Tuesday, May 11, 1999

            David Beigie                       Jeremy Story
           (303) 896-5528                     (303) 965-3235
         dbeigie@uswest.com                 jxstory@uswest.com

                   Solomon Trujillo Elected U S WEST Chairman;
              Richard McCormick Retires from the Board of Directors

NEW YORK - Solomon D.  Trujillo,  president and chief  executive  officer of U S
WEST, was today elected  chairman of the company's  board of directors.  He will
continue to hold the title of president and chief executive officer.

In announcing  Trujillo's new title, U S WEST said Richard D. McCormick  stepped
down as chairman  and was elected  chairman  emeritus.  McCormick  is the former
chief executive  officer of the pre-split U S WEST. When U S WEST separated into
two separate  companies last June,  McCormick retired as chief executive officer
but remained chairman of the board and served in a non-executive capacity.

The  board  action  occurred  just  prior to the  company's  annual  meeting  of
shareowners held at the Millennium Hotel here.

Trujillo,  47, was elected president and CEO of the "new" U S WEST following the
split-off.  He  had  been  president  and  CEO  since  June  1995  of  U S  WEST
Communications, the telephone subsidiary of U S WEST.

Since U S WEST  Communications  started  trading  separately  as USW in November
1995,  Trujillo  has led a team that has  produced  140 percent  growth in total
shareowner  return,  and has been heralded as coming up with the most aggressive
high-speed data deployment of any local exchange carrier in the United States. U
S WEST has also been a leader in  deploying  innovative  products  and  services
integrated  in unique ways to make voice,  data,  Internet  communications,  and
wired or wireless services work together.

Because of U S WEST's  pioneering work on broadband  transport and early rollout
of other new and enhanced services,  Trujillo has been called "the first digital
telecom  CEO" by  former  Presidential  Science  Advisor  Jay  Keyworth.  Noting
Trujillo's active role in the U.S. Hispanic  community,  Henry Cisneros has also
called him "the most important Hispanic in corporate America today."

"I'm  pleased for Sol and U S WEST,"  McCormick  said.  "The  company is in good
hands,  with his strong  leadership and aggressive,  innovative  approach to the
company's markets and its customers.  The thing I'll miss most in my new role is
the regular association with the great people of U S WEST," he said.

McCormick said he wanted to devote more time to  international  business  issues
and  to  other  business  interests.  He is  currently  vice  president  of  the
International  Chamber of Commerce and will become  president of the ICC on Jan.
1, 2001.  He  currently  serves as  chairman  of the United  States  Council for
International Business. McCormick also serves on the boards of UAL Corp. (United
Airlines), Wells Fargo & Co., United Technologies and Concept Five Technologies.
He is active in a number of other national and local organizations.

"Dick McCormick led U S WEST through its most interesting and challenging  years
and built a legacy of service and shareowner  value,"  Trujillo said. "The board
and I will miss his wise counsel,  but we know he'll put his talents to good use
promoting free trade around the world."

Trujillo  joined U S WEST in 1974 and held a number of assignments in marketing,
sales,  public  policy  and  operations.  He was named  vice  president  for the
company's  operations  in New Mexico in 1983. In 1987, he created a new division
of U S WEST to serve small business  customers.  He became  president and CEO in
1992 of U S WEST Marketing Resources, the company's telephone directory business
(now known as U S WEST Dex).

A native of Cheyenne,  Wyo., Trujillo holds an undergraduate  degree in business
and an MBA  from  the  University  of  Wyoming.  He has  been  named  one of the
country's 100 most  influential  Hispanics and has received  numerous awards for
his business achievements and his community service.

Trujillo is a board member of Dayton Hudson and the Bank of America.

McCormick,  58,  joined  AT&T in 1961  and held a series  of jobs  there  and at
Northwestern  Bell. He was named president of Omaha-based  Northwestern  Bell in
1982.  A year  after the 1984  break-up  of AT&T and the  combining  of  Pacific
Northwest Bell,  Mountain Bell and  Northwestern  Bell into U S WEST,  McCormick
moved to Denver as executive vice president of U S WEST. He became president and
chief operating  officer in 1986,  president and chief executive officer in 1990
and added the title chairman in April 1992.

U  S  WEST   (NYSE:   USW)   provides   a  full   range  of   telecommunications
services--including  wireline,  wireless  PCS,  data  networking,  directory and
information  services--to  more than 25 million  customers  nationally and in 14
western and midwestern  states.  More information about U S WEST can be found on
the Internet at www.uswest.com.
