[PURCHASER], an individual, having a business address at [ADDRESS], FAX:


     ALYA INTERNATIONAL, INC., a Delaware corporation, having a business address
at 2465 East Bayshore Road, No. 348, Palo Alto, CA 94303 (hereinafter referred
to as "Alya")



1.   Alya is the legal and beneficial owner of the Purchased     Assets; and

2.   Alya has agreed to sell and assign the Purchased Assets to Purchaser for
     use in the Territory, and Purchaser has agreed to purchase the Purchased
     Assets on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth and contained.

     NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants herein
contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:

                                     ARTICLE 1


     In this Agreement, the recitals and the schedules, if any, the following
words, phrases and expressions shall have the following meanings:

a.   "Application Software" means the computer programs consisting of the
     modules and having the functional and technical specifications more
     particularly described in Schedule A to this Agreement together with

b.   "Asset Valuation Report" means the software valuation dated as of September
     15, 1997, prepared for Purchaser by [APPRAISER];

c.   "Closing" has the meaning set out in Section 7.1;

d.   "Closing Date" means September 30, 1997, or such other date as the parties
     may agree;

e.   "Confidential Information" of a party (the "Disclosing Party") shall mean
     information of a confidential and proprietary nature relative to the
     Disclosing Party or its business and other matters deemed confidential and
     proprietary by the Disclosing Party, written notice of which is given to
     the party receiving such information (the "Receiving Party");  provided
     that the terms and subject matter of this Agreement and the Management
     Agreement, including the Application Software and the Purchased Assets, are
     deemed to be confidential without the need for written notice and shall at
     all times remain confidential, notwithstanding the exception to
     confidentiality noted in the next sentence. "Confidential Information" of
     the Disclosing Party shall not include:

     i.   written information not clearly marked as confidential or oral
          disclosures not subsequently confirmed in writing as confidential;

     ii.  information which the Receiving Party can demonstrate

          A.   was published or generally known in the industry at the time of
               its disclosure by the Disclosing Party, or became published or
               generally known in the industry without breach of this Agreement
               by the Receiving Party;

          B.   was known to the Receiving Party at the time of disclosure by the
               Disclosing Party, independently of the Disclosing Party and
               without breach of an obligation of confidentiality to the
               Disclosing Party;

          C.   is disclosed to the Receiving Party by a third party which had a
               right to disclose such information and was not in breach of an
               obligation of confidentiality to the Disclosing Party;

          D.   is independently developed by the Receiving Party without use,
               directly or indirectly, of any Confidential Information of the
               Disclosing Party; or

          E.   information required to be disclosed pursuant to applicable law,
               regulation, judicial or administrative order, lawful subpoena or
               enforceable discovery demand, provided the Receiving Party uses
               commercially reasonable efforts to obtain confidential treatment
               of such information and further provided that the Disclosing
               Party receives prior written notice of any pending disclosure,
               with sufficient time to protest disclosure or seek an adequate
               protective order.

f.   "Customers" means any person using or distributing the Security System in
     the Territory;

g.   "Documentation" has the meaning specified in Subsection v. of the
     definition of Purchased Assets;

h.   "Enhancement" means any improvement, revision or other modification made
     to, or replacement of, the Application Software by Alya or any other
     person, to be utilized in connection with providing the Security System,
     including, without limitation, any improvement, revision or other
     modification which is necessary:

     i.   to provide Customers with then current Application Software; or

     ii.  to maintain the Application Software as a state of the art or industry
          leading technology,

     including, without limitation, the changes set out in Appendix A.1 to
     Schedule A to the extent that Purchaser's manager pursuant to the
     Management Agreement continues to believe that they are commercially
     reasonable in light of then current market conditions and technical

i.   "Infringement Claims" has the meaning specified in Subsection 5.1.b.;

j.   "Intellectual Property" has the meaning specified in Subsection iv. of the
     definition of Purchased Assets";

k.   "Letter of Representation"  means a letter from Alya to [APPRAISER] in
     substantially the form attached as Schedule B;

l.   "Management Agreement" means the Management and Marketing Agreement to be
     entered into by Purchaser and Alya on Closing for the management and
     marketing of the Purchased Assets;

m.   "Note" means the 6.0% Secured Term Note, secured by the Purchased Assets,
     in substantially the form attached as Schedule D;

n.   "Originality Certificate" means the Officer's Certificate in the form
     attached as Schedule C;

o.   "Purchase Price" has the meaning specified in Section 2.1;

p.   "Purchased Assets" means the right to exclusively utilize, modify and
     develop the Application Software within the Territory and to exclusively
     distribute, market and sell the Application Software as incorporated in the
     Security System, within the Territory, and to utilize all of Alya's
     property and rights necessary for the operation of, or the realization of
     benefits from, the Application Software within the Territory, including,
     without limitation:

     i.   all products associated with or derivatives of the Application

     ii.  the benefit of all agreements necessary for the operation of, or the
          realization of the benefit from, the Application Software within the
          Territory, including, without limitation, a perpetual, non-exclusive,
          royalty free right to use, modify, develop and distribute within the
          Territory the OPEN cortex platform software, as described in Schedule
          G hereto, and any modification or revision thereto, solely in
          connection with the Application Software and the Security Systems, all
          service agreements and third party license agreements and all
          marketing and product business plans;

     iii. all inventions necessary for the operation of, or realization of the
          benefit from, the Application Software within the Territory,
          including, without limitation, ideas, research, discoveries, designs,
          systems, patterns, specifications, technology, know-how, formulae,
          confidential information, data,  computer software development tools,
          operating systems, source code, object code, subroutines, algorithms,
          methods and processes;

     iv.  all intellectual property rights necessary for the operation of, or
          realization of the benefit from, the Application Software within the
          Territory, including, without limitation, patents, trademarks,
          copyrights and trade secrets and applications for and the right to
          apply for any intellectual property (the items listed in

          paragraph (iii) and (iv) are hereinafter collectively referred to as
          the "Intellectual Property"); and

     v.   copies of all records, documents (including, without limitation, user
          documentation and source code listings), correspondence, notes and
          rights related to the foregoing ("Documentation");

q.   "Purchase Price" has the meaning set out in Section 2.1;

r.   "Section" means any section, subsection, article, clause, subclause,
     paragraph or subparagraph of this Agreement;

s.   "Security Agent Agreement" means the Security Agent Agreement to be entered
     into by Alya, Purchaser and [SECURITY AGENT], as security agent, on the
     Closing, for the purpose of holding the Purchased Assets pursuant to the
     terms thereof;

t.   "Security System" means the building access control system developed by
     Alya and known as the O.P.E.N.centrix-Open Platform for Essential Network,
     which includes, without limitation, the Application Software, the firmware
     containing the Application Software, the O.P.E.N.cortex platform software
     and all hardware related thereto; and

u.   "Territory" means the geographical region of the United States as described
     in Schedule F.


a.   The terms "this Agreement", "hereof", "hereunder" and similar expressions
     refer to this Agreement and not to any particular Section, Subsection or
     other portion of this Agreement and include any agreement amending or
     supplementing this Agreement. Unless something in the subject matter or
     context is inconsistent therewith, reference herein to Sections and
     Subsections are to Sections and Subsections of this Agreement.

b.   Except as specifically stated in this Agreement, all references to currency
     are to Canadian dollars.

c.   Wherever the singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter is used
     throughout this Agreement the same will be construed as meaning the
     singular, plural, masculine, feminine, neuter, body politic or body
     corporate where the fact or context so requires.

d.   Headings are inserted in the Agreement for convenience of reference only
     and are not intended to affect the Agreement's interpretation.

1.3       SCHEDULES

     The following schedules are incorporated into and made part of this


Schedule A     -    Application Software Specifications
Schedule B     -    Letter of Representation
Schedule C     -    Originality Certificate
Schedule D     -    Form of Note
Schedule E     -    Exceptions to the representations and warranties set out in
                    Article 4, if any.
Schedule F     -    Territory
Schedule G     -    Description of O.P.E.N.cortex platform

                                     ARTICLE 2

2.1  Alya hereby sells, assigns and transfers all its right, title and interest
     in the Purchased Assets to Purchaser and Purchaser hereby purchases the
     entire right, title and interest of Alya therein, as of the Effective Date,
     at and for Five Million Six Hundred Thousand Canadian Dollars
     (Cdn.$5,600,000)(the "Purchase Price") payable in accordance with Article 3

2.2  The parties agree that the fair market value of the Purchased Assets is
     equal to the Purchase Price and agree that this determination is final and
     conclusive between them.

                                     ARTICLE 3
                             PURCHASE PRICE AND PAYMENT

3.1  The Purchase Price will be payable partly in cash and partly by execution
     and delivery of the Note for the balance of the Purchase Price as follows:

a.   Cdn.$20,000 as a refundable deposit to be held in trust by Purchaser's
     solicitors and credited against the Purchase Price on the Closing Date; and

b.   Cdn.$500,000 on Closing, by wire transfer; and

c.   Cdn.$5,080,000 by execution and delivery of the Note.

3.2  Purchaser will deduct and remit any withholding tax required to be deducted
     and remitted in connection with any payment made under Section 3.1.

3.3  Purchaser will not be responsible for any taxes, levies or other similar
     assessments including, without limitation, sales or use taxes payable in
     connection with the purchase and sale contemplated by this Agreement, if

                                     ARTICLE 4
                           REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES


     Alya hereby, undertakes, represents and warrants to Purchaser at the date
hereof and at the Closing Date, and acknowledges that Purchaser is relying on
such undertakings, representations and warranties that:

a.   Alya is a corporation (i) duly incorporated and organized, validly
     subsisting and in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction of its
     incorporation; (ii) duly authorized, with necessary and sufficient permits
     and licenses to enable it to own its properties and to carry on its
     business as presently owned and carried on by it; and (iii) having the
     power and authority and right to enter into this Agreement and each and
     every agreement and document to be executed and delivered by it pursuant
     hereto and to perform each of its obligations as therein and herein

b.   Alya has taken all necessary corporate action to authorize the execution,
     delivery and performance of this Agreement and the other documents
     contemplated hereby;

c.   this Agreement constitutes the legal, valid and binding obligation of Alya,
     enforceable against it in accordance with its terms;

d.   neither execution nor delivery of this Agreement and each and every other
     agreement executed and delivered by Alya pursuant hereto nor the
     fulfillment or compliance with any of the terms hereof or thereof will
     conflict with, or result in a breach of the terms, conditions or provisions
     of, or constitute a default under, the articles and by-laws, as amended, of
     Alya or any material agreement or instrument to which Alya is subject or
     will require any consent or other action by any person or administrative or
     governmental body;

e.   Alya now has and on the Closing Date will have good and marketable title,
     free and clear of any and all claims, liens, encumbrances, mortgages,
     security interests and charges, licenses or rights of other persons
     whatsoever to all of the Purchased Assets except as set out in Subsection
     4.1 e. of Schedule E;

f.   there are no agreements or contracts or other documents pertaining to the
     acquisition or development of the Purchased Assets except as set out in
     Subsection 4.1 f. of Schedule E, copies of which have been delivered to
     Purchaser and its counsel;

g.   the individuals involved in the development of the Application Software,
     the Purchased Assets or any element thereof, are or were:

     i.   employees of Alya Systems, Inc. ("Alya Systems") who worked within the
          scope of their employment to develop the Application Software, the
          Purchased Assets, or any element thereof, and who executed a written
          waiver of their moral rights in the copyright to the foregoing in
          favor of Alya Systems; or

     ii.  independent contractors or employees of independent contractors.
          Except as set forth in subsection 4.1g of Schedule E, each contractor
          was subject to agreements assigning their interest, if any, in the
          Application Software, Purchased Assets, or any element thereof to Alya
          Systems and executed a written waiver of their moral rights in the
          copyright to the foregoing in favor of Alya.  Copies of ALYA System's
          standard Employee Invention Assignment and Confidentiality Agreement
          and Consultant Invention Assignment and Confidentiality Agreement are
          attached to Schedule E;

h.   the Application Software does not contain any third party software.
     However, certain third party software is required to operate the
     Application Software and Alya has licenses for such third party software
     which allow Alya to market such software, directly or indirectly through
     sublicensees, as part of the Application Software and Alya will maintain
     such licenses in good standing for the benefit of Purchaser.  None of the
     third party software is custom software developed specifically for use with
     the Application Software.  All of the third party software is readily
     available in the open market and capable of being obtained by the Purchaser
     in the event a license terminates, or if the particular software is not

     capable of being obtained at such time, other software suitable for
     substitution therefor is readily available in the open market and Alya will
     modify, at its own cost and expense, the source code of the Application
     Software, if necessary, to be compatible;

i.   the Application Software was not derived from any third party's
     pre-existing material except as set out in Subsection 4.1 i. of Schedule E;

j.   Alya has not used or enforced or failed to use or enforce any Intellectual
     Property rights or other rights associated with the Application Software or
     Purchased Assets in any manner which could adversely affect the validity or
     enforceability of the Intellectual Property;

k.   there is not, and has not been, any infringement or violation of Alya's
     rights in and to the Intellectual Property;

l.   Alya has not received notice of any claim of adverse ownership, invalidity
     or other opposition to or conflict with the Purchased Assets;

m.   there are now no and at the Closing Date will be no action, claim or demand
     or other proceedings pending or, to the best of its knowledge, threatened
     against Alya before any court or administrative agency which could
     materially adversely affect the financial condition or overall operations
     of Alya or the Purchased Assets, nor any judgment, order or decree
     enforceable against Alya which involves or may require the expenditure of
     money as a condition to or a necessity for the right or ability of
     Purchaser to conduct its business involving the Purchased Assets;

n.   it has not entered into any agreement which would entitle any person to any
     valid claim against Purchaser for a broker's commission, finder's fee or
     any like payment in respect of the purchase and sale of the Purchased
     Assets or any other matters contemplated by this Agreement;

o.   the Application Software has been developed in accordance with good
     professional standards applicable in the computer software industry
     including, without limitation, using modern flexible programming languages
     and development tools;

p.   the Application Software operates in accordance with the applicable
     associated user Documentation;

q.   none of the Purchased Assets has been disclosed to any third party except
     under obligations of confidentiality, the benefit of which obligations are
     hereby assigned to Purchaser;

r.   there are no licenses, agreements, approvals or consents required or
     advisable to enable Alya to lawfully and properly market the Application
     Software in the Territory and no such licenses, agreements, approvals or
     consents will be required by Purchaser;

s.   it has not done anything so as to preclude Purchaser from having full
     enjoyment and quiet possession of the Purchased Assets, subject to the
     terms and conditions herein;

t.   there are no outstanding options, agreements of purchase and sale or other
     agreements or commitments obligating Alya to sell the Purchased Assets or
     any of them, except pursuant to this Agreement;

u.   there are no taxes, levies or other similar assessments including, without
     limitation, sales, use or other taxes payable by Alya in connection with
     the purchase and sale contemplated by this Agreement;

v.   the Application Software is available for use;

w.   the assumptions, referred to in the Asset Valuation Report, are true and

x.   the Application Software is application software and is not system software
     as the terms "application software" and "system software" are generally
     used and understood in the computer industry; and

y.   all copyright, patent or trademark registrations or applications for
     registration of the Application Software in any jurisdiction have been
     disclosed to the Purchaser, including complete and accurate documentation
     relating thereto.

     All of the representations, warranties and covenants contained in this
Agreement made and to be made by Alya will survive the Closing Date and continue
in full force and effect for the benefit of Purchaser until full payment of all
amounts owing under the Note.


     Purchaser undertakes, represents and warrants to Alya at the date hereof
and at the Closing Date and acknowledges that Alya is relying on such
undertakings, representations and warranties that Purchaser is now and on the
Closing Date will be an individual who has the power, authority and right

to enter into this Agreement and each and every agreement to be executed and
delivered by Purchaser pursuant hereto and to perform each of his obligations as
therein and herein contained to purchase the Purchased Assets in accordance with
the terms of this Agreement.

     The representations, warranties and covenants contained in this Agreement
and made and to be made by Purchaser will survive the Closing Date and continue
in full force and effect for the benefit of Alya while any money due on the Note
is outstanding.

                                     ARTICLE 5


     Alya hereby covenants and agrees to be liable to Purchaser for and to
indemnify and save harmless Purchaser from and against, effective as and from
the Closing Date, any claims, demands, actions, causes of action, damages,
losses, costs (including legal costs of a solicitor on a full indemnity basis),
liabilities or expenses which may be made or brought against Purchaser and which
it may suffer or incur as a result of, in respect of, or arising out of:

a.   any non-fulfillment of or breach of any covenant, undertaking,
     representation or warranty on the part of Alya, under this Agreement or any
     document or instrument contemplated by this Agreement; and

b.   subject to Section 5.2, infringement of any third party rights to the
     Intellectual Property as a result of the use of the Intellectual Property
     by Purchaser in accordance herewith on or after the Closing Date
     ("Infringement Claims").


     Upon the occurrence of an event giving rise to indemnification hereunder,
Purchaser shall (i) give prompt notice to Alya of such events, (ii) permit
Alya's attorneys to handle and control the defense of such claims, at Alya's
expense, and (iii) shall cooperate in the defense thereof.   Purchaser may, at
its own expense, participate in such defense, provided however, that, if Alya
has agreed in writing to assume the defense of such claims, such participation
expenses shall not become part of the indemnification claim. There shall be no
settlements, whether agreed to in court or out of court, without the prior
written consent of Alya and Purchaser, except that Alya may settle a claim
without the consent of Purchaser if (i) the settlement is purely monetary, (ii)
Alya hereunder

admits in writing its liability to Purchaser hereunder, and (iii)
concurrently with such settlement, Alya pays the full amount owed thereunder.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event Alya does not assume the defense
of any such claim or litigation in accordance with the terms hereof within
the earlier of (i) thirty (30) days following written notice from Purchaser
or (ii) the due date for response to any complaint filed, then Purchaser may
defend against such claim or litigation in such manner as it may deem
appropriate, including, but not limited to, settling such claim or
litigation, after giving notice of the same to Alya, on such terms as
Purchaser may deem appropriate.  In any action by Purchaser seeking
indemnification from Alya in accordance with the provisions hereof, Alya
shall not be entitled to object to the manner in which Purchaser defended
such claim or the amount of or nature of any such settlement.


Purchaser acknowledges that the Purchased Assets have a territorial limitation,
and Purchaser covenants that it will only market, distribute and sell the
Application Software within the Territory.  Alya covenants and agrees that it
shall not market, distribute and/or sell the Application Software within the
Territory or to any person that may use it in the Territory, except as agent for
Purchaser, as contemplated in the Management Agreement.  Alya retains the
exclusive rights to use, modify, market, distribute and sell the Application
Software, the Enhancements and the Intellectual Property in all regions of the
world, other than the Territory.  Nothing herein precludes Alya from selling the
O.P.E.N.cortex platform and associated hardware as a stand-alone development


     Alya (and with respect to Section 5.4 d. only, Purchaser) covenants and
agrees as follows:

a.   until the Closing Date, Alya will not sell, license or otherwise dispose of
     any of the Purchased Assets or any part thereof or interest therein, or
     agree to do so, or enter into any negotiations with a view to any of the
     foregoing, without the prior approval of Purchaser;

b.   Alya will make available to Purchaser for due diligence investigations, all
     information, documents and agreements pertaining to the development,
     acquisition and marketing of the Application Software, including, without
     limitation, computer code and related documentation, marketing and product
     business plans and the full cooperation of Alya management;

c.   Alya will complete the Originality Certificate and deliver it to Purchaser
     and Purchaser's counsel on or before Closing;

d.   each Receiving Party that receives Confidential Information from the
     Disclosing Party shall maintain such Confidential Information in
     confidence, shall not reveal the same to any third party (other than its
     employees on a need to know basis in connection with the Receiving Party's
     performance under this Agreement or the Management Agreement) and shall not
     use such Confidential Information, directly or indirectly, for any purpose
     other than as required in the performance of this Agreement or the
     Management Agreement; and

e.   Alya will acquire, at its expense and in Purchaser's name, licenses for any
     third party software comprising part of the Purchased Assets not assignable
     or assigned by Alya to Purchaser.

                                     ARTICLE 6
                                CONDITIONS PRECEDENT


     The obligations of Purchaser hereunder will be subject to the satisfaction
or compliance with, at or before Closing, of each of the following conditions
precedent (each of which is hereby acknowledged to be included for the exclusive
benefit of Purchaser and may be waived in writing in whole or in part):

a.   the execution and delivery of all of the closing deliveries identified in
     Section 7.3;

b.   all legal and regulatory approvals and consents, whether from shareholders,
     governmental authorities or other third parties necessary to the completion
     of the transactions contemplated by the terms of this Agreement have been

c.   there will have been no material adverse change, financial or otherwise, in
     Alya or the Purchased Assets;

d.   Alya will have performed or complied with, in all respects, all of its
     undertakings, covenants and agreements hereunder to be performed or
     complied with; and

e.   the representations and warranties of Alya contained in Section 4.1 will be
     true and correct on Closing.


     The obligations of Alya hereunder will be subject to the satisfaction or
compliance with, at or before Closing, of each of the following conditions
precedent (each of which is hereby acknowledged to be included for the exclusive
benefit of Alya and may be waived in writing in whole or in part):

a.   delivery of the Purchase Price, and the execution and delivery of all
     closing deliveries identified in Section 7.4;

b.   Purchaser will have performed or complied with, in all respects, all of its
     undertakings, covenants and agreements hereunder to be performed or
     complied with; and

c.   the representations and warranties of Purchaser contained in Section 4.2
     will be true and correct on Closing.

                                     ARTICLE 7

7.1       CLOSING DATE

     The transaction of purchase and sale contemplated by this Agreement will be
completed at or about 3:00 P.M. on the Closing Date at the offices of
Purchaser's Solicitors  ("Closing").

7.2       SURVIVAL

     This Agreement and its component parts will not merge upon Closing or on
execution, delivery or registration of any documents executed, delivered or
registered pursuant to this Agreement or otherwise, but will survive Closing.


     At the Closing, Alya will duly execute and deliver or cause to be executed
and delivered to Purchaser the following:

a.   a bill of sale assigning the Purchased Assets to Purchaser;

b.   the Management Agreement;

c.   the Originality Certificate;

d.   the Letter of Representation;

e.   the Security Agent Agreement;

f.   an electronic copy of the Application Software, including, without
     limitation, a copy of all Documentation, each of which shall be delivered
     to Purchaser or his designee by electronic transfer;

g.   a certified copy of the resolutions of the directors of Alya authorizing
     the transactions;

h.   such other agreements and documents as Purchaser may reasonably request to
     give effect to the terms and conditions of this Agreement;

i.   a copy of all authors' assignments of copyright, patent and trademark and
     waivers of moral rights in the Application Software; and

j.   a copy of all patent, trademark and copyright registrations in respect of
     the Application Software.


     At Closing, Purchaser will execute and deliver or cause to be executed and
delivered the following:

a.   wire transfer, bank draft or solicitor's trust cheque for the cash amount
     of the Purchase Price payable on Closing pursuant to Section 3.1, subject
     to any withholding tax payable in connection with such payment;

b.   the Note;

c.   the Management Agreement;

d.   the Security Agent Agreement; and

e.   such other agreements and documents as Alya may reasonably request to give
     effect to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.


     At Closing and as security for its obligations under the Note, Purchaser
will electronically deliver to the Security Agent, under the Security Agent
Agreement, the source code for the Application Software delivered to Purchaser
by Alya.

                                     ARTICLE 8

8.1       VALIDITY

     If any one or more of the provisions or parts thereof contained in this
Agreement should be or become invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect
in any jurisdiction, such provision shall be construed so as to most closely
reflect the original intent of the parties, but still be enforceable, and the
validity, legality or enforceability of such remaining provisions or parts
thereof will not in any way be affected or impaired thereby.  The invalidity,
illegality or unenforceability of any provision or part thereof contained in
this Agreement in any jurisdiction will not affect or impair such provision or
part thereof or any other provisions of this Agreement in any other


     Each of the parties will, at any time and from time to time at the request
of the other, execute and deliver any and all such further instruments or
assurances as may be necessary or desirable to give effect to the terms and
conditions of this Agreement.


     This Agreement, and any and all ancillary documents contemplated herein,
may be executed in one or more counterparts and may be executed by facsimile
signatures and all such counterparts and facsimile signatures taken together
will constitute one and the same Agreement and will be binding on the parties as
if they had originally signed one copy of this Agreement.

8.4       ASSIGNMENT

     Purchaser may assign any part of its interest in this Agreement or the
Purchased Assets, except that any assignment to a competitor of Alya requires
the prior written consent of Alya. Such assignment shall be effected by:

a.   giving written notice of the name and address of the assignee; and

b.   by delivering to Alya a written undertaking of the assignee, acknowledging
     receipt of a copy of this Agreement and agreeing to be bound by the terms
     and conditions of this Agreement.

     Alya may not assign this Agreement, without the prior written consent of
Purchaser, except that Alya may assign this Agreement in whole, but not in part,
and only with an assignment of all of its rights and obligations under the

Note and the Security Agent Agreement, to (i) any corporation, partnership or
other entity which is controlled by, controlling or under common control
with, Alya; or (ii) a purchaser of all or substantially all the assets of
Alya, or any person or entity into which Alya is merged or consolidated by:

a.   giving written notice of the name and address of the assignee; and

b.   by delivering to Purchaser a written undertaking of the assignee,
     acknowledging receipt of a copy of this Agreement and agreeing to be bound
     by the terms and conditions of this Agreement.


     This Agreement and all of its provisions will enure to the benefit of the
parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns, and will be
binding upon the parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns.
The expressions "Alya" and "Purchaser", as used herein will include Alya's and
Purchaser's permitted assigns whether immediate or derivative, respectively.


     Any dispute arising between the parties under this Agreement will be
settled by initially escalating the dispute to senior management of the parties
for resolution and, in the event that senior management cannot resolve the
dispute within 30 days of escalation of the dispute to such level, then the
parties agree that such dispute shall be settled by  final and binding
arbitration in Vancouver, British Columbia, before a single arbitrator mutually
acceptable to Owner and Manager, in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration
Act, S.B.C. 1979c.3 then existing, except as otherwise specifically provided
herein.  The arbitrator shall apply the laws of British Columbia for the
purposes of construing and enforcing this Agreement and any dispute arising
hereunder.  The arbitration award shall be specifically enforceable; judgment
upon any arbitration award may be entered in any court with personal
jurisdiction over the parties and subject matter of the disputes.  Unless
otherwise determined by the arbitrator, all expenses in connection with such
arbitration will be divided equally between the parties, with the exception of
expenses of counsel, witnesses and employees of the parties which will be borne
by the parties incurring them.  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein,
either party will always be entitled to seek preliminary or provisional remedies
or release (including attachments and preliminary injunctions) from any court of
competent jurisdiction.

8.7       AMENDMENT

     This Agreement may be altered or amended in any of its provisions when any
such changes are reduced to writing and signed by the parties hereto but not
otherwise.  Time will be of the essence of this Agreement.

8.8       COSTS

     Each party hereto will bear its own legal, accounting and other costs
relating to all matters involved in this transaction.


     Each of the parties will treat this Agreement and all information relating
to this Agreement and the transactions contemplated by this Agreement
confidentially and no public disclosure by any party will be made without the
prior approval of the other, not to be unreasonably withheld, except as legally
required by a party to satisfy disclosure obligations to shareholders and
regulators, in which case simultaneous notice of such disclosure will be given
to the other party.


     This Agreement, the Management Agreement, the Security Agent Agreement, the
Note and the exhibits and schedules referenced in each of the foregoing
constitute the entire Agreement among the parties and supersedes all proposals,
letters of intent, representations or agreements, oral or written, among them
relating to the subject matter hereof.


     This Agreement shall be governed by and construed and enforced in
accordance with the laws of British Columbia and Canada (regardless of either
jurisdiction's or any other jurisdiction's choice of law principles).  To the
extent permitted by law, the parties hereto agree that all actions or
proceedings arising in connection herewith, shall be arbitrated or litigated in
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, and each party hereby waives any right it
may have to assert the doctrine of Forum Non Conveniens or to object to venue.
The parties each hereby stipulate that the courts located in Vancouver, British
Columbia, shall have personal jurisdiction and venue over each party for the
purpose of litigating any such dispute, controversy or proceeding arising out of
or related to this Agreement.

8.12      NOTICES

     Except as expressly provided herein, all notices, requests or other
communications required hereunder shall be in writing and shall be given by
personal delivery, international overnight courier service, or by facsimile
(subject to confirmation of receipt), addressed to the respective party at the
applicable address set forth above, or to any party at such other addresses as
shall be specified in writing by such party to the other parties in accordance
with the terms and conditions of this Section.  All notices, requests or
communications shall be deemed effective upon personal delivery, or two (2)
business days following deposit with any international overnight courier
service, or upon confirmation of receipt if sent by facsimile transmission.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the
day first above written.

ALYA:                              ALYA INTERNATIONAL, INC.

                                   By:  /s/ Dirk Schillebeeckx
                                        Dirk Schillebeeckx
                                        President and
                                        Chief Executive Officer

                                   /s/ [PURCHASER]


THIS AGREEMENT made as of September 30, 1997.


     [PURCHASER], an individual, having a business address at [ADDRESS], [FAX]
hereinafter referred to as "Owner")


     ALYA INTERNATIONAL, INC., a California corporation, having a business
address at 2465 East Bayshore Road, No. 348, Palo Alto, CA 94303, FAX: (650)
361-8286 (hereinafter referred to as "Manager")



A.   Owner has acquired or developed and owns all of the    right, title and
interest to use, distribute and sell    the Assets in the Territory; and

B.   Owner wishes to appoint Manager, as Owner's agent, to manage, market,
     distribute and sell the Security System in the Territory on the terms and
     conditions set out in this Agreement.

     NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the entitlements to receive certain cash
distributions under this Agreement, and the covenants, agreements and premises
herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:

                                     ARTICLE 1


     In this Agreement, the recitals and the schedules, if any, the following
words, phrases and expressions will have the following meanings:

a.   "Application Software" means the computer programs consisting of the
     modules and having the functional and technical specifications more
     particularly described in

     Schedule A to this Application Software Purchase Agreement together with

b.   "Application Software Purchase Agreement" means the application software
     purchase agreement made as of September 30, 1997, between Owner and

c.   "Assets" means "Purchased Assets" as that term is defined in the
     Application Software Purchase Agreement;

d.   "Confidential Information" of a party (the "Disclosing Party") shall mean
     information of a confidential and proprietary nature relative to the
     Disclosing Party or its business and other matters deemed confidential and
     proprietary by the Disclosing Party, written notice of which is given to
     the party receiving such information (the "Receiving Party");  provided
     that the terms and subject matter of this Agreement and the Application
     Software Purchase Agreement, including the Application Software, the
     Security System and the Purchased Assets, are deemed to be confidential
     without the need for written notice and shall at all times remain
     confidential, notwithstanding the exception to confidentiality noted in the
     next sentence. "Confidential Information" of the Disclosing Party shall not

     i.   written information not clearly marked as confidential or oral
          disclosures not subsequently confirmed in writing as confidential;

     ii.  information which the Receiving Party can demonstrate

          A.   was published or generally known in the industry at the time of
               its disclosure by the Disclosing Party, or became published or
               generally known in the industry without breach of this Agreement
               by the Receiving Party;

          B.   was known to the Receiving Party at the time of disclosure by the
               Disclosing Party, independently of the Disclosing Party and
               without breach of an obligation of confidentiality to the
               Disclosing Party;

          C.   is disclosed to the Receiving Party by a third party which had a
               right to disclose such information and was not in breach of an

               obligation of confidentiality to the Disclosing Party;

          D.   is independently developed by the Receiving Party without use,
               directly or indirectly, of any Confidential Information of the
               Disclosing Party; or

          E.   information required to be disclosed pursuant to applicable law,
               regulation, judicial or administrative order, lawful subpoena or
               enforceable discovery demand, provided the Receiving Party uses
               commercially reasonable efforts to obtain confidential treatment
               of such information and further provided that the Disclosing
               Party receives prior written notice of any pending disclosure,
               with sufficient time to protest disclosure or seek an adequate
               protective order.

e.   "Customer" means any person using or distributing the Security System in
     the Territory;

f.   "Documentation" has the meaning set out in Subsection v. of the definition
     of "Purchased Assets" as defined in the Application Software Purchase

g.   "Enhancement" means any improvement, revision or other modification made
     to, or replacement of, the Application Software by Manager, or any employee
     or subcontractor of Alya, to be utilized in connection with providing the
     Security System, including, without limitation, any improvement, revision
     or other modification which is necessary:

     i.   to provide Customers with the then current Security System; or

     ii.  to maintain the Application Software as a state of the art or industry
          leading technology,

     including, without limitation, the changes set out in Appendix A.1 to
     Schedule A of the Application Software Purchase Agreement, to the extent
     that Manager continues to believe they are commercially reasonable in light
     of then current market conditions and technical developments;

h.   "Expenses" has the meaning specified in Subsection 3.1 c.;

i.   "Gross Sales" has the meaning specified in Subsection 3.1 c.;

j.   "Intellectual Property" has the meaning specified in Subsection iv. of the
     definition of "Purchased Assets" as defined in the Application Software
     Purchase Agreement;

k.   "Interest Amount" means an amount equal to the annual interest payable
     under the Note;

l.   "Management Fee" has the meaning specified in Subsection 3.1.c;

m.   "Manager" means Alya International, Inc. and its permitted assigns in its
     capacity as the agent for Owner and manager of the Assets appointed by
     Owner under this Agreement;

n.   "Net Revenue" has the meaning specified in Subsection 3.1 c.;

o.   "Net Sales" has the meaning specified in Subsection 3.1 c.;

p.   "Note" means the 6.0% Secured Term Note dated as of the date hereof issued
     by Owner to Manager in connection with the purchase of the Assets;

q.   "Overhead and Administrative Costs" has the meaning specified in Subsection
     3.1 c.;

r.   "Owner's Return" has the meaning specified in Subsection 3.1 c.;

s.   "Security Agent" means [SECURITY AGENT], the security agent under the
     Security Agent Agreement;

t.   "Security Agent Agreement" means the security agent agreement made as of
     September 30, 1997, among Owner, Manager and Security Agent;

u.   "Security System" means the building access control system developed by
     Manager and known as the O.P.E.N.centrix - Open Platform for Essential
     Networks, which includes, without limitation, the Application Software, the
     firmware containing the Application Software, the O.P.E.N.cortex platform
     software and all hardware related thereto;

v.   "Territory"  means the geographic region of the United States as described
     in Schedule B; and

x.   "year" means fiscal year ending September 30.


a.   The terms "this Agreement", "hereof", "hereunder" and similar expressions
     refer to this Agreement and not to any particular Section, Subsection or
     other portion of this Agreement and include any agreement amending or
     supplemental to this Agreement. Unless something in the subject matter or
     context is inconsistent therewith,

     reference herein to Sections and Subsections are to Sections and
     Subsections of this Agreement;

b.   Except as specifically stated in this Agreement, all references to currency
     are to United States of America dollars.  Any currency conversion required
     or contemplated by this Agreement with respect to Canadian and United
     States of America currency will be based on the rate published by the Bank
     of Canada as the noon spot rate of exchange applicable for such currencies
     on the business day immediately before the date of conversion;

c.   Wherever the singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter is used
     throughout this Agreement the same will be construed as meaning the
     singular, plural, masculine, feminine, neuter, body politic or body
     corporate where the fact or context so requires and the provisions hereof.

d.   Headings are inserted in the Agreement for convenience of reference only
     and are not intended to affect the Agreement's interpretation.

1.3       SCHEDULES

     The following schedules are incorporated into and made part of this

a.   Schedule A - Specifications of Application Software; and

b.   Schedule B - Territory.

                                     ARTICLE 2
                                MANAGEMENT SERVICES


     Owner hereby appoints Manager as its sole and exclusive agent for the
purpose of managing the marketing, distribution, sale, Enhancement and support
of the Security System within the Territory, subject to the terms and conditions
of this Agreement, and Manager hereby accepts such appointment.


a.   Manager will, in good faith, observe and perform the following obligations
     in respect of the marketing,

     distribution, sale, Enhancement and support, within the Territory, of the
     Security System in a good and workmanlike manner, utilizing its capable
     management and technical expertise:

     i.   MARKETING, DISTRIBUTION AND SALE. Manager will be responsible for the
          marketing and selling of the Security System, within the Territory,
          including, without limitation, developing marketing materials,
          organizing product demonstrations, establishing distribution channels,
          pricing, promotion and sale of the Security System. Manager will use
          commercially reasonable efforts to maximize sales of the Security
          System within the Territory. Manager will be responsible for
          developing and negotiating the contracts required to sell the Security
          System to Customers within the Territory. Owner will be entitled to
          receive copies of and to comment on standard form sales and support
          service contracts and Manager shall address all such comments with
          Owner and take into account all of Owner's directions and instructions
          forming a part of such comments.  All such contracts will contain
          provisions of confidentiality acceptable to Owner. In addition,
          Manager will have responsibility for the billing and collection of
          fees and payments from Customers and for the payment of fees to Owner.
          Manager shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations and
          obtain all appropriate government approvals pertaining to the sale,
          distribution and advertising of good and services utilizing the
          trademark "O.P.E.N.centrix";

          Owner will be entitled to conduct an inspection of the management of
          the marketing, distribution, sale, Enhancement and support of the
          Security System at any time during regular business hours upon
          reasonable notice to Manager.  Notwithstanding any other provision in
          this Agreement, Manager will take into account any and all
          commercially reasonable directions and/or specifications given by
          Owner pertaining to the marketing, distribution, sale, Enhancement and
          support of the Security System which Manager may receive from Owner
          from time to time in writing;

     ii.  SUPPORT, TRAINING AND CONSULTING. Manager will have complete
          responsibility for delivery and installation of the Security System
          within the

          Territory. Manager will provide all support services for Customers
          including telephone and on-site support.  Manager will also provide
          all required training and consulting support;

     iii. MAINTENANCE AND ENHANCEMENTS.  All maintenance necessary to correct
          any errors in the Assets found by any Customer will be provided by
          Manager pursuant to the terms of its support services agreements.
          Manager will prepare and provide all Enhancements to Owner; and

     iv.  With respect to any third party software required to operate the
          Security System, Alya has licenses for such third party software which
          allow Alya to market such software, directly or indirectly through
          sublicensees, in conjunction with the Security System and will
          maintain such licenses in good standing for the benefit of Owner.

b.   In addition to the duties referred to in Subsection 2.2 a., Manager will,
     in good faith and in satisfaction of its fiduciary duty to Owner do the

     i.   REVIEWS. Manager will review and report to Owner or its duly appointed
          agent on Manager's performance under this Agreement on a quarterly
          basis. Such reviews will be scheduled by mutual agreement of all

     ii.  COMPUTER CODE. Upon request, Manager will deliver computer code (in
          object code and source code form) together with all related
          documentation and development tools necessary or desirable to enable
          the Application Software and all Enhancements to operate properly to
          Owner or its duly appointed agent quarterly, within thirty (30) days
          of the end of each calendar quarter.  Manager will assist Owner or its
          agent in verifying that the computer code delivered to Owner is fully
          functional Application Software and Enhancements; and

     iii. CONFLICT OF INTEREST. Manager acknowledges and agrees that it is
          acting in a fiduciary capacity as agent of Owner, it will act in good
          faith and in the best interest of Owner, and will conduct itself as
          such in all dealings on behalf of Owner and in connection with the
          performance of its obligations under this Agreement.  In particular,
          Manager will avoid conflicts of interest between

          itself and Owner in connection with the business of marketing,
          distribution, sale and support of the Security System in the

2.3       INSURANCE

a.   Without in any way limiting the liability of Manager under this Agreement,
     Manager will be responsible to maintain and keep in force during the term
     of this Agreement the following insurance coverage:

     i.   automobile liability insurance on all vehicles used in connection with
          this Agreement. In respect of such vehicles not owned by Manager, it
          will maintain and keep in force as aforesaid non-owned automobile
          liability insurance protecting its liability including that assumed
          under this Agreement. The limits of such insurance will be at least;
          for bodily injury (including passenger hazard) and property damages,
          one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) inclusive for any one accident;

     ii.  comprehensive general liability insurance (including liability under
          this Agreement) with inclusive limits of not less than two million
          dollars ($2,000,000.00) for bodily injury and property damage;

     iii. employer's liability insurance with limits of not less than one
          million dollars ($1,000,000.00) for each employee where Workers'
          Compensation does not exist; and

     iv.  unless otherwise directed by Owner, in writing, insurance covering
          loss of or damage to all machinery, tools, equipment, supplies and
          structures owned by Manager and/or rented or leased from a third party
          or parties and used by Manager or its sub-contractors in performing
          its obligations under this Agreement.

b.   The above insurance policies will not be changed in any manner which could
     affect the interests of the Owner without thirty (30) days' prior written
     notice by registered mail to the Owner.

c.   For greater certainty, the parties agree and understand that the
     obligations of Manager, as set forth in this Section 2.3, may be fulfilled
     if Manager's existing

     insurance policy satisfies the requirements of this Section.

d.   Upon request Manager will supply Owner with certificates evidencing the
     above insurance.  Any insurance carried by Manager will name Manager as an
     additional insured and loss payee, and will contain a waiver of subrogation
     in favor of Owner.

                                     ARTICLE 3


a.   Manager will distribute, annually, the Net Revenues for the preceding year
     in the following order of priority:

     i.   to pay the Interest Amount, plus any other accrued and unpaid interest
          on the Note; and

     ii.  to pay the Owner's Return, including any cumulative amount of the
          Owner's Return not paid in prior years.

b.   Thereafter, Manager will distribute, annually, the Net Revenue less the
     amounts set forth in Section 3.1.a., payable in the year in the following
     order of priority:

     i.   45% to Owner, for payment against the principal sum outstanding from
          time to time under the Note and in accordance with the Note; and

     ii.  55% to Owner for retention by Owner; and

c.   For the purposes of this Agreement the following terms have the following

     i.   "Management Fee" means an annual marketing and management fee payable
          to Manager by Owner and calculated at the end of each year pursuant to
          the following formula:


          Management Fee=(N - I - U/.55 -Cdn.$160,000) X .45,
               [but not less than zero]

          N = Net Revenues less the Management Fee;

          I = the Interest Amount in such year, plus any other accrued and
          unpaid interest on the Note;

          U = the outstanding principal on the Note at the end of such year;

     ii.  "Expenses" means the following cumulative costs and fees to the extent
          not previously recouped by Manager in accordance herewith:

          A.   the cost of goods sold relating to the Application Software,
               including without limitation, costs of material, manufacturing,
               quality assurance and testing, costs of third party licenses, but
               excluding any costs of goods sold relating to the hardware
               incorporated in the Security System;

          B.   direct costs of marketing, distributing and selling the Security
               System in the Territory;

          C.   the pro rata share of the cost of Enhancements in a year,
               determined by multiplying the cost of Enhancements in such year
               by a fraction, the numerator of which is the Net Sales in such
               year and the denominator of which is the gross amount paid to
               Alya in such year for the purchase, installation and support of
               the Security System in the United States and Canada, less normal
               course of business selling credits for discounts and rebates in
               such year and less return adjustments for which a refund has been
               paid or credited to the customer to the extent of the payment or
               credit in such year;

          D.   Overhead and Administrative Costs; and

          E.   Management Fee.

     iii. "Gross Sales" means gross amounts paid by Customers in the Territory,
          in a year, to purchase, install, and receive support for the Security
          System less the price of the hardware incorporated therein, applying
          Manager's standard prices charged to similar customers, as in effect
          from time to time;

     iv.  "Net Revenue" means Net Sales less Expenses;

     v.   "Net Sales" means Gross Sales less:

          A.   normal course of business selling credits for discounts or
               rebates to Customers for the year; and

          B.   returns or adjustments for the Security System for which a refund
               has been paid or credited to the Customer, or any distributor or
               other reseller, to the extent of the payment or credit in the

     vi.  "Overhead and Administrative Costs" means the overhead and
          administrative costs of Manager to manage and market the Security
          System in the Territory, for a year, determined by multiplying
          Manager's total overhead and administrative costs  for marketing and
          managing the Security System in the United States and Canada in such
          year by a fraction, the numerator of which is the Net Sales for such
          year and the denominator of which is the aggregate gross amount paid
          to Alya in such year, for the purchase, installation and support of
          the Security System in the United States and Canada, less normal
          course of business selling credits for discounts and rebates in such
          year and less return adjustments for which a refund has been paid or
          credited to the customer, to the extent of the payment or credit in
          such year; and

     vii. "Owner's Return" means an annual cumulative preferential return to
          Owner of One Hundred Sixty Thousand Canadian Dollars (Cdn.$160,000)
          (prorated for any partial year);

d.   Notwithstanding anything else contained in this Agreement, in no event,
     without the prior written consent of Owner, will fees or other amounts for
     the Security System:

     i.   be set below competitive prices prevailing in the market for similar
          products or services as determined by Manager acting in the best
          interests of Owner; or

     ii.  be discounted for any other consideration granted to Manager, its
          affiliates or associates that is not provided to Owner; and

e.   All amounts to be determined for the purposes of the calculations required
     pursuant to this Article 3 will be determined in accordance with United
     States generally accepted accounting principles consistently applied from
     year to year and consistently applied between the Security System sold by
     Manager hereunder and the other services sold by Manager outside the scope
     of this Agreement.


     Amounts payable to Owner for a year pursuant to Section 3.1 will be paid
within 60 days following the year end.

3.3       SET OFF

     Manager will have the right to set off amounts payable by Manager to Owner
under this Agreement against amounts payable to Manager by Owner under the Note
except that Manager will have no right of set off and will pay the following
amounts to Owner without regard to the equities between Manager or its
affiliates and Owner:

     i.   amounts payable to Owner pursuant to Subsections 3.1 a.ii. and 3.1 b.
          ii. for his retention; and

     ii.  amounts payable by Owner as sales taxes or goods and services taxes,
          which amounts will be remitted forthwith upon their being due, by
          Manager to the appropriate authorities on behalf of Owner.

3.4       REPORTS

a.   Manager will give Owner, on a confidential basis, annual reports within 90
     days following the end of each fiscal year, setting forth the details in
     respect of all sales and support of the Security System in the Territory
     during such year, including the name and address of all Customers, the
     amount and type of all fees and other amounts payable to date, potential
     Customers and projected revenues in the Territory.  Manager will give
     Owner, on a confidential basis, quarterly reports within forty-five (45)
     days following the end of each fiscal quarter, which quarterly reports
     shall set forth Gross Sales and Net Sales received by Manager from
     Customers in the Territory for the immediately preceding quarter.
     Additionally, Manager will give Owner, on a confidential basis, the Gross
     Sales, Net Sales, Net Revenues, Expenses, and Overhead

     and Administrative Costs for the quarter ending December 31st on or before
     the following February 28th.

b.   In addition, Manager will give Owner, on a confidential basis, the detailed
     calculations necessary to establish Gross Sales, Net Sales, Expenses,
     Overhead and Administrative Costs and Net Revenues including, without
     limitation, the component parts thereof annually, within 90 days following
     the end of each fiscal year.


     Manager will provide the following financial statements, for the business
pertaining to the Security System, to Owner, annually, within 90 days following
the end of each fiscal year of Manager:

     i.   the annual reports referred to in Section 3.4;

     ii.  an audited income statement; and

     iii. an audited balance sheet.


     Manager will keep and maintain complete and accurate books and records
related to the business of selling the Security System in the Territory,
separate and apart from the books and records maintained for its own sales or
other business. These will include records of all sales and support of the
Security System in the Territory, all costs of providing the Security System and
the appropriate fees accruing and collected. These books and records will be
maintained according to U.S. generally accepted accounting principles and
practices respecting all matters pertinent to this Agreement.  Owner will have
the right, at his own expense, to audit the books and records of Manager
pertaining to marketing the Security System in the Territory, and the
performance of its other obligations hereunder, once each year.  For this
purpose, Owner or its nominee will have, during normal business hours, access to
and the right to copy and remove copies of all books and accounting records
relating to the calculation of fees accrued and collected from the sale of the
Security System in the Territory. All information obtained by Owner or its
nominee will be subject to the confidentiality obligations of this Agreement.

3.7       TAXES

a.   Manager will charge and collect from Customers any and all taxes of any
     type that are imposed on the use, sale or support of the Security System in
     the Territory by Manager by any federal, state, local or any other taxing
     authority in which the Security System is sold and Manager will pay and
     duly remit on a timely basis to the appropriate taxation authority the tax
     so charged and collected;

b.   Manager is responsible to withhold and remit on a timely basis the amount
     of any income, sales or any other tax imposed on the Management Fee or any
     other amount paid or credited to the Manager hereunder by any federal,
     provincial, state, local or any other taxation authority in any country
     regardless of whether the obligation to withhold and remit such amount is
     on the Owner;

c.   Subject to subsections 3.7(b) hereof, the Owner and Manager are required to
     pay their respective taxes of any type imposed on them for fees paid or
     credited to the Owner or Manager hereunder; and

d.   Manager will prepare or provide the Owner with any and all information or
     other documentation on a timely basis required by the Owner to enable the
     Owner to prepare any return required to be filed by it with any taxing
     authority in connection with an amount withheld or payable in accordance
     with this Agreement or alternately, the Manager shall prepare and file such
     a return on the Owner's behalf in the name of the Owner within the time
     required to file such return and shall provide a copy thereof to the Owner.

                                     ARTICLE 4
                                  GRANT OF RIGHTS

4.1       In consideration of the Owner's Return and other good and valuable
consideration (the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged by Owner),
Owner hereby grants Manager, during the term of this Agreement and subject to
the restrictions imposed in this Agreement, an exclusive Territory-wide right to
use, modify, market, distribute and sell the right to use the Application
Software, the Intellectual Property and the Documentation in the Territory, but
only with products or services that are not competitive with the Security

4.2       Owner shall own the exclusive rights to use, market, distribute and
sell the right to use within the Territory any modification to the Application
Software made by Manager which constitutes an Enhancement.  Manager shall retain
the exclusive right to use, market, distribute and sell the right to use, in all
regions of the world other than the Territory, any Enhancement.  Any
modification to the Application Software which does not constitute an
Enhancement will be owned by Manager.  Any modification to the Intellectual
Property or the Documentation that does not relate to an Enhancement will be
owned by Manager.

4.3       During the term of this Agreement, neither Manager nor any of its
affiliates or associates will, directly or indirectly, market, distribute or
sell any product or service within the Territory, which product or service
directly or indirectly competes with the Security System.  Nothing precludes
Manager from selling the O.P.E.N.cortex platform and associated hardware as a
stand-alone development platform.

4.4       Manager will have, upon termination of this Agreement, an exclusive,
Territory-wide, paid up right to use, market, promote, distribute and sell the
right to use the Application Software in accordance with Section 4.1:

a.   upon termination of this Agreement by Owner pursuant to Subsection 5.4, if
     Manager is not then in default of this Agreement; or

b.   upon termination of this Agreement by Owner, pursuant to Section 5.3, if
     Manager pays Owner, an amount calculated as the difference between One
     Million Six Hundred Thousand Canadian Dollars (Cdn. $1.600,000) and

     the amount of Owner's Return credited to Owner to the date of termination.


     Each party hereto shall promptly notify the other party in writing of any
infringement by a third party of a patent, copyright or trademark or
misappropriation of any trade secret relating to the Security System or the
Assets within the Territory.  In the case of an infringement, misappropriation
or other action described herein, Manager is hereby authorized to, but shall not
be required to, institute an action against the infringer, misappropriator or
other third party, and to defend or prosecute such action in whatever manner
deemed appropriate by Manager, in its sole discretion.  The reasonable costs and
expenses relating thereto shall be deemed to be included within the definition
of "Expenses".  If Manager elects not to commence such an action, then Owner
may, but shall not be required to, institute such an action, and the reasonable
costs and expenses relating thereto shall be deemed to be included within the
definition of Expenses.  Any recoveries obtained as a result of instituting such
an action shall be deemed to be Net Revenues for the purposes of distributing
such funds.  Owner shall cooperate with and generally assist Manager in taking
any action authorized hereunder.  This provision shall survive any termination
or expiration of this Agreement, to the extent Manager retains any license to
the Application Software.

                                     ARTICLE 5
                                TERM AND TERMINATION

5.1       TERM

     This Agreement will be for an initial term expiring September 30, 2007,
(the "initial term") and may be extended, for two additional two year terms,
each term expiring on the respective second anniversary date of the beginning of
such term.


     The initial term or any-extension term of this Agreement will be
automatically extended to the next extension term without notice or election by
Manager. Manager may, during any extension term, terminate this Agreement on 90
days notice given to Owner.


     Owner may, during the initial term or any extension term, terminate this
Agreement as follows:

a.   upon 10 days written notice by Owner to Manager of a breach of any of
     Manager's obligations to pay Owner under this Agreement, subject to Section
     3.4, if such breach has not been remedied;

b.   upon 30 days written notice by Owner to Manager of a material breach by
     Manager (other than a failure to pay referred to in Subsection 5.3 a.) of
     this Agreement if such breach is not remedied within the 30 day notice
     period, or if steps are not being taken by Manager within the 30 days
     notice period which can reasonably be expected to remedy such breach within
     60 days of the date of the notice; or

c.   forthwith upon written notice to Manager, in the case of the petitioning
     into bankruptcy of Manager, the appointment of a receiver or the
     liquidation of the business and affairs of Manager or the commencement of
     or ordering of the winding-up of the business and affairs of Manager.


     Owner may, at the end of the initial term or during any extension term,
terminate this Agreement upon 90 days notice given to Manager and upon payment
of all outstanding principal and accrued and unpaid interest under the Note.


     Should the Agreement terminate pursuant to this Article 5, Manager will:

a.   provide the Owner with copies of any additional Enhancements not yet
     deposited into escrow;

b.   forthwith give the Security Agent under the Security Agent Agreement notice
     to release all deposited source code and other materials to Owner and
     refrain from objecting to the release of the source code and other
     materials by the Security Agent;

c.   cease marketing the Security System in the Territory and the rights of the
     Manager under Section 4.1 shall also terminate;

d.   pay all accrued fees to Owner (subject to Manager's right to set-off
     amounts owed to Manager by Owner in accordance with Section 3.4) and
     provide a full accounting to Owner for fees payable to Owner under this
     Agreement; and

e.   within 90 days of the termination date, provide to Owner, a final report
     setting forth the details in respect of all sales and support of the
     Security System in the Territory during the period from the end of the last
     year to the termination date including the amount and type of all fees and
     other amounts payable to date, potential Customer and projected revenues,
     and all other information necessary and relevant to marketing and
     supporting the Security System.


     Section 5.5 and Articles 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 will survive the termination
of this Agreement.

                                     ARTICLE 6
                              OWNERSHIP OF TECHNOLOGY


     Manager acknowledges that Owner owns all right, title and interest to
utilize the Assets and the Enhancements in the Territory.

                                     ARTICLE 7


     Manager will be liable to Owner for and indemnify and hold Owner harmless
from any and all claims, losses, liabilities, costs, taxes (including penalties
and interest thereon), expenses (including reasonable legal costs of a
solicitor) and damages which may arise pursuant to this Agreement including
misrepresentations made by Manager, improper installation of, improper support
of, improper use of or infringement of any third party right by, the Assets
(whether in negligence or otherwise), failure to comply with Section 3.8 herein
or any other material breach of this Agreement.


     Upon the occurrence of an event giving rise to indemnification hereunder,
Owner shall (i) give prompt notice to Manager of such events, (ii) permit
Manager's attorneys to handle and control the defense of such claims, at
Manager's expense, and (iii) shall cooperate in the defense thereof.   Owner
may, at its own expense, participate in such defense, provided however, that, if
Manager has agreed in writing to assume the defense of such claims, such
participation expenses shall not become part of the indemnification claim. There
shall be no settlements, whether agreed to in court or out of court, without the
prior written consent of Manager and Owner, except that Manager may settle a
claim without the consent of Owner if (i) the settlement is purely monetary,
(ii) Manager hereunder admits in writing its liability to Owner hereunder, and
(iii) concurrently with such settlement, Manager pays the full amount owed
thereunder.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event Manager does not assume
the defense of any such claim or litigation in accordance with the terms hereof
within the earlier of (i) thirty (30) days following written notice from Owner
or (ii) the due date for response to any complaint filed, then Owner may defend
against such claim or litigation in such manner as it may deem appropriate,
including, but not limited to, settling such claim or litigation, after giving
notice of the same to Manager, on such terms as Owner may deem appropriate.  In
any action by Owner seeking indemnification from Manager in accordance with the
provisions hereof, Manager shall not be entitled to object to the manner in
which Owner defended such claim or the amount of or nature of any such


     Except with respect to Manager's indemnification obligations relating to
third party claims as set forth in Section 7.1 hereof, neither party shall be
liable for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages including,
without limitation, damages for loss of data, loss of business or failure to
realize expected profits or savings or other economic or commercial loss of any
kind or loss of use of the Application Software or the Assets or costs of
substituted technology or services, whether under any theory of contract (even
in the nature of a breach of a condition or a fundamental term or a fundamental
breach), tort (including negligence or misrepresentation), strict liability or
any other legal or equitable theory, even if such party has been advised of the
possibility thereof, all of which liability is hereby expressly waived by each

                                     ARTICLE 8

8.1       Each party that receives Confidential Information shall maintain such
Confidential Information in confidence, shall not reveal the same to any third
party (other than its employees on a need to know basis in connection with the
receiving party's performance under this Agreement or the Agreement) and shall
not use such Confidential Information, directly or indirectly, for any purpose
other than as required in the performance of this Agreement or the Application
Software Purchase Agreement.

8.2       All memoranda, notes, records, reports, papers and any other documents
and all copies thereof about any party's business in any way obtained by any
other party pursuant to this Agreement will be the disclosing party's property
and will be returned promptly to the disclosing party upon termination of this
Agreement or at any time upon request.

8.3       The contents of this Agreement and any agreements entered into
pursuant to this Agreement are hereby declared proprietary and confidential to
the parties hereto.

8.4       Each of the parties (the "Indemnifying Party") agrees to indemnify the
other (the "Indemnified Party") for all damages, costs, and expenses (including
court costs and reasonable legal fees) incurred by the Indemnified Party as a
result of a failure of the Indemnifying Party to comply with its obligations
under this Article 8.

                                     ARTICLE 9
                               RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL

     In the event that Owner desires to transfer all or any part of the Assets
(or is required by operation of law or other involuntary transfer to do so),
Owner shall first offer such Assets to Manager in accordance with the following

a.   Owner shall deliver a written notice (the "Notice") to Manager, stating i.
     Owner's bona fide intention to transfer the Assets; ii. the purchase price
     and terms of payment for which Owner proposes to transfer the Assets; and
     iii. the name and address of the proposed transferee;

b.   Within thirty (30) days after receipt of the Notice, Manager shall have the
     right, but not the obligation,

     to elect to purchase the Assets upon the price and terms of payment
     designated in the Notice, by delivering written notice to Owner of such
     election (the "Election Notice"). If the Notice provides for the payment
     of non-cash consideration, Manager may elect to pay the consideration in
     cash equal to the good faith estimate of the present fair market value of
     the non-cash consideration offered;

c.   If Manager elects to purchase or obtain the Assets designated in the
     Notice, then the closing of such purchase shall occur within thirty (30)
     days after delivery of the Election Notice, and each of Owner and Manager
     shall execute such documents and instruments and make such deliveries as
     may be reasonably required to consummate such purchase and sale; and

d.   If Manager elects not to purchase or acquire the Assets, then Owner may
     transfer the Assets to the transferee proposed in the Notice, provided that
     such transfer: i. is completed within thirty (30) days after the expiration
     of Manager's right to elect to purchase the Assets, ii. is made on terms no
     less favorable to Owner than as designated in the Notice, and iii. complies
     with all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Application
     Software Purchase Agreement and the Note. If the Assets are not so
     transferred, Owner must give notice in accordance with this Section prior
     to any other or subsequent transfer of the Assets.

                                     ARTICLE 10


     Any dispute arising between the parties under this Agreement will be
settled by initially escalating the dispute to senior management of the parties
for resolution and, in the event that senior management cannot resolve the
dispute within 30 days of escalation of the dispute to such level, then the
parties agree that such dispute shall be settled by  final and binding
arbitration in Vancouver, British Columbia, before a single arbitrator mutually
acceptable to Owner and Manager, in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration
Act, S.B.C. 1979c.3 then existing, except as otherwise specifically provided
herein.  The arbitrator shall apply California law for the purposes of
construing and enforcing this Agreement and any dispute arising hereunder.  The
arbitration award shall be

specifically enforceable; judgment upon any arbitration award may be entered
in any court with personal jurisdiction over the parties and subject matter
of the disputes.  Unless otherwise determined by the arbitrator, all expenses
in connection with such arbitration will be divided equally between the
parties, with the exception of expenses of counsel, witnesses and employees
of the parties which will be borne by the parties incurring them.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, either party will always be
entitled to seek preliminary or provisional remedies or release (including
attachments and preliminary injunctions) from any court of confident

                                     ARTICLE 11

11.1      VALIDITY

     If any one or more of the provisions or parts thereof contained in this
Agreement should be or become invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any
respect in any jurisdiction, such provision shall be construed so as to most
closely reflect the original intent of the parties, but still be enforceable,
and the validity, legality or enforceability of such remaining provisions or
parts thereof will not in any way be affected or impaired thereby.  The
invalidity, illegality or unenforceability of any provision or part thereof
contained in this Agreement in any jurisdiction will not affect or impair
such provision or part thereof or any other provisions of this Agreement in
any other jurisdiction.


     The parties will, at any time and from time to time at the request of
the other, execute and deliver any and all such further instruments or
assurances as may be necessary or desirable to give effect to the terms and
conditions of this Agreement.


     This Agreement, and any and all ancillary documents contemplated herein,
may be executed in one or more counterparts and may be executed by facsimile
signatures and all such counterparts and facsimile signatures taken together
will constitute one and the same Agreement and will be binding on the parties
as if they had originally signed one copy of this Agreement.

11.4      ASSIGNMENT

a.   Owner may assign all or any part of its interest in this Agreement or the
     Assets, provided however, that any assignment to a competitor of Manager,
     shall require the prior written consent of Manager.  Any assignment shall
     be effected by:

     i.   giving written notice of the name and address of the assignee; and

     ii.  by delivering to Manager a written undertaking of the assignee,
          acknowledging receipt of a copy of this Agreement and agreeing to be
          bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement; and

b.   Manager may not assign this Agreement, without the prior written consent of
     Owner, except that Manager may assign this Agreement in whole, but not in
     part, and only with an assignment of all of its rights and obligations
     under the Note and the Security Agent Agreement, to (i) any corporation,
     partnership or other entity which is controlled by, controlling or under
     common control with, Manager;  or (ii) a purchaser of all or substantially
     all the assets of Manager, or any person or entity into which Manager is
     merged or consolidated by:

     i.   by giving written notice of the name and address of the assignee; and

     ii.  by delivering to Owner a written undertaking of the assignee
          acknowledging receipt of a copy of this Agreement and agreeing to be
          bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement.


     This Agreement and all of its provisions will enure to the benefit of the
parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns, and will be
binding upon the parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns.
The expressions the "Manager" and the "Owner" as used herein will include
Manager's and Owner's permitted assigns whether immediate or derivative,


     This Agreement is not a joint venture or other such business arrangement
and any agreement between the parties

as to joint business activities will be set forth in subsequent written
agreements. Each party is acting independently and not as partner, or joint
venturer with the other parties for any purpose. Except as provided in this
Agreement none of the parties will have any right, power, or authority to act
or to create any obligations, express or implied, on behalf of the other
parties hereto.


     Time will be of the essence of this Agreement.

11.8      AMENDMENT

     This Agreement may be altered or amended in any of its provisions when any
such changes are reduced to writing and signed by the parties hereto but not

11.9      COSTS

     Each party hereto will bear its-own legal, accounting and other costs
relating to all matters involved in this transaction.


     The parties will treat this Agreement and all information relating to this
Agreement and the transactions contemplated by this Agreement confidentially and
no public disclosure by either party will be made without the prior approval of
the other, not to be unreasonably withheld, except as legally required by a
party to satisfy disclosure obligations to shareholders and regulators, in which
case simultaneous notice of such disclosure will be given to the other party.


     This Agreement, the Application Software Purchase Agreement, the Note, the
Security Agent Agreement and the exhibits and schedules referred to in each of
the foregoing, constitute the entire Agreement among the parties and SUPERSEDE
all proposals, letters of intent, oral or written, and all other communications
among them relating to the subject matter hereof.


     The parties acknowledge that money damages would not be a sufficient remedy
for certain violations of the terms of this Agreement and, accordingly, either
party will be entitled to specific performance and injunctive relief as remedies
for such violations of the Agreement by the other party.   These remedies will
not be exclusive remedies but will, in addition to all other remedies, be
available to such party, at law or equity.


     This Agreement shall be governed by and construed and enforced in
accordance with the laws of British Columbia and of Canada (regardless of either
jurisdiction's or any other jurisdiction's choice of law principles).  To the
extent permitted by law, the parties hereto agree that all actions or
proceedings arising in connection herewith, shall be arbitrated or litigated in
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, and each party hereby waives any right it
may have to assert the doctrine of Forum Non Conveniens or to object to venue.
The parties each hereby stipulate that the courts located in Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada, shall have personal jurisdiction and venue over each party for
the purpose of litigating any such dispute, controversy or proceeding arising
out of or related to this Agreement.

11.14     NOTICES

     Except as expressly provided herein, all notices, requests or other
communications required hereunder shall be in writing and shall be given
personal delivery, international overnight courier service, or by facsimile
(subject of confirmation of receipt), addressed to the respective party at the
applicable address set forth above, or to any party at such other addresses as
shall be specified in writing by such party to the other parties in accordance
with the terms and conditions of this Section.  All notices, requests or
communications shall be deemed effective upon personal delivery, or two (2)
business days following deposit with any international overnight courier
service, or upon confirmation of receipt if sent by facsimile transmission.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this agreement to be executed
by their duly authorized representatives as of the date first above written.

                              ALYA INTERNATIONAL, INC.

                              By:  /s/ Dirk Schillebeeckx
                                   Dirk Schillebeeckx
                                   President and
                                   Chief Executive Officer

                              /s/ [PURCHASER]

                                6% SECURED TERM NOTE

                                    IN FAVOR OF
                              ALYA INTERNATIONAL INC.

                6% SECURED TERM NOTE MADE AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 1997.

PRINCIPAL SUM:      CDN.$5,080,000

DUE DATE:           SEPTEMBER 30, 2007,
                    SUBJECT TO SECTION 1.1.C.

                                     ARTICLE 1


     In this Note, unless the context otherwise requires:

a.   "Application Software Purchase Agreement" means the application software
     purchase agreement made as of September 30, 1997, among [PURCHASER 1] and
     the Holder;

b.   "[PURCHASER 1]" means [PURCHASER 1] and his permitted assignees;

c.   "Due Date" shall be September 30, 2007, provided that any renewal or
     extension of the managing and Marketing Agreement shall automatically
     extend the Due Date for the same period, and subject to acceleration
     pursuant to Section 5.4 of the Management and Marketing Agreement;

d.   "Default" means any event which after notice or lapse of time or both,
     would constitute an Event of Default;

e.   "Event of Default" means any of the events specified in Section 8.1;

f.   "Holder" means Alya International, Inc. or its permitted assignees;

g.   "Interest Amount" means the amount equal to the annual interest payable
     under this Note;

h.   "Management and Marketing Agreement" means the management and marketing
     agreement dated September 30, 1997, between [PURCHASER 1] and Alya
     International Inc.;

i.   "Note" means this 6% Secured Term Note as originally executed, or as
     amended or supplemented as herein provided;

j.   "Person" includes any individual, firm, corporation, company, joint
     venture, partnership, association, trust or unincorporated body of

k.   "Principal Sum" has the meaning specified above;

l.   "Sale Proceeds" has the meaning specified in Section 8.4(b);

m.   "Product Proceeds" means the amounts paid or credited to [PURCHASER 1]
     under the Management and Marketing Agreement which are allocated to pay the
     principal sum outstanding under the Note.

n.   "Security Agent Agreement" means the Security Agent Agreement entered into
     by [PURCHASER 1], the Holder and [SECURITY AGENT], as security agent, on
     the date hereof for the purpose of holding the Purchased Assets pursuant to
     the terms hereof; and

o.   "Purchased Assets" means the Purchased Assets, as defined in the
     Application Software Purchase Agreement;

p.   "year" means fiscal year ending September 30.


a.   The terms "this Note, "hereof" thereunder" and similar expressions refer to
     this Note and not to any particular Section, Subsection or other portion of
     this Note and include any agreement amending or supplementing this Note.
     Unless something in the subject matter or context is inconsistent
     therewith, reference herein to Sections and Subsections are to Sections and
     Subsections of this Note;

b.   Except as specifically stated in this Agreement, all references to currency
     are to Canadian dollars. Any currency conversion required or contemplated
     by this Agreement with respect to Canadian and United States of America
     currency will be based on the rate published by the Bank of Canada as the
     noon spot rate of exchange applicable for such currencies on the business
     day immediately before the date of conversion;

c.   Wherever the singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter is used
     throughout this Note the same will be construed as meaning the singular,
     plural, masculine, feminine, neuter, body politic or body corporate where
     the fact or context so requires and the provisions hereof; and

d.   Headings are inserted in the Note for convenience of reference only and are
     not intended to affect the Note's interpretation.

                                     ARTICLE 2
                                   PROMISE TO PAY

2.1       [PURCHASER 1], for value received, and in consideration of these
premises hereby acknowledges himself indebted to the Holder and promises and
covenants with the Holder, subject to Section 8.3, to pay to the Holder:

a.   the Principal Sum outstanding from time to time;

b.   interest on the Principal Sum outstanding from time to time, such interest
     to be calculated, payable and paid as set forth in Section 3.2; and

c.   all other moneys which may be owing by [PURCHASER 1] to the Holder pursuant
     to this Note, subject to the terms and conditions of this Note.

                                     ARTICLE 3
                         PAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST

3.1       PRINCIPAL

a.   The Principal Sum outstanding will be paid in full on the Due Date; and

b.   Prepayment of the Principal Sum outstanding, from time to time for each
     year will be made annually, within sixty (60) days of receipt of Product
     Proceeds for the year, if the amount of Product Proceeds received for such
     year exceeds the amount of accrued and unpaid interest as at the end of
     such year. The amount of the annual prepayment, if any, against the
     Principal Sum outstanding from time to time will be equal to the difference
     between the Product Proceeds received for the year and the amount of
     accrued and unpaid interest as at the end of such year.

3.2       INTEREST

a.   Interest on the Principal Sum outstanding from time to time pursuant to
     this Note will accrue from the date hereof up to and including the date of
     payment at the rate of 6% per annum calculated, but not compounded, yearly,
     and not in advance;

b.   Interest accrued and unpaid at the Due Date will be paid on the Due Date;

c.   Interest accrued and unpaid at the end of each year, will be paid annually
     within thirty (30) days of receipt by [PURCHASER 1] of Product Proceeds for
     the year, to the extent of the Product Proceeds, if any;

d.   Accrued interest, if any, that is not paid in any year will continue to
     accrue and be outstanding until paid but will not be added to the Principal
     Sum payable under this Note and will not bear interest; and

e.   The covenant of [PURCHASER 1] to pay interest at the rate provided herein
     will not merge in any judgment in respect of any obligation of [PURCHASER
     1] hereunder and such judgment will bear interest as aforesaid and be
     payable in the same manner.


     Notwithstanding Section 3.2 c., but subject to the limitation of liability
set forth in sections 8.3 and 8.4 upon the occurrence of a Management Agreement
Termination Event, outstanding Principal Sum and accrued and unpaid interest at
the Management Agreement Termination Date will be repaid within 30 days of the
Management Agreement Termination Date.

     For the purposes of Section 3.3, the following terms have the meanings set
     out below:

     "Management Agreement Termination Date" means the date of the occurrence of
     a Management Agreement Termination Event; and

     "Management Agreement Termination Event" means the termination of the
     Management and Marketing Agreement by [PURCHASER 1], pursuant to Article
     5 (except a termination pursuant to Section 5.3), of the Management and
     Marketing Agreement.

                                     ARTICLE 4


     [PURCHASER 1] hereby assigns the Product Proceeds to the Holder as security
for payment of [PURCHASER 1]'s obligations to the Holder under this Note.

     The provisions of this Section 4.1 and the rights of the Holder hereunder
will, notwithstanding any other provisions of this Note, wholly terminate on the
earlier of the date upon which this Note is retired or the indebtedness
hereunder is extinguished.

                                     ARTICLE 5


     In consideration for the premises and for other good and valuable
consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by
[PURCHASER 1], and the due payment of all principal and interest on this Note
from time to time outstanding and on all other monies from time to time owing
on the security hereof and to secure the due performance by [PURCHASER 1] of
obligations herein contained, [PURCHASER 1] does hereby grant, assign,
mortgage, pledge, charge, hypothecate and create a security interest in, to
and in favor of the Holder in the Purchased Assets provided that the charge
hereby created will in no way hinder or prevent [PURCHASER 1] at any time and
from time to time (until an Event of Default occurs pursuant to Article 8
hereof and the Holder will have determined to enforce the same) from
managing, developing, utilizing or dealing with all or any part of the
subject matter of the said charge in the ordinary course of his business and
for the purpose of carrying on or extending the same or from entering into
the Management and Marketing Agreement; provided further that during any
period in which there is any outstanding principal or any accrued and unpaid
interest on this Note, [PURCHASER 1] will not, and [PURCHASER 1] hereby
covenants that he will not, without the prior written consent of the Holder,
sell or transfer all or any part of the Purchased Assets, or make, give,
create, assume or allow to subsist any mortgage, pledge, hypothecation, lien,
charge, encumbrance, assignment or other security, whether fixed or floating,
upon the Purchased Assets or any part thereof.

     TO HAVE AND TO HOLD such assets and interests and all rights hereby
conferred unto the Holder, its successors and assigns forever, but in trust
nevertheless, for the uses and purposes and with the powers and authorities
subject to the terms and conditions mentioned and set forth in this Note.


     [PURCHASER 1] will forthwith, and from time to time at his sole cost and
expense, execute and do or cause to be

executed and done all deeds, documents and things which, in the reasonable
opinion of the Holder, are necessary or advisable for giving the Holder (so
far as may be possible under the local laws of the places where the Purchased
Assets are situated) a valid mortgage, pledge, charge and hypothecation of
the nature herein specified upon the Purchased Assets to secure payment of
monies intended to be secured by this Note, and for better assuring,
mortgaging, pledging, charging, assigning, hypothecating and confirming unto
the Holder the Purchased Assets, and for conferring upon the Holder such
power of sale and other powers over the Purchased Assets as are hereby
expressed to be conferred.

5.3       DEFEASANCE

     The Holder will at the written request and sole cost and expense of
[PURCHASER 1] cancel and discharge the lien of this Note and execute and
deliver to [PURCHASER 1] such deeds or other instruments as will be requisite
to discharge the lien hereof and to reconvey to [PURCHASER 1] any part of the
Purchased Assets subject to the lien of this Note and to release [PURCHASER 1]
from the covenants herein contained and upon delivery of such written request
to the Holder, rights hereby granted will cease, terminate and be void,
provided that [PURCHASER 1] will have satisfied the payment of all principal
monies, and interests due or to become due on this Note.


     Until an Event of Default occurs pursuant to Article 8 hereof and the
Holder will have determined to enforce the same pursuant to the provisions of
this Note, [PURCHASER 1] will, subject however to the express terms hereof,
be suffered and permitted to possess, manage, develop, operate and enjoy the
Purchased Assets, and freely to control the conduct of its business and to
take and use any income, rents, issues and profits thereof in the same
manner, to the same extent and with the same effect, except as provided
herein, as if this Note had not been made.


     Notwithstanding Section 5.4 hereof the source code version of the
Application Software, as defined in the Application Software Purchase
Agreement, will be held by the Security Agent pursuant to the terms and
conditions of the Security Agent Agreement.

                                     ARTICLE 6
                           REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES


     [PURCHASER 1] hereby represents and warrants to the Holder for the benefit
of the Holder as follows:

a.   [PURCHASER 1] has the requisite power and authority to execute and deliver
     this Note, to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby and to duly
     observe and perform all his covenants and obligations herein set forth;

b.   the execution and delivery of this Note does not and will not conflict with
     or result in a breach of or violate any of the terms, conditions or
     provisions of any terms, conditions or provisions of any law, judgment,
     order, injunction, decree, regulation or ruling of any court or
     governmental authority, domestic or foreign, to which [PURCHASER 1] is
     subject or constitute or result in a default under any agreement, contract
     or commitment to which [PURCHASER 1] is a party;

c.   the execution and delivery of this Note will not constitute an event of
     default or an event which, with the giving of notice or lapse of time or
     both, would constitute an event of default, under any agreement, contract,
     indenture or other instrument relating to any indebtedness (whether for
     borrowed money or otherwise) of [PURCHASER 1] which would give any party to
     any such agreement, contract, indenture or other instrument the right to
     accelerate maturity for the payment of any monies under any such agreement,
     contract, indenture or other instrument; and

d.   no authorization, approval, order, license, permit or consent of any
     governmental authority, regulatory body or court, and no registration,
     declaration or filing by [PURCHASER 1] with any such governmental
     authority, regulatory body or court is required in order for [PURCHASER 1]:

     i.   to incur the obligations expressed to be incurred by [PURCHASER 1] in
          or pursuant to this Note;

     ii.  to execute and deliver all documents and instruments to be delivered
          by [PURCHASER 1] pursuant to this Note;

     iii. to duly perform and observe the terms and provisions of this Note; and

     iv.  to render this Note legal, valid, binding and enforceable against
          [PURCHASER 1] in accordance with its terms.

                                     ARTICLE 7
                             COVENANTS OF [PURCHASER 1]

     [PURCHASER 1] hereby covenants and agrees with the Holder for the benefit
of the Holder as follows:


     [PURCHASER 1] will duly and punctually pay or cause to be paid to the
Holder the Principal Sum and accrued interest thereon and all other moneys from
time to time owing hereunder, on the dates, at the places, in the moneys and in
the manner mentioned herein.


     [PURCHASER 1] will carry on and conduct his business involving the
Purchased Assets in a proper and efficient manner; and at all reasonable times
he will furnish or cause to be furnished to the Holder or its duly authorized
agent or attorney such information relating to the business of [PURCHASER 1]
involving the Purchased Assets as the Holder may reasonably require.

                                     ARTICLE 8


     If any one or more of the following events has occurred and is continuing:

a.   the non-payment when due of the Principal Sum, accrued interest thereon and
     any other amounts due under this Note, except as a result of the Holder's
     breach of the Managing and Marketing Agreement;

b.   the breach by [PURCHASER 1] of any material provision of this Note;

c.   any representation or warranty made by [PURCHASER 1] herein or in any
     financial statements, reports or other documents supplied to the Holder by
     [PURCHASER 1] hereunder is false, incorrect or inaccurate in any materially
     adverse respect;  or

d.   If proceedings for bankruptcy or receivership are commenced, unless such
     proceedings are being actively and diligently contested by [PURCHASER 1] in
     good faith;

provided that [PURCHASER 1] will not have remedied such default within thirty
(30) days (ten (10) days in the case of a monetary default) following receipt by
[PURCHASER 1] from the Holder of notice of the default, the Holder may, by
written notice declare the Principal Sum and accrued interest thereon and any
other amounts payable to it under this Note to be immediately due and payable
without further presentation, notice or demand and [PURCHASER 1] will
immediately pay to the Holder all indebtedness of [PURCHASER 1] owing to it
pursuant to this Note.

8.2       REMEDIES

     If an Event of Default has occurred and is continuing and [PURCHASER 1] has
failed forthwith to pay the amounts owing hereunder, or remedy any breach of any
of his obligations secured by this Note as herein outlined, the Holder shall
have all of the rights and remedies of a secured party under the California
Uniform Commercial Code or other applicable California law then in effect.
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Holder, in addition to any
other rights and remedies it may have, in its own name will be entitled and
empowered to sell the Purchased Assets as provided in Section 8.4 below, as well
as institute action or proceeding at law or in equity for the collection of the
sums so due and unpaid and may prosecute any such action or proceedings to
judgment or final decree, and may enforce any such judgment or final decree
against [PURCHASER 1] or other obligor upon this Note and collect in the manner
provided by law out of the Purchased Assets, as provided for in this Note
wherever situated the monies adjudged or decreed to be payable.


     Notwithstanding anything else contained in this Note, the Holder covenants
and agrees with [PURCHASER 1] that all of its recourse rights, powers and
remedies for payment of any obligations of [PURCHASER 1] to the Holder under
this Note is limited to the Product Proceeds and the Sale Proceeds which will be
applied in the following order of priority:

a.   to pay interest due and payable under this Note;

b.   to pay the Principal Sum outstanding from time to time; and

c.   to pay any other amounts owing by [PURCHASER 1] to the Holder under this


a.   If an Event of Default has occurred and is continuing as provided in
     Section 8.2 hereof or the indebtedness created hereby either with respect
     to principal or interest remains in whole or in part unpaid as of the Due
     Date, the Holder will be entitled and empowered to dispose of the Purchased
     Assets or any part thereof: i. at public sale, which public sale may be
     conducted at the location designated by the Holder for cash or on credit
     and on such terms as the Holder may in its sole discretion, elect after
     giving at least five days notice of the time and place of sale in the
     manner provided by law, or ii. at private sale upon like notice for cash or
     on credit and on such other terms as the Holder may in its sole discretion

b.   The proceeds of the sale ("Sale Proceeds") of the Purchased Assets will be
     allocated as follows:

     i.   to reimburse the Holder (to a maximum of 20% of the gross proceeds of
          sale), for all costs and expenses incurred as the result of an Event
          of Default and in connection with re-possession, storing, advertising,
          marketing and selling the Purchased Assets including, without
          limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees and costs;

     ii.  to the Holder as a reduction of amounts owing by [PURCHASER 1] under
          this Note allocated firstly as to interest and the remainder as to
          principal; and

     iii. the balance to [PURCHASER 1];

c.   Any balance owing by [PURCHASER 1] under this Note after the allocation of
     the Sale Proceeds will be forgiven by the Holder and [PURCHASER 1] will
     have no further liability under this Note; and

d.   This Note is non-negotiable. The Holder will have no right or recourse
     against any legal person in respect of the covenants contained in this Note
     other than, subject to Section 8.3, [PURCHASER 1], and his assigns but only
     severally and not jointly and only to the extent of each person's interest
     in the Purchased Assets.


     Notwithstanding anything contained in this Note, [PURCHASER 1] will not
have any obligation to pay the Principal Sum outstanding from time to time under
the Note if there occurs a default under Section 5.3 of the Management and
Marketing Agreement or the Management and Marketing Agreement is terminated as a
result of the occurrence of an event described in Section 5.3 thereof.

                                     ARTICLE 9

9.1       Either the Holder or [PURCHASER 1] may waive any breach of any of the
provisions contained in this Note or any default by the other person in the
observance or performance of any covenant, condition or obligation required to
be observed or performed by such person under the terms of this Note, provided
any such waiver shall only be effective upon the delivery of written notice by
the waiving party. No waiver, consent, act or omission by the Holder or
[PURCHASER 1] will extend to or be taken in any manner whatsoever to affect any
subsequent breach or default or the rights resulting therefrom and no waiver or
consent by the Holder or [PURCHASER 1] will be binding unless it is in writing.
The inspection or approval by the Holder or [PURCHASER 1] of any document or
matter or thing done by the other will not be deemed to be a warranty or holding
out of the adequacy, effectiveness, validity, or binding effect of such
document, matter or thing or a waiver of the obligations of the other.

                                     ARTICLE 10
                                TIME OF THE ESSENCE

10.1      Time will be of the essence of this Note.

                                     ARTICLE 11

11.1      Except as expressly provided herein, all notices, requests or other
communications required hereunder shall be in writing and shall be given
personal delivery, international overnight courier service, or by facsimile
(subject of confirmation of receipt), addressed to the respective party at the
applicable address set forth above, or to any party at such other addresses as
shall be specified in writing by such party to the other parties in accordance
with the terms and conditions of this Section.  All notices, requests or
communications shall be deemed effective upon personal delivery, or two (2)
business days following deposit with any international overnight courier

service, or upon confirmation of receipt if sent by facsimile transmission.

                                     ARTICLE 12

12.1      VALIDITY

     If any one or more of the provisions or parts thereof contained in this
Agreement should be or become invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect
in any jurisdiction, such provision shall be construed so as to most closely
reflect the original intent of the parties, but still be enforceable, and the
validity, legality or enforceability of such remaining provisions or parts
thereof will not in any way be affected or impaired thereby.  The invalidity,
illegality or unenforceability of any provision or part thereof contained in
this Agreement in any jurisdiction will not affect or impair such provision or
part thereof or any other provisions of this Agreement in any other


     [PURCHASER 1] and the Holder will, at any time and from time to time at the
request of the other, execute and deliver any and all such further instruments
or assurances as may be necessary or desirable to give effect to the terms and
conditions of this Note.


     This Note, and any and all ancillary documents contemplated herein, may be
executed in one or more counterparts and may be executed by facsimile signatures
and all such counterparts and facsimile signatures taken together will
constitute one and the same Note and will be binding on [PURCHASER 1] and the
Holder as if they had originally signed one copy of this Note.

12.4      ASSIGNMENT

     [PURCHASER 1] may assign all or any part of its interest in Purchased
Assets, except that any assignment to a competitor of Alya requires the prior
written consent of the Holder. An assignment shall be effected by:

a.   by giving written notice of the names and addresses of the assignees; and

b.   by delivering to the Holder a written undertaking of the assignees
     acknowledging receipt of a copy of the Note

     and agreeing to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Note.

     The Holder may assign this Note in whole, but not in part, and only with an
assignment of all of its rights and obligations under, and as permitted by the
Management and Marketing Agreement by giving [PURCHASER 1] written notice of the
name and address of the assignee.


     This Note and all of its provisions will enure to the benefit of the Holder
and [PURCHASER 1] and will be binding upon the Holder and [PURCHASER 1]. The
expressions the "Holder" and the "[PURCHASER 1]" as used herein will include the
Holder's and [PURCHASER 1]'s assigns, whether immediate or derivative,

12.6      AMENDMENT

     This Note may be altered or amended in any of its provisions when any such
changes are reduced to writing and signed by the parties hereto but not

12.7      COSTS

     Each party hereto will bear its own legal, accounting and other costs
relating to all matters involved in the preparation, delivery and enforcement of
this Note.


     No right or remedy herein is exclusive of any other right or remedy. Each
and every right and remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every
other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity,
and may be exercised from time to time as often as deemed expedient, separately
or concurrently.


     This Agreement shall be governed by and construed and enforced in
accordance with the laws of the State of California (regardless of that
jurisdiction or any other jurisdiction's choice of law principles).  To the
extent permitted by law, the parties hereto agree that all actions or
proceedings arising in connection herewith, shall be arbitrated or litigated in
the state and federal courts located in the State of California, and each party
hereby waives any right it may have to assert the doctrine of Forum Non
Conveniens or to object to venue.  The parties each hereby stipulate that the
state and federal courts located in the County of Santa Clara, State of
California, shall

have personal jurisdiction and venue over each party for the purpose of
litigating any such dispute, controversy or proceeding arising out of or
related to this Agreement.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF [PURCHASER 1] and the Holder have duly executed these
presents under the hands of their proper officers in that behalf.

[PURCHASER 1]:                     /s/ [PURCHASER 1]
                                   [PURCHASER 1]

HOLDER:                       ALYA INTERNATIONAL, INC.

                              By:  /s/ Dirk Schillebeeckx
                                   Dirk Schillebeeckx
                                   President and
                                   Chief Executive Officer

                           SECURITY AGENT AGREEMENT

THIS AGREEMENT made as of the 30th day of September, 1997, is by and


          [SECURITY AGENT], Barristers and Solicitors, having a business address
          at [ADDRESS] ("Security Agent");


          [PURCHASER], an individual, having a business address at [PURCHASER'S


          ALYA INTERNATIONAL INC., a corporation incorporated pursuant to the
          laws of Delaware, having a business address at 2465 East Bayshore
          Road, No. 348, Palo Alto, CA 94303 ("Alya")



A.        Pursuant to that certain Application Software Purchase Agreement dated
as of September 30, 1997, by and between [PURCHASER] and Alya (the APurchase
Agreement"), [PURCHASER] purchased the Purchased Assets, as more particularly
described in Schedule A to the Purchase Agreement;

B.        The Purchase Agreement provided that [PURCHASER] would purchase and
acquire the Purchased Assets for cash and a Note deliverable at Closing;

C.        Pursuant to the terms of the Note, [PURCHASER] granted a security
interest in the Purchased Assets to Alya as a means of securing performance of
[PURCHASER]'s obligations under the Note.  In connection therewith, the parties
hereto have agreed to establish and maintain this Security Agent Agreement; and

D.        This Security Agent Agreement provides, INTER ALIA, that [PURCHASER]
shall deliver, or cause to be delivered, to the Security Agent the source code
version of the Application Software, and that the Security Agent shall hold the
source code version of the Application Software subject to the terms and
conditions of this Agreement.

          NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing , recitals and the
terms, conditions and covenants contained herein, [PURCHASER], the Security
Agent and Alya hereby agree as follows:

                                   ARTICLE 1

          Except as otherwise set forth herein, capitalized terms shall have the
meanings ascribed to them in the Purchase Agreement:

1.   "Management Agreement" means the management and marketing agreement made as
     of September 30, 1997 between [PURCHASER] and Alya;

2.   "Note" means the 6.0% Secured Term Note dated as of September 30 1997
     issued by [PURCHASER] to Alya in connection with the purchase of the
     Purchased Assets;

3.   "Release Notice" means a notice to the Security Agent in the form attached
     as Schedule A to this Agreement; and

4.   "Software" means the source code for the Application Software.


5.   The terms "this Agreement", "hereof", "hereunder" and similar expressions
     refer to this Agreement and not to any particular Section, Subsection or
     other portion of this Agreement and include any agreement amending or
     supplemental to this Agreement. Unless something in the subject matter or
     context is inconsistent therewith, reference herein to Sections and
     Subsections are to Sections and Subsections of this Agreement;

6.   Except as specifically stated in this Agreement, all references to currency
     are to Canadian dollars. Any currency conversion required or contemplated
     by this

     Agreement with respect to Canadian and United States of America currency
     will be based on the rate published by the Bank of Canada as the noon spot
     rate of exchange applicable for such currencies on the business day
     immediately before the date of conversion; and

7.   Wherever the singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter is used
     throughout this Agreement the same will be construed as meaning the
     singular, plural, masculine, feminine, neuter, body politic or body
     corporate where the fact or context so requires.

                                      ARTICLE 2
                                 DEPOSIT OF SECURITY

Original Deposit

          Concurrently with the Closing, [PURCHASER] shall deliver, or cause to
be delivered, to the Security Agent, the Software as security for [PURCHASER]'s
obligations to Alya under the Note.  Alya shall examine the Software as
delivered, and certify the completeness and accuracy of the Software in a
letter, the form and content of which is acceptable to [PURCHASER], forwarding
the same to the Security Agent with a copy to [PURCHASER].

Subsequent Deposits

          Alya shall deliver or cause to be delivered to the Security Agent the
source code for any Enhancements to the Software quarterly in accordance with
the Management Agreement as security for [PURCHASER]'s obligations to Alya under
the Note. Alya, at the time of delivering source code for Enhancements to the
Security Agent, shall certify the completeness and accuracy of the Software in a
letter, the form and content of which is acceptable to [PURCHASER], forwarding
same to the Security Agent with a copy to [PURCHASER].

Retention of Security

          The Security Agent shall hold the Software and shall release the same
upon the terms and conditions provided in this Agreement.

                                      ARTICLE 3

Delivery to [PURCHASER]

          The Security Agent shall deliver all Software which has been deposited
with the Security Agent to [PURCHASER] upon the occurrence of either of the
following events:

8.   Alya and [PURCHASER] deliver a Release Notice, executed by each of Alya and
     [PURCHASER], to the Security Agent; or

9.   Subject to compliance with Section 3.2 hereof, the Security Agent has
     received from [PURCHASER] each of the following items:

     1.   notice that (x) the Management Agreement has been terminated or (y)
          that all outstanding principal and accrued interest under the Note has
          been paid;

     2.   written demand that all Software deposited with the Security Agent be
          delivered to [PURCHASER]; and

     3.   specific instructions from [PURCHASER] for delivery of the Software.

Procedure for Delivery to [PURCHASER]

10.  If the provisions of Section 3.1 b. are met, the Security Agent shall,
     within five days following receipt of all of the items specified in
     Section 3.1 b., send by overnight courier to Alya a copy of all such
     documents received by the Security Agent pursuant to Section 3.1 b. Alya
     shall have twenty (20) days from the date that the Security Agent shall
     have delivered the documents to Alya to send to the Security Agent written
     notice of its objection to the release of all the Software and to request
     that the issue of [PURCHASER]'s entitlement to the Software be submitted to
     arbitration in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement;

11.  If Alya shall request arbitration, the matter shall be submitted to and
     settled by arbitration in accordance with Article 7 hereof; and

12.  If within twenty (20) days following delivery of the items specified in
     Section 3.1 b. to Alya, the Security Agent has not received written notice
     of Alya's objection to the release of the Software and its request for
     arbitration, then the Security Agent shall release the Software to
     [PURCHASER] in accordance with the instructions specified in Section 3.1 b.

Delivery to Alya

          The Security Agent shall deliver all Software which has been deposited
with the Security Agent to Alya upon the occurrence of either of the following

13.  [PURCHASER] and Alya deliver a Release Notice executed by each of
     [PURCHASER] and Alya to the Security Agent; or

14.  Subject to compliance with Section 3.4 hereof, the Security Agent has
     received from Alya each of the following items:

     1.   written notification that [PURCHASER] is in breach of the Note;

     2.   a written demand that all Software deposited with the Security Agent
          be delivered to Alya; and

     3.   specific instructions from Alya for delivery of the Software.

Procedure for Delivery to Alya

15.  If the provisions of Section 3.3 b. are met, the Security Agent shall,
     within five days following receipt of all of the items specified in Section
     3.3 b., send by overnight courier to [PURCHASER] a copy of all such
     documents received by the Security Agent pursuant to Section 3.3 b.
     [PURCHASER] shall have twenty (20) days from the date the Security Agent
     shall have delivered the documents to [PURCHASER] to send to the Security
     Agent written notice of its objection to the release of all the Software
     and to request that the issue of Alya's entitlement to the

     Software be submitted to arbitration in accordance with the provisions of
     this Agreement;

16.  If [PURCHASER] shall request arbitration, the matter shall be submitted to
     and settled by arbitration in accordance with Article 7 hereof; and

17.  If within twenty (20) days following delivery of the items specified in
     Section 3.3 b. to [PURCHASER], the Security Agent has not received written
     notice of [PURCHASER]'s objection to the release of the Software and its
     request for arbitration, then the Security Agent shall release the Software
     to Alya in accordance with the instructions specified in
     Section 3.3 b. iii.

                                      ARTICLE 4
                            OWNERSHIP OF PURCHASED ASSETS


          Alya and [PURCHASER] each hereby recognize and acknowledge that
[PURCHASER] owns all right, title and interest in and to the Purchased Assets,
subject only to the security interest created pursuant to the Note in favor of
Alya and the rights of Alya under the Management Agreement.

                                      ARTICLE 5


          The Security Agent shall not be bound in any way by an agreement or
contract between [PURCHASER] and Alya (whether or not the Security Agent has
knowledge thereof), and the Security Agent's only duties and responsibilities
shall be to hold the Software it receives and to deliver same in accordance with
the terms of this Agreement.  The Security Agent shall have no duties except
those which are expressly set forth herein and it shall not be bound by any
waiver, modification, amendment, termination or rescission of this Agreement,
unless received by it in writing and signed by Alya and [PURCHASER] and, if its
duties are affected, unless it shall have given its prior written consent

Authority to Act

          The Security Agent has the absolute authority to accept or act upon
each executed Release Notice and any other document received pursuant to this
Agreement, without any obligation of inquiry as to the validity, authenticity or
accuracy thereof. Should it be necessary for the Security Agent to accept or act
upon any instructions, directions, documents or instruments signed or issued by
or on behalf of any corporation, partnership, fiduciary or individual, it shall
not be necessary for the Security Agent to inquire into the authority of the
signer(s). The Security Agent shall be protected in acting upon any notice,
request, waiver, consent, receipt, statutory declaration or other paper or
document furnished to it, signed by any of the parties hereto, not only as to
its due execution and validity and effectiveness of its provisions but also as
to the truth and accuracy of any information therein contained.  Unless
otherwise directed in a writing mutually executed by Alya and [PURCHASER], the
Security Agent is hereby authorized to make deliveries pursuant hereto by the
commercial courier, which the Security Agent, in its sole discretion, selects.
The Security Agent shall not be liable in any manner for the acts, omissions,
delays or failures to deliver by any such selected commercial couriers.

Amendment,  Resignation and/or Termination

          This Agreement may be altered or amended only with the consent of each
of Alya, [PURCHASER] and Security Agent. The Security Agent may resign as
Security Agent at any time upon 30 days' prior written notice to [PURCHASER] and
Alya.  [PURCHASER] and Alya may remove the Security Agent as security agent at
any time upon 30 days' prior written notice to the Security Agent.  In the event
of resignation or removal of the Security Agent, Alya and [PURCHASER] shall
attempt to mutually agree upon the selection of a new security agent.  In the
event that they are unable to agree, the new security agent shall be another
firm of barristers and solicitors authorized to practice law in Canada or an
independent, qualified trust or escrow company or organization selected by
[PURCHASER]. From the date the Security Agent receives notice of termination or
gives notice of resignation and until a successor Security Agent shall have been
appointed and shall have accepted such appointment, the Security Agent's only
duty shall be to hold any deposited Software then in the Security Agent's
possession in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement (but without
regard to any notices, requests, instructions or demands received by the
Security Agent from any party hereto after the Security Agent's notice of
resignation shall have been given or notice of termination shall be received).
Upon the appointment of, and acceptance by, a successor security agent, the
former Security Agent shall deliver

to the successor security agent any Software and other documents or
instruments relating thereto then in its possession.

No Action Required

          In the event that any of the notices and/or Software or other
documents or instruments to be delivered pursuant to the terms hereof are not
delivered to the Security Agent, Security Agent shall have no duty whatsoever to
take any action with respect to procurement of the same.  The Security Agent
shall have no obligation or responsibility to verify that any Software or other
documents or instruments delivered hereunder are the Enhancements or other
documents required to be delivered by Alya pursuant to the Purchase Agreement or
the Management Agreement.  The Security Agent may, however, allow such
verification to be obtained at, or within a reasonable time of, such delivery by
a qualified employee or agent of [PURCHASER] and may permit such employee or
agent reasonable access to such Software, document or other instrument for the
purposes of making such verification.  For the purpose of this paragraph, the
parties agree that such Software documents or other instrument may be initially
delivered to such employee or agent for the sole purpose of making such
verification followed by immediate delivery to the Security Agent.

Expense  Reimbursement

          In addition to the indemnification obligations set forth herein, Alya
hereby agrees to reimburse Security Agent for all expenses incurred in
connection with performing and carrying out its responsibilities hereunder,
including without limitation, legal and professional fees and expenses.

Disclaimer of Liability

          Except for fraud or intentional misconduct, neither the Security Agent
nor its partners, employees or agents shall be liable to Alya, [PURCHASER] or
any other party claiming beneficiary status under this Agreement for any act, or
failure to act, by the Security Agent in connection with this Agreement.  The
Security Agent will not be liable for special, indirect, incidental or
consequential damages hereunder.

Indemnity and Liability

          [PURCHASER], Alya and any party claiming beneficiary status under this
Agreement hereby, jointly and severally, agree to indemnify and hold harmless
and be liable to Security Agent and each of its partners, employees and agents,

absolutely and forever, from and against any and all claims, actions,
damages, suits, liabilities, obligations, costs, fees, charges, and any other
expenses whatsoever, including legal and professional fees and expenses, that
may be asserted against or incurred by Security Agent or any of its partners,
employees or agents, with respect to the performance of its duties under this
Agreement. This indemnity shall survive the termination of this Agreement and
the resignation or removal of the Security Agent.

Disputes and Interpleader

          In the event of any dispute between [PURCHASER] and Alya or any
third party claiming beneficiary status under this Agreement, Security Agent
may submit this matter to any court of competent jurisdiction in an
interpleader or similar action. Any and all costs incurred by Security Agent
in connection therewith shall be borne by the party seeking a copy of the
Software deposited with Security Agent. Without limiting the generality of
the foregoing, if Security Agent shall be uncertain as to its duties or
rights hereunder, shall receive any notice, advice, schedule, report,
certificate, direction or other document from any person or entity with
respect to the Software, that in the opinion of the Security Agent, in its
sole discretion, is in conflict with any provisions of this Agreement, or
shall be advised that a dispute has arisen with respect to the ownership or
right of possession of the Software or any part thereof, Security Agent shall
be entitled, without liability to anyone, to refrain from taking any action
other than to exercise best efforts to keep safely the Software until
Security Agent shall be directed otherwise in writing by an order, decree, or
judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction that is then finally affirmed
on appeal or that by the lapse of time or otherwise is no longer subject to
appeal; but Security Agent shall be under no duty to institute or defend any
such proceeding.

No Conflict

          Alya and [PURCHASER] acknowledge that (a) the Security Agent or its
partners, employees, agents or associates have provided counsel to [PURCHASER]
in connection with the transactions contemplated by the Purchase Agreement;
(b) the duties of the Security Agent hereunder are purely mechanical; and (c)
the Security Agent is acting hereunder for the convenience of Alya and
[PURCHASER]and shall not be impeachable or accountable because of any
conflicting or potentially conflicting duty to [PURCHASER] or any advice
provided to him.

Legal Counsel

          If the Security Agent believes it to be reasonably necessary to
consult with counsel concerning any of its duties hereunder, or if the
Security Agent becomes involved in litigation relating to this Agreement,
Alya and [PURCHASER] shall be jointly and severally responsible for the
costs, expenses and legal fees incurred by the Security Agent, and the
Security Agent is authorized to act on the instructions of such counsel
without being liable.

                                      ARTICLE 6

All notices and other communications hereunder or in connection herewith shall
be in writing and shall be given by personal delivery, international overnight
courier service or facsimile, to the respective party at the address set forth
below, or to any party at such other addresses as shall be specified in writing
by such party to the other parties in accordance with the terms and conditions
of this Section. All notices, requests or communications shall be deemed
effective upon personal delivery, or upon the next business day after sending by
facsimile or two (2) business days following deposit with any international
overnight courier service.

     If to Alya to:

               Alya International, Inc.
               2465 East Bayshore Road
               No. 348
               Palo Alto, CA 95125

               Attention:  Chief Executive Officer
               Fax No.:    (650) 361-8286

     If to [PURCHASER] to:

               [PURCHASER'S ADDRESS]

               Fax No.: [PURCHASER'S FAX]

     If to Security Agent to:

               [SECURITY AGENT]

               Attention: [SECURITY AGENT EMPLOYEE]
               Fax No.: [FAX]

                                      ARTICLE 7


In the event that either party disputes the release of the Software in
accordance with Article 3 hereof, and such dispute cannot be resolved
informally, such dispute shall be settled by final and binding arbitration in
Calgary, Alberta, before a single arbitrator, in accordance with the Arbitration
Act (Alberta), except as otherwise specifically provided herein. The arbitrator
shall apply Alberta law for the purposes of construing and enforcing this
Agreement and any dispute arising hereunder.  The arbitration award shall be
specifically enforceable; judgment upon any arbitration award may be entered in
any court with personal jurisdiction over the parties and subject matter of the

                                      ARTICLE 8
                                 NO WAIVER OF RIGHTS

The delay or failure of either party to enforce at any time any provision of
this Agreement shall in no way be considered a waiver of any such provision, or
any other provision, of this Agreement.  No waiver of, or delay or failure to
enforce any provision of this Agreement shall in any way be considered a
continuing waiver or be construed as a subsequent waiver of any such provision,
or any other provision of this Agreement.  No waiver or modification of this
Agreement shall be binding unless it is in writing signed by the parties hereto.

                                      ARTICLE 9
                             BINDING EFFECT;  ASSIGNMENT

This Agreement shall be binding upon, and enure to the benefit of, all the
parties hereto and their respective successors, legal representatives and
assigns permitted under the Purchase Agreement.   Each of the parties hereto
acknowledges and accepts that any assignee permitted under the Purchase
Agreement, which assignee has agreed to abide by and be bound by all the
applicable conditions set forth in each of the Purchase Agreement, the
Management Agreement and the Note, shall constitute an intended third party
beneficiary under this Agreement, and be entitled to all the rights of an
intended third party beneficiary. The parties will amend this agreement to
include such persons, if requested to do so by [PURCHASER] or Alya, and in any
event [PURCHASER] and Alya will notify the Security Agent of the name of any

                                      ARTICLE 10
                                     AUDIT RIGHTS

During the term of this Agreement, [PURCHASER] shall have the right, upon not
less than ten days prior written notice to Alya, to examine all of the items
which have been deposited with, and are being held by, the Security Agent,
pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, for the purpose of
ascertaining the completeness and accuracy of the deposited items.

                                      ARTICLE 11


          If any one or more of the provisions or parts thereof contained in
this Agreement should be or become invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any
respect in any jurisdiction, such provision shall be construed so as to most
closely reflect the original intent of the parties  but still be enforceable,
and the validity, legality or enforceability of such remaining provisions or
parts thereof will not in any way be affected or impaired thereby.  The
invalidity, illegality or unenforceability of any provision or part thereof
contained in this Agreement in any jurisdiction will not affect or impair such
provision or part thereof or any other provisions of this Agreement in any other

Further Assurances

          The parties will, at any time and from time to time at the request of
the other, execute and deliver any and all such further instruments or
assurances as may be necessary or desirable to give effect to the terms and
conditions of this Agreement.

Counterpart and Facsimile Execution

          This Agreement, and any and all ancillary documents contemplated
herein, may be executed in one or more counterparts and may be executed by
facsimile signatures and all such counterparts and facsimile signatures taken
together will constitute one and the same Agreement and will be binding on the
parties as if they had originally signed one copy of this Agreement.

Time of the Essence

          Time will be of the essence of this Agreement.


          Except as specifically provided in this Agreement, each party hereto
will bear its own legal, accounting and other costs relating to all matters
involved in this transaction.


          The parties will treat this Agreement and all information relating to
this Agreement and the transactions contemplated by this Agreement
confidentially and no public disclosure by either party will be made without the
prior approval of the other, not to be unreasonably withheld, except as legally
required by a party to satisfy disclosure obligations to shareholders and
regulators, in which case simultaneous notice of such disclosure will be given
to the other party.

Entire Agreement

          This agreement, constitutes the entire Agreement among the parties and
supersede all proposals, oral or written, and all other communications among
them relating to the subject matter hereof.

Jurisdiction, Venue and Governing Law

          This Agreement shall be governed by and construed and enforced in
accordance with the laws of the Province of Alberta (regardless of that
jurisdiction or any other jurisdiction's choice of law principles).  To the
extent permitted by law, the parties hereto agree that all actions or
proceedings arising in connection herewith, shall be arbitrated or litigated in
the courts located in the Province of Alberta, and each party hereby waives any
right it may have to assert the doctrine of Forum Non Conveniens or to object to
venue.  The parties each hereby stipulate

that the provincial and federal courts located in the Province of Alberta,
shall have personal jurisdiction and venue over each party for the purpose of
litigating any such dispute, controversy or proceeding arising out of or
related to this Agreement.

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned have executed this Security
Agent Agreement as of the date first set forth above.

                                   ALYA INTERNATIONAL INC.

                                   By:  /s/ Dirk Schillebeeckx
                                        Name: Dirk Schillebeeckx
                                        Title: President and Chief Executive

                                   /s/ [PURCHASER]

                                   [SECURITY AGENT]

                                   By:  /s/ [SECURITY AGENT'S OFFICER]


     SCHEDULE "A" to the Security Agent Agreement dated September 30, 1997

                                RELEASE NOTICE


Dear Sirs:


This Release Notice is being delivered pursuant to the Security Agreement dated
as of September 30, 1997 ("Security Agent Agreement"), among [PURCHASER]
("[PURCHASER]"), Alya International Inc. ("Alya") and [SECURITY AGENT]
("Security Agent").  Except as otherwise set forth herein, capitalized terms
shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Security Agent Agreement.

Security Agent is hereby authorized and directed to deliver all the Software and
all documents, instruments and other items delivered to it by [PURCHASER] or
Alya in its capacity as Security Agent to [______________].

 Dated:                                     ALYA INTERNATIONAL INC.


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