or to which any of its
respective properties or assets is the subject which, if determined adversely to
Altris Inc. or such Subsidiary, would individually or in the aggregate have a
material adverse effect on the financial position, results of operations, or
business of Altris Inc. and its Subsidiaries.

            1.7. Financial Statements. The consolidated financial statements of
Altris Inc. and its Subsidiaries for the fiscal years ended December 31, 1998,
1997, and 1996, [and the preliminary draft of the unaudited consolidated
financial statements as of and for the three months ended March 31, 1999 (the
"Interim Financial Statements")], and the related notes, copies of which Altris
Inc. previously has delivered to SL, fairly present the financial position,
results of operations, cash flows and changes in stockholders' equity of Altris
Inc. and its consolidated Subsidiaries, at the respective dates of and for the
periods to which they apply in such financial statements, and have been prepared
in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP")
consistently applied throughout the periods indicated, subject, in the case of
interim financial statements, to normal recurring year-end adjustments (the
effect of which will not, individually or in the aggregate, be materially
adverse) and the absence of notes (that, if presented, would not differ
materially from those included in the most recent audited consolidated financial

            1.8. SEC Reports. Altris Inc.'s common stock is listed for trading
on the OTC Bulletin Board and has been duly registered with the Securities and
Exchange Commission ("SEC") under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended (the "Exchange Act"). Since January 1, 1994, Altris Inc. has timely
filed all reports, registrations, proxy or information statements, and all other
documents, together with any amendments required to be made thereto


(collectively, the "SEC Reports"), required to be filed with the SEC under the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act") and the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange Act"), except for delays in the filing of
SEC Reports filed in 1998. [NOTE: In connection with the restatement of the
Company's financial statements, the 10-k and certain 10-Q's were filed late.]
The SEC Reports, as amended by amendments filed with the SEC, complied in all
material respects with all rules and regulations promulgated by the SEC and did
not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material
fact required to be stated therein or necessary in order to make the statements
therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not
misleading. [NOTE: The 1996 10-K and several 10-Q's relating to 1996 and 1997
were amended in 1998 to restate previously reported financial information.]

            1.9. Absence of Changes. Since December 31, 1998, except as
contemplated hereby or by the other Operative Documents and except as reflected
in the Interim Financial Statements, (i) neither Altris Inc. nor any of its
Subsidiaries have incurred any liabilities or obligations, direct or contingent,
or entered into any transactions, not in the ordinary course of business, that
are material to Altris Inc., (ii) neither Altris Inc. nor any of its
Subsidiaries have purchased any of its outstanding capital stock or declared, or
paid any dividend or other distribution or payment in respect of its capital
stock, (iii) there has not been any change in the authorized or issued capital
stock, long-term debt, or short-term debt of Altris Inc., and (iv) there has not
been any material adverse change in or affecting the business, operations,
properties, prospects, assets, or condition (financial or otherwise) of Altris
Inc. or any Subsidiary, taken as a whole.

            1.10. No Defaults. Except as set forth on the Annual Report, except
for amounts due to creditors that will be satisfied promptly upon the closing of
the transactions contemplated by the agreement, and except where a default or
event of default does not and would not constitute a material adverse event, no
default or event of default by Altris Inc. or any Subsidiary exists under this
Agreement or any of the other Operative Documents, or under any material
contract, instrument or agreement to which Altris Inc. or any Subsidiary is a
party or by which Altris Inc. or any Subsidiary or its respective properties may
be bound, except for any such default or event of default which would not
reasonably be expected to cause a material adverse event, and no event has
occurred and is continuing that with notice or the passage of time or both would
constitute a default or event of default thereunder.

            1.11. Compliance with Law. Altris Inc. is in compliance with all
foreign, federal, state or local laws, regulations, decrees and orders
applicable to it (including but not limited to the Foreign Corrupt Practices
Act, occupational and health standards and controls, antitrust, monopoly,
restraint of trade or unfair competition) to the extent that noncompliance, in
the aggregate, would not reasonably be expected to cause a material adverse


            1.12. Taxes. Except as set forth on the Annual Report, Altris Inc.
and its Subsidiaries have filed or caused to be filed all federal, state and
local income, excise and franchise tax returns required to be filed (except for
returns that have been appropriately extended or returns which when filed will
not result in any additional tax or material penalty), and have paid, or
provided for the payment of, all taxes shown to be due and payable on said
returns and all other taxes, impositions, assessments, fees or other charges
imposed on it by any governmental authority, agency or instrumentality, prior to
any delinquency with respect thereto (other than taxes, impositions,
assessments, fees and charges currently being contested in good faith by
appropriate proceedings, for which appropriate amounts have been reserved), and
Altris Inc. does not know of any proposed assessment for additional taxes or any
basis therefor. No tax liens have been filed against Altris Inc. or its
properties. Altris Inc.'s federal income tax liability has been finally
determined by the Internal Revenue Service and satisfied for all taxable years
up to and including the taxable year ended December 31, 1993, or closed by
applicable statutes of limitation.

            1.13. Certain Transactions. Except as set forth on in the proxy
statements filed by Altris Inc. with the SEC and except as to indebtedness
incurred in the ordinary course of business and approved by the Board of
Directors of Altris Inc., neither Altris Inc. nor any Subsidiary is indebted,
directly or indirectly, to any of its officers or directors, or to their
respective spouses or children, or to any affiliate, in excess of an aggregate
amount of $60,000, and none of such officers or directors or any members of
their immediate families or affiliates, are indebted to Altris Inc. or any
Subsidiary in excess of an aggregate amount of $60,000, or have any direct or
indirect ownership interest in any firm or corporation with which Altris Inc. or
any Subsidiary is affiliated or with which Altris Inc. has a business
relationship, or any firm or corporation which competes with Altris Inc. or any
Subsidiary, except that Altris Inc.'s officers and directors may own
individually no more than 1% of the outstanding capital stock of any publicly
traded company which competes directly with Altris Inc.. Except as set forth in
the proxy statements filed by Altris Inc. with the SEC, no officer or director
of Altris Inc. or any Subsidiary or any member of their immediate families is,
directly or indirectly, interested in any material contract with Altris Inc. or
any Subsidiary that would require disclosure under Item 404 of Regulation S-K.
Except as set forth on the Annual Report, neither Altris Inc. nor any Subsidiary
is a guarantor or indemnitor of any indebtedness of any other person, firm or

            1.14. Title to Property. Altris Inc. and each Subsidiary has good
and marketable title to all of the real and personal property owned by it, free
and clear of all liens, security interests, pledges, encumbrances, equities,
claims and restrictions of every kind and nature whatsoever, except as disclosed
on the Annual Report and other than (a) liens for taxes not yet due, (b)


in title, if any, not material in amount and which, individually or in the
aggregate, do not materially interfere with the conduct of the business of
Altris Inc. or the use of its assets, (c) such secured indebtedness as is
disclosed in the Financial Statements covering the assets and properties
referred to therein (if any), (d) liens in the ordinary course of business
consistent with past practice and (f) installments of special assessments not
yet delinquent, recorded easements, covenants and other restrictions, and
utility easements, building restrictions, zoning restrictions and other
easements and restrictions existing generally with respect to properties of a
similar character. Any real property and buildings held under lease by Altris
Inc. or any Subsidiary are held under valid existing and enforceable leases,
except as disclosed on the Annual Report or which are not material and do not
interfere with the use to be made of such buildings or property by Altris Inc.

            1.15. Intellectual Property.


                  Except as set forth in the Annual Report, to Altris Inc.'s
knowledge, Altris Inc. is the lawful owner or has a valid right to use the
proprietary information used in its business free and clear of any claim, right,
trademark, patent or copyright protection of any third party; provided, however,
that this paragraph (a) shall not be deemed to include any representation
regarding the absence of infringements or conflicts with the rights of others,
which representation is made only in paragraph (c) hereof and only to the
knowledge of Altris Inc.. As used herein, "proprietary information" includes
without limitation (i) any computer software and related documentation,
inventions, technical and nontechnical data related thereto, and (ii) other
documentation, inventions and data related to patterns, plans, methods,
techniques, drawings, finances, customer lists, suppliers, products, special
pricing and cost information, designs, processes, procedures, formulas, research
data owned or used by Altris Inc. or any Subsidiary or marketing studies
conducted by Altris Inc., all of which Altris Inc. considers to be commercially
important and competitively sensitive and which generally has not been disclosed
to third parties other than customers in the ordinary course of business.


                  Except as set forth in the Annual Report, to Altris Inc.'s
knowledge, Altris Inc. has good and marketable title to or has a valid right to
use all patents, trademarks, trade names, service marks, copyrights or other
intangible property rights, and registrations or applications for registration
thereof, owned by Altris Inc. or any Subsidiary or used or required by Altris
Inc. or any Subsidiary in the operation of its business as presently being
conducted; provided, however, that this paragraph (a) shall not be deemed to
include any representation regarding the absence of infringements or conflicts
with the rights of others, which representation is made only in paragraph (c)
hereof and only to the knowledge of Altris Inc.


                  Altris Inc. has no knowledge of any infringements or conflict
with asserted rights of others with respect to copyrights, patents, trademarks,


service marks, trade names, trade secrets or other intangible property rights or
know-how which could cause a material adverse event. To Altris Inc.'s knowledge,
no products or processes of Altris Inc. infringe or conflict with any rights of
patent or copyright, or any discovery, invention product or process, that is the
subject of a patent or copyright application or registration known to Altris
Inc.. Altris Inc. follows such procedures as Altris Inc. deems necessary or
appropriate to provide reasonable protection of Altris Inc.'s trade secrets and
proprietary rights in intellectual property of all kinds. To the knowledge of
Altris Inc., no person employed by or affiliated with Altris Inc. has employed
or proposes to employ any trade secret or any information or documentation
proprietary to any former employer, and to the knowledge of Altris Inc., no
person employed by or affiliated with Altris Inc. has violated any confidential
relationship that such person may have had with any third person, in connection
with the development, manufacture or sale of any product or proposed product or
the development or sale of any service or proposed service of Altris Inc.

            1.16. Environmental Matters. Altris Inc. has duly complied in all
material respects with, and its business, operations, assets, equipment,
property, leaseholds or other facilities are in compliance in all material
respects with, the provisions of all federal, state and local environmental,
health, and safety laws, codes and ordinances, and all rules and regulations
promulgated thereunder except to the extent that the violation thereof would not
reasonably be expected to cause a material adverse event. Altris Inc. has been
issued and will maintain all required material federal, state and local permits,
licenses, certificates and approvals relating to (i) air emissions; (ii)
discharges to surface water or groundwater; (iii) noise emissions; (iv) solid or
liquid waste disposal; (v) the use, generation, storage, transportation or
disposal of toxic or hazardous substances or wastes (which shall include any and
all such materials listed in any federal, state or local law, code or ordinance
and all rules and regulations promulgated thereunder as hazardous or potentially
hazardous); or (vi) other environmental, health or safety matters, except to the
extent that the absence thereof would not reasonably be expected to cause a
material adverse event. Altris Inc. has not during the two years prior to the
date hereof received notice of, does not know of, and does not suspect facts
which might constitute a material violation of any federal, state or local
environmental, health or safety laws, codes or ordinances, and any rules or
regulations promulgated thereunder with respect to its businesses, operations,
assets, equipment, property, leaseholds, or other facilities. Except in
accordance with a valid governmental permit, license, certificate or approval,
there has been no material emission, spill, release or discharge into or upon
(i) the air; (ii) soils, or any improvements located thereon; (iii) surface
water or groundwater; or (iv) the sewer, septic system or waste treatment,
storage or disposal system servicing the premises, of any toxic or hazardous
substances or wastes at or from the premises, except to the extent that any such
emission, spill, release or discharge would not reasonably be expected to cause
a material adverse event. During the two years prior to the date hereof, there
has been no complaint, order, directive, claim,


citation or notice by any governmental authority or any person or entity with
respect to (i) air emissions; (ii) spills, releases or discharges to soils or
improvements located thereon, surface water, groundwater or the sewer, septic
system or waste treatment, storage or disposal systems servicing the premises;
(iii) noise emissions; (iv) solid or liquid waste disposal; (v) the use,
generation, storage, transportation or disposal of toxic or hazardous substances
or waste; or (vi) other environmental, health or safety matters materially
affecting Altris Inc. or its business, operations, assets, equipment, property,
leaseholds or other facilities. Altris Inc. does not have any material
indebtedness, obligation or liability (absolute or contingent, matured or not
matured), with respect to the storage, treatment, cleanup or disposal of any
solid wastes, hazardous wastes or other toxic or hazardous substances (including
without limitation any such indebtedness, obligation, or liability with respect
to any current regulation, law or statute regarding such storage, treatment,
cleanup or disposal).

            1.17. Accounting Matters. Altris Inc. and each of its Subsidiaries
maintain a system of internal accounting controls sufficient to provide
reasonable assurance that (i) transactions are executed in accordance with
management's general or specific authorization; (ii) transactions are recorded
as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in conformity with
GAAP and to maintain accountability for the assets of Altris Inc. and each of
its Subsidiaries; (iii) access to the assets of Altris Inc. and each of its
Subsidiaries is permitted only in accordance with management's general or
specific authorization; and (iv) the recorded accountability for assets of
Altris Inc. and each of its Subsidiaries are compared with the existing assets
at reasonable intervals and appropriate action is taken with respect to any

            1.18. Distributions To Company. Except for limitations existing
under applicable law, no Subsidiary of Altris Inc. is currently prohibited,
directly or indirectly, from paying any dividends to Altris Inc., from making
any other distributions on such Subsidiary's capital stock, from repaying to
Altris Inc. any loans or advances to such Subsidiary, or from transferring any
of such Subsidiary's property or assets to Altris Inc. or any other Subsidiary
of Altris Inc.

            1.19. Prior Sales. All offers and sales of Altris Inc.'s capital
stock prior to the date hereof were at all relevant times (i) exempt from the
registration requirements of the Securities Act or were duly registered under
the Securities Act, and (ii) were duly registered or were the subject of an
available exemption from the registration requirements of all applicable state
securities or Blue Sky laws.

            1.20. Regulatory Compliance. Except as set forth in the Annual
Report, the conduct of the business and the ownership of the assets of Altris
Inc. is not dependent on any license, permit, approval, waiver or other
authorization of any federal, state or local governmental or regulatory body


Altris Inc. has not obtained, except to the extent that the absence thereof
would not reasonably be expected to cause a material adverse event. All material
licenses, permits and authorizations held by Altris Inc. are in full force and

            1.21. Margin Regulations. Altris Inc. is not engaged in the business
of extending credit for the purpose of purchasing or carrying margin stock. No
proceeds received pursuant to this Agreement will be used to purchase or carry
any equity security of a class which is registered pursuant to Section 12 of the
Exchange Act.

            1.22. Limited Offering. Subject in part to the truth and accuracy of
SL's representations set forth in this Agreement, the offer, sale and issuance
of the Common Stock is exempt from the registration requirements of the
Securities Act, and neither Altris Inc. nor any authorized agent acting on its
behalf has taken or will take any action hereafter that would cause the loss of
such exemption.

            1.23. Registration Obligations. Except as described in the Annual
Report, Altris Inc. is not under any obligation to register under the Securities
Act or the Trust Indenture Act of 1939, as amended, any of its presently
outstanding securities or any of its securities that are proposed to be
subsequently issued.

            1.24. Insurance. Altris Inc. has maintained, and has caused each
Subsidiary to maintain, insurance coverage by financially sound and reputable
insurers with respect to their respective properties and business in such forms
and amounts and against such risks, casualties and contingencies as are
customary for corporations of comparable size and condition (financial and
otherwise) engaged in the same or a similar business and owning and operating
similar properties.

            1.25. Governmental Consents. No consent, approval, qualification,
order or authorization of, or filing with, any local, state, or federal
governmental authority is required on the part of Altris Inc. in connection with
Altris Inc.'s valid execution, delivery, or performance of this Agreement by
Altris Inc., except such filings as have been made prior to the Closing, except
notices of sale required to be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission
under Regulation D of the Securities Act or such post-closing filings as may be
required under applicable state securities laws, which will be timely filed
within the applicable periods therefore.

            1.26. Employees. To the best of Altris Inc.'s knowledge, there is no
strike, labor dispute or union organization activities pending or threatened
between it and its employees. None of Altris Inc.'s employees belongs to any
union or collective bargaining unit. To the knowledge of Altris Inc.,


Altris Inc. has complied in all material respects with all applicable state and
federal equal opportunity and other laws related to employment. To the knowledge
of Altris Inc., no employee of Altris Inc. is or will be in violation of any
judgment, decree, or order, or any term of any employment contract, patent
disclosure agreement, or other contract or agreement relating to the
relationship of any such employee with Altris Inc., or any other party because
of the nature of the business conducted or presently proposed to be conducted by
Altris Inc. or to the use by the employee of his or her best efforts with
respect to such business. Other than as set forth on the Annual Report hereto,
Altris Inc. is not a party to or bound by any employment contract, deferred
compensation agreement, bonus plan, incentive plan, profit sharing plan,
retirement agreement, or other employee compensation agreement. To the knowledge
of Altris Inc., it is not aware that any officer or key employee, or that any
group of key employees, intends to terminate employment with Altris Inc., nor
does Altris Inc. have a present intention to terminate the employment of any of
the foregoing. Subject to general principles related to wrongful termination of
employees, the employment of each officer and employee of Altris Inc. is
terminable at the will of Altris Inc.

            1.27. ERISA. Altris Inc. is in compliance in all material respects
with all applicable provisions of Title IV of the Employee Retirement Income
Security Act of 1974, Pub. L. No. 93-406, September 2, 1974, 88 Stat. 829, 29
U.S.C.A. SS 1001 et seq. (1975), as amended from time to time ("ERISA"). Neither
a reportable event nor a prohibited transaction (as defined in ERISA) has
occurred and is continuing with respect to any "pension plan" (as such term is
defined in ERISA, a "Plan"); no notice of intent to terminate a Plan has been
filed nor has any Plan been terminated; no circumstances exist which constitute
grounds entitling the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (together with any
entity succeeding to or all of its functions, the "PBGC") to institute
proceedings to terminate, or appoint a trustee to administer, a Plan, nor has
the PBGC instituted any such proceedings; neither Altris Inc. nor any commonly
controlled entity (as defined in ERISA) has completely or partially withdrawn
from a multiemployer plan (as defined in ERISA). Altris Inc. and each commonly
controlled entity has met its minimum funding requirements under ERISA with
respect to all of its Plans and the present fair market value of all Plan
property equals or exceeds the present value of all vested benefits under each
Plan, as determined on the most recent valuation date of the Plan and in
accordance with the provisions of ERISA and the regulations thereunder for
calculating the potential liability of Altris Inc. or any commonly controlled
entity to the PBGC or the Plan under Title IV or ERISA; and neither Altris Inc.
nor any commonly controlled entity has incurred any liability to the PBGC under

            1.28. Fees/Commissions. Altris Inc. has not agreed to pay any
finder's fee, commission, origination fee or other fee or charge to any person
or entity with respect to or as a result of the consummation of the transactions
contemplated hereunder.


            1.29. Disclosure. No representation or warranty made as of the date
hereof by Altris Inc. contained in this Agreement, taken as a whole, contains or
will (as of the time so furnished) contain any untrue statement of a material
fact, or omits or will (as of the time so furnished) omit to state any material
fact which is necessary in order to make the statements contained herein or
therein not misleading.

            1.30. Survival. The representations and warranties of Altris Inc.
contained in the agreement shall survive the agreement for the period set forth
in the agreement.

                                                                     APPENDIX 16


                       [Letterhead of Kallmeyer & Strime]

                                THE SL WARRANTIES

In these warranties:-

(1)   the provisions contained in the agreement to which these warranties
      constitute Appendix 16 ("the agreement"), relating to its interpretation
      shall apply mutatis mutandis;

(2)   expressions to which a meaning is attributed in the agreement shall bear
      the same meaning.


      SL warrants to Altris Inc and Altris Limited that save as disclosed in the
      Disclosure Letter attached hereto:-

1.    Organization, Corporate Power and Authority

      Each of SL and Spescom CIT is a corporation duly incorporated, validly
      existing and in good standing under the laws of the Republic of South
      Africa and is duly qualified to do business as a foreign corporation in
      the jurisdictions in which it conducts its business, except where the
      failure so to qualify will not have a material adverse effect on its
      business. Each of SL and Spescom CIT has all requisite corporate power and
      authority to own, operate and lease its assets, to conduct its business,
      to execute and deliver the agreement and the other documents and
      agreements to be executed and delivered by it pursuant to the agreement
      and to perform its obligations thereunder.

2.    Authorization of Agreements

      The execution, delivery and performance by each of SL and Spescom CIT of
      the agreement and the other documents and agreements to be executed and
      delivered by it pursuant to the agreement, and the consummation by it of
      the transactions contemplated thereby, have been duly authorized by all
      necessary corporate action by each of SL and Spescom CIT. This agreement
      has been, and each of the other documents and agreements to be executed
      and delivered by each of SL and Spescom CIT pursuant to the agreement will
      be on the closing date, duly executed and delivered by it and constitute,
      or will, when delivered, constitute, the legal, valid and binding
      obligations of SL or Spescom CIT, as the case may be, enforceable against
      it in accordance with their respective terms, except to the extent that
      such enforcement may be limited by applicable bankruptcy, insolvency,
      reorganization, moratorium, liquidation


      or other similar laws relating to, or affecting generally the enforcement
      of creditors' rights and remedies or by other equitable principles of
      general application.

3.    Effect of agreement

      The execution, delivery and performance by each of SL and Spescom CIT of
      the agreement and the other documents and agreements to be executed and
      delivered by it pursuant to the agreement, and the consummation by it of
      the transactions contemplated thereby, will not violate its charter or
      by-laws or any judgment, award or decree or any indenture, agreement or
      other instrument to which it is a party, or by which it or its assets are
      bound, or conflict with, result in a breach of or constitute (with due
      notice or lapse of time or both) a default under, any such indenture,
      agreement or other instrument, or result in the creation or imposition of
      any lien, charge, security interest or encumbrance of any nature
      whatsoever upon any of its assets, except to the extent that the effect
      thereof is not materially adverse to its business.

4.    Government approvals

      Except for the approval of exchange control authorities of the South
      African Reserve Bank, no approval, authorization, consent or order or
      action of or filing with any court, administrative agency or other
      governmental or regulatory authority is required to be obtained by SL or
      Spescom CIT for the execution and delivery by it of the agreement and the
      other documents and agreements to be executed and delivered by it pursuant
      to the agreement or the consummation by it of the transactions
      contemplated thereby.


5.    Investment representations

5.1         SL is acquiring the investment in Altris Inc contemplated by clause
            7 of the agreement, and the shares of Altris Inc common stock
            (hereinafter referred to as the "Investment"), for SL's own account,
            for investment purposes only, and not with a view to or for the
            resale or distribution thereof, in whole or in part.

5.2         SL understands that the offering and sale of the Investment
            (hereinafter referred to as the "Offering") are intended, save as
            set out in clause 7.1.2 of the agreement, to be exempt from
            registration under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended
            (hereinafter referred to as the "1933 Act"), by virtue of Section
            4(2) of the 1933 Act, among other provisions. SL is an accredited
            investor under the 1933 Act and has such knowledge and experience in
            financial and business matters as to be capable of evaluating the
            merits and risks of an investment in the Investment and has
            obtained, in its judgment, sufficient information from Altris Inc.
            to evaluate the merits and risks of such investment.

5.3         Altris Inc has provided SL with the Annual Report on Form 10-K filed
            by Altris Inc. with the Securities and Exchange Commission for the
            year ended December 31, 1998 and preliminary interim financial
            information with respect to the quarter ended March 31, 1999.

5.4         Altris Inc. has provided SL with access and the opportunity to ask
            questions of, and receive answers from, Altris Inc. concerning the
            terms and conditions of the Offering, the business, financial
            condition, results of operations and prospects of Altris Inc. and
            other matters pertaining to its investment.


5.5         SL has determined that the Investment is a suitable investment and
            that SL has the financial ability to bear the economic risk of its
            investment in Altris Inc. (including the possible complete loss of
            its investment), has adequate means of providing for current needs
            and contingencies and has no current or prospective need for
            liquidity with respect to its investment.

5.6         SL understands that it must bear the economic risk of its investment
            for an indefinite period of time because, among other reasons, the
            Investment has not been registered under the 1933 Act or under the
            securities laws of any state. Consequently, the Investment cannot be
            resold, pledged, assigned or otherwise disposed of, except in
            accordance with an exemption from such registration.