U S WEST, Inc.                                                        EXHIBIT 99
1801 California Street
Denver, CO  80202

                                                                 [U S WEST LOGO]
News Release

Date:                      Monday, November 2, 1998

Contact:                   Emily Harrison, 303-965-3235

UNC President Hank Brown NAMed to U S WEST Board of Directors

DENVER - Hank Brown,  president  of the  University  of Northern  Colorado and a
former member of Congress from Colorado, has been named a member of the U S WEST
Board of Directors.

"U S WEST is extremely  fortunate to have someone with Hank Brown's  experience,
judgment  and skill join as a member of our board,"  said  Solomon D.  Trujillo,
president  and  CEO,  U  S  WEST.  "He  understands   business.  He  understands
government.  And he understands education. I'm honored he has agreed to serve on
our board.  I speak for every board member when I say we're  looking  forward to
working with Hank and adding his advice and counsel to our deliberations.

"I'm  delighted to join the board of U S WEST," Brown said.  "U S WEST is one of
Colorado's  premier  companies  and  a  true  industry  leader.   It's  uniquely
positioned as not just another  telecommunications  provider, but as a leader in
the  revolution  that  is  bringing  high-speed  data  and  Internet  access  to
educators, businesses and residential customers across the nation."

Brown represented  Colorado in the U.S. Senate from 1991 to 1997 and represented
the state's Fourth  Congressional  District from 1981 to 1991. After leaving the
Senate,  Brown was  director of the  University  of  Denver's  Center for Public
Policy  until  becoming  president  of UNC on July 1. He also is on the board of
directors of Sealed Air Corporation.

In addition to Trujillo,  McCormick and Brown, the other members of the U S WEST
board are: Linda G. Alvarado, president and CEO of Alvarado Construction,  Inc.;
Craig Barrett, president and CEO of Intel Corporation;  Jerry Colangelo,  owner,
chairman  and  CEO of the  Arizona  Diamondbacks  and  president  and CEO of the
Phoenix Suns;  George J. Harad,  chairman and CEO of Boise Cascade Corp.;  Peter
Hellman, president and COO of TRW, Inc.; Allen F. Jacobson, retired chairman and
CEO of 3M  Corp.;  Marilyn  Carlson  Nelson,  president,  CEO and vice  chair of
Carlson  Companies,  Inc.;  Frank  Popoff,  chairman  and  former CEO of The Dow
Chemical Company; and Jerry O.
Williams, president and CEO of Grand Eagle Companies, Inc.

U S WEST  (NYSE:USW)  provides  a full  range of  telecommunications  services -
including  wireline,  wireless PCS, data  networking,  directory and information
services - to more than 25 million  customers  nationally  and in 14 western and
midwestern states.  More information about U S WEST can be found on the Internet
at http://www.uswest.com.
