                               Technologies, Ltd.
                 "Setting the standard for a safer environment"

                                 P.O. Box 81518
                            Lafayette, LA 70598-1518

                               PROXY STATEMENT AND
                            TO BE HELD APRIL 23, 2002

To the shareholders of Delta-Omega Technologies, Inc.:

An Annual Meeting of the shareholders of Delta-Omega Technologies, Inc. will be
held at 102 Burgess Drive, Broussard, Louisiana, at 10:00 A.M., (CST) on
Tuesday, April 23, 2002, or at any adjournment or postponement thereof. The
purposes of the meeting are to:

     o    elect two directors to serve during the next year.

     o    ratify the appointment of Broussard, Poche, Lewis & Breaux LLP as
          auditors for the 2002 fiscal year.

     o    transact other business which may properly come before the meeting.

Details relating to these matters are set forth in the attached Proxy Statement.
All shareholders of record as of the close of business on March 22, 2002 will be
entitled to notice of, and to vote at, such meeting or at any adjournment or
postponement thereof.


                                            BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                            /s/ L.G. Schafran
                                            L.G. Schafran
                                            Chairman of the Board
March 25, 2002

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                         DELTA-OMEGA TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
                             c/o Computershare, Inc.
                                  P.O. Box 1596
                              Denver, CO 80201-1596
                                 (303) 234-5300


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection with the solicitation of proxies
by the Board of Directors of Delta-Omega Technologies, Inc., a Colorado
corporation, to be voted at an Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Delta-Omega to
be held at 10:00 A.M. on April 23, 2002 at 102 Burgess Drive, Broussard,
Louisiana, or at any adjournment or postponement thereof. Delta-Omega
anticipates that this Proxy Statement and accompanying form of Proxy will be
first mailed or given to all shareholders of Delta-Omega on or about March 25,
2001. The shares represented by all proxies that are properly executed and
submitted will be voted at the meeting in accordance with the instructions
indicated thereon. Unless otherwise directed, votes will be cast FOR the
proposals presented. The vote of a majority of the shares represented at the
meeting in person or by proxy will be required to enact any or all of the

Any shareholder giving a proxy may revoke it at any time before it is exercised
by delivering written notice of such revocation to Delta-Omega, by substituting
a new proxy executed at a later date, or by requesting, in person, at the Annual
Meeting that the proxy be returned.

All of the expenses involved in preparing, assembling and mailing this Proxy
Statement and the material enclosed herewith and all of soliciting proxies will
be paid by Delta-Omega. In addition to the solicitation by mail, proxies may be
solicited by officers and regular employees of Delta-Omega by telephone,
telegraph or personal interview. Such persons will receive no compensation for
their services other than their regular salaries. Arrangements will also be made
with brokerage houses and other custodians, nominees and fiduciaries to forward
solicitation materials to the beneficial owners of the shares held on record
date by such persons, and Delta-Omega may reimburse such persons for reasonable
out-of-pocket expenses incurred by them in so doing.


The close of business on March 22, 2001, has been fixed by the Board of
Directors of Delta-Omega as the record date for the determination of
shareholders entitled to notice of and to vote at the Annual Meeting. At such
date, there were outstanding approximately 22,383,534 shares of Delta-Omega's
$.001 par value common stock (hereinafter referred to as the "common stock"),
each of which entitles the holder thereof to one vote per share on each matter
which may come before the meeting. Additionally, there are outstanding 1,295,000
shares of $.001 Series B Convertible Exchange Preferred Shares and 2,330,000
shares of $.001 Series C Convertible Exchangeable Preferred Shares, each
entitled to one vote per share. The Series B and Series C Convertible
Exchangeable Preferred Shares are hereinafter referred to collectively as the
"preferred stock." The shares of preferred stock vote together with the common
stock as a single class except upon amendments of rights and preferences for the
preferred stock. Cumulative voting is not permitted. Delta-Omega has no other
class of voting securities outstanding.

A majority of the issued and outstanding shares of Delta-Omega's common stock
and preferred stock entitled to vote, represented in person or by proxy,
constitutes a quorum at any shareholder's meeting.


The following table sets forth, as of November 30, 2001, the common stock
ownership of each person known by Delta-Omega to be the beneficial owner of five
percent or more of Delta-Omega's common and preferred stock ("Principal
Shareholders"), all Directors and Officers individually and all Directors and
Officers of Delta-Omega as a Group. Except as noted, each person has sole voting
and investment power with respect to the shares shown. All shares are
"restricted securities" and as such are subject to limitations on resale. The
shares may be sold pursuant to Rule 144 under certain circumstances. There are
no contractual arrangements or pledges of Delta-Omega's securities, known to
Delta-Omega, which may at a subsequent date result in a change of control of

                              Amount of Beneficial
                                  Ownership (1)

                                   Common and
Name and Address of                Preferred   Options and            Percent of
 Beneficial Owner                    Stock       Warrants   Total      Class (2)
 ----------------                    -----       --------   -----      ---------

L.G. Schafran (3)                      -0-         -0-        -0-        0.00%
Riverside Drive #14B
New York, NY 10024

James V. Janes, III (4)              201,038       -0-      201,038      0.77%
118 Village Green
Youngsville, LA  70592

David H. Peipers (5)                2,180,306      -0-     2,180,306     8.38%
610 Tenth Avenue - Suite 605
New York, NY 10020

Vernon Taylor, Jr. (6)              1,955,493      -0-     1,955,493     7.52%
1670 Denver Club Building
Denver, CO 80202

The Winsome Limited Partnership     2,048,903      -0-     2,048,903     7.88%
F/K/A Crossroads Limited
Partnership (7)
610 Tenth Avenue - Suite 605
New York, NY 10020

GAMI Investments, Inc. (8)          2,299,261      -0-     2,299,261     8.84%
Two Riverside Plaza
Suite 1100
Chicago, IL 60606

Marian A. Bourque                      -0-         -0-        -0-         0%
P.O. Box 81518
Lafayette, LA 70598-1518

All Directors & Officers as a Group  201,038       -0-      201,038      0.77%
(Three Persons) (9)

1)   Rule 13d-3 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, involving the
     determination of beneficial owners of securities, includes as beneficial
     owners of securities, among others, any person who directly or indirectly,
     through any contract, arrangement, understanding, relationship or otherwise
     has, or shares, voting power and/or investment power with respect to such
     securities; and, any person who has the right to acquire beneficial
     ownership of such security within sixty days through means, including, but
     not limited to, the exercise of any option, warrant or conversion of a
     security. In making this calculation, options and warrant which are
     significantly "out-of-the-money" and therefore unlikely to be exercised
     within sixty days are not included in the calculation of beneficial
     ownership. For this purpose, Delta-Omega deems options and warrants with an
     exercise price above $.10 as unlikely to be exercised within the next sixty
     days. As a result, the Company did not include any outstanding options and
     warrants to calculate beneficial ownership in the above table. Any
     securities not outstanding which are subject to such options, warrants or
     conversion privileges are deemed to be outstanding for the purpose of
     computing the percentage of outstanding securities of the class owned by
     such person, but are not be deemed to be outstanding for the purpose of
     computing the percentage of the class by any other person.

2)   As of November 31, 2001, there were 22,383,534 shares of common stock,
     1,295,000 shares of Series B Convertible Exchangeable Preferred Stock and
     2,330,000 shares of Series C Convertible Exchangeable Preferred Stock
     issued and outstanding. Each share of the Series B and Series C Convertible
     Exchangeable Preferred stock is entitled to one vote and votes together
     with the common stock as a single class except upon matters relating to the
     amendment of rights and preferences for the preferred stock. Accordingly,
     there are 26,008,534 shares of capital stock entitled to vote upon ordinary
     matters and the percentages in this column are based upon such number of

3)   Mr. Schafran owns options to purchase 600,000 shares of common stock and
     warrants to purchase 600,000 shares of common stock at an exercise price of
     $0.34 and $2.00 per share, respectively, but these have been excluded from
     the calculation of his beneficial ownership due to the material difference
     between the exercise price and the current trading price of the common
     stock. Mr. Schafran's wife owns 534,936 shares of common stock and 131,667
     shares of preferred stock. Mr. Schafran disclaims beneficial ownership of
     the stock owned by his wife.

4)   Mr. Janes owns 194,078 shares of common stock. He could be considered a
     beneficial owner of 6,960 held in joint tenancy with his mother. Mr. Janes
     also owns options to purchase 221,500 shares of common stock at exercise
     prices ranging from $0.65 - $2.00 per share, but these have been excluded
     from the calculation of his beneficial ownership due to the material
     difference between the exercise price and the current trading price of the
     common stock.

5)   Mr. Peipers owns 131,403 shares of common stock. Mr. Peipers could be
     considered a beneficial owner of 1,764,211 shares of common stock and
     130,000 shares of preferred stock held by The Winsome Limited Partnership
     F/K/A Crossroads Limited partnership, of which Mr. Peipers is General
     Partner. Mr. Peipers could also be considered a beneficial owner of 104,692
     common shares and 50,000 shares of preferred stock held by Cornerhouse
     Limited Partnership, an affiliate of Winsome. Mr. Peipers could also be
     considered a beneficial owner of warrants to purchase 100,000 shares of
     common stock with an exercise price of $0.75 per share owned by Winsome
     Limited Partnership; however these have been excluded from the calculation
     of his beneficial ownership due to the material difference between the
     exercise price and the current trading price of the common stock.

6)   Mr. Taylor owns 448,692 shares of common stock and 265,000 shares of
     preferred stock. Mr. Taylor could be considered a beneficial owner of 5,700
     shares of common stock held by a family member. Mr. Taylor could also be
     considered a beneficial owner of 836,010 shares of common stock and 400,000
     shares of preferred stock held by the Ruth and Vernon Taylor Foundation
     since Mr. Taylor is a trustee.

7)   The Winsome Limited Partnership F/K/A Crossroads Limited Partnership, is an
     entity for which David H. Peipers is the General Partner. The Winsome
     Limited Partnership owns 1,764,211 shares of common stock, 130,000 shares
     of preferred stock and warrants to purchase 100,000 shares of common stock.
     The Winsome Limited Partnership could also be considered a beneficial owner
     of 104,692 shares of common stock and 50,000 shares of preferred stock held
     by Cornerhouse Limited Partnership, an affiliate of The Winsome Limited
     Partnership. The Winsome Limited Partnership also owns warrants to purchase
     100,000 shares of common stock with an exercise price of $0.75 per share,
     but these have been excluded from the calculation of his beneficial
     ownership due to the material difference between the exercise price and the
     current trading price of the common stock.

8)   GAMI Investments, Inc., a Delaware Corporation, owns 1,365,928 shares of
     common stock and 933,333 shares of preferred stock.

9)   The Directors and Officers as a group (three persons) beneficially own
     201,038 shares of common stock.



The Board of Directors currently consists of two (2) members: L.G. Schafran and
James V. Janes, III. The Board proposes that the two (2) directors be re-elected
as directors of Delta-Omega, to hold office until the next annual meeting of
shareholders and until such director's successor is duly elected and qualified.
Each nominee has consented to be named as a nominee and, to the present
knowledge of Delta-Omega, is willing to serve as a director, if elected. Should
either of the nominees not remain a candidate at the end of the Annual Meeting
(a situation which is not expected), proxies with respect to which no contrary
direction is made will be voted in favor of the one who remains as a candidate
and may be voted for substitute nominees.

The Executive Officers and Directors of Delta-Omega and their ages and positions
with Delta-Omega are as follows:

Name                   Age    Position                  Period From Which Served
- ----                   ---    --------                  ------------------------

L.G. Schafran          61     Chairman of the Board     01/96
                              and Co-CEO

James V. Janes, III    53     President, Co-CEO and     10/89

Marian A. Bourque      40     Chief Financial and       04/96
                              Accounting Officer,
                              Secretary & Treasurer

L.G. Schafran - Mr. Schafran has been Chairman of the Board of Directors since
January 1996 and Co-CEO since January 1999. Since August, 2000 Mr. Schafran, has
been the interim chief executive officer and president and chairman of the board
since October 2000 of Banyan Strategic Realty Trust, a Chicago based equity REIT
that is traded on Nasdaq. From 1994 to October 1997 Mr. Schafran was a director
and Chairman of the Executive Committee of Dart Group Corporation and its two
principal affiliates, Trak Auto Corporation and Crown Books Corporation. Mr.
Schafran is also a director or trustee of Capsure Holdings Corp., Glasstech
Inc., National Income Realty Trust, Oxigene, Inc. and Publicker Industries, Inc.
Mr. Schafran earned a B.B.A. from the University of Wisconsin in 1960 and a MBA
also from the University of Wisconsin in 1961.

James V. Janes, III - Mr. Janes has been a Director of Delta-Omega since October
1989 and President since January 1996. Mr. Janes was General Manager of
Delta-Omega Technologies, Ltd., Delta-Omega's wholly owned subsidiary, from
November 1989 to December 1990. From 1977 to 1989, Mr. Janes was President of
Janes Industries, Inc., a Louisiana corporation licensed as a general
contractor. Mr. Janes served in the U.S. Air Force, earning the Distinguished
Flying Cross, and between 1973 and 1977 was an instructor and evaluator with the
58th TAC Fighter Squadron at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida. Mr. Janes earned a
B.S. from Northwestern State University in 1970.

Marian A. Bourque - Ms. Bourque has been Chief Financial and Accounting Officer,
Secretary and Treasurer of Delta-Omega since April 1996. Ms. Bourque was
Controller of Delta-Omega from December 1994 to April 1996. Her past
associations include Broussard, Poche, Lewis and Breaux CPA Firm, where she was
active in the Management Advisory Department and Adobe Oil and Gas, where she
was the Accounts Payable Supervisor. Ms. Bourque, a Certified Public Accountant,
earned a B.S. in Accounting from the University of Southwestern Louisiana in

Delta-Omega has no knowledge of any arrangement or understanding in existence
between any Executive Officer or Director named above and any other person
pursuant to which any such Executive Officer or Director was or is to be elected
to such office or offices. All Officers of Delta-Omega serve at the pleasure of
the Board of Directors. No family relationships exist among the Directors of
Executive Officers of Delta-Omega. All Officers of Delta-Omega will hold office
until the next Annual Meeting of Delta-Omega's shareholders. There is no person
who is not a designated officer who is expected to make any significant
contribution to the business of Delta-Omega.

Since approximately the first quarter of fiscal year 2000, the Company's Board
of Directors has consisted of only two members, Messrs Schafran and Janes,
neither of whom would be considered independent or "outside" members of the
Board. Therefore, the Company no longer has members on its Board which qualify
for audit or compensation committees. As a result, the Company has recently been
conducting operations without an independent audit or compensation committee and
without a nominating committee. Therefore, the Company has not been required to
adopt an audit committee charter nor has it issued an audit committee report
which would normally accompany this Proxy Statement.

The Board of Directors had 5 meetings during the last fiscal year. No Director
attended less than 75 percent of the meetings of the Board and the meetings of
the committee on which the respective Directors served held during the
Director's tenure.

Additionally, the Board of Directors has approved a Management Bonus Pool which
is based on 12% of annual gross profits (before taxes) in excess of $500,000.
Bonuses will be paid to persons filling designated positions, including
Directors. The total pool may not exceed $4,000,000 annually.

Directors' expenses, if any, are reimbursed, including travel, lodging and a per
diem of $150 for out of town travel deemed necessary and in the best interests
of Delta-Omega.


None of Delta-Omega's Officers or Directors received direct remuneration of
$100,000 or more during the fiscal year ended August 31, 2001.

Summary Compensation Table

                         Annual Compensation                           Long Term Compensation
                         -------------------                           ----------------------

Name and                                                      Restricted   Underlying
Principal                                                     Stock        Options     Compen-sation
Position      Year ($)   Salary ($)   Bonus ($)   Other ($)   Awards       /SAR's      ($)
- --------      --------   ----------   ---------   ---------   ------       ------      -------------
J.V. Janes    2001       $79,200      $  --       $  --         --           --        $  --
- -Co-CEO&      2000       $79,200      $  --       $  --         --           --        $  --
President     1999       $90,856      $  --       $  --         --           --        $  --

Stock Option Plans

Delta-Omega's policy is to grant options to purchase common stock to directors,
officers or key employees as part of an incentive program. In addition to the
grants under this program, Delta-Omega grants options to purchase common stock
to individuals as compensation for services rendered in lieu of cash. On January
17, 1991, Delta-Omega established a non-qualified stock option plan (the 1991
Plan) under which 1 million options to purchase common stock were made
available. In fiscal year 1994, Delta-Omega amended the 1991 non-qualified stock
option plan to authorize the issuance of an additional 600,000 options. All
options are non-compensatory and are issued at or above the market price on the
date the option is granted.

Delta-Omega's Compensation and Options Committee determines the term of each
grant and when it becomes exercisable. The options expire three years from the
date of grant. As of November 30, 2001, there were 750,248 outstanding options
issued under the 1991 Plan and 906,167 outstanding options issued outside the

2001 Option Exercises and Year-End Option Value Table
- -----------------------------------------------------

The following table provides information on options exercised in 2001 by the
executive officers named in the Summary Compensation Table, the number of
unexercised options each of them held at August 31, 2001, and the value of
unexercised "in-the-money" options each of them held as of that date. No SAR's
were outstanding at any time during 2001.

                                                                      Value of Unexercised
                                        Number of Unexercised     In-The-Money Options at 2001
                                       Options at 2001 Year-End           Year-End (1)
                                       ------------------------   ----------------------------
            Acquired on    Value
   Name       Exercise    Realized   Exercisable   Unexercisable   Exercisable   Unexercisable
   ----       --------    --------   -----------   -------------   -----------   -------------
J.V. Janes       --          --        221,500          --             -0-             --

(1)  The values shown in the table are based on the $0.030 closing price of
     Delta-Omega's Common Stock on August 31, 2001.


Described below are any transactions, or series of similar transactions, for
Delta-Omega's last two fiscal years, or any currently proposed transactions, or
series of similar transactions, to which Delta-Omega or any of its subsidiaries
was or is to be a party, in which the amount involved exceeds $60,000 and in
which any of Delta-Omega's Officers, Directors or Principal Shareholders had, or
will have, a direct or indirect material interest, naming such person and
indicating the person's relationship to Delta-Omega, the nature of such person's
interest in the transaction(s), the amount of such transaction(s) and, where
practical, the amount of such person's interest in the transaction(s):

In the fiscal year 2000, the Company negotiated six additional short term
promissory notes totaling $224,000 with related parties. One note totaling
$15,000 bears an interest rate of 9.25% per annum and was paid in full plus
interest in the second quarter of fiscal year 2000. Three of the six short term
promissory notes totaling $50,000 each bear interest rates of 8.25% per annum
and were due on or before April 30, 2000. Any amount of principal & interest not
paid when these three notes were due will accrue interest at the rate of 12
percent per annum until paid. Attached to each of the these three notes is a
warrant agreement granting the holder warrants to purchase 50,000 shares of
common stock at an exercise price of $.15 per share. The two remaining 90 day
promissory notes totaling $59,000 bear interest rates of 8.25% per annum.

Six additional short term promissory notes totaling $143,000 were negotiated by
the Company from a member of the board of directors during fiscal year 2001. The
notes bear interest rates of 9.25% per annum and are due in full plus accrued
interest one month to twelve months from date of inception. Two of the
promissory notes totaling $55,000 were paid in full plus accrued interest in the
third quarter of fiscal year 2001.

Also in fiscal year 2001, the Company negotiated a consolidation of notes
payable due to a member of the board of directors. The consolidated promissory
note includes promissory notes totaling $107,000 plus an additional $43,650.40
loaned to the Company for immediate cash requirements. The consolidated
promissory note is repayable in 35 equal installment payments consisting of
principal and interest, in the amount of $4,465.87 each, commencing on May 15,
2001 and continuing thereafter, and one (1) final installment payment consisting
of the full amount of the principal and all accrued interest remaining due and
payable on April 15, 2004.

On September 11, 2001, the Company negotiated an agreement with Janes
Industries, Inc. in which Janes Industries, Inc. agreed to loan the Company
$75,000 due and payable with a fixed fee as set forth in the loan agreement
between Janes Industries, Inc. and Texas Capital Funding, Inc. A member of the
Company's board of directors is the major shareholder of Janes Industries, Inc.
In fiscal year 2001, in relation to the loan, twenty thousand dollars ($20,000)
was advanced to the Company and is classified in the current liability section
of the consolidated balance sheet.


The Board of Directors has selected Broussard, Poche, Lewis and Breaux LLP as
the independent certified public accountants to audit the books, records and
accounts of Delta-Omega for its 2002 fiscal year, pending shareholder approval
of such appointment. Broussard, Poche, Lewis and Breaux LLP has worked in
conjunction with Arthur Andersen & Company LLP, Delta-Omega's independent
auditor at that time, since the 1994 fiscal year and is, therefore, familiar
with the business and financial procedures of Delta-Omega. To the knowledge
neither this firm nor any of its members has any direct or material indirect
financial interest in Delta-Omega nor any connection with Delta-Omega in any
capacity other than as independent auditor. Although the ratification of
reappointment is not required to be submitted for shareholder approval, it is a
common practice as a courtesy to shareholders. A failure to approve this
proposal will not affect Delta-Omega's plans for this year, but could affect its
decisions in coming years. It has not yet been determined whether a
representative of Broussard, Poche, Lewis and Breaux LLP will attend the Annual
Meeting. Delta-Omega recommends approval of this resolution.


Based solely on a review of reports filed with Delta-Omega, all Directors and
Executive Officers timely filed all reports regarding transactions in
Delta-Omega's securities required to be filed during the last fiscal year by
Section 16(a) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.


Proposals of shareholders intended to be presented at the year 2003 Annual
Meeting of Shareholders must be received by Delta-Omega on or before November
10, 2002 in order to be eligible for inclusion in Delta-Omega's Proxy Statement
and form of Proxy. To be so included, a proposal must also comply with all
applicable provisions of Rule 14a-8 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.


The Board of Directors does not know of any other matters to be brought before
the Annual Meeting. If any other matters not mentioned in this Proxy Statement
are properly brought before the Annual Meeting, the individuals named in the
enclosed proxy intend to vote such proxy in accordance with their best judgment
on such matters.

                                        By Order of the Board of Directors

                                        /s/ L.G. Schafran
                                        L.G. Schafran
                                        Chairman of the Board
March 25, 2002

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                         DELTA-OMEGA TECHNOLOGIES, INC.


The undersigned shareholder of Delta-Omega Technologies, Inc., a Colorado
corporation, hereby appoints L.G. Schafran, Chairman of the Board of Delta-Omega
Technologies, Inc., my proxy to attend and represent me at the annual meeting of
the shareholders of the corporation to be held on April 23, 2002 at 10:00 A.M.
(CST), and at my adjournment thereof, and to vote my shares on any matter or
resolution which may come before the meeting and to take any other action which
I could personally take if present at the meeting.

1.   Election of Directors: Management has nominated the two following persons
     to stand for election. You may vote "for" or you may withhold your vote
     from either of those persons and vote "for a person nominated by others or
     write in your own nominee. To date, no one has been nominated by anyone
     other than management.

          a)   L.G. Schafran                                  For      ______
                                                              Withhold ______

          b)   James V. Janes, III                            For      ______
                                                              Withhold ______

          c)   ____________________                           For      ______
               Other                                          Withhold ______

2.   Reappointment of Auditors:

RESOLVED, that the reappointment of Broussard, Poche, Lewis and Breaux LLP as
the auditing firm for the corporation is hereby ratified.

For  _______               Against  _______                Abstained  _______

Failure to check any of these boxes for each proposal will give management the
authority to vote the proxy at their discretion. This Proxy gives authority to
my Proxy to vote for me on such other matters as may properly come before this

                                              Shares Owned:

                                                   Signature of Shareholder
                                               (Sign exactly as name appears on

                                                   Signature if held jointly