Exhibit 10.1

                          1999 LONG-TERM INCENTIVE PLAN

PURPOSE                   Luminant Worldwide Corporation, a Delaware
                          corporation (the "COMPANY"), wishes to recruit,
                          reward, and retain employees and outside directors.
                          To further these objectives, the Company hereby sets
                          forth the Luminant Worldwide Corporation 1999
                          Long-Term Incentive Plan (the "PLAN"), effective as
                          of August 6, 1999 (the "EFFECTIVE DATE"), to provide
                          options ("OPTIONS") to employees and outside
                          directors of the Company and its subsidiaries to
                          purchase shares of the Company's common stock (the
                          "COMMON STOCK").

PARTICIPANTS              All Employees of the Company and any Eligible
                          Subsidiaries are eligible for Options under this
                          Plan. Eligible employees become "OPTIONEES" when the
                          Administrator grants them an option under this Plan.
                          The Administrator may also grant options to
                          consultants and certain other service providers. The
                          term OPTIONEE also includes, where appropriate, a
                          person authorized to exercise an Option in place of
                          the original recipient.

                 EMPLOYEE means any person employed as a common law employee
                 of the Company or an Eligible Subsidiary.

ADMINISTRATOR             The ADMINISTRATOR will be the Compensation Committee
                          of the Board of Directors, unless the Board specifies
                          another committee of the Board, but the Board may
                          still act under the Plan as though it were the
                          Compensation Committee.

                 The Administrator is responsible for the general operation
                 and administration of the Plan and for carrying out its
                 provisions and has full discretion in interpreting and
                 administering the provisions of the Plan. Subject to the
                 express provisions of the Plan, the Administrator may
                 exercise such powers and authority of the Board as the
                 Administrator may find necessary or appropriate to carry out
                 its functions. The Administrator may delegate its functions
                 (other than those described in the GRANTING OF OPTIONS
                 section) to officers or other employees of the Company.

                 The Administrator's powers will include, but not be limited
                 to, the power to amend, waive, or extend any provision or
                 limitation of any Option. The Administrator may act through
                 meetings of a majority of its members or by unanimous

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GRANTING OF                Subject to the terms of the Plan, the Administrator
OPTIONS                    will, in its sole discretion, determine

                           the persons who receive Options,

                           the terms of such Options,

                           the schedule for exercisability (including any
                           requirements that the optionee or the Company satisfy
                           performance criteria),

                           the time and conditions for expiration of the Option,

                           the form of payment due upon exercise.

                  The Administrator's determinations under the Plan need not be
                  uniform and need not consider whether possible recipients are
                  similarly situated.

                  Options granted to employees may be "incentive stock options"
                  ("ISOS") within the meaning of Section 422 of the Internal
                  Revenue Code of 1986 (the "CODE"), or the corresponding
                  provision of any subsequently enacted tax statute, or
                  nonqualified stock options ("NQSOS"), and the Administrator
                  will specify which form of option it is granting. (If the
                  Administrator fails to specify the form, it will be an ISO.)
                  Options granted to outside directors, including Formula
                  Options, must be nonqualified stock options.

         SUBSTITUTIONS             The Administrator may also grant Options in
                                   substitution for options or other equity
                                   interests held by individuals who become
                                   Employees of the Company or of an Eligible
                                   Subsidiary as a result of the Company's or
                                   Subsidiary's acquiring or merging with the
                                   individual's employer or acquiring its
                                   assets. In addition, the Administrator may
                                   provide for the Plan's assumption of options
                                   granted outside the Plan to persons who
                                   would have been eligible under the terms of
                                   the Plan to receive a grant, including both
                                   persons who provided services to any
                                   acquired company or business and persons who
                                   provided services to the Company or any
                                   Subsidiary. If necessary to conform the
                                   Options to the interests for which they are
                                   substitutes, the Administrator may grant
                                   substitute Options under terms and
                                   conditions that vary from those the Plan
                                   otherwise requires.

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DIRECTOR                   Each director who is not an employee of the Company
FORMULA                    will receive a formula stock option
OPTIONS                    ("FORMULA OPTION") as of effective date of the
                           registration of the Company's initial public
                           offering (the "IPO EFFECTIVE DATE") with respect
                           to 15,000 shares of Common Stock, as will each
                           non-employee director later appointed or elected
                           to the Board (with the grant made as of the date
                           of his first election or appointment). Each such
                           non-employee director serving on the Board at each
                           annual meeting of the Company's stockholders
                           (beginning with the meeting at least six months
                           after the Effective Date and excluding directors
                           who leave the Board on the day of the annual
                           meeting) will receive a Formula Option as of that
                           meeting with respect to 10,000 shares of Common
                           Stock. The Exercise Price for Formula Options will
                           be the Fair Market Value on the Date of Grant. The
                           Board or the Administrator may also make
                           discretionary Option grants to outside directors.

         EXERCISE          Unless the Administrator specifies otherwise, each
         SCHEDULE          Formula Option will become exercisable as to
                           one-sixth every six months over the three years
                           following the Date of Grant. A Formula Option will
                           become exercisable in its entirety upon the
                           director's death, disability, or attainment of age

DATE OF GRANT              The DATE OF GRANT will be the date as of which this
                           Plan (for Formula Options) or the Administrator
                           grants an Option to a participant, as specified in
                           the Plan or in the Administrator's minutes.

EXERCISE PRICE             The EXERCISE PRICE is the value of the consideration
                           that an optionee must provide in exchange for one
                           share of Common Stock. The Administrator will
                           determine the Exercise Price under each Option and
                           may set the Exercise Price without regard to the
                           Exercise Price of any other Options granted at the
                           same or any other time. The Company may use the
                           consideration it receives from the optionee for
                           general corporate purposes.

                  The Exercise Price per share for NQSOs may not be less than
                  100% of the Fair Market Value of a share on the Date of Grant
                  for grants made after the IPO Effective Date. For ISOs, the
                  Exercise Price per share must be at least 100% of the Fair
                  Market Value (on the Date of Grant) of a share of Common Stock
                  covered by the Option; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that if the
                  Administrator decides to grant an ISO to someone covered by
                  Code Sections 422(b)(6) and 424(d) (as a
                  more-than-10%-stock-owner), the Exercise Price must be at
                  least 110% of the Fair Market Value.

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         FAIR MARKET       FAIR MARKET VALUE of a share of Common Stock for
         VALUE             purposes of the Plan will be determined as follows:

                           if the Company has no publicly-traded stock, the
                           Administrator will determine the Fair Market Value
                           for purposes of the Plan using any measure of value
                           it determines in good faith to be appropriate;

                           if the Common Stock trades on a national securities
                           exchange, the closing sale price on that date;

                           if the Common Stock does not trade on any such
                           exchange, the closing sale price as reported by the
                           National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.
                           Automated Quotation System ("NASDAQ") for such date;

                           if no such closing sale price information is
                           available, the average of the closing bid and asked
                           prices that Nasdaq reports for such date; or

                           if there are no such closing bid and asked prices,
                           the average of the closing bid and asked prices as
                           reported by any other commercial service for such

                           For any date that is not a trading day, the Fair
                           Market Value of a share of Common Stock for such date
                           will be determined by using the closing sale price or
                           the average of the closing bid and asked prices, as
                           appropriate, for the immediately preceding trading
                           day. The Administrator can substitute a particular
                           time of day or other measure of "closing sale price"
                           if appropriate because of changes in exchange or
                           market procedures.

                           The Fair Market Value will be treated as equal to the
                           price established in an IPO for any Options granted
                           as of the IPO if they are granted on or before the
                           date on which the IPO's underwriters price the IPO or
                           granted on the following day before trading opens in
                           the Common Stock.

                           The Administrator has sole discretion to determine
                           the Fair Market Value for purposes of this Plan, and
                           all Options are conditioned on the optionees'
                           agreement that the Administrator's determination is
                           conclusive and binding even though others might make
                           a different and also reasonable determination.

EXERCISABILITY            The Administrator will determine the times and
                          conditions for exercise of each Option.

                  Options will become exercisable at such times and in such
                  manner as the

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                 Administrator determines and the Option Agreement indicates;
                 PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the Administrator may, on such terms
                 and conditions as it determines appropriate, accelerate the
                 time at which the optionee may exercise any portion of an

                 If the Administrator does not specify otherwise, Options
                 will become exercisable as to one sixth of the covered
                 shares six months following the Date of Grant and one sixth
                 after each following six months.

                 No portion of an Option that is unexercisable at an
                 optionee's termination of employment will thereafter become
                 exercisable, unless the Option Agreement provides otherwise,
                 either initially or by amendment.

         CHANGE OF         Upon a Change of Control (as defined below), all
         CONTROL           Options will become fully exercisable, unless the
                           optionee's Option Agreement provides otherwise. A
                           CHANGE OF CONTROL for this purpose means the
                           occurrence of any one or more of the following events
                           after the Company's IPO:

                           a person, entity, or group (other than the Company,
                           any Company subsidiary, any Company benefit plan, or
                           any underwriter temporarily holding securities for an
                           offering of such securities) acquires ownership of
                           more than 50% of the undiluted total voting power of
                           the Company's then-outstanding securities eligible to
                           vote to elect members of the Board ("COMPANY VOTING

                           completion of a merger or consolidation of the
                           Company with or into any other entity -- unless the
                           holders of the Company Voting Securities outstanding
                           immediately before such completion, together with any
                           trustee or other fiduciary holding securities under a
                           Company benefit plan, hold securities that represent
                           immediately after such merger or consolidation at
                           least 50% of the combined voting power of the then
                           outstanding voting securities of either the Company
                           or the other surviving entity or its parent; or

                           the stockholders of the Company approve (i) a plan of
                           complete liquidation or dissolution of the Company or
                           (ii) an agreement for the Company's sale or
                           disposition of all or substantially all the Company's
                           assets, AND such liquidation, dissolution, sale, or
                           disposition is completed.

                  Even if other tests are met, a Change of Control has not
                  occurred under any circumstance in which the Company files for
                  bankruptcy protection or is reorganized following a bankruptcy
                  filing. The Administrator may allow conditional exercises in
                  advance of the completion of a Change of Control that are

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                  then rescinded if no Change of Control occurs. [CHECK WITH
                  ACCOUNTANTS: In addition, unless the Board determines
                  otherwise, the acceleration will not occur if it would render
                  unavailable "pooling of interest" accounting for any
                  reorganization, merger, or consolidation of the Company.]

                  The ADJUSTMENT UPON CHANGES IN CAPITAL STOCK provisions will
                  also apply if the Change of Control is a SUBSTANTIAL CORPORATE
                  CHANGE (as defined in those provisions). If a Change of
                  Control is also a Substantial Corporate Change, the Change of
                  Control provision will apply before the application of the
                  Substantial Corporate Change provision.

LIMITATION ON              An Option granted to an employee will be an ISO only
ISOs                       to the extent that the ISOS aggregate Fair Market
                           Value (determined at the Date of Grant) of the stock
                           with respect to which are exercisable for the first
                           time by the optionee during any calendar year (under
                           the Plan and all other plans of the Company and its
                           subsidiary corporations, within the meaning of Code
                           Section 422(d)), does not exceed $100,000. This
                           limitation applies to Options in the order in which
                           such Options were granted. If, by design or
                           operation, the Option exceeds this limit, the excess
                           will be treated as an NQSO.

METHOD OF                  To exercise any exercisable portion of an Option, the
EXERCISE                   optionee must:

                           Deliver notice of exercise to the Secretary of the
                           Company (or to whomever the Administrator
                           designates), in a form complying with any rules the
                           Administrator may issue, signed or otherwise
                           authenticated by the optionee, and specifying the
                           number of shares of Common Stock underlying the
                           portion of the Option the optionee is exercising;

                           Pay the full Exercise Price by cash or a cashier's or
                           certified check for the shares of Common Stock with
                           respect to which the Option is being exercised,
                           unless the Administrator consents to another form of
                           payment (which could include loans from the Company
                           or the use of Common Stock); and

                           Deliver to the Administrator such representations and
                           documents as the Administrator, in its sole
                           discretion, may consider necessary or advisable.

                  After an IPO, payment in full of the Exercise Price need not
                  accompany the written notice of exercise if the exercise
                  complies with a previouslyapproved cashless exercise method,
                  including, for example, that the notice directs that the stock
                  certificates (or other indicia of ownership) for the shares
                  issued upon the

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                  exercise be delivered to a licensed broker acceptable to the
                  Company as the agent for the individual exercising the option
                  and at the time the stock certificates (or other indicia) are
                  delivered to the broker, the broker will tender to the Company
                  cash or cash equivalents acceptable to the Company and equal
                  to the Exercise Price and any required withholding taxes.

                  If the Administrator agrees to allow an optionee to pay
                  through tendering shares of Common Stock to the Company, the
                  individual can only tender stock he has held for at least six
                  months at the time of surrender. Shares of stock offered as
                  payment will be valued, for purposes of determining the extent
                  to which the optionee has paid the Exercise Price, at their
                  Fair Market Value on the date of exercise. The Administrator
                  may also, in its discretion, accept attestation of ownership
                  of Common Stock and issue a net number of shares upon Option
                  exercise, or, after an IPO, by having a broker tender to the
                  Company cash equal to the exercise price and any withholding

OPTION            No one may exercise an Option more than ten years after its
EXPIRATION        Date of Grant (or five years for ISOs granted to 10% owners
                  covered by Code Sections 422(b)(6) and 424(d)). Unless the
                  Option Agreement provides otherwise, either initially or by
                  amendment, no one may exercise an Option after the first to
                  occur of:

         EMPLOYMENT                The 90th day after the date of termination of
         TERMINATION               employment (other than for death or
                                   Disability), where termination of employment
                                   means the time when the employer-employee or
                                   other serviceproviding relationship between
                                   the employee and the Company ends for any
                                   reason. The Administrator may provide that
                                   Options terminate immediately upon
                                   termination of employment for "cause" under
                                   an employee's employment or consultant's
                                   services agreement or under another
                                   definition specified in the Option
                                   Agreement. Unless the Option Agreement
                                   provides otherwise, termination of
                                   employment does not include instances in
                                   which the Company immediately rehires a
                                   common law employee as an independent
                                   contractor. The Administrator, in its sole
                                   discretion, will determine all questions of
                                   whether particular terminations or leaves of
                                   absence are terminations of employment.

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         GROSS MISCONDUCT  For the Company's termination of the optionee's
                           employment as a result of the optionee's Gross
                           Misconduct, the time of such termination. For
                           purposes of this Plan, "GROSS MISCONDUCT" means the
                           optionee has

                           committed fraud, misappropriation, embezzlement, or
                           willful misconduct that has resulted or is likely to
                           result in material harm to the Company;

                           committed or been indicted for or convicted of, or
                           pled guilty or no contest to, any misdemeanor (other
                           than for minor infractions or traffic violations)
                           involving fraud, breach of trust, misappropriation,
                           or other similar activity, or any felony; or

                           committed an act of gross negligence or otherwise
                           acted with willful disregard for the Company's best
                           interests in a manner that has resulted or is likely
                           to result in material harm to the Company.

                           If the optionee has a written employment agreement in
                           effect at the time of his termination that specifies
                           "cause" for termination, "Gross Misconduct" for
                           purposes of his termination will refer to "cause"
                           under the employment agreement, rather than to the
                           foregoing definition.

                 DISABILITY        For disability, the earlier of (i) the first
                                   anniversary of the optionee's termination of
                                   employment for disability and (ii) 60 days
                                   after the optionee no longer has a
                                   disability, where "DISABILITY" means the
                                   inability to engage in any substantial
                                   gainful activity because of any medically
                                   determinable physical or mental impairment
                                   that can be expected to result in death or
                                   that has lasted or can be expected to last
                                   for a continuous period of not less than 12
                                   months; or

                 DEATH             The date 12 months after the optionee's

                 If exercise is permitted after termination of employment, the
                 Option will nevertheless expire as of the date that the former
                 service provider violates any covenant not to compete or other
                 post-employment covenant in effect between the Company and the
                 former service provider. In addition, an optionee who
                 exercises an Option more than 90 days after termination of
                 employment with the Company and/or Eligible Subsidiaries will
                 only receive ISO treatment to the extent the law permits, and
                 becoming or remaining an employee of another related company
                 (that is not an Eligible Subsidiary) or an independent
                 contractor will not prevent loss of ISO status because of the
                 formal termination of employment.

                 Nothing in this Plan extends the term of an Option beyond the
                 tenth anniversary
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                  of its Date of Grant, nor does anything in this OPTION
                  EXPIRATION section make an Option exercisable that has not
                  otherwise become exercisable, unless the Administrator
                  specifies otherwise.

OPTION                    Option Agreements (which could be certificates) will
AGREEMENT                 set forth the terms of each Option and will include
                          such terms and conditions, consistent with the Plan,
                          as the Administrator may determine are necessary or
                          advisable. To the extent the agreement is
                          inconsistent with the Plan, the Plan will govern. The
                          Option Agreements may contain special rules.

PUT AND CALL              The Administrator may provide in Option Agreements
RIGHTS                    that the Company has the right (or obligation) to
                          purchase outstanding Options, or the shares received
                          from exercising an Option, under certain
                          circumstances, including termination of employment
                          for any reason or death and may provide for rights of
                          first refusal. The Administrator may distinguish
                          between unexercisable and exercisable Options.

STOCK SUBJECT             Except as adjusted below under CORPORATE CHANGES,

                           the aggregate number of shares of Common Stock that
                           may be issued under Options may not exceed 12,838,602
                           (which will be automatically adjusted to equal 30% of
                           the sum of the shares of Common Stock outstanding
                           immediately after the IPO plus any shares reserved
                           for underwriter over-allotments),

                           the maximum number of shares that may be granted
                           under Options for a single individual in a calendar
                           year may not exceed 50% of the preceding number,
                           provided that the individual maximum applies only to
                           Options first made under this Plan and not to Options
                           made in substitution of a prior employer's options or
                           other incentives, except as Code Section 162(m)
                           otherwise requires, and

                           the aggregate number of shares of Common Stock that
                           may be issued under ISOs may not exceed 6,000,000,
                           plus the number necessary to provide ISOs in
                           substitution for pre-IPO ISOs.

                  The Common Stock will come from either authorized but unissued
                  shares or from previously issued shares that the Company
                  reacquires, including shares it purchases on the open market
                  or holds as treasury shares. If any Option expires, is
                  canceled, or terminates for any other reason, the shares of
                  Common Stock available under that Option will again be
                  available for the granting of new Options (but will be counted
                  against that calendar year's limit for a given

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                  No adjustment will be made for a dividend or other right for
                  which the record date precedes the date of exercise.

                  The optionee will have no rights of a stockholder with respect
                  to the shares of stock subject to an Option except to the
                  extent that the Company has issued certificates for, or
                  otherwise confirmed ownership of, such shares upon the
                  exercise of the Option.

                  The Company will not issue fractional shares pursuant to the
                  exercise of an Option, but the Administrator may, in its
                  discretion, direct the Company to make a cash payment in lieu
                  of fractional shares.

PERSON WHO                During the optionee's lifetime and except as provided
                          optionee or his duly appointed guardian or personal
                          representative may exercise the Options. After his
                          death, his personal representative or any other
                          person authorized under a will or under the laws of
                          descent and distribution may exercise any then
                          exercisable portion of an Option. If someone other
                          than the original recipient seeks to exercise any
                          portion of an Option, the Administrator may request
                          such proof as it may consider necessary or
                          appropriate of the person's right to exercise the

ADJUSTMENTS               Subject to any required action by the Company (which
UPON CHANGES              it agrees to promptly take) or its stockholders, and
IN CAPITAL                subject to the provisions of applicable  corporate
STOCK                     law, if, after the Date of Grant of an Option,
                          the outstanding shares of Common Stock increase or
                          decrease or change into or are exchanged for a
                          different number or kind of security because of any
                          recapitalization, reclassification, stock split,
                          reverse stock split, combination of shares, exchange
                          of shares, stock dividend, or other distribution
                          payable in capital stock, or

                          some other increase or decrease in such Common Stock
                          occurs without the Company's receiving consideration
                          (excluding, unless the Administrator determines
                          otherwise, stock repurchases),

                          the Administrator must make a proportionate and
                          appropriate adjustment in the number of shares of
                          Common Stock underlying each Option, so that the
                          proportionate interest of the optionee immediately
                          following such event will, to the extent practicable,
                          be the same as immediately before such event. (This

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                          adjustment does not apply to Common Stock that the
                          optionee has already purchased.) Unless the
                          Administrator determines another method would be
                          appropriate, any such adjustment to an Option will
                          not change the total price with respect to shares of
                          Common Stock underlying the unexercised portion of
                          the Option but will include a corresponding
                          proportionate adjustment in the Option's Exercise

                          The Administrator will make a commensurate change to
                          the maximum number and kind of shares provided in the
                          STOCK SUBJECT TO PLAN section.

                          All references to numbers of shares of Common Stock in
                          the Plan and in any Option grants made on or before
                          the IPO Effective Date assume the IPO is or will be
                          completed and thus relate to post-IPO numbers of

                          Any issue by the Company of any class of preferred
                          stock, or securities convertible into shares of common
                          or preferred stock of any class, will not affect, and
                          no adjustment by reason thereof will be made with
                          respect to, the number of shares of Common Stock
                          subject to any Option or the Exercise Price except as
                          this ADJUSTMENTS section specifically provides. The
                          grant of an Option under the Plan will not affect in
                          any way the right or power of the Company to make
                          adjustments, reclassifications, reorganizations or
                          changes of its capital or business structure, or to
                          merge or to consolidate, or to dissolve, liquidate,
                          sell, or transfer all or any part of its business or

         SUBSTANTIAL      Upon a SUBSTANTIAL CORPORATE CHANGE, the Plan and any
         CORPORATE        unexercised Options will TERMINATE unless provision is
         CHANGE           made in writing in connection with such transaction

                          the assumption or continuation of outstanding
                          Options, or

                          the substitution for such options or grants of any
                          options or grants covering the stock or securities of
                          a successor employer corporation, or a parent or
                          subsidiary of such successor, with appropriate
                          adjustments as to the number and kind of shares of
                          stock and prices, in which event the Options will
                          continue in the manner and under the terms so

                          If an Option would otherwise terminate under the
                          preceding sentence and the Fair Market Value indicated
                          by the Substantial Corporate Change

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                          exceeds or is likely to exceed the Exercise Price,
                          the Administrator will either provide that

                          optionees will have the right, at such time before
                          the completion of the transaction causing such
                          termination as the Board or the Administrator
                          reasonably designates, to exercise any unexercised
                          portions of the Option, whether or not they had
                          previously become exercisable, or

                          cause the Company, or agree to allow the successor,
                          to cancel each Option after payment to the optionee
                          of an amount in cash, cash equivalents, or successor
                          equity interests substantially equal to the Fair
                          Market Value under the transaction minus the Exercise
                          Price for the shares covered by the Option (and,
                          where the Board or Administrator determines it is
                          appropriate, any required tax withholdings).

                  The Board or other Administrator may take any actions
                  described in ADJUSTMENTS UPON CHANGES IN CAPITAL STOCK
                  section, including the Substantial Corporate Changes section,
                  without any requirement to seek optionee consent. [PENDING
                  COMMENTS FROM ACCOUNTANTS: However, unless the Board
                  determines otherwise, the acceleration will not occur if it
                  would render unavailable "pooling of interest" accounting for
                  any reorganization, merger, or consolidation of the Company.]

                          A SUBSTANTIAL CORPORATE CHANGE means the

                                   dissolution or liquidation of the Company,

                                   merger, consolidation, or reorganization of
                                   the Company with one or more corporations or
                                   other entities in which the Company is not
                                   the surviving corporation,

                                   the sale of substantially all of the assets
                                   of the Company to another entity or an
                                   individual, or

                                   any transaction (including a merger or
                                   reorganization in which the Company survives)
                                   approved by the Board that results in any
                                   person or entity (other than any affiliate of
                                   the Company as defined in Rule 144(a)(1)
                                   under the Securities Act, any Company
                                   Subsidiary, any Company benefit plan, or any
                                   underwriter temporarily holding securities
                                   for an offering of such securities) owning
                                   100% of the combined voting power of all
                                   classes of stock of the Company.

SUBSIDIARY                         Employees of Company Subsidiaries will be
EMPLOYEES                          entitled to participate in the Plan, except
                                   as otherwise designated by the Board of
                                   Directors or the

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                          Eligible Subsidiary means each of the Company's
                          Subsidiaries, except as the Administrator otherwise
                          specifies. For ISO grants, SUBSIDIARY means any
                          corporation (other than the Company) in an unbroken
                          chain of corporations beginning with the Company if,
                          at the time an Option is granted to a Participant
                          under the Plan, each corporation (other than the last
                          corporation in the unbroken chain) owns stock
                          possessing 50% or more of the total combined voting
                          power of all classes of stock in another corporation
                          in such chain. For ISOs, Subsidiary also includes a
                          single-member limited liability company included
                          within the chain described in the preceding sentence.
                          The Board or the Administrator may use a different
                          definition of Subsidiary for NQSOs.

LEGAL                     The Company will not issue any shares of Common Stock
COMPLIANCE                under an Option until all applicable requirements
                          imposed by Federal and state securities and other
                          laws, rules, and regulations, and by any applicable
                          regulatory agencies or stock exchanges, have been
                          fully met. To that end, the Company may require the
                          optionee to take any reasonable action to comply with
                          such requirements before issuing such shares. No
                          provision in the Plan or action taken under it
                          authorizes any action that Federal or state laws
                          otherwise prohibit.

                          The Plan is intended to conform to the extent
                          necessary with all provisions of the Securities Act of
                          1933 ("SECURITIES ACT") and the Securities Exchange
                          Act of 1934 and all regulations and rules the
                          Securities and Exchange Commission issues under those
                          laws. Notwithstanding anything in the Plan to the
                          contrary, the Administrator must administer the Plan,
                          and Options may be granted and exercised, only in a
                          way that conforms to such laws, rules, and
                          regulations. To the extent permitted by applicable
                          law, the Plan and any Options will be treated as
                          amended to the extent necessary to conform to such
                          laws, rules, and regulations.

PURCHASE FOR              Unless a registration statement under the Securities
INVESTMENT                Act covers the shares of Common Stock an optionee
AND OTHER                 receives upon exercising his Option, the Administrator
RESTRICTIONS              may require, at the time of such exercise, that the
                          optionee agree in writing to acquire such shares for
                          investment and not for public resale or distribution,
                          unless and until the shares subject to the Option are

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                          registered under the Securities Act. Unless the
                          shares are registered under the Securities Act, the
                          optionee must acknowledge:

                                    that the shares purchased on exercise of the
                                    Option are not so registered,

                                    that the optionee may not sell or otherwise
                                    transfer the shares unless

                                    such sale or transfer complies with all
                                    applicable laws, rules, and regulations,
                                    including all applicable Federal and state
                                    securities laws, rules, and regulations, and

                                    the shares have been registered under the
                                    Securities Act in connection with the sale
                                    or transfer thereof, or

                                    counsel satisfactory to the Company has
                                    issued an opinion satisfactory to the
                                    Company that the sale or other transfer of
                                    such shares is exempt from registration
                                    under the Securities Act.

                          Additionally, the Common Stock, when issued upon the
                          exercise of an Option, will be subject to any other
                          transfer restrictions, rights of first refusal, and
                          rights of repurchase set forth in or incorporated by
                          reference into other applicable documents, including
                          the Option Agreements, or the Company's articles or
                          certificate of incorporation, by-laws, or generally
                          applicable stockholders' agreements.

                          The Administrator may, in its sole discretion, take
                          whatever additional actions it deems appropriate to
                          comply with such restrictions and applicable laws,
                          including placing legends on certificates and issuing
                          stop-transfer orders to transfer agents and

TAX WITHHOLDING           The optionee must satisfy all applicable Federal,
                          state, and local income and employment tax
                          withholding requirements before the Company will
                          deliver stock certificates or otherwise recognize
                          ownership upon the exercise of an Option. The Company
                          may decide to satisfy the withholding obligations
                          through additional withholding on salary or wages. If
                          the Company does not or cannot withhold from other
                          compensation, the optionee must pay the Company, with
                          a cashier's check or certified check, the full
                          amounts, if any, required for withholding. Payment of
                          withholding obligations is due at the same time as is
                          payment of the Exercise Price. If the Administrator
                          so determines, the optionee may instead satisfy the
                          withholding obligations by directing the Company to
                          retain shares from the Option exercise, by tendering
                          previously owned shares, or by attesting to his
                          ownership of shares (with the distribution of net
                          shares), or, after an

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                          IPO, by having a broker tender to the Company cash
                          equal to the withholding taxes.

TRANSFERS,                Unless the Administrator otherwise approves in advance
ASSIGNMENTS,              in writing for estate planning or other purposes, an
AND PLEDGES               Option may not be assigned, pledged, or otherwise
                          transferred in any way, whether by operation of law
                          or otherwise or through any legal or equitable
                          proceedings (including bankruptcy), by the optionee
                          to any person, except by will or by operation of
                          applicable laws of descent and distribution. If
                          necessary to comply with Rule 16b-3, the optionee may
                          not transfer or pledge shares of Common Stock
                          acquired upon exercise of an Option until at least
                          six months have elapsed from (but excluding) the Date
                          of Grant, unless the Administrator approves otherwise
                          in advance in writing. The Administrator may, in its
                          discretion, expressly provide that an optionee may
                          transfer his Option, without receiving consideration,
                          to (i) members of his immediate family (children,
                          grandchildren, or spouse), (ii) trusts for the
                          benefit of such family members, or (iii) partnerships
                          whose only partners are such family members.

AMENDMENT OR              The Board may amend, suspend, or terminate the Plan at
TERMINATION               any time, without the consent of the optionees or
OF PLAN AND               their beneficiaries; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that no
OPTIONS                   amendment will deprive any optionee or beneficiary of
                          any previously declared Option. Except as required by
                          law or by the SUBSTANTIAL CORPORATE CHANGES section,
                          the Administrator may not, without the optionee's or
                          beneficiary's consent, modify the terms and
                          conditions of an Option so as to adversely affect the
                          optionee. No amendment, suspension, or termination of
                          the Plan will, without the optionee's or
                          beneficiary's consent, terminate or materially
                          adversely affect any right or obligations under any
                          outstanding Options, except as provided in the
                          SUBSTANTIAL CORPORATE CHANGES Section.

PRIVILEGES OF             No optionee and no beneficiary or other person
STOCK                     claiming under or through such optionee will have any
OWNERSHIP                 right, title, or interest in or to any shares of
                          Common Stock allocated or reserved under the Plan or
                          subject to any Option except as to such shares of
                          Common Stock, if any, already issued to such

EFFECT ON                 Whether exercising an Option causes the optionee to
OTHER PLANS               accrue or receive additional benefits under any
                          pension or other plan is governed solely by the terms
                          of such other plan.

LIMITATIONS ON            Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Plan, no
LIABILITY                 individual acting as a director, officer, other
                          employee, or agent of the Company will be liable to

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                          optionee, former optionee, spouse, beneficiary, or
                          any other person for any claim, loss, liability, or
                          expense incurred in connection with the Plan, nor
                          will such individual be personally liable because of
                          any contract or other instrument he executes in such
                          other capacity. The Company will indemnify and hold
                          harmless each director, officer, other employee, or
                          agent of the Company to whom any duty or power
                          relating to the administration or interpretation of
                          the Plan has been or will be delegated, against any
                          cost or expense (including attorneys' fees) or
                          liability (including any sum paid in settlement of a
                          claim with the Board's approval) arising out of any
                          act or omission to act concerning this Plan unless
                          arising out of such person's own fraud or bad faith.

NO EMPLOYMENT             Nothing contained in this Plan constitutes an
CONTRACT                  employment contract between the Company and the
                          optionees. The Plan does not give any optionee any
                          right to be retained in the Company's employ, nor
                          does it enlarge or diminish the Company's right to
                          end the optionee's employment or other relationship
                          with the Company.

APPLICABLE LAW            The laws of the State of Delaware (other than its
                          choice of law provisions) govern this Plan and its

DURATION OF               Unless the Board extends the Plan's term, the
PLAN                      Administrator may not grant Options after August 5,
                          2009. The Plan will then terminate but will continue
                          to govern unexercised and unexpired Options.

APPROVAL OF               The Plan must be submitted to Company stockholders for
THE PLAN                  their approval within 12 months before or after the
                          Board adopts the Plan to qualify any Options
                          designated as ISOs for treatment as such. If the
                          stockholders do not so approve the Plan, the Plan and
                          any outstanding ISOs will be treated as void and of
                          no effect.

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