Exhibit 99.4

The  Unaudited  Pro  Forma   Consolidated   Financial   Statements  of  BioMarin
Pharmaceutical  Inc. as of and for the Six Month  Period Ended June 30, 2002 and
for the Year Ended December 31, 2001.

The  following  unaudited  pro  forma  consolidated   financial  statements  are
presented for illustrative  purposes only and are not indicative of the combined
results of  operations  of the  consolidated  company.  The  unaudited pro forma
consolidated  financial  statements  have  been  prepared  from  the  historical
financial  statements of Glyko and BioMarin as at June 30, 2002 and for the year
ended  December 31, 2001 and for the six month  period ended June 30, 2002.  The
unaudited pro forma consolidated  balance sheet assumes the transaction had been
consummated on June 30, 2002. The unaudited pro forma consolidated  statement of
operations  for the six month  period ended June 30, 2002 and for the year ended
December 31, 2001 assume that the transaction had been consummated on January 1,
2001. The unaudited pro forma consolidated financial statements are presented in
accordance with United States Generally Accepted  Accounting  Principles (GAAP),
which differs in certain  respects from Canadian  GAAP.  All figures are in U.S.

                      BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc.
    Unaudited Pro Forma Consolidated Balance Sheet (United States GAAP)
                             June 30, 2002
                            (in thousands)

                                                         Pro Forma Adjustments         Intercompany         Pro Forma
                             BioMarin       Glyko     Additions      Subtractions      Eliminations        Consolidated
                           -------------- ----------- -------------  --------------  -----------------   -----------------

Current assets.............  $  105,555     $ 1,880   $        -     $    (900)(a)     $           -       $     106,535

Investment in BioMarin.....           -      28,126            -                -          (28,126)(d)                 -

Investment in Glyko........           -           -       48,312(b)             -          (48,270)(d)                 -

Other long-term assets.....      36,418           -                                                               36,418
                           -------------- ----------- -------------   --------------  -----------------   -----------------
 Total assets..............  $  141,973    $ 30,006   $   48,312     $     (900)(a)    $   (76,396)        $     142,953
                            ============= =========== =============   ==============  =================   =================

Total liabilities..........  $   11,194    $  1,036   $        -     $           -     $           -       $      12,230
                           -------------- ----------- -------------   --------------  -----------------   -----------------

Stockholders' equity

Common stock...............          53      22,535           11(b)        (11)(c)        (22,535)(d)                 53

Preferred stock............           -           -       48,312(c)                       (48,312)(d)                  -

Additional paid in capital.     316,813      72,245       48,301(b)    (48,301)(c)        (71,401)(d)            317,657

Warrants...................       5,219           -            -                -                  -               5,219

Deferred compensation......        (281)          -            -                -                  -               (281)

Stockholder notes..........      (2,108)          -            -                -                  -             (2,108)

Other comprehensive income.         216           -            -                -                  -                 216

Retained deficit...........    (189,133)    (65,810)           -          (900)(a)          65,810(d)          (190,033)
                           -------------- ----------- -------------   --------------  -----------------   -----------------
 Total stockholders'
 equity....................     130,779      28,970        96,625      (49,170)            (76,396)             130,723
                           -------------- ----------- -------------   --------------  -----------------   -----------------

 Total liabilities and
 stockholders' equity......  $  141,973    $ 30,006     $  96,625    $ (49,170)       $    (76,396)       $     142,953
                           ============== =========== =============   ==============  =================   =================


                                                      BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc.
                              Unaudited Pro Forma Consolidated Statement of Operations (United States GAAP)
                                                  For The Year Ended December 31, 2001
                                                  (in thousands, except per share data)

                             Historical  Historical    Historical                             Historical
                              BioMarin      IBEX        Synapse                   Pro Forma      Glyko
                                         (1/1/01 -                                 Subtotal
                             (1/1/01 -   date of       (1/1/01 -      Pro Forma    Without     (1/1/01 -     Pro Forma    Pro Forma
                             12/31/01)   acquisition)  12/31/01)     Adjustments    Glyko      12/31/01)    Adjustments     Total
                            --------- --------------   -----------  ------------- ----------- ----------- -------------- -----------

Revenues..............      $  11,699                                             $  11,699     $     -                  $  11,699
                            ---------                                             ----------- -----------                -----------

Operating cost and expenses:

Research and
 development..........         45,283     656 (f)      3,366(j)                      49,305           -                     49,305
General and
 administrative.......          6,718     667 (f)                      (400)(i)       6,985         462      (300)((i)       7,147
In-process research &
 development .........         11,647                               (11,647)(g)           -           -                          -
                            ---------                                             ----------- -----------                -----------
Total costs and
 expenses.............         63,648                                                56,290         462                     56,452
                            ---------                                             ----------- -----------                -----------

Loss from operations....      (51,949)                                              (44,591)       (462)                   (45,053)
Interest income.........        1,871                                                 1,871          45                      1,916
Interest expense........          (17)                                                  (17)          -                        (17)
Equity in loss of
 BioMarin...............            -                                                     -     (14,678)     14,678(e)          -
Equity in loss of
 joint venture..........       (7,333)                                               (7,333)          -                     (7,333)
                            ----------                                            ----------- -----------                -----------
Loss from continuing
 operations.............    $ (57,428)                                           $  (50,070)   $(15,095)                 $(50,487)
                            ==========                                           ============ ===========                ===========

Net loss from continuing
 operations per common
 share, basic and
 diluted................    $   (1.40)                                           $    (1.17)   $  (0.44)                 $  (1.18)
                            ==========                                           ============ ===========                ===========

Weighted average shares
outstanding.............       41,083        679 (k)       885(l)                    42,647      34,353                    42,647
                            ==========                                           ============ ===========                ===========


                                                    BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc.
                            Unaudited Pro Forma Consolidated Statement of Operations (United States GAAP)
                                            For the Six Month Period Ended June 30, 2002
                                                (in thousands, except per share data)

                                  Historical       Synapse                   Pro Forma      Historical
                                   BioMarin     (1/1/02 - date  Pro Forma     Subtotal         Glyko        Pro Forma     Pro Forma
                                   (1/1/02 -          of                    Without Glyko     (1/1/02
                                   6/30/02)      acquisition)  Adjustments                   -6/30/02)     Adjustments      Total
                                ------------- ---------------- ----------- --------------- ------------- -------------- ------------

Revenues..................     $    7,215                                    $   7,215       $     -                      $   7,215
                                -------------                              --------------- -------------                ------------

Operating cost and expenses:
Research and development..         26,554         488(j)                        27,042              -                        27,042
General and
 administrative...........          6,988                       (1,100)(i)       5,888           1,140      (1,000)(i)        6,028
In-process research &
 development .............         11,223                      (11,223)(h)          -               -                           -
                                -------------                              --------------- -------------                ------------
Total costs and expenses..         44,765                                       32,930           1,140                       33,070
                                -------------                              --------------- -------------                ------------

Loss from operations......        (37,550)                                     (25,715)         (1,140)                     (26,855)
Interest income...........          1,404                                        1,404               2                        1,406
Interest expense..........           (252)                                        (252)              -                         (252)
Equity in loss of
 BioMarin.................              -                                           -           (8,822)       8,822(e)            -
Equity in loss of joint
 venture..................         (4,759)                                      (4,759)              -                       (4,759)
                                -------------                              --------------- -------------                ------------
Loss from continuing
 operations...............     $  (41,157)                                   $ (29,322)      $  (9,960)                   $ (30,460)
                                =============                              =============== =============                ============

Net loss from continuing
 operations per common
 share, basic and diluted.     $    (0.78)                                   $   (0.55)      $   (0.29)                   $   (0.57)
                                =============                              =============== =============                ============

Weighted average shares
    outstanding...........         52,973         391(l)                        53,364          34,353                       53,364
                                =============                              =============== =============                ============

                            BioMarin Pharmaceutical, Inc.

1.   Basis of Presentation

     The unaudited pro forma consolidated financial statements are  presented to
     give effect to:

        o     the acquisition of Glyko by BioMarin;
        o     the acquisition by BioMarin of certain assets of IBEX Therapeutics
              (IBEX); and
        o     the acquisition by BioMarin of Synapse Technologies Inc.

     The  unaudited  pro  forma  consolidated  financial  statements  have  been
     prepared from  the historical financial statements of Glyko and BioMarin as
     at June  30, 2002,  for the  six months then  ended and  for the year ended
     December  31, 2001.  The unaudited  pro forma  consolidated  balance  sheet
     assumes  the  transactions  had  been  consummated  on  June 30, 2002.  The
     unaudited  pro forma  consolidated  statement of operations for each of the
     periods presented  assumes that  all transactions  had been consummated  on
     January 1, 2001.

     The  unaudited pro forma consolidated  financial statements  do not reflect
     any cost  savings or other  synergies which may result from the transaction
     and  are not  necessarily  indicative of  future results  of operations  or
     financial position.

     These unaudited pro  forma consolidated financial  statements are presented
     in accordance  with U.S. GAAP. Accounting policies  used in the preparation
     of  the  unaudited  pro forma  consolidated  financial  statements  are  in
     accordance  with   those  used   in  the  preparation   of  the  historical
     consolidated financial  statements of BioMarin as at  December 31, 2001 and
     for the year then ended.

2.   Conversion of Glyko to U.S. GAAP

     The  historical  consolidated  financial statements  of BioMarin  have been
     prepared using  U.S. GAAP and the historical  financial statements of Glyko
     have  been  prepared  using  Canadian  GAAP  and  U.S.  GAAP.  The  primary
     difference between  U.S. GAAP and Canadian  GAAP are:  (i) the way in which
     Glyko's  equity  in  loss of  BioMarin in  calculated and  presented in the
     statement of operations; and (ii) that Glyko reflects its gain on reduction
     of share  ownership of  BioMarin as  a statement of  operations item  under
     Canadian GAAP, and as paid-in capital on the balance sheet under U.S. GAAP.

3.   Pro Forma Adjustments and Certain Non-Recurring Charges not Included

    (a)   Reflects  the estimated costs  associated with the transaction of $0.9
          million that  had not been  incurred as of  June 30, 2002.  Such costs
          will be charged to operations as incurred.

    (b)   Records BioMarin's investment in Glyko at the fair value of the common
          stock issued  by BioMarin based  on  the per  share price  of BioMarin
          common  stock  at  August  21, 2002  (the  transaction  date) of $4.25
          multiplied by the 11,367,617 shares issued by BioMarin.

          The   effect  of  the   stock  options  that  BioMarin  issued  in the
          transaction  was not material and  is not reflected in these pro forma

    (c)   Reflects BioMarin's  issuance of preferred stock to  Glyko in exchange
          for the BioMarin common stock  owned by Glyko (11,367,617 shares as of
          June 30, 2002). Also  reflects the cancellation of the BioMarin common
          stock received by BioMarin from Glyko.

    (d)   Eliminated intercompany holdings in consolidation.

    (e)   Reverses  Glyko's equity in loss  of BioMarin that would  eliminate in

    (f)   Reflects  research  and  development  and  general  and administrative
          expense of  IBEX therapeutics  business incurred  during 2001 prior to
          its acquisition by BioMarin.

    (g)   BioMarin  incurred  an in-process  research and development  charge of
          approximately $11.6 million in connection with the acquisition of IBEX
          therapeutic  assets. This amount  has been excluded from the pro forma
          presentation as it is non-recurring.

    (h)   BioMarin incurred  and in-process  research and  development charge of
          approximately  $11.2  million in  connection  with the  acquisition of
          Synapse. This amount has been excluded form the pro forma presentation
          as it is non-recurring.

    (i)   Reflects the  portion of  the transaction  costs incurred for the year
          ended  December 31, 2001  and for  the six months ended June 30, 2002.
          These costs have been excluded as they are non-recurring in nature.

    (j)   Reflects research  and development expenses of Synapse incurred during
          2001  and  the  first  quarter  of 2002  prior  to  its acquisition by

    (k)   Reflects  the  number  of shares  issued in  connection with  the IBEX
          transaction  as if  the transaction had been consummated on January 1,

    (l)   Reflects the  number of  shares issued in  connection with the Synapse
          transaction as if the  transaction had been  consummated on January 1,

4.   Reconciliation of BioMarin Stockholders' Equity

         The following table reconciles stockholders' equity of BioMarin:


                                                                                       (in thousands)
         Balance at June 30, 2002 (unaudited)..........................................     $130,779
                Net assets of Glyko acquired...........................................          844
                Transaction costs .....................................................         (900)
                Issuance of BioMarin common stock to Glyko shareholders................       48,312
                Cancellation of shares of BioMarin owned by Glyko......................      (48,312)
                Issuance of shares of BioMarin Series A Preferred Stock to Glyko.......       48,312
                Elimination of Series A Preferred Stock upon consolidation.............      (48,312)
         Pro Forma Consolidated Balance at June 30, 2002 (unaudited)...................     $130,723