WASHINGTON, DC 20549

                                   FORM 10-K

(Mark One)

|X| ANNUAL report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934

For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2002


|_| Transition report PURSUANT TO Section 13 or 15(d) of the SECURITIES Exchange
Act OF 1934

For the transition period from _______ to _______

                        Commission File Number 001-13957

             (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

(State or Other Jurisdiction of Incorporation or Organization)

(Address of Principal Executive Offices)

(Zip Code)

(I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)

Registrant's Telephone Number, Including Area Code:
(509) 459-6100

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

Title of each class                    Name of each exchange on which registered
Common Stock,                                  New York Stock Exchange
par value $.01 per share

Securities registered pursuant to section 12(g) of the Exchange Act:  None

Indicate  by check  mark  whether  the  registrant:  (1) has  filed all  reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12 months  (or for such  shorter  period  that the
registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days.

Yes     |X|       No ________

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to Item 405
of Regulation  S-K (229.405 of this chapter) is not contained  herein,  and will
not be contained,  to the best of registrant's knowledge, in definitive proxy or
information  statements  incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K
or any amendment to this Form 10-K.|_|

Indicate  by check mark  whether  the  registrant  is an  accelerated  filer (as
defined in Exchange Act Rule 12b-2).

Yes     |X|       No ________

                                     Page 1

The  aggregate   market  value  of  the   registrant's   common  stock  held  by
non-affiliates was $53,626,800 as of June 30, 2002. There were 12,994,163 shares
of the Registrant's common stock outstanding as of March 6, 2003.


Portions of the  Registrant's  Proxy  Statement  for its 2003 Annual  Meeting of
Shareholders,  which will be filed with the Securities  and Exchange  Commission
pursuant to Regulation 14A within 120 days of the end of the  Registrant's  2002
fiscal year is incorporated by reference herein in Part III.


  Part      Item No.   Description                                      Page No.
    I          1       Business....................................     3
    I          2       Properties..................................     6
    I          3       Legal Proceedings...........................     6
    I          4       Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security
                       Holders ....................................     6
    I          5       Market For Registrant's Common Equity and
                       Related Stockholder Matters ................     7
   II          6       Selected Financial Data.....................     8
   II          7       Management's Discussion and Analysis Of
                       Financial Condition and Results of Operations    9
   II          7A      Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures
                       About Market Risk ..........................     18
   II          8       Financial Statements and Supplementary Data      19
   II          9       Changes In and Disagreements With Accountants
                       On Accounting and Financial Disclosure           43
   III         10      Directors and Executive Officers Of
                       The Registrant .............................     44
   III         11      Executive Compensation .....................     45
   III         12      Security Ownership Of Certain Beneficial
                       Owners and Management ......................
   III         13      Certain Relationships and Related Transactions   45
   III         14      Controls and Procedures ....................     45
   IV          15      Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules
                       and Reports on Form 8-K ....................     45

                                     Page 2

                                     PART I

This Annual Report on Form 10-K contains forward looking  statements  within the
meaning of Section 12E of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934.  Forward-looking
statements  should be read with the cautionary  statements and important factors
included in this Annual Report on Form 10-K at Item 7 - "Management's Discussion
and Analysis of Financial  Condition and Results of Operations - Safe Harbor for
Forward-Looking Statements." Forward-looking statements are all statements other
than statements of historical fact,  including without limitation those that are
identified  by  the  use  of  words  such  as,  but  not  limited  to,  "will",
"anticipates",   "seeks  to",  "estimates",   "expects",   "intends",   "plans",
"predicts" and similar expressions.  Such statements are inherently subject to a
variety of risks and  uncertainties  that could cause  actual  results to differ
materially from those expressed.


                              GENERAL INFORMATION

WestCoast  Hospitality  Corporation (the "Company") is primarily  engaged in the
ownership,  management,  development, and franchising of mid scale, full service
hotels.  As of December  31, 2002,  the system  contained  86  properties  in 15
states,  totaling  over  15,000  rooms and over  717,000  square feet of meeting
space.  The  Company  owned an interest  in and  operated  29 hotels,  leased 14
hotels,  managed seven hotels owned by others and franchised 36 hotels owned and
operated by third  parties at December  31,  2002.  The  Company's  hotel brands
include  WestCoast(R) and Red Lion(R).  All properties are located in the United

The  Company is also  engaged in  activities  related  or  supplementary  to the
operation of hotels.  These activities include  computerized  ticketing services
and presenting  entertainment  productions through its TicketsWest  division and
owning,  leasing,  developing and managing commercial and residential properties
through its G&B Real Estate division.

The Company was  incorporated  in the State of  Washington  on April 25, 1978. A
substantial  portion of the Company's  assets are held in WestCoast  Hospitality
Limited  Partnership  ("WHLP").  WHLP was  formed  in the State of  Delaware  on
October 23, 1997. The Company is the sole general partner and  approximately 98%
owner of WHLP and manages its  operations.  The  Company's  principal  executive
offices are located at 201 W. North River Drive, Suite 100, Spokane,  Washington
99201 and its telephone number is (509) 459-6100. The Company maintains internet
websites at www.redlion.com and www.westcoasthotels.com  where annual reports on
Form 10-K,  quarterly reports on Form 10-Q,  current reports on Form 8-K and all
amendments to those reports are available, without charge, as soon as reasonably
practicable  following  the  time  they  are  filed  with  or  furnished  to the
Securities Exchange Commission.

Recent Developments

In March 2003, the United States  declared war. The Company's  future  operating
performance  is affected by, among other things,  international  conflicts,  the
effects of actual and  threatened  terrorist  attacks and  national and regional
economic  conditions.  Due to the war and the perception of a weak economy,  the
Company gives no assurance that its future  operating  performance  will provide
adequate cash flow for the Company's needs.

In March 2003, the Company's  President and Chief Executive  Officer,  Donald K.
Barbieri,  announced his retirement  effective upon appointment of his successor
by the Company's  Board of  Directors.  He will continue to serve as Chairman of
the Board of Directors.

In February  2003,  the Company  completed the  transition of its Red Lion brand
into its system by  re-branding  22 of its owned and managed  hotels to Red Lion
and implementing a state-of-the-art central reservation system and guest loyalty
program that integrates service to its WestCoast and Red Lion brands.

In December 2002,  three  significant  covenants  under the Company's  revolving
credit  facility were  amended:  total funded debt ratio,  recourse  funded debt
ratio and fixed charge ratio to provide  greater  flexibility  during the weaker
economic  environment.  As of December 31, 2002,  the Company was in  compliance
with its debt covenants.

In October  2002,  the Company has entered into an agreement  subject to various
contingencies for the sale a non-core asset. For additional  information,  refer
to  "Property  and  Equipment"  and  "Assets  Held  for  Sale"  in the  Notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements on page 29 and 34, respectively.

In May 2002, the Company  implemented a refreshed quality assurance  performance
measurement program.

In March 2002, the Company divested its majority interest in an office building.

In January  2002,  the Company  commenced a national  sales  strategy to promote
cross selling between hotel properties and entertainment events.

In December 2001,  the Company  acquired the capital stock of the Red Lion hotel
chain from Hilton Hotels  Corporation.  The Red Lion portfolio consisted of nine
owned, 12 leased and 26 franchised hotels on the consummation date.

For  additional  details  surrounding  recent  developments,   refer  to  "Hotel

                                     Page 3

Industry Segments
The  Company  operates  in  four  reportable   business  segments:   hotels  and
restaurants;  franchise, central service and development; ticketing services and
entertainment productions; and real estate. For additional information, refer to
"Business  Segments" in the Notes to Consolidated  Financial  Statements on page

                                HOTEL OPERATIONS

Hotel Properties
Owned Hotels
The  Company  owned or had an  ownership  interest  in and  operated  29  hotels
totaling  5,371  rooms with over  246,000  square  feet of  meeting  space as of
December  31, 2002.  The number of owned  properties  included  three hotels for
which the underlying land is leased.  The lease expiration dates range from 2014
to 2062,  with  certain  leases  containing  renewal  options.  Under these land
leases,  the  Company is  responsible  for repairs  and  maintenance,  operating
expenses and management of  operations.  For  additional  information,  refer to
"Operating  Lease  Commitments"  in  the  Notes  to the  Consolidated  Financial
Statements on page 39.

Leased Hotels
As of December 31, 2002, the Company leased 14 hotels  representing  2,292 rooms
and totaling over 111,000 square feet of meeting space.  Under these leases, the
Company  is  responsible  for  hotel  operations  and  management.  The  Company
recognizes  revenues  and  associated  expenses  with leased  hotel  operations.
Furniture,  fixtures and equipment  are  generally  the owner's  responsibility;
however, under certain leases the Company is obligated to replace these items on
an as needed  basis.  Lease  terms  typically  require  the Company to pay fixed
monthly rent and variable  rent based on a percentage  of revenue.  In addition,
the Company is responsible for repairs and maintenance,  operating  expenses and
management of operations. Refer to "Operating Lease Commitments" in the Notes to
the Consolidated Financial Statements for additional information on page 39.

Managed Hotels
The Company managed seven hotels with 1,330 rooms and over 93,000 square feet of
meeting space as of December 31, 2002. These managed hotels are operated for the
owner's  benefit under  management  agreements.  Under the Company's  management
agreements,  the owner is  responsible  for operating  and other related  and/or
incidental expenses.

The management fee received by the Company is typically based on a percentage of
the hotel's gross revenue plus an incentive fee based on operating  performance.
The  Company  is  generally  reimbursed  for  out-of-pocket  costs.   Management
agreements are for various terms and typically contain renewal options,  subject
to certain termination rights.

Franchised Hotels
As of December 31, 2002,  the Company  franchised 36 hotels with 6,256 rooms and
meeting space totaling over 267,000 square feet. Franchised hotels are owned and
operated by third  parties under brand names which are licensed to the owners by
the  Company.  In  addition  to the  licensed  use of brand  names,  the Company
provides certain services to franchised  properties  although it does not manage
or operate the franchise hotels.  These services include  reservations  systems,
advertising  and national sales,  guest affinity  programs,  revenue  management
tools,  quality inspections and brand standards.  The Company typically receives
royalty  payments  for use of the brand names and  contributions  to the central
services programs administered by the Company for the franchisees.

Hotel Brands
The  Company's  hotels  primarily  operate  under the  WestCoast(R)  and the Red
Lion(R) brands. Recently, the Company re-branded 22 hotels to Red Lion Hotels(R)
bringing  the 63 hotels  under  the Red Lion  brand to its  largest  size in the
history of the Red Lion brand.

                                     Page 4

Statistical Information
The following  table  provides  certain  information  about the Company's  hotel
portfolio as of and for the year ended December 31, 2002.


                    Hotels      Rooms    Mtg Space            Average Occupancy %        ADR         RevPar
                                         (Sq Ft)              (1), (3), (6)            (1), (4)     (1), (5), (6)
                    ----------- -------- -----------         --------------------    ------------   ----------
Owned (2)           29          5,371    246,217             56.2                     $72.08         $40.47
Leased              14          2,292    110,756             58.6                     $66.43         $38.90
Managed (7)         7           1,330    93,234              67.0                     $89.94         $60.23
Franchised (7)      36          6,256    267,214             61.5                     $87.39         $53.73
                    ----------- -------- -----------
Total               86          15,249   717,421             59.4                     $78.23         $46.44
                    =========== ======== ===========

(1) Average  occupancy,  average daily rate (ADR) and room revenue per available
room (RevPar) are for comparable hotels (owned, leased,  managed, and franchised
by the Company since January 1, 2002) and include hotels in the Company's system
as of December 31, 2002.
(2) Owned  properties  include hotels owned by partnerships in which the Company
holds  interest as of December 31, 2002 and one hotel  property that is expected
to be sold in 2003.
(3) Average  occupancy  represents  total paid rooms  occupied  divided by total
available rooms. Total available rooms represents the number of rooms available,
net of rooms under renovation,  multiplied by the number of days in the reported
(4) ADR represents total room revenues divided by the total number of paid rooms
occupied by hotel guests.
(5) RevPar represents total room and related revenues divided by total available
rooms, net of rooms under renovation.
(6) Rooms under  renovation  were  excluded  from  RevPar and average  occupancy
percentage.  Due to  the  short  duration  of  renovation,  in  the  opinion  of
management,  excluding  these rooms did not have a material  impact on RevPar or
average occupancy percentage.
(7) In early 2003,  agreements  related to 13 franchised  hotels and one managed
property  expire.  Additionally,  in early 2003,  the Company  entered  into one
franchised license agreement and two pending applications for franchised hotels.
Refer to Item 7 "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
Results  of  Operations - Liquidity  and  Capital  Resources"  for  additional

Financial Information
The Company's financial  information is disclosed in the consolidated  financial
statements  and notes  thereto.  The  Company's  working  capital  practices are
disclosed in Item 7 "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
and Results of Operations - Liquidity and Capital Resources".

Growth Plan
The Company  continues to seek  opportunities  to expand both  domestically  and
internationally  while  maintaining its product quality.  The Company intends to
grow its brand primarily through franchising and management  contracts,  but may
seek to acquire  equity  interests  in hotel  properties  on a selective  basis.
Additionally, the Company maintains a consistent quality level at hotels through
its maintenance, renovation and capital expenditure programs.

Loyalty Program
In February 2003, the Company  integrated the best features of its Red Lion Club
and  WestAwards  frequency  program in order to enhance  guest  services  with a
single expanded guest loyalty  program,  GuestAwards.  The Company  continues to
promote guest loyalty by providing guests the flexibility to earn air miles with
each  qualifying  hotel stay or points for every eligible  dollar charged to the
guest room.  GuestAward points are redeemable for complimentary hotel stays, air
miles or travel, car rental, merchandise, entertainment and other incentives.

In February  2003, the Company  launched a new hotel  reservation  system.  This
technology  allows the  Company to manage  single  image  inventory  through its
distribution  channels,  execute rate management  strategies through channels of
distribution  including voice, Global  Distribution  Systems and Internet sites,
craft individual property.

In  addition,  the  Company  provides  effective  and  efficient  guest  service
including  online hotel  reservations,  GuestAwards  enrollment and ticketing of
TicketsWest   events,   through  its  various  domain  names   (www.redlion.com,
www.westcoasthotels.com, www.guestawards.com, www.ticketswest.com).

Team Red
In February  2003,  the Company  launched  "Team Red", an  innovative  community
outreach program designed to benefit local communities while rewarding employees
and guests for volunteer  work. The Company  continues to build on its long-term
commitment  to assist and support its local  communities  through "Team Red" and
other civic initiatives.

                                     Page 5


The  Company's  marketing  strategy  provides  quality  and value to its  hotels
through its national reach and regional focus.  Through consistent  messaging in
high visibility markets, the Company targets the majority of market segments and
distribution channels for its hotel portfolio.  In addition,  the Company offers
intelligence  tools  such  as  rate  management   strategies,   competitive  set
benchmarking and market demand reports to the majority of its hotels to increase
its regional reach with individuality focused on the property's customer base.

The  Company  owns the  following  trademarks  in the United  States,  Canada or
Mexico: Red Lion(R),  WestCoast(R),  WestAwards(R),  TicketsWest(R),  G&B(R) and
various  derivatives  of those  usages.  The  Company  has  applied to  register
GuestAwards  as a trademark in the United States.  The Company's  trademarks and
associated name recognition are valuable to its business.

Non-core Asset Sales
The Company  continues  to divest its  interest  in non-core  assets in order to
capture equity,  pay down debt and adhere to its long term strategic plan. Refer
to "General  Information - Recent Developments" for a description of assets sold
and held for sale in 2002.

The Company's business is subject to seasonal fluctuations. Significant portions
of the Company's revenues and profits are realized from May through October. The
Company's  results for any quarter may not be indicative of the results that may
be achieved for the full fiscal year.  In addition,  results are affected by the
Company's rapid growth; national and regional economic conditions, including the
magnitude and duration of the current  economic  slowdown in the United  States;
actual and threatened  terrorist attacks and  international  conflicts and their
impact on travel; and weather conditions.

The  lodging  industry is highly  competitive.  Competition  in the  industry is
primarily based on service quality,  range of services,  brand name recognition,
convenience   of  location,   room  rates,   guest   amenities  and  quality  of
accommodations.  The  Company  competes  with other  national  limited  and full
service hotel companies,  including  various regional and local hotels.  Many of
the  Company's  competitors  have a larger  network  of  locations  and  greater
financial resources than the Company. Additionally, new and existing competitors
may  offer  significantly  lower  rates,  greater   convenience,   services  and
amenities,  expand  or  improve  facilities,  which  may  adversely  impact  the
Company's  operations.  Demographics and other changes in the Company's  markets
may also adversely impact the convenience or desirability of the hotel location.

The Company  strives to enhance its core business by its national Red Lion brand
name; expanded,  multi-tiered guest loyalty program;  new reservation  software;
effective   cost   control;   maximizing   operating   efficiencies;    property
enhancements;  and continued effort to create a feel of comfort,  care and value
in its hotels.

As of December 31,  2002,  the Company  employed  approximately  4,400  persons,
approximately  3,900 in hotel  operations  and the  remainder  in the  Company's
administrative  office  and its  TicketsWest  and  G&B  Real  Estate  divisions.
Approximately 300 persons in hotel operations were covered by various collective
bargaining agreements providing,  generally, for basic pay rates, working hours,
other  conditions of employment and orderly  settlement of labor  disputes.  The
Company believes its employee relations are satisfactory.


The  Company's   hotel   properties   provide  caring  service  and  comfortable
accommodations at competitive prices consistent with the markets they serve. The
Company's  hotel  portfolio  maintains  consistent  quality and offers  valuable
services such as dining,  fitness  centers,  business  services and other unique
offerings at the majority of its  locations.  In addition,  guest rooms are well
equipped with products  important to both leisure and business  travelers.  Most
hotels offer flexible meeting space to service the group and convention markets.
The Company  continues  to invest in its hotel  properties  to maintain  quality
condition.   Refer   to   the   Company's   websites   at   www.redlion.com   or
www.westcoasthotels.com for a complete listing of hotel properties.

Refer to Item 1 - "Hotel  Operations - Statistical  Information" for information
on the Company's owned, leased, managed and franchised hotel properties.


At any given time, the Company is subject to claims and actions  incident to the
operation  of its  business.  While the outcome of these  proceedings  cannot be
predicted,  it is the  opinion  of  management  that  none of such  proceedings,
individually  or in the  aggregate,  will have a material  adverse effect on the
Company's business, financial condition, cash flow or results of operations.


No  matters  were  submitted  to a vote of  security  holders  during the fourth
quarter of 2002.

                                     Page 6

                                    PART II


The  Company's  common stock is listed on the New York Stock  Exchange  ("NYSE")
under the symbol "WEH". The following table sets forth for the periods indicated
the high and low closing sale prices for the common stock on the NYSE.

                                                        High             Low
        Fourth Quarter (ended December 31, 2002)        $5.80            $5.00
        Third Quarter (ended September 30, 2002)        $7.00            $5.40
        Second Quarter (ended June 30, 2002)            $7.75            $6.69
        First Quarter (ended March 31, 2002)            $8.00            $6.20

        Fourth Quarter (ended December 31, 2001)        $6.49            $5.93
        Third Quarter (ended September 30, 2001)        $7.98            $6.00
        Second Quarter (ended June 30, 2001)            $7.48            $5.08
        First Quarter (ended March 31, 2001)            $5.56            $4.95

The last  reported  sale price of the common stock on the NYSE on March 25, 2003
was $4.36.  As of March 25, 2003,  there were  approximately  86 shareholders of
record of the common stock.

The Company does not anticipate paying any cash dividends on the common stock in
the foreseeable  future. The Company intends to retain earnings to provide funds
for the continued  growth and  development  of its business.  See  "Management's
Discussion    and   Analysis   of   Financial    Condition    and   Results   of
Operations--Liquidity  and Capital  Resources."  Any  determination  to pay cash
dividends in the future will be at the  discretion of the Board of Directors and
will depend upon,  among other  things,  the  Company's  results of  operations,
financial condition,  contractual restrictions and other factors deemed relevant
by the Board.  As of December 31, 2002, the Company was  restricted  from paying
dividends on its common stock under the terms and  conditions  of its  Revolving
Credit Facility.


The  following  table  provides  information  as of December 31, 2002  regarding
compensation plans (including individual compensation  arrangements) under which
equity  securities  of WestCoast  Hospitality  Corporation  are  authorized  for



                                                                                        Number of securities
                                                                                        remaining available for
                               Number of securities to        Weighted-average          future issuance under
                               be issued upon exercise        exercise price of         equity compensation plans
                               of outstanding options,        outstanding options,      (excluding securities
                                 warrants and rights          warrants and rights       reflected in column (a))
Plan Category                           (a)                          (b)                        (c)

Equity Compensation Plans
 Approved by Security
 Holders                                537,895                    $8.29                     862,105

Equity Compensation Plans
 not Approved by
 Security Holders                          -0-                       N/A                        -0-
                                       ----------                ----------                ------------
Total                                   537,895                    $8.29                     862,105
                                       ==========                ==========                ============

                                     Page 7


The  following  table sets forth  selected  consolidated  financial  data of the
Company as of and for the years ended December 31, 1998,  1999,  2000,  2001 and
2002. The selected  consolidated  statement of operations and balance sheet data
are  derived  from the  Company's  audited  financial  statements.  The  audited
consolidated  financial  statements  for certain of these  periods are  included
elsewhere in this Report.

The  selected  consolidated  financial  data set forth  below  should be read in
conjunction  with,  and are  qualified in their  entirety  by, the  Consolidated
Financial Statements and related notes, "Management's Discussion and Analysis of
Financial  Condition and Results of Operations" and other financial  information
included elsewhere in this Report.

                                                                Fiscal Year Ended
                                                                   December 31
                                                       (in thousands except per share data)
                                            2002           2001            2000          1999         1998
Statements of Operations Data:
Total revenues                           $ 194,171     $ 120,633       $ 125,806      $ 110,055     $86,333
Operating income                            22,681        24,046          23,354         21,035      20,310
Net income (1)                               8,007         7,579           5,821          8,029       7,508
Income applicable to common shareholders     5,430         7,579           5,821          8,029       7,508
Earnings per common share-basic               0.42          0.59            0.45           0.63        0.66
Earnings per common share-diluted             0.41          0.59            0.45           0.63        0.66

Balance Sheet Data(2):
Working capital                           (28,189)        14,090         (2,991)       (12,105)          28
Total assets                               356,710       359,649         304,834        309,132     244,903
Long-term debt and capital leases          101,206       167,795         160,018        159,882     128,378
Current portion, long-term debt and         57,257         4,137           2,922          8,068       2,172
capital leases

Other Data:
EBITDA (3)                                  30,032        30,121          33,754         28,967      26,425
Net cash provided by operating activities   15,133        17,490          11,954         19,067      14,271
Net cash used in investing activities      (8,656)      (22,928)         (7,482)       (13,572)   (108,745)
Net cash provided by (used in)             (9,511)         7,697         (5,353)        (5,405)      93,786
financing activities

(1) The  Company  incurred  extraordinary  expense  net of income  taxes for the
write-off of prepayment  penalties and deferred loan fees in connection with the
repayment of  indebtedness  of $23,000 in 2001,  $10,000 in 1999 and $546,378 in
(2) The  balance  sheet  data as of  December  31,  1999 and 2001  reflects  the
acquisitions of WestCoast Hotels, Inc. and Red Lion Hotels, Inc. on December 31,
1999 and December 31, 2001,  respectively.  However the results of operations of
these  acquired  entities are included in operations  only from the  acquisition
date forward.
(3) EBITDA represents income before income taxes, extraordinary item, cumulative
effect  of  accounting  changes,  interest  expense  (net of  interest  income),
depreciation,  amortization,  gain on asset  disposal,  equity  in  investments,
minority  interests,  and  other  income/expenses.  EBITDA  is not  intended  to
represent cash flow from operations as defined by generally accepted  accounting
principles  and such  information  should not be considered as an alternative to
net  income,  cash flow from  operations  or any other  measure  of  performance
prescribed by generally accepted accounting principles.  While not all companies
calculate  EBITDA in the same fashion and therefore  EBITDA as presented may not
be  comparable  to  similarly  titled  measures  of other  companies,  EBITDA is
included herein because management believes that certain investors find it to be
a useful tool for measuring the Company's ability to service debt. EBITDA is not
necessarily  available for  management's  discretionary  use due to restrictions
included in the Revolving Credit Facility and other considerations.

                                     Page 8

The following is a  reconciliation  of EBITDA to its  comparable  measurement in
accordance with generally accepted  accounting  principles for each of the years
presented (in thousands):

                                                                Year ended December 31,
                                                 2002        2001       2000        1999        1998

EBITDA (as presented above)                  $ 30,032     $ 30,121     $ 33,754    $ 28,967    $ 26,425
 Income tax provision                         (4,369)      (4,503)      (3,306)     (3,737)     (4,310)
 Deferred income tax provision                  1,921        2,240        1,524       2,392         934
 Interest expense                            (10,717)     (12,092)     (14,660)     (9,384)     (8,127)
 Interest and other income, net                   392          247          449         388         356
 Other non-cash operating activities            1,068          366          555         167         174
 Change in working capital accounts           (3,194)        1,111      (6,362)         274     (1,181)
                                           ------------   ----------   ---------   ---------  ----------
Net cash provided by operating activities    $ 15,133     $ 17,490     $ 11,954    $ 19,067    $ 14,271
                                           ============   ==========   =========   =========  ==========

In July 2001,  the  Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board issued  Statement of
Financial  Accounting  Standards No. 142 (SFAS 142),  "Goodwill  and  Intangible
Assets",  which revises the  accounting  for purchased  goodwill and  intangible
assets.  Under SFAS 142,  goodwill and intangible  assets with indefinite  lives
will no longer be amortized, but will be tested for impairment annually and also
in the event of an impairment indicator. The adoption of SFAS No. 142 on January
1, 2002,  resulted in the  elimination of goodwill  amortization of $856,000 for
the year ended December 31, 2002.

Net income and earnings per share  adjusted for goodwill  amortization  for 2001
and years prior compared to fiscal 2002 is as follows (in thousands):


                                                        2002        2001         2000          1999         1998

Reported net income to common shareholders            $ 5,430     $ 7,579      $ 5,821       $ 8,029      $ 7,508
Add back:  goodwill amortization, net of tax                -         537          542            19           25
                                                      ---------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ----------
     Adjusted net income to common shareholders       $ 5,430     $ 8,116      $ 6,363       $ 8,048      $ 7,533
                                                      =========  ===========  ===========  ===========  ==========

Basic earnings per share:
     Reported net income                              $  0.42      $ 0.59       $ 0.45        $ 0.63       $ 0.66
     Goodwill amortization                                  -        0.04         0.04             -            -
                                                      ---------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ----------
     Adjusted earnings per share-basic                $  0.42      $ 0.63       $ 0.49        $ 0.63       $ 0.66
                                                      =========  ===========  ===========  ===========  ==========

Diluted earnings per share:
     Reported net income                              $  0.41      $ 0.59       $ 0.45        $ 0.63       $ 0.66
     Goodwill amortization                                  -        0.04         0.04             -            -
                                                      ---------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ----------
     Adjusted earnings per share-diluted              $  0.41      $ 0.63       $ 0.49        $ 0.63       $ 0.66
                                                      =========  ===========  ===========  ===========  ==========


The Company is primarily engaged in the ownership, management,  development, and
franchising  of mid scale,  full service  hotels.  As of December 31, 2002,  the
hotel system  contained 86 properties  in 15 states,  totaling over 15,000 rooms
and over  717,000  square feet of meeting  space.  The  Company's  hotel  brands
include  WestCoast  and Red  Lion.  In  addition,  the  Company  is  engaged  in
activities related or supplementary to the operation of hotels. These activities
include computerized ticketing services and presenting entertainment productions
and owning, leasing and/or managing commercial and residential properties.

The  Company  operates  in four  reportable  segments:  hotels and  restaurants;
franchise, central service and development;  computerized ticketing services and
presenting   entertainment   productions;   and  real  estate.  The  hotels  and
restaurants  segment  derives  revenue  primarily from room rentals and food and
beverage  operations at the Company's owned and leased properties and management
fees  charged  to  hotel  owners.  Management  fees  are  typically  based  on a
percentage of the hotel's gross revenue plus an incentive fee based on operating
performance.  The franchise,  central service and development  segment primarily
provides  licensing of the Company's  brand names to  franchisees.  This segment
generates  revenue from royalty fees charged to hotel  owners.  Royalty fees are
generally  based on a percent  of room  revenue in  exchange  for the use of the
Company's  brand name and right to participate in central  services  programs to
include  reservation  system,  guest  affinity  programs,  national and regional
sales,  revenue  management tools,  quality  inspections,  advertising and brand
standards.  The ticketing and entertainment  productions segment derives revenue
primarily from computerized  event ticketing  services and promotion of Broadway
shows and other special  events.  The real estate segment  generates its revenue
from  owning,  managing,  leasing  and  developing  commercial  and  residential

                                     Page 9

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles
generally  accepted in the United States  require the Company to make  estimates
and assumptions  that affect the reported  amounts of assets and liabilities and
disclosure of  contingent  assets and  liabilities  at the date of the financial
statements and the reported amounts of revenue and expenses during the reporting
period.   On  an  ongoing  basis,  the  Company   evaluates  its  estimates  and
assumptions,  including those related to valuation of long-lived assets,  assets
held  for  sale,  intangible  assets,  other  assets,  self-insurance  reserves,
collectibility of accounts receivable, contingencies and litigation. The Company
bases its estimates and  judgments on  historical  experience  and various other
factors that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances,  the results
of which form the basis for making  judgments about the carrying value of assets
and liabilities  that are not readily  apparent from other sources.  The Company
believes the following critical accounting  policies,  among others,  affect its
more  significant  estimates and assumptions  used in preparing its consolidated
financial   statements.   Actual   results  could  differ  from   estimates  and

Property and equipment  are stated at cost less  accumulated  depreciation.  The
Company  also  has  investments  in  partnerships  that  own and  operate  hotel
properties. The assessment of long-lived assets for possible impairment requires
the Company to make judgments,  regarding real estate values,  estimated  future
cash flow from the respective  properties and other matters. The Company reviews
the  recoverability  of its  long-lived  assets  when  events  or  circumstances
indicate that the carrying  amount of an asset may not be  recoverable.  For the
year ended  December 31, 2002,  the Company  recognized  an  impairment  loss of
approximately $73 thousand with respect to a partnership investment.

The Company  accounts for assets held for sale in accordance  with  Statement of
Financial  Accounting Standard No. 144 (SFAS 144). The Company's assets held for
sale are  recorded at the lower of their  historical  carrying  value (cost less
accumulated  depreciation) or market value.  Depreciation is terminated when the
asset is determined to be held for sale. If the assets are  ultimately  not sold
within the  guidelines of SFAS 144,  depreciation  is reinstated  for the period
they were held for sale. The Company believes that its assets held for sale will
be completed in 2003, unless circumstances arise that were previously considered

The  Company's  intangible  assets  include  brands and  goodwill.  The  Company
accounts for its brands and goodwill in accordance  with  Statement of Financial
Accounting  Standard No. 142 (SFAS 142).  The Company  expects to receive future
benefits from previously  acquired brands and goodwill over an indefinite period
of time and therefore, effective January 1, 2002, no longer amortizes its brands
and goodwill in accordance with SFAS 142. The annual  impairment review requires
the Company to make certain judgments,  including  estimates of future cash flow
with  respect  to brands  and  estimates  of the  Company's  fair  value and its
components with respect to goodwill. The Company completed its impairment review
of  brands,  goodwill  and other  intangible  assets  which did not result in an
impairment loss during 2002.

The Company's other intangible  assets include  management,  marketing and lease
contracts.  The value of these contracts is amortized on a  straight-line  basis
over the weighted  average life of the respective  agreement.  The assessment of
these  contracts  requires  the  Company to make  certain  judgments,  including
estimated future cash flow from the applicable properties.

The Company is self-insured  for various levels of general  liability,  workers'
compensation  and  employee  medical  and dental  coverage.  Insurance  reserves
include the  present  values of  projected  settlements  for  claims.  Projected
settlements  are estimated based on, among other things,  historical  trends and
actuarial data.

The Company reviews accounts  receivable for  collectibility on a routine basis.
The Company  records an allowance for doubtful  accounts  based on  specifically
identified  amounts  that it believes to be  uncollectible  and amounts that are
past due beyond a certain  date.  The  receivable  is written  off  against  the
allowance  for doubtful  accounts if  collection  attempts  fail.  The Company's
estimate for its  allowance  for  doubtful  accounts is impacted by, among other
things,  national and regional economic conditions,  including the magnitude and
duration of the economic downturn of the United States.

Effective January 1, 2002 the Company  established the WestCoast Central Program
Fund (CPF),  organized in accordance with various domestic franchise agreements.
The CPF is responsible for certain advertising services,  frequent guest program
administration,  reservation  services,  national sales promotions and brand and
revenue  management   services  intended  to  increase  sales  and  enhance  the
reputation of the Company and its franchise  owners  including the WestCoast and
Red Lion branded  properties.  Contributions by the Company to the CPF for owned
and managed hotels and contributions by the franchisees,  through the individual
franchise  agreements,  total  up to 5% of  room  revenue  or  can be  based  on
reservation  fees,  frequent  guest program dues and other  services.  While the
Company administers the functions of the CPF, the net assets and transactions of
the CPF are not  commingled  with the working  capital of the  Company.  The net
assets  and  transactions  of  the  CPF  are,  therefore,  not  included  in the
accompanying  financial  statements in accordance with FASB No. 45,  "Accounting
for Franchise Fee Revenue".

                                    Page 10

Net cash provided by operating  activities totaled  approximately $15.1 million,
$17.5 million and $12.0 million for the years ended December 31, 2002,  2001 and
2000,  respectively.  The decrease in 2002  compared to 2001 was  primarily  the
result of lower operating results and working capital variances. The increase in
2001 over 2000 was also  primarily  due to gains on  property  sales,  insurance
recoveries and working  capital  variances  offset by lower level of business at
the hotel properties.

Net cash used in investing activities decreased $14.3 million from approximately
$22.9  million in 2001 to $8.7 million in 2002  primarily due to the purchase of
Red Lion hotels in 2001, slightly offset by an increase in capital  expenditures
in 2002.  Net cash used in investing  activities  increased  $15.4  million from
approximately $7.5 million in 2000 to $22.9 million in 2001 primarily due to the
purchase of Red Lion Hotels,  offset by the proceeds from asset dispositions and
a lower level of capital expenditures in 2001.

Net cash used in financing activities totaled approximately $9.5 million in 2002
which  generally  relates to the pay down of debt and payment of preferred stock
dividends.  Net cash  provided by financing  activities  totaled $7.7 million in
2001 which consists  primarily of revolving debt borrowings to fund the Red Lion
acquisition.  Net cash used in financing  activities totaled  approximately $5.4
million in 2000 which consists primarily of debt repayment.

Cash and cash equivalents  totaled $2.7 million at December 31, 2002, a decrease
of approximately  $3.0 million from December 31, 2001. The Company believes that
its operating  cash flow,  ability to amend and  refinance its revolving  credit
facility with long-term non-recourse debt by securing mortgages on certain hotel
properties  financing  secured  by  hotels  and  proceeds  from  the sale of its
non-core  assets  will be  sufficient  to meet  its  liquidity  needs.  However,
projections of sources of working capital and future financial needs are subject
to  uncertainty.  Refer to "Other  Matters - Safe  Harbor  for  Forward  Looking
Statements"  for additional  information of conditions  that could affect future
financial needs and sources of working capital.

The Company has a revolving credit facility.  In 2001, the Company  refinanced a
portion of its revolving  credit facility with long term fixed rate mortgages on
certain properties and lowered its commitment to $70 million.  In December 2002,
the Company  reduced its commitment to $58.5  million.  As of December 31, 2002,
approximately  $52.1  million of  borrowings  were  outstanding  under its $58.5
million revolver.

Although  the  revolving  credit  facility  matures  in June 2005,  the  Company
classified  its  outstanding  borrowings  under its $58.5  million  revolver  as
current  debt as of December 31, 2002 due to an  anticipatory  breach of some of
the existing  covenants  in 2003,  which have  currently  not been waived by the
lenders.  If the Company  breaches its covenants and the breach is not waived by
the lender one of the lender's remedies under the credit facility is to call the
debt due at that time.

The Company  intends to refinance its revolving  credit facility either with its
existing  lender  or  other  lenders  into   non-recourse  and  revolving  debt.
Management  believes  that an  adequate  borrowing  base  exists to  secure  the
necessary  financing.  The Company is also pursuing the sale of certain non-core
real estate assets, some of which are included in assets held for sale discussed
in Note 5 of the Notes to  Consolidated  Financial  Statements.  Management  has
implemented certain  operational  efficiencies and cost reduction plans that are
expected to improve  covenant  ratios.  These actions are intended to reduce the
Company's dependence on the revolving credit facility.

The  historical  cash flow of the Company  has been  adequate to service all its
normal operating needs,  service all interest and regularly  scheduled principal
payments and capital  improvements.  Due to the war and the perception of a weak
economy there can be no assurance that future operating performance will provide
adequate  cash flow for the  Company's  needs.  The  ability  of the  Company to
improve its working  capital  position  through the  refinance of its  revolving
credit facility,  improve  operating  results and disposal of non-core assets is
dependent upon lending market  conditions,  the achievement of future  operating
efficiencies  and the  liquidity of the real estate  market where the  Company's
assets  are  located.  There can be no  assurance  that  these  efforts  will be
successful.  For additional  information,  refer to "Financial Liquidity" in the
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements on page 33.

Provisions under the Company's  revolving credit facility  agreement require the
Company to comply with certain  covenants  which include  limiting the amount of
outstanding indebtedness. The Company's revolving credit facility contains three
significant  financial covenants:  total funded debt ratio, recourse funded debt
ratio and fixed  charge  ratio which were  amended in  December  2002 to provide
greater  flexibility during the softer economic  environment.  The Company is in
compliance with its debt covenants as of December 31, 2002.

In addition to the $52.1 million  outstanding  on the revolver,  the Company has
debt and capital lease obligations of approximately  $106 million as of December
31,  2002  primarily  consisting  of  variable  and fixed  rate debt  secured by
individual properties.

                                    Page 11

In December  2001,  the Company  issued 303,771 of Class A and Class B preferred
shares,  respectively,  in connection  with its  acquisition of Red Lion Hotels,
Inc. As a result of  cancelled  franchise  agreements  in 2002,  2,456 shares of
Preferred Series A and B, respectively,  were cancelled  totaling  approximately
$246  thousand.  Dividends  paid on Class A and Class B  preferred  shares  were
$3.50/share and $5.00/share, respectively, for the year ended December 31, 2002,
totaling  approximately  $1.9  million.  For  additional  information,  refer to
"Stockholders'  Equity" in the Notes of the Consolidated Financial Statements on
page 51.

The following table summarizes the Company's significant contractual obligations
as of December 31, 2002 (in thousands):

Contractual Obligations                                           Payments Due by Period
                                        Total       Less Than 1 Year        1-3 Years      4-5 Years   After 5 Years

Long-term debt                       $ 158,195        $ 56,989              $ 15,740       $ 14,179       $ 71,287
Capital lease obligations                  268             268                     -              -              -
Operating leases (1)                   103,953           7,113                16,989         11,326         68,525
Preferred stock dividend (2)            10,496           2,561                 5,926          2,009              -
                                    ------------    --------------       -------------  --------------  -------------
Total contractual obligations        $ 272,912        $ 66,931              $ 38,655       $ 27,514       $139,812
                                    ============    ==============       =============  ==============  =============

(1) Operating lease amounts are net of estimated annual sublease income totaling
$9.9  million.  In early 2003,  the Company  anticipates  entering  into a sales
leaseback agreement for its hotel reservation system totaling approximately $4.1
million and believes this lease will be classified  as an operating  lease.  The
anticipated  sales  leaseback  obligation is not included in the above operating
lease obligations.
(2) Class A and Class B preferred stock quarterly  dividends increase from 7% to
14% if not  redeemed  by  January  2005 and from 10% to 20% if not  redeemed  by
January  2008,  respectively.  The above  preferred  stock  dividend  obligation
assumes Class A and Class B are redeemed in January 2005 and 2008, respectively.
For additional information,  refer to "Stockholders' Equity" in the Notes to the
Consolidated Financial Statements on page 51.

Asset Dispositions
In March  2002,  the  Company  sold a majority  interest  in an office  building
resulting in net proceeds of approximately $1.7 million.  The sale resulted in a
pre-tax gain of $5.8 million. The Company recognized  approximately $3.2 million
of the gain for the year ended December 31, 2002.  The remaining  portion of the
gain is deferred over the six year lease term due to the Company's  leaseback of
a portion of the building. Refer to "Property and Equipment" in the Notes to the
Consolidated Financial Statements on page 37 for additional information.

Assets Held for Sale
The  Company  continues  to seek  opportunities  to divest its  interest  in its
non-core  assets.  The Company  recently  entered into an  agreement  subject to
various contingencies for the sale of an owned hotel property, a mall and excess
land. In addition, the Company has two office buildings with a net book value of
approximately  $21.5  million  classified as assets held for sale as of December
31, 2002.  The Company  anticipates  completing the sale of these assets in 2003
and using the net  proceeds of up to  approximately  $21 million to pay down its
revolving  credit  facility,  if the  transaction  is  consummated  prior to the
Company's anticipated refinance of its $58.5 million revolver, and/or to further
expand  operations.  Two of these properties have been held for sale for a year.
There can be no  assurance  that the Company will be able to  successfully  sell
these properties. For further discussion, refer to the "Financing" section.
Capital Spending

The Company  continues to invest in normal  capital  replacements  to maintain a
consistent quality level at hotels.  However,  the Company may defer its capital
spending depending on economic conditions. The Company spent approximately $10.7
million on various capital  expenditures in 2002 including routine  improvements
and technology,  public area, guest room,  lounge and restaurant  renovations at
owned and leased properties and a new central  reservation  system.  The Company
anticipates spending approximately $9.6 million on capital expenditures in 2003.
The Company  also  anticipates  exercising  its lease option to purchase a hotel
property totaling  approximately  $5.2 million in 2003.  Additionally,  in early
2003, the Company anticipates  entering into a sales leaseback agreement for its
hotel  reservation  system  totaling  approximately  $4.1  million.  The Company
believes the lease will be classified as an operating lease.

The  Company  intends  to grow its  brands  primarily  through  franchising  and
management  contracts,  but may  seek  to  acquire  equity  interests  in  hotel
properties on a selective basis.

In early 2003,  franchise  and  management  contracts  related to 13  franchised
hotels and one managed hotel expired. Revenue related to these contracts totaled
approximately  $1.6 million for the year ended December 31, 2002.  Additionally,
in early 2003, the Company entered into one franchised license agreement and two
pending applications for franchised hotels.

The  Company's  ability to grow the number of franchised  and managed  hotels is
affected by, among other  things,  national  and regional  economic  conditions,
including the magnitude and duration of current economic  slowdown of the United
States; the effects of actual and threatened  terrorist attacks and wars; credit
availability;  relationships  with franchisees and owners;  and competition from
other hotel brands. For additional  information,  refer to "Other Matters - Safe
Harbor for Forward Looking Statements".

                                    Page 12

The  Company  operates  in four  reportable  segments:  hotels and  restaurants;
franchise, central service and development; ticketing services and entertainment
productions;   and  real  estate.   The  Company's  results  of  operations  are
significantly  impacted by occupancy and room rates achieved by hotels,  ability
to manage costs and the relative mix of owned,  leased,  managed and  franchised
hotels.  Future  operating  results could be adversely  impacted by many factors
including  those  discussed in "Other Matters - Safe Harbor for Forward  Looking

Fiscal 2002 Compared With Fiscal 2001
A summary of the Company's  consolidated  results and hotel  statistics  for the
years  ended  December  31, 2002 and 2001 is as follows  (dollars in  thousands,
except per share amounts):

                                                          2002           2001       % Change

Hotels and Restaurants                                 $ 173,320       $ 99,495         74%
Franchise, Central Services and Development                4,137          3,213         29%
TicketsWest                                                7,430          7,497         -1%
Real Estate Division                                       9,001         10,114        -11%
Corporate Services                                           283            314        -10%
                                                         -------        -------        ----
Total Revenues                                           194,171        120,633         61%

Total Direct Expenses                                    169,373         94,691         79%
Undistributed Corporate Expenses                           2,117          1,896         12%
Operating Income                                          22,681         24,046         -6%
Net Income                                                 8,007          7,579          6%
Preferred Stock Dividend                                   2,577              -        100%
Basic EPS                                                   0.42           0.59        -29%
Diluted EPS                                                 0.41           0.59        -31%

Hotel Statistics (1)
                                                          2002           2001        % Change
Hotels at 12/31 (2)                                        86             93           -8%
Rooms at 12/31                                         15,249         16,095           -5%

REV PAR (3), (6)                                      $ 50.40        $ 53.17           -5%
ADR (4)                                               $ 85.19        $ 87.78           -3%
Ave. Occupancy (5), (6)                                 59.2%          60.6%         -1.4%

(1) Hotel  statistics  include  actual hotels and rooms at December 31, 2002 and
2001,  respectively.  Therefore, the 2001 number of hotels and rooms include the
hotels which the Company  acquired  from Red Lion  Hotels,  Inc. on December 31,
2001.  However,  revenue per available room (RevPar),  average daily rate (ADR),
and average  occupancy  statistics do not include Red Lion Hotels,  Inc. as this
acquisition  was  completed on December 31, 2001 and their results of operations
were not included in the  consolidated  revenues and hotel operating  statistics
until 2002. Revpar, ADR and occupancy  statistics in 2002 and 2001 are presented
for comparable hotels (owned,  leased, managed and franchised by the Company for
more than one year).
(2) Agreements  related to 13 franchised hotels and one managed property expired
in early  2003.  Additionally,  in early  2003,  the  Company  entered  into one
franchised license agreement and two pending applications for franchised hotels.
Refer to Item 7 "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
Results  of  Operations - Liquidity  and  Capital  Resources"  for  additional
(3) RevPar represents total room and related revenues divided by total available
rooms, net of rooms out of service due to significant renovations.
(4) ADR represents total room revenues divided by the total number of paid rooms
occupied by hotel guests.
(5) Average  occupancy  represents  total paid rooms  occupied  divided by total
available rooms.  Total available rooms represents the number of rooms available
multiplied by the number of days in the reported period.
(6) Rooms under  renovation  were  excluded  from  RevPar and average  occupancy
percentage.  Due to  the  short  duration  of  renovation,  in  the  opinion  of
management,  excluding  these rooms did not have a material impact on RevPar and
average occupancy percentage.

Total  revenues for 2002 were $194  million,  an increase of  approximately  $74
million or 61% from 2001.  Overall  increase  in  revenues  from 2001 to 2002 is
attributed  to  the   following:

Hotel and restaurant  revenues  increased  approximately $74 million or 74% from
$99.5 million in 2001 to $173.3  million in 2002.  Approximately  $79 million of
the  increase  in hotel and  restaurant  revenues  resulted  primarily  from the
acquisition  of Red Lion Hotels,  Inc.  which closed on December 31, 2001.  This
overall  increase was offset by a continued  soft U.S.  economy,  resulting in a
decrease in demand throughout most segments.  This continued  sluggish demand in
2002  resulted  in a lower  room and  occupancy  rate which  contributed  to the
Company's decrease in RevPar, ADR and average occupancy over 2001.

                                    Page 13

Franchise,  central services and development  revenues  increased  approximately
$900  thousand  or 29%  from  $3.2  million  in 2001 to $4.1  million  in  2002.
Approximately  25% or $1.0 million of the increase was primarily  from franchise
and management  contracts acquired through the purchase of Red Lion Hotels, Inc.
in 2001. This increase was partially offset by a reduced  franchise  application
fee combined with system wide RevPar declines in 2002 compared to 2001 given the
continued softness of the U.S. economy.

TicketsWest  revenues  decreased  approximately  $67  thousand  or 1% from  $7.5
million in 2001 to $7.4 million in 2002.  This decrease was primarily due to the
removal of call center service  revenues and related expenses from the ticketing
and  entertainment  production  division  to a  central  program  fund  which is
administered by the Company  effective January 2002. This decrease was offset by
an overall  increase in  operating  revenue as a result of an increase in venues
and a favorable event mix in 2002 compared to 2001.

Real Estate Division revenues  decreased  approximately $1.1 million or 11% from
$10.1  million in 2001 to $9.0  million in 2002  primarily  from  reduced  lease
revenue which  resulted from the sale of the Company's  majority  interest in an
office building in March 2002.

Direct Expenses
Direct expenses increased approximately $75 million or 79% from $94.7 million in
2001 to $169.4  million in 2002.  Approximately  $73 million of the increase was
due to additional  hotels  operated by the Company given the  acquisition of Red
Lion Hotels in December  2001.  In addition,  this  increase was impacted by the
$1.9  million  decrease  in the net gain on  asset  dispositions  and  insurance
settlements in 2002 compared to 2001.

The overall increase is offset by reduced  amortization expense of approximately
$855  thousand  related to brand  names and  goodwill  and  reduced  call center
expense due to the January  2002 move of call center  services are provided by a
central program fund for franchisees.

Undistributed Corporate Expenses
Undistributed  corporate expenses  increased  approximately $200 thousand or 12%
from $1.9  million in 2001 to $2.1 million in 2002.  The increase was  primarily
due to a one-time  severance  payment related to the integration of the Red Lion

Operating Income
Operating income decreased  approximately  $1.4 million or 6% from $24.0 million
in 2001 to $22.7  million in 2002.  The decrease was  primarily due to continued
soft  market and weak U.S.  economy  resulting  in rate and  occupancy  declines
combined with the approximate  $1.9 million  decrease related to the net gain on
asset dispositions in 2002 compared to 2001.

Interest Expense
Interest expense decreased  approximately $1.4 million or 11% from $12.1 million
in 2001 to $10.7  million in 2002.  The decrease was  attributed to repayment of
outstanding borrowings and a decrease in interest rates charged on the Company's
variable rate debt.

Income Taxes
The  effective  income  rate for  2002  decreased  to 35% from 37% in 2001.  The
decrease in the effective tax rate was  primarily due to the  elimination  of in
goodwill amortization expense in 2002 compared to 2001.

Net Income
Net income increased approximately $400 thousand or 6% from $7.6 million in 2001
to $8.0 million in 2002.

Income applicable to common shareholders decreased approximately $2.1 million or
28% from $7.6  million in 2001 to $5.4  million  in 2002 due to lower  operating
results compared to 2001 combined with  approximately  $2.6 million of preferred
stock  dividends  in 2002  which  did not  occur in 2001 as they  relate  to the
acquisition of Red Lion Hotels, Inc. in December 2001.

Earnings Per Share
Basic earnings per share decreased  approximately  29% from $.59 in 2001 to $.42
in 2002.  Diluted  earnings per share decreased  approximately  31% from $.59 in
2001 to $.41 in  2002.  These  decreases  were  primarily  attributed  to  lower
operating  results  given the  continued  soft U.S.  economy in 2002 compared to

                                    Page 14

Fiscal 2001 Compared With Fiscal 2000

A summary of the Company's  consolidated  results and hotel  statistics  for the
years  ended  December  31, 2001 and 2000 is as follows  (dollars in  thousands,
except per share amounts):

                                                         2001           2000         % Change

Hotels and Restaurants                                $ 99,495       $ 106,540          -7%
Franchise, Central Services and Development              3,213           3,643         -12%
TicketsWest                                              7,497           5,705          31%
Real Estate Division                                    10,114           9,540           6%
Corporate Services                                         314             378         -17%
                                                      ---------       ----------       -----
Total Revenues                                         120,633         125,806          -4%

Total Direct Expenses                                   94,691         100,786          -6%
Undistributed Corporate Expenses                         1,896           1,666          14%
Operating Income                                        24,046          23,354           3%
Net Income                                               7,579           5,821          30%
Basic and Diluted EPS                                     0.59            0.45          31%

Hotel Statistics (1)
                                                         2001           2000         % Change
Hotels at 12/31                                             93             45            107%
Rooms at 12/31                                          16,095          8,704             85%

REV PAR (2), (5)                                       $ 53.26        $ 54.93             -3%
ADR (3)                                                $ 88.08        $ 87.47              1%
Average Occupancy (4), (5)                               60.5%          62.8%           -2.3%

(1) Hotel  statistics  include  actual hotels and rooms at December 31, 2001 and
2000,  respectively.  Therefore, the 2001 number of hotels and rooms include the
hotels which the Company  acquired  from Red Lion  Hotels,  Inc. on December 31,
2001.  However,  revenue per available room (RevPar),  average daily rate (ADR),
and average  occupancy  statistics do not include Red Lion Hotels,  Inc. as this
acquisition  was  completed on December 31, 2001 and their results of operations
were not included in the  consolidated  revenues and hotel operating  statistics
until 2002. Revpar, ADR and occupancy  statistics in 2001 and 2000 are presented
for comparable hotels (owned,  leased, managed and franchised by the Company for
more than one year).
(2) RevPar represents total room and related revenues divided by total available
rooms, net of rooms out of service due to significant renovations.
(3) ADR represents total room revenues divided by the total number of paid rooms
occupied by hotel guests.
(4) Average  occupancy  represents  total paid rooms  occupied  divided by total
available rooms.  Total available rooms represents the number of rooms available
multiplied by the number of days in the reported period.
(5) Rooms under  renovation  were  excluded  from  RevPar and average  occupancy
percentage.  Due to  the  short  duration  of  renovation,  in  the  opinion  of
management,  excluding  these rooms did not have a material impact on RevPar and
average occupancy percentage.

Total  revenues  decreased  $5.2 million,  or 4%, from $125.8 million in 2000 to
$120.6  million  in 2001.  This  decrease  is  attributed  primarily  to general
economic conditions  following the September 11 terrorist attacks,  decreases in
total rooms  occupied and REVPAR  decreases  at the  Comparable  Hotels  (Hotels
owned,  managed and  franchised  by the company for more than one year).  REVPAR
decreased due to the decrease in occupied paid rooms.

Total  hotel and  restaurant  revenues  decreased  $7.0  million  or 7% to $99.5
million in 2001 from  $106.5  million in 2000.  Comparable  Hotel ADR  increased
$0.61 or 0.7% to $88.08 in 2001 from  $87.47 in 2000.  Comparable  Hotel  REVPAR
decreased $1.67 or 3% to $53.26 in 2001 from $54.93 in 2000.

The  Company  completed  the  acquisition  of Red Lion  Hotels,  Inc.  effective
December 31, 2001 which adds annually  1,180,775 room nights under ownership and
1,516,210  room  nights  for which  the  Company  has  management  or  franchise
contracts.  Due to the timing of the Red Lion Hotels, Inc.  acquisition,  it did
not affect 2001 operating  results.  On a pro-forma basis including the Red Lion
hotels,  comparable  hotel  ADR  increased  $1.53 or 1.9% to $81.26 in 2001 from
$79.73 in 2000.  Comparable  hotel pro forma REVPAR  decreased  $1.16 or 2.3% to
$49.50 in 2001 from $50.66 in 2000.

The franchise,  central Services and development revenues decreased $0.4 million
or 11.8% to $3.2 million in 2001 from $3.6 million in 2000. The revenue  decline
is  primarily  related  to a  decrease  in fee income  from  central  purchasing
services for franchised and third party owned hotels.

TicketsWest  revenues increased $1.8 million,  or 31.4%, to $7.5 million in 2001
from $5.7 million in 2000.  TicketsWest  revenue increased  primarily due to the
expanded  venues the Company  services with its expansion  into Colorado and the
increased   shows   presented  by  the  Company  and  increased   attendance  at
entertainment events.

                                    Page 15

Real Estate Division revenue  increased $0.6 million,  or 6.0%, to $10.1 million
in 2001 from $9.5 million in 2000  primarily due to increases in leasing  income
at the company owned office  buildings,  and management  income from  additional
third party management contracts.

Direct Expenses
Direct  expenses  decreased  $6.1 million,  or 6%, to $94.7 million in 2001 from
$100.8 million in 2000, primarily due to gain on asset disposition and insurance
proceeds,  and the  decrease in the number of hotel  guests  served and enhanced
cost  controls in the company owned  hotels,  partially  offset by the increased
costs of  increased  transaction  and sales by the  TicketsWest  division.  This
represents  a decrease in direct  operating  expenses as a  percentage  of total
revenues  to 79% in 2001 from 80% in 2000.  The  increase  in  direct  operating
expense  percentages  is primarily  attributed to decreased  hotel  revenues and
increased depreciation for improvements placed in service during 2001.

Undistributed Corporate Expenses
Undistributed  corporate  operating  expenses  increased $0.2 million or 14%, to
$1.9 million in 2001 from $1.7 million in 2000.  Total  undistributed  corporate
operating  expenses as a percentage of total revenues  increased 0.3% to 1.6% in
2001 from 1.3% in 2000.

Operating income  increased $692 thousand,  or 3%, to $24.0 million in 2001 from
$23.4  million in 2000.  As a percentage  of total  revenues,  operating  income
increased to 20% in 2001 from 19% in 2000. This increase is primarily due to the
gain on asset dispositions and insurance  settlement.  The insurance  settlement
related  to the  insurance  recoveries  in excess  of the net book  value of the
assets  which  were  destroyed  in the fire at one of the  Company's  commercial
office buildings.

Interest Expense
Interest expense  decreased $2.6 million,  or 18%, to $12.1 million in 2001 from
$14.7  million in 2000.  This  decrease is primarily  related to lower  interest
rates charged on the Company's variable rate debt, reduced borrowing due to debt
repayments made by the Company,  and the lower borrowing cost of long term fixed
rate debt implemented during 2001.

Income Taxes
Income tax expense  increased  36%, to $4.5 million in 2001 from $3.3 million in
2000,  due to the increase in income  before  taxes.  The  effective  income tax
provision rate was 37% for 2001 and 36% for 2000.

Net Income
Net income  increased  $1.8  million,  or 30%, to $7.6 million in 2001 from $5.8
million in 2000.

Earnings Per Share
Basic and diluted earnings per share increased approximately 31% to $.59 in 2001
from $.45 in 2000.

New Accounting Pronouncements
In June 2001,  the FASB issued  SFAS No. 143  "Accounting  for Asset  Retirement
Obligations,"  which  amends SFAS No. 19.  This  statement  addresses  financial
accounting  and  reporting for  obligations  associated  with the  retirement of
tangible  long-lived  assets and the associated  asset  retirement  costs.  This
statement  requires that the fair value of a liability  for an asset  retirement
obligation  be  recognized in the period in which it is incurred if a reasonable
estimate of fair value can be made. The  requirements  of this statement must be
implemented  for fiscal  years  beginning  after June 15, 2002;  however,  early
adoption is encouraged. The adoption of this statement is not expected to have a
material effect on the Company's consolidated financial statements.

The FASB also issued SFAS No. 144  "Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of
Long-Lived Assets." This Statement addresses financial  accounting and reporting
for the impairment or disposal of long-lived assets. It supersedes SFAS No. 121,
"Accounting for the Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and for Long-Lived Assets to
Be Disposed Of" and the accounting  and reporting  provisions of APB Opinion No.
30,  "Reporting the Results of Operations - Reporting the Effects of Disposal of
a Segment of a Business,  and Extraordinary,  Unusual and Infrequently Occurring
Events and  Transactions,"  for the  disposal  of a segment of a  business.  The
adoption of this statement on January 1, 2002 did not have a material  effect on
the Company's consolidated financial statements.

In April 2002, the FASB issued SFAS No. 145,  "Rescission of FASB Statements No.
4, 44, and 64,  Amendment of FASB Statement No. 13, and Technical  Corrections".
SFAS  No.  145   updates,   clarifies   and   simplifies   existing   accounting
pronouncements,  by rescinding  SFAS No. 4, which  required all gains and losses
from extinguishment of debt to be aggregated and, if material,  classified as an
extraordinary  item, net of related income tax effect. As a result, the criteria
in Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 30 will now be used to classify those
gains and losses. Additionally,  SFAS No. 145 amends SFAS No. 13 to require that
certain lease modifications that have economic effects similar to sale-leaseback
transactions be accounted for in the same manner as sale-leaseback transactions.
Finally,   SFAS  No.  145  also  makes   technical   corrections   to   existing
pronouncements.  While those  corrections are not substantive in nature, in some
instances,  they may change accounting practice.  The provisions of SFAS No. 145
that amend SFAS No. 13 are effective for  transactions  occurring  after May 15,
2002 with all other  provisions of SFAS No. 145 being  required to be adopted by
the Company on January 1, 2003. The adoption of SFAS No. 145 in 2003 has not had
a material impact on the Company's consolidated financial statements.

                                    Page 16

In July 2002,  the FASB issued SFAS No. 146,  "Accounting  for Costs  Associated
with Exit or Disposal  Activities." SFAS No. 146 requires companies to recognize
costs associated with exit or disposal  activities when they are incurred rather
than at the date of a commitment to an exit or disposal plan.  Examples of costs
covered by the standard  include lease  termination  costs and certain  employee
severance  costs  that  are  associated  with  a   restructuring,   discontinued
operation,  plant  closing,  or other exit or  disposal  activity.  SFAS No. 146
replaces the prior guidance that was provided by EITF Issue No. 94-3, "Liability
Recognition for Certain Employee Termination Benefits and Other Costs to Exit an
Activity (including Certain Costs Incurred in a Restructuring)." SFAS No. 146 is
to be applied  prospectively  to exit or  disposal  activities  initiated  after
December 31, 2002.  Management  currently believes that the adoption of SFAS No.
146 will not have a  material  impact on the  Company's  consolidated  financial

In  December  2002,  the FASB issued SFAS No. 148  "Accounting  for  Stock-Based
Compensation,  Transition  and  Disclosure,  an amendment of FASB  Statement No.
123." SFAS No. 148 provides alternative methods of transition for an entity that
voluntarily changes to the fair value based method of accounting for stock-based
employee compensation.  It also amends the disclosure provisions of SFAS No. 123
to require  prominent  disclosure about the effects of reported net income of an
entity's  accounting  policy  decisions  with  respect to  stock-based  employee
compensation.  Finally,  this  Statement  amends APB  Opinion  No. 28,  "Interim
Financial  Reporting",  to require  disclosure  about  those  effects in interim
financial   information.   The  amendments  to  SFAS  No.  123,  which  provides
alternative  methods of transition for an entity that voluntarily changes to the
fair value based method of accounting for stock-based  employee  compensation is
effective for financial  statements  for fiscal years ending after  December 15,
2002. The amendment to SFAS No. 123 relating to disclosures and the amendment to
Opinion 28 is effective for financial  reports  containing  condensed  financial
statements for interim  periods  beginning  after December 15, 2002.  Management
currently  believes  that the  adoption of SFAS No. 148 will not have a material
impact on the financial statements.

In  November  2002,  the FASB issued FASB  Interpretation  No. 45,  "Guarantor's
Accounting  for  Disclosure  Requirements  for  Guarantees,  Including  Indirect
Guarantees of Indebtedness of Others,  an  interpretation of FASB Statements No.
5, 57 and 107 and  rescission  of FASB  Interpretation  No.  34,  Disclosure  of
Indirect  Guarantees of Indebtedness of Others" ("FIN 45"). FIN 45 clarifies the
requirements  for  a  guarantor's  accounting  for  and  disclosure  of  certain
guarantees issued and outstanding. It also requires a guarantor to recognize, at
the inception of a guarantee,  a liability for the fair value of the  obligation
undertaken  in issuing the  guarantee.  This  interpretation  also  incorporates
without consideration the guidance in FASB Interpretation No. 34, which is being
superseded.  The  adoption  of FIN 45 will not  have a  material  effect  on the
consolidated financial statements and will be applied prospectively.

In January 2003, the FASB issued FASB  Interpretation No. 46,  "Consolidation of
Variable Interest  Entities,  an interpretation of Accounting  Research Bulletin
No. 51,  Consolidated  Financial  Statements"  ("FIN 46").  FIN 46 clarifies the
application of Accounting  Research Bulletin No. 51 to certain entities in which
equity  investors do not have the  characteristics  of a  controlling  financial
interest or do not have sufficient  equity at risk for the entity to finance its
activities without additional subordinated financial support from other parties.
The  adoption  of FIN 46 will not have a  material  effect  on the  consolidated
financial statements.

Inflation has been moderate in recent years,  as measured by fluctuations in the
Consumer  Price Index,  and has not had a  significant  impact on the  Company's

Safe Harbor for Forward-Looking Statements
This Annual Report on Form 10-K contains  forward-looking  statements within the
meaning of Section 21E  of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934. The Company is
including the following  cautionary  statement to make  applicable,  and to take
advantage of, the safe harbor  provisions of the Private  Securities  Litigation
Reform Act of 1995 for any forward-looking  statements made by, or on behalf of,
the Company.  Forward-looking  statements include  statements  concerning plans,
objectives, goals, strategies,  projections of future events or performance, and
underlying  assumptions  (many  of  which  are  based,  in  turn,  upon  further
assumptions).   Forward-looking   statements  are  all  statements   other  than
statements of  historical  fact,  including  without  limitation  those that are
identified  by  the  use  of  words  such  as,  but  not  limited  to,   "will,"
"anticipates,"   "seeks  to,"  "estimates,"   "expects,"   "intends,"   "plans,"
"predicts,"  and  similar  expressions,  but the absence of these words does not
mean a  statement  is not  forward-looking.  From time to time,  the Company may
publish or otherwise make available  forward-looking  statements of this nature.
All such  subsequent  forward-looking  statements,  whether  written or oral and
whether made by or on behalf of the  Company,  are also  expressly  qualified by
these cautionary statements.

                                    Page 17

Such statements are inherently  subject to a variety of risks and  uncertainties
that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed.  Such
risks and uncertainties include, among others:

o magnitude  and  duration of war,  international  conflicts,  economic  cycles,
including  fluctuations  in regional  economic  conditions  and  seasonality  of
lodging industry
o actual and threatened terrorist attacks and international conflicts, and their
impacts on travel
o changes in future demand and supply for hotel rooms
o competitive conditions in the lodging industry
o relationships with franchisees and properties
o changes in energy, healthcare, insurance and other operating expenses
o impact of government regulations
o ability to obtain financing through debt and/or equity issuance
o ability to sell non-core assets
o ability to locate  lessees  for  rental  property  and  managing  and  leasing
properties owned by third parties
o dependency  upon the ability and experience of executive  officers and ability
to retain or replace such officers

The Company's expectations,  beliefs and projections are expressed in good faith
and are believed by the Company to have a reasonable  basis,  including  without
limitation  management's   examination  of  historical  operating  trends,  data
contained in the Company's  records and other data available from third parties,
but  there can be no  assurance  that the  Company's  expectations,  beliefs  or
projections will be achieved or accomplished.  Furthermore,  any forward-looking
statement  speaks only as of the date on which such  statement is made,  and the
Company  undertakes  no obligation  to update any  forward-looking  statement to
reflect  events  or  circumstances  that  occur  after  the date on  which  such
statement is made or to reflect the  occurrence  of  unanticipated  events.  New
factors  emerge from time to time,  and it is not  possible  for  management  to
predict all of such factors, nor can it assess the impact of each such factor on
the Company's business or the extent to which any such factor, or combination of
factors,  may cause actual results to differ  materially from those contained in
any forward-looking statement.


The following tables summarize the financial  instruments held by the Company at
December 31, 2002 and 2001, which are sensitive to changes in interest rates. At
December 31, 2002,  approximately  40.2% of the Company's debt and capital lease
obligations are subject to changes in market interest rates and are sensitive to
those changes.

The following  table  presents  principal cash flows for debt and capital leases
outstanding  at December  31,  2002,  by maturity  date and the related  average
interest rate (in thousands).

                                                Outstanding Debt and Capital Lease Obligations
                               2003       2004        2005        2006        2007     There-after   Total       Fair Value
Note payable to bank (a)     $52,100       $ -         $ -         $ -         $ -         $ -       $52,100     $52,100
Long-term debt:
   Fixed rate                  4,044     2,985       6,832       3,069       3,298       74,222       94,450      94,450
     interest rate             7.78%     7.80%       7.81%       7.81%       7.83%        7.85%
   Variable rate                 845       893         949       1,012         702        7,244       11,645      11,645
     interest rate             5.48%     5.47%       5.47%       5.46%       5.45%        5.41%
Capital lease obligations        268         -           -           -           -            -          268         268
     interest rate             8.58%       - %         - %         - %         - %          - %

(a) The  interest  rate on the note  payable  is based on LIBOR  plus a variable
interest  margin based on the Company's  funded debt ratio.  The interest margin
can vary from 205 - 350 basis points.  At December 31, 2002, the interest margin
was 275 basis points.

The following  table  presents  principal cash flows for debt and capital leases
outstanding  at December  31,  2001,  by maturity  date and the related  average
interest rate (in thousands).

                                                Outstanding Debt and Capital Lease Obligations
                                2002        2003      2004      2005     2006      There-after     Total     Fair Value
Note payable to bank (a)         $ -      $54,250      $ -        $ -      $ -           $ -      $54,250     $54,250
Long-term debt:
   Fixed rate                  2,861        4,586    2,869      6,742    2,967        80,365      100,390     100,390
     interest rate             7.66%        7.67%    7.69%      7.70%    7.71%         7.73%
   Variable rate                 892          953    1,032      1,113    1,202        11,448       16,640      16,640
     interest rate             6.99%        7.02%    7.04%      7.06%    7.09%         7.13%
Capital lease  obligations       384          268        -          -        -             -          652         652
     interest rate             8.23%        8.59%      - %        - %      - %           - %

(a) The  interest  rate on the note  payable  is based on LIBOR  plus a variable
interest  margin based on the Company's  funded debt ratio.  The interest margin
can vary from 180 - 325 basis points.  At December 31, 2001, the interest margin
was 250 basis points.

                                    Page 18


See  Item 14 of this  report  for  information  with  respect  to the  financial
statements filed as a part hereof, including financial statements filed pursuant
to the requirements of this Item 8.

Selected Quarterly Data
                                                   Unaudited - dollars in thousands except per share amounts
                                                          First         Second         Third         Fourth
                                                         Quarter        Quarter       Quarter        Quarter

     Revenues                                            $42,469        $51,623       $55,685        $44,394
     Operating income                                      4,574          8,426         9,419            262
     Income (loss) before income tax                       1,654          5,842         6,971        (2,091)
     Net income (loss)                                     1,070          3,780         4,510        (1,353)
     Earnings (loss) per common share - Basic               0.03           0.24          0.30         (0.15)
     Earnings (loss) per common share - Diluted             0.03           0.24          0.29         (0.15)

     Revenues                                            $28,152        $32,418       $33,844        $26,219
     Operating income                                      3,307          6,495         7,263          1,912
     Income (loss) before tax                                676          4,555         2,924          (553)
     Net income (loss)                                       676          4,532         2,924          (553)
     Earnings (loss) per common share - Basic & Diluted     0.05           0.35          0.23         (0.04)

                                    Page 19

Report of Independent Certified Public Accountants

The Board of Directors and Stockholders
WestCoast Hospitality Corporation
Spokane, Washington

We have  audited  the  accompanying  consolidated  balance  sheets of  WestCoast
Hospitality  Corporation  and its  subsidiaries as of December 31, 2002 and 2001
and the related  consolidated  statements  of income,  changes in  stockholders'
equity, and cash flows for the years then ended. These financial  statements are
the responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express
an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted
in the  United  States of  America.  Those  standards  require  that we plan and
perform the audit to obtain  reasonable  assurance  about  whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a
test basis,  evidence  supporting  the amounts and  disclosures in the financial
statements.  An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and
significant  estimates  made by  management,  as well as evaluating  the overall
financial  statement  presentation.   We  believe  that  our  audits  provide  a
reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the consolidated  financial statements referred to above present
fairly,  in  all  material   respects,   the  financial  position  of  WestCoast
Hospitality  Corporation and its subsidiaries at December 31, 2002 and 2001, and
the results of their operations and their cash flows for the years then ended in
conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of

As discussed in Note 2 to the  consolidated  financial  statements,  the Company
changed its method of accounting for goodwill in 2002.

BDO Seidman, LLP

February  5, 2003
Spokane, Washington

                                    Page 20

Report of Independent Accountants

The Board of Directors and Stockholders
WestCoast Hospitality Corporation

In  our  opinion,   the  consolidated   statements  of  income,  of  changes  in
stockholders'  equity  and of cash flows for the year ended  December  31,  2000
present  fairly,  in all material  respects,  the results of operations and cash
flows of WestCoast  Hospitality  Corporation and its  subsidiaries  for the year
ended  December 31, 2000, in conformity  with  accounting  principles  generally
accepted in the United States of America.  These  financial  statements  are the
responsibility of the Company's management;  our responsibility is to express an
opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit
of these statements in accordance with auditing standards  generally accepted in
the United  States of America,  which require that we plan and perform the audit
to obtain reasonable  assurance about whether the financial  statements are free
of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting the amounts and  disclosures in the financial  statements,  assessing
the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and
evaluating the overall  financial  statement  presentation.  We believe that our
audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Portland, Oregon
February 1, 2001

                                    Page 21

WestCoast Hospitality Corporation
Consolidated Balance Sheets
December 31, 2002 and 2001
(in thousands, except share data)

                                                                        2002                2001
    Current assets:
      Cash and cash equivalents                                   $     2,701         $     5,735
      Accounts receivable, net                                          9,559               9,101
      Inventories                                                       2,040               2,380
      Assets held for sale                                             34,408              21,403
      Prepaid expenses and other                                        2,693               1,410
                                                                ------------------  ------------------
             Total current assets                                      51,401              40,029
                                                                ------------------  ------------------
    Property and equipment, net                                       241,255             257,656
    Goodwill                                                           28,042              28,042
    Other intangible assets, net                                       15,188              16,518
    Other assets, net                                                  20,824              17,404
                                                                ------------------  ------------------
             Total assets                                        $    356,710        $    359,649
                                                                ==================  ==================

    Current liabilities:
      Accounts payable                                           $      6,773        $     4,756
      Accrued payroll and related benefits                              6,173              6,866
      Accrued interest payable                                            695                777
      Income taxes payable                                                  -                822
      Advanced deposits                                                   198              1,542
      Other accrued expenses                                            8,494              7,039
      Notes payable to bank                                            52,100                  -
      Long-term debt, due within one year                               4,889              3,753
      Capital lease obligations, due within one year                      268                384
                                                                ------------------  ------------------
             Total current liabilities                                 79,590              25,939
                                                                ------------------  ------------------
    Long-term debt, due after one year                                101,206             113,277
    Notes payable to bank                                                   -              54,250
    Capital lease obligations, due after one year                           -                 268
    Deferred income                                                     2,626                   -
    Deferred income taxes                                              16,261              14,160
    Minority interest in partnerships                                   2,911               2,940
                                                                ------------------  ------------------
             Total liabilities                                        202,594             210,834
                                                                ------------------  ------------------

Commitments and contingencies (Notes 3, 14 and 15)

Stockholders' equity:
    Preferred stock - 5,000,000 shares authorized; $0.01 par value;
    $50 per share liquidation value:
      Class A - 301,315 and 303,771 shares issued and outstanding           3                   3
      Class B - 301,315 and 303,771 shares issued and outstanding           3                   3
    Additional paid-in capital, preferred stock                        30,125              30,371
    Common stock - 50,000,000 shares authorized; $0.01 par value;
      12,981,878 and 12,959,700 shares issued and outstanding             130                 130
    Additional paid-in capital, common stock                           84,083              83,966
    Retained earnings                                                  39,772              34,342
                                                                ------------------  ------------------
             Total stockholders' equity                               154,116             148,815
                                                                ------------------  ------------------
             Total liabilities and stockholders' equity          $    356,710        $    359,649
                                                                ==================  ==================

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.

                                    Page 22

WestCoast Hospitality Corporation
Consolidated Statements of Income
For the Years Ended December 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000
(in thousands, except per share data)

                                                                         2002               2001              2000
    Hotels and Restaurants                                            $ 173,320          $  99,495         $ 106,540
    Franchise, Central Services and Development                           4,137              3,213             3,643
    TicketsWest                                                           7,430              7,497             5,705
    Real Estate Division                                                  9,001             10,114             9,540
    Corporate Services                                                      283                314               378
                                                                     ----------------   ----------------  ----------------
           Total revenues                                               194,171            120,633           125,806
                                                                     ----------------   ----------------  ----------------
Operating expenses:
      Hotels and Restaurants                                            148,675             74,560            78,626
      Franchise, Central Services and Development                         1,990              1,796             1,207
      TicketsWest                                                         6,343              7,258             5,702
      Real Estate Division                                                4,778              4,734             4,378
      Corporate Services                                                    222                183               227
      Depreciation and amortization                                      10,517             10,323             9,578
      Amortization of goodwill                                                -                855               874
      Gain on asset dispositions including recoveries                   (3,166)            (5,103)              (52)
      Conversion expense                                                     14                 85               246
                                                                     ----------------   ----------------  ----------------
           Total direct expenses                                        169,373             94,691           100,786
    Undistributed corporate expenses                                      2,117              1,896             1,666
                                                                     ----------------   ----------------  ----------------
           Total expenses                                               171,490             96,587           102,452
                                                                     ----------------   ----------------  ----------------
Operating income                                                         22,681             24,046            23,354
Other income (expense):
    Interest expense, net of amounts capitalized                       (10,717)           (12,092)          (14,660)
    Interest income                                                         372                247               315
    Other income                                                             20                  -               134
    Equity in investments                                                    28                 92               100
    Minority interest in partnerships                                       (8)              (188)             (116)
                                                                     ----------------   ----------------  ----------------
Income before income taxes                                               12,376             12,105             9,127
Income tax provision                                                      4,369              4,503             3,306
                                                                     ----------------   ----------------  ----------------
Income before extraordinary item                                          8,007              7,602             5,821
Extraordinary item, net of tax benefit                                        -                (23)                -
                                                                     ----------------   ----------------  ----------------
Net income                                                                8,007              7,579             5,821
Preferred stock dividend                                                (2,577)                 -                 -
                                                                     ----------------   ----------------  ----------------
Income applicable to common shareholders                               $  5,430           $  7,579          $  5,821
                                                                     ================   ================  ================

                                    Page 23

WestCoast Hospitality Corporation
Consolidated Statements of Income, Continued
For the Years Ended December 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000
(in thousands, except per share data)

                                                                         2002          2001           2000

Earnings per common share:
    Income per common share before extraordinary item                  $ 0.42        $ 0.59          $ 0.45
    Extraordinary item                                                      -             -               -
                                                                    ------------    ------------    ----------
    Earnings per share - basic                                         $ 0.42        $ 0.59          $ 0.45
                                                                    ============    ============    ==========
    Earnings per share - diluted                                       $ 0.41        $ 0.59          $ 0.45
                                                                    ============    ============    ==========

Weighted-average shares outstanding - basic                            12,975        12,953          12,941
                                                                    ============    ============    ==========
Weighted-average shares outstanding - diluted                          13,285        13,239          13,237
                                                                    ============    ============    ==========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.

                                    Page 24

WestCoast Hospitality Corporation
Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders' Equity
For the Years Ended December 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000
(in thousands, except share data)

                                            Preferred Stock                           Common Stock
                                  -----------------------------------   --------------------------------------
                                                       Additional                                  Additional
                                                        Paid-In                                      Paid-In      Retained
                                  Shares     Amount     Capital          Shares        Amount        Capital      Earnings

Balances, January 1, 2000           -         $ -        $ -          12,925,276       $ 129        $ 83,761      $ 20,942
    Net income                                                                                                       5,821
    Stock issued under employee
      stock purchase plan                                                 26,429                         175
    Stock issued to directors                                              1,578                          12
    Retirement of stock                                                 (20,177)                       (103)
Balances, December 31, 2000         -           -          -          12,933,106         129          83,845       26,763
    Net income                                                                                                      7,579
    Stock issued under employee
      stock purchase plan                                                 24,139           1             106
    Stock issued for acquisition
      of subsidiaries            607,542        6         30,371
    Stock issued to directors                                              2,455                          15
Balances, December 31, 2001      607,542        6         30,371      12,959,700         130          83,966       34,342
    Net income                                                                                                      8,007
    Preferred stock dividends:
      Series A ($3.50 per share)                                                                                  (1,061)
      Series B ($5.00 per share)                                                                                  (1,516)
    Retirement of stock
      Series A                   (2,456)        -          (123)
      Series B                   (2,456)        -          (123)
    Stock issued under employee
      stock purchase plan                                                 19,902                         102
    Stock issued to directors                                              2,276                          15
Balances, December 31, 2002      602,630      $ 6       $ 30,125      12,981,878      $ 130         $ 84,083    $ 39,772
The  accompanying  notes  are an  integral  part of the  consolidated  financial

                                    Page 25

WestCoast Hospitality Corporation
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
For the Years Ended December 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000
(in thousands)

                                                                           2002            2001           2000
Operating activities:
    Net income                                                           $ 8,007         $ 7,579        $ 5,821
      Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided
        by operating activities:
           Depreciation and amortization                                  10,517          11,178         10,452
           (Gain) loss on disposition of property and equipment          (3,166)         (1,353)            194
           Gain on insurance settlement                                        -         (3,782)              -
           Deferred income tax provision                                   1,921           2,240          1,524
           Minority interest in partnerships                                   8             188            116
           Equity in investments                                            (28)            (92)          (100)
           Extraordinary item, write-off of deferred loan fees                 -               9              -
           Compensation expense related to stock issuance                     15              15             12
           Provision for doubtful accounts                                 1,053             397            297
      Change in assets and liabilities, net of effects of
        purchase of subsidiary:
           Accounts receivable                                           (1,556)            (71)          1,019
           Inventories                                                       105             (7)           (20)
           Prepaid expenses, deposits and income taxes
             refundable                                                  (1,322)           (393)            145
           Accounts payable and income taxes payable                       1,046             129         (2,275)
           Accrued payroll and related benefits                            (693)           1,448           (571)
           Accrued interest payable                                         (82)              69            (13)
           Other accrued expenses and advance deposits                     (692)             (64)        (4,647)
                                                                        ------------    ------------   ------------
             Net cash provided by operating activities                    15,133           17,490         11,954
                                                                        ------------    ------------   ------------
Investing activities:
    Additions to property and equipment                                 (10,708)          (6,769)        (7,739)
    Proceeds from disposition of property and equipment                    1,845            1,792              -
    Cash paid for acquisition of subsidiary, net of cash received              -         (17,816)              -
    Distribution from partnership investments                                192                -              -
    Payment received on note receivable                                        -               67              -
    Other, net                                                                15            (202)            257
                                                                        ------------    ------------   ------------
               Net cash used in investing activities                     (8,656)         (22,928)        (7,482)
                                                                        ------------    ------------   ------------
Financing activities:
    Distributions to minority owners                                        (37)            (129)           (33)
    Proceeds from note payable to bank                                    10,800           21,150         15,137
    Repayment of note payable to bank                                   (12,950)         (73,400)        (9,900)
    Proceeds from long-term debt                                               -           74,400              -
    Repayment of long-term debt                                          (4,257)         (12,624)        (9,707)
    Proceeds from issuance of common stock under employee
      stock purchase plan                                                    102              107            175
    Preferred stock dividend payments                                    (1,937)                -              -
    Principal payments on capital lease obligations                        (384)            (534)          (648)
    Additions to deferred financing costs                                  (848)          (1,273)          (377)
                                                                        ------------    ------------   ------------
               Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities       (9,511)            7,697        (5,353)
                                                                        ------------    ------------   ------------
Change in cash and cash equivalents:
    Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                 (3,034)            2,259          (881)
    Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                         5,735            3,476          4,357
                                                                        ------------    ------------   ------------
    Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                             $ 2,701          $ 5,735        $ 3,476
                                                                        ============    ============   ============

The  accompanying  notes  are an  integral  part of the  consolidated  financial

                                    Page 26

WestCoast Hospitality Corporation
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows, Continued
For the Years Ended December 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000
(in thousands)

                                                                           2002            2001           2000

Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information:
    Cash paid during year for:
      Interest (net of amount capitalized)                              $ 10,799        $ 12,023       $ 14,673
      Income taxes                                                      $  4,376        $  1,424       $  1,791

    Noncash investing and financing activities:
      Addition of note receivable on sale of building                   $  2,607        $      -       $      -
      Investment in real estate venture exchanged for property          $  1,194        $      -       $      -
      Assignment of debt to purchaser of building                       $  7,198        $      -       $      -
      Preferred stock dividends declared                                $  2,577        $      -       $      -
      Retirement of preferred stock for refund of contracts             $  (246)        $      -       $      -
      Note payable for real estate                                      $    520        $      -       $      -
      Assumption of capital leases                                      $      -        $      -       $    108
      Acquisitions of property through debt, liabilities or
        reduction of note receivable                                    $      -        $      -       $    602
      Issuance of stock for acquisition of subsidiary                   $      -        $ 30,377       $      -
      Redemption of stock for satisfaction of receivable                $      -        $      -       $    103

                                    Page 27

WestCoast Hospitality Corporation
Notes to Financial Statements

1. Organization

WestCoast  Hospitality  Corporation (the "Company") is primarily  engaged in the
ownership,  management,  development, and franchising of mid scale, full service
hotels.  As of December  31, 2002,  the system  contained  86  properties  in 15
states,  totaling  over  15,000  rooms and over  717,000  square feet of meeting
space.  The  Company  owned an interest  in and  operated  29 hotels,  leased 14
hotels,  managed seven hotels owned by others and franchised 36 hotels owned and
operated by third  parties at December  31,  2002.  The  Company's  hotel brands
include  WestCoast(R)  and RedLion(R).  All properties are located in the United

The  Company is also  engaged in  activities  related  or  supplementary  to the
operation of hotels.  These activities include  computerized  ticketing services
and presenting  entertainment  productions through its TicketsWest  division and
owning,   leasing,   developing  and/or  managing   commercial  and  residential
properties through its G&B Real Estate division.

The Company was  incorporated  in the State of  Washington  on April 25, 1978. A
substantial  portion of the Company's  assets are held in WestCoast  Hospitality
Limited  Partnership  ("WHLP").  WHLP was  formed  in the State of  Delaware  on
October 23, 1997. The Company is the sole general partner and  approximately 98%
owner of WHLP and manages its operations.

The  consolidated   financial  statements  include  the  accounts  of  WestCoast
Hospitality Corporation, its wholly owned subsidiaries,  its general and limited
partnership  interest in WHLP, a 50% interest in a limited  partnership  and its
equity basis investment in two limited  partnerships.  All of these entities are
collectively  referred  to as "the  Company"  or  "WestCoast".  All  significant
intercompany  transactions and accounts have been eliminated in the consolidated
financial statements.

2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash equivalents consist of short-term, highly liquid investments with remaining
maturities at time of purchase of three months or less.  The Company  places its
cash with high credit quality  institutions.  At times,  cash balances may be in
excess of federal insurance limits.

The Company maintains several trust accounts for owners of real properties which
it manages. These cash accounts are not owned by the Company and therefore,  are
not included in the consolidated financial statements.  At December 31, 2002 and
2001,   these   accounts   totaled   approximately   $2,140,000  and  $1,753,000

At December  31, 2002 and December  31,  2001,  $1.9  million and $1.1  million,
respectively  was reserved for the future  payment of  insurance,  furniture and
fixtures and personal  taxes for four  specific  hotel  properties in accordance
with bank debt requirements.

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
The Company  records an allowance for doubtful  accounts  based on  specifically
identified  amounts  that the  Company  believes to be  uncollectible  and those
accounts  that  are past  due  beyond a  certain  date.  If  actual  collections
experience  changes,  revisions  to the  allowance  may be  required.  After all
attempts to collect a receivable  have  failed,  the  receivable  is written off
against the allowance.

The following  schedule  summarizes  the activity in the  allowance  account for
trade accounts receivable for the past three years (in thousands):

                                                       2002              2001             2000

    Balance, beginning of year                      $   420            $   49          $   141
    Additions to allowance                            1,053               397              297
    Addtions due to acquisitions                          -               181                -
    Deductions, net of recoveries                     (886)             (207)            (389)
                                                 ----------------  ---------------- ----------------
    Balance, end of year                            $   587            $  420          $    49
                                                 ================  ================ ================

Inventories consist primarily of food and beverage products held for sale at the
restaurants  operated  by the  Company.  Inventories  are valued at the lower of
cost, determined on a first-in, first-out basis, or net realizable value.

Assets Held for Sale
The  Company's  buildings  which are held for sale are  recorded at the lower of
their historical  carrying value (cost less accumulated  depreciation) or market
value.  Depreciation  is terminated  when the asset is determined to be held for

                                    Page 28

In order to qualify as an asset held for sale in  accordance  with SFAS 144, the
asset is expected to qualify for recognition as a completed sale within one year
unless  during the one year period,  circumstances  arise that  previously  were
considered unlikely and, as a result a long-lived asset previously classified as
held for sale is not sold by the end of that  period and (1) during the  initial
one year period the Company initiated actions necessary to respond to the change
in  circumstances,  (2) the asset is being actively  marketed at a price that is
reasonable given the change in circumstances.

Property and Equipment
Property and  equipment is stated at cost.  Depreciation  is provided  using the
straight-line  method  over the  lesser  of the  estimated  useful  lives of the
related assets or the lease term as follows:

        Buildings                                 25-40 years
        Equipment                                 3-20 years
        Furniture and fixtures                    5-15 years
        Landscaping and land improvements         15 years

Major  additions and  betterments  are  capitalized.  Costs of  maintenance  and
repairs  which do not improve or extend the lives of the  respective  assets are
expensed  currently.   When  items  are  disposed  of,  the  related  costs  and
accumulated  depreciation  are removed from the accounts and any gain or loss is
recognized in operations. Management of the Company periodically reviews the net
carrying value of all properties to determine whether there has been a permanent
impairment of value and assesses the need for any write-downs in carrying value.

Interest Capitalization
The  Company  capitalizes  interest  costs  during the  construction  period for
qualifying assets. During the years ended December 31, 2002, 2001, and 2000, the
Company  capitalized  approximately  $84,000,  $253,000 and $468,000 of interest
costs, respectively.

Brand Name, Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets
Brand name and goodwill are indefinite  life intangible  assets  attributable to
the purchase prices of acquisitions,  which were in excess of the estimated fair
values of net tangible and  identifiable  intangible  assets  acquired.  Through
December 31, 2001 these assets were being amortized over 20 to 40 years.

Other intangible assets include lease,  management and franchise contracts.  The
costs of these contracts are amortized over the weighted-average  remaining term
of  approximately  nine years.  At December 31, 2002,  the cost and  accumulated
amortization   of  these   contracts   was  $10.4   million  and  $2.1  million,
respectively.  At December 31, 2001, the cost and  accumulated  amortization  of
these contracts was $10.9 and $1.3 million,  respectively.  Amortization expense
related to these  contracts for the years ended December 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000
was approximately $860,000, $649,000 and $631,000 respectively.

In July 2001,  the  Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board issued  Statement of
Financial  Accounting  Standards No. 142 (SFAS 142),  "Goodwill  and  Intangible
Assets",  which revises the  accounting  for purchased  goodwill and  intangible
assets.  Under SFAS 142,  goodwill and intangible  assets with indefinite  lives
will no longer be amortized, but will be tested for impairment annually and also
in the event of an  impairment  indicator.  The Company  evaluated the goodwill,
finite and indefinite life of intangible assets and determined that there was no
impairment during 2002.

The adoption of SFAS No. 142 on January 1, 2002,  resulted in the elimination of
goodwill  amortization  of  $855,000  for the  year  ended  December  31,  2002.
Accumulated  amortization  at December  31, 2002 and 2001  remained  the same at
approximately $2,079,000 since during 2002 there was no additional amortization.

Net income and earnings per share  adjusted for goodwill  amortization  for 2001
and 2000 compared to fiscal 2002 is as follows (in thousands):

                                                      2002        2001         2000

Reported net income to common shareholders         $ 5,430     $ 7,579      $ 5,821
Add back:  goodwill amortization, net of tax             -         537          542
                                                   ----------  ----------  ---------
     Adjusted net income to
     common shareholders                           $ 5,430     $ 8,116      $ 6,363
                                                   ==========  ==========  =========
Basic earnings per share:
     Reported net income                           $  0.42     $  0.59      $  0.45
     Goodwill amortization                               -        0.04         0.04
                                                   ----------  ----------  ---------
     Adjusted earnings per share-basic             $  0.42     $  0.63      $  0.49
                                                   ==========  ==========  =========

Diluted earnings per share:
     Reported net income                           $  0.41     $  0.59      $  0.45
     Goodwill amortization                               -        0.04         0.04
                                                   ----------  ----------  ---------
     Adjusted earnings per share-diluted           $  0.41     $  0.63      $  0.49

                                    Page 29

As of December 31, 2002, a summary of goodwill and other intangible assets is as
follows (in thousands):

                                                        Cost             Amortization           Net

      Goodwill                                       $ 28,042                (a)             $ 28,042

      Intangible assets:
       Management and franchise contracts            $  6,007          $ (1,978)             $  4,029
       Other intangible assets                             66               (17)                   49
       Lease contracts                                  4,332              (144)                4,188
       Brand name                                       6,878                (a)                6,878
       Trademark                                           44                (a)                   44
      Total other intangible assets                  $ 17,327          $ (2,139)             $ 15,188

      (a) Goodwill and intangible assets with an indefinite life are not subject to amortization.

Estimated amortization expense for intangible assets over the next five years is
as follows (in thousands):

          Years Ending
          December 31,

              2003                            $     783
              2004                                  783
              2005                                  783
              2006                                  756
              2007                                  522

Goodwill  attributable  to  each  of the  Company's  business  segments  at both
December 31, 2002 and 2001 is as follows (in thousands):

              TicketsWest                     $   3,161
              Franchise, Central services
                and Development                  24,427
              Hotels and Restaurants                454
              Total                           $  28,042

There were no changes to goodwill during 2002

Valuation of Long-Lived Assets
The carrying value of the Company's  long-lived  assets are reviewed when events
or changes in  circumstances  indicate that the carrying  amount of an asset may
not be  recoverable.  If it is determined  that an impairment  loss has occurred
based on expected net future cash flows of the asset, then an impairment loss is
recognized in the income statement using a fair value based method.

Other Assets
Other  assets  primarily  includes  amounts  expended  for  deferred  loan fees,
purchase option payments,  straight-line rental income, a minority interest in a
limited liability company, investments in partnerships and a note receivable.

Deferred loan fees are amortized  using the interest method over the term of the
related loan agreement.  The Company has deferred  purchase option payments made
pursuant to purchase  agreements for hotel  properties which are currently being
leased and operated by the  Company.  If the options are  exercised,  the option
payments will be amortized as part of the purchase  price of the hotels.  If the
options are not exercised, the option payments will be charged to operations.

The Company's investment in the limited liability company is accounted for under
the cost method. Investment in a partnership over which the Company can exercise
significant  influence is accounted  for by the equity  method,  under which the
Company  recognizes its proportionate  share of partnership  earnings and treats
distributions as a reduction in its investment.

The Company's  $2.6 million note  receivable at December 31, 2002 bears interest
at 7.36%.  Monthly principal and interest is due until August 2007 when the note
is due in full.

Income Taxes
WestCoast Hospitality Corporation is a tax paying entity and accounts for income
taxes using the liability  method,  which  requires that deferred tax assets and
liabilities  be  determined  based  on the  temporary  differences  between  the
financial statement carrying amounts and tax bases of assets and liabilities and
tax  attributes  using  enacted  tax  rates in  effect in the years in which the
temporary differences are expected to reverse.

WHLP and the other partnerships which are partially or wholly owned by WestCoast
Hospitality  Corporation are not tax paying  entities.  However,  the income tax
attributes of these partnerships flow through to the respective  partners of the

                                    Page 30

Revenue Recognition
Revenue is generally recognized as services are performed.  Hotel and restaurant
revenue primarily  represent room rental and food and beverage sales from owned,
leased and  consolidated  joint venture hotels and are recognized at the time of
the hotel stay or sale of the restaurant services. Hotel and restaurant revenues
also include  management  fees the Company earns from managing third party owned
hotels.  These fees totaled $1.9 million,  $2.3 million and $2.2 million for the
years ended December 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000, respectively.  Franchise,  Central
Services and  Development  fees represent  fees received in connection  with the
franchise of the Company's brand name as well as central purchasing, development
and other fees.  Franchise fees are recognized as earned in accordance  with the
contractual  terms of the franchise  agreements.  Other fees are recognized when
the services are provided.

Real Estate Division income represents both lease income on owned commercial and
retail properties as well as property  management  income,  development fees and
leasing and sales commissions from residential and commercial properties managed
by the Company,  typically  under  long-term  contracts with the property owner.
Lease revenues are recognized over the period of the leases. The Company records
rental income from operating  leases which contain fixed  escalation  clauses on
the  straight-line  method.  The  difference  between  income  earned  and lease
payments  received  from  the  tenants  is  included  in  other  assets  on  the
consolidated  balance  sheets.   Rental  income  from  retail  leases  which  is
contingent  upon the  lessees'  revenues  is  recorded  as income in the  period
earned.  Management fees, development fees and leasing and sales commissions are
recognized as these services are performed.

TicketsWest  income includes primarily earnings from ticketing and entertainment
operations.  Where  the  Company  acts as an  agent  and  receives  a net fee or
commission,  it is  recognized  as  revenue  in  the  period  the  services  are
performed.  When the Company is the  promoter of an event and is at risk for the
production,  revenues  and  expenses  are  recorded  in the  period of the event

Earnings Per Common Share
Net income per common  share-basic is computed by dividing income  applicable to
common shareholders by the weighted-average  number of common shares outstanding
during the period. Net income per common  share-diluted is computed by adjusting
income applicable to common  shareholders by the effect of the minority interest
related  to  Operating   Partnership   Units  (OP  Units)  and   increasing  the
weighted-average  number of common  shares  outstanding  by the effect of the OP
Units and the additional  common shares that would have been  outstanding if the
dilutive  potential common shares (stock options and convertible notes) had been
issued, to the extent that such issuance would be dilutive.

Stock Based Compensation
As permitted by Statement of Financial  Accounting Standards No. 123 (SFAS 123),
"Accounting  for  Stock-Based  Compensation",  the Company has chosen to measure
compensation  cost  for  stock-based  employee   compensation  plans  using  the
intrinsic value method of accounting  prescribed by Accounting  Principles Board
Opinion No. 25,  "Accounting  for Stock Issued to Employees"  and to provide the
disclosure only requirements of SFAS 123.

On December 31, 2002,  the  Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board (the "FASB")
amended the transition and disclosure  requirements  of SFAS No. 123 through the
issuance of FASB Statement No. 148,  Accounting for  Stock-Based  Compensation -
Transistion  and Disclosure  ("SFAS No. 148").  SFAS No. 148 amends the existing
disclosures  to make more  frequent  and  prominent  disclosure  of  stock-based
compensation expense beginning with financial statements for fiscal years ending
after December 15, 2002.

The  Company  has chosen  not to record  compensation  expense  using fair value
measurement  provisions in the statement of income.  Had  compensation  cost for
plans  been  determined  based on the fair  value at the grant  dates for awards
under the plans,  reported  net  income  and  income  per share  would have been
changed to the pro forma amounts  indicated below (dollars in thousands,  except
per share amounts):

                                                                      Year Ended December 31,
                                                                  2002        2001         2000
Reported net income applicable to common shareholders           $ 5,430    $ 7,579     $  5,821
      Add back:  Stock-based employee compensation
         expense, net of related tax effects                         10          9            8
      Deduct:  Total stock-based employee compensation
         expense determined under fair valued based
         method for all awards, net of related tax effects        (304)      (692)        (824)
      Pro forma                                                 $ 5,136    $ 6,896      $ 5,005
      Basic earnings per share:
         Reported net income                                    $  0.42    $  0.59      $  0.45
         Stock-based employee compensation, fair value           (0.02)     (0.06)       (0.06)
      Pro forma                                                 $  0.40    $  0.53      $  0.39
      Diluted earnings per share:
         Reported net income                                    $  0.41    $  0.59      $  0.45
         Stock-based employee compensation, fair value           (0.02)     (0.06)       (0.06)
      Pro forma                                                 $  0.39    $  0.53      $  0.39

                                    Page 31

Advertising and Promotion
The Company  generally  expenses all costs  associated  with its advertising and
promotional efforts as incurred. During the years ending December 31, 2002, 2001
and 2000 the Company  incurred  $6.3 million,  $2.4  million,  and $2.2 million,
respectively of advertising expenses.

Central Program Fund
Effective January 1, 2002 the Company  established the WestCoast Central Program
Fund  (CPF),  organized  in  accordance  with  the  various  domestic  franchise
agreements.  The CPF is responsible for certain advertising  services,  frequent
guest program  administration,  reservation services,  national sales promotions
and brand and revenue management services intended to increase sales and enhance
the reputation of the Company and its franchise  owners  including the WestCoast
and Red Lion  branded  properties.

Contributions  by the  Company  to the CPF for  owned  and  managed  hotels  and
contributions by the franchisees,  through the individual franchise  agreements,
total up to 5% of room  revenue or can be based on  reservation  fees,  frequent
guest  program  dues and other  services.  While  the  Company  administers  the
functions  of the  CPF,  the  net  assets  and  transactions  of the CPF are not
commingled  with  the  working  capital  of the  Company.  The  net  assets  and
transactions  of the  CPF  are,  therefore,  not  included  in the  accompanying
financial  statements in accordance with FASB No. 45,  "Accounting for Franchise
Fee Revenue".

For the year ended  December 31, 2002, the Company  contributed  $5.7 million to
the CPF with respect to its owned and managed  properties,  which was recognized
in direct  operating  expenses.  At  December  31,  2002,  the Company has a net
current receivable from the CPF of approximately $223 thousand.

New Accounting Pronouncements
In June 2001,  the FASB issued  SFAS No. 143  "Accounting  for Asset  Retirement
Obligations,"  which  amends SFAS No. 19.  This  statement  addresses  financial
accounting  and  reporting for  obligations  associated  with the  retirement of
tangible  long-lived  assets and the associated  asset  retirement  costs.  This
statement  requires that the fair value of a liability  for an asset  retirement
obligation  be  recognized in the period in which it is incurred if a reasonable
estimate of fair value can be made. The  requirements  of this statement must be
implemented  for fiscal  years  beginning  after June 15, 2002;  however,  early
adoption is encouraged. The adoption of this statement is not expected to have a
material effect on the Company's consolidated financial statements.

The FASB also issued SFAS No. 144  "Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of
Long-Lived Assets." This Statement addresses financial  accounting and reporting
for the impairment or disposal of long-lived assets. It supersedes SFAS No. 121,
"Accounting for the Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and for Long-Lived Assets to
Be Disposed Of" and the accounting  and reporting  provisions of APB Opinion No.
30,  "Reporting the Results of Operations - Reporting the Effects of Disposal of
a Segment of a Business,  and Extraordinary,  Unusual and Infrequently Occurring
Events and  Transactions,"  for the  disposal  of a segment of a  business.  The
adoption of this statement on January 1, 2002 did not have a material  effect on
the Company's consolidated financial statements.

In April 2002, the FASB issued SFAS No. 145,  "Rescission of FASB Statements No.
4, 44, and 64,  Amendment of FASB Statement No. 13, and Technical  Corrections".
SFAS  No.  145   updates,   clarifies   and   simplifies   existing   accounting
pronouncements,  by rescinding  SFAS No. 4, which  required all gains and losses
from extinguishment of debt to be aggregated and, if material,  classified as an
extraordinary  item, net of related income tax effect. As a result, the criteria
in Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 30 will now be used to classify those
gains and losses. Additionally,  SFAS No. 145 amends SFAS No. 13 to require that
certain lease modifications that have economic effects similar to sale-leaseback
transactions be accounted for in the same manner as sale-leaseback transactions.
Finally,   SFAS  No.  145  also  makes   technical   corrections   to   existing
pronouncements.  While those  corrections are not substantive in nature, in some
instances,  they may change accounting practice.  The provisions of SFAS No. 145
that amend SFAS No. 13 are effective for  transactions  occurring  after May 15,
2002 with all other  provisions of SFAS No. 145 being  required to be adopted by
the Company on January 1, 2003. The adoption of SFAS No. 145 in 2003 has not had
a material impact on the Company's consolidated financial statements.

In July 2002,  the FASB issued SFAS No. 146,  "Accounting  for Costs  Associated
with Exit or Disposal Activities.  "SFAS No. 146 requires companies to recognize
costs associated with exit or disposal  activities when they are incurred rather
than at the date of a commitment to an exit or disposal plan.  Examples of costs
covered by the standard  include lease  termination  costs and certain  employee
severance  costs  that  are  associated  with  a   restructuring,   discontinued
operation,  plant  closing,  or other exit or  disposal  activity.  SFAS No. 146
replaces the prior guidance that was provided by EITF Issue No. 94-3, "Liability
Recognition for Certain Employee Termination Benefits and Other Costs to Exit an
Activity (including Certain Costs Incurred in a Restructuring). "SFAS No. 146 is
to be applied  prospectively  to exit or  disposal  activities  initiated  after
December 31, 2002.  Management  currently believes that the adoption of SFAS No.
146 will not have a  material  impact on the  Company's  consolidated  financial

                                    Page 32

In  December  2002,  the FASB issued SFAS No. 148  "Accounting  for  Stock-Based
Compensation,  Transition  and  Disclosure,  an amendment of FASB  Statement No.
123." SFAS No. 148 provides alternative methods of transition for an entity that
voluntarily changes to the fair value based method of accounting for stock-based
employee compensation.  It also amends the disclosure provisions of SFAS No. 123
to require  prominent  disclosure about the effects of reported net income of an
entity's  accounting  policy  decisions  with  respect to  stock-based  employee
compensation.  Finally,  this  Statement  amends APB  Opinion  No. 28,  "Interim
Financial  Reporting",  to require  disclosure  about  those  effects in interim
financial   information.   The  amendments  to  SFAS  No.  123,  which  provides
alternative  methods of transition for an entity that voluntarily changes to the
fair value based method of accounting for stock-based  employee  compensation is
effective for financial  statements  for fiscal years ending after  December 15,
2002. The amendment to SFAS No. 123 relating to disclosures and the amendment to
Opinion 28 is effective for financial  reports  containing  condensed  financial
statements for interim  periods  beginning  after December 15, 2002.  Management
currently  believes  that the  adoption of SFAS No. 148 will not have a material
impact on the financial statements.

In  November  2002,  the FASB issued FASB  Interpretation  No. 45,  "Guarantor's
Accounting  for  Disclosure  Requirements  for  Guarantees,  Including  Indirect
Guarantees of Indebtedness of Others,  an  interpretation of FASB Statements No.
5, 57 and 107 and  rescission  of FASB  Interpretation  No.  34,  Disclosure  of
Indirect  Guarantees of Indebtedness of Others" ("FIN 45"). FIN 45 clarifies the
requirements  for  a  guarantor's  accounting  for  and  disclosure  of  certain
guarantees issued and outstanding. It also requires a guarantor to recognize, at
the inception of a guarantee,  a liability for the fair value of the  obligation
undertaken  in issuing the  guarantee.  This  interpretation  also  incorporates
without consideration the guidance in FASB Interpretation No. 34, which is being
superseded.  The  adoption  of FIN 45 will not  have a  material  effect  on the
consolidated financial statements and will be applied prospectively.

In January 2003, the FASB issued FASB  Interpretation No. 46,  "Consolidation of
Variable Interest  Entities,  an interpretation of Accounting  Research Bulletin
No. 51,  Consolidated  Financial  Statements"  ("FIN 46").  FIN 46 clarifies the
application of Accounting  Research Bulletin No. 51 to certain entities in which
equity  investors do not have the  characteristics  of a  controlling  financial
interest or do not have sufficient  equity at risk for the entity to finance its
activities without additional subordinated financial support from other parties.
The  adoption  of FIN 46 will not have a  material  effect  on the  consolidated
financial statements.

Certain  prior year  amounts  have been  reclassified  to conform  with the 2002
presentation.  These  reclassifications  had no effect on net income or retained
earnings as previously reported.

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles
generally  accepted in the United States of America requires  management to make
estimates  and  assumptions  that  affect  the  reported  amounts  of assets and
liabilities and disclosure of contingent  assets and liabilities at the dates of
the  financial  statements  and the  reported  amounts of revenues  and expenses
during the reporting periods.  Actual results could materially differ from those

3. Financial Liquidity

At December 31, 2002 the Company has a deficit working capital position of $28.8
million. This position is a direct result of the classification of $52.1 million
of obligations outstanding under the Company's primary revolving credit facility
with a bank as a  current  liability.  As  further  discussed  in Note  10,  the
classification is due to the anticipatory  breach of certain financial covenants
to be measured in June, September and December 2003.

The Company  intends to refinance its revolving  credit facility either with its
existing  lender  or  other  lenders  into   non-recourse  and  revolving  debt.
Management  believes  that an  adequate  borrowing  base  exists to  secure  the
necessary  financing.  The Company is also pursuing the sale of certain non-core
real estate assets, some of which are included in assets held for sale discussed
in Note 5. Management has implemented certain operational  efficiencies and cost
reduction plans that are expected to improve covenant ratios.  These actions are
intended to reduce the Company's dependence on the revolving credit facility.

The  historical  cash flow of the Company  has been  adequate to service all its
normal operating needs,  service all interest and regularly  scheduled principal
payments and capital  improvements.  Due to the war and the perception of a weak
economy there can be no assurance that future operating performance will provide
adequate  cash flow for the  Company's  needs.  The  ability  of the  Company to
improve its working  capital  position  through the  refinance of its  revolving
credit  facility,  improve  operating  results and dispose of non-core assets is
dependent upon lending market  conditions,  the achievement of future  operating
efficiencies  and the  liquidity of the real estate  market where the  Company's
assets  are  located.  There can be no  assurance  that  these  efforts  will be

                                    Page 33

4. Acquisition

Effective  December 31,  2001,  the Company  completed  the purchase of Red Lion
Hotels,  Inc. (Red Lion) from Hilton  Hotels  Corporation  (Hilton)  including 9
owned hotels,  12 leased hotels,  4 licensed hotels and 22 franchised  operating
hotels.  The  acquisition  was made to add critical mass to the Company's  hotel
portfolio and expand the Company's  presence in additional  markets.  The hotels
were acquired for  $20,252,000  in cash,  303,771  Class A preferred  shares and
303,771  Class B  preferred  shares  for total  consideration  of  approximately
$52,600,000 including the cost of acquisition.  The source of cash consideration
for the  transaction  was the Company's  available  cash and advances  under the
Company's  existing  credit  facility.  The value of the  preferred  shares  was
determined based on its stated redemption value, as discussed in Note 11.

The  acquisition  of Red Lion was  accounted  for using the  purchase  method of
accounting.  As the  acquisition  occurred  on the last  day of the  year  ended
December  31, 2001,  the results of  operations  of the acquired  entity are not
included in the consolidated statements of income or cash flows.

The  following  table  presents  the  allocation  of the  purchase  price to the
acquired assets and liabilities (in thousands):

                               Estimated allocation at      Purchase price       Final allocation at
                                  December 31, 2002           adjustments         December 31, 2002
                              -------------------------    -----------------    ----------------------
Cash                               $   2,640                 $    -                 $   2,640
Accounts receivable                    3,195                   (46)                     3,149
Prepaid expenses                         284                      -                       284
Inventories                            1,243                  (180)                     1,063
                              -------------------------    -----------------    ----------------------
   Total current assets                7,362                  (226)                     7,136

Property and equipment                35,328                    651                    35,979
Brand name                             6,879                                            6,879
Lease contracts                        4,332                                            4,332
Franchise contracts                      809                                              809
Deferred tax asset                     4,711                  (180)                     4,531
                              -------------------------    -----------------    ---------------------
   Total assets                       59,421                   245                     59,666

Accounts payable                     (1,932)                     -                    (1,932)
Other current liabilities            (4,960)                 (245)                    (5,205)
                              -------------------------    -----------------    ---------------------
   Total liabilities                 (6,892)                 (245)                    (7,137)
                              -------------------------    -----------------    ---------------------
Net assets acquired                $  52,529                 $  -                   $  52,529
                              =========================    =================    =====================

The lease and  franchise  contracts  are being  amortized  over the terms of the
respective agreements of 30 years and nine years, respectively.

5. Assets Held for Sale

In connection with the Company's  decision in 2001 to sell non-core  assets,  on
October 10, 2002,  the Company and American  Capital  Group,  LLC entered into a
purchase and sale  agreement  for the  WestCoast  Kalispell  Hotel and Kalispell
Center Mall. The agreement is subject to due diligence and is scheduled to close
in 2003. After the close, the WestCoast Kalispell Center Hotel will remain under
the WestCoast  Hospitality  Corporation  brand and  management,  while  American
Capital Group,  LLC will oversee  management for the mall. The net book value of
the hotel and mall was $12.9 million at December 31, 2002.

Additionally,  two office  buildings owned by the Company have been marketed for
sale  which the  Company  expects  to sell in 2003.  The total net book value of
these buildings as of December 31, 2002 of $21.5 million is classified as assets
held for sale. These two buildings were initially  classified as assets held for
sale at December  31,  2001.  At December 31,  2002,  the  Company's  management
evaluated  the  accounting  criteria  set forth in SFAS 144 and  determined  the
assets were still appropriately classified as assets for sale.

                                    Page 34

6. Property and Equipment

Property and  equipment at December 31, 2002 and 2001 is  summarized  as follows
(in thousands):

                                                                2002              2001

    Buildings and equipment                                  $ 202,411         $ 219,729
    Furniture and fixtures                                      20,530            21,413
    Equipment acquired under capital leases                      2,342             2,796
    Landscaping and land improvements                            2,355             2,216
                                                          ----------------  ----------------
                                                               227,638           246,154
    Less accumulated depreciation and amortization            (53,302)          (56,368)
                                                          ----------------  ----------------
                                                               174,336           189,786
    Land                                                        60,012            64,387
    Construction in progress                                     6,907             3,483
                                                          ----------------  ----------------
                                                             $ 241,255         $ 257,656
                                                          ================  ================

Depreciation  expense for the years ended  December 31, 2002,  2001 and 2000 was
approximately $8.9 million, $8.9 million, and $8.3 million, respectively.

In the first quarter of 2002, the Company entered into an agreement for the sale
of an 80.1% interest in the WHC Building,  while retaining the management of the
building,  its lease of space, and the remaining ownership interest. At the time
of the sale the cost and  accumulated  depreciation  of this  building was $10.6
million and $4.0 million,  respectively.  The sale of the building resulted in a
pre-tax gain of $5.8 million,  of which $3.0 million was recognized as a gain on
asset  disposition in 2002. Due to retaining a partial lease of the building,  a
portion of the gain is being deferred over the six-year lease term. During 2002,
the Company  recognized  $215,000 of the deferred gain. As of December 31, 2002,
the total deferred gain remaining is $2.6 million.

7. Other Investments

The Company has a 6% interest in a limited liability company, which is accounted
for under the cost method.  Accordingly the Company's investment is increased or
decreased by contributions, distributions, or impairments only.

The Company also has a 0.5% general partnership  interest in one hotel property,
which is accounted for under the equity method of accounting.  As of March 2002,
the Company also has a 19.9% interest in the WHC Building (see Note 6), which is
also accounted for under the equity method of accounting. Therefore, the Company
records its proportionate  share of the earnings and losses of these entities in
the consolidated  statements of income.  The Company wrote-off its 0.3% interest
($73,000) in another  hotel  partnership,  because the primary asset was sold in
November 2002.

At December  31,  2002 and 2001,  the  Company's  recorded  investment  in these
investments  was $2.25 million and $1.3 million,  respectively.  The  underlying
assets,  liabilities  and  operations of these  entities are not recorded in the
consolidated   financial   statements.   The  Company  does  not  share  in  any
non-recourse  debt that may be held by these entities in which equity  interests
are held.  Summarized  unaudited  financial  information  with  respect to these
separate  entities as of and for the years ended  December 31, 2002 and 2001 are
as follows (in thousands):

                                              2002                 2001
                                         -------------        --------------
  Current assets                          $    5,371           $     5,768
  Total assets                            $   25,887           $    15,852
  Current liabilities                     $    4,836           $     4,692
  Total liabilities                       $   23,620           $    20,747
  Total equity (deficit)                  $    2,078           $   (4,895)
  Revenues                                $   10,178           $     9,452
  Net income                              $    2,819           $       665

The Company has recorded  income from these  investments  during the years ended
December  31,  2002,   2001,  and  2000  of  $62,000,   $92,000,   and  $100,000
respectively. Additionally the Company has recorded revenues from managing these
properties of $374,000,  $382,000 and $317,000  during the years ended  December
31, 2002, 2001 and 2000 respectively.

                                    Page 35

8. Long-Term Debt

Long-term  debt  consists of  mortgage  notes  payable  and notes and  contracts
payable,  collateralized  by real  property,  equipment  and the  assignment  of
certain rental income.  Long-term  debt as of  December 31,  2002 and 2001 is as
follows (amounts outstanding in thousands):

                                                                                 2002               2001
Note payable in monthly installments of $276,570, including
    interest at 7.93%, through June 2011, collateralized by
    real property                                                             $ 35,429           $ 35,880
Note payable in monthly installments of $108,797, including
    interest at 8.08%, through September 2011, collateralized by
    real property                                                               13,791             13,959
Note payable in monthly installments of $91,871 including interest
    at 7.39%, through June 2011, collateralized by real property                11,101             11,372
Note payable in monthly installments of $55,817 including interest
    at 7.36%, through August 2007, collateralized by assignment
    of certain rental income                                                         -              7,233
Note payable in monthly installments of $52,844, including
    interest at 8.08%, through September 2011, collateralized by
    real property                                                                6,698              6,780
Note payable in monthly installments of principal and interest at
    7.00%, through January 2010 convertible into common stock of
    the Company at $15 per share                                                 5,435              6,362
Note payable in monthly installments of $47,772, including
    interest at a variable rate (4.875% at December 31, 2002 and
    6.375% at December 31, 2001), through May 2008, collateralized
    by real property                                                             6,205              6,454
Note payable in monthly installments of $46,695, including
    interest at 8.00%, through October 2011, collateralized by
    real property                                                                5,965              6,039
Industrial revenue bonds payable in monthly installments of
    $66,560 including interest at 5.90%, through October 2011,
    collateralized by real property                                              5,522              5,980
Note payable in monthly installments of $53,517, including interest
    at 8.00%, through July 2005, collateralized by real property                 4,575              4,840
Note payable in monthly installments of $45,407, including interest
    at a variable rate (9.00% at December 31, 2002 and 2001),
    through April 2010, collateralized by real property                          4,051              4,222
Note payable in monthly installments of $18,629, including interest
    at a variable rate (5.125% at December 31, 2002 and 8.25% at
    December 31, 2001), through January 2008, collateralized by
    real property                                                                2,345              2,444
Industrial revenue bonds payable in monthly installments of
    $22,917 including interest at a variable rate (5.00% at
    December 31, 2002 and 4.75% at December 31, 2001), through
    January 2007, collateralized by real property                                1,270              1,535
Note payable in monthly installments of $18,462 including interest
    at an index rate plus 1.50%, subject to a minimum of 9.50%
    and a maximum of 12.00% (9.50% at December 31, 2002
    and 2001), through December 2011, collateralized
    by real property                                                             1,330              1,419
Note payable in monthly installments of $10,430, including interest
    at 7.42%, through December 2003                                              1,329              1,353
Note payable in monthly installments of $8,373, including interest
    at a variable rate (5.06% at December 31, 2002 and 6.57% at
    December 31, 2001), through November 2009, collateralized
    by certain equipment and furniture and fixtures                                496                566
Other                                                                              553                592
                                                                         ---------------   ----------------
                                                                               106,095            117,030
Less current portion                                                           (4,889)            (3,753)
                                                                         ---------------   ----------------
      Non current portion                                                    $ 101,206          $ 113,277
                                                                         ===============   ================

                                    Page 36

Some of the above debt  agreements  require the Company  maintain a cash reserve
account for insurance, taxes, and furniture and fixture replacement. At December
31, 2002, this reserve was $1.9 million.

During the year ended December 31, 2001, the Company refinanced some of its real
property by obtaining  long-term  debt and paying down the  Company's  revolving
line of credit agreement (see note 10). During the year ended December 31, 2001,
deferred  loan  fees  associated  with  the  debt  repayments  were  charged  to
operations as an extraordinary item on the consolidated statements of income.

Contractual  maturities for long-term debt  outstanding at December 31, 2002 are
summarized by year as follows (in thousands):

          Years Ending
          December 31,
             2003                            $   4,889
             2004                                3,878
             2005                                7,781
             2006                                4,081
             2007                                4,000
             Thereafter                         81,466
                                             $ 106,095

9. Capital Lease Obligations

The Company leases certain equipment under capital leases.  The imputed interest
rates on the leases range from 7.06% to 8.64%. Cost and accumulated amortization
of this  equipment as of  December 31,  2002 are  approximately  $2,342,000  and
$1,717,000,  respectively. Cost and accumulated amortization of the equipment as
of December 31, 2001 are approximately $2,796,000 and $1,813,000, respectively.

The remaining  minimum  lease  payments  including  interest of $277,000 are due
under these leases during 2003.

10. Notes Payable to Bank

During 2001, in connection  with the  refinancing  of certain  properties  under
long-term debt  facilities the Company's  revolving  credit facility was amended
and reduced to $70 million.  At  December 31,  2002 and 2001,  $52.1 million and
$54.3 million,  respectively  was  outstanding  under the credit  facility.  Any
outstanding  borrowings  bear  interest  based on the prime rate or LIBOR plus a
variable interest margin. At December 31, 2002, the interest rate on outstanding
borrowings  ranged from 3.94% to 4.75%.  At December 31, 2001, the interest rate
was 4.84%.  The  weighted-average  interest rate on  outstanding  borrowings was
3.97% and 4.87% at  December  31,  2002 and 2001,  respectively.  Interest  only
payments  are due monthly.  The credit  facility  matures on June 30, 2005.  The
credit facility  requires the initial payment of a 1% fee plus an annual standby
fee of  0.50% in 2002,  fees  ranged  from  0.25% to 0.50% in 2001.  The  credit
facility is  collateralized  by certain  properties  and requires the Company to
maintain certain  financial  ratios,  minimum levels of cash flows and restricts
the payment of dividends.  On December 23, 2002,  the debt agreement was amended
and the credit  facility was reduced to $58.5 million and three of the financial
covenants  were  modified such that  compliance  with them shall not be required
until June 30, 2003. The Company was in compliance  with all required  financial
covenants at December 31, 2002. The entire  outstanding  balance at December 31,
2002 has been classified as a current  liability due to  anticipatory  breach of
some of the existing  covenants in June,  September  and  December  2003,  which
currently  have not been waived.  If the Company  breaches its covenants and the
breach is not waived by the lender, one of the lenders remedies under the credit
facility  is to call the debt due at that time.  The debt  agreement  allows the
Company  to pay  dividends  as long as  certain  minimum  financial  ratios  are
maintained.  At December  31, 2002 and 2001,  the  Company was  restricted  from
paying any dividends on common stock.

11. Stockholders' Equity

The Articles of Incorporation of the Company  authorize 50 million common shares
and 5 million  preferred  shares.  The preferred  stock rights,  preferences and
privileges will be determined by the Board of Directors.

As discussed  in Note 4, as part of the Red Lion  acquisition  WestCoast  issued
303,771 shares of Class A Preferred Stock and 303,771 of Class B Preferred Stock
on December 31, 2001.  Both the Class A and Class B preferred  shares have $0.01
par,  a $50  stated  value,  and give the holder  certain  preferences  upon any
liquidation of the Company,  including  payment of $50 per share plus any unpaid
dividends before any payment is made to common stockholders.

In  addition,  the Class A shares  include  a  quarterly  dividend  requirement,
cumulative  at 7%, and are  redeemable at  WestCoast's  option for $50 per share
plus unpaid dividends.  The dividend requirement increases to 12% if the Company
misses  two  dividend  payments,  or  to  14%  upon  the  violation  of  certain
restrictive covenants or after January 30, 2005, if they have not been redeemed.

The Class B shares include a quarterly dividend requirement,  cumulative at 10%,
and  are  redeemable  at  WestCoast's  option  for  $50 per  share  plus  unpaid
dividends.  The dividend requirement  increases to 15% if the Company misses two
dividend payments, or to 20% upon the violation of certain restrictive covenants
or after January 30, 2008, if they have not been redeemed.

                                    Page 37

As a result of cancelled franchise agreements in 2002, 2,456 shares of Preferred
Series  A and  B,  respectively,  were  cancelled  totaling  approximately  $246

12. Income Taxes

Major  components  of the  Company's  income tax  provision  for the years ended
December 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000 are as follows (in thousands):

                        2002             2001              2000
    Federal         $  2,108          $  2,118          $  1,677
    State                160               145               105
Deferred               2,101             2,240             1,524
                  ---------------  ----------------  ----------------
                    $  4,369          $  4,503          $  3,306
                  ===============  ================  ================

The income tax provisions shown in the consolidated  statements of income differ
from the amounts  calculated using the federal  statutory rate applied to income
before income taxes as follows (in thousands):

                                             2002                   2001                    2000
                                   ----------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------
                                     Amount        %         Amount         %         Amount         %
                                   ----------- ----------- -----------  ----------   ----------  -----------
Provision at federal
    statutory rate                  $ 4,208       34.0      $ 4,116         34.0      $ 3,103       34.0
Effect of tax credits                 (186)      (1.5)         (68)        (0.6)         (77)      (0.9)
State taxes, net of
    federal benefit                     106        0.9           96          0.8           69        0.8
Goodwill amortization                     -          -          261          2.2          262        2.9
Other                                   241        1.9           98          0.8         (51)      (0.6)
                                   ----------- ----------- -----------  ----------   ----------  -----------
                                    $ 4,369       35.3      $ 4,503         37.2      $ 3,306       36.2
                                   =========== =========== ===========  ==========   ==========  ===========

Components of the net deferred tax assets and  liabilities  at December 31, 2002
and 2001 are as follows (in thousands):

                                                 2002                                2001
                                    ---------------------------------  --------------------------------
                                          Assets      Liabilities            Assets      Liabilities
                                    --------------  -----------------  --------------  ----------------
Property and equipment                  $    -         $ 12,434            $    -         $ 10,162
Rental income                                -              606                 -              660
Management contracts                         -            1,399                 -            1,536
Brand name                                   -            2,463                 -            2,463
Other                                      641                -               661                -
                                    --------------  -----------------  --------------  ----------------
                                        $  641         $ 16,902            $  661         $ 14,821
                                    ==============  =================  ==============  ================

13. Operating Lease Income

The Company  leases  shopping  mall space to various  tenants over terms ranging
from one to ten years.  The leases  generally  provide for fixed minimum monthly
rent as well as  tenants'  payments  for  their  pro rata  share  of  taxes  and
insurance,  common area  maintenance  and expenses  associated with the shopping
mall. In addition, the Company leases commercial office space over terms ranging
from one to  eighteen  years.  The cost and  accumulated  depreciation  of these
properties at December 31, 2002 was  approximately  $29,807,000  and $8,313,000,
respectively.  The cost and accumulated  depreciation  of the commercial  office
properties at December 31,  2001 was  approximately  $29,635,000 and $8,313,000,
respectively.  In March 2002,  the Company sold one of these  properties  with a
cost  and   accumulated   depreciation   of  $10.6  million  and  $4.0  million,
respectively (see note 6).

Future minimum lease income under existing  noncancellable leases as of December
31, 2002 including properties held for sale, is as follows (in thousands):

         Years Ending
         December 31,
- -----------------------------
            2003                           $  6,158
            2004                              5,955
            2005                              4,753
            2006                              3,838
            2007                              3,186
            Thereafter                        6,731
                                           $ 30,621

                                    Page 38

Rental  income  for the  years  ended  December  31,  2002,  2001  and  2000 was
approximately $8,000,000, $9,301,000 and $8,896,000 respectively, which included
contingent rents of approximately $155,000, $174,000 and $200,000, respectively.

14. Operating Lease Commitments

The Company has various operating leases, the most significant are:

In October 1997, the Company began operating a hotel in Yakima, Washington under
an operating lease and purchase option  agreement.  The lease agreement is for a
period of 15 years with two  five-year  renewal  options.  The Company  pays all
operating  costs of the hotel plus  monthly  lease  payments of $35,000  through
September 2003.  Commencing  October 2003, the monthly lease requirement will be
$52,083 and monthly payments shall increase by $5,208 each year thereafter.  The
Company  agreed to a $1.0 million  option  payment  which allows the purchase of
this hotel at a fixed  price.  One-half of this option  payment was paid in cash
and the remaining $500,000 was paid in August 2002. The option is exercisable by
the Company  between  March and  September  2003 for a total  purchase  price of
$6,250,000.  If the Company  exercises its purchase option,  the option payments
made by the Company will be applied against the total purchase price.

The Company began operating a hotel in Bellevue, Washington in January 2000 with
an operating lease and purchase option agreement. The lease agreement expires on
December 31,  2003.  The Company  pays  monthly  lease  payments of $27,951 plus
"additional  rent" as defined in the agreement.  Additional  rent includes hotel
operating and other costs.  The purchase  option is  exercisable  from July 2002
through  January 31, 2004 at the Company's  option.  The total purchase price of
the hotel under option is $12 million.

At December 31, 2001, the Company assumed a master lease agreement which covered
17 hotel  properties  including 12 which were part of the Red Lion  acquisition.
The Company has entered into a sublease with Doubletree DTWC Corporation whereby
Doubletree DTWC  Corporation  will sublease 5 of these hotel properties from the
Company.  The master lease agreement  requires minimum monthly payments of $1.25
million plus  contingent  rents based on gross receipts from the 17 hotels.  The
lease  agreement  expires in  December  2020,  but the Company has the option to
extend the term for three additional 5 year terms.

Assuming the Company  exercises its purchase  options for the Bellevue  hotel in
December 2003 and the Yakima hotel in September  2003,  total payments due under
all of the Company's leases at December 31, 2002 are as follows (in thousands):

         Years Ending
         December 31,
- ----------------------------
            2003                        $   7,113
            2004                            5,663
            2005                            5,663
            2006                            5,663
            2007                            5,663
            Thereafter                     74,188
                                        $ 103,953

The above amounts are net of $9.9 million of sublease  income  annually  through

Total rent  expense net of sublease  income under the leases for the years ended
December 31, 2002,  2001, and 2000 was  $7,662,000,  $1,816,000 and  $1,816,000,

15. Related-Party Transactions

The Company had the following transactions with related parties:

o The  Company  recorded  management  fee  and  other  income  of  approximately
$129,000,  $154,000 and $145,000  during the years ended December 31, 2002, 2001
and 2000,  respectively,  for performing management and administrative functions
for entities which are owned by key  stockholders and management of the Company.
The net  assets  and  transactions  of  these  entities  are  excluded  from the
Company's consolidated financial statements.

o The Company received commissions for real estate sales from entities which are
owned or  partially  owned by key  stockholders  and  management  of the Company
totaling  $54,000,  $109,000 and $110,000 for the years ended December 31, 2002,
2001 and 2000,  respectively.  The net assets and transactions of these entities
are excluded from the Company's consolidated financial statements.

o During 2002,  2001,  and 2000,  the Company  held certain cash and  investment
accounts in a bank and had notes payable to the same bank.  The bank's  chairman
and chief executive  officer is a director of the Company.  At December 31, 2002
and 2001, total cash and investments of  approximately  $3,496,000 and $466,000,
respectively,   and  a  note  payable  totaling  approximately   $5,522,000  and
$5,980,000, respectively, were outstanding with this bank. Total interest income
of $7,000, $18,000 and $41,000,  respectively, and interest expense of $174,000,
$367,000 and $391,000,  respectively,  was recorded  related to this bank during
the years ended December 31,  2002, 2001 and 2000. Additionally,  the Company is
the real estate manager for the bank's  corporate  office  building.  During the
years ended December 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000, the Company recognized  management
fee income of $117,000, $114,000 and $111,000, respectively.

                                    Page 39

o For the year  ending  December  31,  2002,  the  Company  received  $51,000 in
management  fees and $24,000 in leasing fees from the WHC building,  which as of
March 2002, the Company owns a 19.9% interest in the building.

16. Employee Benefit and Stock Plans

1998 Stock Incentive Plan
The 1998 Stock  Incentive  Plan (the Plan) was adopted by the Board of Directors
in 1998.  The Plan  authorizes  the grant or issuance of various option or other
awards.  The Company  amended the Plan in 2000 to increase the maximum number of
shares which may be awarded under the Plan from  1,200,000 to 1,400,000  shares,
subject to adjustment for stock splits,  stock dividends and similar events. The
Compensation  Committee  of the  Board  of  Directors  administers  the Plan and
establishes  to whom,  the type and the  terms  and  conditions,  including  the
exercise period, the awards are granted.

Nonqualified  stock  options  may be  granted  for  any  term  specified  by the
Compensation  Committee and may be granted at less than fair market  value,  but
not less than par value on the date of grant.  Incentive  stock  options  may be
granted  only to  employees  and must be granted at an  exercise  price at least
equal to fair  market  value on the date of grant  and have a ten year  exercise
period.  The maximum fair market value of shares which may be issued pursuant to
incentive stock options granted under the Plan to any individual in any calendar
year may not  exceed  $100,000.  Stock  Appreciation  Rights  (SARs) may also be
granted in connection  with stock options or other awards.  SARs  typically will
provide for  payments  to the holder  based upon  increases  in the price of the
common  stock  over the  exercise  price of the  related  option or  award,  but
alternatively may be based upon other criteria such as book value.  Other awards
such as restricted stock awards, dividend equivalent awards,  performance awards
or deferred stock awards may also be granted under the Plan by the  Compensation

All options  granted  have been  designated  as  nonqualified  options,  with an
exercise  price equal to or in excess of fair market  value on the date of grant
and for a term of ten  years.  For  substantially  all  options  granted,  fifty
percent of each recipients' options will vest on the fourth  anniversary of the
date of grant and the  remaining 50% will vest on the fifth  anniversary  of the
date of grant. The vesting schedule will change if, beginning one year after the
option  grant date,  the stock price of the common stock  reaches the  following
target levels (measured as a percentage increase over the exercise price) for 60
consecutive trading days:

       Stock Price               Percent of Option
        Increase                  Shares Vested
- --------------------------------------------------------------
          25%                          25%
          50%                          50%
          75%                          75%
         100%                         100%

Stock option transactions are summarized as follows:

                                         Number          Weighted-Average    Exercise Price       Expiration
                                       of Shares         Exercise Price        Per Share             Date
                                     ------------      -------------------  -----------------   --------------
Balance, December 31, 1999              977,749             $ 14.30           $ 7.50-15.00         2008-2009
    Options granted                     109,395                9.18             8.31-15.00            2010
    Options forfeited                  (89,319)               14.21            10.94-15.00

Balance, December 31, 2000              997,825               13.75             7.50-15.00         2008-2010
    Options granted                     360,785                6.07                   6.07            2011
    Options forfeited                  (81,991)               13.89             8.31-15.00

Balance, December 31, 2001            1,276,619               11.57             6.07-15.00         2008-2011
    Options granted                       6,500                7.67              7.50-7.95                2012
    Options forfeited                 (173,563)               10.67             6.07-15.00
    Options cancelled                 (571,661)               15.00                  15.00
                                     -------------      ------------------  -----------------
Balance, December 31, 2002              537,895              $ 8.29           $ 6.07-15.00         2008-2012
                                     =============      ==================  =================

                                    Page 40

Remaining  options  available  for grant at December 31, 2002 were  862,105.  At
December 31, 2002  and 2001, options totaling 40,773 and 27,000 respectively are
exercisable at a weighted average exercise price of $15.00.

In July 2002, the Company  offered  eligible  option holders the  opportunity to
exchange certain options for new options. The new options offered were issued at
fair market  value of the stock on or after the first  business  day that is six
months and one day after the date the  original  options  were  cancelled in the
exchange. On July 31, 2002, 571,661 options were cancelled pursuant to the terms
of the offer. In February 2003, the Company  granted  261,251 new  non-qualified
options. There was no impact on the Company's financial condition and results of
operations in 2002 as a result of this transaction.

The fair value of each option  grant is estimated on the date of grant using the
Black-Scholes   option-pricing   model  with  the   following   weighted-average
assumptions used for grants in 2002, 2001 and 2000:

                                                2002        2001       2000
        Dividend yield                           0%          0%         0%
        Expected volatility                     25%         22%        33%
        Risk free interest rates              4.60%       4.07%      5.71%
        Expected option lives               4 years     4 years    4 years

The  weighted-average  life of options outstanding at December 31, 2002 was 7.83
years. The weighted-average  fair value of all options granted during 2002, 2001
and  2000  was   $2.17,   $1.37   and  $4.12  per   share,   respectively.   The
weighted-average  fair value and  exercise  price for options  granted at market
value and for those  options  granted above market value on the date of grant in
2002, 2001 and 2000 are as follows:

                                                  Weighted-Average                  Weighted-Average
                                                    Fair Value                       Exercise Price
                                         --------------------------------  ----------------------------------
                                           2002       2001        2000       2002       2001        2000
                                         ---------  ---------   ---------  ---------  ---------   ---------
Options granted at market price            $ 2.17     $ 1.37      $ 4.32     $ 7.67     $ 6.07     $  8.31

Options granted above market price         $    -     $    -      $ 2.76     $    -     $    -     $ 15.00

In connection  with the Company's  initial public  offering in 1998, the Company
also granted  55,000  restricted  shares of common  stock to certain  members of
senior management.  Twenty percent of these shares were issued in 1998 and 1999.
Twenty percent were to be issued in each  subsequent year provided such employee
was an employee of the Company at that time.  Management  stock  grants in 2002,
2001 and 2000 were canceled and paid in cash. The Company recorded  compensation
expense of  approximately  $80,000,  $56,000 and $55,000  during the years ended
December 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000, respectively, associated with these grants.

Employee Stock Purchase Plan
In 1998,  the  Company  adopted  the  Employee  Stock  Purchase  Plan to  assist
employees of the Company in acquiring a stock ownership interest in the Company.
A maximum of 300,000  shares of common stock is reserved for issuance under this
plan. The Employee Stock  Purchase Plan permits  eligible  employees to purchase
common stock at a discount through payroll deductions.  No employee may purchase
more than $25,000  worth of common  stock under this plan in any calendar  year.
During the years ended  December 31,  2002,  2001 and 2000,  19,902,  24,139 and
26,429  shares  were  purchased  under  this  plan for  approximately  $102,000,
$107,000 and $175,000, respectively.

Defined Contribution Plan
The Company and employees  contribute to the WestCoast  Hospitality  Corporation
Amended and Restated Retirement and Savings Plan. The defined  contribution plan
was created for the benefit of substantially  all employees of the Company.  The
Company makes contributions of up to 3% of an employee's compensation based on a
vesting  schedule and eligibility  requirements  set forth in the plan document.
Company  contributions to the plan for the years ended  December 31,  2002, 2001
and 2000 were approximately $435,000, $225,000 and $240,000, respectively.

17. Fair Value of Financial Instruments

The following  estimated fair value amounts have been determined using available
market   information   and   appropriate   valuation   methodologies.   However,
considerable  judgment is required to  interpret  market data and to develop the
estimates of fair value.  Accordingly,  the estimates  presented  herein are not
necessarily  indicative  of the amounts the Company  could  realize in a current
market exchange.

The following  methods and  assumptions  were used to estimate the fair value of
each class of financial instruments for which it is practicable to estimate that
value.  Potential  income  tax  ramifications  related  to  the  realization  of
unrealized  gains  and  losses  that  would be  incurred  in an  actual  sale or
settlement have not been taken into consideration.

The carrying amounts for cash and cash equivalents, accounts receivable, current
liabilities  and variable rate long-term debt are reasonable  estimates of their
fair values.  The fair values of  fixed-rate  long-term  debt and capital  lease
obligations  are based on the discounted  value of contractual  cash flows.  The
discount rate is estimated using the rates currently offered for debt or capital
lease obligations with similar remaining maturities.

                                    Page 41

The estimated fair values of financial instruments at December 31, 2002 and 2001
are as follows (in thousands):

                                                        2002                            2001
                                           ------------------------------  ------------------------------
                                             Carrying         Fair           Carrying         Fair
                                              Amount          Value           Amount          Value
Financial assets:
    Cash and cash equivalents                $   2,701       $   2,701      $   5,735       $   5,735
    Accounts receivable                      $   9,559       $   9,559      $   9,101       $   9,101

Financial liabilities:
    Current liabilities, excluding debt      $  22,333       $  22,333      $  21,802       $  21,802
    Notes payable to bank                    $  52,100       $  52,100      $  54,250       $  54,250
    Long-term debt                           $ 106,095       $ 106,095      $ 117,030       $ 117,030
    Capital lease obligations                $     268       $     268      $     652       $     652

18. Business Segments

The  Company  has four  operating  segments:  (1)  Hotels and  Restaurants;  (2)
TicketsWest;  (3) Real Estate Division and (4) Franchise,  Central  Services and
Development. Due to the timing of the Red Lion acquisition on December 31, 2001,
identifiable  assets and capital  expenditures  related to this  acquisition are
reported at December 31, 2001.  However, no operations were reported until 2002.
Corporate  services and other consists  primarily of miscellaneous  revenues and
expenses,  cash and cash equivalents,  certain  receivables and certain property
and equipment which are not specifically associated with an operating segment.

TicketsWest had significant  inter-segment revenues which were eliminated in the
consolidated   financial  statements.   Management  reviews  and  evaluates  the
operations of TicketsWest including the inter-segment revenues.  Therefore,  the
total  revenues,  including  inter-segment  revenues are included in the segment
information  below.  Management  reviews and evaluates  the  operating  segments
exclusive of interest expense.  Therefore,  interest expense in not allocated to
the segments.

Selected  information  with  respect to the segments is as follows for the years
ended December 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000 (in thousands):

                                                            2002               2001              2000
                                                       ----------------   ----------------  ----------------
    Hotels and Restaurants                              $   173,320         $   99,495       $   106,540
    Franchise, Central Services and Development               4,137              3,213             3,643
    TicketsWest                                               7,551              8,539             6,908
      Less:  inter-segment revenues                           (121)            (1,042)           (1,203)
    Real Estate Division                                      9,001             10,114             9,540
    Corporate Services and other                                283                314               378
                                                       ----------------   ----------------  ----------------
                                                        $   194,171        $   120,633       $   125,806
                                                       ================   ================  ================
Operating income (loss):
    Hotels and Restaurants                              $    15,921        $    16,738       $    20,105
    Franchise, Central Services and Development               1,810              6,115             2,035
    TicketsWest                                                 768              (237)             (407)
    Real Estate Division                                      7,098              3,954             3,845
    Corporate Services and other                            (2,916)            (2,524)           (2,224)
                                                       ----------------   ----------------  ----------------
                                                        $    22,681        $    24,046       $    23,354
                                                       ================   ================  ================
Capital expenditures:
    Hotels and Restaurants                              $     5,742        $    48,634       $     6,623
    Franchise, Central Services and Development               2,056              2,672               299
    TicketsWest                                                 349                542               912
    Real Estate Division                                        193              2,910               310
    Corporate Services and other                              2,368                203               316
                                                       ----------------   ----------------  ----------------
                                                        $    10,708        $    54,961       $     8,460
                                                       ================   ================  ================
Depreciation and amortization:
    Hotels and Restaurants                              $     8,712        $     8,112       $     7,615
    Franchise, Central Services and Development                 337                405               401
    TicketsWest                                                 319                476               410
    Real Estate Division                                        291              1,426             1,317
    Corporate Services and other                                858                759               709
                                                       ----------------   ----------------  ----------------
                                                        $    10,517        $    11,178       $    10,452
                                                       ================   ================  ================
Identifiable assets:
    Hotels and Restaurants                              $   273,991        $   276,297       $   232,762
    Franchise, Central Services and Development              40,589             39,474            32,577
    TicketsWest                                               4,934              6,403             6,239
    Real Estate Division                                     23,203             29,941            25,216
    Corporate Services and other                             13,993              7,534             8,040
                                                       ----------------   ----------------  ----------------
                                                        $   356,710        $   359,649       $   304,834
                                                       ================   ================  ================

                                    Page 42

19.  Earnings Per Share

The following table presents a reconciliation of the numerators and denominators
used in the basic and diluted  earnings  per common share  computations  for the
years ended  December 31, 2002,  2001 and 2000 (in  thousands,  except per share
amounts).  Also shown is the number of dilutive  securities  (stock  options and
convertible  notes) that would have been included in the diluted EPS computation
if they were not anti-dilutive.

                                                                     2002           2001            2000
                                                                 -------------  -------------   -------------
    Income applicable to common shareholders before
      extraordinary item                                          $  5,430      $   7,602       $   5,821
    Extraordinary item                                                   -           (23)               -
                                                                 -------------  -------------   -------------
    Income available to common stockholders                          5,430          7,579           5,821
    Income effect of dilutive OP Units                                  44            232              71
                                                                 -------------  -------------   -------------
    Net income-diluted                                            $  5,474      $   7,811       $   5,892
                                                                 =============  =============   =============
    Weighted-average shares outstanding - basic                     12,975         12,953          12,941
    Effect of dilutive OP Units                                        286            286             296
    Effect of dilutive common stock options and
      convertible notes                                                 24            (A)             (A)
                                                                 -------------  -------------   -------------
    Weighted-average shares outstanding - diluted                   13,285         13,239          13,237
                                                                 =============  =============   =============
Earnings per share - basic and diluted:
    Income per share before extraordinary item                    $   0.42      $    0.59       $    0.45
    Extraordinary item                                                   -              -               -
                                                                 -------------  -------------   -------------
    Earnings per share - basic                                    $   0.42      $    0.59       $    0.45
                                                                 =============  =============   =============
    Earnings per share - diluted                                  $   0.41      $    0.59       $    0.45
                                                                 =============  =============   =============

(A) At December 31, 2002, 537,895 stock options are outstanding of which 514,085
stock options have been excluded from the  calculation  of diluted  earnings per
share because they are anti-dilutive.  At December 31, 2001 and 2000, 1,276,619,
and 997,825  stock  options are  outstanding,  respectively.  The effects of the
shares  which  would be issued  upon the  exercise  of these  options  have been
excluded  from the  calculation  of diluted  earnings per share because they are

The  effects  of the  shares  which  would  be  issued  upon  conversion  of the
convertible  notes have been excluded from the  calculation of diluted  earnings
per share because they are anti-dilutive.


Not Applicable.

                                    Page 43

                                    PART III



Peter F.  Stanton,  age 46, has been a director of the Company since April 1998.
Mr.  Stanton is the Chairman and Chief  Executive  Officer of  Washington  Trust
Bank. Mr. Stanton has been with Washington Trust Bank since 1982,  served as its
President  from 1990 to March of 2000,  Chief  Executive  Officer since 1993 and
Chairman since 1997. Mr. Stanton is also Chief Executive Officer,  President and
a director of W.T.B. Financial Corporation (a bank holding company). In addition
to serving on numerous civic boards, Mr. Stanton was president of the Washington
Bankers  Association  from  1995 to 1996 and  served  as State  Chairman  of the
American Bankers Association in 1997 and 1998.

Stephen R. Blank,  age 57, has been a director of the Company since May of 1999.
Mr. Blank is presently Senior Fellow,  Finance, for the Urban Land Institute,  a
non-profit  education  and  research  institute  that  studies land use and real
estate  development  policy  and  practice,  where  he is  responsible  for  the
Institute's real estate capital markets information and education programs.  Mr.
Blank  earned a B.A.  in History at  Syracuse  University  and  continued  on in
graduate  school at Adelphi  University  where he earned a MBA in Finance.  From
November 1993 to November 1998, Mr. Blank was the Managing Director, Real Estate
Investment Banking, for CIBC Oppenheimer Corp in New York. From 1989 to 1993, he
was Managing Director,  Real Estate Investment Banking, for Cushman & Wakefield,
Inc.  and from 1979 to 1989 he was  Managing  Director,  Real Estate  Investment
Banking,  for  Kidder,  Peabody  & Co.,  Inc.  Mr.  Blank is a  director  of the
Ramco-Gershenson  Properties  Trust,  BNP  Residential  Properties,   Inc.,  and
Atlantic Realty Trust. Mr. Blank is also adjunct Professor of Real Estate in the
Executive MBA program for Columbia University's Graduate School of Business.

Ronald R. Taylor,  age 55, has been a director of the Company  since April 1998.
He has been a private  investor  since 2002 From 1998 to 2002,  Mr. Taylor was a
General  Partner of Enterprise  Partners,  a venture  capital firm. From 1996 to
1998,  Mr. Taylor worked as an  independent  business  consultant.  From 1987 to
1996, Mr. Taylor was chairman,  president and chief  executive  officer of Pyxis
Corporation (a health care service provider), which he founded in 1987. Prior to
founding  Pyxis,  he was an executive  with both  Allergan  Pharmaceuticals  and
Hybritech,  Inc. Mr. Taylor  received a B.A. from the University of Saskatchewan
and an M.A.  from the  University  of  California,  Irvine.  He is  currently  a
director of Watson Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (a pharmaceutical manufacturer), and is
Chairman of the Board of two privately held companies.

Donald K. Barbieri, age 57, has been President and Chief Executive Officer and a
director of the  Company  since 1978 and  Chairman of the Board since 1996.  Mr.
Barbieri  joined  the  Company  in 1969  and is  responsible  for the  Company's
development  activities in hotel,  entertainment and real estate areas. In March
2003, Mr. Barbieri  announced his retirement  effective upon  appointment of his
successor by the  Company's  Board of  Directors.  He will  continue to serve as
Chairman of the Board of  Directors.  Mr.  Barbieri is currently a member of the
Washington Economic Development  Commission.  Mr. Barbieri is the immediate past
chair for the Spokane  Regional  Chamber of  Commerce.  Mr.  Barbieri  served as
president of the Spokane Chapter of the Building Owners and Managers Association
from 1974 to 1975 and served as president of the Spokane Regional Convention and
Visitors  Bureau  from 1977 to 1979.  He also served on the  Washington  Tourism
Development  Council from 1983 to 1985 and the Washington  Economic  Development
Board while chairing the State of  Washington's  Quality of Life Task Force from
1985 to 1989. Mr. Barbieri is the brother of Richard L. Barbieri.

Arthur M.  Coffey,  age 47, has been a director  of the  Company  since 1990 and
Chief  Financial  Officer and Executive Vice President of the Company since June
1997. He is currently president of the Company's WestCoast Hotels division.  Mr.
Coffey served as Chief Operating  Officer of the Company from 1990 to June 1997.
Mr. Coffey has been in the hotel  business  since 1971 and joined the Company in
1981.  Mr.  Coffey is  currently a director  of the  Association  of  Washington
Business, served as a trustee of the Spokane Area Chamber of Commerce, served as
a director of the Washington State Hotel  Association from 1996 to 1997,  served
as director of the Spokane Regional  Convention and Visitors Bureau from 1982 to
1985 and served as president of the Spokane Hotel Association from 1989 to 1990.

Richard L.  Barbieri,  age 61, is  currently  an Executive  Vice  President  and
General  Counsel of the Company.  Mr.  Barbieri has been a Vice President of the
Company and full-time  General  Counsel of the Company since 1994 and a director
of the  Company  since 1978.  From 1978 to 1995,  Mr.  Barbieri  served as legal
counsel and  Secretary of the  Company,  during which time he was engaged in the
private practice of law at Edwards and Barbieri, a Seattle law firm, and then at
Riddell Williams,  a Seattle law firm, where he chaired the real estate practice
group.  Mr.  Barbieri has also served as chairman of various  committees  of the
State and County Bar  Association  and as a member of the governing board of the
County  Bar  Association.  He also  served  as vice  chairman  of the  Citizens'
Advisory  Committee  to the Major  League  Baseball  Stadium  Public  Facilities
District in Seattle in 1996 and 1997.  Mr.  Barbieri is the brother of Donald K.

                                    Page 44

Sharon  Sanchez,  age 40, has been Executive Vice President of Hotel  Operations
since January 2002 when she joined the Company.  Ms. Sanchez came to the Company
from Hilton Hotels  Corporation where she held the position of Vice President of
Operations  and helped  guide the Red Lion Hotel chain  through  its  successful
growth.  Preceding that, she held the position of Director of Operations through
the progression of mergers prior to Hilton's  acquisition of Red Lion for Promus
Hotels and Doubletree Hotels.  With extensive  hospitality  experience,  she has
held hotel operations and sales management positions in convention,  leisure and
corporate based hotels,  corporate positions in operations and brand management,
and marketing leadership in the residential property management sector.

Peter  P.Hausback,  age 43,  has been the  Corporate  Controller  and  Principal
Accounting Officer since September 2002 when he joined the Company. Mr. Hausback
is responsible for directing the Company's financial reporting  activities.  Mr.
Hausback  came to the  Company  from  BriteSmile,  Inc.  where he served as Vice
President and Chief  Financial  Officer from 2001 to 2002. From 1992 to 2001, he
served in various management positions for Il Fornaio (America) Company, leaving
the Company in 2001 as Vice  President of Finance and Chief  Financial  Officer.
From 1987 to 1992, Mr. Hausback was with Price  Waterhouse LLP in San Francisco.
Mr. Hausback has over 20 years of financial management experience.


The  information  required by this Item is  contained  in, and  incorporated  by
reference  from,  the Proxy  Statement for the Company's  2003 Annual Meeting of
Shareholders under the caption "Executive Compensation."


The  information  required by this item is  contained  in, and  incorporated  by
reference  from,  the Proxy  Statement for the Company's  2003 Annual Meeting of
Shareholders under the caption "Security  Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners
and Management."


The  information  required  by  this  item is  contained,  and  incorporated  by
reference  from,  the Proxy  Statement for the Company's  2003 Annual Meeting of
Shareholders under the caption "Certain Relationships and Related Transactions."


Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures

Within 90 days prior to the filing of this  report,  the Company  carried out an
evaluation,  under the supervision and with the  participation  of the Company's
management,  including the Chief  Executive  Officer ("CEO") and Chief Financial
Officer  ("CFO"),  of the  effectiveness  of the  design  and  operation  of the
Company's  disclosure  controls and procedures.  Based on that  evaluation,  the
Company's  management,  including the CEO and CFO,  concluded that the Company's
disclosure  controls and procedures  were  effective to ensure that  information
required to be disclosed by the Company in the reports  filed or submitted by it
under the Exchange Act is recorded,  processed,  summarized and reported  within
time periods specified in Securities and Exchange Commission rules and forms.

Changes in Internal Controls

There have been no significant  changes in the Company's internal controls or in
other factors that could  significantly  affect internal controls  subsequent to
the date of the evaluation.

                                    PART IV


A. List of documents filed as part of this report.

1. Index to WestCoast Hospitality Corporation financial statements:

                                                                          Page #
a. Consolidated Balance Sheets                                                22
b. Consolidated Statements of Income                                          23
c. Consolidated  Statements of Changes in Stockholders' Equity                25
d. Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows                                      26
e. Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                                 28

2. Index to financial statement schedules:

All  schedules  for  which  provisions  are  made in the  applicable  accounting
regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission are not required under the
related  instructions or are inapplicable or the information is contained in the
Financial Statements and therefore has been omitted.

                                    Page 45

3. Index to exhibits:


3.1 (1)  Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation of the Company
3.2      Amended and Restated By-Laws of the Company
4.1 (2)  Specimen  Common Stock  Certificate  Executive  Compensation  Plans and
10.1 (3) Employment Agreement between the Company and Arthur M. Coffey
10.2 (3) Employment Agreement between the Company and Richard L. Barbieri
10.3 (2) Employee Stock Purchase Plan of Cavanaughs Hospitality Corporation
10.4 (4) 1998 Stock Incentive Plan
10.5 (2) Form of Restricted Stock Award Agreement
10.6 (3) Form of Nonqualified Stock Option Agreement Other Material Contracts
10.7 (5) Amended and Restated  Agreement of Limited  Partnership  of  Cavanaughs
         Hospitality Limited Partnership
10.8 (6) Purchase and Sale Agreement re: WC Holdings, Inc.
10.9 (6) Membership Interest Purchase Agreement re: October Hotel Investors, LLC
10.10 (6) First Amendment to Membership  Interest Purchase Agreement re: October
          Hotel Investors, LLC
10.11 (7) Amended and Restated Credit Agreement
10.12 (8) Second Amendment to the Amended and Restated Credit Agreement
10.13 (9) Third Amendment to the Amended and Restated Credit Agreement
10.14 (10) Fourth Amendment to the Amended and Restated Credit Agreement
10.15 (8) Deed Of Trust and Security  Agreement  dated as of June 14, 2001,
          with WHC809,  LLC, as grantor,  and Morgan  Guaranty  Trust  Company
          of New York, as beneficiary
10.16 (9) Purchase and Sale Agreement  dated  December 21, 2001 among  WestCoast
          Hospitality Corporation, Hilton Hotels Corporation and Doubletree
10.17 (9) Registration  Rights  Agreement  2001 between  WestCoast  Hospitality
          Corporation and Doubletree Corporation
21        List of Subsidiaries of the Company
23.1      Consent of BDO Seidman, LLP
23.2      Consent of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
99.1      Donald K.  Barbieri -  Certification  - pursuant to 18 U.S.C. ss.1350,
          as adopted pursuant to ss.906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
99.2      Arthur M.  Coffey -  Certification  - pursuant  to 18 U.S.C.  ss.1350,
          as adopted pursuant to ss.906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

(1) Previously  filed with the Securities and Exchange  Commission as an exhibit
    to the Company's Form 10-K on April 1, 2002.
(2) Previously  filed with the Securities and Exchange  Commission as an exhibit
    to the Company's Form S-1 on January 20, 1998.
(3) Previously  filed with the Securities and Exchange  Commission as an exhibit
    to the Company's Form S-1/A on March 10, 1998.
(4) Previously  filed with the Securities and Exchange  Commission as an exhibit
    to the Company's Form 10-Q on May 15, 2001.
(5) Previously  filed with the Securities and Exchange  Commission as an exhibit
    to the Company's Form S-1/A on February 27, 1998.
(6) Previously  filed with the Securities and Exchange  Commission as an exhibit
    to the Company's Form 8-K on January 19, 2000.
(7) Previously  filed with the Securities and Exchange  Commission as an exhibit
    to the Company's Form 10-K on March 30, 2000.
(8) Previously  filed with the Securities and Exchange  Commission as an exhibit
    to the Company's Form 10-Q on August 14, 2001.
(9) Previously  filed with the Securities and Exchange  Commission as an exhibit
    to the Company's Form 8-K on January 15, 2002.
(10) Previously filed with the Securities and Exchange  Commission as an exhibit
    to the Company's Form 10-Q on August 14, 2002.

B. Reports on Form 8-K.

On October 29, 2002,  the Company filed a current  report on Form 8-K disclosing
that it had issued a press release announcing the conversion of more than twenty
of its hotels to the Red Lion brand.

                                    Page 46


Pursuant to the  requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934,  the  registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its
behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

WestCoast Hospitality Corporation
- --------------------------------------------------------------

By: /s/ Donald K. Barbieri
- --------------------------------------------------------------
Donald K. Barbieri
Chief Executive Officer, President and Chairman

March 31, 2003
- --------------------------------------------------------------

By: /s/ Arthur M. Coffey
- --------------------------------------------------------------
Arthur M. Coffey
Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President and Director

March 31, 2003
- --------------------------------------------------------------

By: /s/ Peter P. Hausback
- --------------------------------------------------------------
Peter P. Hausback
Controller and Principal Accounting Officer

March 31, 2003
- --------------------------------------------------------------

By: /s/ Richard L. Barbieri
- --------------------------------------------------------------
Richard L. Barbieri
Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Director

March 31, 2003
- --------------------------------------------------------------

By: /s/ Ronald R. Taylor
- --------------------------------------------------------------
Ronald R. Taylor

March 31, 2003
- --------------------------------------------------------------

By: /s/ Stephen R. Blank
- --------------------------------------------------------------
Stephen R. Blank

March 31, 2003
- --------------------------------------------------------------

By: /s/ Peter F. Stanton
- --------------------------------------------------------------
Peter F. Stanton

March 31, 2003
- --------------------------------------------------------------

                                    Page 47

Certification  Pursuant  to  Section  302 of the  Sarbanes-Oxley  Act of 2002

I, Donald K.  Barbieri,  Chief  Executive  Officer,  President  and  Chairman of
WestCoast  Hospitality  Corporation certify that:
1. I have  reviewed  this annual  report on Form 10-K of  WestCoast  Hospitality
2.  Based on my  knowledge,  this  annual  report  does not  contain  any untrue
statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact  necessary to make
the statements made, in light of the  circumstances  under which such statements
were made,  not  misleading  with  respect to the period  covered by this annual
3.  Based  on my  knowledge,  the  financial  statements,  and  other  financial
information  included  in this annual  report,  fairly  present in all  material
respects the financial  condition,  results of operations  and cash flows of the
registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this annual report;
4.  The  registrant's  other  certifying  officers  and  I are  responsible  for
establishing and maintaining  disclosure  controls and procedures (as defined in
Exchange Act Rules 13a-14 and 15d-14) for the registrant and have:
a) designed  such  disclosure  controls and  procedures  to ensure that material
information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries,
is made known to us by others  within those  entities,  particularly  during the
period in which this annual report is being prepared;
b) evaluated  the  effectiveness  of the  registrant's  disclosure  controls and
procedures  as of a date  within 90 days prior to the filing date of this annual
report (the "Evaluation Date"); and
c) presented in this annual report our conclusions  about the  effectiveness  of
the  disclosure  controls  and  procedures  based  on our  evaluation  as of the
Evaluation Date;
5. The registrant's other certifying officers and I have disclosed, based on our
most recent evaluation,  to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of
registrant's   board  of  directors  (or  persons   performing   the  equivalent
a) all significant  deficiencies in the design or operation of internal controls
which  could  adversely  affect the  registrant's  ability  to record,  process,
summarize and report  financial data and have  identified  for the  registrant's
auditors any material weaknesses in internal controls; and
b) any  fraud,  whether  or not  material,  that  involves  management  or other
employees who have a significant role in the registrant's internal controls; and
6. The  registrant's  other  certifying  officers  and I have  indicated in this
annual report whether there were significant  changes in internal controls or in
other factors that could  significantly  affect internal controls  subsequent to
the date of our most recent  evaluation,  including any corrective  actions with
regard to significant deficiencies and material weaknesses.
A signed  original of this  written  statement  required by Section 906 has been
provided to the Company and will be retained by the Company and furnished to the
Securities and Exchange Commission or its staff upon request

Date: March 31, 2003
/s/  Donald K. Barbieri
Chief Executive Officer, President and Chairman

                                    Page 48

Certification Pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

I, Arthur M. Coffey,  Chief  Financial  Officer,  Executive  Vice  President and
Director of WestCoast Hospitality Corporation certify that:
1. I have  reviewed  this annual  report on Form 10-K of  WestCoast  Hospitality
2.  Based on my  knowledge,  this  annual  report  does not  contain  any untrue
statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact  necessary to make
the statements made, in light of the  circumstances  under which such statements
were made,  not  misleading  with  respect to the period  covered by this annual
3.  Based  on my  knowledge,  the  financial  statements,  and  other  financial
information  included  in this annual  report,  fairly  present in all  material
respects the financial  condition,  results of operations  and cash flows of the
registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this annual report;
4.  The  registrant's  other  certifying  officers  and  I are  responsible  for
establishing and maintaining  disclosure  controls and procedures (as defined in
Exchange Act Rules 13a-14 and 15d-14) for the registrant and have:
a) designed  such  disclosure  controls and  procedures  to ensure that material
information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries,
is made known to us by others  within those  entities,  particularly  during the
period in which this annual report is being prepared;
b) evaluated  the  effectiveness  of the  registrant's  disclosure  controls and
procedures  as of a date  within 90 days prior to the filing date of this annual
report (the "Evaluation Date"); and
c) presented in this annual report our conclusions  about the  effectiveness  of
the  disclosure  controls  and  procedures  based  on our  evaluation  as of the
Evaluation Date;
5. The registrant's other certifying officers and I have disclosed, based on our
most recent evaluation,  to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of
registrant's   board  of  directors  (or  persons   performing   the  equivalent
a) all significant  deficiencies in the design or operation of internal controls
which  could  adversely  affect the  registrant's  ability  to record,  process,
summarize and report  financial data and have  identified  for the  registrant's
auditors any material weaknesses in internal controls; and
b) any  fraud,  whether  or not  material,  that  involves  management  or other
employees who have a significant role in the registrant's internal controls; and
6. The  registrant's  other  certifying  officers  and I have  indicated in this
annual report whether there were significant  changes in internal controls or in
other factors that could  significantly  affect internal controls  subsequent to
the date of our most recent  evaluation,  including any corrective  actions with
regard to significant deficiencies and material weaknesses.
A signed  original of this  written  statement  required by Section 906 has been
provided to the Company and will be retained by the Company and furnished to the
Securities and Exchange Commission or its staff upon request.

Date: March 31, 2003
/s/  Arthur M. Coffey
Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President and Director

                                    Page 49