[U S WEST Logo with Registered Trademark Symbol]

                                  March 3, 2000

Dear Fellow Shareowner:

         I'm  pleased  to present  you with our  annual  report on Form 10-K for
1999. As you will see, 1999 was truly a year of transformation for U S WEST:

o    we  continued  converting  your  company  into a true growth  vehicle  with
     dramatic gains in our data, wireless and Internet businesses;

o    we enriched the lives of customers by offering new privacy  products and by
     extending our bundling  packages;  and

o    we  completed  another  piece of the puzzle by linking  with Qwest to add a
     national backbone and international presence.

         However,  amid  all  this  change,  we  kept  pace  with  your  primary
expectation:  maintaining  a strong  total  shareowner  return,  ending the year
ranked second among our peers - just a single  percentage point from first. Over
the last three  years,  our 157 percent  total return is tops in our peer group.
And we have quadrupled our market  capitalization in the last five years to more
than $36 billion as of the end of 1999.

         Let me just give you a flavor of some of our other 1999 successes.

         We honed our vision around  innovation,  integration  and the Internet,
and we are implementing that vision in market-leading ways:

o    We were  the only  RBOC to  reach  the  milestone  we set in early  1999 by
     delivering our high-speed DSL data product,  MegaBit,  to more than 110,000
     customers.  We were by far the most densely penetrated of any DSL provider,
     with more than 10 percent of qualified, on-line households now subscribing.

o    We grew our Internet access accounts by two-and-a-half  times to 380,000.

o    Our !NTERPRISE data division grew revenues by 34 percent to $1.7 billion.

o    We surpassed  half-a-million PCS wireless  subscribers in January,  up more
     than 150 percent over the last year, generating $236 million in revenues in
     the process.

o    We added new vertical services including No Solicitation and Privacy Plus -
     now in some 38 markets with more than a quarter-million  subscribers.

o    U S WEST Dex grew its  e-commerce  revenues  by 80  percent.

o    Our robust Choice TV video service grew to more than 16,000  subscribers in
     Phoenix.  That service is helping us re-define high-speed  integration in a
     way that has put us well ahead of every other broadband provider. It's also
     helping us improve customer satisfaction ratings and retention.

         Perhaps most critically this year, we really started  evolving our idea
of the "bundle." Our "Custom Choice"  offering doubled in popularity in 1999 and
now has more  than 1.3  million  subscribers,  adding  more than $7 per month in
revenue  per  customer.  Sixty  percent  of PCS  subscribers  now use one of the
integrated single-number or single bill features,  driving lower churn rates. In
the second half of 1999, we started  adding  Internet  access to Custom  Choice,
with  nearly 20 percent of  customers  opting for that.  We were first to market
with a  wireline,  wireless  and a web  bundle for  customers  called the "Total
Package." It will be deployed  regionwide  this quarter and generates an average
up-sell of $50 per month.

         All  these  product  innovations  helped  us  achieve  solid  financial
performance in 1999,  with revenue  growth of 6.1 percent,  EBITDA growth of 8.3
percent and EPS growth of 6.3 percent.

         In 2000, you'll see us continue  expanding our suite of next-generation
data, wireless,  video and custom calling services.  By the end of this year, we
expect to have:

o        250,000 broadband subscribers;
o        120,000 new U S WEST.net subscribers, for a total of 500,000;
o        280,000 additional Advanced PCS users, for a total of 750,000;

         And we  plan to do this  and  still  deliver  on  aggressive  financial
targets:  revenue growth in the 6 percent  range;  EBITDA growth of 6-8 percent;
and EPS growth in the mid-single digits.

         Finally,  I want to assure you that our impending  merger with Qwest is
well on track  to  completing  by  mid-year.  Though  I have  said I will not be
joining the  executive  team of the new Qwest when the merger  closes later this
year, until then I will remain chief executive of U S WEST.

         After your shareowner approval of that merger in November,  we received
positive  signs from the FCC and expect their  approval at any time.  As I write
this,  one of our  states  has given us the nod and we  expect  others to follow

         Nearly everyone  agrees that this 'vertical'  merger makes great sense.
I'm   certain   that  it  will  be   viewed   as  a   watershed   event  in  the
telecommunications  industry for years to come. And the year 2000 will be viewed
as a time when one of the most innovative local, data and wireless players - U S
WEST - linked with one of the boldest of the Internet and fiber  players - Qwest
- - to form a true powerhouse for the next millennium.

         Thanks for joining us in the adventure.


/s/ Sol Trujillo
Sol Trujillo
Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer

         A final note:  The  following  Form 10-K serves as our annual report to
you for 1999. With the Qwest merger on schedule,  I don't expect to hold another
U S WEST shareowner meeting. Therefore, there are no items in the Form 10-K that
require your vote.

         U S WEST will not publish a more traditional and familiar annual report
- - with  photos,  graphics,  etc.  - or a proxy  statement  this  year.  All that
information is in the Form 10-K.

         I expect the next  shareowner  meeting  to be held by the new  combined
Qwest in 2001.  You'll receive notice of and information about that meeting well
in advance.

This letter  contains  statements  about  expected  future  events and financial
results that are forward-looking and subject to risks and uncertainties.  Please
refer to page 1 of the annual  report on Form 10-K for a  discussion  of factors
that could cause actual results to differ from expectations.