I, Abigail M. Armstrong, Secretary of Allmerica Financial Life Insurance and
Annuity Company, do hereby certify that the following is a resolution approved
by unanimous vote of the Board of Directors on June 13, 1996, and that such
resolution has not been repealed or amended, and is in full force and effect as
of the date hereof:

VOTED:        That pursuant to the provisions of Article Third (b) and (c) of
              its Certificate of Incorporation and as authorized by Section 2932
              of the Delaware Insurance Code, the appropriate officers of the
              Company are hereby authorized to establish from time-to-time and
              to maintain one or more separate accounts (collectively, "Separate
              Accounts") independent and apart from the Company's general
              investment account for the purpose of providing for the issuance
              by the Company of such Contracts as may be determined from

              That separate investment divisions ("Sub-Accounts") may be
              established within each Separate Account to which net payments may
              be allocated in accordance with the terms of the relevant
              Contracts, and that the appropriate officers of the Company be and
              hereby are authorized to increase or decrease the number of
              Sub-Accounts in a Separate Account, as may be deemed necessary or
              appropriate from time-to-time;

              That in accordance with the terms of the relevant Contracts, the
              portion of the assets of each such Separate Account equal to the
              separate account reserves and other contract liabilities shall not
              be chargeable with liabilities arising out of any other business
              the Company may conduct;

              That the income and gains and losses, whether or not realized,
              from assets allocated to a Separate Account shall be credited to
              or charged against such Separate Account without regard to other
              income, gains or losses of the Company or any other Separate
              Account, and that the income and gains and losses, whether or not
              realized, from assets allocated to each Sub-Account of a Separate
              Account shall be credited to or charged against such Sub-Account
              without regard to other income, gains or losses of the Company,
              any other Sub-Account or any other Separate Account;

              That the appropriate officers of the Company are authorized to
              determine investment objectives and appropriate underwriting
              criteria, investment management policies and other requirements
              necessary or desirable for the operation and management of each of
              the Company's Separate Accounts and Sub-Accounts thereof;
              provided, however, that if a Separate Account is registered with
              the Securities and Exchange Commission as a unit investment trust,
              each such Sub-Account thereof shall invest only in the shares of a
              single investment company or a single series or portfolio of an
              investment company organized as a series fund pursuant to the
              Investment Company Act of 1940;

              That the appropriate officers of the Company be and they hereby
              are authorized to deposit such amounts in a Separate Account and
              the Sub-Accounts thereof as may be necessary or appropriate to
              facilitate the commencement of operations;

              That the appropriate officers of the Company be and they hereby
              are authorized to transfer funds from time-to-time between the
              Company's general account and the Separate Accounts as deemed
              necessary or appropriate and consistent with the terms of the
              relevant Contracts;

              That the appropriate officers of the Company be and they hereby
              are authorized to change the name or designation of a Separate
              Account and Sub-Accounts thereof to such other names or
              designations as they may deem necessary or appropriate;

              That the appropriate officers of the Company, with such assistance
              from the Company's auditors, legal counsel and independent
              consultants, or others as they may require, are hereby severally
              authorized to take all appropriate action, if in their discretion
              deemed necessary, to: (a) register the Separate Accounts under the
              Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended; (b) register the
              relevant Contracts in such amounts, which may be an indefinite
              amount, as the appropriate officers of the Company shall from
              time-to-time deem appropriate under the Securities Act of 1933;
              (c) to claim exemptions from registration of a Separate Accounts
              and/or the relevant Contracts, if appropriate; and (d) take all
              other actions which are necessary in connection with the offering
              of the Contracts for sale and the operation of the Separate
              Accounts in order to comply with the Investment Company Act of
              1940, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Securities Act of
              1933, and other applicable federal laws, including the filing of
              any amendments to registration statements, any undertakings, any
              applications for exemptions from the Investment Company Act of
              1940 or other applicable federal laws, and the filing of any
              documents necessary to claim or to maintain such exemptions, as
              the appropriate officers of the Company shall deem necessary or

              That the Secretary and Counsel is hereby appointed as agent for
              service under any such registration statement and is duly
              authorized to receive communications and notices from the
              Securities and Exchange Commission with respect thereto and to
              exercise the powers given to such agent in the rules and
              regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission under the
              Securities Act of 1933, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, or
              the Investment Company Act of 1940;

              That the appropriate officers of the Company are hereby authorized
              to establish procedures under which the Company will institute
              procedures for providing voting rights for owners of such
              Contracts with respect to securities owned by the Separate


              That the appropriate officers of the Company are hereby authorized
              to execute such agreement or agreements as deemed necessary and
              appropriate (i) with Allmerica Investments, Inc., or other
              qualified entity under which Allmerica Investments, Inc., or other
              such entity, will be appointed principal underwriter and
              distributor for the Contracts, (ii) with one or more qualified
              banks or other qualified entities to provide administrative and/or
              custodial services in connection with the establishment and
              maintenance of the Separate Accounts and the design, issuance and
              administration of the Contracts;

              That, since it is anticipated that the Separate Accounts will
              invest in securities, the appropriate officers of the Company are
              hereby authorized to execute such agreement or agreements as may
              be necessary or appropriate to enable such investments to be made;

              That the appropriate officers of the Company, and each of them,
              are hereby authorized to execute and deliver all such documents
              and papers and to do or cause to be done all such acts and things
              as they may deem necessary or desirable to carry out the foregoing
              votes and the intent and purposes thereof.

                                                       * * *

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I set my hand and the seal of the corporation, this 13th day
of June, 1996.

                                    /s/ ABIGAIL M. ARMSTRONG
                                 Abigail M. Armstrong, Secretary
