INVESTOR RELATIONS

January 26, 2000                                                NEWS FLASH

      U S WEST 4th Quarter Earnings Rise 6.4% on Strong New Product Growth
       High-Speed Data, Wireless Subscriber Levels Exceed Annual Targets,
           Drive Results; Industry-Leading DSL Tops 110,000 Customers;
                     Advanced PCS Exceeds Half-Million Mark

DENVER - U S WEST (NYSE:  USW) today announced  fourth quarter diluted  earnings
per share of $0.83 on net income of $425 million. EPS rose $0.05 or 6.4 percent.
Full-year  EPS grew to $3.23,  up 6.3  percent  or $0.19 on net  income of $1.64

(All  the  above  numbers  are pro  forma  and  normalized  for a  change  to an
industry-standard  "point of publication" accounting method that allows U S WEST
Dex, the company's  directory  publishing unit, to recognize  directory revenues
and costs of sale at the time of directory publication.)

Also during the  quarter,  the company  reported  that EBITDA  (Earnings  Before
Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, Amortization and other) grew to $1.45 billion, up
5.3 percent from the fourth quarter of last year.

The company  achieved results with fourth quarter revenue growth of 6.3 percent,
driven  largely by  acceleration  of U S WEST's data and wireless  products.  In
fact,  nearly 78 percent of revenue  growth for the quarter  resulted from these
two growth areas.

"Exceeding  our 1999 targets in the emerging data,  Internet,  wireless and even
video  growth areas of our business is a  significant  milestone  for U S WEST,"
said Sol Trujillo,  chairman,  president and CEO of U S WEST. "Our early success
with these  critical  future  growth  engines puts us in prime  position to take
advantage of the exploding telecommunications and entertainment markets.

"Continuing to transform U S WEST into a higher growth-oriented  vehicle will be
critical as we move closer to completing our merger with Qwest," Trujillo added.

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U S WEST Fourth Quarter Earnings - Page 2

QUARTERTLY Growth Product Highlights

Division    Revenues (comparisons are    Key Product         Subscriber/Penetration Levels
             4Q99 over 4Q98)
- - --------    -------------------------    -----------         -----------------------------

Data         o    $486 million, up       o   U S WEST.net    o   Added 73,000 for the quarter.
                  36 percent

             o    !NTERPRISE data        o   MegaBit         o   Added more than 30,000 for the quarter.
                  revenues were $252           Services
                  million, up 61               (DSL)

PCS          o    ARPU of $55.           o   Advanced        o   Added 122,000 in the quarter, up 52 percent
                                               PCS               over 4Q98 additions and more than double the
             o    Total quarterly                                additions from 3Q99.
                  revenue of  $78
                  million, up 71
Video                                    o   ChoiceTV        o   Have 35,000 video subscribers
                                               & OnLine          o   16,000 to ChoiceTV in Phoenix
                                                                 o   19,000 in Omaha, Neb.
                                                             o   20 percent of ChoiceTV customers also opt for
                                                                 U S WEST Choice Online service.

During the quarter, the company's total "growth subscribers"  (customers for the
company's  PCS,  DSL and Internet  access  service)  were up more than  225,000.
Growth initiatives negatively impacted EPS by $0.27 for the quarter versus $0.18
for fourth quarter, 1998.

For the  year,  U S WEST  added  nearly  600,000  "growth  subscribers"  for its
Advanced  PCS,  MegaBit,  and U S  WEST.net  services.  U S WEST now has  nearly
960,000 growth subscribers, surpassing company targets by better than 33 percent
for the year. Investment in growth initiatives  negatively impacted EPS by $0.81
for the year versus $0.48 for 1998.

"What is most  encouraging  about  our  growth  businesses  is not just the pure
volume  we're  generating,  but the  characteristics  of our  growth  products,"
Trujillo said. "For example,  we have  aggressively  won about 85 percent of the
DSL  customers  in our region.  And the way we've begun  bundling  products  has
improved  customer  retention and  satisfaction,  driven increased  per-customer
revenue, and helped improve product penetration."

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U S WEST Fourth Quarter Earnings - Page 3

ANNUAL Growth Product Highlights

Division    Revenues (comparisons are    Key Product         Subscriber/Penetration Levels (comparisons
             1999 over 1998)                                   are 1999 over 1998)
- - --------    -------------------------    -----------         ------------------------------------------
Data         o    $1.7 billion, up       o   U S WEST.net    o    To date, total 380,000, up almost 230,000 in
                  34 percent                                      1999, or 152 percent.

             o    !NTERPRISE data        o   MegaBit         o    Added more than 88,000 during 1999, a
                  revenues were $847        (DSL)                 four-fold increase over 1998, bringing the total
                  million, up 59            services              to 110,000.
                  percent.                                   o    USW serves 451 subs. per Central Office, with
                                                                  244 equipped COs.
                                                             o    93 percent of customers self-install.

PCS          o    Annual ARPU of         o   Advanced        o    Added more than 280,000 during 1999 for a
                  $57.                       PCS                  total of more than 465,000 by end of year.
                                                                  (Topped 500,000 in January 2000)
             o    Total annual
                  revenue of  $236                           o    Penetration is now 3.2 percent.
                  two-and-a-half times                       o    Number two market slot in mature markets.
                  1998 totals.
                                         o   Wireless        o    60 percent of users subscribe to at least one
                                             Integrated           of the product's integrated features

Dex          o    1999 E-Commerce        o   Internet        o    In 1999, IYP usage up nearly 120 percent.
                  revenues grew 92           Yellow Pages
                  percent to more than
                  $24 million.           o   Web Site        o    Sold over 10,000 web sites to businesses in
                                             Service              1999, more than any other web site developer
                                                                  in U S WEST's 14 states.

Other fourth quarter and year-end highlights include:

Volumes and Penetration:

o    Became the most densely  penetrated  of any DSL provider  nationwide,  with
     more than 10 percent of qualified on-line households taking the service.

o    Residential  subscriber  levels at the end of the quarter for the company's
     most popular custom  calling  features  were:  Caller ID, 37 percent;  Call
     Waiting, 36 percent; Voice Messaging, 20 percent.

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U S WEST Fourth Quarter Earnings - Page 4

o    In 1999, the company has signed up more than 250,000  customers for several
     of its new  privacy-related  custom-calling  features,  including Caller ID
     with Privacy Plus and No Solicitation.

o    Subscribers to the company's  bundled Custom Choice package for residential
     customers now stand at 1.3 million, more than double the number from fourth
     quarter 1998.

o    The number of  primary  rate ISDN  lines in  service  increased  80 percent
     during the year. Total ISDN lines grew 23 percent in 1999.

o    U S WEST Dex Internet yellow pages volume  surpassed the  2.2-million-visit
     mark for one month in December.

o    Added    408,000    access    lines    over   the   past    year.    On   a
     "voice-grade-equivalent" basis, business access line growth was 17 percent.

o    On the small  business  side,  total access lines  equipped with Centrex 21
     services grew to 576,000, a 42 percent year-over-year increase.

o    During the quarter,  the company saw continuing impacts from competition in
     its local  telephony  business in both line growth and pricing.  It now has
     re-sold nearly 535,000 lines to  competitors,  up from 382,000 lines at the
     end of 1998.

Sales and Revenues:

o    Generated $236 million in annual  revenue from PCS customers,  up more than
     two-and-one-half  times the 1998  amount.  More than 60 percent of Advanced
     PCS customers  now  subscribe to at least one of the  company's  integrated
     features,  and these  customers  are less likely to look for a  competitive

o    Frame relay revenues increased by more than 33 percent quarter-over-quarter
     and ISDN revenues jumped by 64 percent quarter-over-quarter.

o    A 17 percent increase compared with fourth quarter 1998 in private line and
     special access revenues,  which totaled $316 million -- a reflection of the
     company's  growing  data  networking  services  business and its ability to
     successfully  compete in one of the most highly competitive segments of the
     telecommunications  market.  For the year,  private line and special access
     revenues were almost $1.2 billion, up 18 percent over 1998.

o    During the quarter,  consumer revenues from vertical services  increased by
     14 percent,  compared to fourth quarter 1998.  Consumer  vertical  services
     revenues grew 15 percent during the year.

o    Toll revenues dropped by 40 percent during the quarter.

Costs and Margins:

o    Capital expenditures were up 42 percent during the quarter,  rising to $1.4
     billion.  For  the  year,  capital  expenditures  rose 45  percent  to $4.2
     billion.  The increases have helped bolster  service levels for traditional
     services and aided in deployment of new services.

o    Absorbed approximately $117 million in expenses related to interconnection,
     number  portability and Year 2000 readiness  during the quarter.  In total,
     the company spent $270 million in expense and capital on Y2K.

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U S WEST Fourth Quarter Earnings - Page 5

o    Employee-related  expenses  grew by 11 percent  during the quarter,  due in
     part with  efforts  related  to  keeping  up with  service  demands.  These
     expenses  include a net  addition of more than 1,600  employees  during the
     quarter  and  nearly  3,800  since in 1999 -- more than 2,000 of which have
     been added specifically to keep up with service demands.

During the quarter, the company sold approximately 24 million shares (65 percent
of its holdings) in Global  Crossing,  Ltd.  (NASDAQ:  GBLX) at a value of about
$1.14 billion. This sale resulted in an after tax loss of $259 million, or $0.51
per share.  Of this  amount,  $0.44  related to the actual  sale of shares.  The
remaining  $0.07 resulted from the costs of entering into  agreements that allow
U S WEST to participate in additional  upside  appreciation  in Global  Crossing
stock.  Those agreements also have potential downside risk associated with them.
Taken together,  these charges reduced U S WEST's quarterly reported  normalized
diluted EPS to $0.32.

In other news, U S WEST announced that its annual shareholder  meeting will take
place in December 2000.  This meeting was originally  scheduled for April 20. If
the company's pending merger with Qwest Communications International Inc. closes
as scheduled, U S WEST will not hold an independent annual shareholder meeting.

U S WEST  (NYSE:  USW)  provides  a full range of  telecommunications  and other
services -- including  wireline,  wireless PCS, data  networking,  directory and
information  services -- to more than 25 million customers  nationally and in 14
Western and Midwestern  states.  More information about U S WEST can be found on
the Internet at http://www.uswest.com.

Safe Harbor Statement:  This document contains  statements about expected future
events and financial results that are  forward-looking  and subject to risks and
uncertainties.   For   these   statements,   we  claim  the  safe   harbor   for
"forward-looking  statements"  within  the  meaning  of the  Private  Securities
Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Factors that could cause actual results to differ
from  expectations  include:  (i) greater than anticipated  competition from new
entrants into the local exchange, intraLATA toll, wireless, data and directories
markets, causing loss of customers and increased price competition; (ii) changes
in demand  for U S WEST's  products  and  services,  including  optional  custom
calling  features;  (iii)  higher  than  anticipated  employee  levels,  capital
expenditures   and   operating   expenses   (such  as  costs   associated   with
interconnection); (iv) the loss of significant customers; (v) pending and future
state and federal regulatory changes affecting the telecommunications  industry,
including  changes that could have an impact on the  competitive  environment in
the local exchange  market;  (vi)  acceleration  of the deployment of additional
services  and/or  advanced new services to  customers,  such as broadband  data,
wireless and video  services,  which would require  substantial  expenditure  of
financial  and other  resources;  (vii) a change in economic  conditions  in the
various markets served by U S WEST's operations;  (viii) higher than anticipated
start-up  costs  associated  with new  business  opportunities;  (ix)  delays in
U S WEST's  ability to begin  offering  interLATA  long-distance  services;  (x)
consumer  acceptance  of  broadband  services,  including  telephony,  data  and
wireless services;  (xi) delays in the development of anticipated  technologies,
or the failure of such  technologies to perform  according to expectations;  and
(xii)  timing  and  completion  of the  recently  announced  merger  with  Qwest
Communications International Inc. and subequent integration of the businesses of
the  two  companies.  These  cautionary  statements  by U S WEST  should  not be
construed  as  exhaustive  or  as  any  admission   regarding  the  adequacy  of
disclosures  made by U S WEST. U S WEST cannot always predict or determine after
the fact what factors would cause actual results to differ materially from those
indicated by the  forward-looking  statements or other statements.  In addition,
readers  are urged to consider  statements  that  include the terms  "believes",
"belief", "expects", "plans", "objectives", "anticipates", "intends", "targets",
or the like to be  uncertain  and  forward-looking.  All  cautionary  statements
should be read as being applicable to all  forward-looking  statements  wherever
they appear.  U S WEST does not undertake any  obligation to publicly  update or
revise any forward-looking  statements,  whether as a result of new information,
future events or otherwise.

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For information: Larry Thede, 303-896-3550;  Martha Daniele Paine, 303-896-5706;
Kent Evans, 303-896-3096.

NOTE:  This  release  and the  financial  statements  will be  available  on the
Internet  after  7:15 a.m.   (MST)  by  accessing  U  S  WEST's  Internet  site: