Certified as a true and
accurate copy of the
PacRimEast Cable System
Construction and Maintenance

                                                        J E Spencer
                                                        OTC Limited

                                                               December 1990

                              PACRIMEAST CABLE SYSTEM

                                 TABLE OF CONTENTS

PARAGRAPH NO.       HEADING                                             PAGE NO.
- -------------       -------                                             --------
1.                  DEFINITIONS                                            2

2.                  CABLE SYSTEM SEGMENTS                                  5

3.                  PROCUREMENT GROUP                                      6

4.                  PROVISION AND CONSTRUCTION OF SEGMENT B                7

5.                  PROVISION OF SEGMENTS A AND C                          8


7.                  MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE                                   9

8.                  DEFINITION OF SEGMENT B CAPITAL COSTS                  11


10.                 USE OF SEGMENT A                                       15

11.                 USE OF SEGMENT C                                       19

12.                 OBLIGATION TO CONNECT THE CABLE SYSTEM WITH            24
                    INLAND SYSTEMS


14.                 ALLOCATION AND USE OF CAPACITY                         26

PARAGRAPH NO.       HEADING                                            PAGE NO.
- -------------       -------                                            --------
15.                 EXPANSION OF NOTIONAL CAPACITY                         31

16.                 DECREASE OR INCREASE OF DESIGN CAPACITY                31

                    OF SEGMENTS

18.                 OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS OF SEGMENT B -         35
                    ALLOCATION AND BILLING


20.                 KEEPING AND INSPECTION OF BOOKS FOR SEGMENT B          38

21.                 GOVERNMENTAL APPROVALS                                 40

22.                 ASSIGNMENT OF RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS                   40

23.                 DEFAULT                                                41

24.                 ADMISSION OF ADDITIONAL PARTIES                        42

25.                 RATIFICATION OF PRIOR DECISIONS AND ACTIONS            43

26.                 RESOLUTION OF DISPUTES                                 43

27.                 RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES TO EACH OTHER                  44

28.                 PRIVILEGES FOR DOCUMENTS OR COMMUNICATIONS             44


30.                 BILLS, PAYMENTS AND NOTICES                            46

                              PACRIMEAST CABLE SYSTEM


THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of the 5th day of December 1990,
between and among the parties signatory hereto (hereinafter collectively called
"Parties" and individually called "Party"), which Parties are identified in
Schedule A attached hereto and made a part hereof, as it may be amended from
time to time in accordance with this Agreement,



A.     Telecommunication services are being provided within the Pacific Region
and beyond by means of submarine cable, satellite and other facilities; and

B.     The Parties propose to supplement such facilities by providing a high
capacity optical fibre submarine cable system linking New Zealand and Hawaii
to be  known as the PacRimEast Cable System (hereinafter called the "Cable
System") which will be used to provide telecommunication services between and
among  points in or reached via New Zealand and Hawaii; and

C.     It is the intention of the Parties to each acquire an investment share
in the Cable System corresponding to at least the quantity of MAUOs required
to meet their respective needs for the use of the Cable System through the
year 2005; and

D.     It is the intention of the Parties that the Cable System provide service
protection for other cable facilities in the Pacific region in which the
Parties have an interest; and

                                     - 2 -

E.     An agreement entitled "The Initial Agreement To Cooperate In The
Provision of Digital Cables To Interconnect Australia And New Zealand With USA
And Japan" has been entered into between AT&T, KDD, OTC and TNI effective 28
September 1987 (hereinafter called the "Initial Agreement") under which
certain initial activities relating to provision of the Cable System, as
therein defined, have proceeded in advance of this Agreement; and

F.     By a First Supplemental Agreement to the Initial Agreement effective
8 February 1988, a Second Supplemental Agreement to the Initial Agreement
effective 9 March 1988, a Third Supplemental Agreement to the Initial
Agreement effective 24 May 1988, a Fourth Supplemental Agreement to the
Initial Agreement effective 28 August 1988, a Fifth Supplemental Agreement to
the Initial Agreement effective 26 June 1989, a Sixth Supplemental Agreement
to the Initial Agreement effective 28 September 1989 and a Seventh
Supplemental Agreement to the Initial Agreement effective 4 December 1990, 32
additional parties were admitted as parties to the Initial Agreement; and

G.     The Parties now desire to define the terms and conditions upon which the
Cable  System will be provided, constructed, maintained and operated,

NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein
expressed, covenant and agree with each other as follows:


       The following definitions shall apply to certain terms used in this

       Annexes:               Annexes shall be the annexes attached hereto and
                              made a part hereof.

       Basic System Module:   A Basic System Module of the Cable System shall
                              consist of a 139,264,000 bits per second digital
                              line section with interface in accordance with
                              CCITT Recommendation G.703 (Blue Book).

                                     - 3 -

Cable Landing Point:          Cable Landing Point shall be the beach joint or,
                              if there is no beach joint, the mean high water
                              mark of ordinary spring tides.

Carrier Parties:              Carrier Parties shall mean all of the Parties
                              other than Transpacific.

Common Reserve                Capacity in excess of the Notional Capacity and
Capacity:                     being the difference between the Notional Capacity
                              and the Design Capacity.

Country:                      The word "country" as used in this Agreement shall
                              mean a country, territory or place, as

Date of                       The Date of Provisional Acceptance shall be the
Provisional                   date specified in the Certificate of Provisional
Acceptance:                   Acceptance issued in accordance with a Supply

Design Capacity:              The Design Capacity of the Cable System shall be
                              one (1) fibre pair providing four (4) Basic System
                              Modules, providing 7,560 MAUOs, or any increase or
                              decrease pursuant to Subparagraph 16(a).

Initial Parties:              AT&T, KDD, OTC and TNI.

Management                    Management Committee refers to the PacRimEast
Committee:                    Cable System Management Committee to be
                              established under Paragraph 7.

Minimum Assignable           A unit designated as the minimum practical unit of
Unit of Ownership:            ownership, allowing the use of 73,684.656 bits per
(MAUO)                        second in each direction between System Interface
                              locations. The Minimum Assignable Unit of
                              Ownership (MAUO) in the Cable System shall consist

                                     - 4 -

                              of 64,000 usable bits per second and the
                              additional 9,684.656 bits per second required for
                              multiplexing each of the 1890 such MAUOs which
                              constitute a Basic System Module and is used for
                              purposes of ownership allocation. Such ownership
                              allocation shall be in terms of half interests in
                              MAUOs allocated to Parties in accordance with
                              Paragraph 14 and Schedule D.

Notional                      The capacity assigned to the Parties as shown
Capacity:                     in Schedule D.

Ready for Service:            Ready for Service (RFS) refers to the date when
(RFS)                         the Parties agree to place the Cable System into
                              operation. For purposes of this Agreement, RFS
                              shall be on or before 31 March 1993, or such other
                              date as may be agreed upon by the Management

Schedules:                    Schedules shall be the initial schedules attached
                              hereto and made a part hereof and any written
                              amendments thereto or any schedules substituted
                              therefor in accordance with the provisions of this

Supply Contract:              Supply Contract refers to any contract entered
                              into pursuant to Subparagraph 4(a).

System Interface:             The nominal 140 Megabits per-second digital
                              input/output ports on the digital distribution
                              frame (excluding the digital distribution frame
                              itself) where the Basic System Module connects
                              with other transmission facilities or equipment.

United States                 The United States Carrier Parties are AT&T,
Carrier Parties:              HTC, MCII, OTI, TRT/FTC, US SPRINT and WORLDCOM.

                                     - 5 -


       In accordance with the arrangements contained in this Agreement, the
       Cable System shall be provided, constructed, maintained and operated
       between New Zealand and Hawaii and, for the purposes of this Agreement,
       shall be regarded as consisting of the following segments:

       SEGMENT A:    A cable station at Takapuna, New Zealand.

       SEGMENT B:    The whole of the submarine cable system provided between
       and including the System Interfaces at the cable stations in New Zealand
       and Hawaii, and shall also include:

              (i)    all transmission, power feeding and special test equipment
                     directly associated with the submersible plant;

              (ii)   the power equipment provided wholly for use with the
                     equipment listed in (i) above;

              (iii)  the transmission cable equipped with appropriate repeaters
                     and joint housings between the cable stations; and

              (iv)   the sea earth cable and electrode system and/or the land
                     earth system, or an appropriate share thereof, associated
                     with the Cable System power feeding equipment.

       SEGMENT C:    A cable station at Keawaula, Hawaii.

       Segments A and C shall each consist of:

              (i)    an appropriate share of the land and buildings at the
                     specified locations for the cable landing and for the cable
                     route between a cable station and its respective Cable
                     Landing Point and an appropriate share of common services
                     and equipment at each of those locations together

                                     - 6 -

                     with equipment in each of those cable stations solely
                     associated with the Cable System, but which is not a part
                     of Segment B; and

              (ii)   multiplex equipment down to the primary level of 2 Mbit/s
                     associated solely and directly with assigned capacity in
                     the Cable System, wherever such multiplex equipment is
                     In the event such multiplex equipment is located away from
                     the cable station, the cable station provider shall be
                     solely responsible for the entire cost of the provision
                     and maintenance of adequate connecting facilities between
                     the cable station and the location of the multiplex


       (a)    A Procurement Group shall be formed, comprised of the Initial
       Parties. This Group shall act as trustees for the Parties and be solely
       responsible for all actions as may be required to contract, on a joint
       but not several basis, in shares as agreed between them, with the
       supplier(s) to provide Segment B of the Cable System. The Procurement
       Group shall assume the responsibilities and continue the activities of
       the Initial Procurement Group established under the Initial Agreement in
       respect of the Initial Procurement Group's work related to the Cable
       System and shall undertake the on-going tasks of coordinating and
       managing the overall project during construction.

       (b)    The Procurement Group's terms of reference are contained in
       Annex 1.

       (c)    No decision of the Procurement Group shall override any provisions
       of this Agreement or in any way diminish the rights granted to any of the
       Parties under this Agreement.

                                     - 7 -


       (a)    The provision and construction of Segment B shall be through
       contract(s) to be placed by the Procurement Group as trustees for each of
       the Parties with supplier(s) (herein referred to as the "Supply
       Contract(s)") designated by the Procurement Group itself. The placing of
       the Supply Contract(s) by the Procurement Group shall be subject to
       authorisation by the Management Committee.

       (b)    Each of the Procurement Group shall hold in trust for the Parties
       in the separate percentages set forth in Schedule C all the rights,
       benefits, privileges, claims, entitlements, commitments, convenants,
       warranties, guarantees, indemnities, conditions, promises, agreements or
       undertakings created by or arising out of or in connection with any
       Supply Contract or made or given by any supplier to the Procurement Group
       pursuant to any Supply Contract and any monies paid to the Procurement
       Group pursuant to or arising out of or in connection with any Supply

       (c)    Each of the Parties to this Agreement shall be entitled on request
       to receive a copy of the Supply Contract(s), subject to the acceptance by
       each such Party of any reasonable conditions of confidentiality imposed
       by the Supply Contract(s).

       (d)    In the event that Segment B fails to meet the specifications
       referenced in the Supply Contract(s) for its provision, fails to provide
       the specified capacity, or is not engineered, provided, installed and
       ready in sufficient time to meet the Date of Provisional Acceptance, or
       if the supplier(s) is (are) otherwise in material breach of the relevant
       Supply Contract(s), the Procurement Group shall take such actions as may
       be necessary to exercise the rights and remedies available under the
       terms and conditions of the Supply Contract(s). Such actions by the
       Procurement Group shall be subject to any direction deemed necessary by
       the Management Committee.

                                     - 8 -

       (e)    The members of the Procurement Group shall not be liable to any
       other Party for any loss or damage sustained by reason of a supplier's
       failure to perform in accordance with the terms and conditions of its
       Supply Contract, or as a result of the Cable System not being ready for
       provisional acceptance on or before the date specified in the Supply
       Contract(s), or if the Cable System does not perform in accordance with
       the technical specifications and other requirements of the Supply
       Contract(s), or if the Cable System is not integrated or placed into
       operation. The Parties recognise that the Procurement Group does not
       guarantee or warrant (i) the performance of the Supply Contract(s) by the
       supplier(s), (ii) the performance or reliability of Segment B of the
       Cable System, or (iii) that the Cable System will be integrated or placed
       into operation; and the Parties hereby agree that nothing in this
       Agreement shall be construed as such a warranty or guarantee.


       (a)    Segment A of the Cable System shall be provided and made available
       by TNI for use in accordance with Paragraph 10.

       (b)    Segment C of the Cable System shall be provided and made available
       by AT&T for use in accordance with Paragraph 11.

       (c)    TNI in respect of Segment A and AT&T in respect of Segment C shall
       each make available to the other Parties any reasonable information
       required by the Parties relating to the provision, construction or
       installation of those Segments, subject to any reasonable conditions of
       confidentiality imposed by the respective owners of those Segments.


       (a)    Segment A of the Cable System shall be owned by TNI.

                                     - 9 -

       (b)    Segment B of the Cable System shall be owned by the Parties in
       common and undivided shares, in the proportions set forth in Schedule C.
       Ownership of Segment B shall vest in the Parties upon ownership vesting
       in the Procurement Group in accordance with the Supply Contract(s).

       (c)    Segment C of the Cable System shall be owned by AT&T.

       (d)    In this Agreement, references to any segment of the Cable System,
       however expressed, shall be deemed to include, unless the context
       otherwise requires, additional property incorporated therein by agreement
       of the Parties. Each segment shall be regarded as including its related
       spare and standby units and components including, but not limited to,
       submersible repeaters, cable lengths and terminal equipment.


       (a)    The Parties shall form a PacRimEast Cable System Management
       Committee (herein referred to as the "Management Committee"), which
       shall consist of one representative of each of the Parties to this
       Agreement. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement (which
       exception shall include decisions related to procurement which shall be
       made by the Procurement Group in accordance with Paragraphs 3 and 4), the
       Management Committee shall make all decisions necessary on behalf of the
       Parties to effect the purposes of this Agreement.

       (b)    Two or more Parties may designate the same person to serve as
       their representative at specific meetings of the Management Committee and
       its subcommittees established pursuant to Subparagraph 7(e). OTC shall
       provide a person to act as the Coordinator of the Management Committee.
       The Management Committee will meet on the call of the Coordinator or
       whenever requested by one or more Parties representing at least 5% of the
       total voting interests specified in Schedule B. The Coordinator shall
       give at least 30 days' advance notice, which shall include a draft
       agenda, of each meeting to the Parties. In cases of

                                     - 10 -

       emergency, such notice period may be reduced if Parties representing at
       least 75% of the total voting interests so agree. Discussion documents
       for each meeting should be made available to members 14 days before the
       meeting, but the Management Committee may agree to discuss papers
       distributed on less than 14 days' notice. For the conduct of its
       meetings, the Management Committee shall elect a Chairman at each

       (c)    All decisions made by the Management Committee shall be subject,
       in the first place, to consultation among the designated representatives
       of the Parties who shall make every reasonable effort to reach agreement
       with respect to matters to be decided. However, in the event agreement
       cannot be reached, with the exception of those matters to be determined
       pursuant to Subparagraphs 14(q), 16(a) and 24(b), the decision will be
       carried on the basis of a vote representing a simple majority of the
       total voting interests of the Parties as specified in Schedule B,
       provided such simple majority includes at least one Party from south of
       the equator and two Parties from north of the equator. A member of the
       Management Committee representing more than one Party shall separately
       cast the votes to which each Party it represents is entitled.

       (d)    No decision of the Management Committee, or its subcommittees or
       any other group established by the Management Committee shall override
       any provisions of this Agreement.

       (e)    To aid the Management Committee in the performance of its duties,
       the Management Committee may establish such subcommittees or groups as it
       shall determine within its discretion, to provide assistance in the
       performance of its responsibilities. The following subcommittees shall
       initially be formed, and said subcommittees, under the direction of the
       Management Committee, shall be responsible for their respective areas of
       interest listed in Annex 2 and any other areas of interest designated by
       the Management Committee:

              (i)    Operations and Maintenance Subcommittee (hereinafter called
                     "O&M Subcommittee"); and

                                     - 11 -

              (ii)   Financial and Administrative Subcommittee (hereinafter
                     called "F&A Subcommittee").

       Subcommittees shall meet at least once annually after the date of this
       Agreement and more frequently if necessary, until two years following the
       RFS date and thereafter as may be appropriate. Meetings of a subcommittee
       may be called to consider specific questions at the discretion of its
       chairman, or whenever requested by one or more Parties representing at
       least 5% of the voting interests specified in Schedule B. The respective
       chairman of each subcommittee, or a designated representative of each
       subcommittee, shall attend Management Committee meetings and meetings of
       each other subcommittee in an advisory capacity as necessary. On or about
       two years after RFS, the Management Committee shall determine whether any
       of its subcommittees should remain in existence. If the Management
       Committee determines that one or more of its subcommittees shall not
       remain in existence, the responsibilities assigned to a subcommittee
       whose existence has been terminated under this Subparagraph 7(e) shall
       revert to the Management Committee.


       (a)    Capital costs, as used in this Agreement, refers to costs incurred
       in engineering, providing, and constructing Segment B, or causing it to
       be engineered, provided, and constructed, or to laying or causing to be
       laid cables, repeaters and joint housing, or to installing or causing to
       be installed cable system equipment, and shall include:

              (i)    appropriate costs, including financial charges attributable
                     to other Parties' shares of such costs, incurred in respect
                     of specific activities such as desk top surveys, marine
                     surveys and cable system development activities, in respect
                     of the Cable System, required to be undertaken prior to
                     entry into force of this Agreement;

                                     - 12 -

              (ii)   those costs payable to the supplier(s) under the Supply
                     Contract(s); and

              (iii)  those costs directly incurred by OTC, AT&T and TNI which
                     shall be fair and reasonable in amount and not included in
                     the Supply Contract(s), and which have been directly and
                     reasonably incurred for the purpose of, or to be properly
                     chargeable in respect of, such engineering, provision,
                     construction, installation and laying of Segment B,
                     including, but not limited to, the costs of engineering,
                     design, materials, manufacturing, procurement and
                     inspection, installation, removing (with appropriate
                     reduction for salvage), cable ship and other ship costs,
                     route survey, burying, testing associated with laying or
                     installation, customs duties, taxes (except income tax
                     imposed upon the income of a Party), financial charges
                     attributable to other Parties' shares of costs incurred,
                     supervision, billing activities, overheads and insurance or
                     a reasonable allowance in lieu of insurance if such Party
                     elects to carry a risk itself, being a risk which is
                     similar to one against which a supplier has insured or
                     against which insurance is usual or recognised or would
                     have been reasonable.

       (b)    Such costs shall exclude costs incurred by the Parties in
       the holding of Management Committee meetings, Procurement Group
       meetings and meetings of the subcommittees established pursuant to
       Subparagraph 7(e) or the attendance by the Parties'
       representatives at such meetings.


       (a)    The total capital costs of engineering, providing, constructing
       and installing Segment B, including any additional work or property
       incorporated in Segment B subsequent to RFS by agreement of the Parties,
       shall be borne by the Parties in the proportions set forth in
       Schedule C.

                                     - 13 -

       (b)    OTC, AT&T and TNI shall promptly render bills to each of the other
       Parties for such Parties' pro rata shares of costs payable under the
       Supply Contract(s) and for costs directly incurred by OTC, AT&T and TNI
       in accordance with Paragraph 8 and financial charges attributable to
       other Parties' shares of such costs. Such bills shall be rendered by OTC,
       AT&T and TNI not more frequently than once a month and in accordance with
       Schedule C and shall contain a reasonable amount of detail to
       substantiate them. On the basis of such bills, each Party shall pay to
       OTC, AT&T and TNI or to such entity as OTC, AT&T and TNI may designate,
       the amounts owed by the end of the calendar month following the calendar
       month in which the bill was rendered. In the case of bills containing
       costs billed on a preliminary billing basis, appropriate adjustments will
       be made in subsequent bills promptly after the actual costs involved are

       (c)    As soon as practicable after RFS, the amount of each Party's share
       of the costs of Segment B shall be computed by OTC, AT&T and TNI, as
       appropriate, and they shall make appropriate adjustments and render any
       necessary bills or arrange for any necessary refunds by way of final
       settlement in order that each Party may bear its proper share of the
       costs as provided in this Paragraph 9.

       (d)    If, subsequent to RFS, additional property or equipment is
       incorporated in the Cable System by agreement of the Management
       Committee, the costs thereof shall be borne by the Parties in the
       proportions as set forth in Schedule C.

       (e)    For purposes of this Agreement, financial charges shall be
       computed at as follows:

              (i)    For bills rendered by OTC and TNI, financial charges shall
                     be computed at a rate equal to the lowest publicly
                     announced prime overdraft rate in the currencies of
                     Australia and New Zealand by the following banks on the
                     fifteenth day of the month in which the costs were incurred
                     by the billing Parties:

                                     - 14 -

                     A.     BILLS RENDERED BY OTC;

                            Westpac Banking Corporation, Sydney

                     B.     BILLS RENDERED BY TNI;

                            Bank of New Zealand, Wellington

              (ii)   For bills rendered by AT&T, financial charges shall be
                     computed at a rate equal to the lowest publicly announced
                     prime rate or commercial lending rate, however described,
                     for 90-day loans in the currency of the United States of
                     America, as applicable, by the following banks on the
                     fifteenth day of the month in which the costs were incurred
                     by AT&T:

                     Citibank, N.A., New York City;
                     Chase Manhattan Bank N.A., New York City;
                     and Manufacturer's Hanover Trust Company, New York City

       (f)    Amounts billed and not paid when due shall accrue extended payment
       charges from and including the day following the day on which payment was
       due until paid. For purposes of this Agreement, paid shall mean that the
       funds are available for immediate use by the recipient. For purposes of
       this Agreement, extended payment charges shall be computed at rates equal
       to 125 percent of the relevant rates for financial charges as defined in
       Subparagraph 9(e) on the day following the day on which payment was due.

       (g)    In the event that applicable law does not allow the imposition of
       financial charges or extended payment charges at the rates established in
       accordance with Subparagraph 9(e) or 9(f) respectively, financial

                                     - 15 -

       charges and extended payment charges shall be at the highest rates
       permitted by applicable law, which in no event shall be higher than the
       rates computed in accordance with Subparagraphs 9(e) and 9(f)

       (h)    A bill shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Party to whom
       it is rendered if that Party does not present a written objection before
       the date when payment is due. If such objection is filed, all Parties
       concerned shall make every reasonable effort to settle promptly the
       dispute concerning the bill in question. If the objection is sustained
       and the objecting Party has paid the disputed bill, the amount of
       overpayment shall be refunded promptly to the objecting Party by the
       Party by or for whom the bill was rendered, together with any financial
       charges calculated thereon at the relevant rate determined in accordance
       with Subparagraph 9(e) from and including the date of payment of the bill
       to the date on which the refund is transmitted to the objecting Party. If
       the objection is not sustained and the objecting Party has not paid the
       disputed bill, said Party shall pay such bill promptly together with any
       extended payment charges calculated thereon at the relevant rate
       determined in accordance with Subparagraph 9(f) from and including the
       day following the day on which payment of the bill was due until paid.
       Nothing in this Subparagraph 9(h) shall relieve a Party from paying those
       parts of a bill that are not in dispute.

       (i)    Credits for refunds of appropriate financial charges and bills for
       extended payment charges will not be rendered if the amount of charges
       involved is less than US$100 or its equivalent in the currency of


       (a)    Each Party which has no ownership interest in Segment A shall be
       permitted to use Segment A, including any additions thereto, to the
       extent required for the purpose of using the Cable System and carrying on
       the related activities at that location in accordance with this

                                     - 16 -

       Agreement. Such use will be deemed to commence from RFS or from the date
       a Party first places any of its capacity into operation, whichever occurs
       first, and shall continue for the duration of this Agreement.

       (b)    For the use of Segment A, the Parties shall pay TNI an amount
       calculated by reference to the capital costs reasonably incurred in
       providing Segment A and periodic charges based upon the costs of
       maintenance, supervision and operation, in the proportions specified in
       Schedule C. Where the use of Segment A or of certain equipment situated
       therein, such as power supply or testing and maintenance equipment, is
       shared by the Cable System and other communications systems terminating
       at Segment A, the capital, operating, maintenance and supervision costs
       of such shared cable station or equipment (not solely attributable to a
       particular communications system or systems) will be allocated among the
       systems involved in the proportions in which they use the shared
       equipment or facility. For such purposes, use of a shared cable station
       or of shared cable station equipment therein attributable to a particular
       system shall be determined on the basis of the ratio of: (i) the
       installed cost of the cable station equipment (excluding shared
       equipment) associated with the particular cable system to (ii) the
       installed cost of the cable station equipment (excluding shared
       equipment) associated with all systems, including the Cable System,
       which make use of the shared facility.

       (c)    Capital costs, as used in this Paragraph 10 with reference to the
       provision of Segment A, including land, access roads, cable
       rights-of-way, ducts and buildings located at Segment A, or causing it to
       be provided and constructed, or to installing or causing to be installed
       Segment A equipment, shall include all expenditures incurred which shall
       be fair and reasonable in amount and either to have been directly and
       reasonably incurred for the purpose of, or to be properly chargeable in
       respect of, such provision, construction and installation, including, but
       not limited to, the purchase costs of land, building costs, amounts
       incurred for development, engineering, design, materials, manufacturing,
       procurement and inspection, installation, removing (with appropriate
       reduction for salvage), testing associated with

                                     - 17 -

       installation, customs duties, taxes (except income tax imposed upon the
       income of a Party), financial charges attributable to other Parties'
       shares of costs, supervision, billing activities, overheads and insurance
       or a reasonable allowance in lieu thereof. Losses against which insurance
       was not provided, or for which an allowance in lieu thereof was not
       provided, or for which an allowance in lieu thereof was not taken, shall
       constitute capital costs. Operating and maintenance costs for Segment A,
       as used in this Paragraph 10, shall include costs reasonably incurred in
       operating and maintaining the facilities involved, including, but not
       limited to, the cost of attendance, testing, adjustments, repairs and
       replacements, customs duties, taxes (except income tax imposed upon the
       income of a Party) paid in respect of such facilities, billing
       activities, administrative costs, financial charges attributable to other
       Parties' shares of costs, and costs and expenses reasonably incurred on
       account of claims made by or against other persons in respect of such
       facilities or any part thereof and damages or compensation payable by TNI
       on account of such claims. Costs, expenses, damages, or compensation
       payable to TNI on account of claims made against other persons shall be
       shared by the Parties in the same proportions as they share the costs of
       operating and maintaining Segment A.

       (d)    In the event that the cable station located at Segment A is not
       available for the landing and termination of the Cable System for any
       reason, TNI, with the agreement of the other Parties, shall take all
       necessary measures to ensure that another suitable cable station will be
       available for the Cable System for the duration of this Agreement on fair
       and equitable terms.

       (e)    In the event of a sale or other disposition of Segment A or part
       thereof prior to the termination of this Agreement, TNI shall share with
       the other Parties any net proceeds, or costs, of such sale or disposition
       received, or expended, by TNI, to the extent allocable to the Cable
       System, in the proportions specified in Schedule C at the time of the
       sale or disposition.

                                     - 18 -

       (f)    Subject to Subparagraph 10(e), nothing contained in this Agreement
       shall  be deemed to vest in any Party other than TNI, any salvage rights
       in Segment A or any cable station substituted therefor.

       (g)    TNI shall keep and maintain such books, records, vouchers, and
       accounts of all costs that are incurred in the design, engineering,
       provision, construction and installation, as appropriate, of Segment A
       for a period of three (3) years from RFS or the date the work is
       completed, whichever is later.

       (h)    With respect to operating and maintenance costs of Segment A, such
       books, records, vouchers and accounts of costs, as are relevant, shall be
       kept and maintained by TNI for a period of three (3) years from the date
       on which the corresponding bills to the Parties are rendered.

       (i)    In keeping and maintaining books, records, vouchers, and accounts
       of costs pursuant to Subparagraphs 10(g) and 10(h), TNI shall afford the
       other Parties the right to review or audit said books, records, vouchers,
       and accounts of costs. In affording the right to review or audit, TNI
       shall be permitted to recover, from the Party or Parties requesting the
       review or audit, the entire cost reasonably incurred in complying with
       the review or audit. Such right of review and audit pursuant to this
       Subparagraph 10(i) shall only be exercisable through the F&A Subcommittee
       in accordance with the F&A Subcommittee's audit procedures.

       (j)    After RFS the Management Committee shall arrange for a final audit
       to be conducted by the F&A Subcommittee. The costs of such audit shall be
       borne by the Parties in the proportions specified in Schedule C.

       (k)    In respect of bills rendered pursuant to this Paragraph 10, each
       party shall pay TNI, in the currency in which the bill is rendered, the
       amount owed by the end of the calendar month following the calendar month
       in which the bill was rendered. In the case of bills containing costs
       billed on a preliminary basis, appropriate adjustments will be made in
       subsequent bills promptly after the actual costs involved are determined.

                                    - 19 -

       (l)    Amounts billed pursuant to this Paragraph 10 and not paid when due
       shall accrue extended payment charges from and including the day
       following the day on which payment was due until paid, said charges to be
       computed and applied in accordance with Subparagraphs 9(f) and 9(g).

       (m)    The billing procedures specified in Subparagraphs 9(h) and 9(i)
       shall be applicable to all bills rendered pursuant to this Paragraph 10.


       (a)    Each Party which has no ownership interest in Segment C is hereby
       granted by AT&T an IRU interest in Segment C, including any additions
       thereto, to the extent required for the purpose of using the Cable System
       and carrying on the related activities at that location in accordance
       with this Agreement. Such IRU interest will be deemed to commence from
       RFS or from the date a Party first places any of its capacity into
       operation, whichever occurs first, and shall continue for the duration of
       this Agreement.

       (b)    For the IRU interest in Segment C, the Parties shall pay AT&T that
       portion of the capital costs and of the operating and maintenance costs
       of Segment C including additions thereto, allocable to the Cable System
       on the basis of use. Where the use of Segment C or of certain equipment
       situated therein, such as power supply or testing and maintenance
       equipment, is shared by the Cable System and other communications systems
       terminating at Segment C, the capital, operating, maintenance and
       supervision costs of such shared cable station or equipment (not solely
       attributable to a particular communications system or systems) will be
       allocated among the systems involved in the proportions in which they use
       the shared equipment or facility. For such purposes, use of a shared
       cable station or of shared cable station equipment therein attributable
       to a particular system shall be determined on the basis of the ratio of:
       (i) the installed cost of the cable station equipment (excluding shared
       equipment) associated with the particular cable system to (ii) the
       installed cost of the cable station equipment (excluding shared
       equipment) associated with all systems, including the Cable System, which
       make use of the shared facility.

                                    - 20 -

       (c)    In the event that the cable station located at Segment C is not
       available for the landing and termination of the Cable System for any
       reason, AT&T, with the agreement of the other Parties, shall take all
       necessary measures to ensure that another suitable cable station will be
       available for the Cable System for the duration of this Agreement on
       terms and conditions similar to those contained in this Agreement.

        (d)    Capital costs, as used in this Paragraph 11 with reference to the
        provision of Segment C, including land, access roads, cable
        rights-of-way, ducts and buildings located at Segment C, or causing
        it to be provided and constructed, or to installing or causing to
        be installed Segment C equipment, shall include all expenditures
        incurred which shall be fair and reasonable in amount and either to
        have been directly and reasonably incurred for the purpose of, or to
        be properly chargeable in respect of, such provision, construction
        and installation, including, but not limited to, the purchase costs
        of land, building costs, amounts incurred for development,
        engineering, design, materials, manufacturing, procurement and
        inspection, installation, removing (with appropriate reduction for
        salvage), testing associated with installation, customs duties, taxes
        (except income tax imposed upon the income of a Party), financial
        charges attributable to other Parties' shares of costs, supervision,
        billing activities, overheads and insurance or a reasonable allowance
        in lieu thereof. Losses against which insurance was not provided, or
        for which an allowance in lieu thereof was not taken, shall
        constitute capital costs. Operating and maintenance costs for Segment
        C, as used in this Paragraph 11, shall include costs reasonably
        incurred in operating and maintaining the facilities involved,
        including, but not limited to, the cost of attendance, testing,
        adjustments, repairs and replacements, customs duties, taxes (except
        income tax imposed upon the income of a Party) paid in respect of
        such facilities, billing activities, administrative costs, financial
        charges attributable to other Parties' shares of costs, and costs and
        expenses reasonably incurred on account of claims made by or against
        other persons in respect of such facilities or any part thereof and
        damages or compensation payable by AT&T on account of such claims.
        Costs, expenses, damages, or compensation payable to AT&T on

                                    - 21 -

       account of claims made against other persons shall be shared by the
       Parties acquiring an IRU interest in Segment C in the same proportions as
       they share the costs of operating and maintaining Segment C.

       (e)    The portion of the capital costs and operating and maintenance
       costs of Segment C to be borne by the Parties acquiring an IRU interest
       in Segment C pursuant to this Agreement shall be shared by them in the
       proportions specified in Schedule C.

       (f)    Payments due under this Paragraph 11 shall be made in accordance
       with the following settlement plan:

              (i)    AT&T shall determine the amount of the initial payment of
                     the net capital cost of Segment C (i.e., capital cost less
                     accrued depreciation determined in accordance with the
                     accounting practices of AT&T) which will be due from the
                     Parties acquiring an IRU interest in Segment C to the
                     parties to other communications systems terminating at
                     Segment C entitled to a share of such payments at the time
                     the IRU interests in Segment C commence pursuant to
                     Subparagraph 11(a).

              (ii)   At least sixty days before RFS, AT&T shall render bills to
                     the Parties acquiring an IRU interest in Segment C, on an
                     actual or preliminary billing basis, for their
                     proportionate shares of the amount referred to in
                     Subparagraph 11(f) (i). In the case of preliminary bills,
                     appropriate adjustments will be made as soon as practicable
                     after the actual costs are determined.

              (iii)  At least sixty days before RFS, AT&T shall render bills to
                     the Parties acquiring IRU interest in Segment C, on an
                     actual or preliminary billing basis, for their
                     proportionate shares of the capital cost of cable station
                     equipment (excluding equipment shared with other cable

                                    - 22 -

                     systems). In the case of preliminary bills, appropriate
                     adjustments will be made as soon as practicable after the
                     actual costs are determined.

              (iv)   The billed Parties shall pay such bills to AT&T
                     on or before the date on which the IRU interest in
                     Segment C granted to the Parties pursuant to
                     Subparagraph 11(a) becomes effective. As soon as
                     practicable after receiving such payment, AT&T shall
                     distribute said payments among the parties to the other
                     communications systems terminating at Segment C in the
                     proportions to which they are entitled.

              (v)    AT&T shall bill each of the Parties for, and each Party
                     shall pay its proportionate share of, (1) the portion of
                     any capital costs of Segment C allocable to this Agreement
                     incurred after the effective date of the grant to the
                     Parties of an IRU interest in Segment C, and (2) the
                     portion of the operating and maintenance costs of Segment C
                     allocable to this Agreement, commencing at the time such
                     IRU grant becomes effective.

       (g)    In the event of a sale or other disposition of Segment C or part
       thereof prior to the termination of this Agreement, AT&T shall share with
       the other Parties any net proceeds, or costs, of such sale or disposition
       received, or expended, by AT&T, to the extent allocable to the Cable
       System, in the proportions in which the Parties' interests in the subject
       of the sale or disposition are determined at the time of the sale or

       (h) Subject to Subparagraph 11(g), nothing contained in this Agreement
       shall be deemed to vest in any Party other than AT&T, any salvage rights
       in Segment C or any cable station substituted therefor.

                                     - 23 -

       (i)    AT&T shall keep and maintain such books, records, vouchers and
       accounts of all costs that are incurred in the design, engineering,
       provision, construction and installation, as appropriate, of Segment C
       for a  period of three (3) years from RFS or the date the work is
       completed, whichever is later.

       (j)    With respect to operating and maintenance costs of Segment C,
       such, books, records, vouchers and accounts of costs, as are relevant,
       shall be kept and maintained by AT&T for a period of three (3) years from
       the date on which the corresponding bills to the Parties are rendered.

       (k)    In keeping and maintaining books, records, vouchers, and accounts
       of costs pursuant to Subparagraphs 11(i) and 11(j), AT&T shall afford
       the other Parties the right to review or audit said books, records,
       vouchers, and accounts of costs. In affording the right to review or
       audit, AT&T shall be permitted to recover, from the Party or Parties
       requesting the review or audit, the entire cost reasonably incurred in
       complying with the review or audit. Such right of review and audit
       pursuant to this Subparagraph 11(k) shall only be exercisable through the
       F&A Subcommittee in accordance with the F&A Subcommittee's audit

       (l)    After RFS the Management Committee shall arrange for a final audit
       to be conducted by the F&A Subcommittee. The costs of such audit shall
       be borne by the Parties in the proportions specified in Schedule C.

       (m)    Amounts billed pursuant to this Paragraph 11 and not paid when due
       shall accrue extended payment charges from and including the day
       following the day on which payment was due until paid, said charges to be
       computed and applied in accordance with Subparagraphs 9(f) and 9(g).

       (n)    The billing procedures specified in Subparagraphs 9(h) and 9(i)
       shall be applicable to all bills rendered pursuant to this Paragraph 11.

                                  - 24 -

       (o)    Notwithstanding Subparagraph 11(a), a Party thereby granted an IRU
       interest in Segment C may, prior to the commencement of that IRU
       interest, elect to renounce its IRU interest entitlement and to instead
       have use of Segment C for the duration of this Agreement on such terms
       and conditions as are agreed upon between that Party and AT&T and in such
       event the provisions of Subparagraphs 11(a)-(n) shall apply in relation
       to such use except insofar as they may be modified by such agreements.
       This Subparagraph 11(o) shall not operate to confer on a Party any
       financial or other benefit of substance to which the Party would not
       otherwise be entitled under this Agreement.

       (p)    Upon request, AT&T shall provide to the other United States
       Carrier Parties hereto suitable space and connection with the Cable
       System at Segment C for operating and technical control purposes relating
       to capacity assigned, or to be assigned, to them in the Cable System.
       AT&T may provide such space in a building separate from its cable station
       but adjacent to its cable station and located on the land which forms a
       part of Segment C. Such United States Carrier Parties shall have the
       right to provide their own personnel and equipment in such space. Such
       United States Carrier Parties shall reimburse AT&T for the reasonable
       costs incurred by AT&T in providing such space and connection pursuant to
       this Subparagraph 11(p), including, but not limited to, the costs of any
       additional building that may reasonably be required.


       Each of the Parties, at its own expense, on or before the RFS date, shall
       do, or cause to be done, all such acts and things as may be necessary
       within its operating territory to provide and maintain throughout the
       period of this Agreement suitable connection of capacity in, or of
       capacity connected with capacity in, the Cable System with appropriate
       inland communications facilities in its operating territory.

                                  - 25 -


       Each of the Parties shall use its best endeavors to furnish and
       maintain, or cause to be furnished and maintained, in efficient working
       order, for Carrier Parties not from that Party's country, and for
       telecommunications entities not from that Party's country that are not
       Parties but which are permitted to use capacity in the Cable System, for
       the duration of this Agreement, such transmission facilities in its
       respective country as may be suitable and reasonably required for
       extending capacity assigned to them for the purpose of handling
       communications transiting its respective country subject to the following

              (i)    the use of the facilities shall not cause interference to
                     other users of the facilities; and

              (ii)   the facilities shall be furnished and maintained on terms
                     and conditions which are no less favourable than those
                     granted to other telecommunications entities for facilities
                     of similar type, routing and quantity transiting the
                     location involved. Such terms and conditions shall not be
                     inconsistent with applicable governmental regulations in
                     the location in which the facilities are located.

       No Party shall be required under this Agreement to furnish such
       facilities in its country to other Carrier Parties or telecommunications
       entities not Parties from its respective country. The provision of
       facilities pursuant to this Paragraph 13 shall be the subject of separate
       agreements acceptable to the affected parties.

                                    - 26 -



       (a)    The Notional Capacity in Segment B shall be assigned to the
       Parties in accordance with Schedule D. Such assignments represent the
       intended capacity requirements of the Parties through at least the year

       (b)    Capacity jointly assigned to two Parties shall be considered as
       consisting of two half interests in a MAUO, with each half interest
       assigned to one of the two Parties involved. Such capacity is assigned
       to the Parties for the provision of telecommunications services between
       such Parties.

       (c)    Capacity wholly assigned to one Party shall be considered as
       consisting of two half interests in a MAUO, with both half interests
       assigned to one Party. Such capacity is assigned to the Party for
       provision of telecommunications services between such Party and other
       identified telecommunications entity(ies) not Party(ies) or between two
       identified telecommunications entities not Parties.


       (d)    Capacity of 30 or more MAUOs jointly assigned between any two
       Parties or wholly assigned to a Party shall, if required by the Party or
       Parties concerned, be Initially arranged so as to ensure complete
       fascicles of 30, 90, 630 or 1890 MAUOs in the smallest number of such
       fascicles possible. In addition, one or more Parties assigned in the
       aggregate 30, or more than 30, MAUOs in the Cable System may, by
       agreement with the Parties to whom such capacity is jointly assigned,
       combine their MAUOs to avail themselves of the right afforded in this
       Subparagraph 14(d) with respect to the initial arrangement of capacity.

                                        - 27 -

      (e)    Capacity of 90 MAUOs, or multiples of 90 MAUOs, jointly assigned
      between any two Parties or wholly assigned to a Party, or in combination
      with one or more Parties as provided in Subparagraph 14(d), may be
      operated, by agreement with such Parties, at a rate of 6,312,000 bits per
      second with up to four component modules operating at 1,544,000 bits per
      second each containing up to twenty-four 64,000 usable bits per second
      channels. The resulting higher number of 64,000 usable bits per second
      channels shall not constitute an increase in the Cable System capacity
      for purposes of ownership and cost allocation.

      (f)    When on a partially used channel operating at 6,312,000 bits per
      second, the placement of 1,544,000 bits per second component modules
      conflicts with the placement of 2,048,000 bits per second component
      modules, the latter shall take precedence.

      (g)    Subsequent to the initial arrangement of capacity as provided in
      Subparagraph 14(d), capacity in the aggregate of 30, or more than 30,
      MAUOs assigned to one or more Parties may be rearranged, if so requested
      by such Parties, so far as reasonably possible, to ensure complete
      fascicles of 30, 90, 630 or 1890 MAUOs in the smallest number of such
      fascicles possible, provided:

             (i)     the agreement of the relevant cable station owner is
                     obtained, which agreement shall not be unreasonably

             (ii)    the agreement of other Parties with assigned capacity that
                     would be affected by the proposed rearrangement is
                     obtained, which agreement shall not be unreasonably
                     withheld; and

             (iii)   all costs arising from the proposed rearrangement are
                     first paid by the Parties requesting it.

                                        - 28 -


      (h)    Prior to RFS, a Party to whom capacity is wholly assigned, in
      accordance with Subparagraph 14(c), may make half interests in such
      capacity available to Parties or to additional Parties in such quantity
      at least equal to a half interest in one MAUO on a transfer of ownership
      basis provided that the additional Party(ies) is (are) the identified
      telecommunications entity(ies) pursuant to Subparagraph 14(c). At any
      time, a Party may make half interests in such wholly assigned capacity
      available to the identified telecommunications entities pursuant to
      Subparagraph 14(c) in such quantity at least equal to a half interest in
      one MAUO on such basis, other than by transfer of ownership interest, as
      they may agree.

      (i)    A Party may make interests in any of the capacity jointly assigned
      to it pursuant to Subparagraph 14(b) available to other Parties or
      telecommunications entities not Parties (hereinafter referred to as
      "non-Parties") that are located within the same country as such Party, in
      such quantity at least equal to a half interest in one MAUO and on such
      basis as that Party and the other Party or non-Party concerned may agree
      other than, in the case of any non-Party, by transfer of ownership

      (j)    A Party whose initial joint assignment of capacity with another
      Party does not exceed 30 MAUOs may make its interests in any of the
      capacity jointly assigned with the other Party available to non-Parties
      for service with the other Party, in such quantity at least equal to a
      half interest in one MAUO and on such basis, other than by transfer of
      ownership interest, as that Party and the non-Parties concerned may

      (k)    Except as provided in Subparagraphs 14(h), 14(i) and 14(j), no
      Party may make interests in any of the capacity assigned to it available
      on any basis to other Parties or to non-Parties until the Notional
      Capacity has been expanded to the Design Capacity, except with the

                                        - 29 -

      agreement of all the Parties. After the Notional Capacity has been
      expanded to the Design Capacity, any Party may make interests in any of
      the capacity assigned to it available to other Parties or to non-Parties,
      in such quantity at least equal to a half interest in one MAUO and on
      such basis as that Party and the other Party or non-Party concerned may
      agree other than, in the case of any non-Party, by transfer of ownership
      interest and, in the case of transfer of ownership interest to another
      Party, subject to the approval of the Management Committee.

      (l)    Where capacity is jointly assigned in accordance with Subparagraph
      14(b), neither Party may make interests in such capacity available to
      other Parties or to non-Parties without the consent of the other Party to
      whom the capacity is jointly assigned, which consent will not be
      unreasonably withheld.

      (m)    In the event of any transfers of ownership between Parties
      pursuant to this Paragraph 14, payments will be made as may be agreed
      between the affected Parties and Schedules B, C and D shall be modified
      as appropriate.


      (n)    The communications capability of any capacity assigned in
      Schedule D may be optimized by the Party or Parties to whom such capacity
      is assigned by the use of equipment which will more efficiently use such
      capacity; provided that the use of such equipment does not cause an
      interruption of, or interference to, the use of any other capacity in the
      Cable System or prevent the use of similar equipment by other Parties. A
      Party to whom capacity is assigned shall permit the use of such equipment
      by a telecommunications entity to which such Party has made available the
      use of any such capacity, provided that such entity agrees that its use
      of the equipment will satisfy the conditions set forth in this
      Subparagraph 14(n). Such equipment, if used, shall not constitute a part
      of the Cable System.

                                        - 30 -


      (o)    The Common Reserve Capacity shall be held by the Parties in common
      and undivided shares in the same proportion as their percentage interests
      are set forth in Schedule C.

      (p)    A proportionate share of the Common Reserve Capacity up to the
      equivalent capacity limit represented by its respective percentage
      interests pursuant to Subparagraph 14(o) may be temporarily allocated to
      a Party for utilization without charge for purposes of restoration of
      telecommunications services provided by that Party. The utilization of
      Common Reserve Capacity for purposes of restoration, other than as
      specifically provided for in this Subparagraph 14(p), shall require the
      concurrence specified in Subparagraph 14(q). This Subparagraph 14(p)
      shall not be construed as assuring the availability of Common Reserve
      Capacity for restoration nor shall it be construed as requiring the
      provision of any additional facilities. Any additional costs shall be
      borne by Party(ies) using the Common Reserve Capacity for restoration
      pursuant to this Subparagraph 14(p). This Subparagraph 14(p) shall also
      not be construed as precluding the Parties from agreeing to the
      establishment of broad-based restoration arrangements using Common
      Reserve Capacity.

      (q)    The Management Committee may authorise the temporary use of Common
      Reserve Capacity for temporary or occasional purposes, including
      restoration, if the concurrence of at least 75% of the total voting
      interests of the Parties is obtained which must include the concurrence
      of the owners of Segments A and C, in recognition of the potential
      technical, financial and operational impact on cable station operations.
      With such concurrence, the Management Committee may establish procedures
      and the terms and conditions applicable, including payment of any
      reasonable additional costs incurred by the owners of Segments A and C in
      connection with such use of Common Reserve Capacity. Any procedures
      determined by the Management Committee pursuant to this Subparagraph
      14(q) may also include arrangements for the administration of the
      utilization of the Common Reserve Capacity.

                                        - 31 -

      (r)    The Management Committee shall accord priority to increases in
      Notional Capacity pursuant to Paragraph 15 over any utilisation of Common
      Reserve Capacity pursuant to Subparagraphs 14(p) and 14(q).


      The Management Committee may increase the Notional Capacity of the Cable
      System at the request of any Party or for the admission of additional
      Parties pursuant to Paragraph 24. In the event of an increase in the
      Notional Capacity, financial adjustments will be made between and among
      the Parties as necessary to adjust their contributions to the costs of
      the Cable System based on an expanded Notional Capacity and
      Schedules B, C and D shall be appropriately modified. The terms and
      conditions, including pricing arrangements, for increasing the Notional
      Capacity shall be determined by the Management Committee.


      (a)    If, subsequent to RFS, the Design Capacity of Segment B is
      increased or decreased pursuant to agreement of the Parties to this
      Agreement, or otherwise, the additional or reduced Design Capacity will
      be added to or subtracted from the Common Reserve Capacity. The
      Management Committee shall have authority to increase the Design Capacity
      of the Cable System with the concurrence of at least 75% of the total
      voting interests of the Parties which must include the concurrence of the
      owners of Segments A and C, in recognition of the potential technical,
      financial and operational impact on cable station operations.

      (b)    In the event that the capacity which Segment B is capable of
      providing upon RFS, or such other date as the Parties may agree, is less
      than the Notional Capacity, or in the event that the capacity which
      Segment B is capable of providing during the term of this Agreement is
      reduced below the Notional Capacity as a result of physical

                                        - 32 -

      deterioration, or for other reasons beyond the control of the Parties,
      the capacity assigned to the Parties in accordance with Schedule D shall
      be reduced in the proportions in which the capacity provided was assigned
      to the Parties immediately preceding such decrease in capacity. The
      assignment of fractional interests in capacity less than one MAUO
      resulting from such reductions shall be determined by agreement of the
      Parties. In the event of such a decrease of Design Capacity, payments
      will be made between and among the Parties as necessary to adjust the
      contribution to the capital costs of the Cable System theretofore made by
      each Party to reflect any Party's revised assignment of capacity. Such
      payments will be based on terms and conditions to be determined by the
      Management Committee. In addition, appropriate adjustments will be made
      in each Party's share of the capital costs and of the operating and
      maintenance costs relating to Segment B thereafter incurred to reflect
      that Party's revised assignment of capacity in the Cable System. In each
      such case, Schedules B, C and D shall be appropriately modified.


      (a)   TNI shall be responsible for the operation and maintenance of
      Segment A and that portion of Segment B between the System Interface at
      the cable station in New Zealand and its respective Cable Landing Point.
      TNI shall use all reasonable efforts to maintain Segment A and said
      portion of Segment B or cause Segment A and said portion of Segment B to
      be maintained, economically and in efficient working order.

      (b)   AT&T shall be responsible for the operation and maintenance of
      Segment C and that portion of Segment B between the System Interface at
      the cable station in Hawaii and its respective Cable Landing Point. AT&T
      shall use all reasonable efforts to maintain Segment C and said portion
      of Segment B or cause Segment C and said portion of Segment B to be
      maintained, economically and in efficient working order.

                                        - 33 -

      (c)    TNI and AT&T shall be jointly responsible for the operation and
      maintenance of Segment B except those portions of Segment B between the
      appropriate System Interfaces at the cable stations in New Zealand and
      Hawaii and their respective Cable Landing Points. Such joint
      responsibility shall be apportioned between TNI and AT&T as those Parties
      may mutually agree. TNI and AT&T, for the purposes of Paragraphs 17 and
      18 called the "Maintenance Authorities", shall perform their
      responsibilities in a manner consistent with applicable international
      cable maintenance agreements and shall use all reasonable efforts to
      maintain or cause to be maintained economically said portion of Segment B
      of the Cable System in efficient working order and with an objective of
      achieving effective and timely repairs when necessary. The Maintenance
      Authorities shall have the right to deactivate Segment B, or any part
      thereof, in order to perform their duties. Prior to such deactivation,
      reasonable notice shall be given to, and coordination shall be made with,
      the other Parties. To the extent possible, sixty days prior to initiating
      action, the Maintenance Authority involved shall advise the other Parties
      in writing of the timing, scope, and costs of significant planned
      maintenance operations or arrangements; of significant changes to
      existing operation and maintenance methods; and of contractual
      arrangements for cable ships or other maintenance facilities or devices
      that will have a significant impact on operation or maintenance costs.
      Should one or more Parties representing at least five percent (5%) of the
      total voting interests specified in Schedule B wish to review such a
      contractual arrangement, operation or change prior to its occurrence,
      such Party or Parties shall notify the appropriate Maintenance Authority
      and the O&M Subcommittee Chairman in writing within thirty (30) days of
      such advice. Upon such notification, the O&M Subcommittee shall initiate
      action to convene an ad hoc meeting for such review.

      (d)    The responsibilities for the operation and maintenance of
      Segment B shall be reviewed, and recommendations shall be made as
      appropriate by the O&M Subcommittee at its discretion.

                                        - 34 -

      (e)    Each Party concerned shall give necessary information, relating to
      the operation and maintenance of the equipment which that Party may have
      designed or procured and which is used in the Cable System, to the
      Maintenance Authority by whom that equipment, by reason of the provisions
      of this Paragraph 17, is to be operated and maintained. Each Maintenance
      Authority with responsibility for the maintenance of any segment of the
      Cable System, in accordance with Subparagraphs 17(a), (b), (c) and (d),
      shall have prompt access, necessary to the performance of its duties, to
      all system maintenance information appropriate to those parts of the
      Cable System not covered by its authority.

      (f)    Each Maintenance Authority shall be authorized to pursue claims in
      its own name, on behalf of the Parties, in the event of any damage or
      loss to the Cable System and may file appropriate lawsuits or other
      proceedings on behalf of the Parties. Subject to obtaining the prior
      concurrence of the Management Committee, a Maintenance Authority may
      settle or compromise any claims and execute releases and settlement
      agreements on behalf of the Parties as necessary to effect a settlement
      or compromise.

      (g)    None of the Parties shall be liable to any other Party for any
      loss or damage sustained by reason of any failure in, or breakdown of,
      the facilities constituting the Cable System or any interruption of
      service, whatsoever shall be the cause of such failure, breakdown, or
      interruption, and however long it shall last, but, in the event of a
      failure or breakdown of any such facilities, if the Maintenance Authority
      responsible for maintaining and operating the facilities involved as
      specified in Subparagraphs 17(a), (b), (c) and (d) fails to restore those
      facilities to efficient working order and operation within a reasonable
      time after having been called upon to do so by any other Party to whom
      capacity is assigned by this Agreement, the Management Committee may, to
      the extent that it is practical to do so, place, or cause to be placed,
      such facilities in efficient working order and operation and charge the
      Parties their proportionate shares of the costs reasonably incurred in
      doing so.

                                        - 35 -

      (h)    Each Party, at its own expense, shall have the right to inspect
      from time to time the operation and maintenance of any portion of the
      Cable System and to obtain copies of the maintenance records. For this
      purpose, each Maintenance Authority responsible for maintaining any
      segment of the Cable System, as specified in Subparagraphs 17(a), (b),
      (c) and (d), shall retain significant records, including recorder charts,
      for a period of not less than five (5) years from the date of the record.
      If these records are destroyed at the end of this period, a summary of
      important items should be retained for the life of the Cable System. Such
      right of inspection pursuant to this Subparagraph 17(h) shall be subject
      to reasonable conditions of confidentiality.


      (a)    The costs of operating and maintaining Segment B shall be shared
      by the Parties in the proportions specified in Schedule C.

      (b)    The operating and maintenance costs to which Subparagraph 18(a)
      refers are the costs reasonably incurred in operating and maintaining the
      facilities involved, including, but not limited to, the cost of
      attendance, testing, adjustments, storage of plant and equipment, repairs
      (including repairs at sea) and replacements, cable ships (including an
      appropriate share of standby costs) and maintenance and repair devices
      that are or may hereafter become available (including an appropriate
      share of standby costs), cable depots, reburial and the replacement of
      plant, tools and test equipment, customs duties, taxes (except income tax
      imposed upon the income of a Party) paid in respect of such facilities,
      billing activities, financial charges attributable to other Parties'
      shares of costs incurred by a Maintenance Authority, supervision,
      overheads and costs and expenses reasonably incurred on account of claims
      made by or against other persons in respect of such facilities or any
      part thereof and damages or compensation payable by the Parties concerned
      on account of such claims. Costs, expenses, damages, or compensation
      payable to the Parties on account of claims

                                        - 36 -

      made against other persons, shall be shared by the Parties in the
      proportions specified in Schedule C.

      (c)    Subject to Paragraph 17, the Maintenance Authorities may authorise
      the purchase and use of special tools and test equipment for use on board
      cable ships which are required for the maintenance and repair of the Cable
      System and also any spare terminal equipment considered necessary to
      ensure that the facilities constituting the Cable System are returned to
      efficient working order and operation as soon as possible following the
      failure, breakdown or interruption of such facilities. The related costs
      may include, but are not limited to, the costs, or an appropriate share
      thereof, for the purchase, storage and maintenance of this equipment.

      (d)    Each Maintenance Authority shall render to the other Parties bills
      for the expenditures and receipts herein referred to not more frequently
      than monthly in accordance with procedures to be established by the
      Management Committee. The Maintenance Authorities shall also from time to
      time furnish such further details of such bills as the other Parties may
      reasonably require. On the basis of such bills, each Party shall pay, in
      the currency in which the bill is rendered, such amounts as may be owed
      by the end of the calendar month following the calendar month in which
      the bills are rendered.

      (e)    Amounts billed and not paid when due shall accrue extended payment
      charges from and including the day following the day on which payment was
      due until paid, said charges to be computed and applied in accordance
      with Paragraph 9.

      (f)    The billing procedures specified in Subparagraphs 9(h) and 9(i)
      shall be applicable to all bills rendered pursuant to this Paragraph 18.

                                        - 37 -


      (a)    Each Party shall indemnify and shall keep indemnified and hold
      harmless the other Parties and each of their employees, servants, and
      agents to the extent hereinafter agreed, from and against all claims,
      demands, actions, suits, proceedings, writs, judgements, orders and
      decrees brought, made or rendered against them or any of them and all
      damages, losses and expenses suffered or incurred by them or any of them
      howsoever arising out of or related to any aspect of providing,
      constructing, laying or installing the Cable System or of its operation
      and maintenance. This indemnity shall not, however, relieve the Initial
      Parties of their obligations undertaken pursuant to Paragraphs 3 and 4
      nor shall any Party be indemnified for intentional misconduct or reckless
      acts or omissions.

      (b)    If a Party assumes obligations, commits moneys in the name or on
      behalf of the other Parties pursuant to this Agreement or is obliged by
      final judgement of a competent tribunal or under a settlement approved by
      the Management Committee to discharge any claim in damages or other
      liability, including costs or expenses associated therewith, to any
      person or entity which is not a Party to this Agreement and resulting
      from any aspect of providing, constructing, laying or installing the
      Cable System or of its operation and maintenance, that Party shall be
      entitled to reimbursement from the other Parties in the proportions set
      forth in Schedule C (unless any such claim for reimbursement arises from
      the intentional misconduct or reckless act or omission of the Party
      seeking reimbursement).

      (c)    If a claim, demand, action, suit, proceeding, writ, judgement,
      order or decree as referred to in Subparagraph 19(a) is brought, made or
      rendered against a Party or any Party suffers or incurs any damages,
      losses or expenses in respect thereof, that Party shall, as a condition
      of reimbursement under Subparagraph 19(b), immediately notify all the
      other Parties and give them the opportunity to advise and recommend
      through the Management Committee on the means to defend or to settle

                                        - 38 -

      same and, to the extent permitted by the relevant jurisdiction, to be
      joined in any proceedings relating thereto.

      (d)    Except as provided in Subparagraph 17(f), as a precondition to the
      initiation of any legal proceedings by any Party or Parties on behalf of
      and for the benefit of any other Party or Parties, the Party or Parties
      planning to initiate such proceedings shall give notice, appropriate
      under the circumstances, to all other Parties.

      (e)    The costs and benefits of any proceedings referred to in
      Subparagraph 19(d) shall be shared between the Parties in the manner
      described in Subparagraph 19(b).


      (a)    For those portions of Segment B, if any, specified in the Supply
      Contract(s) as cost incurred items, the Procurement Group shall ensure
      that the Supply Contract(s) require(s) the supplier(s) to keep and
      maintain such books, records, vouchers and accounts of all such costs
      with respect to the engineering, provision and installation of those
      items for a period of three (3) years from the Date of Provisional

      (b)    For those portions of Segment B, if any, specified in the Supply
      Contract(s) as fixed cost items subject to raw material adjustment, the
      Procurement Group shall ensure that the Supply Contract(s) require(s) the
      supplier(s) to keep and maintain such books, records, vouchers, and
      accounts of all costs with respect to any raw material adjustments for a
      period of three (3) years from the Date of Provisional Acceptance.

      (c)    For those portions of Segment B specified in the Supply
      Contract(s) as fixed cost items, the Procurement Group shall ensure that
      the Supply Contract(s) require(s) the supplier(s) to keep and maintain
      records with respect to its (their) billing of those items for a period
      of three (3) years from the Date of Provisional Acceptance.

                                        - 39 -

      (d)    The Procurement Group shall ensure that the Supply Contract(s)
      require(s) the supplier(s) to obtain from its (their) contractors and
      subcontractors such supporting records, for other than the cost of fixed
      cost items, as may be reasonably required by this Paragraph 20 and to
      maintain such records for a period of three (3) years from the Date of
      Provisional Acceptance.

      (e)    The Procurement Group shall ensure that the Supply Contract(s)
      shall afford the Parties the right to review the books, records,
      vouchers, and accounts required to be kept, maintained, and obtained
      pursuant to Subparagraphs 20(a), 20(b), 20(c) and 20(d). Such right shall
      only be exercisable through the F&A Subcommittee in accordance with the
      F&A Subcommittee's audit procedures.

      (f)    With respect to additions to Segment B, comparable records to
      those specified in Subparagraphs 20(a), 20(b), 20(c) and 20(d), as
      appropriate, shall be maintained by the Party providing such addition for
      a period of three (3) years from the installation date of such addition.

      (g)    OTC, AT&T and TNI shall each keep and maintain such books,
      records, vouchers, and accounts of all costs that are incurred in the
      engineering, provision, and installation of Segment B and not included in
      the Supply Contract(s), as defined in Paragraph 8, which they incur
      directly, for a period of three (3) years from RFS or the date the work
      is completed, whichever is later.

      (h)    With respect to operating and maintenance costs of Segment B, such
      books, records, vouchers, and accounts of costs, as are relevant, shall
      be kept and maintained by TNI and AT&T for a period of three (3) years
      from the date on which the corresponding bills to the Parties are

      (i)    Any Party keeping and maintaining books, records, vouchers, and
      accounts of costs pursuant to Subparagraphs 20(f), 20(g) and 20(h) shall

                                        - 40 -

      afford the Parties the right to review or audit said books, records,
      vouchers, and accounts of costs. In affording the right to review or
      audit, any such Party shall be permitted to recover, from the Party or
      Parties requesting the review or audit, the entire cost reasonably
      incurred in complying with the review or audit. Such right of review and
      audit pursuant to this Subparagraph 20(i) shall only be exercisable
      through the F&A Subcommittee in accordance with the F&A Subcommittee's
      audit procedures.

      (j)    After RFS the Management Committee shall arrange for a final audit
      to be conducted by the F&A Subcommittee. The costs of such audit shall be
      borne by the Parties in proportion to their ownership interests shown in
      Schedule C.


      The performance of this Agreement by the Parties is contingent upon the
      obtaining and continuance of such governmental approvals, consents,
      authorisations, licenses and permits as may be required or be deemed
      necessary by the Parties and as may be satisfactory to them and the
      Parties shall use all reasonable efforts to obtain and have continued in
      effect such approvals, consents, authorisations, licenses and permits.


      Except as otherwise provided in Paragraphs 14, 15, 16, 23 and 24, during
      the continuance of this Agreement no Party shall, without the consent of
      the other Parties, sell, assign, transfer, or dispose of its rights or
      obligations under this Agreement or of any interest in the Cable System
      except to a successor or subsidiary of such Party or a corporation
      controlling, or under the same control as, such Party, in which case
      written notice shall be given in a timely manner by the Party making said
      sale, assignment, transfer, or disposition, and provided that in

                                        - 41 -

      the case of any assignments of capacity in the Cable System to a
      subsidiary pursuant to this Paragraph 22, the consent of the other Party
      or Parties to whom the capacity is jointly assigned shall be obtained
      pursuant to Subparagraph 14(l), which consent shall not be unreasonably


      (a)    If any Party fails to make any payment required by this Agreement
      on the date when it is due and such default continues for a period of at
      least two months after the date when payment is due, the billing Party
      may notify the billed Party in writing of its intent to notify the
      Management Committee of the status of the matter and to request the
      reclamation of capacity, as provided for in this Paragraph 23, if full
      payment is not received within four months of such notification to the
      billed Party. If full payment is not received within such specified
      period, the billing Party may notify the Management Committee of the
      status of the matter and request that the Management Committee reclaim
      the capacity in the Cable System assigned to the billed Party.

      (b)    The Management Committee shall have the option of reclaiming the
      capacity assigned to a Party that is in default of this Agreement
      pursuant to Subparagraph 23(a), if such default has existed for a period
      of six (6) months. The Management Committee shall consider any
      extenuating circumstances not within the specific control of the
      defaulting Party and the interests of any Party or Parties that have
      jointly assigned capacity with the defaulting Party in determining
      whether or not to reclaim any or all of the capacity assigned to such
      defaulting Party. The Management Committee shall determine arrangements
      for disposition of any reclaimed capacity taking into account the
      interests of the Party or Parties holding jointly assigned capacity with
      the defaulting Party. Such of the remaining Parties as shall agree to
      take the reclaimed capacity of a defaulting Party which is to be
      reassigned shall make appropriate payments which shall then be

                                        - 42 -

      distributed to those remaining Parties entitled to the proceeds. The
      remaining Parties shall not be obligated to make any payments or credits
      for capital costs to the defaulting Party for the reclaimed capacity. All
      rights of a defaulting Party under this Agreement shall terminate as of
      the time the Management Committee reclaims all of the capacity previously
      assigned to the defaulting Party; and concurrent with such reclamation of
      capacity, the defaulting Party shall cease to be a Party to this
      Agreement. This Agreement shall be appropriately amended to reflect the
      default of a Party and the reallocation of interests pursuant to
      arrangements determined by the Management Committee.


      (a)    The Management Committee shall be empowered on one or more
      occasions prior to RFS to admit telecommunications entities not signatory
      hereto as additional Parties. In being so admitted, an additional Party
      shall acquire the same rights and obligations as the other Parties
      subject to the following:

             (i)     the admission of additional Parties shall be on terms and
                     conditions to be determined by the Management Committee;

             (ii)    the additional Party accepts responsibility to pay its
                     proportionate share of any costs incurred under this
                     Agreement prior to its becoming a Party; and

             (iii)   the additional Party accepts and abides by the terms and
                     conditions of this Agreement and all decisions properly
                     taken under this Agreement prior to its becoming a Party.

      (b)    The Management Committee with the concurrence of at least 75% of
      the total voting interests of the Parties may agree to admit
      telecommunications entities not signatory hereto as additional Parties
      after RFS subject to terms and conditions to be decided.

                                        - 43 -

      (c)    Additional Parties shall be admitted by Supplementary Agreements
      to this Agreement. The Initial Parties are hereby authorised to act as
      representatives and agents of all Parties to execute such Supplementary
      Agreements for the admission of additional Parties. Schedules A, B, C
      and D shall be appropriately modified.


      Each Party to this Agreement does hereby, and each additional Party
      admitted pursuant to Paragraph 24 shall thereby unconditionally ratify
      and accept as binding on it, its successors, permitted assigns or
      trustees all decisions and actions theretofore taken directly or
      indirectly by any other Party or Parties or any committee or subcommittee
      or group pursuant to this Agreement or the Initial Agreement.


      (a)    If a dispute should arise under this Agreement between or among
      the Parties they shall make every reasonable effort to resolve such
      dispute. However, in the event that they are unable to resolve such
      dispute, the matter shall be referred to the Management Committee which
      shall either resolve the matter or determine the method by which the
      matter should be resolved. This procedure shall be the sole and exclusive
      remedy for any dispute which may arise under this Agreement between or
      among the Parties.

      (b)    The performance of this Agreement by the Parties shall continue
      during the resolution of any dispute.

                                        - 44 -


      The relationship between or among the Parties shall not be that of
      partners and nothing herein contained shall be deemed to constitute a
      partnership between or among them, and the common enterprise among the
      Parties shall be limited to the express provisions of this Agreement.


      Each Party specifically reserves, and is granted by each of the other
      Parties, in any action, arbitration or other proceeding between or among
      the Parties or any of them in a country other than that Party's own
      country, the right of privilege, in accordance with the laws of that
      Party's own country, with respect to any documents or communications
      which are material and pertinent to the subject matter of the action,
      arbitration or proceeding in which privilege could be claimed or asserted
      by that Party in accordance with those laws, and such privilege, whatever
      may be its nature and whenever it be claimed or asserted, shall be
      allowed to that Party as it would be allowed if the action, arbitration
      or other proceeding had been brought in a court of, or before an
      arbitrator in, the Party's own country.


      (a)    This Agreement shall become effective on the day and year first
      above written and shall continue in operation for at least an initial
      period of twenty five (25) years following RFS and shall be terminable
      thereafter by agreement of the Parties. However any Party may terminate
      its participation in this Agreement at the end of the initial period or
      any time thereafter by giving not less than one (1) year's prior notice
      thereof, in writing, to the other Parties. Upon the effective date of
      termination of participation of a Party, Schedules A, B, C and D shall be
      appropriately modified. The remaining Parties shall assume the

                                        - 45 -

      capital, operating, and maintenance interests of the Party terminating
      its participation in proportion to their interests assigned immediately
      preceding such effective date of termination, except for the continuing
      rights and obligations of the terminating Party as specified in
      Subparagraphs 29(c) and (d). No credit for capital costs will be made to
      a Party that terminates its participation in accordance with this
      Subparagraph 29(a).

      (b)    The interests of a Party or Parties in Segment B of the Cable
      System which come to an end by reason of the termination of its or their
      participation in this Agreement or the termination of this Agreement
      shall be deemed to continue for as long as is necessary for effecting the
      purposes of Subparagraphs 29(c) and (d) and in the case of interests
      which come to an end by reason of a Party or Parties terminating its or
      their participation in this Agreement, Segment B shall accordingly
      thereafter be held as respects such interests as at the first time any
      Party terminates its participation in this Agreement, upon the
      appropriate trusts by the Parties who are the owners thereof. Should the
      doctrine of trusts not be recognised under the laws of the country,
      territory or place where the property to which such interests relate is
      located, then the Party or Parties who are the owners thereof shall
      nevertheless be expressly bound to comply with the provisions of
      Subparagraphs 29(c) and (d).

      (c)    Upon termination of this Agreement the Parties shall use their
      best efforts to liquidate Segment B of the Cable System within a
      reasonable time by sale or other disposition, but no sale or disposition
      shall be effected except by agreement between or among the Parties who
      have interests in the subject thereof at the time this Agreement is
      terminated. In the event agreement cannot be reached, the decision will
      be carried on the basis of a simple majority of the total voting
      interests as specified in Schedule B. The costs or net proceeds of every
      sale or other disposition shall be divided between or among the Parties
      who have or were deemed to have interests in the subject thereof in the
      proportions in which such Parties' ownership interests are

                                        - 46 -

      specified in Schedule C immediately preceding the first time any Party
      terminates its participation in this Agreement or this Agreement is
      terminated pursuant to Subparagraph 29(a), whichever occurs first. The
      Parties shall execute such documents and take such action as may be
      necessary to effect any sale or other disposition made pursuant to this
      Paragraph 29.

      (d)    A Party's termination of its participation in this Agreement or
      the termination of this Agreement pursuant to Subparagraph 29(a) shall
      not relieve that Party or Parties from any liabilities, costs, damages or
      obligations which may arise in connection with claims made by third
      parties with respect to the Cable System, the facilities that comprise
      the Cable System or any part or portion thereof, or which may arise in
      relation to the Cable System due to any law, order or regulation made by
      any government or supranational legal authority pursuant to any
      international convention, treaty or agreement. Any such liabilities,
      costs, damages or obligations incurred or benefits accruing in satisfying
      such obligations shall be divided among the Parties in the proportions in
      which such Parties' ownership interests are specified in Schedule C
      immediately preceding the first time any Party terminates its
      participation in this Agreement or this Agreement is terminated pursuant
      to Subparagraph 29(a), whichever occurs first.


      (a)    OTC shall render bills due under this Agreement in Australian
      dollars, and such bills shall be payable in Australian dollars to the
      designated office of OTC. AT&T shall render bills due under this
      Agreement in U.S. dollars, and such bills shall be payable in U.S.
      dollars to the designated office of AT&T. TNI shall render bills due
      under this Agreement in New Zealand dollars, and such bills shall be
      payable in New Zealand dollars to the designated office of TNI. OTC, AT&T
      and TNI may also render bills in the currencies specified in the Supply
      Contract(s) for payment to the supplier(s), and such bills shall be
      payable in the currency(ies) in which they are rendered.

                                        - 47 -

      (b)    Unless otherwise designated by the Party concerned, bills
      rendered, payments made and notices issued under this Agreement shall be
      addressed to the respective Parties by registered airmail, dispatch of
      which shall be advised by a telex or facsimile giving a summary of the
      payments due, expenses concerned or notices issued.

      (c)    All amounts billed or payable under this Agreement shall be paid
      in full without deduction of any taxes, duties or other withholdings.

31.   WAIVER

      The waiver by any Party of a breach of, or a default under, any of the
      provisions of this Agreement, or the failure of any Party, on one or more
      occasions, to enforce any of the provisions of this Agreement or to
      exercise any right or privilege hereunder shall not thereafter be
      construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach or default of a similar
      nature, or as a waiver of any such provision, right, or privilege


      The paragraph headings do not form part of this Agreement and shall not
      have any effect on the interpretation thereof.


      (a)    This Agreement, any amendment thereof and any Supplementary
      Agreement pursuant to Subparagraph 24(c) shall each be executed as one
      original in the English language.

      (b)    OTC shall be the custodian of this Agreement and any such
      amendment or Supplementary Agreement and shall accord access to them to a
      Party upon reasonable notice. Each Party shall be provided with a
      certified photocopy of this Agreement and any such amendment or

                                        - 48 -

      Supplementary Agreement and any revised Schedules. A notarised copy of
      this Agreement and any such amendment or Supplementary Agreement shall be
      provided to a Party upon request, and at the requesting Party's expense.

      (c)    Subject to Subparagraphs 24(c) and 33(d), this Agreement and any
      of the provisions hereof may be altered or added to only by another
      agreement in writing signed by a duly authorized person on behalf of each
      and every Party to this Agreement.

      (d)    Subparagraph 33(c) shall not apply to any Schedule modified in
      accordance with any other provision of this Agreement and any Schedule so
      modified shall be deemed to be a part of this Agreement in substitution
      for the immediately preceding version of that Schedule.


      If any difference shall arise between or among the Parties or any of them
      respecting the interpretation or effect of this Agreement or any part of
      provision thereof or their rights and obligations thereunder, and by
      reason thereof there shall arise the need to decide the question by what
      municipal or national law this Agreement or such part or provision
      thereof is governed, the following facts shall be excluded from
      consideration, namely, that this Agreement was made in a particular
      country and that it may appear by reason of its form, style, language or
      otherwise to have been drawn preponderantly with reference to a
      particular system of municipal or national law; the intention of the
      Parties being that such facts shall be regarded by the Parties and in all
      courts and tribunals wherever situated as irrelevant to the question
      aforesaid and to the decision thereof.

                                        - 49 -


      This Agreement shall be binding on the Parties, their successors and
      permitted assigns.


      IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties hereto have severally subscribed these
      presents or caused them to be subscribed in their names and on their
      behalf by their respective representatives thereunto duly authorised.


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                              LIST OF OMITTED SCHEDULES

          The following Schedules to the PacRimEast Cable System Construction
and Maintenance Agreement have been omitted from this Exhibit and shall be
furnished supplementally to the Commission upon request:

          Schedule A - Parties to this Agreement

          Schedule B - Voting Interests in the Cable System

          Schedule C - Ownership Interests and Allocation of Capital Operating
                       and Maintenance Costs of Segment B and Proportions of
                       Capital, Operating and Maintenance Costs for Use of
                       Segments A and C

          Schedule D - Assignment of Capacity in Segment B in Half Interest in

          Annex 1 - Procurement Group Terms of Reference

          Annex 2 - Terms of Reference of Subcommittees

          The following Revised Schedules, effective January 31, 1996, to the
PacRimEast Cable System Construction and Maintenance Agreement have been omitted
from this Exhibit and shall be furnished supplementally to the Commission upon

          Schedule B - Voting Interests in the Cable System

          Schedule C - Ownership Interests and Allocation of Capital Operating
                       and Maintenance Costs of Segment B and Proportions of
                       Capital, Operating and Maintenance Costs for Use of
                       Segments A and C

          Schedule D - Assignment of Capacity in Segment B in Half Interest in

          The following Revised Schedules, effective September 1, 1996, to the
PacRimEast Cable System Construction and Maintenance Agreement have been omitted
from this Exhibit and shall be furnished supplementally to the Commission upon

          Schedule B - Voting Interests in the Cable System

          Schedule C - Ownership Interests and Allocation of Capital Operating
                       and Maintenance Costs of Segment B and Proportions of
                       Capital, Operating and Maintenance Costs for Use of
                       Segments A and C

          Schedule D - Assignment of Capacity in Segment B in Half Interest in