Exhibit 3(9)

                              BOSTON TOWER PTY LTD
                                (ACN 071 187 187)

                                 ("the Lessor")

                                     - and -

                                (ACN 060 154 949)

                                 ("the Lessee")

                                     - and -


                                ("the Guarantor")


                      6-8 BRODIE HALL DRIVE TECHNOLOGY PARK


                                Solomon Brothers
                            Level 40, Exchange Plaza
                         2 The Esplanade, Perth WA 6000
                          Ph: 9221 5888 Fax: 9221 5955
                              Ref: BCD/DHS/6480150

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

Clause            Subject Matter

1.                Interpretation
2.                Lease and Rent
3.                Lessee's Covenants
    3.1           Payment of Rent
    3.2           Outgoings
    3.3           Power Telephone and Other Services
    3.4           Payment of Costs
    3.5           Indemnities
    3.6           Insurance
    3.7           Evidence of Insurance and Renewal
    3.8           Voiding Insurance Policies
    3.9           Hazards
    3.10          Repairs and Maintenance
    3.11          Painting
    3.12          Cleaning
    3.13          Further Repairs and Maintenance
    3.14          Malfunctions in the Premises
    3.15          Protection of Floor coverings
    3.16          No alterations or Additions
    3.17          Legislation Orders and Regulations
    3.18          Permitting Lessor to Enter and Inspect
    3.19          Lessor's Rights to Repair
    3.20          Air-Conditioning Plant
    3.21          No Auction Sales
    3.22          No Overloading
    3.23          No Sign Antenna or Amplifier
    3.24          Keeping Authorised Signs in Good Order
    3.25          Nuisance
    3.26          Equipment Restrictions
    3.27          No Dropping or Throwing
    3.28          Sanitary Appliances
    3.29          Use of Premise
    3.30          Town Planning
    3.31          Lessee's Representative
    3.32          Access to Premises
    3.33          Assignment and Subletting
    3.34          Lessee's Liabilities to Continue

    3.35          Caveats
    3.36          Give Notices
    3.37          Permit Intending Tenants or Purchasers to Inspect
    3.38          Remove Fixtures and Fittings
    3.39          Keep Secure
    3.40          Yield Up
4.                Lessor's Covenants
    4.1           Quiet Enjoyment
    4.2           Mortgagee's Consent
    4.3           Lessor's Consent
    4.4           Lessor entering the Premises
    4.5           Payment of Outgoings Not the Responsibility of the Lessee
    4.6           Structural Repairs
    4.7           Structural Works
5.                Mutual Covenants
    5.1           Damages
    5.2           Default Provisions
    5.3           Essential Terms
    5.4           Damage to the Premises
    5.5           Exclusion of Warranties
    5.6           Ownership of Fixtures and Fittings
    5.7           Holding Over
    5.8           Moratorium
    5.9           Severance
    5.10          Waiver
    5.11          Service of Notices
    5.12          Option of Renewal
    5.13          Arbitration
    5.14          Special Conditions
    5.15          State Planning Commission Approval
    5.16          Governing Law
    5.17          Strata Titles Act
    5.18          Common Areas, Variable Outgoings
6.                Power of Attorney
7.                Guarantee
    7.1           Guarantee and Indemnity
    7.2           Unlimited Liability
    7.3           Continuing Guarantee and Indemnity
    7.4           Preservation of Guarantor's Liability
    7.5           Suspension of Guarantor's Rights
    7.6           No Deduction from Payments

    7.7           Payments in Gross
    7.8           Securities
    7.9           Other Securities and Obligations of Guarantor
    7.10          Ownership of this Document
    7.11          Non-Liability of other Persons
    7.12          Reinstatement of the Lessor's Rights
    7.13          Notices
    7.14          Certificate as to the Secured Moneys
    7.15          Application of Moneys
    7.16          Acknowledgment by Guarantor
    7.17          Interpretation

                  The Schedule

THIS LEASE is made on the         day         19  .


BOSTON TOWER PTY LTD (ACN 071 187 187) of 11 Grove End Ridge Mt. Claremont in
the State of Western Australia ("the Lessor");

- - and -

DYNAMIC DIGITAL DEPTH (AUSTRALIA) PTY LTD (ACN 060 154 949) of 41 Walters Drive,
Herdsman Business Park, Osborne Park in the State of Western Australia ("the

- - and -

DYNAMIC DIGITAL DEPTH INCORPORATED of care of Suite 1600, 407 Second Street,
S.W. Calgary, Canada ("the Guarantor").


A.       The Lessor is the registered proprietor of an estate in fee simple in
         the Land on which is constructed the Premises.

B.       At the request of the Guarantor and the Lessee the Lessor has agreed to
         lease and the Lessee has agreed to take on lease the Premises for the
         Term on the terms and conditions contained herein.



    1.1      In this Lease unless the context otherwise requires the following
             terms shall have the following meanings:

             "AIR-CONDITIONING PLANT" means any plant, machinery or equipment
             for heating, cooling or circulating air or water provided or
             installed in the Premises by the Lessor;

             "COMMENCEMENT DATE" means the date specified in Item 2 of the

             "COMMON PROPERTY" means the common property comprised in the Strata

             "CORPORATION" means any body corporate;

             "CURRENT MARKET RENTAL VALUE" means the current market rental value
             specified in Item 9 of the Schedule;

             "EXPIRATION DATE" means the date specified in Item 2 of the

             "EXTENDED TERM" means the term (if any) specified in Item 7 of the

             "FITOUT WORKS" means those works to be carried out by the Lessee to
             prepare the Premises

             for occupation and use by the Lessee, details of which shall be set
             out in plans and specifications to be approved by the parties and
             signed by them to evidence their approval;

             "GUARANTOR" if a natural person includes the Guarantor and the
             executors and administrators of the Guarantor and if a corporation
             includes the successors and assigns of the Guarantor;

             "INSTITUTE OF VALUERS" means the Australian Institute of Valuers
             and Land Economists (Inc.) (Western Australian Division) or if that
             body should cease to exist any other body which the Lessor may
             notify the Lessee in writing from time to time is to be the
             Institute of Valuers for the purposes of this Lease;

             "LAND" means the land specified in Item 1 of the Schedule;

             "LEASE" means this lease and the Schedule;

             "LESSEE" if a natural person includes the Lessee and the executors
             administrators and permitted assigns of the Lessee and if a
             Corporation includes the Lessee and its successors and permitted
             assigns and in either case where not repugnant to the context
             includes the Lessee's Employees or Visitors;

             "LESSEE'S COVENANTS" means the covenants terms and conditions
             herein expressed or implied to be observed or performed by the

             "LESSEE'S EMPLOYEES OR VISITORS" means every employee of the Lessee
             and the Lessee's agents customers clients visitors invitees
             licensees contractors and any other person at any time upon the

             "LESSEE'S FITTINGS" means all those fixtures, fittings and
             furnishings comprising part of the Fitout Works;

             "LESSOR" means the Lessor and its successors and assigns and where
             not repugnant to the context its employees and agents;

             "LESSOR'S AGENT" means any Person or Corporation which the Lessor
             may from time to time notify the Lessee in writing is an agent of
             the Lessor;

             "LESSOR'S EXPENSES" means the Lessor's expenses of operating,
             repairing, or maintaining a building of which the Premises forms a

             "LESSOR'S PURPOSES" means the passage or flow of water gas fuel
             electricity sewerage garbage sullage air conditioning heating
             cooling and ventilation telephone public address fire detection and
             protection and other services in or about or through above or below
             the Premises;

             "LOCAL OR PUBLIC AUTHORITY" means every Governmental or
             Semi-Governmental body, authority or commission, Municipal Council,
             Health Board, Health Commissioner, Water Authority, Water Sewerage
             and Drainage Board, Metropolitan Water Board, Fire Brigades Board,
             Insurance Council and every and any other board person or authority
             whatsoever now or hereafter exercising under any Act or by-law any
             control or jurisdiction over or

             power in connection with the Premises or any part thereof or
             with any business now or hereafter carried on thereon or with any
             water gas fuel electricity sewerage garbage sullage heating cooling
             ventilation or other services in or about the Premises and every
             officer or person acting under the authority of any Act by-law or
             Local or Public Authority;

             "OUTGOINGS" means the outgoings specified in Item 8 of the

             "PERSON" means a natural person or corporation;

             "PREMISES" means the premises (if any) specified in Item 1 of the
             Schedule erected on the land together with the fixtures fittings
             chattels furnishings plant machinery and equipment of the Lessor
             (if any) therein from time to time details of which or some of
             which are specified in Item 1 of the Schedule;

             "PRESCRIBED RATE" means the rate of interest specified in Item 4 of
             the Schedule;

             "RENT" means the rent specified in Item 3 of the Schedule as
             subsequently reviewed and varied pursuant to the provisions of this

             "RENT REVIEW DATE" means each of the dates specified in Item 5 of
             the Schedule;

             "SCHEDULE" means the schedule to this Lease;

             "STRATA COMPANY" means the owners of the building and its
             successors created upon the registration of the Strata Plan;

             "STRATA COMPANY BY-LAWS" means Parts I and II of the By-laws of the
             Strata Company as adopted by the Strata Company and includes any
             amendments thereto;

             "STRATA PLAN" means a Strata Plan registered or to be registered
             pursuant to the provisions of the Strata Titles Act and all matters
             contained or endorsed upon or annexed to the Strata Plan and
             includes any amendments thereof;

             "TERM" means the term of this Lease specified in Item 2 of the
             Schedule which term shall commence on the Commencement Date and
             expire on the Expiration Date and includes any extension or renewal
             of the Term; and

             "VALUER" or "VALUERS" means a valuer of not less than five (5)
             years experience in valuing commercial properties who is a member
             of the Institute of Valuers nominated by the President for the time
             being of the Institute of Valuers at the request of the Lessor.

    1.2      In this Lease unless the context otherwise requires:

             1.2.1        a reference to any Act shall include all amendments or
                          re-enactments thereof for the time being in force;

             1.2.2        any covenant entered into by more than one person
                          shall be deemed to have been entered into by them and
                          any two or more of them jointly and by each of them
                          severally; and

             1.2.3        the captions and the headings to the Clauses of this
                          Lease are for index purposes only and this Lease is to
                          be read and construed as though the captions and
                          headings were not part of this Lease and without
                          reference to the captions and headings.

    1.3      The covenants herein on the part of the Lessee to be performed and
             observed shall be deemed to be made by the Lessee to the intent
             that such obligations may continue throughout the whole of the Term
             and during any period of holding over and be binding upon and
             enforceable not only against the Lessee but also against any
             occupier whomsoever for the time being of the Premises or any part

2.           LEASE AND RENT

    2.1      LEASE

             The Lessor leases to and the Lessee takes the Premises for the Term
             subject to the covenants implied by the Transfer of Land Act 1893
             except as herein amended or negatived and upon and subject to the
             terms, covenants, conditions and stipulations contained herein
             PROVIDED THAT (without limiting any other right hereby granted or
             becoming vested in the Lessor) the Lessor shall be entitled to
             access to and the rights reserved in respect of the Premises in the
             terms hereof.

    2.2      RENT

             The Lessee shall pay the Rent for the Premises to the Lessor in the
             manner provided in clause 3.1.


             The Rent shall be paid in advance by equal monthly instalments on
             the dates specified in Item 3 of the Schedule.

    2.4      RENT REVIEW

             [intentionally deleted]


             The Lessee COVENANTS with the Lessor that:

    3.1      PAYMENT OF RENT

             The Rent shall be paid by the Lessee free of deductions to the
             Lessor at the times, in the manner and at the address in Perth
             referred to in Item 3 of the Schedule or to such other place or to
             such agent or to such bank or other financial institution account
             as the Lessor shall from time to time specify by notice in writing
             to the Lessee.

    3.2      OUTGOINGS

             3.2.1        The Lessee shall throughout the Term duly and
                          punctually pay the Outgoings.

                          Where any Outgoings are not separately assessed or
                          charged in respect of the Premises the Lessee shall
                          pay the same proportion thereof as the area of the
                          Premises bears to the net lettable area of the land or
                          premises the subject of the assessment or charge. At
                          the commencement of the Term and at the expiration or
                          sooner determination thereof the Outgoings shall (if
                          necessary) be apportioned as between the Lessor and
                          the Lessee.

             3.2.2        In connection with payment of the Outgoings the Lessor
                          may serve on the Lessee notice of the Outgoings or any
                          of them and the Lessee shall pay to the Lessor (or as
                          the Lessor may otherwise direct) the amount of the
                          Outgoings stated in the notice and shall indemnify and
                          keep indemnified the Lessor against all claims,
                          penalties, fines or charges arising from late payment
                          of any of the Outgoings.


             3.3.1        The Lessee shall pay not later than the due date for
                          payment specified in the first account or demand
                          received in respect thereof all charges for water,
                          excess water, gas, electricity, fuel, telephone or
                          other services, utilities or facilities (in respect of
                          meter rental use or consumption calls reconnection
                          relocation or otherwise) relating to the Premises or
                          the use or occupation thereof.

    3.4      PAYMENT OF COSTS

             The Lessee shall pay on demand to the Lessor:

             3.4.1        all reasonable legal costs charges and expenses
                          incurred by the Lessor as a result of or attributable
                          to any default by the Lessee in observing or
                          performing any of the Lessee's Covenants including
                          without limitation all costs charges expenses and fees
                          relating to the preparation and service of a notice
                          under Section 81 of the Property Law Act 1969
                          requiring the Lessee to remedy any breach of any of
                          the Lessee's covenants notwithstanding that forfeiture
                          for the breach shall be avoided otherwise than by
                          relief granted by the Court;

             3.4.2        the costs of the Lessor's solicitors of and incidental
                          to the instructions for and drawing and engrossing and
                          stamping and registering this Lease and all
                          counterparts thereof and all negotiations and drafts
                          in respect thereto;

             3.4.3        interest at the Prescribed Rate on all Rent and other
                          moneys payable by the Lessee to the Lessor under this
                          Lease but unpaid for more than fourteen (14) days from
                          the respective due date computed on a daily basis on
                          the amount from time to time remaining owing from and
                          including the due date until the date of payment.

    3.5      INDEMNITIES

             The Lessee shall use occupy and keep the Premises at the risk of
             the Lessee in all respects and releases to the full extent
             permitted by law the Lessor its employees agents and contractors
             from all costs claims actions proceedings demands expenses
             judgments damages or losses of any kind whatever resulting from or
             attributable to any accident damage loss death or injury occurring
             at in or on or in the vicinity of the Premises except to the extent

             that the same is caused by any act, neglect, default or omission on
             the part of the Lessor its employees agents or contractors. Without
             limiting the generality of the foregoing the Lessee shall indemnify
             and keep indemnified the Lessor from and against:

             3.5.1        all costs claims actions proceedings demands expenses
                          judgments damages and losses suffered or incurred by
                          the Lessor in connection with or resulting from the
                          loss of life of or personal injury to any person or
                          damage to any property wherever occurring arising from
                          or out of or attributable to any occurrence in or
                          about the Premises occasioned wholly or in part by any
                          act neglect default or omission by the Lessee or any
                          of the Lessee's Employees or Visitors at in or on or
                          in the vicinity of the Premises; and

             3.5.2        any damage to the Premises or any other land or
                          building or other property arising from or
                          attributable to the negligent use or misuse by the
                          Lessee or any of the Lessee's Employees or Visitors of
                          any fixtures and fittings furnishings plant or
                          equipment used or required in connection with the
                          Lessor's Purposes or to the negligent use, misuse,
                          waste or abuse of the water, gas, fuel, electricity,
                          or other services or utilities or facilities in the

    3.6      INSURANCE

             3.6.1        Notwithstanding Item 8(b) of the Schedule the Lessee
                          shall at the Lessee's expense effect and at all times
                          maintain with a public insurance office approved by
                          the Lessor on behalf of the Lessee and the Lessor for
                          their respective rights and interests:

                      a policy to cover all plate glass (if
                                       any) in the Premises against damage or
                                       destruction to the full insurable value
                                       thereof; and

                      a public liability policy with a cover of
                                       not less than TEN MILLION DOLLARS
                                       ($10,000,000) or any increased sum which
                                       the Lessor may from time to time specify
                                       in respect of any one occurrence. The
                                       policy of insurance shall cover all
                                       claims demands proceedings judgments
                                       damages costs and losses of any nature
                                       whatsoever in connection with the loss of
                                       life of and or personal injury to any
                                       person and or damage to any property
                                       (wheresoever occurring) arising from or
                                       out of any occurrence at or in the
                                       vicinity of the Premises or any part
                                       thereof or occasioned wholly or in part
                                       by any act neglect default or omission by
                                       the Lessee or by the Lessee's Employees
                                       or Visitors.

             3.6.2        All moneys recovered in respect of any insurance under
                          paragraphs and above shall be
                          forthwith expended by the Lessee in the satisfaction
                          reinstatement or replacement of those items for which
                          the moneys are received to the extent that those
                          moneys are sufficient for the purpose and the Lessee
                          shall make up any deficiency from the Lessee's own


             The Lessee shall pay not later than the date for payment specified
             in the first premium

             notice or demand received in respect thereof all premiums in
             respect of the insurances to be effected and maintained by the
             Lessee as herein provided and on demand shall produce any evidence
             of the policies and of the renewal thereof which the Lessor may
             from time to time require.


             The Lessee shall not at any time during the Term do, permit or
             suffer to be done any act matter or thing upon the Premises whereby
             any insurances in respect of the Premises may be vitiated or
             rendered void or voidable or whereby the rate of premium on any
             insurance shall be liable to be increased. If the Lessee shall do
             or permit to be done any act matter or thing which has the effect
             of invalidating or avoiding any policy of insurance taken out by
             the Lessor or the Lessee then the Lessee shall be responsible for
             any damage or loss which they may suffer or incur as a result
             thereof and shall pay to the Lessor any increased amount of premium
             over the existing premium which may be charged on any insurance
             covering the Premises (and anything contained therein) if the
             increased amount is caused by the nature of the business from time
             to time carried on by the Lessee or other occupier of the Premises
             or by reason of any act or omission of the Lessee or other occupier
             of the Premises.

    3.9      HAZARDS

             The Lessee shall not without obtaining the Lessor's prior written
             consent bring onto or keep or permit to be brought onto or kept in
             or about the Premises any article thing or substance of a dangerous
             hazardous or inflammable nature or permit any conduct in or about
             the Premises which shall or may increase the rate of any premium
             payable in respect of any policy of insurance in relation to the
             Premises. If:

             3.9.1        in contravention of the above any policy of insurance
                          is invalidated avoided or the payment of any moneys
                          thereunder refused then without prejudice to any other
                          claims or rights of the Lessor against the Lessee or
                          any other person in respect thereof the Lessee shall
                          pay on demand the full amount of any damage loss or
                          deficiency as the case may be incurred by the Lessor
                          as a result of or attributable to the breach; and

             3.9.2        as a result of a contravention of the above any extra
                          premium shall be payable in respect of any insurance
                          policy the Lessee shall forthwith pay all extra


             The Lessee shall at the Lessee's expense:

             3.10.1       keep the Premises and all additions thereto the
                          exterior and interior entrances thereto and all plate
                          glass (if any) all sewerage water electrical and
                          plumbing installations fixtures and fittings all
                          Air-Conditioning Plant floor coverings windows
                          partitions fixtures fittings plant equipment and
                          furnishings including doors door locks and fittings
                          therein clean and in good substantial and functional
                          repair order and condition (damage by fair wear and
                          tear or any risk insured against to the extent of the
                          moneys recovered under any insurance cover


             3.10.2       repair and make good any damage to the Premises or any
                          fixtures and fittings furnishings plant and equipment
                          respectively comprised therein resulting from or
                          attributable to the want of care negligence misuse or
                          abuse by the Lessee or any of the Lessee's Employees
                          or Visitors or from any breach of any of the Lessee's
                          Covenants; and

             3.10.3       replace forthwith in the Premises all electric light
                          fittings light bulbs globes and fluorescent tubes
                          which may become damaged broken or which shall fail to

             Provided that nothing in this clause shall require the Lessee to
             carry out any structural or capital maintenance, replacement or
             repair except where rendered necessary by any act or omission of
             the Lessee or the Lessee's Employee's or Visitors or where any
             structural or capital maintenance replacement or repair is
             necessary by virtue of any works carried out to the Premises by the
             Lessee or caused to be carried out by the Lessee.

    3.11     PAINTING

             Unless specified to the contrary in Item 10 of the Schedule during
             the final two (2) months of the Term or upon the earlier
             determination of the Term and if the Term is extended or renewed
             during the last two (2) months of any extended or renewed term or
             upon the earlier determination thereof the Lessee shall paint,
             paper and decorate all those parts of the interior and exterior of
             the Premises as have been previously painted papered or decorated
             in a good and tradesmanlike manner and with good quality and
             suitable materials in colours and designs previously approved of by
             the Lessor.

    3.12     CLEANING

             The Lessee shall at the Lessee's expense:

             3.12.1       keep the Premises and its entrances and surrounds in a
                          thorough state of cleanliness and not allow to
                          accumulate or remain therein or thereabouts any
                          discarded rubbish papers cartons boxes containers or
                          other waste products and shall leave rubbish
                          containers outside the Premises only in those areas
                          and at those times and for those periods from time to
                          time prescribed for that purpose by the Lessor;

             3.12.2       keep the Premises free and clear of all rodents vermin
                          insects birds animals termites and other pests and if
                          the Lessee fails to do so the Lessee shall if and so
                          often as necessary employ pest exterminators approved
                          by the Lessor to carry out the necessary work; and

             3.12.3       if required by the Lessor permit access by any
                          cleaning contractor and its employees and
                          sub-contractors nominated by the Lessor to the
                          Premises at all necessary times for cleaning purposes.


             The Lessee shall at the Lessee's expense:

             3.13.1       employ forthwith upon the same becoming necessary such
                          qualified tradesmen or contractors approved by the
                          Lessor to remedy any malfunction in any fixtures
                          fittings furnishings plant and equipment;

             3.13.2       clean regularly any grease traps (whether within the
                          Premises or not) serving the Premises;

             3.13.3       keep and maintain all gardens, lawns, court yards,
                          grounds and yards (if any) in a good, clean, neat and
                          tidy state of repair and condition; and

             3.13.4       keep the Lessor indemnified in respect of all the
                          matters referred to in paragraphs 3.13.1, 3.13.2 and
                          3.13.3 above,

             Provided that nothing in this clause shall require the Lessee to
             carry out any structural or capital maintenance, replacement or
             repair except where rendered necessary by any act or omission of
             the Lessee or the Lessee's Employee's or Visitors or where any
             structural or capital maintenance replacement or repair is
             necessary by virtue of any works carried out to the Premises by the
             Lessee or caused to be carried out by the Lessee.


             The Lessee shall pay to the Lessor forthwith upon demand the
             reasonable cost of remedying any malfunction in or damage to any of
             the Lessor's fixtures fittings furnishings plant and equipment in
             the Premises caused by or contributed to by any act neglect or
             default on the part of the Lessee or the Lessee's Employees or


             3.15.1       The Lessee shall at the Lessee's expense:

                     keep and maintain any floor coverings
                                       from time to time installed by the Lessor
                                       in the Premises in good clean and
                                       substantial repair and condition (damage
                                       by fair wear and tear and by any risk
                                       insured against to the extent of the
                                       moneys recovered under any insurance
                                       cover excepted); and

                     protect the floor coverings from
                                       excessive wear by the provision of any
                                       protective devices which the Lessor may
                                       from time to time reasonably require.

             3.15.2       The Lessee shall not without obtaining the prior
                          written approval of the Lessor cut alter or replace
                          any floor coverings installed by the Lessor in the
                          Premises or install any other floor coverings therein.


             3.16.1       The Lessee shall not without obtaining the prior
                          written approval of the Lessor and all necessary Local
                          or Public Authorities (which approval shall not be

                         unreasonably withheld):

                     make or permit to be made any alterations
                                       or additions in the construction or
                                       arrangement of the Premises (including
                                       without limitation any partitions or any
                                       major plumbing electrical airconditioning
                                       emergency or other installations or
                                       services in or used in connection with
                                       the Premises);

                     cut maim or injure any of the walls roofs
                                       partitions timbers doors or floors of the
                                       Premises; or

                          provided that the Lessee may at any time and from time
                          to time erect or install any internal partitions
                          fixtures or fittings in the Premises without having to
                          obtain the prior written approval of the Lessor.

             3.16.2       Any works approved by the Lessor shall be carried out:

                     only by contractors or tradesmen approved
                                       of by the Lessor (which approval shall
                                       not be unreasonably withheld) and in
                                       accordance with plans specifications and
                                       schedules of works materials and finishes
                                       approved in writing by the Lessor before
                                       any works are commenced; and

                     at the Lessee's expense in all respects
                                       including the reasonable costs of any
                                       architects builders or other qualified
                                       persons consulted by the Lessor in
                                       considering any proposals and in
                                       examining the progress and completion
                                       thereof and all costs in relation to the
                                       relocation or alteration of or adjustment
                                       to any major plumbing electrical
                                       air-conditioning emergency or other
                                       installations and services affected by
                                       those works.


             3.17.1       The Lessee shall at the Lessee's expense duly and
                          punctually comply with and observe and indemnify the
                          Lessor in respect of all present and future Acts
                          (State or Federal) ordinances orders regulations and
                          by-laws and all orders requirements and notices from
                          or by any Local or Public Authority which relate or
                          apply to the Premises or any part thereof or the use
                          or occupancy thereof or the number or sex of the
                          persons working in or from or at any time occupying or
                          visiting the Premises including the carrying out of
                          any repairs alterations or works to or the provision
                          of fire alarms or other emergency services in or for
                          the Premises.

             3.17.2       If any compliance or observance includes a requirement
                          for structural alterations or additions to the
                          Premises the Lessee's obligations hereunder shall in
                          respect thereof only apply thereto insofar as they
                          relate to the Lessee's business or the use to which
                          the Premises are put by the Lessee or the number or
                          sex of the Lessee's Employees or Visitors.

             3.17.3       All works which the Lessee is required to carry out
                          shall be carried out only by

                          contractors and tradesmen approved of by the Lessor
                          and in accordance with plans specifications and
                          schedules of works materials and finishes approved in
                          writing by the Lessor before any works are commenced.


             When and so often as the Lessor shall reasonably require the Lessor
             may accompanied by a representative of the Lessee enter the
             Premises at all reasonable times and upon giving reasonable prior
             notice (except in case of emergency) to view the state of repair
             and condition thereof and to make any reasonable investigations
             which the Lessor may deem necessary to ascertain whether or not
             there has been any breach of any of the Lessee's Covenants and to
             serve upon the Lessee a notice in writing of any default there
             found requiring the Lessee to remedy the default in accordance with
             any covenant.


             3.19.1       If the Lessee fails to remedy any breach of any of the
                          Lessee's obligations to repair under the terms of this
                          Lease within fourteen (14) days of the date of service
                          of a notice upon the Lessee requiring the Lessee to
                          remedy the breach the Lessor without being under any
                          obligation so to do may itself or by its employees
                          agents and contractors without further notice enter
                          the Premises at any reasonable time and to any extent
                          necessary remain thereon with all necessary plant
                          equipment and materials and carry out any repairs
                          which the Lessor shall think fit.

             3.19.2       If in the Lessor's opinion any repairs for which the
                          Lessee is liable are required to be carried out as
                          emergency repairs the Lessor shall use its best
                          endeavours to notify the Lessee of its intention to
                          enter the Premises and carry out emergency repairs and
                          the Lessor and the Lessor's employees agents and
                          contractors may to any extent necessary remain on the
                          Premises at any time to carry out any of those repairs
                          and in respect of any work carried out by the Lessor
                          pursuant to this subclause or the preceding subclause
                          the Lessee shall pay on demand to the Lessor the
                          reasonable cost and expenses (including interest at
                          the Prescribed Rate) incurred in making the repairs
                          and shall indemnify the Lessor from and against any
                          loss or liability incurred by the Lessor in respect of
                          the default.


             Where any Air-Conditioning Plant is provided or installed in the
Premises by the Lessor:

             3.20.1       the Lessee shall at all times comply with and observe
                          the reasonable requirements of the Lessor in relation
                          to the Air-Conditioning Plant and shall not do, or
                          permit or suffer to be done, anything in relation to
                          the same or otherwise which might interfere with or
                          impair the efficient operation of the Air-Conditioning

             3.20.2       the Lessee shall allow the Lessor and the Lessor's
                          engineers, mechanics, consultants and workmen at
                          reasonable times and upon giving reasonable prior
                          notice to the Lessee to enter and to the extent
                          necessary to remain on the Premises to examine all or
                          any of the Air-Conditioning Plant but that in carrying
                          out such examination the Lessor shall not cause any
                          undue interference to the

                          Lessee in the conduct of business in the Premises;

             3.20.3       the Lessee shall not cover or obstruct any ducts
                          inlets or outlets of the Air- Conditioning Plant;

             3.20.4       the Lessee shall at all times during the Term keep the
                          Air-Conditioning Plant in good working order (fair
                          wear and tear excepted) and shall repair and maintain
                          the Air-Conditioning Plant whenever required in
                          accordance with the manufacturer specifications
                          relating to the same provided that nothing in this
                          clause shall require the Lessee to carry out any
                          structural or capital maintenance, replacement or
                          repair except where rendered necessary by any
                          deliberate or negligent act or omission of the Lessee
                          or the Lessee's Employee's or Visitors.

    3.21     NO AUCTION SALES

             The Lessee shall not hold nor permit any auction fire or bankruptcy
             sale in the Premises without obtaining the prior written consent of
             the Lessor.

    3.22     NO OVERLOADING

             3.22.1       The Lessee shall not without obtaining the prior
                          written consent of the Lessor bring on to or permit to
                          remain in the Premises any heavy machinery plant or
                          equipment unless it is reasonably necessary or proper
                          for the conduct of the Lessee's permitted use of the
                          Premises but in no event shall any item be of a
                          nature, size, weight or design as to cause or in the
                          reasonable opinion of the Lessor be likely to cause
                          any structural or other damage to the floors walls
                          pillars ceilings or other parts of the Premises and/or
                          the Land.

             3.22.2       The Lessee shall take all steps reasonably necessary
                          to ensure that no floors walls pillars ceilings or
                          other parts of the Premises and/or the Land are broken
                          over-stressed or damaged by any overloading from any
                          cause whatsoever and shall observe the maximum floor
                          loading weights in respect of the respective portions
                          of the Premises and/or the Land specified from time to
                          time by the Lessor or the Lessor's Agent.

             3.22.3       Before bringing or permitting to be brought into the
                          Premises and/or the Land any item by which any floor
                          wall pillar ceiling or other part may be so broken
                          overstressed or damaged the Lessee shall in writing
                          inform the Lessor of the Lessee's intention so to do
                          and shall comply with every direction that the Lessor
                          may give in respect to the delivery times routing
                          installation and location of the item and when
                          appropriate the removal thereof.


             3.23.1       The Lessee shall not without obtaining the prior
                          written consent of the Lessor or the Lessor's Agent
                          place or permit to be placed or maintained on any
                          external door wall or window of the Premises any
                          television or radio antenna or mast or other apparatus
                          or any sign awning canopy decoration lettering
                          advertising device

                          notice matter or thing or place or permit to be placed
                          or maintained in or on any part of the Premises any
                          radio or television receiver loudspeaker amplifier or
                          other similar device (other than any emergency
                          communication apparatus installed by the Lessor)
                          visible or audible from outside of the Premises or
                          place or maintain in any place visible from the
                          exterior of the Premises any decoration lettering or
                          advertising matter of any nature which does not comply
                          in every respect with the requirements of all statutes
                          regulations by-laws and orders applicable thereto. The
                          Lessor shall not unreasonably withhold its consent or
                          approval to any request made by the Lessee pursuant to
                          this sub-clause.

             3.23.2       Prior to vacating the Premises the Lessee shall at the
                          Lessee's expense remove any antenna mast apparatus
                          sign awning canopy decoration lettering advertising
                          device notice or thing displayed affixed or exhibited
                          upon or within the Premises and shall make good any
                          damage or disfigurement caused thereby or by the
                          removal thereof.


             The Lessee shall at all times maintain in good order condition and
             repair (damage by any risk insured against to the extent of the
             moneys recoverable under any insurance cover excepted) and if
             appropriate pay all moneys payable under and comply with all
             licence or leasing agreements in respect of any television or radio
             antenna or mast or other apparatus sign awning canopy decoration
             lettering advertising device notice matter or thing approved by the
             Lessor in accordance with the above.

    3.25     NUISANCE

             The Lessee shall not do or permit to be done in or about the

             3.25.1       anything which may be a nuisance grievance disturbance
                          or annoyance to the Lessor or to any tenant or
                          occupier of other premises in the vicinity of the
                          Premises; or

             3.25.2       any act matter or thing whereby a nuisance or anything
                          in the nature of or which may be deemed to be a
                          nuisance by any Local or Public Authority body or
                          person or within the meaning of any Act (State or
                          Federal) now or hereafter in force or any regulations
                          or by-laws made thereunder may exist arise or continue
                          upon or in connection with the Premises or any
                          business carried on therein or therefrom or the use or
                          occupation thereof and to abate forthwith any nuisance
                          or alleged nuisance and carry out and comply with the
                          provisions of every Act regulations and by-laws and
                          with every order notice or requirement of any Local or
                          Public Authority in reference thereto.


             The Lessee shall not without obtaining the prior written approval
             of the Lessor (which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld)
             use or permit or suffer to be used in or in connection with the

             3.26.1       any form of lighting heating cooling or ventilation
                          other than as installed therein

                          at the commencement of the Term; and

             3.26.2       any electrical equipment that does or may overload any
                          cable switchboard or sub-board through which
                          electricity is conveyed to or through the Premises or
                          any part thereof.


             The Lessee shall not drop or throw or permit to be dropped or
             thrown anything from the Premises.


             The Lessee shall not use or permit to be used the toilets sinks
             drains and other plumbing facilities in the Premises for any
             purpose other than that for which they were respectively designed
             constructed or provided and shall not deposit or permit to be
             deposited therein any sweepings rubbish or other matter.

    3.29     USE OF PREMISES

             The Lessee shall:

             3.29.1       use the Premises only for the purpose of conducting
                          therein the business described in Item 6 of the
                          Schedule and shall not without obtaining the prior
                          written consent of the Lessor use the Premises for any
                          other purpose;

             3.29.2       obtain from any Local or Public Authority any
                          approvals permits consents or licences required by law
                          to carry on the Lessee's business from the Premises;

             3.29.3       not use or permit to be used the Premises for any
                          unlawful immoral noxious noisy offensive trade
                          business occupation or calling; and

             3.29.4       not use or permit to be used the Premises for any
                          residential purposes.

    3.30     TOWN PLANNING

             The Lessee shall not do or permit to be done anything in breach of
             any applicable town planning scheme or zoning or whereby the zoning
             or permitted use of the Premises for their present purposes under
             any Act by-law order or scheme relating to town planning may be
             prejudiced or altered.


             The Lessee shall notify the Lessor and the Lessor's Agent (if any)
             of the name address and business and after hours telephone number
             of a person to be authorised by the Lessee to control any internal
             security system within the Premises to enable the Lessor or the
             Lessor's agents or contractors to gain access to the Premises
             whenever pursuant to the terms of this Lease access is required or
             permitted and to advise the Lessor forthwith in writing of any
             change of the nominated person or other particulars.


             The Lessor shall be entitled by itself and by its employees
             consultants inspectors agents and contractors whenever deemed
             necessary by the Lessor to enter (and to the extent necessary to
             remain on) the Premises at all reasonable times and upon giving
             reasonable prior notice to the Lessee with all necessary plant
             equipment and materials to erect make excavate lay or install in on
             over or under the Premises and to make use of any pipe wire
             amplifier light alarm channel drain sump vent duct inlet outlet
             plant or machinery or other thing requisite for or in addition to
             any of the Lessor's Purposes and to enter upon the Premises at
             those times for the purpose of inspecting removing maintaining
             replacing repairing servicing altering or adding thereto in or
             about the Premises or the walls floors and ceilings thereof and the
             Lessor shall cause as little inconvenience disruption or damage to
             the Lessee as possible in so doing.


             3.33.1       The Lessee shall not assign sublet transfer or part
                          with possession of or mortgage charge or otherwise
                          encumber the Premises or any part thereof or the
                          benefit of this Lease or any estate or interest
                          therein or herein without obtaining the prior written
                          consent of the Lessor and the provisions of Sections
                          80 and 82 of the Property Law Act 1969 shall not apply
                          to this Lease. Subject to the provisions of this
                          sub-clause the Lessor's consent shall not be
                          unreasonably withheld if:

                     the Lessee shall prove to the reasonable
                                       satisfaction of the Lessor that the
                                       proposed sub-lessee or assignee is a
                                       respectable responsible and solvent
                                       person of sound financial standing;

                     all Rent and other moneys (and interest)
                                       then due and payable by the Lessee
                                       pursuant to this Lease shall have been

                     there shall not be at the time the
                                       consent is sought or at the date any
                                       sublease or assignment is to take effect
                                       any subsisting breach of any of the
                                       Lessee's Covenants;

                     in the case of an assignment the assignee
                                       executes a Deed of Covenant whereby the
                                       assignee covenants with the Lessor to
                                       observe and perform all of the Lessee's
                                       Covenants the assignment to be prepared
                                       and approved by the Lessor's solicitors;

                     in the case of a mortgage charge or
                                       encumbrance the encumbrancer enters into
                                       a deed with the Lessor in a form
                                       reasonably required by the Lessor's
                                       solicitors to protect the Lessor in case
                                       of default powers being exercised;

                     the Lessee pays to the Lessor all
                                       reasonable costs and expenses including
                                       legal costs administrative costs stamp
                                       duty and other disbursements incurred or
                                       to be incurred by the Lessor in respect
                                       of the Deed of Covenant and a fee to
                                       cover administrative expenses and the
                                       Lessor's reasonable legal costs;

                     where any proposed assignee is a
                                       Corporation (not being a company whose
                                       shares are listed on any Stock Exchange
                                       in Australia) the directors and principal
                                       shareholder thereof at their expense
                                       execute and complete a Deed of Guarantee
                                       and Indemnity in a form approved by the
                                       Lessor's solicitors in favour of the
                                       Lessor in respect to the payment of all
                                       Rent and the observance and performance
                                       of all of the Lessee's Covenants.

             3.33.2       Where the Lessee is a corporation (not being a company
                          whose shares are listed on any Stock Exchange in
                          Australia) any change of the beneficial ownership or
                          substantial shareholding (within the meaning of
                          Chapter 6.7 of the Corporations Law) in the
                          corporation or any related corporation (within the
                          meaning of Section 50 of the Corporations Law) shall
                          be deemed to be an assignment of the Premises and the
                          benefit of this Lease and shall be subject to the
                          terms specified above provided that this clause shall
                          not apply so long as Dynamic Digital Depth (Australia)
                          Pty Ltd remains the Lessee.

             3.33.3       Notwithstanding any other provision in this Lease so
                          long as Dynamic Digital Depth (Australia) Pty Ltd
                          remains the Lessee it shall be entitled to sub-let or
                          otherwise part with possession of the Premises or any
                          part thereof provided that:

                     the sub-lessee shall be a person, persons
                                       or corporation approved by the Lessee;

                     the parting with possession by Dynamic
                                       Digital Depth (Australia) Pty Ltd shall
                                       not relieve it from any of its
                                       obligations expressed or implied pursuant
                                       to the terms of this Lease.

                          If at any time Dynamic Digital Depth (Australia) Pty
                          Ltd grants a sub-lease it shall notify the Lessor of
                          the sub-lessee's name and address (and after hours
                          contact number) as soon as is reasonably practicable


             The covenants and agreements on the part of any assignee or
             sub-lessee with the Lessor expressed or implied in any Deed
             evidencing any assignment or sub-lease shall be deemed to be
             supplementary to those contained in this Lease and shall not in any
             way relieve or be deemed to relieve the Lessee from the Lessee's
             liabilities hereunder during the term of the lease and the Extended
             Term (if any) of this lease.

    3.35     CAVEATS

             The Lessee may during the Term lodge a subject to claim caveat
             against the Land. The Lessee shall not at any time lodge an
             absolute caveat against the Land. The Lessee shall at the
             expiration or sooner determination of the Term or upon assigning
             this Lease or at any time at the request of the Lessor sign and
             lodge at the Lessee's expense a proper registrable withdrawal of
             any subject to claim caveat lodged against the Land by the Lessee.
             If the Lessee lodges an absolute caveat or fails to withdraw any
             subject to claim caveat the Lessee in consideration of the Lessor
             granting this Lease to the Lessee irrevocably APPOINTS the Lessor
             the agent and attorney of the Lessee to sign and lodge any
             withdrawal of caveat the

             cost of which shall be borne and paid by the Lessee forthwith upon

    3.36     GIVE NOTICES

             The Lessee shall forthwith:

             3.36.1       on receipt thereof give to the Lessor copies of any
                          notice received by the Lessee from any court or Local
                          or Public Authority relating to the Premises or any
                          part thereof or the use or occupation thereof;

             3.36.2       upon any person dying or receiving any injury in the
                          Premises or upon any accident occurring to or defect
                          being found in any sanitary water gas or electric
                          pipes or wires fixtures fittings plant or equipment or
                          furnishings in the Premises give to the Lessor written
                          notice and those full particulars thereof known to the
                          Lessee; and

             3.36.3       give to the Lessor and any appropriate Local or Public
                          Authority written notice of any infectious illness
                          occurring on the Premises and shall at the Lessee's
                          expense thoroughly fumigate and disinfect the Premises
                          to the satisfaction of the Lessor and those
                          authorities and otherwise comply with their reasonable
                          requirements in regard thereto.


             3.37.1       At all times within the period of three (3) months
                          immediately prior to the expiration or sooner
                          determination of the Term the Lessee shall permit the
                          Lessor and the Lessor's Agent at all reasonable times
                          and upon giving reasonable prior notice to the Lessee
                          to enter the Premises with and exhibit the same to
                          prospective tenants and the Lessee shall allow the
                          Lessor to affix and exhibit where the Lessor shall
                          think fit any notice or sign for reletting the

             3.37.2       The Lessee shall allow the Lessor and the Lessor's
                          Agent at reasonable times and upon giving reasonable
                          prior notice to the Lessee during the Term to enter
                          the Premises with and exhibit the same to prospective
                          purchasers and the Lessee shall allow the Lessor to
                          affix and exhibit where the Lessor shall think fit any
                          notice or sign for selling the Premises and the Lessee
                          shall not without obtaining the Lessor's consent
                          remove deface or obscure any notice or sign nor permit
                          the same to be removed defaced or obscured.


             Before the expiration or sooner determination of the Term the
Lessee shall:

             3.38.1       remove from the Premises the Lessee's Fittings; and

             3.38.2       remove from the Premises all items which shall have
                          been erected placed or installed by the Lessee or any
                          previous tenant or occupier of the Premises after the
                          date of completion of the Fitout Works (other than any
                          fixtures and fittings plant equipment and furnishings
                          which in the reasonable opinion of the Lessor form an
                          integral part of the Premises including without
                          limitation all light fittings

                          located in or affixed to the Premises and nominated as
                          such by notice in writing by the Lessor to the Lessee
                          on or before the expiration or sooner determination of
                          the Term),

             and make good to the reasonable satisfaction of the Lessor any
             damage whatsoever caused to the Premises by such erection
             installation or removal. If required by the Lessor the Lessee shall
             also re-alter any alterations made to the Premises after the date
             of completion of the Fitout Works so that the Premises are restored
             to their condition as at the date of completion of the Fitout
             Works. Any fittings fixtures plant equipment and furnishings not
             removed by the Lessee either as of right or by requirement of the
             Lessor after the expiration or other termination of this Lease
             shall be deemed to have been abandoned by the Lessee and shall be
             and become the property of the Lessor without any right by the
             Lessee to make any claim whatever against the Lessor in respect

    3.39     KEEP SECURE

             The Lessee shall:

             3.39.1       use its best endeavours to protect and keep safe the
                          Premises and any property contained therein from theft
                          or robbery; and

             3.39.2       keep all doors windows and other openings closed and
                          securely fastened when the Premises are not in use.

    3.40     YIELD UP

             At the expiration or sooner determination of the Term the Lessee
             shall yield and deliver up possession of the Premises to the Lessor
             in a good and substantial repair order and condition and state of
             cleanliness and decoration consistent with the due and punctual
             observance and performance by the Lessee of the Lessee's Covenants
             and shall surrender to the Lessor or the Lessor's Agent all keys
             cards switching equipment combinations identification cards or
             other devices for or enabling the Lessee or the Lessee's Employees
             or Visitors to gain access to the Premises or any part thereof.


    4.1      QUIET ENJOYMENT

             The Lessor COVENANTS with the Lessee that the Lessee duly paying
             the Rent and other moneys hereby reserved and observing and
             performing the other Lessee's Covenants shall peaceably and quietly
             hold and enjoy the Premises during the Term without any
             interruption by the Lessor or any person rightfully claiming
             through under or in trust for the Lessor except as herein


             The Lessor shall forthwith obtain the unconditional written consent
             to this Lease of all mortgagees under any mortgage registered
             against all or any of the Certificates of Title comprising the

    4.3      LESSOR'S CONSENT

             Unless otherwise specifically provided in this Lease in every case
             where the Lessee requires a consent or approval of the Lessor:

             4.3.1        that consent or approval shall not be unreasonably
                          withheld; and

             4.3.2        the Lessor shall promptly consider the Lessee's
                          application for that consent or approval provided that
                          this clause shall not apply to any assignee or
                          sub-lessee of the Lessee.


             In any case where the Lessor or any person authorised by the Lessor
             (including without limitation, any servant agent contractor or
             workmen of the Lessor) is entitled under this Lease to enter upon
             the Premises, the Lessor and all those persons shall:

             4.4.1        except in the case of emergency, give reasonable
                          notice to the Lessee prior to entering upon the
                          Premises; and

             4.4.2        at all times cause as little inconvenience as is
                          practicable to the Lessee and its business.


             At all times during the term the Lessor shall duly and punctually
             pay or cause to be paid all rates taxes and outgoings in respect of
             the Premises that are not the responsibility of the Lessee under
             this Lease and from time to time and upon request by the Lessee
             shall produce to the Lessee such evidence as the Lessee reasonably
             requires as to the payment thereof.


             Subject to the provisions of clause 3.10 excluding certain
             obligations on the part of the Lessor in this regard, the Lessor
             shall at all times during the Term and any extension or holding
             over at its own cost and expense, keep the structure of the
             Premises in good repair and condition and carry out any structural
             maintenance, replacement or repair and make good any damage (except
             where rendered necessary by any deliberate or negligent act or
             omission of the Lessee or the Lessee's Employees or Visitors)
             within a reasonable time having regard to the extent of the damage
             and the work required.


             Subject to the provisions of clause 3.10 excluding certain
             obligations on the part of the Lessor in this regard, without
             limiting the generality of clause 4.6, the Lessor shall at its own
             cost and expense after receiving written notice by the Lessee
             comply with and observe all notices and requirements of any Local
             or Public Authority with respect to the building constructed on the
             Land and owned by the Lessor, whether or not involving structural
             alterations, where compliance with and observance of such notices
             and requirements is not the obligation of the Lessee pursuant to
             this Lease.


             The Lessor and the Lessee MUTUALLY COVENANT that:

    5.1      DAMAGES

             5.1.1        The Lessee's obligations to observe or perform the
                          Lessee's Covenants shall survive the expiration or
                          other termination of this Lease and if the Lessee
                          shall not have observed and performed the same the
                          Lessor may in addition to any of other rights at its
                          option cause or do all things necessary for the
                          observance and performance and the Lessor may recover
                          from the Lessee as a liquidated debt payable on demand
                          the costs and expenses thereof together with interest
                          at the Prescribed Rate on the amount thereof from time
                          to time remaining owing from the date of the
                          expenditure of the costs to the date of repayment
                          thereof by the Lessee to the Lessor.

             5.1.2        In respect of each day following the date of the
                          expiration or sooner determination of this Lease until
                          the date on which the Lessee shall complete the
                          observance and performance of the obligations of the
                          Lessee's Covenants or any earlier date on which the
                          Lessor shall in exercise of its powers conferred by
                          this Lease cause any default by the Lessee in the
                          observance or performance of its obligations to be
                          remedied the Lessee shall pay to the Lessor and the
                          Lessor may recover from the Lessee as and by way of
                          liquidated damages a daily sum equal to 1/365th of the
                          aggregate of the Rent and Outgoings payable by the
                          Lessee for or in respect of the Premises for the
                          twelve (12) months immediately preceding the date of



             5.2.1        the Rent or any part thereof shall at any time be
                          unpaid after becoming due for more than seven (7) days
                          (or, such further time as the Lessor may in any case
                          specify) after written notice to the Lessee to pay the
                          same; or

             5.2.2        the Lessee breaches or fails to observe or perform any
                          other of the Lessee's Covenants and the breach
                          non-observance or non-performance shall continue after
                          the expiration of (14) days (or, such further time as
                          the Lessor may in any case specify) of written notice
                          to the Lessee to remedy the same; or

             5.2.3        the Lessee shall go into liquidation or become
                          bankrupt or enter into any composition arrangement
                          with or assignment for the benefit of the Lessee's
                          creditors; or

             5.2.4        the Lessee shall have appointed under any Act or
                          instrument or by order of any court a manager and
                          administrator a trustee a receiver or a receiver and
                          manager or liquidator in relation to any part of the
                          Lessee's undertakings assets or property; or

             5.2.5        the Premises shall be abandoned or otherwise left

             THEN and in any such case (but subject to and this clause shall not
             apply to the extent of inconsistency with the Bankruptcy Act 1966)
             the Lessor may at its option re-enter occupy and resume possession
             of the Premises or any part thereof (with or without re-entering
             the Premises) by written notice to the Lessee to terminate this
             Lease and thereupon this Lease (other than the provisions hereof
             applying for the benefit of the Lessor after the expiration of the
             Term) and the Term shall cease and determine but without releasing
             the Lessee from the obligation to pay the Rent and Outgoings
             accrued up to the time of the re-entry and without prejudice to the
             right of action of the Lessor in respect of any breach of the
             Lessee's Covenants.

    5.3      ESSENTIAL TERMS

             The Lessee's covenants:

             5.3.1        to pay the Rent and the Outgoings; and

             5.3.2        not to assign, sublet, transfer or part with
                          possession of the Premises or any part thereof or of
                          the benefit of this Lease without obtaining the prior
                          written consent of the Lessor,

             are essential terms of this Lease and any breach of any of those
             covenants shall be regarded by the Lessor and the Lessee as a
             fundamental breach and repudiation by the Lessee of this Lease. If
             the Lessor determines this Lease following such a breach and
             repudiation then (without prejudicing or limiting any other right
             or remedy of the Lessor arising from the breach or otherwise under
             this Lease) the Lessor shall be entitled to recover from the Lessee
             and the Lessee covenants to pay to the Lessor as and by way of
             liquidated damages for the breach and repudiation the aggregate of
             the Rent and Outgoings which would have been payable by the Lessee
             for the unexpired residue of the Term remaining after the
             determination after making allowance for Rent and Outgoings which
             the Lessor by taking reasonable steps to re-let the Premises
             obtains or could reasonably be expected to obtain by reletting the
             Premises for the unexpired residue of the Term on reasonable terms
             as to Rent and otherwise PROVIDED THAT:

             5.3.3        any reletting shall not be required to be on like
                          terms as are herein expressed and implied;

             5.3.4        the acceptance by the Lessor of arrears or any late
                          payment of the Rent or Outgoings shall not constitute
                          a waiver of the essentiality of the Lessee's
                          obligations to make these payments;

             5.3.5        the Lessor's entitlement to recover damages as
                          specified above shall not be prejudiced or limited if:

                      the Lessee abandons or vacates the

                      the Lessor elects to re-enter the
                                       Premises or to determine this Lease;

                      the Lessor accepts the Lessee's
                                       repudiation of this Lease; or

                      the parties' conduct constitutes a
                                       surrender by operation of law;

             5.3.6        the Lessor shall be entitled to institute proceedings
                          to recover damages as specified above either before or
                          after any of the events or matters referred to in
                          paragraph 5.3.5 above;

             5.3.7        any conduct by the Lessor to mitigate damages shall
                          not of itself constitute acceptance of the Lessee's
                          breach or repudiation or a surrender by operation of
                          law; and

             5.3.8        nothing herein expressed or implied shall be construed
                          to mean that none of the other Lessee's Covenants may
                          be an essential term.


             If the Premises or any part thereof at any time during the Term is
             resumed or taken for any public purpose by any competent authority
             or is declared unfit for occupation or ordered to be demolished by
             any competent authority or is destroyed or damaged by any risk
             insured against so as to render the same substantially unfit for
             the use and occupation of the Lessee or so as (in either case) to
             deprive the Lessee of substantial use of the same or so as (in the
             case of damage or destruction) to render the rebuilding or
             reconstruction of the Premises in its previous form impracticable
             or undesirable in the opinion of the Lessor, THEN:

             5.4.1        this Lease may be terminated without compensation by
                          either the Lessor or the Lessee by notice in writing
                          to the other PROVIDED THAT the Lessee shall only be
                          entitled to terminate this Lease if any policy of
                          insurance effected in respect of any damage or
                          destruction shall not have been vitiated or payment of
                          the policy moneys refused in consequence of some act
                          or default of the Lessee or any of the Lessee's
                          Employees or Visitors;

             5.4.2        any termination shall be without prejudice to the
                          rights of either party in respect of any antecedent
                          breach matter or thing;

             5.4.3        nothing herein expressed or implied shall be deemed to
                          impose any obligation upon the Lessor to rebuild or
                          reinstate the Premises or to make the same fit for use
                          and occupation of the Lessee;

             5.4.4        if any such resumption damage or destruction of the
                          Premises occurs the Rent and Outgoings or a
                          proportionate part thereof depending on the nature or
                          extent of the resumption destruction or damage shall
                          abate until the Premises shall have been rebuilt or
                          reinstated or made fit for the occupation and use of
                          the Lessee or until the Lease shall have been
                          terminated pursuant to the provisions of paragraph
                          5.4.1 above as the case may be. Until mutual agreement
                          between the Lessor and the Lessee as to the extent of
                          the abatement or until determined as provided herein
                          the Lessee shall continue to pay the Rent and
                          Outgoings in full and upon any agreement or
                          determination the Lessor shall refund free of interest
                          to the Lessee any Rent and Outgoings which according
                          to the agreement or determination has been overpaid.
                          If any dispute arises with respect to the extent of
                          the abatement it shall be determined by arbitration as
                          provided in clause 5.13.

             5.4.5        Notwithstanding anything in this sub-clause expressed
                          or implied the Lessee shall have no right of
                          termination and the Rent and Outgoings shall not abate
                          if the destruction or damage or the fact of the
                          Premises being declared unfit for occupation or
                          ordered to be demolished was caused or contributed to
                          by the Lessee or the Lessee's Employees or Visitors.


             The Lessee acknowledges and declares that no promise representation
             warranty or undertaking has been made or given by or on behalf of
             the Lessor in regard to the suitability of the Premises for any
             business to be carried on therein or therefrom or in regard to any
             fixtures fittings furnishings finish plant machinery or equipment
             of or in the Premises or as to the management or security of the
             Premises otherwise than as herein expressly contained.


             Any fixtures fittings chattels plant equipment and furnishings and
             other material or articles installed or left by the Lessor in the
             Premises at the Lessor's cost shall be deemed for all purposes to
             be part of the Premises and shall remain the property of the Lessor
             and the Lessee shall not at any time remove damage destroy alter or
             otherwise dispose of the same without the prior written consent of
             the Lessor.

    5.7      HOLDING OVER

             If the Lessee continues to occupy the Premises after the expiration
             or sooner determination of the Term with the consent of the Lessor
             then the Lessee shall become a monthly tenant only of the Lessor
             but (unless otherwise agreed) at a rent equal to one twelfth of the
             aggregate of the Rent and Outgoings payable by the Lessee
             immediately preceding the expiration or sooner determination and
             otherwise on and subject to the same covenants and conditions
             mutatis mutandis as are herein expressed or implied except that the
             monthly tenancy may be determined by one month's notice in writing
             by the Lessor or the Lessee to the other expiring at any time.

    5.8      MORATORIUM

             The application to this Lease of any moratorium or Statute (State
             or Federal) having the effect of extending the Term reducing or
             postponing the payment of the Rent or any part thereof or otherwise
             affecting the operation of the Lessee's Covenants or providing for
             compensation rights or privileges at the expense of the Lessor in
             favour of the Lessee or any other person is expressly excluded.

    5.9      SEVERANCE

             If any condition covenant or stipulation of this Lease or the
             application thereof to any person or circumstances shall be or
             become invalid or unenforceable the remaining covenants conditions
             and stipulations shall not be affected thereby and each covenant
             condition and stipulation of this Lease shall be valid and
             enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.

    5.10     WAIVER

             5.10.1      The Lessor's failure to take advantage of any default
                         or breach of covenant on the part of the Lessee shall
                         not be or be construed as a waiver thereof, nor shall
                         any custom or practice which may grow up between the
                         parties in the course of administering this Lease be
                         construed to waive or reduce the right of the Lessor to
                         insist upon the observance or performance by the Lessee
                         of any of the Lessee's Covenants.

             5.10.2      No consent or waiver expressed or implied by the Lessor
                         or on behalf of the Lessor to or in respect of any
                         particular breach of any of the Lessee's Covenants
                         shall be construed as a consent or waiver to or of any
                         other breach of the same or any other of the Lessee's

             5.10.3      The acceptance by the Lessor of Rent under the Lease
                         shall not be nor be deemed to be a waiver of any
                         default or breach by the Lessee of any of the Lessee's
                         Covenants or the Lessor's knowledge thereof at the time
                         of acceptance of the Rent.


             Any notice demand or request required to be made or given pursuant
             to this Lease shall be in writing signed by the party giving the
             notice or its agent or solicitors and may be served personally or
             may be served by being delivered or by being sent by prepaid
             certified post:

             5.11.1       to the address specified herein of the party unless
                          that party has given notice of a substituted address
                          for service of notices and then at that substituted
                          address; or

             5.11.2       in the case of a person to the usual place of abode or
                          business of the person; or

             5.11.3       in the case of a corporation to its registered office
                          principal place of business or principal office;

             and shall be deemed to have been served:

             5.11.4       on the day of delivery if delivered before 5.00 pm on
                          a business day, and otherwise on the business day next
                          following; or

             5.11.5       on the business day next following the day of posting.

    5.12     OPTION OF RENEWAL

             If the Lessee desires to take a renewal of the Term and gives to
             the Lessor notice in writing at least three (3) months before the
             expiration of the relevant Term of the Lessee's intent to do so and
             if at the time of giving that notice and at the expiration of the
             Term there shall be no outstanding breach or non-observance of any
             of the Lessee's Covenants of which notice has been given by the
             Lessor which notice is not complied with within the time properly
             specified in that notice and if in the meantime the Lessor's right
             of re-entry shall not have otherwise arisen then the Lessor shall
             grant to the Lessee an extension of the Term for the extended term
             or terms referred to in Item 7 of the Schedule (together the

             Term") containing like covenants and provisos as are herein
             expressed and implied (save for the right of extension the subject
             of this Clause which right shall be expressly excluded from the
             Lease for the extended Term or from the Lease for the last extended
             term if there shall be more than one extended term as the case may
             be) and reserving to the Lessor a rent from the commencement date
             of and during each Extended Term to be calculated and determined in
             accordance with the rent review provisions contained herein.

    5.13     ARBITRATION

             If any difference or dispute shall arise between the Lessor and the
             Lessee as to the interpretation of this Lease or concerning any act
             matter or thing to be performed or observed hereunder and if there
             shall be no express provision in this Lease for resolving the
             difference or dispute then the difference or dispute shall be
             determined by the arbitration of a single arbitrator nominated by
             the President for the time being of the Law Society of Western
             Australia (Inc.) and otherwise in accordance with the provisions of
             the Commercial Arbitration Act 1985 and the award of the arbitrator
             shall be final and binding upon the Lessor and the Lessee. The
             Lessor and the Lessee may be represented by a duly qualified legal
             practitioner in any arbitration proceedings.


             This Lease shall be subject to the special conditions (if any)
             contained in Item 11 of the Schedule.


             If the aggregate of the Term exceeds twenty one (21) years or if
             for any other reason this Lease shall require the consent of the
             State Planning Commission of Western Australia then this Lease
             shall be subject to that consent being given.

    5.16     GOVERNING LAW

             The laws of the State of Western Australia (and where applicable
             the Commonwealth of Australia) shall apply to this Lease.

    5.17     STRATA TITLES ACT

             The Lessor shall not register a Strata Plan in respect of the whole
             or part of the Land including the Premises without the prior
             written approval of the Lessee which approval may be given or
             refused by the Lessee or given subject to whatever conditions the
             Lessee in its absolute discretion determines.

6.           POWER OF ATTORNEY

             The Lessee irrevocably makes, nominates, constitutes and APPOINTS
             the Lessor and its nominee and their substitute or substitutes
             jointly and severally to be the true and lawful attorney or
             attorneys of the Lessee to act at any time after the power to
             re-enter herein contained shall have been exercised (a sufficient
             proof whereof shall be the statutory declaration of any officer or
             agent of the Lessor duly authorised by the Lessor in that behalf)
             to execute and sign a transfer or a surrender of this Lease and to
             procure the same

             (if necessary) to be registered and for any of these purposes to
             use the name of the Lessee and generally to do, execute and perform
             any act, deed, matter or thing relative to the Premises as fully
             and effectually as the Lessee could do in and about the Premises
             and the Lessee covenants to ratify and confirm all and whatsoever
             the attorney or attorneys shall lawfully do or cause to be done in
             and about the Premises.

7.           GUARANTEE


             In consideration of the Lessor entering into this Lease at the
             request of the Guarantor (which request is testified by the
             Guarantor's execution of this Deed), the Guarantor HEREBY JOINTLY
             AND SEVERALLY GUARANTEES payment to the Lessor on demand of the
             whole of the Secured Moneys and the performance and observance of
             all the Secured Obligations AND as an independent liability
             INDEMNIFIES AND AGREES TO KEEP INDEMNIFIED the Lessor against any
             loss, damage, action, demand, expense, claim or obligation which
             the Lessor has or may suffer or incur by reason of or in any way
             consequent upon, arising out of or incidental to the non-payment of
             the Secured Moneys or the non-performance or non-observance of the
             Secured Obligations. This indemnity shall not be limited or
             affected in any way whatsoever by the fact that the Secured Moneys
             or the Secured Obligations cannot be or could never be recovered
             from or enforced against the Lessee for any reason.


             Each Guarantor's liability under paragraph 7.1 of this clause is


             This Guarantee and Indemnity is a continuing security and shall not
             be wholly or partially discharged (even upon payment of all or the
             Secured Moneys that are presently owing) as long as any of the
             Secured Moneys are owing or payable, are contingently owing or
             payable or may in the Lessor's opinion become owing or payable or
             as long as any of the Secured Obligations have not been performed
             and the Guarantor shall have no right to discontinue this Guarantee
             and Indemnity.


             Neither the Guarantor's liability nor the Lessor's rights under
             this Guarantee and Indemnity or otherwise shall be prejudiced or
             discharged by any act or omission or the incapacity of any person
             or any event, circumstance or securities of any description which
             might otherwise have the effect (whether at law in equity or under
             statute) of prejudicing, affecting or discharging the liability of
             the Guarantor hereunder either as a guarantor or principal debtor
             or as an indemnifier AND without limiting the generality of the
             foregoing, the Guarantor's liability and the Lessor's rights
             hereunder shall not be prejudiced, affected or discharged in any of
             the following events or circumstances:

             7.4.1        any loss, release or impairment of any securities held
                          in respect of the Secured Moneys or the Secured
                          Obligations through any act or omission of the Lessor
                          or through any other cause whatsoever;

             7.4.2        the granting of any time, credit or any indulgence or
                          concession to or composition with or release or
                          discharge by novation of the Lessee or any Guarantor
                          or any other person whatsoever by the Lessor;

             7.4.3        any variation whatsoever of the terms governing the
                          Secured Moneys or the Secured Obligations including
                          without limitation any conditions imposed in respect
                          of advances;

             7.4.4        any release, failure or agreement not to sue,
                          variation, exchange, renewal or modification made or
                          any other dealing, act or omission whether
                          constituting a waiver, election, estoppel or otherwise
                          by the Lessor with respect to any person or with
                          respect to any judgment, order for payment of moneys,
                          speciality, instrument (negotiable or otherwise) or
                          other security whatsoever held, recovered or
                          enforceable by the Lessor or any obligation or
                          liability whatsoever in respect of all or any of the
                          Secured Moneys or any or all of the Secured

             AND each of the above circumstances shall be construed separately
             and independently and so as not to limit the meaning of any other
             listed circumstance.


             As long as any of the Secured Moneys are owing or payable by the
             Lessee to the Lessor (whether or not the Guarantor has become
             liable for those moneys under this Guarantee), the Guarantor shall

             7.5.1        claim any set-off or make any counter-claim against
                          the Lessee or the Lessor;

             7.5.2        make any claim or enforce any right against the Lessee
                          or any other guarantor or (where the Lessee or any
                          other Guarantor dies) against his estate;

             7.5.3        prove in competition with the Lessor if the Lessee or
                          any Guarantor becomes insolvent, whether in respect of
                          any amount paid by the Guarantor under this Guarantee
                          and Indemnity, in respect of any other amount
                          (including the proceeds of any security) applied by
                          the Lessor in reduction of the Guarantor's liability
                          under this Guarantee and Indemnity, or otherwise; or

             7.5.4        be entitled to the benefit of any security or
                          guarantee or any share therein now or subsequently
                          held by the Lessor in respect of the Secured Moneys or
                          the Secured Obligations or any of them.


             All payments under this Guarantee and Indemnity shall be made
             without deduction for any tax duty or other governmental charge.

    7.7      PAYMENTS IN GROSS

             All moneys received by the Lessor which are capable of being
             applied by the Lessor towards payment of the Secured Moneys shall
             be regarded as payments in gross and the

             Guarantor shall have no right to claim the benefit of moneys so
             received until the Lessor has received all of the Secured Moneys
             which are owing or payable, are contingently owing or payable, or
             may become owing or payable.

    7.8      SECURITIES

             Until all claims of the Lessor in respect of the Secured Moneys and
             the Secured Obligations are discharged in full, any security taken
             by the Guarantor from the Lessee or any co-guarantor or
             co-indemnifier shall be held in trust for the Lessor as security
             for the Guarantor's liability under this Guarantee and Indemnity
             and the Guarantor shall upon request by the Lessor deposit that
             security with or assign it to the Lessor.


             The Lessor's rights under this Guarantee and Indemnity shall be
             additional to and shall not merge with, affect or be affected by:

             7.9.1        any other securities now or subsequently held by the
                          Lessor from the Lessee, the Guarantor or any co-surety
                          or co-indemnifier; or

             7.9.2        any other obligation of the Guarantor to the Lessor;

             notwithstanding any rule of the law or equity or any statutory
             provision to the contrary.


             This document is the property of the Lessor and shall remain the
             Lessor's property after the Guarantor's liability has been
             discharged in full.


             The Guarantor's liability under this Guarantee and Indemnity shall
             not be affected by:

             7.11.1       the fact that any other person who was intended to
                          execute this Guarantee and Indemnity, or otherwise to
                          become a co-surety for payment of the Secured Moneys
                          or the Secured Obligations or any of them, has not
                          done so or has not done so effectively; or

             7.11.2       the discharge under statute or any principle of law or
                          equity of any person who is a co-surety or
                          co-indemnifier for payment of the Secured Moneys or
                          any part thereof.


             If any claim is made that all or part of any payment, obligation,
             conveyance or transfer affecting or relating in any way to the
             Secured Moneys or the Secured Obligations is void or voidable under
             any law relating to bankruptcy, liquidation or the protection of
             creditors and such claim is upheld, conceded or compromised:

             7.12.1       the Lessor shall be entitled immediately as against
                          the Guarantor to the rights in

                          respect of the Secured Moneys and the Secured
                          Obligations to which it would have been entitled if
                          all or that part of such payment, settlement,
                          transaction, obligation, conveyance or transfer had
                          not taken place;

             7.12.2       the Guarantor shall immediately do any act and sign
                          any document at the Lessor's request to restore to the
                          Lessor any securities or guarantees held by it
                          immediately prior to such payment, settlement,
                          transaction, obligation, conveyance or transfer.

    7.13     NOTICES

             Any notice or certificate to be given to or demand to be made on
             the Guarantor by or on behalf of the Lessor shall be deemed to have
             been duly given or made if it is in writing, signed by an
             Authorised Officer of the Lessor and left at or sent by prepaid
             mail to:

             7.13.1       the address of the Guarantor as shown herein;

             7.13.2       where a new address has been notified in writing by
                          the Guarantor to the Lessor, that new address; or

             7.13.3       in the case of a corporate Guarantor, its registered


             A certificate signed by the Lessor or its solicitors as to any sum
             payable to the Lessor pursuant to this Guarantee and Indemnity as
             at the date set out in the certificate shall be conclusive evidence
             of the facts stated herein.


             The Lessor may apply any moneys paid by the Lessee, or the
             Guarantor or otherwise towards satisfaction of the Secured Moneys
             in any manner it sees fit. The Lessor may place to the credit of a
             suspense account for so long as it considers desirable any money
             received under this Guarantee and Indemnity without any obligation
             to apply it towards the repayment of the Secured Moneys.


             The Guarantor acknowledges that:

             7.16.1       there is no condition affecting the operation of this
                          Guarantee and Indemnity that is not contained herein;

             7.16.2       no person has any authority to vary the terms of this
                          Guarantee and Indemnity or to waive any of the
                          Lessor's rights, except by an instrument in writing
                          executed by the Lessor or by an Authorised Officer of
                          the Lessor on its behalf; and

             7.16.3       any securities now or subsequently held by the Lessor
                          from the Guarantor shall extend to secure the
                          Guarantor's liability under this Guarantee and


             In this clause unless the context otherwise requires:

             "AUTHORISED OFFICER" means any director, associate director,
             secretary or any class of manager of the Lessor and any other
             person appointed as such by the Lessor and any person for the time
             being acting in any of those capacities;

             "INSOLVENCY" means:

             (i)          in the case of a company - liquidation or official

             (ii)         in the case of an individual - bankruptcy; and

             (iii)        in either case - entry into a composition; assignment
                          or arrangement with creditors;

             and "INSOLVENT" has a corresponding meaning;

             "PERSON" includes corporation, partnership and unincorporated body;

             "SECURED MONEYS" means all and any moneys (including damages and
             interest) payable by the Lessee to the Lessor under or by virtue of
             this Lease;

             "SECURED OBLIGATIONS" means all obligations, covenants, warranties,
             terms and conditions express or implied and all provisions
             stipulations and work to be observed, performed or fulfilled by the
             Lessee or any Guarantor whether pursuant to this Lease or any
             document or security or pursuant to any agreement between the
             Lessee and the Lessor or otherwise;

             Words importing the singular include the plural and vice versa;

             Words importing any gender include all other genders; and,

             Each of the provisions of this Deed shall be severable and distinct
             from one another.



             The Lessee shall pay to Chesterton International of 200 St George's
             Terrace, Perth (in this clause referred to as "the Lessor's Agent")
             by way of a security deposit on the signing hereof (if it has not
             already done so) an amount equal to twenty thousand dollars

    8.2      STAKEHOLDER

             The Lessor's Agent shall hold the security deposit as stakeholder.


             The Lessor and the Lessee authorise and direct the Lessor's Agent
             to invest the security deposit at the risk of the Lessee in the
             name of the Lessor's Agent in an interest bearing account with a
             banking or financial institution nominated by the Lessee upon the
             signing of this Lease.

    8.4      INTEREST

             The parties acknowledge and agree that all interest earned on the
             security deposit shall be added to and form part of the security


             The Lessor's Agent shall immediately upon the expiration of the
             Term or any extension or removal thereof or upon the date of any
             assignment of this Lease pay the balance of the security deposit
             remaining and any interest earned upon it to the Lessee.


             The Lessor may after the expiration of fourteen (14) days notice in
             writing to the Lessee (of the Lessor's intention to apply all or
             any part of the security deposit) require the Lessor's Agent to
             apply all or any part of the security deposit towards recouping the
             Lessee for any loss or damage which it may suffer by reason of any
             default by the Lessee in performing, observing or complying with
             clause 3.38 and the Lessor's Agent shall be obliged to make payment
             under the security deposit, to the Lessor where the demand is
             accompanied by a statutory declaration by or on behalf of the
             Lessor verifying the default and the amount claimed and the Lessor
             has given the Lessee the notice referred to in this clause.
             Contemporaneously with the making of any demand under the security
             deposit the Lessor must serve a copy of the demand and accompanying
             statutory declaration on the Lessee.

EXECUTED as a Deed.

                                  THE SCHEDULE

ITEM 1 (Clause 1.1)

Land:                     All that piece of land situated and known as 6-8
                          Brodie Hall Drive, Technology Park, Bentley being part
                          lot 53 on Diagram 74187 and being the whole of the
                          land comprised in Certificate of Title Volume 2103
                          Folio 138.

Premises:                 The whole of the Land.

Lessors chattels:         All chattels, plant and equipment of the Lessor in or
                          about the Premises.

ITEM 2 (Clause 1.1)

The term of this Lease:            One (1) year

Commencement Date:                 17 December 1998

Expiration Date:                   16 December 1999

ITEM 3 (Clause 1.1)

Rent:                                  Two Hundred and Forty Thousand Dollars
                                       ($240,000.00) per annum payable calendar
                                       monthly in advance by 12 equal calendar
                                       monthly instalments of Twenty Thousand
                                       Dollars ($20,000.00) per month.

Address for payment of Rent:           To the Lessor at its address herein
                                       unless otherwise specified in writing by
                                       the Lessor.

Dates for payment of Rent:             Calendar monthly on the first day of each
                                       and every month the first payment to be
                                       made on the 17th day of December, 1998.

ITEM 4 (Clause 1.1)

Prescribed Rate:                       Twelve per cent per annum.

ITEM 5 (Clause 1.1)

Rent Review Dates:                     Not applicable

ITEM 6 (Clause 3.29)

Permitted Use:                Any use to which the Premises may be lawfully put.

ITEM 7 (Clause 1.1)

The Extended Term:            Not applicable

ITEM 8 (Clause 1.1)

Outgoings:        All reasonable costs and expenses incurred or payable by the
                  Lessor (to the extent that they have not already been
                  separately paid by the Lessee) for or in respect of the
                  Premises in connection with:

                  (a)     all charges for and costs in relation to the supply of
                          water and sewerage services, excess water and the
                          removal of all waste and other garbage and sullage
                          from the Land and the Premises;

                  (b)     premiums for insurances effected by the Lessor
                          including (without limitation):

                          (i)      insurances on the Premises; and

                          (ii)     insurances on the Lessor's chattels, fixtures
                                   and fittings plant equipment and machinery
                                   installed in the Premises against loss or
                                   damage by fire fusion storm tempest lightning
                                   explosion sprinkler leakage flood earthquake
                                   riot civil commotion impact damage from
                                   aircraft and articles dropped therefrom and
                                   malicious damage;

                  (c)     costs of cleaning the Premises, windows and signs;

                  (d)     the supply of light and power to the Premises;

                  (e)     costs and expenses of maintenance operation inspection
                          servicing and upkeep of and repairs to the Premises
                          (and all gardens and yards (if any)) including
                          (without limitation) pest control, the servicing and
                          inspection of heating and cooling appliances, drains
                          and sewers, toilets, fire fighting equipment,
                          plumbing, security and emergency installations systems
                          and equipment and garbage fixtures fittings plant and

                  (f)     all management fees and other charges payable by the
                          Lessor to any managing agent of the Premises not
                          exceeding the scale prescribed by the Real Estate and
                          Business Agents Act 1978;

                  (g)     a sum equivalent to interest at the Prescribed Rate on
                          any moneys expended by the Lessor and not recovered
                          from the Lessee in carrying out work other than
                          structural alterations required by any Local or Public

                  (h)     all rates taxes charges assessments outgoings
                          impositions duties and fees whatsoever assessed
                          charged or imposed on the Premises or any part thereof
                          or on the owner of occupier thereof including (without
                          limitation) municipal water sewerage and drainage
                          rates land and metropolitan region improvement tax
                          (calculated on the basis that the Land is the only
                          land owned by the Lessor);

                  (i)     all taxes and statutory charges associated with the
                          matters mentioned in this Item including but not
                          limited to payroll-tax, financial institutions duty,
                          bank debits tax, tax on goods and services and taxes
                          of a type not charged at the commencement date but
                          excluding only income tax or other tax imposed upon
                          the Lessor otherwise than in respect of ownership or
                          operation of the building.


Current Market Rental

Value: (1)    The annual Rent that can be reasonably obtained for the
                  Premises in a free and open market and on the basis of the
                  Premises being available for leasing with vacant possession by
                  a willing lessor to a willing lessee for a period equal to the
                  Term and:

                          (a)      assuming that the Premises are available for
                                   leasing for a term equal to the Term;

                          (b)      on the terms and conditions and for the
                                   permitted use contained in this Lease and any
                                   other use to which the Premises may be
                                   lawfully put;

                          (c)      assuming that all of the covenants and
                                   obligations on the part of the Lessee and the
                                   Lessor contained in this Lease have been
                                   fully performed and observed at the relevant
                                   Rent Review Date;

                          (d)      having regard to the current market rental
                                   values of comparable premises of a similar
                                   size and location to the Premises in the
                                   Perth Metropolitan Area;

                          (e)      if at the relevant Rent Review Date the
                                   Premises have been wholly or partially
                                   damaged or destroyed assuming that the
                                   Premises have been reinstated pursuant to
                                   clause 5.4;

                          but disregarding:

                          (f)      any increase or decrease in the value of the
                                   Premises as lettable premises by reason of
                                   the occupancy or use of the same by the
                                   Lessee or any sub-lessee assignee or
                                   transferee of the Lessee or any other person
                                   deriving an interest in the Premises through
                                   the Lessee;

                          (g)      any value attaching to goodwill created by
                                   the Lessee's occupation of the Premises or to
                                   any licence or permit belonging to the Lessee
                                   in respect of the business carried on by the
                                   Lessee at the Premises;

                          (h)      any deleterious condition of the Premises if
                                   the condition results from any work carried
                                   out on the Premises by the Lessee or by any
                                   breach of any term of this Lease by the
                                   Lessee; and

                          (i)      the Lessee's trade fixtures and fittings and
                                   any improvements racking or installations
                                   erected or installed at the Lessee's expense
                                   and which the Lessee is permitted to remove
                                   at the expiration of this Lease but taking
                                   into account permanent structural
                                   improvements installed at the Lessee's
                                   expense and which the Lessee may not remove
                                   at the expiration of this Lease.

ITEM 10 (Clause 3.11)

Painting obligations of Lessee:    As specified in Clause 3.11

ITEM 11  (Clause 5.16)

Special Conditions:                Nil

THE COMMON SEAL of               )
(AUSTRALIA) PTY LTD              )
(ACN 060 154 949)                )
was hereunto affixed by          )
authority of the                 )
Directors in the                 )
presence of:                     )



THE COMMON SEAL of               )
BOSTON TOWER PTY LTD             )
(ACN 071 187 187)                )
was hereunto affixed by          )
authority of the                 )
Directors in the                 )
presence of:                     )



a Canadian corporation



                               MORTGAGEE'S CONSENT


("the Mortgagee") as mortgagee under a Mortgage numbered and registered on
the    day of        19   ("the Mortgage") CONSENTS AND AGREES to this Lease
and ACKNOWLEDGES that subject to the Lessee and the Lessor duly observing and
performing the covenants and agreements on their parts respectively contained
in this Lease and in any security taken in support of those covenants and
agreements, the Mortgagee will only exercise its rights and remedies under
the Mortgage subject to this Lease and the Lessee's rights thereunder but
save as aforesaid without prejudice to and reserving to the Mortgagee all its
rights and remedies against the land upon which the Premises are located
("the Land") comprised in the Mortgage and also subject to the condition that
the Mortgagee (whether or not it has entered into possession of the Land)
shall in no way be bound to perform and shall not incur any liability in
respect of the covenants and agreements expressed or implied in this Lease
and on the part of the Lessor to be observed and performed.

                      Dated the       day of          19   .

                           An Authorised Signatory for
                         and on behalf of the Mortgagee