DALE T. BERKBIGLER, M.D.

                        WAIVER AND RELEASE OF CLAIMS

   This WAIVER AND RELEASE OF CLAIMS (this "Release") is made and entered
   into by and between Foundation Health Systems, Inc. and it affiliates and
   subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") and Dale T.
   Berkbigler, M.D. (hereinafter referred to as the "Employee").

   WHEREAS, the Company and Employee are entering into this Release as a
   condition to Employee's receipt of severance pay and certain other
   payments and benefits described below upon his termination of employment
   with the Company.

   NOW, THEREFORE, the Company and Employee agree as follows:

1. Employee's employment with the Company shall terminate as of the close of
   business on June 30, 1999 (the "Termination Date").  Upon termination of
   employment, Employee shall not represent to anyone that he is an employee
   of the Company and shall not say or do anything purporting to bind the

2. The Company shall provide Employee (or, if applicable, his beneficiaries
   or estate) the following payments and benefits:

       a.  Upon Employee's acceptance of the terms set forth herein as
       evidenced by Employee's signature set forth below and upon the
       expiration of any revocation period, Employee will receive $1,438,900
       as a one-time lump sum payment (which represents the present value of
       payments of base salary at the rate in effect immediately prior to the
       Termination Date for a period of thirty-six (36) months after the
       Termination Date (the "Severance Period"), as adjusted prior to the
       Termination Date to include the 7% increase waived by Employee in 1997
       and as adjusted during the Severance Period to include the 7% annual
       increases provided for in Employee's Employment Agreement dated August
       28, 1993, as amended on April 27, 1994 (the "Employment Agreement"),
       and assuming a discount rate equal to 120% of the March 1999 short
       term Applicable Federal Rate of 5.62%) and continuation of all
       medical, health, disability, life and accident insurance maintained
       for Employee's benefit immediately prior to the date of Employee's
       termination (such insurance collectively, "Benefits") for a period of
       three (3) years from the Termination Date, subject to all applicable
       tax withholdings.

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       b.  Upon Employee's acceptance of the terms set forth herein as
       evidenced by Employee's signature set forth below and upon the
       expiration of any revocation period, Employee will also receive
       Supplemental Benefit payments under the Company's Supplemental
       Executive Retirement Plan ("SERP") based upon the form of Supplemental
       Benefit selected by Employee under the SERP. The parties hereby agree
       that the calculation of Employee's Supplemental Benefit payments under
       the SERP shall be based upon a termination date of March 31, 1999 and
       the Company agrees to credit Employee with additional service (solely
       for purposes of the SERP) in order to provide Employee with fifteen
       (15) years of service for purposes of such SERP. The parties hereby
       further agree to and approve of the calculation of Employee's
       Supplemental Benefit payments under the SERP, and the methodology used
       to make such calculations, as set forth in the attached
       correspondence, assuming a single life annuity as the form of
       Supplemental Benefit under the SERP, in which event Employee would
       receive $93,508 per year if Employee elects to receive such
       Supplemental Benefit payments beginning at age 62 or $54,235 per year
       if Employee elects to receive such Supplemental Benefit payments
       beginning at age 55.  In the event Employee selects a form of
       Supplemental Benefit other than a single life annuity contemplated by
       the attached calculations, such calculations shall be adjusted as
       appropriate using the same methodology utilized in calculating the
       Supplemental Benefit payments in the attached correspondence.

       c.  Employee agrees that $99,404.26 less required payroll taxes and
       other applicable deductions is the total amount of earned and unused
       vacation/paid-time-off ("PTO") owing to Employee as of the Termination
       Date, and Employee acknowledges that upon receipt of such amount no
       further PTO benefits will accrue after such date provided that in the
       event any PTO has been used by Employee after January 31, 1999, then
       such amount shall be appropriately adjusted downward. In addition, the
       Company shall promptly reimburse Employee for all outstanding business
       expenses appropriately incurred by Employee up to and including the
       Termination Date in accordance with Company policy and Employee shall
       be entitled to all of his 401(k) Plan account balance and all of his
       account balance under the Company's prior Supplemental Executive
       Retirement Plan pursuant to the applicable plan documents.

       d.  Employee's participation in all Company employee benefit plans as
       an active employee shall cease on the Termination Date, and Employee
       shall not be eligible to make contributions to or to receive
       allocations under the Foundation Health Systems, Inc. 401(k) Associate
       Savings Plan, to purchase shares of Company stock under the Foundation
       Health Systems, Inc. Employee Stock Purchase Plan or to make any
       deferrals pursuant to any deferred compensation plan of the Company
       after the Termination Date.

       e.  All stock options held by Employee as of the Termination Date that

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       currently exercisable (i.e., options to purchase 58,333 shares at
       $32.50 per share, 92,000 shares at $35.25 per share and 25,000 shares
       at $27.875 per share) shall remain exercisable by Employee (or in the
       event of his death, his beneficiary) until May 31, 2001. All stock
       options that are not yet exercisable as of the Termination Date shall
       lapse and be canceled automatically without any further action as of
       the Termination Date.  It is agreed and acknowledged that the stock
       option granted to the Employee by the Company on December 4, 1998
       covering 200,000 shares of Class A Common Stock of the Company has
       been canceled for failure of certain conditions subsequent to occur
       and is therefore null and void.

       f.  Employee shall be entitled to purchase the laptop computer used by
       Employee in the course of his employment at a purchase price equal to
       the depreciated book value (as reflected on the Company's books and
       records) of such computer.

4. In partial consideration of the Company providing Employee those payments
   and benefits set forth in Section 3 above, and as a condition to receive
   such payments and benefits, Employee freely and voluntarily enters into
   this Release and by signing this Release, Employee, on his own behalf and
   on behalf of his heirs, beneficiaries, successors, representatives,
   trustees, administrators and assigns, hereby waives and releases the
   Company, and each of its past, present and future officers, directors,
   shareholders, employees, consultants, accountants, attorneys, agents,
   managers, insurers, sureties, parent and sister corporations, divisions,
   subsidiary corporations and entities, partners, joint venturers,
   affiliates, beneficiaries, successors, representatives and assigns, from
   any and all claims, demands, damages, debts, liabilities, controversies,
   obligations, actions or causes of action of any nature whatsoever, whether
   based on tort, statute, contract, indemnity, rescission or any other
   theory or recovery, including but not limited to claims arising under
   federal, state or local laws prohibiting discrimination in employment,
   including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, the Civil
   Rights Act of 1870, as amended, claims of disability discrimination under
   the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment
   Act, as amended ("ADEA"), the Worker Adjustment and Retraining
   Notification Act ("WARN"), the California Fair Employment and Housing Act,
   the California Labor Code and the California Constitution (all as amended)
   or claims growing out of any legal restrictions on the Company's right to
   terminate its employees and whether for compensatory, punitive, equitable
   or other relief, whether known, unknown, suspected or unsuspected, against
   the Company, including without limitation claims which may have arisen or
   may in the future arise in connection with any event which occurred on or
   before the date of Employee's execution of this Release.  The provisions
   in this paragraph are not intended to prohibit Employee from filing a
   claim for unemployment insurance.  Furthermore, it is expressly agreed
   that such payments shall fully and finally release the Company from all
   obligations it may have under the Employment Agreement.  It is also
   expressly agreed that the obligations of the Company to Employee under the
   Indemnification Agreement dated August 10, 1996 for acts or omissions of
   Employee as a director, officer or employee of the Company or its

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   affiliates prior to the Termination Date shall be unaffected by this
   Release or the payments hereunder and shall continue in full force and
   effect in accordance with the terms thereof.

5. Except for the rights and obligations of the parties set forth herein, the
   Company, on its own behalf and on behalf of its affiliates, and its and
   their officers and directors, agents, employees, successors and assigns,
   hereby waives and releases Employee and each of his attorneys, agents,
   employees, successors, heirs, beneficiaries and assigns, from any and all
   claims, demands, damages, debts, liabilities, controversies, obligations,
   actions or causes of action of any nature whatsoever, whether based on
   tort, statute, contract, indemnity, rescission or any other theory or
   recovery, and whether for compensatory, punitive, equitable or other
   relief, whether known, unknown, suspected or unsuspected, against
   Employee, including without limitation claims which may have arisen or may
   in the future arise in connection with any event which occurred on or
   before the date of the Company's execution of this Release.
   Notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing, nothing contained herein
   shall release Employee from any claim relating to the breach by Employee
   of any confidentiality agreements with the Company or any affiliate of the
   Company, or the obligations set forth herein.

6. Employee expressly waives any right or claim of right to assert hereafter
   that any claim, demand, obligation and/or cause of action has, through
   ignorance, oversight or error, been omitted from the terms of this
   Release.  Employee makes this waiver with full knowledge of his rights and
   with specific intent to release both his known and unknown claims, and
   therefore specifically waives the provisions of Section 1542 of the Civil
   Code of California or other similar provisions of any other applicable
   law, which reads as follows:

          "A general release does not extend to claims which the
          creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor
          at the time of executing the release, which if known by
          him must have materially affected his settlement with the

   Employee understands and acknowledges the significance and consequence of
   this Release and of such specific waiver of Section 1542, and expressly
   agrees that this Agreement shall be given full force and effect according
   to each and all of its express terms and provisions, including those
   relating to unknown and unsuspected claims, demands, obligations and
   causes of action herein above specified.

7. Employee shall not initiate or cause to be initiated against the Company
   any compliance review, suit, action, investigation or proceeding of any
   kind, or voluntarily participate in same, individually or as a
   representative, witness or member of a class, under contract, law or
   regulation, federal, state or local, pertaining to any matter related to
   his employment with the Company, unless Employee first cooperates in
   making his allegations known to the Company for the Company to take
   corrective action at a time and place designated by the Company.  Employee
   represents that he has not, to date,

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    initiated (or caused to be initiated) any such review, suit, action,
    investigation or proceeding. In addition, Employee shall, without further
    compensation, cooperate with the Company in defending or investigating
    any claim in respect of which Employee is entitled to indemnification by
    the Company or any other claim against the Company arising in whole or in
    part during Employee's employment with the Company and its predecessors
    or affiliates for which the Company requests Employee's assistance, which
    cooperation shall include, but not be limited to, providing testimony and
    assisting in information and document gathering efforts. In this
    connection, it is agreed that the Company will use its reasonable best
    efforts to assure that any request for such cooperation will not unduly
    interfere with Employee's other material business, personal obligations
    or commitments and the Company will pay all reasonable expenses incurred
    by Employee in providing such cooperation.

8.  Employee agrees he shall return to the Company immediately upon
    termination of employment any building key(s), security passes or other
    access or identification cards and any Company property in his
    possession, including but not limited to any documents, credit cards,
    computer equipment, mobile phones or data files unless otherwise
    expressly set forth in this Release. Employee agrees to submit all
    expense accounts and to pay promptly the outstanding balance on each
    corporate credit card that the Company previously issued to Employee.

9.  Except with respect to consulting services that may be provided to the
    Company at the Company's request (in accordance with the procedure set
    forth below), Employee shall not, without the Company's written consent
    by an authorized representative, at any time prior or subsequent to the
    execution of this Release, disclose, use, remove or copy any
    confidential, trade secret or proprietary information he acquired during
    the course of his employment by the Company, including without
    limitation, any technical, actuarial, economic, financial, procurement,
    provider, customer, underwriting, contractual, managerial, marketing or
    other information of any type that has economic value in the business in
    which the Company is engaged, but not including any previously published
    information or other information generally in the public domain.  It is
    agreed that any and all consulting services provided by Employee to the
    Company or any of its Subsidiaries or affiliates and all terms and
    conditions thereof (including but not limited to all payment and scope of
    work provisions) will be subject to the prior written approval of the
    Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of the Company or
    his designee. It is expressly agreed that the effectiveness of any
    existing, proposed future or contemplated consulting arrangement or
    agreement will be expressly subject to the foregoing prior approval

10. In addition to any other part or term of this Release, Employee agrees
    that he shall not, for a period of one (1) year from the date of this
    Agreement, regardless of the reason for Employee's termination of
    employment, on his own behalf or on behalf of any other person, either
    directly or indirectly: 1) make known to any person, firm, corporation or
    other entity of any type, the names and addresses of any of the Company's

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    enrollees or providers or any other information pertaining to any of them
    which is not available in previously published information or other
    information generally in the public domain; or 2) disrupt, solicit or
    influence or attempt to solicit, disrupt or influence any of the
    Company's customers, employees, providers, vendors, agents or independent
    contractors with whom Employee became acquainted during the course of
    employment or service with the Company for the purpose of terminating
    such a person's or entity's relationship with the Company.
    Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, Employee may give oral
    and written recommendations of former employees of the Company in
    connection with such employees' employment efforts and such action will
    not be deemed a breach of this Section 10.

11. Any developments or discoveries by Employee during the course of his
    employment with the Company through the date of execution of this Release
    or at any time while serving the Company under a consulting agreement,
    resulting in patents, lists of customers, trade secrets, specialized
    know-how or other intellectual property useful in the then current
    business of the Company shall be for the sole benefit of the Company.

12. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as an admission of any
    wrongful act, including but not limited to violation of any contract,
    express or implied, or any federal, state or local employment laws or
    regulations, and nothing contained herein shall be used for any purpose
    except in proceedings related to the enforcement of this Release.

13. If any part or term of this Release is held invalid or unenforceable,
    such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect in any way the
    validity or enforceability of any other part or term of this Release. It
    is hereby further agreed that if any court of competent jurisdiction
    shall determine that the restrictions imposed in this Release are
    unreasonable (including, but not limited to, the definition of
    Competitive Activity or the time period during which a provision of this
    Release is applicable), the parties hereto hereby agree to any
    restrictions that such court would find to be reasonable under the

14. Employee acknowledges that he has had an opportunity to consult and be
    represented by counsel of Employee's choosing in the review of this
    Release, and that he has been advised by the Company to do so, that the
    Employee is fully aware of the contents of this Release and of its legal
    effect, that the preceding paragraphs recite the sole consideration for
    this Release, and that Employee enters into this Release freely, without
    coercion, and based on the Employee's own judgment and not in reliance
    upon any representation or promise made by the other party, other than
    those contained herein. There may be no modification of the terms of this
    Release except in writing signed by the parties hereto.

15. Employee agrees and acknowledges that this Release recites all payments
    and benefits Employee is entitled to receive hereunder and under the
    Employment Agreement, and that no other payments or benefits will be
    asserted or requested by Employee.

16. This Release shall be construed and governed by the laws of the State of

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    EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEDGES BY SIGNING BELOW that (i) Employee has not relied
upon any representations, written or oral, not set forth in this Release;
(ii) at the time Employee was given this Release Employee was informed in
writing by the Company that (a) Employee had at least 21 days in which to
consider whether Employee would sign the Release and (b) Employee should
consult with an attorney before signing the Release; and (iii) Employee had
an opportunity to consult with an attorney and either had such consultations
or has freely decided to sign this Release without consulting an attorney.

    Employee further acknowledges that he may revoke acceptance of this
Release by delivering a letter of revocation within seven (7) days after the
date set forth below addressed to:  FHS Corporate Legal Department, 21650
Oxnard Street, Woodland Hills, CA, 91367.

    Finally, Employee acknowledges that he understands that this Release
shall not become effective until the eighth (8th) day following his signing
this Release and that if Employee does not revoke his acceptance of the terms
of this Release within the seven (7) day period following the date on which
Employee signs this Release, then this Release shall be binding and

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Release as of the
dates set forth below.

Employee                                    Foundation Health Systems, Inc.

By: /s/ Dale T. Berkbigler                  By: /s/ B. Curtis Westen
   --------------------------------             -------------------------------
   Name: Dale T. Berkbigler, M.D.               Name:  B. Curtis Westen, Esq.
                                                Title: Senior Vice President,
                                                       General Counsel and

Dated:  6/30/99                             Dated:    6/30/99
     -------------------------------             ------------------------------