THIS AGREEMENT OF EXCHANGE (the "Agreement"), is dated as of June 20, 1998,
and  entered  into by and  between  Miller  Diversified  Corporation,  a  Nevada
corporation ("Miller"), and Miller Feed Lots, Inc. ("MFL").


     The  Boards  of  Directors  of  Miller  and MFL  have  adopted  resolutions
approving  the  exchange  pursuant  to  Section  78.450  of the  Nevada  General
Corporation Law and Section 7-111-102 of the Colorado  Business  Corporation Act
(the "Exchange") of the issued and outstanding  capital stock of MFL, consisting
solely of 1,000 shares of common stock,  for 15,000,000  shares of Miller common
stock in accordance with this Agreement and the Plan of Exchange (the "Plan") in
the form of  Exhibit  "A"  attached  hereto  and by this  reference  made a part


     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of  the  agreements,   provisions  and
covenants herein contained, Miller and MFL hereby agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE I
                                  THE EXCHANGE

     1.1 Filing of the Plan and Articles of Exchange.  Subject to the conditions
contained  in  Article  V of this  Agreement,  executed  articles  of  exchange,
including the Plan, shall be delivered to the Secretary of State of Colorado for
filing  as  soon  as  practicable  following  the  time  when  the  last of such
conditions  shall have been  fulfilled (or waived in writing in accordance  with
Section 8.1 hereof) or such  earlier or later date as may be mutually  agreed to
in writing by Miller and MFL.

     1.2  Time of  Filing  and  Effective  Time.  The  time of  delivery  to the
Secretary  of State of  Colorado  pursuant  to the  preceding  section is herein
referred to as the "Time of Filing".  The "Effective Time of the Exchange" shall
be when a  certificate  of  exchange  is  issued  by the  Secretary  of State of

     1.3 The Exchange.  At the Effective  Time of the Exchange each  outstanding
share of MFL shall be deemed to be owned and held by Miller,  and each holder of
then outstanding MFL share  certificates shall be entitled to receive the Miller
common stock specified in the Plan, subject to the conditions contained therein.

                                  EXHIBIT 10.1

                                   ARTICLE II

     MFL represents and warrants as follows:

     2.1 No  Breaches of Statute or  Contract;  Required  Consents.  Neither the
execution and delivery of this Agreement or the related  articles of exchange by
MFL, nor compliance by MFL with the terms and provisions thereof and of the Plan
will:  (i) conflict  with or result in a breach of any of the  provisions of the
articles of incorporation,  bylaws or other governing instruments of MFL, or any
judgment, order, decree, or ruling to which MFL is a party, or any injunction to
which it is subject, of any court of governmental authority or of any agreement,
contract  or  commitment  to which it is a party  and which is  material  to the
financial  condition  of  MFL  considered  as  a  whole,  or  (ii)  require  the
affirmative consent or approval of any non-governmental  third party (apart from
stockholder approval referred to elsewhere herein).

     2.2  Authorization of Agreement.  MFL has the corporate power to enter into
this Agreement and to perform its obligations hereunder; the execution, delivery
and,  subject  to  requisite  stockholder  approval,  the  performance  of  this
Agreement by MFL has been duly and validly  authorized by the board of directors
of MFL,  and MFL has  taken,  or will use its best  efforts to take prior to the
Time of Filing,  all action required by law, its articles of  incorporation  and
bylaws to authorize the execution,  delivery and  performance of this Agreement,
the Plan, and related articles of exchange.

     2.3 Further Representations.

          (a) MFL is duly organized,  validly existing and in good standing as a
corporation under the laws of the State of Colorado; has full corporate power to
carry on its business as it is now being  conducted,  and to own and operate the
properties  and  assets it now owns or  operates;  and is duly  qualified  to do
business and is in good standing in each  jurisdiction  where the conduct of its
business or the ownership of its properties require such qualification.

          (b) Pursuant to its Articles of  Incorporation,  MFL is  authorized to
issue 2,500 shares of common  stock with $100.00 par value,  of which a total of
1,000 shares are each validly issued,  fully paid and nonassessable.  MFL has no
other  class  of stock  or  convertible  securities  outstanding.  There  are no
existing  options,  warrants,  calls,  commitments or rights of any character to
purchase or otherwise  acquire from MFL shares of capital stock of any class, no
outstanding  securities of MFL that are convertible into shares of capital stock
of MFL of any class, and no options, warrants or rights to purchase from MFL any
such convertible securities.


          (c) MFL has delivered to Miller the following documents,  all of which
have been signed for  identification by the President of MFL and are dated as of
the date hereof.  (i) a list of all the liabilities and obligations of MFL as of
February 28, 1998 (Exhibit  "B");  and (ii) all property and all other assets of
MFL as of February 28, 1998 (Exhibit "C"). MFL has good and marketable  title to
all properties and assets,  real and personal,  described in Exhibit "C". All of
the  properties  and  assets  listed  on  Exhibit  "C" are free and clear of all
mortgages,  ledges, liens, charges,  security interests or other encumbrances of
any nature whatsoever,  except for mortgages,  pledges, liens, charges, security
interests or other  encumbrances  as set forth in Exhibit "B", liens for current
taxes  not yet due and  payable,  and  imperfections  of  title,  easements  and
encumbrances,  if any, that are not  substantial in character,  amount or extent
and do not materially  detract from the value,  or interfere with the present or
proposed use, of the property subject thereto or affected thereby,  or otherwise
materially impair business  operations.  All leases pursuant to which MFL leases
any substantial amount of real or personal property are in good standing,  valid
and effective in accordance with their respective terms, and under none of these
leases is there any existing  fault,  event of default or event that with notice
or the lapse of time,  or both,  would  constitute  a default  and in respect of
which MFL has not taken adequate steps to prevent a default from occurring.

          (d) Between February 28, 1998 and the date of this Agreement there has
not been any  material  adverse  change  in the  financial  condition  or in the
operations, business or property of MFL.

          (e) The structures,  equipment, machinery, vehicles and other physical
assets  of MFL  that  are  necessary  to the  operation  of the  business  being
conducted by it are in good operating condition and repair,  subject only to the
ordinary wear and tear of the business.

          (f) Neither MFL nor, to the knowledge of its  shareholders,  any other
party breached any material  provision of, or defaulted in any material  respect
of the terms of any  contract,  or agreement to which MFL is a party which would
have a materially  adverse  effect upon the  business or financial  condition of

          (g) MFL has  delivered to Miller  written  information  in the form of
Exhibit "D"  attached to this  Agreement  as of the date hereof  respecting  the

          All real  property  owned or  leased  by MFL  with the  amount  of any
mortgages encumbering any such real property;  all personal property used in the
trade business of MFL with the amount of any liens encumbering any such personal


          (h) MFL will  deliver  such other  lists,  descriptions,  information,
schedules, documents and reports as may reasonably be requested by Miller.

          (i) To the best knowledge of its shareholders,  there is no default or
claim,  purported or alleged default,  or statement of facts under which lack of
notice  or the  lapse of time,  or both,  would  constitute  a  default,  on any
obligation to be performed by MFL under any material  lease,  contract,  plan or
other arrangement.

          (j) To the best  knowledge  of its  shareholders,  no suit,  action or
legal,  administrative  or arbitration  proceeding,  which might  materially and
adversely affect the overall financial  condition,  business or property of MFL,
is pending or, to the knowledge of its shareholders threatened.

          (k) Its  shareholders  have no knowledge of any tax liability or claim
by any taxing authority for due but unpaid taxes, interest or penalties, nor has
MFL been advised of any request or demand for audit by any taxing authority.

          (l) The  representations  and warranties of its  shareholders  and MFL
shall be as of the date of this Agreement and as of the date of the Closing. Any
such  representation  made as of such  dates  shall  survive  the  Closing.  All
representations  and  warranties  of MFL are based  upon  knowledge  only of its
officers and directors and no one else.

                                   ARTICLE III

     Miller represents and warrants as follows:

     3.1 Accuracy of Proxy  Statement and Exchange Act Filings.  The information
concerning  Miller  contained,  or  incorporated  by  reference,  in  the  proxy
solicitation  material  soliciting approval of the Exchange and the Exchange Act
filings which have been provided to MFL are responsive in all material  respects
to the requirements of the appropriate  forms and related rules and regulations,
and do not contain any untrue  statement  of a material  fact or omit to state a
material  fact  necessary to make such  information  not  misleading;  provided,
however,  that as to information  supplied to Miller by MFL which is included in
the proxy solicitation material, Miller represents only that it has no knowledge
of any such untrue statement or misleading omission.

     3.2 Status of Miller Common Stock.  The shares of Miller Common Stock to be
issued to the  stockholders  of MFL pursuant to this Agreement and Plan, when so
issued,  will  be duly  and  validly  authorized  and  issued,  fully  paid  and


     3.3 No Breach of Contract;  Required  Consents.  Neither the  execution and
delivery of this Agreement nor compliance by Miller with the terms of provisions
thereof and of the Plan will:  (i) conflict with or result in a breach of any of
the  provisions of the articles of  incorporation  or bylaws or other  governing
instruments of Miller, or any judgment, order, decree, or ruling to which Miller
is a party, or any injunction to which it is subject, of any court or government
authority,  or of any  agreement,  contract or  commitment  to which Miller is a
party and which is material to the financial  condition or results of operations
or conduct of the business of Miller  considered as a whole, or (ii) require the
affirmative consent or approval of any nongovernmental third party.

     3.4  Authorization  of Agreement.  Miller has the corporate  power to enter
into this  Agreement and to perform its  obligations  hereunder;  the execution,
delivery and  performance of this Agreement by Miller have been duly and validly
authorized  and  approved by the board of  directors  of Miller;  and Miller has
taken,  or will use its best  efforts to take  prior to the Time of Filing,  all
action required by law, its articles of incorporation or bylaws to authorize the
execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and the Plan.

                                   ARTICLE IV

     4.1 Access;  Operation of Business  between the date of this  Agreement and
the Effective Time of the Exchange.

          (a) Access.  MFL and Miller each agrees to furnish the other with such
financial and operating data and other  information with respect to the business
and properties of it as the other shall from time to time reasonably  request in
furtherance  of  consummating  the Exchange;  provided,  however,  that any such
investigation  shall  not  affect  any of  the  representations  and  warranties
hereunder.  In the event of termination of this  Agreement,  MFL and Miller will
each return to the other all  documents  and other  material  obtained  from the
other in connection with the transactions  contemplated  hereby,  and each shall
maintain the confidentiality of such materials.

          (b)  Conduct of  Business.  MFL and Miller  shall  continue to conduct
their business in conformity with  established  industry  practice in a diligent

     4.2  Preparation  of  Proxy  Statement.  Both  MFL and  Miller  acknowledge
participation in the preparation of the proxy solicitation  material to be filed
with the SEC relating to a special  meeting of stockholders of Miller to vote on
the  Exchange,  and  agree  to  cooperate  in the  preparation  of  final  proxy
solicitation material relating to such meeting (the "Proxy Statement").


     4.3  Stockholder  Approval of MFL.  MFL agrees that the  execution  of this
Agreement by James E. Miller and Norman M. Dean shall  constitute  all necessary
shareholders approval as is necessary under Colorado law.

          James E. Miller and Norman M. Dean further  acknowledge and agree that
the  shares of  Miller  they or their  assigns  may  acquire  as a result of the
Exchange contemplated herein are being acquired for investment purposes only and
not  with  a  view  toward  their   redistribution  or  reoffering.   All  stock
certificates representing Miller Common Shares issued to the shareholders of MFL
shall be endorsed with the following restrictive legend:

          No  sale,   offer  of  sell,   or  transfer  of  the  shares
          represented  by this  certificate  shall  be made  unless  a
          registration  statement under the Federal  Securities Act of
          1933,  as  amended,  with  respect to such shares is then in
          effect or an exemption from the registration requirements is
          then in fact applicable to said shares.

     4.4  Stockholder  Approval of Miller.  Miller  agrees to submit the Plan of
Exchange  to its  stockholders  for  approval,  as provided by law, at a meeting
which shall be held as soon as  practicable,  following  clearance  of the Proxy
Statement by the SEC.

                                    ARTICLE V

     5.1 General Conditions. The obligations of the parties hereto to effect the
Exchange shall be subject to the following conditions:

          (a) No Governmental Proceedings.  No governmental action or proceeding
shall have been instituted or be threatened at the Time of Filing by or before a
court or other  governmental  body,  agency or authority to restrain or prohibit
the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

          (b) No Litigation. There shall be no litigation pending at the Time of
Filing  challenging  the  authority  of either MFL or Miller or the  officers or
directors  of either to enter into this  Agreement  or seeking  to  restrain  or
prohibit the transactions  contemplated  hereby, which the board of directors of
either MFL or Miller  shall  reasonably  believe to present a  substantial  risk
either of restraining or prohibiting  such  transactions  or of resulting in the
award of material damages or other relief.


          (c) Statutory  Requirements and Approvals.  All statutory requirements
for the valid consummation by MFL and Miller of the transactions contemplated by
this  Agreement  and the Plan shall have been  fulfilled;  no  approvals  of the
transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement shall be required from any federal
or state governmental agency or authorities.

     5.2 Conditions of Obligation of Miller.  The obligation of Miller to effect
the Exchange shall be subject to the following conditions:

          (a)   Representations   and   Warranties  of  MFL  to  be  True.   The
representations  and  warranties  of MFL herein  contained  shall be true in all
material  respects at the Effective Time of the Exchange with the same effect as
though made at such time,  except to the extent waived  hereunder or affected by
the transactions  contemplated  herein; MFL shall have performed all obligations
and complied with all covenants and conditions  required by this Agreement to be
performed  or  complied  with by it at or prior to the Time of  Filing;  and MFL
shall  have  delivered  to  Miller a  certificate  of MFL in form and  substance
satisfactory to Miller,  dated the Time of Filing and signed by its President or
Vice President to all such effects.

          (b) Exercise of Dissenter's Rights. Holders of no more than 10% of the
issued  and  outstanding  shares  of Miller  shall  have  given  notice of their
intention to receive payment in cash pursuant to their  dissenter's  rights.  In
the event  that more than 10% of the  issued and  outstanding  shares  give such
notice Miller may waive the condition and proceed with the Exchange.

     5.3  Conditions of Obligation of MFL. The  obligations of MFL to effect the
Exchange shall be subject to the following conditions:

          (a)   Representations  and  Warranties  of  Miller  to  be  True.  The
representations and warranties of Miller herein contained,  shall be true in all
material  respects  at the Time of Filing with the same effect as though made at
such time, except to the extent waived hereunder or affected by the transactions
contemplated  herein;  Miller shall have performed all  obligations and complied
with all covenants and conditions  required by this Agreement to be performed or
complied with by it prior to the Time of Filing; and Miller shall have delivered
to MFL a certificate of Miller in form and substance  satisfactory to MFL, dated
the Time of Filing  and  signed by its  President  and its  principal  financial
officer, to all such effects.

     5.4 Abandonment. The Exchange may be abandoned before the Effective Time of
the Exchange without  liability on the part of any party hereto  exercising such
right of abandonment  or  restriction  on the future  activities of either party


          (a) Mutual  Consent.  By the mutual consent of the Boards of Directors
of Miller and MFL evidenced by a writing executed by Miller and MFL or;

          (b) Lapse of Time.  By the Board of  Directors of Miller or MFL if the
Effective Time of the Exchange has not occurred on or prior to July 31, 1998.

          The  power of  abandonment  provided  for by this  Section  5.4 may be
exercised by Miller or MFL only by their respective Boards of Directors and will
be effective  only after written notice  thereof,  signed on behalf of the party
for which it is given by its Chairman of the Board or President, shall have been
given to the other. If the Exchange shall be abandoned,  no articles of exchange
or  certificates  relating to the Exchange shall be filed by the officers of any
such  party in the State of  Colorado.  Abandonment  shall not effect any rights
theretofore accruing hereunder.

                                   ARTICLE VI

     6.1.  Continuation of Representations and Warranties.  Miller and MFL agree
that the  representations,  warranties and covenants of Miller and MFL contained
herein or in any instrument or certificate delivered hereunder shall survive the
Effective Time of the Exchange, regardless of any investigation or inquiry by or
on behalf of Miller and MFL.

     6.2.  Indemnification  by MFL.  MFL agrees to indemnify  and hold  harmless
Miller and each  person,  if any,  who  controls  Miller  within the  meaning of
Section 15 of the 1933 Act:

          (a)  against  any and all  losses,  liabilities,  claims,  damages and
expenses  (including  interest,  expenses of  litigation  and  attorney's  fees)
arising  out  of or as a  result  of  any  inaccuracy  or  breach  of any of the
representations, warranties and covenants of MFL contained in this Agreement and
contained in any instrument or certificate  delivered to Miller pursuant to this
Agreement,  or the defense or settlement of any claim  asserted  against  Miller
challenging any such  representation,  warranty and covenant,  or the failure or
default of MFL to  perform  or observe  any  covenant  or  condition  under this

     6.3 Indemnification by Miller. Miller agrees to indemnify and hold harmless
MFL and each person, if any, who controls MFL:

          (a)  against  any and all  losses,  liabilities,  claims,  damages and
expenses  (including  interest,  expenses of  litigation  and  attorneys'  fees)
arising  out  of or as a  result  of  any  inaccuracy  or  breach  of any of the
representations,  warranties and covenants of Miller contained in this Agreement
and  contained in any  instrument or  certificate,  delivered to MFL pursuant to
this Agreement,  or the defense or settlement of any claim asserted  against MFL
challenging any such  representation,  warranty and covenant,  or the failure or
default of Miller to perform or observe  any  covenant or  condition  under this


     6.4  Notice.  Each  indemnified  party  shall  give  prompt  notice to each
indemnifying  party of any  action  commenced  against  it in  respect  of which
indemnity  may be sought  hereunder,  but  failure to so notify an  indemnifying
party shall not relieve it from any liability  which it may have  otherwise than
on account of this Agreement.  An indemnifying  party may participate at its own
expense  in the  defense  of such  action.  In no event  shall the  indemnifying
parties be liable for the fees and  expenses  of more than one  counsel  for all
indemnified parties in connection with any one action or separate but similar or
related  actions  in the  same  jurisdiction  arising  out of the  same  general
allegations or circumstances.

                                   ARTICLE VII
                               ADDITIONAL MATTERS

     7.1 Management.  The parties agree that MFL shall continue to have the same
management after the contemplated Exchange that it had prior to the Exchange.

     7.2 Closing.  The Closing of the Exchange  contemplated  by this  Agreement
shall take place at the offices of Miller at such time as may be  convenient  to
all the  parties but in no event  later than July 31,  1998.  At the Closing MFL
shall deliver share  certificates in amounts  representing all of the issued and
outstanding  common shares of MFL to Miller and Miller shall deliver  15,000,000
of its common  shares to James E. Miller and Norman M. Dean or to their  assigns
as Miller is directed at Closing.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

     8.1  Waivers.  Each of  Miller  and MFL  may,  pursuant  to  action  by its
respective Board of Directors,  by an instrument in writing, extend the time for
or  waive  the  performance  of any of the  obligations  of the  other  or waive
compliance  by the  other  with any of the  covenants  or  conditions  contained
herein;  provided,  however,  that no such waiver or extension  shall affect the
rights of the  stockholders  of Miller  or MFL in a manner  which is  materially
adverse to such stockholders.


     8.2 Notices. All notices,  requests, demands and other communications which
are required of permitted  hereunder  shall be in writing and shall be deemed to
have been duly given when  delivered  personally or when mailed by registered or
certified mail, postage pre-paid, as follows:

     If to Miller to:
                                P.O. Box 937
                                23360 Weld CO. Rd. #35
                                LaSalle, Colorado 80645

     If to MFL to:
                                P.O. Box 937
                                23360 Weld CO. Rd. #35
                                LaSalle, Colorado 80645

     8.3  Governing  Law. This  Agreement  shall be governed by and construed in
accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado.

     8.4 Entire Agreement. This Agreement supersedes any and all oral or written
agreements heretofore made relating to the subject matter hereof and constitutes
the entire agreement of the parties relation to the subject matter hereof.

     8.5 No Implied Rights or Remedies.  Except as otherwise  expressly provided
herein, nothing herein expressed or implied is intended or shall be construed to
confer upon or to give any person,  firm or  corporation,  other than Miller and
MFL and their  stockholders,  any rights or remedies  under or by reason of this

     8.6 Headings.  The headings in this Agreement are inserted for  convenience
of reference only and shall not be part of, or control or affect the meaning of,
this Agreement.

     8.7 Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in several  counterparts,
each of which  shall be  deemed an  original,  but all of which  together  shall
constitute one and the same instrument.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties hereto has caused this Agreement to
be  executed  on its  behalf  and  attested  by its  officers  there  unto  duly
authorized, all as of the day and year first above written.

                                           Miller Diversified Corporation

                                           By: /s/ James E. Miller
                                              James E. Miller



/s/ Norman M. Dean
- -------------------------------
Norman M. Dean                              Miller Feed Lots, Inc.

                                            BY: /s/ James E. Miller
                                               James E. Miller

/s/ Norman M. Dean
- --------------------------------
Norman M. Dean

                                            Shareholders of Miller Feed
                                             Lots, Inc.

                                            /s/ James E. Miller
                                            James E. Miller

                                            /s/ Norman M. Dean
                                            Norman M. Dean


                                    EXHIBIT A

                                PLAN OF EXCHANGE
                             MILLER FEED LOTS, INC.

     A. The parties to the exchange are Miller Diversified Corporation, a Nevada
corporation  ("Miller"),  and Miller  Feed Lots,  Inc.,  a Colorado  corporation
("MFL"). Miller is the acquiring corporation.

     B. When the exchange becomes effective:

          (i) Each  outstanding  share of MFL stock shall by operation of law be
exchanged for 15,000 shares of previously unissued common stock of Miller.

          (ii)  Miller  shall  become  the  owner  and  holder  of  all  of  the
outstanding stock of MFL.

     C. After the exchange becomes effective:

          (a) Until surrendered, each outstanding certificate which prior to the
exchange  represented  shares of MFL stock  shall be  deemed  for all  corporate
purposes to evidence the number of shares of Miller  common stock for which such
MFL stock  shall have been  exchanged.  There  shall be no further  registry  of
shares on the  records of MFL of MFL stock,  and, if  certificates  representing
such shares are presented to MFL, they shall be cancelled and the holder thereof
shall receive the common stock of Miller for which the shares  represented  were
exchanged. Unless waived by Miller, no voting rights shall vest and no dividends
or distributions  will be paid to persons  entitled to receive  certificates for
shares of Miller  common stock until such persons shall have  surrendered  their
MFL stock  certificates;  provided,  however,  that when such certificates shall
have been so surrendered in exchange for certificates representing Miller common
stock, there shall be paid to the holders thereof, but without interest thereon,
all dividends and other  distributions  payable  subsequent to and in respect to
any record date after the effective date of the exchange on the shares of Miller
common stock that have not been paid as a result of the foregoing.

1.           (b) If any  certificate  of Miller is to be issued in a name  other
     than that in which the certificate  for MFL stock  surrendered for exchange
     is  registered,  it  shall  be  a  condition  of  such  exchange  that  the
     certificate  so  surrendered  shall be properly  endorsed and  otherwise in
     proper form for transfer and that the person requesting such exchange shall
     pay to the transfer agent any transfer or other taxes required by reason of
     the issuance of such Miller common stock in any name other than that of the
     registered  holder of the  certificate  surrendered,  or  establish  to the
     satisfaction  of the  transfer  agent that such tax has been paid or is not


     4.  This  exchange  may be  terminated  at any time  before  the  filing of
Articles  of  Exchange,  whether  before or after  approval  of this plan by the
stockholders  of MFL and  Miller in the manner  specified  in the  Agreement  of
Exchange Agreement by and between Miller and MFL dated June 20, 1998.

     5. The date of this Plan of Exchange shall be June 20, 1998.
