The following information will be included in a March 8, 2000 Special Edition of
NU Today, a bulletin posted to all employees of Northeast Utilities:

3/8/00 - 11 a.m.
NU Today -  Special Edition

SEC authorizes joint proxy statement for Con Edison/NU merger; proxy
materials en-route

On  March 1 the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  (SEC)  declared  the Con
Edison/NU merger joint proxy statement effective. With this regulatory approval,
we're moving closer to combining our strengths  with Con Edison's  strengths and
becoming one of the largest electric distribution utilities in the nation.

Our next step involves shareholder approval.

All shareholders - employees,  other individual owners and institutions  (banks,
pension  and  mutual  funds,  etc.) - will  soon  receive  a copy  of the  proxy
statement  which  describes  the terms of the merger.  You can expect to receive
your personal copy of the 234-page document at home within the next few days.

The proxy  statement  provides a detailed  look at the merger  highlighting  its
benefits:  our improved strategic  position,  increased  distribution assets and
customer   base,   greater   financial   strength,   and   potential   expansion
opportunities. You will have 40 days to review the information and decide how to
cast your vote.

A special  shareholder  meeting is scheduled for April 14 at the Hartford  Civic
Center.  Shareholders  may vote their  proxy at any time up until that  meeting.
However,  since the proxy  statement is quite  extensive and contains  extremely
detailed information, you should begin reviewing it as soon as possible.

There are two items in the proxy statement  requiring your vote.  First, you are
asked to vote on whether or not to allow NU to amend its declaration of trust to
allow a merger with  another  company.  This item must pass in order for the 2nd
item to pass.  The second item you need to vote on is the actual merger with Con
Edison. A proxy voting card accompanies the proxy statement.  After marking your
votes, your proxy card must be returned before the April 14th meeting. Remember,
not  voting is counted as a "no" vote,  and the  merger  must be  approved  by a
two-thirds majority of all shareholders to pass. Therefore, we urge all employee
shareholders - a group which collectively controls seven percent of NU's stock -
to vote "YES!"

If you own  shares in  several  different  places  (i.e.  401K,  Employee  Stock
Purchase Plan, and perhaps through your own private brokerage account), you will
receive a proxy  statement  and voting  card for each of those  accounts.  IT IS

As you read the proxy you'll see how our merger with Con Edison goes well beyond
protecting the 100-plus year  investment  that employees and  shareholders  have
made in the NU  system.  Combined,  we'll  serve  over  6.4  million  customers,
continue to expand our already strong presence in eight states, and focus on the
increasing   opportunities  across  the  11-state  Northeast  region  to  pursue
unregulated business success.

We are in the enviable  position of sharing the largest  distribution  system in
both  the New  York and New  England  power  pools,  and we can  anticipate  the
opportunity  to  continue  the  time-honored  responsibilities  of  serving  our
customers  and  adding  value  as one of the  United  States'  largest  electric
distribution utility.

The attached documents provide additional  information regarding our merger with
Consolidated Edison.

In the weeks  ahead,  we'll be  providing  you with  information  and answers to
Frequently Asked Questions on the issues,  Transition Team updates and more. For
assistance with proxy voting and merger related questions please contact:

Your management
Shareholder  Services  at  Berlin  extension  4801  or  1-800-794-1104  The  Con
Edison/NU Merger Information Line at 1-800-558-5947  Corporate Communications at
Berlin  extension 3256 More  information  also can be found through the NUnet by
reading the Con Edison/NU Merger News on the Employee Information Board

The vote on our merger  with Con Edison is a personal  choice,  and one which we
hope every employee  shareholder  sees as an exceptional  opportunity to promote
our collective success in the energy marketplace. With NU and Con Edison working
as  one,  just  imagine  the  possibilities  for  employees,   shareholders  and