QWEST LOGO [REGISTERED TRADEMARK]                                         NEWS

                             TARGETS FOR 2000 & 2001

               Company Focused on Higher Growth, Improved Service

o    For 2000,  Qwest  expects  to achieve  revenue  of $18.8 to $19.1  billion,
     exceeding the previous  projection of $18.5 billion;  EBITDA is expected to
     be $7.4 billion

o    For 2001,  Qwest  expects  to achieve  revenue  of $21.3 to $21.7  billion,
     exceeding the previous  projection of $21.0 billion;  EBITDA is expected to
     be $8.5 to $8.7 billion, exceeding the previous projection of $8.5 billion

o    Capital  investments  of $9.0 billion for 2000 and $9.5 billion for 2001 to
     improve service,  to double  customers for DSL and wireless,  to double Web
     hosting capacity and to expand data and Internet service

o    Raising $1.0 billion in cash through the sale of investments

o    Raising  $1.75  billion in cash through the  previously  announced  sale of
     570,000 access lines

o    Launching Qwest Digital Media and naming a cable industry leader as CEO

o    Streamlining Qwest by eliminating 11,000 duplicate,  non-essential jobs and
     initiating a pay-for-performance program for employees

DENVER,  September 7, 2000 - Qwest Communications  International Inc. (NYSE: Q),
the  broadband  Internet  communications  company,  today raised its revenue and
EBITDA (earnings before interest,  taxes, depreciation and amortization) targets
for 2000 and 2001 as it aggressively implements its merger integration plans.

"Based  on the  strength  of our  business  and our  success  in  executing  our
strategic merger plan, we are raising our 2000 revenue target from $18.5 billion
to a range of $18.8 to $19.1 billion,  and reiterating our EBITDA target of $7.4
billion,"  said Qwest  Chairman and CEO Joseph P. Nacchio.  "We are also raising
2001 targets for revenue from $21.0 billion to a range of $21.3 to $21.7 billion
and for EBITDA from $8.5 billion to a range of $8.5 to $8.7 billion."

September 7, 2000
Page 2

Nacchio also reaffirmed the five-year  compounded annual growth targets of 15-17
percent for revenue and  approximately  20 percent for EBITDA.  In addition,  he
said that Qwest is on track to exceed the estimated synergy targets of more than
$12.0 billion in revenue, generating EBITDA of $4.0 to $4.2 billion, and $4.3 to
$4.5 billion of cost savings through 2005.

Qwest is  realigning  resources to be more focused on management of its Internet
access  and  applications,  communications  services,  wireless,  DSL and  video
product  portfolios.  Nacchio said that Qwest is taking a series of actions that
include  modestly  raising  capital  budgets to $9.0 billion in 2000 and to $9.5
billion in 2001 to: improve service and invest in the core business;  double the
Web hosting capacity of its  CyberCenters(sm);  and double the customer base for
its wireless and digital subscriber line (DSL) businesses. In addition,  Nacchio
said Qwest will soon  announce the  appointment  of a Chief  Quality  Officer to
strengthen  processes  involved  with the  delivery  and  support of services to
businesses and consumers.

Qwest announced that it will generate approximately $1.0 billion in cash through
selling  investments in  approximately  15 companies - investments  that are not
aligned with Qwest's strategic  objectives.  This includes the sale of a portion
of Global  Crossing  investment  Qwest obtained  through the  acquisition of U S

The  company  also said that  over the next 12 months it plans to  complete  the
previously  announced  sale of 570,000  access lines in its 14-state  territory,
generating  approximately  $1.75  billion  in  cash.  When  the  transaction  is
complete,  Qwest will  continue to own and operate  more than 17 million  access
lines where it provides local service.

In a related  announcement  today,  the company  launched Qwest Digital Media, a
subsidiary  providing  end-to-end  digital  multimedia  services  via  broadband
Internet  distribution.  Qwest Digital Media will set new industry standards for
the  storage,  management  and  delivery of digital  content,  particularly  the
convergence  of traditional  and digital  media.  Qwest has hired David Woodrow,
former   executive   vice   president  of  new  business   development   at  Cox
Communications Inc., as CEO reporting to Nacchio.

Job Reductions
The company also  announced it will  eliminate  4,500 jobs by December 31, 2000,
and an additional 6,500 jobs by the end of 2001. Additionally,  1,800 contractor
positions will be eliminated by the end of next year. The job reductions come as
Qwest  streamlines its business and employees  become more  entrepreneurial  and
accountable for accomplishing strategic priorities.  Most of the cuts will focus
on overlapping staff functions. Nacchio said none of the reductions would impact
the  delivery  of  service  to  customers  and  that  the  company  is  focusing
significant  additional  resources on improving  service in the markets where it
offers local service.

September 7, 2000
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"We are  successfully  blending the businesses  and cultures to further  Qwest's
position as an entrepreneurial, large-cap growth company," said Nacchio. "We are
relentlessly  pursuing growth and uncovering new areas of customer demand, while
maintaining our vision and direction."

Growth Across All Markets
Qwest DSL high-speed Internet service will be available in 72 markets by the end
of 2000.  Nacchio  said in 2001  Qwest  plans  to  aggressively  expand  its DSL
availability in the top eight markets in western states as it continues  testing
a  number  of new DSL  technologies  that  will  allow  for  greater  access  to
businesses and homes with new services. Qwest expects to double its total number
of DSL customers  from 250,000,  at the end of 2000, to more than 500,000 by the
end of next year.

Nacchio also  reported  wireless  customers are expected to total 800,000 by the
end of 2000,  nearly 50,000 more  customers  than what was projected  earlier in
2000. By year-end 2001, Qwest expects to have 1.6 million wireless customers and
will have doubled revenues to about $1 billion.

The  company  continues  to  accelerate  the  build-out  and  activation  of its
CyberCenters(sm)  across the U.S. By the end of 2000,  Qwest  expects to have 14
CyberCenters  operational  and plans to add an additional 10 CyberCenters by the
end of 2001, which will more than double the capacity ready for use.

Qwest  continues  to focus on  obtaining  section 271  approval to re-enter  the
long-distance  business  and expects to have at least one state in its  14-state
territory approved by the FCC by next summer. In addition,  the company plans to
file  section  271  applications  with  the FCC for  approval  to  re-enter  the
long-distance  business in its other states shortly thereafter.  To help support
this initiative, Qwest has initiated an innovative,  first-of-its-kind,  central
collaborative  process  for  Operational  System  Support  testing  in its local
service area.

Service  Improvements
Nacchio said Qwest has established aggressive internal goals for improving basic
residential  service.  By the end of 2001,  the  company  expects to reduce held
orders for service to their lowest level in the last four years. Also by the end
of 2001,  installation  and repair  results are expected to improve moving Qwest
into the top quartile of providers in the  industry.  During this period,  Qwest
also expects to become best in class for service  repair by the  following  day.
Qwest said it expects to reduce  repeat  repair calls by 20 to 30 percent by the
end of 2001.  Qwest said it expects to complete  repair  service within 24 hours
making it best in class by the end of 2001.

Nacchio said all 14 states where Qwest now provides  local  service are expected
to see a significant improvement in service by the end of 2001. Qwest also plans
to reduce repeat repair calls by 30% by the end of 2001.

September 7, 2000
Page 4

Compensation Now Linked With Qwest Performance
Nacchio said programs to establish an entrepreneurial,  customer-focused culture
are being aggressively implemented.  Qwest will outline to employees today a new
performance-driven  pay and  benefits  plan  designed to ensure that they have a
direct stake in creating value for Qwest shareowners and customers.

"Linking pay to performance  will drive greater  accountability,"  said Nacchio.
"When  customers  are  satisfied  and our  company  meets its  objectives,  then
employees should share in that victory. There are no rewards for second place."

Highlights of the new compensation and benefit program are:
o    awarding 200 stock options to all  non-bargained  for  employees  effective
     September 7, 2000

o    creating  a  company-wide   quarterly   bonus  program  where  rewards  for
     non-bargained  for employees will be based on meeting  company and business
     unit goals for revenue and EBITDA growth

o    introducing an employee  stock  purchase plan where  employees can purchase
     Qwest stock at a 15% discount beginning this month

o    implementing changes to the company's pension plan, its medical, dental and
     life insurance plan and its 401K plan

In  designing  this new program,  Qwest  retained the services of Watson Wyatt &
Company,  one of the nation's  leading pay and  benefits  consulting  firms,  to
survey more than 30 companies likely to compete with Qwest for talent.

While Qwest's bargained for employees will also be able to take advantage of the
employee  stock  purchase  plan,  any other changes to bargained for  employees'
compensation  and  benefits   programs  will  be  addressed   separately  during
bargaining sessions in 2001.

Qwest  also said that  changes in the  benefit  plans  announced  today will not
affect the current retirees of the company.

About Qwest
Qwest  Communications  International  Inc.  (NYSE:  Q) is a leader in  reliable,
scalable   and   secure   broadband   Internet-based   data,   voice  and  image
communications  for  businesses  and  consumers.  The Qwest Macro Capacity Fiber
Network,  designed with the newest  optical  networking  equipment for speed and
efficiency, spans more than 104,000 miles globally. For more information, please
visit the Qwest web site at www.qwest.com.

     Contacts:  Media Contact:                       Investor Contact:
                Tyler Gronbach                       Lee Wolfe
                (303) 965 0589                       800-567-7296
                tyler.gronbach@qwest.com             IR@qwest.com


This  release may contain  forward-looking  statements  that  involve  risks and
uncertainties.  These statements may differ materially from actual future events
or results.  Readers are referred to the documents  filed by Qwest and U S WEST,
Inc. with the Securities and Exchange  Commission,  specifically the most recent
reports which identify important risk factors that could cause actual results to
differ  from  those  contained  in  the  forward-looking  statements,  including
potential   fluctuations  in  quarterly  results,   dependence  on  new  product
development,  rapid technological and market change,  failure to maintain rights
of way,  financial risk  management and future growth subject to risks,  adverse
changes in the regulatory or legislative environment, and failure to achieve the
synergies and financial  results expected from the acquisition of U S WEST. This
release may include analysts' estimates and other information  prepared by third
parties,  for  which  Qwest  assumes  no  responsibility.  Qwest  undertakes  no
obligation  to review or  confirm  analysts'  expectations  or  estimates  or to
release  publicly any  revisions to any  forward-looking  statements  to reflect
events or  circumstances  after the date hereof or to reflect the  occurrence of
unanticipated events.

The Qwest logo is a registered  trademark of, and  CyberCenter is a service mark
of,  Qwest  Communications  International  Inc. in the U.S.  and  certain  other