Exhibit 5

                       LAW FIRM OF LARSON-JACKSON, P.C.
                        1500 K STREET, N.W., SUITE 900
                            WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005
                          Telephone:  (202) 408-8180
                          Facsimile:  (202) 347-8868

                                 July 9, 2001

Lino Novielli, President
Cross Genetic Technologies, Inc.
11921 Freedom Drive, Suite 550
Reston, VA  20190

       Re:  Registration Statement on Form SB-2

Dear Mr. Novielli:

    You have requested my opinion as to whether or not the securities issued by
Cross Genetic Technologies, Inc. (the "Company") and registered in the
above-referenced registration statement will be legally issued and, when
issued, will be fully paid and non-assessable shares of the Company.  In
connection with this engagement I have examined the form of the registration
statement to be filed by the Company; the Articles of Incorporation of the
Company; and the By-laws of the Company currently in effect.

    Based upon the above-referenced examination, I am of the opinion that
pursuant to the corporate laws of the State of Virginia, the shares of common
stock issued by the Company and to be registered pursuant to said registration
statement will be legally issued and, when issued, will be fully paid and

    I hereby consent to being named in the registration statement as having
rendered the foregoing opinion and as having represented the Company in
connection with the registration statement.


                                       /s/ Steve Larson-Jackson