Exhibit 3(4)

                            XENOTECH RESEARCH PTY LTD
                                 ACN 060 154 912

                                     - and -

                                  XENOTECH INC
                           XENOTECH AUSTRALIA PTY LTD
                                 ACN 060 154 949

                                     - and -

                              ANGUS DUNCAN RICHARDS


                              CONSULTANCY AGREEMENT


                                Solomon Brothers
                                Level 40
                                Exchange Plaza
                                2 The Esplanade
                                PERTH  WA  6000

                                Tel:     221 5888
                                Fax:     221 5955
                                Ref:     PFF

                              CONSULTANCY AGREEMENT

THIS AGREEMENT is made the     day of                                       1995


XENOTECH RESEARCH PTY LTD ACN 060 154 912 of Suite 1, 41 Walters Drive, Osborne
Park in the State of Western Australia ("the Company") of the first part;

- - and -

XENOTECH INC of c/- Ogilvie & Co, 1600, 407 - Second Street, S.W., Calgary,
Alberta and XENOTECH AUSTRALIA PTY LTD ACN 060 154 949 of Suite 2, 41 Walters
Drive, Osborne Park, Western Australia (together "the Guarantors") of the second

- - and -

ANGUS DUNCAN RICHARDS of Unit 2, 5 Richardson Street, South Perth in the State
of Western Australia, ("the Consultant") of the third part;


A.       The Company carries on the business of invention, research,
         development, and licensing of a wide range of three dimensional
         television products and processes and related technologies ("the

B.       The Company is desirous of being assisted in invention, research,
         development, manufacture and marketing tasks with respect to the

C.       The Consultant carries on business, inter alia, as inventor, researcher
         and developer in the fields comprised in the Business.

D.       The Company wishes to make use of the particular skills and abilities
         of the Consultant and wishes to appoint the Consultant to provide his
         services with respect to the Business.




         1.1      In this Agreement the following expressions have the following

                  1.1.1    "Business Plan" means the Barrington Enterprises
                           business plan produced by Xenotech Australia Pty Ltd

                  1.1.2    "Commencement Date" means the date this Agreement is

                  1.1.3    "the Company" means Xenotech Research Pty Ltd;

                  1.1.4    "the Consultant" means Angus Duncan Richards;

                  1.1.5    "Consulting Fee" means the fee specified in clause

                  1.1.6    "Deed of Compromise and Release" means the deed so
                           named and executed contemporaneously with this
                           Agreement by the Consultant and Xenotech;

                  1.1.7    "2D to 3D/DDC Deed of Assignment" means the deed so
                           named and executed contemporaneously with this
                           Agreement by the Consultant and the Company;

                  1.1.8    "2D to 3D/DDC Licence Agreement" means the deed so
                           named and executed contemporaneously with this
                           Agreement by the Consultant and the Company;

                  1.1.9    "Feasibility Report" means the Feasibility Study
                           Report for XA by Systems Intellect in July 1994;

                  1.1.10   "Fully Documented" means disclosed in detail by
                           writing, video tape or computer disc as appropriate
                           all information held or available.

                  1.1.11   "Intellectual Property" means copyright, know-how,
                           confidential information, concepts, expertise,
                           proposals for commercialisation, patents, patent


                           applications, patentable concepts, designs and

                  1.1.12   "Related Corporation" means a corporation which is
                           deemed to be related to the Company by virtue of
                           Section 50 of the Corporations Law;

                  1.1.13   "Samsung Prototype" means the prototype referred to
                           in clause 2.1 of the Samsung Licence Agreement;

                  1.1.14   "Specified Services" means the services to be
                           provided by the Consultant pursuant to this Agreement
                           as provided in Clause 3;

                  1.1.15   "Task Completion" means the date upon which both the
                           Consultant and the Company declare in writing that
                           they are satisfied that the Samsung Prototype,
                           development of the Processes to a patentable stage
                           and the matters listed in paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 of
                           the Schedule have all been satisfactorily completed.

                  1.1.16   "the Technologies" means the autostereoscopic three
                           dimensional television display system under
                           development by the Company and any improvements or
                           alterations of any kind to that system together with
                           all parts, attachments, accessories and any patent
                           relating thereto and all other inventions,
                           developments, products, processes, systems, methods,
                           techniques and concepts referred to in the Listing
                           Application, the Feasibility Report, the Business
                           Plan and the Report by the Company to XA headed
                           "Project Options and Strategies", and all
                           developments, advances, improvements and alterations
                           of any kind thereto together with all parts,
                           attachments and accessories and any patent relating

                  1.1.17 "Term" shall mean the period described in Clause 4.;

                  1.1.18   "2D to 3D/DDC Upgrades" means fully documented
                           upgrades to the technology of each of the Processes
                           so as to keep Xenotech as far as possible at the
                           technological forefront within the industry with
                           respect to those technologies;

                  1.1.19   "writing" includes typewriting, printing,
                           lithography, photography and other


                           modes of representing or reproducing words in a
                           visible form and "written" has a corresponding

                  1.1.20   "Xenotech" means the Company, Xenotech Australia Pty
                           Ltd and Xenotech Inc ("XI") together;

                  1.1.21   "2D to 3D Process and DDC Process" have the meanings
                           given in the Deed of Compromise & Release;

                  1.1.22   "the Processes" means the 2D to 3D Process and the
                           DDC Process together

                  1.1.23   "gross annual income receipts" in clauses 8.5 and 8.6
                           means, subject to clause 8.14, all receipts by
                           Xenotech in any twelve month period from the date of
                           this deed which comprise assessable income of
                           Xenotech for the purposes of the Income Tax
                           Assessment Act 1936 as amended without deduction for
                           any costs or expenses incurred by Xenotech in
                           generating the said receipts.

         1.2      A reference in this Agreement to a party includes a reference
                  to a party's successors and permitted assigns.

         1.3      Words and expressions denoting the singular number shall mean
                  and include the plural and vice-versa. Any gender shall mean
                  and include all genders.

         1.4      Words and expressions denoting individual persons shall mean
                  and include companies and associations of persons whether or
                  not incorporated.

         1.5      References to any statutory enactment or law shall mean and
                  shall be construed as reference to that enactment or law as
                  amended or modified or re-enacted from time to time and to all
                  regulations thereunder and to the corresponding provisions of
                  any similar enactment or law of any other relevant

         1.6      References to recitals, clauses, sub-clauses, paragraphs or
                  schedules, whether by letter or number, are references to
                  recitals, clauses, sub-clauses, paragraphs or Schedules of
                  this Agreement. Schedules of this Agreement are incorporated
                  in the Agreement.


         1.7      Headings shall not affect the construction or interpretation
                  of this Agreement.

         1.8      References in this Agreement to money are references to the
                  currency of Australia.

         1.9      Where a day appointed or specified by this Agreement for the
                  payment of any money falls on a Saturday, Sunday or a day
                  appointed as a bank holiday for the whole day the day so
                  appointed or specified shall be deemed to be the day preceding
                  the day so appointed or specified which is not in turn a
                  Saturday, Sunday or day so appointed as a holiday for the
                  whole day.

         1.10     If for any reason any provision or part of any provision of
                  this Agreement is unenforceable and cannot be construed so as
                  to be enforceable the remaining provisions hereof or part of
                  any provision shall nevertheless be carried into effect.


         2.1      The Company hereby appoints the Consultant to provide the
                  Specified Services during the Term.

         2.2      The Consultant hereby accepts such appointment.

         2.3      The Consultant shall carry out the Specified Services during
                  the Term.


         The Consultant shall provide such services to the Company, and any
         Related Corporation, as the Company may from time to time direct in
         relation to development of the Technologies ("the Specified Services")
         which services shall until otherwise agreed between the parties be
         those services stated in the Schedule hereto under the heading "Job
         Description". The Company may from time to time by a director
         authorised by the Board give directions in writing to the Consultant in
         respect of the manner of provision of the Specified Services but no
         such direction shall invalidate or affect anything done by the
         Consultant prior to such a direction being given.



         The Consultant's appointment under this Agreement shall be:

         4.1      with respect to the 2D to 3D/DDC Upgrades, for a period of 5
                  years commencing on the date of this Agreement;

         4.2      with respect to the Specified Services, other than 2D to
                  3D/DDC Upgrades, for a period commencing on the date of this
                  agreement and ending on 18 April 1996 provided however that
                  the period shall automatically be extended for a further 12
                  months from 18 April 1996 and from each succeeding anniversary
                  of that date unless either the Company or the Consultant give
                  to the other written notice of termination not less than sixty
                  (60) days prior to 18 April and provided further that both the
                  Consultant and the Company shall be at liberty at the election
                  of either of them to terminate this agreement with respect to
                  provision of the Specified Services other than the 2D to
                  3D/DDC Upgrades at any time, by one months prior written
                  notice after Task Completion.


         The Consultant shall in all respects comply with the reasonable written
         directions given to him by the Company in relation to development of
         the Technologies.


         6.1      The Consultant shall perform all of his obligations hereunder
                  and conduct all operations in a good, professional,
                  workmanlike and commercially reasonable manner with a standard
                  of diligence, competence and care appropriate in the
                  circumstances and in accordance with generally accepted
                  practices appropriate to the activities undertaken.

         6.2      In the discharge of his duties the Consultant will:

                  6.2.1    observe and comply with all reasonable written
                           resolutions, regulations and directions from time to
                           time made or given by the Board of Directors of the
                           Company or its authorised nominee director in
                           relation to development of the Technologies;


                  6.2.2    use his best endeavours at all time to promote and
                           develop the Business;

                  6.2.3    subject to clause 8.1 below, be free to devote his
                           time, energy and expertise, in such manner as he sees
                           fit provided however that any matter requiring urgent
                           attention in order to protect the interests of the
                           Company in relation to development of the
                           Technologies shall be given priority over the
                           Consultant's other interests so long as this does not
                           cause undue hardship to the Consultant.


         7.1      The Consultant shall not without the written consent of the
                  Company during the Term (including without limiting the
                  generality of the foregoing via corporate body, trust or other
                  entity) in any capacity engage in, or provide services to any
                  third party engaged in, any trade, business or occupation
                  which competes with the Business insofar as it relates to the
                  development of the Technologies.

         7.2      Subject to clause 7.1 nothing herein contained shall prevent
                  or be deemed to prevent the Consultant providing or agreeing
                  to provide consulting services to any other person or entity
                  as he herein agrees to provide to the Company or prevent the
                  carrying on of business.


         8.1      In consideration for carrying out the Specified Services,
                  other than the regular 2D to 3D/DDC Upgrades, for 35 hours per
                  week, or such other hours as are mutually agreed between the
                  parties in writing, during the first 8 months of the Term or
                  until Task Completion and thereafter such hours per week as
                  the Consultant considers appropriate, the Consultant shall be
                  paid during the Term Sixty dollars ($60) per hour worked ("the
                  Consulting Fee"). Hours worked beyond 35 hours per week
                  require the prior written approval of the Company.

         8.2      The Consultant shall keep and submit to the Company at the end
                  of each week daily timesheets recording the time spent by the
                  Consultant in fulfilling his duties under this agreement such
                  timesheets to be in such form and contain such information as


                  Company may reasonably specify from time to time.

         8.3      The Consulting Fee shall be paid by monthly instalments in
                  arrears by not later than seven days after the end of each
                  calendar month.

         8.4      The Consulting Fee shall be reviewed by the parties on 18
                  April 1996 then annually at the expiry of each successive year
                  of the Term and the Consulting Fee shall be increased by a
                  percentage not less than the percentage increase in the
                  Consumer Price Index for the previous twelve months period.

         8.5      In consideration for the services of the Consultant in
                  providing the assistance referred to in item 5 of the Schedule
                  with respect to the 2D to 3D Process and in using his best
                  endeavours to provide the 2D to 3D Upgrades fully documented,
                  the Company shall pay to the Consultant a fee of $500,000.00
                  ("the 2D to 3D Upgrade Fee") payable in maximum instalments of
                  $100,000.00 per annum out of the total gross annual income
                  receipts by Xenotech from commercial exploitation of the 2D to
                  3D Process ("the 2D to 3D Receipts") payable over 5 years or
                  until such time as the total 2D to 3D Upgrade Fee has been
                  paid in full, provided that the Consultant shall not be
                  entitled to receive more than $100,000.00 per annum in part
                  payment of the 2D to 3D Upgrade Fee and in the event that the
                  2D to 3D Receipts by Xenotech are less than $200,000.00 in any
                  particular year, the Consultant shall be entitled to receive
                  50% of the amount of such receipts.

         8.6      In consideration for the services of the Consultant in
                  providing the assistance referred to in item 5 of the Schedule
                  with respect to the DDC Process and in using his best
                  endeavours to provide the DDC Upgrades fully documented the
                  Company shall pay to the Consultant a fee of $500,000.00 ("the
                  DDC Upgrade Fee") payable in maximum instalments of
                  $100,000.00 per annum out of the total gross annual income
                  receipts by Xenotech from commercial exploitation of the DDC
                  Process ("the DDC Receipts") payable over 5 years or until
                  such time as the DDC Upgrade Fee has been paid in full,
                  provided that the Consultant shall not be entitled to receive
                  more than $100,000.00 per annum in part payment of the DDC
                  Upgrade Fee and in the event that the DDC Receipts by Xenotech
                  are less than $200,000.00 in any particular year, the
                  Consultant shall be entitled to receive 50% of the amount of
                  such receipts.


         8.7      Liability to pay the 2D to 3D Upgrade Fee and the DDC Upgrade
                  Fee ("the Upgrade Fees") or any outstanding balance of the
                  Upgrade Fees shall survive termination of this Agreement and
                  shall continue so long as Xenotech is reasonably able to
                  commercially exploit the 2D to 3D and DDC Processes and
                  receives remuneration for the same.

         8.8      Xenotech shall use its best endeavours to commercially exploit
                  the 2D to 3D and DDC Processes so as to achieve payment by the
                  Company to the Consultant of the Upgrade Fees within 5 years
                  from the date of this Agreement or as soon as practicable
                  after the 5 years.

         8.9      In the event that in any particular year the 2D to 3D Receipts
                  for that year exceed $200,000.00, the amount by which the said
                  receipts exceed $200,000.00 shall, for the purposes of this
                  clause, be added to and treated as part of the 2D to 3D
                  Receipts in the following year, to which the Consultant is
                  entitled to 50% subject to the limit of $100,000.00 per annum.

         8.10     In the event that in any particular year the DDC Receipts for
                  that year exceed $200,000.00, the amount by which the said
                  receipts exceed $200,000.00 shall, for the purposes of this
                  clause, be added to and treated as part of the DDC Receipts in
                  the following year, to which the Consultant is entitled to 50%
                  subject to the limit of $100,000.00 per annum.

         8.11     The Company is to maintain records of all 2D to 3D Receipts
                  and DDC Receipts and shall make those records available for
                  inspection by the Consultant for the purpose of calculating
                  the amount of the annual Upgrade Fees payable to him.

         8.12     Subject to the provisions of the 2D to 3D/DDC Deed of
                  Assignment and the 2D to 3D/DDC Licence Agreement in the event
                  that the Consultant develops improvements or alterations to
                  the Processes the beneficial right to same is automatically
                  vested in the Company and such improvements or alterations
                  shall be disclosed by the Consultant to the Company fully
                  documented as part of the 2D to 3D/DDC Upgrades.

         8.13     Payment by the Company of any part of the Upgrade Fees payable
                  to the Consultant shall be made on a quarterly basis provided
                  however that the Consultant shall not be entitled to receive
                  payment of any amount greater than 50% of the 2D to 3D


                  and the DDC Receipts in any quarter and subject to the maximum
                  specified in clauses 8.5 and 8.6.

         8.14     Any capital funds raised primarily in relation to either the
                  2D to 3D or DDC processes received by Xenotech, any Related
                  Corporation or company in which Xenotech has a relevant
                  interest, which are in excess of those required by it for the
                  purposes of meeting the costs reasonably expected to be
                  incurred in developing the Process or Processes to a
                  commercially exploitable stage, including reasonable marketing
                  costs and a costs contingency provision of up to 10%, are
                  deemed to form part of gross annual income receipts as defined
                  for the purposes of this Agreement.

         8.15     Xenotech or any other entity to which Clause 8.14 applies
                  shall produce a business plan for the purposes of any capital
                  raising in relation to the Process or Processes. The
                  Consultant shall be entitled to have full access, in advance
                  of any such capital raising, to such business plan, all other
                  documentation to be used by that entity for the purposes of
                  that capital raising and any other documentation relevant to
                  the determination of the costs reasonably expected to be
                  incurred as referred to in Clause 8.14.


         9.1      The Consultant shall be entitled to suspend his services for
                  up to 4 weeks within any 12 month period during the Term
                  accumulated at the rate of 0.416 days per 35 hours worked and
                  to be taken at such times as may be selected by the Consultant
                  and approved by the Company such approval not to be
                  unreasonably withheld.

         9.2      At the discretion of the Consultant part or all of the annual
                  period of suspension of service may be accrued from year to
                  year up to a maximum of 12 weeks entitlement at any time and
                  thereafter the Consultant's entitlement to any further accrued
                  suspension of services shall, unless the Company otherwise
                  determines, lapse.

         9.3      The Consultant shall be entitled to take no more than 8 weeks
                  of such accumulated entitlement within any 12 month period
                  unless the Company determines otherwise.

         9.4      The Consultant shall not be obliged to provide his services
                  during such period as he is disabled by illness from so doing
                  and supplies a certificate from a medical practitioner


                  to this effect.


         Except to the extent required by law the Company shall be under no
         obligation to make any contribution or provision for superannuation
         benefits with respect to the Consultant.


         The Company (in addition to the Consulting Fee) shall be responsible
         for all reasonable travelling and accommodation costs and other
         reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the Consultant, with the
         prior written approval of the Company, in carrying out the Specified
         Services. It is a condition precedent to the entitlement of the
         Consultant to the reimbursement of each such cost that the Consultant
         produce to the Company vouchers receipts or other appropriate evidence
         of the incurring of the cost or expense. Reimbursement is to be made to
         the Consultant by the Company not later than 7 days after production by
         the Consultant of the said vouchers, receipts or other appropriate
         evidence of the cost incurred.


         12.1     The Consultant hereby covenants and agrees that all knowledge,
                  experience, know-how, expertise and information relating to
                  the Technologies ("the Trade Secrets") is valuable
                  confidential property of the Company and the Consultant shall
                  not, and shall ensure that no employee or agent of the
                  Consultant shall, either during the continuance of this
                  Agreement or for a period of 5 years thereafter, except in the
                  proper course of his duties under this Agreement and as a
                  director of Xenotech Inc or with the prior written consent of
                  the Company, use or divulge to any person, and shall use his
                  best endeavours to prevent the publication or disclosure of,
                  any trade secret of the Company or any information concerning
                  the Business, the Technologies or the finances of the Company
                  or any of its dealings transactions or affairs which may come
                  to the knowledge of the Consultant during the course of this
                  Agreement, and shall keep such Trade Secrets and information

         12.2     The following acts shall not constitute a breach of confidence
                  by the Consultant:


                  12.2.1   disclosure to employees or agents or sub-contractors
                           of either party as may be necessary to effectively
                           carry out the terms of this Agreement (the party
                           engaging any such employee or agent or subcontractor
                           is to take reasonable precautions against any further
                           disclosure or non-authorised use by that employee or
                           agent or subcontractor);

                  12.2.2   disclosure to the extent required by any law
                           applicable to the Consultant or by any authority or
                           regulatory body having jurisdiction over the

                  12.2.3   disclosure to the extent that it can be shown that
                           the material disclosed had, at the time of disclosure
                           and through no wrongful act on the part of the
                           Consultant, his employees or agents, already come
                           within the public domain or had generally become
                           known within the relevant industry.


         13.1 The Consultant hereby covenants and agrees with the Company that:-

                  13.1.1   copyright in all things in relation to development of
                           the Technologies produced by the Consultant in the
                           course of performing the Specified Services,
                           including without limitation information recorded on
                           computer disc or tape, audio tape or in writing,
                           shall vest in and become the property of the Company
                           immediately the thing is produced;

                  13.1.2   he shall use his best endeavours to ensure that all
                           information produced by the Consultant in the course
                           of performance of the Specified Services and recorded
                           on computer tape or disc shall be written in a
                           computer language which is compatible with the
                           computer equipment commonly used by the Company so
                           that it may be readily accessed by the Company using
                           computer equipment in the possession of the Company;

                  13.1.3   subject to the provisions of the 2D to 3D/DDC Licence
                           Agreement ownership of anything falling within the
                           definition of, or related to, the Technologies
                           developed, conceived or acquired by any means


                           whatsoever by or on behalf of the Consultant during
                           the course of this Agreement shall be deemed to be
                           immediately vested in the Company and the Consultant
                           shall have no right or interest therein whatsoever
                           including any right to use in any way for the benefit
                           of the Consultant.

         13.2     The Company may, at its complete discretion, reward the
                  Consultant as the Company deems appropriate for any invention
                  made or other outstanding contribution to the development of
                  the Technologies.


         14.1     In addition to termination pursuant to clause 4.2 this
                  Agreement may be terminated by the Company by one month's
                  notice in writing to the Consultant if at any time during the
                  term of this Agreement:-

                  14.1.1   the Consultant is in the reasonable opinion of the
                           Company guilty of such grave misconduct in respect of
                           the provision of the Specified Services that the
                           Consultant must be deemed to have repudiated this

                  14.1.2   the Consultant is in default under the terms of this
                           Agreement and the Company has given the Consultant
                           notice in writing specifying the event or events of
                           default and the Consultant has failed to remedy
                           such default within 21 days of receipt of the notice.


         15.1     The Consultant may, in addition to termination pursuant to
                  clause 4.2, terminate this Agreement pursuant to clause 14.1.2
                  as if "Company" is read as "Consultant" and vice versa.

         15.2     The Consultant may terminate this agreement forthwith in the
                  event that XI, XA or the Company is placed into liquidation
                  other than voluntary liquidation for the purposes of
                  reconstructing the Xenotech Group.

16.      The Company may not unreasonably restrict or hinder the Consultant in
         his performance of


         the Specified Services.


         17.1     The Consultant shall as soon as practicable and in any event
                  within 5 days of the date of termination of this Agreement
                  deliver up to the Company at the address of the registered
                  office for the Company all books, papers, audio, video and
                  computer tapes, computer discs and other documents of whatever
                  sort in the possession or control of the Consultant relating
                  to the Business or the affairs of the Company and each and
                  every other item of property of the Company. The said audio,
                  video and computer tapes and discs shall be delivered up with
                  all information recorded thereon as at the date of termination
                  intact and without erasure. Provided however that with respect
                  to those audio, video and computer tapes and discs brought
                  into existence by the Consultant, trading as Elite Research
                  and Development, prior to 24 June 1993 copies only are
                  required to be delivered up.

         17.2     The Consultant's obligations and the Company's Rights
                  specified in clauses 8.12, 8.14, 8.15, 12.1, 13.1.1, 13.1.3
                  and 28 shall survive termination of this Agreement.

18.      GUARANTEE

         The Guarantors in consideration for the entry by the Consultant into
         this Agreement hereby guarantee the performance by the Company of its
         obligations to the Consultant with respect to the Consulting Fee and
         the Upgrade Fees.


         In the event of any dispute arising as to the interpretation or
         application of this Agreement the dispute shall be first referred to an
         independent arbitrator to be selected by mutual agreement between the
         parties. In the absence of agreement the dispute shall be referred to
         Queens Counsel, appointed by the President of the Law Society of
         Western Australia, who shall act as an arbitrator.



         Neither the Consultant nor the Company may assign their rights and
         obligations or any part thereof under this Agreement without the prior
         written consent of all parties to the Agreement which consent shall not
         be unreasonably refused.

21.      PROPER LAW

         This Agreement shall be governed by and construed according to the laws
         of Western Australia and the parties hereby submit to the jurisdiction
         of any competent court of Western Australia able to entertain claims
         arising hereunder.

22.      COSTS

         All costs incidental to the preparation and stamping of this Agreement
         shall be paid by the Company.


         This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties
         hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes and
         replaces any and all prior agreements or understandings, written or
         oral, express or implied, between the parties hereto concerning and
         relating to any and all of the subjects and contents hereof.

24.      VARIATION

         This agreement shall not be changed or modified in any way except in
         writing executed by both the Company and the Consultant.

25.      AUTHORITY

         Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, the Consultant shall not
         without the consent of the Company at any time make any representation
         that the Consultant has authority to represent or bind the Company.

26.      NOTICES


         Any notice, offer, request, payment or demand required or permitted to
         be given under the Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed
         sufficiently served if delivered in person or by telex or telegraph or
         facsimile or sent by security postage prepaid (and air mail if sent
         from outside the State of the addressee) and addressed in the case of
         the parties to their addresses aforesaid or to the latest address a
         party shall have specified in a written notice given to the other
         party. Notices given or payments made by security post as aforesaid
         shall be deemed to have been given or made three (3) days after posting
         and in the case of telex or telegraph or facsimile will be deemed to
         have been given or made on the next business day in Western Australia
         following the day of transmission. A notice, offer, request or demand
         may be signed by a director, secretary, manager of or solicitor for a
         party giving notice.

27.      SEVERANCE

         In the event of any part of this Deed being or becoming void or
         unenforceable whether due to the provisions of any statute or otherwise
         then that part shall be severed from this Deed to the intent that all
         parts that shall not be or become void or unenforceable shall remain in
         full force and effect and be unaffected by any such severance.

28.      Xenotech may not dispose of any right title or interest in the
         Processes to any natural person for other than arms length
         consideration and in relation to a Related Corporation or other entity
         in which Xenotech holds a relevant interest may not dispose of any such
         right, title or interest unless that corporation or other entity shall
         have first entered into a deed binding it to perform the obligations
         with respect to the Processes which Xenotech owes to the Consultant
         under this Agreement.

DULY EXECUTED as at the date of this Deed.

THE COMMON SEAL of XENOTECH                          )
RESEARCH PTY LTD                                     )
ACN 060 154 912 was hereunto affixed                 )
by authority of the Directors in the                 )
presence of:                                         )





Per __________________

Per __________________

THE COMMON SEAL of                                   )
XENOTECH AUSTRALIA PTY LTD                           )
ACN 060 154 949 was hereunto affixed                 )
by authority of the Directors in the                 )
presence of:                                         )



SIGNED BY the said                          )
ANGUS DUNCAN RICHARDS                       )
in the presence of:                         )





                                  THE SCHEDULE

                                 JOB DESCRIPTION


1.       During the first eight months of the Term:

         (a)      To conduct ongoing invention, into the Technologies and plan
                  and design research and development programs and steps with
                  respect to the Technologies.

         (b)      By means of 1(a) to assist to expedite the completion of the
                  Samsung prototype as rapidly and effectively as possible with
                  a view to ensuring that XA can receive the $750,000 fee due to
                  it from Samsung upon successful completion of the prototype.

         (c)      By means of 1(a) to use his best endeavours to assist to
                  expedite the research, development and commercialisation of
                  the 2D to 3D and DDC Processes.

         (d)      To monitor the work of other research staff of the Company and
                  to provide advice and reports to the Project Manpower Manager
                  as to research and development steps to be taken.

         (e)      Within the context of 1(a) attending to the implementation of
                  decisions of the Board of Directors of the Company in relation
                  to the development of the Technologies.

2.       During the Term:

         (a)      As requested by the Company, and provided the Consultant is
                  given reasonable notice and that the request does not cause
                  undue hardship to the Consultant, to conduct or assist in
                  negotiations in order;

                  (i)      to attract investment funds into, or venture partners
                           with the Company;

                  (ii)     to promote, market or sell products, know-how and
                           licences available from the Company;

                  (iii)    to contract the services of qualified staff or
                           consultants as needed and on such terms and
                           conditions as agreed by the Board of Directors.

         (b)      To use his best endeavours to provide regular 2D to
                  3D/DDC Upgrades.

3.       Within 2 days of the date of this deed provide to the Company in
         writing details of a proposal developed by the Consultant for
         expediting the research and development, at nominal cost to Xenotech,
         of the 2D to 3D Process.

4.       Within 28 days of the date of this deed provide to the Company in
         writing a concept disclosure describing the underlying principles for
         the Processes, Macro 3D, 3D transmission using standard TV Bandwidth,
         Split Screen 3D, PQE his concept for a multiviewer autostereoscopic
         display system and his concept for a very compact computer-monitor
         sized autostereoscopic display.


5.       To co-operate fully with the patent attorneys appointed by the Company
         to assist in drafting as soon as practicable the specifications in
         relation to the 2D to 3D Process, DDC Process, Macro 3D (as described
         in the Listing Application the Feasibility Report and the Business
         Plan) and split screen 3D (as described in the Report by the Company to
         XA headed "Project Options and Strategies") for any patentable products
         arising with respect to those processes.
