Exhibit 3(ii)


                                    ARTICLE I
                                PLACE OF BUSINESS

     The principal  office for the  transaction of business shall be in the City
of Scranton,  Pennsylvania (until otherwise  determined in the manner prescribed
by law, the principal  office shall be located at 150 North  Washington  Avenue,
and business of the corporation may be carried on at such other locations as may
be lawfully established and operated as branches).

                                   ARTICLE II
                             MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS

     SECTION 1. The annual  meeting  of the  shareholders  shall be held as such
place within the  Commonwealth  of  Pennsylvania  as shall be  designated by the
Board of Directors on the First  Tuesday of May in each year at 2 o'clock  P.M.,
unless that day be a duly  designated  legal holiday,  in which event the annual
meeting shall be held on the first day following which is not a legal holiday.

     A written or printed  notice of every such meeting  shall be mailed to each
stockholder,  charges prepaid,  at least ten days before the date of the meeting
to his or its last known address as appears on the books of the Corporation.

     SECTION 2. At each annual meeting the  shareholders  shall elect members to
the Board of  Directors  to serve until  their  successors  are duly  elected in
accordance with Article III, Section 1 and shall transact such other business as
may come before them.

     SECTION 3. Special  meetings of the  shareholders may be called at any time
by the  President,  the  Board of  Directors,  or the  holders  of not less than
one-fifth of all the shares  outstanding  and entitled to vote at the particular
meeting.  At any time, upon the written request of any person entitled to call a
special meeting as provided in this Section,  the Secretary shall call a special
meeting of the shareholders to be held at such time as the notice shall specify,
but not more than sixty days after the receipt of the request for such  meeting.
A written or printed  notice for every special  meeting,  specifying the purpose
and time and place thereof, shall be mailed by the secretary to the shareholders
of record,  in the manner  provided in Section 1 of this  Article,  at least ten
days before the date of such meeting.

     SECTION  4. Any  annual  or  special  meeting  of the  shareholders  may be
adjourned for any period of time,  but any meeting at which  Directors are to be
elected shall be adjourned  only from day to day until such  Directors have been
elected.  If there should be a failure to elect Directors at any annual meeting,
the Directors already in office shall continue to hold their offices until their
successors are duly elected and qualified.

     SECTION  5. In  advance  of any  meeting  of  shareholders,  the  Board  of
Directors  shall  appoint  a  judge  or  judges  of  election  who  need  not be
shareholders, to act at such meeting or any

Amended as of 8/9/2005

adjournment  thereof.  If a judge or judges of election for any reason be not so
appointed, the chairman of any stockholders' meeting shall make such appointment
at the meeting.  The number of judges  shall be one or three.  If appointed at a
meeting,  the majority of shares  present and  entitled to vote shall  determine
whether one or three  judges are to be  appointed.  No person who is a candidate
for office shall act as Judge.

     In case any person  appointed  as judge fails to appear or fails or refuses
to act, the vacancy may be filled by appointment  made by the Board of Directors
in advance of the  convening  of the  meeting,  or at the  meeting by the person
acting as chairman.

     The  judge or judges  of  election  shall  determine  the  number of shares
outstanding,  the voting power of each,  the shares  represented at the meeting,
the existence of a quorum,  the authenticity,  validity,  and effect of proxies,
receive votes or ballots, hear and determine all challenges and questions in any
way arising in connection with the right to vote,  count and tabulate all votes,
determine the result,  and do such acts as may be proper to conduct the election
or vote with fairness to all shareholders. If there be three judges of election,
the  decision,  act or  certificate  of a  majority  shall be  effective  in all
respects as the decision, act, or certificate of all.

     On request of the chairman of the  meeting,  or of any  shareholder  or his
proxy,  the judge or judges  shall make a report in writing of any  challenge or
question or matter  determined by him or them,  and execute a certificate of any
fact found by him or them. Any report or certificate made by the judge or judges
shall be prima facie evidence of the facts stated therein.

     SECTION 6. Except as provided in Section 7 of this Article, at all meetings
the shareholders  shall be entitled to one vote for each share standing in their
respective  names on the books,  and they may vote  either in person or by proxy
duly executed in writing,  but no proxy shall be valid unless executed and dated
within eleven months previous to the meeting, at which it is to be used.

     Except as otherwise set forth in these By-Laws,  the acts of the holders of
a  majority  of the  shares  represented  at any  meeting,  at which a quorum is
present,  shall be the acts of the shareholders.  The shareholders  present at a
duly  organized   meeting  may  continue  to  do  business  until   adjournment,
notwithstanding  the  withdrawal  of enough  shareholders  to leave  less than a

     The  presence,  in person or by proxy,  of the holders of a majority of the
outstanding  shares  entitled to vote shall  constitute  a quorum.  If a meeting
cannot be organized because a quorum has not attended, those present may adjourn
the meeting to such time and place as they may  determine;  but in the case of a
meeting  called for the  election of  Directors,  those who attend the second of
such adjourned  meetings,  although less than a quorum as fixed in this Section,
shall nevertheless constitute a quorum for the purpose of electing Directors.

     SECTION 7. In all  elections for Directors  every  shareholder  entitled to
vote shall  have the right,  in person or by proxy,  to  multiply  the number of
votes to which he may be entitled by the number of Directors  to be elected,  he
may cast his whole number of such votes for one  candidate or he may  distribute
them among any two or more candidates. The candidates

Amended 8/9/2005

receiving the highest number of votes up to the number of Directors to be chosen
shall be elected.

     SECTION 8. The officer or agent  having  charge of the  transfer  books for
shares  shall make,  at least five days before each meeting of  shareholders,  a
complete list of the shareholders  entitled to vote at the meeting,  arranged in
alphabetical  order,  with the address of and the number of shares held by each,
which list shall be kept on file at the principal place of business and shall be
subject to  inspection  by any  shareholder  for any proper  purpose at any time
during usual business  hours.  Such list shall also be produced and kept open at
the time and place of the meeting, and shall be subject to the inspection of any
shareholder for any proper purpose during the whole time of the meeting.

     SECTION  9. Any  person  intending  to  nominate  at the  annual  meeting a
candidate or candidates for the Board of Directors other than those nominated by
management  must  notify the  Corporation  by  certified  mail,  return  receipt
requested,  which  notice  the  Corporation  must  be in  receipt  of  at  least
forty-five  (45) days  before  said  meeting,  of his intent to do so giving the
names(s)  and  address(es)  of  the  person(s)  he  intends  to  nominate.   Any
solicitation  by or on behalf of such  candidate  subject to Federal  Securities
Laws must comply therewith.  The judge or judges of election shall not count any
votes  solicited  by or on  behalf of any such  candidate  in  violation  of the
Federal Securities laws or for any such candidate nominated without prior notice
thereof having been received by the Corporation as required above.

     SECTION  10.  Shareholder  Proposals.  Shareholders  wishing  to  present a
proposal  for  action  at  a  meeting  of  shareholders  must  comply  with  the
requirements of the Federal Securities Laws.

                                   ARTICLE III
                               BOARD OF DIRECTORS

     SECTION 1. The business of the  Corporation  shall be managed by a Board of
Directors not less than five or more than fifteen in number. There shall be four
classes of Directors, each class shall be as nearly equal in number as possible.
At the initial meeting of  shareholders,  the exact number of Directors for each
class shall be fixed by resolution of the  shareholders.  Directors of the first
class will be elected to serve until the first annual meeting.  Directors of the
second  class  shall be  elected  to serve  until  the  second  annual  meeting.
Directors  of the third class  shall be elected to serve until the third  annual
meeting.  Directors  of the fourth  class  shall be  elected to serve  until the
fourth annual meeting.  At the first annual meeting of the  shareholders  and at
each annual meeting held thereafter,  the number of Directors of the class whose
terms are to expire  shall be elected to serve for a period of four  years.  The
Board of Directors  may increase the number of Directors by not more than two in
any one year.

     Changes in this provision  (providing  for classes and staggered  terms for
Directors)  shall  require  the  affirmative  vote of 3/4ths of the  outstanding
shares of the Corporation.

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     SECTION 2. Every  Director must be a  shareholder  of the  Corporation  and
shall own on date of election in his own right at least one share.  Any Director
shall  cease to act when no longer  holding  such a share,  which  fact shall be
reported to the Board by the  Secretary,  whereupon  the Board shall declare the
seat of such Director vacated.

     SECTION  3.  Vacancies  on the  Board of  Directors  caused  by the  death,
resignation,  disqualification or otherwise,  of any Director who was previously
duly  elected and  qualified,  or  vacancies  resulting  from an increase in the
number of Directors, may be filled by the remaining members of the Board, though
less than a quorum,  and each  person so elected  shall be a Director  until the
expiration of the term of the Director who preceded such person,  if applicable,
or, if such person was elected to fill a vacancy  resulting  from an increase in
the number of Directors,  until his successor is elected by the shareholders and
has  qualified.  Failure of the  shareholders  to make such election by the next
annual  meeting  shall  result in a reduction in the number of directors of that

     SECTION 4. The  meetings  of the Board of  Directors  shall be held at such
place within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as a majority of the Directors may
from time to time  designate,  or as may be designated in the notice calling the

     SECTION 5. A majority of all the  Directors in office shall be necessary to
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business,  and the acts of a majority
of the  Directors  who are  present at a meeting  at which a quorum is  present,
shall be the acts of the Board of Directors.

     SECTION 6. The Board of Directors shall meet for  organization  and regular
business on the 1st Tuesday of May in each year immediately following the annual
meeting of shareholders.  Subsequent  regular meetings of the Board of Directors
shall be held on such day and at such  hour and at such  frequency  as the Board
shall from time to time designate.

     SECTION 7. Special  meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the
President at any time and shall be called  whenever three or more members of the
Board so request in writing.

     SECTION 8. Notice of every special  meeting,  specifying the business to be
transacted thereat,  shall be given by the Secretary to each member of the Board
at least one day  before  the date of such  meeting.  In case of any  emergency,
requiring,  in the  opinion  of the  President,  prompt  attention,  he may call
forthwith a meeting of the Board to act thereon.

     SECTION 9. The order of business of Directors' Meeting shall be such as the
Board shall from time to time fix.

     SECTION 10. The Board of  Directors  shall keep  complete  records of their
proceedings in a Minute Book kept for that purpose alone.  When a Director shall
request  it,  the vote of each  Director  upon a  particular  question  shall be
recorded in the Minutes.  The reports of Officers and committees  shall be filed
with the Secretary of the Board.

Amended 8/9/2005

     SECTION 11. The Board of Directors may fix, from time to time, a reasonable
fee to be paid to each Director  annually for his service to the corporation and
in addition  reasonable  fees for attending  meetings of the Board or any of its
committees. A Director may be a salaried officer of the Corporation.

                                   ARTICLE IV
                               STANDING COMMITTEES

     SECTION 1. For the proper conduct of the business of the Corporation, there
shall be three  Standing  Committees  of the Board  consisting  of the Executive
Committee,  the  Nominating  and  Corporate  Governance  Committee and the Audit
Committee and such other committees as the Board of Directors shall create.

     SECTION 2. Executive  Committee.  The Executive  Committee shall consist of
the  President and not less than three nor more than four other  Directors.  The
Committee shall meet at such times as it may determine.  Special meetings of the
Committee may be called at any time by the Chairman of the Committee,  or by the
President, or in their absence any Vice-President.  Two members of the Committee
shall constitute a quorum.  The Committee may be called into session at any time
between the meetings of the Board of Directors, and shall have authority to pass
upon any business of the Corporation requiring immediate action.

     SECTION 3. Nominating and Corporate  Governance  Committee.  The Nominating
and Corporate Governance Committee shall consist of not less than three nor more
than five Directors.  Three members of the Committee shall  constitute a quorum.
The  Committee  shall be  responsible  for  reviewing,  from  time to time,  the
Corporation's  Articles  of  Incorporation  and  Bylaws and  general  governance
practices, recommending to the Board of Directors changes thereto. The Committee
shall also review and rate  potential  candidates  for filling  vacancies on the
Board of Directors,  soliciting from all members of the Board of Directors names
of  potential  candidates  and  input  from all  Board  members  regarding  such
potential candidates.

     SECTION 4. Audit  Committee.  The Audit Committee shall consist of not less
than three nor more than five  Directors.  Three members of the Committee  shall
constitute a quorum. The Audit Committee shall, at least once in each year, make
or cause to be made by Certified Public Accountants  employed for the purpose, a
complete  examination of the books,  papers,  and affairs of the Corporation and
the loans and  discounts  thereof and into such other matters as may be required
by law. Upon receipt of reports from such Accountants,  the Committee, after due
consideration  thereof,  shall,  as soon as  practicable,  make its  report  and
recommendations  thereon to the Board of Directors.  The audit  committee  shall
meet with the internal auditor at such times and places as it shall determine to
review the Auditor's reports and shall report to the Board of Directors and make
such  recommendations  in  regard to such  reports  as it deems  necessary.  The
committee shall also meet with the Accounting firm hired to conduct the audit on
a yearly or more  frequent  basis and  report to the Board its  results  and any
recommendations pursuant thereto.

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     SECTION 5. Other  Committees.  Other Committees of the Board may be created
by the  Board of  Directors  by  majority  vote  consisting  of such  number  of
Directors and having such duties and powers as the Board shall direct.

     SECTION 6. The  President  shall  appoint,  subject to the  approval of the
Board,  the members and Chairman of each  Committee to serve for such periods of
time as may be set by the Board.

                                    ARTICLE V

     SECTION 1. The Board of  Directors at their  Annual  Meeting  shall elect a
President,  two or more  Vice-Presidents  designating  one of them as  Executive
Vice-President,  a  Secretary  and a  Treasurer  and may elect a Chairman of the
Board of Directors, a Controller, one or more Assistant Controllers, an Auditor,
one or more Assistant Auditors,  one or more Assistant  Treasurers,  one or more
Assistant  Vice-Presidents,  a Chief Information  Officer, one or more Assistant
Secretaries,  and such  other  officers  as they shall  deem  necessary  for the
conduct of the Corporation's  business. Any two or more offices,  except that of
President  and  Secretary  and  President  and Treasurer may be held by the same
person.  The Chairman of the Board, if any, and the President,  shall be members
of the Board.

     SECTION 2. The Chairman of the Board.  If there be a Chairman of the Board,
he shall perform such duties as are prescribed by the Board.

     SECTION 3. The President.  The President shall have general  supervision of
all the  departments  and business of the  Corporation;  he shall  prescribe the
duties of the other  Officers and  employees  and see to the proper  performance
thereof  and in general  shall  perform  all the acts  incident to his office or
prescribed by the Board.

     SECTION 4. The  Vice-Presidents.  The  Vice-Presidents  shall  perform such
duties  and do such acts as may be  prescribed  by the  President,  the Board of
Directors,  or the  Executive  Committee.  The  Executive  Vice-President  shall
perform  the duties and have the powers of the  President  in the absence of the

     SECTION 5. The  Treasurer.  The Treasurer  shall receive and take charge of
all money,  securities,  and  evidences of  indebtedness  belonging to or in the
possession of the  Corporation.  He shall see that proper  accounts are kept and
that proper  reports are made to the  Officers,  Board of  Directors,  and other
persons or authorities entitled thereto.

     He  shall  deposit  such  of  the  funds  of the  Corporation  as are to be
deposited in such other  institution or institutions as are authorized by law to
receive the same and as may be  designated  as a depository  for such funds by a
majority of all the members of the Board of Directors  excluding  any  Directors
who are Officers or Directors in such depositories.

Amended 8/9/2005

     He shall  also  perform  such  other  duties  as may  from  time to time be
prescribed by the Board, the Executive Committee or the President.

     The Treasurer shall not engage in any other gainful  profession,  business,
occupation  or calling  either  directly  or  indirectly,  but this shall not be
construed  to  affect  the right to be at the same time a member of the Board of
Directors of the incorporated institution in which he is the Treasurer.

     SECTION 6. The Assistant Treasurers. The Assistant Treasurers shall perform
such duties as shall be  prescribed  by the Board of  Directors,  the  Executive
Committee,  the President or the Treasurer. In the absence of the Treasurer, the
Assistant Treasurer shall have authority to perform the duties of the Treasurer.

     SECTION 7. The  Secretary.  The  Secretary  shall  keep the  Minutes of the
meetings of the Board of  Directors  and of the  shareholders.  He or one of the
Assistant  Secretaries shall see that proper notices are sent of all meetings of
which notice is required.  He shall have custody of the seal and when  necessary
shall attest to the same when affixed to written  instruments  properly executed
on behalf of the Corporation,  and generally, shall perform such other duties as
may be prescribed from time to time by the Board, the Executive Committee or the

     SECTION 8. The  Assistant  Secretaries.  The  Assistant  Secretaries  shall
perform  such  duties  as shall be  prescribed  by the Board of  Directors,  the
Executive committee,  the President or the Secretary,  and in the absence of the
Secretary, shall perform the duties of his office.

     SECTION 9. Other  Officers.  All other  officers  shall have such power and
duties as may from time to time be given  them by the  Board of  Directors,  the
Executive Committee or the President.

                                   ARTICLE VI
                         AUTHORITY OF EXECUTIVE OFFICERS

     SECTION 1. The President and any  Vice-President  shall each have authority
and power to execute  and to affix the seal of the  Corporation  to any power of
attorney  necessary to effect the transfer of any stocks,  bonds, loans or scrip
standing in the name of the Corporation.

     SECTION  2. The  President  and the  Vice-presidents  shall  each  have the
authority  to assign any and all  registered  bonds  standing at any time in the
name of the Corporation and to appoint one or more attorneys for that purpose.

     SECTION   3.   The   President,   the   Vice-Presidents,    the   Assistant
Vice-Presidents, the Treasurer, the Secretary, the Assistant Treasurers, and the
Assistant  Secretaries  shall each have the power and  authority to transfer any
policies  of fire and title  insurance  at any time  standing in the name of the

Amended 8/9/2005

     SECTION  4.  The  President  or any of the  Vice-Presidents,  or  Assistant
Vice-Presidents,  together  with the  Treasurer or  Secretary  or the  Assistant
Treasurers  or  Assistant  Secretaries,  are  authorized  to do and perform such
corporate and official acts as are needful in the carrying on of the business of
the Corporation,  subject always to the directions of the Board of Directors and
the Executive Committee. Subject to like limitation, they are fully empowered to
make and execute all deeds, leases, releases,  agreements,  contracts,  bills of
sale, assignments,  letters of attorney or of substitution and other instruments
which may be needful to sell, assign,  transfer,  convey,  release and assure or
lease to any party entitled thereto,  whether  purchaser,  lessee or transferee,
any estate or  property,  real or  personal,  stocks,  bonds,  loans,  insurance
policies, storage receipts, certificates of deposit, scrip, or evidences of debt
at any time standing in the name of the  Corporation or of any Officer on behalf
of the Corporation or held or controlled by it in its own right, or as executor,
administrator,  guardian,  trustee or in any other  fiduciary  capacity,  and to
affix its corporate seal to any and all such instruments,  and to acknowledge or
prove the same.

     SECTION  5.  Such of the  Executive  Officers  as may from  time to time be
designated by the Board of Directors or by the Executive  Committee,  shall have
power and authority to sign checks, drafts, letters of credit, orders,  receipts
or acquittances,  and to endorse checks, bills of exchange,  orders,  drafts and
vouchers made payable or endorsed to the Corporation.

                                   ARTICLE VII

     SECTION 1.  Employees of the  Corporation  other than the Officers,  may be
appointed  or  dismissed  by the  President  or in his absence by the  Executive
Vice-President.  Officers of the  Corporation may be dismissed only by action of
the Board of Directors. A list of employees, their duties and salaries, shall be
submitted to the Board or the  Executive  Committee  should  they,  or either of
them, at any time so require.

     SECTION 2. No  Director,  Officer or  Employee  shall  disclose  any of the
business  of the  Corporation,  not of a  public  nature  or  required  by legal
authority,   except  the  necessary  information  to  patrons  concerning  their
individual business.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

     All  Officers  and  Employees  of the  Corporation  and, in  addition,  any
Director,  who  is  authorized  to  receive  payments  of  moneys  or to  handle
negotiable  securities on behalf of the Corporation shall,  before entering upon
the performance of their duties, at the expense of the Corporation, furnish bond
in such amounts and with such surety as is approved by the Board of Directors.

Amended 8/9/2005

                                   ARTICLE IX

     The Board of Directors may declare,  subject to the limitations  prescribed
by law,  dividends on the shares of the Corporation of so much of the profits as
shall appear  advisable  to the Board,  making the same payable at a time in its

                                    ARTICLE X
                             CERTIFICATES FOR SHARES

     SECTION 1. Every  share  certificate  shall be signed by the  President  or
Executive  Vice-President  or one of the Vice Presidents and by the Treasurer or
one of the Assistant Treasurers and sealed with the corporate seal.

     SECTION 2. If a certificate for shares be lost or destroyed, another may be
issued in its place upon the following conditions:

     The owner of the said certificate  shall produce an affidavit that the said
certificate  has been  either lost or  destroyed;  that he is unable to find the
same;  that he has not at any time sold,  pledged or  otherwise  disposed of any
part of his  interest  in,  or  title  to,  the  said  shares  and that the said
affidavit is made in order to obtain a new certificate.

     The owner of the said shares  shall  furnish a bond in form and with surety
to be approved by the President or a Vice-president  in such amount as the Board
of  Directors  shall  determine;  but not less than  double the par value of the
shares,  conditioned to indemnify the Corporation  against loss by reason of the
issuance of a new certificate, and to deliver to the Corporation, duly assigned,
the lost certificate, if found.

     SECTION 3. The transfer  book for shares of the  Corporation  may be closed
for such length of time as the Directors may determine  from time to time before
the  payment of any  dividends  and  before  any  annual or  special  meeting of

                                   ARTICLE XI
                                 CORPORATE SEAL

     The seal of the  Corporation  shall  contain the words  "PENSECO  FINANCIAL
SERVICES CORPORATION", Incorporated 1997, Scranton, Pennsylvania".

                                   ARTICLE XII
                                   FISCAL YEAR

     The fiscal year of the Corporation  shall begin on the first day of January
in each year, and end on the thirty-first day of December in each year.

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                                  ARTICLE XIII

     No director shall be personally  liable for monetary damages for any action
taken or any failure to take action  unless such director has breached or failed
to  perform  the  duties of his  office  and such  breach or  failure to perform
constitutes self-dealing, willful misconduct or recklessness.

     Any person,  including but not limited to directors,  officers,  employees,
and agents, their heirs, executors and administrators,  shall be indemnified and
saved harmless out of the assets and profits of the Corporation from and against
all actions,  costs, charges,  losses, damages, and expenses which they shall or
may incur or sustain by or by reason of any act done,  concurred in or committed
in or about the execution of their duty, or supposed  duty, in their  respective
positions,  provided, however, that no indemnification shall be made in any case
where the act or failure to act giving rise to the claim for  indemnification is
determined by a court to have constituted  self-dealing,  willful misconduct, or

     Expenses incurred by an officer, director, employee or agent in defending a
civil or criminal  action,  suit or proceeding may be paid by the corporation in
advance of the final disposition of such action, suit or proceeding upon receipt
of an  undertaking  by or on behalf of such  person to repay  such  amount if it
shall  ultimately be determined that he is not entitled to be indemnified by the

     The  indemnification  and  advancement of expenses  provided by, or granted
pursuant to, this section shall,  unless  otherwise  provided when authorized or
ratified,  continue  as to a person  who has ceased to be a  director,  officer,
employee  or agent and shall inure to the  benefit of the heirs,  executors  and
administrators of such person.  This right of indemnification is not intended to
exclude other rights of such persons under the law.

                                   ARTICLE XIV

     These By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the  shareholders or
at any special  meeting called for that purpose except as otherwise  provided in
these  By-Laws by the vote of a majority in interest  of the  shareholders;  but
notice of the proposed amendments shall be sent to the shareholders at least ten
days before the meeting.

     These  By-Laws may also be amended by the Board of Directors  (except as to
By-Laws  fixing  the  qualifications,  classification  or  terms  of  office  of
directors) subject to the power of the shareholders to change such action.

Amended as of 8/9/2005