EMPLOYEE STOCK PURCHASE PLAN

                                  SECTION ONE

         This  Employee  Stock  Purchase  Plan (the  "plan") is  intended  as an
incentive and to encourage stock ownership by employees,  officers and directors
of Online International  Corporation (the "Company") so that they may acquire or
increase  their  proprietary  interest in the growth and success of the Company,
and to encourage them to remain an employee, officer or director of the Company.

                                  SECTION TWO

The  plan  shall  be  administered  by a  committee  appointed  by the  board of
directors  of the  company  and  consisting  of at least  three of its  members.
Members of the committee  shall not be eligible to  participate in the plan. The
committee   shall  have  authority  to  make  rules  and   regulations  for  the
administration of the plan; its interpretations and decisions shall be final and
conclusive unless otherwise  determined by the board of directors.  The board of
directors  may from time to time  remove  members  from,  or add members to, the
committee.  Vacancies on the committee,  however caused,  shall be filled by the
board  of  directors.   The  committee  shall  select  one  of  its  members  as
chairperson,  and  shall  hold  meetings  at such  times  and  places  as it may
determine.  A majority of the  committee  at which a quorum is present,  or acts
reduced to or approved in writing by a majority of the members of the committee,
shall be the valid acts of the committee.  The committee is vested with the full
authority  to  make,   administer,   and  interpret  such  equitable  rules  and
regulations regarding the plan as it may deem advisable, subject to the terms of
the plan. No member of the board of directors or the  committee  shall be liable
for any action or  determination  made in good faith with respect to the plan or
any  option  granted  under  it.  The  grant of  options  under the plan will be
automatic and nondiscretionary.

                                 SECTION THREE
                             SHARES SUBJECT TO PLAN

The maxim aggregate number of shares which may be optioned under the Plan is one
million  (1,000,000)  common  shares ( the "Pool").  The par value of the common
stock is $.001. The shares may be authorized,  but unissued,  or required common
shares.  If any  option  should  expire or become  unexercisable  for any reason
without  having been  exercised  in full,  the  unpurchased  shares shall become
available  for future grant under the Plan.  If the shares  which were  acquired
upon exercise of an option are  subsequently  repurchased  by the Company,

such  shares  will not in any event be returned to the plan and shall not become
available for future grant under the Plan.

                                  SECTION FOUR

The full-time key employees,  officers and directors  (hereinafter  "employee or
participant")  of the Company  and its  subsidiaries,  if any,  with one or more
years of service to the Company shall be eligible to participate in the plan, in
accordance with such rules as may be prescribed from time to time,  which rules,
however, shall neither permit nor deny participation in the plan contrary to the
requirements of the Internal Revenue Code and regulations  promulgated under the
Code. No employee shall be granted an option if the employee,  immediately after
the  option is  granted,  owns five per cent (5%) or more of the total  combined
voting  power or  value  of the  stock of the  Company  or any  subsidiary.  For
purposes of the preceding sentence,  the rules of Section 424(d) of the Internal
Revenue Code shall apply in determining the stock ownership of an employee,  and
stock which the employee may purchase under outstanding options shall be treated
as stock  owned by the  employee.  Employees  of the  Company who work less than
twenty (20) hours per week shall not be eligible  to  participate  in this stock
purchase plan.

                                  SECTION FIVE
                                GRANT OF OPTIONS

The  committee  will grant to eligible  participants  options to  purchase  such
number of shares and at such time or times as it will  determine  subject to the
limitations contained in this Stock Option Plan.

         (a) All eligible  participants  shall enjoy equal rights and privileges
under the plan.

         (b)  In  determining   whether  the  stock  ownership  of  an  eligible
participants  exceeds the five percent threshold limit, the rules of Section 424
(d) of the Internal  Revenue  Code,  as amended,  will apply and stock which the
eligible  employee may purchase under the outstanding  options,  (whether or not
the options  qualify for the  special  tax  treatment  of Section 421 (a) of the
Internal  Revenue  Code)  shall  be  treated  as  stock  owned  by the  eligible
participant.  Of course, if the participant would not own more than five percent
(5%) immediately  after the grant of the options the stock will not be deemed to
be owned by the participant.

         (c) No eligible  participant  shall be granted an option which  permits
his or her rights to purchase  stock under the stock  option plan which  permits
his or her right to purchase stock under the plan to exceed One Hundred Thousand
Dollars  ($100,000)  of the fair market value of the stock  determined as of the
date the option is granted.  In that the options are being  granted prior to the
existence of any trading market or as the Company is currently  closely held, no
grantee  shall be permitted to purchase more than One Hundred  Thousand  Dollars
($100,000) of Common Stock of the Company pursuant to the instant option plan in
any one

twelve  month  period.  The  exercise  price of the per share will be one dollar
($1.00). In the event the company becomes publicly traded, the fair market value
will be determined in conjunction with the market price, however, no participant
shall be permitted to exercise stock option as a price less than one dollar.

(d) In the event of a  recapitalization,  reclassification  or merger  affecting
common stock, the number of shares which may subsequently  issued under the pan,
the  number of shares  under  option at that time,  and the option  price may be
appropriately adjusted as determined by the committee.

(e) The  participant  shall be notified by the Company of the grant of an option
or options to him or her.  In order to  participate  in the plan,  the  eligible
employee  must sign an  acceptance  of option form  provided by the  corporation
showing the number of shares that he or she elects to purchase  and must deliver
it within thirty (30) days afer the date  appearing on the form to the secretary
or other officers of the Company  designated in the option. An eligible employee
may accept the option to purchase  the number of shares  specified in his or her
option or a less number of shares but in no event less than one thousand  (1000)
shares of common stock of the Company.

                                  SECTION SIX
                                 PURCHASE PRICE

The  purchase  price per share will be one dollar  ($1.00) per share  unless the
committee determines  otherwise.  Once the Company becomes public, the committee
may,  in its sole  discretion,  create a formula  that  corresponds  to the fair
market value of the stock.

                                 SECTION SEVEN
                               METHOD OF PAYMENT

Payment for the shares under the option pursuant to the instant plan made at the
election  of  the  eligible   participant  may  be  either  lump  sum  payments,
installments, or a combination of those payments.

(a) An eligible participant or employee who elects the lump sum method shall pay
by cash,  money order or by cashier's check at the time of acceptance of option,
an amount equal to the total  purchase  price of all shares  accepted  under the
option.  The  participant  or employee can elect to pay less than the full lumps
sum,  but in no event can he or she tender  payment  for less than one  thousand
shares.  The remaining portion of the purchase price for all of the shares which
the eligible participant or employee has accepted may be installment payments.

(b) An  eligible  participant  or  employee  may elect to pay all or part of the
purchase price on the  installment  method shall  authorize the  withholding and
deduction  from his or her  regular  pay on a  specified  basis  not  less  than
monthly,  over the option period.  Such sums,  when


accumulated  will  equal  the  amount  necessary  to  acquire  the  shares.  The
deductions shall be in uniform amounts in conformity with the employer's payroll
deduction  schedule.  Any excess  amount  shall be returned the  participant  or
employee within thirty (30) days.

                                 SECTION EIGHT
                              INTEREST ON PAYMENTS

Interest  shall be allowed on sums withheld from an eligible  employee's pay for
purchase  of shares  under his plan  pursuant  an  election  by the  employee or
participant.  The interest shall be credited to each eligible  employee's  stock
purchase  account  until the date of  exercise.  For the  purpose  of  computing
allowable interest,  installment payments will be regarded as received as of the
first day of the month in which they are withheld. The rate of interest shall be
determined by the committee. The interest shall be compounded annually and shall
be paid to each eligible  employee or  participant as such times or times as the
board of directors shall determine.

                                  SECTION NINE
                              WITHDRAWAL OF FUNDS

         An employee may at any time and for any reason permanently withdraw out
the balance accumulated in the employee's  account,  including interest credited
on the account,  and by that action  withdraw  from  participation  in the Stock
Option Plan. Partial  withdrawals shall not be permitted.

                                   SECTION TEN
                                    NATURE OF
                            THE GRANT OF THE OPTIONS

(a) The options granted  pursuant to the instant plan are limited to one million
common shares of the Company and this plan must be approved by the  shareholders
of the  corporation  within  12  months  before  or after  the date this plan is

(b) By the  specific  terms of this plan the  options  shall not be  exercisable
after ten (10) years from the date the options are granted.

(c) The option  price is one dollar  ($1.00)  and the price is not less than the
fair market value.

                                 SECTION ELEVEN
                               STOCK CERTIFICATES

Stock  certificates  shall only be issued to  participating  employees  on their
request or in such number of shares as are credited to an employee's  account or
upon the participating


employee's withdrawal from the plan for any reason.

                                 SECTION TWELVE
                          REGISTRATION OF CERTIFICATES

Certificates  shall  be  registered  in the  name of the  employee,  or,  if the
employee  indicates on the employee's payroll deduction  authorization  form, in
the employee's name jointly with a member of the employee's  family,  with right
of survivorship.  An employee who is a resident of a jurisdiction which does not
recognize  such  a  joint  tenancy  may  have  certificates  registered  in  the
employee's  name as  tenant in common  with a member of the  employee's  family,
without right of survivorship.

                                SECTION THIRTEEN
                           PROTECTION FROM LIABILITY

Subject to the above,  the board of  directors  and the  committee in fixing the
option price shall have full  authority and  discretion  and be fully  protected
from any liability in doing so.

                                SECTION FOURTEEN
                             RIGHTS AS SHAREHOLDER

None of the rights or  privileges  of a  shareholder  of the company shall exist
with respect to shares  purchased under this plan unless and until  certificates
representing the full shares have been credited to the participating  employee's

                                SECTION FIFTEEN

In the event of a participating employee's retirement,  death, or termination of
employment,  no payroll  deduction  shall be taken from any pay due and owing to
the  employee at that time and the balance in the  employee's  account  shall be
paid to the employee or, in the event of the employee's death, to the employee's
estate.  Whether  authorized  leave  of  absence  or  absence  for  military  or
governmental  service  shall  constitute  termination  of  employment,  for  the
purposes of the plan, shall,  unless otherwise required by law, be determined by
the committee, which determination,  unless overruled by the board of directors,
shall be final and conclusive.  If, prior to one year of employment, an officer,
director,  or employee's  relationship with the corporation  terminates,  by the
employee or the  corporation,  with or without cause,  or in the event of death,
incapacity or retirement of the participant, the participant's right to exercise
the option shall immediately terminate and all rights under this agreement shall
immediately  cease.   Notwithstanding  the  foregoing  sentence,   in  the  sole
discretion of the board of directors by an affirmative act thereof,  the options
and the rights hereof can be extended after  termination or separation  from the


                                SECTION SIXTEEN
                            RIGHTS NOT TRANSFERABLE

Rights under this plan are not transferable by  participating  employees and are
exercisable during the employee's lifetime only by the employee. Transfer of the
option by the employee by will or by the laws of descent and distribution  shall
be effective to bind the  corporation  where the  corporation has been furnished
with  written  notice  of the  transfer  and a copy of the  will  or such  other
evidence the  corporation's  board of directors  deem necessary to establish the
validity of the transfer and the  acceptance by the transferee or transferees of
the terms and conditions of the option.

                               SECTION SEVENTEEN

At any time prior to, but in not event  following,  his or her date of exercise,
the  eligible  employee or  participant  who has elected to purchase  shares may
cancel his or her acceptance of Option as to any or all of the shares by written
notice of  cancellation  delivered to the officer  designated to received his or
her Acceptance of Option.  If an employee  cancels an Acceptance of Option as to
only  apart  of the  shares,  he or she  shall  continue  to make  the  required
installments  pay or shall  make a lump sum  payment  as set  forth  above  with
respect  to the  number  shares  for  which  the  Acceptance  of  Option  is not

(a) He or she may receive in one lump sum payment as soon as  practicable  after
delivery  of the  notice of  cancellation,  the  amount  credited  to his or her
account with respect to the shares (including  interest,  as computed under this
agreement); or

         (b) He or she may  have the  amount  which  is  credited  to his or her
account  with  respect  to the  shares  at the  time  the  cancellation  becomes
effective  applied to the  purchase  of the number of shares  that  amount  will
purchase,  not  exceeding,  however,  the  number  of  shares  by which  for the
Acceptance  of Option is cancelled and receive the balance of the account in one
lump sum payment.

(c) The date on which  payment for the share is  completed  shall be the date of
exercise with respect to the shares not cancelled.

                                SECTION EIGHTEEN
                              APPLICATION OF FUNDS

All funds  received or held by the  company  under this plan may be used for any
corporate purpose.


                                SECTION NINETEEN

In the event of a subdivision of outstanding shares of common stock, ($.001) par
value,  or the payment of a stock  dividend on the shares,  the number of shares
approved  for  this  plan,  and the  share  limitation,  shall be  increased  or
decreased  proportionately,  and such other  adjustment  shall be made as may be
deemed  equitable  by the board of  directors.  In the event of any other change
affecting  the  common  stock,  such  adjustment  shall be made as may be deemed
equitable by the board of directors to give proper effect to that event.

                                 SECTION TWENTY
                                 PLAN AMENDMENT

The  committee  may, at any time,  or from time to time,  amend this plan in any
respect,  except that,  without the approval of the holders of a majority of the
shares of common stock of the Company then issued and  outstanding  and entitled
to vote, no amendment  shall be made (i)  increasing or decreasing the number of
shares  approved for this plan (other than as provided in Section  Three),  (ii)
decreasing the purchase price per share, (iii) withdrawing the administration of
this plan from the  committee,  or (iv)  changing  the  designation  of eligible
participants in the plan.

                               SECTION TWENTY-ONE
                                PLAN TERMINATION

This plan and all  rights of  employees  or  participants  under this plan shall

(a) On the day that accumulated  payroll  deductions of participating  employees
are  sufficient  to  purchase a number of shares  equal to or  greater  than the
number of shares remaining  available for purchases.  If the number of shares so
purchasable is greater than the shares remaining available, the available shares
shall be allocated by the committee among such participating  employees in the a
manner it deems equitable; or

(b) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Stock Option Plan shall terminate at 5:00
p.m., Eastern Time, on August 30, 2010.

(c) At any time, at the discretion of the board of directors.



As used herein, the following definitions will apply:

(a) "Board" shall mean the Board of Directors of the Company.

(b) "Common Shares" shall mean the commons shares of the Company.

(c) "Company" shall mean Online International Corporation, a Nevada corporation.

(d) "Director" shall mean a member of the Board of Director.

(e) "Employee" shall mean any person including officers and Directors,  employed
by the Company or any current future subsidiary of the Company. The payment of a
director's  fee by the  Company  shall  not be  sufficient  in and of  itself to
constitute employment by the Company.

(f) "Option" shall man a stock option granted pursuant to the instant Plan.

(g) "Optionee" shall mean any grantee of an option pursuant to the terms of this
Stock Option Plan.

(h)  "Parent"  shall  mean  a  "parent  corporation  "whether  now or  hereafter
existing, as defined in Section 424 (g) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1999.

(i) "Plan" means this Stock Option Plan.

(j) "Share" means the common stock of the Company, as adjusted, if necessary.

(k) The phrase  "average  market  price"  means the average of the bid and asked
prices of the company's common stock as reported by the National  Association of
Securities Dealers, Inc. on the last business day of a participating  employee's
pay period or, if there were no bid and asked prices on that day, the average of
the bid and  asked  prices of the stock on the next  preceding  business  day on
which  quotations  were  available.  If the stock is  subsequently  listed on an
established stock exchange or exchanges the fair market value shall be deemed to
be the  highest  closing  price of the  common  stock on the stock  exchange  or
exchanges on the day the option is granted or if no sale of the company's common
stock is made on any stock  exchange on that day, on the next  preceding  day on
which there was a sale of the stock


                               PLAN QUALIFICATION

This plan is intended to quality as an Employee  Stock  Purchase Plan as defined
in Section 422 (b) of the Internal Revenue Code.

    Online International Corporation

By: /s/ Stanley James White
     Stanley James White
     Chief Executive Officer, President
