Exhibit 3(1)

                          DYNAMIC DIGITAL DEPTH USA INC

                                     - and -

                             VIDEO APPLICATIONS INC


                           MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING


                                  8th June 1999

                                Solomon Brothers
                                Level 40
                                Exchange Plaza
                                2 The Esplanade
                                PERTH  WA  6000

                                Tel:     9221 5888
                                Fax:     9221 5955
                                Ref:     PFF/

THIS AGREEMENT is made the    day of June   1999


DYNAMIC DIGITAL DEPTH USA INC a company incorporated under the laws of Delaware
and having its main office and place of business at MGM Plaza, 2450 Broadway,
Suite 550, Santa Monica, California, 90404 (hereinafter referred to as "DDD
USA") of the first part

- - and -

VIDEO APPLICATIONS INC a company incorporated in __________ and having its main
office and place of business at 14791 Myford Road, Tustin, California, 92780
(hereinafter referred to as "VAI") of the second part


A.       DDD USA holds license rights from Dynamic Digital Depth Australia Pty
         Ltd in relation to technology which is under development by Dynamic
         Digital Depth Research Pty Ltd comprising techniques, hardware and
         software for both real time and non-realtime reprocessing of film and
         video stock from 2D to 3D ("the Technology").

B.       The rights held by DDD USA in relation to the Technology include the
         rights to intellectual property comprised in or related to the
         Technology, including without limitation patents, patent applications,
         data, designs, techniques, concepts, test results, drawings, know-how,
         software, algorithms and trade and other secrets relating to the
         design, development, use, operation and production of the Technology
         ("the Intellectual Property").

C.       Those parts of the Intellectual Property as are not in the public
         domain comprise confidential proprietary information of DDD USA.

D.       VAI is a research development and production company currently involved
         in producing and staging Corporate Promotional Events and Broadcast and
         Interactive Theatrical Events including with the use of VAI's
         proprietary electronic projection equipment, ("the VAI Business").


E.       VAI wishes to investigate the feasibility of commercializing the
         Technology, or parts of it, as part of the VAI Business with a view to
         entering into an agreement with DDD USA for an ongoing license to
         utilize the Technology and the Intellectual Property in the course of
         the VAI Business, a joint venture agreement or other commercial
         agreement relating to the Technology ("the Commercial Agreement") and
         to this end VAI wishes to:

         (i)      obtain access to relevant parts of the Confidential
                  Information with respect to the Technology;

         (ii)     engage in an investigation, during a period of up to 120 days,
                  unless extended per paragraph 3, into the feasibility of
                  application of the Technology in the VAI Business (the "Due

         (iii)    obtain the assistance of DDD USA with respect to the Due
                  Diligence including to make available to VAI in confidence the
                  software and hardware comprised in the Technology as it is
                  developed and becomes available.

G.       DDD USA has agreed, subject to the terms herein, to assist VAI, in the
         manner specified herein with respect to the Due Diligence.



1.       The recitals hereto are made a part of this agreement.


         2.1      "Confidential Information" means:

                  2.1.1    any information disclosed by DDD to VAI pursuant to
                           this agreement not being in the public domain at the
                           time of disclosure and which is in written, graphic,
                           machine readable, or other tangible form and is
                           marked "confidential", "proprietary" or in some other
                           manner to indicate that it has been disclosed in

                  2.1.2    oral information disclosed by DDD to VAI pursuant to
                           this agreement, provided that such information is not
                           in the public domain at the time of disclosure and is
                           designated as confidential at the time of disclosure
                           and is reduced to writing by DDD within 60 days of
                           its oral disclosure and such writing is marked in a
                           manner to indicate its confidential nature and
                           delivered to VAI;

                  2.1.3    all other information relating to the Technology
                           arising for the first time from the Due Diligence,
                           including test results.

         2.2      2.2.1    However, information disclosed by DDD hereunder
                           shall not be Confidential Information if VAI
                           demonstrates that such information is:

                           (a)      already known to VAI at the time of receipt
                                    from DDD;

                           (b)      already public at the time of receipt or
                                    thereafter becomes public through no breach
                                    of this Agreement by VAI;

                           (c)      obtained by VAI from a third party, which
                                    third party, by disclosing the information
                                    to VAI, did not breach an obligation of
                                    confidentiality incurred vis-a-vis DDD;


                           (d)      disclosed by DDD itself to a third party
                                    without restriction on disclosure.

                  2.2.2    Exclusivity shall be granted to VAI in North America
                           for the duration of this agreement and subject to the
                           terms of this agreement in the following areas of

                           (a)      "Corporate Promotional Events" which means
                                    business theater presentations, conventions,
                                    trade show exhibits, point of purchase
                                    displays, sales training, technical
                                    training, product demonstrations, product
                                    promotion, motivation, annual meetings.

                           (b)      "Broadcast and Interactive Theatrical
                                    Events" which means live and pre-recorded
                                    sporting events, music concerts and
                                    interactive video games displayed on theater
                                    screens using digital or electronic

         2.3      "DDD" means the Dynamic Digital Depth group of companies.

         2.4      Notwithstanding the foregoing the exclusivity granted above to
                  VAI excludes:


                                    70 mm, 65mm and 35mm film and HD video or HD
                                    CGI or any combination of the foregoing and
                                    which is intended for the following
                                    applications and venues:

                   edutainment motion simulators
                   theme parks
                   destination theaters
                   museum theaters
                   worlds fairs

                  2.4.2             Sub- HD video, sub-HD CGI, sub-HD ride films
                                    and sub-HD simulators, as applied to
                                    applications and venues in clause 2.4.1.


                  2.4.3             Products for broadcast transmission,
                                    excluding closed circuit.

                  2.4.4             Interactive entertainment software (eg
                                    arcade and consumer video game

                  2.4.5             Consumer pre-recorded media,

                  2.4.6             Products for retail motion picture
                                    theatrical distribution.

         2.5      "2D" means images viewable in two dimensions.

         2.6      "3D" means images viewable in three dimensions.



3.       During the period of 120 days unless extended as set forth below
         commencing to run from the date of execution of this agreement ("the
         Term") and in consideration of receipt by DDD USA of the Fee specified
         in clause 14.1 DDD USA will in co-operation with VAI assist with the
         Due Diligence in the manner specified in clauses 4 to 6 herein and will
         not enter into negotiations with other parties in the areas of business
         set out in clause 2.2.2. At VAI's sole option, said Term shall be
         extended for 60 days in exchange for the payment of the Extension Fee
         as set forth in paragraph 14.2.

4.       DDD USA undertakes to supply to VAI ONE (1) of each item of software
         and hardware comprised in the Technology as and when each such item has
         been developed by DDD to a stage that DDD USA considers it, or them
         together, suitable for prototype release for evaluation purposes ("the
         Prototype Components").

5.       The Prototype Components will be delivered by DDD USA to VAI at VAI's
         premises in Tustin, CA at VAI's expense with respect to freight and
         insurance. DDD USA shall notify VAI immediately any Prototype
         Components are ready for delivery and it shall be the responsibility of
         VAI to pay the shipping company the freight charge, or to reimburse DDD
         USA for same, and to insure the Prototype Components to their full
         value as specified by DDD USA.

6.       DDD USA will supply to VAI in confidence an operating manual for the
         Prototype Components.

7.       Ownership of the hardware and software comprised in the Prototype
         Components and all Intellectual Property Rights comprised in or related
         to the hardware and software comprising the Prototype Components shall
         upon delivery to VAI remain the property of DDD USA.

8.       VAI shall upon request from time to time make available to DDD USA full
         access to all results of the Evaluation Program as they pertain to the
         Technology. For the avoidance of doubt, it is agreed that VAI shall be
         under no obligation to give to DDD USA access to any information
         pertaining to any VAI componentry or equipment with which the Prototype
         Components are tested or used.


9.       Upon expiration of the Term then unless a Commercial Agreement has by
         then been executed by DDD USA and VAI and provides to the contrary, VAI
         shall at its expense deliver up to DDD USA at DDD USA's premises in
         Santa Monica, California all Confidential Information in whatever
         medium it is recorded and all Prototype Components.

10.      DDD USA and VAI will during the Term negotiate in good faith with a
         view to concluding a Commercial Agreement. It is expressly agreed that
         neither DDD USA nor VAI is under any obligation to enter into a
         Commercial Agreement but VAI shall have the first right of refusal to
         enter into a Commercial Agreement with DDD for a period of 60 days
         following the expiration of this memorandum of understanding.

11.      VAI will during the Term use its best endeavors to develop for
         submission to DDD USA business plans for the commercial application of
         the Technology within each area comprised in Corporate Promotional

12.      VAI will during the Term allow DDD reasonable access, free of charge,
         to use VAI's projection and screening facilities.

13.      DDD USA and VAI will during the Term use best endeavors to agree a
         basis for the parties to cooperate in funding and producing some high
         quality presentation material, for the joint use of DDD and VAI for
         promotional purposes, showcasing the features and benefits of the
         Technology (the "Presentation Material").


         14.1     A payment of US$xxxxxxx (the "Fee") payable to DDD USA by VAI
                  on execution of this Agreement.

         14.2     An optional extension fee of US$xxxxxxx (the "Extension Fee")
                  for an additional 60 days payable to DDD USA by VAI as set
                  forth in paragraph 3.


         14.3     All funds advanced are to be credited against future license
                  fees. Payment of the Fee by VAI to DDD USA will be by way of
                  telegraphic transfer to DDD USA's bank account as follows:

                  Dynamic Digital Depth USA Inc
                  Account No. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


         To the extent that VAI is provided with:

         15.1     access to the Confidential Information;

         15.2     permission to engage in the Due Diligence;

         15.3     access to the Prototype Components;

         VAI acknowledges that:

         15.4     the access and permission is provided solely for the purpose
                  of the Due Diligence;

         15.5     no right to manufacture or sell the Technology, the
                  Confidential Information, and any product arising wholly or
                  partly directly or indirectly therefrom, is conferred upon VAI
                  by this Agreement;

         15.6     no right to use the Prototype Components and the Intellectual
                  Property other than for the purposes of the in-house
                  confidential Due Diligence by VAI; and

         15.7     VAI must only use the Confidential Information and the
                  Prototype Components for the purpose of the Due Diligence;


         15.8     disclosure by VAI of the Confidential Information and any
                  aspect of the technology involved in the Technology to any
                  third party may only occur with the prior written consent of
                  DDD USA;

         15.9     demonstration by VAI to its customers and potential customers
                  of Presentation Material created or modified using the
                  Technology may occur provided that no disclosure of
                  Confidential Information is thereby made and provided further
                  that the prior written consent of DDD USA is obtained.

         15.10    VAI shall sign a DDD Confidentiality Agreement.

16.      Upon termination of this agreement the obligations imposed upon VAI by
         this Agreement to respect and protect the confidentiality of the
         Confidential Information shall survive termination and remain in full
         force and effect.


         17.1     Except as set forth in this Clause 17, THERE ARE NO

         17.1     The Prototype Components to be made available by DDD USA to
                  VAI pursuant to this Agreement are intended for prototype
                  engineering evaluation only and will not have been subjected
                  to production release processes. While DDD USA shall take
                  reasonable care in producing the Prototype Components no
                  warranty as to fitness for VAI's purposes is given by, or
                  imposed upon, DDD USA;

         17.2     DDD USA is not liable for any damages in connection with the
                  provision to VAI of the Prototype Components including without
                  limitation any loss of profit, loss of use, loss of goodwill,
                  work stoppage, equipment failure or malfunction, interruption
                  of business, direct, indirect, special, exemplary, incidental
                  or consequential damages in connection therewith or


                  relating to or arising out of the Evaluation.

         17.4     DDD USA warrants that each of the patents and patent
                  applications listed in the schedule is an asset of DDD in good
                  standing and, where appropriate, enforceable.

         17.5     Except as otherwise disclosed in writing to VAI, DDD USA
                  warrants and represents that to the best of its knowledge:

                  17.5.1   the Technology is unique; and

                  17.5.2   no process or product currently exists or is in
                           development that has cost effective performance and
                           quality equivalent to or better than that of the

         18.1     No right created by this agreement is waived unless the waiver
                  is in writing by the party granting the waiver.

         18.2     This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with and
                  governed by the laws of the State of California, as if
                  entirely performed therein and without reference to its
                  conflict of law provisions.

         18.3     Any amendments to this agreement must be made in writing and
                  signed by both parties.

         18.4     The terms of this agreement, specify the entire understanding
                  between the parties.

         18.5     The interests and rights of either party in and to this
                  agreement cannot be assigned without the prior written consent
                  of the other party.



- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  APPLICATION NUMBERS                  INVENTION NAME                      STATUS                   PRIORITY DATE
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PCT WO 94/25899           3D Stereoscopic Display Unit               Registered   -   USA           4 May 1993
                                                                     Registered   -   Australia
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PCT/AU95/00843            Head Tracking Unit                         Pending PCT                    13 Dec 1994

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PCT/AU97/00353            Video Display System (Multiviewer)         Pending PCT                     4 June 1996

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PCT/AU96/00820            Dynamic Depth Cueing (DDC)                 Pending PCT                    22 Dec 1995
US 102,247                (2D to 3D Conversion - Offline - 3D
                          Camera - 2D Compatible 3D Transmission)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PCT/AU98/00716            Image Processing Method & Apparatus (2D    Pending PCT                     2 Sept 1997
                          to 3D Conversion Realtime) (DDC Layers)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PCT/AU98/01005            DDC / 2                                    Pending PCT                     2 Dec 1997
                          Improvements to PCT/AU96/00820
                          Improvements to PCT/AU98/00716
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PCT/AU98/00969            Eye Tracking Apparatus                     Pending PCT                     21 Nov 1997

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PO4567                    Panorama Sidefield Dimensional Image       Suspended
                          System (3D Camera Adaptor)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PCT/AU/00028              Method & Apparatus for Producing           Pending PCT                    22 Jan 1997
                          Stereoscopic Images (3D Glasses)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PO6373                    Multiple Viewer Video Display System (2D   Suspended

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PP7275                    Teleconferencing System                    Provisional                    Dec 1998

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



SIGNED on behalf of

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being duly authorised by the
Company to do so

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SIGNED on behalf of

- -----------------------------------
being duly authorised by the
Company to do so

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