Accountants and GRANT THORNTON Management Consultants Grant Thornton LLP The US Member Firm of Grant Thornton International October 3, 2000 Securities and Exchange Commission Washington D.C. 20549 Re: Sparta Surgical Corporation File No. 1-11047 Dear Sir or Madam: We have read Item 4(a) of the Form 8-K of Sparta Surgical Corporation dated October 3, 2000, and agree with the statements contained therein. We have no basis to agree or disagree with the statement in Item 4(b). Very truly yours, /s/ Grant Thornton LLP Grant Thornton LLP 150 Almaden Blvd. P.O. Box 6779 San Jose, CA 95113 Tel: 408 275-9000 Fax: 408 275-0582