
A M O N G S T:

                      a corporation incorporated under the
                         laws of the state of Minnesota

                     (hereinafter called the "Corporation")

                                                              OF THE FIRST PART;

                                     - AND -

                         TECHINSPIRATIONS INC. (CAYMAN),
                           a Cayman Island corporation

                   (hereinafter referred to as the "Investor")

                                                             OF THE SECOND PART.


1.       The Corporation and TECHinspiration Inc., a Nevada corporation ("TECH")
         that is associated with the Investor, entered into a certain letter
         agreement with effect as of the 30th day of November 1998 (the "Letter
         of Intent") whereby TECH agreed to furnish the Investor to purchase
         certain securities of the Corporation (the "Original Securities")
         consisting of, inter alia:

                  (a)      1,500,000 shares of preferred stock of the
                           Corporation at a price of $1,500,000 convertible into
                           common stock of $0.01 par value (the "Common Stock")
                           of the Corporation on a 1: 6 2/3 ratio;

                  (b)      a warrant (the Preferred Stock Warrant") permitting
                           the Investor to purchase for $1,500,000 an additional
                           1,500,000 shares of the aforesaid preferred stock of
                           the Corporation similarly convertible to Common

                  (c)      a warrant (the "Common Stock Warrant") permitting the
                           Investor to purchase up to 4,750,000 shares of Common
                           Stock of the Corporation at an exercise price of
                           $0.15 per share, the exercise of such right being
                           dependent upon achievement of certain thresholds in
                           the trading price of the Corporation's Common Stock;

                  (d)      certain secured debt (the "Secured Debt")of the
                           Corporation through which the Investor would provide
                           loans of up to $1,500,000 under a revolving operating
                           line of credit (the "Credit Facility");


2.       Pursuant to the provisions of the Letter of Intent, the Corporation
         agreed to pay certain fees to TECH at the rate of $25,000/month which
         fees have either been paid or accrued payable by the Corporation to the
         30th day of June, 1999;

3.       The proxy statement circulated to the Shareholders of the Corporation
         in conjunction with the Corporation's annual and special meeting of
         shareholders held on or around April 2nd 1999, disclosed the
         transactions with the Investor on the basis set out in the Letter of
         Intent including, without limitation, the issue and sale of the
         Securities to the Investor and at that meeting the Shareholders
         approved amendments to the share capital of the Corporation sufficient
         to accommodate that transaction;

4.       As of the date of this Agreement, the Investor has advanced in excess
         of $3 million plus accrued interest thereon (the "Debt") to the
         Corporation by way of loan under the secured Credit Facility as
         purchased from Norwest Business Credit, Inc;

5.       The Investor has agreed to bypass its purchase of Preferred Stock and
         its right to receive the Preferred Stock Warrant and, in lieu thereof,
         has agreed to purchase directly the underlying securities (in each case
         being shares of the Common Stock of the Corporation) at the conversion
         price of $0.15 per share as agreed in the Letter of Intent and as
         intended to be stipulated in the terms and conditions of the Preferred
         Stock and Preferred Stock Warrant;

6.       Accordingly, this Agreement sets out the terms and conditions whereby
         the Investor will purchase from the Corporation the following
         securities: (x) 20 million shares of the Common Stock of the
         Corporation, for a purchase price of $0.15 per share, or $3 million in
         the aggregate; (y) the Common Stock Warrant for $100.00 (including the
         right to purchase shares of Common Stock underlying the Common Stock
         Warrant); and (z) the Secured Debt. Upon completion of the transactions
         contemplated hereby, the Parties will be deemed to have waived any
         entitlements to receive, or obligation to issue, the Preferred Stock
         and Preferred Stock Warrant contemplated by the Letter of Intent.

         NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES THAT, in consideration of the
premises and the mutual covenants hereinafter contained, the parties hereto
agree as follows:

                           ARTICLE 1 - INTERPRETATION


         Capitalized terms denoting defined terms used in this Agreement that
         are not defined in the recitals or body to this Agreement shall bear
         the meanings attributable to them in Schedule 1.1 to this Agreement.

1.2      CURRENCY

         All dollar amounts referred to in this Agreement are in the lawful
         currency of the United States of America ($US).

1.3      TIME

         Time shall be of the essence of this Agreement and of every part


1.4      HEADINGS

         The division of this Agreement into sections, clauses and subclauses
         and the insertion of headings are for convenience of reference only and
         shall not affect the construction or interpretation hereof.

1.5      SCHEDULES

         The following are the Schedules attached to and incorporated in this
         Agreement by reference and deemed to be part hereof:


         1.1              Definitions
         1.1(j)           Closing Agenda
         2.1(b)           Common Stock Warrant
         3.3              Exceptions, if any, to Representations and Warrantie
         3.3(q)           NPE System Description
         3.3(x)           Clients


         This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with, and the rights of
         the parties hereto shall be governed by, the laws of the state of
         Minnesota. Each of the parties hereto hereby irrevocably attorns to the
         jurisdiction of the courts of the state of Minnesota.


         In this Agreement:

         (a)   words denoting the singular include the plural and vice versa
               and words denoting any gender include all genders;

         (b)   the word "including" shall mean "including without limitation";

         (c)   any reference to a statute shall mean the statute in force as
               at the date hereof and any regulation in force thereunder,
               unless otherwise expressly provided;

         (d)   the use of headings is for convenience of reference only and
               shall not affect the construction of this Agreement;

         (e)   when calculating the period of time within which or following
               which any act is to be done or step taken, the date which is
               the reference day in calculating such period shall be
               excluded. If the last day of such period is not a Business
               Day, the period shall end on the next Business Day;

         (f)   any tender of documents under this Agreement may be made upon
               the parties or their respective counsel; and

         (g)   words or abbreviations which have well known or trade meanings
               are used herein in accordance with their recognized meanings.



         Each of the Parties hereto acknowledges and agrees that the recitals to
         this Agreement are true in substance and in fact and are incorporated
         into this Agreement.


         The Transaction Documents herein are being executed and delivered on
         the date hereof in furtherance of the implementation of transactions
         contemplated in the Letter of Intent. The parties to this Agreement,
         and the remaining party to the Letter of Intent (being TECH) by it's
         consent endorsed at the end of this Agreement, acknowledge and agree
         that the Letter of Intent is superseded and replaced by the Transaction
         Documents herein and that, subject to Section 2.3 hereof, the Letter of
         Intent is hereby terminated without further benefit to or liability of
         the parties thereto.



Subject to the terms and conditions hereof, the Investor hereby subscribes
irrevocably for and agrees to purchase from the Corporation, and the Corporation
agrees to issue to the Investor:

          (a) 20 million shares of the Common Stock of the Corporation
         "Purchased Common Shares"). The subscription price (the "Share Purchase
         Price") for the Purchased Common Shares shall be $0.15 per share, or $3
         million in the aggregate; and

         (b) the Common Stock Warrant, in or substantially in the former thereof
         annexed as Schedule 2.1 (b) hereto for a purchase price (the "Warrant
         Purchase Price", and together with the Share Purchase Price sometimes
         collectively referred to as the "Purchase Price") of $100.

2.2      PAYMENT

Payment of the Purchase Price shall be made at the Time of Closing on the
Closing Date and shall be made by the Investor tabling its irrevocable direction
to convert $3,000,100 of the Debt owed by the Corporation to the Investor in
full satisfaction of the Purchase Price pursuant to the Conversion Agreement,
dated the date hereof, between the Corporation and the Investor.


Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 1.9, it is acknowledged that the
Transaction Documents include, and coincidentally with the execution and
delivery of this Agreement there has been executed and delivered, a consulting
agreement between the Corporation and TECH providing for the consulting services
of the TECH to be rendered to the Corporation. It is further acknowledged that,
to the extent there remains any portion of the fee payable by the Corporation to
TECH under section C.1(a) of the Letter of Intent that is unpaid, the same shall
remain a continuing and effective obligation of the Corporation to TECH and the
same shall be paid by the Corporation to TECH forthwith after the date hereof,
notwithstanding the provisions of section 1.9 above.


The parties acknowledge and agree that coincidentally with the Closing of the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement, the parties have executed and
delivered the security and other


agreements set out in Section B of the Closing Agenda, being the `Secured
Debt' referred to in the definition herein of `Securities'. It is
acknowledged that the Investor has fulfilled its obligation to provide an
operating line of credit to the Corporation in the manner contemplated under
the Letter of Intent. It is further acknowledged that the Investor may in its
sole discretion, but need not, supply additional operating credit to the
Corporation and that, if it does so, such additional credit shall be secured
by the Securities delivered pursuant to section B of the Closing Agenda.


If the Corporation shall receive from the Investor at any time after the Closing
Date, a written request that the Corporation effect any registration under the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act") with respect to the
Purchased Common Shares or the Common Stock underlying the Common Stock Warrant
(provided that the Investor, if it is not already done so, exercises the Common
Stock Warrant in respect of such underlying Common Stock for which registration
is requested) then, with respect to such Purchased Common Stock and underlying
Common Stock (collectively, the Registrable Securities") the Corporation shall,
as soon as a practical , use its commercially reasonable efforts to effect such
registration in accordance with this Agreement (including, without limitation,
the execution of an undertaking to file post -- effective amendments,
appropriate qualifications under applicable blue sky or other state securities
laws, and appropriate compliance with applicable regulations issued under the
Securities Act as may be so requested and as would permit or facilitate the sale
and distribution of all such Registrable Securities as are specified in such
request). Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Corporation shall not be obligated
to effect, or take any action to effect, any such registration pursuant to this
Section: if, upon receipt of a registration request pursuant to this Section,
the Corporation is advised in writing (with a copy to the Investor) by a
recognized regional or national independent investment banking firm selected by
the Corporation that, in such firms opinion, a registration at the time and on
the terms requested would adversely affect any public offering of securities of
the Corporation by the Corporation with respect to which the Corporation has
commenced preparation of a registration prior to the receipt of a registration
request for the Investor pursuant to this Section, then the Corporation shall
not be required to effect a registration pursuant to this Section until the
earlier of (x) 30 days after the completion of the Corporation's offering, (y)
promptly after abandoned meant of the Corporation's offering, or (z) 60 days
after the date of receipt of a registration request by the Investor pursuant to
this Section.

The Investor may request registration from time to time hereunder in respect of
any Purchased Common Shares or the Common Stock underlying the Common Stock
Warrant that have not previously been subject to a registration request, or that
have been so subject to a registration request and for any reason were withdrawn
from registration or were not distributed during the effectiveness of the
relevant registration statement; provided however, that the Investor may not
request registration pursuant to this Agreement more frequently than once every
twelve (12) months. All registration expenses incurred in connection with any
registration, qualification or compliance pursuant to this Agreement shall be
borne by the Corporation.


If any registration request hereunder is to be conducted by an underwriter, the
Investor and the Corporation shall enter into underwriting and related
agreements in customary form with the representatives of the underwriter or
underwriters selected for the underwriting of such distribution by the Investor
and reasonably acceptable to the Corporation. Such underwriting agreement will


contain such representations and warranties by the Corporation and such other
terms and provisions as are customarily contained in underwriting agreements
with respect to secondary distributions, including without limitation,
indemnities and contribution and the provision of opinions of counsel and
accountants letters in accordance with customary practice. The said
representations and warranties by, and the other agreements on the part of, the
Corporation and such opinions and accountants letter to and for the benefit of
such underwriters shall also be made to and for the benefit of the Investor. The
Corporation shall cooperate fully with the Investor and the underwriters in
connection with any underwritten offering. Notwithstanding any other provisions
of this Agreement, if the representative of the underwriter advises the Investor
in writing that market factors require a limitation on the number of the shares
to be underwritten, the number of shares included in the registration by the
Investor shall be reduced by such minimum number of shares as is necessary to
comply with such request; and no Registrable Securities or any other securities
excluded from the underwriting by reason of the underwriters marketing
limitation shall be included in such registration.


The Corporation shall execute such further and other documents, instruments and
agreements and shall do or cause to be done such further acts or things as made
be necessary to give effect to the full nature and intent of section 2.5 and 2.6
hereof, and as may be necessary to keep the Investor and the underwriter fully
informed (with copies of all relevant documents and drafts thereof) of the
Corporation's progress on such registration request.
In addition, and without limiting the foregoing, the Corporation will:

(a)      Keep such registration effective for a period of three months, or until
         the Investor has completed the distribution described in the
         registration statement relating thereto, whichever occurs first;

(b)      Provide the underwriters and the Investor no less than five business
         days to review and comment upon any registration statement, prospectus,
         or supplemental documents prior to the filing thereof and accommodate
         any reasonable comments thereon;

(c)      Make available at all reasonable times for inspection and review by the
         Investor, any underwriter, and any attorney or accountant retained by
         the Investor or any underwriter, all financial and other records,
         pertinent corporate documents and properties of the Corporation and any
         document relevant to the registration and cause the officers, directors
         and employees of the Corporation to supply all information reasonably
         requested by the Investor, any such underwriter, attorney or accountant
         in connection with such registration and whether before or after the
         filing of the applicable registration statement or the effectiveness of
         the applicable registration statement;

(d)      Use its commercially reasonable efforts to register or qualify all
         Registrable Securities covered by such registration under such other
         securities or blue sky laws of such states of the United States of
         America where an exemption is not available and as the sellers of
         Registrable Securities covered by such registration shall reasonably
         request and to keep such registration or qualification in effect for so
         long as the applicable registration statement remains in effect;

(e)      use its commercially reasonable efforts to obtain the withdrawal of any
         order suspending the


         effectiveness of any such registration, or the lifting of any
         suspension of the qualification (or exemption from qualification) of
         any of the Registrable Securities for sale in any jurisdiction;

(f)      Use its commercially reasonable efforts to cause all Registrable
         Securities included in any registration pursuant hereto to be listed on
         each securities exchange on which securities of the same class are then
         listed, or, if not then listed on any securities exchange, to be
         eligible for trading in any over-the-counter market or trading system
         in which the Corporation's securities of the same class are then


In the event of any registration of shares of Common Stock pursuant to Section
2.5, the Corporation shall indemnify the Investor, its officers and directors
and each person, if any, who controls such holder within the meaning of Section
15 of the Securities Act against all losses, claims, damages and liabilities
caused by any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of a material fact
contained in any registration statement or prospectus (and as amended or
supplemented) relating to such registration, or caused by any omission or
alleged omission to state a material fact required to be stated therein or
necessary to make the statements therein not misleading in light of the
circumstances under which they are made unless such statement or omission was
made in reliance upon and in conformity with information furnished in writing to
the Corporation by such holder expressly for use therein. The obligations of the
Corporation to register any of its securities in accordance with the foregoing
shall be subject to the condition that each holder shall agree in writing to
indemnify the Corporation, its officers and directors, and each person, if any,
who controls the Corporation within the meaning of Section 15 of the Securities
Act, and each underwriter of the Registrable Securities so registered, and each
person, if any, who controls such underwriter within the meaning of Section 15
of the Securities Act, with respect to losses, claims, damages and liabilities
caused by any untrue statement or omission made in reliance upon and in
conformity with information furnished in writing by such holder to the
Corporation expressly for use in such registration statement or prospectus. The
costs and expenses, if any, incurred by the Corporation in connection with any
registration made pursuant to Section 2.5, including but not limited to legal
fees, special audit fees, printing expenses, filing fees, fees and expenses
relating to qualifications under state securities or blue sky laws and the
premiums for insurance shall be borne entirely by the Corporation; provided,
however, that the Investor shall bear its own underwriting discounts and
commissions and the fees and expenses of its own counsel or accountants in
connection with any such registration. The Investor, with respect to the
distribution of Registrable Securities to be included in any registration, shall
furnish to the Corporation such information regarding the Investor and the
distribution proposed by such Investor as the Corporation may reasonably request
in writing and as shall be reasonably required in connection with any
registration, qualification or compliance referred to in this Agreement.
Notwithstanding any other provision contained in the sections 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, or
2.8, if the board of directors of the Corporation determines in good faith that
it is in the best interests of the Corporation not to disclose the existence of
facts surrounding any proposed or pending acquisition, disposition, strategic
alliance or financing transaction involving the Corporation, the Corporation may
by notice to the Investor in writing postpone any registration request for such
period of time that the Board of Directors may reasonably determined, but in no
event for a period exceeding 60 days.




         The Investor hereby represents and warrants to the Corporation that the
         following representations are true and correct at the Time of Closing.
         The Investor acknowledges and confirms that the Corporation is relying
         upon such representations and warranties in connection with the
         issuance of the Securities to the Investor and the completion of the
         transactions contemplated under the Agreement.

                  GOOD STANDING

         (a)      The Investor is a Cayman Island corporation duly constituted
                  and validly subsisting under the laws of the Cayman Islands;

                  INVESTOR AUTHORITY

         (b)      The Investor has power and authority to enter into and perform
                  its obligations under this Agreement and all other Transaction
                  Documents executed and delivered by the Investor in
                  furtherance of the Closing of the transactions contemplated
                  under this Agreement including, without limitation, to
                  subscribe for the Securities in accordance with the terms of
                  this Agreement;

                  AGREEMENT BINDING

         (c)      Each of the Transaction Documents delivered by the Investor on
                  or before the Closing Date are, valid and legally binding
                  obligations of the Investor enforceable in accordance with
                  their respective terms except that: (i) the enforcement
                  thereof may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency and other
                  laws effecting the enforcement of credits' rights generally,
                  (ii) rights of indemnity, contribution and waiver of
                  contribution thereunder may be limited under applicable law
                  and (iii) equitable remedies, including, without limitation,
                  specific performance and injunctive relief, may be granted
                  only in the discretion of a court of competent jurisdiction.
                  Neither the execution of this Agreement, or such other
                  Transaction Documents by the Investor, nor the performance by
                  the Investor of the various terms and provisions hereof and
                  thereof, will violate the trust instruments constituting the
                  Investor. The Investor is not a party to, subject to or bound
                  by any judgment, injunction or decree of any court or
                  government body that prevents the performance of this
                  Agreement, or any document referred to herein;


         (d)      No commissions or brokerage or finders fees are payable by the
                  Corporation, through or on account of any acts of the Investor
                  or its representatives in connection with this Agreement or
                  the Closing Documents;

                  SECURITIES MATTERS

         (e)      The Investor:


                  (i)      is subscribing for the Securities to be issued to be
                           held for its own account not for the purpose of
                           distributing the same in specie to any beneficiary;

                  (ii)     has not been created, established, or formed solely
                           to acquire the Securities without a prospectus in
                           reliance on an exemption from the prospectus
                           requirements of applicable securities legislation;

                  (iii)    is resident in the Cayman Islands.

         (f)      The Securities are being acquired for investment for the
                  Investor's own account and not with the view to, or for resale
                  in connection with, any distribution or public offering
                  thereof. The Investor understands that the Securities have not
                  been registered under the Securities Act, or any state
                  securities laws by reason of their contemplated issuance in
                  transactions exempt from the registration requirements of the
                  Securities Act and applicable state securities laws and that
                  the reliance of the Corporation and others upon these
                  exemptions is predicated in part upon this representation by
                  each Investor. The Investor further understands that the
                  Securities may not be transferred or resold without
                  registration under the Securities Act and any applicable state
                  securities laws, or an exemption from the requirements of the
                  Securities Act and applicable state securities laws.

         (g)      The Investor qualifies as an "accredited investor," as defined
                  in Rule 501 of Regulation D under the Securities Act. The
                  Investor acknowledges that the Corporation has made available
                  to each such Investor at a reasonable time prior to the
                  execution of this Agreement the opportunity to ask questions
                  and receive answers concerning the business, operations and
                  financial condition of the Corporation and the terms and
                  conditions of the sale of securities contemplated by this
                  Agreement and to obtain any additional information (which the
                  Corporation possesses or can acquire without unreasonable
                  effort or expense) as may be necessary to verify the accuracy
                  of information furnished to such Investor. The Investor is
                  able to bear the loss of its entire investment in the
                  Securities without any material adverse affect on its
                  business, operations or prospects, and has such knowledge and
                  experience of financial and business matters that it is
                  capable of evaluating the merits and risks of the investment
                  to be made by it pursuant to this Agreement.

3.2      SURVIVAL

         All statements contained in any Transaction Document, certificate or
         other instrument delivered by or on behalf of the Investor pursuant to
         or in connection with the transaction contemplated by this Agreement
         shall be deemed to be made by the Investor hereunder. The
         representations, warranties and covenants of the Investor contained or
         deemed to be contained in this Agreement, or in the other Transaction
         Documents shall survive the Closing of the subscription for, and issue
         of, and sale of the Securities, and notwithstanding such Closing, and
         regardless of any investigation by or on behalf of the Corporation with
         respect thereto, shall continue in full force and effect for the
         benefit of the Corporation for the Corporation's Period as defined
         hereafter. For these purposes, "Corporation's Period" means that period
         of time that obligations are explicitly expressed to survive in each
         particular Transaction Document, or failing any such explicit
         expression of survival, for the period of time starting from and
         including the Closing Date and thereafter forever in the case of the


         covenants herein or in the case of fraud and, otherwise with respect to
         representations and warranties to and excluding the third (3rd)
         anniversary of the Closing Date. After the expiration of the
         Corporation's Period, the Investor shall be released from all
         obligations and liabilities hereunder in respect of such
         representations, warranties and covenants except with respect to any
         claims made by the Corporation in writing prior to the expiration of
         the particular Corporation's Period (in which event, liability shall
         survive until the final determination or settlement of such claims).


         Subject to the provisions of Section 7.2, the Corporation hereby
         jointly and severally represents, warrants and covenants to the
         Investor that, save and except as set out in Schedule 3.3 hereto, the
         following representations are true and correct at the Time of Closing.
         The Corporation acknowledges and confirms that the Investor is relying
         upon such representations, warranties and covenants, in connection with
         the subscription by the Investor for the Securities and the completion
         of the transactions contemplated under the Agreement.

                  GOOD STANDING

         (a)      The Corporation is a corporation:

                  (i)      duly incorporated and organized, validly subsisting
                           and in good standing under the laws of the state of

                  (ii)     duly authorized, qualified and licensed to own its
                           properties, and to carry on business as presently
                           owned and carried on by it; and

                  (iii)    having the power and authority and the right to enter
                           into and perform its obligations, if applicable,
                           under this Agreement and all other Transaction
                           Documents executed and delivered by such Company in
                           furtherance of the Closing of the transactions
                           contemplated under this Agreement including, without
                           limitation, to issue the Securities in accordance
                           with the terms of this Agreement.

                  CORPORATE AUTHORITY

         (b)      The execution and delivery of the Transaction Documents
                  including, without limitation, this Agreement and the
                  performance by the Corporation, of the transactions
                  contemplated by the Transaction Documents have been duly
                  authorized by all necessary corporate action of the
                  Corporation and by all other necessary corporate proceedings;


         (c)      The Corporation is not a party to nor bound by any agreement
                  of guarantee, indemnification, assumption or endorsement (or
                  any other like commitment) of the obligations, liabilities,
                  contingent or otherwise, or indebtedness of any other person,
                  firm or corporation, nor is the Corporation subject to any
                  liabilities save and except


                  those disclosed in the SEC Reports, except if incurred since
                  June 30th, 1999 to the date hereof in the ordinary course of
                  business consistent with past experience;

                  AGREEMENT BINDING

         (d)      Each of the Transaction Documents delivered by the
                  Corporation, are valid and legally binding obligations of the
                  Corporation, enforceable in accordance with their respective
                  terms except that: (i) the enforcement thereof may be limited
                  by bankruptcy, insolvency and other laws effecting the
                  enforcement of credits' rights generally, (ii) rights of
                  indemnity, contribution and waiver of contribution thereunder
                  may be limited under applicable law and (iii) equitable
                  remedies, including, without limitation, specific performance
                  and injunctive relief, may be granted only in the discretion
                  of a court of competent jurisdiction. Neither the execution of
                  this Agreement, or such other Transaction Documents by the
                  Corporation nor the performance by the Corporation of the
                  various terms and provisions hereof and thereof, will violate
                  the articles of incorporation or other charter documents of
                  the Corporation. The Corporation is not a party to, subject to
                  or bound by any judgment, injunction or decree of any court or
                  governmental body that prevents the performance of this
                  Agreement, or any document referred to herein;


         (e)      All Regulatory Approvals and all necessary consents or
                  approvals of any person or entity under any material contract
                  pertaining to each the Corporation or its assets or under any
                  regulatory authority having jurisdiction for the transactions
                  contemplated by the Transaction Documents have been obtained
                  by the Closing Date;


         (f)      The Corporation has no information nor knowledge of any facts
                  specific to it's business or the Securities and not of general
                  knowledge that have not been disclosed to the Investor which,
                  if known to the Investor, might reasonably be expected to
                  deter an investor from completing the transaction herein. None
                  of the information or documents furnished by the Corporation
                  or the employees or agents of the Corporation, prior to the
                  date hereof to the Agent or the Investor in furtherance of the
                  Transaction Documents or in conjunction with this Agreement is
                  false, misleading or inaccurate in any material respect or
                  omits to state a material fact necessary in order to make any
                  of the statements therein not misleading. The Corporation has
                  previously furnished or made available to the Investor true
                  and complete copies of (i) its Annual Report on Form 10-KSB
                  for the fiscal year ended August 31, 1998, (ii) its quarterly
                  reports on Form 10-QSB filed since the fiscal year end for its
                  most recently filed Annual Report on Form 10-KSB was filed,
                  and (iii) its Proxy Statement relating to its most recent
                  Annual Meeting of Stockholders (collectively, the "SEC
                  Reports"). As of their respective dates, the SEC Reports (x)
                  complied as to form in all material respects with the
                  applicable requirements of the Securities Act and the rules
                  and regulations thereunder and the Securities Exchange Act of
                  1934, as amended, and the rules and regulations thereunder, as
                  the case may be, and (y) did not contain any untrue statement
                  of a material fact or omit to state a material fact required
                  to be


                  stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein, in
                  the light of the circumstances under which they were made,
                  not misleading;


         (g)      The entering into of the Transaction Documents by the
                  Corporation, and the completion of the transactions
                  contemplated thereby do not result in the violation of any of
                  the terms and provisions of any indenture or other agreement,
                  written or oral, to which the Corporation may be a party, or,
                  of any applicable federal or state law or regulation;


         (h)      Except as set forth in Schedule 3.3 or in the SEC Reports,
                  there are no actions, suits, arbitrations, or proceedings
                  pending or to the Corporation's knowledge threatened against,
                  by, or affecting the Securities, the business of the
                  Corporation, or the Corporation at law or in equity, or before
                  or by any federal, provincial, municipal or other governmental
                  department, commission, board, bureau, agency or
                  instrumentality, domestic or foreign, which action, suit or
                  proceeding involves the possibility of any judgment against or
                  liability of the Corporation or the Investor, which would have
                  a material adverse effect on the Corporation. The Corporation
                  is not aware of any existing ground on which any such action,
                  claim, or proceeding may be commenced with any reasonable
                  likelihood of success which would produce a material adverse


         (i)      The Corporation is domiciled in the United States of America
                  for purposes of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended
                  ("IRS Code");


         (j)      The authorized capital of the Corporation consists of those
                  numbers and classes of shares set out in the SEC Reports which
                  schedule also sets out the names of all persons who are
                  registered owners of issued and outstanding shares or rights
                  to shares in the capital stock of the Corporation holding 10%
                  or more of the shares and rights to shares of that class
                  together with the number of such shares or rights to shares
                  held by that person and, on a fully diluted basis, the number
                  of shares and rights to shares of each class of stock that are
                  currently issued and outstanding.


         (k)      The Corporation possess all material certificates, authority,
                  permits or licenses issued by the appropriate state,
                  provincial, municipal or federal regulatory agencies or bodies
                  necessary to conduct the business now operated by it and the
                  Corporation has not received any notice of proceedings
                  relating to the revocation or modification of any such
                  certificate, authority, permit or license which, if the
                  subject of an unfavourable decision, ruling or finding would
                  materially and adversely affect the conduct of the business,
                  operations, financial condition or income of the Corporation;



         (l)      The Corporation is not a party to nor has granted any
                  agreement, warrant or right or privilege capable of becoming
                  an agreement, for the purchase, subscription or issuance of
                  any of the common shares or any other class of shares in the
                  capital stock of the Corporation, or securities convertible
                  into or exchangeable for such shares, other than as
                  described in the SEC Reports;


         (m)      The financial statements of the Corporation included in the
                  SEC Reports present fairly, in all material respects, the
                  financial position of the Corporation as of the periods set
                  out therein in accordance with generally accepted United
                  States accounting principles applied on a consistent basis.
                  The Corporation owns all of its assets recorded as assets on
                  the said financial statements with a full and complete legal
                  and beneficial title thereto free and clear of all liens,
                  claims, or encumbrances save and except as more particularly
                  referred to in the aforesaid financial statements or
                  otherwise disclosed in the SEC Reports or as may have
                  subsequently been disposed of for fair value in the ordinary
                  course of business;


         (n)      No commissions, brokerage, or finders fees are payable by
                  the Corporation or the Investor through or on account of any
                  acts of the Corporation, it's shareholders, or it's
                  representatives in connection with this Agreement or the
                  Closing Documents;

                  CEASE TRADING

         (o)      No order ceasing or suspending trading in securities of the
                  Corporation or prohibiting the sale of securities by the
                  Corporation has been issued and no proceedings for this
                  purpose have been instituted, are pending, contemplated or


         (p)      Since June 30th, 1999, the Corporation has not, directly or
                  indirectly, declared or paid any dividend or declared or
                  made any other distribution on any of its shares or
                  securities of any class, or, directly or indirectly,
                  redeemed, purchased or otherwise acquired any of its shares
                  or securities or agreed to do any of the foregoing;


         (q)      Schedule 3.3(q) annexed hereto contains a description of the
                  hardware and software components that constitutes the
                  corporation principle product and services lines (the "NPE
                  System"). Except as disclosed in Schedules 3.3(m) or 3.3(q),
                  the Corporation has the ultimate right to use, free and
                  clear of any liens, all trade secrets, copyrights,
                  intellectual property, source and object code,
                  documentation, and all other intellectual property that
                  constitutes the NPE System or is furnished by the
                  Corporation to its clients as ancillary to the use of the
                  NPE System. To the best of its knowledge, the Corporation is
                  not using or in any way making use of any


                  confidential information or trade secrets, copyrights, trade
                  marks, or other intellectual property of any third party
                  that is material to the NPE System or the business of the
                  Corporation which is not under a subsisting right or license
                  in good standing granted by such third party to the
                  Corporation, and no claim has been asserted by any person to
                  the contrary effect. The NPE System to date has been
                  developed, coded, structured, and documented in accordance
                  with the standard of care of professional software
                  developers and in accordance with current technical
                  standards. The NPE System that has been supplied to
                  customers of the Corporation up to the date hereof has
                  operated, and hereafter will continue to operate, in
                  accordance with the descriptions, documentation, and
                  specifications pertaining thereto supplied to such customers
                  without any abnormal abends or aborts or invalid or
                  incorrect results or degradation of performance; save and
                  except as experienced within customer expectations and
                  within acceptable industry experience for well developed
                  software and, with respect to future experience with such
                  installed NPE System, at frequency and severity levels no
                  greater than experienced by the Corporation with respect to
                  the NPE System to the date hereof.

         (r)      To the best of the knowledge of the Corporation, the
                  computer systems, including hardware and software used
                  internally in the business of the Corporation, and the NPE
                  Systems furnished by the Corporation to third parties, are
                  free from significant viruses and disabling devices, and the
                  Corporation has taken, and shall continue to take, all steps
                  and implement all procedures necessary to ensure, so far as
                  reasonably possible, that such systems are free from viruses
                  and disabling devices and will remain so. All such systems
                  including, without limitation, the NPE Systems are "year
                  2000 compliant". For these purposes, "year 2000 compliant"
                  means that the relevant computer hardware and software are
                  fully capable of sorting, interpreting, manipulating,
                  calculating, processing and reporting dates based upon the
                  full four digits for each year such that all arithmetic
                  operations, comparisons, sorts and reporting involving dates
                  yield correct results for the year 2000 and all years before
                  and after the year 2000 and that such computer systems are
                  capable of processing all dates (including leap years)
                  before January 1, 2000 and after December 31, 1999 without
                  experiencing any abnormal abends or aborts or invalid or
                  incorrect results or degradation of performance.


         (s)      Upon receipt of the Purchase Price for the Securities, the
                  Securities shall be at the Time of Closing duly and validly
                  issued, as fully paid and non-assessable securities of the

         (t)      The issue and delivery of the Securities to the Investor on
                  the Closing Date shall be made in compliance with all
                  applicable securities laws pertaining to the Corporation or
                  the issue of the Securities and such issue shall be exempt
                  from any requirement respecting the filing of a prospectus
                  or registration statement and no rulings, orders, consents
                  or approvals required to permit the sale of the Securities
                  to the Investor under such securities legislation are

         (u)      One year after the date of issuance, the Purchased Common
                  Shares may be resold pursuant to Rule 144 under the
                  Securities Act, as currently in effect, provided that (x)


                  the Corporation's Common Stock continues to be registered
                  pursuant to Section 12 of the Securities and Exchange Act of
                  1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act") and (y) the
                  Corporation has filed all reports required to be filed under
                  Section 13 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act during the one-year
                  period prior to any resale of Purchased Common Shares.


         (v)      A true and complete list of all material contracts (the
                  "Contracts") in effect to which the Corporation is a party
                  have been filed as Exhibits to the SEC Reports and the
                  Corporation has prior to the date hereof provided the
                  Investor with true and complete copies of all such
                  Contracts. All Contracts have been duly authorized and
                  delivered by the Corporation, are in full force and effect
                  against the Corporation and constitute the valid and binding
                  obligations of the Corporation and, to the best of the
                  Corporation's knowledge, the other parties thereto,
                  enforceable in accordance with their respective terms. As to
                  the Contracts, (i) there are no existing breaches or
                  defaults by the Corporation thereunder or, to the knowledge
                  of the Corporation by the other parties to such Contracts,
                  (ii) no event, act or omission has occurred or, as the
                  result of the consummation of the transactions contemplated
                  hereby will occur which (with or without notice, lapse of
                  time or the happening or occurrence of any other event)
                  would result in a default by the Corporation or give cause
                  for termination thereof, provided that insofar as the
                  foregoing representation involves the actions or omissions
                  of parties other than the Corporation it shall be limited to
                  the expressed terms of the Contracts together with the
                  knowledge of the Corporation and (iii) none of the parties
                  to such Contracts have expressed an indication to the
                  Corporation of their intention to cancel, renegotiate or
                  exercise or not exercise any right under such Contracts.

         (w)      Schedule 3.3(w) hereof sets forth those clients of the
                  Corporation for the previous two fiscal years of the
                  Corporation and for the current fiscal year to June 30th,
                  1999 making a 5% or greater contribution to the revenue of
                  the Corporation for such fiscal period and set opposite each
                  such client's name in such period are the fees and revenues
                  paid or payable by that client for such periods. No such
                  client of the Corporation has advised the Corporation in
                  writing that it (i) is terminating or considering
                  terminating the services being supplied by the Corporation
                  (including its license of the NPE System) as a whole or in
                  respect of any particular project, product or service, or
                  (ii) is planning to reduce its future maintenance contract
                  spending with the Corporation in any material manner. To the
                  best knowledge, information and belief of the Corporation
                  (without making any inquiry of any clients), no client has
                  orally advised the Corporation of any of the foregoing
                  events or plans to implement any of the foregoing events.

                  RELATED TRANSACTIONS

         (x)      Except as disclosed in the SEC Reports no current or former
                  shareholder, director or officer or employee of the
                  Corporation or any Associate of any such person is
                  presently, directly or indirectly, through his or its
                  affiliation with any other person or entity, party to any
                  transaction with the Corporation providing for the
                  furnishing of services (other than employment of such
                  individuals by the Corporation), or products


                  by or to, or rental of real or personal property from or to,
                  or otherwise requiring cash payments to or by, any such
                  persons that would be required to be disclosed in the SEC


         (y)      The Corporation has no subsidiaries, or other indirect
                  investments, except for Fullmetrics, Inc.


         All statements contained in any Transaction Document, certificate or
         other instrument delivered by or on behalf of the Corporation
         pursuant to or in connection with the transaction contemplated by
         this Agreement shall be deemed to be made by the Corporation
         hereunder. The representations, warranties and covenants of the
         Corporation contained or deemed to be contained in this Agreement or
         in the other Transaction Documents, shall survive the Closing of the
         subscription for, and issue of, the Securities, and notwithstanding
         such Closing, and regardless of any investigation by or on behalf of
         the Investor with respect thereto, shall continue in full force and
         effect for the benefit of the Investor for the Investor's Period as
         defined hereafter. For these purposes, "Investor's Period" means
         that period of time that obligations are explicitly expressed to
         survive in each particular Transaction Document, or failing any such
         explicit expression of survival, for the period of time starting
         from and including the Closing Date and thereafter forever in the
         case of the covenants herein or in the case of fraud or in respect
         of matters pertaining to the shares set out in subsection 3.3(s)
         hereof, and otherwise with respect to representations and
         warranties, to and including the date of expiration of potential
         liability under the IRS Code in respect of liability thereunder, and
         in all other cases, to and excluding the third (3rd) anniversary of
         the Closing Date. After the expiration of the Investor's Period, the
         Corporation shall be released from all obligations and liabilities
         hereunder in respect of such representations, warranties and
         covenants except with respect to any claims made by the Investor in
         writing prior to the expiration of the particular Investor's Period
         (in which event, liability shall survive until the final
         determination or settlement of such claims).

                        ARTICLE 4 - CLOSING ARRANGEMENTS


         The parties will use all reasonable best efforts to avoid a formal
         closing requiring personal attendance in one place at the same time.
         Instead, the parties will use all reasonable efforts to effect
         closing procedures through escrow of documents at Brien G. McKenna,
         Barrister & Solicitor, Toronto, and through Oppenhimer, Wolff &
         Donnelly LLP, Minnesota, in accordance with procedures agreed
         between those two law firms. In the event that a formal closing is
         required with the attendance of parties, such closing will take
         place at the Time of Closing at the offices of:

         Oppenhimer, Wolff  & Donnelly LLP
         Attorneys Plaza VII
         45 South Seventh Street
         Suite 3400


         Minneapolis MN

         The time and place for any such closing may be amended by agreement
         between the parties hereto.

4.2      TENDER

         Any tender of documents or money under this Agreement may be made
         upon the parties or their respective counsel and money may be
         tendered by official bank draft drawn upon a USA chartered bank or
         by negotiable cheque payable in USA funds and certified by a
         Canadian chartered bank or trust company.


         (a)      Without limiting the other matters to be deduced at the Time
                  of Closing, at the Time of Closing, the Corporation shall
                  deliver to the Investor:

                  (i)      a certificate representing the Securities
                           subscribed for herein duly registered in the name
                           of the Investor; and

                  (ii)     the requisite legal opinion and certificates and
                           other conditions of closing as contemplated in the
                           agenda tabled at Closing;

         (b)      Without limiting the other matters to de deduced at the Time
                  of Closing, at the Time of Closing, the Investor shall
                  deliver to the Corporation:

                  (i)      an irrevocable direction to convert to equity a
                           portion of the Debt owed by the Corporation to the
                           Investor that is equal to the Purchase Price;

                  (ii)     the requisite certificates and other conditions of
                           closing as contemplated in the agenda delivered at



         Prior to the Closing Date, each of the Corporation and Investor have
         obtained all necessary consents of all other third parties, and
         shall after the Closing Date comply with any conditions thereof,
         which are required in connection with the completion of any of the
         transactions contemplated by this Agreement, the execution of this
         Agreement or the Closing, or the performance of any of the terms and
         conditions hereof, provided that the Investor shall not be obliged
         to comply with any such conditions unless the same have been
         disclosed to and accepted by the Investor prior to Closing. To the
         extent that a necessary consent to this transaction is to be
         obtained by the Investor, the Corporation shall not be obliged to
         comply with any conditions of such consent unless, prior to Closing,
         such conditions have been disclosed to and accepted by the person(s)
         from whom compliance is required.



         The covenants of the Corporation and the Investor, as the case may
         be, set forth in this Agreement shall survive the Closing and,
         notwithstanding the Closing, shall continue in full force and effect
         for the benefit of the Investor and the Corporation, as the case may


         The Corporation hereby covenants to and with the Investor that it will:

         (a)      fulfil all legal requirements to permit the issuance and
                  offering of the Securities as contemplated in this Agreement
                  including, without limitation, compliance with all
                  applicable securities laws and regulations to enable the
                  same to be offered for subscription and issued without the
                  necessity of filing a prospectus or registration statement;

         (b)      obtain the necessary regulatory consents to the issue of the
                  Securities, if any; and

         (c)      within the time periods prescribed by law, after the Closing
                  Date (as herein defined), file such documents as may be
                  required under the applicable securities laws relating to
                  the private placement of the Securities, if applicable.

                        ARTICLE 6 - SIMULTANEOUS CLOSING


         This Agreement has been executed and delivered coincidentally with
         the closing of the transactions contemplated hereunder.

                           ARTICLE 7- INDEMNIFICATIONS


         The Investor hereby agrees to indemnify and save harmless the
         Corporation from and against all manner of debts, losses, demands,
         claims, actions, causes of action, damage, liabilities, costs,
         expenses or penalties whatsoever and howsoever arising
         (collectively, the "Corporation's Damages") incurred by the
         Corporation at any time hereafter, whether directly, or indirectly,
         that are existing, arising, accruing, incurred or outstanding as at
         the Time of Closing on the Closing Date, or that arise thereafter in
         respect of transactions to and including the Time of Closing of the
         Closing Date and that are:

         (a)      Attributable to the breach or incorrectness of any and each
                  representations, warranties or covenants given in this
                  Agreement or that are given in any of the Transaction
                  Documents in favour of the Corporation;

         (b)      All reasonable costs and expenses of the Corporation in
                  pursuing its remedies under this Agreement, including
                  reasonable legal fees and expenses on a solicitor and client
                  basis; and

         (c)      Interest on all of the amounts aforesaid at the pre-judgment
                  and post-judgment interest rates allowed by courts of
                  competent jurisdiction in the state of Minnesota;


         provided however, that notice of such claim for indemnity is given
         by the Corporation to the Investor during the Corporation's Period.
         The indemnities given in this Section 7.1 are separate and distinct
         from any indemnities given by, or any obligations of, the Investor
         in any other Transaction Document and shall not merge with, or be in
         substitution for, any such indemnities or obligations, all of which
         are hereby expressed to be separately enforceable covenants. The
         foregoing liability of the Investor shall not arise or be effective,
         except in the case of fraud, until the aggregate amount of all
         liability claims hereunder exceeds $25,000.00 at which time the
         Investor shall be liable for all such liability claims including the
         first $25,000.00 thereof.


         The Corporation hereby agrees to indemnify and save harmless the
         Investor from and against all manner of debts, losses, demands,
         claims, actions, causes of action, damage, liabilities, costs,
         expenses, or penalties, whatsoever and howsoever arising
         (collectively, the "Investor's Damages"), incurred by the Investor
         at any time hereafter, whether directly, or indirectly, or through
         the diminished value of the Securities, that are existing, arising,
         accruing, incurred or outstanding as of the Time of Closing on the
         Closing Date, or that arise thereafter in respect of transactions to
         and including the Time of Closing on the Closing Date and that are:

         (a)      Attributable to the breach or incorrectness of any and each
                  of the representations, warranties or covenants in this
                  Agreement or that are given in any of the Transaction
                  Documents in favour of the Investor;

         (b)      All reasonable costs and expenses of the Investor in
                  pursuing its remedies under this Agreement, including
                  reasonable legal fees and expenses on a solicitor and client
                  basis; and

         (c)      Interest on all of the amounts aforesaid at the pre-judgment
                  and post-judgment interest rates allowed by courts of
                  competent jurisdiction in the state of Minnesota;

         provided, however, that notice of such claim for indemnity is given
         by the Investor to the Corporation during the Investor's Period. The
         indemnities given in this Section 7.2 are separate and distinct from
         any indemnities given by, or any obligations of, the Corporation in
         any other Transaction Document and shall not merge with, or be in
         substitution for, any such indemnities or obligations, all of which
         are hereby expressed to be separately enforceable covenants. The
         foregoing liability of the Corporation shall not arise or be
         effective, except in the case of fraud, until the aggregate amount
         of all liability claims hereunder exceeds $25,000.00 at which time
         the Corporation shall be liable for all such liability claims
         including the first $25,000.00 thereof.


         (a)      CLAIMS OTHER THAN THIRD PARTY CLAIMS. Following receipt from
                  the Corporation or the Investor, as the case may be (the
                  "Indemnified Party"), of a written notice of a claim for
                  indemnification which has not arisen in respect of a Third
                  Party Claim (as defined in Section 7.3(b) below), the party
                  who is in receipt of such notice (the "Indemnifying Party")
                  shall have 30 days to make such investigation of the claim as
                  the Indemnifying Party considers necessary or desirable. For
                  the purpose of such investigation, the Indemnified Party shall
                  make available to the Indemnifying Party


                  the information relied upon by the Indemnified Party to
                  substantiate the claim. If the Indemnified Party and the
                  Indemnifying Party agree at or prior to the expiration of
                  such 30 day period (or any mutually agreed upon extension
                  thereof) to the validity and amount of the claim, the
                  Indemnifying Party shall immediately pay to the Indemnified
                  Party the full agreed upon amount of the claim. If the
                  Indemnified Party and the Indemnifying Party do not agree
                  within such period (or any mutually agreed upon extension
                  thereof), such dispute shall be resolved by an action in a
                  court of law.

         (b)      THIRD PARTY CLAIMS. The Indemnified Party shall notify the
                  Indemnifying Party in writing as soon as is reasonably
                  practicable after being informed in writing that facts exist
                  which may result in a claim originating from a Person other
                  than the Indemnified Party (a "Third Party Claim") and in
                  respect of which a right of indemnification given pursuant
                  to Section 7.1 or 7.2 may apply. The Indemnifying Party
                  shall have the right to elect, by written notice delivered
                  to the Indemnified Party within 10 days of receipt by the
                  Indemnifying Party of the notice from the Indemnified Party
                  in respect of the Third Party Claim, at the sole expense of
                  the Indemnifying Party, to participate in or assume control
                  of the negotiation, settlement or defence of the Third Party
                  Claim, provided that:

                  (i)      such will be done at all times in a diligent and
                           bona fide matter;

                  (ii)     the Indemnifying Party acknowledges in writing its
                           obligation to defend the Indemnified Party in
                           accordance with the terms contained in this
                           Agreement in respect of that Third Party Claim; and

                  (iii)    the Indemnifying Party shall pay all reasonable
                           out-of-pocket expenses incurred by, the
                           Indemnified Party as a result of such
                           participation or assumption.

                  If the Indemnifying Party elects to assume such control, the
                  Indemnified Party shall cooperate with the Indemnifying
                  Party and its counsel and shall have the right to
                  participate in the negotiation, settlement or defence of
                  such Third Party Claim at its own expense. If the
                  Indemnifying Party does not so elect or, having elected to
                  assume such control, thereafter fails to proceed with the
                  settlement or defence of any such Third Party Claim, the
                  Indemnified Party shall be entitled to assume such control.
                  In such case, the Indemnifying Party shall cooperate where
                  necessary with the Indemnified Party and its counsel in
                  connection with such Third Party Claim and the Indemnifying
                  Party shall be bound by the results obtained by the
                  Indemnified Party with respect to such Third Party Claim.


         The obligation of the parties to indemnify each other pursuant to
         this Article 7 shall also be subject to the following:

         (a)      an Indemnified Party shall only be entitled to make a claim
                  for indemnification pursuant to Section 7.1 or 7.2, as the
                  case be, if written notice containing reasonable particulars
                  of such claim is delivered to the Indemnifying Party within
                  the time periods provided for in Section 3.2 or 3.4, as the
                  case may be;


         (b)      if any Third Party Claim is of a nature such that the
                  Indemnified Party is required by applicable law to make a
                  payment to any Person (a "Third Party") with respect to such
                  Third Party Claim before the completion of settlement
                  negotiations or related legal proceedings, the Indemnified
                  Party may make such payment and the Indemnifying Party
                  shall, forthwith after demand by the Indemnified Party,
                  reimburse the Indemnified Party for any such payment. If the
                  amount of any liability under the Third Party Claim in
                  respect of which such a payment was made, as finally
                  determined, is less than the amount which was paid by the
                  Indemnifying Party to the Indemnified Party, the Indemnified
                  Party shall, forthwith after receipt of the difference from
                  the Third Party, pay such difference to the Indemnifying

         (c)      except in the circumstances contemplated by subsection
                  7.4(b) above, and whether or not the Indemnifying Party
                  assumes control of the negotiation, settlement or defence of
                  any Third Party Claim, the Indemnified Party shall not
                  settle or compromise any Third Party Claim except with the
                  prior written consent of the Indemnifying Party;

         (d)      the Indemnifying Party and the Indemnified Party shall
                  provide each other on an ongoing basis with all information
                  which may be relevant to the other's liability relating to a
                  Third Party Claim hereunder and shall supply copies of all
                  relevant documentation promptly as they become available; and

         (e)      notwithstanding subsection 7.4(c), the Indemnifying Party
                  shall not settle any Third Party Claim or conduct any
                  related legal or administrative proceeding in a manner which
                  would, in the opinion of the Indemnified Party, acting
                  reasonably, have a material adverse impact on the
                  Indemnified Party.


         The rights of indemnification contained in this Article 7 are
         cumulative and are in addition to every other right or remedy of the
         parties contained in this Agreement or otherwise.

                                  ARTICLE 8 - GENERAL

8.1      NON-MERGER

         Each party hereby agrees that all provisions of this Agreement shall
         not merge on the Closing of the transactions contemplated in this
         Agreement and shall, thereafter, survive for the periods of time
         expressly set out in this Agreement and if such survival is not
         limited in time shall, subject to applicable limitation periods
         otherwise imposed by law, forever survive the execution and delivery
         of this Agreement until fully fulfilled or performed.

8.2      EXPENSES

         Except as set out hereafter, each of the parties hereto shall bear
         all expenses incurred by it in connection with this Agreement
         including, without limitation, the charges of their respective,
         accountants and financial advisors. Notwithstanding the foregoing
         however, the Corporation shall bear the reasonable legal and
         accounting fees incurred by the Investor in connection with its due
         diligence and the drafting and legal review of the transactions,
         agreements and documents contemplated by and directly relating to
         the transactions contemplated herein.


         Such amounts payable by the Corporation accruing to, or known by,
         the Time of Closing shall be paid by the Corporation at the Time of


         The parties shall do all such things and provide all such reasonable
         assurances as may be required to consummate the transactions
         contemplated hereby, and each party shall provide such further
         documents or instruments required by any other party as may be
         reasonably necessary or desirable to effect the purpose of this
         Agreement and carry out its provisions, whether before or after the


         This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the
         respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and
         permitted assigns of the parties.


         With respect to the subject matter of the Transaction Documents, the
         Transaction Documents (a) set forth the entire agreement between the
         parties and any persons who have in the past or who are now
         representing any of the parties, (b) supersedes all prior
         understandings and communications between the parties or any of
         them, oral or written, express or implied including the Letter of
         Intent, and (c) constitutes the entire agreement between the
         parties. Each party acknowledges that it shall have no right to rely
         upon any amendment, promise, modification, statement or
         representation made or occurring subsequent to the execution of this
         Agreement unless the same is in writing and executed by the parties

8.6      WAIVER

         The failure of any party to enforce at any time any of the
         provisions of this Agreement or any of its rights in respect thereto
         or to insist upon strict adherence to any term of this Agreement
         shall not be considered to be a waiver of such provision, right or
         term or in any way to affect the validity of this Agreement or
         deprive the applicable party of the right thereafter to insist upon
         strict adherence to that term or any other term of this Agreement.
         The exercise by any party of any of its rights provided by this
         Agreement shall not preclude or prejudice such party from exercising
         any other right it may have under this Agreement, irrespective of
         any previous action or proceeding taken by it hereunder. Any waiver
         by any party of the performance of any of the provisions of this
         Agreement shall be effective only if in writing and signed by a duly
         authorized representative of such party.

8.7      NOTICES

         All communications which may be or are required to be given by any
         party to any other party, shall be in writing and (i) delivered
         personally, (ii) sent by prepaid courier service or mail, or (iii)
         sent by prepaid telecopier or other similar means of electronic
         communication to the parties at their following respective address.



         Nicollet Process Engineering, Inc
         420 North Fifth Street
         Suite 1040
         Minneapolis, MN  55401

         Attention:        President
         Telecopier:       (612) 339-6027

         with a copy to:

         Oppenhimer, Wolff & Donnelly LLP
         Attorneys Plaza VII
         45 South Seventh Street
         Suite 3400
         Minneapolis, MN

         Attention:        Mr. Thomas A. Letscher
         Telecopier:       (612) 607-7100


         TECHinspirations Inc. (Cayman)
         c/o CIBC Bank and Trust Company (Cayman) Limited
         P.O. Box 694
         CIBC Building, Edward Street
         Georgetown, Grand Cayman

         Attention:        Mr. Ian Phillips
         Telecopier:       (345) 949-7904

         with a copy to TECHinspirations (Canada) Inc.

         2275 No. 8 Side Road
         R.R. #2
         Milton, Ontario  L9T 2X6

         Attention:        Mr. Frank van Luttikhuizen
         Telecopier:       (905) 335-1889

         and with a copy to the Investor's counsel at:

         Brien G. McKenna
         60 Bedford Road, 2nd Floor
         Toronto, ON  M5R 2K2


         Attention: Mr. Brien G. McKenna
         Telecopier: (416) 929-9931


         Neither this Agreement nor any rights or obligations hereunder shall
         be assignable by any party without the prior written consent of each
         of the other parties.


         If any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable, such
         provision shall be severed and the remainder of this Agreement shall
         be unaffected thereby, but shall continue to be valid and
         enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.


         This Agreement may be executed by the parties in separate
         counterparts (by original or facsimile signature) each of which when
         so executed and delivered shall be an original, but all such
         counterparts shall together constitute one and the same instrument.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have hereunder duly executed this
         Agreement on the date first above written.

                  [remainder of page intentionally left blank]


                                          NICOLLET PROCESS ENGINEERING, INC.


                                          TECHinspirations INC. (CAYMAN)



                  FOR VALUE RECEIVED the undersigned Advisor confirms the
         provisions of Section 1.9 of this Agreement, acknowledges that it
         entered into the Letter of Intent for the Investor and without
         personal benefit, and confirms that the Investor is the entity with
         which the Corporation should complete the Transaction Documents and
         the matters contemplated under the Letter of Intent applicable to
         the `Investor to be identified', other than the consulting agreement
         referred to in the Closing Agenda which is to be completed with the

                                               TECHinspirations INC.

                                               Name: Manuel Pietra
                                               Title: President

                                  SCHEDULE 1.1


This is Schedule 1.1 of the Agreement between Nicollet Process Engineering,
Inc and TECHinspirations Inc. (Cayman) made as of the 15th day of July, 1999.
Where used herein or in any amendment hereto, the following terms have the
following meanings, respectively:

         (a)      "Advisor" means TECHinspirations, Inc. a Nevada corporation.

         (b)      "Agreement" means this Agreement and includes all Schedules
                  annexed to this Agreement and referenced in Section 1.5 of
                  this Agreement;

         (c)      "Agreement Date" means the date first above written in this

         (d)      "Authority" means any governmental or regulatory authority,
                  body, agency or department, whether federal, provincial or

         (e)      "Business Day" means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or
                  any other day on which the principal commercial banks
                  located at the City of Minneapolis, Minnesota are not open
                  for business during normal banking hours;

         (f)      "Closing" means the completion of the issuance by the
                  Corporation, and subscription by the Investor, of the
                  Security as provided hereunder;

         (g)      Closing Date" or "Date of Closing" means the Agreement Date;

         (h)      "Closing Documents" means all documents of conveyance,
                  instruments and agreements delivered at the Closing of the
                  transactions contemplated hereunder as described on the
                  closing agenda of documents annexed hereto as Schedule

         (i)      "Common Shares" or "common shares" bears the meaning
                  attributable to it in subsection 3.3(j) of the Agreement;

         (j)      "Corporation's Liabilities" bears the meaning attributable
                  to it in Section 7.1 of the Agreement;

         (k)      "Corporation's Period" bears the meaning attributable to it
                  in Section 3.2 of the Agreement;

         (l)      "Indemnified Party" bears the meaning attributable to it in
                  subsection 7.3(a) of the Agreement;

         (m)      "Indemnifying Party" bears the meaning attributable to it in
                  subsection 7.3(a) of the Agreement;

         (n)      "Investor's Damages" bears the meaning attributable to that
                  term in Section 7.2 of this Agreement;


         (o)      "Investor's Period" bears the meaning attributable to that
                  term in Section 3.4 of this Agreement;

         (p)      "Person" includes an individual, corporation, partnership,
                  trustee, trust, unincorporated association, organization,
                  syndicate, executor, administrator or other legal or
                  personal representative and pronouns have a similarly
                  extended meaning;

         (q)      "Regulatory Approvals" means all necessary approvals,
                  permits, sanctions, rulings, orders or consents from any
                  government, governmental body, regulatory authority or
                  self-regulatory organization within the United States with
                  respect to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement;

         (r)      "SEC Reports" bears the meaning attributable to that term in
                  paragraph 3.3(f) hereof;

         (s)      "Securities" means the Purchased Common Shares, the Common
                  Stock Warrant, the shares of Common Stock underlying the
                  Common Stock Warrant, and the Secured Debt.

         (t)      "Shares" bears the meaning attributable to that term in
                  Section 2.1 of this Agreement;

         (u)      "Third Party Claim" bears the meaning attributable to it in
                  Section 7.3(b) of the Agreement;

         (v)      "Time of Closing" means 10:00 a.m. (Minnesota time) on the
                  Closing Date or such other time as the Investor and the
                  Corporation may agree upon; and

         (w)      "Transaction Documents" collectively means Closing and this