Exhibit 99.1


For Genzyme                                          For BioMarin
Carol Miceli (investors)                             Joshua Grass (investors)
(415) 761-8935                                       (415) 884-6777

Dan Quinn (media)                                    Francesca DeVellis (media)
(617) 591-5849                                       Feinstein Kean Healthcare
                                                     (617) 761-6703

For Immediate Release
June 11, 2003

           Genzyme, BioMarin Receive Marketing Approval for Aldurazyme

                                in European Union

     Cambridge,  Mass. and Novato, Ca., USA - Genzyme General (Nasdaq: GENZ) and
BioMarin  Pharmaceutical  Inc.  (Nasdaq  and Swiss SWX New  Market: BMRN)  today
announced that the European  Commission has granted marketing  authorization for
Aldurazyme(R)(laronidase), the first specific treatment approved in the European
Union for patients with the genetic disease mucopolysaccharidosis I (MPS I).

     Aldurazyme, administered once-weekly, has been approved in the 15 countries
of the European Union for long-term enzyme replacement  therapy in patients with
a confirmed diagnosis of MPS I, to treat the non-neurological  manifestations of
the disease.

     "Aldurazyme has had a dramatic and positive impact on the lives of patients
who have received it through our clinical trials," said Ed Wraith,  MD, director
of the Willink  Biochemical  Genetics  Unit in  Manchester,  UK, and a principal
investigator for the Aldurazyme  clinical  trials.  "Making  Aldurazyme  broadly
available will now allow us to improve the lives of all patients with MPS I."

     Aldurazyme  was  developed  by BioMarin and Genzyme  under a joint  venture
agreement that assigns commercial  manufacturing  responsibilities  to BioMarin,
and worldwide sales and marketing  responsibilities  to Genzyme.  Aldurazyme was
approved in the United States on April 30, 2003,  and patients  began to receive
therapy in mid-May.

     Genzyme   will   launch   Aldurazyme   in   the   European   Union   on   a
country-by-country  basis, as pricing and reimbursement  approvals are obtained.
As the first orphan drug  approved for MPS I in the European  Union,  Aldurazyme
has been granted ten years of market exclusivity.

     The  companies  anticipate  that the joint  venture will achieve  worldwide
revenues  from  Aldurazyme  sales of  between  $10 and $13  million  during  the
remainder  of 2003.  The  respective  contributions  from the United  States and
Europe will depend on the timing of  obtaining  reimbursement  approvals in each

     Applications to market Aldurazyme are also pending in Israel,  Canada,  New
Zealand and Australia,  and the companies expect a regulatory  response in these
countries in late 2003 or early 2004.

     In launching Aldurazyme in Europe, Genzyme will build on more than a decade
of experience  in bringing  enzyme  replacement  therapies to patients with rare
genetic  diseases.  Genzyme's  substantial  European  commercial  infrastructure
includes sales and marketing  teams that also offer  Cerezyme(R)  (imiglucerase)
for Gaucher disease, and Fabrazyme(R) (agalsidase beta) for Fabry disease.

About MPS I

     MPS I is a rare, progressive, heterogeneous, debilitating disease caused by
a deficiency of the enzyme alpha  L-iduronidase  that affects an estimated 3,000
to  4,000  people  worldwide.   Patients  who  lack  this  enzyme  accumulate  a
carbohydrate  called  glycosaminoglycan  (GAG) in tissues and organ  systems.  A
majority  of  patients  die before  adulthood  due to a wide  range of  problems
related to the disease,  including  progressive  damage to the heart,  lungs and
liver.  Aldurazyme  addresses  the  underlying  cause of MPS I by replacing  the
missing enzyme through a weekly infusion.  More  information  about MPS I can be
found at http://www.mpsIdisease.com.

     Clinical data  submitted to the EMEA in support of  Aldurazyme's  marketing
application  included  safety and  efficacy  data from a Phase 1/2,  10-patient,
open-label  trial and extension study,  from a Phase 3, 45-patient,  randomized,
double-blind, placebo controlled trial, as well as from the open-label extension
portion of the Phase 3 trial.

     Aldurazyme will be manufactured at BioMarin's plant in Novato,  California,
USA, which has sufficient  capacity to launch the product and to meet world-wide
commercial demand. Bulk enzyme will be sent to Genzyme's  manufacturing facility
in Allston,  Mass., USA, or to a third-party  facility for the final filling and
finishing process.  Genzyme's  manufacturing facility in Haverhill,  UK, will be
responsible for import and batch release in the European Economic Area.

     Genzyme General  develops and markets  therapeutic  products and diagnostic
products  and  services.  Genzyme  General has six  therapeutic  products on the
market and a strong pipeline of therapeutic  products in development  focused on
the treatment of genetic diseases and other chronic debilitating  disorders with
well-defined patient populations. Genzyme General is a division of Genzyme Corp.

     BioMarin    Pharmaceutical    specializes    in   the    development    and
commercialization   of   therapeutic   enzyme   products   to   treat   serious,
life-threatening diseases and conditions.

     The most common side effects  associated  with treatment with Aldurazyme in
clinical trials were upper respiratory tract infection, rash, and injection site
reaction.   The  most  common  adverse   reactions   requiring   treatment  were
infusion-related hypersensitivity reactions including flushing, fever, headache,
and rash.  The most serious  adverse  reaction  reported with  Aldurazyme was an
anaphylactic  reaction  consisting of hives and blockage of the breathing tubes,
which  occurred  in one  person.  Emergency  surgery  was  required to help this
patient breathe.  This patient's  underlying disease may have contributed to the
severity  of this  reaction.  The  majority  of  patients  in  clinical  studies
developed  an  immune  response  to  treatment  with  Aldurazyme.  The  clinical
significance   of  this   response  is  unknown.   Aldurazyme  is  available  by
prescription   only.   Full  US   prescribing   information   is   available  at
http://www.genzyme.com/corp/AZpi.pdf.  European prescribing  information will be
available in the coming weeks.

     This press release contains forward-looking  statements,  including without
limitation   statements   about:   expectations   and  plans   related   to  the
commercialization  and  manufacture  of  Aldurazyme,  including the  anticipated
timing of product launch in Europe; market exclusivity for Aldurazyme in Europe;
expected  worldwide  revenues from Aldurazyme;  anticipated timing of actions by
regulatory  authorities  in Israel,  Canada and  Australia  regarding  marketing
applications  for  Aldurazyme;  and  estimates  concerning  the  MPS  I  patient
population.  These statements are subject to risks and uncertainties  that could
cause  actual  results  to  differ  materially  from  those  projected  in these
forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, among others:
the content and actual timing of decisions by regulatory  authorities concerning
marketing applications and labeling for Aldurazyme and manufacturing  facilities
to be used for Aldurazyme;  the content and timing of pricing and  reimbursement
approvals for Aldurazyme; the effectiveness of the companies'  commercialization
plan for Aldurazyme and Genzyme's  distributors  and sales and marketing  teams;
the ability to  manufacture  sufficient  quantities of product and to do so in a
timely and cost efficient  manner;  decisions  made by physicians,  patients and
third party payers regarding the use of and  reimbursement  for Aldurazyme;  the
safety and efficacy data obtained from  commercial-scale use of Aldurazyme;  the
results of the on-going safety and  pharmacokinetics  study and the planned dose
optimization  study of  Aldurazyme;  the nature of the long-term  data collected
through a registry  setting;  the  companies'  ability  to obtain  and  maintain
adequate patent and other  proprietary  rights  protection for  Aldurazyme;  the
scope,  validity and enforceability of patents and other proprietary rights held
by third  parties  related to therapies  for MPS I and the actual impact of such
patents and other rights on the companies' ability to commercialize  Aldurazyme;
the  ability  to  establish   and  maintain   relationships   with  third  party
distributors and fill/finish facilities;  the timing and content of decisions by
regulatory  authorities  regarding  other products and exceptions to orphan drug
market  exclusivity;  the  continued  funding and operation of the joint venture
between  Genzyme  and  BioMarin;  the  accuracy  of the  companies'  information
concerning the MPS I patient population and the competitive environment; and the
risks and uncertainties  described in reports filed by Genzyme and BioMarin with
the Securities  and Exchange  Commission  under the  Securities  Exchange Act of
1934, as amended,  including without  limitation the factors contained under the
caption "Factors  Affecting Future Operating Results" in Exhibit 99.2 to Genzyme
Corporation's  2002  Annual  Report on Form 10-K,  as amended.  Genzyme  General
Division  common  stock is a series  of  common  stock of  Genzyme  Corporation.
Therefore,  holders of Genzyme General  Division common stock are subject to all
of the risks and uncertainties described in Genzyme Corporation reports. Genzyme
and   BioMarin   caution   investors   not  to  place  undue   reliance  on  the
forward-looking  statements  contained in this press release.  These  statements
speak  only as of the date of this  press  release,  and  Genzyme  and  BioMarin
undertake no obligation to update or revise the statements.

     Genzyme(R),  Cerezyme(R)  and  Fabrazyme(R)  are  registered  trademarks of
Genzyme Corporation. Aldurazyme(R) is a registered trademark of BioMarin/Genzyme
LLC. All rights reserved.

     BioMarin's  press  releases and other  company  information  are  available
online at  http://www.biomarinpharm.com.  Information  on BioMarin's Web site is
not incorporated by reference into this press release.

                                      # # #

     Genzyme's  press  releases and other company  information  are available at
www.genzyme.com   and  by  calling  Genzyme's   investor   information  line  at
1-800-905-4369  within the United  States or  1-703-797-1866  outside the United

  More information about Aldurazyme is available at http://www.aldurazyme.com.