Exhibit 3.2

                          AMENDED AND RESTATED BY-LAWS

                                    ARTICLE 1


Section 1.1 Principal  Executive  Office.  The principal  executive  office (the
"Principal  Office") of the  Corporation  shall be located at 201 W. North River
Drive, Suite 100, Spokane, Washington 99201 or such other locations as the Board
of Directors shall determine.

Section 1.2 Other Offices.  The  Corporation may also have offices at such other
places both within and without the State of Washington as the Board of Directors
may determine or as the business of the Corporation may require.

                                    ARTICLE 2

                             MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS

Section  2.1  Annual  Meetings.  The  annual  meeting  of  shareholders  of  the
Corporation  for the election of  directors  and the  transaction  of such other
business as may be brought before the meeting in accordance with the Articles of
Incorporation  and these By-Laws shall be held on the date and at the time fixed
from time to time by the Board of Directors  within  thirteen  (13) months after
the date of the preceding annual meeting.

The annual meeting of  shareholders  of the  Corporation  shall not be called or
held  otherwise  than as provided in the Articles of  Incorporation  or in these

Section  2.2  Special   Meetings.   Special  meetings  of  shareholders  of  the
Corporation may be called only at the direction of (i) the Board of Directors by
a  resolution  adopted by the  affirmative  vote of a  majority  of the Board of
Directors,  or (ii) the holders of not less than a majority in  aggregate of the
then issued and outstanding shares of stock of the Corporation  entitled to vote
thereat ("Voting  Shares"),  upon written request  delivered to the Secretary of
the Corporation.  Special meetings of shareholders of the Corporation  shall not
be called or held otherwise than as provided in the Articles of Incorporation or
in these By-Laws.

Section 2.3 Place of Meeting.  Meetings of the  shareholders  of the Corporation
shall be held at such place, either within or without the State of Washington as
the Board of Directors may  determine.  In the absence of any such  designation,
shareholders' meetings shall be held at the Principal Office.

Section 2.4 Business Conducted at Annual Meeting.

     (1) At an  annual  meeting  of  shareholders,  an item of  business  may be
     conducted,  and a proposal may be considered  and acted upon,  only if such
     item or proposal is brought before the meeting (i) by,  or at the direction
     of, the Board of Directors,  or (ii) by any  shareholder of the Corporation
     who is entitled to vote at the meeting and who complies with the procedures
     set forth in the remainder of this Section 2.4.  This Section 2.4 shall not
     apply to matters of procedure that,  pursuant to  Section 7.12(a)  of these
     By-Laws, are subject to the authority of the chairman of the meeting.

     (2) For an item of  business  or  proposal  to be brought  before an annual
     meeting by a  shareholder,  the  shareholder  must have given timely notice
     thereof in writing to the  Secretary of the  Corporation.  To be timely,  a
     shareholder's  notice must be delivered  to, or mailed and received at, the
     Principal  Office (i) not less than one hundred  twenty (120) days prior to
     the first  anniversary of the date that the  Corporation's  proxy statement
     was first released to  shareholders  in connection with the previous year's
     annual meeting;  (ii) a reasonable  time before the  Corporation  begins to
     print and mail its proxy materials if the date of the current year's annual
     meeting has been changed by more than thirty (30) days from the date of the
     previous  year's  meeting;  or (iii) not more than seven (7) days following
     the delivery to  shareholders  of the notice of annual meeting with respect
     to the current year's annual meeting,  if the Corporation did not release a
     proxy  statement to  shareholders  in connection  with the previous  year's
     annual meeting, or if no annual meeting was held during such year.

     (3) A shareholder's  notice to the Secretary under Section 2.4(2) shall set
     forth, as to each item of business or proposal the  shareholder  intends to
     bring before the meeting (i) a brief description of the item of business or
     proposal and the reasons for bringing it before the meeting,  (ii) the name
     and address, as they appear on the Corporation's  books, of the shareholder
     and of any other  shareholders  that the  shareholder  knows or anticipates
     will support the item of business or proposal,  (iii) the  number and class
     of shares of stock of the Corporation  that are  beneficially  owned on the
     date of such notice by the shareholder and by any such other  shareholders,
     and  (iv)any  financial  interest  of the  shareholder  or any such  other
     shareholders in such item of business or proposal.

     (4) The Board of Directors, or a designated committee thereof, may reject a
     shareholder's  notice that is not timely given in accordance with the terms
     of  Section 2.4(2).  If the Board of Directors,  or a designated  committee
     thereof, determines that the information provided in a timely shareholder's
     notice does not satisfy the requirements of  Section 2.4(3) in any material
     respect,  the Secretary of the Corporation  shall notify the shareholder of
     the deficiency in the notice.  The shareholder shall have an opportunity to
     cure the  deficiency by providing  additional  information to the Secretary
     within such period of time,  not to exceed five (5) days from the date such
     deficiency notice is given to the shareholder, as the Board of Directors or
     such committee shall reasonably  determine.  If the deficiency is not cured
     within  such  period,  or if the  Board  of  Directors  or  such  committee
     determines  that the additional  information  provided by the  shareholder,
     together  with  information  previously  provided,  does  not  satisfy  the
     requirements of Section 2.4(3c) in any material respect,  then the Board of
     Directors or such committee may reject the shareholder's notice.

     (5)  Notwithstanding  the  procedures  set  forth in  Section 2.4(4),  if a
     shareholder  desires to bring an item of  business  or  proposal  before an
     annual  meeting,  and  neither  the Board of  Directors  nor any  committee
     thereof  has made a prior  determination  of whether  the  shareholder  has
     complied with the  procedures  set forth in this  Section 2.4 in connection
     with such item of business or  proposal,  then the  chairman of the meeting
     shall  determine and declare at the meeting  whether the shareholder has so
     complied.  If the chairman determines that the shareholder has so complied,
     then the chairman  shall so state and ballots  shall be provided for use at
     the  meeting  with  respect to such item of business  or  proposal.  If the
     chairman determines that the shareholder has not so complied,  then, unless
     the  chairman,  in his or her sole and absolute  discretion,  determines to
     waive such  compliance,  the chairman shall state that the  shareholder has
     not so complied  and the item of business or proposal  shall not be brought
     before the meeting.

This Section 2.4 shall not prevent the consideration and approval or disapproval
at the annual  meeting of reports of officers,  directors and  committees of the
Board of Directors,  but, in connection  with such reports,  no item of business
may be conducted, and no proposal may be considered and acted upon, unless there
has been  compliance  with the  procedures  set  forth  in this  Section  2.4 in
connection therewith.

Section  2.5  Notice.  Except  as  otherwise  provided  by  Washington  Business
Corporation  Act,  RCW Chapter 23B  (hereafter  "Act"),  or unless lapse of time
shall be waived,  written notice of the time, date and place of any shareholders
meeting,  and, in the case or a special  meeting,  the  purpose or purposes  for
which the  meeting is called,  shall be given to each  shareholder  at least ten
(10) nor more than sixty (60) days before the date of such a meeting. If mailed,
notice is given when  deposited  in the United  States  mail,  postage  prepaid,
directed to the  shareholder  at his address as it appears on the records of the
Corporation.  An affidavit of the Secretary or an Assistant  Secretary or of the
transfer agent of the  Corporation  that the notice has been given shall, in the
absence of fraud, be prima facie evidence of the facts stated therein.

Section  2.6  Quorum.  At any  meeting of  shareholders,  the holders of record,
present in person or by proxy,  of a majority  of the  Corporation's  issued and
outstanding  shares of stock entitled to vote at such meeting shall constitute a
quorum for the transaction of business,  except as otherwise provided by law. In
the  absence  of a quorum,  any  officer  entitled  to  preside  at or to act as
secretary  of the meeting  shall have power to adjourn the meeting  from time to
time  until a quorum is  present.  Once a quorum is  present,  shareholders  may
continue to transact business at the meeting  notwithstanding  the withdrawal of
enough shareholders to leave less than a quorum.

Section 2.7 Voting. When a quorum is present at any meeting,  action on a matter
is approved if the votes cast favoring the action exceed the votes cast opposing
the  action  (taking  into  account  those  voting  in person or by proxy at the
meeting and  entitled to vote on the subject  matter  unless the question is one
upon which by express provision of law or of the Articles of Incorporation or of
these By-Laws a different vote is require, and such approved action shall be the
act of the shareholders.

Section 2.8 Adjourned Meeting. Any meeting of shareholders may be adjourned from
time to time by the vote of a majority of the shares represented in person or by
proxy  whether  or not a quorum is  present.  When a  shareholders'  meeting  is
adjourned  to another time or place,  notice need not be given of the  adjourned
meeting if the time and place  thereof are announced at the meeting at which the
adjournment is taken. At the adjourned meeting, the Corporation may transact any
business which might have been transacted at the original meeting; however, if a
record date for the adjourned meeting is or must be fixed in accordance with the
Act,  notice  of the  adjourned  meeting  must  be  given  to  persons  who  are
shareholders as of the new record date.

Section 2.9 Proxies.  Every person  entitled to vote for  directors or any other
matter  shall have the right to do so either in person or by one or more  agents
authorized  by a written proxy signed by the person and filed with the Secretary
of the Corporation.  A proxy shall be deemed signed if the shareholder's name is
placed  on the proxy  (whether  by manual  signature,  typewriting,  telegraphic
transmission or otherwise) by the shareholder or shareholder's attorney in fact.
A validly  executed  proxy  which  does not state that it is  irrevocable  shall
continue in full force and effect unless (i) revoked by the person executing it,
before  the vote  pursuant  to that  proxy  executed  by,  or  delivered  to the
Corporation stating that the proxy is revoked, or by a subsequent proxy executed
by, or  attendance  at the meeting and voting in person by the person  executing
the proxy;  or (ii) written  notice of the death or  incapacity  of the maker of
that proxy is received by the Corporation before the vote pursuant to that proxy
is counted; provided, however, that no proxy shall be valid after the expiration
of eleven (11) months from the date of the proxy,  unless otherwise  provided in
the  proxy.  The  revocability  of a proxy  that  states  on its face that it is
irrevocable shall be governed by the applicable provisions of the Act.

Section  2.10  Shareholder  Action by  Consent.  Without a  meeting  any  action
required or  permitted to be taken at any meeting of  shareholders  may be taken
without a meeting,  without  prior  notice and  without a vote,  if a consent in
writing,  setting  forth the action so taken,  shall be signed by the holders of
outstanding stock having not less than the minimum number of votes that would be
necessary  to  authorize  or take such  action at a meeting  at which all shares
entitled to vote thereon were present and voting. Prompt notice of the taking of
any such  action  shall be given to those  shareholders  who did not  consent in
writing.  Any  such  consent  in  writing  shall be filed  with the  minutes  of
proceedings of the  shareholders.  If the Act requires that notice of a proposed
action  be given to  non-voting  shareholders  and the  action is to be taken by
unanimous  consent of the voting  shareholders,  the  Corporation  must give its
non-voting  shareholders  written notice of the proposed action at least 10 days
before the action is taken.  The notice must  contain or be  accompanied  by the
same  material  that  would  have  been  required  to be sent to the  non-voting
shareholders in a notice of meeting at which the proposed action would have been
submitted to such shareholders for action.

Section 2.11 Waiver of Notice. A shareholder may waive any notice required to be
given by these By-Laws, or the Articles of Incorporation of this Corporation, or
any of the  corporate  laws of the  State of  Washington,  before  or after  the
meeting that is the subject of such notice.  A valid waiver is created by any of
the following three methods: (a) in writing,  signed by the shareholder entitled
to the notice and  delivered to the  Corporation  for inclusion in its corporate
records; (b) attendance at the meeting,  unless the shareholder at the beginning
of the meeting  objects to holding the  meeting or  transacting  business at the
meeting;  or (c) failure to object at the time of  presentation  of a matter not
within the purpose or purposes described in the meeting notice.

                                    ARTICLE 3


Section 3.1 Powers.  The Board of Directors  shall be responsible for the entire
management  of the business of this  Corporation.  In addition to the powers and
authorities  by  these  By-Laws  and the  Articles  of  Incorporation  expressly
conferred upon it, the Board of Directors may exercise all such corporate powers
and do all such lawful acts and things as are not  otherwise  prohibited  by the
Act or by the  Articles  of  Incorporation  or by these  By-Laws.  The  Board of
Directors  may delegate  the  management  of the  day-to-day  operations  of the
business of the  Corporation to a management  company or other person,  provided
that the  business  and  affairs of the  Corporation  shall be  managed  and all
corporate power shall be exercised under the ultimate  direction of the Board of

Section  3.2  Number;  Board of  Directors  Divided  in  Classes.  The number of
directors  of the  Corporation  which  shall  constitute  the  entire  Board  of
Directors  shall be such as from time to time shall be  determined by a majority
of the then authorized  number of directors,  but in no case shall the number be
less than 3 nor more than 13. The directors  shall be classified with respect to
the time for which they severally  hold office into classes,  as nearly equal in
number as  possible  (but with not less than one  director  in each  class),  as
determined  by the  Board  of  Directors,  one  class to be  elected  for a term
expiring  at the first  annual  meeting  of  shareholders  to be held  after its
election,  another  class to be elected for a term expiring at the second annual
of shareholders  to be held after its election,  and another class to be elected
for a term expiring at the third annual meeting of shareholders to be held after
its  election,  with the  members  of each  class  to hold  office  until  their
successors  have  been  elected  and  qualified.   At  each  annual  meeting  of
shareholders, the successors of the members of the class of directors whose term
expires at that meeting  shall be elected to hold office for a term  expiring at
the annual meeting of shareholders  held in the third year following the year of
their election.

Section 3.3 Nominations and Qualifications of Directors.

     (1)  Nominations  of  candidates  for  election as  directors  at an annual
     meeting of  shareholders  may only be made (i) by, or at the  direction of,
     the Board of Directors or (ii) by any shareholder of the Corporation who is
     entitled to vote at the meeting and who complies  with the  procedures  set
     forth in the remainder of this Section 3.3.

     (2) If a  shareholder  proposes  to  nominate  one or more  candidates  for
     election as directors at an annual meeting, the shareholder must have given
     timely notice thereof to the Secretary of the Corporation.  To be timely, a
     shareholder's  notice must be delivered  to, or mailed and received at, the
     Principal  Office (i) not less than one hundred  twenty (120) days prior to
     the first  anniversary of the date that the  Corporation's  proxy statement
     was released to  shareholders in connection with the previous year's annual
     meeting;  (ii) a reasonable time before the Corporation begins to print and
     mail its proxy materials if the date of this year's annual meeting has been
     changed by more than thirty (30) days from the date of the previous  year's
     meeting;  or (iii) not more than seven (7) days  following  the delivery to
     shareholders  of the notice of annual  meeting  with respect to the current
     year's annual meeting, if the Corporation did not release a proxy statement
     to shareholders  in connection with the previous year's annual meeting,  or
     if no annual meeting was held during such year.

     (3) A shareholder's  notice to the Secretary under Section 3.3(2) shall set
     forth,  as to each person  whom the  shareholder  proposes to nominate  for
     election as a director (i) the name,  age,  business  address and residence
     address of such person, (ii) the principal occupation or employment of such
     person,  (iii) the number  and class of shares of stock of the  Corporation
     that are  beneficially  owned on the date of such notice by such person and
     (iv) if the  Corporation at such time has a class of securities  registered
     pursuant to Section 12 of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended
     (the  "Exchange  Act"),  any  other  information  relating  to such  person
     required  to be  disclosed  in  solicitations  of proxies  with  respect to
     nominees  for election as directors  pursuant to  Regulation  14A under the
     Exchange  Act,  including  but not  limited to  information  required to be
     disclosed by Schedule 14A of Regulation 14A, and any other information that
     the shareholder  would be required to file with the Securities and Exchange
     Commission in connection with the  shareholder's  nomination of such person
     as a  candidate  for  director  or  the  shareholder's  opposition  to  any
     candidate  for director  nominated by, or at the direction of, the Board of
     Directors. In addition to the above information,  a shareholder's notice to
     the  Secretary  under  Section 3.3(2)  shall (A) set forth (i) the name and
     address, as they appear on the Corporation's  books, of the shareholder and
     of any other  shareholders  that the shareholder  knows or anticipates will
     support any candidate or candidates  nominated by the  shareholder and (ii)
     the  number  and  class of  shares  of stock  of the  Corporation  that are
     beneficially owned on the date of such notice by the shareholder and by any
     such other  shareholders  and (B) be accompanied by a statement in the form
     of a record,  executed and acknowledged by each candidate  nominated by the
     shareholder, that the candidate agrees to be so nominated and to serve as a
     director of the Corporation if elected at the annual meeting.

     (4) The Board of Directors,  or a designated  committee thereof, may reject
     any  shareholder's  nomination  of one or more  candidates  for election as
     directors if the nomination is not made pursuant to a shareholder's  notice
     timely given in accordance with the terms of  Section 3.3(2).  If the Board
     of  Directors,  or a  designated  committee  thereof,  determines  that the
     information  provided  in a  shareholder's  notice  does  not  satisfy  the
     requirements of Section 3.3(3)  in any material  respect,  the Secretary of
     the  Corporation  shall notify the  shareholder  of the  deficiency  in the
     notice. The shareholder shall have an opportunity to cure the deficiency by
     providing  additional  information  to the Secretary  within such period of
     time, not to exceed five (5) days from the date such  deficiency  notice is
     given to the shareholder, as the Board of Directors or such committee shall
     reasonably determine. If the deficiency is not cured within such period, or
     if the Board of Directors or such committee  determines that the additional
     information   provided  by  the  shareholder,   together  with  information
     previously provided, does not satisfy the requirements of Section 3.3(3) in
     any material  respect,  then the Board of Directors or such  committee  may
     reject the shareholder's notice.

     (5)  Notwithstanding  the  procedures  set  forth in  Section 3.3(4),  if a
     shareholder  proposes to nominate  one or more  candidates  for election as
     directors at an annual meeting,  and neither the Board of Directors nor any
     committee thereof has made a prior determination of whether the shareholder
     has  complied  with  the  procedures  set  forth  in  this  Section 3.3  in
     connection  with such  nomination,  then the chairman of the annual meeting
     shall  determine and declare at the annual meeting  whether the shareholder
     has so complied.  If the chairman  determines  that the  shareholder has so
     complied,  then the chairman  shall so state and ballots  shall be provided
     for use at the meeting  with  respect to such  nomination.  If the chairman
     determines  that the  shareholder  has not so  complied,  then,  unless the
     chairman,  in his or her sole and absolute discretion,  determines to waive
     such  compliance,  the chairman shall state that the shareholder has not so
     complied and the defective nomination shall be disregard.

     (6) All directors of the Corporation  shall be at least twenty-one years of
     age.  Directors  need not be  shareholders  or  residents  of the  State of
     Washington.  At each meeting of shareholders  for the election of directors
     at which a quorum is  present,  the persons  receiving  a plurality  of the
     votes cast shall be elected directors.

Section 3.4 Meetings.

     (1) Regular  meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at such times
     and places as may from time to time be fixed by the Board of  Directors  or
     as may be specified in a notice of meeting.  Special  meetings of the Board
     of  Directors  may be held at any time upon the call of the Chairman of the
     Board, the President, the Vice President or two or more directors.  Oral or
     written notice of each special  meeting of the Board of Directors,  stating
     the time and place of the meeting,  shall (i) be given to each director not
     less than two days before such meeting or (ii) be delivered to the director
     personally by facsimile or by telephoning  not less than one (1) day before
     the meeting. A meeting of the Board of Directors may be held without notice
     immediately after the annual meeting of the  shareholders.  Notice need not
     be given of regular meetings of the Board of Directors.

     (2) Members of the Board of Directors or any  committee  designated  by the
     Board of Directors may  participate in a meeting  through use of conference
     telephone  or  similar  communications  equipment,  so long as all  members
     participating  in such  meeting  can hear each  other.  Such  participation
     constitutes presence in person at such meeting.

     (3) Whenever notice is required to be given to any director pursuant to the
     Act,  the  Corporation's  Articles of  Incorporation  or these  By-Laws,  a
     written waiver  thereof,  signed by such director,  whether before or after
     the time stated therein,  shall be deemed equivalent to notice.  Attendance
     of a  director  at a meeting  shall  constitute  a waiver of notice of such
     meeting  except  when the  director  attends  the  meeting  for the express
     purpose of objecting,  at the beginning of the meeting,  to the transaction
     of any business because the meeting is not lawfully called or convened. All
     such  waivers,  consents and  approvals  shall be filed with the  corporate
     records or made a part of the minutes of the meeting.

Section 3.5 Quorum. A majority of the total number of directors shall constitute
a quorum for the  transaction  of  business.  If a quorum is not  present at any
meeting of the Board of Directors, the directors present may adjourn the meeting
from time to time, without notice other than announcement at the meeting,  until
such a quorum is present.  Except as otherwise provided by the Act, the Articles
of Incorporation of the Corporation,  these By-Laws or any contract or agreement
to which the  Corporation  is a party,  the act of a majority  of the  directors
present at any meeting at which there is a quorum  shall be the act of the Board
of Directors.  A meeting at which a quorum is initially  present may continue to
transact  business  notwithstanding  the withdrawal of directors,  if any action
taken is  approved  by at  least a  majority  of the  required  quorum  for such
meeting. Any meeting of the Board of Directors may be adjourned and continued at
a  later  time,   including  a  meeting  at  which  a  quorum  is  not  present.
Notwithstanding Section 4 of this Article, notice of the adjourned meeting or of
the business to be transacted therein, other than by announcement at the meeting
of which the  adjournment  is taken,  shall not be  necessary.  At any adjourned
meeting at which a quorum is present, any business may be transacted which could
have been transacted at the meeting as originally called. Section 3.6 Committees
of Directors. The Board of Directors may, by resolution adopted by a majority of
the full  Board of  Directors,  designate  from among its  members an  Executive
Committee  and one or  more  other  committees,  each of  which,  to the  extent
provided in such  resolution,  shall have and may exercise all the  authority of
the Board of Directors, except no such committee shall have the authority to (a)
authorize or approve a  distribution  except  according to a general  formula or
method  prescribed  by the  Board  of  Directors;  (b)  approve  or  propose  to
shareholders  action  which  the  corporate  law  requires  to  be  approved  by
shareholders;  (c) fill  vacancies  on the Board of  Directors  or on any of its
committees;  (d) amend Articles of  Incorporation;  (e) adopt,  amend, or repeal
By-Laws; (f) approve a plan of merger not requiring shareholder approval; or (g)
authorize  or approve the  issuance or sale or contract  for sale of shares,  or
determine the designation and relative rights, preferences, and limitations on a
class or series of shares,  except that the Board of Directors  may  authorize a
committee,  or a senior executive  officer of the  Corporation,  to do so within
limits  specifically  prescribed by the Board of Directors.  At such time as the
stock of the Corporation  may be publicly traded upon any exchange,  there shall
be an Audit  Committee of one or more  independent  directors and a Compensation
Committee of one or more independent directors.

Section 3.7 Action Without Meeting. Any action required or permitted to be taken
at any meeting of the Board of Directors or any  committee  thereof may be taken
without a meeting if all members of the Board of Directors or any committee,  as
the case may be,  consent in writing to such  action and the writing or writings
are  filed  with  the  minutes  or  proceedings  of the  Board of  Directors  or
committee, as the case may be.

Section  3.8 Fees and  Compensation.  Directors  and members of  committees  may
receive such compensation, if any, for their services, and such reimbursement of
expenses, as may be fixed or determined by resolution of the Board of Directors.
No such payment shall preclude any director from serving this Corporation in any
other capacity and receiving compensation therefor.

Section 3.9  Vacancies.  Except as otherwise  provided in these  By-Laws,  newly
created  directorships  resulting  from any increases in the number of directors
and any vacancies on the Board of Directors  resulting from death,  resignation,
disqualification, removal or other cause shall be filled by the affirmative vote
of a majority of the remaining  directors then in office,  even if such majority
is  less  than a  quorum  of the  Board  of  Directors,  or by a sole  remaining
director. The term of office of any director so elected by the directors to fill
a vacancy  resulting  from an increase in the number of  directors  or otherwise
shall expire at the next meeting of shareholders at which directors are elected.
The term of office of any  director  elected  by the  shareholders  to succeed a
director  elected by the other  directors  (or to fill a vacancy on the Board of
Directors which had not been filled by the vote of such other  directors)  shall
expire at the annual meeting of  shareholders  at which the term of the class of
which such  director  is a member  shall  expire.  No  decrease in the number of
directors  constituting  the Board of  Directors  shall  shorten the term of any
incumbent director.

Section 3.10 Resignation of Directors. Any director may resign at any time. Such
resignation shall be made in writing and shall take effect at the time specified
therein,  and if no time be  specified,  shall  take  effect  at the time of its
receipt by the  Chairman,  the Chief  Executive  Officer or the Secretary of the
Corporation.  The acceptance of a resignation  shall not be necessary to make it
effective.  No resignation  shall discharge any accrued  obligation or duty of a

Section 3.11 Removal of Directors.  A duly elected  director of the  Corporation
may  be  removed  from  such  position,  with  or  without  cause,  only  by the
affirmative  vote of the holders of a majority of the shares entitled to vote in
the election of such director as provided in the Articles of Incorporation.

Section 3.12  Chairman.  The Board of Directors may select one of its members to
be Chairman.  The Chairman  shall have such powers and perform such duties which
are commonly  associated  with the office of Chairman,  including,  presiding at
meetings of the Board of Directors  and at  shareholder  meetings.  The Chairman
shall also have such  powers and  perform  such duties as are set forth in these
By-Laws  and as may  from  time to  time  be  assigned  to him by the  Board  of

Section 3.13 Vice  Chairman of the Board.  The  Vice-Chairman  of the Board,  if
there be any,  shall be a member of the Board of  Directors  and shall have such
powers and  perform  such  duties as may from time to time be assigned to him or
her by the Board of Directors.

Section 3.14 Interested Directors and Officers.

     (1)  Contracts and  Transactions.  No contract or  transaction  between the
     Corporation  and one or more of its  directors or officers,  or between the
     Corporation and any other  corporation,  partnership,  association or other
     organization  in which one or more of its  directors  or officers  are also
     directors  or  officers,  or have a  financial  interest,  shall be void or
     voidable solely for such reason,  or solely because the director or officer
     is  present at or  participates  in the  meeting of the Board of  Directors
     which  authorizes  the contract or  transaction,  or solely  because his or
     their votes are counted for such purpose, if:

          (a) Disclosure to Board.  The material facts as to his interest and as
          to the contract or transaction  are disclosed or known to the Board of
          Directors  and the Board of  Directors  in good faith  authorizes  the
          contract or transaction by a vote  sufficient for such purpose without
          counting the vote of the interested director or directors, even though
          the disinterested directors be less than a quorum; or

          (b) Disclosure to Shareholders.  The material facts as to his interest
          and as to the contract or  transaction  are  disclosed or are known to
          the  shareholders  entitled  to  vote  thereon,  and the  contract  or
          transaction  is  specifically  approved in good faith by a vote of the
          shareholders; or

          (c) Fairness.  The contract or transaction is fair to the  Corporation
          as of the time it is authorized,  approved,  or ratified, by the Board
          of Directors or the shareholders.

     (3) Quorum. Interested directors may be counted in determining the presence
     of a quorum  at a meeting  of the Board of  Directors  which  authorizes  a
     contract or transaction in the preceding section.

Section  3.15  Presumption  of Assent.  A director  of this  Corporation  who is
present at a meeting of the Board of Directors at which action on any  corporate
matter is taken shall be presumed to have  assented to the action taken  unless:
(a) the director  objects at the beginning of the meeting,  or promptly upon the
director's arrival, to the holding of the meeting or transacting business at the
meeting;  (b) the  director's  dissent or  abstention  from the action  taken is
entered in the minutes of the meeting;  or (c) the  director  shall file written
dissent or  abstention  with the  presiding  officer of the meeting  before such
adjournment or to the Corporation within a reasonable time after the adjournment
of the meeting. Such right to dissent shall not apply to a director who voted in
favor of such action.

                                    ARTICLE 4


Section  4.1  Officers.  The  officers  of the  Corporation  shall  consist of a
President,  a Secretary,  a Chief Financial  Officer  (Treasurer) and such other
additional  officers with such titles as the Board of Directors shall determine,
all of whom shall be chosen by and shall  serve at the  pleasure of the Board of
Directors.  Any number of offices may be held by the same person.  Such officers
shall have the usual powers and shall  perform all the usual duties  incident to
their respective  offices.  All officers shall be subject to the supervision and
direction of the Board of Directors.  The authority,  duties or responsibilities
of any officer of the  Corporation  may be  suspended by the  President  with or
without cause. Any officer elected or appointed by the Board of Directors may be
removed by the Board of Directors  with or without  cause.  No officer need be a
shareholder of this Corporation.

Section 4.2 Other  Officers.  The Board of  Directors,  at its  discretion,  may
appoint, or empower the President to appoint,  one or more Vice Presidents,  one
or more Assistant Secretaries,  one or more Assistant Treasurers,  or such other
officers as the business of the Corporation may require, each of whom shall hold
office for such period, have such authority and perform such duties as the Board
of Directors or the President may from time to time determine.

Section 4.3 Removal.  Any officer may be removed,  either with or without cause,
by the Board of Directors, at any regular or special meeting thereof, or, except
in the case of an officer chosen by the Board of Directors,  by any officer upon
whom such power of removal may be conferred by the Board of Directors  (subject,
in each  case,  to the  rights,  if  any,  of an  officer  under  an  employment

Section 4.4  Resignation.  Any officer may resign at any time by giving  written
notice to the Board of  Directors,  the  President,  or to the  Secretary of the
Corporation  without  prejudice to the rights,  if any, of the Corporation under
any contract to which the officer is a party.  Any such  resignation  shall take
effect at the date of the receipt of such notice or at any later time  specified
therein  and,  unless  otherwise  specified  therein,  the  acceptance  of  such
resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective.

Section 4.5 Vacancies.  A vacancy in any office  because of death,  resignation,
removal,  disqualification  or any other  cause  shall be  filled in the  manner
prescribed in these By-Laws for regular appointments to such office.

Section 4.6 Salaries.  The salaries, if any, of the officers shall be fixed from
time to time by the Board of Directors or the committee of the Board  designated
for that purpose.  No officers  shall be prevented from receiving such salary by
reason of the fact that said officer is also a director of this Corporation.

                                    ARTICLE 5


Section 5.1 Indemnification  Rights. To the fullest extent permitted by the Act,
as the same may be amended and  supplemented,  the  Corporation  shall indemnify
each current or former director or officer of the  Corporation  from and against
any and all expenses,  liabilities or other matters referred to in or covered by
the Act,  including,  without  limitation,  by reason of his  current  or former
position  with  the  Corporation  or by  reason  of the  fact  that he is or was
serving,  at the request of the Corporation,  as a director,  officer,  partner,
trustee, employee or agent of another corporation,  partnership,  joint venture,
trust or other enterprise.

Section 5.2 Nonexclusivity. The indemnification provided for herein shall not be
deemed exclusive of any other rights to which those  indemnified may be entitled
under any By-Law,  agreement, vote of shareholders or disinterested directors or
otherwise,  both as to  action  in his  official  capacity  and as to  action in
another  capacity  while holding such office,  and shall continue as to a person
who has ceased to be a director,  officer,  employee or agent and shall inure to
the benefit of the heirs, executors and administrators of such person. Except as
may otherwise be specifically  provided in these By-Laws,  no provision of these
By-Laws is intended by the Corporation to be construed as limiting, prohibiting,
denying or abrogating any of the general or specific powers or rights  conferred
under  the Act upon the  Corporation,  upon its  shareholders,  bondholders  and
security  holders,  and upon  its  directors,  officers,  employees  or  agents,
including in particular the power of the Corporation to furnish  indemnification
to  directors,  officers,  employees  and agents in the  capacities  defined and
prescribed by the Act and prescribed  rights of said persons to  indemnification
as the same are conferred by the Act.

Section 5.3 Advancement of Expenses. The rights granted herein shall include the
right to be paid by the  Corporation  the  expenses  incurred in  defending  any
proceeding  in advance of its final  disposition,  provided,  however,  that the
payment of such expenses shall be made only upon delivery to the  Corporation of
an undertaking, by or on behalf of such director, officer, employee or agent, to
repay all amounts so advanced if it shall  ultimately  be  determined  that such
director, officer, employee or agent is not entitled to indemnification.

                                    ARTICLE 6

                             SHARES AND SHAREHOLDERS

Section 6.1 Share Certificates.

     (1) The Corporation  may issue a certificate or  certificates  representing
     shares of its stock. No shares of this  Corporation  shall be issued unless
     authorized  by the Board or a committee  of the Board.  Such  authorization
     shall include the maximum number of shares to be issued,  the consideration
     to be received,  and a statement that the Board considers the consideration
     to be adequate. Certificates for shares of the Corporation shall be in such
     form as is consistent  with the  provisions of the Act and shall state:  1)
     The name of the Corporation and that the Corporation is organized under the
     laws of the State of  Washington;  2)The name of the person to whom issued;
     and 3) The number and class of shares and the designation of the series, if
     any, which such certificate represents. Any or all of the signatures on the
     certificate  may be a facsimile.  The Board of Directors may appoint one or
     more transfer  agents and  registrars for its stock of any class or classes
     and may require stock  certificates to be  countersigned  and registered by
     one or more of the  transfer  agents and  registrars.  In case any officer,
     transfer agent or registrar who has signed or whose facsimile signature has
     been  placed  upon a  certificate  shall  have  ceased to be such  officer,
     transfer  agent of  registrar  before  such  certificate  is  issued,  such
     certificate  may be issued by the  Corporation  with the same  effect as if
     such person were an officer,  transfer  agent or  registrar  at the date of
     issue.  The  Corporation  shall be entitled to issue  shares of its capital
     stock  without  certificates  representing  such  shares  if the  Board  of
     Directors of the Corporation shall so resolve.

     (2) There shall be set forth on the face or back of a certificate which the
     Corporation  may issue to  represent  a class or series of stock one of the
     following:  (1) a statement of the powers,  designations,  preferences  and
     relative  participating,  optional or other special rights of each class of
     stock or series thereof and the qualifications, limitations or restrictions
     of such  preferences  and/or  rights,  or (2) a  summary  of the  statement
     described in subsection  1.B.(1) above. If a security of the Corporation is
     subject to a  restriction  on the transfer or  registration  thereof,  such
     restriction shall be noted, in writing,  conspicuously upon the certificate
     representing the security.

     (3) The Corporation  may, but shall not be required to, issue  certificates
     representing  a fraction of a share and, in this event,  the holder thereof
     shall have all the rights  appurtenant to ownership of that interest in the
     Corporation.   If  the  Corporation   elects  not  to  issue   certificates
     representing  a fraction of a share to the  persons  entitled  thereto,  it
     shall, at its election, either:

     (4) Arrange for  disposition of the  fractional  interest by those entitled

     (5) Pay in cash the fair value of  fractions of a share as of the time when
     those entitled to receive such fractions are determined.

     (6) Issue scrip or warrants in  registered  or bearer  which  entitles  the
     holder to  receive a full share upon  surrender  of such scrip or  warrants
     aggregating  one or more full shares,  which scrip or warrants  may, if the
     Board of Directors elects,  either become (i) void if not so surrendered on
     or before a specified  date,  or (ii) subject to such other  conditions  or
     limitations as may be designated by the Board of Directors.

Section  6.2  Transfer  of  Certificates.  Where a  certificate  for  shares  is
presented  to the  Corporation  or its transfer  clerk or transfer  agent with a
request to register a transfer  of shares,  the  Corporation  is under a duty to
register  the  transfer,  cancel  the  certificate  presented,  and  issue a new
certificate  if:  (a) the  certificate  is  endorsed  or the  instructions  were
originated by the  appropriate  person or persons;  (b) reasonable  assurance is
given that those endorsements or instructions are genuine and effective; (c) the
Corporation  has no duty to inquire into adverse  claims or has  discharged  any
such duty;  (d) any  applicable law relating to the collection of taxes has been
complied  with;  and (e)  reasonable  assurance is given that the transfer is in
fact rightful or is to a bona fide purchaser.

Section 6.3 Lost Certificates. Where a certificate is alleged to have been lost,
destroyed or wrongfully  taken, the Corporation shall issue a new certificate in
place of the  original if the owner:  (a) so  requests,  in writing,  before the
Corporation  has notice that the  certificate  has been  acquired by a bona fide
purchaser;  and  (b) if so  requested  by the  Board  of  Directors,  gives  the
Corporation a bond sufficient to indemnify it against any claim that may be made
against it on account of the alleged  loss,  destruction  or wrongful  taking of
such  certificate  or the issuance of such new  certificate.  Except as provided
above,  no new  certificate  for  shares  shall  be  issued  in  lieu  of an old
certificate unless the Corporation is ordered to do so by a court judgment in an
action brought in a court of appropriate jurisdiction.

Section 6.4 Registration of Shares.  The Corporation  shall recognize the person
or persons  registered in its stock ledger as the exclusive  owner and holder of
the shares  registered  in his name and as the  "shareholder"  for all  purposes
herein  with the  exclusive  rights  inter alia to vote the  shares,  to receive
dividends declared with respect to the shares, to transfer the shares to others,
and to exercise any other rights of shareholders.  The Corporation shall have no
obligation  to recognize  any equitable or other claim or interest in any shares
on the part of any person or persons  other than the  registered  owner,  as set
forth in the stock ledger,  whether or not the Corporation shall have any notice
thereof,  except  as may  otherwise  be  provided  by the  laws of the  State of
Washington.  "Shares"  for  the  purposes  hereof,  shall  mean  shares  of  the
Corporation's  stock authorized by its Articles of Incorporation  and registered
in the stock ledger as issued and outstanding, including any one or more classes
of stock so authorized and whether or not such share is deemed to have voting or
other privileges. It is the duty of every shareholder to notify this Corporation
of the shareholder's post office address.

Section 6.5 Record Date. For the purpose of determining shareholders entitled to
notice of or to vote at any meeting of shareholders or any adjournment  thereof,
or  entitled  to  receive  payment  of  any  dividend,  or in  order  to  make a
determination  of  shareholders  for any  other  proper  purpose,  the  Board of
Directors  may fix in  advance  a  record  date for any  such  determination  of
shareholders,  such date in any case to be not more than  seventy (70) days and,
in case of a meeting of  shareholders,  not less than ten (10) days prior to the
date  on  which  the  particular   action,   requiring  such   determination  of
shareholders,  is to be taken. If no record date is fixed for the  determination
of shareholders  entitled to notice of or to vote at a meeting of  shareholders,
or  shareholders  entitled to receive  payment of a dividend,  the date on which
notice of the meeting is mailed or the date on which the resolution of the Board
of Directors  declaring  such dividend is adopted,  as the case may be, shall be
the record date for such determination of shareholders.  When a determination of
shareholders  entitled to vote at any meeting of  shareholders  has been made as
provided in this  section,  such  determination  shall apply to any  adjournment
thereof unless the Board of Directors  fixes a new record date for the adjourned

Section  6.6 Voting  Record.  The  officer or agent  having  charge of the stock
transfer books for shares of this Corporation  shall make at least ten (10) days
before  each  meeting  of  shareholders  a complete  record of the  shareholders
entitled  to  vote at such  meeting  or any  adjournment  thereof,  arranged  in
alphabetical  order,  with the address of and the number of shares held by each.
Such record shall be produced and kept open at the time and place of the meeting
and shall be subject to the inspection of any shareholder  during the whole time
of the meeting for the purposes thereof.

                                    ARTICLE 7

                               GENERAL PROVISIONS

Section 7.1  Notices.  Whenever any statute,  the Articles of  Incorporation  or
these By-Laws  requires notice to be given to any director or shareholder,  such
notice  may be  given  in  writing  by  mail,  addressed  to  such  director  or
shareholder at his address as it appears on the records of the Corporation, with
postage thereon prepaid. Such notices shall be deemed to have been given when it
is deposited in the United States mail. Notice to directors may also be given by
facsimile or telephone.

Section 7.2 Dividends and Reserves.  The Board of Directors,  from time to time,
may  determine  whether any, and, if any, what part, of its net assets in excess
of its capital available therefor pursuant to applicable law and the Articles of
Incorporation  shall  be  declared  by it as  dividends  on  the  stock  of  the
Corporation. The Board of Directors, in its discretion, in lieu of declaring any
such  dividend,  may use and apply any of such net  profits  or net  assets as a
reserve  for  working  capital,  to  meet  contingencies,  for  the  purpose  of
maintaining or increasing the property or business of the Corporation or for any
other lawful  purpose which it may think  conducive to the best interests of the

Section 7.3 Seal. The corporate seal of the Corporation  shall be in the form of
a circle  and shall bear the name of the  Corporation  and the year and state of
its incorporation.

Section 7.4 Fiscal Year.  The fiscal year of the  Corporation  shall be fixed by
the Board of Directors.

Section 7.5 Record Date; Books and Records.

     (1) The Board of  Directors  may fix,  in  advance,  a record  date for the
     determination of the shareholders  entitled to notice of and to vote at any
     meeting of shareholders,  to receive any report, to receive any dividend or
     distribution,  or any allotment of rights, or to exercise rights in respect
     to any change, conversion, or exchange of shares.

     (2) The  Corporation  shall keep  adequate and correct books and records of
     account  and shall keep  minutes of the  proceedings  of its  shareholders,
     Board of Directors and  committees of the Board of Directors and shall keep
     at  its  Principal  Office  or at  the  office  of its  transfer  agent  or
     registrar, a record of its shareholders,  giving the names and addresses of
     all  shareholders  and the  number and class of shares  held by each.  Such
     minutes shall be kept in written  form.  Such other books and records shall
     be kept  either in  written  form or in any  other  form  capable  of being
     converted into written form.

Section 7.6 Check,  Drafts, Etc. All checks,  drafts or other orders for payment
of money,  notes or other  evidences of  indebtedness,  issued in the name of or
payable  to the  Corporation,  shall be signed  or  endorsed  by such  person or
persons  and in such  manner  as,  from  time to time,  shall be  determined  by
resolution of the Board of Directors.

Section 7.7 Authority to Execute Contracts. The Board of Directors may authorize
any officer or officers,  agent or agents, to enter into any contract or execute
any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the  Corporation,  subject to the
applicable  laws of the State of  Washington.  Such  authority may be general or
confined  to  specific  instances  and,  unless  so  authorized  by the Board of
Directors,  no officer,  agent or employee  shall have any power or authority to
bind the Corporation by any contract or engagement or to pledge its credit or to
render it liable for any purpose or to any amount.

Section 7.8 Representation of Shares of Other Corporations. The President or any
Vice President and the Secretary or any Assistant  Secretary of this Corporation
are authorized to vote, represent and exercise on behalf of this Corporation all
rights  incident to any and all shares of any other  corporation or corporations
standing in the name of this  Corporation.  The authority herein granted to said
officers to vote or represent on behalf of this  Corporation  any and all shares
held by  this  Corporation  in any  other  corporation  or  corporations  may be
exercised either by such officers in person or by any other person authorized so
to do by proxy or power of attorney duly executed by said officers.

Section 7.9 Construction and Definitions. Unless the context otherwise requires,
the general provisions,  rules of construction and definitions  contained in the
Act shall  govern  the  construction  of these  By-Laws.  Without  limiting  the
generality  of the  foregoing,  the masculine  gender  includes the feminine and
neuter,  the singular  number includes the plural and the plural number includes
the singular,  and the term "person" includes a corporation as well as a natural

Section 7.10 Books and Records.  The Corporation shall keep as permanent records
minutes of all meetings of its shareholders and Board of Directors,  a record of
all actions taken by the  shareholders or Board of Directors  without a meeting,
and a record of all  actions  taken by a  committee  of the  Board of  Directors
exercising the authority of the Board of Directors on behalf of the Corporation;
shall maintain appropriate  accounting records; and the Corporation or its agent
shall maintain a record of its shareholders,  in a form that permits preparation
of a list of the names and addresses of all shareholders,  in alphabetical order
by class of shares  showing  the  number and class of shares  held by each;  and
shall keep a copy of the following records at its Principal Office:

     (1) The Articles or Restated  Articles of Incorporation  and all amendments
     to them  currently in effect;

     (2) The By-Laws or Restated By-Laws and all amendments to them currently in

     (3) The minutes of all shareholders'  meetings,  and records of all actions
     taken by shareholders without a meeting, for the past three (3) years;

     (4) Its  financial  statements  for the past  three  (3)  years,  including
     balance sheets showing in reasonable detail the financial  condition of the
     Corporation  as of the close of each fiscal year,  and an income  statement
     showing the results of its  operations  during each fiscal year prepared on
     the basis of generally accepted accounting  principles or, if not, prepared
     on a basis explained therein;

     (5) All written  communications  to shareholders  generally within the past
     three (3) years;

     (6) A list of the names and business addresses of its current directors and
     officers; and

     (7) Its most recent annual report delivered to the Corporations Division of
     the State of Washington.

Section  7.11  Financial  Statements.  Not later than four (4) months  after the
close of its  fiscal  year,  and in any event  prior to the  annual  meeting  of
shareholders, the Corporation shall prepare a balance sheet and income statement
as of the close of the fiscal year. Upon written request,  the Corporation shall
mail to any  shareholder  a copy of the most  recent  balance  sheet and  income
statement.  If the annual  financial  statements  are reported  upon by a public
accountant,  the accountant's report must accompany them. If not, the statements
must be accompanied by the statement required by Washington law, which is signed
by the  President  or a  person  responsible  for the  Corporation's  accounting

Section 7.12 Rules of Order.  The rules  contained in the most recent edition of
Robert's Rules of Order, Revised,  shall govern all meetings of shareholders and
directors  where  those  rules  are  not  inconsistent   with  the  Articles  of
Incorporation or these By-Laws, subject to the following:

     (a) The chairman of the meeting shall have absolute  authority over matters
     of procedure, and there shall be no appeal from the ruling of the chairman.
     If the  chairman in his or her  absolute  discretion  deems it advisable to
     dispense with the rules of  parliamentary  procedure for any meeting or any
     part thereof, the chairman shall so state and shall clearly state the rules
     under which the meeting or appropriate part thereof shall be conducted.

     (b) If disorder should arise which prevents  continuation of the legitimate
     business of the meeting, or if the chairman should otherwise determine that
     it is  desirable to do so, the chairman may quit the chair and announce the
     adjournment  of the  meeting.  Upon so doing,  the meeting  shall be deemed
     immediately  adjourned,  subject to being  reconvened  in  accordance  with
     Section 2.8 of these By-Laws.

     (c) The chairman may ask or require that anyone not a bona fide shareholder
     or proxy leave the meeting of shareholders.

     (d) Without  limiting the  requirements  of Section 2.4  and Section 3.3 of
     these By-Laws, a resolution or motion at a meeting of shareholders shall be
     considered  for vote only if proposed by a shareholder  or duly  authorized
     proxy and seconded by an individual who is a shareholder or duly authorized
     proxy other than the individual who proposed the resolution or motion.

                                    ARTICLE 8


Subject to any limitations imposed by law or the Articles of Incorporation these
By-Laws may be altered, amended, supplemented or repealed, or new By-Laws may be
adopted, (a) at any annual or special meeting of the shareholders by affirmative
vote of all  shareholders  or (b) at any regular or special meeting of the Board
of Directors by  affirmative  vote of a majority of the Board of  Directors.  In
either case, notice of the proposed amendment must be given in the Notice of the

The  undersigned,  being the  Secretary  of WestCoast  Hospitality  Corporation,
hereby certifies that the foregoing Amended and Restated By-Laws were adopted by
the Board of Directors of the Corporation effective February 20, 2003.

/S/__Richard L. Barbieri____________
     Richard L. Barbieri, Secretary