OF JULY, 1999.

B E T W E E N:

                             NICOLLETT PROCCESS ENGINEERING, INC.
                             420 North Fifth Street
                             Suite 1040
                             Minneapolis, Minnesota
                             USA 55401

                             Attention: President

                             Telephone: (612) 339-7958
                             Telefax:   (612) 339-6027

                             (hereinafter called the "Customer")

                                                             OF THE FIRST PART;

                             - AND -

                             TECHINSPIRATIONS, INC.,
                             a Nevada corporation having its business office at:
                             2665 South Bayshore Drive
                             Suite PH2B
                             Coconut Grove, Florida
                             USA 33133

                             Attention:    Manuel Pietra

                             Telephone:    (305) 913-3300
                             Telecopier:   (305) 913-3306

                             (hereinafter called the "Consultant")

                                                             OF THE SECOND PART.


1.       The Customer is engaged in the business of supplying process control
         hardware and software facilities to the plastics industries;

2.       The Consultant has expertise in the area of information processing
         technology, and in the areas of sales, marketing, and financing in the
         information processing industry market;


3.       The Consultant was instrumental in procuring debt and equity financing
         for the Customer; and

4.       The Customer wishes to retain the Consultant to provide to the Customer
         on a standby fee basis the review and advisory services more
         particularly set out in this agreement.

         NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the premises herein contained and
other good and valuable consideration (the receipt and sufficiency whereof is
hereby acknowledged), the parties hereto agree as follows:



         Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, the Customer hereby
         appoints the Consultant to carry out the duties specified in this
         agreement with the powers and authority set out herein, until this
         Agreement is terminated in accordance with Section 8.1 hereof, and the
         Consultant hereby accepts such appointment in accordance with the terms
         of this Agreement


         In fulfilling its duties set out in this Agreement, the Consultant may
         assign or delegate from time to time and at any time any or all of the
         obligations of the Consultant under this Agreement to any person or
         entity as the Consultant, in its discretion, deems appropriate to
         fulfill such function (collectively, the "Sub-Agents"); provided

         (a)      such assignment or delegation shall contain, with respect to
                  the assigned obligations, such rights, obligations, and
                  indemnities of the Sub-Agent (the "Transferred Obligations")
                  as are equivalent to those of the Consultant hereunder; and

         (b)      in all such cases, the Consultant shall retain ultimate
                  responsibility hereunder for the performance of the
                  Transferred Obligations.

         The Consultant agrees with the Customer that in the event that the
         Consultant elects to assign or delegate to any Sub-Agent any or all of
         the tasks of the Consultant hereunder, the Consultant shall ensure that
         its agreements with each such Sub-Agent contain terms and conditions
         incorporating the Transferred Obligations.


         The Consultant shall have all of the power and authority necessary for,
         appropriate or incidental to, the carrying out of its duties hereunder
         and each of the parties agrees to do or cause to be done all such
         further acts or things as may be necessary to more fully and
         effectually implement the full nature and intent of this Agreement.


         It is acknowledged that this Agreement is a contract for services and
         that the Customer and the Consultant are independent contractors and in
         no event shall any of the Consultant, or any Sub-Agent on the one hand,
         and the Customer on the other, or any officer, director or


         employee of any of the foregoing be deemed, by virtue of this
         Agreement, to be an employee of the Customer, nor have the authority
         to take action on behalf of the Customer other than as specifically
         set out in this Agreement.


         The Consultant shall devote as much time as may reasonably be required
         to ensure that the Consultant performs its obligations hereunder. The
         Consultant shall maintain its corporate existence in good standing and
         maintain all requisite authorities, registrations, licenses and permits
         necessary to provide the service contributed herein. The Consultant
         will exercise its powers and discharge its duties under this Agreement
         honestly, in good faith and in the best interests of the Customer, all
         in a manner consistent with the provisions of this Agreement.


         The Customer shall maintain its corporate existence in good standing
         and maintain all requisite authorities, registrations, licenses and
         permits as may be necessary to engage the Consultant to provide the
         services contributed hereunder for so long as this Agreement is in
         effect. The Customer represents and warrants that it has full power and
         authority to enter into this Agreement; that this Agreement has been
         duly authorized, executed and delivered by it.


         Both parties to this Agreement agree to hold confidential all
         confidential information received by that party from and regarding the
         other party unless such information or advice is required to be
         disclosed by law. Each party agrees not to use the other parties
         confidential or proprietary information, except in performing its
         duties under this Agreement. Confidential and proprietary information
         shall not include, and the provisions of this paragraph shall not apply
         to, such information that generally becomes available to the public
         (other than as the result of disclosure by the recipient or its
         agents), is legally in the recipient's possession at the time of
         disclosure, or is received from a Third Party (not subject to any
         constraints on information use imposed upon that Third Party directly
         or indirectly by the Customer or the Consultant, as the case may be).


         Subject to the provisions of section 1.7 hereof, which shall be
         paramount, the work product of the Consultant resulting from the
         relationship hereunder (including without limitation, inventions,
         discoveries, improvements, ideas (whether or not written or reduced to
         practice) or works of authorship (whether or not they can be patented
         or copyrighted), and whether generated alone or with others (the "Work

         (a)      Shall, to the extent that it requires or is dependant upon the
                  Customer's confidential or proprietary information, be the
                  property of the Company; and otherwise,

         (b)      shall be the property of the Consultant with a license, in
                  favour of the Customer, to use the same for the benefit of the
                  Customer's business and for the purpose for which such Work
                  Product was intended.


For greater certainty, no element or component of the Work Product shall be
deemed to be a "work for hire" within the meaning of the copyright law of the
United States of America, including the United States Copyright Law of 1996
unless the parties have so agreed in writing with respect to each such specific
component or element.



         The Consultant either directly, or through Sub-Agents retained by the
         Consultant, shall provide the following services to the Customer:

         (a)      The Consultant shall keep a watching brief on the information
                  processing industry and, in particular, on the business,
                  products (both marketed and in development), finances, plans
                  and strategies of the Customer. To that end, the Consultant
                  shall have access to one or more of the members of the Board
                  of Directors of the Customer and to its senior officers and
                  shall be entitled to full disclosure of all relevant matters
                  pertaining to the Customer, subject to maintaining the
                  Customer's confidential information in strictest confidence
                  pursuant to Section 1.7 above;

         (b)      The Consultant in its discretion from time to time shall
                  provide to the Customer comments and analysis relating to the
                  existing or potential marketing, product, and financial plans
                  of the Customer as the Consultant may deem necessary or
                  appropriate; and

         (c)      The Consultant shall make it or its employees available from
                  time to time at appropriate times to provide `sounding board'
                  advice to the Customer on matters noted under section 2.1(b)
                  as and when requested by the Customer. The Customer
                  acknowledges that the Consultant's views obtained from the
                  foregoing process are merely intended to be points of view for
                  the Customer's evaluation, together with the Customer's own
                  and other points of view, and that the Customer will
                  ultimately be responsible for the consequences of the
                  decisions drawn from all such points of view, and whether or
                  not such decisions accord with the Consultant's point of view.

2.2      PROVISO

         The Customer acknowledges and agrees that the fees payable to the
         Consultant set out in sections 4.1(a) and 4.1(b) hereunder shall be
         fully earned by the Consultant as and by way of a stand-by fee and in
         order to provide the Customer with access to the Consultant's industry
         knowledge and expertise, on a general advisory basis initiated by the
         Customer. Nothing herein contained shall obligate the Consultant to
         initiate any particular advice to the Customer, nor to provide any
         particular warnings with respect to the Customer's conduct of its
         business, nor to identify any latent or obvious defects, deficiencies,
         or problems related thereto.


                          ARTICLE 3 - SPECIFIC SERVICES


         From time to time, it is anticipated that, utilizing the knowledge base
         built up under Article 2, the Consultant and the Customer shall
         negotiate and agree particular projects to be undertaken by the
         Consultant on behalf of the Customer and, in respect of each such
         project, the parties shall negotiate and agree the terms and conditions
         of such work and the remuneration therefor.

                            ARTICLE 4 - REMUNERATION

4.1      FEES

         For its services hereunder, the Consultant shall be paid:

         (a)      a fully earned stand-by retainer fee of $600,000.00 ("US$")
                  which earned fee for the Customer's cash flow purposes shall
                  be due in 24 monthly instalments of $25,000.00 each, the first
                  such installment being due on the 1st day of July, 1999, with
                  subsequent installments being due on the 1st day of each
                  consecutive month thereafter to and including the 1st day of
                  June, 2001. In the event that the Customer fails to pay any
                  installment within ten days of its due date, the entire
                  remaining balance of the installments due under this
                  subsection 4.1(a) shall be accelerated and be then immediately
                  due and payable without further notice or demand; and

         (b)      the Consultant shall be paid such further and other fees as
                  may be negotiated between the parties from time to time with
                  respect to the projects implemented pursuant to Article 3

4.2      EXPENSES

         The Consultant shall be reimbursed for its reasonable out-of-pocket
         expenses incurred for the services provided hereunder and, in respect
         thereof, the Consultant may be provided with an agreed expense
         allowance, subject to reconciliation and accounting; provided that any
         single expense in excess of $3,000.00 shall be approved in advance by
         the Customer. If the Consultant is provided with an allowance on
         account of expenses, the Consultant shall account to the Customer
         semi-annually (or more or less frequently as may be mutually agreed)
         for its out-of-pocket expenses paid or incurred by it on behalf of the
         Customer in connection with the Consultant's duties hereunder. Such
         amounts shall be reconciled to the payments on account thereof made
         pursuant to this subsection. The parties agree to forthwith settle such
         reconciliation by payment by the Customer to the Consultant, or by
         refund from the Consultant to the Customer, as may be necessary to
         result in the compensation of the Consultant for out-of-pocket expenses
         actually incurred.

4.3      SALES TAXES

         In addition to the fees and expenses set out herein, the Customer shall
         pay any retail sales tax, value added tax, goods and services tax, or
         other ad valorum taxes which are properly payable by the Consultant, or
         properly collectible by the Customer, in respect of the fees and
         expenses paid to the Consultant under this Agreement. Nothing herein
         contained shall be


         construed so as to oblige the Customer to pay income taxes on behalf
         of the Consultant on the revenue generated under this Agreement.



         The Consultant shall not be liable for any act or omission or
         negligence in the course of or connected with this Agreement except
         that the Consultant shall be liable and shall assume the entire
         responsibility for the Customer's losses, liabilities, expenses and
         disbursements, arising out of a breach of the Consultant's duties under
         this Agreement or in the course of or connected with rendering services
         hereunder to the Customer to the extent that the same are occasioned by
         the Consultant's wilful misconduct, fraudulent or criminal act, lack of
         good faith and the wilful misconduct, fraudulent or criminal act, or
         lack of good faith of any of its directors, officers or employees or
         Sub-Agents in rendering of such services.


         The Customer agrees to indemnify and to hold the Consultant, and the
         Sub-Agents and their respective directors, officers, employees and
         agents harmless from and against any and all taxes (except income
         taxes), duties, charges, costs, expenses, damages, claims, actions,
         demands and liabilities which they, or any of them, may incur or become
         subject to, including legal costs and reasonable counsel fees, for or
         in respect of anything done by the Customer, or omitted to be done by
         the Customer in connection with this Agreement, except as referred to
         in paragraph 5.1.

                             ARTICLE 6 - AMENDMENTS


         This Agreement may only be amended by the mutual written agreement of
         the Customer and the Consultant.

                             ARTICLE 7 - TERMINATION


This Agreement will take effect as of July 1st, 1999 and shall continue in full
force and effect until the 30th day of June 2001 (the "First Term") at which
time this Agreement shall automatically be renewed for a term of 12 months, and
so on from year to year unless terminated at the end of a particular term in
accordance with this section 7.1. Either party to this Agreement on no less than
60 days written notice to the other may terminate this Agreement at the end of
any particular term hereof.


                            ARTICLE 8 - OTHER MATTERS


         Save as set out in Section 1.2, neither this Agreement nor any of the
         rights or obligations of either party under it, may be assigned or
         transferred to any other person without the express written consent of
         the other party.

8.2      ENUREMENT

         This Agreement shall extend to and enure to the benefit of and be
         binding upon the successors and permitted assigns of the Customer and
         the Consultant.

8.3      NON-WAIVER

         If either party fails to exercise, or delays in exercising any right
         under this Agreement, such failure or delay shall not constitute a
         waiver of such right.


         This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota
         and any dispute regarding it shall be resolved by the courts in that


         The division of this Agreement and articles, sections, and paragraphs
         and the insertion of headings are for convenience of reference only and
         shall not affect the construction or interpretation of this Agreement.
         All words herein importing gender shall be deemed to include the male,
         female and neuter genders and the singular number shall include the
         plural number and vice versa as the context requires.

                               ARTICLE 9 - NOTICE

9.1      NOTICE

         Any statement to be given by the Consultant to the Customer, notice of
         an audit, notice of termination, or any other notice required or
         permitted to be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing
         and shall be hand delivered or mailed during any period when normal
         postal services prevail or sent by facsimile, transmission confirmed,
         to the addresses for the parties set out in the recitals on page 1 of
         the parties to this Agreement.

         Any such notice shall be deemed to have been given, if hand delivered,
         upon delivery, or if mailed on the fifth postal delivery day following
         the day of mailing, or if sent by confirmed facsimile on the day of
         sending. Either party may change their address as set out above by
         giving written notice in accordance with this section.


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Agreement has been signed by the parties hereto
by their duly authorized signing officers.

                                 NICOLLETT PROCESS ENGINEERING, INC.


                                 I have the authority to bind the corporation.

                                 TECHINSPIRATIONS, INC.

                                 NAME:     MANUEL PIETRA
                                 TITLE:    PRESIDENT

                                 I have the authority to bind the corporation.