Exhibit 10.2

                                 Amendment No. 1


                          THE CONSOLIDATED EDISON, INC.
                               STOCK PURCHASE PLAN

                             Effective April 8, 2002

                            CONSOLIDATED EDISON, INC.

      Pursuant to the resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of
Consolidated Edison, Inc., at a meeting duly held on January 17, 2002, the
undersigned hereby approves the amendments set forth below to the Consolidated
Edison, Inc., Stock Purchase Plan effective April 8, 2002:

1. Article 1, Definitions, is amended as follows:
   Paragraph (1) is amended, by adding "or the Company" after "Agent" and by
   changing "4(a), 4(b), and 4(c)" to "5(a), 5(b), and 5(d)".

   Paragraph (q) is amended by replacing the entire paragraph with the
    (q)   "Shares" means shares of Common Stock of the Company whether
           newly issued by or purchased directly from the Company,
           or purchased on any securities exchange on which shares
           of Common Stock are traded, in the over-the-counter market
           or in negotiated transactions with parties not affiliated
           with the Company, and includes both full and fractional
           Shares unless otherwise specified.

    Paragraph (r) is amended by replacing the entire paragraph with the
     (r)   "Share Price" depends on the source of the Shares.

a.   For Shares  purchased other than from the Company the Share Price means the
     weighted  average  cost,  exclusive  of  brokerage  commissions  and  other
     expenses  of  purchase,  of all Shares  purchased  by the Agent  during the
     Purchase Period pursuant to Article 5.

b.   For  Shares  newly  issued  by or  purchased  directly  from  the  Company,
     purchases  shall be made on Employees'  payroll dates,  the dates dividends
     are reinvested,  and the dates the Agent receives cash  contributions.  The
     stock  price  assigned to these  purchase  dates will be the average of the
     high and low  prices at which  Shares  were  traded  on the New York  Stock
     Exchange  Composite  Transactions on the trading day immediately  preceding
     such purchase dates. The Share Price is the weighted average,  exclusive of
     brokerage  commissions  and  other  expenses  of  purchase,  of all  Shares
     purchased during the Purchase Period pursuant to Article 5.

2.   Article  3,  Means of  Payment  of  Employee  Contributions  is  amended as
     follows:  Paragraph (a) is revised by inserting "For Shares purchased other
     than from the Company," before "The Employer" in the last sentence.

     Paragraph (a) is further revised by adding the following to the end
     of the paragraph:

                  For Shares newly issued by or purchased directly from the
                  Company, the Employer and any Participating Employer shall pay
                  over the amount of each payroll deduction so authorized to the
                  Company, for the purchase of Shares for the Employee, within
                  five business days after the date such amount would otherwise
                  have been payable to such Employee. As promptly as practicable
                  after the last day of the Purchase Period, the Company shall
                  cause the maximum number of whole Shares to be newly issued by
                  or purchased from the Company based on the Share Price as
                  determined by the Agent in accordance with Article 5 (c), and
                  will cause these Shares to be sent to the Agent to be
                  allocated to the Employees' accounts.
            Paragraph (b) is changed by adding ", either from the Company or by
            the Agent" after "purchase" in the fifth line.

            Paragraph (c) is changed by adding ", either from the Company or by
            the Agent" after "purchase" in the third line.

            Paragraph (d) is changed by adding ", the Company" after
            "Participating Employer".

3.   Article 5, Purchase of Shares, is amended as follows:
     By replacing Paragraphs (a) and (b) in their entirety with the following:

(a)  For  Shares  Purchased  by the  Agent - As and when  Investment  Funds  are
     received by it, the Agent shall promptly apply the same to the purchase, in
     one or more transactions,  of the maximum number of whole Shares obtainable
     at then  prevailing  prices,  exclusive of brokerage  commissions and other
     expenses of purchase.  Such purchases may be made from the Company,  on any
     securities  exchange  where  Shares  are  traded,  in the  over-the-counter
     market, or in negotiated transactions. Shares purchased other than from the
     Company may be on such terms as to price,  delivery  and  otherwise  as the
     Agent  may   determine  to  be  in  the  best  interest  of  the  Employees
     participating in the Plan. The Agent shall complete such purchases as

     soon as practical after receipt of such funds, having  due  regard for any
     applicable  requirements  of law  affecting  the  timing  or manner of such
     purchases.  If, for any reason,  the Agent is unable, on or before the last
     day of any Purchase  Period,  to apply all Investment  Funds received by it
     during such Purchase  Period,  then any such Investment  Funds remaining in
     any  Account  at the end of such  Purchase  shall be held by the  Agent and
     applied as soon as practical in a subsequent Purchase Period or Periods.

(b)  For Shares  Purchased from the Company - As and when  Investment  Funds are
     received by it, the Company shall, as soon as practicable after the receipt
     of such  funds,  notify the Agent of the amount  received  so the Agent can
     allocate  such amount to the account of each  participant.  The Agent shall
     determine the Purchase  Price of all Shares  purchased  during the Purchase
     Period in accordance  with Article 5 (c). As soon as practicable  after the
     last day of the Purchase Period, the Company shall cause the maximum number
     of whole Shares to be newly issued by or purchased  from the Company  based
     on the Share Price as  determined  by the Agent and will cause these Shares
     to be sent to the Agent to be allocated to the participants'  accounts. Any
     Investment  Funds  remaining  with the Company at the end of such  Purchase
     Period  shall be held by the Company and applied as soon as  practical in a
     subsequent Purchase Period or Periods.

     By renaming paragraph "(c)" as paragraph "(d)" and by adding "(a)
     and" after "Article 5" in the first line and by adding "or (b)"
     after "Article 5(a)" in the fourth line.

     By adding a new paragraph (c) as follows:

(c)  The price to participants for Shares purchased will depend on the source of
     the Shares.

     If the Shares are newly issued or purchased from the Company, purchases
     shall be  made on the Employees' payroll dates, the dates  dividends  are
     reinvested, and the dates the Agent receives cash contributions.  The price
     assigned  to these  purchase  dates will be the average of the high and low
     prices at which Shares were traded on the New York Stock Exchange Composite
     Transactions on the trading day  immediately  preceding the purchase dates.
     The Share Price is the  weighted  average  price,  exclusive  of  brokerage
     commissions and other expenses of purchase,  of all Shares purchased during
     the Purchase Period.

     If the Shares are purchased other than from the Company, the purchase price
     per share  shall be the  weighted  average  cost,  exclusive  of  brokerage
     commissions and other expenses of purchase,  of all Shares purchased by the
     Agent during the Purchase Period.

     By renaming paragraph "(d)" as paragraph "(e)" and replacing "shares" with
     "Shares" in the fourth line and  changing  "Article  5(a) and 5(b)" to read
     "Article 5(a), 5(b) and 5(c)." at the end of the sentence.

4.   Article 6, Custody of Shares; Distribution from Accounts, is amended,
     as follows:

     By renaming subparagraphs "(v)", "(vi)", and "(vii)" as
     subparagraphs "(vi)", "(vii)" and "(viii)" respectively, and by
     adding a new subparagraph (v) to read as follows:

(v)  whether the shares were purchased from the Company or from another source,

     By changing subparagraph (i) of paragraph (e) by replacing "Article
     5(c)" with "Article (5(d)".

5.    Paragraph (a) of Article 7, Termination of Status as Employee, Leave of
      Absence is amended, by replacing "Article 5(c)" with "Article 5(d)" at the
      end of the paragraph.

6.    Article 11. Administration, Operation and General Provisions, is
      amended as follows: Paragraph (c) is amended by adding the words "or
      the Company" after the word "Agent" in the fourth, seventh and
      eleventh lines of the paragraph.

      Subparagraph (i) of paragraph (d) is amended by replacing "shares"
      with "Shares" in the ninth line.

7.    APPENDIX A is amended as follows:

      By adding the words "or the Company" after the word "Agent" in the
      first and fourth lines of paragraph (b).

      By adding the words "or the Company" after the word "Agent" in the
      fourth line of paragraph (c).

      By adding the words " or the Company" after the word "Agent" in the
      seventh line of paragraph (d).

8. APPENDIX B is amended by adding the following after paragraph (d):

  (e) Consolidated Edison Solutions, Inc. has become a Participating Employer
      in the Plan effective as of September 1, 1997, and has determined to make
      contributions on behalf of its Employees.

  (f) Consolidated Edison Communications, Inc. has become a Participating
      Employer in the Plan effective as of August 1, 2001, and has
      determined to make contributions on behalf of its Employees.

            IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this instrument
this 18th day of April 2002.

                                      /s/ Robert P. Stelben
                                          Robert P. Stelben
                                          Vice President and Treasurer
                                          Consolidated Edison, Inc.