DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT

     Agreement made and entered this 30th day of January, 2001 by
and  between  Andrew Limpert, or a successor entity  as  provided
below, of 22 East 100 South, Fourth Floor, Salt Lake City,  Utah,
84111("Limpert") with Michael Christensen, or a successor  entity
as  provided  below, of 764 East 8236 South, Sandy,  Utah,  84094
("Christensen"), as entered in Salt Lake County, State  of  Utah.
Whenever  both Limpert and Christensen are collectively  referred
to in this Agreement they may be designated as the "Parties".


     WHEREAS, Limpert is engaged in providing consulting services
related to business, financial planning and capital formation;

      WHEREAS,  Christensen  is engaged  in  start-up  activities
related to forming and mass marketing a business to develop leads
related  to  mortgage based financing and refinancing,  including
debt  consolidation,  and then reselling such  leads  to  various
financial companies for a fee on a commercial basis;

      WHEREAS,  Limpert is able and willing to  supply  or  refer
financial  consulting, capital referral and  business  management
expertise  and personnel to assist Christensen in the development
of his business concept, services and technology;

      WHEREAS,  Christensen is desirous of obtaining the  capital
formation,   referral   services  and  other   business   related
consulting services from Limpert upon the terms of this Agreement
and for the consideration recited herein;

      WHEREAS,  Christensen is planning on completing an  initial
private  placement  or public offering of the securities  of  the
corporate entity to be formed in an amount up to $200,000 through
a stock offering (the "offering");

      WHEREAS, both Limpert and Christensen intend to assign  all
right,  title,  interest and obligation created  in  their  names
under  this  Agreement to successor business  entities  and  each
party  agrees  to  such future assignment and  novation  of  each
others individual rights and obligations;

      NOW  THEREFORE; the parties mutually agree and covenant  as


1.0   Consideration.    This Agreement is  fully  and  adequately
supported  by  the anticipated financial and business  consulting
services to be provided by Limpert, or business entity assign, in
consideration for the shares of stock to be received  by  Limpert
in  the  entity to be created by Christensen; and, independently,
by the mutual covenants and promises contained herein.

2.0    Capital   Formation  Services.     Limpert   will   advise
Christensen on the processes and potential sources of capital for
a  start-up  enterprise and the basic structure and  requirements
for  raising  such  funds.   Without  commitment  or  obligation,
Limpert will introduce Christensen to various third party experts
who  may assist in raising capital or completing services related
to   capital  formation  to  include,  though  not  limited   to,
attorneys, accountants, venture capitalist, finders, in  vestment
bankers, underwriters and like experts.

3.0   Share  Consideration.    Limpert will  receive  shares,  or
other  equities offered, equal to thirty per cent  (30%)  of  all
shares or other equities to be outstanding upon the formation  of
the   Christensen  successor  entity.    Christensen  agrees  and
acknowledges  that  his  successor entity  will  most  likely  be
engaging in a self underwriting in the sale of its securities  to
third  parties,  whether referred by Limpert or  otherwise;  and,
therefore,   is   not  treating  Limpert  as   a   broker/dealer,
underwriter or placement agent for this anticipated offering  and
considers  the  arrangement with Limpert to  be  exclusively  the
payment of stock for developmental  and consulting services.   It
is  mutually agreed and understood between the parties  that  the
initial  financing of Christensen shall remain open for not  less
than  180  days  from the date of this Agreement, unless  earlier

4.0  General Business Consulting.  At the request of Christensen,
and  for 24 months from the date of this Agreement, Limpert shall
provide  to  Christensen,  or business assign,  general  business
consulting  services  to include, though not necessarily  limited
to,  such  areas  as  personnel  management,  marketing,  product
development  and distribution, general management  structure  and
general  financial planning services. No additional compensation,
other  than  the  vesting of shares described by this  Agreement,
shall  be  paid  for  such services or the availability  of  such

5.0   Board of Directors Appointment. For 24 months from the date
of  this  Agreement, Limpert shall be entitled to the appointment
of  a  Board  Member to the Board of Directors of any corporation
founded  or  organized by Christensen to further the purposes  of
his business concept described by this Agreement. Limpert, or his
appointee,  shall  serve  in the normal capacity  of  an  outside
Director  and  shall  be  liable, after initial  appointment,  to
shareholder  vote and ratification in the same  manner  as  other
directors   of  the  Company  as  provided  for  that  particular
directorship  term.   Provided,  however,  that  Christensen   or
assigns  shall  nominate and indicate that  such  Director  is  a
management nominee and shall urge shareholders to vote  in  favor
of  such  nominee.  Provided, further, that if at  any  time  the
majority  of the Board of Directors of the Christensen entity  to
be  formed  requests  a  substitute or  replacement  Director  be
appointed  for  Limpert, or any successor or assign  of  Limpert,
Limpert  shall comply and substitute a replacement  Board  member
upon   Limperts   or   his  successors   requested   resignation.
Christensen agrees to use its best efforts to obtain Officer  and
Director  indemnity  and  liability insurance  coverage  for  all
Directors and Officers of the anticipated Company.

6.0  Representation as to Shares and Anti-Dilution Provisions.

       6.1   Christensen  represents  and  agrees  that  it  will
initially  have authorized fifty million shares of  common  stock
(50,000,000)  and  that  there  will  be  initially  issued   and
outstanding   to   the  founders  the  sum  of  360,000   shares,
constituting all of the issued and outstanding shares, except for
150,000 shares issued to Limpert.

      6.2  Subsequent to the shares to be issued to Limpert under
this  Agreement, it is further agreed that Limpert will have pre-
emptive   rights  to  acquire  any  subsequently  issued  shares,
debentures, or other securities or rights convertible into shares
or  other  equities, including all stock rights and warrants,  as
necessary  to  maintain  his  existing  30%  sharehold  ownership
percentage  interest upon terms equivalent to the most  favorable
price  at  which any subsequent securities or option  rights  are
sold or placed, or options exercised in the sale or placement  of
shares,  to  management  of  any  entity  formed  by  or  through
Christensen as described by this Agreement.  Further,  no  shares
or  option  rights shall be issued to management  on  terms  more
favorable  than  those available to Limpert as to any  subsequent
financing or reorganization activity.

      7.0   Transfer  of  Patent  and Related  Interests.   As  a
necessary  term and condition of this Agreement, Christensen  has
agreed that he has caused, or will cause, to be fully transferred
from  certain  individuals to any entity created  by  Christensen
under  this  Agreement,  any  and all  patent  rights,  software,
licenses,  proprietary  and marketing interests,  technology  and
procedures, contracts, trademarks or copyrights, whether  pending
or  awarded, or services or technology described by the  business
purpose  of  the  proposed  business  entity  to  be  formed   by
Christensen  under  this  Agreement.  No  warranty  of  any  such
licenses,  patents, trademarks services, software  technology  or
other  proprietary  interests are  asserted  to  exist;  and,  if
existing  as  of the date of this Agreement, they  will  be  more
fully described and set-out in an attached Exhibit "A."

      8.0  Management.  The new Board, as constituted pursuant to
this Agreement, will promptly seek to appoint a full-time CEO and
other  appropriate officers in the corporation.  The interim  CEO
and  President  shall be Mr. Greg Willits.  The Board  will  also
move  to retain such other experts as may be necessary to initial
business  activities and to complete the offering at the earliest
date possible.

      9.0   Undertaking  and  Warranties of  Christensen.   As  a
necessary  term  and condition under this Agreement,  Christensen
represents and warrants to Limpert as follows:

     9.1  Christensen will form a corporation in good standing in
accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

      9.2   The  Christensen entity will not have any outstanding
debts  or  obligations  other than  in  the  ordinary  course  of
business and all such anticipated debts and obligations, if  any,
will  be out in a Schedule B attached hereto incorporated by this

      9.3   The  Christensen entity will not be involved  in  any
litigation,      administrative     proceedings,     governmental
investigation  or other type of civil, criminal or administrative
process,  which  may adversely effect its valuation  or  business
      9.4  The Christensen entity will complete all required  tax
and business filings as of the time formed.

     9.5  Christensen does not require any third party consent or
advise  to enter into this Agreement and this Agreement does  not
violate  or  abrogate any undertakings or contractual obligations
made   by  Christensen  in  any  manner  or  as  to  the   assets
transferred.  There are no intended third party beneficiaries  of
this Agreement.

     9.6  Christensen is not aware of any adverse claims, charges
or  causes  of action which would adversely effect the  financial
condition,  business  operations  or  ability  of  him   or   any
substituted entity to enter into and perform under the  terms  of
this Agreement.

      9.7   The unaudited accounting statements attached to  this
Agreement   by  Christensen,  fully  and  fairly  represent   the
financial  condition  and  present the financial  status  of  the
assets or interest to be transferred including all notes thereto.

      10.0  No  Agency  Relationship.  This Agreement  shall  not
create any partnership relationship or general agency between the
Parties.   Specifically, and not in limitation of the  foregoing,
Limpert   shall   not  execute  or  enter/into   any   agreement,
understanding  or  obligation for or on  behalf  of  Christensen.
Further,  Christensen will exclusively make all final investment,
suitability  and  qualification  decisions  for  any  prospective
investor referred by Limpert.

     11.0 Miscellaneous:

      11.1 This Agreement shall be fully applied and construed in
accordance with Utah law. Should any action be brought to enforce
any  term  or  provision of this Agreement or to make  any  claim
under  the Agreement, such action will be brought in a  court  of
general jurisdiction within Salt Lake County, State of Utah.

      11.2  This Agreement shall be binding upon or inure to  the
benefit of any successor or assign of either party hereto.

      11.3  This  Agreement  constitutes  a  complete  and  fully
integrated  contract  between the Parties  such  that  no  parole
evidence   shall  be  admissible  to  interpret  or  apply   this
Agreement.   Any amendment to this Agreement shall be in  writing
and signed by both parties and attached to this Agreement.

     11.4 Should any term or provision of this Agreement be found
void   or  voidable,  the  balance  should  be  given  reasonable
application  and  enforced so far as possible.  In  like  manner,
should  there be any uncertainty or ambiguity arising out of  any
error   in  syntax,  grammar,  spelling,   usage  or  gender,   a
reasonable application and interpretation of such term  shall  be
used to complete the intent of this Agreement.

      11.5  Should  any action at law or equity be  necessary  to
enforce  any  term or provision of this Agreement or protect  any
rights,  the prevailing party shall be entitled to any reasonable
cost  of court and attorney fees incurred in such action and  any
determined  damages shall bear interest at the rate  of  12%  per
annum from the date of loss.

     11.6 Time is of the essence of this Agreement.

      11.7 The Recitals shall be interpreted as a necessary  term
or provision of this Agreement.

      11.8  Any person signing below represents that his  actions
will  be fully and duly authorized by majority resolution of  his
respective Board of Directors of any entity to be formed.

       11.9  Christensen  and  Limpert  agree  that  Limpert  and
Christensen,  without  prior notice or  consent  of  each  other,
contemplate  transferring all of their respective rights,  title,
interest, services and obligations described by this Agreement to
a  new  business  entities in which each will have  a  management
position  and  will  have  not  less  than  a  twenty-five  (25%)
ownership  interest.  Notice  of  any  such  assignment  will  be
promptly  communicated to the other party along with the  address
and  other  contact information and a copy shall be  attached  to
this  Agreement as an addendum.  Both agree such assignment shall
constitute a novation of all obligations and liabilities of  each
party under this Agreement in favor of the new entities.

Dated the day and date first above written.

Andrew Limpert                     Michael Christensen
