WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549


                                          Form 8-K

                                       Current Report

                             Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of
                            the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                              Date of Report: September 22, 2000

Commission          Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter  State of       I.R.S. Employer
File Number         and principal office address and telephone number     Incorporation  I.D. Number

1-14514             Consolidated Edison, Inc.                             New York       13-3965100
                    4 Irving Place, New York, New York 10003
                    (212) 460-4600

1-1217              Consolidated Edison Company
                      of New York, Inc.                                   New York       13-5009340
                    4 Irving Place, New York, New York 10003
                    (212) 460-4600

1-4315              Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc.                   New York       13-1727729
                    One Blue Hill Plaza, Pearl River, New York 10965
                    (914) 352-6000

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On October 2, 2000,  Consolidated  Edison,  Inc.  ("Con  Edison"),  Consolidated
Edison Company of New York, Inc. ("Con Edison of New York"), Orange and Rockland
Utilities,  Inc. ("O&R") and Northeast  Utilities entered into an agreement with
the staff of the New York State Public  Service  Commission  ("PSC") and certain
other parties (the "Agreement").

The  Agreement,  which is subject  to PSC  approval,  revises  and  extends  the
electric  rate plan  provisions of the September  1997  restructuring  agreement
pursuant to which Con Edison of New York has been implementing retail choice for
all its  electric  customers  and has divested  most of its electric  generating
assets   (the   "1997   restructuring    agreement")   and   addresses   certain
divestiture-related issues.

For  additional  information  about  the  1997  restructuring   agreement,   see
"Regulatory  Matters - Electric"  in  Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis of
Financial  Condition  and Results of  Operations  ("MD&A") of Con Edison and Con
Edison of New York in Item 7 of the combined Con Edison,  Con Edison of New York
and O&R Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the year ended  December  31,  1999 (the
"Form 10-K") and  "Regulatory  Matters" in the MD&A of Con Edison and Con Edison
of New York in Part I, Item 2 of the combined Con Edison, Con Edison of New York
and O&R Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q for the  quarterly  period ended June 30,
2000 (the "Form 10-Q") (File Nos. 1-14514,1-1217 and 1-4315).

The  Agreement  also  provides  for  the  approval  by the  PSC of Con  Edison's
acquisition of Northeast Utilities. For additional information about the merger,
see "Liquidity and Capital  Resources - Northeast  Utilities" in the MD&A of Con
Edison  and  Con  Edison  of New  York in Item 7 of the  Form  10-K,  "Northeast
Utilities"  in Con  Edison's  MD&A  in  Part  I,  Item 2 of the  Form  10-Q  and
"Connecticut Draft Decision" and "Merger Consideration," below.

The following  summary of the material  provisions of the Agreement is qualified
in its entirety by reference  to the  Agreement,  a copy of which is filed as an
exhibit hereto.

The electric rate plan  provisions of the  Agreement,  which cover the five-year
period ending March 2005, revise and extend the rate plan provisions of the 1997
restructuring  agreement.  The Agreement  provides for Con Edison of New York to
reduce the  distribution  component of its electric  rates by $170 million on an
annual  basis,  effective  October  2000,  and,  in  accordance  with  the  1997
restructuring  agreement,  to reduce  the  generation-related  component  of its
electric  rates by $208.7  million on an annual  basis,  effective  April  2001.
Following  completion of Con Edison's  acquisition of Northeast  Utilities,  Con
Edison of New York's electric rates would be further reduced by $18.5 million on
an  annual  basis  to  reflect  approximately  half of the net  synergy  savings
applicable  to its  electric  operations  that are  expected  to result from the

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In  general,  under the  Agreement,  Con  Edison  of New  York's  base  electric
transmission  and  distribution  rates will not otherwise be changed  during the
five-year period ending March 2005 except (i) with respect to certain changes in
costs  above  anticipated  annual  levels  resulting  from  legal or  regulatory
requirements,  inflation  in excess of a 4 percent  annual  rate,  property  tax
changes and  environmental  cost  increases or (ii) if the PSC  determines  that
circumstances  have  occurred  which  either  threaten  the  company's  economic
viability  or  ability  to  provide,  or  render  the  company's  rate of return
unreasonable for the provision of, safe and adequate service.

The Agreement  continues the rate provisions pursuant to which Con Edison of New
York recovers from its customers  purchased power and fuel costs.  The Agreement
does not address the New York State Attorney  General's  August 2000 petition to
the PSC regarding  these rate  provisions.  See Con Edison of New York's Current
Report on Form 8-K,  dated  August 23,  2000 (File No.  1-1217).  The  Agreement
contains the recommendation that the PSC establish a proceeding to consider rate
measures that reduce the volatility of fuel and energy costs experienced  during
months of peak usage,  provided  that such  measures  may neither be  materially
inconsistent  with the Agreement  nor adversely  impact Con Edison of New York's
financial  integrity.  For information  about recovery of replacement  power and
other  costs  relating  to Con  Edison  of New  York's  Indian  Point 2  nuclear
generating  unit,  see  Note C to the Con  Edison  and Con  Edison  of New  York
financial statements included in Part I, Item 1 of the Form 10-Q.

Under the Agreement, 50 percent of any earnings in each of the rate years ending
March 2002  through  2005 in excess of a  specified  rate of return on  electric
common equity (12.9  percent for the rate year ending March 2002;  11.75 percent
for the other rate years,  the  "Earnings  Sharing  Level") will be retained for
shareholders  and 50 percent will be applied for customer  benefit  through rate
reductions or as otherwise determined by the PSC. The rate of return calculation
will exclude  certain  items,  including  incentives,  penalties and the synergy
savings from Con Edison's  acquisition  of  Northeast  Utilities  that have been
allocated to the  company's  shareholders.  For the rate year ending March 2004,
the calculation will reflect the amount, if any, by which the calculated rate of
return fell below the  Earnings  Sharing  Level for the rate year  ending  March
2003;  for the rate year ended  March 2005,  the  calculation  will  reflect any
shortfall in the prior two rate years.

Under the Agreement's  performance  incentive  mechanisms,  the Earnings Sharing
Level for the rate years  ending  March 2003 through 2005 may be increased to 12
percent if certain customer service and reliability objectives are achieved. The
Agreement continues other incentive mechanisms,  pursuant to which Con Edison of
New York could be  required to pay up to $40 million  annually in  penalties  if
certain threshold service and reliability objectives are not achieved.

The  Agreement  continues  the stranded  cost  recovery  provisions  of the 1997
restructuring  agreement,  stating  that Con Edison of New York "will be given a
reasonable  opportunity to recover  stranded and strandable  costs  remaining at
March  31,  2005,  including  a  reasonable  return  on  investments,  under the
parameters and during the time periods set forth therein."

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The Agreement provides for the following disposition of the approximately $303.9
million  estimated net gain on the sale by Con Edison of New York of most of its
electric  generating  assets:  $192.3 million will be credited  against electric
distribution  plant  balances;  $103.8 million may be retained by the company to
offset a like amount of existing  regulatory  assets  (including  deferred power
contract  termination costs,  property tax increases and retail-choice  customer
incentives),  and the balance will be set aside as a partial  funding source for
low-income ratepayer programs.

The  Agreement  also  addresses  Con  Edison  of  New  York's   recovery  of  an
approximately $77 million  regulatory asset  representing  incremental  capacity
costs incurred to purchase  capacity from the buyers of the generating assets it
sold.  The  Agreement  provides for the company to amortize the asset to expense
against the  shareholders'  portion of any earnings  above the Earnings  Sharing
Levels and by March 2005 to charge to expense any remaining asset balance.

The Agreement provides for the approval of Con Edison's acquisition of Northeast
Utilities,  indicates  that the PSC should  authorize the merger as being in the
public  interest and allocates to New York customers  approximately  half of the
net synergy savings  applicable to New York utility operations that are expected
to result from the merger over the ten-year period ending March 2011. To reflect
this allocation,  following completion of the merger Con Edison of New York will
reduce its electric rates by $18.5 million (discussed above) and annually accrue
credits of about $3.4 million and $0.9  million,  respectively,  for its gas and
steam customers, and O&R will annually accrue credits of about $1.15 million and
$0.4 million,  respectively,  for its electric and gas customers.  The Agreement
also amends the existing guidelines  governing  transactions among affiliates of
Con Edison of New York to reflect, to the extent necessary,  the requirements of
the Public Utility Holding Company Act that will apply following the merger.


On September 22, 2000,  the  Connecticut  Department of Public  Utility  Control
("DPUC") issued a draft decision imposing  stringent  conditions on its approval
of Con Edison's acquisition of Northeast  Utilities.  On September 29, 2000, Con
Edison and Northeast  Utilities filed written  exceptions to the draft decision,
in which they, among other things,  object to the financial and other conditions
of  the  draft   decision  and  suggest  that  if  the  draft  decision  is  not
substantially  changed  the  merger is likely not to  happen.  The DPUC's  final
decision on the merger is scheduled for October 19, 2000.


On September 27, 2000, the required Connecticut regulatory approval with respect
to the sale by  subsidiaries  of  Northeast  Utilities  of  interests in certain
nuclear facilities was received and, as a result, the merger  consideration that
Con Edison will be required to pay to shareholders of Northeast  Utilities under
the merger  agreement  is  increased by $1.00 per share to $26.00 per share plus
$.0034 for every day after  August 5, 2000  through the day prior to the closing
of the merger.

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(c)      Exhibits

10                Settlement Agreement,  dated October 2, 2000, by and among Con
                  Edison, Con Edison of New York, O&R, Northeast Utilities,  the
                  Staff of the New York  State  Public  Service  Commission  and
                  certain other parties.

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Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  each
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                  CONSOLIDATED EDISON, INC.
                                  CONSOLIDATED EDISON COMPANY
                                     OF NEW YORK, INC.
                                  ORANGE AND ROCKLAND UTILITIES, INC.

                                  By: HYMAN SCHOENBLUM
                                      Hyman Schoenblum
                                      Vice President and Controller

DATE:  October 4, 2000