Exhibit 10.2

                              EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

                  EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") dated as of August 9,
1999, by and between ASAHI/AMERICA, INC., a Massachusetts corporation (the
"Company"), and LESLIE B. LEWIS, an individual (the "Executive").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

                  WHEREAS, the Executive is presently Chairman, Chief Executive
Officer and President of the Company;

                  WHEREAS, pursuant to the Agreement and Plan of Merger among
Midnight Acquisition Holdings, Inc., Midnight Acquisition Corp. and Midnight
dated as of the date hereof (the "Merger Agreement"), Midnight Acquisition Corp.
will merge with and into the Company with the Company being the surviving entity
(the "Merger"). Pursuant to the Merger, each outstanding share of common stock,
no par value, of the Company (the "Company Common Stock") shall be converted
into the right to receive the Merger Consideration (as defined in the Merger

                  WHEREAS, the Company desires to retain the Executive as Chief
Executive Officer and President of the Company as of the Effective Time (as
defined in the Merger Agreement), on the terms and conditions set forth below in
this Agreement;

                  WHEREAS, the Executive is willing to provide his services as
an employee of the Company for the inducements and on the terms and conditions
set forth below in this Agreement; and

                  WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to replace the existing
Employment Agreement dated as of January 1, 1996, as amended (the "Prior
Agreement"), among the parties to this Agreement, effective as of the Effective

                  NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants set
forth herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and
sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, with effect at the Effective Time,
the parties hereto agree as follows:

                  1. EMPLOYMENT. Upon the terms and subject to the conditions of
this Agreement, the Company employs the Executive and the Executive accepts
employment with the Company in the capacity hereinafter set forth.

                           (a) TERM OF EMPLOYMENT. The initial term of
         Executive's employment by the Company under this Agreement shall
         commence as of the Effective Time and shall continue until the third
         anniversary of the Effective Time (the "Initial Termination Date"),
         unless terminated earlier pursuant to Section 3. The term shall
         automatically be extended for an additional one (1) year period
         commencing on the Initial Termination Date and each anniversary thereof


         notice of non-extension is given by either party to the other at least
         forty-five (45) days prior to the Initial Termination Date or
         subsequent anniversary of the Initial Termination Date, as applicable.
         The last day on which the Executive is employed under this Agreement
         should either party terminate this Agreement as hereinafter provided or
         should the employment term not be renewed is hereinafter called the
         "Employment Termination Date." The term of employment of the Executive
         under this Agreement, including any annual extensions, is referred to
         in this Agreement as the "Employment Period."

                           (b) DUTIES. The Executive shall be employed as Chief
         Executive Officer and President of the Company. In that capacity, he
         shall be responsible, subject to the direction and control of the Board
         of Directors of the Company or its designee (the "Board"), for the
         supervision and control of the operation, finances, personnel and
         management of the Company, including, without implication of
         limitation, (i) the selection, hiring and firing of all personnel of
         the Company, (ii) the operation, control and selection of the Company's
         facilities, including the selection and purchase of equipment,
         fixtures, inventory and parts, and the implementation of all
         modifications, alterations and renovations of the Company's facilities
         and equipment, and (iii) the selection of all products and services
         offered for sale by the Company and the implementation of such sales,
         including responsibility for advertising and marketing of products and
         directing the Company's sales force. The Executive shall also promote
         the business objectives of the Company and its subsidiaries and
         affiliates ("Affiliates"), except that the Executive shall not promote
         the business objectives of any Affiliate (with the exception of Quail
         Piping Products, Inc. ("Quail")) where such objectives are inconsistent
         with the business objectives of the Company or where such promotion
         would violate the Executive's fiduciary duties to the Company.

                           At all times during the Employment Period, except for
         illness and permitted vacation periods, during the Executive's
         employment with the Company, the Executive shall: (i) devote his full
         time and attention during normal business hours to the business and
         best interests of the Company; and (ii) discharge such executive and
         administrative duties as may be assigned to him by the Board as are
         reasonably consistent with the Executive's title and office and report
         to and obey the lawful directions of the Board, provided that such
         instructions do not violate or cause a violation of law and do not
         constitute a breach of the directors' fiduciary duties to the Company.
         The foregoing shall not be construed to prohibit the Executive from:
         (i) serving as a director of any corporation which is not a competitor
         of the Company, provided that such service by the Executive does not
         materially interfere with the performance by the Executive of his
         duties hereunder and the Executive has obtained the prior consent of
         the Company, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld; or (ii)
         engaging in civic, educational, religious, charitable or other
         community or non-profit activities that do not impair the Executive's
         ability to fulfill the Executive's duties and responsibilities under
         this Agreement. It is agreed that, subject to Section 3(b), the
         Executive serving as Chairman and Member of the Board of Directors of
         Quail during the Employment Period will not be a violation of this


         Agreement provided that (i) he does not perform management functions
         for Quail, (ii) he performs no duties other than chairing and attending
         board meetings, and (iii) his title, position and/or responsibilities
         as such Chairman and Member do not impair his ability to perform his
         duties under this Agreement.

                  2. COMPENSATION. Until the termination of the Executive's
employment hereunder, in consideration for the services of the Executive
hereunder, the Company shall compensate the Executive as follows:

                           (a) BASE COMPENSATION. During the Employment Period,
         the Company will pay to the Executive a base salary at the annual rate
         of Three Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollars ($330,000), payable
         semi-monthly or in such other manner as the Executive and the Company
         may mutually agree (the "Base Salary"). The Base Salary may be
         increased from time to time at the sole discretion of the Board. The
         Board shall annually review the Executive's job performance and shall
         annually consider increasing the Executive's Base Salary. Without
         limiting the Board's discretion concerning increases to the Executive's
         Base Salary, the Board shall consider the Company's past practice with
         respect to executive salary increases in making salary increase
         decisions. Nothing herein shall be construed as guaranteeing the
         Executive the right to receive any such salary increases.

                           (b) BONUS. The Executive shall also be eligible to
         receive a bonus payable on or prior to the 120th day following the end
         of each calendar year during which this Agreement is in effect or,
         notwithstanding the foregoing, with respect to any portion of the bonus
         which may be in dispute and which has been challenged by institution of
         the dispute mechanism set forth in paragraph 2(d) below, ten (10) days
         after the rendering of a determination pursuant to paragraph 2(d)
         below. The bonus which shall be payable to the Executive for the fiscal
         year ended December 31, 1999 ("Fiscal 1999") shall be determined by
         computing an amount equal to (i) 10% multiplied by (ii) the amount of
         net valve sales of the Company in Fiscal 1999 in excess of $18,650,000.
         For example, if the net valve sales for Fiscal 1999 is $19,650,000, the
         bonus would be $100,000 (10% x 1,000,000), subject to adjustment in
         accordance with the next paragraph.

                           In addition, the 1999 Bonus shall be adjusted
         according to the selling, general and administrative costs ("SG&A")
         incurred by the Company in 1999, as follows: (i) 1% of any increase of
         SG&A over $10,800,000 (1998 actual) shall be deducted from the 1999
         Bonus; or (ii) 1% of any decrease of SG&A under $10,800,000 shall be
         added to the 1999 Bonus. For example, if there is an increase in SG&A
         of $100,000 over $10,800,000, the bonus described in the above example
         would be reduced by $1,000. It is agreed that the SG&A shall not
         include any of the costs incurred by the Company in connection with the
         transaction described In the recitals to this Agreement and in
         connection with this Agreement, including without limitation, any and
         all attorneys' fees incurred by the Company in connection therewith.


                           The bonus payable for the two-year period remaining
         in the initial term of this Employment Agreement shall be determined
         through good faith negotiations between the Executive and the Company
         at the end of Fiscal 1999. The bonus amount for any employment term
         following the Initial Termination Date shall be negotiated in good
         faith between the Executive and the Company at the time the employment
         term is extended.

                           (c) OTHER BENEFITS. During the Executive's employment
         with the Company, the Executive shall be entitled to the following
         benefits at the cost of the Company, except as otherwise provided in
         (ii) below:

                                    (i) five (5) weeks vacation time per
                  calendar year, accruing on January 1 of each year during his
                  employment with the Company, with unused vacation, at the
                  election of the Executive, to be paid in cash or carried
                  forward to the next year;

                                    (ii) participation in all employee life,
                  medical and dental insurance, retirement and profit sharing
                  plans and other benefit programs now or hereafter maintained
                  by the Company for senior executives of the Company according
                  to the terms of those plans as amended from time to time by
                  the Company; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the Executive will in no
                  event be entitled to benefits in amounts or of the type less
                  or worse than those which he was entitled to receive from the
                  Company as of December 1, 1992;

                                    (iii) use of an automobile, the lease or
                  finance costs of which shall not exceed $1,000 per month;

                                    (iv) payment for or reimbursement for all
                  reasonable and properly documented expenses incurred or paid
                  by him in connection with the performance of his duties

                                    (v) payment for or reimbursement for all
                  reasonable and properly documented expenses incurred or paid
                  by him for financial planning, income tax preparation and
                  estate planning services; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, such amount under
                  this clause shall in no event annually exceed $10,000; and

                                    (vi) participation in a term life insurance
                  program with a face amount of at least ten (10) times the
                  Executive's then current Base Salary, provided that the
                  Executive shall be entitled to name the beneficiary of that

                           (d) All determinations of the bonus amount under
         Section 2(b) and elsewhere in this Agreement shall be made in good
         faith by the Board, subject to the provisions herein, in accordance
         with generally accepted accounting principles consistently applied and
         subject to normal year-end adjustments within ninety (90) days of the
         end of the Company's fiscal year.


                           (e) (i) The Company shall maintain the existing key
                  man insurance, Variable Universal Life Policy with Jefferson
                  Pilot Financial formerly Chubb Life Insurance Company of
                  America, Policy No. 6700345 (the "Policy"), on the life of
                  Executive in the amount of $5,000,000, with the cash surrender
                  value thereof to be payable to the Company, for the period
                  ending on December 31, 2005. If the Executive is employed with
                  the Company as of January 1, 2006 (whether or not he remains
                  employed after that date) (a) any cash surrender value of such
                  policies in excess of the aggregate of the premiums paid for
                  the period through December 31, 2005 (the "Excess Value") will
                  be used by the Company to fund a retirement plan for the
                  Executive, and (b) the beneficiary of the Policy shall be
                  changed to the beneficiary or beneficiaries designated by the
                  Executive. Failing such designation, the proceeds shall be
                  payable to the estate of the Executive. In such event, the
                  Policy shall not be terminated and the Company shall pay any
                  further premiums due (if any) to insure the Policy remains in

                                    (ii) The Company shall be prohibited from
                  terminating, canceling or amending the existing Policy, making
                  loans against the Policy or making any withdrawal of the cash
                  surrender values at any time.

                                    (iii) If the Executive leaves the employ of
                  the Company at any time with Good Reason (as said term is
                  defined in Article 3(c) herein) or due to a Change of Control
                  (as said term is defined in Article 3(e)(i) herein), the
                  Company shall continue to pay the premiums under the Policy
                  for the remainder of the ten (10) year premium period. During
                  such period, the beneficiary designation shall be changed so
                  that the company receives the benefits to the extent of
                  premiums paid and the Executive shall designate the
                  beneficiaries for the balance of the insurance proceeds.
                  Failing such designation the proceeds shall be payable to the
                  estate of the Executive. At the end of the ten (10) year
                  premium period, the Policy shall not be terminated and the
                  Executive, at his option, may pay any further premiums due (if
                  any) to insure the Policy remains in effect.

                                    (iv) In the event that before January 1,
                  2006, the Executive voluntarily resigns his position with the
                  Company (except for events which constitute resignation for
                  Good Reason or Change of Control) or is no longer employed due
                  to the expiration of the Agreement, the Executive shall have
                  the option, but not the obligation, to continue to pay any
                  further premiums due (if any) to insure the Policy remains in
                  effect. In such instance, the Policy shall not be terminated
                  and (a) any cash surrender value of such policies in excess of
                  the aggregate of the premiums paid for the period through the
                  date of resignation or employment expiration (the "Excess
                  Value") will be used by the Company to fund a retirement plan
                  for the Executive, and (b) the beneficiary of the Policy shall
                  be changed to the beneficiary or beneficiaries designated by
                  the Executive. Failing such designation, the proceeds shall be
                  payable to the estate of the Executive.


                                    (v) The Company agrees to cooperate with the
                  Executive in replacing the Policy with another insurance
                  and/or another unfunded deferred compensation arrangement
                  which is mutually agreeable to the Company and the Executive
                  which is tax advantageous to the Executive, provided that the
                  amount of such new policy, if any, shall not exceed
                  $5,000,000. Under no circumstances shall the Company be
                  required to establish a funded retirement plan.

                  3. TERMINATION. The Executive's employment hereunder shall
commence on the Effective Time and continue until the expiration of the
Employment Period, except that the employment of the Executive hereunder shall
terminate earlier:

                           (a) DEATH OR DISABILITY. Upon the death of the
         Executive during the Employment Period or, at the option of the
         Company, in the event of the Executive's disability, upon thirty (30)
         days' written notice from the Company. The Executive shall be deemed
         disabled if an independent medical doctor (selected by mutual agreement
         of the Executive and the Company) after consultation with the
         Executive's physician and examination of the Executive certifies that
         the Executive has for 180 consecutive days or for a non-consecutive
         period of 180 days during any twelve (12) month period been mentally or
         physically disabled in a manner which renders him unable to perform his
         responsibilities under this Agreement.

                           (b) FOR CAUSE. For "Cause" immediately upon written
         notice by the Board to the Executive, specifying in detail the basis
         for such Cause. For purposes of this Agreement, "Cause" shall mean:

                                    (i) a breach of any material provision of
                  this Agreement, including without implication of limitation
                  any breach of Sections 1(b) and/or 4(a) through (d) hereof
                  which breach, if curable, is not cured within thirty (30) days
                  after written notice thereof, specifying the particulars of
                  such breach, is given to the Executive by the Board; provided,
                  however, with regard to any alleged breach under Section 1(b),
                  the determination by the Board shall be made in its sole
                  discretion exercised in good faith;

                                    (ii) one or more acts of dishonesty or fraud
                  by the Executive during the Employment Period in the
                  performance of his duties on behalf of the Company;

                                    (iii) any plea of NOLO CONTENDERE, guilty
                  plea or any conviction of the Executive of any felony or any
                  other crime which conviction has, or is reasonably likely to
                  have, a material adverse effect on the Company or its business
                  or reputation;

                                    (iv) any material act or omission by the
                  Executive during the Employment Period involving willful
                  malfeasance or gross negligence in the performance of his
                  duties hereunder which breach, if curable, is not cured


                  within thirty (30) days after written notice thereof,
                  specifying the particulars of such breach, is given to the
                  Executive by the Board;

                                    (v) the repeated failure of the Executive to
                  follow the reasonable instructions of the Board, which
                  instructions shall have been on at least one occasion set
                  forth in a resolution or a written communication of the Board
                  delivered to the Executive; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that compliance
                  with such instructions would not violate or cause a violation
                  of law, would not constitute a breach of fiduciary duty to the
                  Company and would not otherwise be inconsistent with this
                  Agreement; or

                                    (vi) the inability of the Executive as a
                  result of continued alcohol or drug use to carry out the
                  responsibilities of his office.

                           (c) RESIGNATION; TERMINATION WITHOUT CAUSE. Upon
         ninety (90) days' written notice by either the Company or the Executive
         to the other party hereto, except that the Executive may terminate his
         employment with Good Reason upon thirty (30) days' written notice to
         the Company. For purposes of this Agreement, the term "Good Reason"
         shall mean the occurrence of any of the events or conditions described
         in subparagraphs (i) through (iv) hereof without the Executive's
         express written consent:

                                    (i) a material adverse change in the
                  Executive's status, title, position, scope of authority or
                  responsibilities (including reporting responsibilities); the
                  assignment to the Executive of any duties or responsibilities
                  which are materially inconsistent with such status, title,
                  position, authorities or responsibilities; or any removal of
                  the Executive from or failure to reappoint or reelect him to
                  any of such positions, except in connection with the
                  termination of his employment for Cause, as a result of his
                  death or disability or by the Executive other than for Good

                                    (ii) the relocation of the Company's
                  principal executive offices to a location outside a 30-mile
                  radius of 120 Cabot Street, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, or
                  the Company's requiring Executive to be based at any place
                  other than the Company's principal executive offices, except
                  for reasonably required travel on the Company's business which
                  is not substantially greater than such travel requirements
                  prior to the date hereof; or

                                    (iii) any material breach by the Company of
                  any provision of this Agreement, including without implication
                  of limitation a reduction by the Company in the Executive's
                  compensation or a material adverse change in the level of
                  benefits as set forth in Section 2 hereof.

         The Executive shall provide the Company with reasonable notice and an
opportunity to cure any of the events listed in Section 3(c) which would
constitute Good Reason for his resignation and shall not be entitled to
compensation pursuant to this Section 3(c) unless the


Company fails to cure within a reasonable period, but in no event shall such
period exceed thirty (30) days following the occurrence of the event(s) at

                           (d) RIGHTS AND REMEDIES ON TERMINATION.

                                    (i) If the Executive's employment hereunder
                  is terminated pursuant to Section 3(a) as a result of the
                  Executive's death or disability, on or prior to the Initial
                  Termination Date, then the Executive (or his estate) shall be
                  entitled to receive Death or Disability Pay consisting of the
                  continuation of the Executive's Base Salary in effect at the
                  time of such termination for a period (the "Severance Period")
                  beginning on the date the Executive terminates employment and
                  ending on the latest of (1) the last day of the 24th month
                  following such termination date or (2) the Initial Termination
                  Date less any payments received by the Executive under any
                  applicable disability policy maintained by the Company, and a
                  lump sum amount equal to the bonus payable to the Executive
                  for the last year prior to the termination, which bonus shall
                  be paid no later than thirty (30) days after the date such
                  amount has been determined.

                                    (ii) If the Executive's employment hereunder
                  is terminated on or prior to the Initial Termination Date: (1)
                  by the Company pursuant to Section 3(c) or (2) by the
                  Executive for Good Reason pursuant to Section 3(c), then the
                  Executive shall be entitled to receive Severance Pay
                  consisting of the continuation of the Executive's Base Salary
                  for the Severance Period defined in (i) above and a lump sum
                  amount equal to the bonus payable to the Executive for the
                  last year prior to the termination, which bonus shall be paid
                  no later than thirty (30) days after the date such amount has
                  been determined. In addition, the Company shall provide the
                  Executive with a reasonable office and secretarial services
                  throughout the Severance Period.

                                    (iii) In addition to the amounts due to
                  Executive pursuant to paragraph 3(d)(ii) of this Agreement, if
                  the Executive's employment is terminated (A) by the Company
                  pursuant to Section 3(c) effective on or after the second
                  anniversary of the Effective Time and before the Initial
                  Termination Date, (B) on or after the Initial Termination Date
                  by either party for any reason other than by the Company for
                  Cause, or (C) upon expiration of the initial term without
                  renewal, then the Company shall pay the Executive $1,000,000
                  (the "Non-Compete Consideration"). If the Executive's
                  employment is terminated in the circumstances provided in
                  Section 3(d)(iii)(A) or (C), then the Non-Compete
                  Consideration shall be paid to the Executive within seven
                  calendar days of such termination. On or before the 45th day
                  prior to the Initial Termination Date, the Executive and the
                  Company shall discuss and agree, if at all possible, on the
                  manner of payment and any investment of the Non-Compete
                  Consideration in the event that the Non-Compete Consideration
                  is not paid to the Executive prior to the Initial Termination
                  Date. The Company agrees to cooperate with the Executive in
                  structuring the timing and/or manner of payment of the


                  Consideration in a way which is tax advantageous to the
                  Executive, provided there is no additional cost to the
                  Company. If required to do so, the Company shall withhold any
                  taxes from the disbursement of the Non-Compete Consideration.
                  In no event will the Non-Compete Consideration be payable in
                  the event the Executive's employment is terminated by the
                  Company for Cause.

                                    (iv) In the event of a termination of the
                  Executive's employment entitling the Executive to rights
                  pursuant to Section 3(d)(i), (ii) or (iii) above, the
                  Executive and/or any members of his family insured through the
                  Company (the "Insured Parties") shall have the option to
                  continue their medical and dental insurance coverage pursuant
                  to the law known as "COBRA", PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the
                  Company shall continue to pay on the Insured Parties' behalf
                  the same portion of their medical and dental insurance
                  premiums that it paid during the Employment Period if they
                  elect to continue coverage pursuant to COBRA during the period
                  that such COBRA otherwise applies. Any share of premium
                  payments to be paid by the Insured Parties shall be deducted
                  from the Death or Disability Pay, the Severance Pay or the
                  Non-Compete Consideration as if the Executive remained
                  actively employed. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event
                  that the Executive receives any equivalent medical and/or
                  dental coverage from any other source, then the Company shall
                  no longer be obligated to provide such coverage.

                                    (v) Except as otherwise set forth in this
                  Section 3(d) or 3(e) below, the Executive shall not be
                  entitled to any severance or other compensation after the
                  termination of his employment with the Company other than
                  payment of his Base Salary through the date of termination,
                  payment for then accrued but unused vacation pay as calculated
                  pursuant to Section 2(c)(i), provision of other benefits
                  pursuant to Section 2(c)(ii) and (iii) through the date of
                  termination, any expense reimbursements under Section 2(c)(iv)
                  and (v) for expenses incurred prior to termination, and the
                  option to continue the life insurance coverage provided
                  pursuant to Section 2(c)(vi) at his own expense after the
                  termination of his employment with the Company.

                           (e) TERMINATION PURSUANT TO A CHANGE OF CONTROL. If
         there is a Change of Control, as defined in Section 3(e)(i) below,
         during the Executive's employment with the Company, the provisions of
         this Section 3(e) shall apply and shall continue to apply throughout
         the remainder of the Employment Period. If, within one (1) year
         following a Change of Control, the Executive's employment is terminated
         by the Company without Cause (pursuant to Section 3(c) above), or if
         the Executive resigns his employment for Good Reason following the
         occurrence of any of the events listed in Section 3(c) above, in lieu
         of any payments under Section 3(d) above, the Company shall pay to the
         Executive (or the Executive's estate, if applicable) a lump sum amount
         equal to 2.99 times the Executive's "base amount"


         within the meaning of Section 280G(b)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
         of 1986, as amended (the "Code").

                                    (i) "Change of Control" shall mean the
                  occurrence of one or more of the following events:

                                            (1) any "person" (as such term is
                           used in Sections 13(d) and 14(d)(2) of the Securities
                           Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange
                           Act")) other than Asahi Organic Chemicals Industry
                           Co., Ltd. (formerly known as Asahi Yukizai Kogyo Co.,
                           Ltd.) ("AOC") becomes a "beneficial owner" (as such
                           term is defined in Rule 13d-3 promulgated under the
                           Exchange Act) (other than the Company, any trustee or
                           other fiduciary holding securities under an employee
                           benefit plan of the Company), directly or indirectly,
                           of securities of the Company, or any successor to the
                           Company through merger, consolidation, amalgamation
                           or the sale of substantially all of the assets of the
                           Company, representing fifty percent (50%) or more of
                           the combined voting power of the Company's or any
                           such successor to the Company's then outstanding
                           securities; or

                                            (2) the stockholders of the Company
                           approve a plan of complete liquidation of the Company
                           or an agreement for the sale or disposition by the
                           Company of all or substantially all of the Company's
                           assets (other than to a company beneficially owned
                           more than 50% by AOC) is consummated.

                                    (ii) It is the intention of the Executive
                  and of the Company that no payments by the Company to or for
                  the benefit of the Executive under this Agreement shall be
                  nondeductible to the Company by reason of the operation of
                  Section 280G of the Code relating to parachute payments or any
                  like statutory or regulatory provision. Accordingly, and
                  notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement or any
                  such agreement or plan, if by reason of the operation of said
                  Section 280G or any like statutory or regulatory provision,
                  any such payments exceed the amount which can be deducted by
                  the Company, such payments shall be reduced to the maximum
                  amount which can be deducted by the Company. To the extent
                  that payments exceeding such maximum deductible amount have
                  been made to or for the benefit of the Executive, such excess
                  payments shall be refunded to the Company with interest
                  thereon at the applicable Federal rate determined under
                  Section 1274(d) of the Code, compounded annually, or at such
                  other rate as may be required in order that no such payments
                  shall be nondeductible to the Company by reason of the
                  operation of said Section 280G or any like statutory or
                  regulatory provision. To the extent that there is more than
                  one method of reducing the payments to bring them within the
                  limitations of said Section 280G or any like statutory or
                  regulatory provision, the Executive shall determine which
                  method shall be followed, provided that if the Executive fails
                  to make such determination within forty-five (45) days after


                  the Company has given notice of the need for such reduction,
                  the Company may determine the method of such reduction in its
                  sole discretion.

                  4. COVENANTS OF THE EXECUTIVE.

         COMPANY. During the Employment Period and at all times thereafter,
         except in connection with a dispute arising under this Agreement or the
         terms and conditions of the Executive's employment, the Executive will
         not disparage the Company or any of its Affiliates. During the
         Non-Solicitation Period (as defined below), the Executive shall not,
         and shall use his best efforts to cause each other business or entity
         with which he is or shall become associated in any capacity not,
         directly or indirectly to employ any person (other than the Executive's
         son, Robert Lewis, and his secretary, Marjorie Martinetti) who at any
         time during the Executive's final two years of employment with the
         Company was employed in any capacity by the Company or any of its
         Affiliates. During the Non-Solicitation Period, the Executive shall
         not, and shall use his best efforts to cause each other business or
         entity with which he is or shall become associated in any capacity not,
         (i) directly or indirectly to solicit for employment any person (other
         than the Executive's son, Robert Lewis, and his secretary, Marjorie
         Martinetti) who at any time during the Executive's final two years of
         employment with the Company was employed in any capacity by the Company
         or any of its Affiliates (with the exception of Quail); (ii) to
         directly or indirectly solicit any person or entity who at any time
         during the Executive's final two years of employment with the Company
         was a customer of the Company or its Affiliates (with the exception of
         Quail) in respect of the products or services supplied by the Company
         or its Affiliates (with the exception of Quail); or (iii) directly or
         intentionally indirectly interfere or seek to interfere with the
         continuance of supplies to the Company or its Affiliates (or with the
         terms relating to such supplies) from any persons or entities who have
         been supplying materials or services to the Company during the
         Executive's final two years of employment with the Company.

                           For purposes of this Agreement, the term
         "Non-Solicitation Period" shall mean the period of time during which
         the Executive is actively employed by the Company and (i) with respect
         to termination of the Executive's employment hereunder for "Cause"
         pursuant to Section 3(b) or by the Executive pursuant to Section 3(c)
         other than for Good Reason, a period beginning on the date of the
         termination and ending six (6) months following the expiration of the
         Employment Period in effect at the time of the termination; or (ii)
         with respect to termination on or prior to the Initial Termination
         Date, as a result of the Executive's disability pursuant to Section
         3(a), by the Company without Cause pursuant to Section 3(c) or by the
         Executive for Good Reason pursuant to Section 3(c), the period during
         which the Executive receives Disability Pay or Severance Pay pursuant
         to Section 3(d) hereof.

                           (b) CONFIDENTIALITY. Without the specific prior
         written consent of the Company, the Executive shall not, directly or
         indirectly, at any time after the date hereof, use or divulge to any
         person, any confidential information concerning the


         business, affairs, customers or clients of the Company or any of its
         Affiliates, including, without limitation, customer lists, names and
         addresses, sales targets and statistics, market share statistics,
         surveys and reports, insofar as the same have come to the Executive's
         knowledge during his employment with the Company, all of which
         information is confidential and proprietary to the Company and shall
         remain the sole and exclusive property of the Company. Notwithstanding
         the foregoing, the Executive shall have the right to use the generic
         knowledge and expertise acquired by him during his employment with the
         Company so as to enable him to be otherwise gainfully employed within
         the Company's industry, subject to the non-competition agreement set
         forth in (d) below. The Company also expressly agrees that the
         Executive may disclose information as may be required by law or to
         comply with legal process.

                           (c) INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. The Executive shall as
         soon as practicable disclose to the Company all ideas, inventions and
         business plans developed by the Executive during his employment with
         the Company which relate directly or indirectly to the business or then
         currently anticipated business of the Company or its Affiliates,
         including, without limitation, any process, operation, product or
         improvement ("Intellectual Property"). The Executive agrees that such
         Intellectual Property will be the property of the Company and that the
         Executive shall, without further payment to the Executive at the
         Company's request and cost, do whatever is reasonably necessary for the
         Company to secure the rights thereto by patent, copyright or otherwise
         for the Company.

                           (d) NON-COMPETE. The Executive acknowledges and
         recognizes the highly competitive nature of the Company's business and,
         in consideration of the payment by the Company to the Executive of
         amounts that may hereafter be paid to the Executive pursuant to
         Sections 3(d)(ii) or (iii) hereof, the Executive agrees that (1) during
         any period in which Disability Pay or Severance Pay is paid and (2) if
         the Executive receives the Non-Compete Consideration pursuant to
         Section 3(d) of this Agreement, for a period of five years, the
         Executive will not engage, directly or indirectly, in the "Covered
         Business" (as hereinafter defined) in any state of the United States of
         America in which the Company is conducting business or proposes to
         conduct business as of the date on which the Executive's employment
         with the Company is terminated and any states contiguous therewith
         (these areas are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Covered
         Area"). For purposes of this Agreement, (i) "Covered Business" shall
         mean the provision of the products and services supplied by the Company
         or any of its Affiliates (excluding any products or services provided
         by Quail as of the Effective Time); and (ii) the phrase "engage,
         directly or indirectly" shall mean engaging directly or having an
         interest, directly or indirectly, as owner, partner, shareholder,
         independent contractor, capital investor, lender, person who renders
         consultation services or advice or otherwise (other than as the holder
         of less than 5% of the outstanding stock of a publicly-traded
         corporation), either alone or in association with others, in the
         operation of any aspect of any type of business or enterprise engaged
         in any aspect of the Covered Business. The Executive shall be deemed
         engaged in business in the Covered Area if his place


         of business is located in the Covered Area or if he or his business
         solicits customers located anywhere in, or delivers products anywhere
         in, the Covered Area.


                           (a) THE COMPANY. The Company hereby represents
         and warrants to the Executive as follows:

                                    (i)   the Company is duly organized, validly
                  existing and in good standing under the laws of the
                  Commonwealth of Massachusetts;

                                    (ii)  this Agreement has been duly
                  authorized, executed and delivered by the Company; and

                                    (iii) the execution and delivery of this
                  Agreement by the Company, the performance by the Company of
                  its obligations hereunder and the consummation by the Company
                  of the transactions contemplated hereby will not violate any
                  agreement to which the Company is a party or any provision of
                  its Articles of Organization or By-Laws.

                           (b) THE EXECUTIVE. The Executive hereby
         represents and warrants to the Company as follows:

                                    (i)   the Executive has full legal capacity
                  to enter into this Agreement;

                                    (ii)  this Agreement has been duly executed
                  and delivered by the Executive;

                                    (iii) the execution and delivery of this
                  Agreement by the Executive, the performance by the Executive
                  of his obligations hereunder and the consummation by the
                  Executive of the transactions contemplated hereby will not
                  violate any agreement to which he is a party; and

                                    (iv) the Executive has made such
                  investigations of the business and properties of the Company
                  as he deems necessary or appropriate before entering into this

                  6. SUCCESSORS:  ASSIGNMENT.

                           (a) THE COMPANY. Except as herein provided, the
         Company may not assign any of its rights or obligations under this
         Agreement without the written consent of the Executive; PROVIDED,
         HOWEVER, that the Company may assign this Agreement without such
         consent if assigned to the acquiring party as part of a transfer by the
         Company of all or substantially all of its assets and the acquiring
         party consents in writing to be bound by this Agreement. A change in
         control of the Company or merger of the Company with and into any other
         corporation (whether or not the Company shall be the surviving entity)
         shall not be deemed an assignment of this Agreement.


                           (b) THE EXECUTIVE. Neither this Agreement, nor
         any right, obligation or interest hereunder, may be assigned by the
         Executive, his beneficiaries, or his legal representatives.

                  7. NOTICES. All notices and other communications
hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been given when
delivered by hand, or three business days after being mailed by first-class
certified mail, postage prepaid and return receipt requested, addressed as

                  If to the Company:

                           Asahi/America, Inc.
                           35 Green Street
                           Malden, Massachusetts  02148
                           Attention:   President

                  with copies to:

                           Chadbourne & Parke LLP
                           30 Rockefeller Plaza
                           New York, New York 10112
                           Attention: David M. Wilf, Esq.


                           Testa, Hurwitz & Thibeault LLP
                           High Street Tower
                           Boston, Massachusetts 02110
                           Attention:  F. George Davitt, Esq.

                  If to the Executive:

                           Leslie B. Lewis
                           120 Cabot Street
                           Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts  02167

                  with a copy to:

                           Hutchins, Wheeler & Dittmar
                           101 Federal Street
                           Boston, Massachusetts  02110
                           Attention:  David S. Rosenthal, Esq.

                  8. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by
and construed in accordance with the internal laws of the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts without giving effect to the conflicts of law principles thereof.


                  9. EXPENSES. All costs and expenses (including
attorneys' fees) incurred by the Company and the Executive in connection with
the negotiation and preparation of this Agreement shall be paid by the Company.

                  10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement contains the entire
agreement of the parties and their affiliates relating to the subject matter
hereof and supersedes all prior agreements, representations, warranties and
understandings, written or oral with respect thereto including, without
limitation, the Prior Agreement. The Executive acknowledges that (i) he has no
right to payments that may arise on account of the transactions contemplated by
the Merger Agreement other than on account of his stock in the Company and has
no other rights pursuant to the Prior Agreement, (ii) "Good Reason" does not
exist based upon the transactions contemplated in the Merger Agreement and (iii)
any accrued but unpaid salaries, accrued vacation days and unreimbursed expenses
(as described in Section 2(c)) shall carry over from the Prior Agreement.

                  11. SEVERABILITY.

                           (a) GENERALLY. If any term or provision of this
         Agreement or the application thereof to any person, property or
         circumstances shall to any extent be invalid or unenforceable, the
         remainder of this Agreement, or the application of such term or
         provision to persons, property or circumstances other than those as to
         which it is invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby,
         and each term and provision of this Agreement shall be valid and
         enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.

                           (b) DURATION AND SCOPE OF CERTAIN COVENANTS. Without
         limiting Section 11(a) hereof, if any court or arbitrator determines
         that any of the covenants contained in Section 4 hereof, or any part of
         such covenants, are unenforceable because of the duration or geographic
         scope of such provision, such court or arbitrator shall have the power
         to and is hereby requested to modify the duration or scope of such
         provisions as the case may be to the extent necessary to make such
         provision enforceable, and in its modified form, such provision shall
         then be enforceable.

                  12. ARBITRATION. In the event of any dispute arising out
of or relating to this Agreement or in the case of breach hereof, the parties
shall try in the first instance to arrive at an amicable settlement, within
sixty (60) days after notice thereof has been given in writing by the
complaining party. Should this fail, the dispute or breach shall be referred to
and finally settled by arbitration which shall be held in Boston, Massachusetts
and conducted in the English language in accordance with the commercial
arbitration rules of the American Arbitration Association ("AAA"); PROVIDED,
HOWEVER, that disputes with regard to the determination of any bonus amount
hereunder shall be resolved in accordance with the procedures set forth in
Section 2(d) hereof. The AAA shall select three arbitrators (or in the event of
a monetary dispute involving less than $25,000, one arbitrator) to arbitrate the
disputed matter. The arbitration decision shall be binding and final and
judgment on any award rendered by the arbitrators may be entered in any court
having jurisdiction thereof. Each side shall bear the cost of its respective
attorneys' fees associated with the foregoing procedures.


                  13. REMEDIES: EQUITABLE RELIEF. The Executive
acknowledges and agrees that the covenants and obligations of the Executive
contained in Section 4 hereof relate to special, unique and extraordinary
matters and are reasonable and necessary to protect the legitimate interests of
the Company and its Affiliates and that a breach of any of the terms of such
covenants and obligations will cause the Company irreparable injury for which
adequate remedies at law are not available. The Executive therefore consents to
injunctive relief, a restraining order, an order of specific performance or any
other equitable relief (together, "Equitable Relief") with respect to any of its
obligations under Section 4. As to such obligations, any order for Equitable
Relief shall be in lieu of damages except for damages accrued up to the date of
compliance with the order. The Executive hereby waives any claim or defense
therein that the Company has an adequate remedy at law or that money damages
would provide an adequate remedy. It shall, however, be the election of the
Company as to whether or not to seek Equitable Relief. An order for Equitable
Relief shall be among the remedies which can be granted pursuant to an
arbitration instituted under Section 12 hereof and enforced by any court of
competent jurisdiction. Additionally, solely for the purpose of provisional
relief pending a determination on the merits pursuant to the arbitration process
provided for in Section 12 hereof, the Company may seek from an appropriate
court Equitable Relief.

                  14. AMENDMENTS, MISCELLANEOUS, ETC. Neither this
Agreement, nor any term hereof, may be amended, modified, waived, discharged or
terminated except by an instrument in writing signed by the party against which
such change, waiver, discharge or termination is sought to be enforced. The
Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be
deemed an original, and all of which together shall constitute one and the same
instrument. The headings contained in this Agreement are for reference purposes
only and shall not affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this
Agreement. All references to Sections shall be to Sections of this Agreement.

                  15. EFFECTIVENESS.  This Agreement shall be effective
only as of the Effective Time, and prior to such time, this Agreement shall have
no force or effect.


                  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed and
delivered this Agreement under seal as of the date first written above.

                                          ASAHI/AMERICA, INC.

                                          By: /s/ Kozo Terada
                                              Name: Kozo Terada
                                              Title: VP, CFO, Treasurer

                                           /s/ Leslie B. Lewis
                                           LESLIE B. LEWIS
